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HS-UK Newsletter Issue 9

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Welcome to latest issue of the Haag-Streit UK ‘InFocus’ newsletter

As the sole UK distributor for Nova Eye, inflation is forecast to rise to 10% by
we have been proud to launch the iTrack Autumn, followed by a possible UK
Advance in the UK. The iTrack Advance recession due to soaring energy prices.
combines the clinically proven iTrack™
canaloplasty microcatheter with an Haag-Streit UK has built its reputation
innovative handheld injector design. upon delivering the highest-quality
ophthalmic diagnostic and surgical
As well as these fantastic product equipment and services, and is
launches, we thoroughly enjoyed meeting unwilling to deviate from this promise.
with customers and ophthalmic industry We believe that this commitment
partners at the RCOphth Congress at the represents a high-value proposition to
end of May. The highlight of the Congress our partners, customers, end-users,
for us was our exciting Eyesi Surgical and patients.
Simulator competition. The gamification
on the Eyesi Surgical Simulator allowed Given the unique market challenges
a fantastic opportunity to engage with facing the global supply chains, in the
Firstly, I am delighted to say that we delegates and for them to compete against coming months, and on certain affected
have enjoyed a very positive year thus their peers. product lines, it might be necessary
far. Over the past few months, we have for Haag-Streit UK to take the difficult
launched some exciting new products, The positive aspects of the first half of decision to adjust its pricing accordingly
as well as enjoying a very successful this year have been balanced with some to meet and manage these exceptional
2022 RCOphth Congress. We are also challenges. The development of the global changes in the market. We value your
very pleased to be back to visiting economic and trade situation over the continued support during these difficult
customers face-to-face, following the past two years, due to BREXIT and the times.
welcome end of the COVID-19 pandemic pandemic, has resulted in extraordinary
restrictions. pressure on supply chains for many goods. I hope you find the latest issue of
The current political events in Russia the HS-UK ‘InFocus’ newsletter both
Since the beginning of the year, we have and Ukraine have also exacerbated this interesting and informative and enjoy
launched the new slit lamp Imaging situation. learning about the features and benefits
Module 910. The IM 910 has been of the new products we have launched
designed to capture outstanding images Consequently, packaging, logistics and so far this year.
while allowing eyecare professionals the costs for raw materials and certain
to fully-concentrate on examining their high-performance parts have significantly
patients. increased. Additionally, timely procurement
of essential components has become
We have also launched the new Eyestar increasingly difficult, and regulatory
Anterior Chamber Suite which provides requirements have increased.
precise measurements, comprehensive Dean Johnson
data analysis, and excellent images of Furthermore, you will be aware of recent Managing Director (CEO)
the anterior chamber. reports from the Bank of England that UK Haag-Streit UK
Haag-Streit launches
EyeSuite i9.10, including
new driving perimetry test
for the Octopus 900
Haag-Streit UK is pleased to announce
the launch of EyeSuite i9.10 in the UK.

The new EyeSuite i9.10 software

features a new driving perimetry test
Haag-Streit Imaging Module 910 Launched in the for the Octopus 900 perimeter which
UK adheres to European visual field
HS-UK is delighted to have recently possible, resulting in a striking image requirements.
launched the Haag-Streit Imaging with every shot.
Module 910 in the UK. The European Driving Test (EDT)
The Imaging Module 910 can be pattern, which complies with the EU
The new Imaging Module 910 used in different ways. In standalone Commission directive 2009/113/EC on
has been designed to capture mode, it stores images directly in driving licenses, has been developed
outstanding images while allowing the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) in close co-operation with medical
eyecare professionals to fully- system and no extra software is experts from Oslo University and The
concentrate on examining their needed. When working in EyeSuite University of Liverpool.
patients. It is instantly ready, by the mode, image editing and other
turn of a knob, and does not require features are also available. Haag-Streit worked in collaboration
the use of any software. Capturing with Øystein Kalsnes Jørstad, a
images is quick and simple, with just researcher at the University of Oslo
the push of a camera trigger button. and Prof. Fiona Rowe from Liverpool
University, to develop a standard
perimetry test that adheres to the
European visual field requirements.

