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Raphael Rettner - Your Healing Hands - The Polarity Experience

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Your Healing Hands

Book by Richard Gordon. E-book by Raphael Rettner D.C.


Version 1.00
April, 2009

The author and publisher of this e-book and the associated materials have used their best efforts in preparing this
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This material contains elements protected under International and Federal Copyright laws and treaties. Any unauthorized
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About the Author

Dr. Raphael Rettner

is a Palmer College of Chiropractic West graduate and has been in
practice since 1982. Dr. Rettner is one of the most highly skilled and
respected chiropractors in the United States. He has made numerous
radio and T.V. appearances, is the author of Vegetarian Cooking for
People with Allergies and has produced several DVDs including:
Advanced Healing Techniques, Chakra Armor Release of Emotions and
Attaining Nirvana. He has studied both force and non-force techniques
such as Advanced Biostructural Correction, Applied Kinesiology, Body
Restoration Technique, Total Body Modification, S.O.T. and over a
dozen others. With a combination of creative thinking and an insatiable
quest for knowledge, Dr. Rettner has developed several new and
exciting chiropractic techniques. Since 1994 he has taught these in his
Applied Trigger Points seminar to chiropractors all across the United
States, Australia, Canada and England. http://www.chirovideo.com

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Table of Contents
Introduction............................................................................................................ 5

Chapter 1: Working With Children ......................................................................... 7

Chapter 2: What Is Life Force? ............................................................................. 8

Chapter 3: Relieving Tension Headaches ............................................................. 9

Chapter 4: The History and Principles Of Polarity Therapy................................. 10

Chapter 5 Tubal Pregnancy................................................................................. 11

Chapter 6: Resonance.........................................................................................12

Chapter 7: Protection .......................................................................................... 13

Chapter 8: Trust the Process and How to Pick a Healer..................................... 14

Chapter 9: The Basic Polarity Session................................................................ 15

Chapter 10: Applying Polarity to Chiropractic Practice........................................ 34

Conclusion:.......................................................................................................... 42

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Polarity therapy is a simple and effective method used to bring on deep

healing relaxation. It’s easy to learn, subtle, powerful, safe and fun. By
employing the currents of life force that naturally flows through everyone’s
hands, we can release and balance another person’s energy. As long as that
energy is flowing freely, we experience well being and health. I believe
Frank Herbert once said that “Life is not a problem to be solved, but a
mystery to experience.” On this tape, we are going to explore the mystery of
life force therapy and polarity therapy.
I remember it was about 12 years ago when I had my very first polarity
session. I was feeling just about my worst that day. A woman named Valerie
gave me a polarity therapy session. I felt surges of energy running through
my body. I had never experienced anything like it. It was like rivers of
energy pouring through me. In the course of about 35 minutes, I went from
feeling just about my worst to just incredibly well.
Hundreds of sessions later, I have been so astounded by the kind of results
that polarity therapy can provide that I wanted to share this with other
people. So I wrote my book, “Your Healing Hands, The Polarity
Experience” as a gift and since I wrote it, I have been told by many people
they have either received the book as a gift or given the book as a gift. So
this e-book is a gift to you and the DVD is a gift to you as well.

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When you see the polarity therapy session done, it may look extremely
easy. Healing itself is easy. The body knows how to heal itself. For
millions of years, we have evolved with the knowledge of how to heal
ourselves. We are going to show you those methods so that you can access
that energy within yourself. It’s so easy that children have been able to give
wonderful sessions.

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Chapter 1: Working With Children
I worked with some aphasic children. These children were six years old and
learning handicapped. One of the children was having tantrums, what his
therapist called hysterical behavior. Every single day this child was kicked
and screamed and threw things. I got the other children together and we did
what’s called a polarity circle. This is a technique that I came up with and
we are going to show at the end of this DVD. I got the children together and
we did a session. The child on the table went to sleep within minutes after
receiving a session, sometimes sleeping for hours. At the end of the time
that the child was sleeping, he would wake up and apologize to the other
kids for his behavior. It was incredible. The therapist had never seen
anything like it. While the child was on Ritalin and Dilantin for seizures in
school, they had no way of helping these children to relax and to feel at ease.
Even hypnosis never seemed to work.

We took them over to another classroom where they had developmentally

handicapped children. The developmentally handicapped children were
totally incapable of speech and most of them had no mobility whatsoever. I
got the six-year-old learning handicapped children working on the
developmentally handicapped children. What we saw made the staff go into
a state of total disbelief. They gave the polarity circle to these children and a
child who had had his arm locked in one position since childbirth, for the
very first time opened up his hand and moved his arm. All the
developmentally handicapped children in the room responded. If six-year-
old aphasic children can learn to be effective with this technique, perhaps we
all have some ability to do healing.

