Elechelpereducation 2-1
Elechelpereducation 2-1
Elechelpereducation 2-1
The information in this application packet is to assist you in completing your application.
It is recommended that you review applicable laws and rules for further guidance.
Title 10, Chapter 901: Department of Professional and Financial Regulation:
Your application has a greater chance of being processed expeditiously if it is complete and
all supporting documents are included. To ensure that The Electricians’ Examining Board
received your application please visit our website at
https://www.pfr.maine.gov/almsonline/almsquery/welcome.aspx?board=4220. After your
application has been received your name will appear when you complete a “licensee search”
on your name as you entered it on your application. The status will appear as “Pending.”
This is not an actual license approval at this point; it is simply a verification that an application
has been received and is in the queue for review. When a license is issued the status will
change from pending to active.
Please refrain from calling our office to “check” on your application as these calls only
serve to slow our ability to review and process applications.
State of Maine, Department of Professional & Financial Regulation, Office of Professional & Occupational Regulation
Mailing Address: 35 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333 Courier/Delivery address: 76 Northern Avenue, Gardiner, Maine 04345
Phone: (207) 624-8603 HPDLOHOHFWULFLDQERDUG#PDLQHJRY Maine Relay 711 (tty) web: www.maine.gov/professionallicensing
• Where do I send my application? Our mailing address is 35 State House Station, Augusta, Maine
• Can I come to Gardiner to drop off my application? Yes. You will not leave with a license,
• Can I come to Gardiner to pick up my license? No. Your license will be Hmailed to you.
• How long does it take to process an application? You can check our website:
www.maine.gov/professionallicensing. Your license will show up as PENDING at first; as soon as
your status is ACTIVE you are authorized to practice.
BACKGROUND CHECK: Pursuant to 5 M.R.S.A. §5301 - 5303, the State of Maine is granted the authority to take into consideration an
applicant’s criminal history record. The Office of Professional & Occupational Regulation requires a criminal history records check as part
of the application process for all applicants.
PUBLIC RECORD: This application is a public record for purposes of the Maine Freedom of Access Law (1 MRSA §401 et seq). Public
records must be made available to any person upon request. This application for licensure is a public record and information supplied as
part of the application (other than social security number and credit card information) is public information. Other licensing records to which
this information may later be transferred will also be considered public records. Names, license numbers and mailing addresses listed on
or submitted as part of this application will be available to the public and may be posted on our website.
SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: The following statement is made pursuant to the Privacy Act of 1974 (§7(B)). Disclosure of your Social
Security Number Is mandatory. Solicitation of your Social Security Number is solely for tax administration purposes, pursuant to 35 MRSA
§175 as authorized by the Tax Reform Act of 1975 (42 USC §405(C)(2)(C)(1)). Your Social Security Number will be disclosed to the State
Tax Assessor or an authorized agent for use in determining filing obligations and tax liability pursuant to Title 36 of the Maine Revised
Statutes. No further use will be made of your Social Security Number and it shall be treated as confidential tax information pursuant to 36
State of Maine Date Received
Department of Professional & Financial Regulation
Office of Professional & Occupational Regulation
Has any jurisdiction taken disciplinary action against any professional license you hold or have held,
or denied your application for licensure? (circle one) NO YES
If yes, enclose a detailed explanation and copies of all documents.
By my signature, I hereby certify that the information provided on this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and
belief. By submitting this application, I affirm that the Office of Professional & Occupational Regulation will rely upon this information for
issuance of my license and that this information is truthful and factual. I also understand that sanctions may be imposed including denial,
fines, suspension or revocation of my license if this information is found to be false.
FEE: $0
Lic. #HPE_________________
Have you ever held any type of Electrician’s license in this state? ƑYes Ƒ No
If yes, please specify type of license, license number and when license was issued.
Name of School:
Mailing Address: