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Water is the gift of Nature ..

Let us preserve it
Effluent Transfer Plant is the essential part of a Textile Industry. As the consciousness about environment has been drastically increased; the research, talks about ETP also been increased. ETP Plant consists of some basic steps. From the very beginning of Water accumulating to the final purified water has some processing procedures. These are Primary Filtration Cooling & Mixing Neutralization by Acid or Alkali Dozing Chemical Co-agulation Setting & Separation of Sludge Sludge Pit Filtration Discharge To Drain

I have already posted about the process flowchart of ETP Effluent Treatment Plant. But it was too much shot and contained ony the process name. Now I am describing each section of these. h2>Primary Filtration of Waste Liquor Waste liquor after pretreatment, dyeing, printing and finishing is subjected to primary filtration, in which removal of gross solids, such as waster threads, fabric pieces, lints, etc, takes place.

Cooling & Mixing

After primary filtration, the liquor passes to cooling and mixing tank in which uniform mixing of effluents from various process takes place. A paddle mixer is provided for mixing. Cooling of the effluent may be done with the help of cooling tower.

The effluent is pumped to a tank in which it is neutralized by acid or alkali dozing. The tank has an automatic dosing controller which at automatically control the dose of acid or alkali to maintain the required PH .

Then the effluent is pumped to the co-agulation tank. Chemical co-agulation very effective for removal of color and suspended materials, aluminum, ferrous sulphates, ferric chloride, chlorinate dcopper etc. to increase the efficiency of co-agualtion, co agulation gain may be added for example polyacrylate.

Setting & Separation of Sludge

Some of the soluble organic matter and light suspended solids will form a blanket of flocculent matter with the co-agulants. The blanket is skimmed of to another tank and the remaining solution is moved to pressure filter.

Pressure Filter
For pressure filtration vacuum pumps may be used to force through the filter and suspended flocks are collected in the pressure fine filter.

Discharging to Drain
After filtration the purified water sent to drain which eventually reach to the river or anywhere else.

What type of water need to be Treated

ETP is used in Textile Industry to save the Environment. A lot of pollutant water comes from different section of Textile Manufacturing unit which are really harmful for the natures.

Now we will know about what type of pollutant we find from the discharged water of textiles manufacturing unit. Even; we will know about how many BODS (Biological Oxygen Demand) this kind of water requires to make this environment friendly. 1. Desizing Unit Process: In desizing section several pollutants are found in water like Starch, Glucose, CMC, PVC Resins, Fat Oils etc. In this section the water are very much pollutant and needs high BOD which is 35 50% of total. 2. Scouring: In scouring section Sodium Hydroxide, Na2OO3 and other auxiliaries are found in water. Scoured water needs 30% of total BOD and they looks like dark colored and strongly alkaline. 3. Bleaching: In Bleached Water several pollutants are found like Bleaching powder, Chlorine, Sodium Hydroxide, Hydrogen per Oxide etc. This kind of water needs 5% BOD of total and in alkaline condition. 4. Mercerizing: In Mercerizing section just two types of pollutant are emitted. These are Sodium Hydroxide and Alkali. This kind of water needs 1% of BOD and water stays at strongly alkaline condition. 5. Dyeing: In dyeing section various Dyes, Salts, Acids, Alkalis, Sodium Hydro sulphite, Soap and Detergents can be found in water. This water is in highly colored and oily appearance and needs 6 % BOD of total. 6. Printing: Several pollutants exists in water like Dyes, Pigments, Thickener, Chemicals, Acids and Alkalies etc. This water is in highly colored and oily apprearance and needs 6 10% BOD of total. 7. Finishing: In Textile finishing section some pollutants like Traces of Starch, Tallow, and Different Finishing Agents are found. It requires low BOD which is about 2 4% of the total. You can ask me about what is the BOD you meant above?

BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand)

The amount of Oxygen (O2) required for bring organism to oxidize organic materials is called biological oxygen demand (BOD). 1 Liter Water = 100 Mg Oxygen.

Effect of Effluents on Environment & Textiles Industry.

Waster water from the industries destroys the quality of water body in which they are exposed affecting the marine-life. It has also harmful effect on sewerage handling system and agricultural land. The characteristics and effects of effluents are summarized below


PH Factor of Water:

The waster water after PET dyeing is acidic, whereas it is alkaline after

reactive dyeing. If waster water is highly acidic then it causes 1. Corrosion in Pipe lines, 2. Destruction of aquatic life. If waste water is highly alkaline then it causes 1. Adverse effect on aquatic life 2. Damages crops by impairing their growths.


