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Dark Alleys & Twisted Paths (13th Age)

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Dark Alleys &

Twisted Paths
A fantasy roleplaying supplement
by Martin Killmann
compatible with the 13th Age Roleplaying Game
Dark Alleys & Twisted
A fantasy roleplaying supplement
by Martin Killmann
compatible with the 13th Age
Roleplaying Game

Fighter 117
New Rules, Clarifications
& Variants 4 Monk 125
Races 9 Necromancer 137
New Feats 15 Occultist 149
Barbarian 22 Paladin 158
Bard 27 Ranger 167
Chaos Mage 38 Rogue 174
Cleric 50 Sorcerer 183
Commander 75 Wizard 211
Druid 83 Novice Tier 237
Magic Items 242

Design: Martin Killmann
Playtesters: Aaron Freed, Adam Corrin, Albin Nilsson, Alexander W. Corrin, André Luis Soares, Andrew Jones,
Anthony Baker, Ashten Fransioli, Austin McPherson, Cail Musick-Slater, Cassandra Hon, Christopher Fransioli, Clark
Olson-Smith, Christopher LaHaise, Dan Zelitch, Daniel Midkiff, David Beggs, Dax Thomas, Dick McGee, Douglas
Murray, Eddie Deyo, Erick Cannes, Graham Gass, Igor Mendonça, James Grieves, Jean-Antoine Maro, Jon Baker, Jon
Voris, Kirk Leeson, Liron Afriat, Luke Basu, Mara Ledda, masterrille, Matthew S., Maximilian Schmücker, Michael
Mazur, Nadir Habib, Patricia Baker, Riley Harder, Rodrigo Lucas Pires, Sean H., Stephen Faure, Timothy Baker, Veli
Myllylä, Vicente Marques, Zen Dragon
Artists: Tamás Patkós, Vladimir Kiselev, Rhys Griffiths, Albin Nilsson, Maximilian Schmücker, James Shields, Ican
Layout Design: Nathan D. Paoletta
Compatibility with the 13th Age Roleplaying Game requires the 13th Age Roleplaying Game from Fire Opal Media Inc.
and Pelgrane Press Ltd. See 13thAge.com for more information on the 13th Age Roleplaying Game. Fire Opal Media
Inc. does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product.
Class icons sourced from game-icons.net. The following incorporate icons provided under the CC-BY 3.0 license
(original creator in parenthesis): Barbarian, Monk (Delapouite); Bard, Chaos Mage, Cleric, Commander, Druid, Fighter,
Occultist, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Wizard (Lorc); Necromancer (Skoll)
Dear friends,
This book has been a long time in the making. Even before 13th Age was released, still during the playtest, I have been
collecting ideas and creating ways to expand character options. Since then I’ve had many conversations and playtest
sessions with members of the community, who have provided insight, feedback, and more ideas. Some of them are
listed below. I hope I didn’t forget anyone, but if I did I offer my apologies.
I hope the book your holding in your hands will inspire you to make new, fun characters, and enjoy this amazing
game even more.

Have fun!
New Rules, Clarifications
& Variants
New Keywords Cycle Bonus
This is a monk-specific keyword. You gain a cycle bonus
This book introduces a few new keywords that are used for the duration of your current attack progression, that
with the new talents and powers. While they are new to is, for your opening, flow, and finishing attack, until the
13th Age, you may already be familiar with them from start of your next turn after using a finishing attack. It also
other roleplaying games. ends if anything breaks the current attack progression,
Advantage / Disadvantage such as the end of the battle, when you don’t attack for a
round, or when you start a new progression by using an
When you have “advantage” on a d20 roll, roll twice and
opening attack.
choose the higher result. Only the higher roll counts for
things like natural even / odd roll. Exploding Dice
When you have “disadvantage” on a d20 roll, roll twice An “exploding” die means that if you roll the highest
and choose the lower result instead. Only the lower roll number, say 6 on a d6, you add it to the total, then roll it
counts for things like natural even / odd roll. again and add that too. If that result is also the maximum,
As in other RPGs you may be familiar with, advantage add and roll again, and so on.
and disadvantage are binary, either you have them or
you don’t. Advantage / disadvantage from multiple Prone (Condition)
sources doesn’t stack. If you have both advantage and When you are prone, you are down on the floor, off bal-
disadvantage, they cancel each other out. ance, or have otherwise left yourself open to attacks.
If you use the advantage and disadvantage keywords Enemy melee attacks have advantage against you until
in your game, you can treat any “roll twice and take the you spend a move action to stand up or regain a defensive
better result” in other 13th Age publications as advantage, posture.
even if the rules do not use that keyword. Examples where Unlike other conditions, there is no save against being
13th Age already uses an advantage mechanic include prone.
Barbarian Rage, the human racial power, the Infernal
Heritage sorcerer talent, and the Champion of Three Increasing Dice by One Step
Worlds monk talent. When an ability asks you increase or decrease dice by one
step, use the table below
Cloud Spells 2d12 Highest
Cloud spells create a fog in the nearby area. These spells
usually attack a number of nearby enemies and have some 2d10 ⬆
effect on allies engaged with these targets.
After the fog is created, non-engaged creatures can 2d8 ⬆
move out of it as a move action. Engaged creatures must
succeed at a disengage check to do so. 2d6 ⬆
At the start of your next turn after casting the spell,
make a normal save (11+) to check whether the cloud d12 ⬆
persists. This is not an action. If it persists, any target that
was hit and is still in the cloud suffers the effect again, and d10 ⬆
you make another save at the start of the following turn. If
the save fails, the spell ends. d8 ⬆
At the GM’s discretion, clouds move naturally with the
terrain. They will roll down slopes and disperse in strong d6 ⬆
d4 ⬆
d3 ⬆
d2 ⬆

Rules Clarifications
Rules Doubling Double Damage
Clarifications (Reminder)
As stated in the Core Book, if you double your damage
Melee / Ranged Attack Spells from two different sources, such as scoring a critical hit
A number of spells in this book are listed as a “melee with a sorcerer spell that was empowered with Gather
attack” or “ranged attack” type, such as Toxic Steel on the Power, you triple the damage in total. If you manage to
necromancer list or Exalted Shot of the Archery cleric double your triple damage, bump it up to quadruple,
domain. These spells count as both spells AND melee / and so on. In other words, each doubling adds the initial
ranged attacks. If something affects spells, such as the amount of damage again.
necromancer’s Wasting Away class feature, it applies to
it, and if something affects melee / ranged attacks, like
Doubling Ongoing Damage
the occultist’s Fateful Confrontation spell, it also applies. When you deal double damage with an ongoing dam-
Both an implement and true magic item weapon can give age effect, for example casting Breath of the Green with
a bonus to attack and damage with the spell, but if you Gather Power, the ongoing damage is doubled the first
have both, only the higher bonus applies. time it is dealt, but not on subsequent rounds, if any.
Note that the Core Book only specifies this ruling for
Save Penalty Stacking Gather Power, not other sources of double damage.
(Variant Rule) To keep the rules consistent, it is recommended that the
A number of talents and feats in this book allow player GM applies this ruling to all doubled damage, including
characters to increase the difficulty of saves against the critical hits. As an alternative rule, the GM can also
effects of their spells and powers. This can lead to an choose to always or never double ongoing damage.
unwanted effect where penalties are stacked to the point
where enemies cannot resist these powers anymore. To One summoning spell at a time: Each spellcaster can
prevent this from happening, I recommend using a vari- have only a single summoning spell active at a time. If all
ant rule that a save with a natural roll of 18+ always suc- the creatures from an earlier summoning spell have been
ceeds, regardless of how high the difficulty was stacked. slain or dismissed, you’re free to cast another.
Halfway there, fewer hit points, no nastier specials:
Summoning Rules Summoned versions of a creature either have their own
Summoning spells allow you to summon a creature to stat block, with balance changes from the “standard”
fight for you on the battlefield. Now, with five different version of the creature, or they reference a stat block in
sets of summoning rules in 13th Age at the time of this the Bestiary or a similar source. Summoned creatures
writing, this requires some clarification. All summoning from the Bestiary will usually have fewer hit points as
spells in this book use the 13 True Ways summoning rules indicated by the spell entry. They will not have any nastier
as the baseline, regardless of class. specials.
For easy reference, I am providing these rules below. Actions: The turn you summon a creature, it takes its
Note that I have edited the rules for brevity. The turn immediately after you in initiative order. During its
mechanics are the same, but I merged some parts and turn, the summoned creature can take a standard, move,
removed the repeated mentions that specific rules of a and quick action. The summoned creature continues to
feat, spell, talent, or similar can override these basic take its turn immediately after you until the end of the
summoning rules. Consider it implied. In the language battle. (Note: This is more of a convention than a hard
introduced in summoning rules after 13 True Ways, all rule. GMs can allow a summoned creature to act before
summoned creatures in this book are superior summoned the summoner instead.)
creatures. Escalation die: Summoned creatures don’t benefit from
Standard action spells: Casting a summoning spell the escalation die. If you use a quick action to give it
requires a standard action. The creature you summon orders or magical reinforcement, the summoned creature
appears next to you. can add the escalation die to attacks, until the start of
Duration: A summoned creature fights for you until the your next turn, including for opportunity attacks and
end of the battle, or until it drops to 0 hit points. At 0 other attacks that it gets to make during other creatures’
hp, summoned creatures are slain and removed from the turns. If you’ve summoned a mob of mooks, a single quick
battle. You can dismiss your summoned creatures as a action lets every member of the mob use the escalation
quick action. die.

chapter 1
Allies?: Summoned creatures count as your allies. Leveling Up Critters
No recoveries, bad healing: Summoned creatures don’t If the creature you want to summon doesn‘t have higher
have recoveries. If you cast a healing spell on a summoned level stats, say you want to summon a zombombie (see
creature that requires the use of a recovery, the summoned p. 141) at 5th instead of 3rd level, you can increase its
creature heals hit points equal to your level. If you use attacks and defenses by 2 and its hit points and damage
an effect that would heal a summoned creature without by 60% for each 2-level step.
using a recovery, the summoned creature only heals half
the normal hit points of the effect. Temporary hit points Which class is where?
still work normally.
Spell or creature?: When a summoning spell is cast, it’s This book references a number of 13th Age classes in oth-
a spell. After casting the spell, a summoned creature is a er publications. Here is a quick list of which book these
creature. classes can be found in.
Magic item bonuses: Creatures you summon gain the 13th Age Core Rulebook (Pelgrane Press): Barbarian,
bonuses to attacks, damage, and defenses from magic Bard, Cleric, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer,
items you are wearing. (NOTE: This rule is not found in Wizard
13 True Ways but was added later as errata in 13th Sage.) 13 True Ways (Pelgrane Press): Chaos Mage, Command-
Also consider the following feats if you’d like to specialize er, Druid, Monk, Necromancer, Occultist
in summoning. You don’t have to take them in order. Book of Demons (Pelgrane Press): Demonologist
Adventurer Feat: Your summoned creatures can arrive Dark Pacts and Ancient Secrets (Kinoko Games):
anywhere you can see nearby, instead of needing to Abomination, Fateweaver, Psion, Savage, Swordmage,
appear beside you. Warlock (Note that there are several classes called
Adventurer Feat: When you summon a non-mook Warlock for 13th Age. This book only refers to the one in
creature, it gains bonus hit points equal to 1d10 plus Dark Pacts & Ancient Secrets.)
your highest ability modifier (5th level: 2d10 + 2x mod;
8th level: 3d10 + 3x mod).
Adventurer Feat: When a creature you summoned is
granted the ability to heal using a recovery, it can use one
of your recoveries and your recovery roll.
Champion Feat: You can cast your summoning spells as
a 2d4-minute ritual outside of battle. This summons the
creature until your next full heal-up (unless it is brought
down to zero hit points).
Champion Feat: After you summon a creature, the first
enemy attack against it has disadvantage.
Epic Feat: Once per day when you heal using a recovery,
a creature you summoned can heal the same amount,
ignoring the usual restrictions on limited healing for
summoned creatures.

Variant Rules
Variant Rules
Base 13 Random Stat Icon Relationships as
Generation Backgrounds
Players love rolling their stats at character creation, but This rule gives players an additional way to use their icon
the traditional method has the downside that it can relationships in the game.
create wide power differences in a party, giving one PC a Choose icon relationships as usual, but then define each
big boost and hampering another for an entire campaign icon relationship with an additional description similar to
from just a few die rolls. a background. For example, a positive relationship with
The following method avoids that issue, by using each the Crusader could be “Retired sergeant of a Crusader
rolled die twice—once positive and once negative. Here’s shock troop” or “Secretly the Crusader’s son.”
how it works: When making a skill check, you can use the icon
1. Roll six d6, line them up, and assign a letter to each: relationship as a bonus to the roll, instead of one of your
A B C D E F. backgrounds. When you do, roll a d6 for each point of
2. Calculate your stats using pairs of adjacent dice as icon relationship, then add the highest roll to the check.
follows: Using an icon relationship this way is bound to reveal
Ι 13 + A - B some information—if you leverage your status as the
Ι 13 + B - C Crusader’s son, that fact is no longer a secret.
Ι 13 + C - D Note that this mechanic is separate from using icon
Ι 13 + D - E relationships for story benefits as described in the Core
Ι 13 + E - F Book, and a campaign can use both.
Ι 13 + F - A Familiars (The Plushie Rule)
The range of possible results is 8 to 18, the same as with Props are important for enhancing immersion at the
the standard point buy. The stats always add up to a total game table, so here is a recommended house rule: If a
of 78. This method creates a slightly higher stat total than player brings a stuffed toy to the game table to represent
you would get with the standard 28 point buy, but it offers their PC’s familiar, that familiar gains a bonus ability from
less room for optimization. And just for comparison, the the class’ usual list.
classic method of 4d6 drop lowest produces an average
of 12.24 per roll, for an expected total of 73.44 in 6 rolls.
For a No-Risk-No-Fun variant that creates more high
and low results, switch some (or all) of the dice with d8s.
This extends the range of possible outcomes to 6 to 20,
while still keeping the total at 78.
Stat Bump Each Level
Instead of gaining a +1 to three different ability scores
at 4th, 7th, and 10th level, PCs now gain a +1 bonus to
any ability score at each level-up, with the restriction that
each stat can only be chosen once per tier.
This house rule gives the same amount of stat
advancements overall, it just distributes them evenly
across levels. With this rule, PCs can now choose a +1 to
a stat as an incremental advance. It is suggested for long,
drawn-out campaigns, with more than the usual four
sessions between each level-up.

chapter 1
Taking Risks
A core philosophy of 13th Age is that the action should Roll Setback Consequence
always drive the story forward, as expressed in the Fail
Forward rule (Core Book p. 42). The Taking Risks rule Disadvantage on melee and
presented here expands on that philosophy. ranged weapon attacks. You can
1 Hand injury
With Fail Forward, when a PC fails a check, they usually roll a save during a quick rest to
succeed at their goal if it drives the story forward, but end the effect.
suffer a bad consequence, or a new threat is introduced.
Disadvantage on saves. You can
The Taking Risks rule allows players to double down on roll a save during a quick rest
that. If they fail on a roll, they can announce they want to 2 Lasting pain
(without disadvantage) to end
take a risk and reroll. If the reroll is successful, the check the effect.
is a normal success and no consequence happens.
However, if the attempt fails, the PC suffers a setback Disadvantage on Charisma-
that is a lot more grave than a Fail Forward. The based checks. You can roll a
3 Injured pride
consequence of a failed attempt at Taking a Risk should save during a quick rest to end
always be crippling, otherwise it wouldn’t be worth the effect.
calling it that way. The interpretation is up to the GM,
but the table below provides some guidance. If in doubt, Disadvantage on Intelligence-
the GM can choose a result from this table, or have the and Wisdom-based checks. You
4 Head injury
can roll a save during a quick
player roll a d12.
rest to end the effect.
Effects that you can save against during a quick rest
always end on a full heal-up. Disadvantage on attack rolls
Essentially, Taking a Risk means that the player steps when using magic spells or
in to try and avoid a Fail Forward result that would be Spellburn /
5 powers. You can roll a save
detrimental to the party. power loss
during a quick rest to end the
Why would players want to take a risk when there is a effect.
guarantee that the story moves on despite the failure? The
story moving on doesn’t necessarily mean it continues in Karmic Lose any unspent 5 or 6 on icon
the PC’s favor. If the campaign villain needs to collect backlash relationship rolls.
three artifacts of doom to succeed at the ancient ritual
All equipped magic items lose
to achieve godhood, the story still continues to its climax
their powers except for the
if the PCs fail to stop the villain from assembling these
Arcane default bonus, and you suffer
items before the big final confrontation. Even the death of 7
conflux from all magic item quirks. You
a PC might still be a fail forward moment, when it leads can roll a save during a quick
to a heroic sacrifice and ultimate success of the rest of the rest to end the effect.
party, or at least a clutch escape.
Can’t cheat
8 Suffer a failed death save.

Heal only half damage from

recoveries. You can roll a save
9 Sickened
during a quick rest to end the

10 Drained vigor Lose a recovery.

Terrible Lose half your current hit

injury points.

Bad karma. The next time a PC

12 Luck out in the group Takes a Risk, the
reroll has disadvantage.


Overview Elemental Soul
In a past age where there was no High Druid, the Four
This chapter adds new optional races for your 13th Age
Elemental Lords channeled the magic of the deep seas,
campaign. The races are …
lofty mountains, spewing volcanoes and open skies. The
Elemental Soul: Humanoids infused with one of the four
chromatic dragons were not pleased with this encroach-
elements fire, earth, water and air
ment upon their territory, as they believed the power
Half-Ogre: Big, green, friendly swamp-dwellers
inherent in these elemental nodes was theirs. For the
Leomar: A proud warrior race of the feline variety first half of the age, the dragons slowly sowed fear and
Nyama: Natural shapeshifters who can take the form of mistrust between the elemental lords. Through political
an animal machinations by the Blue and targeted assassinations by
Orc: Savage harbingers of destruction the Black, the Lords had already weakened each other to
Pixie: Tiny winged mischief-makers the point that when the dragons were ready to strike, a
Ratkin: Smelly rodent-people and perennial underdogs coordinated defense against the onslaught was no longer
Shadowborn: Guardians of the Underworld possible.
Star Child: Gifted children who descended from the stars Defeated, the Lords had no other choice but to extract
what was left of their own magical essence and infuse
Vorhai: Heavily tattooed race bred for battle
their followers with it, so that one day the chosen ones
can bond with the dormant elemental nodes and rise
Race Str Con Dex Int Wis Cha again as lords. These newly created elemental souls fled
to the edges of the empire, gathering in remote, barely
Firesoul +2 +2 inhabitable areas where the raw elements are strong.
Rocksoul +2 +2 Firesoul
Stormsoul +2 +2 Firesouls descended from the followers of the Elemental
Lord of Fire. Like their element, their personality tends to
Watersoul +2 +2 be fiery and temperamental. They can easily be spotted
in a crowd thanks to their skin tones of red and orange,
Half-Ogre +3 +3 and the literal gout of fire burning atop their head instead
of hair.
Leomar +2 +2 Firesoul dwellings can be found at the base of volcanoes,
Nyama +2 +2 +2 where they grow grapes and vegetables on the fertile soils.
Others live as nomads, traveling from oasis to oasis across
Orc +2 +2 hot, barren deserts, or as raiders attacking these caravans.
They are few and far between in the empire, occasionally
Pixie +3 +3 acting as extra firepower in mercenary bands or showing
off as gladiators in the arena. Some have accepted their
Ratkin +2 +2
defeat by the dragons and make a living among the hodge-
Shadowborn +2 +2 podge of non-humans in Drakkenhall.

Star Child +2 +2 +2 Racial Bonus

+2 Dexterity OR +2 Charisma
Vorhai +2 +2
Adventurer Feat: Gain resist fire 16+.

Burning Vengeance (Racial Power)

Once per battle, when you take damage from an attack
by a nearby enemy, deal 1d6 per level fire damage to your
attacker as an interrupt action.
Champion Feat: Once per day, deal the Burning
Vengeance damage to 1d3 additional nearby enemies.

chapter 2
Rocksoul Racial Bonus
Rocksouls descended from the followers of the Elemental +2 Dexterity OR +2 Intelligence
Lord of Earth. Their skin takes the colors of a variety of Adventurer Feat: Gain resist lightning and thunder 16+.
minerals, from white marble to red granite and black Feather Falling: Stormsouls can make themselves light as
basalt. They don’t have hair, but often have colorful crys- a feather and slowly descend from any height.
tals growing on the back of their heads. Their personality
tends to be gruff, even stubborn, hard to anger but very Zephyr Step (Racial Power)
much set in their ways. Once per battle, when you are attacked by a nearby
Rocksoul communities inhabit mountain caves and enemy, roll a d20 as a free action. If the roll is equal to the
old mines. Their natural habitat puts them in close natural attack roll or higher, replace the natural attack roll
contact with the dwarves, and the two races have a rocky with your roll and change the target to a nearby enemy of
relationship. In past ages, they were venerated among the your choice.
dwarves as blessed creatures, but the current Dwarf King
Champion Feat: If the escalation die is 2+, gain
in his greed has taxed them to the point of servitude and
advantage on your d20 roll for Zephyr Step.
slave labor. Many have fled the dwarf-controlled areas
and spread across the empire in small bands of wandering
craftsmen. Some have ventured deeper underground, Watersoul
taking advantage of the fact that they are less susceptible Watersouls descended from the followers of the Ele-
to the poisonous fumes coming up from below. mental Lord of Water. On land, they often appear lost in
Those who have stayed are plotting rebellion—there’s deep thoughts, speaking in few words and staring at the
even talk of luring a living dungeon into a dwarven horizon. But in the water, their mood lightens up, and
stronghold to break their control. they become playful like children and dolphins. Their
skin shows all green and blue hues of the ocean, and it is
Racial Bonus always moist to the touch. Some are completely hairless,
+2 Constitution OR +2 Intelligence while others have long strands of kelp dangling from the
top of their head.
Stone Heart Watersouls don’t like to be far from rivers, lakes and the
Once per battle, when you take damage, reduce the sea, and often make their dwelling there. Many live in stilt
damage by three times your level as an interrupt action. If houses above a lake, or on boats. It’s not an exaggeration
you reduce the damage of an attack that would also cause that they learn to swim before they learn to walk.
you to pop free or get pushed, ignore that effect. Many are fishermen by trade, exchanging their catch
Champion Feat: The next time you take damage after for the goods they need to live. They also collect other
using the power, reduce it by twice your level, and the treasures of the sea, like pearls and loot from sunken
next time after that by your level. ships.

Racial Bonus
Stormsoul +2 Constitution OR +2 Wisdom
Stormsouls descended from the followers of the Elemen-
tal Lord of Air. Their skin can take all colors of the sky, Adventurer Feat: Gain resist acid 16+.
from the light blues of a clear summer day to the dark Water breathing: Watersouls can breathe underwater.
greys of a cloudy day and even the yellows and reds of
dusk and dawn. Many grow out their hair in long waves,
Rippling Waves (Racial Power)
and it crackles like lightning when they move. They are Once per battle, as a free action when you are attacked
flighty and temperamental, often calm and collected on by a nearby enemy, keep a copy of the natural roll of that
the outside, but with a storm brewing inside that can attack. Once before the end of your next turn, when you
burst out any time. would roll a d20, you can use the copied roll instead of
Like the wind, stormsouls cannot stay in one place rolling a die.
too long, and they feel stifled and caged when inside a Champion Feat: Instead of deciding before you roll, you
building too long. Many spend the year wandering around can roll a d20 and decide to swap in the copied d20 if you
the empire with a tent on their back, alone or with other don’t like the result.
traveling troupes like merchants or carnivals. They only
meet their brethren on determined dates in places where
the wind blows freely, like mountain peaks and cliffs by
the sea. Like watersouls, they enjoy traveling the high seas
and can often be found among ship crews.

Half-Ogre Leomar
Big and brutish in appearance, with shoulders twice as The cat-like leomar are a proud
wide as the common human, half-ogres have a reputa- race of lion-headed humanoids,
tion as strong but dumb muscle. Unfortunately, many who combine feline grace with raw
members of the race do little to dispel that reputation physical strength and a deep sense
and show a dim-witted mind and boorish behavior. In of honor. Most of their race live in
civilized areas, they can often be found working as day roving nomadic bands on the open
laborers, farm hands, bouncers and strongmen. In the plains to the west of the empire.
wild, they are thugs and bandits, roaming the countryside The leomar used to rule their
to take what they need. own kingdom, until its downfall
Legend has it that the first half-ogre was created when in a past age. Blinded by
an overzealous wizard tried to coerce a nymph into his pride, they were unwilling
service via magical means, and the magic backfired to and unable to see how
turn him into the biggest, ugliest, dumbest creature he their nobility was slowly
could imagine. True or not, it is widely believed that the being corrupted by the
origin of this race is rooted in foolish selfishness, and Diabolist of that age. They
whatever fate befalls them is well deserved. threw themselves into a
Smarter and more cultured half-ogres hate being futile attempt at conquest
stereotyped like that, but some use that to their for territory and access
advantage, since it’s much easier to trick people when to the Midland Sea, until
they are unsuspecting. their proudest warriors were annihilated in a
The Bestiary has more on ogres on p. 148, but your valiant charge against what was then the still-active Great
half-ogre PC could be something very different. Gold Wyrm.
Ashamed by betrayal and deceit, the survivors retreated
Racial Bonus to scattered camps and lonely monasteries in the far west
+3 Strength OR +3 Constitution to repent. These days, they can sometimes be seen in the
Special: When you assign a half-ogre player character’s empire, leading small bands of soldiers against demons
ability scores, both Strength and Constitution must and undead, the very enemies that caused their demise,
appear in their top three ability scores. It’s okay for one to make up for their ancestors’ folly. Many have pledged
or both of these scores to be tied with a score that’s themselves to the Great Gold Wyrm or the Crusader.
out of your top three scores, but neither Strength nor Among the troops, they have earned a reputation as
Constitution can drop out of the top three at 1st level. fierce warriors and loyal companions.
Brutal (Racial Racial Bonus
Power) +2 Strength OR +2 Dexterity
Once per battle, before Courage: Always use a leomar’s
making an attack, you can maximum hit points, not their current
choose to take disadvan- hit points, to check if they are affected by a
tage on the attack roll. If you power or ability such as fear.
still hit, you deal double
damage. You cannot use Pounce (Racial Power)
this power if the attack Once per battle, you can engage a nearby enemy as
already had disadvantage, a free action, and gain advantage on the first attack
and advantage cannot roll against the target that turn.
cancel this disadvantage. Champion Feat: You gain a +2 bonus to AC and PD
until the end of your next turn.

chapter 2
Nyama Orc
The nyama are dark-skinned, While humans show a wide variety of face shapes and skin
humanoid jungle-dwellers and colors, orcs beat them in that regard, with faces ranging
shapechangers, from lands far from near-human with giant tusks to almost wolf- or pig-
south of the empire’s borders. like snouts. Their skin colors range from grey to green to
Each nyama can change red and any shade in between. Like humans, orcs have
shape into at least one shown the ability to mate and produce offspring with a
animal, an ability that wide variety of races, which could explain some of the
usually manifests variety.
around puberty. Orc culture is tribal, warlike, hierarchical, and rough.
The form Those who can prove the ability to lead through a
is generally combination of strength and cunning are followed and
hereditary. Nyama respected. Those who can’t are challenged and removed.
society is traditionally organized Orcs see themselves as proud herders and warriors.
in large family clans, which all share They tend to their livestock and go on raids when the
one animal form. Occasionally, due to the unpredictability season is right. Where they have agriculture, it’s usually
of magic, a child is gifted with a different first shape than enslaved races who do the work.
their parents, and such a child is usually transferred to a True orcs used to live a pitiful
clan that manifests that form. existence in bickering chiefdoms at
In the current age, these clans have formed into the northern fringes of the empire,
secluded city states with a complex society of castes. but the appearance of
The animal form determines a caste’s role and status in the Orc Lord changed
society. Eagles are scouts and explorers, owls are scribes everything. Whether
and administrators, while panthers are warriors. The the elves had a hand in
lowly hyenas and rats are butchers and tanners. Some of his creation or not is a
these roles have shifted over generations, and the reason matter of speculation,
why, for example, the crocodile caste ended up but fact is that the orcs
as mechanics and clock makers has been lost are now stronger than
to history. they have ever been in
The nyama haven’t seen many visitors from past ages. Even if the clans
the empire because maritime travel to the are far from fully united,
south is hindered by the many sea monsters that this age might still be
terrorize the coastline, and few of them have considered the Golden
ever traveled north, but a good One Unique Age of the orcs.
Thing can provide a motivation for this. For more on orcs and
their role in this game,
Racial Bonus see the Bestiary p. 155.
+2 Strength, +2 Dexterity OR +2 Wisdom
Gift of the Moon: If you are a druid of the Circle of the Racial Bonus
Moon (see p. 109), you gain one bonus aspect. +2 Strength OR +2 Dexterity
Shapechange (Racial Power) Dangerous (Racial Power)
As a standard action, at-will, you can take the form of an At the start of each battle, gain a +3 bonus to your critical
animal of your choice, or change back to your humanoid threat range. The bonus ends when you score a critical
form. In animal form, you can hunt other animals that hit, or when you are first staggered.
are the natural prey of your form, but the form is not Champion Feat: If you are staggered for the first time
well-suited for combat. You can’t speak, use weapons or in a battle and you have not scored a critical hit yet, you
other items, or cast spells in your animal form. If you take can make a basic melee attack as an interrupt action. The
damage, you revert back to your humanoid form. bonus from Dangerous applies to this attack.
Adventurer Feat: Gain a second animal form of your
Champion Feat: Gain a third animal form of your

heavy objects are one step more difficult for pixies (+5).
Pixie Checks to squeeze into tiny spaces are one step easier (-5).
Pixies, or sprites, as they are also known, are a tiny hu- Adventurer Feat: You can use the Shrink cantrip at-will.
manoid faerie race with insect-like wings with a wide Shrink: You shrink one object from a size that normal
range of shapes from butterfly to dragonfly. They are humanoids can use to pixie size. You can have one object
natural mischief-makers and pranksters, and thrive on per level shrunk at the same time. The object stays shrunk
mundane and magical practical jokes. while you keep it on your person. If you leave it behind, it
Many pixies prefer the safe environment of the deep returns to its normal size within a few minutes.
faerie forest, and they seldom get involved in the bigger
machinations of icons and ages unless their home is Flutter Away (Racial Power)
directly threatened. However, natural curiosity can Once per battle, when you roll a natural even failure with
sometimes lead a pixie to adventures in the big, scary a disengage check, you can reroll the die and take the new
world of the larger races. Some just tag along with a bunch result.
of vagrants who happen to pass through the area. Others Champion Feat: If the reroll is successful, any enemy you
enjoy meeting new friends who can still be surprised with disengaged from is dazed until the end of your next turn.
the classic pranks.
With their small frame, nobody expects a pixie to be
worth much in direct combat, but like insects, they use Ratkin
maneuverable flight and poison to their advantage. They As the name suggests, ratkin are humanoids with ro-
also have a penchant for spellcasting, especially when it’s dent-like features, including small black eyes, a snout
based on inner talent (or in game terms, Charisma). with whiskers, and a tail. It’s unclear where they come
You can find more information on pixies and fey in from, or how many of them there are. The empire refuses
general in the fey chapter of the Bestiary 2 p. 62. to accept them as citizens, their history is not recorded,
and their numbers are not counted.
Racial Bonus All that is known is that they follow civilization, and
+3 Dexterity OR +3 Charisma attempts to root them out in any major city have failed.
Special: When you assign a pixie’s ability scores, both They survive off the scraps, eating from the garbage that
Dexterity and Charisma must appear in their top three others throw out, and living in the dark corners that are
ability scores. It’s okay for one or both of these scores to too damp or too smelly for others to live in comfortably.
be tied with a fourth score, but neither can drop out of They can be found in sewers, in abandoned warehouses
the top three at 1st level. and in the cargo hold of ships. They earn their coin as rat
Flight: Pixies can fly. They are very agile flyers, but rather catchers, manure collectors, day laborers, petty thieves
slow. They can’t carry much weight while flying. They and spies.
prefer staying close to the ground to avoid issues such as Ratkin form a tight-knit society where everyone is
strong winds and predatory birds. treated like family, both in love and utter disdain. It is
Poison: Pixie weapon attacks deal poison said that they have kings and queens in every big city, who
damage. Poisoning their weapons organize affairs and preside over personal disputes. Ratkin
is the only way pixies can deal who live to the old age of twenty are highly revered, and
damage comparable to often act as teachers and advisors to the younglings.
larger races. Ratkin share the old legend of Rodentia, a secluded
Tiny: Pixies get a +4 bonus valley where their people live in peace and prosperity.
to AC against opportunity Rodentia may just be a myth.
attacks. Strength-based skill
checks that require moving Racial Bonus
+2 Dexterity OR +2 Constitution
Stench (Racial Power)
Once per battle, as a quick action, make a Constitution +
level attack vs. PD against 1d3 nearby enemies in a group.
On a hit, deal poison damage equal to your Constitution
modifier (x2 at 5th level, x3 at 8th) + level, and the target
is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Champion Feat: The target is weakened instead.

chapter 2
Shadowborn Star Child
Shadowborn are humanoid natives of the Underworld. Most PCs are unremarkable at birth, but develop unique-
Their skin tones range from a light alabaster to dark grey, ness as they grow. Star children, however, are born
sometimes with a shade of pink or lavender. Their hair unique. They are foundlings, discovered by desperate
colors range from indigo to raven black. Their eyes are mothers who wish for a child. It is said that they fall from
either pitch black, down to the iris, or show a cat-like the stars, are a gift from a deity, or are the last survivor
shape that is well-accustomed to darkness. of a race sent through a dimensional rift… but who can
Shadowborn traditionally use scarring, piercings and tell for sure?
tattoos to give themselves a more warlike appearance. While their outer appearance often resembles their
Some seem to literally absorb light, especially when angry. adopted race, there is an unnatural air about them, be it
Shadowborn prefer the cover of darkness, and any an otherworldly twinkling in their eyes, or skin and hair
profession that thrives in it, be it on the side of the law of a single, pure color.
in the night watch, or in a shadier capacity. Despite this The path star children take in life is as diverse as their
affinity for darkness, however, they are not criminals by upbringing. While a few lead perfectly ordinary lives as
nature. farmers or craftsmen, their unusual aura often makes
Shadowborn legends tell of an age where the border common people suspicious. Many leave their homes to
between the surface world and the Underworld was more find their true calling, driven by a destiny that they have
fluid, and they wandered freely between them. However, yet to discover. A life of adventuring comes naturally to
after the fall of the Wizard King and his return as the them.
Lich King, the gates were sealed to fuel his power. The Some even suffer so badly in a world that does not
shadowborn were stuck in the Underworld, with the understand them that they find themselves walking the
exception of a few who agreed to serve the Lich King. path of villainy.
Their descendants can be found in various positions as
some of the few living inhabitants of Necropolis. Those Racial Bonus
who remained in the Underworld have been working to +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom OR +2 Charisma
find and preserve the gates that the Lich King could not
corrupt, and unseal the ones he did.
Strange Gift (Racial Power)
Outside of Necropolis, their most sizeable presence is Choose an at-will spell of up to your level of any spellcast-
in Shadow Port. As with anything related to the Shadow ing class. You can use this spell once per battle. You can
Prince, their relationship with him and what role they switch one ability score in the spell’s description to your
play in his plans is anyone’s guess. highest ability score. You can swap the spell for a different
spell at each full heal-up.
Racial Bonus
+2 Constitution OR +2 Wisdom
Shadow Jaunt (Racial Power)
As a quick action once per battle, gain resist all 16+ and
+5 bonus to disengage checks until the end of your next
Champion Feat: Once per day, also grant the benefit to
a nearby ally.

