Essential Principle Checklist
Essential Principle Checklist
Essential Principle Checklist
To establish compliance with the Essential requirements, as specified in Clause 6 of Medical Device Rule 2017 for the device throughout the life-cycle. It
involves identifying the applicability or non-applicability of related requirement, applicability of related standard / regulation, compliance or non-
compliance and technical documentation to establish compliance.
Device Name
Device Risk Class
Device Master File
5.5.2 Devices should be designed and manufactured in Yes ISO 13485:2016 Yes Refer Design and Development
such a way as to remove or reduce as far as ISO 14971:2019 File (DD/CHIPL/RD-0191,
reasonably practicable and appropriate: ISO 15223-1:2021 Version 02, Issue date
(i) the risk of injury to the patient, user or EN ISO 20417:2021 08.09.2021)
other persons in connection with their ISO 80601-2-12:2011 Risk management File (RMF/A-
physical and ergonomic features; IEC 60601-1:2005+A2020 01, Rev. 01, Date 02.10.2022)
(ii) the risk of use error due to the Refer
ergonomic features, human factors and Production Work Process
the environment in which the device is Flow Diagram (PFD-PRD-
intended to be used; 001, Rev. 1.0, Issue Date
(iii) risks connected with reasonably 01-02-2023)
foreseeable external influences or Production Operations
environmental conditions, such as Process Flow Diagram for
magnetic fields, external electrical and Critical Care Ventilator (PFD-
electromagnetic effects, electrostatic PRD-002, Rev. 1.0, Issue
discharge, radiation associated with Date 01-02-2023)
diagnostic or therapeutic procedures,
pressure, humidity, temperature or
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Clause Essential Principle Relevant Specification / Standard / Complies Documentation reference
Sub Clause / reference justification and/ or comments
variations in pressure and acceleration;
(iv) (iv) the risks associated with the use of
the device when it comes into contact
with materials, liquids, and gases to
which it is exposed during normal
conditions of use;
(v) the risk associated with the possible
negative interaction between software
and the environment within which it
operates and interacts;
(vi) (vi) the risks of accidental penetration of
substances into the device;
(vii) the risks of reciprocal interference with
other devices normally used in the
investigations or for the treatment
given; risks arising where maintenance
or calibration are not possible (as with
implants), from ageing of materials used
or loss of accuracy of any measuring or
control mechanism.
5.5.3 Devices should be designed and manufactured in Yes ISO 13485:2016 Yes Refer Design and Development
such a way as to minimize the risks of fire or ISO 14971:2019 File (DD/CHIPL/RD-0191,
explosion during normal use and in single fault ISO 15223-1:2021 Version 02, Issue date
condition. Particular attention should be paid to EN ISO 20417:2021 08.09.2021)
devices whose intended use includes exposure to or ISO 80601-2-12:2011 Risk management File (RMF/A-
use in association with flammable substances or IEC 60601-1:2005+A2020 01, Rev. 01, Date 02.10.2022)
substances which could cause combustion. Refer
Production Work Process
Flow Diagram (PFD-PRD-
001, Rev. 1.0, Issue Date
Production Operations
Process Flow Diagram for
Critical Care Ventilator (PFD-
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Clause Essential Principle Relevant Specification / Standard / Complies Documentation reference
Sub Clause / reference justification and/ or comments
PRD-002, Rev. 1.0, Issue
Date 01-02-2023)
5.5.4 Devices should be designed and manufactured in Yes ISO 13485:2016 Yes Refer Design and Development
such a way that adjustment, calibration, and ISO 14971:2019 File (DD/CHIPL/RD-0191,
maintenance, where such is necessary to achieve ISO 15223-1:2021 Version 02, Issue date
the performances intended, can be done safely. EN ISO 20417:2021 08.09.2021)
ISO 80601-2-12:2011 Refer
IEC 60601-1:2005+A2020 Production Work Process
Flow Diagram (PFD-PRD-
001, Rev. 1.0, Issue Date
Production Operations
Process Flow Diagram for
Critical Care Ventilator (PFD-
PRD-002, Rev. 1.0, Issue
Date 01-02-2023)
5.5.5 Devices should be designed and manufactured in Yes ISO 15223-1:2021 Yes Refer the user manual
such a way as to facilitate the safe disposal of any EN ISO 20417:2021 (MAN/R&D/002, Revision-1.0,
waste substances. Dated 13.12.2022)
5.6 Devices with a diagnostic or measuring function:
5.6.1 Diagnostic devices should be designed and Not Not The is device is not an IVD
manufactured in such a way as to provide sufficient Applicabl Applicable
accuracy, precision and stability for their intended e
use, based on appropriate scientific and technical
methods. In particular the design should address
sensitivity, specificity, trueness, repeatability, and
reproducibility, control of known relevant
interference and limits of detection, as appropriate.
5.6.2 Where the performance of devices depends on the Not Not The device is not an IVD
use of calibrators or control materials, the Applicabl Applicable
traceability of values assigned to such calibrators or e
control materials should be assured through a
quality management system.
