Orthodontic Lect 4
Orthodontic Lect 4
Orthodontic Lect 4
Dental occlusion defined , "as the static, closed contacting position of
the upper teeth to lower teeth".
Disocclusion defined , "as a separation of the teeth from occlusion;
the opposite of occlusion".
The cusps that stamp into a fossa of an opposing tooth are known as
stamp cusps. The lingual cusps of the upper teeth and the buccal
cusps of the lower teeth are the posterior stamp cusps.
What is referred to as normal occlusion orthodontically, is an Angle's
Class I occlusion. The key teeth for this classification are the
permanent first molars. The mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary first
molar should occlude in mesiobuccal groove of the mandibular first
permanent molar (Fig. 1).However, even with this relationship, when
the teeth are in full closure there may be a significant discrepancy
between the relationships of mandibular or temporomandibular
joints (TMJ) and the maxilla. Normal occlusion usually involves
occlusal contact and alignment of teeth, over jet, overbite,
arrangement and relationship of teeth between the arches and
relationship of teeth to osseous structures. "Normal" simply implies a
situation commonly found in the absence of disease. It should include
not only a range of anatomically acceptable values but also
physiological adaptability.
Balanced occlusion is said to exist when there exist a simultaneous
contact of maxillary and mandibular teeth, on the right and left, in
the anterior and posterior occlusal areas when the jaws are either in
centric or eccentric occlusion.
The occlusion that exists in an individual, who has no signs of
occlusion related pathosis, is a physiologic occlusion. Physiologic
occlusion may not be an ideal occlusion but it is devoid of any
pathological manifestation in the surrounding tissue due to these
deviations from the ideal. Here there is a controlled adaptive
response characterized by minimal muscle hyperactivity, and limited
stress to the system.
It is an occlusion which is judged to be a causative factor in the
formation of traumatic lesions or disturbances in the supporting
structures of the teeth, muscles and TMJ (Fig. 3). Almost every
dentition has supra contacts that have traumatic potential to alter the
status of muscle tones and induce stress. However, the criterion
which determines if an occlusion is traumatic or not is not how teeth
occlude but whether it produces any injury.
5th Year Lec. No. 3 االستاذ الدكتور نضال حسين غايب
It is a treated occlusion employed to counteract structural
interrelationship related to traumatic occlusion.
Numerous concepts of occlusion have been suggested. Some of the
important ones are listed below.
Occlusion in Orthodontics
1. Angle 1887
2. Hellman 1921
3. Lucia 1962
4. Stallard and Stuart 1963
5. Ramford and Ash 1983
These concepts stress to a varying degree, state and/ or functional
characteristic of occlusion. None are completely applicable to natural
dentition. Since a few concepts provide specific occlusal relations to
joint positions, some provide ways in which muscles and the
neuromusculature functions.
Many different classifications have been suggested, but the important
ones are:
1. Based on mandibular position.
2. Based on relationship of 1st permanent molar.
3. Based on organization of occlusion.
4. Based on pattern of occlusion.
• Centric Occlusion
It is the occlusion of the teeth when the mandible is in centric
Centric relation has been defined as the maxillomandibular
relationship in which condyles articulate with the thinnest avascular
position of their respective discs with the complex in the
anterosuperior position against the shape of the articular eminence.
This position is independent of tooth contact and is clinically
discernable when the mandible is directed anteriorly and superiorly.
It is restricted to a purely rotary movement about the transverse
horizontal axis.
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• Eccentric Occlusion
It is defined as the occlusion, other than centric occlusion. It includes:
1. Lateral occlusion it can be right or left lateral occl usion. It is
defined as the contact between opposing teeth when the mandible is
moved either right or left of the midsagittal plane.
2. Protruded occlusion Defined as the occlusion of the teeth when the
mandible is protruded, i.e. the position of mandible is anterior to
centric relation.
3. Retrusive occlusion Occlusion of the teeth when the mandible is
retruded, i.e. position of mandible is posterior to centric relation.
Fig.4 molar relation angel class 1 (Fig.5) angel class 11 (Fig.6) angel class111
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5th Year Lec. No. 3 االستاذ الدكتور نضال حسين غايب
interdigitations of the cusps and fossa of one tooth with the fossa only
on opposing tooth.
This is a tooth-to-one-tooth relation. The cusp-fossa, tooth-to-tooth
arrangement has some distinct advantages over the cusp-embrasure
The occlusal surfaces of dental arches do not generally conform to a
flat plane.
a. According to Wilson the mandibular arch appears concave and
that of maxillary arch convex.
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lt refers to the anteroposterior curvature of the occlusal surfaces,
beginning at the tip of the lower cuspid and following cusp tip of the
bicuspids and molars continuing as an arc through to the condyle
(Fig.7). If the curve were extended, it would form a circle of about 4
inches diameter.
