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JEE Main DPYQ Full Syllabus PAPER-1

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Section - A : MCQs with Single Option Correct (A) 1000 cm (B) 0.

1 cm
(C) 100 cm (D) 10 cm
1. A, B, C and D are four different physical quantities having
different dimensions. None of them is dimensionless. But we 5. A bullet of mass 50 g has an initial speed of 1 ms–1, just
know that the equation AD = C ln (BD) holds true. Then which before it starts penetrating a mud wall of thickness 19 cm. If the
of the combination is not a meaningful quantity ? wall offers a mean resistance of 2.5 × 10–2 N, the speed of the
[DPYQ From 2016] bullet after emerging from the other side of the wall is close to:
C [DPYQ From 2019]
(A) –C (B) A2 – B2C2 (A) 0.4 ms–1 (B) 0.1 ms–1
(3) 0.9 ms–1 (D) 0.7 ms–1
A (A  C)
(C) –C (D)
B D 6. A solid sphere of radius R gravitationally attracts a particle
placed at 2R from its centre with a force F1. Now a spherical
2. A person climbs up a stalled escalator in 30 s. If standing
on the same but escalator running with constant velocity he R
cavity of radius   is made in the sphere (as shown in figure)
takes 20 s. How much time is taken by the person to walk up the 2
and the force becomes F2. The value of F1 : F2 is :
moving escalator ? [DPYQ From 2014]
[DPYQ From 2021]
(A) 37 s (B) 27 s
(C) 24 s (D) 12 s

3. Two forces P and Q of magnitude 2F and 4F, respectively, O

are at an angle with each other. If the force Q is doubled, then R m

their resultant also gets doubled. Then, the angle is :

[DPYQ From 2019] M

2 (A) 25 : 36 (B) 50 : 41

(A) cos –1   (B) 60º (C) 41 : 50 (D) 9 : 7
 3 7. A steel wire having a radius of 2.0 mm, carrying a load of
(C) cos –1    (D) 120º
 8 4 kg, is hanging from a ceiling. Given that g = 3.1  ms–2, what
will be the tensile stress that would be developed in the wire ?
4. Two blocks of masses 3 kg are connected by a metal wire [DPYQ From 2019]
going over a smooth pulley. The breaking stress of the metal is (A) 4.8 × 106 Nm–2 (B) 5.2 × 106 Nm–2
(C) 6.2 × 106 Nm–2 (D) 3.1 × 106 Nm–2
× 102 Nm–2. What is the minimum radius of the wire ? (take
2 8. A hollow spherical shell at outer radius R floats just
g = 10 ms–2) : [DPYQ From 2021] submerged under the water surface. The inner radius of the
shell is r. If the specific gravity of the shell material is w.r.t.
water, the value of r is : [DPYQ From 2020]
4 8
(A) R (B) R
3kg 9 9
1 2
5kg (C) R (D) R
3 3
9. A gas can be taken from A to B via two different processes F
ACB and ADB. When path ACB is used 80 J of heat flows into (A) (B) 3F
the system and 40 J of work is done by the system. If path ADB (C) 8F (D) 27F
is used work done by the system is 10 J. The heat Flow into the
system in path ADB is : [DPYQ From 2019] 13. A current loop, having two circular arcs joined by two
P radial lines is shown in the figure. It carries a current of 15 A.
The magnetic field at point O will be close to :
[DPYQ From 2019]

A D 3cm  = 45° 3cm

(A) 80 J (B) 50 J Q R
(C) 100 J (D) 40 J
2cm 2cm
10. An ideal gas has molecules with 3 degrees of freedom. The
ratio of specific heats at constant pressure (Cp) and at constant
i = 10A
volume (Cv) is : [DPYQ From 2017]
7 (A) 1.0 × 10–5 T (B) 1.5 × 10–5 T
(A) 6 (B) (C) 1.0 × 10–7 T (D) 1.0 × 10–7 T
5 7
(C) (D) 14. A small bar magnet placed with its axis at 30º with an external
3 5
field of 0.06 T experiences a torque of 0.030 Nm. The minimum
work required to rotate it from its stable to unstable equilibrium
11. The pressure wave, P = 0.01 sin [1000t – 3x] Nm–2,
position is : [DPYQ From 2020]
corresponds to the sound produced by a vibrating blade on a
(A) 9.2 × 10–3 J (B) 12 × 10–2 J
day when atmospheric temperature is 0°C. On some other day,
(C) 11.7 × 10–3 J (D) 7.2 × 10–2 J
when temperature is T, the speed of sound produced by the
same blade and at the same frequency is found to be 336 ms–1.
Approximate value of T is : [DPYQ From 2019] I2
(A) 15°C (B) 12°C C R2
(C) 4°C (D) 11°C L R1
15. I1

12. Charges –q and +q located at A and B, respectively,

constitute an electric dipole. Distance AB = 2a, O is the mid
point of the dipole and OP is perpendicular to AB. A charge Q is
placed at P where OP = y and y >> 2a. The charge Q experiences
3 3
and electrostatic force F. If Q is now moved along the equatorial In the above circuit, C  F , R2 = 20 , L  H and
2 10
 y
line to P' such that OP' =   , the force on Q will be close to. R1 = 10 3 . Current in L-R1 path is I1 and in C-R2 path it is I2.
y  The voltage of A.C source is given by V = 200 2 sin(100t )
  2a  : [DPYQ From 2019] volts. The phase difference between I1 and I2 is :
2 
[DPYQ From 2019]
(A) 30° (B) 0°
(C) 90° (D) 135°

