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Realizing What Teaching Internship Is All About: Learning Task 1

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Learning Task 1

Realizing What Teaching Internship is

All About
PPST Domain 1 and 6 Domain 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

Domain 6. Community Linkages and Professional


Strands 1.2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of research-based

knowledge and principles of teaching and learning.

6.3.1 Demonstrate awareness of existing laws and

regulations that apply to the teaching profession, and
become familiar with the responsibilities specified in the
Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.

Program Outcomes of 6.2.b Demonstrate mastery of subject matter discipline.

Teacher Education

CFSAT 3.b.1 Acquire mastery of the subject matter

Competency Framework for
Southeast Asian Teachers for 3.b.7 Contextualize teaching to local situation
the 21st Century

Desired Learning Outcomes

 Define teaching internship

 Explain the different phases of teaching internship

 Demonstrate awareness of existing laws and regulations that apply to the

teaching profession, and responsibilities specified in the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers.

Essential Questions

 Why is Teaching Internship Important?

 What are the important phases of internship?

 What are the existing laws and regulations that I must know, understand and
apply in the teaching profession?

 Teaching internship plays a vital role to your success as a professional teacher.

 It gives you the opportunities to apply what you have learned in actual classroom

 It provides you roles and functions to perform effectively in various settings.

 It empowers you to perform your roles in your respective level, subject area and
discipline as well as to prepare you for personal and professional advancement.

 It gives you the chance to work under a second teacher who shall serve as your

 It allows you to interact with professionals which shall give you more insights in
the field of teaching.

Phase 1 Orientation Sessions

 With the Practicum Supervisor

 With the Cooperating Principal

 With the Cooperating Teacher

Phase 2 Observation and Building Relationship

 Observation of Classes

 Building Relationship with your Cooperating Teacher, Learners and Other

Teaching Support Personnel

Phase 3 On Site Tasks

 Writing Learning Plans

 Creating Instructional Materials

 Constructing Assessment Tools

 Participating in School Activities/Programs

 Doing Daily Teaching Tasks

Phase 4 Final Demonstration and Accomplishing Exit Forms

 Executing Final Demonstration Lessons

 Accomplish Evaluation Forms and Exit Clearance

These are the legal documents that apply to the teaching profession.

Resolution No. 435. 1997 Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

RA 10627 Anti-bullying Act of 2013

RA 7877 Anti Sexual Harassment Act of 1995

RA 4670 The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers

DepEd 40 3.2012 Child Protection Policy

My Performance Tasks

Performance Task 1 Complete the structured frame.

I need to undergo teaching internship because _________________





Among Task
the 4 phases of internship, which seems difficult?
Performance 2

Phase 4
Final demonstrations
accomplishing exit
Phase 3

Phase 2 On site
and building
Phase 1
Research on the following legal documents that apply to
Performance Task 2 the teaching profession. Write your insights on the
spaces provided.

Existing Laws in the Teaching Insights

Profession (How will you apply this in your profession?)

Resolution 435 s. 1997 Code of

Ethics for Professional Teachers

RA 10627, Antibullying Act of 2013

RA 7877, Anti Sexual Harassment

Act of 1995

RA 4670, Magna Carta for Public

School Teacher

DepEd 40, s. 2012, Child Protection


My Assessment Tasks
Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Why is teaching internship important?

A. It culminates the years of a four-year study.

B. It provides a wide array of teaching experiences in real classroom setting.
C. It gives the students an opportunity to enjoy practicing the teaching profession.
D. It allows them to work with various stakeholders.

2. Which act strengthens the regulation and supervision of the practice of teaching in
the Philippines?

A. RA 7877
B. RA 7832
C. RA 7836
D. RA 7830

3. Which is issued to protect children in school from abuses, violence, exploitation,

discrimination and other forms of abuse?

A. DepEd Order 30 s. 2012

B. DepEd Order 40 s. 2012
C. DepEd Order 69 s. 2013
D. DepEd Order 58 s. 2017

4. Which act shall promote and improve the social and economic status of public school
teachers' living and working conditions?

A. Republic Act 7836

B. Republic Act 10627
C. Republic Act 7877
D. Republic Act 4670

5. Which law protects the value and dignity of every individual, enhance the
development of human resources, guarantee full respect for human rights, and uphold
the dignity of workers, employees, applicants for employment, students or those
undergoing training instruction or education?

