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Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics

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Subramanian et al Journal of Drug Delivery & Therapeutics.

2019; 9(2):31-37

Available online on 15.03.2019 at http://jddtonline.info

Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics

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Open Access Research Article

Formulation and In-vitro evaluation of liposomal drug delivery system of
metformin HCl
*Subramanian L1, Anitha Rani M1, Rajasekaran T1, Ramanathan M2,1, Solairaj P1
1. Department of Pharmaceutics, Sankaralingam Bhuvaneswari College of Pharmacy, Sivakasi - 626130, Tamil Nadu, India.
2. Department of Pharmaceutics, Pannai College of Pharmacy, Dindigul - 624 005, Tamil Nadu, India.

Metformin is widely used for the treatment of diabetes; the intention of the present study was to formulate Metformin HCl liposomes for a
sustained drug delivery system. It have the advantages of dose reduction, less dosing frequency, minimize the side effect, prolong the action of
drug and thus achieve better patient compliance. The liposomes were prepared by physical dispersion and ether injection method. Soya lecithin
and cholesterol were used for encapsulating the drug, it facilitates to release the medicaments in sustained manner. Chloroform, ether and
methanol were used as a solvent. Phosphate buffer pH 6.8 was used as a hydration medium for loading the drug. The final liposome was
evaluated in various quality parameters of drug entrapment efficiency, morphological analysis, particle size analysis, in-vitro drug release studies
and stability studies. In the two methods of metformin liposome formulation the ether injection method showed prolonged action when
compared to physical dispersion method. In the parameters of drug entrapment and stability physical dispersion method was shows better
Keywords: Physical dispersion, ether injection, soya lecithin, cholesterol, morphological analysis, metformin.

Article Info: Received 13 Jan 2019; Review Completed 23 Feb 2019; Accepted 24 Feb 2019; Available online 15 March 2019
Cite this article as:
Subramanian L, Anitha Rani M, Rajasekaran T, Ramanathan M, Solairaj P, Formulation and In-vitro evaluation of liposomal
drug delivery system of metformin HCl , Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics. 2019; 9(2):31-37
*Address for Correspondence:
Subramanian L, Department of Pharmaceutics, Sankaralingam Bhuvaneswari College of Pharmacy, Sivakasi 626 130, Tamilnadu, India

INTRODUCTION species from natural sources (egg or soybean

phosphatidylcholine) give much more permeable and less
Novel Drug Delivery system (NDDS) is a combination of stable bilayers, whereas the saturated phospholipids with
advance technique of dosage form which are far better than long acyl chains (for example, dipalmitoylphosphatidyl
conventional dosage form1.The goal of NDDS is to provide a choline) form a rigid, rather impermeable bilayer structure5.
therapeutic amount of drug to the appropriate site in the
body to accomplish promptly and then maintain the desired It has been exhibited that phospholipids impulsively form
drug concentration2. NDDS is combining polymer science, closed structures when they are hydrated in aqueous
pharmaceutics and molecular biology3. solutions. Such vesicles which have one or more
phospholipid bilayer membranes can transport aqueous or
Liposomes are colloidal, vesicular structure composed of one lipid drugs, depending on the nature of those drugs. Because
or more bilayers surrounding an equal number of aqueous lipids are amphipathic (both hydrophobic and hydrophilic)
compartment4. Liposomes are small artificial vesicles of in aqueous media, their thermodynamic phase properties
spherical shape that can be created from cholesterol and and self-assembling characteristics influence entropically
natural nontoxic phospholipids. Due to their size and focused confiscation of their hydrophobic sections into
hydrophobic and hydrophilic character (besides spherical bilayers. Those layers are referred to as lamellae 6.
biocompatibility), liposomes are promising systems for drug Liposomes particle sizes ranges from 30 nm to several
delivery5. The sphere like shell encapsulated a liquid interior micrometers. They consist of one or more lipid bilayers
which contain substances such as peptides, protein, surrounding aqueous units, where the polar head groups are
hormones, enzymes, antibiotics, anti-fungal and anti-cancer oriented in the pathway of the interior and exterior aqueous
agents4. Liposome properties differ significantly with lipid phases7.
composition, surface charge, size, and the method of
preparation. Moreover, the choice of bilayer components MATERIALS AND METHODS
determines the ‘rigidity’ or ‘fluidity’ and the charge of the
bilayer. For instance, unsaturated phosphatidylcholine Metformin Hcl, Cholestral and Sodium hydroxide was
obtained from Reachem laboratory chemicals, Chennai.
ISSN: 2250-1177 [31] CODEN (USA): JDDTAO
Subramanian et al Journal of Drug Delivery & Therapeutics. 2019; 9(2):31-37

