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(IJCST-V10I3P36) :bhavya Singh Chauhan, KM Divya, Dr. Nikhat Akhtar, Vipin Rawat, Jitendra

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 10 Issue 3, May-Jun 2022


QR Code-based Real-Time Intelligent Attendance Covering System

Bhavya Singh Chauhan [1], Km Divya [2], Dr. Nikhat Akhtar [3], Vipin Rawat [4], Jitendra [5]
Scholar (B.Tech Final Year) Computer Science & Engineering, Ambalika Institute of Management & Technology, Lucknow,
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Ambalika Institute of Management & Technology,
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Ambalika Institute of Management and Technology,
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Ambalika Institute of Management & Technology,

The existing approach has a lot of uncertainty, which makes attendance taking incorrect and wasteful. Whenever the authority is
unable to enforce the previous system's regulations, a slew of issues occur. The difficulty with this strategy is that it takes time, and
the manual procedure has the potential to produce mistakes in the majority of situations. To address this issue, a QR code was used
to track student attendance during lecture hour. The website will mark and check attendance without the need for human
interaction by scanning individual QR codes supplied to students with a Smartphone. The scanned QR code will take you to a page
where you can fill out the student's details and save it to a database. The database is available for attendance verification and
mobile viewing. Faculty members can use their smartphones to view the attendance list. It is possible to view the attendance sheet
that is kept in the database. The major goal of this study is to implement a QR code-based attendance system at the Department of
Computer Science and Engineering at Ambalika Institute of Management and Technology (AIMT) in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh,
India, with the goal of improving performance and accuracy.
Keywords: Intelligent Attendance System, QR Code, Verification, Student Attendance, Authentication, Rapid Application
Development (RAD).

I. INTRODUCTION jeopardizes the college's integrity and revenue-earning

capacity, as well as making sure that all students have paid the
Attendance is one of the most significant aspects of business college's fee. This technique is also beneficial to students since
and education, and its significance has risen to the point that it it helps to reduce disruptions during tests, which can lead
now influences a wide range of activities. Meanwhile, students to lose focus and ultimately impact their exam results
organisations are rapidly [1] shifting away from conventional [5].
attendance tracking methods. This is because conventional
means have a reputation for being time consuming and prone The average lifespan of Smartphone users is 26 years old,
to deception, cheating, and manipulation issues [2]. This is a according to 46% of them. As a result of the increased use of
contemporary issue impacting the college, educational smartphones among university students, this study examines
institution, where records of student attendance are recorded the issue of lecture time waste and presents a solution that may
on a sheet of paper or in a notebook. This is risky since the cut it by nearly 90%. Students can scan a QR code [6] using a
paper or note book is not safeguarded and may easily be smartphone application as part of the suggested solution. The
misplaced. The development of the QR Code technology [3] code, as well as the student identification captured by the app,
has helped to overcome some of these issues. A QR code is a will be used to verify the students' attendance. The approach
sort of barcode that encodes information as a sequence of would save not just time, but also the work that instructors
pixels in a square-shaped grid and can be read conveniently by were meant to put in during each session. It will expedite the
a digital device. process of taking attendance while also allowing plenty of
time for the lesson to be effectively delivered. The suggested
First and foremost, the creation of this novel attendance system additionally uses [8] multi-factor authentication to
system offers new inventive ideas that will aid in the reduction prevent unlawful [7] attendance registration. That is,
of expenses and security issues [4] connected with traditional “Something you know”, “Something you have”, and
attendance systems. The study is significant for colleges and “Something you are”, are all used to verify the student's
educational institutions because it will aid in the development identification. Conventional manual methods of validating
of a class and exam system that saves time and is more whether a student has legitimate proof to sit for a test, on the
effective in ensuring that students do not deceive the other hand, have been heavily criticized, with many claiming
attendance system by faking their attendance, which that they cause disruption to students because most security

