Rjade Imrad Edit.
Rjade Imrad Edit.
Rjade Imrad Edit.
Rjade Y. Abalayan
great reading abilities who can understand and challenge of what they read.
Reading is very important in the learning process and one of the most significant
talents that a student must master. Moreover, it is necessary for all other fields of
study since it acts as a gateway for every learner to understand the many
complex activity that involves both perception and thought (Syafi, 2018).
critical and creative readers. Furthermore, Luz (2007) mentioned that many
Filipino learners lack the necessary reading habits for learning. As she put it, "the
in the global economy and why so many of its citizens are illiterate." to live in
mastery and ability to recognize the grammar. According to Bender (2012), some
learners completed their high school years with poor reading skills and unable to
read at the grade level they are expected, leading in anxiety and unhappiness
school students’ basis for reading intervention plan in Libertad National High
School. The researcher hope that the result of the study will serve as feedback to
Research Objectives
This study aimed to determine the reading comprehension skills of Junior
High school students’ basis for reading intervention plan in Libertad National
High School.
terms of:
a. Lexical comprehension
b. Literal comprehension
c. Interpretative comprehension
d. Applied comprehension
e. Affective comprehension
2. How may the following factors affect the reading comprehension of the
a. Student Factors;
b. Language Factors;
c. Teachers Factors;
d. School Factors;
e. Home Factors;
f. Social Factor?
3. Are there significant relationship between the level and the factors of
that support the needed information and insight’s posited different authors and
b. Literal comprehension
c. Interpretative comprehension
d. Applied comprehension
e. Affective comprehension
a. Student Factors
b. Language Factors
c. Teachers Factors
d. School Factors
e. Home Factors
f. Social Factor
Foreign Literature
Reading comprehension relates to the academic achievement of foreign
text. Cognitive skills, such as background knowledge and cognitive strategy use
and decoding. Snow, Burns, and Miller (2011); Hoover and Gough (2011) (Griffi,
1998). Students who acquire spoken language and can recognize printed words
freely and simply do not bother with reading. I agree. Students must, however, be
competent in both fields. Poor reading will come from difficulties with either
Reading has been shown to impact other skills. We are inadequate in When we
text. Reading without significance and comprehension, most people will agree, is
not reading.
those that are utilized to support language learning. Teachers employ a variety of
materials in their lessons, including written paper, course books, online sites,
videos, and readings. Materials also diverge in how they instruct students more
students to use the language (eliciting). The author emphasizes that the perfect
readers as they obtain relevant information from texts and increase their
solutions in comprehension.
visual, sensitive, and students in this course perform well. This reading technique
was used. Swan (2015) proposed in this case that keyword approach be used
Ismail et al. (2015) shown that clever and appropriate reading tactics
result, pre-reading exercises combined with clever and appropriate tactics might
and shown that good reading strategies are an excellent way to promote
students' academics. During metacognitive exercises, students who were given
effective reading methods outperformed students who were not given some pre-
reading tactics.
evidence that repeated reading allows students to read the prescribed material
English, the findings imply that persons with various first language origins have
Language learning curriculum design and reading activities for improving the
gets more challenging for language learners (Tobia & Bonifacci, 2015). This
learning and offers evidence for the effectiveness of oral reading exercises.
Comprehension is regarded as the essence of reading since it describes
the process that allows for the successful extraction of meaning from a written
to become reading comprehension who can pick information from the text,
establish logic, and include serious reflection on the text while reading, according
to modern literacy standards. In this case, pupils must be supplied with a wide
persistence are all examples of Habits of Mind. These qualities are thought to be
observed that students' reading practices, as well as the sort of teaching they
children with structure for their reading habits. More significantly, the study stated
that teachers must allow students to express their thoughts and provide
providing opinions, being critical and creative (Al Khasawneh, 2015). As a result,
an intrinsic talent, nor is it an easily supported skill that ends when the reader can
recognize and recite the text information. Indeed, it is a complicated process that
demands mental abilities and potentials, practice and drill, and the application of
2013). The study's importance derives from the extra attention educational
Local Literature
history. In arithmetic, for example, students are taught word problems. Students
would struggle to discern what needed to be solved if they did not have reading
just for BSIT students but also for other courses, supplied that students ’ learning'
reading level tend to avoid reading by refusing to do so. The learner can only
read when directed at the instructional reading level, but at the independent
reading level, the student can read independently with ease without the help of
Rogiers, Van Keer, and Merchie (2020) proposed that making learners proficient
2014) and the development of various reading abilities (Nootens, et al., 2019).
studies have proved that reading attitude is the most important element
the issue.