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Chapter 2: What Is Life Force?
I speak about this life force. You can think of it as that spark of life, perhaps
the animating current of life. It’s a physiological reality within the body. For
countless centuries many different cultures have spoken about life force. they’ve
each given it names. In Hawaii the Hawaiians call it mana. In China, they call it
chi. In Japan they call it ki. In India, the Indian Yogis call it Prana. Russians in
their psychic research call it bioplasmic energy. But regardless of the name,
there seems to be a kind of invisible circulatory system that flows through the
body. Whenever energy becomes blocked in any single part of the body, we have
used things such as acupuncture or acupressure to open up that blocked area.
With polarity therapy, we just allow the energy to run through that area.
Sometimes we use pressure to open up that blocked area and other times we
just have a very light touch.

What we rely on is the body’s own innate intelligence to decide what to do with
that energy and where it should go. It’s very easy to experience. I want to give
you a demonstration right now. You at home and you in the audience, rub your
hands together for a moment. Hold your hands a few inches apart and bring
them back and see what you feel. See if you can feel a vibrating or a tingling
sensation between your hands. One of you come up here. Put one of your hands
between mine. What I noticed is that as I pass over a certain part of the hand, the
tingling increases. I’m going to point out where that is. Do you feel it right there?
Yes. that’s the spot. When you are working with the energy of another person,
the place where I feel the tingling most strongly that vibration corresponds to
where the other person is feeling that sensation. During a session that
experience of tingling may increase fifty or hundredfold from what we are
experiencing in our hands. You will actually feel surges of energy passing
between you and the other person.

A lot of people wonder why we haven’t discussed life force in traditional

science. There are a couple of reasons for that. First off, life force is not
measurable using needles and meters. You can’t weigh it, you can’t measure it.
Science only likes to talk about those things that it can measure. The second
reason we don’t discuss it is because people have not learned in this culture to
differentiate between those experiences that are subtle of your body and those
experiences which are very gross. The gross experience of your hands
compared to the subtle experience of the tingling is that difference. Most people
haven’t learned to differentiate between the two and that’s why we haven’t
worked with it.

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Chapter 3: Relieving Tension Headaches
This is a technique that you can use to relieve tension headaches. This will
work about 80% of the time when somebody has a tension headache. It takes
about five minutes to do this session and it doesn’t upset your stomach. I
will rub my hands together. Do you have a headache? No. That’s fine, you
don’t need to; you will when I’m done. Just kidding.

Take about 10 deep breaths and sigh with the exhalation. I get the energy
going. I put my hand behind the back of the head. My left hand about one-
half inch away. I have my right hand at the back of the neck and my left
hand a couple of inches away from the forehead. I’m just going to to relax
and feel the tingling and the vibrating. I want you to sigh on exhalation.
Even though she doesn’t have a headache, as soon as she started relaxing, I
could feel the tingling go on. That’s a very common experience. You may
not feel the tingling until the person starts relaxing. You leave your hands in
place as long as the tingling and the vibrations are very strong; from two to
five minutes. When the tingling seems to subside a bit, you can stop. Most
times the headache will be relieved. Not always, sometimes there are deeper
headaches, like migraines.

One time there was an M.D. who used to call me into his office to help take
away all the migraines from his patients. I worked in his office for about
three months. I used to come in about three times a week, working on three
or four patients a day. I did a general polarity session that is used for various
types of ailments. I didn’t know how long it was going to take to release the
migraines. I just kept doing a general session until they told me that the
headache was gone. That was my secret; I didn’t stop until the headache
was relieved, so we had 100% success with those headaches.
When you are done doing this or a regular polarity session, your hands may
feel thick and heavy. So shake off your hands, and rinse them in cold water.
It’s like a static energy that goes around the hands and they may feel a bit
thick and full. I have heard of a couple of cases where people have actually
picked up headaches. Not to worry about it, it doesn’t really matter that your
hands feel thick and heavy, just shake them off and rinse them in cold water
and you’ll just do fine.

