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of the

specifications (e.g. equipment and supplies) and procedures (e.g., sampling and analytical) essential to its performance. Some material is incorporated by reference Therefore, to obtain

from other methods in this part.

reliable results, persons using this method should have a thorough knowledge of at least the following additional test methods: 1.0 Method 5 and Method 12.

Scope and Application. 1.1 Analytes. Analyte Antimony (Sb) Arsenic (As) Barium (Ba) Beryllium (Be) Cadmium (Cd) Chromium (Cr) Cobalt (Co) Copper (Cu) Lead (Pb) Manganese (Mn) Mercury (Hg) Nickel (Ni) Phosphorus (P) Selenium (Se) Silver (Ag) CAS No. 7440-36-0 7440-38-2 7440-39-3 7440-41-7 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 7440-48-4 7440-50-8 7439-92-1 7439-96-5 7439-97-6 7440-02-0 7723-14-0 7782-49-2 7440-22-4

1462 Analyte Thallium (Tl) Zinc (Zn) 1.2 Applicability. CAS No. 7440-28-0 7440-66-6 This method is applicable to the

determination of metals emissions from stationary sources. This method may be used to determine particulate emissions in addition to the metals emissions if the prescribed procedures and precautions are followed. 1.2.1 Hg emissions can be measured, alternatively, Method

using EPA Method 101A of Appendix B, 40 CFR Part 61.

101-A measures only Hg but it can be of special interest to sources which need to measure both Hg and Mn emissions. 2.0 Summary of Method. 2.1 Principle. A stack sample is withdrawn

isokinetically from the source, particulate emissions are collected in the probe and on a heated filter, and gaseous emissions are then collected in an aqueous acidic solution of hydrogen peroxide (analyzed for all metals including Hg) and an aqueous acidic solution of potassium permanganate (analyzed only for Hg). The recovered samples are digested,

and appropriate fractions are analyzed for Hg by cold vapor atomic absorption spectroscopy (CVAAS) and for Sb, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Pb, Mn, Ni, P, Se, Ag, Tl, and Zn by inductively coupled argon plasma emission spectroscopy

1463 (ICAP) or atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). Graphite

furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (GFAAS) is used for analysis of Sb, As, Cd, Co, Pb, Se, and Tl if these elements require greater analytical sensitivity than can be obtained by ICAP. If one so chooses, AAS may be used for analysis of

all listed metals if the resulting in-stack method detection limits meet the goal of the testing program. Similarly,

inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) may be used for analysis of Sb, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Pb, Mn, Ni, Ag, Tl and Zn. 3.0 4.0 Definitions. Interferences. 4.1 Iron (Fe) can be a spectral interference during Aluminum (Al) can [Reserved]

the analysis of As, Cr, and Cd by ICAP.

be a spectral interference during the analysis of As and Pb by ICAP. Generally, these interferences can be reduced by

diluting the analytical sample, but such dilution raises the in-stack detection limits. Background and overlap

corrections may be used to adjust for spectral interferences. Refer to Method 6010 of Reference 2 in

Section 16.0 or the other analytical methods used for details on potential interferences to this method. For all

GFAAS analyses, use matrix modifiers to limit interferences, and matrix match all standards.

1464 5.0 Safety. 5.1 Disclaimer. This method may involve hazardous This test method may

materials, operations, and equipment.

not address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this test

method to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to performing this test method. 5.2 hazardous. Corrosive Reagents. The following reagents are

Personal protective equipment and safe If

procedures are useful in preventing chemical splashes.

contact occurs, immediately flush with copious amounts of water at least 15 minutes. decontaminate. burn. 5.2.1 Nitric Acid (HNO3). Highly corrosive to eyes, Remove clothing under shower and

Treat residual chemical burn as thermal

skin, nose, and lungs. or edema of lungs.

Vapors cause bronchitis, pneumonia,

Reaction to inhalation may be delayed as Provide ventilation to

long as 30 hours and still be fatal. limit exposure. Strong oxidizer.

Hazardous reaction may

occur with organic materials such as solvents. 5.2.2 body tissue. Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4). Rapidly destructive to Eye damage may

Will cause third degree burns.

result in blindness.

Inhalation may be fatal from spasm of

1465 the larynx, usually within 30 minutes. tissue damage with edema. May cause lung

1 mg/m3 for 8 hours will cause Provide

lung damage or, in higher concentrations, death. ventilation to limit inhalation. metals and organics. 5.2.3 Hydrochloric Acid (HCl).

Reacts violently with

Highly corrosive

liquid with toxic vapors.

Vapors are highly irritating to May

eyes, skin, nose, and lungs, causing severe damage. cause bronchitis, pneumonia, or edema of lungs.

Exposure to

concentrations of 0.13 to 0.2 percent can be lethal to humans in a few minutes. exposure. 5.2.4 Provide ventilation to limit

Reacts with metals, producing hydrogen gas. Hydrofluoric Acid (HF). Highly corrosive to Reaction to exposure Provide ventilation to

eyes, skin, nose, throat, and lungs. may be delayed by 24 hours or more. limit exposure. 5.2.5 Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2).

Irritating to eyes,

skin, nose, and lungs. agent.

30% H2O2 is a strong oxidizing

Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and combustible Wear gloves when handling. Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4). Avoid bodily contact with. Potassium Persulfate. Strong oxidizer. Avoid Caustic, strong

material. 5.2.6 oxidizer. 5.2.7

bodily contact with. cool place.

Keep containers well closed and in a

1466 5.3 Reaction Pressure. Due to the potential reaction

of the potassium permanganate with the acid, there could be pressure buildup in the acidic KMnO4 absorbing solution storage bottle. Therefore these bottles shall not be fully

filled and shall be vented to relieve excess pressure and prevent explosion potentials. Venting is required, but not

in a manner that will allow contamination of the solution. A No. 70-72 hole drilled in the container cap and Teflon liner has been used. 6.0 Equipment and Supplies. 6.1 Sampling. A schematic of the sampling train is It has general similarities to the

shown in Figure 29-1. Method 5 train. 6.1.1

Probe Nozzle (Probe Tip) and Borosilicate or Same as Method 5, Sections

Quartz Glass Probe Liner. and, except that glass nozzles are required unless alternate tips are constructed of materials that are free from contamination and will not interfere with the sample. If a probe tip other than glass is used, no

correction to the sample test results to compensate for the nozzle's effect on the sample is allowed. Probe fittings of

plastic such as Teflon, polypropylene, etc. are recommended instead of metal fittings to prevent contamination. If one

1467 chooses to do so, a single glass piece consisting of a combined probe tip and probe liner may be used. 6.1.2 Pitot Tube and Differential Pressure Gauge.

Same as Method 2, Sections 6.1 and 6.2, respectively. 6.1.3 Filter Holder. Glass, same as Method 5,

Section, except use a Teflon filter support or other non-metallic, non-contaminating support in place of the glass frit. 6.1.4 Filter Heating System. Same as Method 5,

Section 6.1.5 Condenser. Use the following system for

condensing and collecting gaseous metals and determining the moisture content of the stack gas. The condensing system

shall consist of four to seven impingers connected in series with leak-free ground glass fittings or other leak-free, non-contaminating fittings. moisture trap. Use the first impinger as a

The second impinger (which is the first

HNO3/H2O2 impinger) shall be identical to the first impinger in Method 5. The third impinger (which is the second

HNO3/H2O2 impinger) shall be a Greenburg Smith impinger with the standard tip as described for the second impinger in Method 5, Section The fourth (empty) impinger and

the fifth and sixth (both acidified KMnO4) impingers are the same as the first impinger in Method 5. Place a temperature

sensor capable of measuring to within 1oC (2oF) at the

1468 outlet of the last impinger. If no Hg analysis is planned,

then the fourth, fifth, and sixth impingers are not used. 6.1.6 Metering System, Barometer, and Gas Density Same as Method 5, Sections

Determination Equipment., 6.1.2, and 6.1.3, respectively. 6.1.7 Teflon Tape. For capping openings and sealing

connections, if necessary, on the sampling train. 6.2 Sample Recovery. Same as Method 5, Sections 6.2.1

through 6.2.8 (Probe-Liner and Probe-Nozzle Brushes or Swabs, Wash Bottles, Sample Storage Containers, Petri Dishes, Glass Graduated Cylinder, Plastic Storage Containers, Funnel and Rubber Policeman, and Glass Funnel), respectively, with the following exceptions and additions: 6.2.1 Non-metallic Probe-Liner and Probe-Nozzle Use non-metallic probe-liner and probe-

Brushes or Swabs.

nozzle brushes or swabs for quantitative recovery of materials collected in the front-half of the sampling train. 6.2.2 Sample Storage Containers. Use glass bottles

(see Section 8.1 of this Method) with Teflon-lined caps that are non-reactive to the oxidizing solutions, with capacities of 1000- and 500-ml, for storage of acidified KMnO4containing samples and blanks. Glass or polyethylene

bottles may be used for other sample types. 6.2.3 6.2.4 Graduated Cylinder. Funnel. Glass or equivalent.

Glass or equivalent.

1469 6.2.5 6.2.6 Labels. For identifying samples.

Polypropylene Tweezers and/or Plastic Gloves.

For recovery of the filter from the sampling train filter holder. 6.3 6.3.1 Sample Preparation and Analysis. Volumetric Flasks, 100-ml, 250-ml, and 1000-ml.

For preparation of standards and sample dilutions. 6.3.2 reagents. 6.3.3 Parr Bombs or Microwave Pressure Relief Vessels Graduated Cylinders. For preparation of

with Capping Station (CEM Corporation model or equivalent). For sample digestion. 6.3.4 Beakers and Watch Glasses. 250-ml beakers, with

watch glass covers, for sample digestion. 6.3.5 Ring Stands and Clamps. For securing equipment

such as filtration apparatus. 6.3.6 6.3.7 6.3.8 6.3.9 6.3.10 Filter Funnels. For holding filter paper.

