05 - Analysis Reference - Chapter-5 Algorithm
05 - Analysis Reference - Chapter-5 Algorithm
05 - Analysis Reference - Chapter-5 Algorithm
Ku = p (5.1.1)
Simultaneous equation solvers are not only used for linear static structural analysis, but also for all types of
analysis such as eigenvalue analysis, dynamic analysis, nonlinear analysis, etc. General solvers include the Gauss
elimination method, direct solver based on the decomposition method, and the iterative solver, which
converges to a solution that minimizes iterative calculations. Direct solver is generally used for structural
analysis because it is not affected by the numerical properties of matrices and can find the solution safely.
However, when the size of the problem increases, the memory capacity and computation amount tend to
increase rapidly. Hence, the iterative solver is recommended for large problems because it requires relatively
less memory capacity. However for structural analysis, the iterative solver may not provide the wanted solution
due to the numerical properties of matrices, and the number of iterative calculations needed to obtain the
converging solution may be large. FEA NX provides a function that automatically determines the direct solver
or iterative solver, depending on the size of the problem in question.
In direct solver, the simultaneous equation solution is found in two steps. The first step is matrix decomposition
and the second step is the forward-backward substitution (FBS) process. The LU solver, generally used for
asymmetric matrices, can be applied to matrix decomposition in the following form for the symmetric stiffness
matrix K obtained in finite element analysis.
D : Diagonal matrix
Generally, the matrix decomposition method that includes D is needed when the stiffness matrix is not
definitely positive. FEA NX uses the LL form matrix decomposition method (Cholesky decomposition
method) for linear static structural analysis. For eigenvalue analysis or nonlinear analysis, the positive definite
condition cannot be guaranteed and so, the LDL form matrix decomposition method is used.
When applying the direct solver, the sparse matrix needs to be applied appropriately. Generally, the stiffness
matrix K generated in finite element analysis is a sparse matrix with multiple '0', and the required memory
Chapter 5. Algorithm
capacity and computation amount differs greatly depending on how this sparsity is used. Hence, FEA NX not
only provides the direct solver for general dense matrices that do not use the sparse matrix, but also provides
the multi-frontal solver, which appropriately uses the sparse matrix to greatly reduce the memory capacity and
computation amount.
The multi-frontal solver requires reordering of DOFs to minimize the memory capacity and computation
amount using the sparse matrix, and matrix decomposition is performed by separating the matrix into multiple
fronts according to this reordered information. Figure 5.1.1 displays the effective computation order of a
rectangular mesh generated by DOF reordering. The algorithm used to implement DOF reordering is a recursive
bisection, and forward substitution is done in the same order as the matrix decomposition whilst backward
substitution is done in the opposite order.
3 3
1 2 1 1 2 1
The multi-frontal solver used in FEA NX does not assemble and save the stiffness matrix of the entire region
individually and hence, requires less memory capacity than the general multi-frontal solver. The out-of-core
analysis function is supported to provide additional hard disk memory automatically during memory shortage
when solving large problems.
Also, implementation of the multi-frontal solver uses the computation ability of the Graphics Processing Unit
(GPU) to process calculations. The recent demand for complex problems highlights the importance of the
simultaneous equation solver performance, which is the core of finite element analysis. The GPU consists of
multiple computation units (cores) and provide a much higher computational performance than the CPU. The
GPU is applied to real matrix decomposition, which takes the longest computation time, to provide an overall
improved computational performance.
ANALYSIS REFERENCE Chapter 5. Algorithm
The iterative solver is a method of reducing the error of the approximate solution through iterative calculations
and so, it is very important to reduce the convergence error using only a small number of calculations. Generally,
the number of iterative calculations is determined by the preconditioning method. FEA NX uses the
SA(smoothed aggregation) AMG(algebraic multi-grid)1 methods which are preconditioning methods that are
known to be stable, regardless of the element shape. The number of calculations of the AMG method is not
greatly affected by the number of DOF because it uses a multi-grid, and this method displays stable convergence
when used on elements that have displacement and rotation nodal DOFs such as shell elements. The multi-grid
is composed automatically for the iterative solver using the AMG method, and this is created by the
representative DOFs of the adjacent node set and each node set.
As explained above, the performance of the direct solver and iterative solver differ on the size of the problem
and FEA NX provides an automatic selection function to determine the solver. When using the automatic section
function, the direct solver using the dense matrix is selected for small size problems, the multi-frontal solver is
selected for medium size problems and the AMG iterative solver is selected for large size problems.
► When empirical condition is known : Determined with reference to the number of user input nodes or
► When empirical condition is unknown : Determined within the program with reference to the number of
model DOF and system memory size
Chapter 5. Algorithm
The eigenvalue extraction method in FEA NX is coupled and changes with the simultaneous equation solver.
The Lanczos resampling is used for the multi-frontal solver (the default value of the simultaneous equation
solver), and eigenvalue extraction or direct solver using the dense matrix is used for the dense matrix solver.
Each method has the following characteristics.
• Lanczos resampling
► Appropriate for large sized problems.
► Because the eigenvalue can be omitted, use of the Sturm sequence check option is recommended.
Lanczos resampling is a method of finding the approximate eigenvalue using the tridiagonal matrix that arises
when generating the Krylov subspace span(V1, V2 ,..., Vk ) 1 . For effective eigenvalue calculation, the block
tridiagonal matrix2 can be used, and because the tridiagonal matrix size is maintined similar to the number of
eigenvalues, the computation speed is very fast and it is appropriate for large scale problems. However,
eigenvalue omission can occur and so, it is useful to use the checking option.
The direct solver using the dense matrix goes through the stiffness matrix decomposition, tridiagonal matrix
generation and eigenvalue calculation processes. Tridiagonal matrix generation and eigenvalue calculation is
1 Hughes, T.J.R., The Finite Element Method, Prentice-Hall International, Inc., New Jersey, 1987
2 Cullum, J. and Donath, W., “A Block Lanczos algorithms for computing the q algebraically largest eigenvalues and a
corresponding eigenspace of large real symmetric matrices,” Proc. 1974 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE
Computer Society, 1974
ANALYSIS REFERENCE Chapter 5. Algorithm
done for the entire matrix and eigenvalue omission does not occur. However, it is inappropriate for solving large
size problems.
The v1 , v2 inputs above are the frequency (Hz) in normal mode analysis.
Hence, a method is needed to express the size of the calculated eigenvalue consistently. FEA NX applies the
eigenvector normalization process such that the following equation is satisfied, depending on the analysis type.
The eigenvalue calculation algorithm is only an approximate solution, even when the direct solver for the dense
matrix is used, and its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, FEA NX selects the following values as the
eigenvalue calculation results to check the accuracy of the calculated eigenvalue and eigenvector.
Chapter 5. Algorithm
iT1Ki iT1Bi
Orthogonality loss i max( , )
ki bi
Ki i Bi
Error measure ei
ANALYSIS REFERENCE Chapter 5. Algorithm
1 T
i i MT , 1, 2,3, 4,5, 6 (no summation)
mi (5.3.1)
mi Mi
(generalized mass)
Here, T is the matrix that represents the size of the directional stiffness behavior and it is defined for each
node to have the following property:
1 0 0 0 z z0 y0 y e1
1 0 z0 z 0 x x0 e2
0 0 1 y y0 x0 x 0 e3
, e (5.3.2)
0 0 0 1 0 0 e4
0 0 0 0 1 0 e5
0 0 0 0 0 1 e6
x0 , y0 , z0 represent the center of rotation. FEA NX sets it as an arbitrary node or the center of mass for the entire
The modal effective mass is also defined for each direction and can be simply calculated using the modal
participation factor as follows:
( i ) mi
mieff (5.3.3)
Adding the effective mass for all modes is the same as the mass of the entire model, excluding the nodes that
have assigned constraint conditions.
