Micro Project Report ON Implement Communication System Using Steganography Using Audio Files
Micro Project Report ON Implement Communication System Using Steganography Using Audio Files
Micro Project Report ON Implement Communication System Using Steganography Using Audio Files
Implement communication system using steganography using audio files.
(6th Semester)
In the subject of
Submitted To
Government Polytechnic, Amravati
Karuna Ukey
(2021 - 2022)
Government Polytechnic, Amravati.
(An Autonomous Institute of Govt. of Maharashtra)
This is to certify that Mr./Ms.Pranjal Borkar (19IF007), Kshitija Dwande (19IF010) , Priyanka Gawai
(19IF021), Rutuja Gawai (19IF022), Vaibhav dongre (20IF201), Prajwal Kale (20IF204) of 6th
Semester Diploma in IT Engineering has satisfactorily completed the micro project entitled “Implement
communication system using steganography using audio files in Computer Network Security”
(IF5469) for the academic year 2021-2022 as prescribed in curriculum.
Date: / / 2022
Title of Micro Project: Implement communication system using steganography using audio files.
Information hiding technique is a new kind of secret communication technology. The majority of
today’s information hiding systems uses multimedia objects like image, audio, video.
By development of computer and the expansion of its use in different areas of life and work, the
issue of security of information has gained specific importance. Audio steganography is a technique
used to transmit hidden information by modifying an audio signal in an imperceptible manner. It is
the science of hiding some secret text or audio information in a host message
3.0 Action Plan (Sequence and time required for major activities for 8 weeks)
S.N. Details of activity Planned start date Planned Finish I. Code &Name of Team
date Members
4.0 Resources Required (major resources such as raw material, some machining facility, software etc)
1 Laptop Lenovo 1
Title of Micro Project: Implement communication system using steganography using audio files.
Information hiding technique is a new kind of secret communication technology. The majority of
today’s information hiding systems uses multimedia objects like image, audio, video.
By development of computer and the expansion of its use in different areas of life and work, the
issue of security of information has gained specific importance. Audio steganography is a technique
used to transmit hidden information by modifying an audio signal in an imperceptible manner. It is
the science of hiding some secret text or audio information in a host message
3.0 Action Plan (Sequence and time required for major activities for 8 weeks)
S.N. Details of activity Planned start date Planned Finish I. Code &Name of Team
date Members
1 Laptop Lenovo 1
5.0 Information
What is steganography ?
Steganography is the use of various methods to hide information from unwanted eyes. In ancient times,
steganography was mostly done physically.In the centuries that followed, more modern forms of
steganography were invented, such as invisible inks. Today, steganography has moved to the digital world.
Digital steganography usually involves hiding data inside innocuous files such as images, videos, and
audio.Today, digital steganography is one of the important components in the toolboxes of spies and
malicious hackers, as well as human rights activists and political dissidents.
“Steganography by definition is the hiding of one file within another,” says Ira Winkler, lead security
principal at Trustwave.
Historical Background
Steganography is the practice of concealing a secret message behind a normal message. It stems from two
Greek words, which are steganos, means covered and graphia, means writing. Steganography is an ancient
practice, being practiced in various forms for thousands of years to keep communications private. For Example:
The first use of steganography can be traced back to 440 BC when ancient Greece, people wrote
messages on wood and covered it with wax, that acted as a covering medium
Romans used various forms of Invisible Inks, to decipher those hidden messages light or heat were used
During World War II the Germans introduced microdots, which were complete documents, pictures, and
plans reduced in size to the size of a dot and were attached to normal paperwork
Null Ciphers were also used to hide unencrypted secret messages in an innocent looking normal
Now, we have a lot of modern steganographic techniques and tools to make sure that knows our data remains
secret. Now you might be wondering if steganography is same as cryptography. No, they are two different
For instance, in an image file each pixel is comprised of three bytes of data corresponding to the colors red,
green, and blue (some image formats allocate an additional fourth byte to transparency, or ‘alpha’).
LSB steganography changes the last bit of each of those bytes to hide one bit of data. So, to hide one
megabyte of data using this method, you’ll need an eight-megabyte image file.
Since modifying the last bit of the pixel value doesn’t result in a visually perceptible change to the picture, a
person viewing the original and the steganographically modified images won’t be able to tell the difference.
The same scheme can be applied to other digital media (audio and video), where data is hidden in parts of the
file that result in the least change to the audible or visual output.
There are other types of steganography, such as hiding an entire partition on a hard drive, or embedding data
in the header section of files and network packets. The effectiveness of these methods depends on how much
data they can hide and how easy they are to detect.