Disposable Pasteur Pipets and Bulbs. Volumetric Pipets. Analytical Balance. Accurate to within 0.1 mg. For heating

Microwave or Conventional Oven.

samples at fixed power levels or temperatures, respectively. 6.3.11 6.3.12 Hot Plates. Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS). Equipped

with a background corrector.

1470 Graphite Furnace Attachment. With Sb, As,

Cd, Co, Pb, Se, and Tl hollow cathode lamps (HCLs) or electrodeless discharge lamps (EDLs). in Section 16.0. Same as Reference 2

Methods 7041 (Sb), 7060 (As), 7131 (Cd),

7201 (Co), 7421 (Pb), 7740 (Se), and 7841 (Tl). Cold Vapor Mercury Attachment. With a

mercury HCL or EDL, an air recirculation pump, a quartz cell, an aerator apparatus, and a heat lamp or desiccator tube. The heat lamp shall be capable of raising the

temperature at the quartz cell by 1OoC above ambient, so that no condensation forms on the wall of the quartz cell. Same as Method 7470 in Reference 2 in Section 16.0. See

NOTE 2: Section 11.1.3 for other acceptable approaches for analysis of Hg in which analytical detection limits of 0.002 ng/ml were obtained. 6.3.13 Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma Spectrometer.

With either a direct or sequential reader and an alumina torch. Same as EPA Method 6010 in Reference 2 in

Section 16.0. 6.3.14 Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer.

Same as EPA Method 6020 in Reference 2 in Section 16.0. 7.0 Reagents and Standards. 7.1 Unless otherwise indicated, it is intended that

all reagents conform to the specifications established by

1471 the Committee on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society, where such specifications are available. Otherwise, use the best available grade. 7.2 7.2.1 Sampling Reagents. Sample Filters. Without organic binders. The

filters shall contain less than 1.3 g/in.2 of each of the metals to be measured. Analytical results provided by

filter manufacturers stating metals content of the filters are acceptable. However, if no such results are available,

analyze filter blanks for each target metal prior to emission testing. Quartz fiber filters meeting these However, if glass fiber

requirements are recommended.

filters become available which meet these requirements, they may be used. Filter efficiencies and unreactiveness to

sulfur dioxide (SO2) or sulfur trioxide (SO3) shall be as described in Section 7.1.1 of Method 5. 7.2.2 Water. To conform to ASTM Specification D1193-

77 or 91, Type II (incorporated by reference -- see 60.17). If necessary, analyze the water for all target metals prior to field use. ng/ml. 7.2.3 equivalent. 7.2.4 equivalent. HCl, Concentrated. Baker Instra-analyzed or HNO3, Concentrated. Baker Instra-analyzed or All target metals should be less than 1

1472 7.2.5 7.2.6 7.2.7 7.2.8 H2O2, 30 Percent (V/V). KMnO4. H2SO4, Concentrated. Silica Gel and Crushed Ice. Same as Method 5,

Sections 7.1.2 and 7.1.4, respectively. 7.3 7.3.1 Pretest Preparation of Sampling Reagents. HNO3/H2O2 Absorbing Solution, 5 Percent HNO3/10 Add carefully with stirring 50 ml of

Percent H2O2.

concentrated HNO3 to a 1000-ml volumetric flask containing approximately 500 ml of water, and then add carefully with stirring 333 ml of 30 percent H2O2. water. Mix well. Dilute to volume with

This reagent shall contain less than 2

ng/ml of each target metal. 7.3.2 Acidic KMnO4 Absorbing Solution, 4 Percent KMnO4 Prepare fresh daily. Mix

(W/V), 10 Percent H2SO4 (V/V).

carefully, with stirring, 100 ml of concentrated H2SO4 into approximately 800 ml of water, and add water with stirring to make a volume of 1 liter: H2SO4 (V/V). this solution is 10 percent

Dissolve, with stirring, 40 g of KMnO4 into 10

percent H2SO4 (V/V) and add 10 percent H2SO4 (V/V) with stirring to make a volume of 1 liter. glass bottles to prevent degradation. contain less than 2 ng/ml of Hg. Prepare and store in This reagent shall

1473 Precaution: To prevent autocatalytic decomposition of

the permanganate solution, filter the solution through Whatman 541 filter paper. 7.3.3 HNO3, 0.1 N. Add with stirring 6.3 ml of

concentrated HNO3 (70 percent) to a flask containing approximately 900 ml of water. water. Mix well. Dilute to 1000 ml with

This reagent shall contain less than 2

ng/ml of each target metal. 7.3.4 HCl, 8 N. Carefully add with stirring 690 ml of

concentrated HCl to a flask containing 250 ml of water. Dilute to 1000 ml with water. Mix well. This reagent shall

contain less than 2 ng/ml of Hg. 7.4 7.4.1 equivalent. 7.4.2 Type II. 7.4.3 HNO3, 10 Percent (V/V). Add with stirring Water. To conform to ASTM Specifications D1193, Glassware Cleaning Reagents. HNO3, Concentrated. Fisher ACS grade or

500 ml of concentrated HNO3 to a flask containing approximately 4000 ml of water. water. Mix well. Dilute to 5000 ml with

This reagent shall contain less than 2

ng/ml of each target metal. 7.5 Sample Digestion and Analysis Reagents. The

metals standards, except Hg, may also be made from solid

1474 chemicals as described in Reference 3 in Section 16.0. Refer to References 1, 2, or 5 in Section 16.0 for additional information on Hg standards. The 1000 g/ml Hg

stock solution standard may be made according to Section 7.2.7 of Method 101A. 7.5.1 7.5.2 7.5.3 equivalent. 7.5.4 HNO3, 50 Percent (V/V). Add with stirring Dilute to HCl, Concentrated. HF, Concentrated. HNO3, Concentrated. Baker Instra-analyzed or

125 ml of concentrated HNO3 to 100 ml of water. 250 ml with water. Mix well.

This reagent shall contain

less than 2 ng/ml of each target metal. 7.5.5 HNO3, 5 Percent (V/V). Add with stirring 50 ml Dilute to 1000 ml

of concentrated HNO3 to 800 ml of water. with water. Mix well.

This reagent shall contain less than

2 ng/ml of each target metal. 7.5.6 Type II. 7.5.7 Solution. 7.5.8 Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride and Sodium Chloride See Reference 2 In Section 16.0 for preparation. Stannous Chloride. See Reference 2 in Water. To conform to ASTM Specifications D1193,

Section 16.0 for preparation. 7.5.9 KMnO4, 5 Percent (W/V). See Reference 2 in

Section 16.0 for preparation.

1475 7.5.10 7.5.11 H2SO4, Concentrated. Potassium Persulfate, 5 Percent (W/V). See

Reference 2 in Section 16.0 for preparation. 7.5.12 7.5.13 7.5.14 7.5.15 7.5.16 7.5.17 7.5.18 7.5.19 7.5.20 7.5.21 7.5.22 7.5.23 7.5.24 7.5.25 7.5.26 7.5.27 7.5.28 7.5.29 7.5.30 7.5.31 7.5.32 Nickel Nitrate, Ni(N03)2.6H20. Lanthanum Oxide, La203. Hg Standard (AAS Grade), 1000 g/ml. Pb Standard (AAS Grade), 1000 g/ml. As Standard (AAS Grade), 1000 g/ml. Cd Standard (AAS Grade), 1000 g/ml. Cr Standard (AAS Grade), 1000 g/ml. Sb Standard (AAS Grade), 1000 g/ml. Ba Standard (AAS Grade), 1000 g/ml. Be Standard (AAS Grade), 1000 g/ml. Co Standard (AAS Grade), 1000 g/ml. Cu Standard (AAS Grade), 1000 g/ml. Mn Standard (AAS Grade), 1000 g/ml. Ni Standard (AAS Grade), 1000 g/ml. P Standard (AAS Grade), 1000 g/ml.

Se Standard (AAS Grade), 1000 g/ml. Ag Standard (AAS Grade), 1000 g/ml. Tl Standard (AAS Grade), 1000 g/ml. Zn Standard (AAS Grade), 1000 g/ml. Al Standard (AAS Grade), 1000 g/ml. Fe Standard (AAS Grade), 1000 g/ml.

1476 7.5.33 Hg Standards and Quality Control Samples.

Prepare fresh weekly a 10 g/ml intermediate Hg standard by adding 5 ml of 1000 g/ml Hg stock solution prepared according to Method 101A to a 500-ml volumetric flask; dilute with stirring to 500 ml by first carefully adding 20 ml of 15 percent HNO3 and then adding water to the 500-ml volume. Mix well. Prepare a 200 ng/ml working Hg standard add 5 ml of the 10 g/ml intermediate

solution fresh daily:

standard to a 250-ml volumetric flask, and dilute to 250 ml with 5 ml of 4 percent KMnO4, 5 ml of 15 percent HNO3, and then water. Mix well. Use at least five separate aliquots

of the working Hg standard solution and a blank to prepare the standard curve. These aliquots and blank shall contain

0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 ml of the working standard solution containing 0, 200, 400, 600, 800, and 1000 ng Hg, respectively. Prepare quality control samples by making a

separate 10 g/ml standard and diluting until in the calibration range. 7.5.34 ICAP Standards and Quality Control Samples.

