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Actitime Integration Scenarios PDF

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Scenario 1
1. Login as Admin

2. Click on Users
3. Click on Create New User Twitter
4. Enter Valid Data and Select the @Enter !ime "track# access rights
$. Click Create User
E%&ected 'es(lt)

1. Created (ser sho(ld *e listed in the Users &age.

Scenario 2
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on Users
3. Click on Create New User
4. Enter Valid Data and Select the @Enter !ime "track#+ @,odi-N the time/track o-
other (sers#+ ,anage &ro0ects Q c(stomer +task#+ #Renerate 'e&orts# access
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$. Click Create User
E%&ected 'es(lt)
1. Created (ser sho(ld *e listed in the Users &age.

Scenario 3
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on Users
3. Click on Create New User
4. Enter Valid Data and Select all the access rights o&tions.
$. Click Create User
E%&ected 'es(lt)
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1. Created (ser sho(ld *e listed in the Users &age.

Scenario 4
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on Users
3. Click on Create New User
4. Enter Valid Data and click on Cancel.
E%&ected 'es(lt)
1. St sho(ld go *ack to Users &age.

Scenario $
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on (sers
3. Enter the (sername in Edit (sername Tield and click edit (ser
4. Enter 5alid data and Click on sa5e changes.
E%&ected 'es(lt)
1. Changed User6s data sho(ld *e listed in the Users &age.

Scenario 7
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on (sers
3. Enter the (sername in Edit (sername Tield and click edit (ser

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4. Enter 5alid data and Click on Cancel.

E%&ected 'es(lt)
1. St sho(ld go *ack to the Users &age.

Scenario 8
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on (sers
3. Select the (ser
4. Click on Delete (ser
E%&ected 'es(lt)
1. Deleted User sho(ld not *e listed in the Users &age.

Scenario 9
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on User.
3. Select a User edit (ser settings new &assword and retN&e &assword.
4. Logo(t.
$. !rN and login with old &assword
E%&ected res(lt)
1. Sho(ld throw error message.

Scenario :
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on User.
3. Select an User edit (ser settings new &assword and retN&e &assword.
4. Logo(t.
$. login with new &assword
E%&ected res(lt)
1. User &age sho(ld *e dis&laNed.

Scenario 1;
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on User.
3. Click on create new (ser.
4. Enter all 5alid data and access as ena*le
$. Click on create (ser
E%&ected res(lt)
1. !he created (ser access sho(ld *e dis&laNed as ena*led.

Scenario 11
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on User.
3. Click on create new (ser.
4. Enter all 5alid data and access as disa*le
$. Click on create (ser
E%&ected res(lt)
1. !he created (ser access sho(ld *e dis&laNed as disa*led.

Scenario 12
1. Login as Admin

2. Click on User.
3. Select (ser.
4. Sn terms and em&loNment change work daN d(ration.
$. Click on sa5e changes
E%&ected res(lt)
1. !he same work daN d(ration sho(ld *e dis&laNed in (ser &age (ser access
sho(ld *e dis&laNed as ena*le.

Scenario 13
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on User.
3. Select anN (ser and change the (ser name.
4. Click on sa5e changes
E%&ected res(lt)
1. !he changed (ser name sho(ld *e dis&laNed in (ser list.

Scenario 14
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on User.
3. Select (ser with disa*led access.
E%&ected res(lt)
1. !he (ser who are ena*led and disa*led will *e dis&laNed in (ser list.

Scenario 1$
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on User.
3. Do not select (ser with disa*led
E%&ected res(lt)
1. !he (ser who is ena*led will *e dis&laNed in (ser list.

Scenario 17
1. Login as admin
2. Click on create new (ser
3. Enter the re<(ired data in re<(ired =eld. >rite (ser name as manager
4. Enter the re<(ired (ser in-ormation.
$. Set the &assword -or manager
7. Logo(t as admin
8. Login as manager
E%&ected res(lt)
1. ,anager6s home &age sho(ld *e dis&laNed

Scenario 18
1. Login as admin
2. Click on create new (ser
3. Enter the re<(ired data in re<(ired =eld. >rite (ser name as manager
4. Enter the re<(ired (ser in-ormation.
$. Set the &assword -or manager
7. Disa*le manager6s access to his acco(nt.
8. Logo(t -rom admin.
9. Login as manager

E%&ected 'es(lt)
1. !he manager6s acco(nt sho(ld not o&en. Show the message+ in5alid
(sername and &assword.

