Power Transformers Principles and Application
Power Transformers Principles and Application
Power Transformers Principles and Application
Principles and Applications
Marcel Dekker, Inc.
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Power engineering is the oldest and most traditional of the various areas within
electrical engineering, yet no other facet of modern technology is currently
experiencing a greater transformation or seeing more attention and interest
from the public and government. But while public concern and political deci-
sions about de-regulation and energy trading may reshape the electric utility
industry’s manner of doing business, its future like its past rests on the capabil-
ity of its transmission and distribution systems to convey safe, reliable, and
economical electric power to homes, businesses, and factories. Nothing is
more essential to this performance than the transformer, which enables modern
power and industrial systems to function.
I am particularly delighted to see this latest addition to Marcel Dekker’s
Power Engineering series. Power Transformers: Principles and Applications
is a comprehensive compendium of theory and practices for electric power
transformers. This book provides a concise but thorough treatment of basic
transformer theory, its application to various types of transformer designs and
their application in utility and industrial power systems. Its easy to read style
and linear organization make it particularly suitable as a tutorial for those who
need to learn the material independently, outside of the classroom, or as a text
H. Lee Willis
This book is based on notes for the Transformer Applications Course offered
by the Center for Power System Study at Lehigh University. The key word
in both the title of that course and the title of this book is applications. The
material presented in the following chapters was obtained from various
sources: textbooks, industry standards, and established utility practices and
procedures. Much of this material also comes from my personal files relating
to actual events and case studies that were observed during my career in the
utility industry spanning 30 years.
There are many kinds of transformers, and all share the same set of
fundamental operating principles. Since this book focuses on power transform-
ers, it is fair to ask, ‘‘What exactly is a power transformer?’’ By definition,
a power transformer is a transformer which transfers electric energy in any
part of the circuit between the generator and the distribution primary circuits.*
This definition of power transformer in the IEEE standard appears under the
* IEEE Std. C57.12.80-1978. IEEE Standard Terminology for Power and Distribution Transform-
ers. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 1978, New York, p. 8.
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The Y-Y Connection in Three-Phase Systems
2.3 Advantages of the Y-Y Connection
2.4 Disadvantages of the Y-Y Connection
2.5 The Y-∆ Connection and the ∆-Y Connection
2.6 Phase Angle Displacement and Phase Rotation
2.7 The Y-∆ Grounding Bank
2.8 The Zigzag Connection
2.9 Comparisons of Economy of the Different Winding
2.10 Trade-Off Between Steel and Copper in the Design of a
2.11 Connecting Three-Phase Banks Using Single-Phase
2.12 Transforming Three-Phase Voltages into Two-Phase
2.13 The Scott Transformer Connection
2.14 Three-Phase Transformer Designs
2.15 Standard Terminal Markings for Transformers
6 Ancillary Equipment
6.1 Bushings
6.2 Oil Preservation Systems
6.3 Cooling Equipment
6.4 Temperature, Oil Level, and Pressure Gauges
6.5 Tap-Changing Equipment
6.6 Load Tap Changers
6.7 Voltage Regulating Transformers
6.8 Tap Changer Automatic Controls
6.9 Variable Phase Shifting Transformers
MKS: ampere-turn
cgs: gilbert
1 Gb ! 0.4π amp-turn
MKS: weber
cgs: maxwell
1 Ma ! 1 line ! 10 "8 Wb
MKS: tesla
cgs: gauss
1G! 10 "4 T
1T! 1 Wb/m 2
MKS: amp-turns/meter
cgs: oersted
1 Oe ! (250/π) amp-turns/m
! B ⋅ dl ! i # µ 0 (1.3.1)
! B ⋅ dl ! B # 2πr (1.3.2)
φ! ! B ⋅ dA (1.4.1)
φ ! flux, Wb
dA ! incremental surface area, m 2
If the total flux is changing over time, there is an induced voltage E
around the closed path surrounding φ. The value E in volts is equal to "dφ/
dt, where the direction of E is in the right-hand sense. Figure 1.2 illustrates
this principle of magnetic induction. If the magnitude of B is decreasing, then
dφ/dt will be in the downward direction, and E will be in the positive in the
right-hand sense around the closed loop that encircles φ.
Example 1.2
In the magnetic circuit shown in Figure 1.6, the coil has 100 turns and carries
10 A. The relative permeability of the yoke is 10,000. The lengths of the
segments along the mean magnetic path are as follows:
Segments a-b and e-f ! 10 cm
Segments b-c and d-e ! 4 cm
Segment f-a ! 9 cm
Air gap ! 1 cm
The cross-sectional area of all segments is 4 cm 2. Find the flux φ and the flux
density B.
" #
0.1252 Wb 0.0004 m 2
F! # ! 2.49 N
m2 2 # 4π # 10 "7 A 2 /J
value. This core material saturates at approximately %1.5 Wb/m 2 (%1.5 T),
which is a typical saturation value for materials used in power transformers.
The magnitude of H increases greatly when the core goes into saturation,
meaning that the peak magnetizing current increases dramatically. Again, the
width of the B-H loop becomes narrower at frequencies below 60 Hz for a
given peak amplitude of flux.
wire wound around core, including the coil carrying the magnetizing current.
The voltage across the entire coil E is simply the volts per turn times the
number of turns.
E ! "N # (1.8.2)
The minus sign indicates that the induced voltage tends to oppose the direction
of the current flow. The energy supplied to the coil from the electrical circuit
W is found by integrating the magnitude of the power supplied to the coil
over time. Since the power is equal to the voltage across the coil times the
current in the coil, and ignoring the electrical resistance of the coil,
W! ! E # i dt ! ! N # dφdt # i dt ! ! N # i dφ J (1.8.3)
Suppose the core has a mean length equal to l, and assume the core has
a uniform cross-sectional area equal to A.
N#i!H#l (1.8.4)
In the MKS system with a periodically changing current, the energy delivered
to the coil over each complete cycle is equal to the physical volume of the
core material times the area contained in the B-H loop. The energy supplied
to the coil is called hysteresis loss, which dissipates as heat in the core. It
results from a kind of ‘‘friction’’ that occurs when the magnetic domains of
the core material realign every half-cycle.
Example 1.3
A magnetic core has a uniform cross-sectional area and a total volume of 1
m 3. Given the graph of a 60 Hz B-H curve, as shown in Figure 1.9, estimate
the total hysteresis losses in watts for this core.
Example 1.4
Suppose a coil having 100 turns is wound on a core with a uniform cross-
sectional area of 0.25 m 2 and a mean path length of 4 m. Using the 60 Hz
hysteresis curve shown in Figure 1.9, what is the sinusoidal voltage that is
required to excite the core to the level shown in the figure, and what is the
peak magnetizing current?
From the B-H curve in Figure 1.9, the peak value of H is around 125
amp-turns/m and the peak value of B is around 1.5 Wb/m 2. The MMF is
found by multiplying H by the mean core length:
The root mean square (RMS) voltage is found by multiplying the magni-
tude of E times 0.707:
The apparent power supplied to the coil is the RMS voltage times the RMS
current. If the magnetizing current were purely sinusoidal, then i RMS ! 5 #
0.707 A ! 3.535 A and the apparent power would be 9995 # 3.535 ! 35.332
KVA. Remembering that the hysteresis losses found in Example 1.3 were
13.5 kW, the power factor of the load supplied to the coil is around 38%.
In reality, however, the magnetizing current cannot be assumed to be purely
sinusoidal, as will be seen in the next section.
FIGURE 1.10 Developing the plot of magnetizing current from a B-H curve.
The predominant harmonic is the third (180 Hz), although the higher-
order harmonics are strong enough to cause telephone interference problems
in circuits in proximity to power lines. The presence of third harmonics in an
electric power system can also cause equipment to overheat and produce volt-
age distortion. The isolation of third harmonics is an important design consid-
eration in transformers. Techniques to accomplish this are covered in later
still follows the grain of each of the segments. Figure 1.12 depicts a corner
overlap using core sections with 45° mitered edges. The grain of the steel
is oriented along the length of the laminations in the horizontal and vertical
directions. The flux is at a 45° angle to the grain at the mitered edges. Alternate
layers are cut into slightly different lengths and their corners have slightly
different shapes. The modern multistep layer method uses up to five layers of
differently shaped sections. This method is illustrated in Figure 1.13 with the
first three layers exploded to show the stacking sequence.
The cross section of a transformer core can either be square or rectangu-
lar; however, a round shape is used in most large transformers of the so-called
core form design, where the coils have a round cross section. With a round core
within round coils, the use of space and materials is more efficient. Attaining a
round cross section with thin steel laminations is not that difficult, although
this complicates the design. The design engineer is usually content with ap-
proximating a circular core, as shown schematically in Figure 1.14. Note that
the actual laminations are too thin to show individually. The empty spaces
between the core and the circular coil are filled with wooden dowels or other
spacer materials to improve the mechanical strength of the transformer. Chap-
ter 5 will include a discussion of the mechanical forces that occur under fault
Ep E
! s (1.12.1)
Np Ns
Ep Np
! (1.12.2)
Es Ns
Equation (1.12.2) is the first transformer law. The ratio N p /N s is called the
transformer turns ratio, or TTR. Now suppose a load resistance is connected
to the secondary coil, as shown in the Figure 1.16. The arrows indicate the
directions of the primary and secondary currents. The secondary voltage
causes current in the secondary to flow in a direction that always tends to
cancel flux in the core. This tendency to cancel flux reduces the induced volt-
ages in both the primary and secondary coils. With a reduction in the induced
voltage in the primary, the applied voltage across the primary winding in-
creases the primary current to restore the flux to its original value. Equilibrium
is established when the total MMF is just sufficient to induce a voltage equal
to the voltage applied across the primary coil. This is equal to the magnetizing
mary and secondary windings are always mounted in close proximity to each
other in order to maximize the mutual coupling between the windings and
thereby increase the overall efficiency. Figure 1.17 illustrates part of a two-
winding core form transformer as a cut away view from the side and the end.
This configuration has one set of low-voltage and high-voltage windings
mounted over a vertical core leg. Note that the core leg and the top and bottom
core yokes are stepped to approximate a circular cross section. The laminations
are too thin to be seen individually in the edge view. By convention, the HV
winding is usually called the primary and the LV winding is called the second-
ary; however, either the HV or the LV winding can be the input winding.
So far, we have discussed the relationships between voltages and cur-
rents for only one pair of primary and secondary windings. In Chapter 2 we
will discuss the various. winding connections and transformer configurations
with multiple sets of windings used in three-phase and two-phase systems.
Example 1.5
A two-winding transformer has a primary winding with 208 turns and a sec-
ondary winding with 6 turns. The primary winding is connected to a 4160V
system. What is the secondary voltage at no load? What is the current in the
primary winding with a 50-amp load connected to the secondary winding?
What is the apparent power flowing in the primary and secondary circuits?
1. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. IEEE Standard Dictionary
of Electrical and Electronics Terms, IEEE Std. 100-1972.)
2. R. L. Bean, N. Chackan, Jr., H. R. Moore, and E. C. Wentz. Transformers for the
Electric Power Industry. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1959, p. 97.
Modern electrical systems are almost exclusively three-phase systems, not-
withstanding the many miles of distribution circuits that are configured as
single-phase taps off of these systems. In addition, there still exist remnants
of two-phase systems (typically in mining operations) that were fairly common
years ago. When two polyphase systems have different voltages and/or phase
angles, these systems can be interconnected using transformers having various
possible types of connections. Any one of these connections can be accom-
plished either with a bank of single-phase transformers or by a single poly-
phase transformer. As we shall see in this chapter, it is in fact possible to
interconnect two polyphase systems having a different number of phases using
special transformer connections.