Reading comprehension is critical in establishing a solid foundation of
information for every individual. The capacity to grasp written and spoken
study skills, habits, and attitudes, one may build the enthusiasm required for the
in Asian countries, singapore and Indonesia. According to the 2018 data, the
have worse reading abilities than their grade level. Furthermore, according to a
Philippine Star (2011) report, Filipinos lack reading abilities and enthusiasm.
and understanding (Keegan, 2017). Grit is essential for everyone. It has value in
achieve. Being a talented and brilliant language student, on the other hand, is not
(2013), reading is vital at all levels of the educational system since all subjects in
but also helps them grasp ideas (Duru and Koklu, 2011), which is important for
under challenge
Reading is necessary for survival. And knowing what the material is about
supports the idea that a reader's prior knowledge of what he is reading is one of
the most important elements in deciding whether or not a student will grasp what
he is reading.
Diversified teaching is a method of tackling a diverse variety of learners
existing knowledge into human brain processes (Sousa & Tomlinson 2011).
Teachers who choose separation discover that they may use time and resources
allows access to all forms of knowledge necessary for our everyday survival and
is highly significant and beneficial to us, not only in English class, but in all
Schwartz, 2015). Failure in all other academic courses is thought to be due to the
Foreign Studies
Students currently spend a significant amount of time reading, browsing,
and chatting on the Internet, whether for academic or personal reasons. Students
learning foreign languages in online contexts may enhance their exposure to real
resources and develop their linguistic talents whenever and wherever they
desire, with suitable teaching. The internet world offers foreign language learners
outside the four corners of the classroom. Previous research Michinov, Brunot,
Le Bohec, Juhel, & Delaval, 2011; Salmon, 2013) has cautioned that when
learning online, students must be equipped with strategies and skills that will play
(Grosman, 2011) and engages the senses, such as sound, touch, and
expand, where the bounds and variations of reading experiences may continue
procedures in which readers engage with printed words for content and
and other language sub-skills "They claim that because reading and writing have
comparable characteristics, learning both abilities at the same time and in a
particular reading skills that raise awareness of what is, how, and what is to be
read. As a result, gifted readers can recognize the true purpose of reading,
encountering similar texts with similar purposes, supervise the level of reading
comprehension in those writings in line with the purpose in mind, and, if required,
adjust the strategy use accordingly (Al-Mansour & Al-Shorman, 2014; Ahmadi,
both listening and reading skills in order to understand what the speaker is
Kusumawanti (2018) said that among English capabilities, reading abilities have
activities initiate and develop total learning activities. We must read extensively in
order to choose a subject for our writing project. We must also read before
language skills. Garcia, Ramayan, Sepe, and Silor (2014) investigated learners'
complex terms because they had forgotten the vocabulary words they had
learned. Zuhra (2015) discovered in his research that learners struggled with
reading comprehension since they did not understand the meaning of numerous
discovered that pupils struggle when the material is extensive and detailed, with
make them cohesive and relevant to the specific content (Haryanto, n.d.). It is
understanding, the length of the text will not be an issue and they will be able to
Clemens, Simmons, Smith, & Simmons, 2016) have been pretty consistent in
their findings. findings. These models demonstrate vocabulary, both directly and
Francis, Vaughn, & York, 2015). When comparing good and poor
inferential tasks at the word, sentence, and passage levels. Poor comprehenders
struggle with generating particular matter inferences, merging words into context,
also actively engaging with the information to form a mental image (Rashid,
use in everyday discussions and the language we use in school (Westby, 2012),
where everyday talks are utilized to accomplish daily activities and convey
For many years, teachers and academics have recognized that students'
reading comprehension improves when they are engaged in the reading contents
effective include educating students to apply their prior knowledge and integrate
organizers that connect the dots. text hints, and thoughts to one another (e.g.,
the genres or text structures that students can read efficiently as well as those
that they struggle to understand (Reutzel & Cooter, 2011). We identified informal
text structure assessments for both narrative and expository text categories to
of raising text complexity at earlier ages or with less proficient readers (Hiebert &
schemes to guarantee that pupils are exposed to more complex texts over time.
