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DPP No. 01 Topic: Number System 1

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DPP NO. 01
1. Decimal representation of a rational number cannot be :
(A) Terminating (B) Ton-terminating non-repeating
(C) Non-terminating repeating (D) None of these

2. 1.54 , when expressed in the form of , gives :
154 155 153 153
(A) (B) (C) (D)
99 90 90 99
0.16 0.09
3. The value of (256) × (256) is :
(A) 4 (B) 16 (C) 64 (D) 256.25

5+ 7
4. After rationalizing the denominator of : we get :

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7+ 3
7 + 35 - 21 - 15 7 + 21 + 35 - 15
(A) (B)
4 4
7 + 35 + 21 + 15 7 - 35 - 21 - 5
(C) (D)
4 4
x y 2 y x z
5. If m = a , n = a and a = (m .n ) then xyz is
(A) 1 (B) –1 (C) 2 (D) –2

6. The product of any two irrational numbers is :

(A) always an irrational number (B) always a rational number
(C) always an integer (D) sometimes rational, sometimes irrational

3 +1 3 -1 2 2
7. If a = and b = then the value of a + ab + b is
3 -1 3 +1
(A) 15 (B) –15 (C) 16 (D) –16

1 1
8. Two rational numbers between and are
8 2
3 5 1 3 1 3 1 5
(A) , (B) , (C) , (D) ,
8 8 4 8 4 4 6 6

9. Sum of 4 63 + 5 7 - 8 28 is
(A) 28 (B) 7 (C) 14 (D) 21

5- 3
10. Simplified form of is
80 + 48 - 45 - 27
(A) 4 + 15 (B) 4 - 15 (C) 15 - 4 (D) 15 + 2

11. Simplify each of the following by rationalising the denominator –

7- 5 7+3 5 7 3 -5 2
(i) (ii) (iii)
7+ 5 7-3 5 48 + 18

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12. Simplify:
(i) (3 3 + 4 + 2 6 ) + (2 + 3 + 5 6 )
(ii) (6 2 + 3 5 ) – (3 2 - 5 5 )
(iii) (2 - 2 ) × (3 3 + 6 2 )
(iv) 6 2 ÷ 3 2
(v) 4 2 - 2 8 +
(vi) 48 - 72 - 12 + 2 18

1 1 1 1
(vii) + + + ........
1+ 2 2+ 3 3+ 4 8+ 9

2 2
13. Prove that 2a - 2b
+ =2
1+ x 1 + x 2 b - 2a

9 n ´ 32 ´ (3- n / 2 ) -2 - ( 27) n 1
14. If 3m 3
= , prove that m – n = 1.
3 ´2 27

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15. (i) If x = 2 + 3 , find the value of x +

(ii) If a = 7 + 40 , find the value of a+

DPP NO. 02

1. The product of a rational and an irrational numbers is :

(A) always an irrational number (B) always a rational number
(C) always an integer (D) sometimes rational, sometimes irrational

1 1 1 1
2. Evaluate: + + + :
2+ 5 5+ 6 6+ 7 7+ 8
(A) – 2 (B) 2 2 (C) 2 2 - 2 (D) None of these

5+ 5
3. The number is :
5- 5
(A) a whole number (B) a rational number
(C) an irrational number (D) none of these
4. An irrational number between 0.3101 and 0.333 ... is :
(A) 0.32010010001..... (B) 0.1010010001...
(C) 0.34 (D) 0.3
5. When 15 15 is divided by 3 3 , then the quotient is :
(A) 5 3 (B) 3 5 (C) 5 5 (D) 3 3
6. Which of the following are rational numbers ?
(A) 25 (B) 721 (C) 343 (D) All of these

7. a= 2,b= 3 and c = – 2 , then which of the following is true :

(A) a > b (B) b > a (C) b < c (D) a = c

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8. 5+ 8 + 3– 2 – 2 – 6 when simplified is :
(A) positive and irrational (B) negative and irrational
(C) positive and rational (D) negative and rational

9. If 13 - x 10 = 8 + 5 , then the value of x is :

(A) –5 (B) –6 (C) –4 (D) –2
1 27
10. The value of of 15 is :
27 9 26 9
(A) 5 (B) 15 (C) 5 × 15 (D) 5 × 3
11. Represent the following numbers on number line.
(i) 17
(ii) 6.8
(iii) 2. 3 (up to 2 decimal place)
(iv) 5. 27 (up to 3 decimal place)

12. Express each of the following in the form .

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(i) 8.0025 (ii) -25.6875 (iii) 0.6 (iv) 1.27 (v) 15.712

p q –r 2 2 1
13. If 3 = 5 = 225 , then show that + + =0
p q r
x y z xy
14. If 3 = 4 = 12 then prove that (x + y)z = xy or z =

15. In each of the following determine rational numbers a and b –

3 -1 5+ 3 3 7 -1 7 +1
(i) = a -b 3 (ii) =a+b 3 (iii) - =a+b 7
3 +1 7+4 3 7 +1 7 -1

DPP NO. 03
1. Which of the following expressions is a polynomial?
x -1
(A) x -1 (B)
x +1
2 2x 3 / 2
(C) x 2 - +5 (D) x 2 + +6
x2 x
2. 3 is a polynomial of degree
(A) (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) 0
3. If (x +kx–3) = (x – 3)(x +1), then k = ?
(A) 2 (B) –2 (C) 3 (D) –1