Scenario 19
1. Login as admin
2. Disa*le the access right o- manager to enter his time track.
3. Logo(t as admin.
4. Login as manager.
$. !rN to enter time track
E%&ected res(lt)
1. !he manager sho(ld not *e a*le to enter his time track.

Scenario 1:
1. Login as admin
2. Disa*le the access right o- manager to enter others time track.
3. Logo(t as admin.
4. Login as manager.
$. !rN to enter his time track.
E%&ected res(lt)
1. !he manager sho(ld not *e a*le to enter others time track.

Scenario 2;
1. Login as admin
2. Disa*le the access right o- manager to enter other (ser6s time track.
3. Logo(t as admin.
4. Login as manager.
$. Create the new (ser engineer.
7. Logo(t as manager
8. Login as engineer
9. Assign task and enter time track.
:. Logo(t as engineer.
1;.Login again as manager.
11.Select engineer and trN to modi-N his time track.
E%&ected res(lt)
1. ,anager sho(ld *e not a*le to modi-N engineer6s time track.

Scenario 21
1. Login as admin
2. Ena*le the access right o- manager to enter other (ser6s time track.
3. Logo(t as admin.
4. Login as manager.
$. Create the new (ser engineer.
7. Logo(t as manager
8. Login as engineer
9. Assign task and enter time track.
:. Logo(t as engineer.
1;.Login again as manager.
11.Select engineer and trN to modi-N his time track.
E%&ected res(lt)

1. ,anager sho(ld *e a*le to modi-N engineer6s time track.

Scenario 22
1. Login as admin
2. Ena*le modi-N other (ser6s time track.
3. Logo(t -rom admin
4. Login as manager.
$. Create c(stomer and &ro0ect.
7. Assign tasks.
8. Enter time track.
9. Logo(t -rom manager
:. Login as admin
1;.!rN to change time track o- manager
E%&ected res(lt)
1. Admin sho(ld *e a*le to change time track o- manager.

Scenario 23
1. Login as admin
2. Disa*le the o&tion? modi-N other (ser6s time track.
3. Logo(t -rom admin
4. Login as manager.
$. Create c(stomer and &ro0ect.
7. Assign tasks.
8. Enter time track.
9. Logo(t -rom manager
:. Login as admin
1;.!rN to change time track o- manager
E%&ected res(lt)
1. Admin sho(ld not *e a*le to change time track o- manager

Scenario 24
1. Login as admin
2. Ena*le access rights to generate re&orts
3. Go to re&orts and trN to generate re&orts
E%&ected 'es(lt)
1. Admin sho(ld *e a*le to generate re&orts.

Scenario 2$
1. Login as admin
2. Disa*le the right to generate re&orts.
3. Ro to re&ort and trN to generate re&orts.
E%&ected res(lt
1. Admin sho(ld not *e a*le to generate re&orts.

Scenario 27
1. Login as admin
2. Disa*le the o&tion manage c(stomers and &ro0ects
3. !rN to manage c(stomers and &ro0ects
E%&ected res(lt
1. !he admin sho(ld not *e a*le to manage c(stomers and &ro0ect.

Scenario 28
1. Login as admin
2. Ena*le the o&tion manage c(stomers and &ro0ects
3. !rN to manage c(stomers and &ro0ects
E%&ected res(lt
1. !he admin sho(ld *e a*le to manage the c(stomers and &ro0ects.

Scenario 29
1. Login as admin
2. Disa*le the -eat(re manage tasks.
3. Ro to tasks and trN to manage tasks.
E%&ected res(lt
1. !he admin sho(ld not ha5e anN o&tion to manage tasks.

Scenario 2:
1. Login as admin
2. Ena*le the -eat(re manage tasks.
3. Ro to tasks and trN to manage tasks.
E%&ected res(lt
1. !he admin sho(ld ha5e o&tions to manage tasks @Com&lete the tasks and
delete the selected tasksa

Scenario 3;
1. Login as admin
2. Disa*le *oth the -eat(res manage c(stomers and &ro0ects? and manage
3. Ro to tasks and trN managing tasks.
E%&ected res(lt
1. !he admin sho(ld not ha5e anN o&tion to manage tasks.