Further information on this test can be

found by reading the paper, ‘A traffic
perimetry test that adheres to the
Image taken on the new IM 910 European visual field requirements.’
Dean Johnson, HS-UK Managing
Director, said, “We are really excited The Eyesuite i9.10 software also offers
to launch the Imaging Module 910 in software updates for the Lenstar
The new Imaging Module 910
the UK. The speed and simplicity of 900 to increase the speed of data
the image capture, combined with visualisation and IOL calculation.
The Imaging Module 910 is equipped
with an improved camera sensor and the outstanding quality, offers a Lenstar Myopia customers will benefit
superb optics. Smart features in the fantastic solution to the increasing from the introduction of trend analysis
background include a performant demand for slit lamp documentation for more parameters. It will also now
auto-exposure mode and automatic in clinics.” support Microsoft Windows 11.
aperture control, which guarantees
great illumination at all times. For more information about For more information about the
the Imaging Module 910, email EyeSuite i9.10 or the Octopus 900,
Additionally, the image selection diagnosticsuk@haag-streit.com or email diagnosticsuk@haag-streit.com
algorithm chooses the best image visit https://hsuk.co/IM910. or visit https://hsuk.co/octopus.

02 |
Haag-Streit launches the Eyestar 900 Anterior Chamber Suite
HS-UK is pleased to announce the Belin ABCD grading system* provides motion compensation, results in
launch of the Eyestar 900 Anterior the user with intuitive data for a fully-detailed and highly precise
Chamber Suite (AC-Suite) to efficient keratoconus screening and three-dimensional data set.
complement the established Cataract progression assessment.
Suite and meet the growing demand Unique to the Eyestar 900, the user
for improved outcomes, both in Other tools include Zernike wavefront can create radial scans or line scan
cataract and refractive surgery. analysis of the cornea and vision stacks, as well as individual B-scans,
simulation for patient education. any time after the data acquisition,
The Eyestar 900 is based on future- Intuitive displays, such as difference and at any location of the 18mm OCT
proof technology: swept-source or trend views, support the user in the scan volume previously acquired. This
OCT. It offers versatile tools for both diagnostic process (e.g., assessment unique feature eliminates the need
cataract and refractive surgery, of corneal ectasia and keratoconus). for time-consuming rescans if a new
in one fully-automated device. This comprehensive information set cross-section is required.
Its new Anterior Chamber Suite allows the user to easily verify any
provides precise measurements, measurement and identify anatomical In addition to the new Anterior
comprehensive data analysis, and anomalies that may interfere with Chamber Suite, the Eyestar 900
excellent images of the anterior planned surgical procedures. already boasts an established
Cataract Suite, which enables the
chamber. This enables the surgeon
acquisition of all measurement
to accurately diagnose, plan surgical It provides all these measurements in
data necessary for state-of-the-art
procedures, predict outcomes, and one procedure, on a single device. This
cataract planning. Equipped with this
control the intervention efficacy of fully-automated measurement process
information, the eye care specialist
anterior chamber surgery. allows for easy delegation, optimises
may improve outcomes in cataract
workflow, and enables the user to
surgery, quickly and reliably diagnose
The Anterior Chamber Suite boasts acquire precise measurements and
diseases, and fully document the eye
Class A-topography to 12mm imaging data of both eyes, in under 40
diameter of the anterior and posterior seconds.
surface of the cornea. Furthermore, it As the leader in innovative devices for
provides high quality 18mm diameter The Eyestar 900 uses patent-protected modern refractive cataract surgery,
OCT images of the anterior chamber, Mandala scan technology, which Haag-Streit is constantly developing
including the crystalline lens, for visual is designed for highly precise data new modules and suites. Imminent
inspection of key structures, such as acquisition. Unlike classic radial or new EyeSuite software releases
lens position, ICL vault* and chamber line scans, that scan any point only include integrated Belin keratoconus
angle*. Its corneal topography once, (besides the apex), trajectories screening with ABCD grading system*.
feature set includes difference and of the Mandala scan are aligned in an
trend views for maps and indices, as interwoven and highly dense pattern, If you would like further information
well as sophisticated screening aids both in the centre and in the periphery. on the new Eyestar AC Suite, visit
for corneal ectasia*. The integrated This, combined with the OCT inherent www.haagstreituk.com/eyestar
*Available in a future Eyesuite software release

| 03
Haag-Streit Simulation
Eyesi Slit Lamp Gonioscopy
Module launched in the
HS-UK is pleased to announce
the launch of the Eyesi Slit Lamp
gonioscopy module in the UK.

