Sinda: Advanced Thermal Simulation
Sinda: Advanced Thermal Simulation
Sinda: Advanced Thermal Simulation
Sinda TM
Overview Capabilities
Sinda is a world class advanced thermal analyzer with a proven track record in the aerospace • Use an intuitive RC network approach to build
and high tech arenas. Sinda technology is well suited to solve large thermal problems that may thermal models
include various material and boundary condition nonlinearities. Iterative schemes make Sinda • Set up advanced thermal problems involving
more efficient in time and memory requirements than traditional finite element solvers. With nonlinear materials, radiation, and other complex
industry proven efficient solver technology, users can simulate complex thermal models that boundary conditions
may include conduction, convection, advection and radiation along with thermal contacts. • Integrate with a variety of pre-post processors
and radiation codes to utilize existing models,
Sinda goes beyond other generic thermal solvers; it is a thermal programming language allowing
reduce learning time, and increase total project
you to continuously add customized capabilities to your thermal model. Any degree of logic from
simple convection equations to entire subroutines can be added to your Sinda model. In addition,
parameters, loads, and materials can be changed “on the fly” from various user interfaces. • Provide unique programming logic to analyze
any number of “what-if” situations
• Easily set up parametric analysis such as
sensitivity, optimization, and test correlation
Thermal Studio Office Toolkit - Visio to increase understanding of thermal
consequences to design changes
• Use a proven tool in the aerospace and
TextEditor Office Toolkit - Excel
high tech industries with a quarter century
track record
• Select from 25 steady state and transient solvers
to converge almost any solution
quickly and accurately
• 64-bit version that not only has more precision
Sinda Thermal Analyzer with computations, but improved memory usage
and can run much larger models
• Includes Thermal Studio; a Windows based GUI
for creating and running models and reviewing
the results in tabular reports of
x-y plots
• Integrate into Patran, THERMICA, Visio or Excel
SimXpert Patran
Advanced Features
• Thermostat heater/cooler models for on/off, proportional and PID controllers
• Ability to add Thermal Electric Devices (TED’s)
• Phase change modeling of thermal storage and anit-icing simulation
• Ablation conductors for simplified modeling of ablative materials
• Numerous mathematical routines for interpolation, extrapolation and manipulation of tabular data
• Database containing thermal model data, heat flows and temperature data for interactive viewing after model runs
• Database for model and results data is based on an open source model, thus allowing easy access from
public domain viewers and programming of API’s in many languages
Sinda Models
Overwrite a
result or save
multiple results
from a model
System Requirements
• Windows 7 or XP either 32 or 64 bit
• 4 GB RAM minimum and 500 MB disk space