Chapter 5. Algorithm
The mode superposition method can be applied to dynamic response analysis. Mode superposition uses the
3.2 eigenmode found from eigenvalue analysis (instead of directly solving the linear dynamic equilibrium equation)
Mode Superposition to solve the size reduced mode equilibrium equation as shown below:
The spatial coordinate system displacement u t can be expressed as a combination of the modal
displacement ξ t using the eigenmode shape Φ as follows:
Using this, the dynamic equilibrium equation (5.3.4) can be expressed in the modal coordinate system as follows:
Generally when mode superposition is applied, the high order modes are excluded and only partial low order
modes are used to compose the eigenmode shape Φ and so, equation (5.3.6) is an approximation of equation
(5.3.4). Hence, if an insufficient number of eigenmodes is included in the calculation for expressing the actual
physical displacement, the accuracy of the calculated results can fall greatly.
The mode equilibrium equation (5.3.7) is expressed independently for each mode when the modal damping
matrix ΦT CΦ is '0', as shown below:
Using the mode superposition method above, the equilibrium equation can be reduced to have the same
number of variables as the number of calculated eigenmodes, and analysis can be performed effectively when
the mode equilibrium equation is fully separated between modes.
1 (5.3.9)
i (t ) 2 iii (t ) 2i (t ) pi (t )
The modal damping value can be input differently according to the frequency and in this case, the modal
damping value is added to the modal damping matrix ΦT CΦ , which is composed of other general damping
values such as mass-proportional damping, stiffness-proportional damping etc. Hence, modal separation of the
modal equilibrium equation is possible when the modal damping matrix ΦT CΦ is a diagonal matrix, and this
is applicable when the proportional damping coefficient and structural damping is constant for each element
and when damping elements (spring, damper) do not exist. If not, the coupling between equilibrium equations
of each mode, due to the un-diagonalized modal damping term, needs to be considered.
Enforced motion
When enforced motion is given in the mode superposition method, it cannot be applied directly to the modal
equilibrium equation. FEA NX uses the following processes to apply enforced motion.
Firstly, the equilibrium equation (5.3.4) is separated into the DOFs with and without enforced motion.
Separating the unconfined DOF displacement u1 into the following quasi-static displacement u1qs and dynamic
relative displacement y is as follows:
u1 u1qs y
u1qs K 11 K 12u 2
Chapter 5. Algorithm
The damping related terms on the right hand side of the equation were ignored. Applying the mode
superposition method and expressing the equation using the modal relative displacement y t Φ11x t is as
M11Φ11 x Φ11
C11Φ11 x Φ11
K11Φ11 x Φ11
f1 M11K11
K 12 M12 u 2
u1 u1qs y K11 K 12u 2 Φ11x
If the K11 has singularity because of an existing rigid-body mode in the structure, the singularity can be
removed by appropriate shifting using the stiffness matrix K11 and mass matrix M11 .
Residual vector
As explained above, errors can occur due to high order modes that are not included in the eigenmode shape Φ
when using mode superposition. To reduce such errors, FEA NX uses the residual vector R , which is composed
perpendicular to the existing eigenmode, for the mass matrix M and stiffness matrix K .
R K 1 (I MΦΦT )F (5.3.14)
Here, F is generally composed of the load vector and the damping force is included when a damping element
FEA NX uses the method suggested by Dickens3 etc. to find the augmented mode shapes perpendicular to the
residual vector R . This is added to the existing eigenmode shape Φ for applying mode superposition.
3 J.M. Dickens, J.M. Nakagawa, and M.J. Wittbrodt, “A Critique of Mode Acceleration and Modal Truncation
Augmentation Methods for Modal Response Analysis” Computers & Structures, Vol 62, No. 6, 1997, pp. 985-998
ANALYSIS REFERENCE Chapter 5. Algorithm
Using this, the high frequency noise can be controlled and it has a 2 order accuracy for time steps, just like the
Newmark method. The HHT method uses the following modified dynamic equilibrium equation:
Here, a n1 and v n1 each represent the acceleration and velocity vector of the n 1 th time step and
H [1 3,0] is the coefficient that determines the numerical damping effect. When considering the effects
of non-mechanical strain, such as thermal expansion of the material, and the internal forces due to in-situ stress
and pore pressure, the internal forces of linear analysis can be expressed as the following equation including the
product of stiffness matrix and DOF.
Introducing the time step equation from the Newmark method, the velocity, displacement and acceleration at
time steps n, n 1 can be expressed using the following relationship:
Recomposing the equilibrium equation (5.4.1) using equations (5.4.2) and (5.4.3), the following simultaneous
equation with the displacement at time n 1 as a variable can be obtained as follows:
4 H.M Hilber, T.J.R. Hughes, and R.L. Taylor, “Improved Numerical Dissipation for Time Integration Algorithms in
Structural Dynamics,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol 5, No. 3, 1977, pp. 283-292
5 M. Newmark, “A Method of Computation for Structural Dynamics,” ASCE Journal of the Engineering Mechanics
Division, Vol. 5, No. EM3, 1959, pp. 67-94
Chapter 5. Algorithm
(1 H ) n (1 H ) n
C u 1 v t (1 H ) 1 a n H Ku n
t 2
The right hand side f from equation (5.4.4) is determined by the internal force and calculated displacement,
velocity, acceleration at time step n . When the right hand side is determined, the displacement vector un1 at
n 1 can be calculated using the simultaneous equation solver explained in the section above. The velocity and
acceleration at n 1 can be obtained by substituting this calculated displacement into the Newmark time step
equation (5.4.3). The transient response of the structure can be calculated by the time integration that repeats
the processes outlined above.
The effective stiffness matrix ( K ) in the left hand side of equation (5.4.4) reuses the once decomposed
matrix when the time step is kept constant, allowing effective analysis by only repeating the front-back
substitution process.
HHT time integration has unconditional stability when (1 2 H ) / 2 , (1 H ) / 4 and when
H 0 . It is specialized in to the Newmark method that uses the average acceleration. FEA NX uses a default
value of H 0.05 .
Damping effect
FEA NX considers two types of damping: mass-proportional damping and stiffness-proportional damping.
There is also mode damping, which is only applied for mode superposition as mentioned in section 5.3.2. The
damping effects in linear time history analysis are applied to the damping matrix C in the following form:
i (t ) C ij j (t ) i2i (t ) pi (t ) pi (t t ) t
t (5.4.6)
C ij [C]ij [ΦT CΦ]ij
Time integration using mode superposition can be classified into two types, depending on the ductile state of
the mode damping matrix C ij :
► Uncoupled system
If the mode damping matrix C ij is diagonalized and the ductility is removed, the response is analyzed
independently for each mode and the displacement and velocity of each time step is determined from the
displacement and velocity of the previous time step using the following equation. The modal integral
coefficients a
, b
at the i th mode can be obtained by finding the particular solution and homogeneous
solution of (5.4.6) and applying it to the initial condition (displacement and velocity of the previous time step).