A. Republic Act 7877

B. Republic Act 7836
C. Republic Act 4670
D. Republic Act 10627

My Learning Artifact(s)
Where am I going?

How to write your vision statement....

1. Project what you will be 5 to 10 years

from now.
2. Focus on your big dream towards
3. Use the present tense.
4. Write in clear simple language.
Paste your picture here 5. Be directional, descriptive.
6. Make sure that your vision has the
 destination
 purpose
 values
7. State your vision in not more than 15
My Scoring Rubric
Meets Approaching Meets Does Not Meet
INDICATORS Standard of Standard of Acceptable Acceptable
Excellence Excellence Standard Standard

CRITERIA 4 3 2 1

 Has
 Has some
 Has all the aspects of
aspects of
aspects of work that  No aspect of
work that
work that exceed level work meets
meet level
exceed of level of
Performance of
level of expectation. expectation.
Tasks expectatio
expectation.  Demonstrate  Has errors,
 Show s solid omissions and
 With some
exemplary performance misconception
errors and
performanc and s.
e. understandin
is not
Assessment With 5 correct With 4 correct With 3 correct With less than 3
Tasks answers answers answers correct answers

The piece/s of The piece/s of

The piece/s of The piece/s of
evidence of evidence of
evidence of evidence of
learning is/are learning is/are
Learning learning is/are learning is/are
aligned with aligned with
Artifacts aligned with NOT aligned with
SOME of the ONE of the
learning the learning
learning learning
outcomes outcomes
outcomes outcomes

The learning The learning

The learning The learning tasks
Creativity and tasks are done tasks are done
tasks are done are poorly done
Resourcefulnes very creatively quite
creatively and and need
s and creatively and
resourcefully improvement
resourcefully resourcefully

Submission of The assigned The assigned The assigned The assigned

Requirements learning tasks learning tasks learning tasks learning tasks are
are submitted are submitted a are submitted submitted days or
on or before the day after the 2 days after more after the
deadline deadline the deadline deadline


Signature of Practicum Supervisor
Learning Task 2
Going to My Cooperating School, My
Second Home
PPST Domain 2 Domain 2. The Learning Environment

Strands 2.4.1 Demonstrate understanding of supportive learning

environments that nurture and inspire learner participation.

CFSAT 2.D.1 Foster a safe clean and orderly learning environment

Competency Framework
for Southeast Asian 2.D.2 Promote a caring and learning friendly environment
Teachers for the 21st
Century 2.D.6 Maintain a collaborative learning environment

Desired Learning Outcomes

 Describe the characteristics of the cooperating school that nurtures and inspire
learner participation
 Give examples and situations on how the vision, mission, goals, core values and
expected graduate attributes be integrated in the daily lessons
 Demonstrate understanding of supportive learning environments that nurture and
inspire learner participation

Essential Questions

 What is a cooperating school?

 What are the characteristics of the cooperating school that will nurture and
inspire learner participation?
 How do I cascade the school's vision, mission, goals, core values and expected
graduate attributes in the daily lessons?


 Cooperating School refers to the public or private elementary / higqh school

where the teaching intern undergoes off campus teaching under o cooperating
teacher who assists him/her in his/her teaching stint .
 The cooperating school serves as a training ground or laboratory of teaching.
The prospective teacher gets the "feel" of the school and the "feel of being a
"real" teacher.
 A teacher training program greatly depends on how well the internship program
is carried out in the cooperating schools.

The characteristics of cooperating school that nurture and inspire learner participation:

friendly atmosphere where the learners and other members of the community live
in love, care and understanding.

safe and secure environment where the learners and other members of the
community are free from hazards, accidents and other calamities.

positive and non-threatening environment where respect, fairness, support and

communication are present in the entire school system.

The Schools' Vision / Mission

A clear vision and a common mission identify the learning to be aligned and
achieved to help the school, its staff and students on target.

 Vision statement describes the school as it would appear in the future.

