A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7: Time Frame: 2 Hours
A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7: Time Frame: 2 Hours
A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7: Time Frame: 2 Hours
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
A. give the meaning of the difficult words used in the poem;
B. explore the poem with comprehension;
C. participate actively in the discussion and activities;
D. appreciate their God-given talents by applying their skills in the group presentation; and
E. realize the significance of a mother.
A. Topic: “Ballad of a Mother’s Heart”
By Jose La Villa Tierra
B. Reference: The New Dimensions of Learning
By Magelende Magalona Flores, et aI.
Page 163
C. Values: Appreciating Mother’s Love and Establish Unity & Cooperation with Peers
D. Skills: Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing, Drawing, Singing and Acting
E. Materials: Printed Materials and Digital Materials
1. Preparatory Activities
A. Greetings:
Good morning class! Good morning ma’am!
How are you today? We’re feeling great ma’am!
That’s awesome! Seeing that you are all
Cheerful also makes me feel joyous.
B. Prayer:
We all stand to start our day with a prayer.
Joshua is the in-charge for today, please lead
the prayer Josh. Let us pray… (Prayer)
C. Classroom Conditioning:
Before you take your seats, please make it sure that
no litters are around you and your chairs are properly
aligned so that everyone will learn comfortably.
D. Checking of Attendance:
You may now take your seats. Class monitor,
is there anyone who is absent today? Angelo is the only one who is
absent today ma’am because
he is sick. I have his excuse
letter ma’am.
Ok since he is excused, I will just meet him
and do some intervention when he is well.
E. Checking of Assignment:
I know that you were not given an assignment last
meeting since it was Friday but I expect that you
have read or still remember your previous lesson. Yes ma’am!
That’s wonderful!
F. Review:
Last time, we discussed about Ballad as a genre
of literature. So what is a Ballad class?
Yes Barbie? Ballad is a poem or a song
narrating a story in short
That’s correct Barbie. Ballad is a poem or song
that tells a story.
2. Lesson Proper
A. Motivation:
B. Presentation:
C. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Read the sentences written on the scrolls and give the meaning of the
underlined words in each sentence by choosing the color of the heart where the
letter of the correct answer is written.
A A. unmarried girl/woman
B. persevere / enduring B
C. uncommon/seldom seen
D. Noticeable
E E. Low deep sound uttered in sorrow or pain
(The words persistent, maiden and groan will also be used in a sentence by the students)
D. Discussion:
E. Application:
F. Generalization:
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