A single-phase two-winding transformer is nothing more than a primary
and a secondary winding wound around the same magnetic core. Single-phase
two-winding transformers can be used in either single-phase circuits or poly-
phase circuits. A polyphase two-winding transformer contains a number of
sets of primary and secondary windings. Each set wound around a separate
magnetic core leg. A three-phase two-winding transformer has three sets of
FIGURE 2.3 Voltage at the primary neutral of a Y-Y connection with the primary
and secondary neutrals isolated.
1. The primary and secondary circuits are in phase; i.e., there are no
phase angle displacements introduced by the Y-Y connection. This
is an important advantage when transformers are used to intercon-
nect systems of different voltages in a cascading manner. For exam-
FIGURE 2.5 Primary neutral current for a fault on the secondary side of a Y-Y con-
The obvious remedy for some of the disadvantages of the Y-Y trans-
former connection would be to simply solidly ground both the primary and
secondary neutrals. In fact, this is standard practice for virtually all Y-Y trans-
formers in systems designed by utility companies. Unfortunately, solidly
grounding the neutrals alone does not solve the problem of tank overheating,
ferroresonance, and operating primary ground protection during secondary
able to circulate around the path formed by the ∆-connected winding. The
same thing is true for the other zero-sequence harmonics.
If the magnetizing current waveforms of all three phases have approxi-
mately the same shape and magnitude, and if the phase angles of the 60 Hz
fundamental frequencies are 120° apart, then the third harmonic currents circu-
late only within the transformer bank and do not emerge as physical currents
at the terminals of the windings. This causes these currents to be suppressed
in the primary and secondary circuits. Typical transformer magnetizing cur-
rents for the three different phases are plotted in Figure 2.7. The magnetizing
FIGURE 2.7 Three-phase excitation current wave forms (solid) and the third har-
monic components combined (dotted).
linked to the 3′-N winding in exactly the same way. What has changed, how-
ever, is the phase angle displacement between the primary and the secondary
circuits. The primary circuit now lags the secondary circuit by 30° with the
conventional counterclockwise rotation. Careful attention to phase angle dis-
placement is important; otherwise potentially disastrous results can occur. This
is illustrated by the following example, which was based on an actual case.
Example 2.1
A certain major utility company, named TransCo, supplied power to a small
municipal distribution company, named DisCo. The DisCo substation has
standard ∆-Y connected transformers. Both TransCo and DisCo had an A-B-C
phase rotation. The voltages on the DisCo distribution system lagged TransCo
transmission voltages by 30° due to the phase displacement of the ∆-Y trans-
TransCo is directly interconnected with another major utility company,
named WireCo. The phase rotation of WireCo is C-B-A throughout its trans-
mission and distribution systems. Nevertheless, the TransCo and WireCo
Example 2.2
A 13.8 kV ∆-connected power supply is connected to a 30-A single phase-
to-ground load with a grounding bank. How much KVA does the ∆-connected
power supply provide?
From the diagram in Figure 2.13, two of the power supply windings
carry one-third of the phase-to-ground current each, or 10 A each. Since the
phase-to-phase voltage is 13.8 kV, each of these windings supplies 13.8 kV #
10 A ! 138 KVA. The third winding carries no current. Thus, the power
supply provides 2 # 138 KVA ! 276 KVA.
If three currents, equal in magnitude and phase, are applied to the three termi-
nals, the ampere-turns of the a′-N winding cancel the ampere-turns of the c′-
c winding, the ampere-turns of the b′-N winding cancel the ampere turns of
the a′-a winding, and the ampere-turns of the c′-N winding cancel the ampere
turns of the b′-b winding. Therefore, the transformer allows the three in-phase
currents to easily flow to neutral.
If three currents, equal in magnitude but 120° out of phase with each
other, are applied to the three terminals, the ampere-turns in the windings
cannot cancel and the transformer restricts the current flow to the negligible
level of magnetizing current. Therefore, the zigzag winding provides an easy
path for in-phase currents but does not allow the flow of currents that are 120°
out of phase with each other.
The ability to provide a path for in-phase currents enables us to use the
zigzag connection as a grounding bank, which is one of the main applications
for this connection. If a zigzag winding is used as a secondary winding with
1 0.577
! (2.9.3)
A ∆ ! 0.577 # A Y (2.9.4)
VY ! LY # AY (2.9.5)
(I 2 R) Y ! (1.0 # i Y ) 2 # ρ # 1.0 # (2.9.7)
(I 2 R) ZZ ! (1.0 # i Y ) 2 # ρ # 1.155 # (2.9.8)
iY ! Y winding current
ρ ! resistivity of copper
LY ! conductor length of the Y winding
AY ! cross-sectional area of the Y winding conductor
A ZZ ! cross-sectional area of the zigzag winding conductor
1 1.155
! (2.9.9)
A ZZ ! 1.155 # A Y (2.9.10)
VY ! LY # AY (2.9.11)
V ZZ ! 1.155 # L Y # 1.155 # A Y ! 1.33 # V Y (2.9.12)
V Cu % L 2 (2.10.1)
N% (2.10.2)
A Fe
From simple geometry, we know that the conductor’s length is equal to the
number of turns times the circumference of the coil. If the cross section of
the core is nearly circular and the winding is placed directly over the core,
the circumference of the coil is roughly proportional to the square root of the
core’s cross-sectional area.
Example 2.3
An open Y-∆ bank comprised of two 10 KVA single-phase distribution trans-
formers supplies a balanced 240 V three-phase load. What is the maximum
KVA that can be supplied without exceeding the rating of the transformers?
FIGURE 2.16 Open Y-∆ transformer bank with two single-phase transformers sup-
plying a three-phase load.
FIGURE 2.18 Scott transformer connection between a three-phase system and a two-
phase system.
Example 2.4
(Note: The following example is taken from an actual case that occurred a
number of years ago.)
A small industrial electric customer has a plant with an antiquated two-
phase electrical system. The customer has a Scott-connected transformer bank
connecting this system to the local utility company which provides power.
This Scott-connected bank catastrophically failed and there are no replacement
transformers readily available. The utility company was called in to restore
service to the two-phase system, but the utility only has standard single-phase
and three-phase distribution transformers in its storerooms. The customer has
a five-wire, two-phase system with a phase-to-neutral voltage of 120 V. The
utility company’s distribution system has a phase-to-phase voltage of 12,470
V and a phase-to-neutral voltage of 7200 V. Customers are routinely supplied
with 120/240 V service using single-phase transformers connected either
phase-to-phase or phase-to-neutral on the primary side.
One solution would be to use the T connection with the standard trans-
formers that the utility had on hand, but this would result in unbalanced three-
phase currents. A bright young engineer working for the utility found a way
to construct a Scott-connected bank using standard transformers.
The teaser was replaced by a standard distribution transformer with a
12,470 V primary and a 120/240 V center-tapped secondary. The main trans-
former was replaced by two standard distribution transformers, each having
a 7200 V primary and a 120/240 V center-tapped secondary. The primary
windings of the replacement main transformers were connected in series and
their secondary windings were connected in parallel. These connections are
shown in Figure 2.19.
Since the two transformers substituted for the main transformer are not
wound on the same core leg, the secondary windings of the main transformers
are interconnected to force the primary current in the primary winding of the
teaser to split evenly between the two primary windings of the main in the
same manner that a center-tapped winding forces the teaser current to split
evenly in the primary winding of the main in a Scott connection.
For a five-wire, two-phase circuit, the center tap of each of the three
secondary windings is connected to the common neutral. For a four-wire, two-
phase circuit, the center taps of the secondary windings are not brought out.
Note that the voltage across the 12,470 V primary winding of the teaser
is 86.6% of the voltage across the two 7200 V primary windings in series
of the main, just like a Scott-connected transformer. This produces balanced
operation; however, when the bank is connected to a 12,470 V three-phase
source, the phase-to-neutral output voltage is only 86.6% of 120 V, or 104 V.
Fortunately in this case, the three-phase distribution voltage at the customer’s
location was 5% higher than the nominal voltage and the transformers also
had taps to boost the output voltage by another 5%. The combination of the
5% higher system voltage and the 5% tap boost provided a two-phase second-
Example 2.5
In a shell form transformer, the cross-sectional areas of each of the core sec-
tions are only sufficient to carry a peak flux density equal to the flux produced
by one set of phase windings. Sketch a diagram of a three-phase shell form
transformer core showing the directions that the flux paths must take in order
that the total flux in any section does not exceed the magnitude of flux gener-
ated by one phase. There are three components of flux that are electrically
120° apart. Label these flux components 1, 2, and 3. Sketch the flux throughout
the core, indicating the directions of the flux in each core section.
The solution appears in Figure 2.23. Assuming that the flux generated
by each phase is sinusoidal and the three phases are electrically 120° apart,
the flux components cancel at each point marked by the letter X. The flux
components flowing in the lateral sections of the core are not generated di-
rectly by the windings but are the fluxes of two phases combining at the points
marked X.
Note that the direction of flux in the longitudinal core leg in the middle
phase must be in a direction that is opposite from the direction of the flux in
the core legs of the other phases in order to cancel out the flux arriving at
each of the points marked X. If the directions of the flux in all the three core
legs are in the same direction, then the magnitude of the total flux arriving at
each of the points marked X will be 1.73 times the magnitude of the flux
produced by one phase. This will drive the lateral core sections into saturation.
The desired configuration of the core flux shown in Figure 2.23 is pro-
vided simply by connecting the center-phase windings with polarity opposite
of the other two phase windings.
Example 2.6
Assume that the single-phase transformers shown in Figure 2.25 have standard
terminal markings. Label the terminals and show the proper connections for
a ∆-Grd.Y connection (with the low-voltage circuit Y-connected) with the
high voltage lagging the low voltage by 30°.
The proper connections are shown in Figure 2.26. The H1 bushings are
always on the upper left of the lid, per the standard arrangement. The low-
voltage bushings are labeled according to whether the transformer is additive
or subtractive. When the low-voltage windings are connected phase-to-neutral,
the X1 bushings are normally connected to the phase wires and the X2 bush-
ings are connected to the neutral. With the connection shown in the figure,
the voltages at the high-voltage bushings lag the voltages at the low-voltage
bushings by 30°.
Figure 2.27 shows the core and coil assembly of a three-phase core form
tansformer seen from the high-voltage side of the transformer. Figure 2.28
shows the core and coil assembly of a three-phase shell form transformer.
1. R. L. Bean, N. Chakan, Jr., H. R. Moore, and E. C. Wentz. Transformers for the
Electric Power Industry. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1959, p. 99.
2. ANSI Std. C57.12.70–1978. American National Standard Terminal Markings and
Connections for Distribution and Power Transformers. American National Stan-
dards Institute, New York, 1978, pp. 18–19.
3. IEEE Std. C57.12. 00–2000. IEEE Standard General Requirements for Liquid-
Immersed Distribution, Power, and Regulating Transformers. Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers, Inc., New York, 2000, pp. 11–12.
Until now, we have considered only ideal, lossless transformers obeying the
fundamental transformer laws: Voltages and currents are transformed strictly
according to the transformer turns ratio, and the power output from the trans-
former is equal to the power input to the transformer. The conditions expressed
by the ideal transformer laws are approached, but never realized in physical
transformers. Transformed voltages and currents are always less than the val-
ues predicted by the turns ratio because of losses. This chapter explains the
origins of transformer losses and develops the concept of equivalent circuits
of real transformers.
FIGURE 3.2 Flux in a real transformer under load. Flux generated by the conductor
currents surround the windings, excluding flux from the core and reducing the second-
ary voltage.
FIGURE 3.3 Vector relationships between the no-load secondary voltage, the sec-
ondary voltage with load, and load current.
Example 3.1
A certain large transformer core has a square cross section 24 in. on each side
and is assumed to have a uniform flux density. At the normal operating voltage,
FIGURE 3.5 Core with 24 in.2 cross section used in Example 3.1.
