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BSC Ie Complete Planmodules Updated

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German Jordanian University

School of Applied Technical Sciences

Department of Industrial Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Industrial


Study Plan


I. Program Objectives
Industrial Engineering (IE) educational program emphasizes the application of technologies
and tools in the short term, and the ability to discover, acquire, and adapt new knowledge and
skills in the long term, such that our graduates are prepared:

i. To define, analyze, and solve complex problems within and between enterprises.
ii. To discover, understand, and incorporate appropriate new technologies in the design and
operation of enterprises.
iii. To lead/ manage design, development, and improvement efforts that benefit customers,
employees, and stakeholders.
iv. To function in culturally diverse teams, communicate in a professional manner, and uphold the
ethical standards of the engineering profession.
II. Learning Outcomes
IE Graduating baccalaureate students will possess an understanding of fundamental industrial
engineering and management concepts, methodologies, and technologies as demonstrated by:
a) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, probability and statistics, science, engineering, and
engineering economics.
b) An ability to design and conduct experiments involving risk and uncertainty, as well as to analyze
and interpret data.
c) An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs.
d) An ability to function on culturally diverse, multi-disciplinary teams.
e) An ability to identify, to formulate, and to solve engineering problems involving physical, human,
and economic parameters.
f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g) An ability to communicate effectively.
h) An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for industrial
engineering and management practice.
III. Assessment of Learning Outcome
The above outcomes can be assessed as follows:
− Outcome a includes understanding fundamental mathematics, probability and statistics, physics,
engineering science, engineering management, and engineering economics. Performance of
this outcome is achieved when students show their knowledge of relevant concepts, and build
and execute appropriate models. Student achievement of this learning outcome is assessed by
passing exams set for the classes in the above fields, performing capstone projects in these
fields and by self-evaluation of the classes offered.
− Outcome b includes understanding fundamental design of experiments, which includes factor
selection, randomization techniques and fundamental designs, graphical and statistical
analysis, and interpretation of the results. Performance of this outcome is achieved when
students show their knowledge of relevant concepts, and build, execute and analyze data from
appropriate models. Student achievement of this learning outcome is assessed by passing
exams set for the classes in the above fields, performing capstone projects in these fields and
by self-evaluation of the classes offered.
− Outcome c includes successfully integrating awareness, analysis, and synthesis to identify, assess,
and address a well-defined problem and/or opportunity need. Performance of this outcome is
achieved when students show their understanding of design context and system design
process, and show their ability in executing the system design process and explaining the
results. Student achievement of this learning outcome is assessed by performing capstone
projects in these areas and by surveys from industries regarding graduate students
− Outcome d includes effective teamwork in assigned projects regardless of the composition,
background, or characteristics of the assigned team members. Performance of this outcome is
achieved when students show appreciation to the value of member’s contribution to team
success, understanding the team roles, and ability to take responsibility. Student achievement
of this learning outcome is assessed by successfully participating in various teams while
attending applied classes and by surveys from industries regarding graduate students
− Outcome e includes successfully integrating awareness, analysis, and synthesis to address an open
ended problem and/or opportunity (having physical, human and economic parameters) within
an enterprise. Performance of this outcome is achieved when students show their
understanding of design context and system design process, and show the ability to execute the
system design process, and explain the results. Student achievement of this learning outcome
is assessed by performing capstone projects in these areas and by surveys from industries
regarding graduate students performance.
− Outcome f includes an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility in the conduct of
relationships with peers, faculty, and clients. Performance of this outcome is achieved when
students show awareness of professional ethics, understanding context, and ability to discern
impact. Student achievement of this learning outcome is assessed by reviews and assessment
from professors and by surveys from industries regarding graduate students performance.
− Outcome g includes an ability to produce effective oral, written, and graphical communications.
Performance of this outcome is achieved when students show their ability to determine
appropriate content, appropriately organize material for audience, and appropriately use style/
mechanics and exhibit professionalism in speech. Student achievement of this learning
outcome is assessed by reviewing project reports, project presentation and by reviewing exit
(graduating) surveys from student.
− Outcome h includes an awareness, analysis, and synthesis of contemporary industrial engineering
and management tools in the context of addressing a problem or opportunity. Performance of
this outcome is achieved when students show awareness of IE techniques, skill sets and tools,
understanding of problem context and opportunities, ability to apply appropriate techniques,
skills and tools, and ability to interpret results. Student achievement of this learning outcome
is assessed by instructor evaluation and by student self-assessment of their engineering
IV. Framework for B.Sc. Degree (Semester Credits)
Credit Hours ECTS
Compulsory Elective Total Compulsory Elective Total
University Requirements 21 6 27 31 6 37
School Requirements 43 - 43 72 - 72
Program Requirements 87 12 99 171 20 191
Total 151 18 169 274 26 300

1. University Requirements: (27 credit hours)

1.1. Compulsory: (21 credit hours)

Credit Contact Hours

Module ID Module Title ECTS Prerequisite
Hours Lecture Lab
ARB099 Arabic 99a 0 0 3 - -
ARB100 Arabic 3 3 3 - ARB099
ENGL098 English Ia 0 0 3 - -
ENGL099 English IIa 0 0 3 - ENGL098
ENGL101 English III 1 3 3 - ENGL099
ENGL102 English IV 1 3 3 - ENGL101
ENGL201 English V 2 3 3 - ENGL102
ENGL202 English VI 2 3 3 - ENGL201
GERL101 German I 3 6 9 - -
GERL102 German II 3 6 9 - GERL101
MILS100 Military Science 3 2 3 - -
NE101 National Education 3 2 3 - -
Total 21 31 48 -

1.2. Elective: (6 Credit Hours) (two modules out of the following)

Credit Contact Hours
Module ID Module Title ECTS Prerequisite
Hours Lecture Lab
BE302 Business Entrepreneurship 3 3 3 3 ENGL101:English III
DES101 Arts' Appreciation 3 3 3 - ENGL101:English III,
ARB099:Arabic 99
EI101 Leadership and Emotional 3 3 3 - ENGL101:English III
IC101 Intercultural Communications 3 3 3 - ENGL101:English III
PE101 Sports and Health 3 3 3 - ARB099:Arabic 99
SE301 Social Entrepreneurship and 3 3 3 - ENGL101:English III
SFTS101 Soft Skills 3 3 3 - ENGL101:English III
TW303 Technical and Workplace Writing 3 3 3 3 ENGL102:English IV
Total 6 6 6 -

2. School Requirements: (43 Credit Hours)

Not required for students who pass placement test.
Credit Contact Hours
Module ID Module Title ECTS Prerequisite
Hours Lecture Lab
IE0121 Probability and Statistics 3 5 3 - MATH101
IE0141 Engineering Workshop 1 2 - 3 -
IE0281 Technical Writing and 2 3 2 -
Engineering Ethics
IE0361 Engineering Economics 3 5 3 - IE0121
ME0111 Computer Aided 2 4 - 6
Engineering Drawing
CHEM103 General Chemistry 3 5 3 - -
CS116 Computing Fundamentals 3 6 3 - -
CS1160 Computing Fundamentals 1 0 - 3
Coreq: CS116
GERL201 German III 3 4 6 - GERL102
GERL202 German Language IV 3 6 6 - GERL201
MATH099 Pre-MATHa 0 0 3 - -
MATH101 Calculus I 3 5 3 - MATH099
MATH102 Calculus II 3 5 3 - MATH101
MATH203 Applied Mathematics for 3 5 3 -
MATH205 Differential Equations 3 5 3 - MATH102
PHYS103 Physics I 3 5 3 - -
PHYS104 Physics II 3 5 3 - PHYS103
PHYS106 General Physics Lab 1 2 - 3 PHYS103, Coreq:
Total 43 72 47 15
3. Program Requirements (99 credit hours)

3.1. Program Requirements (Compulsory): (87 credit hours)

Credit Contact Hours

Module ID Module Title ECTS Prerequisite
Hours Lecture Lab
IE0111 Introduction to IE 1 2 1 - -
MATH102, CS116,
IE0222 Computer Aided MATH For IE 2 4 - 6
IE0223 Applied Statistics 3 5 3 - IE0121, IE0222
IE0231 Operations Research 4 6 3 3 MATH203, CS116
IE0232 Operations Research Lab 0 0 - 3 Co-requisite IE0231
Materials Science and
IE0242 3 5 3 - IE0141, CHEM103
Materials Science and
IE0243 1 2 - 3 IE0242, MECH0216
Engineering Lab
Work Measurement and
IE0251 3 5 2 3 IE0121
Work Measurement and
IE0252 0 0 - 3 Co-requisite IE0251
Standards Lab.
IE0312 Simulation 3 5 2 3 IE0223
IE0313 Simulation Lab 0 0 - 3 Co-requisite IE0312
IE0314 Production Planning 3 5 3 - IE0312, IE0223, IE0231
IE0324 Quality Engineering 4 6 3 3 IE0223
IE0325 Quality Engineering Lab 0 0 - 3 Co-requisite IE0324
IE0344 Manufacturing Processes 4 6 3 3 IE0242
IE0345 Manufacturing Processes Lab 0 0 - 3 Co-requisite IE0344
IE0353 Ergonomics 3 5 2 3 IE0251, IE0223
IE0354 Ergonomics Lab. 0 0 - 3 Co-requisite IE0353
IE0382 Field Training 0 6 - 160HR DEP. APPROV.
IE0483 International Internship 12 30 - IE0382, DEP. APPROV.
Product Development and
IE0515 3 6 3 - IE0314
IE0516 Facility and Asset Management 3 6 3 - IE0314
Data Analytics for Industrial
IE0526 3 6 3 - IE0222, IE0223, IE0231
IE0533 Supply Chain Engineering 3 5 3 - IE0231, IE0314
Modern Manufacturing
IE0546 3 6 2 3 IE0344
Modern Manufacturing
IE0547 0 0 - 3 Co-requisite IE0546
Technology Lab.
IE0562 Industrial Cost analysis 3 6 3 - IE0361
IE0584 Graduation Project I 1 2 - 3 IE0483, MIN 132 CH
IE0585 Graduation Project II 3 6 - 9 IE0584
Industrial Systems Integration
IE0586 1 4 - 3 IE0483, MIN 132 CH
Capstone project.
ME0212 Electrical Circuits and Machines 3 5 3 - PHYS104
Instrumentation and
ME0346 2 5 2 - MATH205, ME0212
Instrumentation and
ME0347 1 0 - 3 Co-requisite ME0346
Measurements Lab
ME0212, IE0314,
ME0577 Automation and Industry 4.0 3 5 2 3
ME0578 Automation and Industry 4.0 Lab 0 0 - 3 Co-requisite: ME0577
MECH0216 Statics and Strength of Materials 3 5 3 - PHYS103, MATH102
GERL301 German Language V 3 6 9 - GERL202
GERL302 German VI 3 6 9 - GERL301
Total 87 171 70 51

3.2. Program Requirements (Electivesb): (12 credit hours / 20 ECTS)

A minimum of 12 credit hours of engineering coursework are required. This list is subject to modification
based on School Council decisions prior to registration.

Credit Contact Hours

Module ID Module Title ECTS Lecture Lab Prerequisite
IE0401 Engineering Project Management 3 5 3 - IE0231, IE0361
IE0402 Reliability and Maintainability 3 5 3 DEPT. APPROV.
IE0403 Special Topics in Statistics and 3 5 3 -
Quality Engineering
IE0404 Special Topics in Manufacturing 3 5 3 -
processes and Engineering DEPT. APPROV.
IE0405 Multi-Criteria Decision Making 3 5 3 - DEPT. APPROV.
IE0406 Special Topics in Optimization and 3 5 3 -
IE0407 Nonlinear Programming 3 5 3 - DEPT. APPROV.
IE0408 Design of Industrial Information 3 5 3 -
IE0409 Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks 3 5 3 - DEPT. APPROV.
IE0410 Special Topics in Informatics 3 5 3 - DEPT. APPROV.
IE0411 Occupational Health and Safety 3 5 3 - DEPT. APPROV.
IE0412 Special Topics in Ergonomics 3 5 3 - DEPT. APPROV.
IE0413 Advanced Engineering Economics 3 5 3 - DEPT. APPROV.
IE0414 Special Topics in Engineering 3 5 3 -
Economics and Finance
IE0417 Business and Labor Law 3 5 3 DEPT. APPROV.
IE0419 Strategic Planning 3 5 3 DEPT. APPROV.
IE0420 Lean Manufacturing 3 5 3 - DEPT. APPROV.
IE0421 Special Topics in Operations 3 5 3 -
Management and Managerial DEPT. APPROV.
IE0422 Special Topics in IE I 1 - 1 - DEPT. APPROV.
IE0423 Special Topics in IE II 2 - 2 - DEPT. APPROV.
IE0424 Special topics in IE 3 5 3 - DEPT. APPROV.
IE0483 International Internship is prerequisite to all elective courses if registered in Jordan.
IE0425 Applied Project 3 5 3 - DEPT. APPROV.
MGT314 Human Resource Management 3 5 3 - DEPT. APPROV.
MGT418 Quality Management 3 5 3 - DEPT. APPROV.
MGT493 Leadership 3 5 3 - DEPT. APPROV.
V. Study Planc Guide for the Bachelor Degree in Industrial
First Year
First Semester
Module ID Module Title CH ECTS Prerequisites Co-requisites
PHYS103 Physics I 3 5 - -
CHEM103 General Chemistry 3 5 - -
CS116 Computing Fundamentals 3 6 - -
CS1160 Computing Fundamentals Lab 1 0 - CS116
ENGL101 English III 1 3 ENGL099 -
GERL101 German I 3 6 - -
MATH101 Calculus I 3 5 MATH099 -
Total 17 30

First Year
Second Semester
Module ID Module Title CH ECTS Prerequisites Co-requisites
IE0111 Introduction to IE 1 2 - -
IE0121 Probability and Statistics 3 5 MATH101 -
IE0141 Engineering Workshop 1 2 - -
ENGL102 English IV 1 3 ENGL101 -
GERL102 German II 3 6 GERL101 -
MATH102 Calculus II 3 5 MATH101 -
PHYS104 Physics II 3 5 PHYS103 -
PHYS106 General Physics Lab 1 2 PHYS103 PHYS104
Total 16 30

The following study plan guide assumes having passed all placement tests.
Second Year
First Semester
Module ID Module Title CH ECTS Prerequisites Co-requisites
IE0222 Computer Aided MATH For IE MATH102, CS116, -
2 4
IE0242 Materials Science and engineering 3 5 IE0141, CHEM103 -
ME0212 Electrical Circuits and Machines 3 5 PHYS104 -
MECH0216 Statics and strength of materials PHYS103, -
3 5
ENGL201 English V 2 3 ENGL102 -
GERL201 German III 3 4 GERL102 -
MATH203 Applied Math for Engineers 3 5 MATH102 -
Total 19 31

Second Year
Second Semester
Module ID Module Title CH ECTS Prerequisites Co-requisites
IE0223 Applied Statistics 3 5 IE0121, IE0222 -
IE0231 Operations Research 4 6 MATH203, CS116 -
IE0232 Operations Research Lab 0 0 - IE231
IE0243 Materials science and engineering Lab 1 2 IE0242, -
IE0251 Work Measurements and Standards 3 5 IE0121 -
IE0252 Work Measurements and Standards Lab 0 0 - IE0251
GERL202 German IV 3 6 GERL201 -
MATH205 Differential Equations 3 5 MATH102 -
Total 17 29
Third Year
First Semester
Module ID Module Title CH ECTS Prerequisites Co-requisites
IE0281 Technical Writing and Engineering Ethics 2 3 ENGL201 -
IE0312 Simulation 3 5 IE0223 -
IE0313 Simulation Lab 0 0 - IE0312
IE0324 Quality Engineering 4 6 IE0223 -
IE0325 Quality Engineering Lab 0 0 - IE0324
Instrumentation and Measurements MATH205, -
ME0346 2 3
ME0347 Instrumentation and Measurements Lab 1 2 - ME0346
MILS100 Military Science 3 2 - -
ENGL202 English VI 2 3 ENGL201 -
GERL301 German V 3 6 GERL202 -
Total 20 30

Third Year
Second Semester
Module ID Module Title CH ECTS Prerequisites Co-requisites
IE0314 Production Planning IE0231, IE0312, -
3 5
IE0344 Manufacturing Processes 4 6 IE0242 -
IE0345 Manufacturing Processes I Lab 0 0 - IE0344
IE0353 Ergonomics 3 5 IE0251, IE0223 -
IE0354 Ergonomics Lab 0 0 - IE0353
IE0382 Field Training 0 6 - -
GERL302 German VI 3 6 GERL301 -
NE101 National Education 3 2 - -
Total 16 30
Fourth Year
First Semester
Module ID Module Title CH ECTS Prerequisites Co-requisites
IE0361 Engineering Economics 3 5 IE0121 -
IE0533 Supply Chain Engineering 3 5 IE0231, IE0314 -
- Technical Elective 3 5 - -
- Technical Elective 3 5 - -
- Technical Elective 3 5 - -
- Technical Elective 3 5 - -
Total 18 30

Fourth Year
Second Semester
Module ID Module Title CH ECTS Prerequisites Co-requisites
IE0382, DEP.
IE0483 International Internshipd 12 30
Total 12 30

German Year prerequisites are:

1. All regulations related to the “German Year” set by the University
2. Passing four out of the five following modules:
 IE0231 Operations Research
 IE0251 Work Measurement and Standards
 IE0324 Quality Engineering
 IE0344 Manufacturing Processes
 IE0314 Production Planning

Modules attended and/or passed during International Training are not transferable.
Fifth Year
First Semester
Module ID Module Title CH ECTS Prerequisites Co-requisites
IE0516 Facility and Asset Management 3 6 IE0314 -
IE0562 Industrial Cost Analysis 3 6 IE0361 -
IE0483, MIN
IE0584 Graduation Project I 1 2 -
132 CH
ME0111 Computer Aided Engineering Drawing 2 4 CS116 -
ME0212, IE0314,
ME0577 Automation and Industry 4.0 3 5 -
ME0578 Automation and Industry 4.0 Lab 0 0 - ME0577
ARB100 Arabic 3 3 ARB99 -
- University Elective 3 3 - -
Total 18 29

Fifth Year
Second Semester
Module ID Module Title
CH ECTS Prerequisites Co-requisites
IE0515 Product Development and Entrepreneurship 3 6 IE0314 -
IE0526 IE0222, IE0223, -
Data Analytics for Industrial Engineering 3 6
IE0546 Modern Manufacturing Technology 3 6 IE0344 -
IE0547 Modern Manufacturing Technology Lab 0 0 - IE0546
IE0585 Graduation Project II 3 6 IE0584 -
IE0586 Industrial Systems Integration Capstone 1 4 IE0483, min. -
Project. 132 CH
- University Elective 3 3 - -
Total 16 31
VI. Module Descriptions

Module Title Module Code

Introduction to Industrial Engineering IE0111

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 1 Semester Hours 1

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 60
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 2
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

40% Two group projects (20% each)
10% Participation
10% Technical report
40% Final Exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dr. Lena Abu-El-Haija
Dr. Safwan Altarazi
Dr. Laith AbuHilal

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Introduction to Industrial
Engineering Face-to-face; blended learning 15 45

Duration of Study:
One semester

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures: 15 weeks*1 hour = 15 hours;
 Group projects preparation: 25 hours;
 Term paper and presentation preparation: 15 hours;
 Preparation for final exam: 5 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Understand the engineering discipline and distinguish between industrial engineering and other
engineering fields.
 Identify the different disciplines and educational fields within industrial engineering.
 Know possible career paths after graduation.
 Understand the details accompanied with choosing the workforce after graduation.
 Understand the components within graduate school in industrial engineering and the potential career in
further education.
 Practice moral judgment in conditions of dilemma.

Module Contents:
The module is designed to familiarize first year industrial engineering students with the definition, need, scope,
evolution and developments of industrial engineering. The different disciplines in industrial engineering including:
systems optimization, variability in systems, production systems, industrial automation, manufacturing processes,
operations management, and ergonomics. In addition, the course presents various guest speakers from different
IE fields and industries to open up the door for possibilities.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Handouts on IE terminology and summaries of IE fields;
 Guest speakers with Q/A session;
 Group discussions on the possible routes the students can take within IE;
 Guidance to what an IE needs to consider when dealing with a project.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Fraser, J. M. (2019). Introduction to Industrial Engineering. Retrieved from
 Salvendy, G. (2001). Handbook of Industrial Engineering: Technology and Operations Management (3rd
Edition). Wiley;
 Darwish, H., & Van Dyk, L. (2016). The Industrial Engineering Identity: From Historic Skills to Modern
Values, Duties, and Roles. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 27(3), 50-63.

Usability of the Module:

This module introduces the IE field in practice for students to plan their careers.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:


Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Probability and Statistics IE0121

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 1 Semester Hours 3

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 150
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 5
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

5% Attendance and Participation
10% Quizzes
15% Case exercise
30% Midterm exam
40% Final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Eng. Sarah Qareish
Eng. Dina Elyan
Eng. Emad Alzu’bi
Eng. Abdallah Albashir
Dr. Abdallah Abdallah
Dr. Saleem Ramadan
Dr. Lena Abu-El-Haija
Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Probability and Statistics Face-to-face; blended learning 45 105

Duration of Study:
One Semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures: 15 weeks*3 hours= 45 hours;
 Preparation of midterm exam: 20 hours;
 Preparation of final exam: 30 hours;
 Preparation of case exercise: 20 hours;
 Preparation of quizzes: 20 hours;
 Self-study: 15 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Compute and interpret descriptive statistics using numerical and graphical techniques.
 Classify and distinguish between a qualitative variable, discrete quantitative or continuous quantitative
variable for analysis.
 Successfully select appropriate basic counting techniques (multiplication rule, combinations,
permutations) to count the number of possible outcomes of an experiment or specific events.
 Compute probability of an event and utilize the complement, addition and multiplication rules of
 Interpret problems that include conditional probability and determine if involved events are independent.
 Construct probability distributions and cumulative probability distributions for discrete, continuous and
jointly distributed variables, find their expected values and variances and explain their values.
 Identify different types of discrete and continuous distributions based on their properties.
 Construct confidence intervals on the mean, variance and standard deviation of a normal distribution.

Module Contents:
 Uncertainty and variation in experiments;
 Random sampling, data collection, descriptive statistics and graphical presentation of collected data,
using; stem-and-leaf plots, box plots and histograms;
 Basic principles of sample spaces, probability, conditional probability, independence, random variables,
discrete and continuous probability distributions, expected values and variances, joint probability
 Applications of specific distributions in real-life scientific and engineering studies;
 Different types of confidence intervals for single samples of a normal distribution or approximately

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures to present course contents through oral and multimedia presentations and solved examples;
 Seminars to present problems and solve them interactively with students;
 Practical tutorial sessions where students solve problems separately or in groups, either by hand or
using MS Excel.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Walpole, R. E., Myers, R. H., Ye, K., and Myers, S. L. (2016). Probability and Statistics for Engineers
and Scientists (9th edition). Pearson, ISBN 13: 978-0-321-62911-1;
 Montgomery, D. C. and Runger, G. C. (2018). Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers (7th
edition). Wiley, ISBN 13: 978-1-119-40036-3;
 Ross, S. M. (2020). Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists (6th edition).
Academic Press, ISBN 13: 978-0128243466.

Usability of the Module:

This module lays a probability and statistics foundation that is used in many other courses that the student can
utilize and build on, and it is a required module for the Bachelors of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical
Engineering, and Mechatronics Engineering and Artificial Intelligence. It is a prerequisite module for the modules
IE0222: Computer Aided Math for IE, IE0223: Applied Statistics, IE0251: Work Measurements and Standards,
IE0361: Engineering Economics, and MECH0551: Reliability and Quality Control

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

MATH101: Calculus I (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:
English with occasional Arabic explanations.

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Engineering Workshop IE0141

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 1 Semester Hours 2.6

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 60
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 2
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

20% Reports and Exercises
40% Practical Sessions
40% Final Exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Eng. Abdallah Albashir

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Engineering Workshop Face-to-face 39 21

Duration of Study:
One semester

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time lectures and training sessions: 13 weeks*3 hours = 39 hours;
 Prelab preparation: 12 hours;
 Preparation for lab exam: 9 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Understand and follow workshop safety guidelines.
 Describe machines used in the manufacturing and production processes.
 Understand the basic function of a workshop.
 Apply simple concepts and perform basic tasks in each of the following areas: engineering
measurement, welding, machining, sheet metal forming, electrical and plumbing maintenance.

Module Contents:
 General safety in the workshop;
 Engineering materials and their classifications;
 Measuring devices and their accuracy;
 Theoretical background and practical exercises covering the following topics: carpentry, welding,
mechanical fasteners, drilling, metal cutting, sheet-metal working, maintaining electrical and plumbing

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures with intensive discussions;
 Practical workshop sessions.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Engineering Workshop Handout (School of Applied Technical Sciences, German Jordanian University).

Usability of the Module:

This module is a fundamental course for engineering students in the disciplines of Industrial Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics Engineering and Artificial Intelligence. It is a pre-requisite for the
modules IE0242: Materials Science and Engineering and IE0348: Materials and Manufacturing Engineering.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:


Language of Instruction:
English; whenever required some explanation may be given in the Arabic language

Recommended Optional Programme Components:


Module Title Module Code

Computer Aided MATH For IE  IE0222

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 2 Semester Hours 2

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 120
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 4
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

20% Midterm exam
20% In-class exercises
20% Project
40% Final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dr. Nidal Alshawawreh
Dr. Saleem Ramadan
Dr. Mohammad AbuShams

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Computer Aided MATH For IE Face-to-face; blended learning 30 90

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures: 15 weeks*2 hours = 30 hours;
 Exercises and self-reading at home: 30 hours;
 Preparation of project: 30 hours;
 Preparation for exams: 30 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Successfully install and use various programming software such as R, PYTHON and/or equivalent to
solve statistical and mathematical problems.
 Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental concepts and principles of programming for effective
data analytics.
 Understand basic concepts such as data types and how to manipulate, read, write and manage data in
 Design and examine important mathematical and numerical concepts through hand-on coding.
 Demonstrate use of control structures, loop functions, and debugging tools.
 Construct tables, figures, and graphs to depict the analysed data.

Module Contents:
This module provides an introduction to open source programming language used in the industry. The module
gives the students an insight on generic programming language concepts and their application on data analytics
and conducting mathematical calculations. The programming methods learned in this course will be easily
transferred to other programming languages. Students will be familiar with software such as R or Python to
provide them with the skill of utilizing different libraries. The module will teach students to use the programming
language to perform mathematical operations on various types of data. The module also introduces the
production of different charts to represent the data in curves, scatter plots, or histograms.
Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:
 Lectures to present concepts theoretically and through examples;
 In-class self-work problems and exercises;
 Interactive sessions in computer labs;
 Project designed to demonstrate skills taught;
 Computer software implementation.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 E. Matthes, (2019). Python Crash Course. A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming (2nd
Edition). No Starch Press.
 W. Mckinney, (2017). Python for Data Analysis: Data Wrangling with Pandas, NumPy, and IPython (2nd
Edition), O'Reilly Media.
 Wickham, H. and Grolemund, G. (2017). R for Data Science: Import, Tidy, Transform, Visualize, and
Model Data (1st Edition). O’Reilly Media.

Usability of the Module:

This module is a compulsory module for Industrial Engineering. This a prerequisite module for the modules
Applied Statistics (IE0223) and Industrial Cost Analysis (IE0526).

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

 MATH102: Calculus II (prerequisite)
 CS116: Computing Fundamentals (prerequisite)
 IE0121: Probability and Statistics (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Applied Statistics  IE0223

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 2 Semester Hours 3

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 150
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 5
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

10% In Class Work
10% Term Project
40% Two midterm exams
40% Final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dr. Rula Allaf
Dr. Murad Samhouri
Dr. Saleem Ramadan
Dr. Abdullah Abdullah
Prof. Safwan Altarazi

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Applied Statistics Face-to-face; blended learning 45 105

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures: 15 weeks*3 hours = 45 hours;
 Preparation of term project: 25 hours;
 Preparation for theory exams: 30 hours;
 Preparation for final exam: 20 hours;
 Self-study: 30 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Recall how to present statistical data graphically and by descriptive statistics.
 Apply and Evaluate estimation principles including confidence intervals and point estimates for
estimating a population mean, estimating the parameter of a binomial distribution, estimating the
difference between two means, estimating the difference between two binomial parameters, population
variances, two population variances, and choosing the sample size.
 Apply and Evaluate sample tests of hypothesis including elements of a hypothesis test, type I and II
errors, and using p values to indicate significance tests for population proportion, difference between two
population proportions, population mean, difference between two means, paired differences, population
variances, and two population variances.
 Apply and Analyse the principles of simple and multiple linear regression and correlation, including least
square method and predict a particular value of y for a given value(s) of x and significance of the
correlation coefficient.
 Make use of statistical software such as Minitab and programming language such as R to solve
statistical problems.
 Design experiments for the process of random sampling in real life applications.
 Assess the test of equality of two or more means using ANOVA for real life examples.
 Apply the appropriate non-parametric statistical method to solve statistical problems in real applications.
Module Content:
Students learn statistical inference for two samples, simple and multiple linear regression analyses, analysis of
variances (ANOVA), and design of experiment for single and several factors, and non-parametric statistics.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures to present concepts theoretically and through examples;
 IE problems that are discussed and solved in lectures;
 Self-work problems in class supervised with the instructor;
 Group-based term projects;
 Teams presentations for term projects.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Walpole, R. E., Myers, R. H., Ye, K., and Myers, S. L. (2016). Probability and Statistics for Engineers
and Scientists (9th edition). Pearson, ISBN 13: 978-0-321-62911-1;
 Montgomery, D. C. and Runger, G. C. (2018). Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers (7th
edition). Wiley, ISBN-13: 978-1-119-40036-3;
 Montgomery, D. C. (2020). Design and Analysis of Experiments (10th Edition). Wiley, ISBN-13: 978-

Usability of Module:
This module lays a statistical foundation for the modules IE0312: Simulation, IE314: Production Planning, IE0324:
Quality Engineering, IE0353: Ergonomics, and IE0526: Data Analytics for Industrial Engineering.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

 IE0121: Probability and Statistics (prerequisite)
 IE0222: Computer Aided Math in IE (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:
English with occasional explanations in Arabic.

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Course Code

Operations Research IE0231

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 3 Semester Hours 5.6

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 180
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 6
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

5% Quizzes
30% Two midterm exams
15% Lab assignments
10% Lab assessment
40% Theory final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dr. Lena Abu-El-Haija
Dr. Mahmoud El-Banna
Prof. Raid Al-Aomar

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Operations Research Face-to-face; blended learning 45 71
Operations Research Lab Face-to-face; blended learning 39 25

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures: 45 hours;
 Presence time in labs: 39 hours;
 Prelab preparation: 10 hours;
 Self-study for module: 21 hours;
 Preparation for midterm exams: 30 hours;
 Preparation for lab assessment: 15 hours;
 Preparation for final exam: 20 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Define and distinguish operations research (OR) model elements: decision variables, objective function,
and constraints, and comprehend the linearity, feasibility, and optimality concepts.
 Formulate a problem description into a linear program for basic production planning problems.
 Graph and solve graphically two-dimensional problems.
 Solve using Simplex method small linear programming models.
 Apply the concepts of duality theory and sensitivity analysis to post optimally evaluate OR models.
 Formulate popular OR problems and their variations such as Transportation, Assignment, Traveling
Salesman, Max-Flow, and Set Covering into linear and mixed-integer programming models.
 Successfully use a programming language such as Python or CPLEX to solve linear programs.
Course Contents:
Students learn principles of linear programming as well as modelling techniques of simple production problems,
network problems, and binary integer problems. Students learn solving models graphically for a two-dimensional
model, using Simplex Method for more than two variables, and coding a linear program on Python and use the
package Pulp to solve the models to optimality. Students learn post-optimality analysis as well as duality theory
and their uses.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures to present concepts theoretically and through examples;
 Crib sheets with course notation;
 Blank worksheets that are discussed and solved in lecture and given as extra self-work;
 Famous OR problems as theory and their variations in real world scenarios;
 Real world scenario problem statements discussions in class and left as self-exercise;
 Lab sessions for coding component to teach basics of Python and how it can be used to solve a ready
linear program (the translation of mathematical models into code);
 Coding to solve given linear programming models throughout the semester with some help and provision
by instructors.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Taha, H. A. (2016). Operations Research: An Introduction (10th Edition). Pearson, ISBN-13: 978-
 Hillier, F. and Lieberman, G. (2021). Introduction to Operations Research (11th Edition), McGraw-Hill,
ISBN-13: 978-1260575873
 Taylor, B. W. III (2018). Introduction to Management Science (13th Edition), Pearson, ISBN-13: 978-

Usability of the Module:

This module provides part of the theoretical base required for the modules IE0314: Production Planning, IE0526:
Data Analytics for Industrial Engineering, and IE0533: Supply Chain Engineering.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

 MATH 203: Applied Mathematics for Engineers (prerequisite)
 CS 116: Computing Fundamentals (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:
English with occasional Arabic explanations

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Materials Science and Engineering IE0242

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 2 Semester Hours 3

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 150
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 5
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

30% Midterm
10% Assignments
5% Quizzes
15% Semester project and presentation
40% Final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dr. Rula Allaf
Dr. Iyas Khader
Dr. Mohammad AbuShams
Dr. Nidal Alshwawreh
Dr. Anas Atieh
Eng. Abdullah Albashir

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Materials Science and
Face-to-face; blended learning 45 105

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures, exercises and presentations: 15 weeks x 3 hours = 45 hours;
 Exercises and self-reading at home: 45 hours;
 Preparation of semester project and presentation: 24 hours;
 Preparation for quizzes: 12 hours;
 Preparation for midterm exams: 8 hours;
 Preparation for final exams: 16 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Understand the link between processing, structure, properties, and performance of engineering
 Describe the structure of engineering materials at atomic, subatomic, micro, and macro levels using
classical and modern theories.
 Categorize engineering materials according to their physical, chemical, electrical, and mechanical
 Evaluate the impact of deformation and defects on the structure and properties of solid-state
engineering properties.
 Apply various processing methods to design engineering materials with optimal performance using
techniques like diffusion and heat treatment.
 Analyse the mechanical response and predict the failure mode in engineering materials when subjected
to static and dynamic stresses.
 Recognize the various strengthening mechanisms and describe microstructure evolution processes in
deformed materials.
 Interpret phase diagrams, differentiate between equilibrium and non-equilibrium phases, and calculate
the kinetics of phase transformations in engineering materials.
 Identify the best material candidates for a given engineering application taking performance, safety, and
economics into consideration.
 Communicate and present a summary of a recent study concerning advanced materials, biomaterials,
smart materials, recycling, and the use of materials characterization tools.

Module Contents:
Students will be acquainted with the fundamental concepts of materials science and engineering involving the
aspects of processing, structure, properties, and performance. They will learn about the basic theories of
crystallography, elasticity, plasticity, and processing involving diffusion and thermal treatment. Different failure
modes in engineering materials will be discussed and ways to characterize those using destructive and non-
destructive testing methods. Concepts of equilibrium, phase transformation, microstructure evolution under
thermal processing will be covered as well as the various ways to strengthen engineering materials. Aspects
related to safety in design, economics, and environmental considerations will be addressed. The course will
prepare students for roles ranging from materials testing, materials selection, and design of innovative
engineering materials.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures with intensive discussions;
 Exercises in class and at home;
 Real case simulations;
 Presenting a topic related to materials science and engineering in group work.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Callister W.D., Rethwisch D.G. (2020). Materials Science and Engineering (10th Edition). Wiley.
 Callister W.D., Rethwisch D.G. (2020). Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering: An
Integrated Approach (5th Edition). Wiley.
 Askeland D.R., Wright W.J. (2015). The Science and Engineering of Materials (7th Edition). Cengage

Usability of the Module:

This module is a pre-requisite for the modules IE0245: Materials Science and Engineering Lab and IE0344:
Manufacturing Processes, which is a compulsory module in the Bachelor’s Degree Program of Industrial

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

CHEM103: General Chemistry (prerequisite)
IE0141: Engineering Workshop (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Materials Science and Engineering Lab IE0243

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 2 Semester Hours 2.4

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 60
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 2
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

50% Lab reports
10% Quizzes
40% Final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dr. Rula Allaf
Dr. Iyas Khader
Dr. Mohammad AbuShams
Dr. Nidal Alshwawreh
Dr. Anas Atieh
Eng. Abdullah Albashir

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Materials Science and
Face-to-face; blended learning 36 24
Engineering Lab

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in labs: 12 weeks x 3 hours = 36 hours;
 Lab report preparation: 14 hours;
 Preparation for quizzes: 2 hours;
 Preparation for final exam: 8 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Apply the fundamentals of the lab safety and machine handling.
 Transfer theoretical knowledge of the basic concepts in materials science through the implementation of
the laboratories experiments.
 Apply sample preparation techniques in the laboratory.
 Use and calibrate test rigs and machines to perform simple experiments
 Describe, analyse and discuss experimental procedures and results through technical reports.
 Being able to apply the laboratory skills and hands on experience in real life problems.

Module Contents:
Studying the properties of engineering materials and the relationship between these properties and atomic
Applying the following techniques and performing the following experiments: sample preparation, optical
microscopy, heat treatment, corrosion behavior, tensile and compression strength measurement, hardness test,
impact test, creep behavior test, and fatigue behavior test.
Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:
 Lab experiments with discussions;
 Writing technical reports.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Callister W.D., Rethwisch D.G. (2020). Materials Science and Engineering (10th Edition). Wiley.
 Callister W.D., Rethwisch D.G. (2020). Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering: An
Integrated Approach (5th Edition). Wiley.
 Askeland D.R., Wright W.J. (2015). The Science and Engineering of Materials (7th Edition). Cengage
 Laboratory manual (Department of Industrial Engineering, GJU)

Usability of the Module:

This is a compulsory module in the Bachelor’s Degree Program Industrial Engineering. No other modules are
dependent on this module.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

 MECH0216: Statics and Strength of Materials (prerequisite)
 IE0242: Materials Science and engineering (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Work Measurement and Standards IE0251

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 3 Semester Hours 4.6

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 150
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 5
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

6% Course quizzes
6% Lab Quizzes
12% Lab Reports
26% Midterm exam (6% on Lab)
10% Project
40% Final Exam (8% on Lab)

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Eng. Abdallah Albashir
Eng. Emad Alzu’bi
Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Work Measurement & Standards Face-to-face; blended learning 30 67
Work Measurement & Standards
Lab Face-to-face; blended learning 39 14

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

• Presence time in lectures: 15 weeks*2 hours = 30 hours;
• Presence time in labs: 13 weeks*3 hours = 39 hours;
• Prelab preparation: 6 hours;
• Preparation of theory exams: 15 hours;
• Preparation of lab exams: 3 hours;
• Working on project: 12 hours:
• Preparation of final exam: 20 hours;
• Preparation of lab final exam: 5 hours;
• Self-study: 20 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
• Provide the student with knowledge regarding motion and time study.
• Describe techniques and procedures of motion and time study.
• Provide a clear description of operational data and solutions that deal with bottlenecks and lean
manufacturing systems.
• Apply industrial engineering standards in both manufacturing and service sectors.

Module Contents:
The student will be introduced to work systems, concepts of productivity, and work study. Students learn basic
procedure for motion study, time study, charting techniques, multiple activity charts, operation charts, flow
processes charts, and two-handed charts. Students study the principles of motion economy, fundamental hand
motions, and how to perform micro-motion and macro-motion studies. The module also covers the topics of work
measurement, work sampling, computerized work measurement, work factors, standard data, and wage payment
and incentive plans.
Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:
• Lectures to present concepts theoretically and through examples;
• In class exercises and discussions;
• Lab sessions for handling practical experiments and later analysis;
• Doing a practical related project and in-class presentation.

Recommended or Required Reading:

• Groover, M. P. (2016). Work Systems: The Methods, Measurement and Management of Work. 1st edition,
Pearson, ISBN-13: 978-9332581241.
• Meyers, F. E. and Stewart, J. R. (2002). Motion and Time Study for Lean Manufacturing, 3rd edition,
Prentice Hall, ISBN-13: 978-0130316707.
• Ammouri, M. and Alofi, A. (2015). Work Measurement and Standards Laboratory Manual, German
Jordanian University.

Usability of Module:
This module provides theoretical and practical bases for the IE0353: Ergonomics module. It also provides skills that
students utilize in their internships.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

IE0121: Probability and Statistics (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:
English with occasional Arabic explanations

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Technical Writing and Engineering Ethics IE0281

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 3 Semester Hours 2

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 90
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 3
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

15% Quizzes in Ethics
15% Writing Assignments
30% Midterm exam
40% Final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dr. Murad Samhouri
Eng. Abdallah Al Bashir

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Technical Writing and
Engineering Ethics Face-to-face; blended learning 30 60

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures: 15 weeks*2 hours = 30 hours;
 Preparation for ethics quizzes: 10 hours;
 Preparation of practical assignments: 20 hours;
 Preparation for midterm exams: 15 hours;
 Preparation for final exam: 15 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Identify and understand the facets and functions of the primary genres of technical writing, including
letters, memos, reports, resumes, proposals, technical descriptions, and technical definitions.
 Present concise, coherent, and grammatically correct materials (written and oral) that reflect critical
analysis and synthesis, and appropriately address the needs of the audience.
 Develop professional calibre technical documents.
 Understand and respect email etiquette.
 Build and deliver effective presentation.
 Create accurate and complete technical graphics to explain, interpret, and assess information.
 Illustrate ethical decision making, professional code of ethics, and intellectual property.
 Apprehend integrity in research, product development, and workplace code of conduct.
 Reflect principles of engineering ethics and equity to issues encountered during engineering practice.
 Effectively make use of arguments and ethical tools for analyses and analytical thinking.

Course Contents:
Course content includes multiple forms of effective writing and oral presentation skills, different writing styles,
approaches and formats, and methods to adapt writing to different audiences, purposes and contexts. Students
learn to organize complex arguments in writing using thesis statements, claims and evidence, and to analyse
writing for errors in logic. Students will also learn how to communicate in different kinds of workplace
environments and professional/technical discourse communities and how to build and deliver effective
presentations. Throughout the semester, students will produce and analyse common technical writing genres,
including emails through modern email etiquette, letters, resumes, memos, reports, proposals, technical
descriptions, technical definitions, technical manuals, and proposals. Students will work toward understanding
how to analyse and react to rhetorical situations each genre and writing situation presents, including issues of
audience, organization, visual design, style, and the material production of documents. In addition, students will
learn how to apply principles of engineering ethics and equity to issues encountered during engineering practice,
and how to analyse social and environmental aspects of engineering activities.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures to present concepts theoretically and through examples, practical exercise and case studies
 Material preparation and reading due before classes
 Worksheets that are discussed in lectures and given as extra self-work
 Real world scenarios discussions of writing/communicating/engineering ethics in class and left as self-
 Group discussions of different technical writing real cases, assignments and engineering ethics incidents

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Beer, D. F. and McMurrey, D. A. (2019). A Guide to Writing as an Engineer (5th Edition). Wiley, ISBN:
 Shafer-Landau, R. (2011). The Fundamentals of Ethics (2nd Edition). Oxford University Press.
 Johnson-Sheehan, R. (2017). Technical Communication Today (6th Edition). Pearson/Longman, ISBN:

Usability of the Module:

This module provides students with the appropriate ethics and writing techniques to be used in the rest of their
curricula and professional careers.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

ENGL201: English V (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components


Module Title Module Code

Simulation IE0312

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 3 Semester Hours 4.4

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 150
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 5
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

5% Homework assignments
30% One midterm exam
15% Lab assignments
10% Project
40% Theory final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dr. Hazem Kaylani
Dr. Laith Abuhilal
Eng. Emad Alzu’bi

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Simulation Face-to-face; blended learning 30 59
Simulation Lab Face-to-face; blended learning 36 25

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures: 15 weeks*2 hours = 30 hours;
 Presence time in labs: 12 weeks*3 hours = 36 hours;
 Preparation of homework assignments: 9 hours;
 Preparation of project: 15 hours;
 Prelab preparation: 10 hours;
 Preparation of theory exams: 15 hours;
 Preparation of lab exam: 15 hours;
 Preparation of final exam: 20 hours.

Learning outcomes:
On successfully completing this module, the student will be able to:
 Explain the principles and applications of discrete event simulation.
 Formulate and conceptualise a problem in a way that it can be approached using modelling.
 Utilize quantitative and qualitative modelling approaches.
 Make use of basic statistical techniques (e.g., sampling from distributions, replications, and goodness of
fit) related to simulation.
 Demonstrate the ability to interpret output data and make statistical statements on performance.
 Explain the principles and applications of queueing theorem.
 Explain the principles and applications of random number generators.
 Create and run simulation models using ARENA modelling software.

Module Contents:
Students develop an understanding of numerical models of dynamic systems, understand statistical techniques
for modelling and simulation as well as apply modelling and simulation techniques to real world problems.
Students will be able to identify, model, and analyse systems that are appropriately modelled using discrete event
computer simulation. Students learn how to apply queueing tools to design and evaluate the performance of
queueing systems.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures to present concepts theoretically and through real world case studies.
 Manual simulation of real world problems using Excel sheets.
 Real world simulation case studies; discussions in class and self-study exercise.
 Homework assignments.
 Lab sessions on using main building blocks of ARENA software and how to apply to real world systems.
 Term project applied to a real world system.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Banks, J., Carson, J. II, Nelson, B., and Nicol, D. (2009). Discrete-Event System Simulation (5th Edition).
Prentice Hall, ISBN-13: 978-0136062127.
 Kelton, W. D., Sadowski, R. P., and Sadowski, D. A. (2014). Simulation with Arena (6th Edition). McGraw
Hill Education, ISBN-13: 978-0073401317.
 Ross, S. (2012). Simulation (5th Edition). Academic Press, ISBN-13: 978-0124158252.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

IE0223: Applied Statistics (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:
English with occasional Arabic explanations

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Production Planning IE0314

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 3 Semester Hours 3

Elective Module Spring Semester Workload 150
Optional Module Winter Semester ECTS 5
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

5% Quizzes
30% Midterm exam
10% Assignments
15% Practical Project
40% Theory final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dr. Saleem Ramadan
Eng. Dina Elayan
Dr. Abdallah Abdallah
Eng. Emad Alzu’bi

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Production Planning Face-to-face; blended learning 45 105

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures: 45 hours;
 Preparation of assignments: 15 hours;
 Preparation for midterm and quizzes: 30 hours;
 Preparation for final exam: 20 hours;
 Preparation of the semester project: 25 hours;
 Self-study: 15 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Recognize the objectives, functions, applications of production planning and forecasting techniques.
 Explain different inventory control techniques.
 Solve routing and scheduling problems.
 Formulate different production and inventory models and analyse their performance.
 Summarize various aggregate production planning techniques.
 Describe way of integrating different departments to execute production planning functions.
 Evaluate and assess different inventory management models used in real world.

Module Contents:
Students are introduced to production planning and inventory control concepts. The course is designed to view
this subject as an essential tool that enhances managers’ abilities to improve production systems. Concepts,
quantitative techniques, examples, exercises and case studies used in this class are given from a wide variety of
engineering disciplines to cover main topics such as forecasting, process analysis, capacity planning, production
planning, inventory management, and production constrains management.
Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:
 Lectures to present concepts theoretically and through examples;
 Crib sheets with course notation;
 Blank worksheets that are discussed and solved in lecture and given as extra self-work;
 Real world scenario problem statements discussions in class and left as self-exercise;
 Group-based term projects;
 Team presentations for term projects.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Kraiweski, L. L., Malhotra, M. K. & Ritzman, L. P. (2018). Operations Management: Processes and
Supply Chains (12th Edition). Pearson.
 Chapman, S. N., Arnold, J. R. T., Gatewood, A. K. & Clive, L. M. (2017). Introduction to Materials
Management (8th Edition). Pearson.
 Hopp, W. J. & Spearman, M. L. (2011). Factory Physics, 3rd Edition. Waveland Press, INC.

Usability of the Module:

This module provides part of the theoretical base required for the modules IE0515: Product Development and
Entrepreneurship, IE0516: Facility and Asset Management, IE0533: Supply Chain Engineering, and ME0577:
Automation and Industry 4.0.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

 IE0223: Applied Statistics (prerequisite)
 IE0231: Operations Research (prerequisite)
 IE0312: Simulation (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:
English with occasional Arabic explanations

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Quality Engineering IE0324

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 3 Semester Hours 5

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 180
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 6
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

20% mid-term exam
20% Project
10% Quizzes and homework assignments
10% Lab reports
10% In-lab assessments
30% final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Prof. Safwan Altarazi
Dr. Saleem Ramadan
Dr. Abdallah Abdallah

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Quality Engineering Face-to-face; blended learning 45 85
Quality Engineering Lab Face-to-face; blended learning 30 20

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures: 45 hours;
 Presence time in lab sessions: 30 hours;
 Preparation of class project: 20 hours;
 Preparation for quizzes and homework assignments: 25 hours;
 Preparation of lab reports: 20 hours;
 Preparation for midterm: 20 hours;
 Preparation for final exam: 20 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Explain basic knowledge in the fields of quality engineering.
 Differentiate between different quality management philosophies.
 Understand and implement the basic tools of statistical process control.
 Explain the five steps of DMAIC: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control.
 Design, implement, and interpret appropriate control charts for variable and attribute quality
characteristics to quickly detect the emergence of any quality control problems.
 Apply process capability analysis principles for continuous and attribute quality characteristics.
 Conduct and analyze a measurement systems capability experiment.
 Construct acceptance sampling plans for testing the incoming raw material quality.
 Implement DMIAC methodology on a real-life case.
 Communicate quality engineering and management tools findings to individuals who do not share
technical and statistical expertise.

Module Contents:
To familiarize students with fundamentals quality engineering concepts and tools. The covered topics include:
Quality definitions, Quality management principles, TQM strategy, Quality management systems, Excellence
models, Economics of quality, DMAIC methodology, Statistical process control, Acceptance sampling, Capability
analysis, and Measurement system analysis. For the lab part, it will covers topics of: ISO standards, quality
management system documentation, quality planning and control tools (quality function deployment, FMEA,
magnificent seven) implementation, SPC and DoE computer applications, Gauge R&R studies, and DMIAC

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures with discussions;
 Exercises in class and at home;
 Presenting project outcomes as teams;
 Practical project work and related group discussions;
 Lab sessions.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Montgomery, D. C. (2019). Introduction to Statistical Quality Control (8th Edition). John Wiley & Sons,
ISBN-13: 978-1119657118.
 Goetsch, D. L. and Davis, S. B. (2015). Quality Management for Organizational Excellence (8th Edition).
Pearson, ISBN-13: 978-0133791853.
 Pyzdek, T. and Keller, P. A. (2018). The Six Sigma Handbook (5th Edition). McGraw-Hill Education,
ISBN-13: 978-1260121827.

Usability of the Module:

This module provides the tools for students to use in an internship or a job to maintain quality standards in

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

IE0223: Applied Statistics (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:
English with occasional explanations in Arabic

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Manufacturing Processes IE0344

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 3 Semester Hours
Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

20% midterm exam
10% quizzes
10% final assignment
5% presentation
15% lab reports
40% final exam (10% lab and 30% course)

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dr. Mohammad AbuShams
Dr. Iyas Khader
Dr. Nidal Alshawawreh
Eng. Abdallah Albashir

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Manufacturing Processes Face-to-face; blended learning 45 83
Manufacturing Processes Lab Face-to-face; blended learning 36 16

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures: 15 weeks x 3 hours: 45 hours;
 Presence time in labs: 12 weeks x 3 hours: 36 hours;
 Exercises and self-reading at home: 30 hours;
 Preparation of final project and presentation: 15 hours;
 Pre-lab preparation: 6 hours;
 Preparation for quizzes: 8 hours;
 Preparation for theoretical exams: 30 hours;
 Preparation for lab exam: 10 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Describe the basic properties and mechanical behaviour of materials and their impact on different
manufacturing processes.
 Asses the use of a manufacturing process under given constrains in terms of efficiency and economy.
 Understand various bulk deformation operations such as forging, rolling, extrusion, and drawing.
 Understand basic metal forming terminology such as sheet metal forming and machining.
 Estimate the force, energy, and defects associated with various metal forming processes.
 Select the appropriate manufacturing process based on the efficiency, advantages, and disadvantages
of the process.
 Apply the fundamentals of the lab safety regulations and machine protection.
 Transfer theoretical knowledge of the basic manufacturing processes through the implementation of the
laboratory experiments.
 Describe and analyse experiments results in technical reports.
 Apply the laboratory skills and hands on experience in real life problems.
Module Contents:
 Typical manufacturing processes utilized in the industry such as forging, rolling, casting, extrusion and
drawing with their impact on environmental and economy consideration;
 Basic manufacturing methods in sheet metal forming and machining;
 Materials mechanical properties: inhomogeneous deformation, yield criteria and triaxial stresses, and
work hardening;
 Experiments involve sand casting, machining, polymers extrusion, sheet metal forming, metal finishing
and coating, wear analysis, mechanical behaviour, welding principles, and forging.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures to present concepts theoretically and through examples;
 In-class exercises and discussions;
 Real-life scenario discussions and interactive sessions;
 Writing reports and in-class presentations;
 Designing and conducting experiments.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Kalpakjian S. and Schmid S. (2020). Manufacturing Engineering and Technology (8th Edition). Pearson.
 Kalpakjian S. and Schmid S. (2016). Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials (6th Edition).
 Groover M.P. (2019). Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Systems (7th
Edition). Wiley.
 Laboratory Handouts (School of Applied Technical Sciences, GJU)

Usability of the Module:

This is a compulsory module in the Bachelor’s program of Industrial Engineering. It is also elective in the in the
Bachelor’s program of Mechatronics Engineering. This module is an introductory course on manufacturing
processes and a prerequisite for the module IE0546 Modern Manufacturing Technology in the Bachelor’s program
of Industrial Engineering.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

 IE0242 Materials Science and Engineering (perquisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Course Code

Ergonomics IE0353

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 3 Semester Hours 4.4

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 150
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 5
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

10% Course project
25% Midterm exam
25% Lab reports
40% Theory final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Eng. Sarah Qareish

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Ergonomics Face-to-face; blended learning 30 62
Ergonomics Lab Face-to-face; blended learning 36 22

Duration of Study:
One Semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

• Presence time in lectures: 30 hours;
• Presence time in labs: 36 hours;
• Prelab preparation: 2 hours;
• Preparation of lab reports: 20 hours;
• Preparation of midterm exam: 32 hours;
• Preparation of final exam: 20 hours;
• Preparation of course project: 10 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
• Explain how work environments in terms of temperature, humidity, noise, vibration and illumination, affect
workers health and subsequently their productivity.
• Identify the risk factors associated with cumulative trauma disorders.
• Design workstations, tools, controls, work tasks and job procedures to fit and accommodate the human
• Evaluate and redesign displays.
• Apply the appropriate techniques and tools for job evaluation and design.
• Recognize which collected anthropometric and physiological measurements to use in design applications
and task evaluations.
• Discuss the basic principles of manual material handling to apply the NIOSH lifting equation and to
recommend the lifting weight limit based on their calculations.
• Improve productivity of individuals and systems through the design of safe and efficient work

Course Contents:
• Basic concepts of anthropometry, to match the physical dimensions of workplaces and products with the
body dimensions of intended users;
• An introduction to occupational biomechanics, the structure and properties of the musculoskeletal system,
and related upper extremity related cumulative trauma disorders;
• Physiological aspects of muscle work and the implications of work capacity limits for ergonomic job design;
• Nature of light stimulus, eyeball anatomy and characteristics of the visual sensory system;
• Human information processing model, cognition processes, limitations of the human cognitive system,
implications and solutions for design problems;
• Human factors principles in the design of displays and controls.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

• Lectures to introduce module’s various topics through oral and multimedia presentations;
• Seminar format is used interchangeably with lectures to allow students to discuss their own findings about
a list of course topics;
• Worksheets on postural analysis tools are used by students to analyze real life working postures and
evaluate associated risks of musculoskeletal disorders;
• Lab sessions to teach students how to collect proper anthropometric and physiological data using
associated tools, measure several environmental conditions and apply correct statistical analysis
• Students work in groups to apply their gained knowledge in ergonomic assessment of certain occupations
or work environments.

Recommended or Required Reading:

• Wickens, C. D., Gordon, S. E., Lee, J., and Liu, Y. (2014). An Introduction to Human Factors Engineering
(2nd Edition). Pearson, ISBN-13: 978-1292022314.
• Kroemer, K. H. E., Kroemer, H. B., and Kroemer-Elbert, K. E. (2018). Ergonomics: How to Design for Ease
and Efficiency (3rd Edition). Prentice Hall, ISBN-13: 978-0128132968.
• Bridger, R. S. (2008). Introduction to Ergonomics (3rd Edition). CRC Press, ISBN-13: 978-1439894927.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

• IE0223: Applied Statistics (prerequisite)
• IE0251: Work Measurement and Standards (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:
English with occasional Arabic explanations

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Engineering Economics IE0361

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 3 Semester Hours 3

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 150
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 5
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

15% Quizzes
15% Assignments
30% Midterm exam
40% Final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Eng. Dina Elayan
Eng. Sarah Qareish
Dr. Rula Allaf

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Engineering Economics Face-to-face; blended learning 45 105

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures: 45 hours;
 Preparation for quizzes: 20 hours;
 Preparation for assignments: 25 hours;
 Preparation of midterm exam: 25 hours;
 Preparation of final exam: 35 hours;

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Differentiate between different cost types and their uses.
 Evaluate the economic desirability of a project considering time value of money.
 Select among alternative projects based on economic merits.
 Make use of different methods to calculate depreciation.
 Apply tax rules in economic analyses.
 Measure breakeven point and sensitivity analysis for investments.

Module Contents:
This module provides an introduction to engineering economics. Students learn principles of economic concepts
and analysis techniques. Topics covered include overview of cost concepts, time value of money and equivalent
worth, rate of return, payback period, depreciation, taxes, discounted cash flow calculations, evaluation of single
projects and comparing alternatives, sensitivity and breakeven analysis, and replacement analysis.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures to present concepts theoretically and through examples;
 Crib sheets with course notation;
 Economics and financing case studies discussions in class;
 Quizzes and assignments to assist students in practicing principles learned in module.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Sullivan, W. G., Wicks, E. M. and Koelling, C. P. (2018). Engineering Economy (17th Edition). Pearson.
 Park, C. S. (2015). Contemporary Engineering Economics (6th Edition), Pearson.
 Newnan, D. G., Eschenbach, T. G. and Lavelle, J. P. (2017). Engineering Economic Analysis (13th
Edition) Oxford University press.

Usability of Module:
This module covers basic monetary aspects that engineering students need to remain aware of in practice. This
module is a prerequisite to the modules IE0562: Industrial Cost Analysis and MECH0552: Management of
Maintenance Systems.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

IE0121: Probability and Statistics (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:
English with occasional explanations in Arabic.

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Field Training IE0382

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 3 Semester Hours

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 180
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 6
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

Pass-fail module

Responsible Lecturer(s)

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Field Training 160 hrs.

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Sending applications, communication with companies and other formalities: 10 hours;
 Internship at a local or regional/international approved company: 160 hours;
 Writing final report: 10 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Work in a professional environment;
 Work in a team and communicate with professionals;
 Apply concepts in the field of study to real life examples;
 Connect classroom theory with real-life industry experience and vice versa.

Module Contents:
Training at a local or regional/international approved company. The training must cover any topic or multiple areas
of the respective field of study.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Application and communication with companies;
 Practical internship.

Recommended or Required Reading:

None extra; however, recommended literature from the modules relevant to the context of the internship.

Usability of the Module:

This module is a fundamental module for all engineering students. It is a prerequisite to the International
Internship planned in the 8th semester of studies. It gives the students a first impression of the professional
environment he is preparing for during his studies, giving the opportunity to link theory and practice, respectively
knowledge and experience.
Prerequisites and Co-requisites:
Department approval (prerequisites)

Language of Instruction
None specified

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Engineering Project Management IE0401

Compulsory Module Year of Study X Semester Hours 3

Elective Module X Spring Semester X Workload 150
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 5
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

20% Course Project
40% Two Midterm exams
40% Theory final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dr. Murad Samhouri

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Engineering Project
Management Face-to-face; blended learning 45 105

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures: 15 weeks*3 hours = 45 hours;
 Preparation for midterm exams: 40 hours;
 Preparation of practical course project: 35 hours;
 Preparation for final exam: 30 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
 Distinguish the characteristics of a project.
 Describe the importance of project planning and the role of the project manager.
 Identify project activities and break them down into detailed work packages.
 Prepare project estimates for time, cost, and resource requirements.
 Construct project network diagrams and schedule charts.
 Determine project control methods and implementation measures.
 Prepare and present final project plans.

