Math GRE Diagnostic Test
Math GRE Diagnostic Test
Math GRE Diagnostic Test
Review Test
This diagnostic test appears at the end of the book because it is probably best for you to use it as a review
test. Unless your math skills are very strong, you should thoroughly study every chapter. Afterwards, you
can use this diagnostic/review test to determine which chapters you need to work on more. If you do not
have much time to study, this test can also be used to concentrate your studies on your weakest areas.
514 GRE Math Bible
5. (x – 2)(x + 4) – (x – 3)(x – 1) = 0
11. If 81 3 = 2 z , then z =
(A) –5
(B) –1 (A) 10
(C) 0 (B) 13
(D) 1/2 (C) 19
(E) 11/6 (D) 26
(E) 39
6. −2 4 − x 2 − 1
( ) =
12. 1/2 of 0.2 percent equals
(A) − x4 + 2x 2 + 15 (A) 1
(B) − x4 − 2x 2 + 17 (B) 0.1
(C) − x4 + 2x 2 − 17 (C) 0.01
(D) − x4 + 2x 2 − 15 (D) 0.001
(E) − x4 + 2x 2 + 17 (E) 0.0001
14. If x + y = k, then 3x2 + 6xy + 3y2 = 19. A unit square is circumscribed about a
circle. If the circumference of the circle is
(A) k qπ, what is the value of q?
(B) 3k
(C) 6k (A) 1
(D) k2 (B) 2
(E) 3k2 (C) π
(D) 2π
(E) 5π
15. 8x2 – 18 =
(A) 8(x2 – 2)
(B) 2(2x + 3)(2x – 3) 9
(C) 2(4x + 3)(4x – 3)
(D) 2(2x + 9)(2x – 9)
(E) 2(4x + 3)(x – 3) 15
20. What is the area of the triangle above?
16. For which values of x is the following (A) 20
inequality true: x2 < 2x. (B) 24
(C) 30
(A) x<0 (D) 54
(B) 0<x<2 (E) 64
(C) –2 < x < 2
(D) x<2
(E) x>2 21. If the average of 2x and 4x is 12, then x =
(A) 1
17. If x is an integer and y = –3x + 7, what is the (B) 2
least value of x for which y is less than 1? (C) 3
(D) 4
(A) 1 (E) 24
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4 22. The average of x, y, and z is 8 and the aver-
(E) 5 age of y and z is 4. What is the value of x?
(A) 4
(B) 9
(C) 16
x (D) 20
(E) 24
27. What is the value of the 201st term of a 30. Define the symbol * by the following equa-
sequence if the first term of the sequence is tion: x* = 1 – x, for all non-negative x. If
2 and each successive term is 4 more than ((1− x) *)* = (1 − x) * , then x =
the term immediately preceding it?
(A) 1/2
(A) 798 (B) 3/4
(B) 800 (C) 1
(C) 802 (D) 2
(D) 804 (E) 3
(E) 806