(0.0225 V) 2
R' # 0.506 Ω-in.2
10 $3 W/in.2
Z oc # R p % jX p % (3.7.1)
G m $ jX m$1
FIGURE 3.11 A three-legged core form transformer and a five-legged core form
transformer excited by a zero phase sequence voltage showing the flux paths (dotted
Example 3.2
There are five spare three-phase Y-Y low tension network (LTN) transformers
and three-phase pad mount transformers that may be either three-legged core
form or 5-legged core form designs. It is desired that the types of core con-
struction of these transformers be determined prior to putting them into ser-
vice. Using a single-phase 120 VAC 60 Hz source and an ammeter, devise a
test to determine which types of core construction these transformers have.
The three high-voltage bushings (H1, H2, and H3) are jumpered together
and connected to the ‘‘hot’’ leg of the 120 VAC 60 Hz source in series with
the ammeter. The neutral bushing (H0) was connected to the grounded neutral
leg of the 120 VAC source. The low-voltage bushings were open-circuited.
The following current measurements were recorded for the five transfor-
Transformer 1
1500 KVA 12470Y-480Y
Kuhlman S/N 2–37930 Live-Front Pad
5.75% Impedance
I # 88 mA
Transformer 5
G.E. S/N F645103-67P LTN
4.94% Impedance
I # 25 mA
Example 3.3
Calculate the zero-sequence open-circuit impedance Z oc of the three-legged
core form transformer 4 and the five-legged core form transformer 1 in Exam-
ple 3.2, expressing Z oc as a per-unit impedance value of the transformer base
Transformer 4
Full-load current # 1.732 ! 100,000 VA per phase/12,470 V # 13.89 A per
Example 3.4
A three-phase 1500 KVA 12470Y-208Y transformer has a 4.7% impedance.
Calculate the three-phase fault current at the secondary output with the primary
connected to a 12,470 V infinite bus. Calculate the regulation for a power
factor of 90% at full load.
The three-phase fault is a balanced fault, so the positive-sequence equiv-
alent circuit applies. The full-load secondary current is calculated as follows:
I # 1.732 ! 500,000 VA per phase/208 V # 4167 A per phase
The per-unit fault current is the primary voltage divided by the series imped-
# 21.27 per unit
The secondary fault current is equal to the per-unit fault current times the full-
load current:
I f # 21.27 per unit ! 4167 A per phase # 88,632 A per phase
To calculate regulation, the secondary voltage is 1∠0° per unit by definition.
Applying a 1 per unit load at a 90% lagging power factor, I # 1.0∠$25.8°.
Since the series impedance is mainly inductive, the primary voltage at full
load E p can be calculated as follows:
E p # 1∠0° % 1.0∠$25.8° ! 0.047∠90°
# 1.02 % j0.042 # 1.021 per unit
Regulation # E p $ 1 # 0.021 # 2.1%
Example 3.5
(This example is based on an actual event.)
Two three-phase 10,000 KVA 66,000∆-12,470Y volt transformers were
in parallel operation in a substation. The primaries of the two transformers
are connected to a 66 kV transmission line through a single air break switch.
This switch is designed to interrupt magnetizing current only, which is less
than 1 A. The transformers were being removed from service and the second-
ary loads had been removed. A switchman then started to open the air break
switch, expecting to see a small arc as the magnetizing current was interrupted.
Instead, there was a loud ‘‘bang’’ and there was a ball of flame where the air
break switch contacts had vaporized. Something was obviously wrong.
Upon closer inspection, it was revealed that the two transformers had
been set on widely different taps: The first transformer was on the 62,700 V
primary tap and the second transformer was on the 69,300 V primary tap.
Both transformers had a 7% impedance. Because the turns ratios were unequal,
a circulating current was set up even without any secondary load. The open-
circuit secondary voltage difference, assuming 66 kV at the transformer pri-
maries, is calculated below.
∆E s # 66,000 !
" 12,470 12,470
62,700 69,300 #
V # 1250 V # 0.10 per unit
When single-phase transformers with the same KVA ratings are con-
nected in a Y-∆ bank, impedance mismatches can cause a significant load
unbalance among the transformers. The general case where all three transform-
ers have different impedances is derived below.
Define the following ratios of impedances, w and x, as follows. (Note:
In general, these ratios are complex numbers because the impedances are com-
plex numbers.)
w$ → Z b # wZ a (3.10.1)
x$ → Z c # xZ a (3.10.2)
With a balanced three-phase load of 1 per unit applied, the phase currents are
as follows (see Figure 3.14):
i 1 # 1∠0° (3.10.3)
i 2 # 1∠240° (3.10.4)
i 3 # 1∠120° (3.10.5)
The voltage drop around the closed ∆ path must equal zero:
i a Z a % i b Z b % i c Z c # i a Z a % i b wZ a % i c xZ a # 0 (3.10.6)
ia % w ib % x ic # 0 (3.10.7)
The load currents can be expressed in terms of the transformer currents i a , i b ,
and i c :
i a $ i b # i 1 # 1∠0° (3.10.8)
i c $ i a # i 3 # 1∠120° (3.10.9)
The transformer secondary currents are solved from the last three equations:
w∠0° $ x∠120°
ia # (3.10.10)
x∠240° $ 1∠0°
ib # (3.10.11)
1∠120° $ w∠240°
ic # (3.10.12)
The bank is balanced if w # 1 and x # 1. Even when the impedance magni-
tudes are all equal, if the X/R ratios are unequal then w ≠ 1 or x ≠ 1 and the
transformer currents will not be equal. The most heavily loaded transformer
limits the maximum load that can be applied to the bank, so any unbalance
will reduce the load rating of the bank.
Let us examine the specific case where the X/R ratios of all three trans-
formers are equal, and transformer B is identical to transformer C but the
impedance of transformer A is not equal to the impedances of the other two
transformers. In this case Z b /Z a # Z c /Z a # x and x is a real number. The
currents i a , i b , and i c are multiplied by 1.732 to obtain the per-unit loading due
to the Y-∆ connection. The graph in Figure 3. 15 plots the per-unit transformer
loadings as x varies over the range 0.1 to 10.
" #
K 2i R % 1
∆θ TO,i # ∆θ TO,R (3.13.4)
R # ratio of load losses at rated load to no-load losses from the test report
K i # ratio of the initial load to the rated load
∆θ TO,R # top oil temperature gradient at rated load from the test report
n # an empirical exponent that depends on the cooling class
A generally accepted value for n is 0.8 for OA cooling class transformers, 0.9
for the FA and FOA cooling classes, and 1.0 for directed flow FOA or FOW
(forced oil and water) cooling classes.
" #
K 2U R % 1
∆θ TO,U # ∆θ TO,R (3.13.5)
where K U # the ratio of the ultimate (final) load to the rated load.
The winding hot-spot temperature gradient is also load and time depen-
∆θ H,i # ∆θ H,R ! K 2m
i (3.13.7)
∆θ H,R # the hot-spot temperature gradient at rated load from the test report
m # an empirical exponent depending on the cooling class
FIGURE 3.17 The per unit life and the aging acceleration factor as a function of
the hot-spot temperature.
Example 3.6
Using the transformer test report shown in Figure 3.16, calculate the hot-spot
temperature of transformer S/N C-05213–5-1 at 2 h after the load is changed
from 350 MVA to 450 MVA, assuming the initial load was applied for a
long time prior to the change. Use the IEEE temperature calculation method
assuming a constant 30°C ambient temperature. The following additional data
apply to these transformers: weight of core and coils (W CC) # 346,000 lb;
weight of tank and fittings (W TF) # 64,500 lb; gallons of oil (GO) # 13,400.
Assume the cooling class is FOA with directed flow.
From the test report, it is clear that the HV winding has the higher tem-
perature and is the limiting winding. The initial and ultimate temperatures are
calculated first:
909,932 W
R# # 3.244 from the test report
280,488 W
350 MVA
Ki # # 0.864
405 MVA
∆θ TO,R # 39.0°C from the test report
n # m # 1.0
" #
K 2i R % 1
∆θ TO,i # ∆θ TO,R # 31.4°C
∆θ H,R # 67.1°C $ 39.0°C # 28.1°C from the test report
∆θ H,i # ∆θ H,R ! K 2m
i # 21.0°C
450 MVA
KU # # 1.111
405 MVA
" #
K 2U R % 1 n
∆θ TO,U # ∆θ TO,R # 46.0°C
∆θ H,U # ∆θ H,R ! K 2m
U # 34.7°C
The thermal time constant is calculated next (for the FOA cooling class):
C # 0.06 ! W CC % 0.06 ! W TF % 1.93 ! GO # 50,492 Wh/°C
P T,R # 1,190,420 W from the test report
τ TO,R # C ! ∆θ TO,R /P T,R # 1.65 h
Example 3.7
Using the results from Example 3.6, what are the per unit life and the F AA
if 450 MVA are applied continuously, assuming a constant 30°C ambient tem-
The final steady-state hot-spot temperature θ H,U is based on the ultimate
temperature rise of the oil and the ultimate hot-spot gradient:
θ H,U # θ A % ∆θ TO,U % ∆θ H,U
# 30°C % 46.0°C % 34.7°C # 110.7°C
Per unit life # 9.8 ! 10 $18 e 15000/(θ H,U%273) # 0.93
F AA # e 39.16$15000/(θH,U%273) # 1.07
At the 450 MVA loading, the transformer loses life at a rate 7% greater than
at the design temperature of 110°C. To calculate the thermal capability pre-
cisely, a trial-and-error approach is used where the MVA loading is varied
and the temperatures are calculated until the desired per unit life is achieved.
Example 3.8
Three of the transformers shown on the test report shown in Figure 3.16 are
used as a generator step-up transformer bank with the HV windings set to the
nominal taps. The generator is rated 1280 MVA at 24,000V with a positive-
sequence reactance X G1 of 0.35 per unit and a negative-sequence reactance
X G2 of 0.27 per unit. The Y-connected generator is grounded through a resis-
tance. A bolted phase-to-ground fault occurs at one of the HV terminals of
the transformer. Using the transformer impedance values shown in the ‘‘Aver-
" #
426.7 MVA 23,600 V
X T # 0.1417 ! ! # 0.1444 per unit
405 MVA 24,000 V
FIGURE 3.18 A phase-to-ground fault at the output of the generator step-up trans-
former used in Example 3.8.
Figure 3.19. Note that although the phase angle of the generator is $30° in
the real system, the phase angle of the generator as observed by the HV fault
is phase shifted by %30° because of the standard ∆-Y connection with the
HV side leading the LV side. Thus, the phase angle of the generator is 0° in
the positive-sequence Thévenin equivalent circuit. Note also that the generator
grounding resistance and the generator zero-sequence impedance are irrelevant
to the calculation since there is no ground current through the transformer
secondary circuit because of the ∆ connection.
Calculating the HV sequence currents,
1.0 1
I0 # I1 # I2 # #
jX G1 % jX G2 % 3jX T j0.35 % j0.274 % j0.4332
# 0.946∠$90° per unit
Converting the HV sequence currents into phase currents,
I A # I 0 % I 1 % I 2 # 3 ! 0.946∠$90° per unit
Example 3.9
A T-connected transformer is used to supply a balanced two-phase secondary
load from a three-phase supply. The two-phase load current is 1 per unit in
each secondary winding. Calculate the positive, negative, and zero phase se-
quence currents in the three-phase circuit in per unit.