Module Contents:
Examines the organization, planning, and controlling of projects and provides practical knowledge on managing
project scope, schedule and resources. Topics include project life cycle, work breakdown structure and Gantt
charts, network diagrams (CPM and PERT), and resource allocation decisions. Concepts are applied through
team projects using project management software. Competence with a set of tools and methods for product
design and development. The main topics of this course are as follows:
 Selecting projects strategically: project selection models and project portfolio process.
 The project Manager and the project team: the project manager role, selecting the project manager,
cultural differences and environmental impacts, project team, and MBTI.
 The role of projects in the organization: the project as a part of the organization, pure and functional
project organizations, matrix organization, and mixed organization systems.
 The process of planning projects: project coordination, systems integration, the work breakdown
structure and linear responsibility charts.
 Cost estimation and the budgeting process: estimating project budgets and improving the process of
cost estimation.
 The function of scheduling: creating time tables using network techniques such as PERT and CPM, and
risk analysis.
 Allocating resources: critical path method, the resource allocation problem, constrained resource
scheduling, and multiproject scheduling and resource allocation.
 Managing projects through information systems: planning-monitoring-controlling cycle, information needs
and the reporting process, and earned value analysis.
 Controlling projects: purposes of control, types of control processes, and control systems.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures to present concepts theoretically and through real examples, practical case studies, technical
papers and exercise
 Real world case analysis and critique of case studies in project management
 Group discussions of the practical course projects

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Meredith, J. R., Shafer, S. M., and Mantel, S. M. (2017). Project Management: A Strategic Managerial
Approach (10th Edition). Wiley, ISBN: 978-1119369097
 Nicholas, J. M. and Steyn, H. (2020). Project Management for Engineering, Business and Technology
(6th Edition). Routledge, ASIN: B08D2XHBD4
 Gido, J. and Clements, J. (2014). Successful Project Management (6th edition). Cengage Learning,
ISBN: 978-1285068374

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

 IE0231: Operations Research (prerequisite)
 IE0361: Engineering Economics (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:
English with occasional explanations in Arabic

Recommended Optional Programme Components:


Module Title Module Code

Reliability and Maintainability IE0402

Compulsory Module Year of Study 5 Semester Hours 3

Elective Module X Spring Semester X Workload 150
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 5
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

35% mid-term exam
15% course project (report and presentation)
10% quizzes and homework
40% final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dr. Sameer Al-Dahidi

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Reliability and Maintainability Face-to face; blended learning 45 105

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures and exercises: 15 weeks * 3 hours = 45 hours;
 Preparation of Quizzes and Homework: 10 hours;
 Preparation of report and presentation: 30 hours;
 Preparation of mid-term and final exams and exams: 65 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Outline the importance of reliability and maintainance of industrial components and systems across
multiple industries.
 Define the concepts of reliability and common reliability functions, parameters, and methods of their
modelling and prediction.
 Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the time to failure distribution, the probability
density function, the reliability/unreliability function, and the hazard rate and explain the Bathtub curve.
 Define, explain, analyze, and estimate reliability and its performance parameters for industrial
components and various systems design configurations using reliability block diagrams and identify
improvement opportunities.
 Inspect different failures across multiple-industries and their impacts on the overall system reliability.
 Identify the importance of statistical distributions for modelling failure data and the physical meanings of
model parameters.
 Illustrate the ways for failure prevention and understand the Design For Reliability process in enhancing
the reliability of components & systems.
 Compare various maintenance intervention approaches (corrective, scheduled, condition-based, and
predictive) and maintenance strategic planning (reliability-centered maintenance and risk-based
 Explain the significance of maintenance spare parts management and other logistics support systems
on the overall plant availability and the maintenance investment costs.
Module Contents:
Reliability is one of the most important quality characteristics of systems, structures, and components. The scope
of this course is to provide the students with the fundamental concepts and the necessary knowledge and skills
related to reliability engineering of industrial systems, structures, and components. Specifically, this course
contains FIVE main parts: Part 1 introduces an overview of the course and illustrates its context; Part II defines
the reliability and its importance, explains the factors associated with the reliability, discusses the life model
distributions and how to estimate the reliability of an industrial component, describes the typical behaviour of
failure rate of a component (bathtub curve), introduces some reliability models and reliability measures and
statistics; Part III evolves from that of Part II and presents the estimation of the reliability of a system composed
by several components connected in different design configurations (series, parallel, mixed series and parallel,
complex, stand-by); Part IV discusses the parametric and non-parametric reliability models, the life tests and
accelerated life tests carried out to collect the failure occurrences data of an industrial component. It also covers
the techniques used to estimate the component’s failure rates. All of these aspects will be, then, confined within
Part V that is dedicated to failure prevention through the Design For Reliability (DFR) to improve the overall
system reliability, as well as to introduce maintenance intervention approaches and quality definition and its
control methods. The course will be supported with examples taken from real-industrial applications, e.g., oil and
gas, nuclear, automotive, etc. Besides, hands-on exercise sessions for some topics will be performed to allow the
students to develop their skills.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures with intensive discussions;
 Exercises from real-industrial applications in class and at home;
 Writing and presenting reports alone or in group work as part of a class project.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Elsayed, E. A. (2021). Reliability Engineering (3rd Edition), Wiley.
 Zio, E. (2007). An Introduction to the Basics of Reliability and Risk Analysis, Volume 13 of Series on
Quality, Reliability & Engineering Statistics. World Scientific.
 O’Connor, P. and Kleyner, A. (2012). Practical Reliability Engineering (5th Edition), Wiley.

Usability of the Module:

This is an elective module in the Bachelor’s program of Industrial Engineering.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

IE0121: Probability and Statistics (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:
English with occasional Arabic explanations (or if German professors available English with German)

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Special Topics in Manufacturing processes and Engineering

Compulsory Module Year of Study 4 Semester Hours
Elective Module X Spring Semester X Workload
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

20% assignments
80% final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dr. Iyas Khader

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Special Topics in Manufacturing
processes and Engineering Face-to-face; blended learning 45 105

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures: 15 weeks * 3 hours: 45 hours;
 Experimental work, preparation of experiments: 45 hours;
 Presentation or semester assignments: 36 hours;
 Preparation for final exams: 24 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Describe specific manufacturing techniques and processes.
 Apply specific manufacturing techniques in producing sample materials.
 Describe the engineering and synthesizing procedure of specific materials.
 Identify applications for the material under consideration.
 Describe the parameters and processes that affect the properties or functionality of the material
 Prepare sample materials.
 Inspect material samples using various microscopy and analytical techniques (e.g., light and electron
microscopy SEM/EDX, Raman spectroscopy, XRD, XPS, XRF, etc.).

Module Contents:
 Understanding specific modern manufacturing techniques;
 Application of the manufacturing techniques in producing samples;
 Understanding the engineering and synthesis of specific materials and material classes;
 Applying the knowledge in producing samples;
 Inspecting and studying materials using various microscopy and analytical techniques.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures to present concepts theoretically and through examples;
 In-class exercises and discussions;
 Real-life scenario discussions and interactive sessions;
 Writing reports and in-class presentations;
 Designing and conducting experiments.

Recommended or Required Reading:

To be assigned based on the specific module contents

Usability of the Module:

This is an elective module in the Bachelor’s program of Industrial Engineering. The module may be custom-
designed to teach the theory and application of specific manufacturing processes and engineering materials. The
module requires prior knowledge of basic manufacturing processes.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

 IE0242 Materials Science and Engineering (perquisite)
 IE0344 Manufacturing Processes (perquisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Special Topics in Ergonomics IE0412

Compulsory Module Year of Study 4 Semester Hours 3

Elective Module X Spring Semester Workload 150
Optional Module Winter Semester ECTS 5
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

30% Assignments
30% Midterm exam
40% Final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Eng. Sarah Ziad

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Special Topics in Ergonomics Face-to-face; blended learning 45 105

Duration of Study:
One Semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

• Presence time in lectures: 15 weeks × 3 hours = 45 hours;
• Preparation of midterm exam: 30 hours;
• Preparation of final exam: 25 hours;
• Presentation and semester assignments: 30 hours;
• Experimental work, vehicles auditing: 20.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
• Classify and explain a set of critical ergonomic issues in the design of road vehicles.
• Identify the anthropometric measurements associated with vehicle occupant packaging.
• Evaluate the dimensions of 'occupant envelope' in a range of vehicles and determine their compatibility
with the target user population through the application of necessary statistical analyses.
• Identify and evaluate driver’s line of sight and visual field in vehicles to detect any possible visual
• Discuss visual sensory limitations and their impacts on safe driving and propose solutions to avoid such
• List the ergonomics principles underpinning controls and displays and decide how these principles apply
to vehicle design.
• Compare between vehicle design requirements for different types of drivers and passengers.

Module Contents:
Students will gain knowledge about:
• The diverse human factors issues associated with the design and use of road vehicles within a systems
• Related anthropometric measurements of drivers and passengers and their applications in vehicles
• Driver vision, field of view and sensory conspicuity;
• In-vehicle systems; controls and displays;
• Driver interaction with vehicle systems;
• Types of drivers, passengers and their vehicles including but not limited to; impaired drivers, older drivers
and child passengers;
• Driving Safety Improvements.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

• Lectures to present module’s various topics through oral and multimedia presentations;
• In-class exercises and discussions;
• Interactive sessions, where students steer their own discussions about recent issues concerning
automotive ergonomics;
• Group and individual reports and in-class presentations;
• Preparing and conducting real-life ergonomic vehicle audits.

Recommended or Required Reading:

• Bhise, V. D. (2016). Ergonomics in the Automotive Design Process. CRC, ISBN-13: 9781439842119;
• Gkikas, N. (2017). Automotive Ergonomics: Driver-Vehicle Interaction. CRC, ISBN-13: 978-1138073159;
• Bridger, R. S. (2008). Introduction to Ergonomics (3rd Edition). CRC Press, ISBN-13: 978-1439894927.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

• IE0353: Ergonomics (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Field Training IE0483

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 4 Semester Hours

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 900
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 30
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

Pass-fail module

Responsible Lecturer(s)

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Field Training 900 hrs.

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Sending applications, communication with companies and other formalities: 60 hours;
 Full-time internship 40 hr/week * 20 weeks = 800 hours;
 Writing final report: 40 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Represent oneself in a professional curriculum vitae and successfully undergo job interviews;
 Work in an international professional environment;
 Work in a team and communicate with professionals;
 Apply concepts in the field of study to real life examples and vice versa.

Module Contents:
Training at a German/International approved company. The training must cover any topic or multiple areas of the
respective field of study. The training must be approved by the Office of Industrial Links (OIL) at GJU and the
respective Exchange Coordinator.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Writing a job application, a CV and communicate with companies;
 Practical internship.

Recommended or Required Reading:

None extra; however, recommended literature from the modules relevant to the context of the internship.

Usability of the Module:

This module is a fundamental module for all engineering students. It is planned for the second semester of the
German Year. In the study plan of B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering it is a prerequisite for IE0584 Graduation
Project I.
Prerequisites and Co-requisites:
 IE0382 Field Training (prerequisites)
 Department approval (prerequisites)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Course Title Course Code

Product Development and Entrepreneurship IE0515

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 5 Semester Hours 3

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 180
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 6
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

15% Case Study Critique
15% Course Project
30% Midterm exam
40% Theory final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dr. Murad Samhouri

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Product Development and
Entrepreneurship Face-to-face; blended learning 45 135

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures: 15 weeks*3 hours = 45 hours;
 Preparation for midterm exams: 20 hours;
 Preparation of case study critique: 30 hours;
 Preparation of practical course project: 35 hours;
 Preparation for final exam: 20 hours;
 Self-study: 30 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the module, the student will be able to:
 Understand the holistic view at all activities included in the product development process.
 Identify the impact of marketing and manufacturing input into the design and development of a product.
 Define and implement the components of the design process.
 Understand the prototyping concept.
 Master the validation –verification – testing of a design.
 Appreciate the importance of Concurrent Engineering.
 Analyse the business environment in order to identify business opportunities.
 Identify the elements of success of entrepreneurial ventures and consider the legal and financial
conditions for starting a business venture.
 Evaluate the effectiveness of different entrepreneurial strategies and specify the basic performance
indicators of entrepreneurial activity.

Module Contents:
Product Development and Entrepreneurship’s main emphasis is the integration of the marketing, design, and
manufacturing functions of organizations in creating entrepreneurial and new innovative products. This course is
designed with the following content:
 Competence with a set of tools and methods for product design and development;
 Confidence in your own abilities to create a new product;
 Awareness of the role of multiple functions in creating a new product (e.g. marketing, finance, industrial
design, engineering, production);
 Ability to coordinate multiple, interdisciplinary tasks in order to achieve a common objective;
 Conceptual definition of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship;
 Entrepreneurship in economic theory and historical development of entrepreneurship;
 Entrepreneurial practice and the importance of small business;
 Entrepreneurial economy, entrepreneurship and economic development;
 Type of entrepreneurship and features and types of businesses and entrepreneurs;
 Sources of business ideas;
 Innovation and entrepreneurship;
 Entrepreneurship and small business.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures to present concepts theoretically and through examples, practical exercise and case studies;
 Worksheets that are discussed in lectures and given as extra self-work;
 Real world case analysis and critique of case studies in product development, innovation and
 Group discussions of the practical course projects.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Ulrich, K.T. and Eppinger, S.D. (2019). Product Design and Development (7th Edition). Mc-Graw Hill,
ISBN: 978-1260566437
 Reinertsen, D. G. (2009). The Principles of Product Development Flow: Second Generation Lean
Product Development (1st Edition). Celeritas Publishing, ISBN: 978-1935401001
 Neck, H. M., Neck, C. P., and Murray E. L. (2020). Entrepreneurship: The Practice and Mindset (2nd
Edition). SAGE Publications, Inc, ISBN: 978-1544354620

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

IE0314: Production Planning (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:
English with occasional explanations in Arabic

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Facilities and Asset Management IE0516

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 3 Semester Hours 3

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 180
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 6
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

5% Homework
30% Midterm exam
5% Class Presentation
20% Term project
40% Theory final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dr. Hazem Kaylani
Dr. Saleem Ramadan

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Facilities and Asset
Management Face-to-face; blended learning 45 135

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures: 15 weeks*3 hours = 45 hours;
 Preparation of homework assignments: 15 hours;
 Preparation for midterm exam: 30 hours;
 Preparation of term project: 30 hours;
 Preparation for final exam: 30 hours;
 Self-study: 30 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
On successfully completing this module, the student will be able to:
 Explain different types of layouts, differentiating features and applications.
 Describe product, process and schedule designs and discuss their importance for facilities planning and
 Describe flow, space and activity relationships.
 Explain the basic features of different material handling equipment and their applications.
 Develop, design, and analyse layouts for different facilities.
 Develop Material handling systems design
 Discuss how warehouse operations integrate with facility layout.
 Utilize quantitative models for facilities planning and layout.

Module Contents:
Students learn the concepts and methodology of facilities planning as well as layout planning, optimization
algorithms applied to facilities layout, selection of material handling systems, and operations of warehouse.
Students acquire knowledge and skills in the areas of strategic facilities planning and manufacturing facilities
design. Students carry independent project work and research in the field.
Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:
 Lectures to present concepts theoretically and through examples.
 Short class presentations (each student gives 5-10 minutes presentation on selected topics).
 Homework assignments.
 Term project applied to a real world system.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Tompkins, J. A., White, J. A., Bozer, Y. A. and Tanchoco, J. M. A. (2010). Facilities Planning (4th Edition).
 Stephens, M. P. (2019). Manufacturing Facilities Design and Material Handling (6th Edition). Purdue
University Press.
 Heragu, S. S. (2016). Facilities Design (4th Edition). CRC Press.

Usability of the Module:

This is a compulsory module for Industrial Engineering.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

IE0314: Production Planning (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:
English with occasional explanations Arabic

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Course Title Course Code

Data Analytics for Industrial Engineering IE0526

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 5 Semester Hours 3

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 180
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 6
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

40% Two midterm exams (20% each)
5% in-class work
15% Term project report and presentation
40% Theory final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dr. Saleem Ramadan
Dr. Mahmoud El-Banna

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Data Analytics for Industrial
Engineering Face-to-face; blended learning 45 135

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

• Presence time in lectures: 15 weeks*3 hours = 45 hours;
• Preparation of term project: 40 hours;
• Preparation for midterm exams: 40 hours;
• Preparation for final exam: 25 hours;
• Self-study: 30 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
• Proficiently use the statistical and open source software, R.;
• Read\load data from difference sources; excel, csv, text file, etc.;
• Perform statistical summaries of the examined data;
• Perform manipulations and transformations on the examined data;
• Transfer the date into visual domain, such as scatter plots, boxplots, histograms, etc.;
• Build different statistical models such as clustering, regression models, and classification models;
• Evaluate built model performance with different measures such as positive predictive rate, negative
predictive rate, and area under the curve.

Module Contents:
This course prepares students to use the statistical software R to describe and analyze data and to use
advanced statistical tools to make decisions on operations, risk management, finance, marketing, etc.
Topics include univariate analysis, bivariate analysis, classification, clustering, regression, association
rules, dimensionality reduction, and attributes selection. Students also learn model evaluation measures
such as true positive or negative, false positive or negative, positive and negative predictive values, and
other accuracy measures. By the end of this course, students will be able to gather sufficient relevant
data, demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the concepts and methods, and use advanced
techniques to conduct thoroughand insightful analysis, and interpret the results correctly with detailed
and useful information.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

• Lectures to present concepts theoretically and through examples.
• IE problems that are discussed and solved in lectures.
• Self-work problems in class supervised with the instructor.
• Group-based term projects
• Teams Presentations for Term projects

Recommended or Required Reading:

• Ledolter, J. (2013). Data Mining and Business Analytics with R. Wiley, ISBN-13: 978-1118447147
• James, G., Witten, D., Hastie, T. and Tibshirani, R. (2013). An Introduction to Statistical Learning with
Application in R. Springer, ISBN-13: 978-1461471370
• Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R. and Friedman, J. (2016). Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining,
Inference, and Prediction (2nd Edition). Springer, ISBN-13: 978-0387848570
• R user manuals that can be retrieved from http://cran.r-project.org/manuals.html

Usability of the Module:

This module has a direct transferability into the workforce and the current realm of large data. Graduating students
will be able to use the methods introduced in this module to explain any data that is either gathered in another
module or the workplace.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

• IE0222: Compter Aided Math for IE (prerequisite)
• IE0223: Applied Statistics (prerequisite)
• IE0231: Operations Research (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:
English with occasional explanations in Arabic

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Supply Chain Engineering IE0533

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 4 Semester Hours 3

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 150
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 5
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

25% Midterm exam
25% Team project report
10% Team project presentation
40% Final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dr. Saleem Ramadan
Dr. Murad Samhouri
Dr. Raid Al-Aomar
Dr. Safwan Altarazi

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Supply Chain Engineering Face-to-face; blended learning 45 105

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures: 15 weeks*3 hours = 45 hours;
 Project topic preparation: 10 hours;
 Project teamwork: 30 hours;
 Project report preparation: 20 hours;
 Project presentation preparation: 10 hours;
 Preparation for midterm exam: 15 hours;
 Preparation for final exam: 20 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Explain the impact of supply chain management on enterprise efficiency
 Interpret various business functions, processes and supply chain terminology
 Classify various supply chain viewpoints
 Assess concepts and mathematical models behind different supply chain software
 Outline competing supply chain operations and reference models
 Make use of broader trends in the area of supply chain management.

Module Content:
The module covers topics related to supply chain design, planning, and integration. This includes sourcing
decisions, logistic systems, capacity analyses, aggregate planning, and distribution networks. The module also
discusses latest development in supply chain management including sustainability and technology applications.
The team project portion of the module allows the students to model and evaluate a real-world supply chain. This
includes developing a SIPOC structure, setting KPIs, and optimizing the supply chain network.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures to present concepts theoretically and through examples.
 In-class discussion of textbook short case studies.
 Team-based exploration and discussion of structures and challenges of local companies supply chains.
 Team project full report writing and in-class presentation of team project progress.
 Demos of software tools for supply chain management and optimization (SAP, CPLEX, and ARENA).

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Bozarth, C. and Handfield, R. (2018). Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management (5th
Edition). Pearson, ISBN-13: 978-0134740607
 Chopra, S. (2018). Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation (7th Edition). Pearson,
ISBN-13: 978-0134731889
 Shapiro, J. F. (2006). Modeling the Supply Chain (2nd Edition). Cengage Learning ISBN-13: 978-

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

 IE0231: Operations Research (prerequisite)
 IE0314: Production Planning (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:
English with occasional explanations in Arabic

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Modern Manufacturing Technology IE0546

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 3 Semester Hours
Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

20% midterm exam
10% quizzes
10% final assignment
5% presentation
15% lab reports
40% final exam (10% lab and 30% course)

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dr. Iyas Khader
Dr. Nidal Alshawawreh
Dr. Mohammad AbuShams
Eng. Abdallah Albashir

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Modern Manufacturing
Face-to-face; blended learning 45 80
Modern Manufacturing
Face-to-face; blended learning 36 19
Technology Lab

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures: 15 weeks x 3 hours: 45 hours;
 Presence time in labs: 12 weeks x 3 hours: 36 hours;
 Exercises and self-reading at home: 30 hours;
 Preparation of final project and presentation: 20 hours;
 Pre-lab preparation: 9 hours;
 Preparation for quizzes: 10 hours;
 Preparation for theoretical exams: 20 hours;
 Preparation for lab exam: 10 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Describe various modern manufacturing techniques.
 Assess the use of modern manufacturing processes under given constrains in terms of efficiency and
 Understand the basics of CAD/CAM.
 Program using a CAD/CAM system.
 Produce sample parts by relying on a selected CAD/CAM system.
 Understand the basics of various additive manufacturing techniques.
 Classify various types of additive manufacturing techniques.
 Produce sample parts by relying on selected additive manufacturing techniques.
 Understand the basics concepts of non-traditional machining, non-traditional welding and powder
metallurgy techniques.
 Understand the basic concepts of microfabrication techniques.
 Classify various microfabrication techniques.

Module Contents:
 Traditional and non-traditional manufacturing processes, green manufacturing, additive manufacturing
and rapid prototyping;
 Digital manufacturing and CAD/CAM;
 Non-conventional machining: electric discharge machining and electro-chemical machining
 Powder metallurgy;
 Non-conventional welding and cutting processes;
 Microfabrication and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS);
 Selected topics in advanced manufacturing technologies.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures to present concepts theoretically and through examples;
 In class exercises and discussions;
 Real life scenarios discussions and interactive sessions;
 Writing a final report and in-class presentation;
 Hands on experience.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Kalpakjian, S. and Schmid, S. (2020). Manufacturing Engineering and Technology (8th Edition). Pearson.
 Groover, M.P. (2019). Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Systems (7th
Edition). Wiley.
 Gibson, I., Rosen, D., Stucker, B., and Khorasani, M. (2021). Additive Manufacturing Technologies (3rd
Edition). Springer.
 Laboratory Handouts (School of Applied Technical Sciences, GJU).

Usability of the Module:

This is a compulsory module in the bachelor program of Industrial Engineering.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

 IE0344 Manufacturing Processes (perquisite)
 IE0547 Modern Manufacturing Technology Lab (co-requisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Industrial Cost Analysis IE0562

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 5 Semester Hours 3

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 180
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 6
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

15% Quizzes
15% Assignments
30% Midterm exam
40% Final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Eng. Dina Elayan
Dr. Saleem Ramadan

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Industrial Cost Analysis Face-to-face; blended learning 45 135

Duration of Study:
One semester

Allocation of Workload Hours:

• Presence time in lectures: 15 weeks*3 hours = 45 hours;
• Preparation for quizzes: 35 hours;
• Preparation for assignments: 40 hours;
• Preparation of midterm exam: 25 hours;
• Preparation of final exam: 35 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
• Make use of different cost accounting techniques like job-order costing, process costing and ABC costing.
• Perform breakeven analysis, variance analysis, and differential analysis for managerial decision making.
• Make use of Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships in analyses.
• Prepare budgets.
• Identify direction for improvement based on current performance of a system.
• Develop comprehensive systems for Management Accounting including cost and performance evaluation.

Module Contents:
Students gain knowledge regarding managerial accounting and cost concepts, classifications and calculations.
Module also introduces ABC and other costing methods such as cost for pricing, cost evaluation and improvement,
costs for decision making, budgeting, and variance analysis. Students are introduced to financial balance sheet
calculations, depreciation, assets and liabilities, and taxes.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

• Lectures to present concepts theoretically and through examples;
• Crib sheets with course notation;
• Accounting and financing case studies discussions in class.
• Quizzes to evaluate students’ understanding of given concepts.
• Group assignments to enhance research and team work.

Recommended or Required Reading:

• Garrison, R., Noreen, E. and Brewer, P. (2020). Managerial Accounting (17th Edition). McGraw Hill;
• Weygandt, J. J., Kimmel P. D. and Kieso, D. E. (2018). Managerial Accounting: Tools for Business
Decision Making (8th Edition). Wiley;
• Datar, S. and Rajan, M. (2017). Horngren’s Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis (16th Edition).

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

IE0361: Engineering Economics (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:
English with occasional explanations in Arabic.

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Graduation Project I IE0584

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 5 Semester Hours 1

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 60
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 2
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

60% In-term progress presentations
40% Proposal Report

Responsible Lecturer(s)
All Industrial Engineering Department faculty members

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Graduation Project I Meetings and Presentations 15 45

Duration of Study:
One Semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

• Presence time in meetings: 15 hours;
• Literature review and problem statement definition: 25 hours;
• Preparation and writing project report: 20 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
• Understand an existing system and assess it for potential problems and improvements.
• Define the various industrial engineering topics that can be used in real life projects.
• Demonstrate the various methods of collecting scientific, engineering and market data on a particular
• Identify a process for research, literature review and documenting project findings.
• Formally construct a problem statement to be solved as a graduation project.

Module Contents:
This is a no-lecture project course that will allow students to apply knowledge gained throughout their course of
undergraduate study on a real-life problem or opportunity. It is typically a teamwork project with up to three students.
Instructor with students select a project topic and get the project completed through guiding them in searching
relevant literature, collecting and analysing data, preparing and presenting results, and writing reports.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

• Meetings to present the students with detailed instructions and requirements;
• Student-engaged discussions and presentations of progress;
• Assignments;
• Teamwork;
• Continuous evaluation and feedback on progress;
• Writing and presenting project reports.
Recommended or Required Reading:
• SATS guidelines for the preparation of graduation reports. http://www.gju.edu.jo/content/regulations-and-
• Turabian, K.L., 2013. A manual for writers of research papers, theses, and dissertations: Chicago style for
students and researchers. University of Chicago Press.
• Morgan, K., Spajic, S., 2015. Technical Writing Process, 1 st Edition. Better on Paper Publications.

Usability of the Module:

This module acts as a preparation step for the bachelor thesis module, Graduation Project II, where the preliminary
work for the project occurs prior to truly embarking on the project itself.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

IE0483: International Internship (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:
English and occasional Arabic explanations

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Graduation Project II  IE0585

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 5 Semester Hours 2

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 180
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 6
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

40% in-term presentations and report updates
60% thesis report and defence

Responsible Lecturer(s)
All Industrial Engineering Department faculty members

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Graduation Project II Meetings and presentations 30 150

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in meetings with advisor: 30 hours;
 Preparation for weekly meetings: 15 hours;
 Presence time in labs/plants collecting data: 45 hours;
 Data analysis and comparing results to existing literature: 45 hours;
 Completion of graduation project report: 30 hours;
 Preparation of project defence: 15 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Define the various industrial engineering topics that can be used in real life projects.
 Construct needed plans and time schedule for a long-term project to resolve a real-life problem.
 Contrast and analyse collected data in order to select the best solutions and tools during project analysis
 Assess the different tools and approaches that can be used by the targeted organization to improve
 Design final solutions based on project finings.

Module Contents:
This is a no-lecture project course that will allow students to apply knowledge gained throughout their course of
undergraduate study on a real-life problem or opportunity. It is typically a teamwork project with up to three
students. Instructor and students select a project topic and get the project completed through guiding them in
searching relevant literature, collecting and analysing data, preparing and presenting results, and writing reports.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Meetings to present the students with detailed instructions and requirements;
 Student-engaged discussions and presentations of progress;
 Assignments;
 Teamwork;
 Continuous evaluation and feedback on progress;
 Writing and presenting project reports.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 SATS guidelines for the preparation of graduation reports. http://www.gju.edu.jo/content/regulations-and-
 Turabian, K.L., 2013. A manual for writers of research papers, theses, and dissertations: Chicago style
for students and researchers. University of Chicago Press.
 Morgan, K., Spajic, S., 2015. Technical Writing Process, 1st Edition. Better on Paper Publications.

Usability of the Module:

The module prepares the student to embark on real new projects whether in the workforce or in graduate school.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

IE0584: Graduation Project I (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:
English with occasional Arabic explanations

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Industrial Systems Integration Lab   IE0586

Compulsory Module x Year of Study 5 Semester Hours 2

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 120
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 4
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

10% Lab reports
10% In-lab assessments
30% Project
10% Lab assignments
40% Final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Prof. Safwan Altarazi

Module Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Industrial Systems Integration
Lab Face-to-face; blended learning 30 90

Duration of Study:
One semester

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lab sessions: 30 hours;
 Preparation of class project: 50 hours;
 Revision of material and assignments at home: 20 hours;
 Preparation for final exam: 10 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Understand system engineers' role and responsibilities.
 Develop a systems engineering plan for a realistic project.
 Apply systems engineering tools (e.g., requirements development and management, robust design,
Design Structure Matrix) to realistic problems.
 Know how to proactively design for and manage system lifecycle targets.

Module Contents:
The major element of this lab is a group project on the design of an industrial system or an industrial-related
product or service. The group project is to integrate the applications of various topics including: Business analysis
and decision making process; industrial modelling and simulation; project management; product life-cycle
management; quality engineering; cost accounting; production planning and scheduling; transportation planning;
material handling; layout planning and workflow design; human factors; distribution and marketing; value chain
analysis and critical success factors; etc.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lab sessions;
 Exercises in lab and at home;
 Presenting project outcomes as teams;
 Practical project work and related group discussions.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Miller, J. (2004) QBQ! The Question Behind the Question: Practicing Personal Accountability at Work
and in Life. Putnam Publishing Group, ISBN: 9780399152337.

Usability of the Module:

The lab can be used as a special topic technical elective course by other engineering majors.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

IE0483: International Internship (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:
English, with occasional explanations in Arabic.