The new gonioscopy module

Haag-Streit Diagnostics announces the 4th ‘Slit Lamp offers trainees visualisation of
Imaging Competition’ the iridocorneal angle, as well as
examination training for the anterior
Haag-Streit is pleased to announce 70 mm, 33 Mpx, Full frame). 2nd place and posterior segment of the eye.
the launch of the ‘Slit Lamp Imaging will receive a Nikon Z fc Double Zoom
Competition 2022’. Kit (16-50 mm, 20.90 Mpx, APS-C/DX) Pathologies available in the new
and 3rd place a Peak Design Everyday gonioscopy module include;
Following successful competitions Backpack (20L). pseudoexfoliation syndrome, iris
held in 2019, 2020 and 2021, the ‘Slit nevus, iris melanoma and elevated
Lamp Imaging Competition 2022’ Haag-Streit slit lamps are renowned venous pressure. Users can also
gives eyecare professionals across for their optical brilliance and can practice grading of the chamber angle
with the Shaffer-Kanski grading system
the globe an opportunity to showcase capture the most stunning clinical
and Spaeth classification system.
their slit lamp imaging skills. Judging images. This is the 4th year that Haag-
criteria will include image quality, Streit has run the competition.
The Eyesi Slit Lamp training courseware
technical execution, and disease
allows trainees to examine virtual
interest. Last year’s winner was Dmitrii patients with both healthy eyes and
Samsonov from the Irkutsk branch clinically relevant pathologies. These
of the Federal State Institute of cases are based on real patients,
Ophthalmic Microsurgery S. Fyodorov have detailed clinical case histories
in Russia, with his outstanding image and have been reviewed in close co-
“Gentle Touch - post-traumatic vitreous operation with university eye clinics.
prolapse with corneal fixation”. 2nd The new gonioscopy module will
place went to Utpal Sarkar, Disha Eye complement and enhance the existing
Hospitals pvt Ltd., and 3rd place to fundoscopy and anterior segment
Seraina Tanno, Augenklinik Luzerner. training the Eyesi Slit Lamp offers.

The competition is open until 12th The Eyesi Slit Lamp, from Haag-
Last year’s second place image by Utpal Sarka,
‘Free iris cyst (history of trauma)’ Streit Simulation, is a high-end
August 2022. Applicants should send
diagnostic training simulator for
their images to hsimagingcomp@
ophthalmologists and optometrists.
Haag-Streit is offering a host of gmail.com. Participation terms, and
Trainees can examine virtual patients
fantastic prizes for the first three rules and regulations can be found
with the biomicroscope, fundoscopy
places. In addition to receiving the here. lens and gonioscopy lens.
highly coveted ‘Slit Lamp Imaging
Competition 2022’ trophy, the winner For more information on the Haag- For more information about the
of the competition will also be Streit ‘Slit Lamp Imaging Competition Eyesi Slit Lamp, please email
featured in an ophthalmic journal and 2022’, visit https://www.haag-streit. eyesi@haag-streit-uk.com or visit
will receive a Sony Alpha 7 IV Kit (28- com/imaging-competition. https://hsuk.co/EyesiSlitLamp.