Vorhai / Greyskin Mixed Race PCs
The vorhai, or greyskins as the common folk call them, Here are quick and dirty rules for making a character that
are a race of magically created warriors who were bred is a mix between two races.
by command of the Emperor to serve in one of the many Gain +1 in one of the ability scores of each race. As
battles of a past age. Originally created entirely identical, usual, you cannot pick one where you already get a bonus
infertile and limited to a lifespan of only 10 years, a mer- from your class.
ciful icon, maybe an earlier incarnation of the Priestess, For example, a half-dark-elf half-human sorcerer with
granted a chosen few of them the ability to produce a +2 bonus to Charisma from their class would get +1 to
offspring and to die peacefully of old age. Rumor has it Dexterity from their dark elf side and +1 to any stat but
that they were the prototypes of the first Orc Lord, or his Charisma from their human side.
clones, which implicates the Elf Queen in their creation. You get both classes’ racial powers, but you can only
A particularly nasty rumor claims that they are part of use one each battle. For example, a half-human half-dark
a long con by the Diabolist, empty vessels created to be elf could use their Quick to Fight to roll initiative twice, or
claimed by demonic possession once the giant dragon they could roll for initiative normally and then use Cruel
that seals the Abyss is no longer holding the hellspawn once that battle.
at bay. You don’t get any other features of the races, such as the
Since greyskins were not given individual appearances human bonus feat.
by their creator, they cover their bodies in colorful tattoos
to distinguish themselves from others of their kind.
Even today, their origin as soldiers shows in their
culture. Their communities resemble war camps, with
New Feats
a strict hierarchy but equality among those of the same
rank. They eat, tend their crops, and even raise their
children as a unit.
General Feats
Ambush Leader
Racial Bonus
Adventurer: When you succeed on a skill check to avoid
+2 Strength OR +2 Constitution getting noticed, your allies gain a +3 bonus to the same
Bred for Battle (Racial Power) skill check this scene.
Receive a free adventurer-tier talent from the fighter list. Athletic
Note: If you are unsure what to pick, Tough as Iron is a
good default choice. Adventurer: When you make a skill check based on
Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution, you can reroll
a natural 2 on the d20 roll and take the second result

Adventurer: Everybody has a price, and you know it
intuitively. Before making a skill check to influence an
NPC, you can check with the GM what sum of money,
item, service or favor that NPC would take to be more
favorable. If you can offer it, reduce the difficulty of the
check by one step (-5).

Adventurer: Once per battle, you can move to engage
a nearby enemy as part of a melee attack. When you
do, enemies other than the target of your attack have
advantage on attack rolls against you until the start of
your next turn.
Champion: You gain a +1 bonus to attack against the
target of your charge.
Epic: When you charge, you cannot be intercepted.

chapter 2
Cling to Life Full Defense
Champion: When you roll a death save, on an 11 to 15, Adventurer: As a standard action, you can grant yourself
you remain unconscious, but the save does not count as a +4 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn.
a failed death save. Only a 10 or less brings you closer
to dying. Heirloom
Adventurer: You are the rightful owner of a magic item
Diligent that has been passed down in your family (your religion,
Adventurer: When you make a skill check based on your martial tradition) from generation to generation.
Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma, you can reroll Choose an adventurer-level true magic item from any
a natural 2 on the d20 roll and take the second result chakra (with the GM’s approval). It does not count
instead. against your limit of magic items for quirk effects. At
5th level, upgrade the item to champion tier, and at 8th
Expertise level, to epic tier.
Adventurer: When you beat a skill check by 5 points or
more, you get a result as if you had beaten a skill check
Icon Lore
that is a difficulty step harder. The GM should allow you Adventurer: When you make a skill check related to
to narrate that additional effect accordingly. For example, an icon, for example regarding its history, followers, or
if you are picking a lock, you not only open it, you leave organization, gain a +1 bonus for each icon relationship
no traces, and you avoid the trap that you initially forgot point with it.
to check for. Or if you roll to cure an illness, you create a
medicine that can be used to cure others. Improved Resistance
Adventurer: Choose one of your resistances (if any),
Exploration Leader and increase it by 2, up to a maximum of 18+.
Adventurer: When you succeed on a skill check to
overcome a physical obstacle, like climbing a wall, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
jumping across a chasm, or swimming across a river, Epic: When wielding two weapons, you can reroll your
your allies gain a +3 bonus to their checks to overcome attack on a natural 3.
the same obstacle this scene.
Improvised Weapon Proficiency
Favored by the Icons
Adventurer: No matter what situation you’re in, you
Adventurer: Once per session, reroll an icon relationship can pretty much always grab something to fight with.
die. Tell the GM about an item nearby that makes sense for
Champion: When you roll your icon relationships at the the location you are in. It is there. The GM decides the
start or end of a session, and you don’t get a 5 or 6 from appropriate weapon category. For example, a barstool
your rolls, gain a 5 with a random icon. would be a two-handed simple weapon (d6), a hot fire
poker a one-handed martial weapon (d8), and so on. You
Favorite Spell fight with the item as if it was a proper weapon of that
Adventurer: Choose one of your spells that is not an at- type, using the attack penalty (if any) as per your class.
will spell. You can use multiple spell slots on it, instead
of only one. Minor Magic
Adventurer: Learn one cantrip from the wizard list
Font of Magic (Core Book p. 147) per point of Intelligence, Wisdom, or
Champion: You gain a +1 bonus to recharge rolls for Charisma modifier (whichever is highest). You can cast
recharge after battle spells. one cantrip per battle, or once every 5 minutes.

Font of Power Monster Lore

Champion: You gain a +1 bonus to recharge rolls for Adventurer: Once per battle, you can ask the GM one
recharge after battle powers. question about a creature’s mechanics that they will
answer truthfully, such as “Is its PD or MD higher?”,
“Does it have resistances or vulnerabilities?”, or “What
type of element are its attacks?” The GM can provide a
rough description instead of specific numbers.

Negotiation Leader Unusual Training
Adventurer: When you succeed on a skill check to Requires: A class feature or talent that gives you access to
interact with an NPC, your allies gain a +3 bonus to skill spells or powers of a class other than your own
checks regarding that NPC this scene. Adventurer: Replace all mentions of the secondary class
with another class. For example, swap a sorcerer’s Access
Nimble Feet to Wizardry from wizard to necromancer.
Adventurer: You gain a +1 bonus to disengage checks.
Champion: If you roll a natural 20 on a disengage check,
Weapon Focus
you can move to a far away location as part of that action. Adventurer: Choose one weapon category, such as one-
handed light melee weapons, that you can use without
Paragon of Your People attack penalty. You deal extra damage with this type of
Epic: You can use your racial power twice per battle (if it weapon equal to half your level, rounded up.
can normally be used once per battle).
Perceptive Adventurer: You have advantage on skill checks
Adventurer: You have advantage on skill checks to regarding the lore, culture, and traditions of any region
notice something with any of your senses. or culture.

Poker Face Some GMs enjoy very detailed world building, and the
Well-Traveled feat can give an opportunity to share
Adventurer: When you roll a natural even failure on a this lore with players. Others prefer improvisation and
skill check to bluff, lie, deceive, or bend the truth, you collaboration, and might allow the player of the PC with
can reroll the check once. the feat to add their own ideas and details to a region.

Raw Muscle Zombie Slayer

Adventurer: You have advantage on skill checks that Adventurer: You have a +2 bonus to your critical threat
require raw muscle strength, such as bending metal bars range against zombies, and +1 against other undead.
or lifting heavy gates.

Shield Proficiency Racial Feats

Adventurer: You don’t take the attack penalty from your The following feats require your PC to be of a certain race,
class when wielding a shield. either because they tie directly into a racial ability or be-
cause they represent the archetype of that race. Of course,
Spell Focus the 13th Age philosophy is that each PC is unique, and if
you feel that Stonecunning perfectly fits the concept you
Adventurer: Choose one of your spells that is not an at-
have in mind for your pixie, talk to your GM.
will spell. Gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with it.
Affinity for Artifacts
Thrill of the Kill Requires: Dwarf or dwarf-forged
Requires: Icon relationship with the Lich King
Adventurer: You can wield one extra magic item
Adventurer: When you kill a non-mook enemy, you without suffering item quirks.
gain temporary hit points equal to the enemy’s level. Champion: You gain a +1 bonus to recharge rolls for
magic item powers.
Unusual Implement
Epic: You treat adventurer tier magic items as champion
Requires: Spellcaster
tier, and champion tier magic items as epic tier.
Adventurer: Choose a magic item chakra that your class
normally can’t use as an implement. For example, if your Ancient Grudges
bard casts their spells through dancing, you might pick Requires: Dwarf
boots. You can use that type of item as a spellcasting
Adventurer: You have a +1 bonus to attacks against
implement, i.e. you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage
elves, orcs, and dragons.
with your spells per tier. You can still only get that bonus
from one implement at a time.

chapter 2
Blood Harvest Dodge Giants
Requires: Dark Elf Requires: Halfling, gnome, or pixie
Adventurer: When you would deal damage equal to Adventurer: You gain a +1 bonus to AC and PD against
your level on a miss, deal twice your level instead. attacks from large and huge creatures.

Born to Fight Dwarven Resilience

Requires: Vorhai Requires: Dwarf
Adventurer: Reduce any attack penalties from your Adventurer: When you use the rally action in battle, you
class for using certain armor, weapons, or shields by 1. gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next
Dark Omen
Requires: Tiefling Dwarven Weapon Mastery
Requires: Dwarf
Adventurer: Whenever you are reduced to zero hit
points or fail a death save, choose a nearby enemy. That Adventurer: If you have an attack penalty with any type
enemy has disadvantage on their next attack roll or save, of axe or hammer from your class, remove that penalty.
whichever comes first. When you wield an axe or a hammer you can already use
without attack penalty from your class, you can reroll
Divine Balance natural 1s on WEAPON damage dice.
Requires: Holy One / Aasimar Champion Feat: When you wield an axe or a hammer,
enemies can’t use resistances against your attacks with
Adventurer: Whenever you make a skill check, you can
that weapon.
choose to roll 3d6 instead of 1d20. Treat the result as if
you had rolled the same number on 1d20.
Elemental Charge
Divine Enmity Requires: Genasi (any element)
Requires: Holy One / Aasimar Adventurer: Whenever you use a daily spell, the next
spell you cast that battle deals extra damage equal to the
Adventurer: You have a +1 bonus to attacks against
previous spell’s level.
demons and devils.

Divine Touch Elven Archery

Requires: Elf (any)
Requires: Holy One / Aasimar
Adventurer: You can use bows without attack penalty.
Adventurer: Once per battle, you can touch an adjacent
When you wield a bow that you can already use without
ally as a quick action to let them use a recovery to heal.
attack penalty from your class, you can reroll any natural
2s on attack rolls with it.
Champion: You don’t provoke opportunity attacks when
making a ranged attack with a bow.

Engineer’s Aim
Requires: Dwarf or dwarf-forged
Adventurer: You have a +1 bonus to attacks against

Half-Elven Multiclass Mastery

Requires: Half-elf
Adventurer: You ignore the key ability score modifier
rules for multiclassing. Calculate the modifiers for each
class individually.

Halfling Slinger Might of Flames
Requires: Halfling Requires: Firesoul
Adventurer: If you can use slings (a weapon in the light Adventurer: When you make an attack that deals fire
/ simple bow category) without penalty from your class, damage, reroll all 1s on the damage dice.
you gain a +1 bonus to your critical threat range with
them. Otherwise, you can now use them without penalty.

High Elven Magic Aptitude

Requires: High Elf
Adventurer: Choose one of your at-will spells. Gain a +1
bonus to attack rolls with it.

Human Ingenuity
Requires: Human
Adventurer Feat: You gain a +1 bonus to any skill check
where the difficulty is hard or higher.

Hunter’s Aim
Requires: Nyama, Wood Elf
Adventurer: You have a +1 bonus to attacks against

Improved Illusion
Requires: Gnome
Champion: Choose a spell from the wizard’s Illusion
school (see p. 212), four or more levels below your class
level. Gain that spell as a bonus spell.
Mighty Breath
Requires: Dragonic
Infernal Skin Adventurer: You gain a +2 bonus to attack with your
Requires: Tiefling breath weapon racial power, and you deal half damage
Adventurer: You gain resist fire 16+. You have advantage on a miss.
on saving throws against ongoing fire damage.
Nasty Brute
Intimidating Presence Requires: Half-ogre
Requires: Half-Ogre Adventurer: When you miss with an attack, deal
Adventurer: Mooks have a -1 penalty to attacks against additional damage equal to your level.
Noxious Breath
Liquid Body Requires: Dragonic
Requires: Watersoul Champion: When you hit with your breath weapon
Adventurer: You have advantage on skill checks to racial power, the target is weakened (-4 to attacks and
escape grabs or handcuffs, squeeze through narrow defenses) until the end of your next turn. If the target is
spaces, or perform similar acts that require you to staggered, the effect is “save ends”.
contort your body.
Pixie Dust
Lucky Break Requires: Pixie
Requires: Halfling Adventurer: When you hit an enemy with a weapon
Adventurer: When you roll a save, including checks to attack, you can choose to deal half damage and make
disengage and death saves, you can reroll a natural 2 and the target dazed until the end of your next turn. Against
take the second result instead. each enemy, you can only use this feat once per battle.

chapter 2
Poisoner’s Aim Slaughter
Requires: Dark Elf Requires: Orc or Half-orc
Adventurer: You have a +1 bonus to attacks against Adventurer: When you score a critical hit with an
enemies that are taking ongoing damage. attack, deal 1d10 extra damage (5th level: 2d10; 8th level:
4d10). This bonus damage is not doubled.
Pride Protector
Requires: Leomar Smug Superiority
Requires: High Elf
Adventurer: While you are not staggered, enemies you
are engaged with take a -1 penalty to attack rolls against Adventurer: You have a +1 bonus to attacks against
your allies. humans, goblins, and kobolds.

Reassemble Star Spark

Requires: Dwarf-forged Requires: Star Child
Adventurer: When you use a recovery during a quick Adventurer: Whenever you use a recovery to heal, you
rest, add your level to the hit points healed. also gain a +1 bonus to all saves you roll that turn.

Return to Dusk Steadfast

Requires: Shadowborn Requires: Rocksoul
Adventurer: When you fail your first death save in Adventurer: When an enemy attack would force you
a battle, you gain a +1 bonus to all defenses and resist to pop free or move, you can immediately roll a normal
negative energy 12+ until the end of the battle. For each save (11+) to avoid the effect.
additional failed death save, increase the defense bonus
by 1 and the resistance by 2. Stonecunning
Requires: Dwarf
Adventurer: You have advantage on skill checks
Requires: Ratkin
regarding mining, masonry, and architecture.
Adventurer: You gain resist poison 16+. You have
advantage on saving throws against ongoing poison Stormwalk
damage. Requires: Stormsoul
Adventurer: When you succeed on a save to disengage,
Searing Halo
deal damage to all enemies you disengage from equal
Requires: Holy One / Aasimar
to your Constitution or Intelligence modifier (x2 at 5th
Adventurer: While your Halo racial power is active, level; x3 at 8th).
deal holy damage equal to the higher of your Wisdom
or Charisma modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th) to any Succubus Blood
enemy that hits you with an attack. Requires: Tiefling
Adventurer: You have advantage on Charisma-based
skill checks when using seduction to get what you want.
However, a failure with both rolls being odd means that
you now have to deal with unwanted attention.

Untamed Instinct
Requires: Nyama, Wood Elf
Adventurer: You have advantage on all skill checks
regarding wild animals.

The talents in this chapter provide new options to the Core Book barbarian class.
Ι Hold on to the target (large or huge enemies only):
Adventurer Tier when the target moves, you stay engaged with it

Talents even if it disengages from other combatants; it can

shake you off if it succeeds at an attack against you
A good first step when building your character is to think (this is a different effect from a grab).
about the combat style you want them to use. If you want
Adventurer Feat: When you use your wrestling stunt on
to carry a massive sword, Giant Blood is for you. If you’d
a critical hit, you can choose two of the effects.
rather carry two blades, choose Deadly Twins. For Vi-
king-style axe and shield, go for Bulwark. Finally, if you Champion Feat: When you rally during a battle, you
just want to punch things with your fists, go for Bouncer. gain a second use of a wrestling stunt.
A number of talents tie into your Barbarian Rage class Epic Feat: When the escalation die is 2+, increase your
feature and make it stronger. These are the Primal War unarmed damage dice to d10s.
Dance for a more athletic fighting style and Red Mist for
additional rages. Since the Rage class feature gives a big Bulwark
boost to your chance of landing a critical hit, there is also Shields up and into the fray.
synergy with the Deadly Twins talent that gives an extra When you wield a shield, reduce the damage you take
attack after each one. from enemy attacks by your level.
The Spirit Guardian and Tribal War Chief talents
allow you to play up your PC's origin in a tribal society Adventurer Feat: When you intercept an enemy or an
outside of so-called civilization, in tune with the natural enemy intercepts you, make a basic melee attack against
world and following its own customs. them as a free action.
The Raging Revenant talent is different. You can’t start Champion Feat: While wielding a shield, you gain a +1
your adventuring career with it; it is meant to bring a bonus to PD.
character back after they have died. Epic Feat: Increase the damage reduction to twice your
You’re the tough guy they call to break up a fight or
rough someone up.
Deadly Twins
You unleash a deadly tornado with your blades.
Your unarmed attacks take no attack penalty, use d8
damage dice, and benefit from two-weapon fighting When you fight with two melee weapons and you score a
(reroll natural 2 on the attack). You can use true magic critical hit, make a second melee attack against the target.
item bracers like a monk to improve your unarmed at- You can use this talent once per round.
tacks. Adventurer Feat: You can pop free and engage a
Once per battle, when you hit with an unarmed melee different target to make the second Deadly Twins attack.
attack, you can declare a wrestling stunt. Choose one of If you do so, you gain a +2 bonus to the attack roll.
the effects below: Champion Feat: The first time you miss with a Deadly
Ι The target is dazed: -4 to attacks; save ends. Twins attack in a battle, you can reroll the attack.
Ι Force the target off guard: -4 to AC and PD; save Epic Feat: When you hit with a Deadly Twins attack,
ends. deal 25 ongoing damage to the target.
Ι Choke (or twist) the target: deal 1d6 per level extra
damage; this damage is not doubled on a critical hit.
Ι Throw the target: normal size or smaller only;
Giant Blood
attacks against it have advantage until it takes a You stand a full head taller than the other members of
your race. In your huge hands, normal weapons feel like
move action; you can choose to pop free from it.
toothpicks, and you prefer giant swords and axes that
Ι Restrain the target: normal size or smaller only;
puny townsfolk can’t even lift.
the target has disadvantage on disengage checks
and attack rolls (save ends); also ends when you or Once per battle or scene, as a standard action, you can
the target disengages. While restraining an enemy, perform a stunt that uses your massive reserves of brute
the only attacks you can make are unarmed melee strength. Smash a hole in a wall, lift a giant monolith, or
attacks against that target. wrestle an iron golem. While this usually won’t require a

skill check, the GM can still call for an attack roll if you Champion Feat: When you are reduced to zero hit
try to wrestle down an unwilling target or bury them points or below while raging, your Rage ends, but you
under something very heavy. no longer fall unconscious. You can still die after failing
Adventurer Feat: You can wield heavy two-handed death saves, or when you reach negative hit points equal
(d10) melee weapons in one hand, or wield an oversized to half your maximum hit points, but until that point,
heavy two-handed (d12) weapon with both hands. you can act normally.
Champion Feat: You have advantage on all Strength- Epic Feat: As per the champion-tier feat, but you keep
based skill checks. raging even when at negative hit points.
Epic Feat: Add four times your Strength modifier to
melee weapon damage (instead of three times). Red Mist
As the pain flows through you, your rage breaks free,
Primal War Dance unbound.
Your battle rage is a ferocious dance of stomping feet, If you are staggered at the start of your turn, you can start
slashing blades and screaming anger. The erratic raging for free. (It doesn’t count against your normal
movements make it harder for your enemies to land an usage.)
Adventurer Feat: While raging, you are immune to fear
When you fight with one-handed melee weapons, you can effects.
use Dexterity instead of Strength for attack and damage.
Champion Feat: While raging, you are immune to the
While raging, you gain a +2 bonus to AC, PD and
dazed condition.
disengage checks.
Epic Feat: While raging, you are immune to the
Adventurer Feat: While raging, you take no damage weakened condition.
from missed enemy attacks.
Champion Feat: When an enemy misses you with a Spirit Guardian
melee attack while you rage, deal damage to them equal
You’ve bonded with a spirit animal that watches over
to twice your Dexterity modifier (x3 at 8th level). you and protects you. It’s a privilege that is awarded
Epic Feat: Increase the bonuses to +3. only to the most honorable warriors of your tribe.
You gain a 4-point background that represents the spiri-
Raging Revenant tual connection to your spirit guide. You can use it on skill
They’ve betrayed you and left you for dead, but you checks to perceive supernatural dangers.
have returned from the Underworld by the sheer power You also gain the two special abilities below. Once per
of your rage and your thirst for vengeance. Now you will day, you can activate one of the abilities as a quick action.
make them pay. Ι Infuse your body with the power of your spirit.
Special: You cannot take this talent at character creation. Choose the beast aspect from the druid’s shifter
Instead, when your PC dies, resurrect him or her and talent that is closest to your spirit animal, and gain
swap out one barbarian talent for this one. its initiate benefit until the end of the battle.
Whenever you face those who killed you, you can rage Ι Spend a recovery without healing as a quick action
for free. to manifest your spirit. Until the end of the battle,
However, you left a part of your soul down below. You your spirit companion joins the battle as your ally.
are now Sorta Dead, as per the necromancer talent. If you Create an Animal Companion as per the ranger
get killed again, you can return without taking the talent talent in the core book. As a spirit creature, your
another time. You travel for 1d6 days as you make your companion gains resist physical damage 16+.
way back from the Underworld. Each time you die, you
Adventurer Feat: If you are raging while your spirit
lose a recovery permanently, until you have none left and
companion is manifested, it can make one attack with
your soul is trapped in the afterlife eternally. Let’s hope
the benefit of raging that battle.
you have found peace by then.
Champion Feat: You can use both the infuse and the
Adventurer Feat: You suck the life out of your manifest ability once per day.
surroundings to sustain yourself. When you make a Epic Feat: Once per battle, you or your manifested spirit
recovery roll to heal, and a die comes up as the maximum, companion can reroll a save with a +4 bonus.
deal negative energy damage equal to that die to each
enemy engaged with you.

chapter 3
Tribal War Chief Blood-Soaked Resurgence
Whether by birth, merit, or duel, you were a chosen They thought they killed you, but they just awakened
leader of your tribe. Now a higher calling made you the beast.
venture into the core of the Empire. The first time you are reduced to zero hit points in a
You gain three points in a background that represents battle, you can immediately spend a recovery to heal. If
your past or your destiny as a tribal leader. In addition, you use this talent while raging, deal three times your
choose one of the benefits below: level in psychic damage to each enemy you are engaged
Ι You inherited a treasured set of armor as a sign of with.
your status. You take no penalty for wearing heavy Champion Feat: After using this talent, deal 1d12 (8th
armor. level: 2d12) extra psychic damage when you hit with a
Ι Your voice rallies the troops. Choose a battle cry of melee attack, until the end of the battle.
your level or lower from the bard’s list.
Epic Feat: Heal additional hit points equal to 20 x the
Ι You inherited the gift of leadership from your
escalation die with the recovery.
ancestors. Choose a tactic of your level or lower
from the commander list.
Ι The icons have taken special interest in the destiny Raging Storm
of you and your clan. You gain an additional icon You are the storm that ushers in a new age.
relationship die. When you hit with a melee attack, deal 1d8 extra lightning
Ι With you in the lead, others expect victory. Once damage (7th level: 1d12; 9th level: 1d20) to the target.
per day, when you score a critical hit, increase the
Champion Feat: While raging, deal the extra damage to
escalation die by 1.
all nearby enemies.
Adventurer Feat: Choose a second benefit from the list. Epic Feat: You gain resist lightning and thunder 16+.
Champion Feat: Choose a third benefit from the list.
Epic Feat: Choose a fourth benefit from the list. Rallying Cry
Crom, grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, then
Champion Tier to HELL with you!

Talents When you score a critical hit, all nearby allies gain a +2
bonus to melee attack rolls and saves against effects until
If you are looking to boost your damage output fur- the end of your next turn.
ther, Raging Storm gives you a reliable source of extra Champion Feat: You grant the bonus to all saves,
damage, while Awaken the Fury gives you an extra including saves to disengage and death saves.
attack. If you are rather worried about surviving the on-
Epic Feat: You grant the bonus to all attack rolls,
slaught of champion-tier enemies, Tenacious Grit makes
including ranged and spell attacks.
you better at shaking off the nasty effects they’ll throw
at you, while Blood-Soaked Resurgence allows you to
come back from death’s door immediately. Rallying Cry Tenacious Grit
benefits from the many critical hits you gain with your They’ll have to bring more than just a few petty spells to
rage to inspire your allies. take you down.
You gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws, including death
Awaken the Fury saves. While raging, the bonus is equal to your Constitu-
Screaming is good, but slashing spills more blood.
tion modifier instead.
Once per battle, when you enter Barbarian Rage, you can
engage a nearby enemy and make a melee attack as a free Champion Feat: When you start raging, you can make
action. a saving throw against all effects.
Epic Feat: You take half damage from ongoing damage.
Champion Feat: Also gain 5 times the escalation die in
temporary hit points (8th level: 10 times).
Epic Feat: If you hit with the melee attack granted by
this talent, deal 10 times the escalation die in ongoing

Epic Tier Talents Killing Frenzy
No enemy is too big to chop their head off in a clean
As an epic-level barbarian, you can punish any enemy swipe.
for getting too close, either lowering their defenses with Your critical hits deal triple damage.
Axe-Crazy Intimidation or punishing missed attacks
with Meat Grinder. You can also double down on effects Epic Feat: When you are not raging, increase your
triggered by critical hits, with the Killing Frenzy talent critical threat range by 1.
for triple damage or Blood Rage for a free recovery. If
you like big, splashy powers, go with Fury of the North Meat Grinder
Wind. Finally, if you like a straightforward character that Attacking you is like poking a whirling wall of sharpened
rolls big numbers, Might of the Demigod is for you. spikes.
Axe-Crazy Intimidation When an enemy misses with a melee attack against you,
With a bloodthirsty maniac like you in their face, you can make a melee attack against them as an interrupt
enemies can’t focus on their defenses. action.
While you are engaged with an enemy, they take a -2 Epic Feat: Once per battle, use this talent as a free action
penalty to all defenses. (ignoring the limit of one interrupt action between your
Epic Feat: Enemies must always succeed at a disengage
check if they want to disengage from you, even if they
use abilities that pop free or teleport. If the check fails, Might of the Demigod
the enemy stays engaged. Your true divine heritage has come to light.
Special: You can only choose this talent as a single-class
Blood Rage barbarian.
Rage until Ragnarök. Increase your Strength and Constitution scores by 4.
When you score a critical hit, you can heal using a free Epic Feat: You gain a +1 bonus to all saves, including
recovery. saves to disengage and death saves.
Epic Feat: After you score a critical hit, the next time
you are hit by an attack, you take half damage. Multiple
half-damage effects don’t stack.

Fury of the North Wind

You hail from the far north, where summers are short,
and freezing winds cover the land in a thick layer of ice
and snow for the rest of the year. You worship the gods
of the North Wind, and their breath carries you into
In battle, you can call on the Fury of the North Wind as a
standard action. Until the end of your next turn, you gain
a +2 bonus to all defenses and resist cold 16+.
On your next turn, you can pop free from all enemies
and make a giant leap, carried by the icy winds, to engage
a nearby or far away enemy as a move action. Your next
melee attack that turn deals double damage, and you
always count as raging when making the attack.
Epic Feat: When you activate Fury of the North Wind,
enemies engaged with you must succeed at a save or take
25 cold damage and be dazed until the end of your next

The bard options in this book expand the class with new talents, spells, songs, and battle cries.

Hypnotic Gaze: Enemies that can see your familiar take

Bard Talents a -1 penalty to saves against your spells.
Little Rascal: You gain a +2 bonus to checks to pick
If you’d like to play up the happy-go-lucky side of bards,
take a look at the Jack of All Trades, Luck Be a Lady and pockets and steal what’s not nailed down, either because
Silver Tongue talents. your familiar nicks the item while you’re the distraction,
If you envision your bard as more of a physical or the other way around.
performer and fencer, consider the Acrobat and Blade Performer: You gain a +2 bonus to Charisma checks,
talents. Melee combat is also connected to battle cries, usually through your familiar aiding your performances.
which are boosted by the Resounding Battle Cry talent. Songbird: Your familiar can keep up the tune of your
If battle cries are too heroic and you’d like to go more bard songs, giving you a +1 bonus to sustain checks.
shady, try Never Trust a Bard. Consider combining that Sound of Music: You and your familiar can communicate
with Bardic Familiar for a partner in crime. over distance, with the wind carrying along the music.
Elves might want to look at the Bowstring Harmony This also gives your familiar the Scout ability.
and Fey Friend talents, while Echo of the Tunnels fits a
Adventurer Feat: Your familiar gains a third ability.
dark elf or a dwarf.
If you want to play up the support role, the Gift of Champion Feat: Your familiar gains a fourth ability.
Inspiration and Soothing Song talents help you achieve Epic Feat: Your familiar gains a fifth ability.
Finally, for something completely different, consider the Blade
Living Melody talent. This talent allows your character You are a master of stage combat, knife-throwing
to leave and return to the party as needed, which helps and other displays of martial arts. While your skills
if real life tends to interfere with your gaming schedule. are tested in real battle, you always retain an air of
showmanship, even if your opponent is truly out for
Acrobat your blood. Fancy footwork and dashing displays are
On the stage, your specialty is impressive athletic your lifeblood.
performance. You somersault, walk tightropes and
Gain three background points in a stage combat back-
perform breathtaking jumps.
ground, such as stage fencing, knife-throwing or gladia-
You gain a +3 bonus to disengage checks, a +1 bonus to torial show combat.
PD, and 3 points towards a background to show off your When you make a melee or thrown weapon attack with
acrobatic skills. a bladed weapon, you can reroll a natural 2 on the attack
Adventurer Feat: Increase your base AC to 13 in light roll. If you are fighting with two weapons, you can also
or no armor. reroll a natural 3.
Champion Feat: You no longer take damage from You can trigger your bard battle cries with thrown
missed attacks. weapon attacks.
Epic Feat: Increase the PD bonus to +2. Adventurer Feat: When you hit with an attack, you can
forgo the damage and do a stage-worthy stunt instead,
Bardic Familiar such as carving a letter into someone’s shirt, or fling
“For my next trick, watch this rabbit jump through a their hat on your head.
burning hoop!” Champion Feat: Gain a fighter maneuver of up to your
You have enchanted a small animal to become your famil- class level -2 as a bonus power. You can trigger it with
iar, as in the wizard’s familiar talent. Like other familiars, your bard basic attacks, like a battle cry.
it doesn’t join fights and stays somewhere safe. Bards Epic Feat: When fighting with a bladed weapon, you
prefer animals that can sing like a bird, dance like a snake, gain a +1 bonus to your critical threat range.
or perform small tricks like a monkey. Your familiar gains
two abilities, which you can pick from the wizard list or
the bard abilities below.

chapter 4
Bowstring Harmony Gift of Inspiration
No wild elf is considered an adult before they have “Your mother never loved you! … Wait, no, let me
fletched their first arrow. For their bards, the bow is not rethink that.”
just an instrument of war, it is an instrument of music, Once per day per Charisma modifier, you can gift a d4
and each shot creates a fine harmony. inspiration die to an ally as a quick action. Before the end
You don’t take a penalty to attack with bows, and you of the battle or scene, the ally can add the die to one d20
can use your battle cries as flexible ranged attacks as the roll, such as an attack, save or skill check. The ally can
harmony of your bow inspires your allies. decide to add the die after making the roll. You cannot
Adventurer Feat: Your ranged attacks deal miss damage target allies that currently have an unused inspiration die.
equal to your level. You sing an inspiring tune using this talent, so the ally has
Champion Feat: While you successfully sustain a bardic to be able to hear your voice, and you can’t do it stealthily.
song, you gain a +1 bonus to ranged attacks with your bow. Adventurer Feat: You gift a d6.
Epic Feat: Once per battle, while you have a bardic song Champion Feat: You gift a d8, or a d4 to two allies.
active, you can reroll a ranged attack with a bow.
Epic Feat: You gift a d12, or a d6 to two allies.

Echo of the Tunnels

The bards of the subterranean races, especially dwarves, Jack of All Trades
have learned to use the echo of the caverns to strengthen You are crafty and well-traveled, and picked up a few
their bardic magic. tricks here and there.
When your music can echo off stone, such as in a castle or Whenever you make a skill check where none of your
underground, you have advantage on sustain checks for backgrounds apply, gain a +1d4 bonus to the roll.
your bardic songs. Adventurer Feat: When you attempt a skill check to
Adventurer Feat: While underground or within a do something that an ally just tried and failed, you gain
stone building, you can sustain a bardic song for 1d4 advantage on the roll. Note that in some situations, such
rounds, even if you are knocked unconscious, stunned as diplomacy, a failed check will increase the difficulty of
or silenced, or otherwise unable to use an action to do it. all subsequent checks.
Champion Feat: While underground or within a stone Champion Feat: Once per scene, you can grab the
building, any daily bard song or spell becomes recharge exact tool you need that moment from a pocket or
16+ for you. your surroundings. Usually, these are mundane tools
Epic Feat: While underground or within a stone like a crowbar, but if you are willing to invest an icon
building, you gain a +1 bonus to attack with bard spells. relationship roll, you can produce unique items, such as
official documents. Explain how you got the item with a
flashback scene. These items have one use, so that wand
Fey-touched of fireballs will have one charge and that’s it.
Your past is connected to the fey—maybe it was a satyr
who taught you how to play the flute, or maybe you’re a Epic Feat: No skill check ever has a higher DC than 30
changeling kid that was raised by the fey. for you. Explain it as fool’s luck or a form of supernatural
You gain a one-point icon relationship with the Elf ability.
Queen. This represents your strong connection to the fey
realm and its inhabitants over civilized elven society in Living Melody
the mortal realm. Elves notice this connection and treat Your being is infused with the essence of the spherical
you with added respect. melodies that traverse the ethereal plane. It’s possible
Starting from 3rd level, choose either sorcerer spells that you were born from the idea of music itself.
with the Fey keyword, or druid spells from the Circle of As a standard action, you can dissolve your current phys-
the Feysong. You can switch out a bard spell for a spell of ical manifestation and transfer your essence and your
the chosen type at a -2 level penalty. equipment into the ethereal plane to merge with the great
Adventurer Feat: You can switch out one bard spell Song of the Spheres. You can stay in this state as long as
without the level penalty. This allows you to switch out a you like.
spell before 3rd level. When you choose to return, you can go to either the
Champion Feat: When you disengage from an enemy or spot where you left, or anywhere in the world where
teleport away from it, you deal psychic damage equal to someone plays your melody. In combat, you reappear at
twice your level to it. the start of your turn.
If your physical form is killed, your essence returns to
Epic Feat: You can switch out a second spell at no level
the ethereal plane, but it can take days, and sometimes
penalty. In addition, you can now take spells of both types.

months to gather the strength to create a new body. The
only way to permanently end your existence is to make
Resounding Battle Cry
every mortal forget the melody to call you, or end music “I said, ‘Pull It Together!!!’ You, too!”
itself (but no villain would ever attempt anything that Once per battle, when you use a battle cry that affects
cruel—right, GM?) only one target, you can affect multiple allies instead,
equal to your Charisma modifier or the escalation die,
Adventurer Feat: Even when your essence is on the whichever is lower.
ethereal plane, you can interact with your friends
Adventurer Feat: You can include yourself as a target of
through music. You can fight in spirit, and you can play
the battle cry when you use this talent.
or sustain bard songs, but not interfere in other ways.
Champion Feat: The number of targets is no longer
Champion Feat: When you take an action to play or
limited by the escalation die, only your Charisma
sustain a bard song, you heal hit points equal to your
Epic Feat: You gain a second use of this talent per battle,
Epic Feat: Once per day, you can whisk yourself away to
but you can only affect two allies with the second use.
the ethereal plane as an interrupt action to avoid taking
damage and effects from an attack.
Silver Tongue
Luck be a Lady “..., true story.”
You’re a bard. Getting out of trouble you have no Bards have a reputation as sweet talkers, but you take it
business getting out of is a Tuesday. to a whole new level. Once per session, you can capti-
vate your audience with a story that is so outrageous, so
You gain a number of luck points equal to your Charis-
overwhelming, that it becomes the truth because your
ma modifier. You can use a luck point as a free action to
audience simply wants it to become true, at least in their
reroll any of your d20 rolls once. You regain all luck points
minds. This is essentially a stunt, and this talent creates
during a full heal-up.
a success without the usual hard skill check. If your au-
Adventurer Feat: If your luck reroll is a natural 20, dience is not willing to listen, like a bunch of cannibals
regain all luck points you spent that day. hungry for some gnome stew, your GM can still require
Champion Feat: When you spend a luck point and the a check.
reroll is equal to the escalation die or lower, immediately You also gain 3 points towards an appropriate
regain that luck point. background.
Epic Feat: When you spend your last luck point for the
Adventurer Feat: Once per session, you can reroll a
day, make the reroll with advantage.
failed skill check in a social interaction.
Champion Feat: You can intervene and reroll the failed
Never Trust a Bard skill check of an ally instead, replacing your own skill
The fancy notes from your lute cannot hide what a check with his or hers.
bastard you are. Epic Feat: You can use Silver Tongue twice per session.
Instead of battle cries, you gain the same number of rogue
powers, plus one. If you have at least one rogue power
that requires momentum, you gain the Momentum class
Soothing Melody
feature. The sound of a flute can heal the mind, and if you are an
In addition, increase your damage die with small and arcane spellcaster, also the body.
light one-handed weapons, such as daggers and wicked When you grant an ally or yourself a recovery roll to heal
knives, to d8. with a song, spell or battle cry, add your Charisma mod-
ifier to the amount of hit points healed (x2 at 5th level,
Special: You cannot take this talent together with the
x3 at 8th).
Battle Skald or Spellsinger talents.
Adventurer Feat: The target can decide to spend two
Adventurer Feat: Once per battle, you can Sneak Attack
recoveries instead of one.
as a rogue of the same level.
Champion Feat: The target can also roll a save against
Champion Feat: Gain an additional rogue power at two
a save ends effect.
levels below your class level.
Epic Feat: The first time you grant a recovery in a battle,
Epic Feat: You gain a +2 bonus to hit with melee attacks
you and all allies other than the target heal hit points
against enemies that are confused, dazed, stunned,
equal to three times your Charisma modifier.
vulnerable to your attack, or weakened.

chapter 4
Bard Songs, Spells 1st Level Spells & Songs
and Battle Cries Advanced Acrobatics
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action
The battle cries in this book are a bit different from the Target: You or a nearby ally
ones found in the Core Book. The Core Book bard is a sup- Effect: Until the next quick rest, the target has advantage
port character, with most battle cries helping other PCs on Dexterity-based skill checks.
in the party in some way or another. Most battle cries in
this book are aimed more at the trickster types, who help Adventurer Feat: The target also has advantage on
themselves or mess with their enemies before they think disengage checks.
of others. Champion Feat: The target also gains a +1 bonus to AC
For spells, you’ll find that they mostly focus on illusions and PD.
and enchantment spells, which are classic bard areas of Epic Feat: The target also gains a +1 bonus to Dexterity-
expertise. based attack rolls.

