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English 8 Week 3: Learning Activity Sheets First Quarter

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Republic of the Philippines

Region III-Central Luzon

Department of Education
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Moncada South District
Moncada, Tarlac




NAME: ____________________________________________________
GRADE & SECTION: ___________________________
SCORE: _______________________
PARENT'S/GUARDIAN'S SIGNATURE: _____________________


Subject Teacher

Checked and Noted: GEMMA AMOR B. MENDOZA, PhD

School Principal 1

II. MELC: Use modal verbs, nouns and adverbs appropriately (EN8G-llla-3.6)

1) identify modal verbs, nouns, and adverbs used in sentences;
2) construct sentences using appropriate modal verbs, nouns, and
adverbs; and
3) express ideas using different modals.


IV-A Learners' Material English 8 Quarter 1, internet sources


Sheets); Radio-Based Instruction, Online Distance Learning


a. Definition of Modal Verb, Modal Noun and Modal Adverb
Modal Verbs are auxiliary or helping verbs which modify or change
the meaning of the main verbs. You use modal verbs in giving advice or
suggestions, in making requests, or in giving predictions and prohibitions.
Words are used as nouns that express modality. These nouns, that
express modality, are called modal nouns. Just like the modal verbs, modal
nouns also express the quality or state in some manner other than as a
simple fact.
Adverbs that are used to describe or give more information about
verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Unlike other adverbs, these ones are
unique because they help express modality and that is why they are called
modal adverbs.

ONLINE DISCUSSION: Students’ writing, remembering, and analytical skills

are important in this lesson. Thus, during the online class, it is important to
guide students in recognizing and analyzing the of modal verbs, modal
nouns and modal adverbs together with their meanings, functions and their
usage in sentences.
Use Sample
Modal Sentence
really certain will, shall, must Jahna’s debut party will be planned
won’t/will not, shan’t/shall secretly.
not, can’t/cannot
very likely should, ought to The traffic is not heavy. We should be there
before the time.
Possibility may, might, could It may rain today.
strong must, have to, need to The plan must be accomplished without her

obligation knowing it.
weak should, ought to I should see a dentist. I have a bad breath
obligation even though I brush my teeth regularly.
no obligation needn’t/need not, don’t need I need not brush my teeth now. I will just do
to/do not need to, it later.
don’t have to/do not have to
permission can, may, could, might May I borrow your pen?
no can’t/ cannot, may not, You cannot go out without a quarantine
permission must not pass.
offer will, shall I will bring your things here.
request will, would, could Will you open the windows?
promise Will I will come back after sunset.
decision Will I will eat now.
advice and shall, should, shouldn’t/ You should wear appropriate attire for your
suggestion should not job interview.
ability can, could The students can sing harmoniously.
general can, may We can avoid the COVID-19 by following
truth health protocols.

Read and study the sentences below.
A. If Carl campaigns hard, his win is a certainty.
B. Carl’s friends expressed their willingness to help Carl in his campaign.
C. There is likelihood that the students will vote for Carl.
Specifically, ‘certainty’ in Sentence 1 expresses that Carl’s win is for sure. The
word ‘willingness’ in Sentence 2 expresses that Carl’s friends are ready to help
him. In addition, ‘likelihood’ in Sentence 3 expresses that there is a chance that
the students will vote for Carl.
Modal Nouns Meaning Sample
possibility the condition or fact of being There is a possibility of rain tomorrow.
obligation a condition or feeling of being Students have an obligation to study
obligated or required hard.
necessity the quality or state of being in need Nowadays, mobile phones are
considered a necessity.
ability the quality or state of being able I have a friend who has the ability to
read minds.
permission the right or ability to do something My brother is given permission to play.
given by someone who has the
power to allow or disallow
request the condition or state of being The sick lady sent a request for medical
requested or sought after assistance.
promise a declaration to do or refrain from It is important that when we make a
doing something promise, we keep it.
chance the condition or fact of a particular If Tony works hard, he has a big
outcome in an uncertain situation chance of succeeding.
requirement a condition that something is During the pandemic, quarantine pass
needed or must be done is a requirement if one will go to the
grocery store.
responsibility the quality or state of being It is the parents’ responsibility to
responsible provide for their children.
capacity the quality or state of being able to I believe my teacher has the capacity to
do something teach us online.