► Coupled system
If ductility is not removed from the mode damping matrix, the ductility between modes needs to be considered
and modal analysis cannot be performed independently. In this case, FEA NX separates the mode damping
matrix into the following diagonal component ( Cdiag ) and off-diagonal component ( Coff ) and treats the damping
force of the off-diagonal component as an external force for analysis.
In this case, all displacements are independent and the mode velocity is softened to compose the following
simultaneous equation. If the time step is fixed, it can be solved without extra matrix decomposition, just like
direct time integration.
0 I B CToff ξ n1 A 21 A 22 ξ n B 21 B 22 p n1 (5.4.9)
A diag (ai
), B diag (bi
Chapter 5. Algorithm
When initial displacement and initial velocity are given, the initial displacement i0 and initial velocity i0 in the
modal coordinate system is defined as follows. Using all modes gives an equation, and using partial modes gives
an approximate relationship.
1 T
i0 i Mu0
mi (5.4.10)
1 T
i0 i Mv 0
i : i th eigenmode shape
u0 : Initial displacement
v0 : Initial velocity
Frequency response analysis calculates the structural response under a load vibrating at a uniform frequency.
4.2 All loads in frequency response analysis are defined in the frequency domain and expressed as a function of
Frequency Response excitation frequency. In other words, the load in frequency response analysis can be expressed using the
following complex harmonic function when the angular excitation frequency is .
f t f eit (5.4.11)
u t u eit (5.4.12)
Here, both the load and displacement are expressed as complex numbers. When expressing the complex value
using magnitude/phase angle, the magnitude represents the maximum load or displacement within the
vibration period and the phase angle is the position (angle) at which this maximum value occurs. On the other
hand, when expressing the complex value using real component/imaginary component, the real component is
the load or displacement magnitude at the starting point of the vibration period and the imaginary component
is the load or displacement after 1/4 period ( / 2 ). Hence, the imaginary component changes with the
vibration period. The relationship between magnitude/phase angle and real component/imaginary component
is as follows:
Response spectrum analysis is a method of evaluating the structural response due to base motion (uniform
4.3 shaking of nodes confined by the boundary condition), especially earthquakes, and is the most generalized
Response Spectrum method for seismic design. This method assumes a linear system response and only evaluates the maximum
response. Hence, analysis using time integration outlined in sections 5.4.1 and 5.7 is appropriate for problems
that have dominant nonlinearity or when results considering the simultaneity of a particular time step are
The maximum response is evaluated as a mode combination, which reflects the mode participation rate on the
modal response corresponding to the predefined spectrum function. Here, because simultaneity of the modal
maximum response is not considered and the response itself is calculated as a combination, the response
spectrum analysis results can be seen as an approximate solution for time integration. Hence, if the spectrum
function is defined for a particular acceleration or particular seismic wave, the response spectrum analysis result
obtains an approximate maximum value of the linear transient response analysis result for the input acceleration.
However, the analysis results for seismic design are more generally obtained using the design response
spectrum, made from the statistical historical seismic waves in a particular region or country.
Chapter 5. Algorithm
Substituting equation (5.4.14) into equation (5.3.5) can express the contribution of the maximum modal
displacement, velocity, acceleration as an equation of spectral data.
A point in the spectrum data is defined as the absolute maximum modal response value of the natural period
(natural frequency), and the effects of the modal damping ratio is included. Because the maximum response of
each period is very diverse for the response spectrum of a particular acceleration history, it is expressed as a very
complex graph form. However for the design response spectrum, a simple line combination in log scale as shown
in figure 5.4.3 is generally used:
Figure 5.4.3 Example of
Pseudo Acceleration, S A
70 0.10
102 101 100 101
Rmax Rimax (5.4.16)
i 1
Hence, a modal combination method needs to be introduced to evaluate the maximum value approximately.
Various modal combination methods that consider the superposition characteristics or damping effects have
been introduced, but because there is no definite method that gives an appropriate value for all cases, the
characteristics of each modal combination method need to be understood.
Rmax Rimax (5.4.17)
i 1
This method assumes that all modal responses have the same phase and judges all absolute maximum modal
values to occur at the same time. Hence, it provides the largest value.
max 2
Rmax i (5.4.18)
i 1
This method provides appropriate results when each mode is sufficiently separated:
max 2
Rmax Rmmax i (5.4.19)
i 1,i m
This method removes one mode ( m ) that has the maximum absolute value from the SRSS method, and like the
SRSS method, this method provides appropriate results when each mode is sufficiently separated.
Because these methods above are effective only when the modes are sufficiently separated and not adjacent,
the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) regulatory guide 1.92(1976) suggests appropriate evaluation
methods for maximum values when multiple modes are adjacent.
Chapter 5. Algorithm
N i 1
Rmax R i
2 Ri R j (5.4.20)
i 1 j 1
This method includes effects of all adjacent frequency modes within 10% of the SRSS. Here, the frequencies of
two modes i, j ( j i) are judged to be adjacent within 10% frequency if the following condition is satisfied:
i j
0.1 (5.4.21)
N i
Rmax R R
i 1 j 1
i ij j (5.4.22)
8 i j ( i rij m )rij 3 2
ij (5.4.23)
(1 rij ) 4 i j rij (1 rij 2 ) 4( i2 j2 )rij 2
2 2
If i j in equation (5.4.23), ij 1 regardless of the damping ratio. If the damping ratio is '0', ij 1 for all nodes
and the results are the same as the SRSS results. When the damping ratios of two modes are identical, it can be
simplified to equation (5.2.24)
8 2 (1 rij )rij 3 2
ij ( i j ) (5.4.24)
(1 rij 2 )2 4 2 rij (1 rij )2
Spectrum data is a function form for the natural frequency and modal damping ratio, as shown in equation
(5.4.14). However, because the user cannot know the frequency before analysis, the spectrum data is defined as
a table with a constant interval. Hence, the interpolation is used when reading the spectrum value of the
applicable frequency or period of the structure and linear interpolation on a logarithmic scale, which expresses
the spectrum response for natural period change, is most generally used. When entering the spectrum data for
multiple damping ratios, linear interpolation on a logarithmic scale is performed in the same way for the
structural modal damping ratio.
However when spectrum data is available for only one damping ratio, there is no data for interpolation and a
special interpolation method is needed for that single damping ratio. The Japan specifications for highway
bridges (2002) suggest the following correction factor for the damping ratio:
CD 0.5 (5.4.25)
40 1
1.5 1.5
CD 0.5
40 1
A 0.05, 1.0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Damping ratio,
When the damping ratio is '0.05', CD 1 (Point A ) and equation (5.4.25) connotes the correction factor when
the damping ratio of the spectrum data is '0.05'. Hence, when the damping ratio ( spectrum ) of the spectrum
data is not '0.05', the ratio of correction factors corresponding to each damping is applied as the final damping
correction factor, as shown in equation (5.4.26).
CD i
Rimax Rimax (5.4.26)
CD spectrum
Chapter 5. Algorithm
f ext u i ui 1
t t t
u u u
In the figure, t fext and t t fext each represent the external forces at time t and time t t , and the solution and
incremental solution between time t and time t t can be expressed as the following relationship:
t t
u t u u (5.5.1)
u : Incremental solution occurring at time increment t
If iterative calculation is performed for nonlinear analysis in the time increment t , the accumulated
incremental solution is as follows:
u ui or ui1 ui ui 1 (5.5.2)
i 1
ui1 is calculated from the following linear simultaneous equation using the tangential stiffness matrix K i1 .
t t
The unbalanced force gi is expressed as the following difference between external force fext and internal
force fint ,i .