Chloroform and ether obtained from Rankem laboraties, disk. The disk was applied to the centre of the sample
Haryana. Soya lecithin received from the urban platter food holding device and scanned from 4,500 to 400 cm-1 using
co., Mumbai. Potassium di hydrogen phosphate purchased FT-IR spectrophotometer11.
from Merck specialities pvt. Ltd, Mumbai. All other chemicals
Formulation of liposomes loaded with Metformin
used were of analytical grade and were used without further
The formulation of liposomes loaded with Metformin HCl
Methodology was prepared by two different techniques namely, physical
Preparation of standard curve of Metformin HCl using dispersion method and ether injection method. In both the
pH 6.8 phosphate buffer8: techniques ratio of cholesterol was kept as same and the
lecithin concentration was increased as 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3.
Accurately weighed 100 mg metformin HCl was dissolved in
water and the volume was make up to 100 ml using distilled Physical dispersion method:
water in a volumetric flask to obtain a solution of 1000
Liposomes were prepared by physical dispersion method
µg/ml. From the above solution 10 ml was pipetted out into
using different ratio of soya lecithin and cholesterol was kept
a 100 ml volumetric flask and made up to 100 ml using
as constant. In this method the soya lecithin and cholesterol
phosphate buffer pH 6.8 to get a stock solution of 100 µg/ml.
were dissolved in chloroform. Then it was spread over flat
From this stock solution, aliquots of 0.2ml, 0.4ml, 0.6ml,
bottom conical flask and allowed to evaporate at room
0.8ml, 1.0ml, 1.2ml, 1.4ml, 1.6ml, 1.8 ml and 2.0ml were
temperature for overnight without disturbing the solution
pipetted out into a series of 10 ml volumetric flask and made
for a formation of lipid film. The drug was dissolved in
up to mark with phosphate buffer pH 6.8 to get a
phosphate buffer pH 6.8. It act as an aqueous medium. Then
concentration in the range of 2 to 20 µg/ml. The absorbance
the aqueous medium was added to the lipid film for
of the resulting solution was then measured at 233 nm using
hydration. For this the flask was inclined to one side and
UV Double beam spectrophotometer against phosphate
aqueous medium was introduced down the side of flask and
buffer pH 6.8 as blank. The standard curve was obtained by
flask was slowly returned to upright orientation. Then the
plotting concentration (µg/ml) values in X- axis and
conical flask was kept on water bath and the temperature
absorbance values in Y – axis.
was maintained at 37± 2ºC for 2 hours for the completion of
Preformulation studies hydration. The conical flask was gently shaken until the lipid
layer was removed from wall of conical flask and formation a
The objective of preformulation testing is to generate liposomes suspension. Then the formed liposomes
information useful to the formulation in developing stable suspension was stored at 4ºC for one day for the maturation
and bioavailable dosage forms. The use of preformulation of liposomes. The prepared liposome suspension was
parameters maximizes the chances in formulating an centrifuged at 15,000 rpm for 20 mins. Then the precipitate
acceptable, safe, efficacious and stable product9. was collected and diluted with distilled water for further
a) Solubility studies12. Different batches of liposomes were prepared as
per the general method described above and composition for
Solubility of Metformin Hcl in water, methanol, phosphate the preparation of liposomes is given in Table No. 1.
buffer pH 6.8 was determined at room temperature with the
help of magnetic stirrer. Ether injection method:

b) Melting Point Liposomes were prepared by ether injection method using

different ratio of soya lecithin and cholesterol was kept as
Melting point determination was done by using melting constant. In this method the cholesterol and soya lecithin
point apparatus. Small amount of pure drug of Metformin were dissolved in ether and methanol. The drug was
HCl was taken in a capillary tube and it was kept in the dissolved in phosphate buffer pH 6.8. It act as an aqueous
melting point apparatus and the melting point was noted 10. medium. The aqueous medium was heated to 60°C. The
c) Compatibility (Drug – excipients interaction) method involves injecting drop by drop of ether-lipid
studies: solutions into the above warmed aqueous medium. The
ether vaporizes upon contacting the aqueous phase, and the
FT-IR spectra were taken for the dried samples using FT-IR dispersed lipid forms primarily unilamellar liposomes. Then
8400S (Shimadzu, Japan) to determine the possible the product was collected and it was stored at 4°C for
interactions between the drug and polymers. The plain drug, maturation of liposome. Then prepared liposomal
lecithin, cholesterol and combination of drug with suspension was centrifuged at 15,000 rpm for 20 mins. The
cholesterol and lecithin in three different ratios (1:1, 1:2 and precipitate was diluted with distilled water for evaluation
1:3) were taken and mixed with KBr. studies13. Different batches of liposomes were prepared as
per the general method described above and composition for
The samples were compressed to form a pellet using a
the preparation of liposomes is given in Table No. 1.
hydraulic press. The prepared pellets were transformed into

