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Bongsuwan D 2008

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Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.

) 42 : 311 - 317 (2008)

Preparation of Cellulose Acetate Membranes for

Ultra- Nano- Filtrations

Darunee Bhongsuwan*1 and Tripob Bhongsuwan2


Cellulose acetate (CA) membranes were prepared from CA powder, formamide and acetone
by phase inversion. Production conditions used included evaporation times of 20, 30 and 60 seconds,
gelation temperature of 1 2 C and annealing temperature of 70 and 75C. The product membranes
were coded CA620-70, CA630-70 CA660-70, CA620-75, CA630-75 and CA660-75 and were tested to
have Molecular weight cutoff (MWCO) between 1500 and 10000 Da. The pure water flux tests classified
the membranes CA620-70, CA630-70 CA660-70, CA620-75 as ultra-filtration type and CA630-75 and
CA660-75 as nano-filtration membranes. Tannin was easily filtered with the rejection of 78 - 100 % for
different membrane types and pressures. Rejection of protein BSA was successful at nearly 100 %
rejection for all the product membranes. SEM micrographs showed an average pore longest axis of
0.066 0.029 micron and pore densities of 1.95 3.02 pores/micron2. The membrane strength was
tested to have the ultimate tensile strength of 1.64 2.82 N, Youngs modulus of 54.74 175.36 MPa
and the percent elongation at failure of 15.57 23.00
Key words: CA membrane, cellulose acetate, PEG, BSA protein, tannin

INTRODUCTION desalination and for filtering methanol, ethanol,

and urea in a reverse osmosis process. The process
Membrane filtration or separation is the is used to separate substances in fluid mixtures
most efficient way in separation and concentration under high pressure between 5.6-10.5 MPa for
treatments. It can be successfully used in nano- seawater desalination and between 1.4-4.2 MPa
scale filtration of nano particles. The membranes for brackish water desalination. Salt reject and
with different pore sizes can be made by varying permeate flux characteristics are essential to
production conditions which include 2 main provide knowledge for the appropriate usage of
parameters, evaporation time and annealing the membranes.
temperature. This work was aimed to develop a wide
Cellulose acetate is an environmental range of CA membranes for ultra- to nano-
friendly substance for making membranes since filtrations by varying production parameters. Some
it is a non-toxic material and low can be available product membranes was tested to separate tannin
at cost. Membranes made from cellulose acetate from tsunami-induced tannin-contaminated well
have been used for brackish water or seawater water collected from Phang Nga province.

1 Materials Science Program, Membrane Science Technology Research Center, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University,
Hatyai, Songkhla 90110, Thailand.
2 Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Print of Songkla University, Hatyai, Songkhla 90110, Thailand.
* Corresponding author, e mail : darunee.b@psu.ac.th
312 Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.) 42(5)

MATERIALS AND METHODS feeds water or salt solution in the closed storage
into the stainless steel test cell. When salt rejection
Preparation of membranes is studied, a magnetic stirrer in the system is started
Membranes were prepared from a as soon as the feed is introduced into the cell which
mixture of 20 % cellulose acetate (Eastman holds a circular piece of laboratory-prepared
Chemical, USA), 33 % formamide (AR grade, membrane of 2.310-3 m2. Permeate is collected
Ajax, Australia) and 47% acetone (AR grade, continuously and weighed (Satorius electronic
Merck, Germany). They were then cast on a glass balance) at the end of several period of time.
plate at a 120-140 m thickness forming a paste, Permeate flux is calculated by equation (1). The
The paste is left to evaporate time for 20, 30 or 60 percentage of rejection (%R) of the contaminant
seconds. The resulting polymer films are directly (i.e., the PEG, tannin and BSA protein) in feed
immersed for 30 minutes in distilled water at water can be determined from equation (2), (Field,
1 - 2 C. The membranes were then annealed for 3 1993).
minutes at 70 or 75 C. After annealing process, Permeate Flux =
Volume of Permeate
Time Area of Membrane
the membranes were ready to use and stored in
distilled water, and named according to the % R= 1
Concentration of contaminant in Permeate
100 (2)
Concentration of contaminant in Feed
membrane production parameters, CA620-70,
CA620-75, CA630-70, CA630-75, CA660-70 and Permeate flux is a plot of pure water flux
CA660-75. For example, The CA620-70 was (Lm-2hr-1) versus applied pressure (kPa). When the
named by using the evaporation time of 20 second applied pressure was increased, the flux generally
and annealing temperature of 70C. Permeation increases (Figure 2). In calculating the expected
tests under pressures were performed using a dead- behavior at the higher pressure, it was assumed
end stirred cell (Bhongsuwan et al., 2002). that the hydraulic permeability, Lp (flux divided
by the effective pressure) remained constant. To
Characterization of membranes change the unit of flux/pressure in Lm-2hr-1 kPa-1
Permeation tests to the unit of the hydraulic permeability (ms-1Pa-
The permeation tests are carried out at 1) the value was multiplied by the constant 2.77
25C under an operating pressure of 20 - 80 psi 10-10. Table 2 shows the slope, the hydraulic
for UF-membrane and 100 - 400 psi for NF permeability and membrane classes of the product
membrane using a conventional dead-end stirred membranes. It was showed that membranes
cell (Figure 1; Bhongsuwan et al., 2002). The CA620-70, CA630-70 CA660-70 and CA620-75
stirred cell is made of stainless steel to resist high are classified as the UF type while membranes
pressure (0 - 400 psi). Pressure-controlled N2 gas CA630-75 and CA660-75 are of the NF type.