Equations (5.5.2)-(5.5.4) are iterated until it satisfies the user specified convergence criteria, and the
convergence criteria judges using the change in member force, displacement or energy etc.
Line search
FEA NX provides the line search function to improve the performance of the basic iterative solutions explained
above. The fundamental concept of line search is the introduction of a scalar value during the process of
adding the calculated incremental solution ui1 to the accumulated incremental solution for improved
accuracy. In this case, the accumulated incremental solution is calculated as follows:
Assuming that the calculated ui1 above satisfies the equilibrium state and uses the principal of stationary
total potential energy, the line search problem results in finding the at which the derivative of the total
potential energy for is '0'.
Chapter 5. Algorithm
Potential energy
Acceptable range
tan (s( ))
Exact solution
uTi1g( ) 0
Assuming linear change for the energy derivative s( ) about , the that satisfies equation (5.5.6) is
calculated as follows:
s( 0)
s( 1) s( 0)
s ( 0) u i 1T g i
s ( 1) u i 1T g i 1
Because the assumptions made for the line search algorithm are not accurately satisfied for the real case, the
s( ) calculated from equation (5.5.7) is generally not '0'. In FEA NX the processes outlined above are repeated
until the s( j ) / s( 0) value is below the user-specified constant value.
Modified Newton Raphson methods is faster than the Newton Raphson method when problems do not occur in
the convergence process. FEA NX does not classify the Initial stiffness and Modified Newton Raphson methods
explicitly. Defining the tangential stiffness recalculation point can give the effects of all iterative methods.
► When the expected number of iterative calculations is larger than the user defined maximum number
► When the solution is determined to diverge
Convergence condition
The convergence of the iterative solution is judged using the force norm, displacement norm and energy norm.
giT gi
Force norm ratio (5.5.9)
fint,iT fint,i
uiT ui
Displacement norm ratio (5.5.10)
uiT ui
u iT g i
Energy magnitude ratio (5.5.11)
u i T fint,i
For general nonlinear systems, all convergence norms decrease simultaneously as the system converges.
Particularly, the force norm represents the size of the unbalanced force and has the closest relationship with the
degree of satisfaction of the nonlinear equation. On the other hand, the displacement norm represents the size
of the incremental solution and is not appropriate as a single convergence norm for problems with a very large
local stiffness, such as for systems using the penalty method.
FEA NX compares a single or multiple norms out of these three norms to the user-provided tolerance to
determine convergence.
Chapter 5. Algorithm
ui T g i
Ei (5.5.12)
ui T gi1
When the absolute value of the divergence rate is larger than '1' ( Ei 1 ), the nonlinear analysis solution is
judged to have possible divergence and necessary measures are taken on the algorithm, such as recalculation
of the stiffness matrix or load bisection.
Load bisection is applied when the increment of the current load step is too large to obtain a converging solution,
such as when the solution diverges or when the number of required iterative calculations is larger than the user
defined maximum number etc. By restarting the iterative calculation through bisecting the current load
increment, an inappropriate load increment size can be dealt with flexibly. FEA NX performs load bisection
automatically until the user defined maximum bisection level is reached.
Here, the increment adjustment factor ( ns ) is limited to natural numbers to obtain the maximum number of
nonlinear solutions in the user intended point or load size. The increment adjustment factor has a range from
the minimum value '1' representing the initial increment, and the maximum value ( ns ,max ) provided by the user.
Quasi-Newton method
The quasi-Newton method is a type of nonlinear solution is the generalized form of the secant method. It
maintains the advantages of the Modified Newton Raphson method, which recomposes the stiffness matrix
only when a load increment is present, and improves the problem of low astringency. In other words, costs do
not occur for recomposition during iterative calculation of the stiffness matrix and effective calculation using
the decomposed stiffness is possible. At the same time, this method can be used to improve the astringency
and general performance.
FEA NX uses the BFGS (Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno) method6, a type of quasi-Newton method. The
inverse matrix of the stiffness matrix from iterative calculations in nonlinear finite element analysis is adjusted
by the following BFGS update process.
6 Matthies, H. and Strang, G., “The solution of nonlinear finite element equations,” International Journal for Numerical
Methods in Engineering, Vol. 14, Issue 11, pp. 1613-1626, 1979
ANALYSIS REFERENCE Chapter 5. Algorithm
K j 1 Γ jT K j 11Γ j z j δ j δ jT (5.5.14)
Here, j represents the BFGS update index, and matrix Γ j and scalar z j can de expressed as follows.
Γ j I z j γ jδ jT
1 (5.5.15)
δ jT γ j
Also, the quasi-Newton vectors δ j and γ j are expressed using the increment solution ui , which applies
the line search factor from the i th iterative calculation, and the difference between unbalanced forces
during iterative calculation as follows.
δ j u i u i 1 u i
γ j g i g i 1
The i th incremental solution during iterative calculations is calculated using the j th BFGS updated stiffness
matrix and unbalanced forces, as shown below:
The inverse matrix of the stiffness matrix is not actually modified by the BFGS update process; the incremental
solution is calculated during iterative calculations using a recursive method. In other words, it maintains the
decomposed form of the initial stiffness matrix with no BFGS updates. The incremental solution can be found
using simple recursive vector operations. The quasi-Newton vector is saved for these operations. The saved
vector is erased when incremental analysis converges and the stiffness matrix is recomposed.
Arc-length method
Figure 5.5.3 displays the various displacement load paths, including the unstable equilibrium path. When
performing static nonlinear analysis for these phenomena, analysis of the unstable static equilibrium state after
the limit point cannot be performed when the general load controlled nonlinear solution is used. In other words,
general nonlinear solutions cannot find the converging solution after the limit point. When using the
displacement controlled method, the analyzable region increases locally, but this is not a general solution and
tracing is impossible for the snap-back phenomenon. In this case, the arc-length method can be used. The arc-
length method can successfully trace the equilibrium path even when the static equilibrium state includes an
unstable region.
Chapter 5. Algorithm
Displacement Displacement
Brittle failure
Ductile failure
Displacement Displacement
The external forces in the arc-length method are assumed to be proportional to the load parameter , which is
an independent scalar variable. Hence, the arc-length method can be seen to increase the DOF of the
fundamental finite element problem by '1'. However, because the algorithm is composed such that the
parameter and accumulated incremental solution satisfy the arc-length constraint, the final number of DOF
is maintained. The unbalanced forces including the load parameter can be expressed as follows:
Here, linearizing the condition that the unbalanced forces that occur at the i 1 th iterative calculations due to
the incremental solution ui1 and incremental load parameter i1 is 0. The relationship between the
incremental solution and incremental load parameter can be obtained as follows:
Using this, the accumulated incremental solution at the i 1 th iterative calculation is as follows:
FEA NX uses the Crisfield, Riks, or Modified Riks method arc-length constraints. The Crisfield method7 is used
as the default arc-length constraint:
l : Arc-length
The incremental load parameter i1 can be calculated from the equation above, and substituting this can
calculate the i 1 th iterative calculation solution. Like the general nonlinear solution, this process is repeated
until the user specified convergence criteria is satisfied and the convergence criteria are the same as that of the
general nonlinear solution. In other words, convergence is judged using the change in member force,
displacement, or energy.