Calibration standards for ICAP analysis can be combined into four different mixed standard solutions as follows: MIXED STANDARD SOLUTIONS FOR ICAP ANALYSIS Solution I Elements As, Be, Cd, Mn, Pb, Se, Zn

1477 II III IV Ba, Co, Cu, Fe Al, Cr, Ni Ag, P, Sb, Tl

Prepare these standards by combining and diluting the appropriate volumes of the 1000 g/ml solutions with 5 percent HNO3. A minimum of one standard and a blank can be However, prepare a

used to form each calibration curve.

separate quality control sample spiked with known amounts of the target metals in quantities in the mid-range of the calibration curve. Suggested standard levels are 25 g/ml

for Al, Cr and Pb, 15 g/ml for Fe, and 10 g/ml for the remaining elements. Prepare any standards containing less Standards

than 1 g/ml of metal on a daily basis.

containing greater than 1 g/ml of metal should be stable for a minimum of 1 to 2 weeks. For ICP-MS, follow Method

6020 in EPA Publication SW-846 Third Edition (November 1986) including updates I, II, IIA, IIB and III, as incorporated by reference in 60.17(i). 7.5.35 Tl. GFAAS Standards. Sb, As, Cd, Co, Pb, Se, and

Prepare a 10 g/ml standard by adding 1 ml of 1000 Dilute with

g/ml standard to a 100-ml volumetric flask. stirring to 100 ml with 10 percent HNO3. match the standards.

For GFAAS, matrix

Prepare a 100 ng/ml standard by adding

1 ml of the 10 g/ml standard to a 100-ml volumetric flask,

1478 and dilute to 100 ml with the appropriate matrix solution. Prepare other standards by diluting the 100 ng/ml standards. Use at least five standards to make up the standard curve. Suggested levels are 0, 10, 50, 75, and 100 ng/ml. Prepare

quality control samples by making a separate 10 g/ml standard and diluting until it is in the range of the samples. Prepare any standards containing less than 1 g/ml Standards containing greater

of metal on a daily basis.

than 1 g/ml of metal should be stable for a minimum of 1 to 2 weeks. 7.5.36 Matrix Modifiers. Nickel Nitrate, 1 Percent (V/V). Dissolve

4.956 g of Ni(N03)26H20 or other nickel compound suitable for preparation of this matrix modifier in approximately 50 ml of water in a 100-ml volumetric flask. with water. Nickel Nitrate, 0.1 Percent (V/V). Dilute Dilute to 100 ml

10 ml of 1 percent nickel nitrate solution to 100 ml with water. Inject an equal amount of sample and this modifier

into the graphite furnace during GFAAS analysis for As. Lanthanum. Carefully dissolve 0.5864 g of

La203 in 10 ml of concentrated HN03, and dilute the solution by adding it with stirring to approximately 50 ml of water. Dilute to 100 ml with water, and mix well. Inject an equal

1479 amount of sample and this modifier into the graphite furnace during GFAAS analysis for Pb. 7.5.37 equivalent). 8.0 Whatman 40 and 541 Filter Papers (or For filtration of digested samples.

Sample Collection, Preservation, Transport, and Storage. 8.1 Sampling. The complexity of this method is such

that, to obtain reliable results, both testers and analysts must be trained and experienced with the test procedures, including source sampling; reagent preparation and handling; sample handling; safety equipment and procedures; analytical calculations; reporting; and the specific procedural descriptions throughout this method. 8.1.1 Pretest Preparation. Follow the same general

procedure given in Method 5, Section 8.1, except that, unless particulate emissions are to be determined, the filter need not be desiccated or weighed. First, rinse all

sampling train glassware with hot tap water and then wash in hot soapy water. Next, rinse glassware three times with tap Then

water, followed by three additional rinses with water. soak all glassware in a 10 percent (V/V) nitric acid

solution for a minimum of 4 hours, rinse three times with water, rinse a final time with acetone, and allow to air

1480 dry. Cover all glassware openings where contamination can

occur until the sampling train is assembled for sampling. 8.1.2 Preliminary Determinations. Same as Method 5,

Section 8.1.2. 8.1.3 29-1. Preparation of Sampling Train. Set up the sampling train as shown in Figure

Follow the same general procedures given in Method 5,

Section 8.3, except place 100 ml of the HNO3/H2O2 solution (Section 7.3.1 of this method) in each of the second and third impingers as shown in Figure 29-1. Place 100 ml of

the acidic KMnO4 absorbing solution (Section 7.3.2 of this method) in each of the fifth and sixth impingers as shown in Figure 29-1, and transfer approximately 200 to 300 g of preweighed silica gel from its container to the last impinger. Alternatively, the silica gel may be weighed directly in the impinger just prior to final train assembly. Based on the specific source sampling

conditions, the use of an empty first impinger can be eliminated if the moisture to be collected in the impingers will be less than approximately 100 ml. If Hg analysis will not be performed, the

fourth, fifth, and sixth impingers as shown in Figure 29-1 are not required. To insure leak-free sampling train connections

and to prevent possible sample contamination problems, use

1481 Teflon tape or other non-contaminating material instead of silicone grease. Precaution: Exercise extreme care to prevent Prevent the acidic KMnO4

contamination within the train.

from contacting any glassware that contains sample material to be analyzed for Mn. the acidic KMnO4. 8.1.4 Leak-Check Procedures. Follow the leak-check Prevent acidic H2O2 from mixing with

procedures given in Method 5, Section 8.4.2 (Pretest LeakCheck), Section 8.4.3 (Leak-Checks During the Sample Run), and Section 8.4.4 (Post-Test Leak-Checks). 8.1.5 Sampling Train Operation. Follow the procedures

given in Method 5, Section 8.5.

When sampling for Hg, use a

procedure analogous to that described in Section 8.1 of Method 101A, 40 CFR Part 61, Appendix B, if necessary to maintain the desired color in the last acidified permanganate impinger. For each run, record the data

required on a data sheet such as the one shown in Figure 5-3 of Method 5. 8.1.6 Calculation of Percent Isokinetic. Same as

Method 5, Section 12.11. 8.2 8.2.1 Sample Recovery. Begin cleanup procedures as soon as the probe is The

removed from the stack at the end of a sampling period.

1482 probe should be allowed to cool prior to sample recovery. When it can be safely handled, wipe off all external particulate matter near the tip of the probe nozzle and place a rinsed, non-contaminating cap over the probe nozzle to prevent losing or gaining particulate matter. Do not cap

the probe tip tightly while the sampling train is cooling; a vacuum can form in the filter holder with the undesired result of drawing liquid from the impingers onto the filter. 8.2.2 Before moving the sampling train to the cleanup

site, remove the probe from the sampling train and cap the open outlet. Be careful not to lose any condensate that Cap the filter inlet where the probe was

might be present. fastened.

Remove the umbilical cord from the last impinger Cap the filter holder outlet and

and cap the impinger. impinger inlet.

Use non-contaminating caps, whether ground-

glass stoppers, plastic caps, serum caps, or Teflon tape to close these openings. 8.2.3 Alternatively, the following procedure may be

used to disassemble the train before the probe and filter holder/oven are completely cooled: Initially disconnect the

filter holder outlet/impinger inlet and loosely cap the open ends. Then disconnect the probe from the filter holder or Cap the probe

cyclone inlet and loosely cap the open ends.

tip and remove the umbilical cord as previously described.

1483 8.2.4 Transfer the probe and filter-impinger assembly

to a cleanup area that is clean and protected from the wind and other potential causes of contamination or loss of sample. Inspect the train before and during disassembly and Take special precautions to

note any abnormal conditions.

assure that all the items necessary for recovery do not contaminate the samples. The sample is recovered and

treated as follows (see schematic in Figures 29-2a and 29-2b): 8.2.5 Container No. 1 (Sample Filter). Carefully

remove the filter from the filter holder and place it in its labeled petri dish container. To handle the filter, use

either acid-washed polypropylene or Teflon coated tweezers or clean, disposable surgical gloves rinsed with water and dried. If it is necessary to fold the filter, make certain Carefully transfer

the particulate cake is inside the fold.

the filter and any particulate matter or filter fibers that adhere to the filter holder gasket to the petri dish by using a dry (acid-cleaned) nylon bristle brush. Do not use

any metal-containing materials when recovering this train. Seal the labeled petri dish. 8.2.6 Container No. 2 (Acetone Rinse). Perform this

procedure only if a determination of particulate emissions is to be made. Quantitatively recover particulate matter

and any condensate from the probe nozzle, probe fitting,

1484 probe liner, and front half of the filter holder by washing these components with a total of 100 ml of acetone, while simultaneously taking great care to see that no dust on the outside of the probe or other surfaces gets in the sample. The use of exactly 100 ml is necessary for the subsequent blank correction procedures. Distilled water may be used

instead of acetone when approved by the Administrator and shall be used when specified by the Administrator; in these cases, save a water blank and follow the Administrator's directions on analysis. Carefully remove the probe nozzle, and clean

the inside surface by rinsing with acetone from a wash bottle while brushing with a non-metallic brush. Brush

until the acetone rinse shows no visible particles, then make a final rinse of the inside surface with acetone. Brush and rinse the sample exposed inside

parts of the probe fitting with acetone in a similar way until no visible particles remain. Rinse the probe liner

with acetone by tilting and rotating the probe while squirting acetone into its upper end so that all inside surfaces will be wetted with acetone. Allow the acetone to A

drain from the lower end into the sample container.

funnel may be used to aid in transferring liquid washings to the container. probe brush. Follow the acetone rinse with a non-metallic Hold the probe in an inclined position, squirt

1485 acetone into the upper end as the probe brush is being pushed with a twisting action three times through the probe. Hold a sample container underneath the lower end of the probe, and catch any acetone and particulate matter which is brushed through the probe until no visible particulate matter is carried out with the acetone or until none remains in the probe liner on visual inspection. Rinse the brush

with acetone, and quantitatively collect these washings in the sample container. After the brushing, make a final

acetone rinse of the probe as described above. It is recommended that two people clean the Between sampling runs, Clean

probe to minimize sample losses.

keep brushes clean and protected from contamination.

the inside of the front-half of the filter holder by rubbing the surfaces with a non-metallic brush and rinsing with acetone. Rinse each surface three times or more if needed Make a final rinse of the

to remove visible particulate. brush and filter holder.

