English For Cosmetic
English For Cosmetic
English For Cosmetic
English for Skin caring (Book One) is written to collage students' need to learm
English for Specific Purposes. This book is designed to provide an opportunity for
the students to develop their English skills more communicatively and
It consists of twenty units. Each unit presents a reading passage. vocabulary,
structure, and speaking exercises. The materials have been arranged and graded in
accordance with their language levels. In each unit a reading passage is
accompanied by three types of questions. The first type is a pre-reading question
which is aimed at activating their background knowledge related to the topic of
the text, while the second one deals with whilst reading activity to make them
more actively involved in reading processes. The third one is a post-reading
question Vocabulary exercises presented here are related to the topic of the text.
These are intended to reinforce their vocabulary learning through the text. In
addition, structure and guided writing exercises are introduced more
communicatively. These exercises require the students to use certain language
pattems in context. Guided writing exercises are also designed to develop the
students" ability to use vocabulary and structure they have acquired through
reading processes and intensive drills in meaningful situations. Speaking exercises
which are put at the end of every unit are introduced in various ways.
Above all, since it still needs revision, the writers will highly appreciate any
constructive criticisms and suggestions for better edition in the coming years.
The writers
Table of content
Table of content………………………………………………....................2
Unit 1
Wardah Fashionable strategy for halal beauty
Glosarium 1 …………………………………………….6
Task 1 ……………………………………………………6
Active 1 …………………………………………………7
Dialog A…………………………………………………8
Task 2 ……………………………………………………8
Dialog B …………………………………………………9
Task 3 ……………………………………………………9
Dialog C …………………………………………………9
Task 4 ……………………………………………………10
Active 3 …………………………………………………10
Task 5 ……………………………………………………12
Long history of wardah cosmetic
Glosarium 2 ………………………………………………12
Task 6 ……………………………………………………13
Unit 2 ……………………………………………………………14
Active ingredients for skin treatment
Unit 3 ………………………………………………………………26
How to use skincare product
How to use make – up
Unit 4 ………………………………………………………………33
Wardah skincare for beginners ………………………………………33
Wardah day cream skin moisture with the content of seaweed extract
Unit 5
Wardah is a halal-cosmetics brand
Active A
Task 1 ……………………………………………………………38
Dialog A …………………………………………………………39
Task 2 ……………………………………………………………40
Dialog B …………………………………………………………40
Task 3 ……………………………………………………………40
Dialog C …………………………………………………………41
Task 4 ……………………………………………………………41
Active 3 …………………………………………………………41
Task 5 ……………………………………………………………43
Active B …………………………………………………………44
Glosarium 2 ……………………………………………………45
Task 6 ……………………………………………………………45
Unit 6
Brand equity ingredients……………………………………………46
Unit 7………………………………………………………………54
Beauty consultant…………………………………………………..54
Job description ……………………………………………………..54
How to handle customer complaint …………………………………57
Unit 8…………………………………………………………………61
How to choose Wardah product for pleasant skin……………………61
How to care for dry skin to keep it most and hydrated ………………62
Active A
Glosarium 1:
1. Inspiring = Inspirasi
2. Values = Nilai
3. Major = Bagian utama
4. Kinds = Jenis – Jenis
5. Advertisements = Iklan - Iklan
6. Consists = Termasuk
7. Contains = Mengandung
8. Regeneration = Pembaruan / Regenerasi
9. Grow = Tumbuh
10. Coat = Pemakaian
11. Intense = Sangat tajam
12. Unsticky = Tidak lengket
13. Lux (Luxurious) = Mewah
14. Elegant = Anggun
15. Shades = Sisi-Sisi
Task 1
Answer the question by following the information:
1. What is the is the one of famous brand that growing fast in our country?
2. What is the slogan of Wardah?
3. Why is the consumer of Indonesia believing on this product?
4. Mention how many step the consists of Wardah product!
5. What is the texture of Wardah Lip cream?
Active 1
4. Would you like to queuing after Would you like some help?
this customer finish?
5. Would you mind if I try your Would you like me to remind you the
Wardah tester product? expired date of some our Wardah
6. Would you mind to open your Would you like to subscribe our
eyes and face on the mirror for Wardah product?
see the result of Wardah Day
Lightening Cream product?
7. Could you order one of our Could you give me suggestion the
Wardah product now? best seller your Wardah product?
8. Can I help you? Can you become our loyal Wardah
customer product, please?
8. Etc… Etc…
Dialog A.
Customer Service: Welcome in our Wardah products market, happy shopping.
Can l help you?
Mrs. Wendy: I'm looking for Day light cream and Lightening Night Cream.
Customer Service: Oh, come here. We have some Wardah Skin care products in
our showcase, you can choose the kind of our skin cares what you want.
Wendy: Thank you. How Much are this?
Customer Service: Nice choice, it will be Rp.43.000,00. For the Light Cream is
Rp. 19.000,00 and for the Lightening Night Cream is Rp. 24.000,00 Are you
going to pay it in chase?
Mrs. Wendy: Yea, I prefer to pay I chase.
Seller: Ok.
Mrs. Wendy: This skin care Wardah clinic product doesn't change at all, I used to
here when I was in junior high school.
