Analysis of Soil Erosion On Mine Area To
Analysis of Soil Erosion On Mine Area To
Analysis of Soil Erosion On Mine Area To
Abstract. Mining activities disturbing large areas of land may increase erosion rate up to
several hundred times greater than from undisturbed areas. The erosion process occurs in
stripping overburden, excavation of rocks and minerals, dumping in stock file and waste dump,
and mine reclamation. Since the eroded material/sediment becomes a big problem to the
environment and for mining operations, estimation of soil erosion need to be carried out to
create a good mine planning. For the early stage, a study of soil erosion was performed to
classify erosion hazard level and to estimate soil erosion size. This study uses the Revised
Unified Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) method supported with Geographic Information System
application for study area in the Block D1-D3 of Petea Mine Area. The study result showed
that the research area can be classify into four erosion hazard level namely; low, medium,
heavy, and very heavy with estimated material losses is 116,146.43 tons/year.
1. Introduction
Mining activities may produce environmental impacts such as erosion, sinkholes, loss of biodiversity
or the contamination of soil, groundwater, and surface water. This paper discusses the erosion in
mining area. The erosion of exposed hillsides, mine dumps, tailing dams, and resultant siltation of
drainages, creeks and rivers may significantly impact the surrounding areas. The soil erosion depends
on: climatic conditions, soil erodibility, overland slope and slope length, ground cover, soil
conservation control practices, and catchment drainage characteristics. Mining activities tend to
change radically several of these factors and severe sediment production could occur in the following
locations: topsoil stockpiles, spoil piles, waste dumps, bare topsoil areas, steep out slopes, ramps, and
haul roads [1]. Most methods for determining soil erosion and sediment transport have been developed
based on studies with agricultural lands. Although relatively little work has been done with surface
mined lands, they will in general have similar sedimentation characteristics to agricultural areas.
The most widely accepted and utilized soil erosion estimation is Unified Soil Loss Equation
(USLE) developed by ARS scientists W. Wischmeier and D. Smith. The Universal Soil Loss
Equation [2]:
A R K LS C P (1)
where A is the soil loss per unit area, R is a rainfall factor usually expressed as the product of rainfall
energy times the maximum 30 minutes intensity for a given rainstorm, K is soil erodibility, LS is a
dimensionless length slope factor, C is a dimensionless soil cover factor and P is a dimensionless
conservation practice factor. Equation (1) should only be used to determine gross erosion from an
area. To determine the sediment yield at a downstream point the gross erosion needs to be multiplied
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The 3rd EPI International Conference on Science and Engineering 2019 (EICSE2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 875 (2020) 012052 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/875/1/012052
by a sediment delivery ratio term (sediment yield/gross erosion). Numerous methodologies have been
developed to predict sediment delivery ratios. A method known as the Modified Universal Soil Loss
Equation (MUSLE) overcomes the problem of determining a delivery ratio and has seen widespread
application. The method is defined by the following equation:
Y 11.8 Q q 0.56 KLSCP (2)
where Y is a single storm sediment yield (ton), Q is the storm runoff volume (m3), q is the peak storm
discharge (m3/sec), and K, LS, C and P are the standard USLE terms used in equation (1).
However, the USLE was modified by incorporating the features that make its application suitable
to mining lands, construction sites and other land applications and the same is popularly known as the
revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE). The RUSLE is an exceptionally well-validated
empirical soil erosion prediction model which estimates average annual soil loss and sediment yield
resulting from inter-rill and rill erosion. It computes the average annual soil erosion rate caused by
rainfall and its associated overland flow. Galetovic et al maintained that the RUSLE included several
modifications that have specific importance to mined lands, construction sites, and reclaimed land
applications. For example, ‘K-factor’ was modified to account for the variability of soil erodibility
during the year. Now, both K and C factors take into account the multivariate influence of rock
fragment covers within soil profiles and fragments resting upon hill slope surfaces. Also, the equations
used to estimate the LS factor were reconstituted to improve their accuracy and extended to include
steeper hill slope gradients than the equations contained in the USLE [3].
The main objective of this paper is to quantify the soil erosion from the mining area by using the
RUSLE method and to determine the erosion hazard level. The RUSLE method is used to estimate
erosion rate, and all parameter is represented with map using Geographic Information System (GIS)
Application software. The overlay is then used to determine erosion hazard level. The study area is in
the Block D1-D3 of Petea area of PT Vale Indonesia Tbk, covering an area of 1,071.83 hectares with
elevation about 1,075 meters above sea level.
