Design and Analysis of Heavy Duty Vehicle (Trailer) Chassis Through FEM Software
Design and Analysis of Heavy Duty Vehicle (Trailer) Chassis Through FEM Software
Design and Analysis of Heavy Duty Vehicle (Trailer) Chassis Through FEM Software
Heavy duty vehicle plays a more important role in highway transportation. The major focus in the truck manufacturing
industries is design of truck chassis with more pay load capacity and possible less weight. An important aspect of
chassis’ design and analysis is the stress distribution and fatigue life of prediction process. Fatigue is one of the most
important parameters to consider when designing truck components. The components are typically subjected to dynamic
loads when in service. In this paper, an effort is made to alter the existing design of chassis by introducing hollow
rectangular and T – section. An analytical and numerical methodapproach is being adopted to calculate the weight
reduction and stress at different points and also stress analysis has been done in ANSYS software to validate the result.
Keywords: chassis design and analysis, Heavy Duty Vehicle (Trailer) Chassis, FEM Software
I. Introduction
Chassis is a Basic Structure of the vehicle. Chassis supports the components Power plant, Transmission
System consisting of clutch gearbox, propeller shaft and rear axle, Wheels and Tyres, Suspension, Controlling
Systems like Braking, Steering etc and electrical system parts are alsomounted on the Chassis frame.
Automotive Chassis helps to keep an automobile rigid, stiff and unbending. Automobile chassis ensures less
noise, vibrations and harshness throughout the automobile. The chassis frame consists of side members
attached with a series of cross members. Along with the strength, an important consideration in the chassis
design is to increase the stiffness (bending and torsion) characteristics. Adequate torsional stiffness is required
to have good handling characteristics. Normally the chassis are designed on the basis of strength and stiffness.
In the conventional design procedure the design is based on the strength and emphasis is then given to
increase the stiffness of the chassis, with very little consideration to the weight of the chassis. One such design
procedure involves the adding of structural cross member to the existing chassis to increase its torsional
stiffness. As a result weight of the chassis increases. This increase in weight reduces the fuel efficiency and
increases the cost due to extra material. The design of the Chassis with adequate stiffness and strength is
The different types of automobile chassis are as follows:
Conventional control chassis: In which engine is mounted in front of the driver`s cabin. This type of
arrangement avoids full utilization of the space.
Semi-forward control chassis:-In which engine is mounted that half of it is in the driver`s cabin whereas the
other half is in front, outside the driver`s cabin.
Full-forward control chassis:-In which engine is mounted completely insides the driver`s cabin. Obviously
maximum utilization of space is achieved in this type of arrangement. The Different Types Of Automobile
Chassis Frame Are As Follows:
Conventional Frame:- It is non-load carrying frame. The loads of the vehicle are transferred to the
suspensions by the frame. This suspension in the main skeleton of the vehicle, which is supported on the axles
through springs. The body is made of flexible material like wood and isolated frame by inserting rubber
mountings in between. The frame is made of channel section or tubular section of box section.
Ladder Chassis:-Ladder chassis is one of the oldest forms of automotive chassis these are still used in most
of the SUVs today. It is clear from its name that ladder chassis resembles a shape of a ladder having two
longitudinal rails inter linked by lateral and cross braces.
Figure 1 chassis
Types of ladder frame: Ladder frame are classified as follows.
1. C cross section type of ladder chassis frame
2. I cross-section type of ladder chassis frame.
3. Rectangular Box (Hollow) cross section type of ladder chassis frame.
4. Rectangular Box (Intermediate) cross section type of ladder chassis frame.
III. MethodologyEmployed
Here, while redesigning the heavy duty trailer chassis keeping in mind weight reduction as main consideration
with ease of manufacturing as per ISO, mainly the rigidity, strength, safety and economy are considered as
main parameters for designing. According to Safety point of view, the design should be such that it should
pass all safety norms as per give ISO standards so that it can move on safely on road without causing any
damage. The high-end computer software’s and CAD/CAE tools are used. The work is carried out step by step
as below:-
1. Analysing of existing design of chassis
2. Improving/redesigning chassis as per ISO standard using different steel sections
3. Modeling and Analysis of the new improved chassis design through FEMsoftware.
(b) Riggers C-section: Size 250/ 50/150 mm in length 745 mm fabricated from5 mm plate.
Specific Weight = [(0.25 + 0.05) / 2 + 2× (0.15)] ×0.005×1860 = 17.685 kg/m
Weight = ( 16×0.745×17.685 ) = 210.805 kg
Weight of chassis frame : 686.32+210.805 = 897.152 kg or 898 kg
Comparison for weight and induced bending stresss in chassis based on sections ( cross bearer )
Pre existing section New proposed sections
4.72 mm 2.72 mm
In post processing, the analysis and evaluation of the result is conducted in this step. Examples of operations
that can be accomplished include sort element stresses in order of magnitude, check equilibrium, calculate
factors of safety, plot deformed structural shape, animate dynamic model behavior and produce color-coded
temperature plots. The large software has a pre-processor and postprocessor to accompany the analysis portion
and the both processor can communicate with the other large programs. Specific procedures of pre and post
are different dependent upon the program.
The new model of chassis as per the dimension is as shown in Figure2.The model is then saved in IGES
format which can be directly imported into ANSYS workbench. Figure 2 shows the imported model in
ANSYS workbench. The model is being meshed up also.
The meshing is done on the model with 274192 No. of nodes and 75694 No. of Tetrahedral elements. Figures
sh2ow meshing of model
Figure 2 Meshing
Loading Condition of Chassis Frame
The trailer chassis model is loaded by static forces from the truck body and load. For this model, the
maximum loaded weight of loading container and body is 33660 kg. The load is assumed as a uniform
distributed obtained from the maximum loaded weight divided by the total length of chassis frame. Detail
loading of model is shown in Figure 3 and 4.
V Results:
Chassissection ismodified by selecting hollow rectangular and T -section andanalysed for rigidity and
weight compared and then with earlier design. The results are tabulated as below:
Weigh of Bending stiffness Saving in weight Improvement in
chassis(in kg) of chassis(in chassis stiffness
KN/ mm)
Existing design 9300 4.1 _ _
VI. Conclusion
In the present work, heavy duty chassis frame was redesigned and analytically analysed along with an
ANSYS analysis using ANSYS software, based on the analytic calculation and analysis following
conclusion can be done.
1) The weight reduced to new proposed sections is about 560 kg.
2) Although the weight has been reduced to much extent but stiffness and rigidity remains the unchanged.
3) According to analysis it has been seen that a very little deformation oocur on the back side of the chassis
which approximately negligible.
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