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Computing Fundamentals and Lab CS116

Compulsory Module X Year of study 1 Hours 5.8
Elective Module SprinSemester X Workload 180
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 6

30% Midterm Exam
6% Lab assignments
3% Lab Quizzes
9% Lab midterm exam
12% Lab final exam
40% Final Exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dr. Abdullah Alfarrarjeh

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Computing Fundamentals Face-to-face; blended learning 45 60
Computing Fundamentals Lab Face-to-face; blended learning 42 33

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures: 45 hours;
 Presence time in labs: 42 hours;
 Guided, task driven and monitored (weekly) self-study for module (part of portfolio): 30 hours;
 Writing programs for the weekly lab assignments (mandatory part of portfolio): 21 hours;
 Preparation of lab (mandatory part of portfolio): 10 hours;
 Lab assessment: 2 hours;
 Preparation of Portfolio: 28 hours;
 Portfolio assessment: 2 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Understand what computer languages are and describe what a compiler is.
 Understand a problem and apply methodical problem-solving techniques to develop a C program for that
 Learn the meaning and syntax of C language data types, control statements, and expressions.
 Describe, explain, and declare scalar types (standard and user-defined), pointers, and single and
multidimensional arrays.
 Describe, explain, and declare structured data types (struct).
 Understand and utilize C program operators in constructing expressions and statements.
 Understand Boolean expressions.
 Understand and utilize header files and the standard C library.
 Know how to provide simple input and output to C programs.
 Understand the flow of control and C statements such as conditional and unconditional branching, and
repetition statements.
 Describe and explain functions, function declarations, and recursion.
 Analyse, develop, and modify C programs.
 Edit, compile, and run C programs on Unix (Solaris) systems using GCC.
 Explain the principles of designing structured programs.
 Describe what is meant by a well-designed program.
 Analyse C programs to discover bugs (debugging errors in coding or specification).
 Write problem specifications.
 Learn how to document programs using comments and how to follow coding style conventions.
 Write programs using the fundamentals of the C language including input/output variables, selection
statements (if and switch), loop statements (while, do-while, and for), functions, arrays, strings, pointers,
and structures.
 Read a description of a computation task and convert it into a C program.
 Fix expected bugs and errors in written programs.

Module Contents:
Computing Fundamentals
This course introduces computer programming to students with little or no computer programming expertise. The
course provides an overview of computer programming concepts using the C language. It gives the student the
ability to write computer programs and provide adequate documentation for these programs using standard styles
and structures. The course covers the fundamentals of the C programming language including variables, data
types, constants, selection statements (if and switch), loop statements (while, do-while, for), arrays, strings,
functions, pointers, and structures.
Computing Fundamentals Lab
This lab aims to enhance hands-on experience on topics that are theoretically covered in the CS116 computing
fundamentals course, including: variables, data types, constants, selection statements (if and switch), loop
statements (while, do-while, for), arrays, strings, functions, pointers, and structures.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures;
 In-class exercise;
 Tutorials;
 Practical learning.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Stephen G. Kochan, Programming in C: A complete introduction to the C programming language, Sams
Publishing, 3rd edition, 2005.
 Paul Deitel, and Harvey Deitel, C How To Program, Pearson, 8th edition, 2015.
 R.N. Reddy, and C.A. Ziegler, Programming for Scientists and Engineers, Jones & Bartlett Learning, 1 st
edition, 2009.

Usability of the Module:

This is a compulsory module for the following Bachelor’s Programs: Computer Science, Computer Engineering,
Electrical and Communication Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Pharmaceutical and Chemical Engineering,
Mechanical and Maintenance Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechatronics and Artificial Intelligence
Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Energy Engineering. It is a prerequisite for the following
modules: Computer Aided MATH for Mechatronics (ME0224), Computer Aided Engineering Drawing (ME0111),
Numerical Methods for Engineers (BM371), Numerical Analysis for Engineers (IE333), Computer Aided MATH
For IE (IE0222), Operations Research (IE0231), and Digital systems (CE212).

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:


Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Computer Aided Engineering Drawing ME0111

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 1 Semester Hours 6

Elective Module Spring Semester Workload 120
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 4

10% Quizzes
4% Home works
6% Class works
20% Midterm Exam
20% Autodesk Certified Professional (ACP) Exam
40% Portfolio assessment

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Engr. Mohammad Garibeh
Engr. Shouroq Shawish

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Computer Aided Engineering
Drawing Face-to-face; blended learning 90 30

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lecture: 90 hours;
 Guided, task driven and monitored (weekly) self-study for module (part of portfolio): 21 hours;
 Preparation of portfolio: 7 hours;
 Portfolio assessment: 2 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Draw line types, arcs, circles, geometric construction and polygons.
 Interpret third angle orthographic projection.
 Draw the three principal views of objects (top, front & profile).
 Draw isometric pictorial drawings.
 Draw sectional views.
 Interpret AutoCAD interface, change settings, open and save drawings.
 Use AutoCAD panels/commands (Draw, modify, dimensions, text, solid, surface, object snaps, User
Coordinate System (UCS), views, etc.) to draw 2D and 3D objects.
 Identify the Autodesk certified professional (ACP) exam.

Module Contents
Students learn the principle of 2D and 3D AutoCAD commands necessary to draw any 2D or 3D object. They will
learn how to draw the orthographic projection of any 3D object, the isometric and section views. They also will
learn how to draw a 3D model using 3D commands and find the orthogonal projection from the 3D model using
solid draw and solid edit command. The student will learn the presspull command to draw different 3D objects.
Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:
 Lectures with intensive discussions;
 Exercises in class and at home;
 Quizzes from real case problems.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 James H. Earle, Engineering design Graphics, 11th edition, 2004.
 Frederick E. Giesecke, Engineering Graphics, 8th edition, 2003.
 James D. Bethune, Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD, 1st edition, 2017.

Usability of the Module:

This is a compulsory module in the following Bachelor’s Degree Programs: Mechatronics and Artificial Intelligence
Engineering; Industrial engineering; Mechanical and Maintenance Engineering; Civil Engineering; Computer
Engineering; Energy Engineering; and Electrical & Communication Engineering. It is a prerequisite for
Fundamentals of Mechanical Design module (MECH0211).

CS116: Computing Fundamentals (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:
English with occasional Arabic explanations

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Electrical Circuits and Machines ME0212

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 2 Semester Hours 3

Elective Module Spring Semester Workload 150
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 5

30% Midterm exam
20% Assignments
10% Quizzes
40% Portfolio assessment

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dr. Hani Muhsen

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Electrical Circuits and Machines Face-to-face; blended learning 45 105

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

• Presence time in lectures: 45 hours;
• Guided, task driven and monitored (weekly) self-study for module (part of portfolio): 80 hours;
• Preparation of Portfolio: 23 hours;
• Portfolio assessment: 2 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
• Analyse circuit using direct application of Kirchoff's current and voltage laws along with Ohm's law.
• Interpret analytical circuit results to power, current, and voltage in view of passive sign convention.
• Explain the characteristics of capacitor, inductor, and operational amplifier.
• Compute Phasors and Sinusoidal steady-state response.
• Understand and analyse the basics of electronics (semiconductor diodes and Op-Amps, Transistors, bipolar
junction transistors, Thyristors).
• Understand the principle of operation of Direct Current and Alternating Current machines.

Module Contents
• Definitions, circuit laws, simple circuit, circuit analysis techniques;
• Phasor concept, Sinusoidal steady-state response;
• Average power and root mean square values, complex power and power factor;
• Poly-phase circuits, tsransformers (single phase);
• Basics in electronics (semiconductor diodes and Op-Amps, transistors, bipolar junction transistor,
• DC machines (separately and shunt), three-phase induction motors, special purpose motors.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

• Lectures.
• In class exercises.
• Tutorials.
• Simulation.

Recommended or Required Reading:

• Svoboda, James A., and Richard C. Dorf, Introduction to electric circuits. John Wiley & Sons, 9 th edition,
• Charles, K. Alexander, and N. O. Matthew, Fundamentals of electric circuits. McGraw-Hill Education, 6 th
edition, 2017.
• Chapman, Stephen J., Electric machinery fundamentals, 5th edition, 2012.
• Franchi, and Claiton Moro, Electrical Machine Drives: Fundamental Basics and Practice, CRC Press, 1 st
edition, 2019.

Usability of the Module:

This is a compulsory module in Industrial Engineering, and Mechanical and Maintenance Engineering programs.
It is a prerequisite for Instrumentation and Measurements and lab module (ME0346), Automation and Industry 4.0
and lab module (ME0577), Building Services module (MECH0544).

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

PHYS104: Physics II (-prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Instrumentation and Measurement ME0346

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 3 Semester Hours 5.6

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 150

Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 5

20% Midterm exam
20% Lab assignments
5% Lab Project
10% Report
5% Presentation
40% Portfolio assessment

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dr. Hani Muhsen

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Instrumentation and
Face-to-face; blended learning 45 47
Instrumentation and
Face-to-face; blended learning 36 22
Measurement Lab

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures: 45 hours;
 Presence time in labs: 36 hours;
 Guided, task driven and monitored (weekly) self-study for module (part of portfolio): 12 hours;
 Writing a report (mandatory part of portfolio): 7 hours;
 Preparing a presentation (mandatory part of portfolio): 3 hours;
 Prelab preparation (mandatory part of portfolio): 13 hours;
 Preparation of lab project (mandatory part of portfolio): 8 hours;
 Lab project assessment/presentation: 1 hour;
 Preparation of Portfolio: 23 hours;
 Portfolio assessment: 2 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Understand measurement principles and apply them within measurement systems.
 Select and specify suitable instrumentation for measurement of physical quantities.
 Analyze and interpret experimental data.
 Perform analog and digital signal processing.
 Identify various sensor technologies and their use in measurement systems.

Module Contents:
 Fundamentals of measurement systems: measurement units, measurement system applications,
elements of a measurement system;
 Instrument types and performance characteristics: a review of instrument types, static characteristics,
dynamic characteristics, calibration;
 Measurement uncertainty: sources and reduction of systematic error, random errors, and statistical
analysis of measurements;
 Measurement noise and signal processing: sources of measurement noise, techniques for reducing
measurement noise, analog signal processing, digital signal processing, introduction to data acquisition
and processing using LabVIEW;
 Electrical indicating and test instruments: digital meters, analog meters, oscilloscopes;
 Display, recording, and presentation of measurement data: displays, recorders, linear least-squares
 Variable conversion elements: bridge circuits, resistance measurement, inductance measurement,
capacitance measurement, current measurement, frequency measurement;
 Sensor technologies: capacitive and resistive sensors, magnetic sensors, hall-effect sensors,
piezoelectric transducers, strain gauges, optical sensors, ultrasonic sensors;
 Measurement sensors and instruments: temperature measurement, pressure measurement, flow
measurement, level measurement, mass, force, and torque measurement, translational and rotational
motion transducers.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures with intensive discussions;
 Quizzes;
 Exercises in class and at home;
 Experiments;
 Design Projects.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Morris, Alan S., and Reza Langari. M Measurement and Instrumentation,3rd edition, 2020.
 Bakshi, Uday A., and Late Ajay V. Bakshi, Measurements and Instrumentation. Technical
Publications,1st edition, 2020.
 Ghosh, Arun K., Introduction to measurements and instrumentation. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 4th edition,

Usability of the Module:

This is a compulsory module for the following programs: Industrial Engineering; Mechanical and Maintenance
Engineering; and Energy Engineering. It is a a prerequisite for the module Automation and Industry 4.0 in the
Industrial Engineering program.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

 MATH205: Differential Equations (prerequisite)
 ME0212: Electrical Circuits and Machines (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Automation and Industry 4.0 ME0577

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 5 Semester Hours 5

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 150

Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 5

25% Midterm Exam
20% Lab assignments
15% Lab assessment
40% Portfolio assessment

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dr. Hani Muhsen, Dr.Mutaz Ryalat

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Automation and Industry 4.0 Face-to-face; blended learning 30 60
Automation and Industry 4.0
Face-to-face; blended learning 45 15

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures, exercises and presentations: 30 hours;
 Presence time in LAB: 45 hours;
 Guided, task driven and monitored (weekly) self-study for module (part of portfolio): 50 hours;
 Prelab preparation (mandatory part of portfolio): 10 hours;
 Preparation of lab (mandatory part of portfolio): 4 hours;
 Lab assessment: 1 hour:
 Preparation of portfolio: 8 hours;
 Portfolio assessment: 2 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Define and distinguish industrial automation systems components, technologies, and applications.
 Understand the purpose, functions, and operations of a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).
 Identify the essential components of the PLC and how they function.
 Integrate and program a PLC.
 Design and analyse of industrial automation systems.
 Comprehend how digital transformation changes the manufacturing technologies.
 Identify and distinguish technologies under the Industry 4.0 umbrella.
 understand how the core elements and technologies are connected and can take a holistic approach to
improve processes and products.

Module Contents:
 Introduction to production concepts, serial production lines, assembly systems, and types of automation;
 Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC); Theoretical and applied material, including application and
hardware composition of programmable logic controllers; functional programming blocks such as logic
gates including AND, OR;
 Timers, counters, and analog blocks; design approaches based on Boolean and structured logic, state
machines, flowcharts; programming methodologies including ladder diagrams, blocks and text based;
 Concepts and definitions for Industry 4.0 approaches, Industry 4.0 and the Future of Production;
 Smart Factory Architecture and overview of Smart Production Systems and Integrated production
 Enabling technologies for Industry 4.0. Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) for production systems;
 Security and vulnerability challenges, authentication and authorization, data/device security, and cloud

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures with intensive discussions;
 Exercises in class and at home;
 Real case simulations;
 Experiments;
 Design Projects.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Frank D. Petruzella, Programmable Logic Controller, 5th edition, 2017.
 John Soldatos et. al, Industrial Automation in the Industry 4.0 Era, 1st Edition, 2019.
 Schwab, Klaus, The fourth industrial revolution. Currency, 1st Edition, 2017.

Usability of the Module:

This is a compulsory module for Mechatronics and Artificial Intelligence Engineering, and Industrial Engineering
programs. It is also elective for Mechanical and Maintenance Engineering program.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

ME0344: Control Systems I (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Statics and Strength of Materials MECH0216

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 2 Semester Hours 3

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 150
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 5
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

40% first and second exams
10% Quizzes
10% Team project or exercise
40% final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dr. Ahmad Almuhtady

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Statics and strength of Materials Face-to Face; blended learning 45 105

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures, exercises and presentations: 15 weeks * 3 hours = 45 hours;
 Preparation and writing team project: 3 hours;
 Preparation for first and second exam: 25 hours;
 Day to Day Studying, Exercises and self-reading at home (includes preparation for Quizzes): 60 hours;
 Preparation for final exam: 17 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Define force vectors in 2-D and 3-D problems in Cartesian and other representations and find the
moment of any force in 2-D or 3-D problems.
 Model particles and rigid bodies equilibrium problems through creation of free body diagram, identifying
equations of equilibrium and solving them.
 Analyze internal loadings of a loaded member.
 Determine geometric properties.
 Define the fundamental concepts of stress and strain.
 Define the characteristics and calculate the magnitude of selected mechanical properties of materials.
 Relate and classify the stress and the strain experienced by a member to the loads, geometry, and
materials properties.
 Apply the formal theory of solid mechanics to calculate forces, deflections, moments, stresses, and
strains in a wide variety of structural members subjected to tension, compression, bending.
 Analyze principal stresses and angles, maximum shearing stresses and angles, and the stresses acting
on any arbitrary plane within a structural element.
 Utilize basic properties of materials such as elastic moduli and Poisson's ratio to appropriately to solve
problems related to isotropic elasticity.
 Utilize appropriate materials in design considering engineering properties, cost and weight.

Module Contents:
The course covers the core of the applied mechanics (statics) in addition to an introduction to the strength of
materials, including the followings: Vector mechanics of forces and moments and resultants, equilibrium of
particles and rigid bodies in two and three dimensions, internal loadings, geometric properties, stress and strain,
mechanical properties of materials, axial load, bending, transverse shear, design of beams, column buckling.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures with intensive discussions;
 Exercises in class and at home;
 Real case simulations;
 Team work approach to tackle project or exercise.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Hibbeler, R.C. (2016). Engineering Mechanics: Statics (14th Edition). Pearson Prentice Hall, ISBN-13:
 Hibbeler, R.C. (2016). Mechanics of Materials in SI Units (10th Edition). Pearson Prentice Hall, ISBN-13:
 Beer, F., Johnston, E., DeWolf, J., and Mazurek, D. (2019). Mechanics of Materials (8th Edition).
McGraw Hill, ISBN-13: 978-1260113273.

Usability of the Module:

This module is a require module for the bachelors in Industrial Engineering and Mechatronics and Artificial
Intelligence Engineering. The module is a prerequisite to the modules MECH0215: Dynamics and IE0243:
Materials Science and Engineering Lab.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

 PHYS103: Physics 1 (prerequisite)
 MATH102: Calculus II (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Arabic 99  ARB099

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 1 Semester Hours 0

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 90
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 0
Pre-university X Pre-program Remedial X

40% Mid-term exam
20% Participation and homework
40% Final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dr. Mohammad Alhroot
Dr. Haytham Al-Thawabieh
Dr. Omar Abu Nawwas.

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Arabic 99 Face-to-face; blended learning 45 45

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures, exercises and presentations: 15 weeks * 3 hours = 45 hours;
 Preparation and practicing oral presentation; 10 hours;
 Exercises and self-reading at home: 15 hours;
 Preparation of Midterm exam and final exam: 20 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to
 Effectively employ the communication skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening in standard
 Use Arabic dictionaries and linking words and terminology.
 Examine the varying components of sentences and accurately breakdown grammatical structures.
 Analyze literary texts and distinguish among their types.
 Explain literary and linguistic works to reveal meaning, purpose and images.
 Orally present an accurate expression of the meanings and purposes of the texts.
 Demonstrate an improved use of resources on linguistic and literary heritage.

Module Contents:
 Relative pronouns;
 Demonstratives;
 The Hamza;
 Verbs;
 Nominal and verbal sentences;
 Pronouns;
 Punctuation marks;
 Poetic texts;
 Prose texts;
 Alʾlif allaiyyina (‫;)األلف الليّنة‬
 At-tāʾ almarbūṭa wal maftūḥa;
 Short forms in writing;
 The dual;
 Broken plural;
 Sound masculine plural;
 Sound feminine plural.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures with intensive discussions and brainstorming
 Exercises in lecture
 Five-minute presentation discussing any issue related to the topics of the course
 Using the library and internet in obtaining sources and the preparation of material

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Mustafa ʾamīn, An-nahu Al-wāḍiḥ, Ali al-jārim, Dār Al-maʿārif, 1983.

 Yaḥya Mair ʿAlam, Dalīl Qawāʿid Al-ʾImlāʾ wa Mahārātuha, 2014.

 Muṣṭafa Al-Galāyīnī, Jāmiʿ Ad-Durūs Al-ʿArabiyya, Dār Al-kutub Al-ʿilmiyya, 2020

Usability of the Module:

Standard Arabic is a vital part of any student’s education. It teaches them to produce well-argued and well-
structured texts using a variety of language tools whether as students or in their future careers. In addition,
properly learning Arabic teaches the use of the Arabic language to express the needs of the local, Arab and
Islamic community. Finally, ARB099 is a prerequisite to other courses, especially ARB100, and successful
completion of the course enables the student to register in a broader range of courses.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

The score 49 or below in the Arabic Placement Test (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Arabic  ARB100

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 1 Semester Hours 3

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 90
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 3
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

40% Mid-term exam
20% Participation and Homework
40% Final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dr. Mohammad Alhroot
Dr. Haytham Al-Thawabieh
Dr. Omar Abu Nawwas

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Arabic Face-to-face; blended learning 45 45

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours

 Presence time in lectures, exercises and presentations: 15 weeks * 3 hours = 45 hours;
 Preparation and practicing oral presentation: 10 hours;
 Exercises and self-reading at home: 15 hours;
 Preparation of Midterm exam and final exam: 20 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to
 Apply Standard Arabic on many different levels ranging from remembering and understanding details to
being able to evaluate and create grammatically correct and meaningful sentences.
 Understand and explain a word structure and identify its origin and type.
 Analyse and quote famous literary figures such as poets and writers, in addition to knowing their literary
eras and work.
 Identify the levels of the linguistic system.
 Analyze sentences and structures, deconstructing them into their constituting components, with
a particular focus on nominal sentences and their complements.
 Discern grammatical mistakes at word and sentence level.
 Write correct sentences and phrases exemplifying each linguistic pattern studied.
 Adapt the grammatical role of vocabulary use according to language standards.

Module Contents:
 Summarization;
 Punctuation;
 Spelling;
 Construction and inflection;
 Substitution indescribability;
 Sentence;
 Clause;
 Rhetoric issues and various applications;
 Poetic text (kun Balsaman/ ً ‫;) ُك ْن بلسما‬
 Short story (Müġāmara Ḫarīra/ ‫;) ُمغامرة خَطيرة‬
 Prose text (waḍiyyatu ʾum li ʾibnatiha/ ‫;)وصيّة أ ّم البنتِها‬
 Verbal subject;
 Object whose subject is not mentioned;
 Nominal subject;
 Predicate;
 Active participle;
 Passive participles.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures with intensive discussions and brainstorming;
 Exercises in lecture:
 Five-minute presentation discussing any issue related to the topics of the course;
 Using the library and internet in obtaining sources and the preparation of material.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Abdu Ar-rājiḥī, At-Taṭbīq An-Naḥwī: Dār an-nahḍa,1979.
 ʾImīl Yaʿqūb, Al-Maʿājim Al-ʿArabiyya, Dār Al-ʿilm, 1985.
 Mahir Shaban, Al-Kitāba Al-Wazīfiyya, wa Al-ʾibdāʿiyya, Dar al-masīra, 2010.
 Fādil As-sāmirrāʾī,, Aṣ-ṣarf Al-ʿarabī, Dār ibn kaṯīr, 2013.

Usability of the Module:

Arabic is the native language of Jordan and that of most of the German Jordanian University’s students. Thus, it is
vital that they graduate with adequate Arabic language skills. Although the native language of the country is
Arabic, most day-to-day interaction occurs in colloquial Arabic rather than Standard Arabic. Standard Arabic
poses as a challenge for many of our students as they fail to receive sufficient practice. Therefore, taking Arabic
during their Bachelor’s degree is vital to ensure they are well equipped with the tools to communicate formally in
any career they choose.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

ARB099: Arabic 99 or a passing grade of 50 on the Arabic Placement Test (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

English II ENGL099

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 1 Semester Hours 3

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 90
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS
Pre-university X Pre-program Remedial

40% Mid-term exam
10% Oral presentation
10% Activities (quizzes, speaking, writing skills)
40% final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Abeer Shannees
Areen Tarawneh
Dr. Bassmah Altaher
Dr. Deema Khasawneh
Dina El Hindi
Iman Sha’shaa
Dr. Kawthar Karain
Rasha Hijazeen
Dr. Thelal Oweis
Vera Khamashta

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
English II Face-to-face; blended learning 45 45

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures, exercises and presentations: 15 weeks * 3 hours = 45 hours;
 Preparation and practicing oral presentation: 10 hours;
 Exercises and self-reading at home: 15 hours;
 Preparation of Midterm exam and final exam: 20 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to converse using simple Yes/No questions and Wh-questions and answers in Standard
English dealing with basic survival needs. They will also be able to describe a sequence of events in the past
dealing with their personal life. They will be able to recognize and produce basic constructions such as subject –
verb agreement in sentences and appropriate use of pronouns. Moreover, they will be able to convey, to a limited
degree, the different meanings of ability, possibility, or suggestion and use the imperative to give, to a limited
degree, orders, advice, or warning. Students will be able to understand and convey the appropriate mood of a

Module Contents:
 Grammar:
o English tenses: Present; Past; Present and Past Continuous; Present Perfect; Future Simple
o -ing forms;
o Can;
o Countable and uncountable nouns;
o Comparative and superlatives;
o Modals.
 Vocabulary:
o Personal information, family, word roots;
o Colors, furniture, objects;
o Word building: suffixes; collocations; synonyms and antonyms; word families; word forms;
o Word focus: preposition: in;
o Verbs and nouns collocations;
o Word focus: mean, write;
o Menus, clothes, food verbs;
o Journey adjectives;
o Word focus: time, money.
 Writing:
o Sentences;
o A paragraph;
o Topic sentence, supporting details, closing sentence.
 Reading and Listening: Units 1-7 related reading and listening practice:
o Main ideas and supporting details;
o Identify examples;
o Previewing and prediction;
o Skimming and scanning;
o Finding the general idea and finding specific information;
o Contextual meaning of vocabulary.
 Oral:
o Conversation questions.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures with intensive discussions
 Exercises in class and at home
 Writing and presenting alone or in group work
 Watching videos, reading a paragraph and sharing ideas

Recommended or Required Reading:

 National Geographic Learning, Life Elementary 2nd ed. Student book, 2019
 National Geographic Learning, Life Elementary 2nd ed. Workbook, 2019
 National Geographic Learning, Life Elementary 2nd ed. iTools extra activities, 2019

Usability of the Module:

English may not be the most spoken language in the world, but it is the official language of 53 countries and
spoken by around 400 million people across the globe. Being able to speak English is not just about being able to
communicate with native English speakers, it is the most common second language in the world. If you want to
speak to someone from another country, then the chances are that you will both be speaking English to do this.
Therefore, it is very important for any university student to learn proper English. This is especially true for the
German Jordanian University students as their entire university degree is taught in English. ENGL099 in particular
is the foundation course to other levels so that students can begin their journey to improve their skills. Moreover,
students taking this course still think in Arabic and translate to English in their minds. This course helps them
begin to break free of this common barrier of language learning and begin thinking in English using the culture of
English speakers. In addition, they will be spending their internship year in Germany and will have the opportunity
to travel to many European countries if they desire. Therefore, improving their English for basic survival and
intercultural communication is vital. English 99 is a prerequisite for English 101.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

English Placement Test grade of 0-40 (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

English III ENGL101

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 1 Semester Hours 3

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 90

Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 3

Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

40% Mid-term exam
10% Oral presentation
10% Activities (quizzes, speaking, writing skills)
40% final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Abeer Shannees
Areen Tarawneh
Dr. Bassmah Altaher
Dr. Deema Khasawneh
Dina El Hindi
Iman Sha’shaa
Dr. Kawthar Karain
Rasha Hijazeen
Dr. Thelal Oweis
Vera Khamashta

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
English III Face-to-face; blended learning 45 45

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures, exercises and presentations: 15 weeks * 3 hours = 45 hours;
 Preparation and practicing oral presentation: 10 hours;
 Exercises and self-reading at home: 15 hours;
 Preparation of Midterm exam and final exam: 20 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, students will be able to use appropriate vocabulary and grammar when formulating
sentences and speaking in the English language. Students’ reading skills will be improved through critical analysis
of reading texts. In addition, students will be able to produce properly written paragraphs using the basic rules of
writing, such as: the topic sentence, the supporting sentences and the concluding sentence. Furthermore,
students will also be able to use grammatical rules correctly when they converse using the English language.
Different oral and speaking skills such as effective speaking, clarity of voice and content, eye contact and
effective listening will also be developed after taking this course.

Module Contents:
 Grammar:
o Present simple;
o Present continuous;
o Comparatives and superlatives, comparative modifiers;
o Past Simple;
o Past continuous;
o Quantifiers;
o Articles;
o Future forms;
 Vocabulary:
o Everyday routines;
o Collocations with do, play and go;
o Words related to medical problems;
o Words related to sports;
o Vocabulary related to travelling;
o Transport vocabulary;
o Personal qualities, risks and challenges;
o Vocabulary related to materials and recycling;
o Words related to celebrations and life events.
 Writing:
o Filling a form;
o Writing an advertisement;
o Writing a short story;
o Writing formal emails;
o Writing a description for a travel blog,
 Reading and Listening:
o Related reading and listening for units one – six;
o The main argument;
o Reading between the lines;
o Identifying opinion vs. fact;
o Close reading;
o Identifying the key information;
o Supporting the main argument.
 Oral:
o Speech.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures with intensive discussions;
 Exercises in class and at home;
 Writing and presenting alone or in-group work.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 National Geographic Learning, Life Pre-Intermediate 2nd ed. Student book, 2019
 National Geographic Learning, Life Pre-Intermediate Workbook 2nd ed., 2019
 National Geographic Learning, Life Pre-Intermediate iTools 2nd ed. extra activities, 2019

Usability of the Module:

As English is one of the main languages of the world, this course helps students communicate more effectively in
a broader range of cultures and contexts. At ENGL101 level, students are able to handle more complex language
constructions in both understanding and producing language. Their vocabulary is broad enough to meet the
majority of their academic and personal needs. This course also serves as the prerequisite not only for ENGL102
but also to all the university electives as its completion enables students to understand and present course
material in English successfully. Furthermost, the language of instruction at GJU is English; therefore, English
skills are a prerequisite to successfully graduate. Last but not least, as GJU’s programs aim at graduating
internationally competitive students, English communication skills are a basic requirement.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

ENGL099: English III or a grade of 41-60 in the English Placement Test (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:

Module Title Module Code
English IV ENGL102

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 1 Semester Hours 3

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 90
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 3
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

40% Mid-term exam
10% Oral presentation
10% Activities (quizzes, speaking, writing skills)
40% Final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Abeer Shannees
Areen Tarawneh
Dr. Bassmah Altaher
Dr. Deema Khasawneh
Dina El Hindi
Iman Sha’shaa
Dr. Kawthar Karain
Rasha Hijazeen
Dr. Thelal Oweis
Vera Khamashta

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
English IV Face-to-face; blended learning 45 45

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures, exercises and presentations: 15 weeks * 3 hours = 45 hours;
 Preparation and practicing oral presentation: 10 hours;
 Exercises and self-reading at home: 15 hours;
 Preparation of Midterm exam and final exam: 20 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will demonstrate improved English skills to better communicate, define their
needs and recognize the meaning of words in context. They will be able to implement analogies, idioms, and
words with precise connotations and denotations in a variety of oral and written presentations in a native
professional performance. In addition, students will be able to differentiate, categorize and compare ideas and
make inferences and analyses. They will demonstrate the ability to evaluate, critique and rank writings for clarity,
sentence variety, precise vocabulary, and effective phrasing. Finally, they will formulate well-designed sentences
in an organized text.