After all acetone washings and

particulate matter have been collected in the sample container, tighten the lid so that acetone will not leak out when shipped to the laboratory. Mark the height of the

fluid level to determine whether or not leakage occurred during transport. its contents. Clearly label the container to identify

1486 8.2.7 Container No. 3 (Probe Rinse). Keep the probe

assembly clean and free from contamination during the probe rinse. Rinse the probe nozzle and fitting, probe liner, and

front-half of the filter holder thoroughly with a total of 100 ml of 0.1 N HNO3, and place the wash into a sample storage container. Perform the rinses as applicable and Record

generally as described in Method 12, Section 8.7.1. the volume of the rinses.

Mark the height of the fluid

level on the outside of the storage container and use this mark to determine if leakage occurs during transport. the container, and clearly label the contents. Seal


rinse the nozzle, probe liner, and front-half of the filter holder with water followed by acetone, and discard these rinses. NOTE: The use of a total of exactly 100 ml is

necessary for the subsequent blank correction procedures. 8.2.8 Container No. 4 (Impingers 1 through 3, Moisture

Knockout Impinger, when used, HNO3/H2O2 Impingers Contents and Rinses). Due to the potentially large quantity of

liquid involved, the tester may place the impinger solutions from impingers 1 through 3 in more than one container, if necessary. Measure the liquid in the first three impingers Record the

to within 0.5 ml using a graduated cylinder. volume.

This information is required to calculate the

1487 moisture content of the sampled flue gas. Clean each of the

first three impingers, the filter support, the back half of the filter housing, and connecting glassware by thoroughly rinsing with 100 ml of 0.1 N HNO3 using the procedure as applicable in Method 12, Section 8.7.3. NOTE: The use of exactly 100 ml of 0.1 N HNO3 rinse is

necessary for the subsequent blank correction procedures. Combine the rinses and impinger solutions, measure and record the final total volume. Mark the height of the fluid

level, seal the container, and clearly label the contents. 8.2.9 Container Nos. 5A (0.1 N HNO3), 5B (KMnO4/H2SO4

absorbing solution), and 5C (8 N HCl rinse and dilution). When sampling for Hg, pour all the liquid from

the impinger (normally impinger No. 4) that immediately preceded the two permanganate impingers into a graduated cylinder and measure the volume to within 0.5 ml. This

information is required to calculate the moisture content of the sampled flue gas. Place the liquid in Container No. 5A.

Rinse the impinger with exactly 100 ml of 0.1 N HNO3 and place this rinse in Container No. 5A. Pour all the liquid from the two permanganate

impingers into a graduated cylinder and measure the volume to within 0.5 ml. This information is required to calculate Place this

the moisture content of the sampled flue gas.

1488 acidic KMnO4 solution into Container No. 5B. Using a total

of exactly 100 ml of fresh acidified KMnO4 solution for all rinses (approximately 33 ml per rinse), rinse the two permanganate impingers and connecting glassware a minimum of three times. Pour the rinses into Container No. 5B,

carefully assuring transfer of all loose precipitated materials from the two impingers. Similarly, using

100 ml total of water, rinse the permanganate impingers and connecting glass a minimum of three times, and pour the rinses into Container 5B, carefully assuring transfer of any loose precipitated material. Mark the height of the fluid Read the Precaution:

level, and clearly label the contents. in Section 7.3.2. NOTE:

Due to the potential reaction of KMnO4 with

acid, pressure buildup can occur in the sample storage bottles. Do not fill these bottles completely and take A No. 70-72 hole

precautions to relieve excess pressure.

drilled in the container cap and Teflon liner has been used successfully. If no visible deposits remain after the water However, if deposits

rinse, no further rinse is necessary.

remain on the impinger surfaces, wash them with 25 ml of 8 N HCl, and place the wash in a separate sample container labeled No. 5C containing 200 ml of water. First, place 200

1489 ml of water in the container. Then wash the impinger walls

and stem with the HCl by turning the impinger on its side and rotating it so that the HCl contacts all inside surfaces. Use a total of only 25 ml of 8 N HCl for rinsing Rinse the first

both permanganate impingers combined.

impinger, then pour the actual rinse used for the first impinger into the second impinger for its rinse. pour the 25 ml of 8 N HCl rinse carefully into the container. Mark the height of the fluid level on the Finally,

outside of the container to determine if leakage occurs during transport. 8.2.10 Container No. 6 (Silica Gel). Note the color

of the indicating silica gel to determine whether it has been completely spent and make a notation of its condition. Transfer the silica gel from its impinger to its original container and seal it. The tester may use a funnel to pour

the silica gel and a rubber policeman to remove the silica gel from the impinger. The small amount of particles that Do

might adhere to the impinger wall need not be removed.

not use water or other liquids to transfer the silica gel since weight gained in the silica gel impinger is used for moisture calculations. Alternatively, if a balance is

available in the field, record the weight of the spent silica gel (or silica gel plus impinger) to the nearest 0.5 g.

1490 8.2.11 Container No. 7 (Acetone Blank). If

particulate emissions are to be determined, at least once during each field test, place a 100-ml portion of the acetone used in the sample recovery process into a container labeled No. 7. 8.2.12 Seal the container. At least

Container No. 8A (0.1 N HNO3 Blank).

once during each field test, place 300 ml of the 0.1 N HNO3 solution used in the sample recovery process into a container labeled No. 8A. 8.2.13 Seal the container. At least once

Container No. 8B (Water Blank).

during each field test, place 100 ml of the water used in the sample recovery process into a container labeled No. 8B. Seal the container. 8.2.14 Blank). Container No. 9 (5 Percent HNO3/10 Percent H2O2

At least once during each field test, place 200 ml

of the 5 Percent HNO3/10 Percent H2O2 solution used as the nitric acid impinger reagent into a container labeled No. 9. Seal the container. 8.2.15 Container No. 10 (Acidified KMnO4 Blank). At

least once during each field test, place 100 ml of the acidified KMnO4 solution used as the impinger solution and in the sample recovery process into a container labeled No. 10. Prepare the container as described in Section

1491 Read the Precaution: in Section 7.3.2 and read the NOTE in Section 8.2.16 Container No. 11 (8 N HCl Blank). At least

once during each field test, place 200 ml of water into a sample container labeled No. 11. stirring 25 ml of 8 N HCl. 8.2.17 Then carefully add with

Mix well and seal the container. Once

Container No. 12 (Sample Filter Blank).

during each field test, place into a petri dish labeled No. 12 three unused blank filters from the same lot as the sampling filters. 8.3 Seal the petri dish. Note the level of the liquid

Sample Preparation.

in each of the containers and determine if any sample was lost during shipment. If a noticeable amount of leakage has

occurred, either void the sample or use methods, subject to the approval of the Administrator, to correct the final results. A diagram illustrating sample preparation and

analysis procedures for each of the sample train components is shown in Figure 29-3. 8.3.1 Container No. 1 (Sample Filter). If particulate emissions are being determined,

first desiccate the filter and filter catch without added heat (do not heat the filters to speed the drying) and weigh to a constant weight as described in Section 11.2.1 of Method 5.

1492 Following this procedure, or initially, if

particulate emissions are not being determined in addition to metals analysis, divide the filter with its filter catch into portions containing approximately 0.5 g each. Place

the pieces in the analyst's choice of either individual microwave pressure relief vessels or Parr Bombs. Add 6 ml

of concentrated HNO3 and 4 ml of concentrated HF to each vessel. For microwave heating, microwave the samples for

approximately 12 to 15 minutes total heating time as follows: heat for 2 to 3 minutes, then turn off the

microwave for 2 to 3 minutes, then heat for 2 to 3 minutes, etc., continue this alternation until the 12 to 15 minutes total heating time are completed (this procedure should comprise approximately 24 to 30 minutes at 600 watts). Microwave heating times are approximate and are dependent upon the number of samples being digested simultaneously. Sufficient heating is evidenced by sorbent reflux within the vessel.For conventional heating, heat the Parr Bombs at 140oC (285oF) for 6 hours. Then cool the samples to room

temperature, and combine with the acid digested probe rinse as required in Section 8.3.3. If the sampling train includes an optional

glass cyclone in front of the filter, prepare and digest the cyclone catch by the procedures described in Section

1493 and then combine the digestate with the digested filter sample. 8.3.2 Container No. 2 (Acetone Rinse). Note the level

of liquid in the container and confirm on the analysis sheet whether or not leakage occurred during transport. If a

noticeable amount of leakage has occurred, either void the sample or use methods, subject to the approval of the Administrator, to correct the final results. Measure the

liquid in this container either volumetrically within 1 ml or gravimetrically within 0.5 g. Transfer the contents to

an acid-cleaned, tared 250-ml beaker and evaporate to dryness at ambient temperature and pressure. If particulate

emissions are being determined, desiccate for 24 hours without added heat, weigh to a constant weight according to the procedures described in Section 11.2.1 of Method 5, and report the results to the nearest 0.1 mg. residue with 10 ml of concentrated HNO3. Redissolve the Quantitatively

combine the resultant sample, including all liquid and any particulate matter, with Container No. 3 before beginning Section 8.3.3. 8.3.3 Container No. 3 (Probe Rinse). Verify that the

pH of this sample is 2 or lower.

If it is not, acidify the

sample by careful addition with stirring of concentrated HNO3 to pH 2. Use water to rinse the sample into a beaker, Reduce the

and cover the beaker with a ribbed watch glass.