2. Research Methodology
The research was conducted by collecting data from PT. Vale Indonesia Tbk, Environmental Office of
South Sulawesi, and relevant published data on website. The collected data from PT. Vale Indonesia
Tbk is topographic data/map and recorded rainfall data of the Block D1-D3 of Petea Mine Area
(Hydrological Department), and pit design of the Block D1-D3 of Petea Mine Area (Department of
Long Term Planning). The collected data from South Sulawesi Environmental Office is land use map,
and the data from website are Geological Map of Bungku Quadrangle Sulawesi with scale 1: 250.000
developed by the Geological Resource Center, and Map of World Soil Type.
The collected data were used to generate five parameters of the RUSLE equation, which include;
rainfall-runoff erosivity factor (R), soil erodibility factor (K), slope length and steepness factor (LS),
land cover (C) and land support practice (P). The rainfall-runoff erosivity factor (R) was generated
predicted rainfall using Gumbel Method and was defined unity for the study area. The soil erodibility
factor (K) were estimated by using composition of clay, silt, and sand, and was also assumed unity. Fo
the study area. The slope length (L) and steepness factor (S), the land cover and management factor
(C), and the land support practices factor (P) were drawn in the GIS environmental software.
Furthermore, by using overlay maps system for the RUSLE parameter, the erosion hazard level was
defined, and the erosion rate for each erosion hazard area was counted.
The 3rd EPI International Conference on Science and Engineering 2019 (EICSE2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 875 (2020) 012052 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/875/1/012052
Fault is a sinistral fault that is considered to be connected with the Sorong Fault. The Block D1-D3 of
Petea area is composed by the Ultramafic Complex (Ku).
The Ultramafic Complex (Ku) consists of harzburgite, lherzolite, wehrlite, websterite, serpentinite,
dunite, diabase and gabro [4]. Harzburgite is green to black, massive, locally refined minerals,
composed of fine to coarse minerals, consisting of olivine, pyroxene and serpentine. The latest
mineral is alteration product from pyroxene and olivine. Lherzolite is blackish green, massive and
medium to coarse grained. Wehrlite is black, massive, and fine-grained to coarse graied. The rock is
composed of olivine, sometimes pyroxene. These minerals are converted into serpentine, talc and
idingsit. Websterite is solid black and massive composed of olivine and pyroxene minerals, finely
grained to moderate. Serpentine replaced olivine and pyroxene fills the modified crystal fracture.
Serpentinite is gray to blackish green, massive composed of antigoritic minerals, clay and fine grained
magnetite. These rocks are generally often found sturdy structures and there is a cesarean mirror
(solid, fine-grained to moderate, composed of plagioclase minerals, orthoclase, pyroxene and ore
minerals, these rocks are strongly altered in several places. Fine to moderate-grained dunite, greenish,
grayish-green to blackish, composed of olivine minerals, pyroxene, plagioclase and ore minerals,
olivine and pyroxene minerals are transformed into serpentine minerals, talc and chlorite, these rocks
are found to be strongly altered, showing the structure of the nest of the ore. Black-spotted gabro,
medium to coarse, massive, this rock-forming mineral consists of plagioclase and olivine. These rocks
are found in the form of cracks that break through ultramafic rocks.
The 3rd EPI International Conference on Science and Engineering 2019 (EICSE2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 875 (2020) 012052 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/875/1/012052
The rainfall-runoff erosivity factor (R) is computed using Equation (3) proposed by Singh et al. [3];
R 79 0.363 X (J/h) (3)
where X is the average annual rainfall (mm). Estimation of the R factor uses a daily rainfall data for
five years (2012-2017) were collected from the study area. The rainfall data was analyzed using
Gumbel Method to estimate rainfall for a desired 5 years return period. The estimated rainfall-runoff
factor for the Block D1-D3 Petea mine area is 100.2 J/h. Since the rainfall intensity recorded on this
area only at one gauge station, the rainfall/runoff erosivity factor are similar for the study area.
The soil erodibility factor (K) calculation was initiated Wischmeier et al., (1971) by representing
susceptibility of soil to erosion and the rate of runoff, taking into account the % portion of silt, sand or
organic matter, soil texture, soil structure and permeability as soil erodibility factor [2]. A simple
method for indirectly estimating soil erodibility were applied by Bouyoucos equation based on soil
physical properties (texture and organic matter content) as input data [5];
K (4)
CLA 100
where: SAN, SIL and CLA are percent sand, silt and clay, respectively. The erodibility factor is
calculated based on filter analysis of 27 soil samples taken from the mine site (Table 1) for the mine
area and based on soil type data for areas outside the mine. Soil laterite is characterized with highly
compacted and cemented soil can easily be cut into brick-shaped blocks. This material is quick stable
or difficult to destroy by raindrops. Calculation the erodibility factor using equation 4 show a various
value from 0.008 – 0.081 and average is 0.012 for the mining area and 0.032 for the area outside the
mine. This erodibility value is also assumed to be similar within the study area.