Module Contents:
 Grammar:
o Review of English tenses: Present; Past; Present and Past Continuous;
o Present and past perfect, Present, Past Perfect Continuous;
o Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Continuous;
o Static verbs;
o Question forms: direct and indirect questions;
o Predictions;
o Future forms;
o Model verbs;
o First conditional: if + will;
o Using “When, as soon as, unless, until, before”;
o Purpose: to .., for … and, so that …;
o Certainty and possibility.
 Vocabulary:
o Units 1-6 related vocabulary and idioms;
o Word focus: love;
o Feelings;
o Wordbuilding: adjective and noun collocations;
o Musical styles;
o Emotions;
o Word focus: kind;
o Describing performances;
o Describing experiences;
o Wordbuilding: adverbs;
o Word focus: get;
o Word focus: job and work.
o Education;
o Wordbuilding: prefix re-pay and conditions;
o Job requirements;
o A healthy lifestyle;
o Word focus: so;
o Restaurants;
o Word focus: long;
o Art;
o Wordbuilding: nouns and verbs;
o - ly adverbs in stories.
 Writing:
o Text type: a business profile;
o Writing skill: criteria for writing;
o Text type: a review;
o Writing skill: linking ideas;
o Text type: a blog post;
o Writing skill: interesting language;
o Text type: a covering letter;
o Writing skill: formal style;
o Text type: a formal letter/email;
o Writing skill: explaining consequences;
o Text type: a news story;
o Writing skill: structuring a news story.
 Reading and listening:
o Units 1-6;
o Drawing conclusions;
o evaluating sources;
o Reading between the lines;
o Understanding different sides of an argument;
o Understanding language cues;
o Opinion vs. fact.
 Oral:
o A debate/presentation.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures with intensive discussions;
 Exercises in class and at home;
 Writing and presenting alone or in group work.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Life Intermediate 2nd ed. Student book, National Geographic Learning, 2019
 Life Intermediate Workbook 2nd ed, National Geographic Learning, 2019
 Life Intermediate iTools 2nd ed. extra activities, National Geographic Learning, 2019
Usability of the Module:
As English is one of the main languages of the world this course helps students communicate more effectively in
a broader range of cultures and contexts. Students focus on English at an intermediate level on the receptive
skills of reading and listening and the productive skills of writing and speaking. Since the language of instruction
at GJU is English; therefore, English skills are a prerequisite to graduate and support students in their future
career path. More specifically, English IV (ENGL102) is a prerequisite for English V (ENGL201).

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

ENGL101: English III or a score of 61-80 on the English Placement Test (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

English V ENGL201

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 2 Semester Hours 3

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 90
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 3
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

40% Mid-term exam
10% Oral presentation
10% Class activities (speaking, quizzes, and writing skills)
40% Final

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Abeer Shannees
Areen Tarawneh
Dr. Bassmah Altaher
Dr. Deema Khasawneh
Dina El Hindi
Iman Sha’shaa
Dr. Kawthar Karain
Rasha Hijazeen
Dr. Thelal Oweis
Vera Khamashta

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
English V Face-to-face; blended learning 45 45

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures, exercises and presentations: 15 weeks * 3 hours = 45 hours;
 Preparation and practicing oral presentation: 10 hours;
 Exercises and self-reading at home: 15 hours;
 Preparation of Midterm exam and final exam: 20 hours.

Learning outcomes:
By the end of the module, students will be able to communicate in English using native-like speaking, reading,
and writing skills. The students‘ vocabulary will have expanded to include proper diction and enabled them to use
appropriate phrases and words according to the context. In addition, there will be a significant improvement in
their ability to use idioms, synonyms and collocations of English language; they will be competent at expressing
their ideas and elaborating on their thoughts. Students will also be able to apply improved critical thinking skills
while reading English texts. They will be able to evaluate conclusions, supporting examples, identifying opinions,
ways of arguing and looking at different perspectives. They will also be able to understand and use tone to effect
meaning and use emotive language. Students apply improved writing skills as well. They can analyze and
produce 2 – 3 page essays with an emphasis on argumentation and persuasion working both independently and
cooperatively to gather, evaluate, and synthesize necessary information.

Module Contents:
 Grammar:
o Present tenses: simple, continuous, and perfect;
o Past simple and present perfect;
o Use of determiners;
o Use of expressions of quantity;
o Verb with infinitive or -ing;
o Verbs with both -ing and to + infinitive;
o Zero and first conditionals;
o Verb patterns with reporting verbs;
o Passive reporting verbs.
 Vocabulary:
o Units 1, 4, 5, 7, and 9 related vocabulary and idioms;
o Describing character;
o Phrasal verbs about friendships;
o Word building: forming adjectives;
o Word focus: sense;
o Vocabulary: art;
o Words focus: spend;
o Vocabulary: urban features;
o Word building: adverb+ adjective;
o Word focus: fall;
o Vocabulary: raising children (verbs);
o Word focus: same and different;
o Describing traditions;
o Vocabulary: reporting verbs;
o Word focus: word.
 Writing:
o Outline of an essay;
o Thesis statements;
o Topic sentence;
o Supporting sentences;
o Parallel structure;
o Transition words;
o Punctuation.
 Reading and listening:
o Identifying the main aspect;
o Balancing arguments;
o Fact or opinion;
o Claims and justifications;
o Emotive language;
o Weighing the evidence;
o Reinforcing ideas.
 Oral:
o Presentations.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures with intensive discussions;
 Exercises in class and at home;
 Writing and presenting alone or in group work.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 National Geographic Learning, Life Upper Intermediate 2nd ed. Student book, 2019
 National Geographic Learning, Life Upper Intermediate 2nd ed. Workbook, 2019
 National Geographic Learning, Life Upper Intermediate 2nd ed. iTools extra activities, 2019

Usability of the Module:

As English is one of the main languages of the world this course helps students communicate more effectively in
a broader range of cultures and contexts. It also helps students in their career path, as upon completion of the
course, the students receive a Language Proficiency Certificate, which indicates their language competency in the
universally recognized CEFR rating. At English V (ENGL201) level, students are now thinking of their German
Year including their internship semester and/or applying for scholarships abroad. This course serves as a bridge
between lower-level English and English that is more native in expression and understanding, therefore, helping
them achieve their goals. Furthermost, the language of instruction at GJU is English; therefore, English skills are
a prerequisite to successfully graduate. English V (ENGL201) is a prerequisite for English VI (ENGL202). Last but
not least, as GJU’s programs aim at graduating internationally competitive students, English communication skills
are a basic requirement.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

ENGL101: English 102 or a grade of 81-120 in the English Placement Test (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

English VI ENGL202

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 2 Semester Hours 3

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 90
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 3
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

40% Mid-term exam
10% Oral presentation
10% Activities (quizzes, speaking, writing skills)
40% Final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Abeer Shannees
Areen Tarawneh
Dr. Bassmah Altaher
Dr. Deema Khasawneh
Dina El Hindi
Iman Sha’shaa
Dr. Kawthar Karain
Rasha Hijazeen
Dr. Thelal Oweis
Vera Khamashta

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
EnglishVI Face-to-face; blended learning 45 45

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures, exercises and presentations: 15 weeks * 3 hours = 45 hours;
 Preparation and practicing oral presentation: 10 hours;
 Exercises and self-reading at home: 15 hours;
 Preparation of Midterm exam and final exam: 20 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to
 Better converse in the English language using the idiomatic language of native speakers.
 Read and decipher the language of news and literature for a better understanding of biased language
and subtle meanings.
 Apply improved writing skills in order to better communicate in written form in both professional and
personal contexts.
 Make connections between a text read independently, make predictions, compare and contrast ideas
and make inferences.
 Analyze the relationships among thesis (main idea), evidence (concrete supporting details), and
argument to evaluate claims made in informational texts such as newspaper editorials and campaign
 Use analogies, idioms, and words with precise connotations and denotations in a variety of oral and
written presentations.
 Revise writing for clarity, sentence variety, precise vocabulary, and effective phrasing.
Module Contents:
 Grammar:
o Review of English tenses: Present; Past; Present and Past Continuous; Present and Past Perfect
o Present and Past Perfect Continuous; Future Simple; Future Continuous; Future Perfect
o Passive voice;
o Future probability;
o Past models;
o Emphatic Structures: cleft sentence; do;
o Avoiding Repetition: synonyms; ellipsis.
 Vocabulary:
o Related vocabulary and idioms;
o Word focus: life;
o Word building: phrasal verb get;
o Idioms: safety;
o Word focus: foot/feet;
o Adverb and adjective collocations;
o Word focus: ground;
o Word building: suffix -able;
o Word building: give;
o Repeated word pairs;
o Word focus matter.
 Writing:
o Argumentative writing;
o Outline;
o Thesis statement;
o Unity;
o Coherence;
o Topic sentence;
o Fragments;
o Run-on;
o Parallel phrases.
 Reading and Listening: Units 1-5 related reading and listening practice:
o Understanding how an argument develops;
o Use of contrasts;
o Fact or opinion;
o Finding counter arguments;
o Identifying aims;
o Analysing descriptive language;
o Identifying personal opinions;
o Reading between the lines.
 Oral:
o News analysis.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures with intensive discussions;
 Exercises in class and at home;
 Writing and presenting alone or in group work.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 National Geographic Learning, Life Advanced 2nd ed. Student book, 2019
 National Geographic Learning, Life Advanced 2nd ed. Workbook, 2019
 National Geographic Learning, Life Advanced 2nd ed. iTools extra activities, 2019

Usability of the Module:

As English is one of the main languages of the world this course helps students communicate more effectively in
a broader range of cultures and contexts. It also this course helps students in their career path because upon
completion of the course, the students receive and Language Proficiency Certificate which indicates their
language competency in the universally recognized CEFR rating. Furthermost, the language of instruction at GJU
is English; therefore, English skills are a prerequisite to successfully graduate. The module, which builds upon
English V (ENGL201), is the last in a series of curricular offers in this regard. Last but not least, as GJU’s
programs aim at graduating internationally competitive students, English communication skills are a basic

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

ENGL201: English V (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

German I (B1 track) 1

Compulsory Semester
Module X Year of Study 1 Hours 9
Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 180
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 6
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

5% Active participation
20% Portfolio consisting of two writing assignments and a video presentation
35% Oral or written midterm exam
40% Written final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Anna Kloska (coordinator for German I)
And a team of several instructors whose number varies each semester according to the number of sections for said

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
German I (B1 track) Face-to-face; blended learning 135 45

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures, exercises and exams: 15 weeks * 9 hours = 135 hours;
 Exercises and self-studying at home: 35 hours;
 Preparation for the midterm and final exam: 10 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Comprehend very familiar, everyday expressions and very simple sentences and structures related to
areas of most immediate relevance according to the discretionary standards in the Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) at the Level A1.1 (beginners without pre-knowledge).
 Introduce herself/himself and others, express likes and dislikes, fill out a personal form, ask questions
and give answers in present and partially in past tense, set private and semi-official appointments,
describe people and things and express frequency and quantity in a very basic way both orally and in
 Communicate with native speakers on a very basic level if those involved in the conversation speak
slowly and clearly and are willing to support the non-native speaker.

Module Contents:
Creating a student-centered approach in realistic and context-based learning scenarios, the module strategically
deals with the unique demands made by everyday student life at the German Jordanian University (GJU).
Focusing on reception, interaction and production, the module involves A1.1 ‘Can Do statements’ related to the
four ‘language skills’ according to the CEFR. Thus, in terms of communicative activities, the module focuses on
the following topics: basic personal and family information, numbers, dates, time, possessions and needs,
ordering and buying food and groceries, studying and education, work environment and professions, leisure
activities, transportation and travelling, daily routine, celebrations, furniture and design. In terms of grammatical
phenomena, it deals with simple sentence structures, gender, number and the four forms of articles, nominative
and accusative case, verb conjugation (present and perfect tense) for regular and some irregular verbs.
Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:
 Listening and reading exercises (reception);
 Exercises combining spoken interaction and production;
 Exercises combining written interaction and production;
 Introductive training focussing on the interrelation between reception and production;
 Training towards an active acquisition of new vocabulary and grammatical phenomena;
 Introduction to blended learning, flipped classroom and self-studying components;
 Controlled, guided and free in-class activities;
 Whole-class activities;
 Individual, partner and group work activities;
 Very short lectures, simple and structured discussions, and short debates;
 Preparation for assignments and exams.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Glas-Peters S., Pude A., Reimann M., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Kursbuch A1.1, 3rd
Edition, Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2018.
 Glas-Peters S., Pude A., Reimann M., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Arbeitsbuch A1.1, 10th
Edition, Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2019.
 Scheffler B., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Intensivtrainer A1, 3rd Edition, Hueber Verlag
GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2018.
 Handouts for Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking Comprehension (German Language Center).

Usability of the Module:

This is a compulsory module in the Bachelor’s program for students of all schools (except SAHL) and the first of
six German language modules offered by the German Language Center. Having completed this module, students
can choose between two different tracks (B1 or B2) in order to complete their German language study program
with either the official B1 exam, conducted in cooperation with the ‘Goethe-Institut’ or the ‘TestDaF-Institut’ or the
B2 exam according to the CEFR.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:


Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

German II (B1 track) 1

Compulsory Semester
Module X Year of study 1 Hours 9
Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 180
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 6
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

5% Active participation
20% Portfolio consisting of two writing assignments and a video presentation
35% Oral or written midterm exam
40% Written final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dr. Monika Hryniewicka (coordinator for German II)
And a team of several instructors whose number varies each semester according to the number of sections for said

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
German II (B1 track) Face-to-face; blended learning 135 45

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures, exercises and exams: 15 weeks * 9 hours = 135 hours;
 Exercises and self-studying at home: 35 hours;
 Preparation for the midterm and final exam: 10 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Understand and use familiar, everyday expressions and very simple sentences and structures related to
areas of most immediate relevance according to the discretionary standards in the Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) at the level A1.2 (basic users).
 Introduce herself/himself and others, express likes and dislikes, fill out a personal form, ask questions
and give answers in present and past tense, set private and official appointments, describe people and
things, ask for directions, express frequency and quantity in a basic way both orally and in writing.
 Communicate with native speakers on a very basic level if those involved in the conversation speak
slowly and clearly and, if need be, are willing to support the non-native speaker.

Module Contents:
Creating a student-centered approach in realistic and context-based learning scenarios, the module strategically
deals with the unique demands made by everyday student life at the German Jordanian University (GJU).
Focusing on reception, interaction and production, the module involves A1.2 ‘Can Do statements’ related to the
four ‘language skills’ according to the CEFR. Thus, in terms of communicative activities, the module focuses on
the following topics: basic personal and family information, locations and directions, living environment,
appointments, wishes and desires, health issues, characteristics and physiognomy of people, household, rules
and regulations, clothes and fabrics, weather, and common national and international celebrations. In terms of
grammatical phenomena, it deals with temporal, local and other prepositions, accusative and dative case,
determiners, declension of nouns and pronouns, modal verbs, the imperative form, independent and subordinated
clauses, simple past and past perfect forms of regular and irregular verbs.
Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:
 Listening and reading exercises (reception);
 Exercises combining spoken interaction and production;
 Exercises combining written interaction and production;
 Activities focussing on the interrelation between reception and production;
 Training towards an active acquisition and a more independent consolidation of vocabulary and
grammatical phenomena;
 Blended learning, flipped classroom and self-studying components;
 Controlled, guided and free in-class activities;
 Whole-class activities;
 Individual, partner and group work activities;
 Short discussions, simple debates and short presentations;
 Preparation for assignments and exams.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Evans S., Pude A., Specht F., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Kursbuch A1.2, 9th Edition,
Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2021.
 Glas-Peters S., Pude A., Reimann M., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Arbeitsbuch A1.2, 8th
Edition, Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2021.
 Scheffler B., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Intensivtrainer A1, 3rd Edition, Hueber Verlag
GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2018.
 Handouts for Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking Comprehension (German Language Center).

Usability of the Module:

This is a compulsory module in the Bachelor’s program for students of all schools (except SAHL) and the second
of six German language modules within the B1 track offered by the German Language Center which, altogether,
lead the students towards the official B1 exam according to the CEFR which is conducted in cooperation with the
‘Goethe-Institut’ or the ‘TestDaF-Institut’.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

GERL101B1: German I (B1 Track) (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

German III (B1 track) 1

Compulsory Semester
Module X Year of study 2 Hours 6
Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 120
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 4
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

5% Active participation
20% Portfolio consisting of two writing assignments and a video presentation
35% Oral or written midterm exam
40% Written final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Jakob Goos (coordinator for German III)
And a team of several instructors whose number varies each semester according to the number of sections for said

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
German III (B1 track) Face-to-face; blended learning 90 30

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures, exercises and exams: 15 weeks * 6 hours = 90 hours;
 Exercises and self-studying at home: 24 hours;
 Preparation for the midterm and final exam: 6 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Understand and use familiar, frequently used expressions and simple sentences and structures related
to areas of a wider immediate relevance according to the discretionary standards in the Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) at the level A2.1 (basic users).
 Talk about their academic and/or professional background, describe their living conditions, express likes
and dislikes, ask questions and give answers in present and past tense, ask for help and support, make
suggestions and give advice, describe health problems and talk with medical doctors and nurses,
express pity, sorrow and hopes, express frequency and quantity in a basic way both orally and in writing.
 Communicate with native speakers within simple and familiar tasks requiring a simple and direct
exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.

Module Contents:
Creating a student-centered approach in realistic and context-based learning scenarios, the module strategically
deals with the unique demands made by everyday student life at the German Jordanian University (GJU).
Focusing on reception, interaction and production, the module involves A2.1 ‘Can Do statements’ related to the
four ‘language skills’ according to the CEFR. Thus, in terms of communicative activities, the module focuses on
the following topics: detailed personal and family information, profession, work and companies, living conditions
and housing, tourism and leisure, shopping, lifestyle and culture, sports and fitness, health issues, food, nutrition
and eating in restaurants. In terms of grammatical phenomena, it deals with determination, complex verbforms,
nominalization, adjective inflection, temporal and local prepositions, the general subjunctive mood, and sentence
Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:
 Listening and reading exercises (reception);
 Exercises combining spoken interaction and production;
 Exercises combining written interaction and production;
 Exercises focussing on the interrelation between receptive and productive activities;
 Training towards an active acquisition and a more independent consolidation of vocabulary and
grammatical phenomena;
 Blended learning, flipped classroom and self-studying components;
 Controlled, guided and free in-class activities;
 Whole-class activities;
 Individual, partner and group work activities;
 Lectures, discussions, debates and presentations
 Preparation for assignments and exams.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Habersack C., Pude A., Specht F., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Kursbuch A2.1, 9th Edition,
Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2022.
 Breitsameter A., Glas-Peters S., Pude A., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Arbeitsbuch A2.1, 6th
Edition, Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2021.
 Batra S., Ransberger K., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Intensivtrainer A2, 1st Edition, Hueber
Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2016.
 Handouts for Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking Comprehension (German Language Center).

Usability of the Module:

This is a compulsory module in the Bachelor’s program for students of all schools (except SAHL) and the third of
six German language modules within the B1 track offered by the German Language Center which, altogether,
lead the students towards the official B1 exam according to the CEFR which is conducted in cooperation with the
‘Goethe-Institut’ or the ‘TestDaF-Institut’. In accordance with the GJU study plan, this module consists of 4 ECTS,
instead of 6, and therefor offers a stronger progression for the ‘basic user’ of German who has approached
his/her ‘waystage’ level of the language according to the CEFR.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

GERL102B1: German II (B1 Track) (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

German IV (B1 track) 1

Compulsory Semester
Module X Year of Study 2 Hours 9
Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 180
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 6
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

5% Active participation
10% Oral exam
10% Written assignment
35% Oral or written midterm exam
40% Written final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Elena Kleist (coordinator for German IV)
And a team of several instructors whose number varies each semester according to the number of sections for said

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
German IV (B1 track) Face-to-face; blended learning 135 45

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures, exercises and exams: 15 weeks * 9 hours = 135 hours;
 Exercises and self-studying at home: 30 hours;
 Preparation for the midterm and final exam: 9 hours;
 Preparation for the official B1 exam according to the CEFR: 6 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Distinguish between familiar expressions, sentences and structures related to areas of immediate
relevance and more elaborated components like the main points of clear standard input on familiar
matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure etc. according to the discretionary standards in the
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) at the level A2.2 (basic users) and,
partially, at the level B1.1 (independent user).
 Talk about personal experiences with languages, express feelings of happiness, joy and discomfort,
describe own media consumption habits, describe travel experiences, convince others, describe and
report in official situations, describe statistics, write formal invitations and short emails, make
suggestions and talk about future events and situations, describe dreams hopes and ambitions and
briefly give reasons or explanations for opinions and plans.
 Communicate with native speakers about essential points and ideas in familiar contexts.
 Understand the characteristics of the official B1 exam according to the CEFR and use strategies to
overcome obstacles while solving said exam.

Module Contents:
Creating a student-centered approach in realistic and context-based learning scenarios, the module strategically
deals with the unique demands made by everyday student life at the German Jordanian University (GJU).
Focusing on reception, interaction and production, the module involves A2.2 and, partially, B1.1 ‘Can Do
statements’ related to the four ‘language skills’ according to the CEFR. Thus, in terms of communicative activities,
the module focuses on the following topics: administration and bills, telecommunication, books and press,
travelling and mobility, weather and climate, education, profession and work specifics, friendships and other
relations, invitations, customer services, future and abstractions. In terms of grammatical phenomena, it deals
with complex sentence structures (independent and subordinated clauses) and connectors, the passive voice,
indirect questions, complex prepositions, past forms of modal verbs, relative clauses, and the future tense. The
module eventually introduces the characteristics of the official B1 exam according to the CEFR.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Listening and reading exercises (reception);
 Exercises combining spoken interaction and production;
 Exercises combining written interaction and production;
 Activities focussing on the interrelation between reception and production;
 Training towards an active acquisition and a more independent consolidation of vocabulary and
grammatical phenomena;
 Blended learning, flipped classroom and self-studying components;
 Controlled, guided and free in-class activities;
 Whole-class activities;
 Individual, partner and group work activities;
 Lectures, discussions, debates, presentations etc.;
 Preparation for assignments and exams;
 Preparation for the official B1 exam according to the CEFR.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Habersack C., Pude A., Specht F., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Kursbuch A2.2, 7th Edition,
Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2021.
 Breitsamer A., Glas-Peters S., Pude A., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Arbeitsbuch A2.2, 5th
Edition, Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2019.
 Brau-Podeschwa J., Habersack C., Pude A., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Kursbuch B1.1, 6th
Edition, Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2021.
 Breitsameter A., Glas-Peters S., Pude A., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Arbeitsbuch B1.1, 4th
Edition, Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2019.
 Scheffler B., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Intensivtrainer A2, 1st Edition, Hueber Verlag GmbH
& Co. KG, München, 2016.
 Kersting D., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Intensivtrainer B1, 1st Edition, Hueber Verlag GmbH
& Co. KG, München, 2017.
 Dittrich R., Maenner D., Prüfungstraining Goethe-/ÖSD-Zertifikat B1, 3rd Edition, Cornelsen
Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin, 2017.
 Handouts for Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking Comprehension (German Language Center).

Usability of the Module:

This is a compulsory module in the Bachelor’s program for students of all schools (except SAHL) and the fourth of
six German language modules within the B1 track offered by the German Language Center which, altogether,
lead the students towards the official B1 exam according to the CEFR which is conducted in cooperation with the
‘Goethe-Institut’ or the ‘TestDaF-Institut’.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

GERL201B1: German III (B1 Track) (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

German V (B1 track) 1

Compulsory Semester
Module X Year of Study 3 Hours 9
Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 180
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 6
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

Final exam consisting of the official B1 exam according to the CEFR, conducted in cooperation with the ‘Goethe-
Instiutut’ or the ‘TestDaF-Institut’. Students pass the module by successfully passing at least two of the four parts of the
exam which are based on the four ‘language skills’ reading, listening, writing and speaking. The module only offers a
pass or fail option and therefor does not contain any other forms of examination.

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Friederike Haumann (coordinator for German V)
And a team of several instructors whose number varies each semester according to the number of sections for said

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
German V (B1 Track) Face-to-face; blended learning 135 45

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures, exercises and exams: 15 weeks * 9 hours = 135 hours;
 Exercises and self-studying at home: 30 hours;
 Preparation for the official B1 exam according to the CEFR: 15 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work,
school, leisure etc. according to the discretionary standards in the Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages (CEFR) at the level B1.1 and B1.2 (independent user).
 Deal with most situations likely to arise whilst traveling in an area where German is spoken, produce
simple connected texts on topic which are familiar or of personal interest, describe experiences and
events, dreams, hopes and ambitions, statistics, and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions
and plans.
 Understand the main point of many radio or TV programmes on current events and topics, understand
the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters, write personal letters/texts describing
experiences and impressions, write straightforward connected texts on topics which are familiar or of
personal interest.
 Communicate with native speakers about essential points and ideas in familiar contexts and about topics
of personal or partially professional interest.
 Follow a lecture or talk within her/his field, provided the subject matter is familiar and the presentation
straightforward and clearly structured.
 Understand simple technical information, such as operating instructions for everyday equipment.
 Understand all characteristics of the official B1 exam according to the CEFR and use a variety of
strategies to overcome obstacles while solving said exam and all its components.

Module Contents:
Creating a student-centered approach in realistic and context-based learning scenarios, the module strategically
deals with the unique demands made by everyday student life at the German Jordanian University (GJU).
Focusing on reception, interaction and production, the module involves B1.1 and B1.2 ‘Can Do statements’
related to the four ‘language skills’ according to the CEFR. Thus, in terms of communicative activities, the module
focuses on the following topics: events in the past, different emotions and feelings, communication with
colleagues and supervisors, job applications, biographies and history, politics and society, visons and future, rules
and regulations, environment and climate, and general statistics. In terms of grammatical phenomena, it deals
with the future tense, complex adjective inflection, complex syntactical and morphological structures, prepositions,
and the passive voice of modal verbs. The module eventually enables the students to successfully pass the
official B1 exam according to the CEFR which is a curricular part of this module and thus its final exam.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Listening and reading exercises (reception);
 Exercises combining spoken interaction and production;
 Exercises combining written interaction and production;
 Activities focussing on the interrelation between reception and production;
 Training towards an active acquisition and a more independent consolidation of vocabulary and
grammatical phenomena;
 Blended learning, flipped classroom and self-studying components;
 Controlled, guided and free in-class activities;
 Whole-class activities;
 Individual, partner and group work activities;
 Lectures, discussions, debates, presentations etc.;
 Preparation for assignments and exams;
 Preparation for the official B1 exam according to the CEFR.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Brau-Podeschwa J., Habersack C., Pude A., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Kursbuch B1.1, 6th
Edition, Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2021.
 Breitsameter A., Glas-Peters S., Pude A., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Arbeitsbuch B1.1, 4th
Edition, Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2019.
 Brau-Podeschwa J., Habersack C., Pude A., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Kursbuch B1.2, 7th
Edition, Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2022.
 Breitsameter A., Glas-Peters S., Pude A., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Arbeitsbuch B1.2, 6th
Edition, Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2022.
 Kersting D., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Intensivtrainer B1, 1st Edition, Hueber Verlag GmbH
& Co. KG, München, 2017.
 Dittrich R., Maenner D., Prüfungstraining Goethe-/ÖSD-Zertifikat B1, 3rd Edition, Cornelsen
Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin, 2017.
 Lode-Gerke M., Pourseifi M., Weidinger S., Mit Erfolg zum TestDaF, 10th Edition, Ernst Klett Sprachen
Stuttgart, 2020.
 Handouts for Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking Comprehension (German Language Center).

Usability of the Module:

This is a compulsory module in the Bachelor’s program for students of all schools (except SAHL) and the fifth of
six German language modules within the B1 track offered by the German Language Center. The module enables
the students to master the official B1 exam according to the CEFR which is conducted in cooperation with the
‘Goethe-Institut’ or the ‘TestDaF-Institut’ and a curricular part of this module.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

GERL202B1: German IV (B1 Track) (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

German VI (Regular) G

Compulsory Semester
Module X Year of Study 3 Hours 6
Elective Module Summer Semester X Workload 180
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 6
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

20% Internship application training (CV, cover letter and interview)
40% Portfolio for technical languages consisting of oral and written assignments/exercises (midterm)
40% Written final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Esther Kurani (coordinator for German VI Intensive and Regular)
And a team of several instructors whose number varies each semester according to the number of sections for said

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Face-to-face; blended
German VI (Regular) learning 90 90

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures, exercises and exams: 15 weeks * 6 hours = 90 hours;
 Exercises and self-studying at home: 28 hours:
o Intercultural communication: 3 hours;
o Job/internship application: 10 hours;
o Technical language: 15 hours;
 Preparation for the midterm and final exam: 10 hours;
 Further individually conducted self-studies meeting the students’ personal demands: 52 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Successfully manage the application process for a six months internship in Germany which is part of the
obligatory ‘German Year’ for all GJU students. The process consists of finding and understanding a
suitable add in accordance with the students’ major, writing a convincing CV and cover letter, and
mastering an effective and mostly fluent interview, departing spontaneously, taking initiatives, expanding
ideas with little help or prodding from the interviewer.
 Successfully manage the most significant situations which the student, in accordance with the currently
studied major, encounters during her/his theoretical and practical semester in Germany. This process is
being achieved within a technical language training focussing on action orientated and communicative
scenarios like following lectures, taking notes, summarizing academic and technical texts, writing official
emails and texts related to academic and vocational encounters, holding presentations, communicating
both verbally and in writing with professors, university staff, students as well as with colleagues and
customers during an internship.
 Understand the concept of general intercultural phenomena, reflect and understand the differences
between culture and cultural standards in Jordan and in Germany, understand the concept of ‘culture
shock’ and potentially cope with its different stages, reflect about appropriate and inappropriate
behaviour in Germany as well as understand the concepts of open-mindedness and ‘culture clash’.
Module Contents:
The content of the module follows the discretionary standards in the Common European Framework of Reference
for Languages (CEFR) at the level B1.2 (independent user) while focusing on technical language components,
job/internship application and intercultural communication. The module strategically deals with the particular
characteristics of the ‘German Year’ during which, usually in his/her 4 th study year, each student pursues a
semester at one of the GJU’s German partner universities and completes an internship in a German company or
organization. Focusing on reception, interaction and production, the module involves B1.2 ‘Can Do statements’
related to the four ‘language skills’ according to the CEFR, combining them with technical language and
vocational components. Thus, the module offers a student-centered approach in realistic and context-based
learning scenarios which meet the linguistic demands of the GJU students’ future studying and working

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Activities focussing on the interrelation between reception and production;
 Intensive training towards the independent acquisition and consolidation of vocabulary and verbal
phrases as well as more complex grammatical phenomena and syntactical structures;
 Blended learning, flipped classroom and intensified self-studying components;
 Controlled, guided and free in-class activities;
 Individual, partner and group work activities;
 Whole-class activities;
 Lectures, discussions, presentations, debates etc., including aspects of common everyday situations,
professional encounters with technical language, internship application and intercultural phenomena;
 Preparation for assignments and exams;
 Writing a CV and a cover letter.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Kersting D., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Intensivtrainer B1, 1st Edition, Hueber Verlag GmbH
& Co. KG, München, 2017.
 Turtur U., Übungen zum Wortschatz der deutschen Schriftsprache, 3rd Edition, Verlag Liebaug-
Dartmann, Meckenheim, 2013.
 Lode-Gerke M., Pourseifi M., Weidinger S., Mit Erfolg zum TestDaF, 10th Edition, Ernst Klett Sprachen
Stuttgart, 2020.
 Handouts for Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking Comprehension (German Language Center).
 Handouts/Readers for Technical Language, Application Training and Intercultural Communication
(German Language Center).