Seller: Oh, really? Are you living in this area..
Mrs. Wendy: Yeah, I used to live around here when I was kid, but now we
moving to another block. 2 blocks from here.
Seller: But you still looking for this old Wardah clinic skin care? Wow.. thank
Mrs. Wendy: Just…. I think there is a lot pretty skin care Wardah clinic products
are sell here.
Task 2
Answer this questions by following in that dialog:
1. What is Mrs. Wendy looking for in Wardah clinic skin care?
2. How much Rupiah for Light cream and Lightening Night cream?
3. Where is the address of Mrs. Wendy on that dialog?
4. Does Mrs. Wendy prefer to pay in case?
5. Where is the place of that dialog happen?
Dialog B
Mrs. Hana: Could you give me suggestion the best seller your Wardah product?
Haru : Ok, madam , We have Day Light Cream, Night Light Cream, and Lip
Mrs. Hana: Okay, I want you take the Speachless peach color lip cream and Pink
Fuschionately color, I want to make it mix. Would you mind if I try your Wardah
tester product?
Haru: It’s okay madam, anyting else you need?
Mrs. Hana: No, Thank you.
Haru: Here you go.... Speachless peach color lip cream and Pink Fuschionately
color Everything is fine Madam?
Mrs. Hana: It's perfect. Thank you.
Haru: Enjoy your Day.
Task 3
Answer this questions by following in that dialog:
1. How many the best seller in Wardah product on that dialog?
2. What product does Mrs. Hana want to make a tester?
3. How many lip cream does Mrs.Hana want?
4. Does Mrs. Hana like that lip cream color product?
5. Is mr. Haru kind beauty consultant trainer?
Dialog C
Lixie : May I offer my assistance?
Miranda: Ehm.. I’m looking lip cream for my sister birthday party.
Lixie: You come to the right place, let's see over there. How about the Feeling
Red one?
Miranda: It's too red, and feeling red color is like fresh chili and Its not favorite
color actually.
Lixie: Well, what about the Pinkcredible?
Miranda: That worth to try. Can I try it?
Lixie: Of course.
Miranda: Oh, it's Innocent color, it’s not suitable with my make up. Can you take
the Berry Pretty one please?
LIxie: It's fit on you miss.
Miranda: I think so, I'll take it the Berry Pretty one.
Task 4
Answer this questions by following in that dialog:
1. Who is miss Lixie?
2. What is Miranda looking for?
3. What lip cream color does lixie suggest to Miranda?
4. Why Miranda does not like feeling red color?
5. What color of lip cream does Miranda take?
Active 3
Read the following Reviewer Wardah
Lip Cream
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Almost the last two years I have used Wardah Lip Cream every time, of course,
based on the reviews of honest beauty bloggers and vloggers
My favorite Wardah Lip Cream is the 03, See You Latte, well since it's gone, then
I quickly bought another Lip Cream review and really liked the Wardah Lip
Cream 09 Mauve On.
When I saw the reviews of several bloggers, how come the color is beautiful,
sometimes close to peach, but not peach. It turns out that I just knew the answer,
the application of this lip cream on each lip can be different results because of the
difference in the PH of our lips, as explained by Miss Via, Wardah's PR in one
Yes, it's just different in color and it's not necessarily the same color on my lips.
Lets we discuss from
The box says Mauve On 09, it's big, so read it with the mama whose eyes are
already myopic like mine. Then the lip cream container is still packaged in a
silver-covered tube which is designed as well as being the applicator.
For color, the lip cream this time is almost close to the color of the lips, that’s why
I want to try Wardah Lip Cream Mauve On 09.
And indeed before using Wardah Lip Cream, it is mandatory to use a mandatory
lip balm, if not our lips that are descendants of chapped lips will look very dry,
but if you use lip balm first, the lips become more confident, hahaha
Task 5
Answer the question in the following Reviewer Wardah Lip Cream
1. What is her favorite Wardah Lip Cream did she buy and try?
2. What is the lip cream container packaged in the Wardah Mauve On 09?
3. Why does she want to try Wardah Lip Cream Mauve On 09?
4. What is the reason we should use a mandatory lip balm before using
Wardah Lip Cream?
5. Why this lip cream on each lip can be different results?
Active B
Read the following passage.
Long History of Wardah Cosmetics to Successfully Become a Famous Brand
Wardah is the first cosmetic brand to get a halal certificate from MUI (Indonesian
Ulema Council). To become a big brand like this, there are many obstacles
experienced by the founder of Wardah.
The effort to raise Wardah is not easy. The long history of wardah began with a
home business and later became one of the largest halal cosmetic brands in the
world. Founder of Wardah named Mrs. Dra. Hj. Nurhayati Subakat. She is the
best graduate of the Department of Pharmacy at Bandung Institute of Technology
who graduated in 1975
After graduation, Mrs. Nurhayati then plans to open her own pharmacy in her
hometown, Padang. But unfortunately, these ideals are dashed because of capital
constraints. Nur's mother then started her career as a pharmacist at Padang
General Hospital.