1494 sample volume to approximately 20 ml by heating on a hot plate at a temperature just below boiling. Digest the

sample in microwave vessels or Parr Bombs by quantitatively transferring the sample to the vessel or bomb, carefully adding the 6 ml of concentrated HNO3, 4 ml of concentrated HF, and then continuing to follow the procedures described in Section Then combine the resultant sample

directly with the acid digested portions of the filter prepared previously in Section The resultant

combined sample is referred to as "Sample Fraction 1". Filter the combined sample using Whatman 541 filter paper. Dilute to 300 ml (or the appropriate volume for the expected metals concentration) with water. "Analytical Fraction 1". This diluted sample is

Measure and record the volume of Quantitatively

Analytical Fraction 1 to within 0.1 ml.

remove a 50-ml aliquot and label as "Analytical Fraction 1B". Label the remaining 250-ml portion as "Analytical Analytical Fraction 1A is used for ICAP or Analytical

Fraction 1A".

AAS analysis for all desired metals except Hg.

Fraction 1B is used for the determination of front-half Hg. 8.3.4 Container No. 4 (Impingers 1-3). Measure and

record the total volume of this sample to within 0.5 ml and label it "Sample Fraction 2". Remove a 75- to 100-ml

aliquot for Hg analysis and label the aliquot "Analytical Fraction 2B". Label the remaining portion of Container

1495 No. 4 as "Sample Fraction 2A". Sample Fraction 2A defines

the volume of Analytical Fraction 2A prior to digestion. All of Sample Fraction 2A is digested to produce "Analytical Fraction 2A". Analytical Fraction 2A defines the volume of

Sample Fraction 2A after its digestion and the volume of Analytical Fraction 2A is normally 150 ml. Analytical Verify If

Fraction 2A is analyzed for all metals except Hg. that the pH of Sample Fraction 2A is 2 or lower.

necessary, use concentrated HNO3 by careful addition and stirring to lower Sample Fraction 2A to pH 2. Use water to

rinse Sample Fraction 2A into a beaker and then cover the beaker with a ribbed watchglass. Reduce Sample Fraction 2A

to approximately 20 ml by heating on a hot plate at a temperature just below boiling. digestion procedures described in Sections or Conventional Digestion Procedure. Add 30 ml Then follow either of the

of 50 percent HNO3, and heat for 30 minutes on a hot plate to just below boiling. for 10 more minutes. Add 10 ml of 3 percent H2O2 and heat Add 50 ml of hot water, and heat the Cool, filter the

sample for an additional 20 minutes.

sample, and dilute to 150 ml (or the appropriate volume for the expected metals concentrations) with water. dilution produces Analytical Fraction 2A. record the volume to within 0.1 ml. This

Measure and

1496 Microwave Digestion Procedure. Add 10 ml of

50 percent HNO3 and heat for 6 minutes total heating time in alternations of 1 to 2 minutes at 600 Watts followed by 1 to 2 minutes with no power, etc., similar to the procedure described in Section 8.3.1. Allow the sample to cool. Add

10 ml of 3 percent H2O2 and heat for 2 more minutes.


50 ml of hot water, and heat for an additional 5 minutes. Cool, filter the sample, and dilute to 150 ml (or the appropriate volume for the expected metals concentrations) with water. This dilution produces Analytical Fraction 2A.

Measure and record the volume to within 0.1 ml. NOTE: All microwave heating times given are

approximate and are dependent upon the number of samples being digested at a time. Heating times as given above have

been found acceptable for simultaneous digestion of up to 12 individual samples. Sufficient heating is evidenced by

solvent reflux within the vessel. 8.3.5 Container No. 5A (Impinger 4), Container Nos. 5B Keep the samples in Containers Measure and

and 5C (Impingers 5 and 6).

Nos. 5A, 5B, and 5C separate from each other. record the volume of 5A to within 0.5 ml.

Label the

contents of Container No. 5A to be Analytical Fraction 3A. To remove any brown MnO2 precipitate from the contents of Container No. 5B, filter its contents through Whatman 40

1497 filter paper into a 500 ml volumetric flask and dilute to volume with water. Save the filter for digestion of the Label the 500 ml filtrate from Analyze

brown MnO2 precipitate.

Container No. 5B to be Analytical Fraction 3B.

Analytical Fraction 3B for Hg within 48 hours of the filtration step. Place the saved filter, which was used to

remove the brown MnO2 precipitate, into an appropriately sized vented container, which will allow release of any gases including chlorine formed when the filter is digested. In a laboratory hood which will remove any gas produced by the digestion of the MnO2, add 25 ml of 8 N HCl to the filter and allow to digest for a minimum of 24 hours at room temperature. Filter the contents of Container No. 5C

through a Whatman 40 filter into a 500-ml volumetric flask. Then filter the result of the digestion of the brown MnO2 from Container No. 5B through a Whatman 40 filter into the same 500-ml volumetric flask, and dilute and mix well to volume with water. Discard the Whatman 40 filter. Mark

this combined 500-ml dilute HCl solution as Analytical Fraction 3C. 8.3.6 Container No. 6 (Silica Gel). Weigh the spent

silica gel (or silica gel plus impinger) to the nearest 0.5 g using a balance. 9.0 Quality Control.

1498 9.1 Field Reagent Blanks, if analyzed. Perform the

digestion and analysis of the blanks in Container Nos. 7 through 12 that were produced in Sections 8.2.11 through 8.2.17, respectively. For Hg field reagent blanks, use a

10 ml aliquot for digestion and analysis. 9.1.1 Digest and analyze one of the filters from

Container No. 12 per Section 8.3.1, 100 ml from Container No. 7 per Section 8.3.2, and 100 ml from Container No. 8A per Section 8.3.3. Fractions 1A and 1B. 9.1.2 Combine 100 ml of Container No. 8A with 200 ml This step produces blanks for Analytical

from Container No. 9, and digest and analyze the resultant volume per Section 8.3.4. This step produces blanks for

Analytical Fractions 2A and 2B. 9.1.3 Digest and analyze a 100-ml portion of Container

No. 8A to produce a blank for Analytical Fraction 3A. 9.1.4 Combine 100 ml from Container No. 10 with 33 ml

from Container No. 8B to produce a blank for Analytical Fraction 3B. Filter the resultant 133 ml as described for

Container No. 5B in Section 8.3.5, except do not dilute the 133 ml. Analyze this blank for Hg within 48 hr of the

filtration step, and use 400 ml as the blank volume when calculating the blank mass value. Use the actual volumes of

the other analytical blanks when calculating their mass values.

1499 9.1.5 Digest the filter that was used to remove any

brown MnO2 precipitate from the blank for Analytical Fraction 3B by the same procedure as described in Section 8.3.5 for the similar sample filter. Filter the

digestate and the contents of Container No. 11 through Whatman 40 paper into a 500-ml volumetric flask, and dilute to volume with water. Analytical Fraction 3C. 9.1.6 Analyze the blanks for Analytical Fraction These steps produce a blank for

Blanks 1A and 2A per Section 11.1.1 and/or Section 11.1.2. Analyze the blanks for Analytical Fractions 1B, 2B, 3A, 3B, and 3C per Section 11.1.3. Analysis of the blank for

Analytical Fraction 1A produces the front-half reagent blank correction values for the desired metals except for Hg; Analysis of the blank for Analytical Fraction 1B produces the front-half reagent blank correction value for Hg. Analysis of the blank for Analytical Fraction 2A produces the back-half reagent blank correction values for all of the desired metals except for Hg, while separate analyses of the blanks for Analytical Fractions 2B, 3A, 3B, and 3C produce the back-half reagent blank correction value for Hg. 9.2 Quality Control Samples. Analyze the following

quality control samples. 9.2.1 ICAP and ICP-MS Analysis. Follow the respective

quality control descriptions in Section 8 of Methods 6010

1500 and 6020 in EPA Publication SW-846 Third Edition (November 1986) including updates I, II, IIA, IIB and III, as incorporated by reference in 60.17(i). For the purposes of

a source test that consists of three sample runs, modify those requirements to include the following: two instrument check standard runs, two calibration blank runs, one interference check sample at the beginning of the analysis (analyze by Method of Standard Additions unless within 25 percent), one quality control sample to check the accuracy of the calibration standards (required to be within 25 percent of calibration), and one duplicate analysis (required to be within 20 percent of average or repeat all analyses). 9.2.2 Direct Aspiration AAS and/or GFAAS Analysis for

Sb, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Cu, Cr, Co, Pb, Ni, Mn, Hg, P, Se, Ag, Tl, and Zn. Analyze all samples in duplicate. Perform a

matrix spike on at least one front-half sample and one backhalf sample, or one combined sample. If recoveries of less

than 75 percent or greater than 125 percent are obtained for the matrix spike, analyze each sample by the Method of Standard Additions. Analyze a quality control sample to If the

check the accuracy of the calibration standards.

results are not within 20 percent, repeat the calibration. 9.2.3 duplicate. CVAAS Analysis for Hg. Analyze all samples in

Analyze a quality control sample to check the

1501 accuracy of the calibration standards (if not within 15 percent, repeat calibration). Perform a matrix spike on one

sample (if not within 25 percent, analyze all samples by the Method of Standard Additions). Additional information on

quality control can be obtained from Method 7470 in EPA Publication SW-846 Third Edition (November 1986) including updates I, II, IIA, IIB and III, as incorporated by reference in 60.17(i),or in Standard Methods for Water and Wastewater Method 303F. 10.0 Calibration and Standardization. NOTE: 10.1 Maintain a laboratory log of all calibrations. Sampling Train Calibration. Calibrate the

sampling train components according to the indicated sections of Method 5: Probe Nozzle (Section 10.1); Pitot

Tube (Section 10.2); Metering System (Section 10.3); Probe Heater (Section 10.4); Temperature Sensors (Section 10.5); Leak-Check of the Metering System (Section 8.4.1); and Barometer (Section 10.6). 10.2 Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma Spectrometer Prepare standards as outlined in Section 7.5.