The T connection uses a 1:1 transformer between A phase and neutral
to supply one-half of the two-phase load and a 1.732 :1 transformer between
C phase and B phase to supply the other half of the two-phase load. The
1:1 transformer has a load current of 1∠90° on the secondary side and the
1.732: 1 transformer has a load current of 1∠0° on the secondary side. On
the three-phase primary side the A phase current is 1∠90°, the B phase current
is 0.577∠0°, and the C phase current is 0.577∠180°.
ia % ib % ic
Zero sequence: i0 # # 0.333∠90°
i % i b ∠120° % i c ∠240°
Positive sequence: i1 # a # 0.666∠90°
i % i b ∠240° % i c ∠120°
Negative sequence: i2 # a #0
Example 3.10
A test circuit for a 2000 KVA three-phase 12470Grd.Y/7200 $ 208Grd.Y/
120V transformer is shown in Figure 3.20. The ammeter reads 0.2 A and
the voltmeter reads 120 V. Calculate the open-circuit zero phase sequence
impedance of this transformer, in per unit of the transformer rating.
Full load current per phase at 7200 V:
Example 3.12
A 150 MVA Class FOA transformer has the following test data:
Copper losses at full load 940,000 W
Core losses at 100% voltage 150,000 W
Oil temperature rise 39.0°C
HV hot-spot temperature rise 68.1°C
LV hot-spot temperature rise 59.1°C
∆θ TO,R # 39.0°C
∆θ H,R # 68.1°C $ 39.0°C # 29.1°C
KU # 165 MVA/150 MVA # 1.1
R # 940,000 W/150,000 W # 6.23
n # 0.8 for FOA cooling class
m # 0.9 for FOA cooling class
" #
K 2U R % 1
∆θ TO,U # ∆θ TO,R !
" #
1.1 2 ! 6.23 % 1
# 39.0°C
6.23 % 1
# 44.6 °C
∆θ H,U # ∆θ H,R K 2m
U # 29.1°C ! 1.1
# 34.5°C
θ A # 25°C
θ H # θ A % ∆θ TO,U % ∆θ H,U # 25.0°C % 44.6°C % 34.5°C # 104.1°C
F AA # e 39.16 $ 15000/(θH % 273) # 0.54
Example 3.13
Three single-phase transformers are connected in a ∆-Grd.Y generator step-
up transformer bank with the generator connected to the ∆ side of the bank.
Two of the transformers each have a 15% impedance, and the third transformer
has a 20% impedance on a common base. A balanced load current of 1 per
unit with a 90% lagging power factor is applied at the output of the trans-
former. What are the positive-, negative-, and zero-sequence voltages at the
The primary of the transformer is modeled as three ideal transformers
with series impedances of j0.15, j0.15 for B and C phases, and j0.20 for A phase.
The voltages across the windings are E a , E b , and E c . The voltages at the HV
terminals are by definition 1∠0°, 1∠240°, and 1∠120° with the 1 per unit
currents 25.8° lagging with respect to the voltages. Refer to Figure 3.21.
FIGURE 4.2 The bucking autotransformer connection. The output terminals operate
at a lower voltage than the input terminals.
Example 4.1
A boosting autotransformer has a common winding voltage of 7200 V and a
series winding voltage of 1400 V. The current low-voltage input current is
100 A. Determine the KVA throughput and the KVA transformed. Refer to
Figure 4.3.
KVA throughput ! 7.2 kV " 100 A ! 720 KVA
KVA common ! KVA series ! KVA transformed
7200 V " (100 A # I 0) ! 1400 V " I 0
720 KVA
I0 ! ! 83.72 A
8600 V
KVA common ! 7.2 kV " (100 A # 83.72 A)
! 117.2 KVA
KVA series ! 1.4 kV " 83.72 A ! 117.2 KVA
In Example 4.1, the ratio of KVA throughput to KVA transformed is
720/117.2 ! 6.1, meaning that this autotransformer has 6.1 times the capacity
of a two-winding transformer of a similar size and weight. This is a consider-
able multiplication of KVA capacity.
Example 4.2
Repeat Example 4.1 for the same windings using a bucking connection instead
of a boosting connection with the same 100 A input current. Refer to Figure
KVA throughput ! 7.2 kV " 100 A ! 7200 KVA
KVA common ! KVA series ! KVA transformed
7200 V " I c ! 1400 V " (100 $ I c) → I c ! 24.14 A
KVA common ! 7.2 kV " 24.14 A ! 173.8 KVA
KVA series ! 1.4 kV " (100 A $ I c) ! 173.8 KVA
In Example 4.2, the ratio of KVA throughput to KVA transformed is
720/173.8 ! 4.1 so the capacity multiplication factor for the bucking connec-
tion is not quite as great as that of the boosting connection.
The capacity multiplication factor F c is a function of the ratio of the
output voltage to the input voltage r. For a boosting transformer:
Fc ! (4.1.1)
and for a bucking autotransformer:
Fc ! (4.1.2)
The impedance of a transformer can be determined by measuring the imped-
ance across the primary terminals with the secondary terminals short-circuited.
Consider a two-winding transformer having a turns ratio n connected as a
boosting autotransformer. The transformer impedance, which is mainly leak-
age reactance, is split between the common winding and the series winding
as Z c and Z s , respectively. The magnetizing impedance is neglected. To deter-
mine the impedance of the autotransformer, the secondary (low-voltage) termi-
nals are short-circuited and a voltage source E p is applied to the primary (high-
voltage) terminals, as shown in Figure 4.6.
The current through the common winding I c is equal to the current
through the series winding divided by the turns ratio:
Ic ! (4.2.1)
The voltage across the common winding E c is equal to the voltage drop across
Ec ! Ic " Zc ! Is " (4.4.2)
FIGURE 4.6 A boosting autotransformer with a short circuit applied at the low-volt-
age output.
Ep ! Is " Zs $
n2 # (4.2.6)
E 2p
Z TW ! 0.01 " % Z TW " ohms (4.2.9)
The ratio Z AT /Z TW is found by dividing Eq. (4.2.8) by Eq. (4.2.9).
Example 4.3
A certain three-phase autotransformer has a 50,000 KVA capacity and a
primary to secondary voltage rating of 230,000/132,791Grd.Y-69,000/
39,837Grd.Y. In order to limit fault current to less than 7 per unit, the system
design engineer specified a 15% impedance on a 50,000 KVA base. Determine
the required %Z of the windings, based on the KVA rating of the windings
and not the KVA capacity of the autotransformer, in order to provide the
required 15% impedance.
In this instance, impedance of the autotransformer is equal to the imped-
ance of the equivalent two-winding transformer, both being 15% on a 50,000
KVA base and having the same impedance in ohms.
From Eq. (4.2.17),
(r # 1) " %Z AT
r " %Z TW
r! ! 3.333
η! 1#
" # 1
Solving for % Z AT ,
%Z TW 15%
% Z AT ! ! ! 21.4%
1 # 1/r 1 # 0.3
Example 4.4
Suppose the series impedance of the autotransformer in Example 4.1 is 10%
of its winding KVA base. What is the impedance of the autotransformer ex-
pressed as a percent of the KVA capacity of the autotransformer?
In Example 4.1, the winding KVA base is equal to 117.2 KVA that is
8600 V
r! ! 1.194
7200 V
1.194 # 1
η! ! 0.162
The ratio η given by Eq. (4.2.18) is also equivalent to the ratio of the
percent impedance of the autotransformer divided by the percent impedance
of an equivalent two-winding transformer, when both percent impedances are
expressed on the same KVA base. In other words, the 117.2 KVA two-winding
transformer with a 10% impedance in this example can be connected as a
boosting autotransformer and the autotransformer’s impedance will be 1.62%
of the 117.2 KVA base.
When the autotransformer’s impedance is expressed on a 720 KVA base,
the resulting impedance is still lower.
117.2 KVA
%Z ! 1.62% " ! ! 0.264%
720 KVA
Example 4.5
A 7200–120 V two-winding transformer has a 7% impedance based on the
winding ratings. The transformer is connected as a single-phase boosting auto-
transformer in a single-phase radial distribution circuit. What is the % imped-
ance based on the capacity of the autotransformer connection?
The input to the autotransformer is 7200 V single phase. The output
from the autotransformer is 7200 V $ 120 V ! 7320 V single phase.
" #
%Z ! 7% " ! 0.00188%
Is Ep
Ic ! ! (4.4.2)
n n " Zs
The voltage across the common winding is equal to the voltage drop through
the common winding times the impedance of the common winding Z c :
E p " Zc
E c ! Ic " Zc ! (4.4.3)
n " Zs
The voltage across the common winding is transformed into a voltage E s
across the series winding.
E c E p " Zc
Es ! ! 2 (4.4.4)
n n " Zs
If the per-unit values of Z c and Z s are approximately equal, then the ratio Z c /
(n 2 " Z s) is approximately equal to 1:
Es ! Ep (4.4.5)
The series winding of an autotransformer has a normal applied voltage
that is usually only a small fraction of the applied voltage across the primary
terminals. A short circuit across the secondary terminals causes a very signifi-
cant increase in the voltages across the series winding. This almost guarantees
that the core will go into saturation, with two immediate results. First, the
admittance of the magnetizing branch of the transformer can no longer be
ignored, and the admittance of the magnetizing branch is very nonlinear with
the core in saturation; therefore, short-circuit current calculations are some-
what uncertain for autotransformers. Second, with the core in saturation, the
transformer essentially becomes an air-core transformer, further limiting the
ability to calculate impedances. Fortunately, this also limits the magnitude of
the induced voltage across the common winding. So although the voltage
across the series winding may be several times the normal operating voltage
of this winding, the overvoltage across the common winding is not quite as
(i H " N H ) "
" #
$ (i X " N X )
NX" #
$ (i Y " N Y ) "
" #
This equation reduces to the following form, resulting in the modification to
the second transformer law:
(i H " E H ) $ (i X " E X ) $ (i Y " E Y ) ! 0 (4.9.7)
Equation (4.9.7) can be interpreted as an energy conservation law: The total
instantaneous power flowing into the transformer from all three windings is
zero. In a two-winding transformer, the magnitude of the KVA in the primary
winding equals the magnitude of the KVA in the secondary windings; how-
ever, in a three-winding transformer, the KVA may divide among the three
windings in an infinite number of ways, depending on the combination of
loads applied to the secondary and tertiary circuits.
For 1.0 per unit balanced load currents, the circulating current in this example
is just under 0.16 per unit. This can be verified by the student by solving the
loop equations shown in Figure 4.11. Since the tertiary rating is 0.35 per unit
(35% of the primary winding MVA rating), this circulating current will not
overload the tertiary windings.
Z L ! 1.0 (4.13.1)
Z M %% 3 " Z L %% Z HX (4.13.2)
E 1 ! 1.0 (4.13.3)
E2 ! 0 (4.13.4)
E 0 ! #1.0 (4.13.5)
Ea ! 0 (4.13.6)
E b ! 1.73∠120° (4.13.7)
E c ! 1.73∠60° (4.13.8)
The secondary voltage E a on the loaded phase collapses and the second-
ary voltages on the other two phases, E b and E c , approach the magnitudes of
the phase-to-phase voltages. This may drive the core into saturation and reduce
Z M ; however, a transformer with a saturated core does not behave as a normal
transformer. The actual voltages are difficult if not impossible to determine
under these conditions.
The diagram shown in Figure 4.13 shows the sequence network connec-
tions for a bank of single-phase transformers with ∆-connected tertiary wind-
ings added to create a Y-∆-Grd.Y transformer connection. A 1.0 per unit
single-phase-to-ground load is applied to phase A.
When the single-phase load is connected to a Y-∆-Grd.Y transformer
bank, the sequence networks clearly show that the tertiary windings provide
an effective ground path through the low-voltage winding to tertiary-winding
impedance Z XT . This magnitude of Z XT is slightly greater than the magnitude
of the high-voltage to low-voltage impedance, Z HX . The sequence voltages and
phase voltages are summarized below.