The LS factor considers for two parameter slope length and slope steepness. The LS factor
describes the combined effects of slope length (i.e., flow length) and slope gradient (i.e., grade or
relief). Slope length is defined as the distance from the point of origin of overland flow to the point
where the slope decreases sufficiently for deposition to occur or to the point where runoff enters a
defined channel (wet or dry). The slope steepness is the segment or site slope. Slope length and slope
steepness strongly influence the transport of soil particles once the soil particles are dislodged by
raindrop impact or runoff. Soil loss increases more rapidly due to slope steepness than due to slope
Estimation of LS factor of Block D1-D3 of Petea Mine Area was performed by driven a slope map
using topographical map. The topographical map is produced by Department of Geotechnics,
Hydrology, Reclamation and Environment. The map represents surface relief with contour interval of
5 meters. Determination of the length and slope map is obtained based on the results of the raster
calculator processing in Arcmap 10.3 Software, the value entered is the value of accumulated flow
grid, grid slope percentage, and grid size.
The slope is one of the factors in determining the LS value. The results of the processed data on the
processed raster calculator can be seen in Figure 2. Based on the equation entered into the raster
calculator in Arcmap 10.3 Software, the LS value varies from 1 m to 16 m in length. Figure 1 shows
that a high LS value is at a high level of steep steepness marked with a reddish orange color and a low
LS value at a gentle steepness level marked with grays.
The 3rd EPI International Conference on Science and Engineering 2019 (EICSE2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 875 (2020) 012052 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/875/1/012052
Figure 2. Map of estimated LS factor; Slope Steepness (left), and Slope Length (right)
The C factor reflects the effect of cropping and management practices on soil erosion rates. Since
the C factor represents the effect of plants, soil cover, soil biomass and soil disturbing activities to
erosion, each land cover type can correspond to an estimated C value. Figure 3 shows the C-factor
values for the different land use categories. The study area is classified into four types of land cover
namely open land, shrubs, forests, and mining area. The C value of each land cover can be seen in
Table 2.
Based on the Table 2, it is shown that land use in the Block D1-D3 of Petea Mine Area is
dominated with open (soil) area covering 683.21 ha with a value of C (0.6), mining land with an area
of 223.06 ha and a value of C of (0.034), forest Land with an area of 135.37 ha and a C value of
(0.01), and shrubs with an area of 53.15 ha and a C value of (0.001). Distribution of land cover in the
Catchment Area can be seen in Figure 3.
The 3rd EPI International Conference on Science and Engineering 2019 (EICSE2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 875 (2020) 012052 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/875/1/012052
The P factor reflects the impact of support practices on the average annual erosion rate. As with the
other factors, the P-factor differentiates between cropland and rangeland or permanent pasture. Since
the Block D1-D3 of Petea Mine Area on going progress for mining activities, there is no soil treatment
and conservation carried out, specifically for the D1 and D2 Block areas. Reclamation activity will be
performed while the Block D3 is mined. Therefore, there is no processing activity and soil
conservation for handling the deteriorated soil in this area. Therefore, estimation the P factor value is
based on topographic values and slope values [6]. Table 3 shows the estimation of P factor value based
slope and topographical condition. This shows that the handling of land conservation in the steep
sloping area is greater than the area with the gentle slope.
The 3rd EPI International Conference on Science and Engineering 2019 (EICSE2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 875 (2020) 012052 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/875/1/012052
Based on data on the Table 4, in the total erosion from the Petea Watershed is 116,146.43
tons/year. This material loss volume was mainly caused by erosion from low hazard level area with
area 949.35 ha to produce 95,333.73 ton/year. This due to wide of area is 88.57 % of the research area.
The smallest material loss was caused by erosion from the high hazard level with area of 6.02 ha. Two
other hazard level produced material loss volume of 4,705.62 tons/year for medium category, and
15,150.81 tons/year for the very high category. The analysis result show that the material loss volume
depends on the wide area of each hazard level category. Therefore, the erosion hazard level represents
the rate erosion but is not to indicate the volume of material loses or transported.
The 3rd EPI International Conference on Science and Engineering 2019 (EICSE2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 875 (2020) 012052 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/875/1/012052
4. Conclusions
The study of soil erosion on mining area illustrates that without careful management and the
development of a sediment control scheme, the erosion from a surface mine can be severe. By using
overlay maps of the RUSLE equation parameter on geographic information system, it was generated
the erosion hazard level in the Mine Block D1-D3 area. The erosion hazard map categorizes hazard
level into four categories, namely: low, moderate, severe, and very heavy erosion hazard levels. In the
mine area, it estimated that erosion rates various from 100.42 – 201.93 ton/ha/year, with total material
losses is 116,146.43 tons/year.
We gratefully thank the Faculty of Engineering -Hasanuddin University for financial support to this
research through Laboratory-Based Education scheme.
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