Then she moved to Jakarta and worked at cosmetics company Wella, as a quality
control staff. From here she tried to initiate to do business on her own. In 1985,
she started her business from the cottage industry by producing Princess branded
Glosarium 2
Task 6
1. What is the custom that gives insight into people’s history and values?
Having a beautiful face and healthy skin is one of the most important factors in
supporting appearance, especially for women. The skin is the part that covers the
whole body, is located on the outside and has the widest surface, therefore the
quality of the skin that is seen and seen by others, the quality of the skin is also
used as an indicator of one's beauty assessment. so it is important to maintain their
health. In beautifying yourself, implementing a healthy lifestyle is very important,
by consuming fruits, vegetables and regularly drinking water and diligently
exercising will make the beauty of the skin well maintained.
To support skin hygiene and health, skin care or what is commonly referred to as
skincare is one way to treat and maintain skin condition, so that the skin can look
healthy, fit and pleasing to the eye of the viewer. The selection of safe and
appropriate skincare to support beauty needs has a very important role, in
supporting skin hygiene and health.
In order to help the public as consumers to continue to use relatively inexpensive
and safe skincare. Some good skincare ingredients in toner according to research
and from Aesthetic experts: Salycid Acid, Hyaluronic Acid, Mandelic Acid, Beta
Hydroxy Acid (BHA), Glycolic Acid, Alpha Arbutin. The Indonesian Food and
Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) prohibits the circulation and use of cosmetic
products sold without a permit in Indonesia. These include harmful creams
containing mercury, retinoic acid, hydroquinone, and resorcinol.
Beauty Aspect as Total Perception Object
Physical beauty :
Form the data above the implementation of the Certainty Factor method on the
system. The data provided is based on interview data with experts. The data
includes skin type data as much as 5, skin type criteria data as much as 22, toner
composition content data as much as 7, and toner composition characteristics data
as much as 12. Following are the stages of completing the implementation of the
Certainty Factor method: Description: MB : Measure of Belief (Trust Value) MD
: Measure of Disbelief (Score of Disbelief) Criteria for the selected skin type:
Skin is not too dry not too oily
Looks radiant
The outer surface of the skin looks roughd) Redness Characteristics of the
selected toner composition:
a) Clogged pores b) Oily c) Dark spots d) Acne scars
There are a lot of skin care products on the market. This document will help you
understand the latest ingredients in skin care products that may benefit your skin.
If you're still unsure which skin care products are right for you, ask your
dermatologist or consult with a skin expert at your local salon or beauty counter.
Costumer : Good morning, Ma’am. This is my first time here, so I’m not familiar
with the services that you offer. May I know what kind of treatments that you
Necca : We have complete treatments from head to toe, Miss. You can
choose it in the package, or just choose it per-one treatment.
Costumer: What kind of packages available?
Necca : Here is the list, Miss. You can choose whichever suit your taste.
(Ini daftarnya, Mbak. Bisa dipilih sesuai dengan selera)
Costumer : There are so many choices, right? Can you
give me a recommendation? The one that popular with customer
Necca : I recommend the Day cream and night cream and lip cream
wardah package, Miss. You will get good lip care and of course protect your lips
and your face will be glowing in the dark, the price is much cheaper than
choosing individual treatments)
Costumer : That sounds nice. Okay, I choose that package.
Wardah Lightening Day Cream, a morning moisturizing cream with a light texture
that moisturizes and brightens facial skin. Contains Advanced Niacinamide which
helps brighten skin while providing extra protection against blue light. Equipped
with SPF 30 PA+++ to protect skin from UA A and UV B rays. Suitable for
normal to dry skin.
When applying cream on the face, you don't need a lot, but just enough. But most
importantly, apply the cream evenly on the face.
Wipe evenly from the outside to the inside
So, the recommended way to use a facial cream is to apply a small amount of
cream to several points on the face, then smooth it from the outer side of the face
towards the center in an upward circular motion.
Don't Miss The Neck
The skin on the neck is an extension of the facial skin that needs to be treated as
Apply Cream Immediately After Bath
It's best to use a face cream as soon as you shower or clean your face.
Wardah Lightening Night Cream, a night moisturizing cream with a light texture
that brightens, moisturizes, and nourishes facial skin throughout the night.
Contains Advanced Niacinamide, helps brighten skin and provides extra
protection against blue light. Suitable for all skin types.
- Clean face
The thing that must be considered in the first step, namely cleaning the face
After washing your face and the face is dry, don't immediately apply the night
cream on the face- Then Clap
Use facial serum
Not only toner can moisturize the face, but serum can also provide moisture to the
Wait for the face to dry completely
After doing the serum stage, wait for the face to dry completely.
After the face is completely dry and moisturized, apply the night cream little by
little on each point, one point on the forehead, the second on the cheeks, nose, and
chin. Make sure absolutely five dots. Then, gently massage your face into the
skin using your fingertips in an up and down circular motion. Apply the night
cream at least ten minutes before going to bed,
TASK 2 :
What are the ingredients in night cream and day cream skincare products?
What are the benefits of day cream and night cream for the skin?
What are the benefits of niacinamide for skincare?
What is the most frequently used material for making day cream?
A. Skincare Wardah
Besides that, there are several amazing Wardah skincare products that are
suitable for sensitive skin, oily skin and any skin type. Beauty Insider thinks that
Wardah is an excellent skincare brand that everyone should try. Safe to use and
gentle, here are some Wardah products you might want to add to your basket. So,
let’s take a look at why everyone loves this Indonesian Skincare brand so much.