complexity aspects such as sentence length and word frequency, they offer little
for understanding of specific content and to locate extra evidences for outside
metacognitive process that judges the meaning of the text for acceptable use by
appropriate conclusions from the text and correctly guessing the meaning by
planning for additional reading strategies. Channa, Yossatorn, and Yossiri (2012)
Local Studies
reading methods and prefer to draw from their own school experiences when
how to teach reading methods and prefer to draw from their own school
rarely taught how to enhance it (Hollenbeck & Kalchman, 2013). Indeed, reading
difficult procedure The capacity to retain and retrieve explanations from written
When students understand, they are forming the meaning of the material that is
the context of early education. As a result, Perez and Alieto (2018) argue that the
students' learning styles can improve their learning while also helping them build
achievement. This will also give positive feedback to both teachers and students
writing abilities can clearly explain their messages and deliver them to the
their thoughts so that readers can readily grasp what the writer wrote. The
abbreviation RAFTs strategy refers to the writer's job. (R), the target audience
(A), the written product format (F), and the written Topic + strong verbs (Ts).
These crucial aspects should be seen in any effective writing project (Buehl,
mother of all study skills, making it one of the most valuable abilities a person
Furthermore, reading is more than just the capacity to detect written or printed
words; it also relates to giving meaning to what you read and drawing a coherent
Hughes and Schwab (2010) feel that writing is one of the most difficult
skills to acquire since it includes not just technical skills like grammar and
orthography, but also strategic skills like design, organization, and registration.
One of Senior High School's priorities is identifying children with low levels
students' reading skills. habit and improve their reading abilities Suárez's (2015)
Schwartz, 2015). Failure in all other academic courses is thought to be due to the
learners' inability to read and comprehend. Teachers provide a variety of tasks to
abilities, which are seen as crucial components for reading success in the ESL
student achievement. The capacity to read and think is required for the majority
of cognitive activities in the classroom. Students must read. before they respond
to certain articles or reading texts Learners must read anything before writing a
authors, and scholars Some people can read but cannot comprehend; others can
framework in the first vocabulary is established early, second and third words can
of late-exit programs.
According to Moghaddas (2013), contextualization is a fundamental
learning process that happens through integrating concepts and principles inside
and beyond disciplines. This means that when teaching, the teacher must place
the goal skill in a realistic setting to make the learning process meaningful to the
knowledge and communication (Mahboob, 2014; Marlina & Giri, 2014; Rillo &
academic fields are frequently tested in one key area, which is in the form of an
essay examination. Ideas or messages are not the sole elements of a written
text; it also includes the degree of linguistic proficiency, concept growth, and
types of academic talents (Pablo & Lasaten, 2018). As a result, students are
mistake when learners begin to overly analyze or generalize specific rules in the
The main purpose of this chapter is to review the literature and studies on
comprehend current research and studies relevant to the study's issue. The
on how the student understand on what they are reading and also the Reading
In terms of how the authors of the research regard the different ways and
students should acknowledge the works of others by citing their names or stating
The Philippines is one of the most active in social media The Philippines
may be one of the most active nations when it comes to social media Such as
Facebook, but the influential posting of unverified materials and the sharing of
media first, then their school environment, and finally their family education.
Theoretical Framework
Reading is one of the most crucial language skills to acquire both in and
out of the classroom. It is also one of the most prevalent methods of gathering
they see is heavily reliant on these unique talents. Reading skills include:
2014; Al Seyabi & Tuzlukova, 2015; They focused on finding out the problems
that caused readers not to understand the texts well. As a result, many factors
Sanford, 2015; Vaseghi, Barjesteh, & Gholami, 2012; Gilakjani & Sabouri, 2016).