When using the arc-length method, accurate load state calculation can be difficult because the load increment
is determined by the arc-length constraint condition and cannot be controlled by the user. Hence, the applicable
range of the arc-length method is limited to problems that need tracing of the unstable equilibrium state. No
additional advantages exist for general nonlinear problems.
Over-relaxation method
The over-relaxation method is one of the methods to improve the convergence rate by multiplying the
estimated unbalance force by the coefficient at the iterative calculation.
Although it is a basic approach rather than a line search method, it is a method that is very similar to the initial
stiffness method because the formula is very simple and unlike the line search method, the additional analysis
time is required in the iterative calculation.
7 Crisfield, M.A., “An arc-length method including line searches and accelerations,” International Journal for Numerical
Methods in Engineering, Vol. 19, Issue 9, pp 1269-1289, 1983
Chapter 5. Algorithm
The initial relaxation coefficient is directly input by the user, 1.2 is defined as the default value, and should not
exceed 2.0 at maximum.
Enhanced predictor
The initial displacement estimation method is a method of predicting the initial displacement at the present
stage using the load factor ratio taken from the present stage divided by previous stage and multiplied by the
displacement result of the previous stage as shown in the following equation.
u npredictor u n1
n1 (5.5.23)
The estimated displacements do not exactly coincide with those of the current step, but they are useful for
iterative calculations because they predict closer results than the displacements estimated by elastic stiffness.
Particularly, it is more effective when the material model has a large plasticity. However, because it is less
accurate than the estimated tangent stiffness by Newton-Raphson, it is recommended to use it with the initial
stiffness method.
In general, the initial stiffness method is a stable method for solving the problem.
Initial stiffness
f n1
Chapter 5. Algorithm
1 u u T
ε [ ( ) ] (5.6.1)
2 X X
u : Displacement
For geometric nonlinear analysis that considers large deformation, the strain can be defined using various
methods and a corresponding stress exists for each strain to define virtual work.
Definition of strain
Strains that consider large deformations include Green strain, Green-Lagrange strain and rate of deformation
or strain rate. The Green strain tensor E is defined as follows:
ds 2 dS 2 2dX E dX (5.6.2)
X : Coordinates of a particular position on the structure before deformation
The Green strain can be seen as the difference between the squared value of the differential length before
deformation dS and after deformation ds . The Green strain tensor can be defined using the deformation
gradient as follows:
1 T
E (F F I ) (5.6.3)
If only rigid motion occurs, Green strain does not occur and it is appropriate as a measurement of deformation.
1 v
D (L LT ) sym[ ] (5.6.4)
2 x
ANALYSIS REFERENCE Chapter 5. Algorithm
v : Velocity vector
In other words, it corresponds to the symmetric part of the velocity gradient tensor. The rate of deformation
can be seen as a value for the squared differential length.
ds 2 (5.6.5)
2dx D dx
The rate of deformation also does not occur when only rigid motion exists, and it has the following relationship
with the Green strain:
Because the rate of deformation is a rate of change with time, it is generally time integrated and used as a strain.
If analysis that considers geometric nonlinearity of a material is performed in FEA NX the strain is computed by
time integrating the rate of deformation. FEA NX uses the rate of deformation or strain rate.
Definition of stress
When geometric deformation is large, the stress can also be defined using various methods. FEA NX uses the
Cauchy stress.
Because Cauchy stress is a value that satisfies the equilibrium equation of the current shape, it is also known as
true stress σ and is defined as follows:
n σ d df td (5.6.7)
The Cauchy stress of the shape before deformation can be converted to the 2nd PK stress (Piola-Kirchhoff: S )
as follows:
S JF 1 σ F T (5.6.8)
Chapter 5. Algorithm
F 1d f
The physical meaning of 2nd PK stress is not clear, but it is useful in describing the equation of motion when
coupled with the Green strain and so it is often used to define the behavior or materials with an energy potential
such as rubber. FEA NX uses the following stress and strain integration method for all materials:
σ J σ w σ σ wT (5.6.9)
Strain rate and objective stress rate have the following relationship from the constitutive equation of the
σJ C : D (5.6.10)
Reflecting the central difference and considering the structural rotation in equation (5.6.10), the equation that
calculates the stress at step n 1 using the stress and strain increments calculated at step n :
The rotation amount increment R is calculated as follows 8 to satisfy the incrementally objective stress
1 1
R ( I W ) 1 (I W ) (5.6.12)
2 2
Particularly, the strain increment and incremental spin calculation is performed on the n 1 / 2 shape.
The strain rate integral is also calculated using equation (5.6.11) and uses the structural rotation amount
increment R .
8 Hughes, T.J.R. and Winget, J., “Finite rotation effects in numerical integration of rate constitutive equations arising in
large deformation analysis,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 15, 1980
Chapter 5. Algorithm
The dynamic equilibrium equation in nonlinear time history analysis uses the HHT method as implicit time
7.1 integration, just like for linear time history analysis, and uses the following modified equilibrium equation.
Implicit Time
Integration t
Mv n1 (1 H ) Cv n1 f int,n1 f ext ,n1 H Cv n f int,n f ext ,n 0 (5.7.1)
In nonlinear time history analysis, the effects of the mass matrix rotation due to geometric nonlinearity are
considered. The rotational inertia part of the mass matrix is modified for each iterative calculation, according to
the finite rotation of the nodes, and the inertial force generated from the rate of change of the mass matrix is
considered in analysis.
Nonlinear time history analysis calculates the convergence solution for each time step using the nonlinear finite
element solution in section 5.5. The unbalanced forces are expressed from equation (5.7.1) as follows:
g n1
M n1v n1 (1 H ) Cn1v n1 f int,n1 f ext ,n1 H Cn1v n f int,n f ext ,n (5.7.2)
The tangential stiffness matrix can be found by applying the time step equation (5.4.3), from the Newmark
method for velocity and acceleration, onto the unbalanced force and differentiating for the displacement DOF,
as follows:
Here, H 0.05 is used as the default value, just like linear time history analysis. Also, to secure
unconditional stability, the following values are used : (1 2 H ) / 2 , (1 H )2 / 4
system where finite rotation occurs as , the Newmark time step equation in the coordinate system of the body
axis system is as follows:
ω , α : Angular velocity and angular acceleration about the body axis system
Using the base vector perpendicular to the body axis system e , the equation above can be expressed for the
The product of the perpendicular base vectors in equation (5.7.5) is the same as the incremental rotation matrix
found below:
C exp(ˆ) (5.7.6)
The rotation amount increment can be expressed by the Newmark method using the incremental rotation
matrix, as shown below.
θ t 2 α n1 C tωn t 2 α n (5.7.7)
Rearranging equation (5.7.7) for angular velocity and angular acceleration respectively and substituting into
equation (5.7.5) gives the following updating equations for both angular velocity and angular acceleration.
ω n1 θ C 1 ω n t 1 α
t 2
1 1 n 1 n
α n1 θ C ω 1 α
t 2 t 2
Chapter 5. Algorithm
Damping effect
Mass proportional damping and stiffness proportional damping are also considered in nonlinear time history
analysis, just like linear time history analysis. In this case, the damping matrix is composed similarly to equation
(5.4.5). The mass matrix, which is used to calculate the damping matrix in nonlinear time history analysis,
considers the rotational effects due to finite rotations and the stiffness matrix only uses the stiffness matrix due
to material nonlinearity.
Rough contact
General contact
Welded contact
Chapter 5. Algorithm
The contact can be classified with the node-to-surface contact, or surface-to-surface contact. Node-to-surface
contact takes less time, but the solution accuracy is relatively low because the nodes of the main object tend to
penetrate through the sub object. On the other hand, surface-to-surface contact takes longer but the non-
penetrating conditions are satisfied relatively accurately, allowing the accurate simulation of the structural
behavior. FEA NX supports the surface-to-surface contact.
The general contact can be used in nonlinear structural analysis (static, dynamic) and consolidation analysis. The
general contact corresponds to the nonlinear condition, and its behavior is different according to the geometric
nonlinearity consideration in terms of analysis techniques. In case of considering geometric nonlinearity, the
possibility of contact is considered for all master segments under the assumption of large displacement. On the
other hand, only the contact closed to within initial user-defined distance between master segment and slave
node is considered.
To determine the actual contact of the slave node and master segment, the global search process is conducted.
Global search is the process that determines the preliminary slave nodes where objects or segments can collide
in space. Contact search is performed locally for the slave node and master segment sets determined by global
To determine whether nodes and planes are actually in contact, the slave nodes need to be projected
orthogonally on the master segment as shown in figure 5.8.3. Defining vector r from the origin to the projected
point (A), and vector xs from the origin to the slave node gives the following equation:
r c ,c
x s r c ,c 0
r c ,c
x s r c ,c 0
ANALYSIS REFERENCE Chapter 5. Algorithm
Here, c ,c is the position of contact point (A) on the master segment, expressed in the natural coordinate
system. The c ,c that satisfies the equation above can be calculated numerically using the Newton-
Raphson method. The coordinate increment c , c for applying the Newton-Raphson method is as follows:
r r
r r
r c ,c xs (5.8.2)
Using the initial condition as c ,c 0,0 , the equation above converges easily when the position of contact
point (A) or slave node (B) is not far from the master segment. If the next slave node is checked and determined
to have penetrated the contact plane, the force (contact force) proportional to the penetration depth is added
to the slave node and contact plane.
g N xB x A n A (5.8.3)
f C k N g N if g N 0 (5.8.4)
kn : Penalty coefficient
x A , xB : Position vectors of point (A) on master segment and slave node (B)
Chapter 5. Algorithm
The penalty coefficient k N has the effect of applying an elastic stiffness between the master segment and
slave node, and the non-penetrated condition is satisfied approximately depending on the size. For the welded
condition or the sliding contact condition, the contact force is assigned even when g N is positive and the
initially adjacent segment and slave nodes are not separated and its effects reflected. FEA NX automatically
calculates the penalty coefficient using the following equation (5.8.5):
fs M i
plane/shell elements : ki Asi
h (5.8.5)
solid elements : ki s i Asi
fs : Proportionality coefficient
Ki : Bulk modulus
Mi : Coefficient of expansion
Ai : Area
Vi : Volume
1 n Vmi 1 n
h : Length of master segment solid :
n i Ami
plane/shell : Ami1 2
n i
The proportionality coefficient f s above is determined differently depending on the analysis type or contact
condition type, and the user can modify it to effectively satisfy the non-penetrated condition or welded
condition. For the welded condition, a resistant force against sliding in the lateral direction of the contact plane
is assigned and its size is as follows:
u B u A t xA
gT (5.8.6)
u u t
f T kT gT (5.8.7)
kT : Penalty coefficient
For the welded condition, the penalty coefficient kT uses the same value as k N .
ANALYSIS REFERENCE Chapter 5. Algorithm
As equation (5.8.4.) and (5.8.7), the contact force of linear elasticity or resistance force for sliding is not suitable
for the general contact used in nonlinear analysis. In order to obtain the convergence, much oscillation can be
occurred because the stiffness of general contact rapidly changes from 0 to kN according to the sign of gap.
To compensate for this, FEA NX uses the modified contact force as follows:
fC 0 if g N d1
f0 g g
fC [( N 1)(exp( N 1) 1)] if d 2 g N d1
(exp(1) 1) d1 d1
f0 d d
fC [( 2 1)(exp( 2 1) 1)] k N ( g N d 2 ) if g N d 2
(exp(1) 1) d1 d1
fC 0 f C exponential f C linear
d1 d2 gN
There exists more complex nonlinearity in the resistance force against horizontal sliding because this force
occurs only if the vertical force is applied. As a result, the equation (5.8.7) is modified and applied as follows:
kT f C
fT gT (5.8.9)
kN d2
In the above equation, the discontinuity of force which may occur at the moment of contact suddenly
disappeared can be minimized by proportion to the vertical contact force and horizontal force. In case of general
contact, the friction can be considered additionally.
f fT f C
0 (5.8.10)
Chapter 5. Algorithm
: Friction coefficient
The behavior which satisfied with the above equation becomes elastic movement, and if it does not satisfy the
above equation due to the large horizontal movement, sliding occurs. When you compare (5.8.9) and (5.8.10),
the horizontal relative displacement within certain distance d 2 shows elastic movement, and the more
relative displacement can be seen that the slip is assumed. As the general contact considering friction creates
an asymmetric stiffness matrix, numerical calculated efficiency is significantly inhibited. Also, the large friction
coefficient (over 0.3~0.4) or horizontal elastic modulus kT can be the factors causing convergence problem.
ANALYSIS REFERENCE Chapter 5. Algorithm
The widely used limit equilibrium method can only evaluate the stability for the basic given conditions. However,
the actual collapse of the ground generates a large local deformation and fails at the limit. Hence, establishing
an analysis method that can trace the deformed shape continuously from the initial deformation to collapse is
important for stability analysis of the ground. Recently, active research is ongoing to apply finite element
method as a method of evaluating stability such as slope failure, using the strengths of finite elements such as
the ease in checking the deformed shape, even at various load and boundary conditions.
Figure 5.9.1 Slope failure process STEP #1 : Stable Ground Status STEP #2 : Input the external Force
W Resisting force
Factor of Safety =
T Driving Force
Chapter 5. Algorithm
► Mass procedure and slice method according to the limit equilibrium theory
► Limit theory according to the rigid-plastic theory
► Finite element method according to the elasto-plastic theory
In FEA NX, the usable slope stability analysis methods that use the finite element method are the strength
reduction method and the stress analysis method based on the limit equilibrium theory.
Slope stability analysis using the finite element method are detailed approximate solutions that satisfy all the
9.1 equilibrium force conditions, compatibility conditions, constitutive equations and boundary conditions of each
Strength Reduction point on the slope. This numerical analysis method can simulate nearly actual failure shapes, reflect the field
conditions better and can analyze the minimum safety factor and failure behavior of the slope in detail.
Method Particularly, the failure process is automatically simulated without any assumptions made to the failure plane
of the slope.9
The strength reduction method (a slope stability analysis method based on the finite element method) gradually
decreases the shear strength and performs analysis until the point where the calculation does not converge. This
point is considered to be the failure point of the slope, and the maximum strength reduction ratio at this point
is thought of as the minimum safety factor of the slope. This method is costly because it requires multiple
nonlinear analyses, but it can provide more accurate results in a reasonable time for improved data processing
speeds. Also, the strength reduction method can verify the deformation process from the initial slope to failure
without any required assumptions for the failure plane.