Despite everything you know about Wardah Beauty, and its popularity in
Malaysia, Wardah is actually a skincare brand from Indonesia. Wardah was
launched in 1995 by the company Paragon Technology and Innovation.
Nurhayati Subakat is the woman behind the company launched in 1985. Who
knew that just 10 years later, Wardah would be introduced to the world.
Although when Wardah first launched, it wasn’t as popular. This was due
to the fact that Wardah is a Halal skincare and cosmetics brand. At the time, Halal
materials were hard to find and many thought that Nurhayati was “peddling
religion”. So, in 2009, Wardah relaunched itself and came with a surpirsing
improvement in both quality and packaging. It wasn’t until 2012 that Wardah
Beauty finally expanded into Malaysia. Let’s just say that it was a success.
Wardah strives to fulfil the needs for Halal beauty products. As Halal
products are slowly gaining traction in the beauty and skincare market, people are
becoming more aware that everybody can use these products. If you are interested
in Wardah Beauty, here are some skincare products that you might want to try.
Step 1 clean your face with Wardah facial soap, which functions to clean and
moisturize facial skin.
Step 2 use toner Wardah with cotton to clean the remaining dirt on the face to
make it more optimal
Step 3 use serum in the palm of 3/4 drops, which serves to nourish and moisturize
facial skin.
Step 4 use Wardah day cream, which functions to moisturize and protect the skin
from the dangers of sun exposure.
How to use Wardah skincare series Night Cream
Step 1 clean your face with Wardah facial soap, which functions to clean and
moisturize facial skin.
Step 2 use toner Wardah with cotton to clean the remaining dirt on the face to
make it more optimal
Step 3 use serum in the palm of 3/4 drops, which serves to nourish and moisturize
facial skin.
step 4 use a night cream that functions to brighten and soothe facial skin while
sleeping, and the next day it looks brighter and healthier.
Please Practice the
text above! Exercise
A. Make Up Wardah
This makes it easier for people to know how to use makeup tools properly
in every opportunity. Not only that, make up tools can also be used as a business,
namely the make up artist business. This business is mushrooming in 2016. Not all
women have complete make-up equipment at home, and can use them well, even
though there are many tutorial videos available here cyberspace. Then this is a
good opportunity for those of you who have a hobby or special expertise in using
makeup tools.
Among the many types of make-up tools available, one of the most
frequently used by women is lipstick. Because lipstick is a type of make-up tool
that is easy to apply compared to other tools, and lipstick can also be the best
choice of make-up tool when you are in a hurry. In addition, lipstick can also help
brighten the face to make it look fresher even when you don't use other eye
makeup, lipstick will give us a more radiant appearance.
Wardah is a lipstick brand that is quite famous and is widely used by
women. Not only that, Wardah has various types of lipsticks with various colors,
has good quality and Wardah is a brand that emphasizes to its consumers that its
products are Halal products. Based on information obtained from the Top Brands
Awards, Wardah Lipstick brand has a good number of sales every year.
B. How to use makeup Wardah
Step 1 Clean your face using Wardah Lightening Gentle Wash to make your face
look bright.
Step 2 Use Wardah Hydrating Toner to give a fresh sensation to the face.
Step 3 Use Wardah White Secret Pure Treatment Essence so that the makeup
sticks more.
Step 4 Use Wardah Acne Perfecting Moisturizer Gel to control oil production
while moisturizing.
Step 5 Use Wardah Sunscreen Gel SPF 30 to protect the skin from sun exposure
while using makeup.
Step 6 Apply Wardah Instaperfect Mineral Matte BB Cushion to even out skin
Step 7 Apply Wardah Instaperfect City Blush Blusher Click to make your cheeks
look flushed.
Step 8 The key is to use Wardah Instaperfect Matte Fit Powder to make it shine-
Step 9 Shape eyebrows using Wardah Instaperfect Geniustwist Matick Contour
Step 10 Create natural eye makeup using Wardah Instaperfect Spotlight
Choromatic Eye Palette.
Step 11 Apply Wardah EyeXpert The Volume Expert Mascara to make lashes
Step 12 Apply Wardah Instaperfect Hypergetic Precise Black Liner to make the
eye shape look bigger.
Step 13 Apply Wardah Instaperfect Mattesetter Lip Matte Pain shade Glee to give a
natural impression.
Please Practice the
text above! Exercise
1. Why do you have to clean your face before using make up?
2. What for Wardah White Secret Pure Treatment Essence?
3. Is the use of sunscreen very important for the face?explain?
4. What for Wardah Instaperfect City Blush Blusher Click?
5. What for Wardah Instaperfect Hypergetic Precise Black Liner?
Dialog 1
Customer : Yes, I think I’ll go for a laser cut. The present mushroom cut
does not allow me to make a french plait or french roll. And I
want a highlighting dye also.
Beautician : Would you like to color your full mane or just a few streaks? I think
with your fair complexion, you can go for blonde color. I hope you
have not applied henna to your hair.
Customer : No. It’s my natural brunette color. Do you think I would be able
to wear citrus color dresses with blonde streaks?
