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Quarrying, time-Series, shoreline erosion, change detection
© by PSP Volume 21 – No 11. 2012 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
There are several reasons that decrease the sediment and near the river bed, (2) its environmental impact analy-
load brought by rivers to the coast. The most important of sis on shoreline, (3) mapping the regeneration/ regrowth
these are the construction of dams and engineering works of quarrying areas, and (4) tracing major changes in land
along the rivers. Dams intercept almost all the sediment cover. Furthermore, the application of Geographical In-
brought from upstream sections. formation System (GIS) in analyzing the trends and esti-
Furthermore, by modifying the water discharge to mating the changes that have occurred in different themes
make it more uniform, the sediment transport downstream helps in management decision-making processes.
of a dam is altered while reducing its efficiency. Previous Digital spatial data analysis and mapping; remote
studies have revealed impacts including: erosion of the sensing and GIS are widely applied in environmental and
delta coastline related mainly to water and sediment ab- natural resources monitoring [16, 17].
straction by damming [8]. This study is carried out in order to assess the land
In addition to damming of rivers, alterations of the cover/ use change on upstream and downstream sections of
flow regimes by diversions, engineering works, modifica- the Sakarya River by means of multi-temporal satellite
tion of the discharge rates and patters are also responsible images via monitoring the variations in the shoreline due to
for the decreased sediment loads brought to the coast, and quarrying activities and its impacts on environment. The
thus for coastal erosion. Another major cause for decreased used method depends on the comparative analysis of inde-
sediment input to the coast and the consequent erosion is pendently classified four Landsat 5 TM images in GIS en-
sand and gravel quarries located along the active riverbeds. vironment for both upstream and downstream section.
This activity is usually not allowed from the coast, but sig-
nificance of mining from riverbeds is often overlooked [9].
Shorelines shrink in size when manmade features like 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS
dams and quarrying activities have been established on
and along rivers, or other bodies of water that stop new The Sakarya Basin is the twelfth of the twenty-six main
sand from naturally nourishing the sea coast. According basins located in Turkey. The Sakarya River is 510 km in
to Berger and Iams [10] geo-indicators such as shoreline total length and 60 - 150 m in width, with a drainage area of
position can be used to assess environmental changes and 58 160 km2 addressing to 7.5 % overall surface area of
measure the integrity, stability and sustainability of the Turkey [18]. Both the main branch of the Sakarya River
biological and physical environment. and the secondary branches and small rivers on the basin
have a significant amount of sediment transport potential.
Remote sensing (RS) is one of the most preferred and
reliable methods in monitoring and managing environment The study area was investigated concerning two re-
and resources [11, 12]. Remote sensing data can be used in gions. The first region of the selected study area encloses
environmental monitoring programs where the objective is the area where quarrying activities established on and near
to monitor changes in surface phenomena over time [13]. the upstream part of the Sakarya River. Bilecik is a prov-
RS technology in recent years has proved to be of ince in Midwest Turkey at which most of the sand and
great importance in acquiring data for effective resources stone quarrying operations are especially located. The
management and, hence, could be applied to coastal envi- second region is the downstream one of the Sakarya
ronment monitoring and management [14]. River where shoreline changes have occurred, especially
after 1999 (Fig. 1).
Based on remote sensing, a variety of data pertaining
to the coastal zone, such as shoreline changes, can be Karasu is situated in the western Black Sea coast hav-
monitored and relevant observations can be made that will ing nearly 20 km coastline and located at the downstream
help in the management of effective coastal ecosystem. region of the Sakarya River. It has an over winter popula-
tion of around 54 000 that swells substantially in the sum-
Monitoring and controlling these changes have been mer to around 250 000 due to the increase in tourist inflow.
difficult due to exorbitant expenses and lengthy time peri-
ods in producing reliable and up-to-date mapping. Besides, Regarding the consecutively settled dams (Gokcekaya,
a successful monitoring approach for evaluating surface Sariyar and Yenice Dam) on the main branch of Sakarya
quarrying processes and their dynamics at a regional scale River at which suspended sediments are held on the up-
requires observations with frequent temporal coverage over stream, the annual sediment transport reaches very sig-
a long period of time to differentiate natural changes from nificant amounts to the downstream [19].
those associated with human activities [15]. While the quarrying activities on and near the Sakarya
On the other hand, visualization of the processed re- River were accounted to be 9% of the entire sector of Tur-
motely sensed data by using effective tools and techniques key in 1996, this rate has increased to 18% in 2004 [20].
provides significant benefits for the users from different The study region includes the province of Adapazari,
environmental sciences. which has earthquake-induced residential areas, as well as
For detection of land use/cover change, multi tempo- industrial and fertile agricultural lands. The North Anato-
ral data of Landsat 5 TM were found to be more suitable lia Fault Zone (NAFZ), which is still active, is also pass-
for: (1) the identification of quarrying areas established on ing through this area [21].
© by PSP Volume 21 – No 11. 2012 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
© by PSP Volume 21 – No 11. 2012 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
1984 1999
2003 2010
FIGURE 2 - Analysis of quarrying activities from 1984 to 2010 using multi temporal Landsat 5 TM Satellite Images.
Coastal lines belonging to the years of 1984, 2003 and The Landsat 5 TM image acquired on 1984 was used
2010 were extracted and classified as a separate study to as a reference for the measurements of the shoreline
display the differences occurring at the study area (Fig 3). changes in 1999, 2003 and 2010 (Fig. 4).
© by PSP Volume 21 – No 11. 2012 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
In order to determine the changes in the shoreline, 10 Especially, a coastline erosion of about 400 m was
cross-sections have been taken from near river mouth for observed on 5th and 6th cross-sections while showing a
the periods of 1984 –2010. decrease away from the riverbed (Fig. 5).
Graphical representation of coastline changes be-
tween the years of 1999, 2003 and 2010 shows that there
were considerable changes on and near the river mouth.
1984 1999
2003 2010
FIGURE 3 – Classification results of the changes on the coastline affected from quarrying activities in time.
© by PSP Volume 21 – No 11. 2012 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
© by PSP Volume 21 – No 11. 2012 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
coastal and marine areas and resources. Thus, RS and GIS [14] Ramachandran, S. (1993). Coastal Zone Information System
– Pilot project for Rameswaram area. Report submitted to
technologies are widely used today in coastal ecosystem Department of Ocean Development. Govt. of India, 40 pp.
[15] Andrson, H. J. (1977). A gravity survey of north-west Manu-
kau City, Auckland. (Unpublished B.Sc. Hons thesis, lodged
in the Library, University of Auckland.) 46 p.
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