Dissolved Solids In Water:

Dissolved Solids may be organic or inorganic in nature. They cause reduction of dissolved O2 in water. It also causes 1. 2. 3. 4. Disease & Discomfort. Scale formation in piple-lines and other equipments. It accelerates algal growth. It increases water hardness.


Suspended Solids In Water:

1. Suspended solids increase turbidity. 2. Interface with light transmitting properties of water. 3. Destroy photosynthesis and O2 transfer process.

It causes

So, we see there are a lot of bad impact on environment and natures by effluent. We should have the Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) to treat these garbage to save our nature and environment.

In Bangladesh, visiting different Textile Mills it is found that a very few of the industry are conscious about the environmental policies, working environment, remuneration, Effluent Transfer Plant (ETP) etc. It is hopeful news that some of the industries are

implementing the facts now. Now let ourselves to know the fact what should have the

industries. 1. A Textile Mill should have the basic salary structure for the workers and employee that are decent for them. 2. They should have the Medical Facility for the workers and employee. 3. They should have the working environment where the workers feel ease to work. 4. High temperature (no need in production) should be controlled in every Textile Mills. 5. Effluent Transfer Plant should be constituted to neutralize the toxic chemical mixed water and dyestuffs. 6. Good and easy arrangement for Emergency Exit. 7. Ensuring the stability of the job. 8. Quietly stopping the Labour Violence.

Definition of Effluent Treatment Plant: ETP stands for Effluent Treatment Plant. Effluent can be treated in a number of different ways depending on the composition of the effluent and the level of treatment required. These levels could be classified into the following types: Preliminary, Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary. The mechanisms for treatment can be divided into three broad categories: Physical, Chemical, and Biological. Many of these processes are used together in a single treatment plant. Types of Effluent Treatment Plant: There are three effluent treatment plant which are PhysicO-chemical treatment plant Chemical-biological plant Biological treatment plant 1. Chemical treatment plant: In this process effluent water are mainly converted into sludge of metal complex by chemical reaction. Then it is separated from the water and dried and dipped into the soil. But the sludge remain activate which is harmful. Effluent ----Sludge of metal complex ---Dry sludge ---Dipped into soil 2. Biological treatment plant: This process is mainly build up by using microorganism. This is Bacteria, Amoeba,and Protozoa. Bectoria are two types, one is Anaerobic and Aerabic . First one is hazardous for our environment and second one is friendly for our environment. In here Bacteria break the bond of harmful chemical by enzyme secretion. As a result harmful chemical converted into environmental friendly. The sludge produces by this process is also used as different functions such as fertilizer fuel in the brick field. Methods of wastewater treatment A complete treatment of a mixed textile effluent consists of the following steps: Physicochemical pre-treatment is adopted to remove often part of the recalcitrant COD and/or suspended solids. Biological treatment. Conventional activated sludge systems have the capability to remove large fractions of COD. A combined anaerobic and aerobic treatment is also effective to remove azodyes. Physicochemical post-treatment. Removal of dyes and remaining recalcitrant COD can be achieved by activated carbon treatment, sorption processes, membrane filtration, oxidation processes and so on. Concentrated streams with non-biodegradable substances should preferably be treated at source. If this is not the case, biological treatment can be optimized by the addition of activated carbon or can be improved by coupling with advanced oxidation processes. Alternatively, decentralized treatments, such as membrane treatment, can be used to recover non-biodegradable chemicals. Major ongoing developments seek for minimizing and rationalizing water consumption, as well as establishing cost-effective treatment units that increase the degree of water loop closure. Water is often reused in washing and desizing processes for a lower water quality

demand. Wastewater treatment by wet air oxidation The textile wastewater discharged from printing and dyeing processes is characterized by high chemical oxygen demand (COD), low biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), and heavy color. It is one of the major sources of pollutants in the textile industry. In particular, the COD and color of the wastewater are resistant to conventional wastewater treatment. Wet air oxidation (WAO) can convert the organic pollutants into water and carbon dioxide at elevated temperatures and pressures. Since it achieves very high conversion rates, the wet air oxidation process typically requires much less space. No additional sludge or concentrated waste is produced as in the case of biological processes. WAO is a viable process for the treatment of desizing, scouring, dyeing and printing wastewater from the textile industry. It requires high temperatures (about 300) and high pressures (over 10MPa). Effluent Treatment Plant Schematic Diagram