Usability of the Module:

This is a compulsory module in the Bachelor’s program for students of all schools (except SAHL) and the last of
six language modules within the B1 track offered by the German Language Center. The module enables the
students to pursue the ‘German Year’ which consists of one semester at one of the GJU’s German partner
universities as well as of an internship in a German company or organization. The module is internally divided in
twelve sub-groups according to the students’ different majors:
 Architecture (GERL302ARCH);
 Design and Visual Communication (GERL302DES);
 Management Science (GERL302MNG);
 Logistic Sciences (GERL302LOG);
 International Accounting (GERL302ACC);
 Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Communications Engineering, Electrical and Communication
Engineering, Electrical Engineering (GERL302IT);
 Industrial Engineering (GERL302IE);
 Mechatronic and Mechanical Engineering (GERL302MM);
 Energy Engineering (GERL302EWE);
 Civil and Environmental Engineering (GERL302CE);
 Biomedical Engineering (GERL302BM);
 Pharmaceutical and Chemical Engineering (GERL302CH).

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

 GERL301B1: German V (B1 Track) (prerequisite)
 Students who have passed said module with all four parts of the official B1 exam according to the CEFR

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

German VI (Intensive) T

Compulsory Semester
Module X Year of Study 3 Hours 9
Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 180
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 6
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

20% Internship application training (CV, cover letter and interview)
40% Portfolio for technical languages consisting of oral and written assignments/exercises (midterm)
40% Written final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Esther Kurani (coordinator for German VI Intensive and Regular)
And a team of several instructors whose number varies each semester according to the number of sections for said

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
German VI (Intensive) Face-to-face; blended learning 135 45

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures, exercises and exams: 15 weeks * 9 hours = 135 hours;
 Exercises and self-studying at home: 28 hours:
o Intercultural communication: 3 hours;
o Job/internship application: 10 hours;
o Technical language: 15 hours;
 Preparation for the midterm and final exam: 10 hours;
 Preparation for the official B1 exam according to the CEFR: 7 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Successfully manage the application process for a six months internship in Germany which is part of the
obligatory ‘German Year’ for all GJU students. The process consists of finding and understanding a
suitable add in accordance with the students’ major, writing a convincing CV and cover letter, and
mastering an effective and mostly fluent interview, departing spontaneously, taking initiatives, expanding
ideas with little help or prodding from the interviewer.
 Successfully manage the most significant situations which the student, in accordance with the currently
studied major, encounters during her/his theoretical and practical semester in Germany. This process is
being achieved within a technical language training focussing on action orientated and communicative
scenarios like following lectures, taking notes, summarizing academic and technical texts, writing official
emails and texts related to academic and vocational encounters, holding presentations, communicating
both verbally and in writing with professors, university staff, students as well as with colleagues and
customers during an internship.
 Understand the concept of general intercultural phenomena, reflect and understand the differences
between culture and cultural standards in Jordan and in Germany, understand the concept of ‘culture
shock’ and potentially cope with its different stages, reflect about appropriate and inappropriate
behaviour in Germany as well as understand the concepts of open-mindedness and ‘culture clash’.
 Understand all characteristics of the official B1 exam according to the CEFR and use different strategies
to overcome obstacles while solving said exam and its different components.
Module Contents:
The content of the module follows the discretionary standards in the Common European Framework of Reference
for Languages (CEFR) at the level B1.2 (independent user) while focusing on technical language components,
job/internship application and intercultural communication, and also enabling the students to complete the official
B1exam according to the CEFR. The module strategically deals with the particular characteristics of the ‘German
Year’ during which, usually in his/her 4 th study year, each student pursues a semester at one of the GJU’s
German partner universities and completes an internship in a German company or organization. Focusing on
reception, interaction and production, the module involves B1.2 ‘Can Do statements’ related to the four ‘language
skills’ according to the CEFR, combining them with technical language and vocational components. Thus, the
module offers a student-centered approach in realistic and context-based learning scenarios which meet the
linguistic demands of the GJU students’ future studying and working environment.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Activities focussing on the interrelation between reception and production;
 Intensive training towards the independent acquisition and consolidation of vocabulary and verbal
phrases as well as more complex grammatical phenomena and syntactical structures;
 Blended learning, flipped classroom and self-studying components;
 Controlled, guided and free in-class activities;
 Individual, partner and group work activities;
 Whole-class activities;
 Lectures, discussions, presentations, debates etc., including aspects of common everyday situations,
professional encounters with technical language, internship application and intercultural phenomena;
 Preparation for assignments and exams;
 Writing a CV and a cover letter;
 Preparation for the official B1 exam according to the CEFR.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Frater A., Loumiotis U., Schäfer N., Weidinger S., Mit Erfolg zum Goethe-/ÖSD-Zertifikat B1, 7th Edition,
Ernst Klett Sprachen, Stuttgart, 2021.
 Kersting D., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Intensivtrainer B1, 1st Edition, Hueber Verlag GmbH
& Co. KG, München, 2017.
 Lode-Gerke M., Pourseifi M., Weidinger S., Mit Erfolg zum TestDaF, 10th Edition, Ernst Klett Sprachen
Stuttgart, 2020.
 Handouts for Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking Comprehension (German Language Center).
 Handouts/Readers for Technical Language, Application Training and Intercultural Communication
(German Language Center).

Usability of the Module:

This is a compulsory module in the Bachelor’s program for students of all schools (except SAHL) and the last of
six language modules within the B1 track offered by the German Language Center, qualifying the students to
complete the official B1 exam according to the CEFR which is conducted in cooperation with the ‘Goethe-Institut’
or the ‘TestDaF-Institut’.The module enables the students to pursue the ‘German Year’ which consists of one
semester at one of the GJU’s German partner universities as well as of an internship in a German company or
organization. The module is internally divided in twelve sub-groups according to the students’ different majors:
 Architecture (GERL302ARCH);
 Design and Visual Communication (GERL302DES);
 Management Science (GERL302MNG);
 Logistic Sciences (GERL302LOG);
 International Accounting (GERL302ACC);
 Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Communications Engineering, Electrical and Communication
Engineering, Electrical Engineering (GERL302IT);
 Industrial Engineering (GERL302IE);
 Mechatronic and Mechanical Engineering (GERL302MM);
 Energy Engineering (GERL302EWE);
 Civil and Environmental Engineering (GERL302CE);
 Biomedical Engineering (GERL302BM);
 Pharmaceutical and Chemical Engineering (GERL302CH).

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

 GERL301B1: German V (B1 Track) (prerequisite)
 Students who have passed said module with only two or three parts of the official B1 exam according to
the CEFR (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

German II (B2 track) 2

Compulsory Semester
Module X Year of Study 1 Hours 9
Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 180
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 6
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

5% Active participation
5% Video project
10% Portfolio consisting of different oral and/or written exercises and assignments
10% Written in-class test
30% Oral or written midterm exam
40% Written final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Samir Haskic (coordinator for the B2 track)
And a team of several instructors whose number varies each semester according to the number of sections for said

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
German II (B2 track) Face-to-face; blended learning 135 45

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures, exercises and exams: 15 weeks * 9 hours = 135 hours;
 Exercises and self-studying at home: 35 hours;
 Preparation for the midterm and final exam: 10 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Understand and use familiar, everyday expressions and simple sentences and structures related to
areas of most immediate relevance according to the discretionary standards in the Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) at the level A1.2 and, partially, A2.1 (basic users).
 Talk about their academic and/or professional background, describe their living conditions, express likes
and dislikes, ask questions and give answers in present and past tense, ask for help and support, make
suggestions and give advice, express pity, sorrow and hopes, express frequency and quantity in a basic
way both orally and in writing.
 Introduce herself/himself and others, express likes and dislikes, fill out a personal form, ask questions
and give answers in present and past tense, set private and official appointments, describe people and
things, ask for directions, express frequency and quantity in a basic way both orally and in writing.
 Communicate with native speakers on a basic level if those involved in the conversation speak slowly
and clearly and, if need be, are willing to support the non-native speaker.

Module Contents:
Creating a student-centered approach in realistic and context-based learning scenarios, the module strategically
deals with the unique demands made by everyday student life at the German Jordanian University (GJU).
Focusing on reception, interaction and production, the module involves A1.2 and, partially, A2.1 ‘Can Do
statements’ related to the four ‘language skills’ according to the CEFR. Thus, in terms of communicative activities,
the module focuses on the following topics: basic personal and family information, locations and directions, living
environment, appointments, wishes and desires, health issues, characteristics and physiognomy of people,
household, rules and regulations, clothes and fabrics, weather, common national and international celebrations,
profession and work, living environment, shopping and groceries, travel, urbanism and culture. In terms of
grammatical phenomena, it deals with different forms and functions of prepositions, accusative and dative case,
determiners, declension of nouns and pronouns, modal verbs, the imperative form, independent and subordinated
clauses, simple past and past perfect forms of regular and irregular verbs, adjective declination and general
subjunctive mood.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Listening and reading exercises (reception);
 Exercises combining spoken interaction and production;
 Exercises combining written interaction and production;
 Activities focussing on the interrelation between reception and production;
 Training towards an active acquisition and a more independent consolidation of vocabulary and
grammatical phenomena;
 Introducing forms of blended learning, flipped classroom and self-studying components;
 Controlled, guided and free in-class activities;
 Whole-class activities;
 Individual, partner and group work activities;
 Short lectures, discussions, debates and presentations;
 Preparation for assignments and exams.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Evans S., Pude A., Specht F., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Kursbuch A1.2, 9th Edition,
Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2021.
 Glas-Peters S., Pude A., Reimann M., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Arbeitsbuch A1.2, 8th
Edition, Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2021.
 Habersack C., Pude A., Specht F., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Kursbuch A2.1, 9th Edition,
Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2022.
 Breitsameter A., Glas-Peters S., Pude A., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Arbeitsbuch A2.1, 6th
Edition, Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2021.
 Scheffler B., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Intensivtrainer A1, 3rd Edition, Hueber Verlag
GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2018.
 Batra S., Ransberger K., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Intensivtrainer A2, 1st Edition, Hueber
Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2016.
 Handouts for Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking Comprehension (German Language Center).

Usability of the Module:

This is a compulsory module in the Bachelor’s program for students of all schools (except SAHL) and, together
with its’ prerequisite GERL101B1, the second of six language modules within the optional B2 track offered by the
German Language Center. The B2 track qualifies GJU students to master the official B2 exam according to the
CEFR which is conducted either internally at the German Language Center or in cooperation with the ‘Goethe-
Institut’ or the ‘TestDaF-Institut’ during the students’ sixth study semester.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

GERL101B1: German I (B1 Track) (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

German III (B2 track) 2

Compulsory Semester
Module X Year of Study 2 Hours 6
Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 120
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 4
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

5% Active participation
5% Video project
10% Portfolio consisting of different oral and/or written exercises and assignments
10% Written in-class test
30% Oral or written midterm exam
40% Written final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Samir Haskic (coordinator for the B2 track)
And a team of several instructors whose number varies each semester according to the number of sections for said

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
German III (B2 track) Face-to-face; blended learning 90 30

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures, exercises and exams: 15 weeks * 6 hours = 90 hours;
 Exercises and self-studying at home: 24 hours;
 Preparation for the midterm and final exam: 6 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Distinguish between familiar expressions, sentences and structures related to areas of immediate
relevance and more elaborated components like the main points of clear standard input on familiar
matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure etc. according to the discretionary standards in the
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) at the level A2.1 and A2.2 (basic
 Talk about their academic and/or professional background, describe their living conditions, express likes
and dislikes, ask questions and give answers in present and past tense, ask for help and support, make
suggestions and give advice, describe health problems and talk with medical doctors and nurses,
express pity, sorrow and hopes, describe simple statistics, express frequency and quantity in a basic
way both orally and in writing, express feelings of happiness, joy and discomfort and write personal
emails and letters, understand and produce comments, blogs and reports.
 Communicate with native speakers in simple and familiar tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of
essential information on familiar and routine matters.

Module Contents:
Creating a student-centered approach in realistic and context-based learning scenarios, the module strategically
deals with the unique demands made by everyday student life at the German Jordanian University (GJU).
Focusing on reception, interaction and production, the module involves A2.1 and A2.2 ‘Can Do statements’
related to the four ‘language skills’ according to the CEFR. Thus, in terms of communicative activities, the module
focuses on the following topics: detailed personal and family information, profession, work and companies, living
conditions and housing, tourism and leisure, shopping, lifestyle and culture, sports and fitness, health issues,
food, nutrition and eating in restaurants, experiences with learning languages, administration and bills,
telecommunication, media, books and press, travelling and mobility, weather and climate, education, profession
and work specifics. In terms of grammatical phenomena, it deals with complex sentence structures (independent
and subordinated clauses) and connectors, the passive voice, indirect questions, complex prepositions, past
forms of modal verbs, relative clauses, and the future tense.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Listening and reading exercises (reception);
 Exercises combining spoken interaction and production;
 Exercises combining written interaction and production;
 Exercises focussing on the interrelation between receptive and productive activities;
 Training towards an active acquisition and an independent consolidation of vocabulary and grammatical
 Blended learning, flipped classroom and self-studying components;
 Controlled, guided and free in-class activities;
 Whole-class activities;
 Individual, partner and group work activities;
 Lectures, discussions, debates and presentations;
 Preparation for assignments and exams.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Habersack C., Pude A., Specht F., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Kursbuch A2.1, 9th Edition,
Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2022.
 Breitsameter A., Glas-Peters S., Pude A., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Arbeitsbuch A2.1, 6th
Edition, Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2021.
 Habersack C., Pude A., Specht F., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Kursbuch A2.2, 7th Edition,
Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2021.
 Breitsamer A., Glas-Peters S., Pude A., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Arbeitsbuch A2.2, 5th
Edition, Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2019.
 Batra S., Ransberger K., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Intensivtrainer A2, 1st Edition, Hueber
Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2016.
 Handouts for Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking Comprehension (German Language Center).

Usability of the Module:

This is a compulsory module in the Bachelor’s program for students of all schools (except SAHL) and the third of
six language modules within the optional B2 track offered by the German Language Center. The B2 track qualifies
GJU students to master the official B2 exam according to the CEFR which is conducted either internally at the
German Language Center or in cooperation with the ‘Goethe-Institut’ or the ‘TestDaF-Institut’ during the students’
sixth study semester. In accordance with the GJU study plan, this module consists of 4 ECTS, instead of 6, and
therefor offers a stronger progression for the ‘basic user’ of German who, by completing this module, reaches her/
his ‘waystage’ language level according to the CEFR.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

GERL102B2: German II (B2 Track) (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Programme Components:


Module Title Module Code

German IV (B2 track) 2

Compulsory Semester
Module X Year of Study 2 Hours 9
Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 180
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 6
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

5% Active participation
5% Video project
10% Portfolio consisting of different oral and/or written exercises and assignments
10% Written in-class test
30% Oral or written midterm exam
40% Written final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Samir Haskic (coordinator for the B2 track)
And a team of several instructors whose number varies each semester according to the number of sections for said

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
German IV (B2 track) Face-to-face; blended learning 135 45

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures, exercises and exams: 15 weeks * 9 hours = 135 hours;
 Exercises and self-studying at home: 28 hours;
 Preparation for the midterm and final exam: 10 hours;
 Preparation for the official B1 exam according to the CEFR: 7 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work,
school, leisure etc. according to the discretionary standards in the Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages (CEFR) at the level B1.1 and B1.2 (independent user).
 Deal with most situations likely to arise whilst traveling in an area where German is spoken, produce
simple connected texts on topic which are familiar or of personal interest, describe experiences and
events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
 Understand the main point of many radio or TV programmes on current events and topics, understand
the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters, write personal letters/texts describing
experiences and impressions, write straightforward connected texts on topics which are familiar or of
personal interest.
 Communicate with native speakers about essential points and ideas in familiar contexts and about topics
of personal or partially professional interest.
 Follow a lecture or talk within her/his field, provided the subject matter is familiar and the presentation
straightforward and clearly structured.
 Understand simple technical information, such as operating instructions for everyday equipment.
 Understand all characteristics of the official B1 exam according to the CEFR and use different strategies
to overcome obstacles while solving said exam and all its components.
Module Contents:
Creating a student-centered approach in realistic and context-based learning scenarios, the module strategically
deals with the unique demands made by everyday student life at the German Jordanian University (GJU).
Focusing on reception, interaction and production, the module involves B1.1 and B1.2 ‘Can Do statements’
related to the four ‘language skills’ according to the CEFR. Thus, in terms of communicative activities, the module
focuses on the following topics and tasks: friendships and other relations, invitations, customer services, events in
the future and abstractions, formal invitations and short emails, making suggestions, events in the past, different
emotions and feelings, communication with colleagues and supervisors, job applications, biographies and history,
politics and society, expressing visons, rules and regulations, environment and climate, verbalization of statistics.
In terms of grammatical phenomena, it deals with the future tense, complex adjective inflection, complex
syntactical and morphological structures, different forms and functions of prepositions, and the passive voice of
modal verbs. The module eventually introduces the characteristics of the official B1 exam according to the CEFR.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Listening and reading exercises (reception);
 Exercises combining spoken interaction and production;
 Exercises combining written interaction and production;
 Activities focussing on the interrelation between reception and production;
 Training towards an active acquisition and an independent consolidation of vocabulary and grammatical
 Blended learning, flipped classroom and self-studying components;
 Controlled, guided and free in-class activities;
 Whole-class activities;
 Individual, partner and group work activities;
 Lectures, discussions, debates and presentations;
 Preparation for assignments and exams;
 Preparation for the official B1 exam according to the CEFR.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Brau-Podeschwa J., Habersack C., Pude A., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Kursbuch B1.1, 6th
Edition, Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2021.
 Breitsameter A., Glas-Peters S., Pude A., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Arbeitsbuch B1.1, 4th
Edition, Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2019.
 Brau-Podeschwa J., Habersack C., Pude A., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Kursbuch B1.2, 7th
Edition, Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2022.
 Breitsameter A., Glas-Peters S., Pude A., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Arbeitsbuch B1.2, 6th
Edition, Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München, 2022.
 Kersting D., Menschen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Intensivtrainer B1, 1st Edition, Hueber Verlag GmbH
& Co. KG, München, 2017.
 Dittrich R., Maenner D., Prüfungstraining Goethe-/ÖSD-Zertifikat B1, 3rd Edition, Cornelsen
Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin, 2017.
 Lode-Gerke M., Pourseifi M., Weidinger S., Mit Erfolg zum TestDaF, 10th Edition, Ernst Klett Sprachen
Stuttgart, 2020.
 Handouts for Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking Comprehension (German Language Center).

Usability of the Module:

This is a compulsory module in the Bachelor’s program for students of all schools (except SAHL) and the fourth of
six language modules within the optional B2 track offered by the German Language Center. The B2 track qualifies
GJU students to master the official B2 exam according to the CEFR which is conducted either internally at the
German Language Center or in cooperation with the ‘Goethe-Institut’ or the ‘TestDaF-Institut’ during the students’
sixth study semester. The module also enables the students to master the official B1 exam according to the
CEFR which is conducted in cooperation with the ‘Goethe-Institut’ or the ‘TestDaF-Institut’. The exam is a
curricular part of the fifth semester module GERL301B1 and has to be passed by all students of the German
Language Center.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

GERL201B2: German III (B2 Track) (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:
Recommended Optional Programme Components:

Module Title Module Code

German V (B2 track) 2

Compulsory Semester
Module X Year of study 3 Hours 9
Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 180
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 6
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

5% Active participation
5% Video project
10% Portfolio consisting of different oral and/or written exercises and assignments
10% Written in-class test
30% Oral or written midterm exam
40% Written final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Samir Haskic (coordinator for the B2 track)
And a team of several instructors whose number varies each semester according to the number of sections for said

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
German V (B2 track) Face-to-face; blended learning 135 45

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures, exercises and exams: 15 weeks * 9 hours = 135 hours;
 Exercises and self-studying at home: 35 hours;
 Preparation for the midterm and final exam: 10 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Largely understand and produce rather complex texts on both concrete and abstract topics, including
technical discussions in her/his field of specialisation and according to the discretionary standards in the
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) at the level B2.1 (independent
 Interact with an initial degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native
speakers quite possible without strain for either party.
 Largely understand standard spoken language, live or broadcast, on both familiar and unfamiliar topics
normally encountered in personal, social, academic or vocational life.
 Show a relatively high controlled degree of grammatical control without making errors which cause
misunderstanding and with the growing ability to correct most of her/his mistakes.
 Largely follow essentials of lectures, talks, reports and other forms of academic/professional
presentation which are propositionally and linguistically complex.
 Understand announcements and messages on concrete and abstract topics spoken in standard dialect
at normal speed.
 Scan quickly through long texts, locating relevant details and understand and exchange complex
information and advice on the full range of matters related to her/his occupational role.
 Understand the main characteristics of the official B2 exam according to the CEFR and use different
strategies to overcome obstacles while solving said exam and its different components.
Module Contents:
Creating a student-centered approach in realistic and context-based learning scenarios, the module strategically
deals with the unique demands made by everyday student life at the German Jordanian University (GJU).
Focusing on reception, interaction and production, the module involves B2.1 ‘Can Do statements’ related to the
four ‘language skills’ according to the CEFR. Thus, in terms of communicative activities and grammatical
phenomena, the module focuses on the following tasks and topics: written texts on a wide range of subjects,
viewpoints on a topical issue, oral and written expression of advantages and disadvantages of various options,
conversations, spoken descriptions and viewpoints on different general topics, morphological and syntactical
structures like tenses and moods, inflection and derivation, and complex sentence connectors.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Listening and reading exercises (reception);
 Exercises combining spoken interaction and production;
 Exercises combining written interaction and production;
 Activities focussing on the interrelation between reception and production;
 Intensive training towards the independent acquisition and consolidation of vocabulary and verbal
phrases as well as complex grammatical phenomena and syntactical structures;
 Blended learning, flipped classroom and self-studying components;
 Controlled, guided and free in-class activities;
 Whole-class activities;
 Individual, partner and group work activities;
 Lectures, discussions, presentations, debates etc., including aspects of common everyday situations and
professional encounters;
 Preparation for assignments and exams;
 Introduction to the official B2 exam according to the CEFR.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Koithan U., Schmitz H., Sieber T., Sonntag R., Aspekte neu B2.1 Lehrbuch, 9th Edition, Ernst Klett
Sprachen, Stuttgart, 2020.
 Koithan U., Schmitz H., Sieber T., Sonntag R., Aspekte neu B2.1 Arbeitsbuch, 10th Edition, Ernst Klett
Sprachen, Stuttgart, 2022.
 Lütke M., Moritz U., Rodi M., Aspekte neu B2 Intensivtrainer, 3rd Edition, Ernst Klett Sprachen, Stuttgart,
 Frater A., Schäfer N., Weidinger S., Mit Erfolg zum Goethe-Zertifikat B2, 2nd Edition, Ernst Klett
Sprachen, Stuttgart, 2020.
 Lode-Gerke M., Pourseifi M., Weidinger S., Mit Erfolg zum TestDaF, 10th Edition, Ernst Klett Sprachen
Stuttgart, 2020.
 Handouts for Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking Comprehension (German Language Center).

Usability of the Module:

This is a compulsory module in the Bachelor’s program for students of all schools (except SAHL) and the fourth of
six language modules within the optional B2 track offered by the German Language Center. The B2 track qualifies
GJU students to master the official B2 exam according to the CEFR which is conducted either internally at the
German Language Center or in cooperation with the ‘Goethe-Institut’ or the ‘TestDaF-Institut’ during the students’
sixth study semester.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

GERL202B2: German IV (B2 Track) (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

German VI (B2 track) 2

Compulsory Semester
Module X Year of Study 3 Hours 6
Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 180
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 6
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

15% Internship application training (CV, cover letter and interview)
15% Oral or written midterm exam (language)
30% Portfolio for technical languages consisting of oral and written assignments/exercises
40% Written final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Samir Haskic (coordinator for the B2 track)
And a team of several instructors whose number varies each semester according to the number of sections for said

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
German VI (B2 Track) Face-to-face; blended learning 90 90

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures, exercises and exams: 15 weeks * 6 hours = 90 hours;
 Exercises and self-studying at home: 28 hours:
o Intercultural communication: 3 hours;
o Job/internship application: 10 hours;
o Technical language: 15 hours;
 Preparation for the midterm and final exam: 20 hours;
 Preparation for the official B2 exam according to the CEFR: 42 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Understand and produce rather complex texts on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical
discussions in her/his field of specialisation and according to the discretionary standards in the Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) at the level B2.2 (independent user).
 Interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers
quite possible without strain for either party.
 Understand standard spoken language, live or broadcast, on both familiar and unfamiliar topics normally
encountered in personal, social, academic or vocational life.
 Show a highly controlled degree of grammatical control without making errors which cause
misunderstanding and with the growing ability to correct most of her/his mistakes.
 Follow essentials of lectures, talks, reports and other forms of academic/professional presentation which
are propositionally and linguistically complex.
 Understand announcements and messages on concrete and abstract topics spoken in standard dialect
at normal speed.
 Scan quickly through long texts, locating relevant details and understand and exchange complex
information and advice on the full range of matters related to her/his occupational role.
 Understand all characteristics of the official B2 exam according to the CEFR and use different strategies
to overcome obstacles while solving said exam and its different components.
 Successfully manage the application process for a six months internship in Germany which is part of the
obligatory ‘German Year’ for all GJU students. The process consists of finding and understanding a
suitable add in accordance with the students’ major, writing a convincing CV and cover letter, and
mastering an effective and mostly fluent interview, departing spontaneously, taking initiatives, expanding
ideas with little help or prodding from the interviewer.
 Successfully manage the most significant situations which the student, in accordance with the currently
studied major, encounters during her/his theoretical and practical semester in Germany. This process is
being achieved within a technical language training focussing on action orientated and communicative
scenarios like following lectures, taking notes, summarizing academic and technical texts, writing official
emails and texts related to academic and vocational encounters, holding presentations, communicating
both verbally and in writing with professors, university staff, students as well as with colleagues and
customers during an internship.
 Understand the concept of general intercultural phenomena, reflect and understand the differences
between culture and cultural standards in Jordan and in Germany, understand the concept of ‘culture
shock’ and potentially cope with its different stages, reflect about appropriate and inappropriate
behaviour in Germany as well as understand the concepts of open-mindedness and ‘culture clash’.

Module Contents:
Combining everyday language with technical language components, job/internship application and intercultural
communication, the module strategically deals with the unique demands made by everyday student life at the
German Jordanian University (GJU), including the particular characteristics of the ‘German Year’ during which,
usually in his/her 4th study year, each student pursues a semester at one of the GJU’s German partner
universities and completes an internship in a German company or organization. Focusing on reception, interaction
and production, the module involves B2.2 ‘Can Do statements’ related to the four ‘language skills’ according to
the CEFR, which – in terms of non-technical language components – cover the following communicative activities
and grammatical phenomena: detailed written texts on a wide range of subjects, viewpoints on a topical issue,
oral and written expression of advantages and disadvantages of various options, extended conversations, spoken
descriptions and viewpoints on most general topics, and the following morphological and syntactical structures:
inflection and derivation, indirect speech and conjunctive mood, and complex independent and subordinated
clauses. Altogether, the module offers a student-centered approach in realistic and context-based learning
scenarios which meet the linguistic demands of the GJU students’ future studying and working environment.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Activities focussing on the interrelation between reception and production;
 Intensive training towards the independent acquisition and consolidation of vocabulary and verbal
phrases as well as complex grammatical phenomena and syntactical structures;
 Blended learning, flipped classroom and self-studying components;
 Controlled, guided and free in-class activities;
 Individual, partner and group work activities;
 Whole-class activities;
 Lectures, discussions, presentations, debates etc., including aspects of common everyday situations,
professional encounters with technical language, internship application and intercultural phenomena;
 Preparation for assignments and exams;
 Writing a CV and a cover letter;
 Preparation for the official B2 exam according to the CEFR.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Koithan U., Mayr-Sieber T., Schmitz H., Sieber T., Sonntag R., Lösche R.-P., Moritz U., Aspekte neu
B2.2 Lehrbuch, 10th Edition, Ernst Klett Sprachen, Stuttgart, 2021.
 Koithan U., Schmitz H., Sieber T., Sonntag R., Aspekte neu B2.2 Arbeitsbuch, 10th Edition, Ernst Klett
Sprachen, Stuttgart, 2022.
 Lütke M., Moritz U., Rodi M., Aspekte neu B2 Intensivtrainer, 3rd Edition, Ernst Klett Sprachen, Stuttgart,
 Frater A., Schäfer N., Weidinger S., Mit Erfolg zum Goethe-Zertifikat B2, 2nd Edition, Ernst Klett
Sprachen, Stuttgart, 2020.
 Lode-Gerke M., Pourseifi M., Weidinger S., Mit Erfolg zum TestDaF, 10th Edition, Ernst Klett Sprachen
Stuttgart, 2020.
 Handouts for Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking Comprehension (German Language Center).
 Handouts/Readers for Technical Language, Application Training and Intercultural Communication
(German Language Center).

Usability of the Module:

This is a compulsory module in the Bachelor’s program for students of all schools (except SAHL) and the last of
six language modules within the optional B2 track offered by the German Language Center, qualifying the
students to master the official B2 exam according to the CEFR which is conducted internally at the German
Language Center or in cooperation with the ‘Goethe-Institut’ or the ‘TestDaF-Institut’. Eventually, the module
enables the students to pursue the ‘German Year’ which consists of one semester at one of the GJU’s German
partner universities as well as of an internship in a German company or organization. The module is divided in
twelve sub-groups according to the students’ different majors:
 Architecture (GERL302ARCH);
 Design and Visual Communication (GERL302DES);
 Management Science (GERL302MNG);
 Logistic Sciences (GERL302LOG);
 International Accounting (GERL302ACC);
 Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Communications Engineering, Electrical and Communication
Engineering, Electrical Engineering (GERL302IT);
 Industrial Engineering (GERL302IE);
 Mechatronic and Mechanical Engineering (GERL302MM);
 Energy Engineering (GERL302EWE);
 Civil and Environmental Engineering (GERL302CE);
 Biomedical Engineering (GERL302BM);
 Pharmaceutical and Chemical Engineering (GERL302CH).