Table 1: Formulation of Metformin HCl liposomes

S. No. Ingredients Physical dispersion method Ether injection method
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6
1. Cholesterol 100 mg 100 mg 100 mg 100 mg 100 mg 100 mg
2. Lecithin 100 mg 200 mg 300 mg 100 mg 200 mg 300 mg
3. Metformin HCl 10 gm 10 gm 10 gm 10 gm 10 gm 10 gm
4. Ether - - - 7 ml 7 ml 7 ml
5. Methanol - - - 3 ml 3 ml 3 ml
6 Chloroform 5 ml 5 ml 5 ml - - -
7. Phosphate buffer pH 6.8 50 ml 50 ml 50 ml 50 ml 50 ml 50 ml

ISSN: 2250-1177 [32] CODEN (USA): JDDTAO

Subramanian et al Journal of Drug Delivery & Therapeutics. 2019; 9(2):31-37

Evaluation of liposomes: Metformin HCl content at 233 nm with pH 6.8 as blank using
double beam UV double beam spectrophotometer16.
1. Determination of percentage drug entrapment
efficiency: 4. Particle size determination:
Drug entrapment efficiency was calculated by using The particle size determination is done by using Shimadzu
centrifugation method. 10 ml of liposome suspension was SALD – 2300 (WingSALD II: Version 3.1.1). Groups of
taken and centrifuged at 15,000 rpm for 20 mins. The particles are dispersed in a liquid medium and measured as
supernatant liquid was collected and suitably diluted. Then they are circulated between the flow cell, which is placed in
the absorbance was taken at 233 nm with the help of UV the measurement unit, and a dispersion bath in the sampler.
double beam spectrophotometer using pH 6.8 as a blank. The The dispersion bath incorporates a stirrer and an ultrasonic
drug entrapment efficiency was calculated from the sonicator. A pump delivers the dispersed suspension to the
following formula14. flow cell. The pump is specially designed to ensure both
liquid medium and the particles are circulated. It can be
Total entrapment efficiency = × 100 controlled from a computer. Organic solvents can be used as
dispersion media17.
2. Morphology analysis:
5. Stability studies:
The prepared Metformin HCl liposomes for all the
formulations were viewed under for observing the vesicle The behavior of the liposome to retain the drug was
formation and discreteness of dispersed vesicles. A slide was studied by storing the liposome at two different temperature
prepared by placing a drop of liposome dispersion on a glass conditions, i.e., 4ºC (refrigerator RF), 25°C±2ºC for a period
slide and cover slip was placed over it and this slide was of 1 month. The liposomal preparations were kept in sealed
viewed under optical microscope at 40X magnification. vials. At 30th day the samples were analyzed for the drug
Photographs were taken to prepared slides using digital content following the same method described in % drug
camera15. encapsulation efficiency and in vitro drug release. And also
the liposomes were studied for their morphology18.
3. In vitro drug release study:
The in vitro release for all the formulated Metformin HCl
liposomes were carried out for 8 hours in phosphate buffer Calibration of Metformin Hcl using phosphate buffer pH
pH 6.8. The studies were carried in USP dissolution 6.8:
apparatus II (Paddle) at 37ºC ± 0.5ºC and 50 rpm speed. 900
The Standard Calibration curves of metformin hydrochloride
ml of phosphate buffer pH 6.8 was used as a dissolution
were prepared by using phosphate buffer pH 6.8 and
medium. Equivalent to 100 mg of Metformin HCl liposome
absorbance were analyzed in 233nm. The correlation
was taken in a dissolution jar contains dissolution medium
coefficient was found to be 0.9994. The results indicate
and the paddle was rotated at 50 rpm. 1 ml of samples were
Metformin hydrochloride obeys the beer’s law within the
withdrawn at every 30 minutes up to 480 minutes and make
concentration range of (2-20µg/ml). Calibration plot of
up the sample to 10 ml with pH 6.8 buffer and analyzed for
metformin was shown in Table No. 2 and Figure 2.

