Audit of Psus: Six Years Age of 65 Years Earlier
Audit of Psus: Six Years Age of 65 Years Earlier
Audit of Psus: Six Years Age of 65 Years Earlier
C&AG shall hold office for a term of six years or upto the age of 65 years, whichever is earlier
Three Committees:
Auditor: Its SAI (Supreme Audit Institution) , India [SAI= C&AG + Indian Audit & Accounts
Dept(IAAD) ]
(a) Regularity- adherence of the subject matter to the formal criteria emanating from relevant laws,
regulations and agreements applicable to the entity.
(b) Propriety- observance of the general principles governing sound financial management and the
ethical conduct of public officials.
Performance Audit
A performance audit is an objective and systematic examination of evidence for the purpose of
providing an independent assessment of the performance of a government organization, program,
activity, or function in order to provide information to improve public accountability and facilitate
decision-making by parties with responsibility to oversee or initiate corrective action.
(i) Economy: Minimize cost of resources used for an activity, having regard to qty, quality and
best price.
(ii) Efficiency: Input-output ratio. Max output with min input. Or min input for given quality & qty
of output
Following to be checked:
Ø Sound procurement policies
Ø Resources are protected & maintained
Ø Efficient utilisation of physical, financial & HR
Ø Public sector prog/entities/ activities efficiently managed
Ø Objectives met cost effectively
By: Shubham Keswani
(iii) Effectiveness: Extent to which objectives achieved & relation b/w intended & actual impact
of activity
Ø Objectives & means provided (legal, financial etc) for public sector prog. Consistent with
Ø Extent to which results achieved
Ø Assess & establish with evidence that social & economic impact due to policy or other
Ø Identify factors inhibiting satisfactory performance
Ø Assess compliance with laws & regulations
Ø Assess effectiveness of prog or individual components
Ø Overall cost of capital compared with approved planned cost? Is there a substantial increase? If
yes any extravagance or unnecessary expenditure?
Ø Accepted prodn or output achieved? Underutilisation of installed capacity or shortfall in
Ø Planned rate of return achieved?
Ø System of project formulation and implementation sound?
Ø Are cost control measures adequate?
Ø Does enterprise have R&D program?
Ø Does enterprise have adequate system of R&M
Propriety Audit
Verification of transaction under test of public propriety, commonly accepted customs, & stds of
Principles of Propriety
Ø Expenditure not prima facie more than what occasion demands + sufficient vigilance by officers
Ø Authority utilising power to sanction expenditure not accruing to its own benefit
Ø Funds not to be utilised to benefit particular person(s)
Ø Apart from agreed remuneration & reward no other avenue benefit indirectly mgt person,
employee or others
Thank You