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Rest System - Revised

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Rest System: Revised

Problems with Rest DC Rest System

Whether it’s taking an hr just to catch your breath or being This section covers my changes to the rest system which create
able to sleep off an attack that nearly cleaved your soul from opportunities for meaningful roleplay, and maintain story
your body, the mechanics of a Short Rest and Long Rest have tension and pacing. With each rest system presented, there are
never felt quite right. Below are some of the issues I have with also variant resting options, DC Tips, and breakdowns that
the current rest system. give you knobs you can use to customize these resting options
to suit the kind of gameplay you want to run at your table.

Short Rest Feel free to increase or decrease the number of different

kinds of rests the party can take in a 24hr period, or change
Not So Short Rest: A Short Rest is intended to be a short period the resources the party recovers when completing certain
of time where you can take a break to regroup on strategy, rests. You could allow the party to regain a small portion of
spend Hit Dice to recover HP, or regain spent resources (Ki expended spell slots, Sorcery Points, or magic item charges
Points, Pact Magic, etc.). However, it wouldn't realistically when they complete a Short Rest.
(even in fantasy) require a full hr to catch your breath and
patch up some wounds. This can usually be accomplished
with a shorter 10min rest. Taking a 10min break in the middle Activities
of a hostile environment is more believable than taking 1 No Activity: Sleeping, meditating, or contemplating while idle.
uninterrupted hr of rest.
Light Activity: Non-strenuous activity that requires little
Solution: Make a Short Rest 10mins. effort, such as talking, reading, eating, bandaging wounds,
and standing watch.
Long Rest Strenuous Activity: Any activity that requires physical
exertion, such as traveling, foraging, exercising, training, or
Magic Reset Button: A Long Rest is intended to be a full
casting spells.
night’s rest to recover your energy from one day to another.
It involves sleeping, and may include light activities such as Dangerous Activity: Any activity that causes extreme injury or
reading, eating, or dressing. However, a Long Rest causes a stress, such as engaging in combat with a hostile creature.
character to recover from grevious wounds and near death
experiences as if healed by powerful magic - something a one
night’s rest shouldn’t be able to undo. Since a Long Rest is so Short Rest
powerful, players will often attempt a Long Rest in the most Short Rest: A period of No Activity or Light Activity and
unlikely of places, such as at the doorstep of a boss monster. A at least 10mins long. You can spend 1 or more Hit Dice, up
well timed Long Rest can dissolve any tension in a story and to your maximum, at the end of a Short Rest. For each Hit
trivialize most adventuring days. Die spent in this way, roll the die and add your Constitution
Solution: Long Rests no longer grant a complete recovery of modifier to the result. You regain HP equal to the total
all HP. Instead, an even longer rest can be taken that fully (minimum of 0). You can decide to spend an additional Hit
restores your character. Die after each roll. You can take 2 Short Rests per 24hr period.
Solitary Watch: Another challenge with a Long Rest is that DC Tip: There’s also a Variant Rule on Death Save failures
it requires 6hrs of sleep and another 2hrs of light activity NOT resetting until you take a Long Rest. This is a very simple
such as standing watch (8hrs total). On paper this looks fine, way to make those Death Saves matter and to have PC’s be
but in order to take a Long Rest outside of a place of safety, worried if they get any.
the party must take watch rotations in order to ensure they
aren't surprise attacked while sleeping (which can completely
kill the entire party). This usually means 4 characters will
break up the 8hrs into 4 shifts of 2hrs each, which means
each character will be standing watch alone without an
opportunity for downtime or roleplay. This is a huge missed
opportunity for character conversation and roleplay at the
end of an adventuring day.
Solution: Break up a Long Rest into fewer watches so party
members can be paired up to create opportunities for