Scenario 31
1. Login as admin
2. Ena*le the -eat(re manage c(stomers and &ro0ects.
3. Ro to tasks and trN managing tasks.
E%&ected 'es(lt
1. !he admin sho(ld *e a*le to manage c(stomers and &ro0ects? as well as he
will a*le to manage tasks

Scenario 32
1. Login as admin
2. Disa*le the -eat(re manage work sched(le
3. Ro to work sched(le and trN to select the working date
E%&ected 'es(lt
1. !he admin sho(ld not *e a*le to select the working date

Scenario 33
1. Login as admin
2. Ena*le the -eat(re manage work sched(le
3. Ro to work sched(le and trN to select the working date

E%&ected 'es(lt
1. !he admin sho(ld *e a*le to select the working date

Scenario 34
1. Login as admin
2. Disa*le the o&tion ,anage general Settings.
3. !rN to change the settings.
E%&ected 'es(lt
1. !he manger sho(ld not *e a*le to change the general settings

Scenario 3$
1. Login as admin
2. Ena*le the o&tion ,anage general Settings.
3. !rN to change the settings.
E%&ected 'es(lt
1. !he manger sho(ld *e a*le to change the general settings

Scenario 37
1. Login as admin
2. Create the (ser manager1
3. Create the (ser manager2
4. Ena*le the access to manager1
$. Disa*le the access to manager2
7. Ro to (ser list
8. Select the check *o% @show (sers with disa*led access#
E%&ected 'es(lt
1. !he (sers who are disa*led m(st *e in the (ser list

Scenario 38
1. Login as admin
2. Create the (ser manager1
3. Create the (ser manager2
4. Ena*le the access to manager1
$. Disa*le the access to manager2
7. Ro to (ser list
8. Select the check *o% @show (sers with disa*led access#
E%&ected res(lt
1. !he (sers who are disa*led m(st not *e in the list

Scenario 39
1. Login as admin
2. Create the (ser manager
3. Ena*le the time track o- manager
4. Select manager -rom the list o- (sers
$. !rN to delete the managers acco(nt
E%&ected 'es(lt
1. !he manager6s acco(nt cannot *e deleted and Show the message the time
tracking is ena*led -or this (ser

Scenario 3:

1. Login as admin
2. Logo(t -rom admin
E%&ected res(lt
1. !he control m(st goes to login &age

Scenario 4;
1. Login as admin
2. Logo(t -rom admin
3. Click *ack *(tton on the *rowser
E%&ected res(lt
1. !he control m(st dis&laN login &age and sho(ld not go to home &age o-

Scenario 41
1. Login as admin
2. Close the *rowser witho(t logging o(t.
3. B&en the *rowser and trN to go to actitime welcome &age
E%&ected res(lt
1. !he control sho(ld go to login &age and not to home &age o- admin

Scenario 42
1. Login as admin
2. cook mark the home &age o- admin.
3. Logo(t -rom admin
4. B&en the *rowser and co&N the *ookmark and &aste in address *ar
E%&ected res(lt
1. !he control sho(ld not go to the home &age o- admin+ instead it either sho(ld
dis&laN error message or it sho(ld go to login &age.

Scenario 43
1. Login as admin in one *rowser
2. Login to the same acco(nt thro(gh another *rowser
3. Logo(t -rom admin -rom =rst *rowser.
4. !rN to do some acti5ities in admin acco(nt thro(gh another *rowser
E%&ected res(lt
1. >hene5er we trN to do some acti5ities in the 2 nd *rowser+ the *rowser m(st
take the control to the login &age or session e%&ired &age.

Scenario 44
2. Login as admin -rom one *rowser
3. Create the (ser ,anager
4. Login to the same acco(nt thro(gh another *rowser
$. Disa*le the manager6s acco(nt thro(gh =rst *rowser
7. !rN list the disa*led (ser
E%&ected res(lt
1. !he second *rowser m(st show the disa*led (sers.

Scenario 4$
1. Login as admin -rom one *rowser
2. Create the (ser ,anager

3. Login to the same acco(nt thro(gh another *rowser

4. Disa*le the manager6s acco(nt thro(gh second *rowser
$. !rN to list onlN ena*led (sers in =rst *rowser
E%&ected res(lt
1. !he =rst *rowser m(st show onlN the ena*les (sers.

Scenario 47
1. Login as admin -rom one *rowser.
2. Login as admin to the same acco(nt thro(gh another *rowser
3. Create a (ser in =rst *rowser
4. 'e-resh the (ser &age in second *rowser
E%&ected res(lt
1. !he n(m*er o- (sers created thro(gh =rst *rowser m(st *e listed in second
Scenario 48
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on !ask
3. Click on dro0ect and C(stomer
4. Select Create New C(stomer
$. Enter Valid Data and click Create C(stomer
7. Click on dro0ect and C(stomer
E%&ected 'es(lt)
1. Created C(stomer sho(ld *e listed in the &ro0ect Q c(stomer &age.

Scenario 49
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on !ask
3. Click on dro0ect and C(stomer
4. Select the Created C(stomer
$. Click on createeadd &ro0ects
7. Enter Valid Data and click Create &ro0ect.
8. Click on dro0ect and C(stomer
E%&ected 'es(lt)
1. Created &ro0ect sho(ld *e listed (nder the selected c(stomer in &ro0ect Q
c(stomer &age.

Scenario 4:
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on !ask
3. Click on Add task
4. Enter Valid Data and click Create task.
$. Click on B&en task
E%&ected 'es(lt)
1. Created task sho(ld *e listed in o&en task &age.

Scenario $;
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on !ask ,od(le.

3. Click on B&en task.

4. Select an o&en task
$. Click on delete task
E%&ected 'es(lt)
1. Deleted !ask sho(ldn6t *e listed in B&en !ask dage.

Scenario $1
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on !ask ,od(le.
3. Click on B&en task.
4. Select an o&en task
$. Click on Com&lete task
E%&ected 'es(lt)
1. Selected !ask sho(ldn6t *e listed in B&en !ask dage.

Scenario $2
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on !ask ,od(le.
3. Click on B&en task.
4. Select an o&en task
$. Click on Com&lete task
7. Click Com&leted !ask -eat(re.
E%&ected 'es(lt)
1. Selected !ask sho(ld *e listed in Com&leted !ask dage.

Scenario $3
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on !ask
3. Click on Com&leted task.
4. Select a com&leted task
$. Click on Delete Selected !ask.
E%&ected 'es(lt)
1. Deleted !ask sho(ld not *e listed in Com&leted !ask &age.

Scenario $4
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on !ask
3. Click on Com&leted task.
4. Select a com&leted task
$. Click on 'eo&en Selected !ask
E%&ected 'es(lt)
1. Selected !ask sho(ld not *e listed in Com&leted !ask &age.

Scenario $$
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on !ask
3. Click on Com&leted task.
4. Select a com&leted task
$. Click on 'eo&en Selected !ask
E%&ected 'es(lt)

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1. Selected !ask sho(ld *e listed in B&en !ask &age.

Scenario $7
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on !ask
3. Click on dro0ect and C(stomers.
4. Select a dro0ect
$. Click on Archi5e Selected
E%&ected 'es(lt)
1. Selected dro0ect sho(ldn6t *e listed in dro0ect and C(stomer &age.

Scenario $8
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on !ask
3. Click on dro0ect and C(stomers.
4. Select a dro0ect
$. Click on Archi5e Selected
E%&ected 'es(lt)
1. Selected dro0ect sho(ld *e listed in Archi5e &age.

Scenario $9
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on !ask
3. Click on dro0ect and C(stomers.
4. Select a C(stomer
$. Click on Archi5e Selected
E%&ected 'es(lt)
1. Selected C(stomer sho(ldn6t *e listed in dro0ect and C(stomer &age.

Scenario $:
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on !ask
3. Click on dro0ect and C(stomers.
4. Select a C(stomer
$. Click on Archi5e Selected
E%&ected 'es(lt)
1. Selected C(stomer sho(ld *e listed in Archi5e &age.

Scenario 7;
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on !ask
3. Click on dro0ect and C(stomers.
4. Select a dro0ect
$. Click on Delete Selected
E%&ected 'es(lt)
1. Deleted dro0ect sho(ldn6t *e listed in dro0ect and C(stomer &age.

Scenario 71
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on !ask

3. Click on dro0ect and C(stomers.

4. Select a C(stomer
$. Click on Delete Selected
E%&ected 'es(lt)
1. Deleted C(stomer sho(ldn6t *e listed in dro0ect and C(stomer &age.