Profile and calibrate the instrument according to the manufacturer's recommended procedures using those standards. Check the calibration once per hour. If the instrument does

not reproduce the standard concentrations within 10 percent,

1502 perform the complete calibration procedures. Perform ICP-MS

analysis by following Method 6020 in EPA Publication SW-846 Third Edition (November 1986) including updates I, II, IIA, IIB and III, as incorporated by reference in 60.17(i). 10.3 Atomic Absorption Spectrometer - Direct Prepare the

Aspiration AAS, GFAAS, and CVAAS analyses.

standards as outlined in Section 7.5 and use them to calibrate the spectrometer. Calibration procedures are also

outlined in the EPA methods referred to in Table 29-2 and in Method 7470 in EPA Publication SW-846 Third Edition (November 1986) including updates I, II, IIA, IIB and III, as incorporated by reference in 60.17(i), or in Standard Methods for Water and Wastewater Method 303F (for Hg). Run

each standard curve in duplicate and use the mean values to calculate the calibration line. Recalibrate the instrument

approximately once every 10 to 12 samples. 11.0 Analytical Procedure. 11.1 Sample Analysis. For each sampling train sample

run, seven individual analytical samples are generated; two for all desired metals except Hg, and five for Hg. schematic identifying each sample container and the prescribed analytical preparation and analysis scheme is shown in Figure 29-3. The first two analytical samples, A

labeled Analytical Fractions 1A and 1B, consist of the

1503 digested samples from the front-half of the train. Analytical Fraction 1A is for ICAP, ICP-MS or AAS analysis as described in Sections 11.1.1 and 11.1.2, respectively. Analytical Fraction 1B is for front-half Hg analysis as described in Section 11.1.3. The contents of the back-half

of the train are used to prepare the third through seventh analytical samples. The third and fourth analytical

samples, labeled Analytical Fractions 2A and 2B, contain the samples from the moisture removal impinger No. 1, if used, and HNO3/H2O2 impingers Nos. 2 and 3. Analytical Fraction 2A

is for ICAP, ICP-MS or AAS analysis for target metals, except Hg. Analytical Fraction 2B is for analysis for Hg.

The fifth through seventh analytical samples, labeled Analytical Fractions 3A, 3B, and 3C, consist of the impinger contents and rinses from the empty impinger No. 4 and the H2SO4/KMnO4 Impingers Nos. 5 and 6. These analytical samples The

are for analysis for Hg as described in Section 11.1.3. total back-half Hg catch is determined from the sum of Analytical Fractions 2B, 3A, 3B, and 3C. Analytical

Fractions 1A and 2A can be combined proportionally prior to analysis. 11.1.1 ICAP and ICP-MS Analysis. Analyze Analytical

Fractions 1A and 2A by ICAP using Method 6010 or Method 200.7 (40 CFR 136, Appendix C). Calibrate the ICAP, and set

up an analysis program as described in Method 6010 or Method

1504 200.7. Follow the quality control procedures described in Recommended wavelengths for analysis are as These wavelengths represent the best

Section 9.2.1.

shown in Table 29-2.

combination of specificity and potential detection limit. Other wavelengths may be substituted if they can provide the needed specificity and detection limit, and are treated with the same corrective techniques for spectral interference. Initially, analyze all samples for the target metals (except Hg) plus Fe and Al. If Fe and Al are present, the sample

might have to be diluted so that each of these elements is at a concentration of less than 50 ppm so as to reduce their spectral interferences on As, Cd, Cr, and Pb. Perform

ICP-MS analysis by following Method 6020 in EPA Publication SW-846 Third Edition (November 1986) including updates I, II, IIA, IIB and III, as incorporated by reference in 60.17(i). NOTE: When analyzing samples in a HF matrix, an

alumina torch should be used; since all front-half samples will contain HF, use an alumina torch. 11.1.2 AAS by Direct Aspiration and/or GFAAS. If

analysis of metals in Analytical Fractions 1A and 2A by using GFAAS or direct aspiration AAS is needed, use Table 29-3 to determine which techniques and procedures to apply for each target metal. Use Table 29-3, if necessary, to

1505 determine techniques for minimization of interferences. Calibrate the instrument according to Section 10.3 and follow the quality control procedures specified in Section 9.2.2. 11.1.3 CVAAS Hg analysis. Analyze Analytical

Fractions 1B, 2B, 3A, 3B, and 3C separately for Hg using CVAAS following the method outlined in Method 7470 in EPA Publication SW-846 Third Edition (November 1986) including updates I, II, IIA, IIB and III, as incorporated by reference in 60.17(i), or in Standard Methods for Water and Wastewater Analysis, 15th Edition, Method 303F, or, optionally using NOTE No. 2 at the end of this section. Set

up the calibration curve (zero to 1000 ng) as described in Method 7470 or similar to Method 303F using 300-ml BOD bottles instead of Erlenmeyers. each Hg analysis. Perform the following for

From each original sample, select and If

record an aliquot in the size range from 1 ml to 10 ml. no prior knowledge of the expected amount of Hg in the sample exists, a 5 ml aliquot is suggested for the first

dilution to 100 ml (see NOTE No. 1 at end of this section). The total amount of Hg in the aliquot shall be less than 1 g and within the range (zero to 1000 ng) of the calibration curve. Place the sample aliquot into a separate 300-ml BOD

bottle, and add enough water to make a total volume of 100

1506 ml. Next add to it sequentially the sample digestion

solutions and perform the sample preparation described in the procedures of Method 7470 or Method 303F. 2 at the end of this section). (See NOTE No.

If the maximum readings are

off-scale (because Hg in the aliquot exceeded the calibration range; including the situation where only a 1-ml aliquot of the original sample was digested), then dilute the original sample (or a portion of it) with 0.15 percent HNO3 (1.5 ml concentrated HNO3 per liter aqueous solution) so that when a 1- to 10-ml aliquot of the "0.15 HNO3 percent dilution of the original sample" is digested and analyzed by the procedures described above, it will yield an analysis within the range of the calibration curve. NOTE No. 1: When Hg levels in the sample fractions are

below the in-stack detection limit given in Table 29-1, select a 10 ml aliquot for digestion and analysis as described. NOTE No. 2: Optionally, Hg can be analyzed by using

the CVAAS analytical procedures given by some instrument manufacturer's directions. These include calibration and

quality control procedures for the Leeman Model PS200, the Perkin Elmer FIAS systems, and similar models, if available, of other instrument manufacturers. For digestion and

analyses by these instruments, perform the following two

1507 steps: (1), Digest the sample aliquot through the addition of the aqueous hydroxylamine hydrochloride/sodium chloride solution the same as described in this section: (The

Leeman, Perkin Elmer, and similar instruments described in this note add automatically the necessary stannous chloride solution during the automated analysis of Hg.); (2), Upon completion of the digestion described in (1), analyze the sample according to the instrument manufacturer's directions. This approach allows multiple (including

duplicate) automated analyses of a digested sample aliquot. 12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations. 12.1 A B Nomenclature. = Analytical detection limit, g/ml. = Liquid volume of digested sample prior to aliquotting for analysis, ml. C Ca1 = Stack sample gas volume, dsm3. = Concentration of metal in Analytical Fraction 1A as read from the standard curve, g/ml. Ca2 = Concentration of metal in Analytical Fraction 2A as read from the standard curve, (g/ml). Cs = Concentration of a metal in the stack gas, mg/dscm.

1508 D Fa = In-stack detection limit, g/m3. = Aliquot factor, volume of Sample Fraction 2 divided by volume of Sample Fraction 2A (see Section 8.3.4.) Fd = Dilution factor (Fd = the inverse of the fractional portion of the concentrated sample in the solution actually used in the instrument to produce the reading Ca1. For

example, if a 2 ml aliquot of Analytical Fraction 1A is diluted to 10 ml to place it in the calibration range, Fd = 5). Hgbh = Total mass of Hg collected in the back-half of the sampling train, g. Hgbh2 = Total mass of Hg collected in Sample Fraction 2, g. Hgbh3(A,B,C) = Total mass of Hg collected separately in Fraction 3A, 3B, or 3C, g. Hgbhb = Blank correction value for mass of Hg detected in back-half field reagent blanks, g. Hgfh = Total mass of Hg collected in the fronthalf of the sampling train (Sample Fraction 1), g.

1509 Hgfhb = Blank correction value for mass of Hg detected in front-half field reagent blank, g. Hgt = Total mass of Hg collected in the sampling train, g. Mbh = Total mass of each metal (except Hg) collected in the back-half of the sampling train (Sample Fraction 2), g. Mbhb = Blank correction value for mass of metal detected in back-half field reagent blank, g. Mfh = Total mass of each metal (except Hg) collected in the front half of the sampling train (Sample Fraction 1), g. Mfhb = Blank correction value for mass of metal detected in front-half field reagent blank, g. Mt = Total mass of each metal (separately stated for each metal) collected in the sampling train, g. Mt = Total mass of that metal collected in the sampling train, g; (substitute Hgt for Mt for the Hg calculation). Qbh2 = Quantity of Hg, g, TOTAL in the ALIQUOT of Analytical Fraction 2B selected for

1510 digestion and analysis . NOTE: For

example, if a 10 ml aliquot of Analytical Fraction 2B is taken and digested and analyzed (according to Section 11.1.3 and its NOTES Nos. 1 and 2), then calculate and use the total amount of Hg in the 10 ml aliquot for Qbh2. Qbh3(A,B,C) = Quantity of Hg, g, TOTAL, separately, in the ALIQUOT of Analytical Fraction 3A, 3B, or 3C selected for digestion and analysis (see NOTES in Sections 12.7.1 and 12.7.2

describing the quantity "Q" and calculate similarly). Qfh = Quantity of Hg, g, TOTAL in the ALIQUOT of Analytical Fraction 1B selected for digestion and analysis . NOTE: For

example, if a 10 ml aliquot of Analytical Fraction 1B is taken and digested and analyzed (according to Section 11.1.3 and its NOTES Nos. 1 and 2), then calculate and use the total amount of Hg in the 10 ml aliquot for Qfh. Va = Total volume of digested sample solution (Analytical Fraction 2A), ml (see

1511 Section or, as applicable). Vf1B = Volume of aliquot of Analytical Fraction 1B analyzed, ml. NOTE: For example, if a

1 ml aliquot of Analytical Fraction 1B was diluted to 50 ml with 0.15 percent HNO3 as described in Section 11.1.3 to bring it into the proper analytical range, and then 1 ml of that 50-ml was digested according to Section 11.1.3 and analyzed, Vf1B would be 0.02 ml. Vf2B = Volume of Analytical Fraction 2B analyzed, ml. NOTE: For example, if 1 ml of

Analytical Fraction 2B was diluted to 10 ml with 0.15 percent HNO3 as described in Section 11.1.3 to bring it into the proper analytical range, and then 5 ml of that 10 ml was analyzed, Vf2B would be 0.5 ml. Vf3(A,B,C) = Volume, separately, of Analytical Fraction 3A, 3B, or 3C analyzed, ml (see previous notes in Sections 12.7.1 and 12.7.2, describing the quantity "V" and calculate similarly).