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officials would come to check for proof of payment during system that could complete all processes such as recording the
examinations [9]. As a result, there is a requirement to create iris picture, extracting minutiae, sorting, and matching. Mohd
and a QR Code-based attendance recognition system may be Helmy et al. [21] show how to integrate a mobile device with
used to verify whether or not a student has legitimate software to record examination attendance. In a test, it was
documentation to sit for a class or an exam. discovered that it saves time, personnel, money (printing and
paper), and simplifies testing procedures. Finally, in [22], a
II. RELATED WORK fingerprint biometric attendance management system was
presented. The standalone system, which consists of an
The earlier work on the attendance system is described in this enrollment and identification phase, was created in response to
section. In order to conclude and verify students and workers the need to transition from the old manual method of marking
of an organization, attendance records are required. Using an attendance to an automated method.
RFID-based system, the authors provided an autonomous,
digital, intelligent, and scientific integrated information III. EXISTING PROBLEM
management system in [10]. Through a systemized method of
equipment management and maintenance, it provides a useful The traditional method of signing an attendance sheet on paper
service to the equipment departments by ensuring safe and is no longer thought to be a reliable way to keep track of
high-quality management. An attendance management system attendance because it is simple to fake attendance and destroy
was created in [11] to authenticate the user using passwords; papers, leaving lecturers without any proof of absences,
however, this sort of system permits impersonation since especially when the attendance list includes attendance for the
passwords may be exchanged, tampered with, or even entire semester. Test disruption caused by exam verification
forgotten, preventing the user from gaining access to the processes, which are employed by the majority of educational
system. There were also some alternative device-based institutions, is the main issue that has been noticed. This is
attendance solutions, such as RFID [12] (Radio Frequency because the student must go through a lengthy process only to
Identification)-based student attendance systems and GSM- get an examination slip that will allow him or her to show that
GPRS-based student systems. GSM-GPRS [13] based systems they are qualified to take a test. As a result, these antiquated
use the class's location for attendance marking, which is not technologies might be viewed as time-consuming. The
dynamic, and if the schedule or location of the courses existing advanced attendance system uses equipment that is
changes, incorrect attendance may be recorded. Lim et al. [14] exclusively developed for the system, therefore implementing
described a low-cost RFID-based Attendance System a robust [23] system of attendance may not be a cost-effective
prototype that offers various advantages over the traditional strategy. It would take a long time to gather all the information
technique of taking class attendance. The prototype created for needed to create the individual student reports at the end of the
this project is small and light. It may also be powered by a year. Bypassing all of that bother and compiling all records
power adaptor or a battery. Another approach for attendance automatically using an automated attendance tracker. The time
management was presented in [15], in which each user enters that is so saved can be used for more crucial managerial tasks.
into the system and must manually indicate his or her
attendance. The user chooses a certain date and the courses 4. Objective
they attended on that day, which are then added to the
database automatically. Zhang Yongqiang et al. [16] created a The major goal of this research is to create a fingerprint-based
wireless fingerprint-based attendance system to record and automated attendance system that can be applied in exam
collect attendance data utilizing biometrics (fingerprints). An rooms to determine if a student has valid identification to
attendance system that uses Bluetooth [17] to take attendance show up for a test. The following goals [24] are also
was proposed in 2013. The instructor's cell phone is used to objectives of the study. To develop a more efficient, cost-
collect attendance here [18]. The instructor's mobile phone has effective, and better attendance system that may be utilised to
application software that allows it to query the student's phone determine whether or not students have legitimately attended
through Bluetooth connection, and the presence of the student the exam and if they are eligible to do so. To provide a system
may be confirmed by transferring the student's phone's Media that can be used to record data on both attendance and
Access Control (MAC) addresses to the instructor's phone. performance, making it simple to analyse the data and come
Man et al. [19] created a time management and access up with fresh approaches to improve student performance and
monitoring system that uses a microprocessor card to track attendance. To create and deploy a database-accessible,
students' or employees' movements and save information in a automatic attendance-checking QR code attendance system on
database for administrators' reference in a campus, office, or an internet platform. To lower the amount of pupils caught
specific location. Teachers, the headmaster, and parents would making up other people's absences. To lessen the need for
have access to all of the data collected by this system. Another paper records while monitoring attendance. To lessen
researcher [20] employed a wireless attendance management problems with proxy attendance.
system that authenticates individuals by scanning their iris.
The system was an off-line iris recognition management

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5. Needs help. The structure of a web page is described in HTML.

HTML is an abbreviation for Hypertext Markup Language.
Attending classes helps students learn in many different ways. The link between web pages is defined by hypertext [29]. This
Reading assignments are supplemented by lectures. language is used to annotate (make notes for the computer)
Information is presented differently in classroom presentations text so that a machine can understand it and manipulate text
than it is in the book. Topical discussion and elaboration [25] accordingly. Most of markup (e.g. HTML) languages are
provide up-to-date material that might not be included in the human readable. Language uses tags to define what
textbook. We inquiries may be answered by hearing the manipulation has to be done on the text. Transitional, is the
remarks and inquiries of others. Critical thinking abilities may most common type of HTML. It provides a flexible syntax, or
be improved in class by the instructor via conversation. They grammar and spelling component. With the passing years
can ask questions that force students to link ideas and apply meant to return rules into HTML and make it more reliable.
what they are learning to actual situations. Students' recall of For example, the strict type requires closing all tags for all
information will improve as they analyse and scrutinise more opened tags. This style of HTML is important on phones,
of it. As you can see, regularly attending class earns you much where the processing power may be limited. A clean and
more than simply attendance credit [26]. The majority of error-free code helps to load pages faster. Finally, a frameset
students who fail a course rarely show up to class. Discipline allows web developers to create a mosaic of HTML
and time management abilities are needed for consistent documents where multiple documents can be connected into a
attendance in class. Regardless of the employment route you single screen. This technique is often used to create a menu
select, these abilities are useful. A student's engagement with system.
various faculty members rises when they show up to class.
Finding mentors and role models who can aid in guiding their 4.2 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)
academic, professional, and personal growth is therefore more
likely to occur. CSS is a style sheet language that is used to describe the
appearance of a document written in a mark-up language such
IV. PREREQUISITE as HTML. CSS is intended to facilitate the separation of
layout and content, including colour and fonts. This separation
Denso Wave, a Toyota subsidiary based in Japan, created the can increase content accessibility, give greater flexibility and
first QR code technology in 1994. During the production control in defining presentation features, let numerous web
process, they required a more precise technique to track cars pages to share formatting by describing the required CSS [30]
and parts. They created a specific kind of barcode that could in a separate.css file, and decrease complexity and redundancy
encode kanji, kana, and alphanumeric characters to do this in structural content. The separation of formatting and content
[27]. Standard barcodes can only be read from top to bottom also allows the same mark-up page to be presented in multiple
in one way. As a result, they can only hold a limited amount of styles for different rendering techniques, such as on-screen, in
data, often in an alphanumeric format. But a QR code is read print, via voice (through speech-based browser or screen
in two directions top to bottom and right to left. This allows it reader), and on Braille-based interactive applications. CSS
to house significantly more data. The QR Code system has also has rules for alternate formatting if the content is accessed
become popular outside the automotive industry due to its fast on a mobile device [31]. The name cascading comes from the
readability and greater storage capacity compared to standard specified priority scheme to determine which style rule applies
UPC barcodes. The QR code consists of black modules if more than one rule matches a particular element. This
(square dots) arranged in a square grid on a white background. cascading priority scheme is predictable.
Our website uses this QR code system to mark the attendance
of the students instead of using pen and paper for the same. 4.3 MYSQL
Most smartphones have built-in QR scanners, which are
sometimes built in the camera [28]. A QR scanner is simply a Before understanding MySQL, it is critical to grasp the
way to scan QR codes. It comprises of two phases, one is for database. A database is a programme that holds a structured
the Faculty and the other is for the student. The Faculty will collection of records. It is extremely simple for the user to
log in using their password into the website and generate QR access and administer. It enables us to rapidly access
for their particular subject. The students will scan the same important information by organizing data into tables, rows,
from their smartphones to get their attendance marked. columns, and indexes [32]. Each database has its own API for
conducting database tasks including generating, maintaining,
4.1 HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) accessing, and finding the data stored in it. There are several
databases accessible today, including MySQL, Sybase, Oracle,
HTML, which stands for Hypertext Markup Language, is the MongoDB, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, and more. MySQL is
most widely used language for creating documents that would the most widely used database management system software
be shown in a web browser. Technologies like Cascading for handling relational databases. It is an open-source database
Style Sheets and programming languages like JavaScript can programme that is maintained by Oracle. In compared to