Q P'
16. The electric field component of a monochromatic radiation
is given by
B E = 2E0 iˆ cos kz cos t
–q +q 
Its magnetic field B is then given by : [DPYQ From 2017]
2 E0 ˆ 2 E0 ˆ capacitor to the activity of radioactive sample is fixed with
(A) j sin kz cos t (B) j cos kz sin t respect to time then the value of ‘R’ should be ______.
c c
[DPYQ From 2021]
2 E0 ˆ 2 E0 ˆ
(C) j sin kz sin t (D) j cos kz cos t
c c 2. A uniform chain of length 3 meter and mass 5 kg overhangs
a smooth table with 2 meter laying on the table. If k is the kinetic
17. A concave mirror has focal length of 20 cm. It is at the energy of the chain in joule as it completely slips off the table,
bottom of a glass that has water filled up to 5 cm (see figure). If then the value of k is _____ . [DPYQ From 2021]
a small particle is floating on the surface of water, its image as
seen, from directly above the glass, is at a distance d from the 3. A non-isotropic solid metal cube has coefficients of linear
surface of water. The value of d is close to : (Refractive index of expansion as :
water = 1.33) : [DPYQ From 2019] 5 × 10–5/°C along the x-axis and 10 × 10–6/°C along the y and the
z-axis. If the coefficient of volume expansion of the solid is
C × 10–16/°C then the value of C is ______.
[DPYQ From 2020]

5cm 4. A particle executes SHM with amplitude A and time period

T . The displacement of the particle when its speed is one-fourth
of maximum speed is . The value of x is ______.
(A) 8.8 cm (B) 11.7 cm [DPYQ From 2021]
(C) 6.7 cm (D) 13.4 cm
5. A body having specific charge 10 µC/g is resting on a
18. The energy required to remove the electron from a singly frictionless plane at a distance 80 cm from the wall (as shown in
ionized Helium atom is 2 times the energy required to remove an the figure). It starts moving towards the wall when a uniform
electron from Helium atom. The total energy required to ionize electric field of 100 V/m is applied horizontally towards the wall.
the Helium atom completely is : [DPYQ From 2018] If the collision of the body with the wall is perfectly elastic, the
(A) 20 eV (B) 79 eV time period of the motion will be ______s.
(C) 109 eV (D) 81.6 eV [DPYQ From 2021]

19. Mobility of electrons in a semiconductor is defined as the

ratio of their drift velocity to the applied electric field. If, for an
n-type semiconductor, the density of electrons is 1018 m–3 and Body
100 V/m
their mobility is 1.6 m2/(V.s) then the resistivity of the
semiconductor (since it is an n-type semiconductor contribution
of holes is ignored) is close to : [DPYQ From 2019] 6. In the figure given, the electric current flowing through the
(A) 2 m (B) 0.4 m 5 k resistor is ‘x’ mA.
(C) 4 m (D) 0.2 m 3k 

20. The density of a material in the shape of a cube is 6k 3k 

determined by measuring three sides of the cube and its mass.
3k 
If the relative errors in measuring the mass and length are
respectively 1.5% and 2%, the maximum error in determining
the density is : [DPYQ From 2018]
(A) 7.5% (B) 3.5%
24V, 1k
(C) 4.5% (D) 6%
The value of x to the nearest integer is ______.
Section- B: INTEGER Answer Type Questions [DPYQ From 2021]

1. A radioactive sample has an average life of 30 ms and is 7. Two concentric circular coils, C1 and C2, are placed in the
decaying. A capacitor of capacitance 200 F is first charged and XY plane. C1 has 500 turns, and a radius of 1 cm. C2 has 200 turns
later connected with resistor ‘R’. If the ratio of charge on and radius of 20 cm. C2 carries a time dependent current
I(t) = (5t2 – 4t + 3). A where t is in s. The emf induced in C1 (in mV), 9. In a Young's double slit experiment 15 fringes are observed
on a small portion of the screen when light of wavelength 200 nm
at the instant t = 1s is . The value of x is : is used. Ten fringes are observed on the same section of the
screen when another light source of wavelength  is used. Then
[DPYQ From 2020] the value of  is (in nm) ______. [DPYQ From 2020]

8. An object Is placed at a distance of 12 cm from a convex 10. A beam of electromagnetic radiation of intensity
lens. A convex mirror of focal length 15 cm is placed on other 6.4 × 10–5 W/cm2 is comprised of wavelength,  = 310 nm. It falls
side of lens at 8 cm as shown in the figure. Image of object normally on a metal (work function  = 2 eV) of surface area
coincides with the object. When the convex mirror is removed, of 1 cm2. If one in 104 photons ejects an electron, total number
a real and inverted image is formed at a position. The distance of electrons ejected in 1 s is 10 x . (hc = 1240 eVnm,
of the image from the object will be ______ (cm). 1 eV = 1.6 × 10–19 J), then x is______. [DPYQ From 2020]
[DPYQ From 2021]

Object Image in
the absence
of mirror

12 cm 8 cm

* * * * *

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Section - A : MCQs with Single Option Correct
1. (D) 2. (D) 3. (C) 4. (D)
5. (C) 6. (D) 7. (D) 8. (D)
9. (B) 10. (C) 11. (C) 12. (C)
13. (B) 14. (B) 15. (D) 16. (C)
17. (A) 18. (D) 19. (C) 20. (A)

Section- B: INTEGER Answer Type Questions

1. (150) 2. (70) 3. (65) 4. (15)

5. (0.8) 6. (3) 7. (10) 8. (50)
9. (300) 10. (10)

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