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Clause Essential Principle Relevant Specification / Standard / Complies Documentation reference
Sub Clause / reference justification and/ or comments
5.6.3 Any measurement, monitoring or display scale Yes ISO 13485:2016 Yes Refer Design and Development
should be designed in line with ergonomic ISO 14971:2019 File (DD/CHIPL/RD-0191,
principles, taking account of the intended purpose of ISO 80601-2-12:2011 Version 02, Issue date
the device. IEC 60601-1:2005+A2020 08.09.2021)
Risk management File (RMF/A-
01, Rev. 01, Date 02.10.2022)
5.6.4 Wherever possible values expressed numerically Yes ISO 13485:2016 Yes Refer Design and Development
should be in commonly accepted, standardized ISO 14971:2019 File (DD/CHIPL/RD-0191,
units, and understood by the users of the device. ISO 80601-2-12:2011 Version 02, Issue date
IEC 60601-1:2005+A2020 08.09.2021)
Risk management File (RMF/A-
01, Rev. 01, Date 02.10.2022)
5.7 Protection against radiation:
5.7.1 Devices should be designed and manufactured and Yes ISO 13485:2016 Yes Refer Design and Development
packaged in such a way that exposure of patients, ISO 14971:2019 File (DD/CHIPL/RD-0191,
users and other persons to any emitted radiation ISO 15223-1:2021 Version 02, Issue date
should be reduced as far as reasonably practicable EN ISO 20417:2021 08.09.2021)
and appropriate, compatible with the intended ISO 80601-2-12:2011 Risk management File (RMF/A-
purpose, whilst not restricting the application of IEC 60601-1:2005+A2020 01, Rev. 01, Date 02.10.2022)
appropriate specified levels for therapeutic and Refer
diagnostic purposes. Production Work Process
Flow Diagram (PFD-PRD-
001, Rev. 1.0, Issue Date
Production Operations
Process Flow Diagram for
Critical Care Ventilator (PFD-
PRD-002, Rev. 1.0, Issue
Date 01-02-2023)
5.7.2 Intended radiation: Where devices are designed to No No The device is free from any
emit hazardous, or potentially hazardous, levels of radiation or radiating material.
visible or invisible radiation necessary for a specific
medical purpose the benefit of which is considered
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Clause Essential Principle Relevant Specification / Standard / Complies Documentation reference
Sub Clause / reference justification and/ or comments
to outweigh the risks inherent in the emission, it
should be possible for the user to control the
emissions. Such devices should be designed and
manufactured to ensure reproducibility of relevant
variable parameters within acceptable tolerance.
Where devices are intended to emit potentially
hazardous, visible or invisible radiation, they should
be fitted, where reasonably practicable, with visual
displays or audible warnings of such emissions.
5.7.3 Unintended radiation: Devices should be designed No No The device is free from any
and manufactured in such a way that exposure of radiation or radiating material.
patients, users and other persons to the emission of
unintended, stray or scattered radiation is reduced
as far as reasonably practicable and appropriate.
5.7.4 Ionizing radiation: No No The device is free from any
(a) Devices intended to emit ionizing radiation radiation or radiating material.
should be designed and manufactured in
such a way as to ensure that, where
reasonably practicable, the quantity,
geometry and energy distribution (or
quality) of radiation emitted can be varied
and controlled taking into account the
intended use.
(b) Devices emitting ionizing radiation intended
for diagnostic radiology should be designed
and manufactured in such a way as to
achieve appropriate image and/or output
quality for the intended medical purpose
whilst minimizing radiation exposure of the
patient and user.
(c) Devices emitting ionizing radiation, intended
for therapeutic radiology should be designed
and manufactured in such a way as to
enable reliable monitoring and control of
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Clause Essential Principle Relevant Specification / Standard / Complies Documentation reference
Sub Clause / reference justification and/ or comments
the delivered dose, the beam type and
energy and where appropriate the energy
distribution of the radiation beam.
5.7.5 The operating instructions for a medical device that No No The device is free from any
emits radiation must include detailed information radiation or radiating material.
about the following matters:
(a) the nature of the radiation emitted;
(b) the means by which patients and users can be
protected from the radiation;
(c) ways to avoid misusing the device; and (d) ways
to eliminate any risks inherent in the installation of
the device.
5.8 Medical devices that incorporate software and standalone medical device software:
5.8.1 Devices incorporating electronic programmable Yes ISO 13485:2016 Yes Refer Design and Development
systems, including software, or standalone software ISO 14971:2019 File (DD/CHIPL/RD-0191,
that are devices in themselves, should be designed ISO 80601-2-12:2011 Version 02, Issue date
to ensure repeatability, reliability and performance IEC 60601-1:2005+A2020 08.09.2021)
according to the intended use. In the event of a Risk management File (RMF/A-
single fault condition, appropriate means should be 01, Rev. 01, Date 02.10.2022)
adopted to eliminate or reduce as far as reasonably
practicable and appropriate consequent risks.
5.8.2 For devices which incorporate software or for Yes ISO 13485:2016 Yes Refer Design and Development
standalone software that are devices in themselves, ISO 14971:2019 File (DD/CHIPL/RD-0191,
the software must be validated according to the ISO 80601-2-12:2011 Version 02, Issue date
state of the art taking into account the principles of IEC 60601-1:2005+A2020 08.09.2021)
development lifecycle, risk management, verification Risk management File (RMF/A-
and validation. 01, Rev. 01, Date 02.10.2022)
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