It is a curve that contacts the buccal and lingual cusp tips of the
mandibular posterior teeth. The curve of tips of the mandibular
posterior teeth. The curve of Wilson is mediolateral on each side of
arch. It results from the inward inclination of the lower posterior
teeth (Figs 8and Fig.9).
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It is obtained by extension of the curve of Spee and curve of Wilson
to all cusps and incisal edges.
KEY 11
Crown angulation (Fig.11), the mesiodistal "tip". In normally
occluded teeth, the gingival portion of the long axis (the line bisecting
the clinical crown mesiodistally or the line passing through the most
prominent part of the labial or bucca I surface of a tooth) of each
crown is distal to the occlusal portion of that axis. The degree of tip
varies with each tooth type.
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Crown inclination (Fig. 12), the labiolingual or buccolingual,
"torque". Crown inclination is the angle between a line 90 degrees to
the occlusal plane, and a line tangent to the middle of the labial or
buccal su rface of the clinical crown.
The crowns of the maxillary incisors are so placed that the incisal
portion of the labial surface is labial to the gingival portion of the
clinical crown. In all other crowns, the occlusal portion of the labial
or buccal surface is lingual to the gingival portion. In the maxillary
molars the lingual crown inclination is slightly more pronounced as
compared to the cuspids and bicuspids. In the mandibular posterior
teeth the lingual inclination progressively increases.
Absence of Rotations (Fig. 13). Teeth should be free of undesirable
rotations. If rotated, a molar or bicuspid occupies more space than
itwould normally. A rotated incisor can occupy less space than
normal.KEY V
Tight contacts (Fig. 14). In the absence of such abnormalities as
genuine tooth-size discrepancies, contact points should be tight.
Flat curve of Spee (Fig. 15). A flat occlusal plane is a must for
stability of occlusion. It is measured from the most prominent cusp of
the lower second molar to the lower central incisor, no curve deeper
than 1.5 mm is acceptable from a stand point of stability.
5th Year Lec. No. 3 االستاذ الدكتور نضال حسين غايب
Incisal overbite
The overbite is the vertical distance between the tips of the upper and
lower incisors in occlusion . It is governed by degree of vertical
development of the anterior dento – alveolar segments. Ideally, the
lower incisors contact the middle third of the palatal surface of the
upper incisors in occlusion , but there may be excessive overbite , or
there may be incisal contact ,in which case the overbite is described
as incomplete when the lower incisors are above the level of the
upper incisal edges , or anterior open bite ,when the lower incisors
are below the level of the upper imcisal edges in occlusion.
The midline of the teeth must be coming closest to the midline of the
face(which mean ,the midline of the oral commissures, natural dental
midline , tip of philtrum, nasion , and tip of the nose ) if there is any
abnormality in these point that is mean there is shifting in the dental
midline. Three commonly used anatomic landmarks, nasion , tip of
the nose and tip of the philtrum used to determine the facial midline.
while the dental midline mean the line extended between the tow
central incisors.
4.Midline of the face and its coincidence with the dental midline
should be examined.
Dental age can be correlated to skeletal and chronological age but
there is some controversy as eruption timetable can be altered due to
general and local factors. Spier (1918) was the first to associate tooth
eruption to growth stature.
Orthodontic diagnosis should not be restricted to static evaluation of
teeth and their supporting structures but should also include
examination of the functional units of the stomatognathic system. A
functional analysis is important not only to determine the etiology of
the normal occlusion but also to plan the orthodontic treatment
required. A functional analysis includes:
1.Assessment of postural rest position and maximum intercuspation.
2.Examination of the temporomandibular joint.
3.Examination of orofacial dysfunctions.
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Sagittal Plane
In Class ii malocclusions, 3 types of movements can be seen:
a. Pure rotational movement without a slidingin component-seen in
functional true Class II malocclusion.
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Vertical Plane
It is important to differentiate between two types of overbites.
The true deep overbite is caused by infra occlusion of the molars and
can be diagnosed by the presence of a large freeway space. The
prognosis with functional therapy is favorable. Pseudo-deep bite is
caused due to over-eruption of the incisors and is characterized by a
small freeway space. Prognosis with functional therapy is
Transverse Plane
During mandibular closure, the midline of the mandible is observed.
In case of unilateral crossbite. this analysis is relevant to differentiate
between laterognathy and laterocclusion. Laterognathy or true
crossbite-the centre of the mandible and the facial midline do not
coincide in rest and in occlusion. Laterocclusion-the centre of the
mandible and facial midline coincide in rest position but in occlusion
the mandible deviates due to tooth interference leading to non-
coinciding midlines.