Low-Temperature Sintering of Aluminum Oxide
Low-Temperature Sintering of Aluminum Oxide
Low-Temperature Sintering of Aluminum Oxide
difficult to prepare castable suspensions beyond -45 vol% with graph of a slip cast sample which was sintered for 2 h at 1150°C.
the -0.1-pm A1203used in this study. cross-sectioned and polished, and thermally etched for 4 h at
1150°C. The average grain size is only 0.25 p m .
(3) Green-Body Characterization The enhanced densification for the slip cast samples can be at-
Slip cast samples were prepared using suspensions with tributed, at least in part, to the improved green microstructure;
pH =4. Previous studies with concentrated (40 vol% solids) sus- i.e., the particle packing density is higher and the microstructure
pensions of -0.5-pm A1203 showed that the viscosity was is more homogeneous. In the gel samples, the “packing units” are
minimized and the slip cast green density was maximized for actually boehmite aggregates. The size of these “packing units’’ is
suspensions prepared at pH -4.21322At higher pH values, suspen- on the order of -20 to 100 nm, but specific surface area measure-
sions were less stable against flocculation because of lower zeta ments indicate that the primary particle, or crystallite, size is on
potentials. At lower pH values, suspension stability was dimin- the order of -5 to 10 nm.’,’ These porous aggregates are proba-
ished by higher ionic strengths which resulted from the large acid bly the main reason for the relatively low green density of the
additions needed to adjust the pH. dried gels (-50% to 60%). In contrast, the high green density
The green density of slip cast samples was determined by two achieved in slip cast samples (-69%) indicates that aggregates
methods -mercury porosimetry and Archimedes displacement. were effectively eliminated during the powder preparation (i.e.,
In the latter technique, compacts had to be calcined at 500°C sedimentation) process.
for 1 h in order to have sufficient handling strength for the The sol-gel samples also develop heterogeneities during heat
measurement. A relative density of -70% was obtained by the treatment. Boehmite undergoes a decomposition reaction (i.e.,
Archimedes method, while mercury porosimetry gave a value of dehydroxylation) and a succession of phase transformation^:^
-69%. These high green densities are consistent with our earlier
boehmite -+ y- -+ 8- + 13- + a-A1203
argument that the -0.1-pm A1203suspension discussed in Fig. 1
is well dispersed. The values are also similar to previous results Thus, the dried gel undergoes substantial changes in volume (be-
(-66 %p,) obtained by slip casting a coarser fraction (-0.15-pm fore sintering) due to weight loss (i.e., water removal) and
median size) of the same a-A1203powder.” (The slightly higher increases in true density as the phase transformations occur.
density values in the present case may reflect more complete
elimination of hard agglomerates by the sedimentation process .)
A similar green density (-70 % p l ) was also obtained by slip
casting the -0.4-pm A1203suspension discussed in Fig. 1.19
Figure 2 shows the pore size distribution (obtained by mercury
porosimetry) for the slip cast sample with -0.1-pm A1203.The
median pore radius is only -10 nm. In addition, almost all the
pore radii are less than 20 nm, indicating that particle packing in
the compacts is very homogeneous.
It should be noted that one practical difficulty associated with
slip casting of extremely fine particles is that consolidation rates
are relatively slow. (Liquid filtration rates through the cast layer
decrease rapidly with decreasing particle size .) Casting rates can
be enhanced, however, by applying pressure during consolidation
(e.g., pressure filtration or centrifugal casting).
(4) Sintering
Figure 3 shows plots of relative density vs sintering time at
1150°C for the slip cast samples prepared in this study and the
a-Al,O,-seeded boehmite samples prepared by Messing et d 3It
is evident that the slip cast samples have a considerably higher
densification rate. In addition, these samples reach a higher “final” Fig. 4. Scanning electron micrograph of a polished section of a
density, i.e., 3.95 5 0.01 g/cm3 (-99.2 % p , ) after 2 h and suspension-processed sample which was sintered for 2 h at 1150°C and
3.97 2 0.01 (-99.7 % p , ) after 6 h. Figure 4 shows a micro- etched for 4 h at 1150°C.
844 Journal of the American Ceramic Society--Yeh and Sacks Vol. 71, No. 10
Differential shrinkages arise during these volume changes due to of ultrafine particles (i.e., smaller than used in the present study)
local variations in the kinetics of the decomposition reaction should focus on improving our understanding of the factors
and the phase transformations. Thus, Messing et al.2z3observed which determine the magnitude of the interparticle forces.
“clusters” of -0.05- to 0.10-pm particles and “cracklike struc-
tures” in samples which were transformed to a-A120,. These
defects should affect densification the same way as powder ag- Acknowledgments: We thank P. Fernando and M. Pohl of Horiba In-
glomerates; particles in the regions of locally dense packing tend struments Inc. for providing the particle size analysis by the centrifugal sedimenta-
tion method.
to sinter rapidly, whereas large voids “open up” in the regions of
more porous packing. 23,24 The latter development is particularly
detrimental since these porous regions have much lower densifi-
cation rates. Hence, Messing et al., found that the “cracklike References
structures” persisted to relative densities as high as 99%. ‘M. Kumagai and G . L. Messing, “Enhanced Densification of Boehmite Sol-
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