04 |
Haag-Streit UK launches
the PolyVent™ cannula
range in the UK
Haag-Streit UK is pleased to
announce the launch of the
PolyVent™ cannula range from
Study shows highest IOL prediction accuracy for MedOne.
Hill-RBF 3.0
A recently published study shows analysed by pattern recognition based The new Cannulas are available in
that Hill-RBF 3.0 performs better at on artificial intelligence leading to 23g or 25g with a 38g, 5mm long
predicting refractive outcomes in highly accurate IOL predictions and fixed or extendable/retractable
cataract surgery than any of the other providing confidence, thanks to a tip. The extendable feature allows
formulae assessed. unique reliability check. Hill-RBF is the easier insertion through valved
only IOL power calculation method cannulas and utilises a thin walled,
To analyse refractive outcomes in providing an out-of-bound message, a low dead-space infusion tubing to
cataract surgery, Dr. Adi Abulafia, confidence marker when it comes to minimise waste of the injectable,
and his team at the Shaare Zedek an IOL power collection of an extreme ensuring it is more cost-effective.
Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel, case, i.e., extremely long, or short
recently conducted a study comparing eyes. All the tips are green polyimide
commonly used IOL calculation for increased visibility. This is
formulae. Committed to further improve particularly useful under the
refractive outcomes, Dr. Warren Hill retina, contrasting with the colour
In this study, published in the Journal and Haag-Streit have constantly of the choroid. Multiple vents
of Cataract & Refractive Surgery been developing the unique Hill-RBF along the tubing provide fast
(JCRS), the Hill-RBF 3.0 has shown method by adding more high-quality pressure release.
to perform significantly better than biometry and surgical outcome
its predecessor. According to Dr. Adi datasets, thus refining the prediction The PolyVent™ Cannulas combine
Abulafia ‘The new Hill-RBF 3.0 formula accuracy. These efforts have resulted the unique qualities of the Dual
showed high and similar prediction in the development of Hill-RBF 2.0, Bore Cannulas, coupled with the
accuracy for both the optical low- and the recent release of Hill-RBF 3.0. features of the subretinal PolyTip®
coherence reflectometer and the SS- Cannulas, passively releasing BSS.
OCT biometry devices and performed Hill-RBF 3.0 is integrated into EyeSuite
significantly better than its previous IOL software, which is uniquely built This offsets the pressure increase
version, the Hill-RBF 2.0 formula.’ into Haag-Streit’s Lenstar optical
caused by the subretinal injection,
biometer and Eyestar complete
thus lessening the pressure upon
The above graphic shows an extract swept-source OCT-based eye analyser.
the ‘bleb’. MedOne feel that this
of the data published in the JCRS Measurement data from these
should equalise the IOP and will
and illustrates the superiority in IOL respective devices are automatically
likely reduce the reflux of the
prediction of the Hill-RBF 3.0 formula transferred, and no manual entry is
drug ensuring that it is more cost-
to achieve refractive outcome of ± 0.5 needed, thus saving time, and avoiding
diopters. transcription errors.

For more information on the

IOL data from all over the world, You can read the abstract of the study
MedOne cannula range
collected by leading cataract here. For further information on Hill-
surgeons, is the foundation for the RBF, please visit the Haag-Streit UK of products, please visit
Hill-RBF method. This big data is website. https://hsuk.co/MedOneCannulas.

| 05
HOYA Lens UK & Haag-Streit UK Partner to Combat Myopia

Haag-Streit UK has recently to patients and their parents about makes perfect sense to partner with
announced a strategic partnership myopia and its progression. gold standard equipment supplier
with HOYA Lens UK. Haag-Streit UK”, said Andy Sanders,
Professional Services Director, HOYA
This UK affiliation follows a global Lens UK.
sales and marketing agreement
creating a preferred partnership “This agreement creates preferred
between HOYA Vision Care and partner status between the two
Haag-Streit to provide Eye Care companies to provide diagnostics
and treatment for myopia to as many
Professionals (ECPs) with LENSTAR
ECPs as possible in the UK and Ireland,
Myopia by HOYA to provide
as myopia continues to rise,” Andy
diagnostics and treatment for
continued, “The rate of myopia seen
myopia. This collaboration is part
in children in the UK is 23%, based on
of a shared mission to address the This, combined with HOYA Lens UK’s
recent studies.”
global rise of myopia in children. easy to prescribe MiYOSMART spectacle
lens, creates a strong one-two approach
Speaking of the global sales and
to diagnose and manage myopia.
marketing agreement, Thomas
Launched in 2020, the MiYOSMART lens
Bernhard, CEO of the Haag-Streit
uses revolutionary Defocus Incorporated Group added, “Haag-Streit is pleased
Multiple Segments (D.I.M.S.) Technology, to enter into this strategic partnership
clinically proven to slow down myopia with HOYA Vision Group. We are
progression on average by 60% in convinced that with this seamless
children ages 8-13. intersection of the LENSTAR Myopia
by HOYA and the MiYOSMART
Myopia, or short-sightedness, is a spectacle lens treatment protocol,
The LENSTAR Myopia by HOYA, growing global health concern with we can together make a valuable
which is based on the proven industry experts predicting nearly 50% contribution to combating the
technology of the high-precision of the world’s population to be impacted worldwide progression of myopia.”
Lenstar 900 optical biometer and by 2051. “Hoya is on a mission to curb
the corresponding EyeSuite myopia global myopia and, in order to support For further information, please email
management software platform, Eye Care Professionals in the effective supportingyou@hoya.co.uk or, visit
provides information and education management of this condition, it https://hsuk.co/LenstarMyopiaHOYA

06 |
Haag-Streit Academy to host live Basic Slit Lamp & Slit Lamp Imaging
HS-UK is delighted to confirm The agenda will cover a range of The practical workshops we
that Haag-Streit Academy will be topics, including an introduction to offer delegates on each day, give
hosting a ‘Slit Lamp Basic Skills the new Imaging Module 910 and the the opportunity to gain valuable
Course’ and a ‘Slit Lamp Imaging Eyesi slit lamp virtual reality simulator. hands-on experience with the
Course’ at the Haag-Streit different slit lamps and to learn
Academy Training Facility in from slit lamp experts.”
Harlow on 13th and 14th October
2022. Grahame continued, “We are also
very excited to be able to offer
The ‘Slit Lamp Basic Skills Course’ attendees the opportunity to see
will feature advice from product our Eyesi Slit Lamp simulator in
experts on how to get the most action. This will be the first time
from your Haag-Streit slit lamp. we have been able to integrate
this fantastic teaching tool into
The course programme includes one of our courses. The device
lectures on topics such as; Both courses will include practical,
offers really valuable experience
‘History & introduction to the hands-on workshops with live
and learning opportunities
slit lamp’, ‘The general eye subjects, covering topics including;
for both beginners and more
examination’ and ‘Tonometry ‘Diffuse, focal & indirect illumination
experienced slit lamp users.”
principles & calibration check’. & retro illumination’ on the ‘Slit Lamp
Basics Skills Course’ and also ‘Image
capture & manipulation’ on the ‘Slit The cost of each course is just
The aim of the ‘Slit Lamp Imaging
Lamp Imaging Course’. Delegates will £100 + VAT and lunch is included
Course’ is to provide attendees
be able to claim 6.5 CPD points for in the price.
with a detailed overview of this
highly-skilled ophthalmic imaging their attendance on each day.
For further information on the
discipline. The day will include
Grahame Wood, HS-UK National Sales courses, please email academy@
lectures and demonstrations
Manager, said, “We are delighted to be haag-streit-uk.com or to book your
delivered by slit lamp imaging
able to start welcoming people back place now, please visit https://
specialists and HS-UK product
to our Haag-Streit Academy courses. hsuk.co/HSacademyevents

| 07
A one-stop-shop for all
your ophthalmic,
orthoptic & optometry
The HS-UK e-shop is open for
business 24-7, so purchasing
HS-UK enjoy a successful RCOphth Congress 2022 couldn’t be easier, or more
HS-UK enjoyed a successful Royal opportunity to test their cataract and convenient.
College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth) vitreoretinal skills to win a daily prize.
Annual Congress on 23rd – 26th May The competition was a huge success We offer a wide range of ophthalmic,
2022 at the Scottish Event Campus (SEC) with over 80 entries over the 4 days. orthoptic and optometry products
in Glasgow. from our best-selling range, and all
are available at competitive online
Other products available on the stand
HS-UK showcased some new and prices.
included the SOLIX multi-modal OCT
recently-launched devices, including
device, TT multispot laser, and the John The simple e-shop order process,
the Eyestar 900 OCT-based eye analyser
with the new Anterior Chamber Suite Weiss range of ‘gold-standard’ surgical along with the integrated powerful
and the new Imaging Module 910 (IM instruments. shopping cart technology,
910). The HS-UK Team completed many allows customers to order with
demonstrations of these new devices Victoria Chapman-Brown, HS-UK Events a few simple clicks. All online
during the event. Co-ordinator, said, “We have had a transactions are fully secure.
great RCOphth Congress this year and
The new iTrack Advance was also really enjoyed meeting with customers Customers are encouraged
available on the HS-UK stand to face-to-face again. The Eyesi Surgical to view the e-shop regularly
showcase to attendees. The iTrack to take advantage of
Simulator competition added a real
Advance combines the clinically proven exclusive online offers. Visit
element of fun to the HS-UK stand
iTrack™ canaloplasty microcatheter www.haagstreituk.com/eshop
and we were delighted to have the to find out more.
with an innovative handheld injector
design. opportunity to showcase our fantastic
new products to attendees.”