4. f(x) = x(x + 1) (2x + 1) then f(x) – f(x – 1) is -

(A) 4x2 (B) 6x2 (C) 5x2 (D) 7x2

3 2
5. If x + 2 divides 2x – 5x + 4x + p without remainder, p is -
(A) 44 (B) –44 (C) 33 (D) 22

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3 2 2
6. If 2x + 3x + px +q is divisible by x – x – 6 then p + q is -
(A) 47 (B) –47 (C) 13 (D) –13

3 2
7. If mx – 16x – x + 4 is divided by x – 4 without remainder then m is -
(A) – 4 (B) –3 (C) 4 (D) + 3

8. One of the zeroes of the polynomial 2x + 7x – 4 is :
(A) 2 (B) 1/2 (C) 1/2 (D) – 2

140 139 138 2

9. x + x + x + ......... x + x + 1 is a polynomial with :
(A) infinite terms (B) 140 terms
(C) 141 terms (D) 139 terms

10. If p(x) = q(x) × g(x) + r(x), r(x) ≠ 0, where p(x), q(x), g(x), and r(x) are polynomials (where g(x) is divisor),
then :
(A) degree of r(x) = degree of g(x) (B) degree of r(x) > degree of g(x)
(C) degree of r(x) < degree of g(x) (D) degree of r(x) = 0

11. Write (i) a binomial of degree 100 (ii) a monomial of degree 23.

12. Write the degree of each of the following polynomials:

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2 3
(i) 2 x - 5 (ii) 3 – x + x – 6x
4 7
(iii) 9 (iv) 8x - 36x + 5x
9 5 10 2
(v) x - x + 3x +8 (vi) 2- 3x
3 2
13. Find the values of a and b so that the polynomial (x – 10x + ax + b) is exactly divisible by (x – 1) as
well as (x – 2).
3 2 2
14. Without actual division, show that (x – 3x – 13x + 15) is exactly divisible by (x + 2x – 3).

15. If (x3 + ax2 + bx + 6) has (x – 2) as a factor and leaves a remainder 3 when divided by (x – 3), find the
values of a and b.

DPP NO. 04

1 1
1. If x2 + 2
= 18 then the most suitable value of x - is –
x x
(A) 4 (B) ± 4 (C) –4 (D) ± 2

3 3 3
2. If a + b = c then a + b – c is equal to -
(A) 3abc (B) –3abc (C) abc (D) –abc

æ x2 y2 z 2 ö
3. If x + y + z = 0, then the value of çç + + ÷÷ is
è yz xz xy ø
(A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 0 (D) –1

2 2
4. The factors of (x – 1 – 2a – a ) are -
(A) (x + a + 1) (x – a – 1) (B) (x – a – 1) (x – a + 1)
(C) (x + a – 1)(x – a + 1) (D) None of these

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3 b3
5. Factorize the following : 125a +

æ bö æ 2 5ab b 2 ö æ b öæ 2 5ab b 2 ö
(A) ç 5 a + ÷ ç 25a - + ÷÷ (B) ç 5 a - ÷ ç 25a + + ÷÷
è 3 ø çè 3 9 ø è 3 øçè 3 9ø

æ b 2 öæ 5ab b 2 ö
(C) çç 25a 2 + ÷÷çç 25a 2 - + ÷÷ (D) None of these
è 9 øè 3 9 ø

6. Factorize 2 2 a3 + 8b3 – 27c3 + 18 2 abc

(A) ( 2a + 2b - 3c) (2a2 + b2 + c2 – 2 2 ab + 6bc + 3 2 ac)

(B) ( 2 a + 2b – 3c) (2a2 + 4b2 + 9c2 – 2 2 ab + 6bc + 3 2 ac)

(C) ( 2 a + b – c) (2a2 + b2 + c2 – 2 2 ab + 6bc + 3ac)
(D) None of these

1 1 1
7. If x 2 + y 2 - z 2 = 0 then the value of (x + y – z)2 is :

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(A) 2xy (B) 2yz (C) 4xz (D) 4xy

æ 1ö 1 æ 2 4 ö
8. If ç a - ÷ = , then ç 4a + 2 ÷ is equal to
è aø 2 è a ø
(A) 9 (B) – 9 (C) – 10 (D) 10

( x – y) 3 + ( y – z ) 3 + ( z – x) 3
9. The value of is :
( x 2 – y 2 )3 + ( y 2 – z 2 )3 + ( z 2 – x 2 )3
(A) (x – y) (y – z) (z – x) (B)
( x – y )( y – z )( z – x )
(C) (D) (x + y) (y + z) (z + x)
( x + y )( y + z )( z + x)

10. If ab = 5 and a – b = 2, then the value of a3 – b3 is equal to :

(A) 10 (B) 38 (C) – 38 (D) 76

11. Factorise :
3 3 4 2 2 2
(i) 27 a b – 45a b (ii) 9x – 16y
(iii) x3 – x (iv) y2 – 4y + 3
(v) 6 – x – x2 (vi) 4x4 + 7x2 – 2
3 3 3
(vii) (p – q) + (q – r) + (r – p)

12. Evaluate using Identities:

(i) (99)2 (ii) (999)3

13. If a + b + c = 7 and ab + bc + ca = 20, find the value of a2 + b2 + c2.

14. If a + b + c = 5 and ab + bc + ca = 10, prove that a3 + b3 + c3 – 3abc = –25

2 2 3 3
15. If a + b = 11, a + b = 61, find a + b .

