Resource Allocation With Frequency Reuse Using Matlab
Resource Allocation With Frequency Reuse Using Matlab
Resource Allocation With Frequency Reuse Using Matlab
Ahmed Abdelhadi
Virginia Tech
Table of Contents
List of Figures iv
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation, Background, and Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Sample of Users’ Applications Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Bibliography 15
List of Tables
List of Figures
Chapter 1
This review article provides steps for plotting the figures provided in the pub-
lished paper [3]. This article starts with a brief background on the problem
of resource allocation. A literature review is included for readers interested
in further reading on the topic. The utilities used in the MATLAB code for
our resource allocation with frequency reuse algorithm is mentioned. Finally,
a step by step MATLAB guide for implementing the algorithm in [1] is pre-
battery life and embedded-based QoS improvement were discussed.
Elastic traffic, i.e. delay tolerant traffic, [24, 55] was the focus of resource
allocation optimization problem, e.g. proportional fairness [56–58], and max-
min fairness [59–62]. Optimal solution for resource allocation with elastic
traffic was presented in [63–66] and approximate solutions were presented in
[67–69]. Optimal solution using convex optimization [70] for inelastic traffic,
i.e. real-time applications, was introduced in [71]. This work was extended
with many applications per user in [72–78].
Non-convex optimization methods for carrier aggregation scenarios were pre-
sented in [79–83]. The resource allocation optimal solution with carrier aggre-
gation was introduced for this problem in [84–88]. Per the President Council
of Advisers on Science and Technology (PCAST) recommendations [89], car-
rier aggregation between underutilized spectrum and over crowded spectrum is
crucial for future spectrum sharing [90–92]. The sharing of radar band [93,94]
with cellular band [95,96] was suggested by the Federal Communications Com-
mission (FCC). In [97–99], the interference effects of radar and communications
coexistence was studied by the National Telecommunications and Information
Administration (NTIA). A particular study on radar/comm coexistence prob-
lem [100–103] with optimal allocation was presented in [104–106].
The simulation tools provided in this article can be extended to the prob-
lem in [107–109] for machine to machine communications (M2M), in [110] for
multi-cast network, in [111–114] for ad-hoc network, and in [115–118] for other
wireless networks.
Figure 1.1: A sample of Applications’ Utilities [2]
2 d = 1./(1+exp(a.*b));
3 y(i) = c(i).*(1./(1+exp(-a(i).*(x-b(i))))-d(i));
Table 1.1: Users and their utilities [1]
Sector 1 eNodeB A
A1 Sig a = 3, b = 10.0 A4 Log k = 1.1, rmax = 100
A2 Sig a = 3, b = 10.3 A5 Log k = 1.2, rmax = 100
A3 Sig a = 1, b = 10.6 A6 Log k = 1.3, rmax = 100
Sector 2 eNodeB A
A7 Sig a = 3, b = 10 A10 Log k = 1, rmax = 100
A8 Sig a = 3, b = 11 A11 Log k = 2, rmax = 100
A9 Sig a = 1, b = 12 A12 Log k = 3, rmax = 100
Sector 3 eNodeB A
A13 Sig a = 3, b = 15.1 A16 Log k = 10, rmax = 100
A14 Sig a = 3, b = 15.3 A17 Log k = 11, rmax = 100
A15 Sig a = 3, b = 15.5 A18 Log k = 12, rmax = 100
Sector 1 eNodeB B
B1 Sig a = 3, b = 10.9 B4 Log k = 1.4, rmax = 100
B2 Sig a = 3, b = 11.2 B5 Log k = 1.5, rmax = 100
B3 Sig a = 1, b = 11.5 B6 Log k = 1.6, rmax = 100
Sector 2 eNodeB B
B7 Sig a = 3, b = 13 B10 Log k = 4, rmax = 100
B8 Sig a = 3, b = 14 B11 Log k = 5, rmax = 100
B9 Sig a = 1, b = 15 B12 Log k = 6, rmax = 100
Sector 3 eNodeB B
B13 Sig a = 3, b = 15.7 B16 Log k = 13, rmax = 100
B14 Sig a = 3, b = 15.9 B17 Log k = 14, rmax = 100
B15 Sig a = 3, b = 17.3 B18 Log k = 15, rmax = 100
Sector 1 eNodeB C
C1 Sig a = 3, b = 11.8 C4 Log k = 1.7, rmax = 100
C2 Sig a = 3, b = 12.1 C5 Log k = 1.8, rmax = 100
C3 Sig a = 1, b = 12.4 C6 Log k = 1.9, rmax = 100
Sector 2 eNodeB C
C7 Sig a = 3, b = 16 C10 Log k = 7, rmax = 100
C8 Sig a = 3, b = 17 C11 Log k = 8, rmax = 100
C9 Sig a = 1, b = 18 C12 Log k = 9, rmax = 100
Sector 3 eNodeB C