ISSN: 2347-8578 www.ijcstjournal.org Page 206

International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 10 Issue 3, May-Jun 2022

Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle Database, it is a faster,

scalable, and user-friendly database management system. It is
commonly used in conjunction with PHP scripts for creating
powerful and dynamic server-side or web-based enterprise

4.4 PHPMYAdmin

PHPMyAdmin is a popular free and open source

administration tool for managing MySQL and MariaDB. It is
released under the GNU GPLv2 licence. It has a web based
interface and can be used on any platform easily. It is
available in 79 languages. It is PHP-based and is offered by Figure 1 The Student Data Flow Diagram
practically all Web hosting companies that support the
WAMP/LAMP development stack [33]. Using its web-based
user interface, phpMyAdmin may be used to do important
activities such as managing databases, tables, relations,
indexes, user permissions, and so on. It also has a query
interface where the user can write SQL instructions and run
them. phpMyAdmin is well-documented, and there is a wealth
of learning material accessible in the form of books, blogs,
and articles. LTR and RTL languages are supported by

The method employs a QR Code-based student attendance
system. Students would take attendance individually using a
QR Code in the suggested approach [34]. Students are
registered in the system on their first day of classes, or Figure 2 The Faculty Data Flow Diagram
possibly after a week of orientation. Figures 1 and 2
demonstrate how each student's QR Code will be scanned and 5.1 Functional Prerequisite
recorded. All other student information will also be logged,
and when a student enters the lecture hall, he or she will be The following are the major system functions that users should
scanned to be counted present. A complete history of all expect first, keeping (saving) data in the database, second,
students, professors, departments, and absences would be retrieving data from the database, third, avoiding duplication
accessible to be reported on at all times [35].The suggested of student attendance records in the database; fourth, being
system would offer information on each student's attendance, able to register courses that should be done in the department;
absence, lateness, and outstanding balances. The suggested fifth, registering students in the database, and sixth, assisting
solution would be cost effective in the sense that the expense students in updating their information.
of procuring paper would be fully eliminated. The technology
will also save time because the computations are now
automated. As the data will be required, the reports generated
at the conclusion of each semester would be error-free and
very accurate [36].

Figure 3 The Admin Data Flow Diagram

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 10 Issue 3, May-Jun 2022

5.2 System Framework

Figure 4 depicts the system overview, which will serve as the

system's fundamental framework for future development and
feature implementation. The major technique utilised in this
project is Rapid Application Development (RAD) [37]
methodology with incremental prototyping approach. RAD
emphasises prototype over planning, enabling for speedier
application development and enhancement. Because the
system uses an incremental prototyping technique, the project
is separated into three primary component prototypes: a QR
code reader, an Android application, and an offline and online

Figure 5 The Proposed System Flow Diagram


Our website's homepage is located on this page. It includes a

link to the faculty sign up website and the student sign up
page, as seen in Figure 6. In case of failure during QR code
scanning, we have provided a button to indicate attendance, as
Figure 4 The System Architecture well as two buttons to login, namely faculty login and student
Each component is created one at a time and tested login if previously enrolled.
individually to ensure that it meets the criteria. All prototypes
will be merged, connected, and tested at the conclusion of a
prototyping cycle. The figure depicts the project's final system
architecture. Figure 5 depicts a visual illustration of how the
project proceeds step by step.

Figure 6 The Homepage of Proposed System

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 10 Issue 3, May-Jun 2022

Figure 7 The Faculty Login Page of Proposed System Figure 9 The Proposed System Flow Diagram

This is the website where new professors can sign up. Faculty
must complete out all of the fields in order to register.
Following that, the faculty login page, seen in Figure 7, was
used to login in order to progress the faculty to the faculty
corner. Figure 8 depicts the faculty corner, where we have
supplied courses for faculty to pick based on their preferences.