Beautician : Yes, Why not? All earthy shades and other colors would go with
this as long as it’s not gaudy or garish.
Customer : Very well! I love Flamboyant dresses with geometrical designs and
stripes. Beautician : It all depends on how well you carry yourself.
Customer : But see-through dresses and too-loud colors are so bad in taste.
Beautician : You’re right. People think revealing dresses, flashy dresses are eye-
Customer : The look which comes with peppy and pastel colors is
fabulous. Beautician : These days wine red, mauve, and royal blue
are in.
Customer : You can look good in sober colors like moss green, olive green, etc.
Beautician : Alright, what kind of footwear should I choose with my new look?
Beautician : Platform heels and mules are out. Try Stilettos or pencil heels. You
can go for strappy sandals in summer.
Customer : Sneakers are the most comfortable but you can’t wear them
with your formals.
Beautician : Right, Mam.
Wardah has a wide range of products that are useful for treating the
face, including Lightening Series, Nature Daily, White Secret, Perfect
Bright and many others. For beginners, it is recommended to use the
Lightening Series. As the name suggests, the Lightening Series is a
wardah series that has the main benefit of brightening facial skin. This
Wardah series has a variety of products consisting of various types,
ranging from facial cleansers, scrubs, day creams to night creams.
2. Wardah Lightening Face Toner
You can use a wardah toner called Wardah Lightening Face Toner.
Wardah Lightening Face Toner contains AHA which is believed to be
able to overcome pigmentation problems that make the skin look black
and dark. AHA content can also stimulate skin regeneration. In addition
to AHA, the content of vitamin B3 and Licorice in it can help brighten
facial skin that looks dark or dull. Your skin will be healthier and
protected with vitamin E and seaweed extract in this facial toner.
4. Wardah Lightening Day Cream
This day cream is highly recommended for beginners. It has licorice
extract and vitamin B3 which brightens and helps remove various facial
imperfections such as acne scars and black spots. Not far from the
previous product, this product from the Wardah lightening series also
contains AHA which has many benefits for the face, one of which is as
an exfoliator to remove dead skin cells.
This Wardah day cream can maintain skin moisture with the content of
seaweed extract in it.
1. Wardah Lightening Milk Cleanser
With a soft texture and not sticky on the skin, this cleanser is able to lift
dirt into the pores. Then, it can help the skin lightening process more
optimally. The content in charge of this process is vitamin B3. The
AHA content also functions to remove dead skin cells that cause dull
skin to be lifted and the skin looks brighter and more radiant. This
wardah cleanser is enriched with licorice extract which can brighten the
face while helping to absorb excess oil.
step 1 and step 2. You can use step 1 first until it runs out then step 2 to
brighten facial skin more optimally.
The advantage of this wardah face mask is that you don't need to
dissolve it with water because it can be used directly on the face. Has
licorice extract which will brighten and increase facial firmness. This
face mask is suitable for all skin types. You can use it once a week to
get optimal results.
Exercise :
The writer is also interested to analyze the meaning of verbal information about
the Wardah label in each Lightening Series and Lip Cream Series product, like
what is the signifier and what is the signified such as denotative meaning and
connotative meaning of verbal information in the label especially in cosmetics
advertisements “Wardah Cosmetics Lightening Series and Wardah Cosmetics Lip
Cream Series”. signifier and signified via Wardah product label.
Cosmetic Brightener Series and from Lip Cream Series. From this information we
can understand and know how markers and signified are used and applied in
describing its products. To learn labels on a product very important not only to
make a good product but also to understand what does the product conveyed
To improve the company’s image, Wardah began to push more inclusive
campaigns that included models without hijabs published across television ads
and print media.
Its message was clear, Wardah halal-cosmetics are not only for muslims or hijab-
wearing individuals.
1. Established = Didirikan
2. Refers = Mengacu
3. Permissible = Diperbolehkan
4. Lawful = Sah
5. Gained = Memperoleh
6. Compliant = Mematuhi
7. Approximately = Diperkirakan
8. Fragrance = Keharuman
9. Currently = Sekarang
10. Assortment = Berbagai
11. Campaigns = Promosi-Promosi
12. Signifier = Penanda
Task 1
Active 2
Asking and Giving Suggestion are Expressions in English used to express how to
ask and advise others.
B. Forms of Expression
In this section are given and explained some phrases that can be used to express
ways of asking and giving advice to others;
Dialog A:
Ratna: I feel my face look dull lately. Do you have any suggestions for me,
Galih: You should use Wardah Day Light Cream in the morning before use the
sun screen, then you should use Wardah Lightening Night Cream for Helps
optimize the process of enlightenment at night. so that your face condition will
back to glow as natural.
Ratna: Ok, I’ll try what you suggest to me, Thank a lot.
Galih: Don’t mention it.
Task 2
Answer the question by following the Dialog:
1. Why does Galih sugest Ratna for use Wardah Day Light Cream and
Wardah Lightening Night Cream?
2. When does Ratna should use Wardah Lightening Night Cream?
3. What is the function to use Wardah Lightening Night Cream?
4. When does Ratna should use Wardah Day Light Cream?
5. Does Ratna should use Wardah Day Light Cream after use the sun
Dialog B
Icy: I think I need to coloring my Lips, because my lips is dark. What do
you suggest me to do?
