Trafo Spare Updated
Trafo Spare Updated
Trafo Spare Updated
Local and remote winding temperature indicators with alarm and trip
contacts and maximum reading pointer
Oil temperature indictor with alarm and trip contacts and maximum
reading pointer
Magnetic oil level gauge with low oil level alarm contacts 1 No.
N.B.: -
(a) The Supplier shall ensure that sufficient spare parts and consumable items are available
for his own use during commissioning of the transformer. The spares, provided with the
transformer shall not be used by the supplier without the written consent of the Purchaser
and any spares, used during the commissioning of the transformer shall be replaced by the
supplier at his own expense.
(b) The Supplier shall provide a list in the schedule, of additional recommended spare parts
together with their individual prices. The Purchaser may order at a later date, at a price,
indicated on the schedule, such additional spare parts, listed at the time of contract award.
(c) Spares shall be available during the life of the equipment and the Supplier shall give 12
months notice of his or any Sub-Suppliers, intention to cease manufacture of any component
used in the equipment.
(d) Any spare apparatus, parts and tools shall be subject to the same Specification, tests
and conditions as similar material, supplied under this contract. They shall be strictly
interchangeable and suitable for use in place of the corresponding parts, supplied with the
transformer and must be suitably marked and numbered for identification and prepared for
storage by greasing and painting to prevent deterioration.
(e) All spare apparatus or materials, containing electrical insulation shall be packed and
delivered in cases, suitable for storing such parts or material over a period of years without
deterioration. Such cases shall have to be affixed to both the underside and topside of the lid
a list detailing its contents. The case will remain as the property of the Purchaser.