Gap Analysis 11737-1 2018
Gap Analysis 11737-1 2018
Gap Analysis 11737-1 2018
2018 2006
Clause Clause
No Clause Gap/Description No Clause Gap/Description
1 Scope 1 Scope
Normative Normative
2 References 2 References
Terms &
3 Definitions 3 Terms & Definitions
3.1 Batch
3.2 Bioburden 3.1 Bioburden
3.3 Bioburden correction factor 3.3 Correction factor
Documents & records required shall be Documents & records required shall be
approved by designated personnel and shall be approved by designated personnel and shall be
4.1.2 controlled 4.1.2 controlled
Records retained shall include all original Records retained shall include all original
observations, calculations, derived data and final observations, calculations, derived data and
reports. The records shall include the identity of final reports. The records shall include the
all the personnel involved in sampling, identity of all the personnel involved in
4.1.3 preparation and testing 4.1.3 sampling, preparation and testing
Calculations & data transfers shall be subject to Calculations & data transfers shall be subject to
4.1.4 appropriate checks 4.1.4 appropriate checks
Managements Managements
4.2 Responsibility 4.2 Responsibility
The responsibility & authority for implementing The responsibility & authority for implementing
and performing the procedure shall be specified and performing the procedure shall be specified
and reponsibility shallbe assigned to competent and reponsibility shallbe assigned to competent
4.2.1 personnal 4.2.1 personnal
All items of equipment required for the correct All items of equipment required for the correct
perormance of the specified tests & perormance of the specified tests &
4.2.3 measurements shall be available 4.2.3 measurements shall be available
4.3 Realisation 4.3 Product Realisation
Procedures for purchasing shall be specified. Procedures for purchasing shall be specified.
These procedures shall conform with 13485, These procedures shall conform with 13485,
4.3.1 15189 or 17025 4.3.1 15189 or 17025
A documented system conforming with 13485, A documented system conforming with 13485,
15189, 17025 or ISO 10012 shall be specified for 15189, 17025 or ISO 10012 shall be specified
4.3.2 caliberation of all equipment 4.3.2 for caliberation of all equipment
Methods shall be specified for the preparation Methods shall be specified for the preparation
and sterilisation of materials used in and sterilisation of materials used in
determination of bioburden, including determination of bioburden, including
4.3.3 appropriate quality tests 4.3.3 appropriate quality tests
Analysis &
4.4 improvement
procedures for selection & handling of products procedures for selection & handling of products
for determination of bioburden shall ensure that for determination of bioburden shall ensure
the selected product is representative of routine that the selected product is representative of
production, including packaging materials & routine production, including packaging
5.1.1 processes 5.1.1 materials & processes
If product(s) are grouped in a product family for If product(s) are grouped in a product family for
the purpose of determination of bioburden, the the purpose of determination of bioburden, the
rationale for inclusion of a product within a rationale for inclusion of a product within a
product family shall be racorded. The rationale product family shall be racorded. The rationale
shall ensure that bioburden determined for a shall ensure that bioburden determined for a
product selected from the product family is product selected from the product family is
5.1.2 representative for the whole product family 5.1.2 representative for the whole product family
Consideration shall be given to the timing of Consideration shall be given to the timing of
determination of bioburden relative to determination of bioburden relative to
manufacturing because bioiburden can change manufacturing because bioiburden can change
5.1.3 with the passage of time. 5.1.3 with the passage of time.
Sample item
5.2 portion (SIP)
When the bioburden distribution is known, When the bioburden distribution is known,
following applies- following applies-
- if bioburden is evenly distributed, the SIP may - if bioburden is evenly distributed, the SIP may
be slected from any portion of item be slected from any portion of item
- if bioburden is not evenly distributed, the SIP - if bioburden is not evenly distributed, the SIP
shall include either portions of the product shall include either portions of the product
selected that proportionately represent each of Sample item portion selected that proportionately represent each of
material from which product is made or the (SIP) material from which product is made or the
portion having most severe microbial challenge portion having most severe microbial challenge
5.2.3 to the sterilisation process to the sterilisation process
If the bioburden distribution is not known, The If the bioburden distribution is not known, The
sIP shall consist of portions of the product sIP shall consist of portions of the product
slected that proportionally represent each of the slected that proportionally represent each of
5.2.4 materials from which the product is made the materials from which the product is made
SIP can be calculated on the basis of SIP can be calculated on the basis of
5.2.5 dimensional characteristics dimensional characteristics
Methods of Methods of
determination determination and
and microbial microbial
characterisation characterisation of
6 of bioburden 6 bioburden
Determination of Determination of
6.1 bioburden 6.1 bioburden
For an identified product where the removal of For an identified product where the removal of
viable microorganisms is part of the method, the viable microorganisms is part of the method,
efficiency of removal shall be considered and the efficiency of removal shall be considered
outcomes of this consideration recorded. and outcomes of this consideration recorded.
Consideration shall, at least, be given to Consideration shall, at least, be given to
following- following-
- ability of technique to remove microorganism - ability of technique to remove microorganism
- possible type of microorganism and their - possible type of microorganism and their
location on product location on product
-effects of removal technique on the viability of -effects of removal technique on the viability of
microorganisms microorganisms
- the physical or chemical nature of the product - the physical or chemical nature of the product under test under test
Microbial Microbial
characterisation characterisation of
6.2 of bioburden 6.2 bioburden
determination of Routine
bioburden & determination of
interpretation of bioburden &
8 data 8 interpretation of data
Acceptable levels for bioburden shall be Acceptable levels for bioburden shall be
specified. If these levels are exceeded, action specified. If these levels are exceeded, action
shall be taken. Acceptable levels shall be shall be taken. Acceptable levels shall be
8.6 Bioburden levels reviewed and revised as necessary 8.5 reviewed and revised as necessary
Data derived from determination of bioburden Data derived from determination of bioburden
8.7 Data Analysis obtained shall be used to identify trends 8.6 obtained shall be used to identify trends
if used, the application of stastical methods to if used, the application of stastical methods to
Statistical define sample size, sampling frequency and/or define sample size, sampling frequency and/or
8.8 Methods acceptable levels shall conform with iso 13485 8.7 acceptable levels shall conform with iso 13485