5 Cdi13 Mid
5 Cdi13 Mid
5 Cdi13 Mid
Writing is one of the most indispensable skills that a learner should develop to be able to express his or
her ideas effectively. It is a Skill that every student should master for efficient expression of ideas
Similarly, this skill is needed in all types of professions and jobs especially because communication is a
vital component of any endeavour.
Proficiency in writing is required not only of civilians but also of uniformed personnel such as police
officers who are considered the premier law enforcers in the country. They write police reports during
their day-to-day activity. it is imperative then that they master writing to come up with an effective
police report considered the life blood of police work.
Police report writing is a regular part of an officer's job. Complete, factual, accurate, and detailed
reports can speed up an investigation while incomplete opinionated, inaccurate, distorted, or
misleading reports can impede it or even get it dismissed in the court on the basis of a technicality,
regardless of the facts. Police reports can make the difference between conviction and acquittal. Just
like any other skill in police work, writing effective police reports is a skill that must be learned and
During the Test Construction and Development Seminar held at the Institute Training Group. Police
National Training Institute, Camp Gen. Vicente P. Lim, Calamba City on November 7, 2013, the Vice
President for Academics, PSUPT AMADOR B. NAVARROZA (Ret), MAED of the Philippine Public Safety
College revealed that police report writing in the PNP is problematic. Police officers write
ungrammatical, incorrect, incomplete, inaccurate, and distorted police reports. To be able to address
this concern in the PNP and other public safety agencies and to become instrumental in improving the
writing proficiency of police officers and public safety officers in the country, a study was conducted by
the author in March 2015 at the Institute Training Group entitled "Process Writing and Writing
Performance of Police Trainees in a Large Class Setting" Hence, this Police Report Writing (A Handbook
for Police Officers, Trainees, and Public Safety Students) was conceptualized based on the results of the
said study.
Since not all police officers and trainees who are accepted in the PNP are criminology graduates and
because even criminology graduates lack writing proficiency it is imperative that they are provided
training on how to write effective police reports. Language professors of the Philippine Public Safety
College (PPSC) including higher education institutions (HEls) should take this as a challenge. However,
for them to be successful in helping police officers and trainees become effective police report writers,
these language teachers should cho0se an effective writing strategy that will cover the major steps in
writing and provide learners with ample opportunities to write the various types of police reports. It is
also important to enrich their writing repertoire by providing them comprehensive lectures on what
police report writing is, its different types, elements, characteristics, and uses, among others and
provide them with different types of actual police report writing activities to harness their writing skills
to the fullest
These questions are directed to the crime being committed. Police reports sometime indicate the crime
committed based on the Revised Penal Code (RPC) like Murder, Homicide, or Rape, among others. In
initial reports such as Spot Report, which does not require a thorough investigation yet, this is not
A report of a "Shooting Incident may be sufficient. It is the duty of the Investigator-on-Case to determine
what crime was committed. What is more important is to present the detailed facts and circumstances
of what happened (PNP SOP No. 2012-001; Soriano, 2005).
1. What type of property was attacked, e,g. building, residence, car, etc?
2. What type of property was stolen, lost, or found? What items related to the crime were found at
the crime Scene? An accurate description of all such property should be entered in the report.
3. What felony/offense/infraction was committed, e.g. murder, homicide, rape physical injuries,
robbery, theft, or violation of special laws such as RA 7610, RA 9262, etc.?
4, What type of evidence was found or recovered?
5. What was the crime committed?
6. what are the elements or the crime?
7.What actions were performed by the suspect/s before and after the crime?
8. What actually happened?
These questions are concerned with the geographical location of the crime Scene, property. or evidence.
Describe in detail where the incident exactly happened, e.g. "In the master's bedroom of a twO-storey
brick house located at 69 Rizal Street, Villa de Calamba, Brgy. Halang. Calamba City, Laguna" (PNP SOP
No. 2012-001; Soriano, 2005).
These questions include the date and time when the felony/offense/infraction was committed, property
found, suspect apprehended, etc. (Soriano, 2005)
These questions provide the object or desire which motivated the commission of the crime. In crimes
against persons, the usual object includes revenge, ransom and sexual pleasure, among others. In crimes
against property, the reason may be to acquire money and property (Soriano, 2005).
7. Why did the perpetrators prefer that time and day to commit the crime?
These questions pertain to the manner in which the crime was committed. The narrative on how the
incident happened shall be indicated to show the description of the chronology of events that led to the
incident and all the circumstances thereafter. The actions taken during the initial investigation at the
scene shall also be included. This shall include the weather, lighting. sounds, activities in the vicinity of
the incident, a description of the circumstances prevailing before, during, and after the incident and all
other peculiar details that come to the senses of the trained police responder, There is no limit to what
to include in the "How portion of the narrative (PNP SOP No. 2012-001; Soriano, 2005).