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DPP NO. 05

1. The perpendicular distance of the point P(4, 5) from the y-axis is

(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 7
2. Image of point (–2, 5) is :
(A) (2, 5) under y-axis (B) (–2, –5) under x-axis
(C) (2, 5) under x-axis (D) both (A) & (B)
3. Abscissa of a point is positive in
(A) I and II quadrants (B) I and IV quadrants (C) I quadrant only (D) II quadrant only

4. Point (5, –3) lies in the

(A) first quadrant (B) second quadrant (C) third quadrant (D) fourth quadrant

5. Signs of the abscissa and ordinates of a point in the third quadrant are respectively :
(A) +, + (B) –, – (C) –, + (D) +, –

6. If (x, y) = (y, x), then :

(A) x – y = 0 (B) x + y = 0 (C) xy = 0 (D) =0
7. If y co-ordinate of a point is zero, then this point always lies :

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(A) in I quadrant (B) in II quadrant (C) on x-axis (D) on y-axis
8. In the figure, O is the origin and OABC is a square of side 2 units. The co-ordinates of A, B and C
respectively are :

(A) (2, 0); (2, 2); (–2, 0) (B) (2, 0); (–2, 2); (0, 2)
(C) (2, 0); (0, 2); (–2, –2) (D) (2, 0); (2, 2); (0, 2)

9. If the perpendicular distance of a point P from the x-axis is 5 units and the foot of the perpendicular lies
on the negative direction of x-axis, then the point P has :
(A) x coordinate = – 5 (B) y coordinate = 5 only
(C) y coordinate = – 5 only (D) y coordinate = 5 or – 5

10. In the figure, the area of the ΔOAB is :

(A) 4 sq. units (B) 8 sq. units (C) 2 sq. units (D) none of these

11. Draw the lines X'OX and YOY' as axes on the plane of a paper and plot the points given below:
(i) A(5, 3) (ii) B(–3, 2) (ii) C(–5, –4) (iv) D(2, –6)

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12. In which quadrants do the given points lie?
(i) (4, –2) (ii) (–3, 7) (iii) (–1, –2) (iv) (3, 6)

13. The three vertices of D ABC are A(1, 4), B(–2, 2) and C(3, 2). Plot these points on a graph paper and
calculate the area of D ABC.

14. On which axes do the given points lie?

(i) (7, 0) (ii) (0, –3)

15. From the figure, write the following :

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(i) co-ordinates of B, C and E
(ii) the point identified by the co-ordinates (0, –2).
(iii) the abscissa of the point H
(iv) the ordinate of the point D.

DPP NO. 06
Topic : Linear Equation in two variables

1. An ordered pair that satisfies an equation in two variables is called its :

(A) Zero (B) Root (C) Solution (D) Both (B) and (C)

2. The solution of the equations 2x – 3y = 7 and 4x – 6y = 20 is -

(A) x = 18, y = 12 (B) x = 0, y = 0 (C) No solution (D) x = 8, y = 5

3. If 2a – 3 = 5 and 3b + 1 = 2. Then 3b – 2a is -
(A) – 3 (B) –7 (C) 7 (D) – 9

4. If (2, 0) is a solution of the linear equation 2x + 3y = k, then the value of k is

(A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 5 (D) 2
5. The graph of the linear equation 2x + 3y = 6 cuts the y-axis at the point
(A) (2, 0) (B) (0, 3) (C) (3, 0) (D) (0, 2)
6. One set of ordered pair which belongs to a straight line represented by an equation y = 2x – 5 is -
(A) (1,1) (B) (2, 1) (C) (1, –3) (D) (–3, 1)

7. The axis on which the point (0,–10) lies is -

(A) Positive x-axis (B) Negative x-axis
(C) Positive y-axis (D) Negative y-axis

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x –1 0 1 2
y – 3 –1 1 3

Which equation satisfies the data in the table ?

(A) y = x – 2 (B) y = 2x – 1 (C) y = 3x – 3 (D) y = x + 1

9. Ordered pair (s) that satisfy the inequality x + y + 1 < 0 is -

(A) (0, –1) (B) (–2, 0) (C) (2, – 4) (D) Both (B) and (C)

10. How many linear equations in x and y can be satisfied by x = 1 and y = 2?

(A) Only one (B) Two (C) Infinitely many (D) Three

11. Draw the graph of the lines 4x – y = 5 and 5y – 4x = 7 on the same graph paper and find the
coordinates of their point of intersection.

12. The points (2,3) lies on the graph of the linear equation 3x – (a–1)y=2a –1. If the same point also lies
on the graph of the linear equation 5x + (1–2a)y=3b, then find the value of b.

13. Find the condition such that ordered pair (m, n) satisfies the equation ax + by + c = 0.
14. Express x in terms of y given that + 2y = 5. Check whether (3, 2) is a solution of the given equation.

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15. A lending library has a fixed charge for the first three days and an addition charge for each day
thereafter. Sarika paid Rs. 27 for a book kept for seven days. While Susy paid Rs. 21 for the book the
kept for five days. Find the fixed charge and the charge for each extra day.