1st Level Battle Cries Animated Betrayal

Can’t Touch This! Ranged spell; At-will
Target: Two nearby enemies
Flexible melee attack
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
Triggering Roll: Natural even roll
Hit: Psychic damage equal to the other target’s normal
Effect: You gain a +1 bonus to AC and PD until the end
attack damage (without effects)
of your next turn.
Miss: Damage equal to the other target’s level
Adventurer Feat: You also take no damage or effects
from missed attacks until the end of your next turn. Birdsong
Champion Feat: Increase the bonus to +2. Close-quarters spell; Daily
Epic Feat: Increase the bonus to +3. Effect: Until the next quick rest, you speak the language
of birds. You can imitate their songs and communicate
Follow the Beat! with them, within the limits of a bird’s intelligence and
Flexible melee attack understanding of the world.
Triggering Roll: Natural even roll Adventurer Feat: You can extend the effect to a nearby
Effect: You gain a +2 bonus to your next check to sustain ally.
a bard song this turn.
Adventurer Feat: The bonus is equal to your Dexterity
Cutting Words
modifier instead. Close-quarters spell; At-will
Target: One nearby enemy
Ready to Rock! Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
Flexible melee attack Hit: 1d6 + Charisma psychic damage, and the target takes
Triggering Roll: Natural odd roll a 1d6 penalty to its next attack roll.
Effect: You gain temporary hit points equal to your Miss: The target gains a 1d6 bonus to its next attack roll
Charisma modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th). against you.
3rd level spell: 3d6 damage
Adventurer Feat: Add your level to the temporary hit
5th level spell: 5d6 damage
points gained.
7th level spell: 7d6 damage
You Don’t Dance! 9th level spell: 10d6 damage
Flexible melee attack Ditty of the Bumbling Fools
Triggering Roll: Natural odd hit Bardic song; Recharge 6+ after battle; Quick action
Effect: The target takes a penalty on its next attack roll each turn; 11+ to sustain; automatic sustain if a natural
equal to your Charisma modifier. 1 was rolled during or after your last turn
Champion Feat: If the target is a mook, the entire group Opening & Sustained Effect: If an ally rolls a natural
takes the penalty. 1 on a d20 roll, they gain temporary hit points equal to
Epic Feat: The attack penalty is “save ends”. A group of your Charisma + Level. If an opponent rolls a natural 1
mooks makes one save for the group. on a d20 roll, they take psychic damage equal to your
Charisma + Level.

Final Verse: Choose an enemy. That enemy must Power Chord
immediately make a save or its next attack roll is a natural 1. Close-quarters spell; Once per battle
Adventurer Feat: Target 1d3 enemies with the final Target: 1d3 nearby enemies in a group
verse. Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
Champion Feat: Double the temporary hit points and Hit: 1d12 + Charisma psychic damage, and an ally
damage. engaged with the target gains advantage on their next
Epic Feat: Also grant temporary hit points on natural 2. attack against it.
Miss: Damage equal to your level
Drinking Buddies 3rd level spell: 2d12 damage
Ranged spell; Daily 5th level spell: 3d12 damage
Effect: Until the end of the scene, you gain a 1d6 bonus to 7th level spell: 4d12 damage
skill checks against NPCs who have shared a drink with 9th level spell: 6d12 damage
you. Adventurer Feat: If you currently have a bard song
Adventurer Feat: Also grant the bonus to all nearby active, gain a +1 bonus to the attack roll.
allies. Champion Feat: On a natural even hit, grant advantage
to a second nearby ally. The ally does not need to be
Enchant Instrument engaged with the target.
It’s also a great party trick. Epic Feat: Attack 1d4 nearby enemies.
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action
Target: A musical instrument Riding into Battle
Effect: You imbue the target item with the ability to play Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action
itself until the end of the battle or scene, which provides a Effect: You and all nearby allies gain 2d10 temporary hit
+1 bonus to perform checks and sustain checks for bard points.
songs. It acts as an implement for your bard spells, with a 3rd level song: 3d10 temporary hit points
+1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. 5th level song: 4d10 temporary hit points
5th level spell: Increase the bonuses to +2. 7th level song: 5d10 temporary hit points
9th level spell: Increase the bonuses to +3. 9th level song: 7d10 temporary hit points
Adventurer Feat: The spell becomes recharge 11+. Champion Feat: You can use this song twice per day.
Champion Feat: Enemies take a penalty to saving throws
against your spells equal to the enchantment bonus. Wild Dance
Epic Feat: Gain advantage on the first spell attack roll Bardic song; Recharge 11+ after battle; Quick action
you make with the enchanted instrument. each turn; 11+ to sustain
Opening & Sustained Effect: You or a nearby ally can
Pounding Voice immediately pop free from all enemies or engage a nearby
Close-quarters spell; Once per battle enemy as a free action.
Target: One nearby enemy Final Verse: You or a nearby ally can immediately make a
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD melee basic attack against a nearby enemy as a free action.
Hit: 3d6 + Charisma thunder damage. Until the end of Adventurer Feat: Target both yourself and one nearby
the battle, whenever you use a battlecry, the target takes ally with opening, sustain and final verse. Gain this feat
1d6 psychic damage. for free if you have a positive icon relationship with the
Miss: Half damage High Druid.
3rd level spell: 5d6 damage; 2d6 on battlecry Champion Feat: The target of the final verse effect can
5th level spell: 8d6 damage; 3d6 on battlecry trigger flexible attacks like fighter maneuvers and bard
7th level spell: 12d6 damage; 4d6 on battlecry battle cries with the attack, if they have any.
9th level spell: 2d6 x 10 damage; 6d6 on battlecry
Champion Feat: You regain the spell when you rally.

chapter 4
3rd Level Battle Cries Incite Rage
Ranged spell; Daily
Hammer Time! Target: A nearby creature
Flexible melee attack Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
Triggering Roll: Natural odd hit Hit: The target gains a +4 bonus to their critical threat
Effect: Your attack deals 1d6 extra thunder damage (5th range with melee attacks, but takes a -4 penalty to all
level: 2d6; 8th level: 3d6). defenses (save ends). If the target does not attack on its
Champion Feat: Increase the extra damage dice to d8. turn, it takes psychic damage equal to twice its level at the
end of that turn.
Let’s Smack Them! Miss: If you have a positive relationship with the Orc
Flexible melee attack; Once per battle Lord, regain this spell at the end of the battle.
Triggering Roll: Natural even hit Special: When you target an ally with this spell, you don’t
Effect: All nearby allies deal one additional WEAPON require an attack roll, and the target can choose to remain
damage die on hit or miss with melee attacks until the end under the effect, without saving against it.
of your next turn. Adventurer Feat: The target also takes a -2 penalty to
5th level battle cry: 2 weapon dice melee attack rolls. If you target an ally, they gain a +2
9th level battle cry: 3 weapon dice bonus instead.
Adventurer Feat: Grant the bonus die to damage with
all attacks. If the attack uses no WEAPON die, add 1d6.
Lucky Break
Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action
This Will Blow Your Mind! Target: You or a nearby ally. If you have a positive icon
Flexible melee attack relationship with the Shadow Prince, target both.
Triggering Roll: Natural even hit Effect: Until the end of the battle or scene, the target
Effect: The next attack against the target’s MD has increases the natural roll of all its d20 rolls by 1. A natural
advantage. 20 remains a natural 20. A natural 1 ends the spell.
Champion Feat: Also deal extra psychic damage equal Adventurer Feat: If the target rolls a natural 20, it can
to your level. heal using a recovery as a free action.
Champion Feat: The recovery granted by the natural 20
is free.
3rd Level Spells & Songs
Animated Theater March of the Emperor
Ranged spell; Recharge 11+ Bardic song; Daily; Quick action each turn; 16+ to
Effect: You create a three-dimensional, animated visual sustain (11+ if you have a positive icon relationship
illusion, roughly the size of a chest, for up to an hour. with the Emperor)
You can use the illusion to recreate events, entertain Opening & Sustained Effect: Each nearby group of
an audience, or add visuals to your music. You must mooks must succeed at a normal save. If they fail, you
concentrate on the spell to keep the illusion going. control them during their next turn. Undead are immune
5th level spell: You can now create an illusion the size to the effect unless you have a positive icon relationship
of a wardrobe. with the Lich King.
7th level spell: The illusion is now the size of a stage. Final Verse: Every mook that you have successfully
controlled with this spell at least once is stunned until
Adventurer Feat: The illusion can create sounds and the end of your next turn.
smells too.
Ode to Heroism
High Tide Sea Shanty Bardic song; Recharge 16+ after battle; Quick action
Ranged spell; Daily each turn; 11+ to sustain (6+ if you have a positive icon
Effect: You rouse the crew of a ship to work in unison. relationship with the Great Gold Wyrm)
The difficulty of all seafaring-related checks for the scene Opening & Sustained Effect: Choose an enemy. You and
is lowered one step (by 5). all nearby allies are immune to its fear aura (if any), and
gain a +2 bonus to saves against any save ends effects it
Final Verse: You and all nearby allies can save against a
save-ends effect imposed by the target.

Adventurer Feat: You can choose two enemies for the Stop Messing Around!
song’s effects. Flexible melee attack
Champion Feat: You and all nearby allies are immune Triggering Roll: Natural even hit
to the fear aura until the end of the battle, even after the Effect: The next ally who misses an attack before the end
song ends. of your next turn can reroll it once.
Champion Feat: If no ally misses an attack roll before
Phantom Crowd the end of your next turn, increase the escalation die by 1.
Ranged spell; Daily
Effect: You create the illusion of a group of 2d6 people. That’s the Sound of Victory!
You can decide the appearance of the crowd freely, from Flexible melee attack
playing children to a band of roving orcs. The illusion Triggering Roll: Natural even hit
is both visual and auditory. However, anything physical Effect: Make a sustain check for a bard song as a free
passes through the crowd. action.
5th level spell: 1d4 x 10 people
Champion Feat: Add your Charisma modifier to the
7th level spell: 2d6 x 10 people
9th level spell: 3d6 x 10 people
Song of Clashing Swords Time to Dance!
Bardic song; Daily Flexible melee attack
Quick action each turn; 16+ to sustain Triggering Roll: Natural 5, 6, 7, 8
Opening & Sustained Effect: All nearby allies gain a +2 Effect: You pop free from the target, and a nearby ally
bonus to their AC against melee attacks. pops free from all enemies and engages the target.
Final Verse: Nearby allies have advantage on their next Champion Feat: A second nearby ally can also pop free
melee attack roll. and engage the target.
Champion Feat: On the final verse, enemies are also
vulnerable to your allies’ next melee attack. 5th Level Songs & Spells
Captivating Story
5th Level Battle Cries Close-quarters spell; Daily
Fear the Dark! Target: A group of people you are telling a story to
Flexible melee attack Attack: Charisma + Level vs. the highest MD
Triggering Roll: Natural odd hit Hit: You captivate your audience with a story that is so
Effect: Mark the target. At the start of any turn this battle, outrageous, so overwhelming that it becomes the truth
if the target is hiding or has moved to a far away location, in their minds.
you can end the mark and make a melee attack against the Miss: Your audience loses interest and disperses.
target as a standard action as if you were engaged with it. Champion Feat: You can use an appropriate skill as a
The attack targets MD and deals psychic damage. bonus to the “attack” roll.
Champion Feat: The attack above is a free action. If you
have a positive icon relationship with the Shadow Prince, Ethereal Dancers
you gain this feat for free. You summon a group of ghostly dancers who surround
your enemies and invite them to dance.
I’m Just Messing with You! Bardic song; Daily
Flexible melee attack Standard action each turn; 11+ to sustain
Triggering Roll: Natural even miss Opening & Sustained Effect: Make the following attack
Effect: Your next melee attack against this enemy targets against the nearby enemy with the lowest hit points. If
the lower of their AC and MD. it’s a mook, target the entire group. Skip targets that are
already under the effect of the song.
Champion Feat: You can use this battle cry on an odd
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
miss once per battle.
Hit: The target enters a wild dance (save ends). It can
move, but it cannot take other actions. If the target
takes damage, the effect ends.
Natural even hit: Repeat the attack against the next
nearby enemy with the lowest hit points that is not
currently under the spell.

chapter 4
Miss: The target is dazed until the end of your next Symphony of Pain
turn. Ranged spell; Daily
Final Verse: All targets currently under the effect of the Target: One nearby enemy (OR all nearby staggered
spell are stunned until the end of your next turn, then the enemies if you have a positive icon relationship with the
effect ends. Diabolist)
Champion Feat: Gain a +1 bonus to your sustain check Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
for each target currently under the effect. Hit: 15 ongoing psychic damage. The target is also
Epic Feat: Allies can give you advantage on your next weakened (-4 to attacks and defenses) and enraged
attack roll with the song if they spend a standard action (attacks deal extra damage equal to twice its level). A save
joining the dance instead of attacking. ends all three conditions.
Miss: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Glamor Shield 7th level spell: 25 ongoing psychic damage
Close-quarters spell; Daily (Recharge 16+ if you have 9th level spell: 40 ongoing psychic damage
a positive icon relationship with the Elf Queen); Quick Champion Feat: If the target is staggered, you gain a +2
action bonus to the attack.
Always: For the rest of the battle, once per round when an
Epic Feat: The saving throw is now a hard save.
enemy moves to engage you, you can make the following
attack against it as a free action before it has the chance Unleash Chaos & Mayhem
to attack in melee.
You animate nearby objects that are not nailed down to
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
create a tornado of flying hazards that strike at anyone
Natural Even Hit: Teleport yourself to somewhere
who is not taking cover immediately.
you can see. The attack has no effect as the enemy
Close-quarters, Daily
attacks an illusory image of you.
Target: 1d4 nearby enemies, or 2d4 if cast recklessly
Natural Odd Hit: 5d6 + Charisma damage, and the
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. AC
target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Hit: 1d6 x 10 + Charisma damage
Miss: --
Miss: Half damage
7th level spell: 7d6 damage
Reckless miss: 10 damage to all allies engaged with
9th level spell: 10d6 damage
the target
Champion Feat: You can place the shield on a nearby Always: The obstacles you scatter across the battlefield
ally instead. give all disengage checks disadvantage until the end of
Epic Feat: On a natural even miss, you take half damage your next turn.
from the target’s attacks until the end of the turn. 7th level spell: 2d4 x 10 damage; 15 damage on
reckless miss
Song of the Mockingbird 9th level spell: 2d8 x 10 damage; 20 damage on
Bardic song; Daily reckless miss
Quick action each turn; 6+ to sustain Champion Feat: The spell is now recharge 16+.
Opening & Sustained Effect: All nearby enemies take
a -2 penalty to their saving throws. If an enemy fails a
saving throw, it takes psychic damage equal to your level
(but note that a natural 18+ on a saving throw always
Final Verse: The effect ends immediately. Deal 1d6
psychic damage per level to a nearby enemy.
Champion Feat: Enemies who fail a save are also dazed
(-4 to attacks) until the end of their next turn.
Epic Feat: Increase the save penalty to -4.

Miss: If the target has 125 hit points or fewer, it is
7th Level Battle Cries dazed until the end of your next turn. Otherwise, no
Cover Me! effect.
Flexible melee attack; Once per battle Final Verse: Make the attack against 2d4 nearby enemies,
Triggering Roll: Natural odd miss or attack one enemy with a +4 bonus and no hit point
Effect: A nearby ally can make a ranged basic attack limit.
against the target, and you pop free. 9th level song: Increase the hit point limit to 250 hit
Epic Feat: The ally can use any standard action ranged
attack. Champion Feat: This song is now 11+ to sustain.

I Meant to Do That! Otherworldly Voice

Flexible melee attack; Once per battle Close-quarters, Daily
Triggering Roll: Natural even miss Target: You
Effect: Reroll the attack with a +2 bonus. Effect: Until the rest of the scene, your voice becomes as
soothing as a bath in the springs of Elysium, or as cutting
Epic Feat: If the second attack roll is a miss, gain a +2 as the sharpest knife. It can fill the arena of Axis and still
bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn. be heard in the outskirts of the city, or carry across the
planes to whisper in the ears of a god. It can bring a tear
Screw This! to the cheek of the Elf Queen or a smile to the face of an
Flexible melee attack Archdemon.
Triggering Roll: Natural 1 This spell allows you to achieve a feat with your voice
Effect: You can reduce the escalation die by one to reroll that would normally require a ridiculously hard skill
the attack. Pop free from all enemies after the attack. check at epic tier (DC 35).
Welcome to my Nightmare! Roar of the Great Gold Wyrm
Flexible melee attack Bardic song; Daily; Quick action; 16+ to sustain
Triggering Roll: Natural odd hit Opening & Sustained Effect: Creatures with fewer hit
Effect: Deal 1d20 psychic damage against the target. points than you cannot attack you.
9th level battle cry: 2d20 damage Final Verse: If you have succeeded at at least one sustain
7th Level Songs & Spells check for this song, take an extra standard action this
turn. If you have positive icon relationship with the Great
Dancing Blade Gold Wyrm, one ally can take an extra standard action for
Bardic song; Daily; Quick action; 6+ to sustain each successful check past the first.
Opening & Sustained Effect: A melee weapon you are
holding flies out to make a melee attack on its own. Make
Time to Fly
a melee basic attack (no battle cries) against a nearby Close-quarters, Daily
enemy. Target: You and a number of willing allies equal to your
Final Verse: The weapon flies out to make another melee Charisma bonus
attack. Effect: You transform all targets and their equipment into
birds. The main purpose of this spell is overland travel,
Champion Feat: With the final verse, If the natural roll as you can’t use items or abilities while in bird form. The
of that attack was even, make another attack against a targets can still communicate with each other, but their
different nearby enemy. Keep attacking until you have words sound like chirping and twittering to anyone else.
run out of targets, or until an attack roll is odd. The effect lasts until the next sunrise or sundown, or
until you end it. Any flying targets fall to the ground like
Manic Cacophony
feathers when the spell ends. The spell also ends on any
Bardic song; Daily target that takes damage.
Standard action each turn; 16+ to sustain
Opening & Sustained Effect: Make the following against Epic Feat: Double the number of creatures you can
the 1d3 nearby enemies with the lowest hit point total. target.
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
Hit: If the target has 125 hit points or fewer, it is
confused until the end of your next turn. If it has more,
it is dazed instead.

chapter 4
9th Level Battle Cries 9th Level Songs & Spells
Fight the Good Fight! Dance to My Tune
Flexible melee attack; Daily Ranged spell; Daily
Triggering Roll: Natural 16+ Target: One nearby enemy with 300 hit points or fewer
Effect: Increase the escalation die by 1. Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
Epic Feat: Roll a second d20 (without making an attack) Hit: You dominate the target (save ends). At the start of
and trigger a second battle cry based on that roll. If you the target’s turn, you can command it to act as you like. If
have a positive icon relationship with the Crusader, you you give the target a command that it has a strong reason
gain this feat for free. to resist, such as one that would harm itself or its friends,
it can save against the effect immediately (in addition to
I’ve Got Another One for You! the normal save at the end of its turn).
Flexible melee attack; Once per battle Miss: The target notices your attempt to intrude into its
Triggering Roll: Natural 18+ mind.
Effect: Cast a bard spell as a quick action this turn. Epic Feat: On a natural even miss, your domination
attempt remains undetected.
Never Gonna Give You Up!
Flexible melee attack; Daily Grand Illusion
Triggering Roll: Natural even roll Ranged spell; Daily
Effect: Every ally that is currently at 10 hit points or less, Target: An entire castle or similar sized area
including dying and stabilized allies, can spend a recovery Effect: You create an illusion that covers the entire area
to heal and heals the maximum amount. with new sights, sounds, and smells. The illusion is not
solid, so if you were to create an illusory wall, anyone
Epic Feat: You grant the effect to all staggered allies. If can walk right through it. The closer the illusion is to the
you have a positive icon relationship with the Priestess, shape of the terrain it covers, the more believable it is.
you gain this feat for free. Those who perceive the illusion, but have a reason
to doubt it, can make a save to see through it. They still
see the illusion, but can distinguish it from the reality
beneath. Failed saves can be repeated after one hour.
The illusion lasts for up to a day, but can be made to
last longer when cast as a ritual.
Epic Feat: You can add semi-real elements to the
illusion, such as food that really nourishes or water that
really is wet. If you have a positive icon relationship with
the Archmage, you gain this feat for free.

Wail of the Banshee

Bardic song; Daily
Standard action each turn; 16+ to sustain
Opening & Sustained Effect: Make the following attack
against a nearby enemy.
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
Hit: The target loses half its current hit points, up to a
maximum of 50 x the escalation die.
Miss: The target loses half its current hit points, up to
a maximum of 10 x the escalation die.
Final Verse: Repeat the attack. On a hit, if the target
currently has 300 hp or fewer, it starts making last gasp
saves (16+). It dies after the fourth failed save.
Epic Feat: When you make the attack, also deal 5 x the
escalation die damage to all nearby enemies that you
don’t target. If you have a positive icon relationship with
the Lich King, you gain this feat for free.

Chaos Mage
Chaos Mage
This chapter contains new spells and talents for the chaos mage class.

Chaos Mage Talents Blip of Bard

Don’t let go, You’ve got the music in you.
For talents, there are new options for the three paths in 13 You gain a random spell or song from the bard class.
True Ways, based on a different secondary ability score. Whenever you take a full heal-up, randomly choose a
For the Dexterity-based Attacking Warp path, you can bard spell of up to the highest level you can cast. For the
add more offensive capability with the Blown Fuse and rest of the day, you know this spell and can cast it accord-
Unleashed Pain talents. For the Wisdom-based Defen- ing to its normal usage pattern—at-will, once per battle,
sive Warp, you can strengthen your healing with Healing recharge, or daily—when that option comes up during
Havoc. For the Intelligence-based Iconic Warp path, you your chaos mage spellcasting sequence. See the notes on
can gain a bit more control over your powers with the p. 20 of 13 True Ways for chaos mage talents granting
Nepotism, Clearly and Xaositect talents. spells from other classes.
If you’re just looking to get more spells to burn, look at
the Master of Mayhem talent, while Chaos Spike gives Adventurer Feat: After each full heal-up, choose an
a boost of your choice to spells you cast. Meanwhile, art form such as kazoo improvisation, ice carving or
the Enigmatic Pet provides some companionship while gnome pantomime. Roll a d6 and gain as many points in
turning down the crazy a bit. a related background. The inspiration lasts until the next
If you don’t trust spells alone and would like to add full heal-up, at which point a new inspiration strikes.
some melee capabilities, look at Chaos Knight. Champion Feat: After each full heal-up, choose one
Finally, three of the new talents give access to random battle cry from the bard list. You can use this
more cross-class abilities: Blip of Bard, Affliction of battle cry with your chaos mage melee attacks. Once per
Abomination and Slice of Swordmage. If that‘s too day, you can also trigger it with an at-will spell attack roll.
stable for you, choose Testimony to Teamwork to gain a Epic Feat: If you don’t like either the random bard spell
spell from an ally of your choice. or the battle cry you rolled for the day, roll again. You’re
stuck with the second one.
Affliction of Abomination
There is a beast slumbering inside you that can break
through the surface in the heat of battle.
Blown Fuse
Your body is less of a conduit for magic and more of a
Add a mutation stone to your spell bag. When you draw
containment unit. You keep warning people every time
that stone, you gain Natural Armor, Natural Weapons
they try to harm you, but they never listen.
and a Spit Attack as per the abomination class features
When you are reduced to zero hit points, deal 1d6 per level
until the end of your next turn (see Dark Pacts & Ancient
+ Dexterity modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th) fire damage
to all enemies engaged with you. If you are not engaged to
Whenever you take a full heal-up, randomly choose two
any enemies, deal the damage to a random nearby enemy.
abomination maneuvers of up to your level. You can use
In addition, roll a d6 and gain an effect from the list below.
these maneuvers when you make a melee or spit attack
while you are mutated. Also choose a native element at 1. Air: A strong wind knocks all enemies that were
random. engaged with you prone (melee attacks against
them have advantage until they take a move action
Adventurer Feat: At full heal-up, roll 1d6 to gain a to stand up).
random abomination talent: 1) Carnage, 2) Draconic 2. Earth: Nearby enemies are stuck (save ends) as the
Breath Weapon, 3) Fueled by Pain, 4) Hardened Plating, ground they stand on becomes viscous and sticky.
5) Hard to Kill, or 6) Slithering Snake. You gain its 3. Fire: Your dying words set your murderer on fire,
benefits while mutated. dealing five times your level in ongoing damage.
Champion Feat: Once per day, when you are reduced 4. Water: Your body is encased in a protective ice
to zero hit points, you can use a recovery to heal as an cocoon. You gain a +5 bonus to death saves.
interrupt, drop your current chaos mage spell selection 5. Metal: A swirl of sharp metal objects deals 1d6
and mutate as if you had drawn the abomination stone. damage per level to 1d4 random nearby enemies.
Epic Feat: You can use the champion feat effect once 6. Void: The enemy who killed you must start making
per battle. last gasp saves (16+). After the fourth failed last gasp
save, the target is sucked into a terrible void, leaving
only muffled screams behind.

Chaos Mage
Adventurer Feat: Also roll on the High Weirdness table. Then draw a second stone to determine your chaos mage
spell type as usual. At any time during this battle, when
Champion Feat: Increase the fire damage dice to d10s.
you cast a chaos mage spell, you can choose to set aside
Epic Feat: Make two d6 rolls on the table and choose the the spike stone to gain the benefit you rolled.
result you like.
Champion Feat: Add two spike stones to your bag
Chaos Knight instead of one.
Like the law, chaos needs its champions, and you are its
chosen one. Embodiment of Anarchy
You don’t take an attack penalty when wielding a As a rampant vessel of chaos magic, your body isn’t
one-handed melee weapon of any kind, or a shield. You stable. The color of your hair, eyes and even skin keeps
also take no attack penalty for wearing heavy armor, and shifting through all the colors of the rainbow, based on
your base AC in heavy armor is increased to 12. your mood, the weather, and the whims of magic. On
When you pull a stone from the bag to determine your some days, you wake up as a different race or gender.
next chaos mage spell, you can choose to gain one of the All of this is wildly confusing to others, but you were
effects below instead of a spell. The effect depends on the born with it and know this is who you are. When you
stone you pulled, and it lasts until the end of your next turn. manifest a spell, it’s less of a conscious act of casting
Attack: Your melee attacks deal fire damage, and you than a failure to contain the magic.
deal 1d6 extra damage per level on a hit. Since chaos magic is a manifestation of your physical
Defense: If an enemy misses you with a melee attack, being, you use Constitution instead of Charisma for all
you can make a melee attack against them as an Chaos Mage spells.
interrupt action. As a side effect, your body and mind shake off attempts
Iconic / Blood of Warriors: Gain advantage on your to reshape them more easily. You can roll saves at the start
next melee attack roll. of your turn instead of at the end of your turn. A successful
Iconic / Light of the High Ones: Your melee attacks save against ongoing damage, for example, means that you
deal holy damage, you deal half damage on a miss. will not take the ongoing damage that turn.
Iconic / Twisted Path: Your melee attacks deal negative
energy damage, and if you hit, the target takes a 1d6 Adventurer Feat: Reroll natural 1s when spending a
penalty to all defenses until the end of your next turn. recovery to heal.
If you have a warp talent, you still get the talent’s effect Champion Feat: Once per battle, when you are out of
even if you drop the spell. daily spell slots, you can cast a daily spell by expending a
Special: If you are a multiclass chaos mage, the chaos recovery without healing instead.
mage side counts as a “skilled warrior” and no longer Epic Feat: When you save against a save ends effect with
reduces your WEAPON damage die. However, you have a natural even success, make a Constitution + level vs.
one fewer chaos mage daily spell. PD attack against a random nearby enemy. If you hit,
Adventurer Feat: Your recoveries use exploding dice that target is now under the effect you just shook off.
(add one more die for each that comes up as maximum).
Champion Feat: Your AC in light armor is increased to Enigmatic Pet
11, and in heavy armor to 13. You have befriended a small creature, like a cat or a fox,
Epic Feat: Once per battle, when the escalation die is which hangs around you to get petted and fed. It seems
3+, make a melee attack as a quick action after casting a completely oblivious to the chaos and mayhem that
chaos mage spell on that turn. surrounds you, and ignores any High Weirdness effects.
You have a nagging feeling that the universe has sent it
Chaos Spike to counterbalance the effects of your powers.
You are in tune with the ebb and flow of magic around Once per day, your pet can cancel an ongoing magical or
you, ready to tap into it when the moment arrives. supernatural effect. That effect can be a condition on a
Add a spike stone to your bag. When you draw it during creature, an item effect, something in the environment,
spell determination, roll 1d6 on the table below to deter- or your own High Weirdness. If the effect is permanent,
mine its effect. such as an item enchantment, roll a save each turn to see
1. Increase the number of targets of a spell by one. when the effect is reactivated.
2. Gain advantage on the first attack roll with a spell. Your pet won’t join you in a fight, and it can’t be targeted
3. Make all targets of a spell vulnerable to it. by spells or attacks.
4. Increase all damage dice of a spell by one step. Also choose one ability for your pet from the list below:
5. Cast a spell as if you had all feats for it. Axiomatic: Once per day, when making a d20-based
6. Cast a once-per-battle chaos mage spell without check, your pet can set the roll to 13 instead of rolling.
expending a spell slot.

chapter 5
Detector: It can smell magic by scent.
Flight: It can fly.
Nepotism, Clearly
Or if there is no blood relationship, sycophancy works too.
Healer: Once per day, it can grant someone the use of
a recovery to heal by touch. Choose one of the three icon groups - Blood of Warriors,
Light of the High Ones or Twisted Path. When casting
Innate Magic: Your pet knows three Wizard cantrips,
an iconic spell, always cast a spell from the chosen path.
and it can use one cantrip per scene.
You can choose any spell from that list, without randomly
Mundane Aura: It appears fully natural and resists
rolling for a specific icon.
any divination magic cast on it.
Negator: It can use its anti-magic ability twice per day. Adventurer Feat: Once per battle, when drawing a spell
Shapechanger: It can take any shape it likes, as long type from your bag, you can swap the stone you drew for
as it stays roughly cat-sized. an iconic spell stone from your pile of discarded stones.
Shield: Once per day, it can force an enemy to reroll You can only do this if you have a discarded iconic spell
an attack against you with a d12. stone in your pile.
Shy: It can turn invisible at-will. Champion Feat: Gain a bonus relationship die with one
Talkative: Your pet can talk. Each session, determine of the four icons in your chosen path. After using a 5 or
its personality with a d6 roll: 1) cutesy, 2) zen-like, 3) 6 with it, roll a d3 to randomly re-assign the relationship
condescending, 4) sneaky, 5) hungry, or 6) cuddly. to a different icon.
Epic Feat: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with iconic
Adventurer Feat: Your pet has a second ability from the spells.
Champion Feat: Your pet has a third ability. Nepotism, Clearly clashes with the Air effect of the Iconic
Epic Feat: Your pet has a fourth ability. Warp talent. If you have both talents, use the following
effect instead.
Healing Havoc Air: Until the end of your next turn, you gain a bonus to
Embrace the chaos to soothe the pain. disengage checks equal to your Intelligence modifier.
When you use a spell or talent to grant yourself or an ally a
recovery to heal, and the escalation die is even, the target Slice of Swordmage
can spend an extra recovery to heal. If the escalation die is
Chaos magic and sharp weapons—what could go
odd, a random ally under a save-ends condition can save
against it with a bonus equal to your Wisdom modifier.
You gain a random spell from the swordmage class (see
Adventurer Feat: Once per battle, when drawing a spell Dark Pacts & Ancient Secrets). Whenever you take a full
type from your bag, you can swap the stone you drew for heal-up, randomly choose a swordmage spell of the high-
a defense spell stone from your pile of discarded stones. est level you can cast. For the rest of the day, you know
You can only do this if you have a discarded defense spell this spell and can cast it according to its normal usage
stone in your pile. pattern—once per battle, recharge, or daily—when that
Champion Feat: Gain both the even and odd effect, option comes up during your chaos mage spellcasting se-
regardless of the escalation die. quence. If the spell is an attack, you can cast it when you
Epic Feat: When you grant yourself or an ally a recovery can cast a chaos mage attack spell, otherwise as a defense
to heal with a chaos mage spell or talent, another nearby spell.
ally can choose to roll on the High Weirdness table to If the swordmage spell refers to Intelligence, you can
heal using a free recovery. replace that ability score with Charisma.
In addition, like a swordmage, you can use true magic
item weapons as implements for your chaos mage spells.
Master of Mayhem
You tear the labels off mattresses. Adventurer Feat: You can use the swordmage’s Mark
You gain a bonus daily spell slot, for a total of three at 1st with Sigil class feature once per day. However, the sigil
level. you place is purely random—the type of sigil, targeted
enemy, and the ally that the enemy must attack to avoid
Champion Feat: Once per battle, draw two stones from
triggering the sigil are determined randomly.
your spell bag. Keep one to determine your spell and set
aside the other. Champion Feat: You can use Mark with Sigil once per
Epic Feat: When you have no chaos mage daily spells
left, regain one when you take a quick rest. Epic Feat: You gain two random swordmage spells
during a full heal-up, one attack and one defense spell.