Each operating unit shall also maintain and utilize the PNP Crime Incident
reporting System (CIRS), an electronic reporting system that facilitates Crime
documentation, modernizes data storage, and provides quick and reliable
information from lower units and NOSUs of the PNP to the National headquarters
at Camp Crame, Quezon City. This is also known as electronic blotter or popularly
known as "e-blotter (PNP Police Operational Proceduro5 2010)
(Answer eligibly clearly and concisely on a whole sheet of pad paper pass it on TO BE
ANNOUNCE at the CCJE office or contact me in my messenger account @ EZRA RIZLE
GRAMAJE for any questions.)
From the given examples of a police blotter identify the 5 W’s and 1 H.
Make five examples of a police blotter and identify the 5W’s and 1 H.
MERCEDES A. FARONDA “Technical English 1” Wiseman’s books trading Inc. 2021
This module is a requirement of the St. Louis College of Bulanao in response to the
implementation of the Blended Learning way of Instruction.
This Learning Material is a property of the College of Criminal Justice Education – St.
Louis College of Bulanao, Tabuk City. It aims to improve students’ performance specifically in
the Criminology Education.
General Instruction/s:
The module introduces what is criminal investigation, the three tools of criminal investigation, the
four method of investigation, sketching the crime scene and crime reconstruction. Series of
activities will encourage you to explore and learn about the topic. Through this module, the
following instruction/s should be followed.
Writing is one of the most indispensable skills that a learner should develop to be able to express his or
her ideas effectively. It is a Skill that every student should master for efficient expression of ideas
Similarly, this skill is needed in all types of professions and jobs especially because communication is a
vital component of any endeavour.
Police report writing is a regular part of an officer's job. Complete, factual, accurate, and detailed
reports can speed up an investigation while incomplete opinionated, inaccurate, distorted, or
misleading reports can impede it or even get it dismissed in the court on the basis of a technicality,
regardless of the facts. Police reports can make the difference between conviction and acquittal. Just
like any other skill in police work, writing effective police reports is a skill that must be learned and
During the Test Construction and Development Seminar held at the Institute Training Group. Police
National Training Institute, Camp Gen. Vicente P. Lim, Calamba City on November 7, 2013, the Vice
President for Academics, PSUPT AMADOR B. NAVARROZA (Ret), MAED of the Philippine Public Safety
College revealed that police report writing in the PNP is problematic. Police officers write
ungrammatical, incorrect, incomplete, inaccurate, and distorted police reports. To be able to address
this concern in the PNP and other public safety agencies and to become instrumental in improving the
writing proficiency of police officers and public safety officers in the country, a study was conducted by
the author in March 2015 at the Institute Training Group entitled "Process Writing and Writing
Performance of Police Trainees in a Large Class Setting" Hence, this Police Report Writing (A Handbook
for Police Officers, Trainees, and Public Safety Students) was conceptualized based on the results of the
said study.
Since not all police officers and trainees who are accepted in the PNP are criminology graduates and
because even criminology graduates lack writing proficiency it is imperative that they are provided
training on how to write effective police reports. Language professors of the Philippine Public Safety
College (PPSC) including higher education institutions (HEls) should take this as a challenge. However,
for them to be successful in helping police officers and trainees become effective police report writers,
these language teachers should cho0se an effective writing strategy that will cover the major steps in
writing and provide learners with ample opportunities to write the various types of police reports. It is
also important to enrich their writing repertoire by providing them comprehensive lectures on what
police report writing is, its different types, elements, characteristics, and uses, among others and
provide them with different types of actual police report writing activities to harness their writing skills
to the fullest
It is almost always necessary to use a paragraph in any narrative report. A paragraph is simply a
warning to the reader that a change in thought is about to occur, or that a new subject to be explored.
The report should be complete, easily understood, brief and accurate.
1. Clarity - The police report must be clear and it should be written directly and easy to understand.
2.Accuracy- The police report must conform with the established rules of syntax, format, spelling
and grammar. The data presented must be precise and the information given must be factual.
3. Brevity- The police report must be short, with simple sentences, common words and easy
to understand.
4.Specificity- The police report must be specific by using concrete examples. A good descriptive
narration gives life to the written words through particular terms that project hues,
movements, quantities and shapes.
5. Completeness -The police report must be complete by using the 5W's and 1H.
6. Timeliness- The police report must be submitted on time.As much as possible immediately
after the incident has happened.
7. Security - The police report must be considered classified, hence, transmission, handling, and
access to these reports should be limited only to police personnel who are granted by higher
authority security clearance. It is a top secret document.