DPP NO. 07

1. In the figure, l is a transversal to the lines m and n, where m and n are parallel. If Ð1 = 60° then Ð2 is :

1 m


(A) 150° (B) 90°

(C) 120° (D) 60°

2. In figure, if ÐAOC + ÐBOD = 284°, then ÐAOD =



(A) 18° (B) 38°
(C) 20° (D) 19°

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3. In the given figure alongside , three coplanar lines intersect at a point 'O' forming angles as shown. The
value of (c + d) – (a + b) is :

(A) 10° (B) 20°

(C) 25° (D) 35°

4. The value of x in the given figure is –

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(A) 20º (B) 223º
(C) 118º (D) 72º

5. In the given figure, ÐABP = ÐACQ, ÐBAC = 68°. The the value of ÐCBR =



(A) 112° (B) 124°

(C) 118° (D) 110°

6. In the figure, if ÐPOR = (4y + 2)° ÐQOR = (5y –20)° , then ÐQOS =

(4y+2)° (5y–20)°

(A) 22° (B) 90°

(C) 88° (D) 32°

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7. In the given figure AB || CD and BC || DE, then the value of x =

(A) 100° (B) 120° (C) 140° (D) Cannot be determined

8. In the given figure BD || CE, then :

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(A) x > z > y (B) x > y > z (C) x < y < z (D) z > x > y

9. If the angles of a triangle are in the ratio 2 : 3 : 4. Then the angles are :
(A) 20°, 60°, 80° (B) 80°, 40°, 60° (C) 40°, 60°, 80° (D) 60°, 40°, 80°

10. If two supplementary angles are in the ratio 2 : 7, then the angles are :
(A) 35° 145° (B) 70°, 110° (C) 40°, 140° (D) 50°, 130°

11. In the adjoining fig., OP bisects ÐAOC & OQ bisects Ð BOC and OP ^OQ. Show that the points A,O
and B are collinear.

12. If two supplementary angles are in the ratio 11 : 7, then find the angles.

13. In the given figure if AB | | CD, then find the value of x.


C x D

14. If two parallel lines are intersected by a transversal then prove that the bisectors of two alternate interior
angles are parallel.

15. In the given figure if AB | | CD, then find the value of x.



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DPP NO. 08

1. Which of the following is not a criterion for congruence of triangles?


2. In ΔABC and ΔPQR, if AB = QR, BC = PR and CA = PQ, then:


3. In DABC, BC = AB and ÐB = 80º. Then ÐA is equal to:

(A) 80° (B) 40°
(C) 50° (D) 100°

4. In ΔPQR, ÐR = ÐP and QR = 4 cm and PR = 5 cm. Then the length of PQ is:

(A) 4 cm (B) 5 cm

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(C) 2 cm (D) 2.5 cm

5. D is a point on the side BC of a ΔABC such that AD bisects ÐBAC. Then:

(A) BD = CD (B) BA > BD
(C) BD > BA (D) CD > CA

6. In a ΔABC, if ÐA = 45° and ÐC = 60°, then the shortest side of the triangle is:
(A) AB (B) AC
(C) BC (D) none of these

7. Which of the following figures may not be congruent?

(A) two squares of equal sides (B) two line segments of equal lengths
(C) two circles of equal radii (D) two triangles of equal angles
8. Read the two statements and choose among the correct options:
Statement P: All equilateral triangles are isosceles triangles.
Statement Q: All scalene triangles are isosceles triangles.
(A) P is true but Q is false (B) P is false but Q is true
(C) Both P and Q are true (D) Both P and Q are false

9. For the given triangle PQR, which of the following is true ?

(A) PQ = QR (B) PQ > QR (C) PQ < QR (D) ext. ÐP < ext. ÐQ

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10. In the following figure, AD bisects ∠ A. Then the relation between the sides AB, BD and DC is :

(A) AB < DC < AC (B) BD < AB < DC (C) AB > DC > BD (D) DC < BD < AB

11. In DABC, the angle bisectors of ÐB and ÐC meet at O. If ÐA = 70°, find ÐBOC.

12. In the adjoining figure, AD is the median of DABC. If BL and CM are drawn perpendiculars on AD and
AD produced, prove that BL = CM.

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13. In the given figure, OA = OB and OP = OQ. Prove that
(i) PX = QX , (ii) AX = BX.

14. The sides AB and AC of DABC have been produced to D and E respectively. The bisectors of ÐCBD
and ÐBCE meet at O. If ÐA = 40°, find ÐBOC.

15. In the given figure, AD divides ÐBAC in the ratio 1 : 3 and AD = DB. Determine the value of x.

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DPP NO. 09

1. In a parallelogram ABCD, ÐD = 105º, then the ÐA and ÐB will be :

(A) 105º, 75º (B) 75º, 105º
(C) 105º, 105º (D) 75º, 75º

2. When the diagonals of a parallelogram are perpendicular to each other then it is called :
(A) square (B) rectangle
(C) rhombus (D) parallelogram

3. ABCD is a rhombus with ÐABC = 56º, then the ÐACD will be :

(A) 56º (B) 62º
(C) 124º (D) 34º

4. LMNO is a trapezium with LM || NO. If P and Q are the mid-points of LO and MN respectively and LM =
5 cm and ON = 10 cm, then PQ =
(A) 2.5 cm (B) 5 cm
(C) 7.5 cm (D) 15 cm

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5. In the adjoining figure, AP and BP are angle bisectors of ÐA and ÐB which meets at P on the
parallelogram ABCD. Then 2ÐAPB =