C13 Sig a = 3, b = 17.5 C16 Log k = 16, rmax = 100
C14 Sig a = 3, b = 17.7 C17 Log k = 17, rmax = 100
C15 Sig a = 3, b = 17.9 C18 Log k = 18, rmax = 100
3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
4 k11 = [ 1.1 1.2 1.3]’;
5 a11 = [ 3 3 1 ]’;
6 b11 = [ 10.0 10.3 10.6 ]’;
7 %%%%% Sector 1 eNodeB 2 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
8 k21 = [ 1.4 1.5 1.6]’;
9 a21 = [ 3 3 1 ]’;
10 b21 = [ 10.9 11.2 11.5 ]’;
11 %%%%% Sector 1 eNodeB 3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
12 k31 = [ 1.7 1.8 1.9]’;
13 a31 = [ 3 3 1 ]’;
14 b31 = [ 11.8 12.1 12.4 ]’;
15 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
16 %%%%% Sector 2 eNodeB 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
17 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
18 k12 = [ 1 2 3 ]’;
19 a12 = [ 3 3 1 ]’;
20 b12 = [ 10 11 12 ]’;
21 %%%%% Sector 2 eNodeB 2 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
22 k22 = [ 4 5 6 ]’;
23 a22 = [ 3 3 1 ]’;
24 b22 = [ 13 14 15 ]’;
25 %%%%% Sector 2 eNodeB 3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
26 k32 = [ 7 8 9 ]’;
27 a32 = [ 3 3 1 ]’;
28 b32 = [ 16 17 18 ]’;
29 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
30 %%%%% Sector 3 eNodeB 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
31 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
32 k13 = [ 10 11 12 ]’;
33 a13 = [ 3 3 3 ]’;
34 b13 = [ 15.1 15.3 15.5 ]’;
35 %%%%% Sector 3 eNodeB 2 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
36 k23 = [ 13 14 15 ]’;
37 a23 = [ 3 3 3 ]’;
38 b23 = [ 15.7 15.9 17.3 ]’;
39 %%%%% Sector 3 eNodeB 3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
40 k33 = [ 16 17 18 ]’;
41 a33 = [ 3 3 3 ]’;
42 b33 = [ 17.5 17.7 17.9 ]’;
43 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
44 k = [ k11 k12 k13;
45 k21 k22 k23;
46 k31 k32 k33]
47 a = [ a11 a12 a13;
48 a21 a22 a23;
49 a31 a32 a33]
50 b = [ b11 b12 b13;
51 b21 b22 b23;
52 b31 b32 b33]
53 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Chapter 2
• The ith UE with a cell starts with an initial bid wli (1) which is sent to
the lth carrier eNodeB.
1 % Initial Bids w[sector1; sector2; sector3]
2 w = [10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
10 10 10; 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
10 10 10 10 10; 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10]’;
• The lth eNodeB sector evaluates the difference between the received bid
wli (n) and the previously received bid wli (n − 1) and exits if and only if
it is less than a provided threshold δ.
Figure 2.1: System Model of Frequency Reuse [3]
1 while (delta > 0.001)
2 :
3 :
4 :
5 :
6 delta = max(max(abs(w-w_old)))
7 end % (while) end of the time iteration
• The lth sector sends the aggregated bids from all UEs under its coverage
W l (n) = M l
i=1 wi (n) to MME.
1 function [p, R_sector] = sector(w)
2 L = 3; % number of sectors
3 W = sum(w); % sum of columns
4 [R_sector] = MME(W); % calculate the sector rate
5 for isector = 1:L
6 p(isector) = W(isector)./R_sector(isector); %
calculate the shadow price
7 end
W l (n)
• MME calculates the sector rates Rl (n) = ∑L l
R and sends it to the
l=1 W (n)
corresponding sectors.
1 function [R_sector] = MME(W)
2 R_MME = 450; % the total MME
3 for iMME = 1:length(W)
4 R_sector(iMME) = W(iMME)./sum(W).*R_MME; %
allocated sector rate
5 end
• Each user receives the shadow price to solve for the rate ri that maximizes
objective function.
1 dy(i,j) = diff(y(i,j),x); % diff of utility
2 :
3 :
4 S(i,j) = dy(i,j)-p(time,j);
6 soln(i,j,:) = double(solve(S(i,j)));
8 r_opt(i,j) = soln(i,j,2);
9 :
10 :
• Each user sends the value of its new bid wi (n) to corresponding sector.
This process is repeated until |wi (n) − wi (n − 1)| is less than the pre-
specified threshold δ.
1 while (delta > 0.001)
2 :
3 :
4 :
5 :
6 delta = max(max(abs(w-w_old)))
7 end % (while) end of the time iteration
Figure 2.2: UE Algorithm of Frequency Reuse
Figure 2.3: Sector Algorithm
12 of Frequency Reuse
Figure 2.4: MME Algorithm of Frequency Reuse [4]
Figure 2.5: Transmission of Frequency Reuse Algorithm [1]
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