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Chapter 4: The History and Principles Of Polarity
Polarity Therapy was started by Dr. Randolph Stone. He was born in 1890
in Austria. He immigrated to the United States. He was an osteopath, a
naturopath and a chiropractor. Yet with all his knowledge of healing, he
wasn’t satisfied with what he had learned. So, he traveled to France and to
China and learned acupuncture and herbology and later he went to the Orient
and learned the spagyric art of healing as taught by Paracelsus Von
Hontheim which involve subtle electric fields. In over 60 years of practice
he developed the polarity therapy system. He retired at age 84 and died a
few years later.
The Principle of Polarity Therapy: Just as the earth and sun have
electromagnetic north and south poles to them, the subtle energy seem to
mirror those qualities as well. The top of the head has a more positive
charge than the feet. The right side has more positive charge than the left.
The principle is that whenever you put the right and left together, like on
magnets, you end up with an attractive current that flows between them.
Generally speaking, put your right hand to the left side of the person’s body,
the left to the right side of the body, and when you are working the vertical
center line of the body, have the left hand above and the right hand below.
Now, when we are doing the release moves which are just to open up areas
where the energy has become very blocked, it doesn’t matter which hand is
doing the release because that’s just to get the energy stirred up and opened.
For the rest of the moves where we polarize the energy, you will follow
these basic principles of left above, right below, right to left side and left to
right side.

What kind of results can you expect? That’s always a really interesting
question. What I have found is that the more profound the need of the person
is, the the more profound the results seem to be. I have worked with a lot of
students who would give each other sessions in the classes, and I would try
to explain to them, “You have no idea what you are learning.” People say
“yeah I do, it makes me feel pretty good.” I said but you have no idea what
this is. The point was that not until you start working with people who are
really in need do you start discovering how the life force is able to go
through the body and do what is needed for the body.
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Chapter 5 Tubal Pregnancy
When I was first studying polarity therapy, a woman came into an herb store
and said to me “Do you have any herbs to help me move a tubular
pregnancy? It was way over my head, I don’t think anybody wants to use
herbs for that sort of thing. She said she was in a great deal of pain. So I
suggested “Why don’t we try some polarity? It won’t hurt.” I did a very
basic polarity session, less than what I am going to teach you on this DVD.
At the end of the session she said “I can’t believe these are my hands. I
can’t believe these are my feet. I feel so good.” Taking somebody from
feeling their worst to feeling excellent within the course of one-half hour
session. It turned out that a week or two later her doctor told her that the
tubular pregnancy had moved on its own accord. I don’t know how that’s
possible exactly, but it did become a normal pregnancy at that point.
The life force flows through the body and will open up wherever the
blockages are. Whether they are physical blockages or emotional blockages,
the life force will go through and help open those up. Now, that’s not to say
that this is a substitute for emotional processing that people need to do and
discover the emotional causes of the condition. However, it is a very
wonderful way to open it up. A lot of people when they start practicing
polarity therapy think that they have to do it perfectly. They get the idea that
if they are not as highly trained in this skill as they are in many other skills
of their life that they aren’t doing it good enough. It’s just not the way it
seems to work with healing.
Remember the very handicapped kids, when I taught them how to do a
polarity session? I am going to teach you how to do a cradle. I am going to
show you where to put your hands to do the cradle and you put your fingers
under the neck and you hold it very gently. Well, they did a cradle
beautifully too. They did it just like this. They would hold one hand over
the face and one in the side. Then they would rock the head which I am
going to tell you not to do. In other words, they did everything that looked
wrong according to my ideas of what right and wrong was, but the session
turned out well anyway. It was beautiful.

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Chapter 6: Resonance
One of the secrets of healing is that it involves resonance. That means that
the person who’s acting as the healer is holding a resonance of love, gratitude,
giving, happiness and the person who is receiving the healing work and who
actually is the healer because the other one is responsible to get well. What
happens when there are two things vibrating in different resonance? The law of
resonance is either the higher resonance will come down, the lower resonance
will come up or they’re going to meet in the middle. When you are doing the
healing work, what you want to do is hold your resonance. Hold that resonance!
Like in football. Hold the high resonance of giving, love and of caring and just be
there and stay there. There is an old Chinese expression that “When the right
man does the wrong thing the result is right. When the wrong man does the right
thing, the results is wrong.” I have always loved that a lot because it is much
more important who you are than exactly what you’re doing. It’s more important
how you give, than the specifics of the move. This isn’t mechanics. In mechanics
if you hit this switch the lights will go on. That’s very clear, simple and it’s very
basic. But this isn’t even mechanical phenomenon. It’s more of a sense of if you
are right person, if you’re giving in the right way, the results will be stupendous.
So, you don’t have to worry too much about doing it right. I had some students
who were very concerned once about whether they were going to do it good
enough. I said, well you don’t worry about falling off the sidewalk, so don’t worry
about whether you are giving enough. You’re doing just fine. It should be easy, it
should be fun. You can think about Hawaii. You don’t have to be serious about
this to do a good job. I once met an elderly Native American woman, who said
that “The secret of healing was to put kisses in your fingers.” I always liked that.
You don’t want to do a polarity session for somebody if you’re feeling furious at
them or if you are feeling a lot of self pity. We have three types of touch in polarity
therapy. We can use a deep pressure, a very light touch and a rocking touch.