Variant Rule: Quick Rest Long Rest
In this alternative rest system, a Short Rest remains unchanged
Long Rest: A period of 4hrs of Light Activity and 4hrs of
from its original design, at 1hr long. Additionally, a Quick
No Activity, taken in either order, for a total of 8hrs of
Rest is introduced to offer the 10min rest period that allows
downtime. If one of the 4hr periods is interrupted by any
characters to expend Hit Dice to regain HP. The benefit
amount of Strenuous Activity you must begin that 4hr
of this alternative rule is that abilities that recharge upon
period again.
completing a Short Rest won’t be affected by taking a 10min
rest. Ki Points, Pact Magic, and other abilities will still require At any point during a Long Rest, you can spend Hit Dice
taking a 1hr Short Rest to recharge, but characters that only following the same rules as a Short Rest. At the end of the first
need to spend Hit Dice to regain HP can do so by taking a 4hr period of the rest, you gain the benefits of a Short Rest
10min Quick Rest. and regain a number of spent Hit Dice equal to half your total
number of them (minimum of 1 die). At the end of the second
4hr period of the rest, you gain the full benefits of completing
Quick Rest: A period of Light Activity at least 10mins long.
the Long Rest. You can take 1 Long Rest per 24hr period.
You can spend a number of Hit Dice up to your prof. bonus
at the end of a Quick Rest, not to exceed your maximum. If you have any levels of Exhaustion, you can spend both 4hr
For each Hit Die spent in this way, roll the die and add your periods doing No Activity to lose 1 level of Exhaustion.
Constitution modifier to the result. You regain HP equal Alternatively, you can choose to spend both 4hr periods
to the total (minimum of 0). You can decide to spend an performing Light Activity, however if you do, you must
additional Hit Die after each roll. You can take 1 Quick Rest make a DC 10 Constitution Check. Failure: You gain 1 level
per 24hr period. of Exhaustion. Each subsequent Long Rest you take in this
way causes the DC to increase by 5. Taking a Full Rest resets
the DC to 10.
Short Rest: A period of No Activity or Light Activity at
least 1hr long. You can spend 1 or more Hit Dice, up to your
maximum, at the end of a Short Rest. For each Hit Die spent
in this way, roll the die and add your Constitution modifier to
the result. You regain HP equal to the total (minimum of 0).
You can decide to spend an additional Hit Die after each roll.
You can take 2 Short Rests per 24hr period.

DC Tip: This can still lead to the issue of certain players

pushing for a longer “1hr rest” to get those abilities back,
DC Tip: The first and second 4hr periods of a Long Rest
but I offer this as a variant for those who want to limit the
can be broken up into 2 watch groups. Party members can
characters that might be “too strong” if you give them those
volunteer for 1 of the 2 watches and spend time role playing
cooldowns back too easily. I personally would just modify
with the other party members that share their watch.
those abilities to maybe have warlocks get HALF their spell
This is a great opportunity to role play how the events of
slots back, or monks get HALF their Ki points back on these
the adventuring day effected their characters, or how an
quicker 10min Short Rests.
impending mission, quest, or danger weighs on them.