Z L ! 1.0 (4.13.9)
3 " Z L %% Z XT % Z HX (4.13.10)
Example 4.7
The sample test report shown in Figure 4.14 is for a typical large three-winding
transformer. Using the information shown, determine the T equivalent circuit
impedance values, expressed in per unit of 84 MVA. The impedance values
shown on the nameplate are expressed on different KVA bases. Assuming that
the impedances are mostly reactive, the reactive components are calculated as
1. R.L. Bean, N. Chackan, Jr., H. R. Moore, and E. C. Wentz. Transformers for the
Electric Power Industry. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1959, p. 236.
A good transformer design must take all of the above effects into account to
minimize the risk of damage and assure a long service life.
t (5.2.1)
Example 5.1
A three-winding Grd.Y-Grd.Y- transformer has a T equivalent circuit with
following impedance values:
ZH j0.1821 per unit
ZX j0.02121 per unit
ZY j0.2026 per unit
Calculate the short-circuit currents for each of the following faults at the low-
voltage with the high-voltage winding connected to an infinite bus (a system
with zero impedance):
1. Three-phase ungrounded fault
2. Phase-to-ground fault
3. Phase-to-phase-to-ground fault
4. Phase-to-phase fault
The positive-sequence, negative-sequence, and zero-sequence network con-
nections for the three-phase ungrounded fault are shown in Figure 5.1. In
short-circuit calculations the positive-sequence system voltage source is
usually assumed to be 1.0 per unit with no negative-sequence or zero-
sequence voltage sources. Thus, only the positive-sequence network is in-
volved in a three-phase fault. Note that the series impedance of the transformer
in the positive-sequence network Z HX is simply the sum of Z H and Z X .
The positive-sequence fault current is equal to the voltage divided by
the series impedance: I 1 1.0/j0.1609 j6.215 per unit.
Equations (3.6.4) to (3.6.6) are used to convert the sequence currents
into phase currents:
! "
1 1
Z HX ZX j0.02121 [ j5.4915 j4.9358] 1
j0.07469 p.u.
FIGURE 5.2 Positive, negative, and zero phase sequence networks connected for a
phase-to-ground fault.
! "
1 1
ZS j0.1609 j0.2119 per unit
j0.1609 j0.07469
The positive-sequence current at the point of the fault is I 1 1.0/Z S
j4.7190 per unit. This current is split into parallel negative-sequence and
FIGURE 5.3 Positive, negative, and zero phase sequence networks connected for a
phase-to-phase-to-ground fault.
FIGURE 5.4 Positive, negative, and zero phase sequence networks connected for a
phase-to-phase fault.
Type of fault I1 I2 I0 IA IB IC
Example 5.2
Assume the transformer in Example 5.1 has a 150 MVA rating, the low-
voltage winding is rated 69 kV, and that all of the transformer impedance
elements have an x/r ratio of 20: 1. Calculate the first cycle asymmetrical peak
fault current for the limiting fault.
Using Eq. (5.2.2),
I sc (pk asym) K I sc
tan 1 tan 1 20 1.52 rad
sin sin 1.52 0.999
K 1.414 (1 e (1.52 /2)/20
0.999 ) 2.625
The limiting fault in Example 5.1 is a phase-to-ground fault. This fault
has a magnitude of 7.566 per unit.
Fx iy Bz iz By (5.3.2)
Fy iz Bx ix Bz (5.3.3)
Fz ix By iy Bx (5.3.4)
Fx iz By (5.3.5)
| Fx | i1 i2 (5.3.6)
2 r
Equation (5.3.6) confirms that the forces on the two conductors must
have equal magnitudes, even if the currents have unequal magnitudes. As
stated earlier, these forces are always in opposite directions; however, the
forces can either be repulsive or attractive, depending on the relative directions
of the currents.
4 10 7 N/A
| Fx | (1.414 10,000 A) 2
2 0.03 m
1333 N/m 914 lb/ft
Since the currents are in opposite directions, the mutual forces will be repul-
FIGURE 5.6 A pair of cylindrical concentric windings with their magnetic centers
perfectly aligned.
FIGURE 5.7 A pair of cylindrical concentric windings with their magnetic centers
offset in the vertical direction, resulting in net vertical forces on the windings.
FIGURE 5.8 A three-phase core and coil assembly showing the clamping structure
consisting of pressure plates, jack bolts, top and bottom channels, and tie rods.
0.4 N 2 A mt
L (5.6.1)
FIGURE 5.13 Exciting inrush current for a core having a residual flux.
r residual flux
n normal flux change
s saturation flux
Without resistance in the circuit, each successive peak would have
the same value and the current inrush would go on indefinitely. With resis-
tance in the circuit, however, there is a significant voltage drop across
the resistance and the flux does not have to rise quite as high as the pre-
vious cycle. The integral of the voltage drop represents a net decrease in
the flux required to support the applied voltage. Since the i R voltage drop
is always in the same direction, each cycle decreases the amount of flux
required. When the peak value of flux falls below the saturation value of the
core, the inrush current disappears. The rate of decay is not exponential al-
though it resembles an exponentially decaying current. For large power trans-
formers, the inrush current can persist for several seconds before it finally dies
The line reactance has the effect of reducing the peak inrush current by
simply adding inductance to the air-core inductance of the winding. There is
a definite relationship between inrush current and short-circuit current because
both are related to the air-core inductance of the windings. (Remember that
short circuits tend to exclude flux from the core.) Typically, a rule of thumb
One common way for this condition to occur is with an open primary
phase to a Grd.Y-Grd.Y transformer when a load connected to the secondary.
This can easily happen in distribution systems where fuses are commonly
used. The sequence network connections for an open A phase primary trans-
former connection is shown in Figure 5.15.
FIGURE 5.15 Positive, negative, and zero phase sequence networks connected for
an open primary phase to a three-legged core form transformer carrying load.
Example 5.4
A three-legged core form transformer is connected Grd.Y-Grd.Y with a 1 per
unit load applied. One of the of the primary fuses blows open. Assume that
the tank circulating current is 50% of the transformer rating, which is a fairly
typical value. Calculate the tank circulating current in amperes for the follow-
ing transformer characteristics.
(1,500,000 VA/3)
I base 4167 A per phase
120 V
This example illustrates the magnitude of damaging currents that can occur
for a Grd.Y-Grd.Y core-form transformer with a blown primary fuse. It is for
fuse will blow first. This results in single-phase operation with normal second-
ary voltage on one phase and one-half normal secondary voltages on the other
two phases.
On occasion, however, one of the other primary fuses will blow. If this
happens, there will be normal secondary voltages on two of the phases and
double the normal secondary voltage on one phase. Figure 5.18 shows this
condition for a B-to-C phase secondary fault, which normally results in a
blown B phase primary fuse. In this case, however, the A phase primary fuse
blows instead.
Since B and C phase are shorted together on the secondary side of the
transformer, the phase-to-neutral voltages are equal and so the A-B phase pri-
mary voltage must equal the B-C phase primary voltage. Since the B phase and
C phase fuses are intact, the voltage across the B-C phase primary winding is
the normal voltage. This forces the A phase voltage to be ‘‘outside the delta’’
so the A-B voltage can be equal to, and in phase with, the B-C voltage. Since
the B-C primary voltage is normal, the A-C primary voltage, which is equal to
the sum of the A-B and B-C primary voltages, will be 2 times the normal voltage.
The A-C primary voltage is induced across the A phase secondary winding as
2 times the normal secondary voltage. Consequently, the transformer operates
in a single-phase mode with two of the secondary phases at normal voltage
levels and the other secondary phase at 2 times the normal voltage level.
This is obviously a dangerous situation that can cause extensive equip-
ment damage as well as bodily injury and possibly death to utility customers
who are exposed to electric appliances operating at twice their normal volt-
ages. In reality, a doubling of voltage is not quite achieved because the trans-
former core will saturate and thus limit the magnitude of the over voltage.
Nevertheless, this type of fuse misoperation does occasionally occur, and the
resulting equipment damage is usually quite extensive.
Ferroresonance occurs when line capacitance resonates with the magnetizing
reactance of a core while it goes in and out of saturation. Ferroresonance is
usually associated with potential transformers, which are instrument trans-
formers that are used to develop voltages used by relays; however, it can also
occur with power transformers under special circumstances.
Ferroresonance is another occurrence that can cause equipment damage;
fortunately, it is preventable by simply avoiding certain types of transformer
FIGURE 5.19 A situation where ferroresonance may occur. The cable capacitances
form three parallel L-C elements that are in series with each other and the source
above and below it. Since the turns are coiled in close proximity with each
other, there is also a shunt capacitance between each turn and the one above
and below it. This forms a series of parallel L-C circuits from one end of the
winding to the other, with each parallel L-C circuit representing one turn.
Since each turn is also capacitively coupled to ground, the winding takes
on a structure similar to a waveguide, as illustrated in Figure 5.20, with a
large number of parallel L-C elements in series and a large number of shunt
capacitances to ground. Let
L inductance per turn, H
C turn-to-turn capacitance per turn, F
C capacitance to ground per turn, F
The high-frequency characteristics of the waveguide structure can be analyzed
using Laplace transforms. For high-frequency phenomena, it is customary to
ignore the transformer core, since the winding currents are highly localized.
The core only comes into play at low frequencies where the winding currents
are global.
In Laplace notation, the impedance of each L-C element is represented
by Z(s), where s is the Laplace operator corresponding to the / t operation.
The admittance of each of the shunt elements C is represented by Y(s).
Z(s) (5.10.1)
1 s 2 LC
Y(s) sC (5.10.2)
When many of these elements are connected together, the resulting
structure has a characteristic admittance Y 0 (s) and a propagation constant
! "
Y 0 (s) S (5.10.3)
(s) [Y(s)Z(s)] 1/2 (5.10.4)
c (LC ) 1/2
rad/s (5.10.5)
Suppose a voltage surge is applied across the entire winding. This case
occurs when a lightning surge arrives at the high-voltage terminals of a wind-
ing connected Grd.-Y. The voltage surge at the winding terminal is a time
function e 0 (t) having a Laplace transform e 0 (s). The current at the winding
terminal i 0 (t) also has a Laplace transform i 0 (s).
i 0 (s) e 0 (s)Y 0 (s) (5.10.6)
Note that the current coming out of the winding at the grounded end is
not the same as the current going into the winding at the line end because the
voltage surge is a wave that must travel down the entire length of the winding
before emerging at the grounded end. As the current wave passes through the
winding, it is delayed by the propagation constant, so the current i x (s) at turn
number x is related to the current at the line terminal by the following expres-
! "
Y 0 (s)Z(s) Z(s) [Y(s)Z(s)] 1/2 (s) (5.10.9)
Therefore Eq. (5.10.8) reduces to the following expression:
are shown at x 1 and at x 20 turns into the winding. Note that the turn-
to-turn voltage is over 10% of the peak voltage that is applied across the entire
A chopped wave also has a 1.2 µs wavefront, but the voltage then sud-
denly drops to zero as soon as the surge reaches peak voltage. The chopped
wave simulates the effects of lightning arrestors that spark over and cause a
voltage collapse. The chopped wave can cause much more severe turn-to-turn
voltages than the full wave because of the rapid change in voltage. The effects
of the sudden voltage change are limited to some extent by the cutoff fre-
quency c which prevents the voltage from instantaneously changing. A com-
puter simulation of the chopped wave voltages for the same winding used
in the full-wave simulation (not shown here) results in turn-to-turn voltages
approaching 50% of the peak voltage applied across the entire winding.
These extreme theoretical turn-to-turn voltages dissipate fairly rapidly
as the wave moves along the winding; hence, the end turns of the winding
usually show far more stress than the middle turns. If a transformer is designed
to withstand a 750 kV chopped wave, the end turns would have to be able to
withstand a turn-to-turn voltage of 375 kV!