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Chapter 7: Protection
I mentioned protection a little while ago when it comes to rinsing your hands,
but there are other things to do as well. The first thing to do before a session is
to ground yourself. Close your eyes for a moment and imagine a beam of light
coming down slowly through the top of your head. Imagine it passing through
your body, passing through your feet, passing through the floor, down into the
center of the earth. On inhalation, imagine the energy sinking deep down and on
exhalation, allow the energy to gently come up into you. Then you are grounded.
That helps protect you when doing energy work.

Another aspect that I mentioned previously is the resonance as a form of

protection. Hold the high resonance. Don’t come down from that resonance, stay
there, enjoy yourself, have fun, that’s the secret.

The last way to protect yourself that I mentioned previously is to wash your
hands in cool water. You will notice this feels incredibly refreshing because your
hands may feel like they have thick gloves on. If you do those things, you really
don’t have to worry about protection very much.

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Chapter 8: Trust the Process and How to Pick a Healer
Strange things have been known to happen during polarity sessions.
Sometimes people may shiver on the table, sometimes they may heat up,
sometimes they may go to sleep, sometimes it may wake them up. I don’t
know what’s going to happen. I have seen a lot of very interesting things
occur, but the life force will direct it to where it needs to go. In fact, one
time a woman I was working on had a very high fever. I started noticing my
whole body heating up, but I have learned to trust, go with what I was
experiencing. I just keep breathing through it and in the process, the heat
just passed right through me and right through her. Her fever was broken
right there on the spot.

How do you pick a healer when you’re going to find somebody to do

healing work for you? How do you pick somebody who’s been doing this
kind of work? The rule of thumb that I like to go with is to ask them a key
question. Say, “After you have done work for a long day, how do you feel?”
The best healers are going to say, “Oh, after a long day, I feel so energized, I
feel so wonderful.” That ‘s the person to go see to do healing work. The
person who says “Well I can’t do more than one or two a day because I
begin to get drained”, don’t go to that person. It’s the wrong person to see.

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Chapter 9: The Basic Polarity Session
When you begin to do a polarity session have the person wearing loose
comfortable clothes. It’s best if the room is warm and quiet and encourage
the person to breathe. This will get the life force flowing through their body.
This is Karen Jepsen who has kindly volunteered to be the recipient of a

polarity session. I’m going to show you how to do a complete session. As

she gets on the table, she has no shoes on, which is important. It is very
difficult to do a polarity session on somebody who is wearing shoes. You
will find out why in a few minutes.
The first thing to do when you are doing a polarity session is rub your hands
together and encourage the person on the table to start breathing. Would you
start breathing please. I hate it when they turn blue, it’s awful.

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The Cradle: I put my hands down, so the thumbs are just above the ears,
gently touching, fingers down the sides of the neck. I make myself

comfortable, so my position is comfortable. You may want to breathe too.

This is called the cradle position. It’s very comforting to the person
receiving the session. It often relieves nervousness, headaches and anxiety.
You can hold this position for a couple of minutes, sometimes longer. In
fact, if you feel like it, you can hold this for half an hour. If this was the
only thing you learned, it would just be wonderful. It’s great to do it for
friends. you will feel a flow of energy in your hands. As long as the flow is
moving in your hands, you know that it’s doing its job. My hands are barely

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The North Pole Stretch: If you look at the back of my head, as I press up
along the sides of the back of my head, you see there’s a ridge. You can feel
a ridge on the back of your own head. That is the occipital ridge.

I pressed up on that ridge on Karen. The way I got there was I turned her
head to the side and with my thumb and index finger, I placed it on the back
of the ridge, resting her head on my palm with my left hand barely touching

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her forehead. Make sure you are comfortable and pull straight back. They
relax and you do all the work. Use as much pressure as they are comfortable
with and see that they are still breathing. When your hand begins to tire, it’s
time to move on to the next move. Then I brought her head down gently, I
don’t like dropping it.
The Tummy Rock. Rub your hands, feel the energy. Find the hip bone,
it’s off here on the side. Come directly across from the hip bone on the
tummy and use light pressure on the forehead.