Table 2: Calibration curve of Metformin

Standard curve of Metformin
Sl. No. Concentration Absorbance
(µg/ml) at 233 nm 1.5
1. 2 0.189

2. 4 0.370 1
3. 6 0.524 y = 0.0858x + 0.018
4. - 8 0.699 0.5 R² = 0.9994
5. 10 0.858
6. 12 1.055 0
7. 14 1.244 0 5 10 15 20
8. 16 1.394 Concentration in µg/ml
9. 18 1.568
10. 20 1.716 Figure 1: Calibration curve of Metformin

Preformulation studies c) Compatibility (Drug – excipients) studies

a) Solubility The FT – IR studies of pure Metformin HCl, cholesterol, soya
lecithin and combination of Metformin HCl, cholesterol and
The solubility of raw drug was determined by dissolving in
soya lecithin were conduct to study the interaction between
distilled water, methanol and phosphate buffer pH 6.8. The
the drug and excipients. FT- IR spectral analysis showed that
drug was found to be freely soluble in water, soluble in
the fundamental peaks and patterns of the spectra were
methanol and phosphate buffer p H 6.8.
similar both in pure drug and combination containing drug
b) Melting point and highest proportion of excipients. This indicated that
there was no chemical interaction between Metformin HCl
It was found to be 224ºC which was within the specification and the other excipients used in the formulations. The
range of standard. So it confirmed Metformin HCl present in spectral data’s are presented in Table 3-6 and spectral
raw material of drug. peaks were presented graphically in Figure 2-5.

ISSN: 2250-1177 [33] CODEN (USA): JDDTAO

Subramanian et al Journal of Drug Delivery & Therapeutics. 2019; 9(2):31-37

Table 3: FT – IR of pure Metformin

Wave length (cm-1) Functional group
3372 N-H stretching
1582 Amino N-H bending
1466 CH3 bending alkanes
1057 C-N Stretching
957 Alkene C-H bending

Figure 2: FT – IR of pure Metformin

Table 4: FT – IR of cholesterol
Wave length(cm-1) Functional group
3421 N-H stretching
1466 CH3 bending alkanes
1057 C-N Stretching
955 Alkene C-H bending

Figure 3: FT – IR of cholesterol

Table 5: FT – IR of lecithin
Wave length
Functional group
3379 N-H stretching
1620 Amino N-H bending
1464 CH3 bending alkanes
1104 C-N Stretching
864 Alkene C-H bending
Figure 4: FT – IR of lecithin

Table 7: FT – IR of combination of Metformin,

cholesterol and lecithin.
Wave length
Functional group
3372 N-H stretching
1582 Amino N-H bending
1466 CH3 bending alkanes
1057 C-N Stretching
957 Alkene C-H bending

Figure 8: IR of Metformin, cholesterol and lecithin

ISSN: 2250-1177 [34] CODEN (USA): JDDTAO

Subramanian et al Journal of Drug Delivery & Therapeutics. 2019; 9(2):31-37

Formulation of Metormin Hcl liposomes The percentage drug entrapment efficiency of formulations F
1, F 2 and F 3 were 86.60 %, 79.90 % and 73.10 %
The Metformin liposome was prepared by physical respectively and formulations F 4, F 5 and F 6 were 30.47%,
dispersion method and ether injection method using Soya
39.58% and 39.69% respectively. The results may specify
lecithin and cholesterol in different ratios as per formula
physical dispersion method have better drug entrapment
designed in Table 1. The F1 to F3 formulation prepared by
efficiency than ether injection method.
physical dispersion method, F4 to F6 formulation prepared
by ether injection method. Morphology analysis
Evaluaton of Metormin HCl Liposomes The morphology characters of liposomes were analyzed by
optical microscopy (Olympus Opto System, India) and the
Percentage drug entrapment efficiency
images were taken using digital camera. The formulation F 1
- F 6 microscopic images were showed in Figure No. 6 -11.

Figure 7: Microscopic image (45 Figure 8: Microscopic image

Figure 6: Microscopic image (45
X) of F 2 formulation (45x) of F 3 formulation
X) of F 1 formulation

Figure 9: Microscopic image(45x) Figure 10: Microscopic image Figure 11: Microscopic image
of F 4 formulation (45x) of F 5 formulation (45x) of F 6 formulation