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

GERL301B2: German V (B2 Track) (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Military Science [For Jordanians Only]  MILS100

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 1 Semester Hours 3

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 60

Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 2

Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

40% Mid-term exam
10% Participation and Homework
10% Presentation
40% Final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Military Science Office at GJU

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
MILS100 Face-to-face; blended learning 45 15

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures, exercises and presentations: 15 weeks * 3 hours = 45 hours;
 Preparation and practicing oral presentation: 5 hours;
 Exercises and self-reading at home: 5 hours;
 Preparation of Midterm exam and final exam: 5 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Express his/her national feeling and loyalty to the country’s leadership and encourage their pride in
Jordanian constants and values.
 Demonstrate an overall general military education.
 Comprehend and understand the capabilities of the Jordanian Armed Forces.
 Comprehend and understand the capabilities of the Arab Army and other security agencies.
 Comprehend and understand the role of the Jordanian Armed Forces and the Arab Army in developing
and serving the Jordanian society.

Module Contents:
 The evolution and development of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Jordanian Armed Forces -
the Arab Arm;
 Roles of the Jordanian Armed Forces - The Arab Army;
 Development of Security and Protection Agencies;
 Citizenship and Challenges.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Classroom lectures using PPT Slides;
 Interactive discussions.
Recommended or Required Reading:
Military Science Book; 2020 Edition

Usability of the Module:

The Military Science course is a mandatory course in all of Jordanian universities. It promotes and increases
Jordanian university students’ national feeling and loyalty to the country’s leadership and encourage their pride in
Jordanian morals and values, while providing them with an overall general military education. In addition,
highlighting the capabilities of the Jordanian Armed Forces / Arab Army and other security agencies, their
capabilities and their role in developing and serving the Jordanian society through predefined lectures and
comprehensive material. Overall knowledge of the role of the armed forces in society instils in people a deep
respect for them rather than misunderstanding their presence or role in any society.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

ARB099: Arabic 99 (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

National Education  NE101

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 1 Semester Hours 3

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 60
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 2
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

30% mid-term exam
10% written report,
10% presentation
10% students' class discussions and participation
40% final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dr. Abdallah Raggad
Dr. Safa Shweihat

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Face-to-face; blended learning
National Education (Online platform Edraak) 45 15

Duration of Study:
One Semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in classroom lectures, exercises and presentations: 15 weeks * 1.5 hours = 22.5 hours;
 Presence on online platform Edraak: 15 weeks * 1.5 hours = 22.5 hours;
 Preparation and practicing oral presentation: 5 hours;
 Exercises and self-reading at home: 5 hours;
 Preparation of Midterm exam and final exam: 5 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course students will
 Understand and apply the balance between behavioral claims such as "the rights of the citizen, and
compliance with obligations" as stipulated by the Jordanian Constitution.
 Commit to the values of good citizenship: responsible freedom, positive and active participation, equality
and equal opportunities, solidarity, cooperation and the preservation of public property.
 Demonstrate a commitment to the rights and duties as a Jordanian citizen according to the constitution,
as well as the ethics of the Jordanian society.
 Create a sense of respect and appreciation for the diversity of ethnic, religious and cultural references in
Jordanian society.
 Question behavior which conflicts with the supreme national interest and will demonstrate national unity
and loyalty.
 Integrate voting or running for election in various types of elections on objective grounds in their role as
a citizen.
 Differentiate between the terms of National Education: affiliation, loyalty, the supreme national interest,
political development and democracy, the political culture, good citizenship, equality and participation.

Module Contents:
 Introduction to Civic Education;
 History of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan;
 Development and population;
 Political system in Jordan, and its process of democratization;
 Jordan’s economy;
 Jordanian society and change;
 National security in Jordan;
 Education system in Jordan.
Edraak Online platform: Video interviews on:
 History of Jordan;
 Role of women in Jordan;
 Political challenges;
 Cultural issues and challenges.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures;
 Edraak online platform;
 Dialogue and discussion;
 Student class presentation;
 Scientific reports;
 Following-up on important or problematic Jordanian events.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 )2020 (" ‫ االردن أنموذج‬/ ‫ وآخرون "التربية الوطنية‬، ‫ وهالة بوادي‬، ‫ سهيلة بنات‬،‫سعيد التل‬
 Safa Shweihat, "The role of universities in the development of political awareness among students and
ways to develop It " An-Najah University Journal for the humanities, Vol (34) No (10), 2020
 Safa Shweihat, “The Role of Education Faculties at Jordanian Universities in Developing Citizenship
among Students”, Dirasat, Human and Social Sciences, University of Jordan, VOL 46, 2, 2019
 Safa Shweihat, “The Foundation of National Education “2006
 Safa Shweihat, “Jordanian Citizenship “2009
 George Joffe Editor, Hurst & Co, “Jordan in Transition 1990-2000,” 2003
 Royal Hashemite Court. “The Jordanian Constitution” 1952
 Bill Coplin, “Manual for good Citizenship, Public policy Skills in Actions,” 2010
 Edraak online platform videos and material

Usability of the Module:

National Education is a mandatory course by the Jordanian Government in every university to teach students
Jordanian laws and citizen responsibilities. It is an important course because it helps students understand their
diverse culture and the role of government in addition to the role of individuals in making a country united and
successful. They will carry this sense of loyalty and understanding with them anywhere they go because they
appreciate that any individual in any country regardless of whether they are a citizen or a visitor have both rights
and responsibilities.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

ARB099: Arabic 99 or a passing grade of 50 or above on the Arabic placement test (prerequisite).

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

National Education in English  NEE101

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 1 Semester Hours 3

Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload 60
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 2
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

30% Mid-term Examination
40% Final Exam
10% Presentations
10% Class work activities (debates, written exercises)
5% Participation
5% Quizzes

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dr. Thelal Oweis

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
National Education in English Face-to-face; blended learning 45 15

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in classroom lectures, exercises and presentations: 15 weeks * 3 hours = 45 hours;
 Preparation and practicing oral presentation: 5 hours;
 Exercises and self-reading at home: 5 hours;
 Preparation of Midterm exam and final exam: 5 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course students will
 Understand and apply the balance between behavioral claims such as "the rights of the citizen, and
compliance with obligations" as stipulated by the Jordanian Constitution.
 Commit to the values of good citizenship: responsible freedom, positive and active participation, equality
and equal opportunities, solidarity, cooperation and the preservation of public property.
 Demonstrate a commitment to the rights and duties as a Jordanian citizen according to the constitution,
as well as the ethics of the Jordanian society.
 Create a sense of respect and appreciation for the diversity of ethnic, religious and cultural references in
Jordanian society.
 Question behavior which conflicts with the supreme national interest and will demonstrate national unity
and loyalty.
 Integrate voting or running for election in various types of elections on objective grounds in their role as
a citizen.
 Differentiate between the terms of National Education: affiliation, loyalty, the supreme national interest,
political development and democracy, the political culture, good citizenship, equality and participation.

Module Contents:
 Introduction to Civic Education:
o What is National Education? Why do we study National Education?
o History of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan;
o Jordan on the map of the world, flag of Jordan, map of Jordan.
 Historical Background: Development and population:
o Great Arab Revolt 1916, Sykes - Picot Agreement 1916;
o Lawrance of Arabia;
o Balfour Declaration of 1917; Arab Government in Damascus 1918-1920;
o The Emira era 1921-1946: Jerusalem Conference March 1921. Forming the government of 11 th April
 Political system in Jordan, and its process of democratization:
o Declaration of Independence and turning Jordan into the kingdom;
o Arabization of the Arab Army, 1956;
o June war 1967; Karama War 1968;
o Jordanian Constitution: The King; the executive power;
o Judiciary and legislative authority.
 Jordan’s economy;
 Jordanian society and change;
 National security in Jordan;
 Education system in Jordan.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures with intensive discussions;
 Exercises in class and at home;
 Writing and presenting alone or in group work.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Kamal Salibi, “A Modern History of Jordan” 1998, second ed.
 Philip Robins, “A History of Jordan” 2nd ed. 2019
 King Abdullah II “Our Last Best Chance: A Story of War and Peace” 2012

Usability of the Module:

National Education is a mandatory course by the Jordanian Government in every university to teach students
Jordanian laws and citizen responsibilities. It is an important course because it helps students understand their
diverse culture and the role of government in addition to the role of individuals in making a country united and
successful. They will carry this sense of loyalty and understanding with them anywhere they go because they
appreciate that any individual in any country regardless of whether they are a citizen or a visitor have both rights
and responsibilities.
National Education in English specifically is offered instead of National education in Arabic to suit the diverse
background of our students. Since some of our students were raised abroad or others might have been in
international school programs their Arabic is not sufficient enough to excel at this course in Arabic. Therefore, for
the sake of inclusivity and so as not to lower these students’ GPA, the German Jordanian University offers the
course in English.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

ARB099: Arabic 99or a passing grade on the Arabic placement test (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Business Entrepreneurship  BE302

Compulsory Module Year of Study 3 Semester Hours 3

Elective Module X Spring Semester X Workload 90
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 3
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

30% Mid-term exam
10% Participation
10% Quiz
10% Project
40% Final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dina El Hindi

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Business Entrepreneurship Face-to-face; blended learning 45 45

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures, exercises and presentations: 15 weeks * 3 hours = 45 hours
 Preparation project: 10 hours
 Exercises and self-reading at home: 15 hours
 Preparation of Midterm exam and final exam: 20 hours

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to
 Demonstrate improved management, creativity and thinking skills.
 Understand the basic development of entrepreneurship as a profession and comprehend various
business models.
 Identify capital resources for new ventures and small businesses.
 Recall basic knowledge of human resource management for small businesses and will understand the
social responsibilities of small business managers.
 Create their own vision, write a business plan, lead with their vision, and sell their own vision to become
a real project.

Module Contents:
 Entrepreneurship mindset;
 Creativity;
 Social responsibility;
 Stakeholders;
 SWOT Analysis;
 Setting goals;
 Planning (action plans);
 Business models;
 Marketing;
 Branding;
 Pricing Models;
 Budgeting.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures with intensive discussions;
 Exercises in class and at home;
 Project planning.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Luis Cota, “Business Inception: Successful Tools for Entrepreneurs” 2021.
 Kevin D. Johnson, “The Entrepreneur Mind: 100 Essential Beliefs, Characteristics, and Habits of Elite
Entrepreneurs” 2013.
 Donald Kuratko, “Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process, Practice”, 11th ed., 2019.

Usability of the Module:

Since the German Jordanian University is an applied university, the Business Entrepreneurship course is an
important course for students because it enables them to approach their careers as an entrepreneur and an
innovator. It enables them to bring positive change in the society and their lives through this innovation. Business
Entrepreneurship can complement any major they choose in university as it teaches them to adopt the
entrepreneurial mind-set and behave responsibly and ethically in their roles as entrepreneurs or better understand
the business environment as an employee.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

ENGL101: English III (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Arts' Appreciation DES101

Compulsory Module Year of Study Any Semester Hours 3

Elective Module X Spring Semester X Workload 90
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 3
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

25% Midterm Exam
25% Report and Presentation
10% Attendance and Participation
40% final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Prof. Ziyad Haddad

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Arts' Appreciation Face-to-face; blended learning 45 45

Duration of Study:
One Semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures, exercises and presentations: 15 weeks * 3 hours = 45 hours;
 Research Paper and self-reading at home: 15 hours;
 Preparation of presentation = 10 hours:
 Preparation of mid exam and final exam: 20 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
Students who attend all lectures, complete all course requirements successfully will gain the following learning
Knowledge and Understanding:
Students passing this course will be able to:
 They will be able to understand art works within an objective framework based on informed historical
context, style, form, meaning, subject matter and content.
 They will be able to deduce and read cultural, social, and aesthetic messages and symbolic statements
and to identify visual elements of art works.
 Assessment: will examine student’s ability to employ theoretical and historical knowledge in a plausible
critical, objective rather than subjective, arguments.
Cognitive and intellectual skills (thinking and analysis):
Students passing this course will be able to:
 Understand the relation between aesthetic visual forms and their embedded meanings.
 Show a high sense of understanding of the correlation between form and context in order to grasp,
understand, recognize, and distinguish between the formal qualities of art work and its socio-cultural
themes and concepts.
 Assessment: will examine active participation and accumulative positive progress knowledge, objective
reading, research and ability to practice academic critical writing.
Communication skills (personal and academic):
Students passing this course will be able to:
 Show significant progress towards acceptable independent thinking in relation to analysing and
understanding art work.
 Demonstrate acceptable level of communicating their conceptual thoughts in written forms. Oral and
written skills are vital towards the development of a highly educated personality to understand,
appreciate and criticize art work.
 Assessment: will examine the ability to put forward plausible arguments and counter arguments,
throughout the course verbally, and in writing.
Professional skills:
Students passing this course will be able to:
 Further develop and employ their understanding and education in professional life by means of the
theoretical skills, the learning curve, know how, and practical skills they have acquired throughout this
 Assessment: will test the progress of individual cases, attendance, and responsible behaviour.
Practical and subject specific skills (transferable skills):
Students passing this course will be able to:
 Identify their inclinations to art history and standpoint on art criticism.
 Analysis and be more self-aware of their own stand from the world of art, and the real world around.
 Assessment: will examine the ability to do group work, relate to the course. be punctual, do homework,
meet deadlines and work under pressure.
By the end of this module, the students will be able to:
 Comprehend and understand key theoretical concepts about art.
 Identify key historic moments in art evolution and development.
 Understand the fine arts of different periods, styles, movements, and media.
 Identify and understand visual elements of design principles of art works.
 Be critical in an objective rather than subjective manner and better informed about art in general.
 Understand art within a theoretical and cultural framework, purpose and meaning.
 Comprehend the universal and timeless potentials and qualities characterizing great art works.
 Evaluate, improve and develop their understanding of art world’s cultures.

Module Contents:
This course is a study of the major art styles and movements appeared since the late 19th century to the early
21st century. The course explores the different economic, cultural, scientific and other changes that influence the
artistic creative developments within global and historical contexts. Emphasis will be based on the understanding
of stylistic development including the rise of avant-garde groups, the eventual triumph of Modernism, and the
development of Postmodernism and contemporary art. Upon the completion, students should be able to identify
and analyse a variety of artistic styles, periods, and media.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

Sessions include lectures and (group) discussions with accompanying PowerPoint presentation of images,
concepts, vocabulary terms, study questions, and suggested readings. The material presented in the lecture
closely follows the images and concepts in the assigned reference materials in addition to other information that
are to be researched by the students. Students will be responsible for all the material covered in both the lecture
and reference materials that relate to topic.
Through a small project assignment, each student will have the opportunity to employ theoretical understanding
into an assigned art work to be described, analysed and interpreted aesthetically within cultural and historical
The students will work individually and in teams. They will undergo major blocks of research towards presenting
their research results. First, they will learn various theoretical frameworks on art works. Second, they will learn
about the analytical methods that allow them to understand and criticize the different art movements and
approaches and go in groups and individually in developing their analysis.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Schlam, Carolyn (2020), The Joy of Art: How to Look at, Appreciate, and Talk about Art. Allworth. ISBN:
1621537056, 9781621537052, Simon and Schuster, New York
 Gordon, Pamela (2019), Art Matters: A Contemporary Approach to Art Appreciation. Oxford University
Press, Oxford.
 Kleiner, Fred S. (2013), Gardner, Helen: Gardner's Art through the Ages. Boston, MA: Wadsworth
Cengage Learning.
 Russel, J. (1981), The Meanings of Modern Art, Museum of Modern Art i. a., New York.
 Greenough, H. (1947), Form and Function, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
 Jones, A., (2006), A Companion to Contemporary Art since 1945. Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Malden, MA.
 Barrett, Terry. (2007), Teaching Toward Appreciation. International Handbook of Research of Arts
Education, in: Liora Bresler, (ed). International Handbook of Research in Arts Education. Springer, New
York: pages 639-654

Usability of the Module:

Students will acquire soft skills that could be of some meaning for their personal development and therefore also
for their professional life. Through the course offered, the students can reflect their own appreciations, develop
and defend standpoints, become accustomed to group work, research, presentation. The course enables the
students to develop themselves into informed citizens. The course can be taken by all disciplines as it caters for
an introduction to art in the daily life and therewith, they can perceive the urban environment in a more holistic

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:


Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components


Module Title Module Code

Leadership and Emotional Intelligence  EI101

Compulsory Module Year of Study 1 Semester Hours 3

Elective Module X Spring Semester X Workload 90
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 3
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

30% Mid-term exam
10% Oral presentation
10% Scrapbook
10% Class activities and participation
40% Final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dina El Hindi
Dr. Bassmah Altaher
Dr. Kawthar Karain

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Leadership and Emotional
Face-to-face; blended learning
Intelligence 45 45

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures, exercises and presentations: 15 weeks * 3 hours = 45 hours;
 Preparation and practicing oral presentation: 10 hours;
 Exercises and self-reading at home: 20 hours;
 Preparation of Midterm exam and final exam: 15 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the module, the student will be able to
 Better understand and manage his/her emotions.
 Control the emotional impact they have on others to optimize any situation.
 Understand others and empathize with others, as well as value the importance of social skills and of
 Apply necessary skills to be leaders both in their personal and professional lives, distinguishing the
various styles of leadership and when and how to apply them.
 Analyse their personal lives and evaluate moments of leadership in their lives and implement what they
have learned to what they have already encountered and experienced in life.
 Take an intelligent leader’s perspective on what they have previously thought was an average
experience of themselves or of others.

Module Contents:
 EI test
 Assessing Your Emotional Intelligence
 Universal emotions
 Triggers and emotional hijacks
 Daniel Goleman’s EI Model: Self-awareness; self-management; empathy; social skills
 Women in leadership roles
 Emotional labor
 The Open Loop
 Understanding the science of moods
 Mirroring and emotional contagion
 Leadership vs. management
 Top 10 leadership qualities of a manager
 Ethics and leadership
 Leadership that gets results (leadership styles)
 Feedback
 Teamwork
 Self-improvement: Comfort zone
 Being realistic
 Antithesis theory

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures with intensive discussions
 Exercises in class and at home
 Writing and presenting alone or in group work

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Daniel Goleman, "Emotional Intelligence", 2010
 Daniel Goleman, "What Makes a Leader: Why Emotional Intelligence Matters ", 1, 2013
 Travis Bradberry & Jean Greaves, "Emotional Intelligence 2.0", 2009
 James Kouzes & Barry Posner, "The Leadership Challenge", 5th ed., 2012

Usability of the Module:

The skills students will learn will serve them during the course of their studies in project related courses, courses
that require teamwork and especially during local field training and international internship. It will also help them
succeed in any career they choose because emotional intelligence is currently a key requirement of employers in
any field. In addition, individuals who learn the skills highlighted in this course are more likely to avoid
miscommunication, reach consensus, manage stress and deal with conflicts effectively.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

ENGL101: English III (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Intercultural Communications IC101

Compulsory Module Year of Study 1 Semester Hours 3

Elective Module X Spring Semester X Workload 90
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 3
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

30% Mid-term exam
10% Participation
20% Short essay quizzes
40% Final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dr. Eva Haddad

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Intercultural Communications Face-to-face; blended learning 45 45

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures, exercises and presentations: 15 weeks * 3 hours = 45 hours;
 Preparation for essay quizzes: 10 hours;
 Self-reading and chapter questions at home: 20 hours;
 Preparation of Midterm exam and final exam: 15 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the module the student will be able to
 Realize the importance of intercultural communication and the power to exchange ideas, thoughts and
having a win-win approach when dealing with others.
 Demonstrate intercultural communication in a manner that understands, comprehends and empathizes
with the other while maintaining a sense of identity and appreciation for one‘s own culture.
 Demonstrate the skills of sending and receiving messages between people whose cultural background
could lead them to interpret verbal and nonverbal signs differently.
 Recognize the diversity of these cultural differences and at the same time distinguish the possibilities to
overcome them.

Module Contents:
 Identity;
 Culture;
 Communication;
 Barriers to intercultural communication;
 Communication competence;
 Nonverbal communication across cultures;
 Future challenges to intercultural communication;
 Acculturation and deculturation;
 The stress Adaptation Growth Dynamic;
 Intercultural identity and cultural relativism.
Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:
 Lectures with intensive discussions;
 Exercises in class and at home;
 Writing Short essays.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Fred Jandt, "Intercultural Communication ", 9th edition, 2018
 Larry A. Samovar, "Communication Between Cultures", 8th edition, 2013
 Larry A.Samover, "Intercultural Communication A reader", 14th edition, 2015

Usability of the Module:

Students will be empowered with the tools that offer powerful possibilities for improving the communication
process. The skills students will learn will serve them to acquire skills for a lifetime. It empowers them with abilities
to becoming competent communicators, realizing the concepts of cultural relativism and world citizenship, and
embracing cultural differences through verbal and nonverbal communication. This will create in them a sense of
empathy and respect for various identities and teach them to value the importance of our shared human identity.
Finally, students will value diversity and work towards inclusion and harmony with their world. The skills acquired
in the module will prepare the students for their mandatory German Year. The University’s efforts to recognize
and surmount cultural differences bears the potential to open up business and social opportunities throughout the
world and maximize the contribution of all the citizens in a diverse world.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

ENGL101: English III (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Sports and Health   PE101

Compulsory Module Year of Study 1 Semester Hours 3

Elective Module X Spring Semester X Workload 90
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 3
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

40% Mid-term exam
10% Report presentation
10% Class activities and participation
40% Final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Fawwaz Al-Saqqar

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Sports and Health Face-to-face; blended learning 45 45

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures, exercises and presentations: 15 weeks * 3 hours = 45 hours;
 Preparation and practicing report presentation: 10 hours;
 Exercises and self-reading at home: 20 hours;
 Preparation of Midterm exam and final exam: 15 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the module, the students will be able to
 Identify and summarize the important features of Health Culture in their lives and to link between sports
and health.
 Apply what they learned in their everyday lives for optimal health.
 Apply important concepts and principles of first aid to treat any accidents that might occur and to avoid
injuries during sport or otherwise.
 Identify nutrition science by recognizing the essential food elements, components and facts.
 Make educated choices when choosing their meals for better health.
 Identify and understand Olympic values and practices.
 Demonstrate their knowledge about the significance of current research in sports and health by writing
and presenting a report.

Module Contents:
 Introduction to sports and health;
 Health and fitness;
 Physical fitness (component, benefits);
 Nutrition;
 Obesity;
 Diabetes;
 Olympic;
 Olympic values;
 Sports in Jordan;
 Doping;
 Smoking;
 Sport injuries and first aid;
 Hooliganism.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures with intensive discussions;
 Exercises in class and at home;
 Writing and presenting alone or in group work.

Recommended or Required Reading

 Muhammad Mobaideen, Muhammad al-Sakran. "Sport and health in our life". 1st ed., 2012.
 Zine El Abidine Bani Hani et. al. "Principles of Physical Education". 1st ed., 2016.
 Youssef Lazem Kamlan. “Sports, Health and Environment”. 2016
 Subhi Kabalan, “Introduction to Physical Education - Sport for All”, 1st ed., 2014.
 Saleh Abdullah Al-Zoubi. "Sports and Health" 2011
 Hazem Al Nahar, "Sport and health”, 2012
 A varied summary that combines multiple topics related to the course, prepared by the course instructor
Fawwaz Al-Saqqar, 2021

Usability of the Module:

In addition to improved physical health, the skills and knowledge students learn will serve them by improving
academic achievement, increasing their self-esteem, decreasing behavioural problems, and improving
psychosocial conduct. In addition, students who learn the knowledge and skills highlighted in this course are more
likely to be able to distinguish, realize, practice and improve the physical, mental, psychological and social health
role in their life circle. By learning healthy nutrition, the importance of sports, and basic first aid, students will be
able to lead healthier lives and healthier families. They will be a more productive, healthy part society and will less
likely be a liability to the government, society and health sector. Learning these skills will also allow students to
be more independent during their German internship year as they are more aware of general health practices and
are able to apply basic first aid practices.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

ARB099: Arabic 99 (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:
English with occasional Arabic explanations

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Social Entrepreneurship and Enterprises  SE301

Compulsory Module Year of Study 3 Semester Hours 3

Elective Module X Spring Semester X Workload 90
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 3
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

30% Mid-term exam
20% Case study
10% Class activities & participation
40% Final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Rasha Al-Hijazeen

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Social Entrepreneurship
Face-to-face; blended learning 45 45
and Enterprises

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures, exercises and presentations: 15 weeks * 3 hours= 45 hours;
 Preparing and analysing case studies: 10 hours;
 Preparing and studying at home: 20 hours;
 Preparation of midterm and final exams: 15 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
 Design a business plan for a social venture.
 Outline the field of social entrepreneurship and many of the opportunities, challenges, and issues facing
social entrepreneurs.
 Recall their research on leading social entrepreneurs who are using business skills to address complex
social problems.
 Integrate the learned concepts and how business skills can be the solution to many social problems.
 Applying solutions challenges in the field of social entrepreneurship.

Module Contents:
 The meaning of a social enterprise;
 Examples of social enterprises;
 Social enterprises, private sector and charities;
 Mission and purpose;
 Business plan in a nutshell;
 Vision, mission and values;
 Branding;
 Commercial strategy;
 Quality assurance;
 Marketing and sales funnel;
 Market research;
 Competitor analysis;
 Marketing and PR channels;
 Sales strategy;
 Sales target;
 Managing finance;
 Social enterprise budgeting.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures with engaging and interactive discussions;
 In-class group activities;
 Presenting and analysing case studies in groups.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Muhammad Yunus & Karl Weber, “Building Social Business”, 2011”
 Daniel Lubetzky “Do the Right Thing”, 2015
 Rory Ridley-Duff & Mike Bull “Understanding Social Enterprise: Theory and Practice”, 3rd ed. 2019.

Usability of the Module:

Social Entrepreneurship is a field which is becoming increasingly important in today’s world. Ending poverty and
unemployment, establishing peace, reducing global warming, and improving public education and healthcare are
but a few examples of long-term goals social entrepreneurs work innovatively to achieve. In addition, social
entrepreneurs enjoy vision, leadership skills and capacities, knowledge of social concerns and the capabilities to
strategically plan and execute successful projects that are meant to cause long lasting change. Enterprises run on
business principles for a social cause, and businesses paying attention to social concerns are becoming very vital
to achieving sustainable and comprehensive development. When we teach our students the necessary skills to
achieve this, we contribute to the overall betterment of society to complement whatever their field of study.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

Engl101: English III (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Soft Skills 1

Compulsory Module Year of Study 1 Semester Hours 3

Elective Module X Spring Semester X Workload 90
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 3
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

30% Mid-term exam
10% Oral presentation
20% Quizzes
40% Final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dr. Eva Haddad
Dr. Deema Khasawneh

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Soft Skills Face-to-face; blended learning 45 45

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures, presentations: 15 weeks * 3 hours = 45 hours;
 Preparation and practicing oral presentation: 10 hours;
 Exercises and self-reading at home: 20 hours;
 Preparation of Midterm exam and final exam: 15 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the module, the student will be able to
 Demonstrate the required skills to become a self-learning, interactive and proactive individual,
empowered with critical thinking abilities.
 Recognize the different soft skills needed in their daily lives and their future career including but not
limited to communication skills, presentation skills, time management, leadership, teamwork and
problem solving and negotiation.
 Integrate their personal development skills and interpersonal skills to advance their private and
professional lives.
 Succeed in any interview and master self-confidence and self-monitoring.

