Raphael Rettner - Your Healing Hands - The Polarity Experience
Raphael Rettner - Your Healing Hands - The Polarity Experience
Raphael Rettner - Your Healing Hands - The Polarity Experience
Version 1.00
April, 2009
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Chapter 6: Resonance.........................................................................................12
Conclusion:.......................................................................................................... 42
What we rely on is the body’s own innate intelligence to decide what to do with
that energy and where it should go. It’s very easy to experience. I want to give
you a demonstration right now. You at home and you in the audience, rub your
hands together for a moment. Hold your hands a few inches apart and bring
them back and see what you feel. See if you can feel a vibrating or a tingling
sensation between your hands. One of you come up here. Put one of your hands
between mine. What I noticed is that as I pass over a certain part of the hand, the
tingling increases. I’m going to point out where that is. Do you feel it right there?
Yes. that’s the spot. When you are working with the energy of another person,
the place where I feel the tingling most strongly that vibration corresponds to
where the other person is feeling that sensation. During a session that
experience of tingling may increase fifty or hundredfold from what we are
experiencing in our hands. You will actually feel surges of energy passing
between you and the other person.
Take about 10 deep breaths and sigh with the exhalation. I get the energy
going. I put my hand behind the back of the head. My left hand about one-
half inch away. I have my right hand at the back of the neck and my left
hand a couple of inches away from the forehead. I’m just going to to relax
and feel the tingling and the vibrating. I want you to sigh on exhalation.
Even though she doesn’t have a headache, as soon as she started relaxing, I
could feel the tingling go on. That’s a very common experience. You may
not feel the tingling until the person starts relaxing. You leave your hands in
place as long as the tingling and the vibrations are very strong; from two to
five minutes. When the tingling seems to subside a bit, you can stop. Most
times the headache will be relieved. Not always, sometimes there are deeper
headaches, like migraines.
One time there was an M.D. who used to call me into his office to help take
away all the migraines from his patients. I worked in his office for about
three months. I used to come in about three times a week, working on three
or four patients a day. I did a general polarity session that is used for various
types of ailments. I didn’t know how long it was going to take to release the
migraines. I just kept doing a general session until they told me that the
headache was gone. That was my secret; I didn’t stop until the headache
was relieved, so we had 100% success with those headaches.
When you are done doing this or a regular polarity session, your hands may
feel thick and heavy. So shake off your hands, and rinse them in cold water.
It’s like a static energy that goes around the hands and they may feel a bit
thick and full. I have heard of a couple of cases where people have actually
picked up headaches. Not to worry about it, it doesn’t really matter that your
hands feel thick and heavy, just shake them off and rinse them in cold water
and you’ll just do fine.
What kind of results can you expect? That’s always a really interesting
question. What I have found is that the more profound the need of the person
is, the the more profound the results seem to be. I have worked with a lot of
students who would give each other sessions in the classes, and I would try
to explain to them, “You have no idea what you are learning.” People say
“yeah I do, it makes me feel pretty good.” I said but you have no idea what
this is. The point was that not until you start working with people who are
really in need do you start discovering how the life force is able to go
through the body and do what is needed for the body.
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The last way to protect yourself that I mentioned previously is to wash your
hands in cool water. You will notice this feels incredibly refreshing because your
hands may feel like they have thick gloves on. If you do those things, you really
don’t have to worry about protection very much.
I pressed up on that ridge on Karen. The way I got there was I turned her
head to the side and with my thumb and index finger, I placed it on the back
of the ridge, resting her head on my palm with my left hand barely touching
I pressed down just hard enough to get the tummy going back and forth. I
was on her right side, my left hand was above, my right hand was below, I
rocked, following the body’s momentum. Occasionally, you will find some
people who don’t rock easily. They are very stubborn about it; for some
reason the way they are built, it is very difficult to rock them. There are two
things you should try, first is to press down a little more deeply with the heel
of the hand and press forward. The other way to do it is to grab the other hip
and pull forward and rock. It’s a fabulous move to do if you’ve only have a
few minutes to do a session. Make sure the whole torso is rocking. It works
great on children at bedtime. If you only learn one move outside of the
cradle; this has got to be the one to know. The move actually begins when I
stop the rocking and I leave my hands in place. Now my hands are really
beginning to tingle. I want you to get the idea that it’s when you are doing
nothing, that the most happens. It’s when you are just being there and
Copyright © 2009 Raphael Rettner D.C.All Rights Reserved.Page 18 www.chirovideocom
relaxing with the person. In a normal session, I would probably stay here
another two or three minutes.