Lightning-induced failures are typically manifested by turn-to-turn fail-
ures at or near the end turns of the windings. For a grounded winding, we
TABLE 5.3 Full Wave and Chopped Wave Test Voltages by BIL Class
Example 5.5
A 150 MVA transformer has a 16% nameplate impedance with an X/R ratio
of 10 :1. The transformer is connected to a system impedance of 10% on a
100 MVA base with an X/R ratio of 5:1. What is the peak asymmetrical fault
current in per unit for a three-phase fault on the load side of the transformer?
Converting the system impedance into the transformer base:
0.10 150 MVA
Z 0.15 per unit
100 MVA
R2 X2 0.15 2 0.0225 per unit
X 0.0225
R R2
1 1 52 26
X 0.0256
1 1 10 2 101
R R2
1 1 10 2 101
Example 5.7
A -connected tertiary winding of a large substation transformer supplies a
Grd.Y- station service transformer through a set of cables, as shown in Figure
5.24. The A phase cable sustains a phase-to-ground fault.
There are two possible fusing arrangements:
1. A set of fuses at the tertiary winding of the large substation trans-
2. A set of fuses at the primary of the station service transformer
Determine the phase-to-ground voltages at the station service transformer for
both of the above fusing arrangements if the A phase fuse blows and the cable
fault is sustained. Which of the fusing arrangements is preferable?
Arrangement A:
12,470 12,470
E AN 0 E CN 6235 V E BN 6235 V
2 2
1. IEEE Std. C57.12.00-2000. IEEE Standard General Requirements for Liquid-
Immersed Distribution, Power, and Regulating Transformers. New York: Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., New York 2000.
2. R. L. Bean, N. Chakan, Jr., H. R. Moore and E. C. Wentz. Transformers for the
Electric Power Industry. McGraw-Hill Book, New York, 1959.
A transformer designed for outdoor use has its core and coils completely en-
closed by a steel enclosure. In order to connect the windings to the electrical
system, the leads are brought out of the tank through bushings. Since the leads
are energized at line voltages, the bushings must insulate and isolate the leads
from each other and from the tank. A cutaway view of a high-voltage oil-
filled condenser bushing is shown in Figure 6.1.
A condenser bushing gets its name from the grading capacitor (aka con-
denser) that relieves the electrical stresses internal to the bushing. Core insula-
fore, one of the most important design features of a transformer is the oil
preservation system.
The simplest method of oil preservation is the sealed-tank design, as
shown in Figure 6.3. The core and coils are immersed in oil with an air or
gas blanket above the oil surface. The volume of the gas blanket must be
sufficient to allow hot oil to expand inside the tank without over pressurizing
the tank. Under extremes in temperature, the sealed-tank design may prove
impractical because of the large gas volume that is required. A large volume
of gas is generated during electrical faults. A pressure relief valve is provided
to allow fault gases to escape In order to keep the tank from rupturing. The
main advantages of the sealed-tank design is its inherent simplicity and low
maintenance requirements. For these reasons, sealed-tank transformers are
common with distribution transformers because they are seldom maintained.
One of the earliest alternative methods of oil preservation was the con-
servator tank design. In conservator-type transformers, the main tank is com-
pletely filled with oil with a smaller oil reservoir (conservator tank) mounted
above the tank and connected to it by a pipe called a ‘‘gooseneck,’’ as shown
in Figure 6.4. The conservator tank is vented to the atmosphere at the top and
the normal oil level is approximately in the middle of the conservator to allow
for expansion and contraction. The purpose of the gooseneck is to break up
the convection flow of hot oil from the transformer tank and the cooler oil in
designation IEC designation Description
Source: Ref. 1.
people find using the four-letter designations somewhat awkward, and this
book uses the earlier designations throughout.
In small oil-filled distribution transformers, the surface of the tank is
sufficient for transferring heat from the oil to the air. Ribs are added to the
tanks of some distribution transformers to increase the surface area of the tank
and to improve heat transfer. Large distribution transformers and small power
transformers generally require radiator banks to provide cooling. Regardless
of whether the tank surface, ribs, or radiators are used, transformers that trans-
FIGURE 6.7 OA/FA radiator construction. The large radiator tubes minimize restric-
tion of oil flow under natural convection. The fan is shown mounted at the bottom
with air flow directed upward.
primary winding current with respect to the load current. The fact that part
of the winding resistance is removed from the circuit on the lower taps partially
compensates for the increased current; however, the lowest tap still has the
highest total I 2 R losses for a given load current. The winding taps are always
in the middle portion of the winding to keep the magnetic center aligned with
the other windings as sections of the winding are removed from the circuit
by changing taps. Since the winding is never quite balanced on two of the
five taps, the winding can be split into three sections, as shown in Figure 6.10.
This arrangement requires two tap-changing mechanisms per phase, but the
magnetic center of the winding is always aligned at the number 6 tap to help
control short-circuit forces.
Tap changers for deenergized operation are designed to be moved infre-
quently. The tap settings are generally specified for the particular location on
the electrical system and the settings do not change unless system conditions
permanently change. Because a good electrical contact often depends on con-
tact ‘‘wiping,’’ it is generally a good idea to operate the tap changer periodi-
cally (when the transformer is out of service) to wipe the contacts clean. The
contacts themselves are generally silver- or tin-coated since bare copper has
a tendency to develop a copper sulfate film under oil which increases the
contact resistance. This can lead to a thermal runaway effect from oil coking.
As the temperature around the contacts increases, the oil around the contacts
can coke or turn into carbon. This forms a carbon film that can actually force
the contacts apart so the load current must pass through a layer of high-
resistance carbon. This increases the temperature still further, leading to more
coking and so forth until the contacts overheat and are destroyed.
After a tap changer is operated, it is important that the tap position is
verified by a transformer turns ratio (TTR) test. The details of the TTR test
will be covered in Chapter 8. There have been numerous cases where the tap
changers of one or more phases were not correctly aligned even when the
external markings indicated that they were. Energizing a transformer with tap
changer contacts parted will result in immediate failure when the winding
current arcs across the gap.
FIGURE 6.11 A load tap changer (LTC) in the bridging position with load currents
evenly divided between the movable contacts.
prevent burning and pitting of the moving contacts when breaking load cur-
rent. One of the many schemes for performing the load transfer is illustrated
in Figure 6.14.
When both moving contacts are on the same tap, all of the arcing con-
tacts are closed. Before the upper moving contact moves, the upper transfer
contact opens. Since the middle arcing contact and the lower transfer contact
FIGURE 6.14 A load tap changer (LTC) beginning to move to the bridging position
showing the load current through a single set of transfer contacts.
changer is always equal to the voltage of the upper moving contact. Since
there are no half-step output voltages available in the bridging positions, there
is no advantage in leaving the tap changer in this position. Therefore, the tap
changer stays in the bridging position only long enough to let the second
moving contact to meet up with the first, thus limiting the I 2 R heating in the
resistor. Two sets of arcing contacts are required, one for each moving contact.
The single transfer switch breaks only the parallel current with both sets of
arcing contacts closed, so there is minimal arcing across the transfer switch.
The complete resistance-type tap-changing mechanism, complete with
moving contacts, arcing contacts, transfer switch, and resistor can be housed
in a single unit that can be easily replaced in the field. This is one of the major
advantages of this type of load tap changer. The tap-changing unit is usually
located in the main transformer tank with the parts insulated by the same
transformer oil that bathes the core and coils, with the exception of the arcing
contacts which are in a sealed self-contained oil compartment to prevent con-
taminating the main transformer with arcing products. Resistance-type load
tap changers have a very long life and can perform hundreds of thousands of
operations between overhauls.
FIGURE 6.16 A load-balancing control scheme for three parallel transformers with
load tap changers.
Example 6.1
Suppose a phase-shifting transformer, such as the one in Figure 6.17, is con-
nected to a 500 kV system. The phase shifter regulates 1000 MW of power
from the receiving terminals to the sending terminals by shifting the phase
angle of the sending terminals by 3°. How much MVA is actually trans-
formed by the phase shifter under these conditions?
From the voltage vectors of the sending and receiving voltages, the volt-
ages across the tapped windings E T and the voltages across the common wind-
ings E C are calculated:
500,000 V 3°
ET 2 sin 15,113 V
1.732 2
500,000 V 117°
EC 2 sin 492,272 V
1.732 2
Let I T current flowing in the tapped windings and I C current flowing in
the common windings.
IC IT 0.0307 IC
1,000,000,000 W 1155 A
|I S1 |
1.732 500,000 V phase
From the vector diagram of the transformer, the currents in all windings
flow in a circular loop, but the phase angles of the currents in the tapped
windings and the two adjacent common windings are 120° apart. The current
flowing out of terminal S1 are the sum of the winding currents at terminal
Solving for I T :
1155 A
IT 1137 A
The MVA transformed is equal to the winding currents times the winding
15,113 V 1,137 A
MVA 17.2 MVA per phase
3 17.7 MVA per phase 51.6 MVA total
The total transformed MVA slightly greater than 5% of the total MVA
flowing through the phase shifter. Like a voltage regulator, the core and coils
of the phase shifter can be surprisingly small for the huge amount of power
flow it is able to regulate.
Example 6.2
Two identical transformers, each having a j0.15 per unit impedance, supply
a substation load. Their load tap changer controls are operating in a load-
balancing scheme. Transformer 1 is set on the 1.05 per unit secondary load
tap, and transformer 2 is set on the 1.00 per unit secondary load tap position,
with unity voltages assumed at the primaries of both transformers. The load
may be represented as a constant impedance of 1.0 20° per unit. The parallel-
ing reactors each have a 1.0 impedance.
1. Find the voltage at the load and the currents at the secondaries of
the two transformers and sketch these quantities as vectors.
2. Decompose each of the secondary currents into a load-current com-
ponent and an unbalanced-current component.
3. Find the voltages developed across the paralleling reactors and
sketch these voltages along with the load voltage.
The circuit is shown along with its equivalent circuit in Figure 6.18.
The load impedance is converted into rectangular form:
1.0 20° 0.94 j0.342 per unit
The loop equations are as follows:
Ia j0.30 Ib j0.15 1.05 0° 1.00 0° per unit
Ia j0.15 Ib (0.94 j0.342) 1.05 0° per unit
The solutions of the loop currents are as follows:
Ia 0.50505 182.7° 5.04508 j0.02336 per unit
Ib 1.04893 344.1° 1.00901 j0.2866 per unit
The load voltage is calculated:
EL Ib 1.0 20° 1.04893 4.1° per unit
The load voltage, load current, and transformer currents are plotted in
Figure 6.19. In the load-balancing scheme, the load-current components of
the two transformers are assumed to be equal to each other and comprise the
total load current when they are added together. Therefore, each of the load-
current components is equal to one-half of the load current:
The voltages developed across the paralleling reactors are equal to the unbal-
ance-current components times the impedances of the paralleling-reactor,
which are equal to j1.0 per unit:
The load voltage and the voltages developed across the paralleling reac-
tors are plotted in Figure 6.20. Note that when E U1 and E U2 are added to the
sensed voltage E L , the resulting voltages tend to cause transformer 1 to lower
taps and transformer 2 to raise taps.
Example 6.3
GenCo Unit 2 is a generating plant with a net output of 1100 MW, capable
of a 90% lagging power factor. The generator step up transformer for the unit
has three 405 MVA FOA single-phase transformers connected in a -Grd.Y
bank. Each of these transformers has a total of eight coolers. The transformer
test report is shown in Figure 3.16 in Chapter 3 of this book.
One summer afternoon with Unit 2 running at full output, a generator
step-up transformer trouble alarm was received in the Unit 2 control room.
An electrical maintenance supervisor was dispatched to the transformers and
he observed that transformer serial number C-05213-5-1 had a high-tempera-
ture alarm, which was confirmed by the indications of the top oil temperature
gauge and the winding temperature gauge. The supervisor also noticed that
half of the cooling fans on that transformer were not running. The circuit
breaker supplying these fans had tripped, and there was evidence of an electri-
cal fault in the control cubicle, severely damaging some relays and wiring. It
was estimated that repairs would take at least 12 h, provided a spare relay
could be found. Meanwhile, the transformer temperature continued to in-
The plant superintendent had to choose whether to shut down the unit
or reduce the net output. Based on the transformer test report, how much net
output can the transformer bank safely handle with one of the transformers
in the degraded condition described above?