I pressed down just hard enough to get the tummy going back and forth. I
was on her right side, my left hand was above, my right hand was below, I
rocked, following the body’s momentum. Occasionally, you will find some
people who don’t rock easily. They are very stubborn about it; for some
reason the way they are built, it is very difficult to rock them. There are two
things you should try, first is to press down a little more deeply with the heel
of the hand and press forward. The other way to do it is to grab the other hip
and pull forward and rock. It’s a fabulous move to do if you’ve only have a
few minutes to do a session. Make sure the whole torso is rocking. It works
great on children at bedtime. If you only learn one move outside of the
cradle; this has got to be the one to know. The move actually begins when I
stop the rocking and I leave my hands in place. Now my hands are really
beginning to tingle. I want you to get the idea that it’s when you are doing
nothing, that the most happens. It’s when you are just being there and
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relaxing with the person. In a normal session, I would probably stay here
another two or three minutes.
The Feet: I’m going to show you everything on the right foot and then
after I’m done, when you work on the feet, you can just reverse your hands
and do everything that you saw on the left foot. All these moves will be

demonstrated on the right foot. The first move is called brushing off, and
it’s done to pull off the static energy. Brush down, shake off. This is like
non-directed static energy that just sits there.
Lean and Pull: I place the heel of the foot on my left palm, I take the ball
of my hand
and place it
against the
ball of the
foot and I
lean forward
with a fair
amount of

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Then I pull down, I take hold of the top of the foot. Take a look at the knee.
I bring the knee so it just comes up maybe one-half inch. I don’t want to put
any more
pressure on
that because I
don’t want to
hurt her knee.
This opens up
that whole
area. Repeat it
a few times.
You want to
make sure you
are not hurting
the person.

The Inside Heel Press: On the inside of the heel, you may find some very
tender areas. I’m going to support the heel with the fingers of my right hand.
I asked Karen,
“Is this tender
right there?”
“Yes.” “Is that
too much
“No, just the
right amount.”
“Okay, now
you breathe
Karen.” I’m
going to
support the top
of the foot
with my other
hand, while
I’m pressing with this amount of pressure. Hold a steady pressure. You don’t
want to massage this. I’m not going to demonstrate massaging because I
Copyright © 2009 Raphael Rettner D.C.All Rights Reserved.Page 20 www.chirovideocom
don’t want to see Karen jump off the table in pain. You are not usually
talking much during a session. It’s quiet. You want to make sure that your
nails are relatively short and don’t do this over a strong pulse. There is no
reason to work hard on blood vessels. This helps balance the whole lower
pelvic area. It’s great for menstrual cramps. You can do this when a woman
is in labor but don’t do this if a woman has just become pregnant. It could
actually induce labor prematurely and you don’t want to do that. It’s a
fabulous move. It works on men wonderfully too. It releases an enormous
amount of energy. “How painful is that at this point? “It feels very good.”
What often happens is that if you hold this position for a period of time, you
can go deeper and deeper, but you don’t want to massage it. You may
actually discover that there may be other tender spots. “Is that one tender
too?” “Yeah.” This can really be a zinger. You want to make sure that when
you work on these spaces that you are sensitive to the person’s feelings and
you don’t go in too hard.
Outside Heel Rotation: I come off to the side a little bit and put my thumb
on the same kind of area in here that we were working previously on the
inside of the foot, we are working on the outside. I support the foot on my
hand, press down with my thumb.

“Is this a tender spot Karen?” “No.” “How about there?” “Yeah.” So I found
one of these places, then I rotated the foot with this hand. Steady pressure
again with the fingers. If you find that you can’t rotate the foot, you are
going to want to move your body to a position where you can rotate it. This

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also a wonderful pelvic release position to work from. It’s a nice rotation
and opens up the energy.
The Toe Pull: Before you pull the toes just roll them a little bit in your
hands, to get the energy worked up a little bit. A person in one of my classes
called this a tootsie roll. Just roll them all with your fingers. Place the toe
over a finger, place the thumb down below where it connects to the toe, pull
straight back and shake it a little bit.