Table 1 Casting solution composition and film casting condition.

Membrane CA6 (CA : Acetone : Formamide = 20 : 47 : 33 )
CA620-70 CA620-75 CA630-70 CA630-75 CA660-70 CA660-75
Cast conditions
- Evaporation time (Sec) 20 30 60
- Annealing temperature (C) 70 75 70 75 70 75
- Annealing time (Min) 3 3 3
- Gelation medium (temp.) Water (1 2 C) Water (1 2 C) Water (1 2 C)
Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.) 42(5) 313

The membrane molecular weight cut-off determined from the PEG filtration tests at
(MWCO) from the PEG tests different molecular weights of PEG, i.e.,
Molecular weight cut-off of the product PEG1500, 3000, 8000, 10000 and 20000 Da and
pre-classified UF and NF membranes were at PEG concentration of 50 ppm.

Figure 1 A dead-end stirred-cell filtration system used in this study.

100 y = 0.1519x 100

90 CA620-70 90
80 R = 0.9987 y = 0.0893x 80 y = 0.0253x
CA630-70 CA630-75
70 70 2
2 R = 0.9768
pure water flux (L/m2.h)

pure water flux (L/m2.h)

60 CA660-70 R = 0.9995 60
50 y = 0.0825x 50
40 2
30 R = 0.9995 30 y = 0.0158x
20 y = 0.0459x 20 2
10 2 10 R = 0.9851
R = 0.9967
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800
Pressure (kPa) Pressure (kPa)

(a) (b)
Figure 2 Pure water permeation flux (PWF) measured at trans-membrane pressure (P) of (a) 138 -
552 kPa for the membranes CA620-70, CA630-70 CA660-70 and CA620-75, and (b ) 670 -
2758 kPa for membranes CA630-75 and CA660-75.

Table 2 Membrane characterization: Lp (ms-1Pa-1) and membrane classes.

Type of Mb Lp (l/m2 .h/kPa) Lp (ms-1Pa-1) Membrane class
CA620-70 0.1519 4.21 10-11 UF
CA630-70 0.0893 2.47 10-11 UF
CA660-70 0.0459 1.27 10-11 UF
CA620-75 0.0825 2.29 10-11 UF
CA630-75 0.0253 7.01 10-12 NF
CA660-75 0.0158 4.38 10-12 NF
314 Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.) 42(5)

Figure 3 Filtration tests, (a) Sampled tannin contaminated well water from Ban Thung Dab, Mu 1
(after tsunami B.E. 2548), (b) after membrane filtration using membrane CA630-70 with a
dead end stirred cell, (c) raw water (brown color, the two from the left) before filtration by
membrane CA630-70 and after membrane filtration at pressures 100, 200, 300 and 400 psi,
(d) membrane feature after filtration.

Tannin rejection from water membranes CA630 and CA660 gave the highest
Tannin contaminated well water was rejection among the membranes with annealing
sampled from the villages wells in Ban Thung temperature of 75 C. Membrane production
Dab, Mu 1, Thambol Kao Phra Thong, Amphoe parameters, evaporation time and annealing
Kuraburi, Phang Nga province. The water has been temperature, clearly affected the membrane
affected by Tsunami event (B.E. 2548). The filtration properties.
brown-color tannin water has been filtered using
a 4.5 micron fiber glass filter (Figure 3a), which Rejection of protein in water
was unsuccessful in indicating a sub-micron range Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) protein
of tannin molecules. In filtration tests using our filtration test of the product membranes is
product membranes, clear permeate water was performed using BSA solution (Sigma, USA).
successfully obtained at pressures as low as 20 BSA concentration was analyzed using the method
psi (Figure 3b, 3c). Table 3 shows the tannin of Lowry et al. (1951) by spectrophotometer
rejection of the product membranes at pressures (Lambda 25, Perkin Elmer, USA). The results
60 psi. Membranes CA660 gave the most efficient show that all product membranes give nearly 100
tannin rejection among the membranes prepared % rejections at all pressures (Table 3)
using annealing temperature of 70 C, while
Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.) 42(5) 315