Vemin: It’s better for you to used a Wardah Lip Cream. You can buy
in Wardah Beauty Clinic. The best seller one Wardah Beauty Clinic is at
Mojopahit street.
Icy: I’ve thought about that but I’m not sure I can’t use that lip cream.
It’s really Expensive price.
Vemin: I think the price is affordable. It just commonly Rp.52.700, and
you still work in the big company, so I think it’s not costly for you. How
about buy in shopee? It is online shop application. You will get free
postage card.
Icy: Wow, that sounds good. Please tell me what should I do.
Vemin: You should download on shopee application from play store,then
after you download it, you can search Wardah Lip Cream, then click row
become down for find the affordable lip cream, and don’t forget, you
should choose the city where you are , and the last take the postage card
before you already fix to buy that lip cream.
Icy: Sure. I’ll try soon. Thank you so much.
Task 3
Answer the question by following the Dialog:
1. What is the reason Icy coloring her lips?
2. Where is the best place Icy should buy Wardah Lip Cream?
3. What is the price Wardah Lip Cream commonly?
4.Why does Vemin sugest Icy download the Shopee application?
5. Does Icy agree with Vemin’s suggestion?
Dialog C
Abigail: Next week on Saturday night, I will have a birthday party
Britney: We must prepare to use cream and lip cream.
Abigail: You’re true, I have trouble with my face when I used other skin
care product.
Britney: So do I, but I have trouble with my lips. I’m afraid I’m not
confident when I join that a birthday party.
Abigail: Do you have any idea for us?
Britney: Last party, Siska told me that my lips is pretty and it’s suitable for
me, because I used Wardah Lip Cream, the color of that lip cream is red
dicted, and Brandon said to me that, you were glowing because you used
Wardah Lightening Night Cream. Why don't we make up together?
Abigail: Wow, that's good idea. Thanks
Britney: Anytime. So. I think. You will use Wardah Lightening Night
Cream and I will use Wardah Lip Cream, for the color is red dicted.
Task 4
Answer the question by following the Dialog:
1. When the birthday party will be held?
2. What should they prepare to join birthday party invitation in Next week
on Saturday night?
3. Why Britney is not confident when She will join that a birthday party
next week on Saturday?
4. Does Abigail agree with Britney’s suggestion?
5. What the color of lip cream that suitable for Britney?
Active 3
Wardah Lightening Day Cream Review New Packaging
June 8, 2021 - by Alfiani Fita
New Packaging Wardah Lightening Day Cream Review – Some time ago, I had a
chance to try a product from Wardah Lightening. This series has been around for
a long time, but recently the packaging has changed to be better than before.
So far, I haven't tried wardah products from this series again because I have tried
the cleanser and even broke out, so I was a little scared when trying other
I have read about blue light, it turns out that its effects are good for the skin, such
as making the skin is not dull. This blue light, which is the light emitted by mobile
phones, computers, and the sun.
When compared to the old packaging, I prefer the new packaging design because
it is more modern but still looks simple. Day cream product, packaged using a
20ml tube and a white flip top lid.
The day cream moisturizer has a very creamy texture and is also moisturizing and
easy to absorb, because it is equipped with:
Advanced Niacinamide
Helps brighten the skin and gives extra protection to the blue light
SPF 30 PA+++.
Protects the skin from UVA and UVB rays. Suitable for normal skin tends to
be dry.
The texture of this day cream from Wardah is not as thick as day cream from
other brands that I have tried. Although it is a bit thick and there is a little
whitecast, but it is still easy to blend and does not leave stains when flattened.
This day cream also has a very soft floral aroma.
Probably because of this product, it is formulated for dry skin so it is not like it
makes the skin so matte. But, I prefer it because it reduces the oil in the skin of the
face. I once tried a day cream from another brand that was also used for dry skin,
but as a result it was too muddy on my skin and also made the skin not feel
comfortable. However, this product is very convenient and suitable for use.
Task 5
Answer the question in the following Reviewer Wardah Lightening Day Cream
1. Is Wardah Lightening Day Cream effects good for the skin? (Also give the
more detail information)
2. Why Reviewer is prefer the new packaging design than old packaging?
3. What packaged did Day cream product use?
4. What contain does the day cream moisturizer have?
5. What is the benefit the reviewer use Wardah Lightening Day Cream at once?
Active B
Read the following passage.
Long History of Wardah Cosmetics to Successfully Become a Famous Brand
This effort of course comes with obstacles and obstacles. 5 years later, Mrs. Nur
was hit by a disaster. The newly built factory burned down. This almost made
Mrs. Nur give up because of the debt in the bank that piled up.
In 1999, Ibu Nur founded a cosmetic brand with a very unique concept in her era.
She took the concept of halal cosmetics that target Muslim women consumers.
The brand was later named "Wardah"
Wardah then became the first cosmetic brand in Indonesia to get a Halal
certificate from MUI. At that time, this predicate was revolutionary because
people did not think about the halalness of the cosmetic products they use.
Because of its unique concept, Wardah then developed rapidly. In 1999 -2003,
sales of wardah products increased dramatically. Quickly wardah became one of
the icons of local cosmetic brands in Indonesia
Until now, Wardah has developed rapidly and you can say Wardah is the number
1 local cosmetic brand in Indonesia. In fact, the development of this Wardah did
not stop here. Wardah has also expanded its market to other countries, such as
Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, and others.
In 1999, the World Halal Council named Wardah as the pioneer of halal cosmetics
in Indonesia. In 2015, Wardah became the first and only to enter the "Global
Fastest Growing Brand 2014-2015".
Some of the factors that make Wardah so successful are; Good market marketing
strategy, good promotional techniques, products are easy to access (literally they
are everywhere), and affordable prices, and products that are in accordance with
Indonesia. (wik).
1. Hit = Dilanda
2. Disaster = Bencana
4. Debt = Hutang
5. Piled Up = Menumpuk
6. Developed = Berkembang
7. Rapidly = Cepat
8. Increased = Meningkat
9. Expanded = Diperluas
Task 6
1. What was the disaster on 5 years later that Mrs. Nur was hit?
- Market: The power of the brand to improve the performance of the store
or distributor.
- Protection: Brand has legality
Regina wardah : I'll just explain, actually in that brand, there is a brand
team itself. What if the brand team itself has a function to conceptualize the
campaign? Big campaigns. Then, it's like this product campaign wants to create
a division.. what is this...
Necca : My question is, are there any challenges or benefits from social media
at the Wardah Cosmetic brand. So how far are the benefits and challenges
felt from promotion and marketing?
Regina : Ooooh, actually if the benefits are clear, because of today's social
media, right? Take and give like that. So if we find out about a product, a
brand will definitely run to social media first.
Necca : For example, if you get feed back from your own social media, it's
like for example someone asking questions or...
Regina : Yes, there is. So actually, most of the types of followers on our social
media, when we post skin care, the questions tend to be questions like if my
skin is oily, what? or what if my skin is like this? declarative about make-up,
Necca : What are the challenges and obstacles to building a cosmetic
imagewardag as a halal cosmetic product?
Regina : Actually, as a halal cosmetic product, we are now going to something
else, because people already know enough that Wardah products are halal
Find and mention all Wardah products about their forms and uses. Write a
report on what you have read (25 words) and present it in front of your
Wet your face with water, then take out enough Wardah Lightening
Micellar Gentle Wash product on your hands, then lather on your face. Gently
massage , then rinse thoroughly . When I put it on my face , I feel the
fragrance is not overpowering . In fact, the aroma is the same as Wardah
Lightening Gentle Wash. So nostalgia is cheerful again with him, eahhhh
The results of using Wardah Lightening Micellar Gentle Wash For 2
weeks of using Wardah Lightening Micellar Gentle Wash, Alhamdulillah, it
did not cause various effects, hihi. When compared to the previous packaging,
namely Wardah Lightening Gentle Wash, I prefer this Wardah Lightening
Micellar Gentle Wash. Because the results after use, the face not only
becomes moist, but
also not oily, so that the clean feeling lasts longer. In addition , when
comparing the packaging , the previous one only had one color , while the
current packaging is more cheerful in color.
A liquid foundation that gives you natural coverage. Protected with SPF 30
PA+++, last 12 hours, and non comedogenic formula
Before applying the powder, use foundation first, then use a dry sponge
or brush to pick up the product, then apply it slowly to the face and neck by
tapping gently. If using a brush, apply the product in a circular motion. Repeat
until it's evenly distributed.
3. What is the difference between Wardah Two way cake and Wardah
A. Definition
Beauty consultant is someone who provides advice about personal
appearance, with a focus on making someone look more beautiful and
professionally polished.
Beauty consultant responsibilities include demonstrating makeup
techniques, suggesting products that meet clients’ needs and informing customers
about product details, like ingredients, application methods and price. To be
successful in this role, you are customer-service oriented and are familiar with a
wide range of beauty products.
Customers have a choice who they shop through — or if they don’t want
to shop with anyone at all, they don’t have to - No monthly minimum purchases
for consultants
1. Beauty consultant is?
2. Beauty consultant responsibilities include?
3. How to beauty consultant is successful in promoting their products?
B. Job description
Job description of a beauty consultant?
1. Welcoming customers upon their arrival
You can do to make customers feel welcome is to smile. You might be
stressed or even upset, but if you can find a way to smile when customers come in,
you will see sales rise. One way to smile even when you don't think about it is to
think about a pleasant experience you have had.
Example dialog 1
Beautician : Good
Morning! Mam. Customer :
Yes, Good Morning!
2. Asking targeted questions to identify clients’ needs
Asking targeted questions to identify clients’ needs serves to find out what
is being needed or sought by the client and to support product sales
Example dialog 2
Customer : Yes, I think I’ll go for a laser cut. The present mushroom
cut does not allow me to make a french plait or french
roll. And I want a highlighting dye also.
3. Recommending the most suitable skin care or makeup products
Recommending the most suitable skin care or makeup products
lotions, lipstick, powder, eyeliner, serum and etc) based on complexions and
Example dialog 3
Beautician : Would you like to color your full mane or just a few streaks? I
think with your fair complexion, you can go for blonde color.
I hope you have not applied henna to your hair.