The shaking will vibrate all the way up to the head. Again, the toe goes over
the index finger, the thumb goes down below the toe, support it with this
hand, pull straight back and shake. It doesn’t matter if the toe doesn’t crack
or not. It’s not the issue. The issue is to pull. If the toes begin to slip, take a
sock and put it over the toe so that you can hold it more easily. When you
work all the toes, you get to the big toe, you don’t want to pull it quite as
hard. You don’t want to hurt the person. Don’t do this move if the person
has arthritis in their feet or a bad back condition.

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Knuckle Rubbing: I support my hand over the top of the foot and make a
fist and rub up the base of the foot.

“Is that too much pressure?” When you are doing something that might be a
bit painful, ask the person to breathe to help get the energy flowing. “Is there
any sore spot along the way here?” “Right in here maybe?” “Yeah.” “Is that
especially sore or some other spot?” “The heel is a bit sore, down in here?”
“Yes.” After you’ve discovered where a sore spot is, take a little extra time
and work it a little longer, a little more deeply there. Encourage the person to
breathe and relax and you work it.

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Flex Tendon Press: Take the heel of my hand and put it on the ball of her
foot, and when I do this, you may notice that there is a tendon that sticks out;
when I let it go the tendon disappears and when I do it, the tendon sticks out.
It’s nice and broad here so we can all see it. Pull the top of the foot back. It’s
not just the toes, it’s the ball of the foot that I’m pushing back. I support my
right hand over the top of the foot and so I can press into that tendon really
well. I am just massaging back and forth on the toes as I press in on the

“Is it tender down here low?” “Yes.” Pay attention to sore spots and work
them longer. Put the fingers of the right hand over the top of the foot, so you
have some leverage when you are pressing in with the thumb. You can work
this for awhile, it really opens up the energy. That’s what the flexed tendon
press looks like.

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Cuboid Rotation: There is a bone that protrudes on the outside of the foot
called the cuboid bone. I took my thumbs and pressed it on the bottom of the
foot, underneath the cuboid bone and then rotated the foot with both hands.

Stand at a 45 degree angle to the foot. In order to do this you want to be

comfortable and after you have done this move, you can do pretty much any
foot massage you want to do on the feet.
Windshield Wipers: I’ll show you an extra move that wasn’t in the book
that I came up with a little later. I really like this one a lot, when I finish both
feet. I call it windshield wipers. It’s a rocking move. Just follow the
momentum and
the speed that
the body wants
to turn and
wants to move
in. Just rock
like this for
awhile and
then after a
couple of
minutes, just
hold the feet
and let the
energy move.

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This is after you’ve done both feet.

Right and Left

Side Occipital
Press: We
come from the
feet back up to
the head to do a
right and left
side occipital
press. I‘ll show
you on this side
how it’s done.
Take the head
and turn it to
the side. Lift
the head
slightly, using the middle finger and find the occipital ridge. Put steady
pressure on top of the ridge with your left middle finger and very gently
touch the forehead with your right hand. Is that too much pressure? “It’s
Good.” “Okay.” Some people will need a great deal of pressure in this
position and some people will do fine with just a little pressure. It depends
on the person. The head is tilted off to about a 45 degree angle, then you just
apply steady pressure. Then you turn the head and do the same thing from
the other side. I’m not really pressing with my left hand on the forehead
now. It’s just a very light touch just to support the head in this position.

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The Hand: I came back down to the hand. I worked on the right hand. With
my right hand on her right hand, I pressed in on the thumb webbing. I
support the left elbow with the fingers of my right hand. There’s a spot one
inch down from the crease in the elbow about an inch in there’s a muscle
right about there. You’ll be pressing on that spot. You’ll support the elbow
with your fingers and press on this spot.

Is that a tender spot here? Yes. Okay, and this spot here is tender as well? I
went back and forth massaging one and massaging the other.
The Fingers: While I am here, I’ll work on the fingers. It’s an interesting
kind of grip on the fingers. I take her baby finger and I put it between my
index finger and
middle finger
and grip it.

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Then I lift the arm up, just holding here and push straight back with this
hand. Again, you don’t want to do this when someone has arthritis in their
fingers. There’s no reason to hurt anyone with any of these moves.

They’re all very gentle. So I just extend the arm. I don’t want you helping
me. I want your arm to be relaxed. That’s why I shake your finger to make
sure that you’re relaxed and that you are not helping me. That way I can
pull it nicely. After you have done this move, you go to their left side and
you do the other arm and the fingers.

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Solar Plexus and Collarbone Stimulation: The collarbone is on both
sides. This is the principle where because you are working the centerline of
the body with the right hand, you’ll have the left hand on both sides. Press
into the collarbone and rock the body with my left thumb.