Figure 10 The Proposed System Flow Diagram

Once scanning the QR code, students will be able to fill out

their information to have their attendance recorded. The
updated student registration page. To register, students must
fill out all of the essential areas. The student login page
created to login to progress the student to the STUDENT
CORNER displayed in figure 11 is shown below.
Figure 8 The Proposed System Flow Diagram

Furthermore, instructors must select the year of their selected

course in order to advance to the contents of that course and
year. This is the page where subjects from the selected year
and course appear. In figure 9, we have provided two buttons
with links to generate QR and view attendance of any single
subject. Figure 10 shows a sample QR that, when scanned,
will offer a link to a new website where students may fill out
their information to have their attendance noted.

Figure 11 The Proposed System Flow Diagram

The following page is the student view attendance page.

Figure 12 depicts how students may view their attendance.
The admin login page takes you to the admin section, where
you may conduct numerous tasks. The admin corner, which
appears after the admin login page, is seen below. Figure 13
shows how administrators may regulate attendance and

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 10 Issue 3, May-Jun 2022

students. implement a manual attendance system in case the website

fails. Currently, our technology does not support offline
database integration. Google Drive, on the other hand, allows
users to download files from their cloud storage for offline
reading via applications. Google Drive applications, which are
available for both desktop and mobile devices, will manage
synchronisation with the cloud storage. In the event of a
network breakdown, the system will not function until the
internet is reconnected. To access the website, you'll need a
smartphone with a good internet connection.


Figure 12 The Proposed System Flow Diagram An attendance system is just as vital as the lecture itself since
it helps teachers to keep track of their students' absences and
respond appropriately. Because students may fake their
attendance with the aid of others, the traditional attendance
method is no longer deemed credible. The electronic
attendance system is the way of the future. Current electronic
solutions, on the other hand, need specially built gadgets that
may be too expensive for a learning institution. As a result,
this system assists in avoiding the failure of the proof of
attendance system, and it serves as a replacement for all
current methods. By providing an alternate electronic method
for tracking attendance, our technology aims to increase the
dependability of the educational institutions attendance
system. As a result of the method, there is less reliance on
paper as an attendance medium. Users that volunteered to test
Figure 13 The Proposed System Flow Diagram the website said that the system is capable of replacing the
present attendance system, despite a modest increase in the
By concentrating on establishing a simple student attendance time it takes to record attendance. The created system
monitoring system that can be used to take attendance that is described in this work has been constructed and tested
both fast and inexpensive in contrast to other ways, our effectively. The attendance status of the student will be
suggested model varies in a way that should be easy to install assessed and exported. It may be inferred that, in place of a
and rapid in recording attendance during a class session. No manual and unreliable approach, a dependable, secure, rapid,
extra hardware or gadgets are required [38]. There is no and effective class attendance management system will be
complication, and it is simple to use. It does not require any established.
code or prior expertise to use. Since no signature on the
attendance sheet is necessary any more, no one else may take IX. WORK IN THE FUTURE
an attendance on behalf of another kid because QR codes are
unique to each student. The system assists the administrator in If we combine our attendance tracking system with a face
quickly identifying latecomers. Admin can simply obtain a recognition tool in the future, the system will be able to tackle
student's attendance history. It saves a lot of time, money, the real-world attendance problem. Fake attendance will be
effort, and resources for the organisation. People were not reduced to some extent. We've considered implementing a
permitted to utilise biometric devices to mark their attendance GPS, or Global Positioning System, that would track a
at COVID. At such circumstances, the notion of a QR-based student's whereabouts and send messages to their phones if
attendance system appears to be advantageous, as it eliminates they are detected skipping classes. The application software
the requirement for employees to physically contact any may be transferred to other mobile operating systems, such as
equipment and instead relies on their own mobile devices. iOS (Apple) and Windows Phone (Microsoft), to broaden the
customer base and boost product availability. Students will be
VII. CONSTRAINTS able to access missed class topics and notes in the future as
part of our work. Professor has complete control with more
Experts in the area highlighted a number of limitations related secure and expanded alternatives.
to the implementation of the QR code attendance system, as
well as provided remedies for each issue. Because there is a
chance that the website would go down, it was decided to

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