Customer : No. It’s my natural brunette color. Do you think I would
be able to wear citrus color dresses with blonde streaks?
Beautician : Yes, Why not? All earthy shades and other colors would go
with this as long as it’s not gaudy or garish.
Customer : Very well! I love Flamboyant dresses with geometrical
designs and stripes.
Please practice the dialog above!
C. How to Deal with Customer Complaints Well and Appropriately
In addition to providing the highest quality products, the seller must also
provide the best service to customers. One form of good service is receiving
customer complaints. Here are some tips:
1. Listen well
The first way to deal with customer complaints is to be a good listener. No matter
how the customer submits a complaint, you must listen carefully and be patient. Try
not to get carried away by emotions and remain calm even if the customer does not
convey his complaint in the same way.
2. Empathize with Customers
The next tip that you must apply is to be empathetic to customers. Even though
complaints don't always come from product shortages, you still can't dodge and
listen to customer stories to the end. Do not be defensive or corner the customer
even though there are already signs that the complaint is actually from the
customer's negligence.
3. Apologizing to Customers
Apologizing doesn't mean you admit that what the customer protested must be the
seller's fault. Either way, the seller is better off apologizing to the customer. One of
them is because of the inconvenience and constraints felt by the customer to make
the customer have to make a complaint.
4. Be a Solution
If a customer complains about a defective product, try to offer a solution to exchange
the item. If there is a case that a customer orders a product that is out of stock,
immediately offer to refund or exchange it for another item that is available.
5. Give Other Compensation
Usually customers do not demand any compensation, but purely just want to make a
complaint. You can convey an apology and thank you in the form of a discount
voucher. The nominal does not have to be large, but make sure the discount is
reasonable and can be used by customers.
6. Make a Complaint an Evaluation
Record all complaints received from customers and make business evaluation
material. Everything from the description of the complaint, the type of complaint,
the time for completion of the complaint, follow-up, to the closing of the complaint
must be recorded properly.
7. Improve Quality
After evaluating and knowing where the mistakes are in your business, now is the
time to improve the quality of your products and services. Over time, customers
will realize that your business is improvising. You must also clearly explain to
customers that this quality improvement cannot be separated from the various
suggestions they provide
1. What are the causes of customer complain?
2. How to handle it?
3. Can being a good listener and having empathy for customer overcome
4. If there are customer who complain about incomplete products,
what is the solution?
5. Why make a complaint an evaluation? explain!
Please practice the dialog!
Angeline : Nope. It is
under 30.000,.
Lala : Is the brand
name famous?
Angeline : Yes, I think. Wardah is well-known.
Lala : Are cosmetics harmful?
lasts longer. In addition, for comfortable daily makeup, you can choose
to use a lighter BB cream or DD cream. However, if you want more
instant results, Wardah also has a cushion that functions as a
foundation as well as powder.
Exercise :
2. Wardah Nature Daily Seaweed Cleansing Micellar Water
Cleans and moisturizes dry skin If you don't like cleansing oil or are
sensitive to olive content, you can try micellar water from Wardah
products for dry skin. Water-based, this product has a multi-action
formula to keep dry skin moisturized. In addition to cleaning the face
from dirt and makeup, this product contains seaweed and cucumber
extracts to soothe the skin, prevent black spots, and fade acne scars. This
product is also free of alcohol, parabens, and fragrances.
3. Wardah Nature Daily Seaweed Balancing Facial Wash
Has a gentle formula with a balanced pH This seaweed extract also
has a calming effect which is suitable for dry skin. Functions to balance
the pH of the face that changes due to pollution so that this Wardah
product is also effective in relieving irritation. The formula is also
surfactant free, so it's not too foamy but still removes dirt and excess oil
4. Wardah Hydrating Toner
A Wardah product for dry skin that is useful for moisturizing and
hydrating Make dry skin more moist with this Wardah product. The
formula is gentle and non-comedogenic, so it won't clog pores. In
addition, it can improve blood circulation and optimal absorption of
nutrients in the skin. In addition, there are also witch hazel and aloe vera
extracts that are able to hydrate and maintain moisture on dry facial skin.
Does not contain alcohol, this product can balance pH levels while
minimizing the appearance of pores. Coupled with the content of
chamomile extract which can soothe and relieve redness on the skin.
tight, elastic, and radiant. It also contains Argireline peptide which can
help skin stay youthful by reducing fine lines and wrinkles.
Buyer : I see from social media posts there is info on buy 1 get 1. is
it still valid? can show me.
Seller : Of course. let me show you. on the right side of the
window you can see.
Buyer : okay, thanks. I want to buy Wardah Nature Daily Seaweed
Cleansing Micellar Water & Wardah Nature Daily
Seaweed Balancing Facial Wash products. is this for the
Dry Skin To Keep It Moist And Hydrated treatment?
Seller : Yes, that's right.
Exercise :
What do buyers need in the dialogue above? Why do buyers get such a low
Photo and Biography
3. Name : Nurus Silvia
Place of Birthday : Sidoarjo, 26 September 1996
Address : Jl. Gamping Wetan RT 07 RW 02 Krian -
Hobby : Shopping, Culinery, and Holiday.
Motto : Keep Spirit for Much Money
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 7
Unit 8