(A) ÐC + ÐD (B) ÐA + ÐC (C) ÐB + ÐD (D) 2ÐC

6. Observe given figure, then find GH.

(A) 3 cm (B) 2.5 cm (C) 4 cm (D) Data inadequate

7. The given figure , ABCD is a trapezium in which ÐA =(x + 25º), ÐB = yº, ÐC = 95º and ÐD = (2x + 5)º.
Then the value of x and y are –

(A) x = 50, y = 85 (B) x = 45, y = 85 (C) x = 40, y = 90 (D) x = 92, y = 60

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8. The angles A, B, C, D , in the parallelogram ABCD are –

(A) 90º, 90º, 90º, 90º (B) 90º, 45º, 30º, 15º (C) 30º, 60º, 20º, 40º (D) 90º, 45º, 15º, 20º

KP 4
9. In figure, PQ || MN. If = and KN = 20.4 cm, then KQ =
PM 13

(A) 3.8 cm (B) 4 cm (C) 4.5 cm (D) 4.8 cm

NT 9
10. In the figure, if = and if MB = 10 cm, then MN will be -
AB 5

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(A) 18 cm (B) 20 cm (C) 30 cm (D) 90 cm
11. ABCD is a trapezium in which side AB is parallel to side DC and E is the mid-point of side AD. If F is a
point on side BC such that segment EF is parallel to side DC. Prove that EF = (AB + DC).

12. In DABC, AD is the median through A and E is the mid-point of AD. BE produced meets AC in F. Prove
that AF = AC.
13. In the parallelogram, the value of “x” is :

14. Let ABCD be a parallelogram, with AE^DC and CF^AD. Let AB = 15 cm, AE = 8 cm and CF = 10cm.
Then AD equals (in cm).

15. In the given figure, ABCD is a rhombus. If ÐOAB = 35º, then find the value of x

35º x

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DPP NO. 10
1. In DABC, AD is a median and P is a point on AD such that AP : PD = 1 : 2, then the area of DABP = ?
1 2
(A) × Area of DABC (B) × Area of DABC
2 3
1 1
(C) × Area of DABC (D) × Area of DABC
3 6
2. In DABC, if D is a point in BC and divides it in the ratio 3 : 5 i.e., if BD : DC = 3 : 5 then, ar(DADC) :
ar(DABC) = ?
(A) 3 : 5 (B) 3 : 8 (C) 5 : 8 (D) 8 : 3

3. If the point D divides the side BC of DABC in the ratio p : q, then the ar (DABD) : ar(DADC) are in the
ratio :
2 2 2 2
(A) q : p (B) p : q (C) q : p (D) p : q
4. ABCD is a parallelogram. DDEC is drawn such that BE = AE. Sum of the areas of DADE and DBEC
is :

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1 1
(A) area of parallelogram ABCD (B) area of parallelogram ABCD
3 2
2 1
(C) area of DDEC (D) area of DDEC
3 2
5. ABCD is a parallelogram. Points P and Q, on BC trisects it in three equal parts. PR and QS are also
drawn parallel to AB, then ar(APQ) = ........... ar(ABCD).

1 1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 2 4 6
6. In figure, if ar(DABC) = 32 cm then ar (AEDF) =

(A) 21 cm2 (B) 18 cm2 (C) 16 cm2 (D) 14 cm2

7. In the figure, D and E are the mid-point of the sides AC and BC respectively of DABC. If ar(DBED) = 12
cm2, then ar (DAEC) =

2 2
(A) 48 cm (B) 24 cm
(C) 36 cm (D) none of these

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8. In the below diagram, ABCD is a rectangle with AE = EF = FB. What is the ratio of the areas of DCEF
and that of the rectangle ?

1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these
6 8 9

9. In parallelogram ABCD, AB = 12 cm. The altitudes corresponding to the sides AB and AD are
9 cm and 11 cm. Find AD.

108 108 99 108

(A) cm (B) cm (C) cm (D) cm
11 10 10 17

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10. In figure, E is any point on median AD of a DABC. Show that ar(DABE) = ar(DACE).

11. If the medians of a DABC intersect at G, show that ar(DAGB) = ar(DAGC) = ar(DBGC) = ar(DABC).

12. P and Q are any two points lying on the sides DC and AD respectively of a parallelogram ABCD.
Prove that : Ar (DAPB) = Ar (DBQC).

13. In the figure, PQRS and ABRS are parallelograms and X is any point on side BR. Prove that :

(i) ar(||gm PQRS) = ar(||gm ABRS)

(ii) ar(DAXS) = ar(||gm PQRS)
14. In the adjoining figure, PQRS and PABC are two parallelograms of equal area. Prove that QC || BR.

15. In DABC, D is the mid-point of AB. P is any point of BC. CQ || PD meets AB in Q. Show that
ar(DBPQ) = ar(DABC).

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DPP NO. 11

1. Two parallel chords of a circle whose radius is 13 cm are respectively 10 cm and 24 cm. If they lie on
the opposite side of the centre then the distance between them is
(A) 7 cm. (B) 10 cm. (C) 13 cm. (D) 17 cm.
2. Two parallel chords of a circle whose radius is 117 cm, are 12 cm and 18 cm. Both chords are on the
same side of the centre. Then distance between the chords is


A 9 cm M 9 cm B
C 6 cm N 6 cm D

(A) 10 cm. (B) 7 cm. (C) 3 cm (D) 1 cm

3. A regular hexagon is inscribed in a circle with centre O. The angle subtended by each side at the centre
is :

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(A) 30°. (B) 45°. (C) 60°. (D) 90°.
4. In figure, a square is inscribed in a circle of radius 8 2 cm. Then the length of the sides of square is :
8 2
(A) 16 cm. (B) 12 cm. (C) 10 cm. (D) 8 cm
5. In the given figure, O is the centre of the circle, AB and CD are two chords such that OL is
perpendicular to AB and OM is perpendicular to CD. ÐAOB = 50°, AL = DM = 2 cm. The measure of

2 cm O 2 cm

(A) 50°. (B) 70°. (C) 90°. (D) 130°
6. In the figure, ÐBCF = 80°, The value of ÐCBE is

A 80º

(A) 130°. (B) 100°. (C) 95°. (D) 85°.