Scenario 72
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on !ask
3. Click on Archi5e.
4. Select a dro0ect
$. Click on Delete Selected
E%&ected 'es(lt)
1. Deleted dro0ect sho(ldn6t *e listed in Archi5e &age.

Scenario 73
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on !ask
3. Click on Archi5e.
4. Select a dro0ect
$. Click on 'estore Selected -rom Archi5es
E%&ected 'es(lt)
1. 'estored dro0ect sho(ldn6t *e listed in Archi5e &age.

Scenario 74
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on !ask
3. Click on Archi5e.
4. Select a dro0ect
$. Click on 'estore Selected -rom Archi5es
E%&ected 'es(lt)
1. 'estored dro0ect sho(ld *e listed in dro0ect And C(stomer dage.

Scenario 7$
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on !ask
3. Click on Archi5e.
4. Select a dro0ect
$. Click on 'estore Selected -rom Archi5es
E%&ected 'es(lt)
1. 'estored dro0ect6s tasks sho(ld *e listed in Com&leted !ask &age.

Scenario 77
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on !ask
3. Click on Archi5e.
4. Select a C(stomer
$. Click on Delete Selected
E%&ected 'es(lt)
1. Deleted C(stomer sho(ldn6t *e listed in Archi5e &age.

Scenario 78
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on !ask
3. Click on dro0ect and C(stomer
4. Select Create New C(stomer
$. Click on Cancel
E%&ected 'es(lt)
1. St sho(ld go *ack to the &ro0ect Q c(stomer &age.

Scenario 79
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on !ask
3. Click on dro0ect and C(stomer
4. Select Create New &ro0ect
$. Click on Cancel
E%&ected 'es(lt)
1. St sho(ld go *ack to the &ro0ect Q c(stomer &age.

Scenario 7:
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on !ask
3. Select Create New !ask
4. Click on Cancel
E%&ected 'es(lt)
1. St sho(ld go *ack to the !ask &age.

Scenario 8;
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on !ask
3. Click on dro0ect and C(stomer
4. Select Created dro0ect
$. Click the descri&tion icon shown ne%t to the name o- the corres&onding
7. Enter For editG the descri&tion.
8. Click HSAVEH *(tton to sa5e the entered descri&tion.
9. Click on Edited &ro0ect
E%&ected 'es(lt)
1. Entered Descri&tion sho(ld dis&laN in the dartic(lar &ro0ect &age.

Scenario 81
1. Login as Admin
2. Click on !ask
3. Click on dro0ect and C(stomer
4. Select Created dro0ect
$. Click the descri&tion icon shown ne%t to the name o- the corres&onding
7. Enter For editG the descri&tion.
8. Click on Cancel
E%&ected 'es(lt)

1. St sho(ld go *ack to the &ro0ect &age.

Scenario 82
1. Login as admin
2. Ro to tasks
3. Click on create new tasks
4. Select the c(stomer and &ro0ect
$. Select the radio *(tton show list o- o&en tasks
E%&ected 'es(lt
1. !he newlN created task m(st *e (nder the list o- o&en tasks (nder the
e%isting &ro0ect

Scenario 83
1. Login as admin
2. Ro to tasks
3. Click on create new tasks
4. Select the c(stomer and &ro0ect
$. Select the radio *(tton show list o- acti5e &ro0ects and c(stomers
E%&ected 'es(lt
1. !he newlN created tasks m(st *e added+ *e-ore that the list o- acti5e &ro0ects
sho(ld *e dis&laNed

Scenario 84
1. Login as admin
2. Ro to tasks
3. Click on create new tasks
4. Select the c(stomer and &ro0ect
$. Select the radio *(tton show list o- acti5e &ro0ects and c(stomers
E%&ected 'es(lt
1. S- there are no acti5e &ro0ects (nder the c(rrent c(stomer+ a message sho(ld
*e dis&laNed @there are no tasks to create#
Scenario 8$
1. Login as admin
2. Ro to tasks
3. Click on create new tasks
4. Select the c(stomer and &ro0ect
$. Enter a new task
7. Select check*o% add to mN time track
8. Select the radio *(tton show list o- acti5e &ro0ects and c(stomers
E%&ected 'es(lt
1. !he newlN created task m(st *e added to e%isting &ro0ect show the task in
time track