 Mission statements are the how to "statements" or action plans that help the
school achieve its vision. They prompt change and growth.
Peterson, 1995
 Goals are statements of what needs to be accomplished to implement the
 Core Values are the fundamental beliefs of a person, school or organization.
These guiding principles dictate behavior and help people to understand right or
wrong. These create an unwavering guide to determine if they are on the right
path in fulfilling their goals.
 Graduate attributes are the qualities, skills and understandings a school/
university community agrees its student should develop during their time with the
My Performance Tasks

Performance Task 1 Artifact of one's cooperating school

Describe your cooperating school by supplying the needed information.

(Put the picture of your cooperating school)

Name of the school/institution ______________________________________________

Address _______________________________________________________________

Phone and fax number/URL website ________________________________________

Name of School Principal _________________________________________________

Academic Offerings: _____________________________________________________


No. of faculty members ___________________________________________________

No. of staff ____________________________________________________________

No. of students _________________________________________________________

Write what is asked about your cooperating school.

School’s Vision

School’s Mission

School’s Goals

Graduate Attributes

How does performance task 1 on knowing the school's profile connect to the Philippine
Professional Standards for teachers?


How does the school's profile connect to your learning as a teaching intern?

What is the impact of knowing the school's information on student learning?


Performance Task 2 Complete the structured frame.

How can you concretize the school's vision, mission, goals and expected
graduate attributes in your lessons?

I can concretize the school's VMG by __________________________________




Performance Task 3
Get a sample lesson that shows how the VMS was integrated in the learning
My Assessment Tasks

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which the statement tells the direction of the school in the future?

A. Goals
B. Graduate Attributes
C. Mission
D. Vision

2. Which are action plans or things to do to achieve the vision?

A. Goals
B. Vision
C. Graduate attributes
D. Mission

3. To be competent and productive professionals, efficient and proficient communicator,

caring and trustworthy citizen are examples of ____________________.

A. goals
B. mission
C. vision
D. graduate attributes

4. To promote excellence and access to quality education and to provide a choice of

educational opportunities for students are examples of __________________.

A. goals
B. mission
C. vision
D. graduate attributes

5. There is a need to concretize the school's VMG through _________________.

A. instructional outcomes
B. instructional activities
C. modes of assessment
D. learning materials
6. To integrate the vision mission, goals and expected attributes in the daily lessons,
teachers must _________________.

A. align the outcomes with all the teaching learning activities

B. let the students memorize the school's vision, mission and goals
C. Include the school's VMG in all the syllabi of the program
D. align the schools VMG and core values in the daily lessons

7. To nurture and inspire learner participation, teachers ____________________.

A. may utilize interactive and innovative strategies

B. employ various assessment tools
C. invite resource persons in class
D. encourage students to volunteer in class discussions
My Learning Artifact(s) (Pieces of evidence of learning, snapshots, documents and others)

List the instructional facilities of your school. You may take snapshots of these
facilities, too. Request permission from the designated authority.
My Scoring Rubric

Meets Approaching Meets Does Not Meet

INDICATORS Standard of Standard of Acceptable Acceptable
Excellence Excellence Standard Standard

CRITERIA 4 3 2 1

 Has
 Has some
 Has all the aspects of
aspects of
aspects of work that  No aspect of
work that
work that exceed level work meets
meet level
exceed of level of
Performance of
level of expectation. expectation.
Tasks expectatio
expectation.  Demonstrate  Has errors,
 Show s solid omissions and
 With some
exemplary performance misconception
errors and
performanc and s.
e. understandin
is not
Assessment With 5 correct With 4 correct With 3 correct With less than 3
Tasks answers answers answers correct answers

The piece/s of The piece/s of

The piece/s of The piece/s of
evidence of evidence of
evidence of evidence of
learning is/are learning is/are
Learning learning is/are learning is/are
aligned with aligned with
Artifacts aligned with NOT aligned with
SOME of the ONE of the
learning the learning
learning learning
outcomes outcomes
outcomes outcomes

The learning The learning

The learning The learning tasks
Creativity and tasks are done tasks are done
tasks are done are poorly done
Resourcefulnes very creatively quite
creatively and and need
s and creatively and
resourcefully improvement
resourcefully resourcefully

Submission of The assigned The assigned The assigned The assigned

Requirements learning tasks learning tasks learning tasks learning tasks are
are submitted are submitted a are submitted submitted days or
on or before the day after the 2 days after more after the
deadline deadline the deadline deadline


Signature of Practicum Supervisor

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