Variant Rule: Half Rest Full Rest
This variant resting option allows you to take a 4hr rest called
Full Rest: A 24hr or longer period (determined by the GM
a Half Rest, which is equivalent to half the time of an 8hr Long
based on the pacing of the story). It must be spent in an area
rest. Taking a Half Rest may be more favorable than a Long
of safety, such as an inn, where you can eat well, rest, and
Rest when you don’t have the opportunity to take 8hrs of rest,
recover. If the Full Rest is interrupted by any amount of
but need more than the benefits a Short Rest can offer.
Dangerous Activity you must begin it again.
Half Rest: A 4hr period of Light Activity or No Activity. If
At the end of a Full Rest, you gain the benefits of a Long Rest,
the rest is interrupted by any amount of Strenuous Activity
lose all levels of Exhaustion, you regain all spent Hit Dice,
you must begin it again. When you complete a Half Rest you
your maximum HP is restored, you regain all lost HP, and you
also gain the benefits of a Short Rest. If the entire rest is spent
gain one or more of the following benefits (determined by the
performing Light Activity, you regain a number of spent Hit
GM) for the next 24 hrs:
Dice equal to half your total (minimum of 1 die). If the entire
rest is spent performing No Activity, you recover a number • Gain Temp HP equal to twice your prof. bonus.
of expended spell slots with a combined level that is equal to • Gain Temp HP equal to your level.
or less than half your level, but none of the slots can be 6th- • Gain Temp HP equal to twice your level.
level or higher. You can take 2 Half Rests per 24hr period. If • Gain ADV on Str, Dex, and Con Saves.
you take a Half Rest, you can’t benefit from a Long Rest in the • Gain ADV on Int, Wis, and Cha Saves.
same 24hr period. • Gain ADV on all Saves.
• Benefits last for an additional 24hrs.
Example: A 4th-level cleric can recover up to 2 levels worth
of spell slots: either one 2nd-level or two 1st-level spell slots. DC Tip: If a Full Rest is interrupted by Dangerous Activity,
feel free to award the party with the benefits of the Full Rest
DC Tip: I used the exact rules from the Wizard's Arcane if you feel the amount of time they’ve spent resting warrants
Recovery feature, and it worked perfectly. But wait, what the reward. For example, if the party has been resting for 2
about Wizards!? That's their ability, and won't they feel less days into what was planned to be a 5 day Full Rest period, and
unique if everyone gets it?? This is one of the more significant combat ensues, a partial or complete reward of the Full Rest
complaints I get in the comments about certain homebrews. benefits would be perfectly acceptable.
My response is that I would either not use this or tweak it if
there was a wizard in the group. Since none of the players
in that group were wizards, then it didn't matter! Steal from
other class mechanics that aren't represented in your group. Resting in Dangerous Locations
If you add in a new character (or there’s a death and bring in Shorter Rests: The DC Rest System also helps address the
a new one) you can always re-evaluate the rules you are using challenge GMs may face when the party decides to attempt
then and make tweaks accordingly. Keep things like that in a Long Rest in an area of danger, such as inside a villain’s
mind when selecting which homebrew rules your group uses! dungeon. The new 10min Short Rest (or Quick Rest) better
allows the party to rest for just a few minutes and regain some
health, without giving their enemies an hour of preparation
Variant Rule: Max Hit Dice Healing for the next encounter. However, if the party really wants to
When spending your Hit Die during a Long Rest you heal for attempt an 8hr Long Rest in the middle of a dungeon, they
the maximum amount on the die. So a d10 would always heal can at least break it up into two 4hr windows (or a Half
you for (10 + Constitution modifier). This both speeds up the Rest for one 4hr window), which will allow them to benefit
time it takes to perform a Short Rest, and gives back a little from a partial rest in the (very likely) event they are attacked
more healing potential since you don't let them get a FULL during the rest.
heal from a Long Rest, which lets them have some guaranteed
Enemy Attacks: It is a lot easier to navigate what happens
healing when resting in this way. You could also expand this
if a rest gets interrupted with this system. If the first section
“Max Hit Dice Healing” to Short Rests as well.
of 4hrs gets interrupted with combat then you would start
from 0 and still need 8hrs. If the second section of 4hrs gets
Variant Rule: Max Hit Dice Recovery interrupted then you only need to restart the last 4hrs. It is
In the same way as above you might want to let your players also clearly outlined what you get back at what times, AND
recharge ALL of their Hit Dice during a Long Rest since they there is something you get at the halfway point so you don't
no longer get the benefits of a full heal back up to their max feel like it was all a waste. These 2 halves of the rest are also
HP. This can be very wearing on the party (which is the point a great way for you to let your players know that if they
though), you could give half of the hit dice back after the first rest inside dangerous locations you will be making random
4hrs and the other half back on the second 4hrs. They still encounter checks at each of the 4hr increments. This might
have to ROLL to get the health back, but this just gives them be enough to discourage your players from resting at times
their hit dice back easier. or locations you don't want them too, and is just another tool
you have control over.