Conceptual Framework
The leading concept of the reading comprehension skills of the junior high
school of Libertad National High School: basis for reading intervention plan
Level of Reading
a. Lexical
b. Literal
c. Interpretative
comprehension Learners’ Reading
d. Applied Reading Intervention
comprehension Comprehension Plan
e. Affective
Factors affecting
Reading Comprehension
a. Student Factors;
b. Language Factors;
c. Teachers Factors;
d. School Factors;
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study
strategies that can develop existing knowledge in Senior High School. Moreover,
with ideas on how to analyze and implement other potential strategies to push
existing knowledge
Students. they will be able to understand the principle and importance of
reading comprehension skill. This will help them realize whether the knowledge
and skills developed in the program would be useful to them in their future
Researcher. It will shed light on the issues raised about students'
an intervention program that will serve as their guide in gaining other skills.
Future Researcher. This research will be their guide as their basis and
the outcome of the study is beneficial to the neither present researchers or the
future researchers. This study may be one of the bases that a new theory in
Definition of Terms
For the purpose of clarity and better understanding for the terms and
concepts when reading and interpreting this study. The following terms are
Reading Comprehension skill is the ability to read text, process it, and
students' feelings of loneliness. Students are frequently taken aback when they
Poor Vision. Because they can't view the text clearly, students with vision-
learning problems frequently lose their place when reading and mistake similar-
looking words. As a result, students with low vision frequently exhibit indicators of
poor reading comprehension and may struggle to keep up with class work.
a variety of ways. This implies you'll be able to reconstruct ideas from resources
achieving your goals, you must first take the essential measures. The details of
Research Design
two variables. This method is applicable because the research aimed to the
tests, responses of the respondents will be gathered in terms of reading level and
difficulties of the Grade 7 students in Libertad National High School. This aimed
to discover solutions to problems or creating new goods and knowledge that is
Research Locale
because he one of the previous students in this school, and he notice that most
of the students now are focusing on the social media. Rather than to study their
lesson or to learn the exact pronunciation of the word, and also because of the
explanation, they are just copying sentences, rather they construct their own
The target respondents of this study are the grade 7 of Libertad National
High School enrolled during the school year of 2022-2023. Based on the data
gathered there are three hundred (300) student who are officially enrolled in
Libertad National High School the total number of valid sample size is one
hundred three (76). And the Libertad National High School Senior High School
Department has a large number of officially enrolled grade 12 students and only
one researcher the Budget cannot accommodate all grade 12 senior high school
students as respondents.
The researcher chooses them as a respondent because most of these
students are prone in social media and online games. And they depending on
simple random sample. The data acquired through progress monitoring was
meet its projected results for each student. Continuous assessment and
program was (actual progress), and where the program eventually wanted to be
(targets), and then deciding realistically whether the program was on the right
Research Instrument
data collection and these questionnaires were derived from these research of
Sajeerat W. (2011) which consisted of 20 items and were grouped into 5 different
"strongly disagree" and 5 means "strongly agree". The interview questions were
developed after getting the results from questionnaires to be used for gathering
Data Collection
To collect the data, official letters of permission were written to school
principals seeking their approval to collect data at the target school levels. In
accordance with pandemic guidelines, the researcher will conduct the survey
using internet platforms. Following the questionnaire Data was collected, entered
into a computer, then analyzed using factor analysis to determine the most
the first outcome. Following that, interviews were done and data was gathered.
Statistical Tools
of the junior high school students, researcher will used weighted mean and
Correlation Coefficient will be utilized. After analyzing the data, intervention plan
Ethical Consideration
To avoid getting infected with the COVID-19 virus in a crowded
system using messenger and Google. During the research, ethical standards
were observed. The responder was given the option to withdraw at any time.
Their identities and personal information were kept private, and any information
obtained from them was duly recognized and recorded. The researcher took his
or her time selecting an answer and always respected and safeguarded the
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