1512 Vm(std) = Volume of gas sample as measured by the dry gas meter, corrected to dry standard conditions, dscm. Vsoln,1 = Total volume of digested sample solution (Analytical Fraction 1), ml. Vsoln,1 Vsoln,2 = = Total volume of Analytical Fraction 1, ml. Total volume of Sample Fraction 2, ml. Total volume, separately, of Analytical Fraction 3A, 3B, or 3C, ml. K4 12.2 = 10-3 mg/g. Using the data from this test,


Dry Gas Volume.

calculate Vm(std), the dry gas sample volume at standard conditions as outlined in Section 12.3 of Method 5. 12.3 Volume of Water Vapor and Moisture Content.

Using the total volume of condensate collected during the source sampling, calculate the volume of water vapor Vw(std) and the moisture content Bws of the stack gas. Equations 5-2 and 5-3 of Method 5. 12.4 Stack Gas Velocity. Using the data from this Use

test and Equation 2-9 of Method 2, calculate the average stack gas velocity. 12.5 In-Stack Detection Limits. Calculate the in-

stack method detection limits shown in Table 29-4 using the conditions described in Section 13.3.1 as follows:

1513 A B 'D C Eq. 29-1

12.6 12.6.1

Metals (Except Hg) in Source Sample. Analytical Fraction 1A, Front-Half, Metals Calculate separately the amount of each metal

(except Hg).

collected in Sample Fraction 1 of the sampling train using the following equation: Mfh ' Ca1 Fd Vsoln,1 Eq. 29-2


If Analytical Fractions 1A and 2A are combined, Then make appropriate changes in

use proportional aliquots.

Equations 29-2 through 29-4 to reflect this approach. 12.6.2 (except Hg). Analytical Fraction 2A, Back-Half, Metals Calculate separately the amount of each metal

collected in Fraction 2 of the sampling train using the following equation: Mbh ' Ca2 Fa Va Eq. 29-3


Total Train, Metals (except Hg).

Calculate the

total amount of each of the quantified metals collected in the sampling train as follows: Mt ' (Mfh & Mfhb) %(Mbh &Mbhb) Eq. 29-4

1514 NOTE: If the measured blank value for the front half

(Mfhb) is in the range 0.0 to "A" g [where "A" g equals the value determined by multiplying 1.4 g/in.2 times the actual area in in.2 of the sample filter], use Mfhb to correct the emission sample value (Mfh); if Mfhb exceeds "A" g, use the greater of I. II. I or II: "A" g. the lesser of (a) Mfhb, or (b) 5 percent of Mfh.

If the measured blank value for the back-half (Mbhb) is in the range 0.0 to 1 g, use Mbhb to correct the emission sample value (Mbh); if Mbhb exceeds 1 g, use the greater of I or II: I. II. 12.7 12.7.1 1 g. the lesser of (a) Mbhb, or (b) 5 percent of Mbh. Hg in Source Sample. Analytical Fraction 1B; Front-Half Hg.

Calculate the amount of Hg collected in the front-half, Sample Fraction 1, of the sampling train by using Equation 29-5: Qfh Vf1B

Hgfh '


Eq. 29-5

12.7.2 Half Hg.

Analytical Fractions 2B, 3A, 3B, and 3C; Back

1515 Calculate the amount of Hg collected in

Sample Fraction 2 by using Equation 29-6: Qbh2 Vf2B

Hgbh2 '


Eq. 29-6

Calculate each of the back-half Hg values for

Analytical Fractions 3A, 3B, and 3C by using Equation 29-7: Qbh3(A,B,C) Vf3(A,B,C)

Hgbh3(A,B,C) '


Eq. 29-7

Calculate the total amount of Hg collected in

the back-half of the sampling train by using Equation 29-8: Hgbh ' Hgbh2 % Hgbh3A % Hgbh3B % Hgbh3C Eq. 29-8


Total Train Hg Catch.

Calculate the total

amount of Hg collected in the sampling train by using Equation 29-9: Hgt ' (Hgfh & Hgfhb) %(Hgbh &Hgbhb) NOTE: Eq. 29-9

If the total of the measured blank values (Hgfhb

+ Hgbhb) is in the range of 0.0 to 0.6 g, then use the total to correct the sample value (Hgfh + Hgbh); if it exceeds 0.6 g, use the greater of I. or II: I. 0.6 g.

1516 II. the lesser of (a) (Hgfhb + Hgbhb), or (b) 5 percent of the sample value (Hgfh + Hgbh). 12.8 Individual Metal Concentrations in Stack Gas.

Calculate the concentration of each metal in the stack gas (dry basis, adjusted to standard conditions) by using Equation 29-10: K4 Mt Vm(std)

Cs '

Eq. 29-10


Isokinetic Variation and Acceptable Results.

Same as Method 5, Sections 12.11 and 12.12, respectively. 13.0 Method Performance. 13.1 Range. For the analysis described and for

similar analyses, the ICAP response is linear over several orders of magnitude. Samples containing metal

concentrations in the nanograms per ml (ng/ml) to micrograms per ml (g/ml) range in the final analytical solution can be analyzed using this method. Samples containing greater than

approximately 50 g/ml As, Cr, or Pb should be diluted to that level or lower for final analysis. Samples containing

greater than approximately 20 g/ml of Cd should be diluted to that level before analysis. 13.2 Analytical Detection Limits.

1517 NOTE: See Section 13.3 for the description of in-stack

detection limits. 13.2.1 ICAP analytical detection limits for the sample

solutions (based on SW-846, Method 6010) are approximately as follows: Sb (32 ng/ml), As (53 ng/ml), Ba (2 ng/ml),

Be (0.3 ng/ml), Cd (4 ng/ml), Cr (7 ng/ml), Co (7 ng/ml), Cu (6 ng/ml), Pb (42 ng/ml), Mn (2 ng/ml), Ni (15 ng/ml), P (75 ng/ml), Se (75 ng/ml), Ag (7 ng/ml), Tl (40 ng/ml), and Zn (2 ng/ml). ICP-MS analytical detection limits (based

on SW-846, Method 6020) are lower generally by a factor of ten or more. Be is lower by a factor of three. The actual

sample analytical detection limits are sample dependent and may vary due to the sample matrix. 13.2.2 The analytical detection limits for analysis by

direct aspiration AAS (based on SW-846, Method 7000 series) are approximately as follow: Sb (200 ng/ml), As (2 ng/ml),

Ba (100 ng/ml), Be (5 ng/ml), Cd (5 ng/ml), Cr (50 ng/ml), Co (50 ng/ml), Cu (20 ng/ml), Pb (100 ng/ml), Mn (10 ng/ml), Ni (40 ng/ml), Se (2 ng/ml), Ag (10 ng/ml), Tl (100 ng/ml), and Zn (5 ng/ml). 13.2.3 The detection limit for Hg by CVAAS (on the

resultant volume of the digestion of the aliquots taken for Hg analyses) can be approximately 0.02 to 0.2 ng/ml, depending upon the type of CVAAS analytical instrument used.

1518 13.2.4 The use of GFAAS can enhance the detection Sb (3

limits compared to direct aspiration AAS as follows:

ng/ml), As (1 ng/ml), Be (0.2 ng/ml), Cd (0.1 ng/ml), Cr (1 ng/ml), Co (1 ng/ml), Pb (1 ng/ml), Se (2 ng/ml), and Tl (1 ng/ml). 13.3 13.3.1 In-stack Detection Limits. For test planning purposes in-stack detection

limits can be developed by using the following information: (1) the procedures described in this method, (2) the analytical detection limits described in Section 13.2 and in SW-846,(3) the normal volumes of 300 ml (Analytical Fraction 1) for the front-half and 150 ml (Analytical Fraction 2A) for the back-half samples, and (4) a stack gas sample volume of 1.25 m3. The resultant in-stack method detection limits

for the above set of conditions are presented in Table 29-1 and were calculated by using Eq. 29-1 shown in Section 12.5. 13.3.2 To ensure optimum precision/resolution in the

analyses, the target concentrations of metals in the analytical solutions should be at least ten times their respective analytical detection limits. Under certain

conditions, and with greater care in the analytical procedure, these concentrations can be as low as approximately three times the respective analytical detection limits without seriously impairing the precision of the analyses. On at least one sample run in the source

1519 test, and for each metal analyzed, perform either repetitive analyses, Method of Standard Additions, serial dilution, or matrix spike addition, etc., to document the quality of the data. 13.3.3 Actual in-stack method detection limits are

based on actual source sampling parameters and analytical results as described above. If required, the method in-

stack detection limits can be improved over those shown in Table 29-1 for a specific test by either increasing the sampled stack gas volume, reducing the total volume of the digested samples, improving the analytical detection limits, or any combination of the three. For extremely low levels

of Hg only, the aliquot size selected for digestion and analysis can be increased to as much as 10 ml, thus improving the in-stack detection limit by a factor of ten compared to a 1 ml aliquot size. A nominal one hour sampling run will collect If the

a stack gas sampling volume of about 1.25 m3.