Scenario 87
1. Login as admin
2. Ro to tasks
3. Click on create new tasks
4. Select the c(stomer and &ro0ect
$. Enter a new task
7. (nselect check*o% add to mN time track

8. Select the radio *(tton show list o- acti5e &ro0ects and c(stomers
E%&ected 'es(lt
1. !he newlN created task m(st *e (nder the e%isting &ro0ect and task sho(ld
not *e (nder the time track

Scenario 88
1. Login as admin
2. Ro to tasks
3. Ro to to& down *o% C(stomers and &ro0ects+ in that select @All acti5e &ro0ects
o- all acti5e c(stomers#
E%&ected 'es(lt
1. All the c(stomers+ their &ro0ects along with the tasks sho(ld *e listed

Scenario 89
1. Login as admin
2. Ro to tasks
3. Ro to c(stomers and &ro0ects and select the radio o&tion in the to& down *o%
@Select the c(stomers and &ro0ects# (nder that select a c(stomer
4. Click a&&lN =lter
E%&ected 'es(lt
1. All the &ro0ects and tasks related to that c(stomer m(st *e listed

Scenario 8:
1. Login as admin
2. Ro to tasks
3. Ro to o&en tasks
4. Ro to c(stomers and &ro0ects and select the radio o&tion in the to& down *o%
@Select the c(stomers and &ro0ects# (nder that select a c(stomer
$. Ro to =lter *N tasks and tN&e the task name. click a&&lN =lter
E%&ected res(lt) !he onlN tasks tN&ed related to selected c(stomer sho(ld *e listed
Scenario 9;
1. Login as admin
2. Ro to tasks
3. Ro to o&en tasks
4. Ro to to& down *o% C(stomers and &ro0ects+ in that select @All acti5e &ro0ects
o- all acti5e c(stomers#
$. Select the check*o% ahead o- the tasks
7. Click on @com&lete the selected tasks#
8. Ro to com&leted tasks
9. Ro to C(stomers and dro0ects+ select the o&tion @all acti5e &ro0ects o- all
acti5e c(stomers#
:. Ro to @=lter tasks *N name#
1;.Enter the name o- the task to *e listed
E%&ected res(lt
1. !he task which was mentioned m(st *e listed

Scenario 91
1. Login as admin
2. Ro to tasks
3. Ro to o&en tasks

4. Ro to to& down *o% C(stomers and &ro0ects+ in that select @All acti5e &ro0ects
o- all acti5e c(stomers#
$. Ro to =lter tasks *N name and enter the wrong name
E%&ected res(lt
1. no task sho(ld *e dis&laNed

Scenario 92
1. Login as admin
2. Ro to tasks
3. Ro to o&en tasks
4. Ro to to& down *o% C(stomers and &ro0ects+ in that select @selected
c(stomers and &ro0ects and select a c(stomer and &ro0ect#
E%&ected 'es(lt
1. !he tasks which are related to onlN that &ro0ect m(st *e listed

Scenario 93
1. Login as admin
2. Ro to tasks
3. Ro to o&en tasks
4. Ro to to& down *o% C(stomers and &ro0ects+ in that select @selected
c(stomers and &ro0ects and select a c(stomer and &ro0ect#
$. Ro to @Tilter tasks *N name# and enter the name o- the task
E%&ected 'es(lt
1. !he task name which was entered sho(ld *e dis&laNed+ which sho(ld *e
(nder the selected &ro0ect

Scenario 94
1. Login as admin
2. Ro to tasks
3. Ro to o&en tasks
4. Ro to to& down *o% C(stomers and &ro0ects+ in that select @selected
c(stomers and &ro0ects and select a c(stomer and &ro0ect#
$. Ro to @Tilter tasks *N name# and enter the wrong name
E%&ected 'es(lt
1. no task sho(ld *e listed

Scenario 9$
1. Login as admin
2. Ro to tasks
3. Ro to o&en tasks
4. Ro to to& down *o% C(stomers and &ro0ects+ in that select @All acti5e &ro0ects
o- all acti5e c(stomers#
$. Select the check*o% ahead o- the tasks
7. Click on @com&lete the selected tasks#
8. Ro to com&leted tasks
9. Ro to C(stomers and dro0ects+ select the o&tion @all acti5e &ro0ects o- all
acti5e c(stomers#
:. Ro to @=lter tasks *N name#
1;.Enter the >rong name o- the task to *e listed
E%&ected 'es(lt

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