The modal nouns are mostly names of qualities or states. They are similar to modal
verbs in a way that they also express modal meaning. However, they are different
from modal verbs in the way they are used in a sentence. Modal verbs are used to
add information to the main verb while modal nouns name a quality, state, or
condition that state modality.
Read and study the sentences below.
A. If Carl campaigns hard, he shall surely win.
B. Carl’s friends are willingly happy to help him in his campaign.
C. The students will likely vote for Carl.
In Sentence A, the modal adverb ‘surely’ describes the modal expression ‘shall
win’. It adds the information that without a doubt, Carl will win. The modal adverb
‘willingly’ in Sentence B describes the adjective ‘happy’. It helps to express that the
students are ready to help Carl. Furthermore, the modal adverb ‘likely’ describes
the modal expression ‘will vote’. It gives more information that there is a chance
that the students will vote for Carl.
Modal Meaning Sample
Adverbs Sentence
Possibly used to state that something is My mother is possibly coming home today.
possible to happen
Certainly in a manner that is sure or I am certainly joyful that my family is
without a doubt always with me.
Obligately in an obligate or necessary My father is obligately proud to work hard
manner for our family.
necessarily used to state that something is Lolo said that a person’s success does not
necessary or needed necessarily reflect one’s personality towards
other people.
Ably in a skillful or competent Tonton dances ably during the party.
Requisitely used to state something that is I have to requisitely answer my homework.
essential or important for a
particular purpose
Promisingly in a promising manner The concert started promisingly but it did
not maintain the interest of its audience.
Decidedly in a manner that is free from My sister is decidedly supportive of my
doubt hobby.
Responsibly in a responsible manner The police responsibly helped the old man
cross the road.
Permissively used to state something that is I played permissively with my friends.
granted or given permission

In the given sample sentences, the underlined words are the modal adverbs and
the italicized words are the words they describe. Most of the modal adverbs
describe how something is done and how someone feels about something.

They are similar to modal verbs and modal nouns because they express modality.
However, they differ in form and the way they are used in sentences. Modal verbs

are used to add information to the main verb. On the other hand, modal nouns
name a quality, state, or condition that state modality while modal adverbs
describe or give more meaning or information to verbs and adjectives.
Noticeably, most modal adverbs have equivalent modal noun forms. Some of the
examples are possibly and possibility, necessarily and necessity, certainly and
certainty, etc.

RADIO-BASED INSTRUCTION: Additional examples modal verbs, modal nouns

and modal adverbs will be discussed during the radio airing to guide students'
mastery of the lesson and their application of the skill into real life scenarios.


Direction: Look at the table below. Basing from the meaning of the modal in
column A, write the appropriate modal verb for column B and its sample
sentence in column C.
Meaning Modal Example
Example: ability Can I can swim.
1. really certain

2. very likely

3. possible

4. strong
5. weak
6. no obligation

7. permission

8. no permission

Direction: Think of five ideas that will help minimize the problem of garbage
pollution in our country. Write them in complete sentences using the given
modal nouns. Be guided by the illustrations.

Modal Noun: necessity

Modal Noun: obligation

Modal Noun: requirement
Modal Noun: responsibility
Modal Noun: promise

Direction: Help your community recover from flood by writing the things that
should be done and how these should be done by you and other people in
your community. Use modal adverbs in writing your sentences.
1. responsibly

2. necessarily

3. ably

4. willingly

5. requisitely


Direction: Write a short paragraph about the activities you enjoy doing at
home with your family. Do not forget to use modal verbs, modal nouns, and
modal adverbs in your sentences. Write your answer on a separate sheet of
paper. In making a short paragraph, be guided by the rubrics.

Write your paragraph here

Direction: Choose the correct modal to complete each sentence.

1. There is a ______ of rain tomorrow.

A. decision B. necessity C. possibility D. request
2. I have a friend who has the ________ to read minds.
A. ability B. permission C. possibility D. request
3. My mother is ________ coming home late tonight because of the heavy
A. ably B. obligately C. possibly D. promisingly
4. Only those who passed the admission test _______ enroll in the university.
A. can B. cannot C. must D. must not
5. If Carl campaigns hard, his win is a/an ________.
A. certainly B. obligation C. promise D. responsibility
6. My sister is ________ supportive of my hobby.
A. decidedly B. necessarily C. obligately D. possibly
7. Annaliza ________ turn 16 this year and plans to have a simple party.
A. can B. may C. must D. will
8. Everyone ________ obey the health protocols given by the government to
prevent the spread of the virus and stop the pandemic.
A. can B. cannot C. may D. must
9. The sick lady sent a/an ________ for medical assistance.
A. certainty B. chance C. promise D. request
10. My father works abroad, but he promised that he ________ return home
on my graduation day.
A. could B. might C. must D. would
11. Tonton dances ________ during the party.
A. ably B. certainly C. necessarily D. surely
12. Students have a/an ________ to study hard.
A. likelihood B. obligation C. promise D. willingness
13. I played ________ with my friends.
A. certainly B. permissively C. promisingly D. surely
14. You ________ study hard to pass the test and make it to the top.
A. could B. might C. should D. would
15. My father is ________ proud to work hard for our family.
A. obligately B. permissively C. requisitely D. willingly

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