Chaos Mage
Testimony to Teamwork
With enemies like that, who needs friends? Attack Spells
During each full heal-up, choose another spellcaster PC. Chaotic Touch (1st Level)
You gain a spell of that PC’s class, of your level or lower. Close-quarters spell; At-will
To pick the spell, the target player opens a book on the Target: One enemy you are engaged with
page of their choice, then rolls a die for the spell. Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
Assign the spell as either attack or defense. You can
Hit: 1d6 + Charisma damage. Determine the damage
cast the spell at its normal frequency, when you get the
type and a special effect of the attack, based on the first
stone of that category during your chaos mage spell pick.
d6 you roll.
You can use Charisma as the ability score for attack and
1. Lightning. The target takes a -2 penalty to its next
damage with the spell.
Adventurer Feat: You can also gain a maneuver or 2. Acid. The target takes a -2 penalty to defenses until
power instead of a spell. the end of its next turn.
Champion Feat: Once per day, you can use the racial 3. Fire. Deal fire damage equal to your Dexterity
power of the target ally. modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th) to a random
Epic Feat: When you gain your spell, also grant the nearby enemy.
target ally a chaos mage spell of up to their level, that 4. Poison. If the target takes a move action before
you determine randomly with the same method. They the end of its next turn, it must succeed on a save
can swap Charisma for the ability score they use for their or stumble (potentially falling off something,
own spells. provoking opportunity attacks etc.).
5. Weapon. Deal 1d6 extra damage (5th level: 2d6; 8th
level: 3d6)
Unleashed Pain 6. Negative Energy. You gain resist all 12+ until the
Channel the repressed guilt from a strict religious end of your next turn.
upbringing. Miss: Your level in damage
While you are staggered, increase the damage dice of your 3rd level spell: 3d6 damage
chaos mage spells by one step (d4 to d6 and so on). 5th level spell: 5d6 damage
Adventurer Feat: Once per battle, when drawing a spell 7th level spell: 7d6 damage
type from your bag, you can swap the stone you drew for 9th level spell: 9d6 damage
an iconic spell stone from your pile of discarded stones. Champion Feat: On a natural even miss, add 1d6 to
You can only do this if you have a discarded iconic spell damage and gain the bonus effect based on the roll.
stone in your pile.
Champion Feat: While you are staggered, your chaos Frogsplosion (1st Level)
mage spells gain a +2 bonus to their critical threat range. Ranged spell; Once per battle
Epic Feat: While you are staggered, all damage dice Effect: Create two exploding frogs. Make one attack for
of your spells are exploding dice (when you roll the each frog.
maximum number, roll another die and add it). Target: One nearby enemy OR one far away enemy at a
-1d6 penalty to attack
Xaositect Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
You serve Chaos, but she is a fickle mistress. You fear her Hit: 1d6 + Charisma fire damage.
fury as much as her mirth. Miss: Your level in fire damage
Once per day per Intelligence modifier, reroll a d20 roll 3rd level spell: 3 frogs
once and keep the second roll. When you use this talent, 5th level spell: 4 frogs
also roll for High Weirdness. 7th level spell: 5 frogs
9th level spell: 6 frogs
Adventurer Feat: You can use this talent to reroll other
dice than d20 rolls, such as icon relationship rolls or Warped Steel (1st Level)
warp talent rolls. Close-quarters spell; Once per battle; Quick action
Champion Feat: When you roll on the High Weirdness Target: One melee weapon you are wielding
table for this talent, you can swap the digits of the d100 Effect: Until the end of the battle, when you miss with a
roll if you like, e.g. treat a rolled 37 as a 73. melee attack with the weapon, deal damage equal to your
Epic Feat: Once per day, you can set the d20 roll that you Charisma modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th) to a random
want to reroll aside. You can use that die roll later to swap nearby enemy.
it with the natural roll of the next attack against you.

chapter 5
Adventurer Feat: On a natural odd miss, deal the Chaos Wave (7th Level)
damage to two random nearby enemies. You summon a wave of crackling chaos that changes all
creatures it hits on its way. They grow slimy scales, new
Brain Warp (3rd Level) limbs, or a third eye on their forehead.
Ranged spell; Once per battle Close-quarters spell; Daily
Special: You can expend a daily spell slot instead to attack Always: Roll on the High Weirdness table (13TW p. 19)
two enemies. Target: 1d4 nearby enemies
Target: One nearby enemy Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD Natural Even Hit: 10d12 + Charisma lightning damage,
Hit: The target makes an attack against a random nearby and you switch PD and MD of the target until the end of
enemy, with the escalation die as a bonus. If it has more the battle.
than one attack ability, the GM picks one randomly. Natural Odd Hit: 10d12 + Charisma psychic damage. If
Miss: The target has disadvantage on its next attack roll. the escalation die is odd, give the target +2 AC and -2 to
Champion Feat: The target also adds your Charisma attacks; if it is even, give it -2 AC and +2 to attacks until
modifier to the attack roll against its own ally. the end of the battle.
Miss: Half damage
Chaotic Summons (5th Level) 9th level spell: 2d10 x 10 damage
Ranged spell; Daily Champion Feat: You can now attack far away enemies
Effect: You create a vortex of swirling chaos in a nearby with this spell.
or far away location that opens into a dimension that
is better left untouched. Out of that portal steps the Death by Tentacles (9th Level)
wobbling shape of a Chaos Beast (see the Bestiary p. 39). Ranged spell; Daily
You have no control over the creature, and it acts purely Effect: Attack one random nearby enemy per point of
on hunger and instinct. It will not attack you, or any ally escalation die with Force Tentacle (13TW p. 22).
directly next to you, but everything else is fair game, so
make sure to drop it at a safe distance among a cluster of Discorporation (9th Level)
enemies. Ranged spell; Daily
You can take a standard action on your turn to try to Target: 1d3 nearby enemies
control the creature. You must succeed at a normal save Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
to do so. You can only dismiss the creature if you have Hit: The target takes 50 ongoing negative energy damage
control over it. as its body slowly dissolves into chaos. The save against
7th level spell: Summon a Chaos Brute instead. the ongoing damage is a hard save (16+). If a target has
9th level spell: Summon a Chaos Behemoth instead. 100 hit points or fewer left when it fails a save, it dissolves,
leaving only a puddle of gooey mess.
Champion Feat: Add your Charisma modifier to saves
Miss: —
when attempting to control the beast. When you control
it, it benefits from the escalation die. Epic Feat: Dissolve at 150 hp or fewer.
Epic Feat: The summoned chaos creature has a bonus
to attacks and defenses equal to your Charisma modifier. Defense Spells
Raining Chaos (5th Level) Whirling Barrier (1st Level)
Ranged spell; Daily Close-quarters spell; At-Will
Always: You can fly until the end of your next turn. Target: All enemies engaged with you
Target: One random enemy per point of escalation die Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
(targets can be hit multiple times) Hit: 1d4 + Charisma force damage, and the target pops
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD free from you.
Hit: 6d6 + Charisma damage. The element of the damage Miss: Damage equal to your level
is different for each attack—fire, lightning, cold, acid, 3rd level spell: 2d6 damage
thunder and then poison. 5th level spell: 3d8 damage
Miss: Half damage 7th level spell: 4d10 damage
7th level spell: 8d8 damage 9th level spell: 6d12 damage
9th level spell: 10d10 damage
Adventurer Feat: Until the start of your next turn, you
Champion Feat: The damage dice of this spell are now can repeat the attack as a free action against each enemy
exploding dice. who moves to engage you.

Chaos Mage
11. You are dazed until the end of your next turn.
Ablative Shield (1st Level)
12. You teleport to a random nearby location.
Close-quarters spell; Daily 13. Teleport the attacker to a random nearby location.
Effect: Until the end of the battle, you gain a +2 bonus to 14. Both you and the attacker teleport to different
all defenses, and resist force, psychic and thunder 14+. At random nearby locations.
the start of each turn, you lose one of the benefits of this 15. You gain resist 16+ against the attack’s type of
spell. Roll 1d6 to see which one. damage until the end of your next turn.
1. AC bonus 16. Transfer the blur effect to a random nearby ally.
2. PD bonus 17. A random nearby ally also benefits from the blur
3. MD bonus effect until the end of your next turn.
4. Resist force 18. You summon an illusory double of yourself. The
5. Resist psychic next time you are hit, there is a 50% chance it turns
6. Resist thunder into a miss. Then the double is destroyed.
If you roll a protection you have already lost, you’ve 19. The next time Chaotic Blur fails to block an attack
lucked out this turn—you don’t lose another benefit. this battle, you still take only half damage.
Adventurer Feat: Increase the defense bonuses granted 20. Increase the chance that Chaotic Blur triggers by 5%
by this spell to +3. (so 21-25 are now also a miss, then 26-30 and so on),
Champion Feat: Increase the resistances provided by without additional effects on those numbers.
this spell to 16+. Adventurer Feat: You can target a nearby ally with the
spell instead.
Blade Ward (3rd Level)
Close-quarters spell; Once per battle Chaos Cocoon (5th Level)
Effect: You animate a melee weapon you are holding to Close-quarters spell; Daily
ward off your enemies. Until the start of your next turn, Target: You or a nearby ally
whenever an enemy attacks you in melee, the weapon Effect: You protect yourself with a magic vortex that
makes a melee attack against the target as a free action, provides resist all except chaos magic 18+ and vulnerable
striking before that enemy. Use your melee basic attack, to chaos magic. After every time the cocoon resists
but with your Charisma modifier for attack and damage damage, change “chaos magic” to whatever the resistance
rolls. If the blade rolls a natural odd miss, it moves away just protected against (weapon attacks, fire, beast claws
from you to protect a random nearby ally instead. etc.). If the resisted attack was a natural even roll, transfer
Chaotic Blur (3rd Level) the cocoon to a random ally. The cocoon persists until the
Close-quarters spell; Daily end of the battle.
Effect: Until the end of the battle, roll 1d100 when you Danger Zone (7th Level)
are hit by an attack. On a 20 or lower, the attack is a miss, Close-quarters spell; Daily
and there is an additional effect as per the table below: Effect: Until the end of the battle, before an enemy attacks
1. The spell fizzles after blocking this attack. you, they must immediately roll an easy save (6+).
2. The attack hits a random nearby ally for half Ι On a natural odd failure, they are struck by fear (-4
damage instead. to attacks and can’t benefit from the escalation die)
3. The attack hits a different, random nearby enemy until the end of their next turn.
instead. Ι On a natural even failure, they are stuck and
4. The attack hits two different, random nearby vulnerable to attacks until the end of their next turn.
enemies for half damage. Ι On a natural 18+, they destroy the zone and you
5. The attack hits the attacker. must roll for a High Weirdness effect.
6. The attacker is vulnerable to your attacks until the
9th level spell: The save is now a normal save (11+).
end of the battle.
7. The attacker takes psychic damage equal to your Epic Feat: On a natural 1 on the save, the target is
level. stunned until the end of their next turn.
8. The attacker takes 5 (5th level: 10; 8th level: 20)
ongoing fire damage. Chaotic Consecration (9th Level)
9. The attacker is weakened until the end of their next Ranged spell; Daily
turn. Effect: You and every nearby ally rolls 1d20 on the Chaos
10. A nearby enemy is dazed (distracted by a swarm of Blessing table and gains that benefit (13TW p. 23).
butterflies) until the end of its next turn.

chapter 5
Last Stand (5th Level)
Iconic Spells Close-quarters spell; Once per battle
Target: A nearby unconscious ally
Archmage Effect: The target can spend a recovery to heal, and gains
(Light of the High Ones) a +2 bonus to its critical threat range with melee attacks.
Protection From Someone Like You (1st Champion Feat: The target heals 10 (8th level: 20) extra
Level) hit points for each staggered, unconscious or dead ally.
Close-quarters spell; Once per battle Epic Feat: You can use this spell to raise an ally who was
Effect: 1d6 nearby allies gain resist magic (10+1d6)+. killed in this battle. The ally will fight until the end of the
Each resistance lasts until the target has resisted damage battle, then fall permanently dead, unless they are willing
once. to pledge themselves to the Crusader.
Adventurer Feat: You can switch the two d6 rolls, so
you can grant fewer allies a higher resistance or vice Crushing Black Fist (7th Level)
versa. You summon a giant-sized fist in a black gauntlet that
crushes your enemies from above.
Gift of the Magister (5th Level) Ranged spell; Daily
Close-quarters spell; Daily Target: 1d3 enemies in a group
Effect: You manifest the effect of a wizard spell of your Attack: Charisma + Level vs. AC
chaos mage level, determined by a d6 roll on the table Hit: 1d12 x 10 damage.
below. Miss: Half damage
1. Air: Lightning Bolt 9th level spell: 1d20 x 10 damage.
2. Earth: Acid Arrow Champion Feat: The first time you rally after casting
3. Fire: Fireball this spell, you can make another Black Fist attack as a
4. Water: Blur free action.
5. Metal: Shield (cast as a free action the next time an
attack hits your AC)
6. Void: Force Salvo Diabolist (Twisted Path)
Champion Feat: Roll a second d6. If the result is equal Demonic Frenzy (3rd Level)
to the amount of icon relationship points you have with Ranged spell; Once per battle
the Archmage or lower, you don’t expend a daily spell Target: You or a nearby ally
when casting this spell. Effect: The target enters a blind frenzy until the end of
your next turn. While in frenzy, the target has advantage
Bathed in Magic (9th Level) on attack rolls, and enemies have advantage on attack
Close-quarters spell; Daily rolls against it.
Effect: Until the end of the battle, you can fly, and you Champion Feat: If the target’s attack is a natural 20, the
have advantage on spell attack rolls. frenzy lasts another round.
Epic Feat: You can target an ally with this effect. Epic Feat: Target 1d4 nearby allies.

Crusader Blood Sacrifice (5th Level)

(Blood of Warriors) Close-quarters spell; At-will
Effect: Spend a recovery without healing and gain a
Mark for Slaughter (3rd Level) bonus chaos mage daily spell. Until the end of your next
Close-quarters spell; Once per battle turn, each enemy that deals damage to you takes half of
Target: A nearby enemy that damage in fire damage.
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD Champion Feat: If no enemy attacks you until the end
Hit: The next attack that hits the target deals double of your next turn, the fire damage effect triggers the next
damage. Damage that is already doubled from a different time you take damage from an enemy attack this battle.
source (like a critical hit) is tripled instead.
Miss: — Endless Torture (7th Level)
Adventurer Feat: You gain a +2 bonus to hit against Close-quarters spell; Daily
enemies you are engaged with. Effect: Until the end of the battle, you can use Tortured
Scream (13TW p. 24) as a quick action once per round.

Chaos Mage
Dwarf King Elf Queen
(Blood of Warriors) (Light of the High Ones)
Dwarven Craftsmanship (3th Level) Elven Heirloom (1st Level)
Close-quarters spell; Once per battle Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action
Target: You or a nearby ally Effect: You summon a magical longbow with an
Effect: Swap out the target’s current weapon OR armor adventurer-level enchantment (+1 to attack and damage)
with heavy armor or heavy weapon until the end of the and a quiver with arrows that deal additional force
battle. The items can be used without attack penalty, damage equal to your Charisma modifier (x2 at 5th level;
regardless of class. The items have the default true magic x3 at 8th). You can use both without attack penalty.
item bonus for adventurer tier (weapon: +1 to attack and Champion Feat: Increase the bow’s enchantment bonus
damage; armor: +1 to AC). by +1 for each icon relationship die you have with the Elf
5th level spell: Upgrade the items to champion tier (+2). Queen (maximum +3).
9th level spell: Upgrade the items to epic tier (+3).
Champion Feat: Summon both armor and weapon. Princessification (3rd Level)
Ranged spell; Daily
Curse of Brittle Iron (5th Level) Target: One nearby enemy
Ranged spell; Daily Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
Target: A nearby enemy Hit: You transform the target into an elven princess (save
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD ends). Most likely it will spend its turn wondering how it
Hit: If the target is using metal weapons and armor, they got here, complaining about the situation, and calling for
become brittle and useless until the end of the battle. The servants. The spell also ends if the target takes damage.
target deals half damage with its attacks and takes a -4 Miss: —
penalty to AC. There is no save against the effect, but if
there are other weapons in the nearby area, the target can
Thrall of the Dark Elves (5th Level)
spend a standard action to grab them and rearm itself. Ranged spell; Once per battle
Creatures that use natural weapons, such as beasts and Target: 1d3 nearby mooks
dragons, are immune to the effect. Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
Miss: — Hit: The target is confused (save ends).
Miss: —
Champion Feat: The target is also vulnerable to attacks
(save ends). Champion Feat: You can cast this spell as a daily spell
instead. In that case, target 1d4+1 mooks, and the save
Wrath of the Elders (7th Level) is a hard save (16+).
The spirits of ancient dwarven kings protect you and
strike out at your enemies. Glamourous Aura (7th Level)
Ranged spell; Daily Close-quarters spell; Once per battle
Effect: You and all nearby dwarves gain a +4 bonus to AC Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you gain a +1d6
until the end of your next turn. Make the following attack: bonus to your MD. All attacks against you target that
Target: Up to three nearby enemies defense. If an enemy misses you with an attack, they take
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. AC psychic damage equal to twice your level, and they are
Hit: 1d10 x 10 damage. dazed until the end of their next turn.
Miss: — Champion Feat: If the attack against you is a natural
9th level spell: 2d6 x 10 damage. 1-3, the target is stunned instead.
Champion Feat: Gain the bonus to all defenses.
Great Gold Wyrm
(Blood of Warriors)
Fearsome Roar (1st Level)
Ranged spell; Daily
Target: One nearby creature with 50 hp or fewer
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
Hit: 1d10 + Charisma psychic damage, and the target is
terrified (hard save 16+ ends; also ends when the target
is attacked).

chapter 5
Terrified: On its turn, the target can only take two is dazed (save ends). After the first failed save, the target
move actions, to either pop free from all enemies or to is hampered (save ends) instead.
move away from the battlefield. Miss: 3d6 psychic damage
Miss: Half damage Any natural odd attack roll (reckless only): All allies
3rd level spell: Target with 70 hp or fewer, 4d6 damage engaged with the target are dazed until the end of your
5th level spell: Target with 100 hp or fewer, 6d6 damage next turn.
7th level spell: Target with 180 hp or fewer, 6d10 damage 7th level spell: 2d6 x 10 poison damage
9th level spell: Target with 300 hp or fewer, 8d10 damage 9th level spell: 3d6 x 10 poison damage
Adventurer Feat: Increase the hit point threshold of Champion Feat: If the escalation die is 4+, attack 1d4 /
targets by 50 hp. 1d8 enemies with this spell.
Champion Feat: You can use the spell against multiple
creatures, as long as their combined hp is lower than the Awaken the Beast (7th Level)
threshold. Close-quarters spell; Daily
Effect: Until the end of the battle, you transform into
Radiant Shield (3rd Level) a hulking brute with horns and claws. Increase your
Ranged spell; Once per battle Strength score to equal your Charisma. Your hands turn
Target: You or a nearby ally into claws that deal d8 damage, and you gain resist all
Effect: Until the end of the battle, the target gains resist 12+.
damage from demons, devils and chromatic dragons 16+. You can’t cast spells, but you keep drawing stones from
the bag at the end of your turn. Depending on the stone,
Champion Feat: When the target resists damage, deal
you gain a different mutation effect until the end of the
holy damage equal to your level to the attacker.
When you draw an attack stone, increase your attack
Roar of the Exalted One (9th Level)
damage by one step (up to d12).
Ranged spell; Daily
When you draw a defense stone, increase your
Effect: You and your nearby allies deal double damage resistance by 2 (up to 16+).
against demons, devils and chromatic dragons until the When you draw an iconic stone. Roll 1d6 on the iconic
end of the battle. You only get the damage bonus if you mutation table below. Reroll any effects you already have.
are engaged with the target.
1. Air: You can fly as a move action.
2. Earth: Enemies gain a -3 penalty to attempts to
High Druid disengage from you.
(Light of the High Ones) 3. Fire: On an even miss, deal fire damage equal to
Chaotic Entanglement (1st Level) your level to all engaged enemies.
Ranged spell; Once per battle 4. Water: Deal 10 (9th level: 20) ongoing poison
Target: 1d3 nearby enemies damage on an even hit.
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD 5. Metal: Increase your AC by 2.
6. Void: Spend a recovery to heal, but only heal half
Hit: The target is stuck (save ends). If the target fails the
damage. Deal the other half as negative energy
first save, roll on the High Weirdness table and apply the
damage to a nearby enemy.
effect to the target. The weirdness ends when the target
saves against the spell. Champion Feat: Roll on the iconic mutation table above
Adventurer Feat: You gain a +1 bonus to attack with once when you cast the spell.
this spell against enemies who are already under at least
one condition. Lich King
(Twisted Path)
Enchanted Spores (5th Level)
Mushrooms sprout and fill the surrounding area with Bone Breaker (1st Level)
nauseating spores. Ranged spell; At-will
Ranged spell; Daily Target: One nearby enemy
Special: You can cast this spell recklessly and target 1d6 Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
enemies instead. Hit: 1d6 + Charisma damage. If the target makes an
Target: 1d3 nearby enemies attack before the end of your next turn, it takes half
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD damage again.
Hit: 1d6 x 10 + Charisma poison damage, and the target Miss: Damage equal to your level

Chaos Mage
3rd level spell: 3d6 damage
5th level spell: 5d6 damage
Orc Lord
7th level spell: 7d6 damage
(Blood of Warriors)
9th level spell: 10d6 damage Test Your Might (1st Level)
Adventurer Feat: Increase miss damage to twice your Ranged spell; Daily
level. Target: The nearby ally with the highest Strength score
Effect: The ally can immediately make a melee basic
Foul Stench (1st Level) attack as a free action. If the attack is a hit, that ally gains
Ranged spell; Once per battle a 1d6 bonus to damage with melee attacks this battle.
Special: Until the next full heal-up, you have disadvantage However, if the granted attack is a miss, that ally takes
on Charisma-based skill checks. 1d6 damage as a punishment for their unworthiness.
Target: 1d3 nearby enemies 3rd level spell: 2d6 bonus damage; 2d6 on miss
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD 5th level spell: 2d10 bonus damage; 2d10 on miss
Hit: 2d8 + Charisma poison damage 7th level spell: 3d10 bonus damage; 3d10 on a miss
Natural 18+: The target is weakened until the end of 9th level spell: 5d10 bonus damage; 5d10 on a miss
your next turn. Adventurer Feat: The ally gains a bonus to the first
Miss: Your allies engaged with the target take 1d8 poison attack roll equal to your Charisma modifier.
3rd level spell: 4d8 damage; 2d8 on a miss Spiky Axe (3rd Level)
5th level spell: 6d8 damage; 3d8 on a miss Melee attack; Once per battle
7th level spell: 9d8 damage; 4d8 on a miss Attack: Charisma + Level vs. AC
9th level spell: 12d8 damage; 6d8 on a miss Hit: 3d10 + Strength damage, and 10 ongoing damage
Champion Feat: Increase the number of targets to 1d4. Miss: Damage equal to your level
5th level spell: 5d10 damage and 15 ongoing
Faces of the Necropolis (3rd Level) 7th level spell: 7d10 damage and 25 ongoing
Close-quarters spell; Daily 9th level spell: 10d10 damage and 40 ongoing
Target: You or a nearby ally Adventurer Feat: Deal half damage on a miss.
Effect: The target rolls a d4. On a 1-2, it is subject to the
effect of a necromancer’s Zombie Form spell (13TW p. Descent into Savagery (7th Level)
87). On a 3-4, the effect is Ghoul Form. Close-quarters spell; Daily
7th level spell: Roll 1d6. On 5-6, the effect is Ghost Effect: Until the end of the battle, all melee attacks have
Form. advantage on the attack roll, while all other attacks have
9th level spell: Roll 1d8. On 7-8, the effect is Vampiric disadvantage. This affects you as well as your allies and
Form. enemies.
Champion Feat: On an even roll on the d4/d6/d8, the Priestess
target’s next hit with an attack deals twice its level in (Light of the High Ones)
extra negative energy damage.
Sermon of Pacifism (3rd Level)
Underworld Ally (5th Level) Close-quarters spell; Daily
Ranged Spell; Daily Effect: Until the start of your next turn, you and each
Effect: You summon undead like a necromancer, ally who doesn’t make an attack during their turn get
following the summoning rules on p. 5. Roll 1d4 to advantage on all saving throws at the end of their turn,
determine which spell effect you mimic, cast at your class and they can heal using a recovery. Don’t use the normal
level. chaos mage spell selection at the end of your turn. Your
1. Summon Undead (13TW p. 86) next spell is always a defensive spell.
2. The Bones Beneath (13TW, p. 87) Adventurer Feat: You also gain resist enemy attacks 12+
3. Summon Horror (13TW, p. 89) until the end of your next turn.
4. Summon Wraith (13TW, p. 90)
Champion Feat: When you benefit from a warp talent Chastise the Sinner (5th Level)
or high weirdness effect, undead you summon also Ranged spell; Once per battle
benefit from it. Target: One nearby enemy
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD

chapter 5
Hit: 5d8 + Charisma holy damage and the target is hampered
(only makes basic attacks) until the end of your next turn.
The Three (Twisted Path)
Miss: Half damage Gift of Power (3rd Level)
7th level spell: 7d8 damage Close-quarters spell; Once per battle
9th level spell: 10d8 damage Effect: Gather Power like a sorcerer (see 13th Age Core
Champion Feat: Increase the damage dice to d10. Book, p. 135), including the chaotic benefit. You gain the
double damage with the next chaos mage spell you cast.
Laughter of the Forgotten God (7th At the end of this turn, if the spell selection gives you a
Level) defensive spell, choose an attack spell instead.
Ranged spell; Daily Adventurer Feat: If you have an icon relationship with
Target: One random nearby enemy The Three, you can cast this spell at-will.
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
Hit: Twice your level in psychic damage, and the target Wildfire (5th Level)
is confused (save ends). If the save against the effect is a Ranged spell; Once per battle; Chain spell
natural odd failure, end the effect on this target and move Target: One nearby enemy
it to a random nearby enemy. Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
Miss: 1d20 + Level psychic damage Hit: 15 ongoing fire damage
Champion Feat: You don’t provoke opportunity attacks Miss: Your level in fire damage
with this spell. 5th level spell: 25 ongoing fire damage
7th level spell: 35 ongoing fire damage
9th level spell: 50 ongoing fire damage
Prince of Shadows Chain spell: Each time your natural attack roll is even,
(Twisted Path) you can attack a different target with the spell.
Literal Backstabbing (1st Level) Champion Feat: Enemies making a save against the
Shadowy black daggers stab the target in the back. ongoing damage have disadvantage on the roll while
Ranged spell; Once per battle there is at least one other nearby enemy also taking
Target: A nearby enemy ongoing damage from this spell.
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. AC
Hit: 5 ongoing negative energy damage. If the target is Airstrike (9th Level)
engaged with one of your allies, deal 10 ongoing damage Close-quarters spell; Daily
instead. Effect: Nothing happens this turn but a loud rumbling
Miss: Deal negative energy damage equal to your level to one sound. At the start of your next turn, a gigantic dragon
of your allies engaged with the target (or closest to the target). head appears in the air above you and covers the area in
3rd level spell: 10 / 15 ongoing damage flames.
5th level spell: 15 / 25 ongoing damage Target: 1d6+1 nearby or far away enemies
7th level spell: 25 / 40 ongoing damage Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
9th level spell: 40 / 60 ongoing damage Hit: 3d6 x 10 + Charisma fire damage
Miss: Half damage to the target
Adventurer Feat: The first save against the ongoing
Natural odd miss: Half damage to your allies engaged
damage has disadvantage.
with the target
Consumed by Shadow (5th Level) Always: Enemies that are not targeted take 10 psychic
damage from the muffled screams of your incinerated
Ranged spell; Daily
Target: 1d3 nearby enemies
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD Epic Feat: If you draw an iconic spell again in the same
Hit: 7d10 + Charisma negative energy damage. Until the battle, you can skip the icon roll and cast this spell again
end of your next turn, the target is dragged halfway into by expending another daily spell. The second time it
the shadow plane. Its attacks deal half damage, and all does 2d10 x 10 lightning damage. The third time it does
attacks against it deal half damage. 2d6 x 10 ongoing acid damage.
Miss: Half damage
7th level spell: 10d10 damage
9th level spell: 15d10 damage
Champion Feat: The shadow plane effect is “save ends”.

Cleric talents in the Core Book are divine domains that
represent an aspect of the cleric’s faith. The talents in this
Domain Spells
book expand on this concept with a broad selection of One quirk of the cleric class is that its concept represents
new domains. a broad range of faith, but the spell list focuses on the holy
In most game worlds, the domains are tied to specific crusader archetype, who heals and smites his enemies.
deities. That fits some cleric concepts, but not all. To give clerics
When creating a cleric PC, work with your GM to find of different faiths more individual flavor, this book gives
out about the religions and faiths in the game world, and each domain, including the ones from the Core Book,
whether you want the PC to serve one of them. You can access to a separate list of domain spells. These spells
also convert a deity from an existing fantasy world, or, in work like standard cleric spells, except that you can only
the spirit of 13th Age, create a new faith for your PC that choose them if you have that domain as a talent.
you add to the campaign world.
Domain Spells Domain Spells
Air / Storm / Thundering Blow, Air Bubble, Aiding Strike, Martyr’s Shield,
Thunder Storm Cloud Good / Selflessness Righteous Resolve, Carry On, My
Poison Claw, Voice of Beasts,
Animal / Beast
Celestial Guardian Healing Strike, Restoration, Flash
Exalted Shot, Blessing of the Hunt,
Archery / Hunting
Holy Arrow Hammer of Retribution, Eyes
Justice / Vengeance of the Judge, Compel Duel,
Chaos / Disorder / Chaos Hammer, Haywire, Incite Banishment
Rebellion Rebellion
Sacred Mantra, Divine Insight,
Embrace of the Night, Darkness, Knowledge / Lore
Pious Tongue, Intuitive Reading
Darkness / Night Meld into the Shadows, Disappear
into the Night Ray of Life, Death Ward, Symbol
Life / Death of Life, Raise Dead, Gate to the
Doomhammer, Doom, Touch of Underworld
Doom / Destruction
Radiant Heart, Call for a White
Divine Odem, Sense Dragons, Love / Beauty
Dragon Knight, Love Charm
Summon Metallic Dragon
Lucky Star, Fortuna’s Frown,
Earthen Hail, Return to Dust, Luck / Fortune
Earth / Mountain Serendipity
Rock Shield, Earthquake
Madness / Manic Cackle, Fever Dream,
Festering Evil, Blasphemy, Slay Nightmare Waking Nightmare
Evil / Egoism
Magic Spark, The Might of Magic,
Cut the Weeds, Protect the Magic / Arcana
Farming / Harvest Shield of the Archons
Harvest, Reap What You Sow
Blessed Steel, Heat Metal, Blade
Burning Brand, Penance by Fire, Metal / Smithing
Fire Barrier
Flame Strike
Divine Cantata, Sacred Hymn,
Freedom Bells, Blessed Journey, Music / Song
Angelic Chorus
Freedom / Travel Freedom of Movement, Traveller’s
Footsteps Inflict Wounds, Thorny Crown,
Pain / Suffering

Domain Spells
Thorn Whip, Binding Vines,
Cleric Domains
Plant / Forest
Ensnaring Roots Air / Storm / Thunder
Since ancient times, people have looked to the sky to
Shielding Strike, Shield Other, pray.
Protection /
Blessed Orator, Summon Guardian
Community Gain a spell from a different class at your level or lower
of Faith, Walk Unharmed
as a bonus spell. The spell must deal lightning or thunder
Ominous Chant, Encrypt, Erase damage, or have air, wind or storm in the name. You can
Secrets / Cultism replace the ability score used for attack and damage with
Withering Touch, Captive Spirit, Whenever a spell deals holy damage, you can change
Spirits / Undeath
Bolster Undead that damage to lightning damage.
Powerful Blow, Bend Bars and Lift Adventurer Feat: You have resist lightning and thunder
Gates, Siphon Strength 16+.
Invocation of Air / Storm / Thunder: Until the end
Ray of Light, Consecration,
Sun / Anti-Undead of the battle, you can fly to a nearby location as a move
Searing Light
Sands of Time, Temporal Champion Feat: When you deal lightning or thunder
Disruption, Visions of the Past damage with an attack, increase the damage dice by one
Wink of the Trickster, Taunt and
Trickery / Illusion Tease, Trickster’s Guise, Borrowed Epic Feat: You now fly normally and no longer need to
Trick land at the end of your move action. While airborne, you
have a -2 penalty to attack rolls and you are vulnerable
Lead the Assault, Booming to attacks.
War / Leadership
Command, Elevated Command
Thundering Blow (1st Level)
Jetblast, Neutralize Poison, Water Melee attack; At-will
Water / Sea / River
Breathing Attack: Strength OR Wisdom + Level vs. AC
Ice Shards, Frost Hammer, Snow Hit: WEAPON + Strength thunder damage
Winter / Ice Miss: Thunder damage equal to your level + Wisdom
modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th).
Adventurer Feat: On a natural even attack roll, the
Paladins, Rangers and Domain target pops free from you.
Spells Champion Feat: On a hit, deal WEAPON + Strength +
To give paladins with Cleric Training and rangers with Wisdom thunder damage.
Ranger Ex Cathedral a chance to use the new material,
allow PCs with these talents access to the spells of the Air Bubble (1st Level)
following domains: Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action
Paladin: Good, Justice, Protection, Strength, War Effect: You create a zone of breathable air around you,
Ranger: Animal, Archery, Freedom, Plant that holds back water, poisonous gases and the like. One
Paladins can also gain access to any domain with the normal-sized creature per spell level can be in the zone
Divine Domain talent. with you. The zone lasts for 5 minutes per spell level.
Note that this is a default selection for PCs who fit the Storm Cloud (3rd Level)
archetype of that class. Based on backgrounds, race, icon Close-quarters spell; Daily
relationships or One Unique Thing there may be domains Effect: You summon a storm cloud in the air above you.
that fit better. Talk to your GM. Until the end of the battle, you can make the following
Adventurer Feat: You gain the at-will attack spell of a attack as a free action at the start of your turn.
cleric domain as a once-per-battle bonus spell. (This feat Target: One nearby or far away enemy
requires the Cleric Training, Divine Domain or Ranger Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD; if the target is flying,
Ex Cathedral talent) you gain a +2 bonus to the attack roll
Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom lightning damage

chapter 6
Miss: — Celestial Guardian (3rd Level)
Any natural even roll: Deal thunder damage equal to Ranged spell; Once per battle
your Strength OR Wisdom modifier (x2 at 5th level; Effect: Summon a celestial beast next to you. It can move
x3 at 8th) to 1d3 nearby enemies in the same group. to engage an enemy and make the following melee attack.
5th level spell: 4d8 damage Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. AC
7th level spell: 6d8 damage Hit: 3d8 + Wisdom holy damage
9th level spell: 8d8 damage Miss: —
Champion Feat: On a natural odd miss, repeat the Natural even roll: The beast remains summoned. On
attack against a different nearby enemy. your next turn, as a quick action, you can direct it to
engage and attack again.
Natural odd roll: The beast vanishes after the attack.
Animal / Beast Special: The beast has your AC, PD and MD, and hit
You worship the divine spark in every living creature. points equal to 10 times the spell level. It can make one
You can speak with animals, as per the druid’s Nature opportunity attack between your turns.
Talking class feature. 5th level spell: 5d8 damage
Adventurer Feat: Once per battle or scene, you have 7th level spell: 7d8 damage
advantage on an animal-related skill check. 9th level spell: 10d8 damage
Invocation of Animal / Beast: You call a beast to aid you Adventurer Feat: Increase the beast’s defenses by 2.
in battle. The beast has the stats of an animal companion,
as per the ranger talent, at one level below your class level. Archery / Hunting
Champion Feat: When you use the invocation, gain a With divine help, your arrows always find their target.
spell from the druid’s Circle of the Fang at your class You can use all ranged weapons without attack penalty.
level or lower as a bonus spell. Adventurer Feat: You can use a true magic item ranged
Epic Feat: When you cast a cleric spell for broad effect, weapon as an implement for your cleric spells.
you can add one nearby animal companion as a bonus
Invocation of Archery / Hunting: Choose a nearby
enemy. The target is vulnerable to attacks from you and
Poison Claw (1st Level) all your allies until the end of the battle.
Close-quarters spell; At-will Champion Feat: If you kill the target with a critical hit,
Target: One enemy engaged with you, or engaged with a you immediately regain this invocation.
nearby animal companion Epic Feat: If the escalation die is 4+, increase the critical
Attack: Strength OR Wisdom + Level vs. AC threat range bonus from the vulnerability to +4.
Hit: 1d8 + Strength poison damage
Natural 18+: 5 ongoing poison damage Exalted Shot (1st Level)
Miss: Damage equal to your level Ranged attack; At-will
3rd level spell: 3d8 damage; 10 ongoing damage Target: One nearby or far away enemy
5th level spell: 5d8 damage; 15 ongoing damage Attack: Dexterity OR Wisdom + Level vs. AC
7th level spell: 7d8 damage; 20 ongoing damage Hit: (ranged) WEAPON + Dexterity + Wisdom holy damage
9th level spell: 10d8 damage; 25 ongoing damage Natural 20: The target is hampered until the end of
your next turn.
Adventurer Feat: Reroll the first natural even miss with
Miss: Damage equal to your level
this spell in a battle.
Adventurer Feat: Reroll the first natural even miss with
Voice of Beasts (1st Level) this spell in a battle.
Ranged spell; Daily
Target: One nearby animal Blessing of the Hunt (1st Level)
Effect: The animal can speak one language that you know Ranged spell; Daily
until the end of the scene. The conversation with the Target: You, and one nearby ally per point of Wisdom
animal will still be limited by its intelligence and general modifier
outlook on the world, although most animals are smarter Effect: For one hour per spell level, reduce the difficulty
than you think. Its speech patterns will keep traces of its of all skill checks the targets make to track creatures and
natural voice. move unnoticed by one step (-5).
Adventurer Feat: When casting the spell, you get a
general sense of where game can be found nearby.