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7. In the given figure, AB = BC = CD, If ÐBAC = 25º, then value of ÐAED is :

(A) 50º (B) 60º (C) 65º (D) 75º

8. If @ then :

A 2 1 4 D
(A) Ð1 = Ð2 (B) Ð3 = Ð4
(C) Ð2 = Ð3 (D) None of these.

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9. A, B and C are three points on the circle whose centre is O. If ÐBAC = x, ÐCBO = ÐBCO = y,
ÐBOC = t, reflex ÐBOC = z, then :
(A) x + y = 90° x
B y y C
(B) x – y = 90°
(C) t + 2y° = 90° O
(D) None of these

10. In the given figure, O is the centre of the circle. If ÐAOC = 90°, then ÐABC is


(A) 45°. (B) 75°. (C) 90°. (D) 135°.

11. A chord of a circle is equal to the radius of the circle. Find the angle subtended by the chord at a point
on the minor arc and also at a point on the major arc.
12. Prove that the quadrilateral formed (if possible) by the internal angle bisectors of any quadrilateral is
13. Two equal chords intersect within the circle, prove that the line joining the point of intersection and the
centre makes equal angles with the chords.
14. In the figure given below AB and CD are chords and PQ is the diameter. If ÐAEQ = ÐDEQ, prove that
AB = CD.


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15. If two sides of a cyclic quadrilateral are parallel, prove that the remaining two sides are equal and the
diagonals are also equal.

DPP NO. 12

1. The construction of a triangle ABC, given that BC = 6 cm, ∠B = 45° is not possible when difference of
AB and AC is equal to :
(A) 6.9 cm (B) 5.2 cm (C) 5.0 cm (D) 4.0 cm
2. The construction of a triangle ABC, given that BC = 3 cm, ∠C = 60° is possible when difference of AB
and AC is equal to :
(A) 3.2 cm (B) 3.1 cm (C)3 cm (D) 2.8 cm
3. The construction of a triangle ABC in which AB = 4 cm, ∠A = 60° is not possible when difference of BC
and AC is equal to :
(A) 3.5 cm (B) 4.5 cm (C)3 cm (D) 2.5 cm
4. Which of the following angles cannot be constructed with the help of a ruler and a compass ?
1 1 1 1
(A) 7 (B) 22 (C) 30 (D) 37
2 2 2 2
5. With the help of a ruler and a compass, it is not possible to construct an angle of :
(A) 37.5° (B) 40° (C) 22.5° (D) 67.5°

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6. With the help of ruler and compass, it is not possible to construct an angle of :
(A) 60° (B) 15° (C) 38° (D) 135°

7. With the help of a ruler and a compass, it is possible to construct an angle of :

(A) 35° (B) 40° (C) 37.5° (D) 47.5°

8. Angle of 90° can be constructed with the help of compass in the combination of
(A) 30°, 60°. (B) 45°, 45°. (C) 70°, 20°. (D) 80°, 10°.

9. In the given figure, dotted line shows

(A) angle bisector
(B) line bisector
(C) median bisector
(D) perpendicular bisector

10. In the given figure, BC = 4.5 cm, ∠B= 45°, AB - AC = 2.5 cm, the correct figure is

(A) (i) (B) (ii) (C) (iii) (D) (iv)

11. Construct ΔABC such that ∠B = 60°, ∠C = 45° and AB + BC + CA = 10 cm.

12. Construct a ΔABC in which ∠B = 30° and ∠C = 90° and the perimeter of the triangle is 11 cm.

13. Construct a triangle ABC in which BC = 4 cm, ∠B = 30° and AB + AC = 6 cm.

14. Construct a right angled triangle PQR right angled at Q where base QR is 4 cm and the sum of other side and
hypotenuse is 8 cm.

15. Construct a ΔABC in which BC = 5.7 cm, ∠B = 30° and AB – AC = 3 cm.

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DPP NO. 13

1. The edges of a triangular board are 6 cm, 8 cm and 10 cm. The cost of painting it at the rate of 9 paise
per cm is :
(A) Rs 2.00 (B) Rs 2.16 (C) Rs 2.48 (D) Rs 3.00

2. The base of a right triangle is 8 cm and hypotenuse is 10 cm. Its area will be :
2 2 2 2
(A) 24 cm (B) 40 cm (C) 48 cm (D) 80 cm

3. The sides of a triangle are x, y and z. If x + y = 7 m, y + z = 9 m, and z + x = 8 m, then area of the

triangle is :
2 2 2 2
(A) 4 m (B) 5 m (C) 6 m (D) 7 m

4. Area of an equilateral triangle is 9 3 cm in find its side -
(A) 6 (B) 4 (C) 3 3 (D) 2 3

5. The length of the side of a rhombus is 30 cm and one of its diagonals is 48 cm long. Area of the
rhombus is :
2 2 2 2
(A) 432 cm (B) 864 cm (C) 300 cm (D) 216 cm