Mechanical properties

Table 3 Product membranes properties after conditioning

Product membranes
Properties CA620-70 CA630-70 CA660-70 CA620-75 CA630-75 CA660-75
MWCO (Da) 9000 9000 < 3000 7000 < 1500 < 1500
Lp (l/m2 .h/kPa) 0.1519 0.0893 0.0459 0.0825 0.0253 0.0158
BSA reject (%) at 60 psi 99.7 100 100 100 100 100
Tannin reject (%) at 60 psi 78.25 79.36 95.22 80.49 97.26 100
Modulus of Elasticity (MPa) 54.74 69.70 84.25 73.93 106.34 175.36
Tensile strength (MPa) 1.93 1.68 2.06 1.64 1.92 2.82

Membrane morphological study using scanning SEM micrographs (Figures 4b and 6b). They were
electron microscope analyzed and shown in Table 4. Membrane
Membrane morphology was examined CA620-70 has an average longest pore axis of
using a SEM (JSM-5800LV, JEOL, Japan) at a 0.066 micron (S.D. = 0.029 micron), average pore
maximum magnification of x10000. Magnification area of 0.0035 micron2 (S.D. = 0.0029 micron2)
over x10000 was not possible as the sample were and pore density of 1.95 pores/micron2. Membrane
burnt by the high intensified electron beams. CA660-70 has an average longest pore axis of
Analysis of pore sizes and density was performed 0.0656 micron (S.D. = 0.0292 micron), average
by using a computer program called Carnoy pore area of 0.0034 micron 2 (S.D. = 0.0036
version 2.0 (Schols and Smets, 2001). Pore sizes micron2) and pore density of 3.02 pores/micron2.
of most product membranes were not visible in Both visible and invisible pores in SEM
the SEM micrographs at a magnification of x10000 micrographs at x10000 clearly indicate the sub-
(Figures 4-7), except for membranes CA620-70 micron pore sizes of all product membranes.
and CA660-70 of which pores could be visible in

Table 4 Product membranes pore sizes and distribution.

Mb Type Pore area (micron2) Longest pore axis (micron) Ref.
Min Mean Max Std.dev. Min Mean Max Std.dev.
CA620-70 ~0 0.0035 0.0233 0.0029 0.0211 0.0660 0.2316 0.0293 Figure 4b
CA660-70 ~0 0.0034 0.0509 0.0036 0.0105 0.0656 0.2316 0.0292 Figure 6b

Figure 4 SEM micrographs of membrane CA620-70 at X10000, (a) the top surface, (b) the bottom
layer, (c) the cross-section at X550.
316 Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.) 42(5)

Figure 5 SEM micrographs of membrane CA630-70 at X10000, (a) the top surface, (b) the bottom

Figure 6 SEM micrographs of membrane CA660-70 at X10000, (a) the top surface, (b) the bottom
layer, and (c) the cross-section at X 750.

Figure 7 SEM micrographs of membrane CA620-75 at X10000, (a) the top surface, (b) the bottom
layer, (c) the top surface of membrane CA630-75 at X10000.

CONCLUSIONS relation with the two filtration processes: Ultra-

filtration and Nano-filtration. Effect of evaporation
CA membranes, prepared in the time (20, 30 and 60 second) clearly indicated that
laboratory, were successfully used in experiments longer evaporation times resulted in thickening
for sea food processing wastewater treatment. With skin layers and lessening the water fluxes, but
regard to the MWCO of the product membranes, increasing rejection efficiencies. Effect of
two kinds of membranes can be distinguished in annealing temperature (70 and 75 C) showed that
Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.) 42(5) 317

raising the annealing temperatures reduced the LITERATURE CITED

water fluxes but improved the rejection
efficiencies. Bhongsuwan, D., T. Bhongsuwan and J. Na-
Morphological studies using a scanning Suwan. 2002. Construction of a dead-end type
electron microscope indicated a sub-micron range micro- to R.O. membrane test cell and
of pore size which could be seen in micrographs performance test with the laboratory-made
with x10000. Some pore sizes could be seen with and commercial membranes.
average pore axis of 0.066 0.029 micron and Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. 24 (suppl.):
pore densities of 1.95 3.02 pores/micron2. Tannin 999 1007.
was easily filtered by the product membranes with Field, R.W. 1993. Transport Processes in
the efficiencies of 78.25% rejection by membrane Membrane Systems, In J.A.Howell, V.
CA620-70 and 100% rejection by membrane Sanchez and R.W. Field (eds.). Membranes
CA660-75. Protein BSA rejection was successfully in Bioprocessing: Theory and Applications.
separated by using all the product membranes at Chapman &Hall.
nearly 100 % rejection. Lowry, O.H., J. J. Rosebrough, A. L. Farr and R.
J. Randall. 1951. Protein measurement with
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT the folin phenol reagent. J. Biol. Chem. 193 :
This work has been partially supported by the 165-175.
National Nanotechnology Center (NANOTEC), Schols, P. and E. Smets. 2001. Carnoy: Analysis
NSTDA, Ministry of Science and Technology, software for LM, SEM and TEM images.
Thailand, through its program of Center of Leuven: distributed by the authors. http://
excellence network. The authors also wish to thank www.carnoy.org.
the Material Science Program, Membrane Science
and Technology Research Center and Graduate
School, Prince of Songkla University for
supporting facilities and funding.

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