Why not follow HS-UK on

social media today?
iTrack Advance
An RCOphth delegate enjoying the Eyesi Surgical The HS-UK social media
The Eyesi Slit Lamp and Eyesi Surgical Competition
VR simulators were very popular with channels are;
delegates and staff providing many If you missed the RCOphth Congress Twitter: @HS_UK
hands-on demonstrations at the Instagram: @haagstreituk
and would like further information on
any of HS-UK’s product portfolio, please Facebook: @haagstreituk
HS-UK ran an Eyesi Surgical simulator call HS-UK on (01279) 883807 or visit LinkedIn: /haagstreituk
competition which gave contestants an www.haagstreituk.com You Tube: https://hsuk.co/youtube

08 |
Haag-Streit UK launches the iTrack™ Advance in the UK;
the next generation canaloplasty device for glaucoma
HS-UK is pleased to announce the launch microcatheter to catheterise up to 360
of the iTrack™ Advance in the UK. degrees of the canal in a single intubation.
The new iTrack™ Advance device is
The iTrack™ Advance, from Nova Eye designed to improve the overall efficiency
Medical, is a next generation canaloplasty of the canaloplasty procedure. Nova
device for glaucoma. It builds on the Eye expects the introduction of iTrack™
legacy of the Company’s proprietary Advance to drive increased surgeon
iTrack™ device which has been used uptake of the canaloplasty procedure by
in more than 100,000 canaloplasty cataract surgeons and comprehensive
procedures globally. ophthalmologists.

Canaloplasty is a surgical treatment for Tom Spurling, Managing Director of

glaucoma that is designed to re-establish Nova Eye, said, “Canaloplasty is globally
the function of the conventional outflow recognised as a highly effective treatment
pathway, the primary drainage pathway option for glaucoma. The intricacies of
in the eye responsible for regulating the the procedure, however, which have
outflow of aqueous fluid. This contrasts included manual intubation of the
with traditional glaucoma surgical
microcatheter through the canal using
treatments that bypass or remove a
forceps, previously limited its adoption by
portion of the conventional outflow
a broad cross section of surgeons.”
Mr Spurling continued, “We see iTrack™
According to Managing Director of Nova
Advance being readily adopted into the
Eye Medical, Tom Spurling, there has
glaucoma toolkit of cataract surgeons
been a marked increase in interest in
Contact us canaloplasty from both surgeons and
and comprehensive ophthalmologists.
the wider industry over the past 12-18 This will ensure improved access
months. Mr Spurling commented, “An to the canaloplasty procedure for a
Haag-Streit UK implant-free procedure that preserves greater number of glaucoma patients
Unit C
the trabecular meshwork for subsequent worldwide.”
Woodside Industrial Estate
Dunmow Road procedures, canaloplasty offers
Bishop’s Stortford significant utility to surgeons and their Grahame Wood, HS-UK National Sales
patients. The introduction of the iTrack Manager, said, “We are really excited to
CM23 5RG
Advance™ underscores our commitment launch the iTrack™ Advance into the UK
to grow the canaloplasty field.” market. The new easy-to-use handpiece
(01279) 414969 makes the canaloplasty procedure
info@haag-streit-uk.com The iTrack™ Advance features the faster and easier to perform, improving
proprietary illuminated fiber optic tip of efficiency.”
the original iTrack™ device, which allows
E & OE the surgeon to continuously monitor For more information about
All rights reserved.
© 2022 Haag-Streit UK the location of the device in Schlemm’s the iTrack™ Advance, email
canal. It also features a proprietary surgicaluk@haag-streit.com or visit
guide-wire mechanism that enables the https://hsuk.co/iTrackAdvance.

| 09

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