DC Tip: You can also just hand wave this if it’s not a big part Variant Rule: Extended Adventures
of the pacing or vibe that you are going for. You could just If you are out adventuring for a certain period of time (again,
describe that they all settle back down after the interruption, GM chosen) then you can make them FEEL this “wear and tear”
a few more hrs pass, and they all finish their Long Rest. You
on their bodies by having them make a Con Save at the end
don’t always have to be hard core with the rules, if that’s not
the main focus. On the other hand, if you are really wanting of each Long Rest. Failure: They gain a level of Exhaustion.
to make them sweat and feel drained, I have kept interrupting Make sure to give them a heads up on this or make it something
the party at EVERY night’s watch. Especially if they are in a they know about beforehand. If my players are about to head
place that makes no sense to try and rest in. out into some dangerous type of terrain, I might say “You all
have about 7 days before you’d need to get back to town and
take a full rest. After 7 days you’ll be making Con Saves for
Why Use Full Rest? Exhaustion each day from the brutal elements of this terrain”.
Full Rests should be viewed as “downtime” whether it’s just This is just one more tool or incentive to add pressure and
for a day, a week, a month, or more. There is a WIDE variety stakes to their travels and have time MATTER.
of circumstances when you would “require” the group to take
them, and some are listed off below. It is up to you as the Variant Rule: Hit Dice Erosion
GM to decide what would make sense for the pacing of the This is more of a tool than a variant rule. You can implement
story and make sure to weave these in every now and then for mechanics in your world that temporarily reduce the
players to have downtime moments. maximum amount of Hit Dice a character has. This is similar
to Exhaustion but instead targets their vitality instead of their
How Long? rolls. I have used this during long stretches of travel to have
The answer is usually just a “few days”. Once my players come their failed checks lower their Hit Dice pool, representing the
back to town after an adventure I just simply say, “You all can party being worn down from the travel.
take a few days here to get a Full Rest, what do you do?” I also This doesn’t have to just be from travel. You can also have
could say things like, “To be fully rested you’d need to take monsters with abilities that reduce their Hit Dice maximum,
some downtime here for 1wk.” This gives them an incentive making the adventure scarier over time as the pool keeps
to take the Full Rest time that you have allotted or choose to being lowered. Healing gained from the Hit Dice still works
go right back out into something else. Play around with this in the same way but you just have less of them to use until you
choice but also make sure you aren’t running your party into take a Long Rest… or even a Full Rest.
the ground with adventure after adventure, give them some
time to recover and let time pass to accomplish things that DC Tip: You as the GM have control on what would be
tend to take longer, either as a group or individually. considered a Full Rest. I have had creative players want to
sacrifice an entire day's worth of travel to set up camp and
get a Full Rest. There have also been times where I shoot this
What Things Affect Full Rests? type of thing down if it doesn't make sense or I want things to
• What is the pacing of the story? be more punishing. You can also insert “rest stops” or other
• Is there something pressing that needs to be handled? small towns or “safe places” to let your players recover if you
• Can the plot wait, so your characters can enjoy some leisure don't want to force them to return back to a city.
• How big of a fight were they just in?
• How long was the fight? Homebrew Disclaimer
• How draining was it? You might have to make tweaks based on what your Short
• What kind of players do you have? Rests give to your characters. If you think that some things
would be too powerful… then adjust as needed. For instance,
Full Rest Buffs warlocks get back most of their abilities on a Short Rest, and
There are many options that give incentive and cool rewards some have thought this would be “broken”. Personally, I feel
towards Full Rests. Temp HP is one way of doing it but here like this makes warlocks feel WAY better to play and I haven’t
are some other ideas: seen them become overpowered from getting their TWO
spell slots back any easier. Don't be afraid to change what an
• Abilities or magic items that only recharge on a Full Rest. ability’s cooldown rests are. You can change an ability from
• ADV on saves of some kind for a number of days after they resetting on a Short Rest to resetting on a Long Rest, or from
complete their Long Rest (this works similar to Heroes’ Long Rest to a Full Rest.
• Give them points that they can spend on things like skill, These rules are not set in stone. They should be adjusted to
tool, or language proficiencies (this would need to be fit your style of play and the composition of your party. Want
another system to build out based on what things you’d magic to feel less common? Reduce the number of slots you
want them to have). can recover on a Long Rest. Want to have Exhaustion play
• Give them rewards from the things they accomplish during a more significant role in your campaign? Have the Full Rest
the Full Rest and THAT would be their “reward”. only recover 1 point of Exhaustion per x number of days. Use
these rules as a starting point and build your setting around
the atmosphere that you want it to have.



Activities Long Rest (LR)

No Activity: Sleeping, meditating, or contemplating while idle. Duration: 4hrs of No Activity and 4hrs of Light Activity
Light Activity: Non-strenuous activity that requires little Benefits: Spend Hit Dice
effort, such as talking, reading, eating, bandaging wounds, • First 4hrs: Regain 1/2 your Hit Dice Pool
and standing watch. • Second 4hrs: Regain all spell slots and all other Long Rest
Strenuous Activity: Any activity that requires physical cooldowns
exertion, such as traveling, foraging, exercising, training, Limits: Maximum 1 LR per 24hr period, must have No
or casting spells. Activity for 8hrs to reduce Exhaustion level by 1
Dangerous Activity: Any activity that causes extreme injury
or stress, such as engaging in combat with a hostile creature.

Short Rest (SR)

Full Rest Duration: 10mins of No Activity or Light Activity
Benefis: Spend Hit Dice and gain back Short Rest cooldowns
Duration: 24hrs to 1wk (GM discretion)
Limits: Maximum 2 SR per 24hr period.
Benefits: Regain all Hit Dice, recover all spell slots, recover
from all points of Exhaustion, and gain Full Rest boon.
Limits: Must be done in a place of safety, usually in a bed.


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