Depending on the nature of the cover object(actual object in which secret data is embedded), steganography can
be divided into five types:
1. Text Steganography
2. Image Steganography
3. Video Steganography
4. Network Steganography
5. Audio Steganography
Text Steganography
Text Steganography is hiding information inside the text files. It involves things like changing the
format of existing text, changing words within a text, generating random character sequences or using
context-free grammars to generate readable texts. Various techniques used to hide the data in the
text are:
Image Steganography
Hiding the data by taking the cover object as the image is known as image steganography. In digital
steganography, images are widely used cover source because there are a huge number of bits
present in the digital representation of an image. There are a lot of ways to hide information inside an
image. Common approaches include:
Video Steganography
In Video Steganography you can hide kind of data into digital video format. The advantage of this
type is a large amount of data can be hidden inside and the fact that it is a moving stream of images
and sounds. You can think of this as the combination of Image Steganography and Audio
Steganography. Two main classes of Video Steganography include:
It is the technique of embedding information within network control protocols used in data
transmission such TCP, UDP, ICMP etc. You can use steganography in some covert channels that
you can find in the OSI model. For Example, you can hide information in the header of a
TCP/IP packet in some fields that are either optional.
In today’s digitalized world, various software tools are available for Steganography. In the remainder
of this Steganography Tutorial, we will explore some of the popular steganographic tools and their
What is Audio Steganography?
In audio steganography, the secret message is embedded into an audio signal which alters the binary sequence
of the corresponding audio file. Hiding secret messages in digital sound is a much more difficult process when
compared to others, such as Image Steganography. Different methods of audio steganography include:
This method hides the data in WAV, AU, and even MP3 sound files.
Audio steganography is an approach of hiding information within an audio signal. As data is embedded in the
signal, it gets changed. This modification should be create indistinguishable to the human ear.
Image can also be taken as a medium but audio steganography is more impressive because of the features of
Human Auditory System (HAS) like large power, powerful range of hearing and high range of audible
Cryptography includes the encryption of message. It creates no attempt to conceal the encrypted message. In
steganography, the original message is not changed but the very continuation is secret from the intruder by
embedding the message in the selected medium.
An audio environment is decided by two considerations such as first, its digital description and second, its
transmission media. Digital audio files have two main characteristics which are as follows:
Sample quantisation rate − This is a 16-bit linear quantisation and defines highquality digital audio,
including those utilized by WAV files.
Temporal sampling rate − This can establish an upper bound on the usable area of the frequency range.
The well-known ones contains 8 kHz, 9.6 kHz and so on, up to 44.1 kHz.
In audio steganography, secret message is installed into digitized audio signal which result offend altering of
binary series of the matching audio file. There are several methods are available for audio steganography which
are as follows –
1. Low-bit encoding
2. Phase coding
3. Spread spectrum
4. Echo data hiding
Low-bit encoding − Binary information can be saved in the Least Significant Bits of the sound files (same to
the image files). For instance, channel capacity is 1kb per second per Hz. Thus, if it can have an 8kHz sequence,
the capacity is 8kbps.
This method present audible noise. This has very low immunity to manipulation. Factors such as resampling
and channel noise can simply damage the signal.
However, if the amplitude is slightly altered, such that it does not create some perceptible difference, the
implementation provides high robustness to MPEG compression and some other forms of signal manipulation
such as filtering, resampling and re-quantization.
Phase coding − This works by substituting the procedure of an audio segment with a reference procedure that
defines data. Therefore, the original sound sequence is divided up into a sequence of N short segments.
A DFT (discrete Fourier Transform) is used to each segment and the phase difference is computed. There are
new phase frames are generated for all segments. The phase and original magnitude are connected to make a
new segment.
All new segments are link for the appropriated encoded output. At the receiver end, the segment length and
DFT are called and the values are copied.
Spread spectrum − The encoded information is spread as much as applicable over the frequency spectrum. In
Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum, the signal is spread by multiplying it by a specific maximal length
pseudorandom sequence, known as chip.
The sampling cost for the host signal is used as the chip cost for coding. The start and end quanta for the
procedure locking goals is taken responsibility of by the discrete, sampled characteristics of the host signal.
A higher chip cost leads to larger amount of related information. The only negative factor is random noise,
introduced by the DSSS.
Echo data hiding − Echo data hiding embeds information into a signal by utilizing an echo. The data is hidden
by varying three domains of the echo such as original amplitude, decay cost and offset or delay.
As the offset improves, the siganl and its echo blend. At a specific point, the human ear cannot categorize
between the two and the echo is heard as extra resonance.
By utilizing two different delay times, both below the human audible level, and it can encode a binary one or
The signal is divided into smaller bits, each of which is echoed to encode the desired bit. The last echoed signal
is a recombination of all independent echoed areas. This signal operate exceptionally well and is the strongest
code to date between audio files.
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