Types of Industrial Effluent Treatment Plants

We offer a wide range of industrial effluent treatment plants for application in paint shop, diaries, paper mills, oil refineries, leather industry, glass factories, chemical and processing industries etc. These industrial effluent treatment plants are designed to provide a pollution free working environment and recycle the water for other applications. All the effluent treatment plants strictly comply with the design specifications laid down by the regulatory authority. The industrial effluent treatment plants involve different stages of treatment including physio- chemical treatment and biological treatment followed by tertiary treatment. Integrated functions with simple control makes the operation much easier. Our engineers can also custom design effluent treatment plants based on the specific application requirement of the customers. Akar's Industrial effluent plants have a compact design and can be easily installed on the site. next

Effluent Treatment Plant for Paint Shop

Paint Shop Effluent Treatment Plants (APPSET) Our Paint Shop Effluent Treatment Plants (APPSET) have features compact design a completely packaged unit. These next generation plants contain exhaustive chemical treatment in a ready to install packaged steel unit, which is containerized ready to ship. The system comprises of series of chemical reaction tanks working in series to separate or neutralize toxic polluting contaminants including paint in effluent. The treated output can be reused for auxiliary applications. Send Enquiry

Effluent Treatment Plant for Textile Dyeing Industry

Textile Dyeing Waste Water Plants / Textile Dyeing Effluent Treatment Plants

Akar has successfully installed Industrial effluent treatment plant for treating waste water in textile dyeing industries across the globe. The effluent from this industry generally consists of high amount of salts such as sodium sulphate or sodium chloride. For the purpose, first Evaporation, then Crystallization of Salts and thereafter centrifuging is done to dewater the salt output from crystallizer. We also offer customization of plants based on the specific requirements of the clients.

ETP SYSTEM FOR TEXTILE DYEING INDUSTRIES Textile dyeing industries need huge quantity of water for textile dyeing, which they normally pump out

repeatedly from the ground or natural water sources resulting in depletion of ground water level. In the dyeing process textile industries generate huge quantity of toxic effluent containing colours, sodium sulphate, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide and traces of other salts. These are generated after dyeing and after washing of garments / fabrics. After dyeing the waste water produced is called Dye Bath water and after washing the waste water generated is called wash water. Dye Bath contains higher solids in the range 4-5% whereas wash water contains only 0.5-1% solids.

Based on the above mentioned fact SSP has developed a technology which can process such harmful toxic effluent water and transform it into reusable water. Thus the textile industries will have the advantage of using the same water in the dying process repeatedly, also the salt used for dyeing can be reused or sold in the market. The technology offered by SSP can overcome all problems pertaining to environmental pollution in respect to textile dying industries. The basic thrust of the technology is to convert entire quantity of effluent to zero level by separating water and salt using evaporation and separation technology. The concept and the treatment is based on the removal of the entire COD/BOD and the condensate coming out to meet the fresh water quality requirement in the process. TEXTILE WASTE WATER HANDLING BY EVAPORATION AND SOLID SEPARATION BASIC PRINCIPLE: The technology is based on basic principle of reduction of quantity by concentrating the effluent and subsequently separation of salt and water. THE EVAPORATION PROCESS: Textile Effluent is fed to the vacuum evaporator to concentrate up to 40% solids concentration. The total process is under vacuum and the vapors generated in the system are re-used to economize steam consumption in multiple effect evaporation system with thermal vapour recompression system. The thermal vapour recompression system use Vapours generated in the evaporator and compress it by steam and the compressed vapours are used as heating medium in the evaporator, in this way steam consumption is reduced. Water recovered from the evaporator has low COD/BOD value and can be recycled in the plant.

SEPARATION PROCESS (Zero Liquid Discharge Section): Dye Bath / Wash Water Effluent

The resultant slurry (concentrate) is fed to the thickener and centrifuging section for converting the liquid concentrate to solid waste. The mother liquor from thickener and centrifuge is recycled back to evaporator. The water separated out from evaporator is good enough in quality to recycle in the plant for Dyeing. KEY FEATURES:

Zero Liquid Discharge Fully Customized Designed System Highest Steam Economy Low Operating Cost Less Downtime for Maintenance Generation of Reusable Condensate Water Operator Friendly

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