Module Contents:
 Soft skills and critical thinking;
 Personal development;
 Personal skills for the mind;
 Personal SWOT analysis;
 Creative thinking;
 Emotional intelligence;
 Self-awareness;
 Time management;
 Communication skills;
 Listening skills;
 Nonverbal communication;
 Verbal communication;
 Conflict resolution;
 Groups and teams;
 Decision making;
 Problem solving;
 Negotiation skills;
 Leadership skills;
 Entrepreneurship;
 The seven habits of highly effective people;
 Job skills activities.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Students' Presentation;
 Exercises in class and at home;
 Discussions in class.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Kumar E. Suresh, Sreehari P, J Savithri. “Communication Skills and Soft Skills - An Integrated
Approach” 2011
 Bruce Tulgan. “Bridging the Soft Skills Gap: How to Teach the Missing Basics to Today’s Young Talent”
 John Sonmez. “Soft Skills: The Software Developers Life Manual” 2020
 Zsolt Nagy. “Soft Skills to Advance Your Developer Career: Actionable Steps to Help Maximize Your
Potential” 2019
 Stephen Covey “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.” 2020

Usability of the Module:

Soft skills are a very important but often overlooked part of a student’s education. This course helps students by
combining the hard skills they learn in their major with the soft skills that make them a more suitable candidate for
further opportunities such as higher education, scholarships and job opportunities. The course’s focus on the
skills needed to develop their social and work-life skills makes them especially well-equipped to travel abroad for
their German Year, including the German Year Internship Semester. They will have all the skills needed to
interact with a new culture, exhibit teamwork, problem solving skills, and creativity (to name a few), all while
portraying their own nationality in an appropriate manner.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

ENGL101: English III (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction

Recommended Optional Program Components


Module Title Module Code

Technical and Workplace Writing TW303

Compulsory Module Year of Study 3 Semester Hours 3

Elective Module X Spring Semester X Workload 90
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS 3
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

10% Participation
20% Writing Assignments
30% Midterm Exam
40% Final Exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Dr. Bassmah B. AlTaher

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
TW303 Face-to-face; blended learning 45 45

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

- Presence time in lectures, exercises, and presentations: 15 * 3 hours = 45 hours;
- Preparation and practicing writing assignments: 20 hours;
- Exercises and self-reading at home: 10 hours;
- Preparation of Midterm exam and final exam: 15 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course, students will be able to
 Produce different processes of writing and how to share information in a professional setting and convey
information in the clearest and most effective manner.
 Apply skills of a good technical writer and to be concise, focused, clear, error-free, and audience based.
 Convey their message ethically, fully aware of who their audience is and what the audience knows in
order to make their writing efficient and effective.
 Deliver a clear message, use multiple forms of communication for external and internal audiences.
 Acquire the skills to be attentive to detail and work in collaboration with a project team.
 Gather data and analyze, plan and prioritize, and know how to deal with scientific knowledge used for

Module Contents:
 Professionalism and Ethics:
o Thinking logically;
o Citing sources and avoiding plagiarism;
o Using plain language.
 Writing in a professional and ethical manner.
 The Writing process:
o Defining your purpose;
o Defining the target audience;
o Finding the topic;
o Understanding tone;
o Choosing format;
o The document cycle;
o Creating a schedule;
o Collaboration;
o External audience;
o Worksheet;
o Web audience worksheet.
 Short Communications:
o I-centered vs. You-centered language;
o Emails and email checklists;
o Memos and memo checklists;
o Letters and letter checklists.
 Page Design:
o How readers read;
o Readability;
o White space;
o Bullets and numbering;
o Headings and subheadings;
o Organization;
o Style sheets.
 Summaries:
o The summary writing process;
o Abstracts;
o Descriptive summaries;
o Evaluative summaries;
o Executive summaries.
 Short Reports:
o General formats;
o Incident report;
o Meeting minutes report;
o Event report;
o Progress report;
o Evaluation / recommendation report;
o Budget report;
o Short report checklist.
 Graphics:
o The power of showing;
o Types of graphics:
o Photographs;
o Drawings;
o Diagrams;
o Graphs, charts, and tables;
o Logos, symbols, icons, clip art;
o Guidelines for using graphics;
o Choosing the right graphic.
 Proposals:
o Considering the audience;
o Organization;
o Document style.
 Writing for the Web:
o Purpose and audience;
o Ethical standards and cultural sensitivity;
o Graphics on the web;
o Page design;
o Content: hard copy to web copy;
o Blogging.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

Technical writing uses a wide range of programs to create and edit illustrations and diagramming programs to
create visual aids and document processors to design, create, and format documents. The instructor will
incorporate different teaching approaches for the purpose of presenting vital writing skills to the participants by
using intensive writing assignments and exercise drills. A fair amount of homework will be given to allow students
a chance to revise what they have learned during the lectures. One-to-one discussions and learning samples are
part of the comprehensive learning process.
Recommended or Required Reading:
 Alred, Gerald J & Brusaw, Charles T. & Oliu, Walter E. The Handbook of Technical Writing with 2020
APA Update, 12th Ed. (2020)
 Markel, Mike & Selber, Stuart A. Technical Communication, 12th Ed. (2017)
 Johnson, Nell and Sylwester, Mary. Technical Writing Simplified, 4th Ed. (2017)
 Pringle, Alan S. & O’Keefe, Sarah S. Technical Writing 101: A Real World Guide to Planning and Writing
Technical Content, 3rd Ed. (2009)

Usability of the Module:

The Technical and Workplace Writing course focuses on essentials; it introduces students to professional and
technical writing through a straightforward structure, adding knowledge while practicing different forms and skills.
Since this course is a practical one, the course offers the (how – instructions) and the (what – examples) with
discussion topics and exercises designed to make instruction straightforward. Students are exposed to certain
genres, such as web page design, summaries, and proposals. This is why this course is designed with a student /
worker in mind, who would greatly benefit from the techniques of writing presented throughout the course. This
course is also designed to support all other courses in the student’s major and higher education, if the student
chooses to pursue it, because it teaches them the various forms of technical writing they may need to succeed.
This will culminate later in the Graduation Project/Thesis.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

ENGL101: English III (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Pre Math MATH099

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 1 Semester Hours
Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS
Pre-university X Pre-program Remedial

30% Midterm exam
20% Quizzes
40% Final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Mrs. Anwar Bostanji
Dr. Laith Hawawsheh
Dr. Dia Zeidan
Dr. Mohammad AlQudah
Dr. Mohamad Abudayah
Dr. Omar Al-Omari

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Pre Math Face-to-face 45 45

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures: 15 weeks * 3 hours: 45 hours;
 Exercises and self-reading at home: 15 hours;
 Preparation for quizzes: 10 hours;
 Preparation for theoretical exams: 20 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the module, the student will be able to
 Discuss linear functions and quadratic functions, which belong to the class of polynomial functions.
 Analyze polynomials and rational functions.
 Decipher whether these functions belong to the class of algebraic functions, that is, functions that can be
expressed in term of sums, differences, products, power, or root of polynomials.
 Demonstrate knowledge of inverse functions and understand their properties, particularly the relationship
between the domain and range of a function and its inverse.
 Define the exponential function and the inverse of the exponential function, the logarithmic function.
 Define the six trigonometric functions using the unit circle.
 Evaluate the trigonometric functions.
 Graph sinusoidal functions.
 Define the inverse trigonometric functions and solve equations involving the trigonometric functions.

Module Contents:
 Functions and Their Graphs;
 Linear and Quadratic Functions;
 Polynomial and Rational Functions;
 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions;
 Trigonometric Functions;
 Analytic Trigonometry;
 Applications of Trigonometric Functions.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures to present concepts theoretically and through examples;
 In-class exercises and discussions;
 Real-life scenario discussions and interactive sessions.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Michael Sullivan, Precalculus, 11th Edition, 2021
 Robert Blitzer, Precalculus, 6th Edition, 2017
 Ron Larson, Precalculus, 10th Edition, 2018

Usability of the Module:

The main goal of this course is to provide the student with the basic concepts of functions and the mathematical
maturity needed for learning calculus. Students will use skills learned in this course in their calculus series of
compulsory courses. This module is a prerequisite of module Calculus I (MATH101).

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:


Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Calculus I MATH101

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 1 Semester Hours
Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

40% midterm exam
20% quizzes
40% final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Mrs. Anwar Bostanji
Dr. Laith Hawawsheh
Dr. Dia Zeidan
Dr. Mohammad AlQudah
Dr. Mohamad Abudayah
Dr. Omar Al-Omari

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Calculus I Face-to-face 45 105

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures: 15 weeks * 3 hours: 45 hours;
 Exercises and self-reading at home: 35 hours;
 Preparation for quizzes: 30 hours;
 Preparation for theoretical exams: 40 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Compute the expression for the line tangent to a function at a point.
 Interpret the tangent line geometrically as the local linearization of a function.
 Verify the value of the limit of a function at a point using the definition of the limit.
 Calculate the limit of a function at a point numerically and algebraically using appropriate techniques
including l’Hospital’s rule.
 Find points of discontinuity for functions and classify them.
 Be able to show whether a function is differentiable at a point.
 Compute the value of the derivative at a point algebraically using the (limit) definition.
 Interpret the derivative of a function at a point as the slope of the tangent line and estimate its value from
the graph of a function.
 Differentiate exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions.
 Sketch the graph of the derivative from the given graph of a function.
 Derive the expression for the derivative of elementary functions from the (limit) definition.
 Compute the expression for the derivative of a function using the rules of differentiation. Including the
power rule, product rule, and quotient rule and chain rule.
 Compute the expression for the derivative of a composite function using the chain rule of differentiation.
 Differentiate a relation implicitly and compute the line tangent to its graph at a point.
 Interpret the derivative of a function at a point the as the instantaneous rate of change in the quantity
modelled and state its units.
 Understand the consequences of the intermediate value theorem for continuous functions.
 Interpret a function from an algebraic, numerical, graphical and verbal perspective and extract
information relevant to the phenomenon modelled by the function.

Module Contents:
 Limits and continuity;
 Differentiation;
 Applications of derivatives;
 Integration;
 Integrals and transcendental functions;
 Techniques of integration.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures to present concepts theoretically and through examples;
 In-class exercises and discussions;
 Real-life scenario discussions and interactive sessions.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Joel Hass, Thomas’ Calculus: Early Transcendentals 14th edition, 2017
 Howard Anton, Irl C. Bivens, Stephen Davis: Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 11th edition, 2020
 James Stewart, Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 8th edition, 2016

Usability of the Module:

The purpose of this course is to provide the first-year students with the basic skills of mathematics required for the
general education courses, and foundation for advance speciality courses. It is an introduction to multiple courses
that the science and engineering degrees’ students will encounter during their senior years. Therefore, the main
goals set forth by this course can be summarized within two main targets:
1. To develop a good understanding of calculus concepts.
2. To apply the acquired knowledge and skills in professional and specialist courses.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

MATH099: Pre-Math or passing GJU Math Placement Test (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Calculus II MATH102

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 1 Semester Hours
Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

40% Midterm exam
10% Quizzes
10% Participation
40% Final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Mrs. Anwar Bostanji
Dr. Laith Hawawsheh
Dr. Dia Zeidan
Dr. Mohammad AlQudah
Dr. Mohamad Abudayah
Dr. Omar Al-Omari

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Calculus II Face-to-face 45 105

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures: 15 weeks * 3 hours = 45 hours;
 Exercises and self-reading at home: 35 hours;
 Preparation for quizzes: 30 hours;
 Preparation for theoretical exams: 40 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Use the concept of the limit at infinity to determine whether a sequence of real numbers is bounded and
whether it converges or diverges, interpret the concept of a series as the sum of a sequence, and use
the sequence of partial sums to determine convergence of a series, decide whether and to what value an
infinite geometric series converge.
 Use comparison with a corresponding integral with other series to decide whether infinite series
(including p-series) converge or diverge.
 Decide whether an alternating series converges from the limit and monotonic decrease of the sequence
of absolute values of its terms, distinguish between absolute and conditional convergence of series and
be aware of the consequences of reordering terms in conditionally converging series.
 Perform the ratio and root test to determine convergence of infinite series, interpret a converging power
series as a function.
 Determine the Taylor series of the nth order and determine an upper bound on its remainder, and
manipulate Taylor series by substitution and (anti-) differentiation to obtain expansions for other
 Evaluate double and triple integrations over rectangles and general regions.
 Calculate the area by double integration and use triple integration to calculate the volume.
 Perform calculus operations on vector-valued functions, including derivatives and integrals, perform
calculus operations on functions of several variables, including partial derivatives, directional derivatives,
and multiple integrals.
 Determine partial derivative and differentials.
 Use the chain rule for functions of several variables, calculate directional derivatives and gradients,
determine tangent planes and normal lines and determine extrema and saddle point for functions of
several variables.

Module Contents:
 Sequences and series, power series, convergence theorems: integral, ratio, and alternating-series tests;
 Vectors in three-dimensional space;
 Partial derivatives;
 Multiple integrals;
 Topics in vector calculus.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures to present concepts theoretically and through examples;
 In-class exercises and discussions;
 Real-life scenario discussions and interactive sessions.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Joel Hass, Thomas’ Calculus: Early Transcendentals 14th edition, 2017
 Howard Anton, Irl C. Bivens, Stephen Davis: Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 11th edition, 2020
 James Stewart, Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 8th edition, 2016

Usability of the Module:

This module provides the first-year students with the mathematics skills required for the general education
courses, and foundation for advance speciality courses. This course is a continuation of module Calculus I
(MATH101) that focuses on understanding more advance calculus concepts. It is an introduction to multiple
courses that the science and engineering degrees’ students will encounter during their senior years and a
prerequisite to the module Applied Mathematics for Engineering (MATH203) and the module Differential
Equations (MATH205) where students utilize skills learned to solve differential equations and evaluate line

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

MATH101: Calculus I (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:

Module Title Module Code
Applied Mathematics for Engineers MATH203

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 2 Semester Hours
Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

40% midterm exam
10% quizzes
10% participation
40% final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Mrs. Anwar Bostanji
Dr. Laith Hawawsheh
Dr. Dia Zeidan
Dr. Mohammad AlQudah
Dr. Mohamad Abudayah
Dr. Omar Al-Omari

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Applied Mathematics for
Engineers Face-to-face 45 105

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures: 15 weeks x 3 hours: 45 hours;
 Exercises and self-reading at home: 35 hours;
 Preparation for quizzes: 30 hours;
 Preparation for theoretical exams: 40 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Demonstrate understanding of the basic concepts underlying complex analysis.
 Demonstrate familiarity with a range of examples of these concepts.
 Prove basic results in complex analysis.
 Apply the methods of complex analysis to evaluate definite integrals and infinite series.
 Determine if a vector field is conservative and find the potential scalar function of a conservative vector
 Calculate line integrals and apply the information contained in Green’s Theorem and Stokes’ Theorem.
 Perform calculus operations on vector-valued functions, including derivatives, integrals, curvature,
displacement, velocity, acceleration, and torsion.
 Solve problems using the Fundamental Theorem of Line Integrals, Green's Theorem, the Divergence
Theorem, and Stokes' Theorem.
 Perform common matrix operations such as addition, scalar multiplication, multiplication, and
 Recognize and use equivalent forms to identify matrices and solve linear systems.
 Discuss associativity and noncommutativity of matrix multiplication.
 Compute with and recognize properties of particular matrices.
 Formulate, solve, apply, and interpret properties of linear systems.
 Perform row operations on a matrix.
 Find the transpose of a matrix.
 Recognize and use equivalent statements regarding invertible matrices, pivot positions, and solutions of
homogeneous systems.
 Relate an augmented matrix to a system of linear equations.
 Relate a matrix to a homogeneous system of linear equations.
 Multiply matrices.
 Recognize when two matrices can be multiplied.
 Qualitative describe features of a matrix, e.g., diagonal, upper or lower triangular.
 Define what it means for a linear system to be consistent or inconsistent.
 Determine when a system of linear equations has no, one, or many solutions.
 Distinguish between homogeneous and nonhomogeneous systems.
 Identify special matrices like the zero matrix and the identity matrix.
 Solve linear systems of equations using the language of matrices.
 Translate word problems into linear equations.
 Define the inverse of a matrix.
 Compute the inverse of a matrix.
 Provide a definition of the determinant.
 Use determinants and their interpretation as volumes.
 Describe how performing row operations affects the determinant.
 Analyse the determinant of a product algebraically and geometrically.
 Determine the sign of a permutation.
 Compute the determinant of a two-by-two matrix.
 Compute the determinant of a three-by-three matrix.
 Compute the determinant of an upper triangular matrix.
 Compute the determinant of a matrix via cofactor expansion.
 Describe properties of the determinant.
 Relate the determinant of three-by-three matrices to the cross product.
 Describe how the determinant of a matrix and its transpose are related.
 Describe how the determinant of a matrix and its inverse are related.
 Use determinants to calculate the inverse of a matrix.
 Describe how the determinant of a product of matrices relates to the determinant of the individual
 Describe coordinates of a vector relative to a given basis.
 Determine a basis and the dimension of a finite-dimensional space.
 Discuss linear independence for vectors in R^n.
 Define the dimension of a vector space.
 Define row space and column space of a matrix.
 Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix.
 Use characteristic polynomials to compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
 Use eigenspaces of matrices, when possible, to diagonalize a matrix.
 Explain the significance of eigenvectors and eigenvalues.
 Find the characteristic polynomial of a matrix.
 Understand how to determine the angle between vectors and the orthogonality of vectors.
 Norms.
 Discuss orthogonal and orthonormal bases.
 Define orthogonal complements.
 Define orthogonal projections.
 Discuss general inner product spaces and symmetric matrices, and associated norms.
 Explain how orthogonal projections relate to least square approximations.

Module Contents:
 Complex Numbers and Functions:
o Complex Numbers and Their Geometric Representation;
o Polar Form of Complex Numbers. Powers and Roots;
o Derivative. Analytic Function;
o Cauchy–Riemann Equations. Laplace’s Equation;
o Exponential Function;
o Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions. Euler’s Formula;
 Linear Algebra:
o Matrices, Vectors: Addition and Scalar Multiplication;
o Matrix Multiplication;
o Second- and Third-Order Determinants;
o Determinants. Cramer’s Rule;
o The Matrix Eigenvalue Problem;
o Determining Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors;
o Symmetric, Skew-Symmetric, and Orthogonal Matrices;
o Eigenbases. Diagonalization. Quadratic Forms;
 Vector Differential Calculus. Grad, Div, Cur 9.1 Vectors in 2-Space and 3-Space;
o Inner Product (Dot Product);
o Vector Product (Cross Product);
o Vector and Scalar Functions and Their Fields. Vector Calculus: Derivatives;
o Curves. Arc Length;
o Gradient of a Scalar Field. Directional Derivative.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures to present concepts theoretically and through examples;
 In-class exercises and discussions;
 Real-life scenario discussions and interactive sessions.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Dennis G. Zill, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 7th edition, 2020
 K.A. Stroud and Dexter Booth, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 6th edition, 2020
 Peter V. O’Neil, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8th edition, 2017

Usability of the Module:

This is a compulsory module in the Bachelor’s program of Engineering. This Module provides a comprehensive
introduction to the Applied Mathematics. The module will focus on building the rigorous theoretical foundations of
applied mathematics. Student will utilize skilled learned in their advance engineering courses in their senior years.
This module is a prerequisite for advance modules such as ENE211 Electric Circuits I, ECE331 Electromagnetics,
and CE331 Signals and Systems in the Bachelor’s program of Engineering.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

MATH102: Calculus II (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

Differential Equations MATH205

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 2 Semester Hours
Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload
Optional Module Winter Semester x ECTS
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

40% midterm exam
10% quizzes
10% participation
40% final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Mrs. Anwar Bostanji
Dr. Laith Hawawsheh
Dr. Dia Zeidan
Dr. Mohammad AlQudah
Dr. Mohamad Abudayah
Dr. Omar Al-Omari

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
Differential Equations Face-to-face 45 105

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in lectures: 15 weeks * 3 hours = 45 hours;
 Exercises and self-reading at home: 35 hours;
 Preparation for quizzes: 30 hours;
 Preparation for theoretical exams: 40 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, the student will be able to:
 Explain the concept of differential equation, i.e. he/she:
o Classifies the differential equations with respect to their order and linearity;
o Explains the meaning of solution of a differential equation;
o Expresses the existence-uniqueness theorem of differential equations.
 Solve first-order ordinary differential equations, i.e. he/she:
o Solves exact differential equations;
o Converts separable and homogenous equations to exact differential equations by integrating
 Solve Bernoulli differential equation.
 Find solution of higher-order linear differential equations, i.e. he/she:
o Expresses the basic existence theorem for higher- order linear differential equations;
o Solves the homogeneous linear differential equations with constant coefficients;
o Applies the method of undetermined coefficients to solve the non-homogeneous linear differential
equations with constant coefficients;
o Uses the method "variations of parameters" to find to solution of higher-order linear differential
equations with variable coefficients;
o Solves the Cauchy-Euler equations .
 Solve systems of linear differential equations, i.e. he/she:
o Determines the type of a linear differential equation system;
o Uses the operator method to solve linear systems with constant coefficients;
o Solves the linear systems in normal form;
o Solves the homogeneous linear systems with constant coefficients.
 Use the Laplace transform in finding the solution of linear differential equations; i.e. he/she:
o Explains basic properties of Laplace transform;
o Expresses the inverse Laplace transform;
o Finds Laplace transforms solution of linear differential equation with constant coefficients.
 Use Series method to find solutions of ODEs.
 Use Fourier Analysis to express periodic functions in terms of infinite series.

Module Contents:
 First-Order Ordinary Differential Equations:
o Basic Concepts;
o Separable ODEs;
o Exact ODEs;
o Linear ODEs.
 Second-Order ODEs:
o Homogeneous Linear ODEs of Second Order;
o Homogeneous Linear ODEs with Constant Coefficients;
o Euler–Cauchy Equations;
o Nonhomogeneous ODEs.
 Laplace Transforms:
o Laplace Transform. Linearity;
o Transforms of Derivatives and Integrals, ODEs;
o Unit Step Function (Heaviside Function);
o Short Impulses;
o Differentiation and Integration of Transforms;
o Systems of ODEs.
 Series solutions of ODEs and Special functions:
o Power Series Method;
o Legendre’s Equation.
 Fourier Analysis:
o Fourier Series;
o Arbitrary Period;
o Even and Odd Functions.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures to present concepts theoretically and through examples;
 In-class exercises and discussions;
 Real-life scenario discussions and interactive sessions.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Dennis G. Zill, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 7th edition, 2020
 K.A. Stroud and Dexter Booth, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 6th edition, 2020
 Peter V. O’Neil, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8th edition, 2017

Usability of the Module:

This module is an introductory course of differential equations and mathematical modelling that can be used to
study a wide range of social issues. Among the topics that have a natural fit with the mathematics in a course on
ordinary differential equations are all aspects of population problems: growth of population, over-population,
carrying capacity of an ecosystem, the effect of harvesting, such as hunting or fishing, on a population and how
over-harvesting can lead to species extinction, interactions between multiple species populations, such as
predator-prey, cooperative and competitive species. This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the
qualitative and quantitative theory of ordinary differential equations. Students will see how applied mathematicians
use differential equations to solve practical problems in biology, chemistry, economics, and physics. The course
will focus on building the rigorous theoretical foundations of differential equations, and using these concepts to
interpret differential equations and their results in the context of applications. Differential equations is a main
branch of mathematics and is widely used to study and analyse topics from a variety of fields. This module is a
prerequisite for the module ECE331 Electromagnetics in the Bachelor’s program of Engineering.
Prerequisites and Co-requisites:
MATH102: Calculus II (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

General Physics I PHYS103

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 1 Semester Hours
Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

10% Participation
50% Three online exams
40% Final exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Prof. Nabil Ayoub
Dr. Suhad Sbeih
Dr. Husam Abu-Safe
Dr. Hussein Taani
Dr. Inshad Yousef
Dr. Sameer Arabasi

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
General Physics I Face-to-face 45 105

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Attendance of the online lectures: 15 weeks * 3 hours = 45 hours;
 Preparation for the lecture (self-reading, presentation): 30 hours;
 Exercises and homework: 35 hours;
 Preparation for the semester and final exams: 40 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module each student will be able to
 Understand the basic dimensions of physical quantities (mass, length, and times).
 Analyze the complex expression that involve physical quantities into its basic dimensions.
 Perform addition, subtraction, and multiplication of vectors.
 Use and implement the kinematical laws of motion in one and two-dimensions to determine the objects
position with respect to a frame of reference, velocity, and acceleration.
 Interpret the ratio between the force applied to an object and the gained acceleration as a mathematical
expression to represent the resistance of the object to change its status of motion and define it in a term
called the mass of the object.
 Apply the understanding of this force-acceleration relation to formulate the Newton’s laws of motion.
 Apply laws in rectilinear as well as uniform and non-uniform circular motions to solve problems involving
the force of gravity (weight of the object), tension in strings and ropes, frictional forces, and friction
 Comprehend the concept of work and its relationship to changes in the object’s total energy.
 Correlate change in the object’s total energy to the external forces affecting an object and be able to
solve practical problems involving force, work, and energy.
 Understand conservation of total energy and define an expression for the energy of motion (kinetic
energy) and internal energies (potential energies) that are present in open and closed mechanical
 Perform the calculations necessary to determine the magnitude of total energy in these systems.
 Calculate the work done by a constant and varying forces.
 Understand the momentum of an object and its conservation law and solve problems using the principle
of conservation of energy and momentum.

Module Contents:
The following topics will be covered during the course timeline using the calculus approach:
 Physics and measurement;
 Motion in one dimension;
 Vectors;
 Motion in two dimensions;
 The laws of motion;
 Circular motion and other applications of Newton’s Laws;
 Energy of a system;
 Conservation of energy;
 Linear momentum and collisions.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures to present concepts theoretically and through examples;
 In-class exercises and discussions;
 Real-life scenario discussions and interactive sessions;
 Writing reports and in-class presentations.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Raymond A. Serway, John W. Jewett, Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics, 10 th
edition, 2019.
 David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker, Fundamentals of Physics, 10th edition, 2015.
 Hugh Young, Roger Freedman, University Physics, 15th edition, 2020.
 Douglas C. Giancoli, Physics for Scientists & Engineers with Modern Physics, 5th edition, 2021.

Usability of the Module:

The purpose of this course is to provide first-year students with the theoretical knowledge and the necessary skills
to understand and realize the laws that govern motion. There are several courses in the university curriculum for
science majors and engineering degrees that require a robust and clear understanding of the concepts provided
and explained in this course. These courses are Statics (CEE201), Statics and strength of materials
(MECH0216), Biomechanics and rehabilitation I (BM 341) and Statistics (TME 212). Therefore, the main goals set
forth by this course can be summarized within two main targets to develop a good understanding of the classical
laws that determine objects general motion and to gain the ability to reason qualitatively and quantitatively these
laws in different practical applications.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:


Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

General Physics II PHYS104

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 1 Semester Hours
Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

10% Participation
50% Three online exams
40% Final Exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Prof. Nabil Ayoub
Dr. Suhad Sbeih
Dr. Husam Abu-Safe
Dr. Hussein Taani
Dr. Inshad Yousef
Dr. Sameer Arabasi

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
General Physics II Face-to-face 45 105

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Attendance of the online lectures: 15 weeks * 3 hours = 45 hours;
 Preparation for the lecture (self-reading, presentation): 30 hours;
 Exercises and homework: 35 hours;
 Preparation for the semester and final exams: 40 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the module, the student will be able to
 Prove incremental knowledge about the fundamental properties of the electric charge, electric force
between charges, electric field in the vicinity of object that carries a net charge.
 Demonstrate knowledge of how to calculate the electric field for an object with charge distributions by
implementing the concept of charge density.
 Understand the electric potential energy and the concept of electric potential (voltage).
 Understand and apply voltage calculations for a system of point charges and charge distributions.
 Understand capacitance and the energy stored in a system of capacitors.
 Recognize the concepts of the electric current in conductors and their resistance, in addition to analyzing
electric circuits.
 Understand motion of charged particles in a magnetic.
 Compute the magnetic force on a wire carrying an electric current.
 Calculate the magnetic field due to an electric current flowing in different conductors with different
geometrical arrangements.
 Solve problems associated with the electrostatic force (Coulomb's law), the electric field, Gauss’s law,
the electric potential, and potential difference.
 Define capacitance and solve problems associated with capacitors of various combinations (in series
and in parallel).
 Determine the effect of dielectric materials on the capacitance and stored energy in a capacitor.
 Define electric current, current density, and solve problems involving combinations of resistors, batteries,
and capacitors.
 Apply Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s laws, in direct current circuits.
 Calculate the magnitude and direction of the magnetic field for symmetric current distributions using Biot-
Savart law.
 Implement Ampere’s law to calculate the magnetic field for current-carrying wires.
 Define the magnetic field, solve problems associated with the effect of magnetic fields on moving
charges and current-carrying wires.

Module Contents:
The following topics will be covered during the course timeline using the calculus approach:
 Electric charge, electric force;
 Electric Field;
 Motion of charged particle in a uniform electric field;
 Gauss's Law;
 Conductors in electrostatic equilibrium;
 Electric potential;
 Electric potential energy;
 Capacitance and dielectrics;
 Combination of capacitors;
 Current and resistance;
 Electromotive force;
 Connecting resistors in series and parallel;
 RC circuits;
 Kirchhoff's rules;
 Magnetic force;
 Motion of a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field;
 Magnetic force on a current carrying conductor;
 Biot-Savart Law;
 Magnetic force between two parallel conductors.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Lectures to present concepts theoretically and through examples;
 In-class exercises and discussions;
 Real-life scenario discussions and interactive sessions;
 Writing reports and in-class presentations.

Recommended or Required Reading:

 Raymond A. Serway, John W. Jewett, Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics, 10 th
edition, 2019.
 David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker, Fundamentals of Physics, 10th edition, 2015.
 Hugh Young, Roger Freedman, University Physics, 15th edition, 2020.
 Douglas C. Giancoli, Physics for Scientists & Engineers with Modern Physics, 5th edition, 2021.

Usability of the Module:

The purpose of this course is to provide first-year students with the theoretical knowledge and necessary skills to
understand and realize the phenomena of electricity and magnetism in nature and in practical applications. There
are several courses in the university curriculum for science majors and engineering degrees that require a robust
and clear understanding of the concepts provided and explained in this course. These Courses are listed as
follows: Electrical circuits and Machines (ME0212), Electrical Circuits I (ENE211), Automatic Control System for
Medical Applications (BM325), Optics for Medical Applications (BM351), Medical Physics (MB401), Biophysics
(MB432), Laser-Tissue Interaction (BM527), Introduction to Ionizing Radiation (BM528), Physiological Modeling
and Control Systems (MB3255). Therefore, the main goals set forth by this course can be summarized within two
main targets: To develop a good understanding of the important concepts in electricity and magnetism and to gain
the ability to reason qualitatively and quantitatively the concepts of electricity and magnetism in nature and in
different practical applications.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

PHYS103: General Physics I (prerequisite)
Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


Module Title Module Code

General Physics Lab PHYS106

Compulsory Module X Year of Study 1 Semester Hours
Elective Module Spring Semester X Workload
Optional Module Winter Semester X ECTS
Pre-university Pre-program Remedial

60% Semester Work
40% Final Exam

Responsible Lecturer(s)
Prof. Nabil Ayoub
Dr. Suhad Sbeih
Dr. Husam Abu-Safe
Dr. Hussein Taani
Dr. Inshad Yousef
Dr. Sameer Arabasi

Course Mode of Delivery Time Self-Study
General Physics lab Face-to-face; blended learning 36 24

Duration of Study:
One semester.

Allocation of Workload Hours:

 Presence time in labs: 12 weeks x 3 hours = 36 hours (12 experiments);
 Lab report preparation: 14 hours;
 Preparation for quizzes: 2 hours;
 Preparation for final exam: 8 hours.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module each student will be able to
 Recall incremental knowledge about the basic experimental skills that are important for verifying the
understanding of physical concepts related to motion mechanics and, Electricity and Magnetism.
 Understand how to apply these skills in familiar and unfamiliar situations observed in the physical world.
 Show practical awareness of laboratory exercises that apply the physical principles in running
 Understand how to implement data analysis, observations, and scientific reasoning to verify the results
of experiments.
 Interpret and explain such results qualitatively and quantitatively.

Module Contents:
This lab consists of 12 experiments, six in Mechanics and six in Electricity and Magnetism. The following topics
will be covered with the 12 laboratory meeting sessions using experimental and data analysis approach:
 Basics of experimental error analysis;
 Measurements and calculation of errors;
 Determination of objects position, velocity, and acceleration;
 Objects free falling analysis;
 Study of projectile motion;
 Implementation of Newton's Second Law of accelerated objects;
 Friction analysis;
 Linear momentum and collision;
 Charging and charge distribution;
 Resistors and resistors connections;
 Kirchhoff's Laws;
 Capacitors and capacitors connections;
 Magnetic field in a current-carrying coil;
 Magnetic induction;
 Transformer basics.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

 Experiments done in the lab;
 Writing reports and in-class presentations.

Recommended or Required Reading:

The following lab manual is required for the course:
 General Physics Lab manual: Prepared and edited by German Jordanian University physics faculty.
 Raymond A. Serway, John W. Jewett, Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics, 10 th
edition, 2019.
 David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker, Fundamentals of Physics, 10th edition, 2015.
 Hugh Young, Roger Freedman, University Physics, 15th edition, 2020.
 Douglas C. Giancoli, Physics for Scientists & Engineers with Modern Physics, 5th edition, 2021.

Usability of the Module:

The purpose of this course is twofold: (i) to develop experimental skills to assist in the understanding of important
concepts in Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, (ii) learning to apply these concepts to familiar and unfamiliar
situations and gaining the ability to reason the description of the physical world qualitatively and quantitatively.
Physics Lab is an important part of a student’s education because it is in the laboratory that physics students
learn to practice the activities of scientists such as asking questions, performing procedures, collecting data,
analyzing data, answering questions, and thinking of new questions to explore. As the German Jordanian
University is an applied university, being able to apply what students learned in the typical classroom setting is
imperative to the quality of their education.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

PHYS103: General Physics I (prerequisite)

Language of Instruction:

Recommended Optional Program Components:


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