9 Griffiths, D.V. and Lane, P.A. (1999). Slope Stability Analysis by Finite Elements, Geotechnique, 49(3), 387-403
ANALYSIS REFERENCE Chapter 5. Algorithm
Fs (5.9.1)
Here, is the shear strength of the slope material, and can be expressed using the Mohr-Coulomb criteria as
c n tan (5.9.2)
Also, f is the shear stress of the active plane and can be calculated as follows:
f c f n tan f (5.9.3)
cf : Shear strength factor (Cohesion)
f tan 1 : Shear strength factor (Friction angle)
Chapter 5. Algorithm
For the strength reduction method, the SRF value just before the non-convergence is evaluated as the safety
factor. Hence, the safety factor can be slightly different depending on the user input number of convergence
and convergence criteria.
Other material models can be included for slope safety analysis, but the strength reduction is not applied to
these models.
σ (1 )σ0 σ1 σ (5.9.4)
Here, σ is the stress component corresponding to that is needed to maintain the equilibrium with the external
forces on the failure plane.
σ σ new fos 1
f AL
Using equation (5.9.4), the unbalanced forces of the i th iterative calculation for nonlinear analysis can be
expressed as a function of the DOF vector and arc-length parameter:
The external force including self weight ( fext ) does not change with . This method is different from the
general arc-length method for unstable equilibrium state analysis in that the internal forces change with the
stress assumption in equation (5.9.4). To apply the Newton-Raphson based nonlinear finite element analysis,
equation (5.9.4) can be expanded for the incremental solution and increment parameters as shown below:
Using this, the accumulated incremental solution that occurs at the i 1 th iterative calculation is as follows:
Here, i1 is calculated using the arc-length constraint condition. The related information is already explained
in the nonlinear solution section and is hence omitted. This process is repeated until the user defined
convergence criteria is satisfied. The safety factor of each step can be calculated through this process. This
subsequent process is also repeated until the rate of change for the safety factor is within a certain condition.
fosn 1
Chapter 5. Algorithm
The limit equilibrium method is one of the most often used slope stability methods for actual design. However,
9.2 this method cannot find the stress history of the actual slope or the change in ground behavior. On the other
Stress Analysis hand, slope stability analysis using the finite element method can consider the slope formation process and
other ground characteristics, but it requires a longer analysis time because it performs multiple nonlinear
Method analyses.
Recently, much research has been done in this area as to the strengths of the using limit equilibrium method
and finite element based slope stability analysis simultaneously. FEA NX provides the slope stability analysis
method that uses the finite element stress analysis results. This method is based on the virtual sliding surface of
the limit equilibrium method and the stress results of stress analysis.
This method computes the safety factor for multiple assumed virtual sliding surfaces using the stress results of
finite element analysis, and the minimum safety factor and corresponding critical section is computed. The
provided ground material models are Mohr Coulomb, Drucker Prager and Modified Mohr Coulomb, just like the
strength reduction method.
f d
m d
Here, m is the generated shear stress, f the shear strength, and for Mohr Coulomb materials, it can be
expressed as follows:
f c n tan
y x sin 2 xy cos 2
c : Cohesion
xy : Shear stress
ANALYSIS REFERENCE Chapter 5. Algorithm
σ Ni σ inode (5.9.11)
Here, the nodal stress is calculated through the stress recovery technique, which uses the nodal average method.
In other words, FEA NX calculates the nodal stress through extrapolation of the integral stresses of each node
sharing element, and the final nodal stress for shared nodes is applied as the average value of the calculated
nodal stresses.
The stress integral along the virtual sliding plane in the 2D GCS is transformed into an integral form in 1D local
coordinate system and calculated using the following equation:
L 1 L nint
TWi i
n1 x , y d
2 1
T d
2 i1
T : Transformation matrix that transforms stress in the element coordinate system to GCS
Chapter 5. Algorithm
L : Element length
The finalized total safety factor for the given virtual sliding plane is as follows:
f d
Fs i 1
i 1
The stress analysis method based on the limit equilibrium method uses the stress field computed from the finite
element method and the virtual sliding surface of the limit equilibrium method. Hence, it has a stress distribution
and deformed shape from finite element analysis, and is optimized for obtaining the critical section from the
limit equilibrium method. Compared to the strength reduction method, it requires a much shorter analysis time
and can accurately compute various ground or reinforcement members without any particular assumptions.
ANALYSIS REFERENCE Chapter 5. Algorithm
Free field analysis finds the ground response for an input load on the in-situ ground state before any construction
10.1 of structures. Free field analysis is used for ground surface vibration prediction to determine the design response
Free Field Analysis spectrum, computation of dynamic stress and strain to evaluate liquefaction, and determination of earthquake
load that causes ground or structural instability.
Free field analysis finds the ground response due to the vertically transmitted shear waves that pass the linear
viscoelastic region. The analysis ground consists of multiple strata that are infinite in the horizontal direction
and a semi-infinite bottom layer as shown in figure 5.10.1. Each stratum is homogeneous and assumed to have
isotropic material properties. The vibrations in the analysis model are caused by shear waves, which penetrate
and reflect the model ground vertically, and displacement only occurs in the horizontal direction. Hence, the
wave equation (5.10.1) needs to be satisfied for all strata.
2u 2u 3u
G 2 2 G 2 (5.10.1)
t 2 x x t
u : Horizontal displacement
: Mass density
G : Shear modulus
Chapter 5. Algorithm
1 x1 G1 D1 1 h1
... um
m xm Gm D m m hm
Particle motion
Incident wave
Reflected wave
Representing the displacement function as a harmonic function like equation (5.10.2) and transforming
equation (5.10.1) into the frequency domain gives the governing equation (5.10.3), and the stress-displacement
relationship is equation (5.10.4).
u( x, t ) u( x, )eit (5.10.2)
G* u ( x, ) 2u ( x, ) 0 (5.10.3)
x 2
( x, ) G * u ( x, ) (5.10.4)
The complex shear modulus above10 uses the following equation suggested by Udaka.
10 Udaka, Takekazu. (1975). Analysis of Response of Large Embankments to Traveling Base Motions, Department of Civil
and Environmental Engineering. Berkeley: University of California, p346.
ANALYSIS REFERENCE Chapter 5. Algorithm
The free field ground model is generally expressed as figure 5.10.1 to find the solution of the 1D wave
transmission equation. The layer boundary number is assigned from the ground surface and expressing the
response of the m th layer as um , the response can be represented using the following function of the depth
xm from the top part of the m th layer:
The following compatibility condition and force equilibrium condition need to be satisfied at the adjacent layer
Substituting equations (5.10.6) and (5.10.7) into equation (5.10.8) can derive the relationship between the
coefficients as follows:
* *
kmGm ikm* hm
, m 1, 2,..., ( N 1) (5.10.9)
Am1 Bm1 * * ( Am e Bm e
ikm* hm
k G
m1 m1
Rearranging this to derive the relationship between the response coefficients of adjacent ground layers gives
the following recurrence relationship shown in equation (5.10.10):
1 1
Am1 Am (1 m* )eikmhm Bm (1 m* )e ikmhm
* *
2 2 (5.10.10)
1 1
Bm1 Am (1 m* )eikmhm Bm (1 m* )e ikmhm
* *
2 2
hm : Thickness of m th layer
m : Dynamic stiffness ratio between adjacent layers
Here, the dynamic stiffness ratio between adjacent layers can be expressed as follows:
Chapter 5. Algorithm
* *
m* *
m m
* (5.10.11)
k G
m1 m1
Because shear stress is always '0' at the ground surface, A1 B1 can be known from equation (5.10.7). Hence,
the response coefficient of the m th layer can be found by applying equation (5.10.10) in order from the first layer.