1. IEEE Std. C57.12.00–2000. IEEE Standard General Requirements for Liquid-
Immersed Distribution, Power, and Regulating Transformers. New York: Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., New York 2000, Page 9.
Top rating as a
percentage of
Transformer OA rating Cooling class OA rating
Source: Ref. 2.
Example 7.1
Two transformers have the following nameplate voltage ratings:
Transformer 1: 69000-12470GR.Y/7200
Transformer 2: 69000GR.Y/39840-12470
Explain the difference between the two transformers. What are the TTRs
of these transformers? Can the two transformers be operated in parallel?
55°C temperature rise but could be operated at higher KVA ratings at 65°C
temperature rise, so both sets of ratings were shown. Today, most transformer
nameplates omit the 55°C ratings entirely and are built for standard KVA
ratings at 65°C temperature rise.
Certain high-performance insulating materials such as Nomex and sili-
cone fluids allow operation at 75°C rise or even higher temperatures. The
nameplate ratings would reflect the KVA ratings at the higher temperature
For two-winding transformers, there is usually only one set of KVA or
MVA values shown, because it is understood that the primary and secondary
windings must have the same KVA capabilities. This is not true for three-
winding transformers, however, since the tertiary is often not designed to the
same KVA capabilities as the primary and secondary windings. The nameplate
for a three-winding transformer could read as shown in Figure 7.1. Sometimes,
the details of the tertiary ratings are given in the winding connection tables
and diagrams, discussed below.
Example 7.2
A transformer is to be loaded onto a rail car after the oil is drained from the
main tank and the LTC compartment. A 150 T crane is available. Using the
information in Figure 7.3, is the crane’s capacity adequate?
The untanking weight of the unit (core and coils) is 118,000 lb and the
weight of the tank and fittings is 88,000 lb. Thus, the net weight of the trans-
former without oil is 118,000 lb 88,000 lb 206,000 lb 103 T. The
capacity of the crane is adequate to lift the transformer without oil. Note that
when the transformer is filled with oil, the total weight is 306,200 lb 153.1
T, which exceeds the capacity of the crane.
Example 7.3
The oil level of a particular transformer is shown in Figure 7.3. The trans-
former is being filled with oil at a substation at an ambient temperature of
30°C (86°F). Where should the oil level be after when the filling is complete?
According to Figure 7.3, the oil level at 25°C is 12.6 in. below the top
of the manhole. The change in oil level is 1.17 in. per 10°C change in oil
temperature. Since the ambient temperature is 5°C the reference temperature,
the change in oil level is one-half of 1.17 in., or 0.585 in. above the reference
point of 12.6 in. Therefore, the proper oil level is 12.6 in 0.585 in. 12.015
in. below the top of the manhole.
The transformer impedance, sometimes referred to as ‘‘impedance volts’’ on
the nameplate, is specified for each of pair of windings as a percent value on
a specific KVA base. For two-winding transformers, only one value of imped-
ance is given, corresponding to the high-to-low voltage series impedance at
a KVA base that usually corresponds to the KVA rating of the primary and
secondary windings. For a transformer having multiple cooling classes, the
KVA base is usually specified as the OA rating of the transformer.
For a transformer having three or more windings, the situation is compli-
cated by the fact that not all of the windings have the same KVA rating.
Therefore, the KVA base used to for the percent impedance of each pair of
windings must be specified on the nameplate.
For example, a three-winding transformer may have its impedances
shown on its nameplate as shown in Figure 7.4. Note that the percent imped-
ance between the primary and secondary windings is on a higher KVA base
than the percent impedances given for the primary to tertiary and the secondary
to tertiary. When doing analysis using the nameplate impedance values, care
must be exercised to convert the percent impedances to a common KVA base.
Since the nameplate is normally fabricated before transformer assembly
is completed, some of design data is etched on the nameplate. The last two
items to be determined are the transformer serial number and the percent im-
pedance values that must be determined by test. Therefore, the percent imped-
ances are usually stamped on the nameplate just before the transformer is
shipped from the factory.
1. IEEE Std. C57.12.00-2000. IEEE Standard General Requirements for Liquid-
Immersed Distribution, Power, and Regulating Transformers. New York: Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., New York, 2000, pp. 24–26.
2. NEMA Standards Publication No. TR 1–1980. Transformers, Regulators and
Reactors. Washington, DC: National Electric Manufacturers Association, Part 0,
p. 1.
Now that we are familiar with the fundamentals of transformer theory, design,
and operation, these principles can be applied to maintenance, testing, and
troubleshooting. A transformer may have a very long life, or it may fail min-
utes after first being energized.
The life of an average transformer usually depends to some extent on
how well it is treated. Since large power transformers can cost several millions
of dollars, performing regular transformer maintenance is a very cost-effective
8.1.1 Scope
Receiving, storing, installing, testing, operating, maintaining, and inspecting
all power transformers with a nominal voltage of 2300 V or higher on the
low-voltage winding. This instruction does not cover all details found in manu-
facturer’s instruction book.
8.1.5 Storage
Bushings, radiators, or other accessories removed from transformers should
be tagged by the person removing them to identify the transformer from which
they are removed.
Storing Transformers
• Place transformers on sound footing in a safe or protected area.
• Seal all openings where accessories have been removed with steel
shipping covers.
• Gaskets should be installed with cover plates.
• All sealed transformers should be purged and pressurized with dry
nitrogen for short term storage less than 6 months.
• Refer to manufacturer’s instruction book for specific instructions on
storing transformers in oil or nitrogen.
Storing Bushings
• Bushings should be left in transformer if possible.
• If removed, store bushings in a clean, dry place indoors, protected
from damage. Oil-filled bushings can be stored in an open area pro-
tected from weather.
• Preferred storage of oil-filled bushings is vertical, but oil reservoirs
must be elevated at least 10 in. above bottom bushing stud (or other
height specified in instruction book).
Storing Radiators and Other Accessories
• All openings on detached radiators must be sealed from moisture
and the radiators stored so water cannot stand around the sealed
• Protect all accessories from damage, moisture, and foreign materials.
0 32 0.25
5 41 0.36
10 50 0.50
15.6 60 0.74
20 68 1.00
25 77 1.40
30 86 1.98
35 95 2.80
40 104 3.95
Below 115 kV Have not been exposed to Not required: Add oil by pump-
atmosphere ing into the top filter press
connection. When oil filling
is completed and prior to en-
ergizing, allow the trans-
former to stand. Use the
chart in step 10 for the
proper hold time.
is equipped with a nitrogen bottle, stop filling when the oil level
gauge is slightly over the 25°C level. This is to compensate for the
transformer expanding when vacuum is broken and for oil cooling.
8. Break the vacuum with dry nitrogen. If the transformer has a con-
servator with air bag, or air separation membrane, add the re-
maining oil to the expansion tanks in accordance with the manufac-
turer’s recommendations.
9. Bleed the air from transformer oil pump vents. Turn on all pumps
and leave them running while the oil cools.
10. Allow the transformer to stand before energizing (with oil pumps
running) according to the timetable shown in Table 8.1.7. Run one
half of the pumps for half the time and the other half of the pumps
for the second half of the time.
11. Prior to energizing the transformer, check oil levels in all compart-
ments. Pump oil into the top, if necessary, to raise the oil level to
the 25°C mark.
12. Prior to energizing the transformer, shut off all oil pumps and place
controls on automatic so that no pumps are running prior to ener-
gizing. This is important to eliminate static electrification of the
oil, which could cause an internal failure. This hold time must be
a minimum of 12 h.
On car Accept
Item inspect at sub 1 month 6 months 1 year
29. Calibrate oil temperature indicator !
30. Calibrate thermal overload device (per Relay Test Dept. !
31. Oil pump operation and correct flow ! ! ! !
32. Oil pump bearing wear measurement !
33. Check for unusual noises ! ! ! !
34. Weathertightness of control cabinet ! ! ! !
35. Tightness of control wiring conn. ! !
36. Check control switch operation ! ! ! !
37. Operation and tightness of gauges, valves, and fittings ! ! ! !
38. Check control cabinet for corrosion ! ! ! !
39. CT connections, polarity, and ratio !
40. Differential relay (Test Dept. Schedule) !
41. Check for saturation of silica gel breather ! ! !
42. Examine impact recorder tape !
43. Check for movement on RR car !
44. External shipping braces !
Copyright © 2002 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
On car Accept
Item inspect at sub 1 month 6 months 1 year
62. Inspect for cracks ! ! ! ! !
63. Oil level ! ! ! ! !
64. Oil leaks ! ! ! ! !
65. Connectors, bolts, clamps, and top terminals (every 8 years) ! !
66. CTs centered, insulation OK, clamps tight (every 8 years) ! !
67. Leads clear, not straining bushings (internal and external) ! ! ! ! !
68. Calibrate bushing potential device (Test Dept. Schedule) !
69. Check for radio noise ! ! !
70. Condition of paint ! ! ! ! !
71. Check for oil leaks on fins, headers, and valves ! ! ! ! !
72. Check bracing ! ! ! ! !
Load tap changers—except vacuum-type LTC components in oil
which are on 4-year cycle
73. Check oil in arcing compartment—change if necessary ! !
74. Oil sample from selector switch compartment ! !
75. Pressure relief valve/breather clear ! ! ! !
Copyright © 2002 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Some of the activities mentioned in the O&M instruction above are preventative
maintenance activities while others fall under the predictive maintenance cate-
gory. The aim of preventative maintenance is to keep components from aging
and wearing out, or to restore and replace aged or worn components before they
fail. Preventative maintenance is scheduled periodically or performed on some
other timetable based on past experience of the component failure modes.
The aim of predictive maintenance, on the other hand, is to detect aging
or wear in components so that preventative maintenance can be performed
before ultimate failure occurs. Predictive maintenance is commonly referred
to as testing. The requirements for a good test are as follows:
• The test should have sensitivity; in other words, it should give an
early warning of impending trouble.
• The test should have selectivity; in other words, it should not give
off false positive indications of trouble and should give a clear indi-
cation of what is wrong.
• The test should be practical; in other words, it should not require
exotic test equipment or an unusually high skill level to perform the
test or interpret the results.
• The test should be nondestructive.
Example 8.1
A repair crew was making a TTR test on a 500–230 kV transformer and the
test leads would not stretch from the HV bushings to the LV bushings, so the
crew moved the TTR Test Set closer to the HV bushings to attach the clip
test leads and connected the clamp to the LV bushings by extending them
using jumper wire. The voltage and current indications on the TTR Test Set
were normal, but the ratio measured 2.5% lower than the theoretical current.
What is wrong?
The clamp test leads are calibrated such that the resistance voltage drop
from the current flow is taken into account by the measurement leads connected
to the clamps. By extending the clamp leads, the crew introduced an additional
resistance voltage drop that reduced the exciting voltage at the LV winding and
hence the voltage induced in the primary. This gave the indication of a low TTR.
In order to perform the test correctly, the clip leads should have been
extended. Since no current flows in the clip leads with the galvanometer read-
ing zero when the correct ratio is dialed in, there is no voltage drop in the
clip lead extensions and the reading will be accurate.
Example 8.2
A three-phase 12470Y/7200-480V station service transformer without a pri-
mary neutral bushing is to be TTR tested. How should the TTR Test Set be
connected since the primary windings cannot be isolated? What is the TTR
test reading for the nominal voltage taps?