sampling time is increased to four hours and 5 m3 are collected, the in-stack method detection limits would be improved by a factor of four compared to the values shown in Table 29-1. The in-stack detection limits assume that all

of the sample is digested and the final liquid volumes for analysis are the normal values of 300 ml for Analytical

1520 Fraction 1, and 150 ml for Analytical Fraction 2A. If the

volume of Analytical Fraction 1 is reduced from 300 to 30 ml, the in-stack detection limits for that fraction of the sample would be improved by a factor of ten. If the

volume of Analytical Fraction 2A is reduced from 150 to 25 ml, the in-stack detection limits for that fraction of the sample would be improved by a factor of six. Matrix effect

checks are necessary on sample analyses and typically are of much greater significance for samples that have been concentrated to less than the normal original sample volume. Reduction of Analytical Fractions 1 and 2A to volumes of less than 30 and 25 ml, respectively, could interfere with the redissolving of the residue and could increase interference by other compounds to an intolerable level. When both of the modifications described in

Sections and are used simultaneously on one sample, the resultant improvements are multiplicative. For example, an increase in stack gas volume by a factor of four and a reduction in the total liquid sample digested volume of both Analytical Fractions 1 and 2A by a factor of six would result in an improvement by a factor of twentyfour of the in-stack method detection limit. 13.4 Precision. The precision (relative standard

deviation) for each metal detected in a method development

1521 test performed at a sewage sludge incinerator were found to be as follows: Sb (12.7 percent), As (13.5 percent), Ba (20.6 percent), Cd (11.5 percent), Cr (11.2 percent), Cu (11.5 percent), Pb (11.6 percent), P (14.6 percent), Se (15.3 percent), Tl (12.3 percent), and Zn (11.8 percent). The precision for

Ni was 7.7 percent for another test conducted at a source simulator. Be, Mn, and Ag were not detected in the tests.

However, based on the analytical detection limits of the ICAP for these metals, their precisions could be similar to those for the other metals when detected at similar levels. 14.0 Pollution Prevention. 15.0 Waste Management. 16.0 References. 1. Method 303F in Standard Methods for the Examination Available from the [Reserved]


of Water Wastewater, 15th Edition, 1980.

American Public Health Association, 1015 18th Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. 2. EPA Methods 6010, 6020, 7000, 7041, 7060, 7131,

7421, 7470, 7740, and 7841, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste: Physical/Chemical Methods. SW-846, Third

Edition, November 1986, with updates I, II, IIA, IIB and III. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, U. S.

Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. 20460.

1522 3. EPA Method 200.7, Code of Federal Regulations, July 1, 1987.

Title 40, Part 136, Appendix C. 4.

EPA Methods 1 through 5, Code of Federal

Regulations, Title 40, Part 60, Appendix A, July 1, 1991. 5. EPA Method 101A, Code of Federal Regulations, Title

40, Part 61, Appendix B, July 1, 1991. 17.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data.


Back-half: Impingers 1-3


Back-half: Impingers 4-6a

Total Train:

Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Lead Manganese Mercury Nickel Phosphorus Selenium Silver Thallium

7.7 (0.7) 12.7 (0.3)

3.8 (0.4) 6.4 (0.1)

11.5 (1.1) 19.1 (0.4)




0.07 (0.05)

0.04 (0.03) 0.5 (0.01) 0.8 (0.1) 0.8 (0.1) 0.7

0.11 (0.08) 1.5 (0.03) 2.5 (0.3) 2.5 (0.3)

1.0 (0.02) 1.7 (0.2) 1.7 (0.2)



10.1 (0.2) 0.5 (0.2) 0.06

5.0 (0.1) 0.2 (0.1) 0.3


15.1 (0.3) 0.7 (0.3) 0.56


3.6 18

1.8 9

5.4 27

18 (0.5)

9 (0.3)

27 (0.8)


0.9 (0.7)


9.6 (0.2)

4.8 (0.1)

14.4 (0.3)

Zinc 0.5 0.3 0.8 Mercury analysis only. 1 Detection limit when analyzed by ICAP or GFAAS as shown in parentheses (see Section 11.1.2). 2 Detection limit when analyzed by CVAAS, estimated for Backhalf and Total Train. See Sections 13.2 and 11.1.3. Note: Actual method in-stack detection limits may vary from these values, as described in Section 13.3.3.

1524 TABLE 29-2. RECOMMENDED WAVELENGTHS FOR ICAP ANALYSIS Analyte Aluminum (Al) Antimony (Sb) Arsenic (As) Barium (Ba) Beryllium (Be) Cadmium (Cd) Chromium (Cr) Cobalt (Co) Copper (Cu) Iron (Fe) Lead (Pb) Manganese (Mn) Nickel (Ni) Phosphorus (P) Selenium (Se) Silver (Ag) Thallium (Tl) Zinc (Zn) Wavelength (nm) 308.215 206.833 193.696 455.403 313.042 226.502 267.716 228.616 328.754 259.940 220.353 257.610 231.604 214.914 196.026 328.068 190.864 213.856

TABLE 29-3. Metal Fe Pb Pb

APPLICABLE TECHNIQUES, METHODS AND MINIMIZATION OF INTERFERENCES FOR AAS ANALYSIS. Interferences SW-8461 Method No. 7380 7420 7421 Wavelength (nm) 248.3 283.3 283.3

Technique Aspiration Aspiration Furnace

Cause Contamination 217.0 nm alternate Poor recoveries

Minimization Great care taken to avoid contamination Background correction required Matrix modifier, add 10 l of phosphorus acid to 1 ml of prepared sample in sampler cup Background correction required Background correction required Matrix matching or nitrousoxide/acetylene flame Sample dilution or use 352.3 nm line Spike samples and reference materials and add nickel nitrate to minimize volatilization Background correction is required and Zeeman background correction can be useful Background correction is required Avoid hydrochloric acid unless silver is in solution as a chloride complex Sample and standards monitored for aspiration rate Background correction is required Hydrochloric acid should not be used

Mn Ni

Aspiration Aspiration

7460 7520

279.5 232.0

403.1 nm alternate 352.4 nm alternate Fe, Co, and Cr Nonlinear response





Volatility Adsorption & scatter





Adsorption & scatter AgCl insoluble

Tl Tl

Aspiration Furnace

7840 7841

276.8 276.8 Hydrochloric acid or chloride

Background correction is required Verify that losses are not occurring for volatilization by spiked samples or standard addition; Palladium is a suitable matrix modifier Strontium removes Cu and phosphate Great care taken to avoid contamination





High Si, Cu, & P Contamination

TABLE 29-3. Metal Sb Technique Aspiration SW-8461 Method No. 7040 Wavelength (nm) 217.6

Continued. Interferences Cause Minimization Use secondary wavelength of 231.1 nm; match sample & standards acid concentration or use nitrous oxide/acetylene flame Secondary wavelength or Zeeman correction Spike samples and add nickel nitrate solution to digestates prior to analysis Use Zeeman background correction High hollow cathode current and narrow band set 2 ml of KCl per 100 ml of sample Add 0.1% fluoride Optimize parameters to minimize effects Background correction is required

1000 mg/ml Pb, Ni, Cu, or acid High Pb Arsenic Volatilization Aluminum Calcium Barium Ionization

Sb As

Furnace Furnace

7041 7060

217.6 193.7





Be Be Cd

Aspiration Furnace Aspiration

7090 7091 7130

234.9 234.9 228.8

500 ppm Al High Mg and Si Be in optical path Absorption and light scattering As above Excess Chloride Pipet Tips Alkali metal Excess chloride 200 mg/L Ca and P Absorption and Scatter





As above Ammonium phosphate used as a matrix modifier Use cadmium-free tips KCl ionization suppressant in samples and standards-- Consult mfgs' literature Use Method of Standard Additions All calcium nitrate for a known constant effect and to eliminate effect of phosphate Consult manufacturer's manual

Cr Co Cr Cu

Aspiration Furnace Furnace Aspiration

7190 7201 7191 7210

357.9 240.7 357.9 324.7


Refer to EPA publication SW-846 (Reference 2 in Section 16.0).

Figure 29-1.

Sampling Train.


Probe Liner and Nozzle

Front Half of Filter Housing


Filter support & back half of filter housing

1st impinger (empty at beginning of test)

2nd & 3rd impingers (HNO3/H2O2)

Rinse with Acetone

Brush with nonmetallic brush & rinse with acetone

Brush liner with nonmetallic brush & rinse with acetone

Carefully remove filter from support with Teflon-coated tweezers & place in petri dish

Rinse three times with 0.1N HNO3

Measure impinger contents

Measure impinger contents

Empty the contents into container

Empty the contents into container

Brush loose particulate onto filter

Rinse three times with 0.1N HNO3

Rinse three times with 0.1N HNO3

Check liner to see if particulate removed; if not, repeat step above

Seal petri dish with tape

Rinse three times with 0.1N HNO3

Rinse three times with 0.1N HNO3

FH (3)*
* Number in parentheses indicated container number

AR (2)

F (1)

BH (4)

Figure 29-2a.

Sample Recovery Scheme.


4th impinger (empty) & 5th & 6th impingers (acidified KMnO4)

Last impinger

Measure impinger contents

Weigh for moisture

Empty the contents into container

Empty the impingers Nos. 5 & 6 contents into container


Rinse with 100 ml 0.1N HNO3

Rinse three times with permanganate reagent, then with water

Remove any residue with 25 ml 8N HCl solution



8N HCl (5C)

Figure 29-2b.

Sample Recovery Scheme.


Figure 29-3.

Sample Preparation and Analysis Scheme.


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