Am ( ) am ( ) A1 ( )
Bm ( ) bm ( ) B1 ( )
Here, a1 b1 1 can be known. The transfer function Hij ( ) between layer boundary i and layer boundary j
is as follows:
ui ( ) ai ( ) bi ( )
H ij ( ) (5.10.13)
u j ( ) a j ( ) b j ( )
If the transfer function H ij ( ) is determined and the response u j ( ) at layer boundary j is given, the
response ui ( ) at layer boundary i can be found using the following equation:
ui ( ) H ij ( )u j ( ) (5.10.14)
Also, frequency domain response can be inverted to the time domain using the FFT (fast Fourier transform)
The main difference between ground-structure interaction problems and general structural dynamics problems
10.2 is the radiation damping phenomena due to the infinite ground domain. Whilst general damping properties
2D Equivalent Linear damp the structural motion through material friction, radiation damping releases wave energy into the infinite
domain of the ground, which contributes to the damping phenomena of structural kinetic energy.
Radiation damping is included in the damping term of the equation of motion, and its size is determined by the
wave form of the externally transmitted wave. The wave form can be easily modeled in the frequency domain
and it is efficient to consider this using frequency domain solvers. General ground materials are fundamentally
heterogeneous and the nonlinearity of its mechanical behavior is very severe.
To correctly analyze the ground-structure interaction problem, the radiation damping phenomena above and
important nonlinearity characteristics need to be considered simultaneously. Hence, the frequency domain
ANALYSIS REFERENCE Chapter 5. Algorithm
solver is used for easy modeling of radiation damping and the equivalent linear method is used to analyze
material nonlinearity.
The analysis process uses the frequency domain analysis process that uses FFT (fast Fourier transform) and the
equation of motion composes a combined ground-structural system that has the free field response as the input
motion. Hence, the ground response and structural response are obtained together for one computation.
Interpolation is used to reduce the number of frequencies where the solution to the equation of motion needs
to be found, and this method uses the interpolation of the transfer function solutions of two continuous
frequencies. Hence, the setting of basic frequencies is important and a sufficiently high limit frequency needs to
be defined to secure validity of the ground motion analysis.
As mentioned above, the input motion in the time domain can be converted to the frequency domain using FFT
to calculate the structural response under a vibration load with a constant frequency. All loads in frequency
response analysis are defined in the frequency domain and are expressed as functions of the assigned frequency.
In other words, when the angular excitation frequency is , the load in frequency response analysis can be
expressed as the following complex harmonic function:
f t f eit (5.10.15)
u t u eit (5.10.16)
Using this, the equation of motion can be expressed in the following form:
Using equation (5.10.5) suggested by Udaka, the equation above can be modified and rearranges into the
following equation:
M K u f (5.10.18)
2 *
Chapter 5. Algorithm
FEA NX uses the energy transmitting boundary suggested by Lysmerand Wass11 to express the load f ( ) in
equation (5.10.18) as follows:
Enforced motion
The input motion of equivalent linear analysis is generally earthquake loading. FEA NX performs analysis that
use enforced motion. First, the equilibrium equation (5.10.17) is separated into DOFs with and without enforced
Separating the unconfined DOF displacement u1 into the following quasi-static displacement u1qs and dynamic
relative displacement y is as follows:
11 Lysmer, J. and Wass, G. (1972). Shear waves in plane infinite structures. Proc. ASCE, Vol. 98, EM1, pp. 85-105.
ANALYSIS REFERENCE Chapter 5. Algorithm
u1 u1qs y
u1 u1qs y (5.10.21)
u1 u1qs y
The quasi-static displacement, velocity, and acceleration can be calculated using the following equations:
u1qs K111K12u 2
u1qs K111K12u 2 (5.10.22)
u K K12u 2
1 11
Dynamic relative displacement, relative velocity, and relative acceleration are expressed as follows:
y u1 u1qs
y u1 u1qs (5.10.23)
y u1 u qs
Also, frequency domain analysis results can be found by inverting to the time domain using the FFT (fast Fourier
transform) method.
Chapter 5. Algorithm
Section 11
Linear Buckling Analysis
Linear buckling analysis is used to determine critical load factors of a structure and the corresponding buckling
mode shapes. For linear buckling analysis, the equilibrium equation for a structure considering its geometric
stiffness due to stresses is as follows:
Ku K Gu p (7.11.1)
: Total displacement of the structure
In linear analysis, stresses in a structure are proportional to loads, and the geometric stiffness matrix is
proportional to the stresses. Therefore, if we assume that the load, p is proportional to a reference load, p ,
the geometric stiffness, K G can be expressed as,
p p
p : Reference load
: Load factor
Ku KGu p (7.11.3)
ANALYSIS REFERENCE Chapter 5. Algorithm
The equilibrium state as in equation (7.11.3) can be either stable or unstable depending on the magnitude of the
load factor, . In order to assess its stability, the perturbation, u is added to u at an equilibrium state.
The non-perturbation terms in equation (7.11.4) are eliminated using the equilibrium equation (7.11.3), and then
we obtain an eigenvalue problem as follows:
(K KG ) u 0 (7.11.5)
At this point, the stability of the equilibrium state can be assessed by the following matrix equation
K KG 0 : Stable status
K KG 0 : Unstable status
So the eigenvalue, , which satisfies equation (7.11.5), can be referred to as the critical load factor at which
instability of the equilibrium begins. And the corresponding eigen mode,
( u ) represents the buckling
shape of the structure. The critical load causing buckling in the structure can be expressed as
the critical load factor and the reference load. Fig. 7.1.1 shows a column subjected to a compression load in its
equilibrium state and the buckling shape due to the critical load.
Chapter 5. Algorithm
Figure 5.11.1
Buckling of Column under
In linear buckling analysis, the geometric stiffness matrix, needs to be set up and the eigenvalue problem of
equation (8.6) must be solved. MIDAS calculates the geometric stiffness making use of the linear stresses or
internal forces in elements and calculates the eigenvalue problem by the Lanczos iteration method. G K
Expression (7.11.5), which is an eigenvalue problem in linear buckling analysis, can be simply expressed in the
following form.
FEA NX uses the Lanczos iteration method to solve eigenvalue problems of equation (7.11.6). Equation (7.11.6)
is similar to the eigenvalue problem, but unlike mass matrix, geometric stiffness matrix K G is not positive
definite. Therefore, the linear buckling analysis replaces it with m m / (1 m ) and uses the Lanczos
iteration method to which Shift-invert technique is applied. Calculated critical load factors are output
sequentially from low absolute values.
In the linear buckling analysis, the critical load factor has a "+" or "-" symbol depending on the direction of the
reference load p . When finite element models and loads are complex, the symbols of the critical load factor
ANALYSIS REFERENCE Chapter 5. Algorithm
may change with the buckling mode. Thus, FEA NX provides a function to calculate only critical loads with "+"
symbols if necessary.
Permanent loads, such as self-weight, generally remain constant unlike variable loads, but cause geometric
stiffness because they produce stresses. FEA NX provides a function that can be used as a variable load or a
constant load by selecting the type of load. Loads selected for constant loads have a constant value independent
of the load factor , resulting in only geometric stiffness. Linear buckling analysis involving constant loads
becomes a problem of eigenvalues in the same form as equation (7.11.7).