Strategic Management-Ii: Assignment-Iv Mckinsey & Company: Managing Knowledge and Learning
Strategic Management-Ii: Assignment-Iv Mckinsey & Company: Managing Knowledge and Learning
Strategic Management-Ii: Assignment-Iv Mckinsey & Company: Managing Knowledge and Learning
Q1. Identify the resources that give McKinsey its competitive advantage.
Long Term Relationships with Clients and Client Impact -The firm's consulting unit changed
from an Engagement Team to a Client Service Team. Where ETtended to focus on delivering a
3-4 month assignment and solving the immediate task rather on the client’s long term need, CST
was built to help the firm add long-term value and increase the effectiveness of individual
engagements, uniting a core of individuals linked across multiple ETs committed to working
with the clients over an extended period.
Q2. What is the difference between the "Discover-codify-disseminate" (DCD) and the
"engage-explore-apply-share" approach for managing knowledge?
Q3. Peters, Bray, and Dull - What kind of competencies are they pursuing?
Peters: Peter, a Boston-based senior engagement manager and veteran of more than 20 studies
for financial institutions, was identified for a growth strategy study in Australia. Due to previous
commitments, he joined the team by the end of phase one. His focus during his time on the
project was maintaining the focus of the team on the end product. He spent most of the time
working on client relationships. He drew a logical outline to workflow and delegated tasks
accordingly, thus giving development opportunities to team members.
Bray: Bray joined McKinsey after earning his MBA from Melbourne University. He sought to
leverage his technical experience. His major focus was on two aspects. The first was to make
telecom an exciting and interesting practice so as to attract the best associates. The second was
how to develop the largely informal links among the fast-growing telecom European practices.
He sought to accelerate the “engage-explore-apply-share” knowledge cycle by introducing
Telecom Intranet, a direct link to the practical knowledge base, member capabilities, client base,
external knowledge, etc.
Dull: After completing his MBA, Dull spent the next five years working in various consumer
marketing jobs at Pillsbury before joining McKinsey as a consultant in consumer marketing. He,
later on, found his interest in industrial marketing issues. Dull was a good researcher and had
competency in researching and launched various study initiatives around them, which proved to
be very fruitful. Dull was more focused on industrial marketing which led to Dull focusing on B
to B strategy. His core competency lay in business marketing, this can be seen when the B to B
initiative was declared a center of competence.