Particle size analysis

The particle size analysis was carried out by malven particle In vitro drug release studies
size analyzer for all the prepared liposome formulations. The
The cumulative percentage drug release of formulations F 1,
particle size for all the formulated liposomes were found be
F 2 and F 3 were found to be 103.03±2.47, 91.92±2.72 and
in the range of 30.617 µm to 0.031µm as shown in Table No.
82.12±2.51 respectively in 8 hours. The formulation F 1
7. The particle size data showed that when the concentration
of soya lecithin was increased the particle size was shows faster release than formulations F 2 and F 3 due to the
lower concentration of soya lecithin. The cumulative
decreased invariably the Metformin HCl liposomes in
percentage drug release of formulations F 4 was found to be
prepared by both methods. The particle size of Metformin
100.58 ± 1.58 at the end of 7 hours. And the cumulative
HCl liposomes of F 3 and F 6 were found to be lower when
percentage drug release of formulations F 5 and F 6 were
compared with other formulations this may be due to higher
found to 85.06±1.73 and 81.39±1.12 respectively in 8 hours.
concentration of soya lecithin.
The formulation F 4 show faster release than formulations F
Table 7: Particle size range 5 and F 6. While the concentration of soya lecithin was
increasing it decrease the release of drug.
Sl. No. Formulations Particle size range
1. F1 30.617 – 1.563 µm The prepared liposomes F 1 to F 6 showed sustained release
2. F2 19.023 – 1.563 µm of drug. When increased ratios of soya lecithin also sustain
3. F3 0.071 -0.031µm the release of drug was increased in both methods of
4. F4 24.133 – 1.563 µm preparations. The Figure No. 12 and 13 shows the
5. F5 0.081 – 0.031 µm formulation F 1, F 2 and F 3 and F 4, F 5 and F 6 respectively
6. F6 0.071 -0.031µm in 8 hours.

ISSN: 2250-1177 [35] CODEN (USA): JDDTAO

Subramanian et al Journal of Drug Delivery & Therapeutics. 2019; 9(2):31-37

In vitro drug release of

110 Metformin Hcl liposomes

Cumulative percentage drug

release 60
20 F1 F2 F3
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 480
Time in mins

Figure 12: Comparative cumulative percentage drug release of Metformin HCl liposome formulations of F 1, F 2 and F 3

120 In vitro drug release of
110 Metormin Hcl liposomes
Cumulative percentage drug


20 F4 F 5 F6
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 480
Time in mins

Figure 13: Comparative cumulative percentage drug release of Metformin HCl liposome formulations of F 4, F 5 and F 6

Stability Studies condition of 25°C±2°C, all the formulations of Metformin HCl

liposomes were unstable. In addition, the result of drug
All the formulations of Metformin HCl liposomes were
entrapment studies showed higher leakage at higher
relatively stable at 4ºC storage condition. The drug leakage
temperature. This may be due the higher fluidity of lipid
percent amounts of original entrapped in liposomes were
bilayer at higher temperature, resulting into higher drug
very small and the amount retained in vesicle had no
leakage. The drug entrapment results were shown in table
significant difference after one month as compared to the
no. 8.
amount immediately after preparation. But at the storage

Table 8: Stability study of percentage drug entrapment of Metformin HCl liposomes compared with percentage drug
entrapment of immediately after preparation.
Formulations Immediately after After one month
Sl. No.
code preparation (%) At 4°C At 25°C±2ºC
1. F1 86.60 85.92% 76.87%
2. F2 79.90 % 77.99% 70.98%
3. F3 73.10 % 72.08% 66.89%
4. F4 30.47% 29.35% 24.89%
5. F5 39.58% 38.44% 35.39%
6. F6 39.69% 38.36% 36.69%

The morphological characters of Metformin HCl liposomes After one month, Metformin HCl liposomes formulations F 1
for F 1 – F 4 didn’t show any characteristic changes after it to F 6 were showed difference in in vitro drug release profile.
was stored at 4ºC and 25ºC±2ºC for a period of one month. F Dissolution rate was decreased in all Metformin HCl
5 and F 6 formulations were showed slightly reduced in the liposomes formulations at both storage conditions like 4°C
size after it was stored at 25ºC±2ºC for a period of one and 25ºC±2ºC. The results of in vitro drug release of all the
month but there was no changes for the same formulation formulations at both storage conditions were compared with
when it was stored at 4ºC. Microscopic images of all the before and after stability studies and the results were shown
formulations (F 1 – F 6) of Metformin HCl liposomes were in Table No. 9.
compared with before and after stability studies. The results
show there no significant changes.
ISSN: 2250-1177 [36] CODEN (USA): JDDTAO
Subramanian et al Journal of Drug Delivery & Therapeutics. 2019; 9(2):31-37

Table 9: In vitro drug release of Metformin liposome formulations after stability study, compared with before stability
Formulation Immediately after After stability study
Sl. No.
code preparation At 4°C At 25ºC±2ºC
1. F1 103.03±2.47 91.81 73.38
2. F2 91.92±2.72 86.77 68.26
3. F3 82.12±2.51 77.91 64.37
4. F4 100.58±1.12 91.74 87.41
5. F5 85.06±1.73 78.81 61.81
6. F6 79.05±1.03 73.98 63.32

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