The Feet: I’m going to show you everything on the right foot and then
after I’m done, when you work on the feet, you can just reverse your hands
and do everything that you saw on the left foot. All these moves will be
demonstrated on the right foot. The first move is called brushing off, and
it’s done to pull off the static energy. Brush down, shake off. This is like
non-directed static energy that just sits there.
Lean and Pull: I place the heel of the foot on my left palm, I take the ball
of my hand
and place it
against the
ball of the
foot and I
lean forward
with a fair
amount of
The Inside Heel Press: On the inside of the heel, you may find some very
tender areas. I’m going to support the heel with the fingers of my right hand.
I asked Karen,
“Is this tender
right there?”
“Yes.” “Is that
too much
“No, just the
right amount.”
“Okay, now
you breathe
Karen.” I’m
going to
support the top
of the foot
with my other
hand, while
I’m pressing with this amount of pressure. Hold a steady pressure. You don’t
want to massage this. I’m not going to demonstrate massaging because I
Copyright © 2009 Raphael Rettner D.C.All Rights Reserved.Page 20 www.chirovideocom
don’t want to see Karen jump off the table in pain. You are not usually
talking much during a session. It’s quiet. You want to make sure that your
nails are relatively short and don’t do this over a strong pulse. There is no
reason to work hard on blood vessels. This helps balance the whole lower
pelvic area. It’s great for menstrual cramps. You can do this when a woman
is in labor but don’t do this if a woman has just become pregnant. It could
actually induce labor prematurely and you don’t want to do that. It’s a
fabulous move. It works on men wonderfully too. It releases an enormous
amount of energy. “How painful is that at this point? “It feels very good.”
What often happens is that if you hold this position for a period of time, you
can go deeper and deeper, but you don’t want to massage it. You may
actually discover that there may be other tender spots. “Is that one tender
too?” “Yeah.” This can really be a zinger. You want to make sure that when
you work on these spaces that you are sensitive to the person’s feelings and
you don’t go in too hard.
Outside Heel Rotation: I come off to the side a little bit and put my thumb
on the same kind of area in here that we were working previously on the
inside of the foot, we are working on the outside. I support the foot on my
hand, press down with my thumb.
“Is this a tender spot Karen?” “No.” “How about there?” “Yeah.” So I found
one of these places, then I rotated the foot with this hand. Steady pressure
again with the fingers. If you find that you can’t rotate the foot, you are
going to want to move your body to a position where you can rotate it. This
The shaking will vibrate all the way up to the head. Again, the toe goes over
the index finger, the thumb goes down below the toe, support it with this
hand, pull straight back and shake. It doesn’t matter if the toe doesn’t crack
or not. It’s not the issue. The issue is to pull. If the toes begin to slip, take a
sock and put it over the toe so that you can hold it more easily. When you
work all the toes, you get to the big toe, you don’t want to pull it quite as
hard. You don’t want to hurt the person. Don’t do this move if the person
has arthritis in their feet or a bad back condition.
“Is that too much pressure?” When you are doing something that might be a
bit painful, ask the person to breathe to help get the energy flowing. “Is there
any sore spot along the way here?” “Right in here maybe?” “Yeah.” “Is that
especially sore or some other spot?” “The heel is a bit sore, down in here?”
“Yes.” After you’ve discovered where a sore spot is, take a little extra time
and work it a little longer, a little more deeply there. Encourage the person to
breathe and relax and you work it.
“Is it tender down here low?” “Yes.” Pay attention to sore spots and work
them longer. Put the fingers of the right hand over the top of the foot, so you
have some leverage when you are pressing in with the thumb. You can work
this for awhile, it really opens up the energy. That’s what the flexed tendon
press looks like.
Is that a tender spot here? Yes. Okay, and this spot here is tender as well? I
went back and forth massaging one and massaging the other.
The Fingers: While I am here, I’ll work on the fingers. It’s an interesting
kind of grip on the fingers. I take her baby finger and I put it between my
index finger and
middle finger
and grip it.
They’re all very gentle. So I just extend the arm. I don’t want you helping
me. I want your arm to be relaxed. That’s why I shake your finger to make
sure that you’re relaxed and that you are not helping me. That way I can
pull it nicely. After you have done this move, you go to their left side and
you do the other arm and the fingers.