6. The sides of a triangle are 35 cm, 54 cm and 61 cm, respectively. The length of its longest altitude is :
(A) 16 5 cm (B) 10 5 cm (C) 24 5 cm (D) 28 cm

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7. The length of the sides of a triangle are 5x, 5x and 8x. The area of the triangle is :
2 2 2 2
(A) 144 x sq. units (B) 100 x sq. units (C) 24x sq. units (D) 12 x sq. units

8. In the figure, ABCD is a rectangle and DEC is an equilateral triangle. Area of ΔDEC is :

(A) 36 3 cm2 (B) 48 cm2 (C) 12 3 cm2 (D) 9 3 cm2

9. The area of a quadrilateral ABCD in which AB = 3 cm, BC = 4 cm, CD = 4 cm, DA = 5 cm and AC = 5

cm is :
(A) 2(3 + 21)cm 2 (B) (3 + 21)cm 2 (C) ( 2 + 31)cm 2 (D) 3(2 + 31)cm 2

10. Each equal side of an isosceles triangle is 13 cm and its base is 24 cm. Area of the triangle is :
2 2 2 2
(A) 50 3 cm (B) 40 3 cm (C) 25 3 cm (D) 60 cm
11. The adjacent sides of a parallelogram ABCD are AB = 34 cm, BC = 20 cm and diagonal AC = 42 cm.
Find the area of the parallelogram.
12. Perimeter of a rhombus is 146 cm and one diagonal is 55 cm, find the other diagonal and area of the
13. The parallel sides of a trapezium are 25 m and 20 m and two other sides are 13 m and 12 m, then find
the area of the trapezium.
14. Find the area of quadrilateral ABCD in which AB = 9 cm, BC = 40 cm, CD = 28 cm, DA = 15 cm and
ÐABC = 90°.
15. The perimeter of a triangle is 50 cm. One side of the triangle is 4 cm longer than the smaller side and
the third side is 6 cm less than twice the smaller side. Find the area of the triangle.

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DPP NO. 14

1. A right triangle with sides 3 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm is rotated by the side of 3 cm to form a cone. The
volume of the cone so formed is :
3 3 3 3
(A) 12p cm (B) 15p cm (C) 16p cm (D) 20p cm

2. In a shower, 5 cm of rain falls. The volume of water that falls on 1.5 hectares of ground is –
(A) 75 cu. m (B) 750 cu. m (C) 7500 cu. m (D) 75000 cu. m

3. A hall is 15 m long and 12 m broad. If the sum of the areas of the floor and the celling is equal to the
sum of the areas of four walls, the volume of the hall is –
(A) 720 (B) 900 (C) 1200 (D) 1800

4. 66 cubic centimetres of silver is drawn into a wire 1 mm in diameter. The length of the wire in metres
will be :
(A) 84 (B) 90 (C) 168 (D) 336

5. A hollow iron pipe is 12 cm long and its external diameter is 8 cm. If the thickness of the pipe is 1 cm
and iron weights 8 g/cm , then the weight of the pipe is :
(A) 2112 kg (B) 2.112 kg (C) 211.2 kg (D) 21.12 kg

6. A boat having a length 3m and breadth 2 m is floating on a lake. The boat sinks by 1 cm when a man
gets on it. The mass of the man is (density of water is 1000kg/m )-

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(A) 12 kg (B) 60 kg (C) 72 kg (D) 96 kg

7. 50 men took a dip in a water tank 40 m long and 20 m broad on a religious day if the average
displacement of water by a man is 4 m , then the rise in the water level in the tank will be :
(A) 20 cm (B) 25 cm (C) 35 cm (D) 50 cm

8. The slant height of a right circular cone is 10 m and its height is 8 m. Find the area of its curved surface
2 2 2 2
(A) 30pm (B) 40p m (C) 60p m (D) 80p m

9. A cistern 6m long and 4 m wide contains water up to a depth of 1 m 25 cm. The total area of the wet
surface is :
(A) 49 m2 (B) 50 m2 (C) 53.5 m2 (D) 55 m 2

10. A metallic sheet is of rectangular shape with dimensions 48 m × 36 m. From each of its corners, a
square is cut off so as to make an open box. If the length of the square is 8 m, the volume of the box
(in m 3) is :
(A) 4830 (B) 5120 (C) 6420 (D) 8960

11. There are two cones, the surface area of one cone is twice the surface area of the other cone. The
slant height of the latter is twice that of the former. Find the ratio of their radii.

12. A cylindrical vessel without lid, has to be tin coated on both the sides. If the radius of the base is 70 cm
and its height is 1.4 m, calculate the cost of tin- coating at the rate of Rs. 3.50 per 1000 cm .

13. A cone of radius 5 cm is filled with water. If the water is poured in a cylinder of radius 10 cm, the height
of the water rises by 2 cm , find the height of the cone.

14. How many spherical bullets can be made out of a solid cube of lead whose edge measures 44 cm,
each bullet being 4 cm in diameter.

15. A dome of a building is in the form of hemisphere. From inside, it was white washed at the cost of
Rs.498.96. If the cost of whitewashing it, is Rs.2.00 per square meter, find the inside surface area of
the dome and the volume of air inside the dome.

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DPP NO. 15
1. If the mean of 6, 4, 7, p, p+1 and 10 is 9, The value of p is
(A) 12. (B) 13. (C) 14. (D) 16.