Holy Arrow (1st Level) Incite Rebellion (3rd Level)
Ranged attack; Daily Ranged spell; Daily
Target: One nearby or far away enemy Target: 1d3 nearby enemies. This spell can only target
Attack: Dexterity OR Wisdom + Level vs. AC creatures that are under someone else’s control.
Special: Against undead and demons, you have advantage Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD
on the attack roll. Hit: The target shakes free from whatever or whoever
Hit: WEAPON + Dexterity + Wisdom holy damage. If controlled it. It is now free to act as it pleases, which
the target is undead or a demon, deal 5 ongoing holy usually means fleeing from the battlefield to a nearby safe
damage and the target is weakened (save ends both). location.
Miss: Half damage Miss: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
3rd level spell: 10 ongoing holy damage Adventurer Feat: When targeting mooks, count a group
5th level spell: 15 ongoing holy damage of them as a single target.
7th level spell: 25 ongoing holy damage
9th level spell: 40 ongoing holy damage
Darkness / Night
Chaos/Disorder/Rebellion And have you felt your neck skin crawl when you’re
Like children rebelling against their parents, gods rebel searching for the light?
against the divine order. Gain a spell from the sorcerer’s Umbral Bloodline of up to
When you save against an effect, and the save is a natu- your level as a bonus spell. You can replace Charisma with
ral odd success, transfer the effect to a random nearby Wisdom in the spell description.
enemy. Adventurer Feat: You have advantage on skill checks to
Champion Feat: Once per battle, transfer an effect on notice things in dimly lit and dark conditions.
any natural odd save. Epic Feat: When you cast a daily cleric spell at night, the
Invocation of Chaos / Disorder / Rebellion: Roll on spell becomes Recharge 16+.
the chaos mage’s High Weirdness table (13TW p. 18). At Invocation of Darkness / Night: Give yourself and all
the end of your turn, use the chaos mage spell selection nearby allies advantage on the next skill check to be
method to gain a chaos mage at-will or once-per-battle stealthy until the end of the battle or scene.
spell as a bonus spell. You can use the spell once this
Champion Feat: Invocation of Darkness gives you and
all nearby allies advantage on your initiative roll if you
Adventurer Feat: You can choose a chaos mage daily use it to sneak up on an enemy.
spell instead.
Embrace of the Night (1st Level)
Chaos Hammer (1st Level) Ranged spell; At-will
Melee attack; At-will Target: Two nearby enemies in a group
Attack: Strength OR Wisdom + Level vs. AC Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
Hit: WEAPON + Strength damage. Roll a d6 on the chaos Natural Even Hit: 1d6 + Wisdom cold damage, and
mage’s attack warp table to determine the additional one ally engaged with the target can pop free from it.
effect. Natural Odd Hit: Wisdom cold damage, and the
Miss: Damage equal to your level. target is stuck until the end of your next turn.
Adventurer Feat: On a natural even miss, roll on the Miss: One ally engaged with the target can pop free from it.
defense warp table. 3rd level spell: 2d6 damage on even hit
5th level spell: 3d6 damage on even hit
Haywire (1st Level) 7th level spell: 5d6 damage on even hit
Ranged spell; Daily 9th level spell: 8d6 damage on even hit
Target: One nearby enemy Adventurer Feat: On a natural odd hit, the target also
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your
Hit: When the target makes an attack, determine the next turn.
target of the attack randomly among all creatures within
range (save ends).
Miss: The spell is not expended.
Adventurer Feat: If the randomly determined target is
an ally, the attack is at a -2 penalty.

chapter 6
Darkness (1st Level) Doom / Destruction
Ranged spell; Daily Come in like a divine wrecking ball.
Effect: You create a stationary zone of darkness that lasts
Gain a spell from the terrain druid’s Ruin terrain at your
for 5 minutes or until the end of the battle. Creatures can
class level or lower as a bonus spell.
move in and out of the zone as a move action. While a
Invocation of Doom / Destruction: Choose a nearby
creature is in the zone, it has disadvantage on all attacks
enemy. Until the end of the battle, attacks against the
against enemies it is not engaged with. You are immune
target gain a bonus to their critical threat range equal to
to the effect, and so are creatures that are adapted to
the escalation die.
darkness (cats, drow) or that don’t rely on sight (bats,
purple worms). Adventurer Feat: Basic attacks against the target deal
half damage on a miss instead of their normal damage.
Adventurer Feat: Your allies are immune to the effect.
Champion Feat: Once per battle, you can use this
Meld into the Shadows (3rd Level) invocation for free. If you do so, you cannot cast healing
spells until the end of the battle.
Ranged spell; Daily
Target: You Doomhammer (1st Level)
Effect: Until the end of the scene, you are invisible as long
Melee attack; At-will
as you stay in a dimly lit or dark area. The effect ends if
Attack: Strength OR Wisdom + Level vs. AC
you step into the light or make an attack.
Hit: WEAPON + Strength holy damage. The damage dice
Adventurer Feat: You can target one ally per Wisdom of this spell are exploding dice.
modifier point with this spell. Miss: Damage equal to your Strength + Level
Disappear into the Night (7th Level) Champion Feat: This spell deals triple damage on a
Ranged spell; Daily critical hit.
Special: You can cast this spell only once per level.
Doom (1st Level)
Target: You and all nearby allies
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action
Effect: Flee from the current battle. Your party does not
Special: You can cast this spell for power or for broad effect.
suffer a campaign loss, but everyone loses their current 5
Target: When cast for power, target one nearby enemy;
and 6 on icon relationship dice.
when cast for broad effect, 3 nearby enemies
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD
Hit: The target has disadvantage on attack rolls and saves
(except against this spell). When cast for broad effect, the
spell lasts until the end of the target’s next turn. When
cast for power, it is “save ends”.
Miss: —
Adventurer Feat: This spell is now Recharge 16+ after

Touch of Despair (1st Level)

Close-quarters spell; Daily
Target: One enemy you are engaged with
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD
Hit: 10 ongoing psychic damage. If the target makes an
attack while it takes ongoing damage from this spell, it
takes additional psychic damage equal to your Wisdom
modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th).
Miss: The spell is not expended.
3rd level spell: 20 ongoing damage
5th level spell: 30 ongoing damage
7th level spell: 50 ongoing damage
9th level spell: 80 ongoing damage
Champion Feat: Deal psychic damage equal to twice
your level on a miss.

Dragon Summon Dragon (3rd Level)
Dragon worship started with the first humanoid begging Ranged spell; Daily
not to be eaten. Special: You can cast this spell only once per level.
Gain a spell from the sorcerer’s Draconic bloodline of Effect: If your cult worships metallic dragons, you summon
up to your class level as a bonus spell. You can replace a medium brass dragon (13TW p. 184, 31 hp) or a medium
Charisma with Wisdom in the spell description. bronze dragon (13TW p. 184, 50 hp). If you worship
chromatic dragons, you summon a medium white dragon
Adventurer Feat: You have advantage on skill checks (CB p. 218, 38 hp) or a medium black dragon (CB p. 218, 42
pertaining to dragons, and you learn Draconic as a hp). The dragon is a divine emissary coming to your help.
bonus language. If it considers the fight a worthy cause, and if it is given
Epic Feat: While in (or near) a dragon lair, your divine the proper respect, it will fight for you until the end of the
daily spells are “Recharge 18+ after battle”. battle, or until it drops to 0 hp. You control it according to
Invocation of Dragons: Gain a dragon aspect until the the summoning rules on p. 5, except the dragon is free
end of the battle or scene. Roll 1d6: to ignore your orders or leave the battle whenever it desires.
1. Claws and Teeth: You can make unarmed attacks at As you cast the spell at higher levels, you can summon
no penalty, with a d8 damage die. the following dragons:
2. Wings: You can fly to a nearby location as a move 5th level spell: Medium copper dragon (13TW p. 184,
action, but you can’t stay airborne. 44 hp) or medium green dragon (CB p. 219, 60 hp)
3. Tail: You can make a melee basic attack as a quick 7th level spell: Medium silver dragon (13TW p. 185,
action once per round with a d4 damage die. 90 hp) or a medium blue dragon (CB p. 219, 76 hp)
4. Resistance: Choose fire, cold, acid, poison or 9th level spell: Medium gold dragon (13TW p. 186, 85
lightning, and gain resist that element 16+. hp) or a medium red dragon (CB p. 219, 90 hp)
5. Scales: Gain a +2 bonus to AC and PD.
Epic Feat: Summon a large dragon of any color instead.
6. Choose one of the above.
Champion Feat: Roll twice and gain both aspects (reroll Earth / Mountain
How can you look at a majestic peak and not see the
Epic Feat: You can now fly and hover between turns divine that resides there?
with the wings, but you are vulnerable to attacks and
Gain a spell from the terrain druid’s Cave or Mountain
take a -2 penalty to attack rolls while airborne.
terrain at your class level or lower as a bonus spell.
Divine Odem (1st Level) Adventurer Feat: Whenever you let an ally use a
Close-quarters spell; At-will recovery to heal, that ally also gains resist all 14+ until
Target: One nearby enemy the end of your next turn.
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD Champion Feat: Both you and the ally gain the
Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom holy OR fire damage resistance.
Natural even hit: Deal damage equal to your Wisdom Epic Feat: Increase the resistance to 16+.
modifier (x2 at 5th level, x3 at 8th) to a different Invocation of Earth / Mountain: Until the end of the battle,
nearby enemy. all nearby enemies take a -2 penalties to disengage checks.
Miss: Damage equal to your level Airborne enemies must succeed at a save at the start of their
3rd level spell: 3d8 damage turn, or they are pulled towards the ground and can’t use
5th level spell: 5d8 damage their flight ability until the start of their next turn.
7th level spell: 7d8 damage
9th level spell: 10d8 damage Earthen Hail (1st Level)
Melee attack; At-will
Adventurer Feat: If the escalation die is 3+, on a natural
Attack: Strength OR Wisdom + Level vs. AC
even hit, deal half damage to the second target instead.
Hit: WEAPON + Strength damage
Sense Dragons (1st Level) Natural Even hit: Deal 1d4 damage to a different
nearby enemy.
Close-quarters spell; Daily
Natural Odd Hit: You grant a nearby ally a +2 bonus
Effect: You sense how many dragons are within roughly a
to AC and PD until the end of your next turn.
mile area, and the direction they are in.
Miss: Damage equal to your level
3rd level spell: You sense whether they are chromatic or
3rd level spell: 1d8 damage on natural even hit
metallic dragons (or something completely different).
5th level spell: 2d6 damage on natural even hit
5th level spell: You sense the dragon’s color.
7th level spell: You sense the dragon’s age.

chapter 6
7th level spell: 2d10 damage on natural even hit Adventurer Feat: This battle, when you would roll a
9th level spell: 3d8 damage on natural even hit death save, you can force a nearby creature to roll a hard
Adventurer Feat: You also grant the AC/PD bonus on a save (16+) instead. If the target succeeds, your death save
natural odd miss. fails. If the target fails, your death save succeeds and the
target failed a death save for this battle. If it is not a PC
Return to Dust (1st Level) or NPC that rolls death saves, it takes twice your level in
Ranged spell; At-will; Quick action negative energy damage instead.
Target: A nearby corpse
Effect: You turn the corpse into soil. This prevents Festering Evil (1st Level)
necromantic magic from being used on the body. Ranged attack; At-will
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. the lower of the target’s PD
Rock Shield (1st Level) or MD
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Interrupt action Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom damage. If you attack PD, deal poison
Trigger: You are targeted by an attack against your AC or PD. damage. If you attack MD, deal psychic damage. Until the
Effect: Take half damage from the attack. Ignore any non- end of your next turn, the target can’t be healed, it can’t
damage effects of the attack. benefit from any positive effects granted by its allies, and
Adventurer Feat: If the attack has more than one target, it can’t grant any positive effects to its allies.
all targets are protected by the spell. Miss: Damage equal to your level
3rd level spell: 3d8 damage
Tremors (3rd Level) 5th level spell: 5d8 damage
Ranged Spell; Once per battle 7th level spell: 7d8 damage
Target: 1d3 nearby enemies 9th level spell: 10d8 damage
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD Adventurer Feat: If you miss a target you have hit with
Hit: 4d6 + Wisdom damage this spell at least once this battle, deal half damage.
Natural even hit: The target is knocked prone (melee
attacks have advantage against it until it takes a move Blasphemy (1st Level)
action to stand up) and all allies engaged with the Ranged spell; Once per battle
target can pop free from it. Target: The nearby enemy with the fewest hit points
Miss: Half damage Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD
5th level spell: 6d6 damage Hit: 4d6 + Wisdom psychic damage, and the target is
7th level spell: 9d6 damage dazed until the end of your next turn.
9th level spell: 12d6 damage Miss: —
Champion Feat: You can target 1d4 nearby enemies. Natural even miss: The target is dazed until the end
Epic Feat: On a natural odd hit, the target is stuck (save of your next turn.
ends). 3rd level spell: 7d6 damage
5th level spell: 7d10 damage
Evil / Egoism 7th level spell: 10d12 damage
Worship someone who is worth it. Worship yourself. 9th level spell: 2d8 x 10 damage
You can target yourself with spells you cast for power, Adventurer Feat: Hit or miss, deal damage equal to
and any other spell that can normally be cast on allies your level to all enemies engaged with you.
only. You can also target allies with enemy-only spells and Champion Feat: The daze effect is (save ends).
enemies with ally-only spells.
When you cast a daily cleric spell on yourself and no Egomania (3rd Level)
other targets, it becomes recharge 18+ after battle. Close-quarters spell; Daily
Target: You
Champion Feat: The spell is now recharge 16+ after
Effect: Until the end of the battle, whenever a positive
effect targets an ally, that ally can choose to have it target
Invocation of Egoism / Evil: This battle, when you you instead, and whenever a negative effect targets you, an
would spend a recovery, you can force a nearby creature ally can choose to have it target them instead. Whenever
to make a hard save (16+). On a success, you spend the an ally agrees to this, you grant them a +1 bonus to their
recovery normally. On a failure, your recovery is free and next attack roll (which stacks).
the target loses a recovery. If it is not a PC or NPC that
has recoveries, it takes twice your level in negative energy
damage instead.

Rise above the Peons (9th Level) Fire / Volcano
Close-quarters spell; Daily Gods of fire range from benevolent protectors of
Target: You the hearth to raging forces of nature that blow up
Effect: Until the end of the battle, you can fly, you take mountains.
half damage from enemy attacks, and you have your own Gain a spell from a different class at your level or lower
escalation die, which is always 6. as a bonus spell. The spell must deal fire damage, or have
fire, flame or burn in the name. You can replace the ability
Farming / Harvest score used for attack and damage with Wisdom.
Fertility gods throw the best parties. Whenever a spell deals holy damage, you can change
During a quick rest, you can enchant food, such as ber- that damage to fire damage instead.
ries, to allow you and every ally to reroll 1 on recovery
Adventurer Feat: Gain resist fire 16+.
rolls they spend during that rest.
Invocation of Fire / Volcano: Until the end of the battle
Adventurer Feat: Reroll 1 and 2.
or scene, increase all damage dice of attacks that deal fire
Invocation of Farming / Harvest: Summon a feast that damage by one step.
feeds up to five people per level. The feast gives everyone
Champion Feat: Enemies are vulnerable to your spells
a +1 bonus to saving throws and resist poison 12+ until
that deal fire damage.
the end of the next battle.
Epic Feat: When you reduce an enemy to zero hp or
Champion Feat: Increase the resistance to 16+. below with fire damage, you can teleport to that enemy’s
Epic Feat: The bonuses last for the next two battles. location as a free action.
Cut the Weeds (1st Level) Burning Brand (1st Level)
Melee attack; At-will Melee attack; At-will
Attack: Strength OR Wisdom + Level vs. AC Attack: Strength OR Wisdom + Level vs. AC
Hit: WEAPON + Strength damage. Deal damage equal Hit: WEAPON + Strength damage
to your Strength modifier to all other enemies engaged Natural even hit: Ongoing fire damage equal to your
with you. Wisdom modifier (x2 at 5th level, x3 at 8th).
Miss: Damage equal to your level. Miss: Damage equal to your level
Adventurer Feat: You gain a +2 bonus to attack against Adventurer Feat: Add your level to the ongoing damage.
Penance by Fire (3rd Level)
Protect the Harvest (1st Level) Ranged attack; Once per battle
A divine blessing meant to protect the fields, that also Target: One nearby enemy
proves its value when surrounded by zombies. Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD
Ranged spell; Daily Hit: 1d4 x 10 + Wisdom fire damage and the target is
Target: The nearby area vulnerable to attacks until the end of your next turn. The
Effect: Until the end of the battle or scene, non-humanoid target can choose to pray fervently for absolution. It takes
creatures must succeed at a save to enter the target no damage and avoids the vulnerability, but loses its next
area. After they succeed at one save, they are no longer standard action.
affected by the spell. Creatures already in the area have Miss: Half damage (unless the target prays for absolution)
disadvantage to all attacks until they leave the area or 5th level spell: 1d6 x 10 damage
succeed at a save. 7th level spell: 2d4 x 10 damage
Adventurer Feat: Add your Wisdom modifier to the 9th level spell: 2d8 x 10 damage
difficulty of the save. Champion Feat: If the target has dealt damage to
you during the battle, deal extra damage equal to your
Reap What You Sow (1st Level) Charisma modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th), and even
Close-quarters spell; Once per battle; Interrupt action if the target prays for absolution, it takes half damage
Trigger: You take damage from an enemy’s attack. on a hit.
Effect: Gain advantage on your next attack roll against
the target. If your attack is a hit, deal extra damage equal Flame Strike (5th Level)
to half the damage you took from the attack. Ranged Spell; Daily
Adventurer Feat: You can cast this spell on an ally who Special: You can cast this spell for power or for broad
was attacked. effect.

chapter 6
Cast for power: Freedom of Movement (3rd Level)
Target: One nearby enemy Ranged Spell; Daily; Quick action
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD Effect: You can cast this spell for power or for broad
Hit: 8d8 + Wisdom fire damage effect.
Miss: Half damage Cast for power: You or a nearby ally ends all effects that
Cast for broad effect: hinder their movement, including penalties to disengage
Target: Three nearby enemies checks, the stuck and hampered conditions, and getting
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD grabbed by enemies. The target is immune to these effects
Hit: 4d8 + Wisdom fire damage until the end of the battle.
Miss: Half damage Cast for broad effect: As above, but target three allies
7th level spell: 2d6 x 10 / 1d6 x 10 damage (you can include yourself ), but no ongoing immunity.
9th level spell: 3d6 x 10 / 1d10 x 10 damage Champion Feat: The spell is now Recharge 11+ after battle.
Champion Feat: Targets that are vulnerable to holy
damage are also vulnerable to this spell. Traveller’s Footsteps (5th Level)
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action
Freedom / Travel Effect: Until the end of the battle, you can teleport to a
nearby location as a move action once per round.
Freedom is the most precious gift once your belly is
filled. Champion Feat: You can cast this spell on a nearby ally.
You are immune to the stuck and hampered conditions.
Adventurer Feat: Nearby allies gain a +1 bonus to saves Good / Selflessness
against these conditions. All religions claim they are for the benefit of the common
Invocation of Freedom / Travel: You and all nearby folk. Yours takes that pledge seriously.
allies can make a save against all “save ends” conditions. Whenever you cast a cleric daily spell on your allies, but
not on yourself, the spell is recharge 18+ after battle.
Champion Feat: The targets can even save against
conditions that don’t normally allow a save, such as “end Epic Feat: The spell is now recharge 16+.
of your next turn” effects. Invocation of Good / Selflessness: Transfer all negative
Epic Feat: You can use this invocation twice per day. effects that your nearby allies are suffering from to
yourself. If several allies are suffering from the same
Freedom Bells (1st Level) effect, transfer all of them, but you still suffer the effect
Close-quarters spell; At-will only once.
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD Adventurer Feat: This battle, when you roll a death save,
Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom damage. All allies engaged with the increase the escalation die by one.
target can pop free. Champion Feat: You can use this invocation twice per
Miss: Damage equal to your level day.
3rd level spell: 3d8 damage
5th level spell: 5d8 damage Aiding Strike (1st Level)
7th level spell: 7d8 damage Melee attack; At-will
9th level spell: 10d8 damage Special: You have disadvantage on the attack roll. Keep
Adventurer Feat: If the target of the spell is under mind the higher die roll. The next ally to attack the target can
control or a similar effect, you can choose to deal half switch their natural attack roll for the die you kept.
damage to it and allow it to save against the effect. Attack: Strength OR Wisdom + Level vs. AC
Hit: WEAPON + Strength damage
Blessed Journey (1st Level) Miss: Holy damage equal to your level
Ranged spell; Daily Adventurer Feat: If both dice come up as the same
Target: You and one nearby ally per Wisdom modifier result, you can choose to reroll both.
Effect: Double the target’s overland speed for a day as
they travel without tiring. Martyr’s Shield (1st Level)
Adventurer Feat: You can bless vehicles, such as carts Ranged spell; Once per battle; Interrupt action
and ships, with this spell. Trigger: A nearby ally is hit by an attack.
Effect: The attacker rerolls the attack. If the reroll is a
natural odd hit, the attack hits you instead.

Adventurer Feat: Halve the damage that the triggering Flash Heal (5th Level)
attack deals to either you or the ally. Ranged spell; Daily; Free Action
Special: You can cast this spell at any time during battle,
Righteous Resolve (3rd Level) including enemy turns.
Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action Effect: Cast this spell for power or for broad effect.
Effect: Cast this spell for power or for broad effect. Cast for power: A nearby ally can heal using a recovery,
Cast for power: A nearby ally gains a +2 bonus to all and double the hit points gained.
saving throws, including death saves until the end of the Cast for broad effect: Up to three nearby allies (including
battle. you) can heal using a recovery.
Cast for broad effect: Up to three nearby allies (including Champion Feat: The spell is now recharge 11+ after
you) gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws, including death battle.
saves until the end of the battle.
Adventurer Feat: The targets can make a save against a Justice / Vengeance
“save ends” effect immediately. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance
Champion Feat: Targets who successfully save against a and furious anger.
“save ends” effect also heal hit points equal to twice the (See the 13th Age Core Book p. 95 for details.)
spell level.
Hammer of Retribution (1st Level)
Carry On, My Friend (5th Level) Melee attack; At-will
Close-quarters spell; Daily; No Action Attack: Strength OR Wisdom + Level vs. AC
Special: You can only cast this spell when you are Hit: WEAPON + Strength damage. Until the end of your
unconscious, or dead, i.e. fighting in spirit. next turn, whenever the target makes an attack against a
Effect: You grant a bonus standard action to a nearby ally. staggered or unconscious creature, they take holy damage
equal to your Wisdom modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th).
Healing Miss: Damage equal to your level
Let me guess, the party needed a cleric? Adventurer Feat: Increase your critical threat range
(See the 13th Age Core Book p. 95 for details.) with this attack by 1 for each ally (including you) that
was knocked below 0 hp this battle.
Healing Strike (1st Level)
Champion Feat: Add your level to the retribution
Melee attack; At-will
Attack: Strength OR Wisdom + Level vs. AC
Hit: WEAPON + Strength damage, and a nearby Eyes of the Judge (1st Level)
conscious ally heals hit points equal to your Wisdom
Close-quarters spell; Daily
modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th).
Effect: Until the end of the battle or scene, you gain True
Miss: Damage equal to your level
Sight. You see objects and creatures for what they truly
Adventurer Feat: Add your level to the number of hit are, ignoring any illusion or transformation effects. The
points healed. GM may require a skill check to unmask a creature or
Champion Feat: On a natural 18+, a nearby unconscious spell of a higher level than yours. You can also see in a
ally can use a recovery to heal (and they can then benefit person’s aura when they tell a deliberate lie or falsehood.
from the additional healing on a hit).
Compel Duel (3rd Level)
Restoration (3rd Level) Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action
Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action Target: One nearby enemy and one nearby ally (or you)
Effect: Cast this spell for power or for broad effect. Effect: Until the end of the battle, or until one of the
Cast for power: Remove all effects that a save can end, targets is unconscious, both targets have disadvantage
including last gasp save effects, from one nearby ally. on all attack rolls against targets other than each other.
Cast for broad effect: Remove one effect that a save can In addition, attacks by anyone else against either of the
end, including last gasp save effects, from three nearby targets have disadvantage.
creatures, including yourself. Banishment (5th Level)
Champion Feat: The target(s) can also heal using a Close-quarters spell; Daily
recovery. Target: 1d3 nearby enemies
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD

chapter 6
Hit: If the target is summoned from a different plane, “What is your greatest hope / greatest fear?”
such as a demon from the abyss, it is banished back to “What was the most happy / terrifying experience in
that plane. Other creatures are stunned (save ends) if they your life?”
have 80 hp or less, or dazed (save ends) otherwise. “Which person do you love / hate the most?”
Miss: The target is dazed until the end of its next turn. You perceive the answer as an image that appears in
7th level spell: Stunned at 120 hp or less. your mind.
9th level spell: Stunned at 180 hp or less. Miss: —
Champion Feat: You can target a group of up to five Adventurer Feat: Ask up to three questions.
mooks as one enemy.
Life / Death
Knowledge / Lore Lovers, forever nourishing and destroying each other.
Strongholds of faith are strongholds of learning. (See the 13th Age Core Book p. 96 for details.)
(See the 13th Age Core Book p. 96 for details.)
Invigorate (1st Level)
Sacred Mantra (1st Level) Ranged spell; At-will
You utter words of power in the old language of the Target: A nearby ally
scripture. Effect: The ally gains a +2 bonus to their next attack roll.
Close-quarters spell; At-will If the attack hits, it deals 1d8 extra damage.
Target: The nearby enemy with the lowest MD (choose 3rd level spell: 3d8 extra damage
in case of a tie) 5th level spell: 5d8 extra damage
Attack: Automatic hit 7th level spell: 7d8 extra damage
Effect: 1d4 + Wisdom holy damage 9th level spell: 10d8 extra damage
3rd level spell: 1d8 damage
Adventurer Feat: Increase the attack bonus to +3.
5th level spell: 2d8 damage
7th level spell: 3d8 damage Death Ward (1st Level)
9th level spell: 5d8 damage Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action
Adventurer Feat: If the target is dazed, hampered, weakened, Target: You or a nearby ally
or stunned, reroll all natural 1s on the damage dice. Effect: The first time the target is reduced to zero hit
Champion Feat: The first time you use this spell in a points this battle, it can spend a recovery to heal as an
battle, deal maximum damage with it. interrupt action and double the amount healed.
Adventurer Feat: When the target uses the interrupt,
Divine Insight (1st Level)
it also gains a +4 bonus to all defenses until it is missed
Close-quarter spell; Daily by an attack.
Effect: Choose a wizard utility spell from the Divination
Champion Feat: The spell is now Recharge 16+.
school of this spell’s level or lower. Duplicate its effect.
Pious Tongue (1st Level) Symbol of Life (3rd Level)
Close-quarters spell; Daily Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action
Effect: Until the end of the scene, you are able to Effect: You create a glowing holy symbol that floats in
understand all languages, and your words can be mid-air until the end of the battle. The symbol starts with
understood by any intelligent being. Your words ring as a a strength equal to the spell level. As a quick action, you
deep divine truth, which allows you to substitute Wisdom or a nearby ally can spend a point of the symbol’s strength
for Charisma in social interaction skill checks. to use a recovery to heal. The symbol fades if its strength
is reduced to zero.
Adventurer Feat: The spell is now recharge 16+.
Adventurer Feat: The symbol keeps floating nearby you
Intuitive Reading (3rd Level) when you move. It does not fade at the end of the battle
Ranged spell; Recharge 11+ if it has strength left. It fades after 1d6 hours.
Target: A nearby creature you have eye contact with Champion Feat: You or an ally can also spend a point of
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD strength of the symbol to reroll a death save once. This
Hit: Ask a question about the target’s soul. Below are is not an action.
some examples. Epic Feat: You or an ally can spend two points to use
“Which icon are you loyal to / do you consider an two recoveries, or reroll a death save with a +5 bonus.

Raise Dead (5th Level) After you enter the underworld, the gate remains and
Ranged spell; Daily can be unlocked with the right passphrase. You have to
Target: A nearby creature that has been killed within a day. return to the same location within the underworld to
You need an intact corpse to cast this spell. return. You can also cast this spell again to open a gate
Effect: You reset the target to zero hit points and zero back to the surface.
failed death saves. The target starts making death saves, Epic Feat: You can open the gate to return from
even outside of combat. If it fails four death saves, it is anywhere within the Underworld with a passphrase.
permanently dead. It cannot take recoveries or heal, even
through magic, until it succeeds at a death save.
Being raised from the dead is very strenuous. The target Love / Beauty
takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls, defenses, skill checks and … and art, poetry … where every masterpiece is a
saves until the next full heal-up. temple in itself.
In addition, one randomly chosen ability score of the (See the 13th Age Core Book p. 96 for details.)
target is permanently reduced by 2, and it permanently Radiant Heart (1st Level)
loses a recovery. They also end up with a permanent quirk
Ranged spell; At-will
that is related to how they died. For example, if they died
Target: A nearby enemy
from a fireball, they might end up with permanent flame
marks on their skin and a strong fear of fire. Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD
If Raise Dead is cast on a target a second time before it Hit: 1d6 + Wisdom holy damage. Choose a nearby ally.
gains a level, the spell fails. The target is unable to attack you or the chosen ally until
the end of your next turn, or until you or that ally attack
Raise Dead is a classic spell, but even in this version it.
with a built-in chance to fail, it still makes bringing Miss: Damage equal to your level
a PC back from the dead much easier than with the 3rd level spell: 3d6 damage
severely limited Resurrection spell in the Core Book. 5th level spell: 5d6 damage
It depends on the intended grittiness of the campaign 7th level spell: 7d6 damage
whether GMs want to make Raise Dead available as a
9th level spell: 10d6 damage
spell or not.
Adventurer Feat: On a natural even hit, the chosen ally
Slay Living (7th Level) heals hit points equal to your Charisma modifier (x2 at
Close-quarters spell; Daily 5th level; x3 at 8th).
Target: One enemy you are engaged with
Call for a White Knight (1st Level)
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
Ranged spell; Daily
Hit: If the target has 150 hit points or less, it dies. If it
has more hit points, it takes 100 negative energy damage. Target: One nearby creature with 60 hp or fewer
Miss: 3d10 negative energy damage Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD
9th level spell: Death on 250 hit points or less; 150 Hit: The target sees you as a hapless damsel in distress that
damage otherwise; 5d10 damage on miss needs protection. On its turn, it won’t take any actions
except move close to you, if possible. When adjacent to
Epic Feat: You can use this spell as a ranged attack you, it has a 50% chance of taking a hit that was meant for
against a nearby enemy. you. Once between its turns, it can make a counterattack
against a creature attacking you as an interrupt. The effect
Gate to the Underworld (9th Level) ends on a normal save, or if the target is attacked by you
Close-quarters spell; Daily or one of your allies.
Special: You must cast this spell at a site that has a Miss: —
connection to the dead, such as a graveyard, a crypt, or 3rd level spell: Target with 100 hp or fewer
the site of a large, ancient battle. 5th level spell: Target with 150 hp or fewer
Effect: The spell enables you and a group of nearby allies 7th level spell: Target with 250 hp or fewer
to travel to any location in the underworld, the world of
9th level spell: Target with 400 hp or fewer
spirits and the dead. Some knowledge of the underworld
is required to know where you are going, which can be Adventurer Feat: If you don’t attack during your turn,
gained from past travels, scrying rituals, or the guidance the target’s save is a hard save (16+).
of the soul of a deceased. Travel takes between an hour Champion Feat: On a miss, the spell is not expended.
and a day, depending on distance and the amount of effort

chapter 6
Love Charm (1st Level) Hit: The target cannot benefit from effects that are
Ranged spell; Daily triggered by specific attack roll, such as an even hit (save
Target: One nearby creature with 40 hp or fewer ends).
Special: This spell cannot be cast during combat or on a Miss: Damage equal to your level
target that has rolled initiative to fight. Serendipity (1st Level)
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD Ranged spell; Daily; Free action
Hit: The target falls in love with you. It will follow you Target: You or a nearby ally
around and try to please you. The effect ends if you reject
Effect: When the spell is cast, a good thing happens to
the target’s advances, or if you or an ally tries to harm
the target through sheer dumb luck. Maybe they kick a
it. If combat starts, the target can save against the effect
stone down the dark tunnel to disarm a deadly trap, lean
against a wall to find the secret door everyone is looking
Miss: The target feels warm and fuzzy, but can’t quite tell why. for, or just happen to recognize the shopkeeper as an old
3rd level spell: Target with 64 hp or fewer childhood friend to get a big discount.
5th level spell: Target with 96 hp or fewer It’s best to cast the spell when there is a specific problem
7th level spell: Target with 160 hp or fewer that the party is facing. The GM then decides what boon
9th level spell: Target with 266 hp or fewer to grant the PC, and the player can narrate the details of
what happens.
Luck / Fortune Adventurer Feat: The spell is now Recharge 16+.
May the lady always smile on you.
Choose a spell from the fateweaver class (see Dark Pacts
& Ancient Secrets) of your level or lower as a bonus spell. Madness / Nightmare
You are the only sane person in the room.
Adventurer Feat: You can Gather Focus (DPAS p. 24)
like a fateweaver for the chosen spell. You are immune to the dazed and confused conditions.
Champion Feat: Gain an adventurer-tier meditation Adventurer Feat: Nearby allies gain a +1 bonus to saves
from the class as a bonus spell. against the dazed and confused conditions.
Invocation of Luck / Fortune: This battle, whenever you Champion Feat: When an enemy attack affects you with
or a nearby ally rolls a natural 1 on a d20, flip a coin and the dazed or confused condition, gain a +1 bonus to your
call heads or tails. If you win, treat the roll as a natural 20 next attack roll instead.
instead. Epic Feat: Enemies that are dazed or confused are
vulnerable to your attacks.
Lucky Star (1st Level)
Invocation of Madness / Nightmare: The next enemy
Ranged spell; At-will
you hit with a cleric spell this battle is also confused (save
Target: A nearby enemy ends).
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
Hit: 1d4 + Wisdom holy damage. Give a luck token to Manic Cackle (1st Level)
yourself or a nearby ally. The token can be used to increase Close-quarters spell; At-will
a natural d20 roll by 1 this battle. You can’t give a token to Target: One nearby enemy
someone who already has a token. Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD
Miss: Damage equal to your level Hit: 1d6 + Wisdom psychic damage
3rd level spell: 3d4 damage Natural 18+: The target immediately makes an attack
5th level spell: 5d4 damage against its own ally.
7th level spell: 7d4 damage Miss: Damage equal to your level
9th level spell: 10d4 damage 3rd level spell: 3d6 damage
Adventurer Feat: On a natural 20, gain a second luck 5th level spell: 5d6 damage
token. 7th level spell: 7d6 damage
9th level spell: 10d6 damage
Fortuna’s Frown (1st Level) Champion Feat: Once per battle, when the escalation
Ranged spell; Recharge 16+ after battle; Interrupt die is odd, attack 1d3 enemies with this spell.
Trigger: You or a nearby ally is hit by an attack
Target: The attacker
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD

Manic Reflection (3rd Level) Magic / Arcana
Close-quarters spell; Recharge 16+ after battle; Arcane magic is but a shard of the divine.
Interrupt action Gain a wizard spell, or a sorcerer spell from the arcane
Trigger: An enemy hits you with a melee attack. bloodline, of up to your level as a bonus spell. You can
Effect: The attacker must reroll the attack. You must switch out Intelligence or Charisma for Wisdom in the
accept the new result. If the reroll is a miss, the attacker spell description.
takes psychic damage equal to half the damage of a hit. Adventurer Feat: You can now choose the wizard’s
Adventurer Feat: The reroll takes a penalty equal to utility spell (CB 150) as your bonus spell.
your Charisma modifier. Invocation of Magic / Arcana: Choose yourself or a
Champion Feat: If the reroll is a hit, you regain this spell nearby ally. The next spell cast by the target is treated as if
at the end of the battle. it was two levels higher. If the spell is already at 9th level,
increase its effect by 50% (caster chooses one: number of
Waking Nightmare (5th Level) targets, damage, healing, granted bonus).
Listen to the voices. Your friends are out to get you. Champion Feat: If the invocation would end at the end
Ranged spell; Daily of your turn, roll a d6. On a 6, it is active for another
Target: One nearby enemy with 160 hp or fewer turn.
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD
Hit: The target is confused (save ends). Whenever the Magic Spark (1st Level)
target hits an ally, it takes half the damage it dealt as Ranged spell; At-will
psychic damage. Target: A nearby enemy
Miss: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn. Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
7th level spell: Target with 250 hp or fewer Hit: 1d6 + Wisdom force damage
9th level spell: Target with 500 hp or fewer Natural even hit: A nearby ally can add your Charisma
Champion Feat: The target adds the escalation die to modifier to their next attack roll against the target.
attacks against its allies. Miss: —
Epic Feat: Double the hit point limit for enemies you Natural even miss: You gain a +1 bonus to your next
can target. spell attack this battle.
3rd level spell: 3d6 damage
Fever Dream (7th Level) 5th level spell: 5d6 damage
Ranged spell; Daily 7th level spell: 7d6 damage
Target: One nearby enemy 9th level spell: 10d6 damage
Special: If you collect three personal items from the Adventurer Feat: Increase the attack bonus on natural
target and create a little effigy of it, you can cast this even miss to +2.
spell as a ritual on the effigy and affect the target over a Champion Feat: On a natural odd miss, repeat the
distance of several miles. attack once against a different nearby enemy.
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD
Hit: The next time the target sleeps, it will be plagued by Might of Magic (5th Level)
a nightmare you create for it. If it succeeds at a save, it still Close-quarters spell; Recharge 11+; Quick action
regains half of its recoveries and spells that night. If it fails Target: A nearby enemy
the save, it does not recover any. For NPCs that don’t have Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD
recoveries or spell slots, the GM should reduce their stats Hit: The target cannot use resistances or other abilities to
or remove a number of powers on the next day. reduce the damage it takes (save ends).
Miss: — Miss: —
Champion Feat: The save against this spell is a hard save

chapter 6
Hit: 3d6 + Wisdom fire damage, 10 ongoing fire damage,
Shield of the Archons (5th Level) and the target is dazed (save ends both).
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action Miss: 10 ongoing fire damage
Effect: You can cast this spell for power or for broad effect. 3rd level spell: 5d6 damage; 15 ongoing damage
Cast for power: Choose a nearby ally. The next magical 5th level spell: 5d10 damage; 25 ongoing damage
attack against the target this battle is absorbed without 7th level spell: 9d10 damage; 40 ongoing damage
effect. Roll a save—on a success the shield persists and
9th level spell: 10d12 damage; 50 ongoing damage
absorbs a second attack.
Cast for broad effect: Target three nearby allies Blade Barrier (5th Level)
(including you). The next time the target is subject to a Close-quarters spell; Daily
magical attack this battle, roll a save. On a success, the Target: All enemies engaged with you
attack is absorbed without effect. Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. AC
Champion Feat: This spell is now Recharge 11+. Hit: 6d8 + Wisdom damage
Miss: Half damage
Metal / Smithing Always: Until the end of the battle, when an enemy
engages you, deal 3d8 damage to them.
Dwarves shape metal like the gods shaped the first
7th level spell: 9d8 / 4d8 damage
9th level spell: 12d8 / 6d8 damage
Up to one item per level (a sword, armor, shield and so on)
that you have forged yourself is considered an adventurer Champion Feat: Increase the damage dice to d10s.
level true magic item of the appropriate chakra when you
or an ally wears it. The item only has the basic enchant- Music / Song
ment effect (+1 to attack and damage for a weapon), but Music moves hearts and minds as easily as the strongest
it can acquire an additional effect through story events or magic.
icon relations. Gain a bardic song (CB p. 83) of up to your level as a
Adventurer Feat: Gain 3 points towards a background bonus spell. You can replace Charisma with Wisdom in
in smithing. the spell description.
Champion Feat: Your smithed items are considered You can conceal your divine spellcasting as part of
champion level items. music or singing, as long as the spell effect itself is subtle,
Epic Feat: Your smithed items are considered epic level i.e. not like a Flamestrike.
items. Adventurer Feat: You gain 3 points towards a
Invocation of Metal / Smithing: Until the end of the background in musical performance.
battle, you deal an extra WEAPON damage die with Invocation of Music: Grant yourself and all nearby allies
metal weapons (5th level: two dice; 8th level: 3 dice). a d6 inspiration die, which you can add as a bonus to any
Adventurer Feat: Also grant the bonus to two nearby d20 roll before the end of the battle or scene. You can
allies. decide whether to use the bonus after making the roll.
Champion Feat: Increase the die to a d8.
Blessed Steel (1st Level)
Melee attack; At-will Divine Cantata (1st Level)
Attack: Strength OR Wisdom + Level vs. AC Close-quarters spell; At-will
Hit: WEAPON + Strength damage Target: Up to two nearby enemies
Natural 16+: Deal extra holy damage equal to your Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
Wisdom modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th) Hit: 1d4 + Wisdom holy damage, and a nearby ally gains
Miss: Damage equal to your level a +1 bonus to their next saving throw.
Adventurer Feat: Deal half damage on a miss. Miss: Damage equal to your level
Champion Feat: Deal triple damage on a natural 20. 3rd level spell: 1d12 damage
5th level spell: 2d8 damage
Heat Metal (1st Level) 7th level spell: 2d12 damage
Ranged spell; Daily 9th level spell: 4d12 damage
Target: One nearby enemy in heavy armor, wearing metal
Adventurer Feat: If both attacks hit and you grant both
armor, or using metal weapons
save bonuses to the same ally, increase the total save
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
bonus to +4.

Sacred Hymn (1st Level) Thorny Crown (3rd Level)
Close-quarters spell; Daily Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action
Effect: Increase the escalation die by 1. Until the end of Effect: Cast this spell for power or for broad effect.
the battle, any enemy attempting to use the escalation die Cast for power: A nearby ally gains resist all 16+ until the
(or steal it, or otherwise manipulate it) takes holy damage end of the battle. When damage is resisted, the resisted part
equal to your Charisma modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at of the damage is reflected to the attacker, and the spell ends.
8th) + the spell level. Cast for broad effect: As cast for power, but target 3
5th level spell: You can now cast this spell as a quick nearby allies with resist all 12+.
Champion Feat: The spell no longer ends when a target
Adventurer Feat: Until the end of the battle, you and resists damage.
all allies can add the escalation die to sustain checks for
bard songs. Harm (7th Level)
Close-quarters spell; Daily
Angelic Chorus (7th Level) Target: One nearby enemy you are engaged with
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
Effect: You call celestial beings to the battlefield until Hit: 2d8 x 10 negative energy damage
the end of the battle. While they don’t interact with any Natural 16+: If the target has 120 hit points or fewer
creatures directly, they can take one standard action on after taking damage, it starts making last gasp saves
your turn to cast any of your cleric spells as if you had cast (16+).
it. The spell is expended as if you had cast it. Miss: 1d4 x 10 negative energy damage
9th level spell: 3d8 x 10 damage on a hit; 1d8 x 10
Pain / Suffering damage on a miss; 180 hp or fewer
I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and Champion Feat: You can cast this spell as a ranged spell
through me. Where the fear has gone there will be against a nearby enemy.
nothing. Only I will remain.
While you are staggered, increase the damage die of each
spell you cast by one step (d4 -> d6 and so on). Plant / Forest
Revere the ancient trees, taller, stronger and filled with
Adventurer Feat: While you are staggered, increase the
more wisdom than any temple.
difficulty of saves against effects you place on enemies by 2.
Gain a spell from the Forest terrain of the druid’s Circle of
Invocation of Pain: When you deal damage to an enemy, the Lands of up to your level as a bonus spell.
you can activate this power as a free action to deal ongoing
damage to the target equal to the damage you just inflicted. Adventurer Feat: You and any nearby allies ignore
movement penalties or restrictions in dense or
Champion Feat: If you use this invocation while you are hazardous vegetation. Any related skill checks are one
staggered, you regain it at the end of the battle. step easier (-5).
Inflict Wounds (1st Level) Invocation of Plant: Deal 3 times your level in ongoing
poison damage to all nearby enemies that are stuck.
Close-quarters spell; At-will
Target: One nearby enemy you are engaged with Champion Feat: The targets have disadvantage on their
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD next save against ongoing poison damage and the stuck
Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom negative energy damage effect.
Miss: Negative energy damage equal to your level Epic Feat: Increase the ongoing damage to 5 times your
3rd level spell: 3d8 damage level.
5th level spell: 5d8 damage
7th level spell: 7d8 damage
Thorn Whip (1st Level)
9th level spell: 10d8 damage Close-quarters spell; At-will
Target: One nearby enemy you are engaged with
Adventurer Feat: You gain a +2 bonus to hit against Attack: Strength OR Wisdom + Level vs. AC
staggered enemies.
Hit: 1d6 per level + Strength poison damage
Champion Feat: On a natural 18+, the target is Natural even hit: The target is stuck until the end of
weakened until the end of its next turn. your next turn.
Miss: Damage equal to your level
Adventurer Feat: You can attack nearby enemies you
are not engaged with.

chapter 6
Binding Vines (1st Level) that target PD; replace references to AC with PD.
Ranged spell; Once per battle; Quick Action 7th level spell: The bonus to AC/PD on the rerolled
Target: A nearby enemy attack increases to +4.
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. AC; you have a -4 penalty to 9th level spell: The bonus to AC/PD on the rerolled
the attack roll against large, huge, and flying enemies attack increases to +6.
Hit: The target is stuck (save ends). Adventurer Feat: You can now choose either of the
Adventurer Feat: You can target 1d3 enemies with this attack rolls, in case the second one crits or is otherwise
spell. bad for your ally.
Champion Feat: The target is also dazed (save ends Champion Feat: Recharge roll after battle is now 6+.
both). Epic Feat: Hit or miss, the ally takes only half damage
Epic Feat: The target is also vulnerable to attacks (save from any attack you use Shield Other against.
ends all).
Summon Guardian of Faith (3rd Level)
Ensnaring Roots (1st Level) Close-quarters spell; Daily
Ranged spell; Daily Effect: This spell calls a Guardian of Faith as a superior
Effect: Until the end of the battle, tree roots in the nearby summoned creature according to the summoning rules
area start writhing and grabbing for your enemies’ legs. on p. 5. The guardian takes a shape determined by
When an enemy moves on the ground, it must succeed your faith, often an animal associated with strength, valor
at an easy save (6+), or it is stuck until the start of its next and protection, such as a lion, or a knightly saint. The
turn. level of the guardian is the same as the spell’s level.
3rd level spell: You can now cast this spell as a quick Adventurer Feat: If you summon the guardian to defend
action. a holy site, it has a +2 bonus to attacks and defenses and
5th level spell: The save is now a normal save (11+) for twice the starting hit points.
normal-sized and smaller enemies. Champion Feat: The guardian has resist negative energy
Protection / Community Epic Feat: The guardian’s defend abilities grant a +3
A temple without a flock is a crypt of dead teachings. bonus to defenses.
(See the 13th Age Core Book p. 97 for details.)
Summoned Guardian of Faith
Shielding Strike (1st Level) 3rd level troop [Celestial beast]
Melee attack; At-will Initiative: +5
Attack: Strength OR Wisdom + Level vs. AC Celestial weapon: +8 vs. AC—10 holy damage.
Hit: WEAPON + Strength damage, and you grant a Natural even hit: The guardian can use both defend
nearby ally a +2 bonus to AC until the end of your next self and defend other this turn.
turn. Defend self (quick action): The guardian gains a +2
Miss: Grant a nearby ally a +1 bonus to AC. bonus to all defenses until the end of its next turn.
Adventurer Feat: If you wield a shield, grant the bonus Defend others (quick action): The ally closest to the
to PD too. guardian gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end
of its next turn.
Blessed Orator (1st Level) Guardian of Faith Level Progression
Close-quarters spell; Daily Level Init. Attack Damage AC PD MD HP
Effect: Until the end of the scene, you have advantage on
3 +5 +8 10 18 13 17 35
Wisdom and Charisma-checks when speaking to a group.
Shield Other (1st Level) 5 +7 +10 16 20 15 19 55
Close-quarters spell; Recharge 11+ after battle; 7 +10 +13 25 23 18 22 85
Interrupt action
Trigger: An attack hits a nearby ally’s AC. 9 +12 +15 40 25 20 24 140
Effect: The attacker must reroll the attack, and use the
second result.
3rd level spell: The ally gains a +2 AC bonus against
the rerolled attack.
5th level spell: You can trigger the spell against attacks

Walk Unharmed (3rd Level) Encrypt (1st Level)
Close-quarters spell; Daily Close-quarters spell; Daily
Special: You can only cast this spell outside of battle. Target: A letter, book etc.
Effect: Until the end of the scene, you and up to one Effect: You obfuscate the words, and make the writing
nearby ally per point of Wisdom modifier cannot be appear as a harmless text or complete gibberish. Only
attacked. Only creatures of a higher level than you, or you, and any person designated by you, can read the
direct icon interference (watch those complications from original text.
5s!) can break the effect. The effect also ends if you or one
of your allies makes an attack. Erase Memory (5th Level)
5th level spell: The effect lasts one hour. Ranged spell; Daily
7th level spell: The effect lasts 1d6 hours. Target: One nearby creature
9th level spell: The effect lasts 2d4 hours. Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD
Hit: You cause the target to forget a small piece of
Secrets / Cultism information, such as the face of a stranger, a password or
the location of a meeting. The target can save against the
Your church, or at least the branch you belong to, prefers
effect after 24 hours, and each day after that.
to operate without drawing attention to itself. You
generally don’t disclose your status to those who are not Miss: —
part of your faith. Natural odd miss: The target notices the attempt
to mess with its mind, and it will be quite unhappy
Your divine magic is subtle, and hard to detect. Outside of
about it.
blatant elemental effects, only direct targets of the spell,
and those with a supernatural ability to detect divine 7th level spell: The target forgets something much
presence will notice your divine aura or your spellcasting. closer to them, such as the name of a good friend.
9th level spell: You can erase a larger chunk of
Adventurer Feat: Your ranged divine spells don’t memory, up to a year’s worth.
provoke opportunity attacks.
Champion Feat: Instead of erasing the memory, you
Champion Feat: When casting a divine ritual to
can subtly alter it. For example, you can make the target
uncover secrets or find forbidden information, you gain
remember a different face.
advantage on the skill check.
Epic Feat: Once per day, you can use a secret you know
about a target to gain advantage on a spell attack roll
against them.
Invocation of Secrets / Cultism: Choose a nearby
person. Gain a hint about a secret they are hiding. The
hint should be significant enough to drive the story
forward, but not so complete that no further investigation
is required. If in doubt, the invocation gives an inspiration
about where to look for more information.
Ominous Chant (1st Level)
Close-quarters spell; At-will
Target: One nearby enemy
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD
Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom psychic damage
Miss: Damage equal to your level
Any natural even roll: The target takes a -4 penalty to
MD until the end of your next turn.
3rd level spell: 3d8 damage
5th level spell: 5d8 damage
7th level spell: 7d8 damage
9th level spell: 10d8 damage
Adventurer Feat: The damage dice of this spell are
exploding dice.

chapter 6
Spirits / Undeath Summoned Captive Spirit
Eternal life at any cost. 1st level mook [undead]
Initiative: +2
Gain a necromancer spell (13TW p. 85) of your level or
lower as a bonus spell. You can switch Intelligence for Celestial weapon: +5 vs. PD—2 ongoing damage.
Wisdom in the spell description. Heal 1 damage to the controller of this spirit.
Invocation of Spirits / Undeath: Until the end of the Flying; resist physical damage 16+
battle, deal negative energy damage equal to your level Adventurer Feat: On a natural even hit, your spirit also
to each enemy who makes an attack against you. If an grants its healing to one nearby ally.
undead creature attempts to attack you, it must roll a save.
If the save fails, they cannot attack you, but they do not Bolster Undead (3rd Level)
lose the action used for the attack. If the save succeeds, Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action
they can now attack you freely until the end of the battle. Effect: You can cast this spell for power or for broad
Adventurer Feat: If the save is a natural 1, the target is effect.
stunned until the start of its next turn. Cast for power: One nearby undead creature gains 20
temporary hit points and a +2 bonus to hit until the end
Withering Touch (1st Level) of the battle.
Close-quarters spell; At-will Cast for broad effect: Choose up to three nearby undead
Target: One enemy you are engaged with creatures; each target gains 10 temporary hit points and a
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD +1 bonus to hit until the end of the battle.
Hit: 1d12 + Wisdom negative energy damage 5th level spell: Temporary hp = 30/15
Miss: — 7th level spell: Temporary hp = 40/20
Natural odd miss: You take 1d6 negative energy 9th level spell: Temporary hp = 50/25
3rd level spell: 5d6 damage, 2d6 damage on odd miss Strength
5th level spell: 5d8 damage, 2d8 damage on odd miss You worship physical prowess.
7th level spell: 7d10 damage, 3d10 damage on odd (See the 13th Age Core Book p. 97 for details.)
miss Powerful Blow (1st Level)
9th level spell: 10d10 damage, 4d6 damage on odd
Melee attack; At-will
Attack: Strength + Level vs. AC
Champion Feat: You can now use the spell as a ranged Hit: WEAPON + Strength damage
spell. Natural odd hit: The target pops free from you.
Miss: Damage equal to your Strength modifier (x2 at 5th
Captive Spirit (1st Level) level; x3 at 8th) + Level
Ranged spell; Once per battle
Adventurer Feat: On a natural even hit, deal extra
Effect: You summon one captive spirit mook as per
damage equal to your level.
the summoning rules on p. 5. The spirit fights for
you until the end of the battle, or until it drops to 0 hp, Champion Feat: On a natural odd hit, you knock the
whichever comes first. target prone. Melee attacks have advantage against the
target until it takes a move action to stand up.

Captive Spirit Level Progression

Level Initiative Attack Ongoing Healing AC PD MD HP

1 +2 +5 2 1 13 13 13 5

3 +4 +7 4 2 15 15 15 8

5 +7 +10 7 4 18 18 18 13

7 +9 +12 10 7 20 20 20 20

9 +12 +15 15 10 23 23 23 30

Bend Bars and Lift Gates (1st Level) Consecration (1st Level)
Close-quarters spell; Once per scene; Free action Ranged spell; Daily
Trigger: You or a nearby ally makes a Strength check or a Effect: You create a consecrated area that covers the
Strength-based skill check. nearby battlefield until the end of the battle. Within the
Effect: Triple the target’s Strength modifier for the check. area, undead, demons and devils lose their resistances and
Adventurer Feat: You can target 1d3 allies (including become vulnerable to all attacks. Against creatures that are
yourself ). already vulnerable to holy damage, you deal extra damage
equal to your Wisdom modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th).
Siphon Strength (3rd Level) 3rd level spell: You can now cast this spell as a quick
Ranged spell; Daily action.
Target: One nearby enemy with 96 hp or fewer Adventurer Feat: Allies gain a bonus die to their
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD recovery rolls while within the consecrated area (5th
Hit: 4d12 + Wisdom negative energy damage, and the level: 2 dice; 8th level: 3 dice).
target is weakened (save ends) Champion Feat: The spell is now Recharge 16+.
Miss: Half damage
5th level spell: 7d12 damage Searing Light (3rd Level)
7th level spell: 2d6 x 10 damage Ranged spell; Daily
9th level spell: 2d10 x 10 damage Target: One nearby enemy per point of escalation die
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD
Adventurer Feat: The spell can now target an enemy
Hit: 5d8 + Wisdom holy damage. If the target is a demon
with any number of hit points while the escalation die
or undead, it is also dazed (save ends).
is 3+.
Miss: Half damage
Champion Feat: The save against weakened is now a
5th level spell: 1d8 x 10 damage
hard save (16+).
7th level spell: 1d8 x 15 damage
Epic Feat: On a miss, the target is also dazed (save ends).
9th level spell: 2d8 x 10 damage
Adventurer Feat: Gain a +3 bonus to hit against demons
Sun / Anti-Undead and undead.
The sun, all-seeing and eternal, is the center of the sky
and of many pantheons.
(See the 13th Age Core Book p. 97 for details.) Time
No one can escape time.
Ray of Light (1st Level) Choose a wizard spell of your level or lower from the fol-
Ranged spell; At-will lowing list as a bonus spell: Feather Fall, Haste (Core Book
Target: A nearby enemy p. 156), Slow (p. 228), Time Stop (p. 236).
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD Adventurer Feat: Once per battle, when the escalation
Hit: 1d6 + Wisdom holy damage. Deal maximum damage die is increased by one, move yourself up 1d4 positions
against undead. in the initiative order.
Miss: Damage equal to your level
Invocation of Time: Grant a nearby ally a standard action.
3rd level spell: 3d6 damage
5th level spell: 5d6 damage Champion Feat: Also grant a move action.
7th level spell: 7d6 damage
9th level spell: 10d6 damage Sands of Time (1st Level)
Ranged spell; At-will
Adventurer Feat: Against undead, deal half damage on
Target: A nearby enemy
a miss.
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD
Champion Feat: Increase the damage dice to d8.
Hit: 1d4 + Wisdom ongoing holy damage
Miss: Damage equal to your level
3rd level spell: 2d8 ongoing damage
5th level spell: 4d6 ongoing damage
7th level spell: 6d6 ongoing damage
9th level spell: 7d10 ongoing damage
Adventurer Feat: The target also takes a -2 penalty to
disengage checks (save ends both).

chapter 6
Temporal Disruption (1st Level) a -4 penalty to attacks until the end of your next turn,
Ranged spell; Daily unless it attacks you. If it misses with an attack against any
Target: 1d3 nearby enemies target, it takes psychic damage equal to your Charisma
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th) + twice the spell level.
Hit: 4d6 + Wisdom holy damage. Move the target to the Miss: Damage equal to your level
end of the initiative queue. If it has already taken its turn this 3rd level spell: 5d8 damage.
round, it takes its next turn in the next round. 5th level spell: 7d10 damage.
Miss: Half damage 7th level spell: 10d12 damage.
3rd level spell: 7d6 damage 9th level spell: 2d8 x 10 damage.
5th level spell: 10d6 damage Adventurer Feat: You can make the target think the
7th level spell: 15d6 damage attack comes from an ally it is engaged with instead of
9th level spell: 2d6 x 10 damage you. It now has a -4 penalty to attacks against everyone
except that ally.
Visions of the Past (1st Level)
Champion Feat: A natural even miss does not expend
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action the spell.
Effect: Focus on a nearby person, place, or object, and
decide a rough time range (1 day, 1 month, 1 year, 100 Trickster’s Guise (1st Level)
years …). You see a vision of that person, place, or object Close-quarters spell; Daily
at the time. You can improve the vision if you focus Effect: This spell provides you with an effective magical
longer, touch the object, and succeed at skill check at a disguise that lasts about ten minutes, making the skill
normal difficulty. check to avoid unmasking one step easier (-5 to the
5th level spell: The difficulty of skill checks for the difficulty). The spell only affects your general appearance,
spell is now easy. not your size. It can be used to hide your features behind
the generic features of another person or race. Using it to
Trickery / Illusion impersonate a specific creature makes it less effective as a
Every family has its black sheep, every pantheon has its disguise (-2 to -5 penalty to the check).
trickster. 3rd level spell: The spell lasts for 1 hour.
(See the 13th Age Core Book p. 97 for details.) 5th level spell: The spell also provides smell; +2 bonus
to any checks.
Wink of the Trickster (1st Level)
7th level spell: The spell also handles accurate-
Ranged spell; At-will
sounding vocal patterns and rough mannerisms; +4
Target: A nearby enemy
bonus to any checks.
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD
Hit: 1d6 + Wisdom psychic damage Champion Feat: You can cast the spell on yourself plus
Natural even hit: The next attack against a nearby ally one ally per point of Wisdom modifier. All disguises
of your choice has disadvantage. will be of the same type, for example all orcs or all city
Miss: — guards.
Natural even miss: The next attack against a nearby
ally has disadvantage.
Borrowed Trick (5th Level)
3rd level spell: 3d6 damage Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action
5th level spell: 5d6 damage Target: One nearby ally
7th level spell: 7d6 damage Effect: Choose a spell, maneuver or power of the target.
You can use it at its normal frequency until the end of the
9th level spell: 10d6 damage
Adventurer Feat: You can use this spell as a melee attack
that deals WEAPON + Wisdom damage. Cheat All Except Death (7th Level)
Champion Feat: On a natural 20, the target is confused Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action
until the end of its next turn. Target: You
Effect: : Until the end of the battle, you can set a d20 roll
Taunt and Tease (1st Level) as a natural 20 after making the roll. Each time you do so,
Ranged spell; Once per battle you add one failed death save for this battle. As usual, you
Target: One nearby enemy die after the fourth failed death save, regardless of your
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD current hit point total.
Hit: 4d6 + Wisdom psychic damage, and the target takes

to defenses against ranged and close-quarters attacks,
War / Leadership and resist fire and poison 12+.
The fiercest battles are fought when both sides pray to
the same god. Champion Feat: Increase the resistances to 14+.
(See the 13th Age Core Book p. 97 for details.)
Jetblast (1st Level)
Lead the Assault (1st Level) Close-quarters spell; At-will
Melee attack; At-will Target: A nearby enemy
Attack: Strength OR Wisdom + Level vs. AC Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
Hit: WEAPON + Strength damage. Until the end of your Hit: 1d6 + Wisdom damage. If the target has an attack
next turn, your allies have a +2 bonus to their critical that deals fire damage, it is dazed (doused) until the end
threat range against the target. of your next turn.
Miss: Damage equal to your level Natural even hit: If the target is engaged with you,
Adventurer Feat: Also grant the crit bonus on an even you force it to pop free.
miss. Miss: Damage equal to your level
3rd level spell: 3d6 damage
Booming Command (1st Level) 5th level spell: 5d6 damage
Close-quarters spell; Daily 7th level spell: 7d6 damage
Target: One nearby enemy 9th level spell: 10d6 damage
Effect: You give the target a simple, three-word command, Champion Feat: You can choose to attack two targets
such as “drop your weapon” or “run away quickly”. If the with this spell, but you take a –4 penalty to your attack
target obeys, no other effect happens. If it doesn’t, make roll.
the following attack against it:
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD Neutralize Poison (1st Level)
Hit: 3d8 + Wisdom thunder damage Ranged spell; Recharge 11+ after battle; Quick action
Miss: Damage equal to your level Effect: You can cast this spell for power or for broad
3rd level spell: 4d8 thunder damage effect.
5th level spell: 6d8 thunder damage Cast for power: End any ongoing poison effect on a
7th level spell: 9d8 thunder damage nearby ally, and grant them resist poison 18+ until the end
9th level spell: 2d6 x 10 thunder damage of the battle.
Cast for broad effect: As with casting for power, but on 3
Adventurer Feat: The command can be up to 5 words.
allies, including yourself, and the resistance is 14+.
Champion Feat: Target 1d3 enemies.
Epic Feat: Target 1d4 enemies. Champion Feat: The target gains a +4 bonus to defenses
against attacks that deal poison damage until the end of
Elevated Command (3rd Level) the battle (broad effect: +2).
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action
Purification (1st Level)
Effect: Until the end of the battle, when you grant an ally
Close-quarters spell; Daily
an attack bonus from the War Domain, increase it +2.
Target: 1d4 nearby enemies
Adventurer Feat: The War domain’s attack bonus now Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
lasts until the end of your next turn, and you can benefit Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom holy damage. Until the end of your
from it yourself. next turn, the enemy’s attacks cannot impose conditions
on their targets.
Water / Sea / River Miss: Half damage
From the tiniest stream to the endless oceans, where 3rd level spell: 3d8 damage
there is water, there is divine power. 5th level spell: 5d8 damage
Choose a spell from the Ocean or River terrains of the 7th level spell: 7d8 damage
druid’s Circle of the Lands of up to your level as a bonus 9th level spell: 10d8 damage
spell. Adventurer Feat: Nearby allies heal hit points equal to
Adventurer Feat: You gain resist poison 16+. the spell level.
Invocation of Water: A foggy mist fills the battlefield
that gives you and all allies in the nearby area a +2 bonus

chapter 6
Natural 18+: The target also has disadvantage on
Winter / Ice attack rolls.
Before every new beginning, there must be an end. Miss: Damage equal to your level
Choose a spell from the Ice terrain of the druid’s Circle of 7th level spell: 4d8 damage
the Lands of up to your level as a bonus spell. 9th level spell: 7d8 damage
When you cast a spell that deals holy damage, you can
deal cold damage instead. Champion Feat: You can now target 1d4 enemies with
this spell.
Adventurer Feat: You gain resist cold 16+.
Invocation of Winter: Until the end of the battle, all
enemies that don’t have resistance to cold damage are
Cleric Spells
vulnerable to cold damage. (All Domains)
Champion Feat: When you deal cold damage, increase
Divine Guidance (1st Level)
all damage dice by one step.
Close-quarters spell; Recharge 16+ after the scene;
Ice Shards (1st Level) Free action
Ranged spell; At-Will Trigger: A nearby ally makes a skill check.
Targets: 1d3 nearby enemies in a group Effect: Grant the ally a 1d8 bonus to the check. If the
skill check is related to one of your domains, increase the
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
bonus to 2d8.
Hit: 1d6 + Wisdom cold damage
Miss: — Adventurer Feat: If you fail the recharge roll, you still
Natural 1: Deal cold damage equal to your level to a gain another use of the spell, but the bonus is only 1d6
nearby ally. / 2d6.
3rd level spell: 2d6 damage
5th level spell: 3d6 damage
Minor Miracle (1st Level)
7th level spell: 6d6 damage Ranged spell; At-will
9th level spell: 8d6 damage Effect: You create a small miracle effect to strengthen
your believer’s faith in your deity. Below are some example
Adventurer Feat: Gain a +1 bonus to your critical threat effects.
range. Create Water or Wine: Create one serving of a
beverage of your choice.
Frost Hammer (1st Level) Divine Light: Create an ongoing light effect, roughly
Melee attack; Daily the strength of a torch.
Attack: Strength OR Wisdom + Level vs. AC Glowing Scripture: Write the words of the scripture
Hit: WEAPON + Strength cold damage, and if the target’s in glowing letters into the air or on a wall.
hit points are equal to the spell level x 50 or fewer after Mend What is Broken: Repair an object by magically
taking damage, it is frozen (-4 to defenses and can’t take gluing together the pieces.
actions) until the end of your next turn. Purify Food and Water: Cleanse a single serving of
Miss: Half damage food so that it can be safely consumed.
Adventurer Feat: On a natural even miss, the target is Soothe Pain: The target does not feel pain from illness
dazed until the end of your next turn. or injury.
Champion Feat: Also deal 10 times the spell level in You can only have one ongoing effect from this spell at
ongoing cold damage. the same time.
At higher levels, increase the scale of the miracle you
Snow Storm (5th Level) create. At 3rd level, you can fill a decanter with water, at
Ranged spell; Daily 5th level a barrel or trough and so on.
Effect: You summon icy winds across the battlefield. For
the next three rounds, you can make the following attack Remove Fear (1st Level)
at the start of your turn. Close-quarters spell; Recharge 11+; Quick action
Target: 1d3 nearby enemies Effect: You can cast this spell for power or for broad
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD effect.
Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom cold damage, and the target has Cast for power: Choose a nearby ally. The target is
disadvantage on saves to disengage until the end of your immune to fear until the end of the battle.
next turn. Cast for broad effect: Three nearby allies (including you)

can immediately save against a fear effect, even if that
effect normally doesn’t allow saves. If the save is a success,
the target is immune to fear until the end of the battle.
Cleric Rituals
Adventurer Feat: When you cast for broad effect, target
Blessed Forge (1st Level)
yourself and all nearby allies. Base spell: Any spell from the Metal domain
Target: A forge or smithy
Spiritual Weapon (3rd Level) Effect: Until the end of the day, all smithing-related skill
Ranged spell; Recharge 16+ after battle; Quick action checks in the forge have advantage.
Effect: You summon the divine representation of your Ceremony of Blessing (1st Level)
deity’s weapon. Make a melee attack against a nearby
Base spell: Bless, Shield of Faith
enemy with it.
Effect: You perform a religious ceremony. The effect
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. AC
depends on the type of ceremony conducted.
Hit: 2d8 + Strength OR Charisma holy damage Birth / Christening: Supernatural creatures must
Miss: — succeed at a hard save if they want to touch the baby.
The weapon persists until the end of the battle, or until Coming of Age: Grant the target an icon relationship
you roll a natural 1 on the attack with it. You can attack point (if it doesn’t have any yet).
with it once per round as a quick action. The blade does
Marriage: Both partners get a +1 bonus to saves for
not need to engage or disengage to attack.
one month.
5th level spell: 3d8 damage Funeral: The soul is safely guided to the afterlife, and
7th level spell: 4d8 damage the body cannot be raised as undead.
9th level spell: 6d8 damage Oath: If the target breaks the oath, it is weakened
Champion Feat: Against demons, devils and undead, (save ends).
increase the damage dice to d10. Spring Rites: Bless the fertility of livestock.
Epic Feat: The spell is now Recharge 11+. Harvest: Increase the harvest, and protect the
harvested crop from pests and fouling.
Summon Planetar (5th Level) Foundation stone ceremony: Protect the
Ranged spell; Daily construction site from accidents.
Effect: You summon a planetar, as per the summoning Topping out ceremony: The building is protected
rules on p. 5. This planetar fights for you until the end from fire and lightning for a year.
of the battle, or until it drops to 0 hp, whichever comes Door blessing: Supernatural creatures must succeed
first. As you cast the spell at higher levels, your planetar at a save to enter the house.
becomes stronger.
Divine Builder (7th Level)
Summoned Planetar Base spell: Sanctuary
5th level spoiler [celestial] Effect: You summon building
Initiative: +12 materials and divine spirits that
Blade of Elysium: +10 vs. PD—15 holy damage can erect a building of your
Miss: Half damage choice overnight. A single
C: Winged Smite +10 vs. PD—15 holy energy damage, casting of the ritual is enough
and the planetar flies to engage the target for a one-storey building,
Natural 16+: The target is also weakened until the a bridge over a stream, or
end of its next turn. a statue. For bigger projects,
Limited use: The planetar can use winged smite only you need to cast the ritual
when the escalation die is even. multiple times, or find a
Flight: The planetar flies with large feathered wings way to increase the effect.
on its back.
Planetar Level Progression
Level Init. Attack Damage AC PD MD HP

5 +12 +10 15 20 15 18 50

7 +14 +12 25 22 17 20 80

9 +17 +15 40 25 20 23 125

This chapter contains new talents, commands and tactics
for the commander.
For talents, a new concept for this class are champion Strategy wins battles, but politics wins wars. You are
adept at the former, but a master at the latter. The
talents, which you can choose with the extra talent slot
ballroom and the smoking chamber are your preferred
you gain at 5th level.
battlefields, and the word is your favorite weapon.
Most of the commander talents in this book help you
flesh out your PC towards a certain background. While You can deduce the greater machinations of the world
these don’t tie in directly with icons in the same way they from the moves that each big player makes. Whenever
do in other classes, they still suggest certain matchups. you or an ally uses a 5 or 6 on an icon relationship die
during a session, you gain insight into their goals and