Most of the pressure is with my left thumb and the right hand is just
continuing to rock. I will hold it here and then I will move down the
collarbone a little further, over to here and continue along the side, then
come on over to the side over here to the other side of the collarbone, down
further, all the way across. The pressure is with the left hand, not with the
right. And then when I stop I work any tender spots. You will want to spend
extra time on tender spots. Whenever you are doing a rocking move, always
want to stop the rocking and then just leave your hands in place for awhile.
Take a corresponding spot on the other side as well. Now just stop the
rocking and feel the energy move. Again, it’s often when you are doing the
least, the most seems to happen. Just let the energy go. I might hold this
another two minutes or so just because I’m feeling a lot of energy moving
between my hands. Rock it again and stop and let the energy surge again.
You can often rock a second time too if you want to and then stop again and
let the energy move. I’m going to come back down towards the feet. We’ve
opened up the major areas of blockage of the body; the head, the hands and
the feet.

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Finishing Moves: These are polarizing moves. This one’s a hand and foot
move. I just hold the hand and foot, but notice what I am doing. My right
hand is holding her left foot. My left hand is holding her right hand and I
encourage her to breathe again.

It is very helpful when you breathe. After I’ve held this for a few minutes, I
went over to the other side and held her left hand and right foot. Again, left
to right and right to left.
Hip and Shoulder Hold: It’s a rock move as well. Take the right hand and
put it over to the left hip here and the left hand is on the right shoulder.

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Just pull forward with the right hand, I’m not rocking with the left hand at
all. You could do this perhaps one to five minutes. It’s a real nice move. I
had a friend who came home really tired and I just did a couple of these
moves for about five minutes. It put her right to sleep. She woke up in about
15 minutes revitalized and ready to have fun again. After you do any rocking
move, stop and let the move begin. I like to think that these moves begin
when you stop the rocking. I am going to demonstrate doing nothing, How
about that?
Forehead and Navel: I can sense there is an indentation right about there.
I assume that’s your navel. I rubbed my hands together, I made a bit of a fist
with each hand and I came down and barely touched just slightly below the
navel. I don’t touch above the forehead.

Now, this often puts people right to sleep or they may see colors. You want
to make sure that you are comfortable while you are doing this move,
because it can get tiring after awhile. If you had any doubts about the
existence of the energy, a person usually feels it right above their forehead;
it’s not all that subtle. While I’m here at the head, I might hold this a little
while longer also if it was a regular session.

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I’m going to come up to the head again and do what’s called a crown
spread, it’s not a margarine. You don’t touch the person at all except
perhaps her hair a little bit. My thumbs go down by the crown of the head.
My fingers spread out evenly over the sides of the frontal bone and I just
hold this position.

I shake my hands out a little bit and then finish off the move.

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Roll over on your left side. Bring your knees up a little bit, it will make you
feel more comfortable. I usually put a small pillow under the person’s head.
I put my left hand at the back of her neck and my right hand near the base of
her spine and gently rock forward with my right hand, creating this very
gentle rocking motion. I call it spinal charging. The person is on her left
side, my left hand is up at the back of the neck, my right hand is below.
Rock for awhile
and then after I
have rocked
long enough, I
just stop and do
nothing for

Boy, it’s fun doing this stuff. I let the person relax and stay on the table. I
shake my hands off and then go rinse them in cold water. I offered Karen a
glass of water to help cleanse whatever comes up from the session. Now that
the session is over and Karen has rested awhile, I’ll have her get up off the
table. You may
see a little bit of
difference in her
color and
Usually people
look a lot more
relaxed and
“Thank you so
much Karen.”
“Thank you,
that was
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Chapter 10: Applying Polarity to Chiropractic Practice

My name is Dr. Rettner, I am a chiropractor in Berkeley, California. We are

going to show you how can apply polarity therapy to a chiropractic practice.
The Cradle: and that can be used for whiplash. After someone just had a
car accident, they have a lot of stress and tension located in the suboccipital
muscles. Take your fingers and put them under the occiput on both sides and
then feel for tension.

Feel for which of your fingers has the most muscle tension, hold the others
very, very lightly and just put a little more pressure on the one with the most
muscle tension. Wait until it pulses and releases and then go on to the next
one, which will be somewhere else on the skull. Just wait for that to release
and then find the next area. Just keep going until all the different muscle
fibers have released and you’ll be very deep into the occiput right near the
atlas at that time.