2. To draw a histogram to represent the following frequency distribution :

Class interval 5-10 10-15 15-25 25-45 45-75
Frequency 6 12 10 8 15
the adjusted frequency for the class 25-45 is :
(A) 6 (B) 5 (C) 3 (D) 2

3. The mean of 10 numbers is 30. If 3 is subtracted from every number, Then the new mean is
(A) 10. (B) 14. (C) 15. (D) 27.

4. The median of the observations 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, x-1, x+1, x+2, x+4, 33 and 35 is 24. The value of x is
(A) 24. (B) 25. (C) 26. (D) 27.

5. The mean of 10 observation is 25. If one observation namely 25 is deleted. The new mean is
(A) 20. (B) 22. (C) 25. (D) 26.

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6. The mean of 6, y, 7, x, 14 is 8 then
2 2
(A) x + y = 15. (B) x + y = 13. (C) x – y = 13. (D) 2x + 3y =13.

7. The average of A and B is 25; B and C is 28; C and A is 22. The average of A, B and C is
(A) 23. (B) 24. (C) 25. (D) 26.

8. The given bar graph is showing the height of six mountain peaks.

The second highest peak is

(A) B. (B) A. (C) E. (D) C.
9. Given x, x+2, x+4, x+6, x+8. If mean of these five numbers is 11 then the mean of first three numbers
will be
(A) 9. (B) 10. (C) 11. (D) 12.
10. If M is the mean of x1, x2, x3 and x4 then the value of (x1-M) + (x2-M) + (x3-M)+ (x4-M) will be
(A) 3. (B) 2. (C) 1. (D) 0.
11. The time taken in seconds to solve a problem by each of 30 students is follows:
61, 40, 50, 32, 22, 63, 39, 19, 36, 58, 45, 26, 41, 67, 18, 16, 35, 46, 30, 55, 27, 37, 42, 53, 29, 47,
25, 49, 38, 43
(a) Construct a frequency distribution for data using a class interval of 10 seconds.
(b) Draw a frequency polygon to represent the frequency distribution.

12. The blood groups of 30 students of class IX are recorded as follows:

A, B, O, O, AB, O, A, O, B, A, O, B, A, O, O, A, AB, O, A, A, O, O, AB, B, A, O, B, A, B, O
Represent this data in the form of a frequency distribution table. Which is the most common, and which
is the rarest blood group among these students?

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13. Draw of histogram for the following data
Class-Interval 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54
Frequency 5 15 23 20 10 7

14. Draw a bar chart of the data representing pass percentage of students during the period 1998-2003
given below
Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Pass percentage 80% 75% 90% 70% 95% 85%

15. For what value of x the mode of the following data is 15.
15, 16, 13, 17, 16, 15, x + 10, 14, 17, 16, 15

DPP NO. 16

1. Tickets numbered 1 to 20 are mixed up and then a ticket is drawn at random. The probability that the
ticket drawn has a number which is multiple of 3 or 5 -
1 2 8 9
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 5 15 20

2. A bag contains 2 red, 3 green and 2 blue balls. A balls are drawn at random. The probability that none
of the balls drawn is blue -

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10 11 2 5
(A) (B) (C) (D)
21 21 7 7

3. In a box, there are 8 red, 7 blue and 6 green balls. One ball is picked up randomly. The probability that
it is neither red nor green -
1 3 7 9
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 4 19 21

4. The probability of getting a sum 9 from two throws of a dice -

1 1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
6 8 9 12

5. Three unbiased coins are tossed. The probability of getting at most two heads -
3 1 3 7
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 4 8 8

6. Two dice are thrown simultaneously. What is the probability of getting two numbers whose product is
even ?
1 3 3 5
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 4 8 16

7. Two coins are tossed 200 times and the following out comes are recorded

56 50 60 34

What is the probability of occurrence of at least one Head in the above case :
(A) 0.33 (B) 0.34 (C) 0.66 (D) 0.83
8. In a sample study of 642 people, it was found that 514 people have a high school certificate. If a person
is selected at random, the probability that the person has a high school certificate is :
(A) 0.5 (B) 0.6 (C) 0.7 (D) 0.8

9. From a normal pack of cards, a card is drawn at random. The probability of getting a jack or a king is
2 1 2
(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these
52 52 13

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10. Two dice are thrown at a time. The probability that the difference of the numbers shown on the dice is 1
5 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these
18 36 6

11. The table given below shows the marks obtained by 40 students of a class in a test with maximum marks

A student of the class is selected at random. What is the probability that he gets 60 or more marks ?

12. A die is thrown 300 times and the outcomes are noted as given below:

Find the probability of getting a prime number.

13. The blood group of 30 students of a class were recorded as under :

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Blood group A B AB O
No. of students 9 11 4 6

If a student of this class is chosen at random, what is the probability that the chosen student has blood
(i) O ? (ii) A ? (iii) AB ?

14. On one page of a directory, there are 160 telephone numbers. The frequency distribution of the unit
place digit is given as under :

Unit place digit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Frequency 19 16 18 21 14 11 15 16 13 17

From this page, one of the numbers is chosen at random. What is the probability that the unit place digit
in the chosen number is 6 ?

15. Two coins are tossed 1000 times and the outcomes are recorded as under:

Number of heads 2 1 0
Frequency 266 540 194

What is the probability of getting at most one head ?

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