Adventurer Tier motives, through a glimpse at the hand they are playing.
The GM will provide you with a piece of in-game infor-
Talents mation, and you gain a d6 leverage die. Write down the
icon’s name and whether the icon roll was a 5 or 6.
If your character prefers the thick of battle, consider Cen- Once before your next full heal-up, you can add this
turion, regardless of whether your character hails from die to a skill check. The check should have a connection
the core of the Empire or the savage tribes of the north. to that icon, even if it’s a stretch. You can use the die for
The Dirty Dozen talent ties into this as well, to keep your your own check, or aid a nearby ally.
troops going even in a tough battle. If you aim for an If you gained the leverage die from a 6 on the icon roll,
archer guiding a small team of scouts, consider Skirmish simply add the result to the check. However, if you use a
Leader. leverage die from a 5 there is a risk—if the leverage die
If your PC is from the highest rungs of society, the rolls a 6, you don’t add the die to the check, you subtract
Courtier talent helps you leverage that. If he or she is it. You were acting on misleading information, or a wrong
from the shady parts of town, Roguish Bent is a prime gut feeling.
choice for the criminal mastermind.
If you envision a magic dabbler, try the Magus and Adventurer Feat: You gain 1 additional point in a
Commander talent. The Exterminator is a champion background related to court intrigue, etiquette and
in the fight against the supernatural, but without the politics. You can use this background point to raise that
religious ties of other classes. background beyond the normal maximum of 5.
Champion Feat: You can now use a leverage die to gain 1d6
Centurion bonus command points with your Weigh the Odds class
You lead your troops in the thick of battle, and you are feature. (In case of a negative 6, you gain zero command
always the first to dive in. points with this attempt—the result can’t go negative).
Your Fight from the Front melee attacks gain a +1 bonus Epic Feat: You can use your leverage die as a bonus to a
to their critical threat range. If you score a critical hit with recharge roll for a tactic.
it, you gain the maximum possible on your command
points roll.
Dirty Dozen
Adventurer Feat: During the first round of battle, you You’ve led your troops into suicide missions more than
can act immediately after the initiative of any ally you once. You haven’t always brought them all back, but you
choose, instead of your own initiative. sure as hell won’t leave anyone behind if you can help it.
Champion Feat: During the first round of combat, gain When you target a staggered ally with a command, reduce
a 1d4 bonus to the attack roll with your Fight from the the cost by 1.
Front melee attack.
Adventurer Feat: If a nearby ally is staggered, your Fight
Epic Feat: Increase the critical threat range bonus to +2.
from the Front melee attacks deal extra damage equal to
your level.
Champion Feat: When a nearby ally spends a recovery
to heal, you can spend a command point as a free action
to increase the recovery dice by one step (for example,
d6 to d8).
Epic Feat: When you rally, all nearby allies can also
spend a recovery to heal.

chapter 7
Drill Sergeant Magus and Commander
You’re not smarter, wiser or more charismatic than the Your arcane abilities aren’t quite strong enough to be
average grunt, but you’re really good at bullying people a full arcane caster, or maybe you lost them somehow.
into doing what needs to be done. However, you can coordinate a barrage of spells from
Special: You cannot take this talent in combination with your troops like no other.
the Strategist or Tactician talents (in 13TW). Choose a spell-casting character class. You can choose
Any time an element of the commander class refers to one spell from the spell list of that class (but not a spell
Charisma, you can replace it with Constitution. In addi- granted through talents or class features), of your own
tion, your base PD is increased to 12, but your base MD level or lower, as a bonus spell. You can take the spell’s
is reduced to 10. feats. You can switch out this spell at each full heal-up.
Adventurer Feat: You gain 1 additional point in a Adventurer Feat: You know one cantrip per point of
background related to either intimidation or physical Charisma modifier, which you can use like a wizard.
exercise. You can use this background point to raise that Champion Feat: Once per round, when you use a
background beyond the normal maximum of 5. command on an ally who is casting a spell, that command
Champion Feat: When you use a command, you can costs one command point less.
spend an additional command point to give a nearby Epic Feat: When you affect a spellcaster with a
enemy a -2 penalty to their next attack roll. command, the caster also gains a +1 bonus to hit with
Epic Feat: When you give an ally a bonus to attack rolls that spell.
with a command or tactic, increase that bonus by 1.
Roguish Bent
Enduring Leader Some battles are won in the shadows.
Times are tough, but as long as you are with your squad, You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for commander
you’ll pull through. attacks with one-handed melee weapons.
When you spend command points, gain 1 temporary hit In addition, choose a rogue power of your level or
point per command point spent. Increase to 1d2 at 2nd lower as a bonus power. If it’s a momentum power, track
level, 1d4 at 4th, 1d6 at 6th, 1d8 at 8th and 1d10 at 10th. momentum like a rogue. You can switch it for a different
power when you level up.
Adventurer Feat: These temporary hit points stack with
If the rogue power is a standard action melee attack you
temporary hit points you currently have.
use on your turn, you gain command points as if using
Champion Feat: Increase your recovery dice to d10s.
your Fight from the Front class feature.
Epic Feat: When you roll a death save, gain a bonus
equal to the amount of command points you currently

The battle against the forces of darkness is not just
fought by holy men and women. It’s the brave everyday
heroes like you who make the difference.
When you lead troops against demons, devils, or undead,
you can use one tactic without expending it and one com-
mand without paying its standard command point cost
during that battle.
Adventurer Feat: Your fight from the front melee
attacks gain a +2 bonus to hit against demons, devils,
and undead.
Champion Feat: As long as you have at least one
command point, you have resist demon, devil, and
undead attacks 16+.
Epic Feat: When you or a nearby ally kills a non-mook
demon, devil, or undead, gain a command point.

Adventurer Feat: When you make a Fight from the Commanding Voice
Front melee attack against an enemy engaged with one You are out there in the thick of it with the troops. They
or more of your allies, and the attack is an even hit, deal trust you, and follow your command.
1d6 extra damage (2d6 at 5th level; 3d6 at 8th). If it’s an You gain a bonus command, and one point towards a
odd hit, gain a bonus command point. background in personal leadership and diplomacy. You
Champion Feat: You can switch out a commander can use this background point to raise that background
power for a rogue power two levels lower. beyond the normal maximum of 5.
Epic Feat: Increase the extra damage from the Champion Feat: Gain the adventurer feat of all
adventurer feat to 3d10. commands you know.
Epic Feat: Gain the champion feat of all commands you know.
Skirmish Leader
You lead small troops in commando operations, often Defender of the Borderlands
behind enemy lines. These rely on stealth and well-
You’ve earned your command chops while defending a
placed shots with the crossbow more than dashing
keep at the frontlines of civilization.
sword fights in the open.
When you target an ally with a command, that ally also
You take no attack penalty with martial ranged weapons.
gains a +1 bonus to AC until the end of their next turn.
You can use your Fight from the Front class feature with
ranged weapon attacks. Champion Feat: You also grant the bonus to MD.
Adventurer Feat: You gain a command point when an Epic Feat: Increase the bonus to +2.
ally scores a critical hit with a ranged attack.
Champion Feat: Once per level, you can lead a party Hold the Line
to retreat from battle without suffering a campaign loss. A threatening posture is half the battle.
Epic Feat: You gain a +1 bonus to Fight from the Front Once per battle, when you target a nearby ally with a
ranged attacks against targets that are engaged with one command or tactic, give all enemies engaged to that ally
of your allies. disadvantage on their next attack roll.
Champion Feat: If the enemy fails their next attack roll,
Champion Tier they take psychic damage equal to twice your level.
Epic Feat: You can use this talent twice per battle.
Talents (New)
You can choose from any of the new Champion-tier tal- Tactical Genius
ents below using your 5th level talent slot. You have studied the classic texts of famous generals,
These talents work like your other talents, except that and now you read the battlefield like a book. Where
you can only choose them with your 5th level talent others only see chaos, you see complicated plays that
slot. If you’re looking to increase your resources, the will lead your troops to victory.
Commanding Voice and Tactical Genius straightforward You gain a bonus tactic, and one point towards a back-
give you a bonus command or tactic, whereas Well- ground in military strategy and tactics. You can use this
Oiled machine lets you use cheaper commands for free. background point to raise that background beyond the
Veteran Leader helps you get those all-important hits normal maximum of 5.
in with Lead from the Front, whereas Cloaked Figure
Champion Feat: Gain the adventurer feat of all tactics
gives you a chance to regain a tactic when using Weigh
you know.
the Odds. Defender of the Borderlands grants a small
defense bonus when you use a command, whereas Hold Epic Feat: Gain the champion feat of all tactics you
the Line offers a one-time attack penalty to enemies. know.

Cloaked Figure Veteran Leader

You stay out of the limelight, casting your web of influence Strategy is good, tactics are better, but nothing beats a
from the shadows. You apply your tactical genius in the well-timed axe to the face.
underworld or as a power behind the throne. You gain a +1 bonus to hit with your Fight from the Front
Once per battle, when you use your Weigh the Odds class melee attacks.
feature, choose one of your Recharge after battle tactics
Champion Feat: After you use your Fight from the
and make a recharge roll for it.
Front class feature, you have a +2 bonus to AC until the
Champion Feat: You can use this talent any time you end of your next turn.
use Weigh the Odds. Epic Feat: Gain the +2 bonus to all defenses.

chapter 7
Well-Oiled Machine That One Too!
You’ve trained your squad to execute basic patterns Interrupt action; Cost: 1 command point
almost instinctively. Target: One nearby ally who made a melee attack
Once per round, you can use a command with a cost of Effect: The ally deals damage equal to your Charisma
one command point for zero instead. Pay any additional modifier (2x at 5th level; 3x at 8th) + level to a different
costs normally. enemy they are also engaged with.

Epic Feat: You can now use one that costs two for zero. Adventurer Feat: If the triggering attack was a critical
hit, double the damage from this command.

Commands and Champion Feat: The ally deals the damage to all enemies
it is engaged with, except the target of the triggering
Tactics attack.

The commands and tactics in this book mostly work the You’re the Hero!
same way as the powers in 13 True Ways. You’ll find that Interrupt action; Cost: 1 command point
a number of tactics differ from the standard 16+ recharge Target: One nearby ally who has just started their turn
roll template and offer a smaller effect that can be used Effect: The ally gains 3 times their level in temporary hit
more reliably once per battle. points. They also ignore any penalties to attack this turn,
1st Level Commands such as from the dazed or fear conditions.
Clear Your Mind! Adventurer Feat: The ally can ignore any effect that
would prevent them from using the escalation die.
Interrupt action; Cost: 2 command points
Target: One nearby ally who was hit by an attack against Champion Feat: The ally is immune to any fear aura
MD until the end of the battle.
Effect: The attacker must reroll the attack.
Adventurer Feat: Reduce the cost to 1 command point. 1st Level Tactics
Chess Master
Duck! Quick action; Once per battle
Interrupt action; Cost: 2 command points Effect: A nearby ally can move as a free action.
Target: One nearby ally who was hit by an attack against
PD Adventurer Feat: If the escalation die is 4+, you can
Effect: The attacker must reroll the attack. grant the move to two nearby allies.

Adventurer Feat: If the attack is a miss, the ally takes Defensive Formation
no miss damage. Quick action; Once per battle
Target: Each nearby ally who is engaged with an enemy
Lay Low! together with at least one other ally
Interrupt action; Cost: 2 command points Effect: The targets gain a +3 bonus to all defenses against
Target: One nearby ally who made a successful disengage enemies they are engaged with, until the end of your next
check turn.
Effect: Until the end of the ally’s next turn, enemies can
only attack the ally if they successfully engage him or her. Adventurer Feat: If a target is hit by an enemy they
are engaged with, reduce the damage by your Charisma
Adventurer Feat: Decrease the cost to 1 command modifier (x2 at 5th level, x3 at 8th).
Inspiring Leadership
Quick action; Recharge 16+ after battle
Effect: Until the end of the battle, whenever you hit with
your Fight from the Front melee attack, a nearby ally gains
temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier (x2
at 5th level; x3 at 8th).
Adventurer Feat: On a natural 16+ on the attack roll,
grant the temporary hit points to a second ally.

King’s Castle 3rd Level Tactics
Quick action; Once per battle
Effect: Two nearby allies switch positions. This is not Choke Point
a teleport—the allies must be able to reach the other Quick action; Recharge 16+ after battle
location by normal means. This also switches who the Target: One nearby ally
targets are engaged with. This movement does not Effect: Until the end of the battle, enemies have
provoke opportunity attacks, and it cannot be intercepted. disadvantage on saves to disengage from the target ally.
Adventurer Feat: You can switch around the positions Adventurer Feat: You can target up to three nearby
of three allies, and you can be one of the three. allies (including yourself ).

Offensive Formation Expert Flanking

Quick action; Once per battle Quick action; Recharge 16+ after battle
Target: Each nearby ally who is engaged with an enemy Target: One nearby ally who is engaged with an enemy
together with at least one other ally together with at least one other ally
Effect: The targets gain a +3 bonus to attack rolls against Effect: The ally can make a basic melee attack against
enemies they are engaged with, until the end of your next an enemy they are engaged with as a free action, with
turn. advantage on the attack roll.
Adventurer Feat: If a target hits an enemy they are Adventurer Feat: The attack deals half damage on a
engaged with, increase the damage by your Charisma miss.
modifier (x2 at 5th level, x3 at 8th).
Honor the Fallen
3rd Level Commands Quick action; Once per battle
Special: You can only use this tactic if at least one ally is
Hang in There! currently unconscious or dead.
Interrupt action; Cost: 1 command point Effect: Gain one command point for each ally that is
Target: One nearby ally who has made a recovery roll currently unconscious or was killed in this battle.
Effect: The target can choose to reroll any of the recovery Adventurer Feat: Gain two command points instead.
dice. Keep the reroll.
Adventurer Feat: The target adds your Charisma Off-the-Book Tactics
modifier to the hit points healed (x2 at 5th level; x3 at Quick action; Recharge 16+ after battle
8th). Effect: The next time an ally hits with a melee attack this
Champion Feat: You can spend an additional command battle, the target is hampered until the end of the ally’s
point to grant the target a bonus recovery die. next turn. If the target is staggered, the effect is “save
Raise Shields! Adventurer Feat: The effect is also “save ends” against a
Interrupt action; Cost: 1 command point non-staggered target, and if the target fails a save against
Target: One or more nearby allies who are being targeted the hampered effect, it takes damage equal to your
by an attack against AC or PD Charisma modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th).
Effect: The allies gain a bonus to their defense equal to Champion Feat: On a critical hit, the save against the
the number of nearby allies wielding a shield (maximum hampered effect is a hard save (16+).
+4) until the end of your next turn.
Adventurer Feat: The bonus is +2 per nearby ally Target their Weak Points
wielding a shield. Quick action; Recharge 16+ after battle
Target: A nearby enemy
Twist the blade! Effect: Until the end of the battle, the enemy is vulnerable
Interrupt action; Cost: 2 command points to your allies’ attacks.
Target: One nearby ally who hit with a melee attack Adventurer Feat: The enemy also takes extra damage
Effect: The ally also deals 5 (5th level: 10; 8th: 20) ongoing from your allies’ attacks equal to your level.
Adventurer Feat: If the escalation die is 2+, this power
costs only 1 command point.

chapter 7
5th Level Commands Lead with Steel
Quick action; Recharge 16+ after battle
Block It Out! Effect: Gain advantage on the next Fight from the Front
Interrupt action; Cost: 2 command points melee attack this turn. If both attack rolls hit, gain the
Target: A nearby ally who took damage from an attack maximum possible command points instead of rolling.
against MD Champion Feat: On a miss, regain this tactic.
Effect: The ally takes half damage.
Champion Feat: If the attack targeted multiple allies Mind Games
(including you), you can grant the effect to all of them Quick action; Once per battle
by spending one command point per target. Effect: Wager a number of command points up to your
Charisma modifier, then make a Charisma + Level attack
Great! Keep going! roll against the highest MD of all nearby enemies. On
Interrupt action; Cost: 2 command points a hit, regain twice as many command points as you
Target: A nearby ally who reduced an opponent below wagered. On a miss, those command points are lost.
zero hit points Champion Feat: On a natural 18+, regain three times
Effect: The ally can make a standard action attack against the amount you wagered.
a different nearby enemy. They can move to engage the
enemy first if required.
7th Level Commands
Champion Feat: You can use this power as a free action
(it no longer counts against your limit of one interrupt Blast This One Too!
per round). Interrupt action; Cost: 2 command points
Target: A nearby ally who makes an attack that targets at
Keep Your Head Straight! least two enemies
Interrupt action; Cost: 1 command point Effect: The ally adds an additional enemy target.
Target: A nearby ally who is forced to take an action Champion Feat: Reduce the command point cost to 1.
against their will (by a spell, condition etc.)
Effect: The ally can immediately save against the effect, Don’t Forget Her Over There!
even if the effect normally does not allow a save. Interrupt action; Cost: 2 command points
Champion Feat: The ally adds your Charisma modifier Target: A nearby ally who uses a spell or power that
as a bonus to the save. targets two or more allies
Effect: The ally adds an additional target.
5th Level Tactics Champion Feat: If the escalation die is 3+, reduce the
cost to 1 command point.
Cloaked Chess Master
Quick action; Once per battle Take Cover!
Effect: Gain a bonus to AC equal to your Charisma Interrupt action; Cost: 2 command points
modifier until the end of your next turn. Target: A nearby ally who takes damage from a ranged or
Champion Feat: Gain the bonus to all defenses. close-quarters attack
Effect: The ally takes half damage.
Determined Leadership
Champion Feat: If the attack targeted two allies
Quick action; Recharge 16+ after battle (including you), both allies take half damage.
Effect: Until the end of the battle, whenever you miss
with your Fight from the Front melee attack, deal half
damage and gain a command point. 7th Level Tactics
Champion Feat: On your first natural even miss with Charge of the Light Brigade
Fight from the Front this battle, reroll the attack. Quick action; Recharge 16+ after battle
Special: You can use this tactic as a free action in the
first round of combat, before the first regular turn in the
initiative order.
Effect: You and each nearby ally can move as a free action.
Everyone who engages an enemy gets a +2 bonus to their
next attack roll against that enemy.

Increase the Pressure Show us how Amazing you are!
Quick action; Recharge 16+ after battle Interrupt action; Cost: 2 command points
Effect: Increase the escalation die by 1. Target: A nearby or far away ally who is using a move
Champion Feat: Until the end of your next turn, enemies action
cannot use abilities that interact with the escalation die, Effect: The target turns the move action into a stunt,
such as adding it to attack rolls or stealing it. similar to the rogue’s Swashbuckler talent. The target can
swing across the battlefield on a chandelier, jump over
Last Stand barrels rolling down a river, or climb the rigging on an
Quick action; Recharge 16+ after battle airship in a snowstorm, all without requiring a skill check.
Effect: You and all nearby allies gain a +2 bonus to saving While moving, they cannot be intercepted and they don’t
throws (including death saves) until the end of the battle, provoke opportunity attacks.
and two extra dice when using a recovery to heal. Epic Feat: You can grant a free move action for a stunt
Champion Feat: You also gain command points equal to on the same turn to other allies by spending 2 additional
your Charisma modifier. command points per ally.

Master and Commander 9th Level Tactics

Quick action; Recharge 16+ after battle
Effect: Until the end of the battle, whenever you roll Focus Fire
a natural 1 on the die that determines the number of Quick action; Recharge 16+ after battle
command points gained with your Fight from the Front Target: 1d3 nearby allies
or Weigh the Odds class features, you gain an additional Effect: Each target can make an at-will ranged attack as a
command point. free action against one enemy designated by you.
Champion Feat: Also gain a bonus command point on Champion Feat: The attacks deal extra damage equal to
a natural 2. your Intelligence or Charisma modifier on a miss.

Tactical Retreat Lead Through Hell

Standard action; Recharge 16+ after battle Quick action; Recharge 16+ after battle
Target: You and all nearby allies Effect: Until the end of the battle, whenever you use your
Effect: The group flees from the battle. The group does Fight from the Front class feature, a nearby ally can make
not suffer a campaign loss, but the cowardice causes some a save against a save-ends effect.
factions to lose faith in them. The GM chooses one icon Epic Feat: The ally can add your Charisma modifier to
relationship of each PC that they cannot use until they the saving throw.
gain a level.
Uncanny Intuition
9th Level Commands Quick action; Recharge 16+ after battle
Effect: Until the end of the battle, whenever you use your
Do That Again! Fight from the Front or Weigh the Odds class feature,
Interrupt action; Cost: 5 command points grant a nearby ally a bonus to their next attack roll equal
Target: An ally who took an action on their turn to the number of command points you gained.
Effect: The ally repeats the previous action, although they
can choose new targets. This does not expend additional Epic Feat: If you only gained one or two command
uses of whatever power or spell was used. points, grant the bonus to two allies instead.

Epic Feat: Decrease the cost of this command to 4

command points.

Give it your best shot!

Interrupt action; Cost: 2 command points or more
Target: A nearby ally who made a d20 roll
Effect: The ally rolls a number of d20 equal to the
command points you spend and chooses the best result.
Epic Feat: If the ally still fails the roll, your command
points are not expended.

The Druid of the Circle is a revision of the Druid class Initiate: You have one talent from the circle. This unlocks
from 13 True Ways. This revision takes the original six the abilities listed under that circle, such as a shifter’s
druid talents and replaces them with circles, inspired by beast form.
the demonologist in the Book of Demons. Adept: You have two talents from the circle. This often
Within each circle, there is a variety of talents, and the unlocks more powerful abilities.
number of talents you choose in each circle determines Master: All of your three talents are from that circle. Your
whether you are an initiate (one talent), adept (two abilities are similar to the adept level in most cases, but
talents) or master (three talents) of that circle. you benefit from having more spells in your chosen circle.
This book overrides the talent entries of the druid.
All other parts of the class, such as base stats, level Spells / Aspects / Maneuvers
progression table, existing spells, aspects and flexible Each circle also grants a number of spells, powers or
attacks remain the same. The Melee Attack: Strength or flexible attacks. The amount you get depends on your
Speed, and Nature Talking and Wilderness Survival class level and whether you are an initiate, adept or master.
features are also unchanged. Each circle uses the unified spell progression table below,
which replaces the individual tables from 13 True Ways.
Players who are happy with the druid in 13 True Ways The exception are Circle of the Fang adepts and masters,
can make a full character according that book and only who gain animal companion spells as per the table on 13
use this book as an additional resource for new spells
True Ways p. 42 (one at 1st level, +1 at levels 2, 5, and 8).
and powers.
As a multiclassed druid, you use the level 1 entry at first
Note that this book rolls the Elemental Caster into the level, and the entry one level lower after that.
Terrain Caster talent. For an existing Elemental Caster,
you can pick new spells from the following terrain en- Unified Spell / Aspect / Maneuver
tries: Progression per Level
Air: Mountains, Plains Spells / Aspects /
Earth: Cave, Desert, Mountains Druid Maneuvers Spell
Level level
Fire: Plains, Volcano Initiate Adept Master
Water: Ice, Ocean, Swamp
Level 1 1 2 3 1st

Class Features Level 2 1 3 4 1st

Circles (New)
Level 3 1 3 4 3rd
These are the new druid circles:
Circle of Decay (New): A new circle, focused on the
destructive power of nature Level 4 2 4 5 3rd
Circle of the Fang: Replaces the Animal Companion
talent Level 5 2 4 6 5th
Circle of Feysong (New): A new circle that grants powers
related to the fey Level 6 2 5 7 5th
Circle of the Land: Replaces the Terrain Caster and
Elemental Caster talents Level 7 3 5 7 7th
Circle of Life: Replaces the Wild Healer talent
Circle of the Moon: Replaces the Shifter talent Level 8 3 6 8 7th
Circle of War: Replaces the Warrior Druid talent
Level 9 3 6 9 9th
Within each circle, there are three levels of mastery: initi-
ate, adept and master. Your mastery level depends on how
many talents you choose from a circle. Note that you gain Level 10 4 7 10 9th
three talents at level one as usual.

chapter 8
Blighted Stench (1st Level)
Circle of Decay Close-quarters spell; At-will
Target: Up to two nearby enemies in a group
This circle harnesses the destructive phase of the cycle of
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
life. Droughts, plagues and rot are indispensable elements
Hit: 1d4 + Wisdom poison damage
of life, as they cull the weak and the old and make way for
Natural 18+: The target is dazed until the end of your
the new. Its druids are also known as blighters or defilers.
next turn.
Many see themselves as closing the gap between death
Miss: —
and new life.
3rd level spell: 1d6 damage
However, there is a darker element to it, a destructive
5th level spell: 2d6 damage
force that is outside of nature, a breaking of the cycle. It
is a powerful, tempting magic, and blighters are always at 7th level spell: 3d6 damage
risk of drawing more power from their surroundings than 9th level spell: 5d6 damage
intended, leaving wounds that may never heal. Adventurer Feat: You gain a +1 bonus to attack against
In the same way that the Lich King represents halting enemies you are engaged with.
the cycle and clinging to life by unnatural means, some Champion Feat: The daze effect now triggers on natural
blighters seek to end life as it is, to create an eternally 16+.
lifeless darkness.
Bug Infestation
Circle of Decay Talents
There is always a swarm of bugs around a blighter
This circle gives you a selection of talents that each grant
druid, but you have learned to use them in battle.
an at-will spell and an additional effect. Among them, Life
Leech boosts your healing at the cost of enemies, Defil- You gain Bug Bites as a bonus spell.
ing allows you to fuel your spells from the life around In addition, when you cast a blighter druid summoning
you, while Blighted Stench enables you to fully break the spell, roll a d6. When the result is equal to the escalation
cycle of life and dig into necromancy. die or lower, you summon two creatures instead of one.
For other talents, Bug Infestation allows you to Adventurer Feat: You and your summoned creatures
summon giant bugs and spiders like the Hell Mother (13th gain a +1 bonus to attack against enemies who are taking
Age Glorantha) class, whereas Creepy Transformation ongoing damage.
turns your shifter forms into bug swarms. Champion Feat: When you use a quick action to control
a creature you summoned, you also grant it 1d6 extra
Blighted Stench
damage (8th level: 2d6) if it hits with an attack during
The foul smell of decay follows you everywhere. this turn.
You gain a bonus necromancer spell of up to your level. Epic Feat: Increase the bonus from the adventurer-tier
You gain the Blighted Stench at-will spell as a bonus spell. feat to +2.
Starting from 3rd level, you can take a necromancer
spell instead of a blighter druid spell, at a -2 penalty to Bug Bites (1st Level)
the spell level. You can switch Intelligence for Wisdom Close-quarters spell; At-will
with your necromancer spells. Target: One nearby enemy
Adventurer Feat: You can switch one blighter druid Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
spell for a necromancer spell without the level penalty. Hit: 1d4 + Wisdom ongoing poison damage
Champion Feat: You lose the druid’s Nature Talking Miss: Damage equal to your level
class feature. Instead, you gain Speak with Dead (see 13 3rd level spell: 1d8 damage
True Ways) as a bonus spell. 5th level spell: 2d8 damage
Epic Feat: You have a permanent fear aura that affects 7th level spell: 4d8 damage
beast and plant creatures. If any such creature is engaged 9th level spell: 6d8 damage
with you, and has 100 hit points or less, it is dazed and Adventurer Feat: On a natural even hit, the target also
can’t use the escalation die. has disadvantage on its next attack roll.
Champion Feat: Against staggered enemies, increase
the damage dice to d10s.

Creepy Transformation Miss: Damage equal to your level
At a moment’s notice, you can turn into a creeping, 3rd level spell: 3d8 damage
crawling horror. 5th level spell: 5d8 damage
Special: This talent requires at least one talent from the 7th level spell: 7d8 damage
Circle of the Moon. 9th level spell: 10d8 damage
You can use the scout form of the Circle of the Moon Life Leech
to turn into a swarm of bugs. This allows you to fly, and
Hasten the process of decay by drawing life from that
crawl through cracks and tiny openings that a larger
which still lives.
animal couldn’t get through.
You also gain the Festering Maggots aspect as a bonus Whenever you cast a spell that grants you or an ally the
aspect, which you can use like other aspects from the use of a recovery to heal, increase the healing by your
Circle of the Moon. level, and deal your Wisdom modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3
at 8th) negative energy damage to a nearby enemy.
Adventurer Feat: You gain resist poison 16+. You also gain the Leeching Fingers at-will spell as a
bonus spell.
Festering Maggots Aspect
Beast aspect; Daily (Moon adept: Recharge 16+); Quick Adventurer Feat: Add your level to the damage inflicted
action by this talent.
Initiate Effect: When you are hit by an attack, you can Champion Feat: When you hit a target with a blighter
transform the part of your body that was hit into a swarm spell that is not an at-will spell, the target cannot regain
of bugs as an interrupt action to take only half damage. hit points or gain temporary hit points until the end of
However, it takes a while to regain your full strength after your next turn.
this, and you have disadvantage on all attack rolls until
the end of your next turn.
Leeching Fingers (1st Level)
Adept Effect: As initiate, and if you use the interrupt Close-quarters spell; At-will
action, you also deal twice your level in poison damage Target: One enemy you are engaged with
to the attacker. Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom negative energy damage. Heal hit
Champion Feat: This aspect also grants advantage on
points equal to your level.
disengage checks.
Miss: Damage equal to your level
Epic Feat: As an initiate, gain the adept effect. As an 3rd level spell: 3d8 damage
adept, increase the poison damage to three times your
5th level spell: 5d8 damage
7th level spell: 7d8 damage
9th level spell: 10d8 damage
You suck the life out of your surroundings when casting Epic Feat: On a natural 18+, you can heal using a
blight spells. Plants shrivel, and the spot where you cast recovery.
the spell will not sustain plant life for at least a year.
When you cast a blighter daily spell, that spell becomes Circle of Decay Spells
recharge 18+ after battle. You choose the spells you can cast at full heal-up. The
You also gain the Defiling Touch at-will spell as a bonus number of spells you gain is determined by your class
spell. level and whether you are an initiate, adept or master. See
the unified spell progression table at the start of the druid
Adventurer Feat: Beast and plant type creatures are
chapter for details.
vulnerable to your blighter spells.
Champion Feat: The recharge roll is now 16+. Shrivel (1st Level)
Epic Feat: All creatures except undead and constructs Ranged spell; Daily
are vulnerable to your blighter spells. Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
Hit: The target is weakened and takes 10 ongoing negative
Defiling Touch (1st Level) energy damage (save ends both).
Close-quarters spell; At-will Miss: Damage equal to your level
Target: One enemy you are engaged with 3rd level spell: 15 ongoing damage
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD 5th level spell: 25 ongoing damage
Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom negative energy damage. Immediately 7th level spell: 40 ongoing damage
make a recharge roll for a blight druid spell that is 9th level spell: 60 ongoing damage
“Recharge after battle”.

chapter 8
Summon Atrocity (1st Level) Decrepit Mind (3rd Level)
Ranged spell; Daily Close-quarters spell; Once per battle
Effect: You summon a 0-level stirge (Bestiary p. 197) with Target: All enemies you are engaged with OR 1d3 nearby
18 hp. This spell follows the summoning rules (p. 5). enemies in a group
Summoned creatures have the stats as listed, except for Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD
reduced hit points. They don’t have any nastier specials. Hit: 4d8 + Wisdom psychic damage, and the target is
3rd level spell: Summon a 3rd-level rust monster vulnerable to attacks until the end of your next turn.
(Bestiary 184) with 30 hp. Miss: Half damage
5th level spell: Summon a 4th-level harpy (Core Book 5th level spell: 7d8 damage
p. 234) with 40 hp. 7th level spell: 10d8 damage
7th level spell: Summon a 4th-level basilisk (Bestiary 9th level spell: 1d12 x 10 damage
p. 10) with 80 hp.
9th level spell: Summon a 1d3+1 9th-level wraith bats Wave of Despair (3rd Level)
(Bestiary p. 15) with 30 hp. Ranged spell; Daily
Target: One nearby enemy; treat a group of mooks as a
Summon Giant Bug (1st Level) single target.
Ranged spell; Daily Special: When casting the spell, you can choose to reduce
Effect: You summon a giant bug from the Hell Mother the escalation die by 1. If you do, target 1d4+1 nearby
summoning list (13th Age Glorantha p. 158). You can enemies instead.
choose any of the giant bugs of your level or lower. You Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD
summon these bugs as a superior creature according to the Hit: 3d10 + Wisdom psychic damage, and the target is hit
Summoning rules on p. 5. The bug remains until the by despair (hard save 16+ ends).
end of the battle, or until it is reduced to zero hit points. Despair: When an enemy rolls a natural 1-3 on their
Adventurer Feat: Once per level, you can summon a save against this spell, they cannot take actions until
giant spider from the Hell Mother list instead. the end of their next turn.
Miss: Half damage
Thorned Whip (1st Level) 5th level spell: 5d10 damage; no actions on 1-5 on the
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action save
Effect: You summon a light one-handed weapon (d6 7th level spell: 7d10 damage; no actions on 1-7 on the
damage die) in the form of a long, black, thorny vine save
until the end of the battle. The whip allows you to make 9th level spell: 10d10 damage; no actions on 1-9 on
melee attacks against nearby enemies without engaging the save
them. You can use your Wisdom modifier for attack and
damage. All damage it deals is poison damage. It gains a Contagion (5th Level)
+1 bonus to attack and damage like a true magic item. Close-quarters spell; Daily
On a natural 20, you can let go of the whip to hamper the Target: One nearby enemy
enemy and deal ongoing damage equal to 5 times the spell Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
level (save ends both). Hit: 20 ongoing negative energy damage, and the target
5th level spell: The whip acts as a champion-level item (+2). starts making last gasp saves (hard save 16+ ends both).
9th level spell: Epic level item (+3) When the target fails a save, repeat the attack as a free
action against a different nearby enemy. If a target fails
Creeping Thorn Ivy (3rd Level) the 4th save, it dies. Targets that have successfully saved
Close-quarters spell; Daily against the spell are immune to it.
Target: 1d4 nearby enemies Miss: 10 damage
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD 7th level spell: 30 ongoing damage
Hit: The target is stuck and takes 10 ongoing poison 9th level spell: 50 ongoing damage
damage (save ends both).
Miss: —
Always: Starting from your next turn, until the end of
the battle, you can repeat the attack against one nearby
enemy as a quick action once per round.
5th level spell: 15 ongoing damage
7th level spell: 25 ongoing damage
9th level spell: 40 ongoing damage

Locust Swarm (5th Level) Wall of Thorns (7th Level)
Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action Ranged spell; Daily
Effect: Insects swarm across the nearby area. Outside of Effect: You create a thorny wall of a few hundred feet
combat, they ravage the surrounding nature and destroy that you can use to fence off an area until the end of the
crops. When cast in battle, at the start of each of your battle or scene. You and your allies can pass through the
turns, nearby enemies must succeed at a save or take wall unharmed. Enemies can create a hole in the wall by
twice your level in poison damage and take a -2 penalty dealing 100 damage to it, but they take 15 poison damage
to attacks and defenses until the start of their next turn. from thorns when using a melee weapon against it. The
The effect lasts until the end of the battle, or until you are wall takes half damage from ranged attacks.
knocked unconscious. 9th level spell: 150 damage to hack through the wall;
25 poison damage from the wall
Summon Ooze (5th Level)
Ranged spell; Daily Anti-Life Shell (9th Level)
Effect: You summon a large 3rd-level ochre jelly (13th Close-quarters spell; Daily
Age Core Book p. 241) with 80 hp. This spell follows the Effect: Pop free from all enemies. Until the end of the
summoning rules in 13 True Ways (p. 11). Summoned battle, you create a perimeter around yourself that repels
creatures have the stats as listed, except for reduced hit ordinary living creatures. Nearby enemies can try to
points. They don’t have any nastier specials. engage you as a move action, but they must succeed at
7th level spell: Summon a huge 5th-level gelatinous a normal save to push through the barrier. On a success,
cube (13th Age Core Book p. 241) with 120 hp. they engage you, but take 50 negative energy damage. On
9th level spell: Summon a huge 7th-level gelatinous a failure, they take no damage, but the engage fails.
dodecahedron (13th Age Bestiary p. 90) with 200 hp. Special: Non-living creatures, such as constructs and
undead, ignore the effect of this spell.
Thorn Cage (5th Level)
Ranged spell; Daily Creeping Doom (9th Level)
Target: 1d3 nearby enemies Thousands of insects descend upon your foes to chew
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD through them bite by bite.
Hit: The target is caught in the thorn cage (save ends). Ranged spell; Daily
Thorn cage: When the target makes an attack, it takes Target: One nearby enemy OR 1d4 + 1 nearby enemies
20 poison damage. Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
Miss: Damage equal to your level Hit: 4d8 x 10 damage against a single target, or 2d8 x 10
7th level spell: 30 damage damage against multiple targets.
9th level spell: 50 damage Miss: Half damage
Aura of Decay (7th Level)
Ranged spell; Daily Circle of the Fang
Effect: You create a zone of decay in the nearby area, Circle of the Fang druids bond with a fierce beast of the
where enemies take a penalty to saving throws equal wild that aids as a companion in life and an ally in battle.
to the escalation die. Enemies can avoid the penalty by Druids of this circle are known as fang druids, companion
moving out of the zone. The zone persists until the end of druids, or shepherds.
the battle, or until you are knocked unconscious. This circle is shared with the ranger class. Rangers can take
up to three of the talents listed under this circle, and gain the
Horrid Wilting (7th Level) same abilities and benefits as a druid with these talents.
Ranged spell; Daily
Target: 1d4 + 1 nearby enemies Animal Companion
Special: Against plant type creatures and water All Circle of the Fang initiates, adepts and masters gain
elementals, gain a +2 bonus to your critical threat range this ability. See the Animal Companion talent in 13 True
with this spell. Ways, p. 41. The following rules are unchanged: Extra
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD Recoveries, Actions, Animal Harm, Companion Bonuses,
Hit: 1d12 x 10 + Wisdom negative energy damage Baseline Stats, Animal Companion Feats.
Miss: The target takes half damage, and you deal 3d8 Adventurer Feat: If you have any of the Ranger talents
damage to all allies engaged with it. in the following list, you share their benefits with your
9th level spell: 2d8 x 10 damage animal companion: (Core Book) Favored Enemy, First
Strike, Lethal Hunter; (this book) Camouflage, Survivor.
Champion Feat: Your daily animal companion spells are
Recharge 18+ after battle.

chapter 8
Stats & Levels Giant Toad
Initiate (1 talent): Your animal companion is one level Acts: After druid / ranger
below your class level. It is not always present—whenever Advantage: Your companion can use its tongue to make
your animal companion participates in a battle, it won’t melee attacks against nearby enemies it is not engaged with.
be available for the following battle, and only be back for The attack deals normal damage, and on a natural even hit,
the battle after that. You don’t gain animal companion the target is forced to pop free and engage the toad.
Hellcat (also Hellhound)
Adept (2 talents): Your animal companion is one level
Acts: Before druid / ranger
below your class level, and it is present in every battle.
You gain a number of animal companion spells as per the Advantage: On a natural attack roll of 18+, your companion
table on 13 True Ways p. 42 (one at first level, +1 at levels does 1d6 per level extra fire damage to the target.
2, 5, and 8). Shadow Beast
Master (3 talents): As adept, but your companion is now Acts: Before druid / ranger
the same level as your class level. Advantage: The companion gains resist negative energy
12+, and a +2 bonus to skill checks to hide in dimly lit areas.
New Animal Types
In addition to the animal types listed on page 121 of the Shocker Lizard
Core Book, here are a few more exotic choices. Acts: Before druid / ranger
Advantage: The first time your companion hits an enemy
Animated Plant
in a battle, it deals 1d10 extra lightning damage (2d10 at
Acts: After druid / ranger 5th level; 4d10 at 8th).
Advantage: With a successful easy difficulty skill check
(using your ability scores and backgrounds), your Skeletal Animal
companion can disguise itself as a mundane plant. It is Acts: After druid / ranger
also vulnerable to fire. Advantage: Your companion gains resist weapons 12+,
Adventurer Feat: On a natural even hit with a melee but it is also vulnerable to holy damage.
attack, your companion gives enemies disadvantage on Champion Feat: Increase the resistance to 16+.
checks to disengage from it until the end of your next turn.
Small Rock Elemental
Faerie Spirit Acts: After druid / ranger
Acts: Before druid / ranger Advantage: Reduce all damage your animal companion
Advantage: Once per battle, your companion can teleport takes by half your level (round up).
to a nearby location it can see as a move action.
Adventurer Feat: Increase the damage reduction to
equal to your level.