8. Impartiality - The police report must know what the receiving office needs to know.
Important data must not be omitted or added to conceal responsibilities, to impute liabilities or
to favor parties.
c. Problem solution report which analyzes the thought process that lies behind the solution
of a particular problem.
a. Operational Reports include those relating to the reporting of police incidents,
investigation, arrests, identification of persons, and a mass of miscellaneous reports
necessary to the conduct of routine police operations.
b. Internal Business Reports relate to the reporting necessary to the management of the
agency and include financial reports, personnel reports, purchase reports, equipment
reports, property maintenance reports, and general correspondence.
c. Technical Reports presents data on any specialized subject, but usually relate to
completed staff work and add to the specific knowledge necessary to proper functioning of
police management.
d. Summary Reports furnish intelligence information necessary to the solution of crime
accident, and police administrative problems...
The Instrumentalities are the means or instruments used in the commission of the crime. It could be
firearm, a bolo, a fan knife, an icepick, poison or obnoxious substance, a crow bar, a battery-
operated hand drill for carnapping, motor vehicle, etc. Both the Motives and instrumentalities
belong to and are harbored and wielded respectively by the criminal.
The opportunities consist of the acts of omission and/or commission by a person (the victim) which
enable another person or group of persons (the criminal/s) to perpetrate the crime .Illustrative
examples include leaving one's home or car unattended for a long time, walking all alone in a well-
known crime prone alley, wearing expensive jewelries in slum area, readily admitting a stranger into
one's residence and the like. Opportunity is synonymous with carelessness, acts of indiscretion and
lack of crime prevention- consciousness on the part of the victim.
Whether the crime incident would happen or not, it will depend on the presence and merging of
MOTIVES, INSTRUMENTALITIES and OPPORTUNITIES at the same time and the same place. The
absence of any one ingredient, out of the three, will mean that there shall be no crime. The most
that could happen is an accident arising out of reckless imprudence; since there is no motive. A
freak crime incident shall occur when all the three elements are present and merged at the same
time and the same place; but the victim is not the intended one, due to mistaken identity.”
Journals exclusively for the PBS shall be maintained at each Police Community Precincts. While
recording matters in the journal shall be the individual responsibility of every Beat Policeman, taking
action and reporting matters reflected therein shall be the duty of the Police Community Precincts
Entries in both the notebook and the journal shall answer the basic questions of WHAT,
WHO,WHEN,WHERE,WHY and HOW of an incident or problem encountered by a Beat Policeman
particularly those problems to be discussed as you get along with the problems you encountered.
We have what do you call a basic or informal report that deals with the ordinary miscellaneous, day
to day memorandum, letter, or form accomplished by any member of the unit, section,
precinct/station or department in accordance with the prescribe general orders, special order,
circulars, numbered memoranda.
a. The heading or the letter head of the organization
b. The date of preparation or submission.
c. The person or office to which it is addressed or submitted
d. The name of the writer or source of the report.
There are some exceptions to the rule such as but not limited to: reports of investigation on
administrative complaints and minor cases involving violation of city/municipal ordinances, basic or
informal reports are generally internal in nature. It seldom goes out of the department. What is a
report? it is a permanent written record which communicates all important facts of the case to be
used in the future.
wrote; Capt.Henry M. Wrobleski, Book for the Record: Report Writing in law Enforcement
2. Operational Reports
Administrative reports deal with the routine functioning of the department or agency. Such reports
may cover proper uniform, reporting procedures, and grievances. This book is primarily concerned
with the second type of report, operational reports, which deal with the activities of the law
enforcement officers.
1. The common thinking about police report is any written matter prepared by the police
involving their interaction with the community.
2. A police report is an exact narration of facts discovered during the course of crime
investigation which serves as a permanent written record for future reference.
3. It is a permanent written record of police activities classified as informal and formal
which communicates important facts concerning people involved in criminal activities.
1) Patrol Service Reports
2) Arrest Reports
3) Preliminary Investigation Reports
4) Supplemental Progress Reports/Follow-up Reports
1. 2.
Criminal investigation reports provide facts to competent authorities and serve as a record of
investigative activity; Criminal Investigation units are essentially responsible for collecting facts and
preparing written reports. Factual information are collected and reported on time to allow
immediate appropriate action.
e. FORM and STYLE- The arrangement of the materials presented should be in a manner that will
make the report easy to read. Form includes proper paragraphing, proper underscoring, proper
capitulation and proper heading. The report should be written in the third person, the investigator
referring to himself as 'This investigator'.
1” Wiseman’s books trading Inc. 2021
This module is a requirement of the St. Louis College of Bulanao in response to the
implementation of the Blended Learning way of Instruction.
This Learning Material is a property of the College of Criminal Justice Education – St. Louis
College of Bulanao, Tabuk City. It aims to improve students’ performance specifically in the Criminology
General Instruction/s:
The module introduces what is criminal investigation, the three tools of criminal investigation, the four
method of investigation, sketching the crime scene and crime reconstruction. Series of activities will
encourage you to explore and learn about the topic. Through this module, the following instruction/s
should be followed.