To measure the H1-N to X1-X2 winding ratio, connect a jumper wire
between X1 and X3, connect the red clip test lead to H1, the black clip test
lead to H3, the red clamp test lead to X1 and the black clamp test lead to X2,
as shown in Figure 8.3. The jumper wire causes the voltage across both the
X1-X3 winding and the H3-N winding to be zero, so the black clip test lead
is effectively connected to the primary neutral through the shorted H3-N
The correct ratio is 7200/480 ! 15.000 # 0.075.
Example 8.3
A TTR test is to be performed on a zigzag-∆ transformer, as shown in Figure
8.4. The rated phase-to-phase voltage of the zigzag winding is 12,470 V and
the phase-to-phase voltage of the ∆ secondary is 2,400 V. Show all TTR test
set connections required to test the primary to secondary ratio on the A phase
leg of the primary windings. (Hint: Two separate sets of connections are re-
quired to complete the test. The use of jumper wires is permitted.) What are
the expected readings on the TTR test set?
The jumpers effectively short out each half of the phase-to-neutral wind-
ing. For a zigzag connection, each remaining half of the winding is rated
0.5774 times the phase-to-neutral voltage:
0.5774 $ 7200 V ! 4154.4 V
The secondary windings are rated 2400 V. The measured turns ratio is 4157/
2400 ! 1.732 :1.
C2 H4
T(°C) ! 100 $ % 150
C2 H6
The so-called Rogers ratio method takes the ratios of several key gases
into account to develop a code that is supposed to give an indication of what
is causing the evolution of gas. The codes for the four-ratio method are given
in Table 8.2. A fairly detailed diagnosis of transformer trouble can be derived
from various combinations of codes, shown in Table 8.3.
The diagnoses shown above were derived from empirical observation.
The problem with the four-ratio Rogers code is that a code generated from
the gas concentrations will often not match any of the ‘‘known’’ diagnoses.
So like a rare disease with strange symptoms, many cases of transformer trou-
ble cannot be diagnosed at all using this method. Another method, called the
three-ratio method, sometimes works when the four-ratio method does not.
CH 4 /H 2 &0.1 5
0.1–1 0
1.0–3.0 1
'3 2
C 2 H 6 /CH 4 (1.0 0
'1.0 1
C 2 H 4 /C 2 H 6 (1.0 0
1.0–3.0 1
)3.0 2
C 2 H 2 /C 2 H 4 (0.5 0
0.5–3.0 1
)3.0 2
CH 4 C2 H6 C2 H4 C2 H2
H2 CH 4 C2 H6 C2 H4 Diagnosis
0 0 0 0 Normal deterioration
5 0 0 0 Partial discharge (corona)
1,2 0 0 0 Slight overheating below 150°C
1,2 1 0 0 Overheating 150°C–200°C
0 1 0 0 Overheating 200°C–300°C
0 0 1 0 General conductor overheating
1 0 1 0 Winding circulating currents
1,2 0 2 0 Core and tank circulating currents, over-
heated joints
0 0 0 1 Flashover without power follow through
0 0 1,2 1,2 Arc with power follow through
0 0 2 2 Continuous sparking to floating potential
5 0 0 1,2 Partial discharge with tracking
Ratio C2 H2 CH 4 C2 H4
range C2 H4 H2 C2 H6
(0.1 0 1 0
0.1–1 1 0 0
1–3 1 2 1
)3 2 2 2
laboratory where the dissolved gases are extracted from the sample under vac-
uum and analyzed using a gas chromatograph. The results are reported as
ppm dissolved in oil.
Example 8.4
(This example is based on an actual event.)
A generator step-up transformer had been repaired in a transformer shop.
The first gas-in-oil sample was taken approximately 1 month after the trans-
former returned to service and the sample showed over 1000 ppm of total
combustible gas with over 10 ppm of acetylene. Neither the four-ratio nor the
three-ratio code matched any of the diagnoses, but the key gases indicated a
bare-metal hot spot (no cellulose involvement). After 1 week a second oil
sample showed a rate of increase of combustible greater than 200 ppm per
day. A decision was made to shut down the plant and take the transformer
out of service. An inspection quickly revealed the cause: The neutral ends of
the high-voltage Y-connected windings were attached to a neutral wire that
was badly overheated and nearly burned completely through. An investigation
revealed that the neutral conductor was grossly undersized. Apparently, the
designer believed that the ‘‘neutral’’ current was nearly zero because the
phases are balanced, without realizing the conductor between the connections
to the phases carries the full phase currents!
Example 8.5
An oil sample is taken in an open jar from a transformer with a top oil tempera-
ture of 70°C at an ambient temperature of 25°C and 80% relative humidity.
The oil sample is analyzed and it is found that there is 32.5 ppm water in oil.
Using a piper chart, it is determined that there was 2.33% water in the paper,
which is unacceptable. In reality, however, it was the air that produced the
32.5 ppm water in oil because this is the equilibrium ppm at 25°C and 80%
relative humidity.
Degrees of
Freedom 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.9 0.95 0.99
1 6.6349 3.8415 2.7055 1.6424 0.7083 0.4549 0.2750 0.0642 0.0158 0.0039 0.0002
2 9.2104 5.9915 4.6052 3.2189 1.8326 1.3863 1.0217 0.4463 0.2107 0.1026 0.0201
3 11.3449 7.8147 6.2514 4.6416 2.9462 2.3660 1.8692 1.0052 0.5844 0.3518 0.1148
4 13.2767 9.4877 7.7794 5.9886 4.0446 3.3567 2.7528 1.6488 1.0636 0.7107 0.2971
5 15.0863 11.0705 9.2363 7.2893 5.1319 4.3515 3.6555 2.3425 1.6103 1.1455 0.5543
6 16.8119 12.5916 10.6446 8.5581 6.2108 5.3481 4.5702 3.0701 2.2041 1.6354 0.8721
7 18.4753 14.0671 12.0170 9.8032 7.2832 6.3458 5.4932 3.8223 2.8331 2.1673 1.2390
8 20.0902 15.5073 13.3616 11.0301 8.3505 7.3441 6.4226 4.5936 3.4895 2.7326 1.6465
9 21.6660 16.9190 14.6837 12.2421 9.4136 8.3428 7.3570 5.3801 4.1682 3.3251 2.0879
10 23.2093 18.3070 15.9872 13.4420 10.4732 9.3418 8.2955 6.1791 4.8652 3.9403 2.5582
11 24.7250 19.6752 17.2750 14.6314 11.5298 10.3410 9.2373 6.9887 5.5778 4.5748 3.0535
12 26.2170 21.0261 18.5493 15.8120 12.5838 11.3403 10.1820 7.8073 6.3038 5.2260 3.5706
13 27.6882 22.3620 19.8119 16.9848 13.6356 12.3398 11.1291 8.6339 7.0415 5.8919 4.1069
14 29.1412 23.6848 21.0641 18.1508 14.6853 13.3393 12.0785 9.4673 7.7895 6.5706 4.6604
15 30.5780 24.9958 22.3071 19.3107 15.7332 14.3389 13.0298 10.3070 8.5468 7.2609 5.2294
16 31.9999 26.2962 23.5418 20.4651 16.7795 15.3385 13.9827 11.1521 9.3122 7.9616 5.8122
17 33.4087 27.5871 24.7690 21.6146 17.8244 16.3382 14.9373 12.0023 10.0852 8.6718 6.4077
18 34.8052 28.8693 25.9894 22.7595 18.8679 17.3379 15.8932 12.8570 10.8649 9.3904 7.0149
19 36.1908 30.1435 27.2036 23.9004 19.9102 18.3376 16.8504 13.7158 11.6509 10.1170 7.6327
20 37.5663 31.4104 28.4120 25.0375 20.9514 19.3374 17.8088 14.5784 12.4426 10.8508 8.2604
21 38.9322 32.6706 29.6151 26.1711 21.9915 20.3372 18.7683 15.4446 13.2396 11.5913 8.8972
22 40.2894 33.9245 30.8133 27.3015 23.0307 21.3370 19.7288 16.3140 14.0415 12.3380 9.5425
23 41.6383 35.1725 32.0069 28.4288 24.0689 22.3369 20.6902 17.1865 14.8480 13.0905 10.1957
24 42.9798 36.4150 33.1962 29.5533 25.1064 23.3367 21.6525 18.0618 15.6587 13.8484 10.8563
25 44.3140 37.6525 34.3816 30.6752 26.1430 24.3366 22.6156 18.9397 16.4734 14.6114 11.5240
26 45.6416 38.8851 35.5632 31.7946 27.1789 25.3365 23.5794 19.8202 17.2919 15.3792 12.1982
27 46.9628 40.1133 36.7412 32.9117 28.2141 26.3363 24.5440 20.7030 18.1139 16.1514 12.8785
28 48.2782 41.3372 37.9159 34.0266 29.2486 27.3362 25.5092 21.5880 18.9392 16.9279 13.5647
29 49.5878 42.5569 39.0875 35.1394 30.2825 28.3361 26.4751 22.4751 19.7677 17.7084 14.2564
30 50.8922 43.7730 40.2560 36.2502 31.3159 29.3360 27.4416 23.3641 20.5992 18.4927 14.9535
Example 8.6
A population of transformers had three observed failures over a total of 750
transformer-years in service. What is the failure rate within a 95% confidence
α ! 0.95
2T ! 2 $ 750 years ! 1500 years
2f ! 2 $ 3 failures ! 6
From Table 8.7,
χ 22f,1"α ! χ 26,0.05 ! 12.592
From Eq. (8.12.2),
λ! ! 0.0084 failures per transformer year
Based on a 95% confidence limit, the true value of λ will not exceed 0.0084
failures per transformer year.
Let MTBF u equal the mean time between transformer failures in the population
when all of the spares have been depleted. This is equal to the mean time
between in-service transformer unavailabilities.
MTBF u ! (8.13.5)
M $ λ $P u
Example 8.7
There are 100 transformers of a certain type in service, which have a failure
rate of 0.015 failures per transformer year in service. The mean time to repair
a failed transformer or procure a new transformer is 6 months (0.5 year). How
many spare transformers need to be allocated in order that the mean time
between transformer unavailabilities is greater than 50 years?
From Eq. (8.13.2),
µ r ! 100 $ 0.015 $ 0.5 ! 0.75 units under repair
CP ! (e "W(λ%i"x) " e "L(λ%i"x)) (8.14.7)
Example 8.8
Two brands of transformers are evaluated on an economic basis. Brand X has
a purchase price of $50,000 with a 2-year warranty. Based on past perfor-
mance, brand X is expected to have a failure rate of 0.01 per transformer year
in-service. Brand Y has a purchase price of $48,000 with a 1 year warranty.
Based on past performance, brand Y is expected to have a failure rate of 0.015
per transformer year in-service. Clearly, brand X is more reliable and has a
better warranty, but is purchasing brand X justified? Assume an inflation rate
of 0.04 per year and an interest rate of 0.09 per year, and use a 20-year life.
For brand X, λ ! 0.01, C(0) ! $50,000.
Example 8.9
A new transformer is purchased for $100,000. The manufacturer gives a stan-
dard 1 year warranty free of charge but also offers an extended warranty
through 4 years for an added price of $4000. Based on previous experience,
the failure rate of this unit is expected to be 0.7% during the first 10 years in
service. Assuming an inflation rate of 5% per year and an interest rate of 10%
per year, should the extended warranty be purchased from the manufacturer?
λ % i " x ! 0.007 % 0.10 " 0.05 ! 0.057 per year
Using Eq. (8.14.7) with W ! 1 and L ! 4,
$100,000 $ 0.007 "1$(0.057)
CP ! (e " e "4$(0.057)) ! $1823
The expected present worth of the extended warranty is $1823, whereas its
price is $4000; therefore, the extended warranty is overpriced and it should
not be purchased.
1. Power Transformers: Acceptance, O&M, Tests, Inspections. Distribution Depart-
ment Instructions DDI S-110. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, Allentown,
PA, 1997.