Most of the pressure is with my left thumb and the right hand is just
continuing to rock. I will hold it here and then I will move down the
collarbone a little further, over to here and continue along the side, then
come on over to the side over here to the other side of the collarbone, down
further, all the way across. The pressure is with the left hand, not with the
right. And then when I stop I work any tender spots. You will want to spend
extra time on tender spots. Whenever you are doing a rocking move, always
want to stop the rocking and then just leave your hands in place for awhile.
Take a corresponding spot on the other side as well. Now just stop the
rocking and feel the energy move. Again, it’s often when you are doing the
least, the most seems to happen. Just let the energy go. I might hold this
another two minutes or so just because I’m feeling a lot of energy moving
between my hands. Rock it again and stop and let the energy surge again.
You can often rock a second time too if you want to and then stop again and
let the energy move. I’m going to come back down towards the feet. We’ve
opened up the major areas of blockage of the body; the head, the hands and
the feet.
It is very helpful when you breathe. After I’ve held this for a few minutes, I
went over to the other side and held her left hand and right foot. Again, left
to right and right to left.
Hip and Shoulder Hold: It’s a rock move as well. Take the right hand and
put it over to the left hip here and the left hand is on the right shoulder.
Now, this often puts people right to sleep or they may see colors. You want
to make sure that you are comfortable while you are doing this move,
because it can get tiring after awhile. If you had any doubts about the
existence of the energy, a person usually feels it right above their forehead;
it’s not all that subtle. While I’m here at the head, I might hold this a little
while longer also if it was a regular session.
I shake my hands out a little bit and then finish off the move.
Boy, it’s fun doing this stuff. I let the person relax and stay on the table. I
shake my hands off and then go rinse them in cold water. I offered Karen a
glass of water to help cleanse whatever comes up from the session. Now that
the session is over and Karen has rested awhile, I’ll have her get up off the
table. You may
see a little bit of
difference in her
color and
Usually people
look a lot more
relaxed and
“Thank you so
much Karen.”
“Thank you,
that was
Copyright © 2009 Raphael Rettner D.C.All Rights Reserved.Page 33 www.chirovideocom
Chapter 10: Applying Polarity to Chiropractic Practice
Feel for which of your fingers has the most muscle tension, hold the others
very, very lightly and just put a little more pressure on the one with the most
muscle tension. Wait until it pulses and releases and then go on to the next
one, which will be somewhere else on the skull. Just wait for that to release
and then find the next area. Just keep going until all the different muscle
fibers have released and you’ll be very deep into the occiput right near the
atlas at that time.
Applied Kinesiology: can also used with polarity therapy. The way you do
that is by muscle testing. Test the deltoid muscle. Just push straight down
and resist, hold. The muscle is strong. Then ask the patient to bend her
knees. It makes it easier to test the toes.
The next toe over represents the water element. The water toe represents
chest, pelvis and feet.
The middle toe represents the fire element. The fire toe represents eyes,
solar plexus and thighs.
The fourth toe represents the air element. The air toe represents shoulders,
kidneys and ankles.
and the largest toe represents the ether element. The ether element
represents the different chakras or emotional centers of your body.
You can muscle test all four toes at once eg. on the left foot. If it goes weak,
we know that there is an imbalance on the left side of the body. We can test
each individual toe. We just find the water toe going weak. Now we can test
each individual aspect of the water toe. Test the reflexes for the chest, pelvis
and feet. The pelvis part goes weak, that means we have a water element
imbalance on the left side, somewhere in the psoas muscle along this line.
The other thing you want to test is how to move the energy. Brush the
energy up, test, strong, brush down, goes weak. That means we want to
move the energy up the body.
Instruct your patient to breathe in and out. Just bend the toe towards the foot
until you feel a pulsing. With the other hand put it right on the pelvis. There
should be a sore spot right around there on the pelvis.
There’s a sore spot on the chest. Use a positive finger on the lower and a
negative finger on the upper contact. The middle finger is positive and the
ones surrounding it are negative. Now they’re all pulsing, then brush up,
when we are done. Retesting with a muscle test on the water toe and then in
the middle digit.
Then we can test the right foot. All the toes test strong except the ether toe
tested weak. That means there was a chakra is out of balance. Then we
tested each individual chakra. We found the sixth chakra out of balance.
Again, we can test the remedies, hold, and this particular one Star of
Bethlehem fixes Karen’s five-pointed star imbalance as well.
Transverse Force: that runs across the body. You can test it from left to
right and right to left. Correct it by moving the energy in the direction that
strengthens the muscle test.