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Another area of application would be if someone had a liver problem, you
could place your right hand on the liver and then just put the left hand on the
forehead, just move the energy up. Then you can rock a little and then hold

Applied Kinesiology: can also used with polarity therapy. The way you do
that is by muscle testing. Test the deltoid muscle. Just push straight down
and resist, hold. The muscle is strong. Then ask the patient to bend her
knees. It makes it easier to test the toes.

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Toe Testing-Then we test the toes. Each toe represents a different polarity
element. The small toe represents the earth element. The earth toe
represents the neck, bowels and knees.

The next toe over represents the water element. The water toe represents
chest, pelvis and feet.
The middle toe represents the fire element. The fire toe represents eyes,
solar plexus and thighs.
The fourth toe represents the air element. The air toe represents shoulders,
kidneys and ankles.
and the largest toe represents the ether element. The ether element
represents the different chakras or emotional centers of your body.
You can muscle test all four toes at once eg. on the left foot. If it goes weak,
we know that there is an imbalance on the left side of the body. We can test
each individual toe. We just find the water toe going weak. Now we can test
each individual aspect of the water toe. Test the reflexes for the chest, pelvis
and feet. The pelvis part goes weak, that means we have a water element
imbalance on the left side, somewhere in the psoas muscle along this line.
The other thing you want to test is how to move the energy. Brush the
energy up, test, strong, brush down, goes weak. That means we want to
move the energy up the body.

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Next we did the toe pull. This is a very powerful technique to pull on the
toes because it releases a tremendous amount of energy. Just gradually,
gently move the toe.

Instruct your patient to breathe in and out. Just bend the toe towards the foot
until you feel a pulsing. With the other hand put it right on the pelvis. There
should be a sore spot right around there on the pelvis.

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Then we want to just rotate the toe and move the energy up. Now we feel a
pulsing, and then we can move up to the chest.

There’s a sore spot on the chest. Use a positive finger on the lower and a
negative finger on the upper contact. The middle finger is positive and the
ones surrounding it are negative. Now they’re all pulsing, then brush up,
when we are done. Retesting with a muscle test on the water toe and then in
the middle digit.
Then we can test the right foot. All the toes test strong except the ether toe
tested weak. That means there was a chakra is out of balance. Then we
tested each individual chakra. We found the sixth chakra out of balance.

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You can fix that by just making circles. We can test it. It went strong when I
went clockwise. Just do that about five or six times and now that’s balanced.
Again we test the ether toe down here and that fixed it.
Each toe represents a different area of the body. For the earth toe, the neck
would be around the third cervical, the bowels would be the ileocecal valve
and the knees would be the lateral meniscus in the knee. For the water toe,
the chest area would be the pectoralis major muscle, the pelvis would be in
the psoas muscle and the feet would be just a general foot contact here. The
fire element would be eyes, would be just under the orbits here, solar plexus
in this general region at the gallbladder or the splenic flexure. And then the
air toe would be shoulders. That could be a first rib subluxation. Kidney
could be a ptosed kidney or dropped kidney and the ankles would be a tallus
subluxation. These are very useful for your diagnosis as well as energy
balancing. You can detect many different problems with this.
If you did not have much time and still wanted to give the polarity session.
You could test the element the way we just did on testing the arm and the
toe, and if we found it going weak, we could then use. First test the toe. It
would went weak. Then we placed the Bach flower remedies on the body,
tested the individual remedies and then we would find the one remedy that
would cancel the challenge. These are the Bach remedies in a test kit. Test
the arm, it’s strong, test the toe, it will go weak, then test each section of
remedies. Then we would find the one remedy. This remedy here, Star of
Bethlehem, is the one that would cancel the challenge, place that on the
body, then retest the toe, hold and that’s strong, so this is the remedy that
would balance the polarity element.

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In addition to the five elements we have the five and six-pointed star which
we can test by testing for a five-pointed star imbalance

and for a six-pointed star imbalance.

Again, we can test the remedies, hold, and this particular one Star of
Bethlehem fixes Karen’s five-pointed star imbalance as well.

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Energy flows can also be tested.
Centripetal Force: I tested it by making a counter clockwise spiral motion
and testing the arm. It went weak. I retested it by making a clockwise spiral
motion and tested the arm again and the arm was strong. You can correct it
by moving in a clockwise spiral motion with your hand.

Transverse Force: that runs across the body. You can test it from left to
right and right to left. Correct it by moving the energy in the direction that
strengthens the muscle test.

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You can use muscle testing to speed up your polarity treatments,
as well as to locate specific problems. Thank you.

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