Acts: After druid / ranger
Advantage: Once per battle, the unicorn can let an
adjacent ally use a recovery to heal as a quick action.

Circle of the Fang Talents

The Circle of the Fang talents can be divided into three
groups. The first group improves your animal compan-
ion’s combat ability. Ferocity is a straight bonus to its
damage, while Defensive Instinct shores up its defenses.
The next group of talents allows you to choose more
special creatures as your companion. Awakened
Companion gives it humanoid intelligence, Dire Animal
Companion turns it into a mightier beast, Draconic
Companion into a dragon, and Spirit Companion into
a ghostly creature.
Animal Friends extends your gift to all animals.

Animal Friends Defensive Instinct
You have a strong connection to all of nature’s creatures, The sharpened senses of your companion let it dodge out
and feel more comfortable around them than the so- of harm’s way.
called civilized races. The beasts of the surrounding Your companion gains a +1 bonus to AC and PD.
lands flock towards you. Birds, rodents, butterflies, cats
Adventurer Feat: Once per battle, when your companion
and even wild boars provide you with ample company.
takes damage, it can halve that damage as a free action.
If you are a ranger, you gain the druid’s Nature Talking
Champion Feat: When you are next to your companion,
class feature. If you are a druid, reduce the difficulty of
you gain a +1 bonus to AC and PD.
skill checks to talk to animals from hard to normal (DC
Epic Feat: Once per battle, your companion can make a
15 at adventurer tier).
melee attack as an interrupt action against an enemy it is
You gain 3 points towards a background that represents
engaged with that makes an attack against you or an ally.
small creatures coming to your aid. They can help you
find food, lead the way to a location they know, warn
you of impending danger, or even perform small tricks.
Dire Animal Companion
They can even distract your enemies with the Tiny Claws The beasts you call as your companions are larger and
power below. more savage than the usual animals of its type.
Whenever you call a new companion, roll 1d6 on the
Adventurer Feat: You can reroll a natural even failure dire animal table (CB p. 206). Your companion gains that
on a skill check related to animals once. This includes feature.
Mounted Combat checks (see 13th Age Monthly, Your companion’s size increases to large, and you can ride it.
Mounted Combat).
Adventurer Feat: Your companions hit points increase
Tiny Claws as if it was one level higher. (For each increase beyond
Close-quarters power; Once per battle; Quick action level 10, add 50 hp.)
Target: One nearby enemy Champion Feat: After rolling the random feature, gain
Attack: Wisdom + level vs. PD a second one of your choice.
Natural even hit: The target is hampered until the end of
your next turn. Draconic Companion
Natural odd hit: The target is dazed until the end of your Some adventurous young dragons join a party in the
next turn. search for riches to start off their hoard.
Miss: — Your companion is a small dragon, or a beast with dra-
conic blood. It is smarter than the average companion
Champion Feat: Deal 1d4 times your level damage on
and can speak, but that also makes it more independent.
a hit.
In addition, if you are an initiate, choose one ability from
the list below. As an adept or master, choose two.
Awakened Companion Ι It can fly and hover (without this, it can only make
Your companion has been granted intelligence by short hops and glide).
druidic magic. Ι It gains a breath weapon spell from the sorcerer
Your companion can speak, and it has the mind of a hu- list as a bonus power, at two levels below its level
manoid child. This makes your companion much smarter (minimum 1). It uses its standard attack bonus to
at mundane tasks and combat tactics. It also gains a +2 attack with the spell. If you choose this twice, gain
bonus to MD. the spell at the companion’s level.
Adventurer Feat: Your companion gains a fighter Ι It gains resist element 12+ (choose acid, cold, fire,
maneuver of its level (minimum 1). lightning, poison or thunder). If you choose this
ability twice, increase the bonus to 15+. If you
Champion Feat: Whenever you are the target of a spell
choose it three times, increase it to 18+.
or effect, and your companion is nearby, you can choose
Ι Roll 1d8 to give the companion a random dragon
to extend the effect to your companion for free. (Note ability. See the table on Core Book p. 217. If you
that companions already have the ability to heal for free choose this twice, roll 1d8 twice and gain both
when you use a recovery while they are adjacent. You can abilities OR roll 1d12 instead.
use either that ability or this feat, but not both for the Ι It can use up to three magic items and activate their
same healing spell.) powers, which don’t count against your level limit.
Epic Feat: Both you and your companion have a +1
bonus to saves, including death saves, while the other Adventurer Feat: Gain an additional ability.
is nearby. Champion Feat: Gain an additional ability.
Epic Feat: Gain an additional ability.

chapter 8
Ferocity Animal Companion Spells
Sharper teeth equal harder bite. As a Circle of the Fang adept and master (but not as an
Increase your animal companion‘s damage die by one size initiate), you have access to Animal Companion spells.
(d6s to d8s, d8s to d10s). Use the unified spell progression table at the start of this
Adventurer Feat: If both you and the companion chapter, but one category lower. As an adept, you use the
are engaged with an enemy, it is vulnerable to your initiate column, and as a master, use the adept column.
companion’s attacks. In addition to the spells outlined in 13 True Ways, you
Champion Feat: Your companion has a +1 bonus to have access to the new spells below.
attack against staggered enemies.
Borrow Senses (1st Level)
Close-quarters spell; Daily
Spirit Companion
Target: One animal companion you touch
Your animal companion is not a living animal, it only
Effect: Until the end of the scene, you can use the
exists in the spirit realm.
companion’s senses as if they were your own, as long as it
As a spirit creature, your companion deals either nega- stays within about a mile distance. You can still use your
tive energy or holy damage. You can call it to manifest at own senses while doing so.
your side as a quick action (if it is available this battle). In 7th level spell: You perceive the presence of the
addition, it gains a number of abilities from the list below, supernatural, such as lingering magic, invisible
depending on your level of mastery in the circle. Choose creatures or gateways to other planes.
one as an initiate, two as an adept and three as a master.
Ι It gains resist physical damage 12+. Thicker Leather (3rd Level)
Ι The first time in a battle when your companion Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action
is reduced below 0 hp by an attack, it can make a Target: One nearby animal companion
hard save (16+) to negate the damage of that attack. Effect: Until the end of the battle, your animal companion
Ι As an adept or master, you also have access to the gains a +2 bonus to AC.
following options: 5th level spell: It also gains the bonus to PD.
Ι It can fly and hover. 7th level spell: Convert critical hits against the target
Ι If your animal companion is killed in battle, roll a into normal hits.
d12 at the start of each turn. If the result is equal to
the escalation die or lower, your companion rejoins Protective Pounce (5th Level)
the battle at half his or her total hit points. Ranged spell; Daily; Interrupt action
Ι It gains Spirit Ward as a bonus spell. Trigger: An enemy targets you with a melee attack
Ι It gains Creepy as a bonus spell. Target: One nearby animal companion
Effect: Your companion pops free, engages the attacker
Adventurer Feat: Gain an additional ability.
and makes a melee attack against them. If the companion’s
Champion Feat: Gain an additional ability.
attack hits, your attacker has disadvantage on their attack
Epic Feat: Gain an additional ability. roll.
Spirit Ward Call Companion (7th Level)
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action
Special: The escalation die must be 2+ to cast this spell. Target: Your current animal companion, regardless of
Effect: Until the end of the battle, you have resist physical where it is
damage 12+, like your companion. Effect: Your companion appears at your side.
Creepy Howl Blink (9th Level)
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action
Special: The escalation die must be 2+ to cast this spell. Target: A nearby animal companion
Target: All nearby enemies with fewer current hp than Effect: Until the end of the battle, your animal companion
your companion’s maximum hp can teleport to a nearby location once per round as a free
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. the highest MD among the action. If it teleports when it is attacked, it rolls a save. On
targets a success, the attack has no effect.
Hit: All targets are affected by fear (-4 to attacks and can’t
benefit from the escalation die; save ends).
Miss: —

Court of Stars
Circle of Feysong Your wield the ancient power that mortal wizards stole
from the fey.
Druids of the circle of feysong are either fey themselves,
You have access to sorcerer spells from the fey bloodline
or humanoids who lived among the fey and learned their
and wizard spells from the Enchantment and Illusion
magic. Sometimes, faerie are reborn into mortal human-
schools. At first level, you gain one such spell as a bonus
oid bodies, and sometimes fey abduct humanoid children
spell. Starting from 3rd level, you can swap a Feysong
to be raised among them.
druid spell for such a spell at a -2 level penalty. If you
Fey druids with true fey blood have physical features
choose any wizard spell, you can use Charisma instead of
that show the heritage, such as waving, unnaturally shiny
Intelligence with it.
hair, a bulbous nose or small horns on the forehead. Their
eyes and hair are often unnaturally colorful, and they Adventurer Feat: For every talent you have from the
have a glimmering aura like the reflection of the sun on circle of feysong, you can swap in one sorcerer / wizard
morning dew. spell without the level penalty.
Druids of this circle are known as fey druids. If they are Champion Feat: Once per battle, as a quick action, you
fey children switched out for mortal babies, they are also can get the sorcerer Fey bloodline’s Fey Benefit (without
known as changelings. gathering power).
Epic Feat: While in the fey realms, your druid daily
Circle of Feysong Talents spells, including swapped in spells, are recharge 18+
As a Sidhe, the Court of Stars talent gives you access after battle.
to fey sorcerer spells. You can combine this with some
melee ability through the Court of Swords talent, and the Court of Swords
ability to wear armor from the Circle of War. For a fiercer For the fey, fencing is a dance, and dancing is a matter
warrior, combine Troll Ancestry with the ability to wield of life and death.
heavy weapons from that circle. You can use Charisma instead of Dexterity or Strength
For a faun or satyr, the Court of Song gives access to for attack and damage when wielding a one-handed blade
bard spells. weapon.
For a fey that can shapechange into different creatures, You also gain a bard battle cry of up to your level as
combine Pookah Ancestry with the Circle of the Moon. a bonus power, which you can trigger with druid basic
For a character related to dark fey, the Redcap Ancestry attacks.
and Feydark Ancestry can work with either spells or
melee combat. Adventurer Feat: Once per battle, add your Charisma
modifier to a save to disengage.
Court of Song Champion Feat: When the escalation die is even, you
When the fey hold court, there is always music. can spend a quick action to trick a nearby opponent.
You gain a bard spell or song of up to your level as a bonus Your next melee attack against that opponent this turn
spell. You also gain 3 points towards a musical performer targets their MD instead of AC.
background. Epic Feat: Gain a second battle cry from the bard list, at
Adventurer Feat: You can use enchanted instruments two levels below your level.
as implements. You gain Enchant Instrument (p. 31)
as a bonus spell. Feydark Ancestry
Champion Feat: The bards at the fey court exchange Your ancestors were creatures of the darkness, bogeymen
legends and stories about the icons, often about pranks and other faerie of the night.
and tricks the fey played on them. On a 4 on an icon You gain the Glimpse from the Dark at-will spell.
relationship roll, you can use one of those legends to You can see perfectly in the dark. When you make a
your advantage. Treat the 4 as a 5. skill check to hide or sneak, the difficulty is reduced by
Epic Feat: Gain a second bard spell or song, at a -2 one step (-5).
penalty to the level. Champion Feat: When you engage an enemy in low
light or dark conditions, deal psychic damage equal to
your level to the target.
Epic Feat: You can expend a recovery to flee from a
combat alone, without suffering a campaign loss.

chapter 8
Glimpse from the Dark (1st Level) Adventurer Feat: When you score a critical hit with an
Close-quarters spell; At-will attack or spell, the target also takes 5 ongoing damage
Target: One nearby enemy (5th level: 10 ongoing; 8th level: 20 ongoing).
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD Champion Feat: When you kill a target, nearby enemies
Natural Even Hit: 1d10 + Charisma psychic damage with fewer hit points than 20 times your level must
Natural Odd Hit: The next attack roll against the target immediately succeed at a save or be affected by fear (-4
has advantage. to attacks and can’t benefit from the escalation die).
Natural Even Miss: The target has a -2 penalty to attack Epic Feat: Enemies under the fear effect are also
rolls against you until the end of your next turn. vulnerable to your attacks.
Natural Odd Miss: If you are engaged with the target,
you can make a disengage check as a free action. Bloodsoaked Violence
3rd level spell: (even hit) 3d10 damage Flexible once-per-battle melee attack
5th level spell: (even hit) 5d10 damage Triggering Roll: Natural even hit
7th level spell: (even hit) 7d10 damage Effect: Deal 1d3 extra damage for each enemy you have
9th level spell: (even hit) 10d10 damage killed this battle. Count each mook as an individual kill.
Adventurer Feat: You gain a +1 bonus to attack with 3rd level maneuver: 1d4 per kill
this spell in dim light and darkness. 5th level maneuver: 1d6 per kill
7th level maneuver: 1d8 per kill
Pooka Ancestry 9th level maneuver: 1d12 per kill
You are a descendant of faerie spirits who roam the Troll Ancestry
countryside in various animal forms, such as a horse, a
rabbit, a raven or a fox. Even in your humanoid form, Faerie trolls are strong and fierce warriors, and they are
you have animal features, such as furry ears or a tail. honor-bound to protect the faerie realms.
Special: This talent requires at least one talent from the You have advantage on skill checks that depend on pure
Circle of the Moon. muscle strength. When you make a Strength-based melee
You gain the Pooka aspect as a bonus aspect, which you attack, reroll any natural 1s with the damage roll. If you
can use like other aspects from the Circle of the Moon. are wielding a two-handed weapon, also reroll 2s.
Adventurer Feat: Also reroll 1s on recovery rolls.
Adventurer Feat: You can cast fey druid spells while in
scout and beast form. Champion Feat: Once per battle, double the hit points
you regain from a recovery you spend.
Pooka Aspect Epic Feat: Add four times your Strength to melee attack
Beast aspect; Daily (Moon adept: Recharge 16+); damage (instead of three times).
Quick action
Initiate Effect: When you activate this aspect, you Circle of the Feysong Spells
become invisible. The invisibility lasts until the end of The spells you cast as a fey druid are an expression of your
the battle or scene, or until you do something flashy, like faerie nature, and many are designed to cause mischief.
attack or cast a spell. You get a number of spells depending on your level and
If an enemy misses you with a 1-3 on the natural attack whether you are an initiate, adept or master, as per the
roll, you can turn invisible again as an interrupt action. unified progression table at the start of this chapter. You
Adept Effect: When you turn invisible, you can create choose your spells after each full heal-up.
an illusory double of yourself in a nearby location. The Unlike other druids, fey druids use Charisma instead of
double is destroyed when it is attacked. Wisdom as the main stat for their magic.
Champion Feat: You can turn invisible on a natural 1-5. Adventurer Feat: If you have any druid spells from
other circles, you can replace Wisdom with Charisma
Redcap Ancestry
when casting them.
You have descended from the most vile and brutal fey,
known for dyeing their caps red with the blood of their Cantrips
enemies. What you lack in refined fencing skill you
make up in unrestrained violence. For each talent that you spend on the Circle of Feysong,
Skill checks to scare or intimidate are one step easier you learn one cantrip from below as a bonus spell. As a
for you (-5 to difficulty). Master of Feysong, you have access to all of them.
You gain Bloodsoaked Violence as a bonus druid
flexible attack.

Faerie Lights Faerie Fire (Feysong version)
Ranged spell; Recharge 11+; Quick action Ranged spell; Daily
Effect: Until the end of the battle or scene, you fill the Target: One nearby enemy
surrounding area with colorful lights that provide Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
illumination, and prevent creatures from hiding or Hit: 3d6 + Charisma fire damage, and the target is
walking in shadows. vulnerable (hard save ends, 16+).
Feycraft Miss: Half damage, and the target is vulnerable until the
end of your next turn.
Ranged spell; At-will; Quick action
3rd level spell: 6d6 damage, and in addition to being
Effect: You create a small conjuration or transmutation vulnerable, the target can’t turn invisible or hide from
effect. Grow flowers in your hair, summon a swarm of you or your allies (save ends both).
butterflies, polish a coin to make it shiny, etc. The effect
5th level spell: 6d10 damage, and the target also can’t
ends at the end of the scene.
teleport (save ends all).
Feysight 7th level spell: 10d10 damage
Close-quarters spell; At-will; Quick action 9th level spell: 2d8 x 10 damage
Effect: You see the world through the eyes of the fey. Nose of the Leprechaun
This allows you to see through fey illusions, including
You can smell the treasure.
invisibility, find portals into the fey realms, and identify
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action
the shifting patterns that allow navigation in the feywilds.
Effect: Until the end of the scene, you have advantage on
Little Helpers skill checks to locate treasures or gold in the nearby area,
Ranged spell; At-will; Quick action even if it’s hidden and there are no clues as to its location.
Effect: You call on small animals and house spirits to 3rd level spell: The spell is now Recharge 16+.
complete a small menial task such as cleaning a room, 5th level spell: You can now sense treasure in far away
washing dishes or sewing a dress. The helpers will work areas too, up to a few hundred feet.
tirelessly for 1d6 x 10 minutes. Satyr’s Pipes
Prank You have the gift of music.
Ranged spell; At-will; Quick action Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action
Effect: You create a small magical illusion or movement Effect: You have advantage on skill checks to perform
effect. With illusions, you can add music to your singing, music and dance until the end of the scene.
make a fly buzz through the room, leave some smelly 3rd level spell: You also have advantage on checks to
animal droppings or throw your voice through the room. sustain bard songs.
With movement, you can tap someone on the shoulder, 7th level spell: When the escalation die is even, you
bind their shoelaces, or pick something from their have advantage on the attack roll with bard spells.
pockets. The effect lasts as long as you concentrate on it.
1st Level Fey Spells Mortal eyes see what they want to see.
Close-quarters spells; Daily; Quick action
Beauty of the Sidhe
Effect: You create an illusion of a certain role, such as a
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action servant, an old woman, or a prince. When you create the
Target: You or a nearby ally disguise, you must succeed at a Charisma-based skill check
Effect: Until the end of the scene, the target has advantage to convince onlookers that you belong where you currently
on Charisma-based skill checks that rely on looks. are, as a maid, servant, butler or similar. The check is usually
5th level spell: You can cast the spell on two targets. normal difficulty (DC 15 at adventurer tier), but if the role
9th level spell: The spell is now Recharge 16+. fits the surroundings, the GM can reduce the difficulty to
Adventurer Feat: The target also has advantage on saves easy. If the disguise is different from your normal body
against the dazed and weakened conditions. shape and size, increase the difficulty to hard.
Champion Feat: The target also gains a +1 bonus to MD. Adventurer Feat: You can disguise a number of
Epic Feat: The target also gains a +1 bonus to Charisma- creatures equal to your Charisma modifier.
based attack rolls.

chapter 8
Unicorn Mount Summon Fauns and Pixies
Ranged spell; Daily Ranged spell; Daily
Effect: You summon a unicorn mount (see 13th Age Effect: You summon a 2nd-level Faun Troubadour (13
Monthly, Mounted Combat, page 10) for one hour per Age Bestiary 2 p. 59, 30 hp) or a 3rd-level Pixie Warrior
spell level, which you can ride into battle according to (13 True Ways p. 198, 16 hp). This spell follows the
the mounted combat rules. The unicorn can take two summoning rules on p. 5. Summoned creatures have
mounted combat actions per battle, which require a quick the stats as listed, except for reduced hit points. They
action but no mounted combat check. don’t have any nastier specials.
For a faun, if your PD is higher than your MD, the
3rd Level Fey Spells summoned one follows the Path of the Sword, otherwise
Fool’s Gold the Path of the Song.
Close-quarter spell; Daily 5th level spell: Summon a 4th-level Faun Harrier, or a
Effect: You create an illusionary pile of treasure nearby, 5th-level Faun Keeper (13 Age Bestiary 2 p. 59, 60 hp).
which lasts 1d6 minutes. The spell’s magic is entirely 7th level spell: Summon a 6th-level Faun Enchanter,
fueled by the greed of the target looking at it. Where an a 7th-level Faun Ranger (13 Age Bestiary 2 p. 60, 85
old hermit only sees a few rusted coppers, a red dragon hp), or a 6th-level Pixie Knight (13th Age Bestiary 2
will see a massive hoard of coins and gems. The objects p. 67, 60 hp).
seem real to all senses, even touch, but vanish if they are
5th Level Fey Spells
taken out of the nearby area.
When used in combat, make the following attack: Aura of Nobility
Target: All nearby enemies (one attack roll per group) As you are of noble blood, you are above the petty
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD magics and pranks of the commoner fey.
Hit: The target is dazed (save ends). Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action
The GM should adjust the target‘s MD and the Effect: Until the end of the battle, you can end any effect you
save difficulty according to how greedy, or how easily are subject to (except ongoing damage) as a quick action.
distracted by shiny things, the targets are. 7th level spell: You also gain a +2 bonus to MD.
5th level spell: The spell ends after 1d6 hours.
Master of the Hunt Ranged spell; Daily
You lead the pack. Target: A person you know, regardless of their location
Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action Effect: You appear in the target‘s dream the next time they
Effect: Until the end of the battle or scene, you and all sleep. You can deliver a message of a few minutes’ length.
nearby allies gain a +1 bonus to skill checks to track
enemies. Enemies that have been successfully tracked Mocking Invisibility
are vulnerable to you and your allies’ attacks in the next Close-quarters spell; Daily
battle. Effect: Until the end of the battle or scene, you hide your
5th level spell: +2 bonus to skill checks location from onlookers by messing with their minds.
9th level spell: +3 bonus to skill checks You’re not strictly invisible, you just always appear as
something that could have been in the area but wasn’t
Scion of Winter there before, like another tree in the forest, a rock in a
Wherever you step, snow follows. cave or a suit of armor in the knight’s hall. When you
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action make noise, that noise is scrambled into something else,
Effect: Until the end of the battle, enemies engaged with like birds chirping or temple bells.
you take a penalty to their disengage checks equal to your The effect ends when you take a flashy action, such as
Charisma modifier. In addition, you gain resist cold 12+. making an attack or casting a big spell.
3rd level spell: At the start of your turn, deal cold
damage equal to your Charisma modifier (x2 at 5th Sidhe Knight Protector
level; x3 at 8th) to all enemies engaged with you. As a protector of the seelie court, you are shielded by
5th level spell: resist cold 15+. honor and fey magic.
9th level spell: resist cold 18+. Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action
Effect: Until the end of the battle, at the end of your turn,
choose an ally adjacent to you. Until the end of your next
turn, you and the chosen ally take half damage from physical
attacks when the enemy’s attack roll is a natural odd roll.

7th Level Fey Spells 9th Level Fey Spells
Dark Whispers Cruel Mistress
Is that laughter? Who are they laughing at? And who is You channel the spirit of the Winter Queen.
laughing? Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action
Close-quarters spell; Daily Effect: Until the end of the battle, your spell and weapon
Effect: Until the end of the battle, make the following attacks have a +4 bonus to their critical hit range. When
attack once at the start of your turn as a free action. you score a critical hit against a staggered target, it is
Target: One nearby enemy with 250 hp or fewer frozen (-4 to defenses and can’t take actions) until the end
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD of your next turn. If it is not staggered, it is dazed until the
Hit: Psychic damage equal to your level, and the target is end of your next turn.
confused until the end of your next turn.
The Queen’s Graces
Miss: Psychic damage equal to your level
9th level spell: 500 hp or fewer The grace of the elves was bestowed on them by a Fey
King in a long bygone age. You channel that old gift, and
Pixie Wings bestow it on your allies.
Butterfly wings sprout on your back that shine in all Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action
colors of the rainbow. Effect: Until the end of the battle, at the start of each turn,
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action grant a bonus action to one ally, of a type determined by a
Effect: Until the end of the battle, you can fly. While d6 roll on the table below.
airborne, you have a -2 penalty to attack rolls, and you are 1-2: Quick action
vulnerable to attacks. If an attack against you is a natural 3-4: Move action
1, the attacker is dazed by the colors of your wings until 5-6: Standard action
the end of its next turn.
Epic Feat: You no longer suffer an attack penalty, Circle of the Land
although you are still vulnerable. This circle creates a spiritual connection to the surround-
ing lands, that allows you to tap into them to cast magic. It
Summon Great Hound replaces the Terrain Caster and Elemental Caster talents.
Ranged spell; Daily
Effect: You summon a 5th-level Great Hound (13th Age The 12 lands
Bestiary 2 p. 67) with 120 hp. This spell follows the summoning There are 12 types of terrain that are relevant to druidic
rules on p. 5. Summoned creatures have the stats as listed, magic. 13 True Ways introduced 8:
except for reduced hit points. They don’t have any nastier Ι Cave, dungeon, underworld
specials. Choose the name of the creature (Barghest, Grim or Ι Forest, woods
Warg) when you summon it. It fights alongside you until the Ι Ice, snowfields, tundra
end of the battle, or until it is reduced to below zero hit points. Ι Koru behemoth
Champion Feat: The Great Hound can stay with you Ι Mountains
until your next full heal-up (or guard over your sleep if Ι Plains, overworld
you summon it before your rest). It will still vanish if its Ι Ruins
hit points are brought below zero. Ι Swamp, lake, river
This book adds four new ones:
Unseelie Nightmare Ι Desert, wasteland: This is terrain that is dominated
You’re gone … all that’s left is a laughter in the dark. by deserts and sand dunes, and largely devoid of
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action plant life.
Effect: Until the end of the battle, at the end of your turn, Ι Hellhole, Abyss: This terrain has been warped and
roll a d6. If the result is odd, you emit a fear aura that corrupted by demonic power.
affects all enemies with 70 hp or less (-4 to attacks and Ι Ocean, island: This includes any large body of water.
can’t benefit from the escalation die). On an even roll, To cast these spells, druids have to be at the beach,
remove yourself from the battlefield. You reappear in any on a ship or large sea creature, or under water.
nearby location at the start of your next turn. Ι Volcano: This terrain covers wherever ash and lava
9th level spell: Increase the fear threshold to 100 hp. spew from the earth.
Epic Feat: Instead of rolling the d6, you can now In addition, some spells are in the Any Terrain category
choose the effect that didn’t activate last turn (either and can be cast anywhere, regardless of the surrounding
disappearing or fear). terrain.

chapter 8
Circle of the Land Swamp, lake, river: Flow. Gain a +3 bonus to disengage
Spellcasting checks.
As with the Terrain Caster talent, you don’t prepare spells Volcano: When an enemy engages you, deal fire damage
after a full heal-up as a land druid. Instead, you can use equal to your level to them.
your spell slots to cast any daily spell of the terrain you Adventurer Feat: While you have the boon of a terrain
are currently in. The number of spell slots is determined type active, you can keep using its spells even after
by the unified spell progression table at the start of this leaving that terrain. This lasts until you switch out the
chapter. You always cast terrain spells at the highest level boon, or until the next full heal-up.
you have access to.
Champion Feat: Once per battle or scene, you can
In addition to daily spells, this circle also gives access to
use your bond with the land’s spirits as a quick action
at-will and once-per battle spells. You can take the feats in
to perform a stunt without making a skill check. For
13 True Ways to gain access to them, or choose the Land
example, river spirits could carry you to walk on water.
Attunement or Sacred Grove talents to gain access.
This ends the boon effect.
Circle of the Land Talents Epic Feat: For one battle per day, you can grant the boon
The key talents for a lands druid are Land Attunement, to all nearby allies until the end of the battle as a quick
which gives you access to the at-will spell of your current action.
terrain, and Sacred Grove, which always gives you access
to the spells of one terrain, including the at-will spell. Land Attunement
Contemplation gives you a small boon depending on the Your lasting bond with the lands is a reliable force to
terrain you are in. Outside of battle, Sage of the Land throw at your enemies.
provides you with a deeper, almost mystic understanding You gain two bonus spell slots to cast one at-will spell and
of your surroundings. one per-battle spell of any terrain type that you are cur-
Contemplation rently located in, even if you don’t have the corresponding
terrain feat.
Your mind and body are one with the lands.
If you meditate for a few minutes on the terrain you are Champion Feat: Once per battle, reroll an attack with a
in, you can bond with the surrounding spirits to gain a Circle of the Land at-will spell.
small boon that depends on the type of terrain. The boon Epic Feat: You gain a +1 bonus to hit with Circle of the
lasts until the next full heal-up, or until you meditate Land at-will spells.
again. You can meditate as often as you like, but you can
only have one boon at a time. Sacred Grove
Cave, dungeon, underworld: You can sense tremors in You share a mystical connection with a sacred druid
the ground and subtle echoes in the air, which allow you grove.
to perceive your surroundings even in total darkness. Special: You can take this talent multiple times, applying
Desert, wastelands: Desiccate. Gain a +1 bonus to hit to a different terrain each time.
against creatures at full hit points. Choose one of the 12 terrains. You gain the terrain feats
Forest, woods: Vitality. Increase your current and for both the at-will and the once-per battle terrain spells
maximum hit points by twice your level. of that land type for free.
Hellhole, Abyss: You can sense the presence of demons Adventurer Feat: While in the terrain you attuned to
within a few hundred feet. with this talent, you have advantage on skill checks that
Ice, snowfields, tundra: Slow metabolism. Any “save relate to it, for example to identify plants.
ends” effects only start affecting you after the first failed Champion Feat: When you take a full heal-up in the
save. terrain you attuned to with this talent, you can cast one
Koru behemoth: Unstoppable. Gain a +1 bonus to saves. daily spell of that terrain for free before your next full
Mountains: Your mind is clear. Gain +1 to MD. heal-up.
Plains, overworld: Sunrays. When you make an attack,
you can change its damage type to holy. Sage of the Land
Ruins: All things end. Staggered enemies are vulnerable The lands speak to you, no matter where you are.
to your attacks. You gain 3 points towards a background that represents
Ocean, island: You can swim in water like a dolphin. You your deep understanding of different lands. You can use
have to surface to breathe. the background to identify plants and animals, to find
food, water or shelter, to predict the weather, or to find
paths and the like.

You also gain a bonus spell slot, which you can use to Create Shelter (3rd Level)
cast any spell of the Any Terrain category, of up to your Ranged spell; Daily
level. Effect: You create a small, secure place where you and
Adventurer Feat: Allies you travel with gain a +1 bonus a small group of travellers can find shelter and rest. The
to skill checks dealing with the natural environment. nature of the shelter depends on the terrain you are in,
and can be anything from a small hut of living bushes
and trees to an igloo. While the shelter blends in with the
Circle of the Lands Spells surroundings, you need a skill check to disguise it well
You can cast the terrain spells listed under the Terrain enough to throw off any pursuers who are actively looking
Caster talent in 13 True Ways, plus a number of spells for you.
from the Elemental Caster talent (13TW p. 43) that fit
different terrains. Note that any at-will spells require a Dangers and Perils (3rd Level)
feat or talent to gain access to it. Ranged spell; Daily
Forest: Ripping Vines (at-will) Effect: For one hour per spell level, you gain an intuitive
Ice: Hail Hail (at-will) grasp of the surrounding terrain, any natural dangers in it
Mountains: Earth Strength (1st), Summon Earth and any unnatural additions. Mechanically, you gain the
Elemental (3rd), Wall of Stone (9th) Rogue’s Trap Sense class feature.
Plains: Gust (Air), Summon Air Elemental (3rd), 5th level spell: You also gain the Trap Sense adventurer
Lightning Strikes (Air) feat.
Ocean: Deeper Waters (at-will), Water Breathing (1st), 7th level spell: You also gain the Trap Sense champion
Summon Water Elemental (3rd) feat.
Swamp: Fog Bank (5th) 9th level spell: You also gain the Trap Sense epic feat.
Volcano: Flame Spear (at-will), Summon Fire Elemental Shape the Path (5th Level)
(3rd), Flame Seeds (5th) Close-quarters spell; Daily
Effect: You create a path as you walk through the terrain.
Any Terrain
Ice shapes to form bridges, the underbrush opens to clear
You can cast the spells below regardless of the terrain you a path, and swamp solidifies to provide a safe surface to
are in. step on. The spell lasts for up to two hours per spell level,
Pass Without a Trace (1st Level) although the terrain returns to normal a few minutes
Ranged spell; Daily after you pass.
Target: You and one ally per spell level 7th level spell: You can shape the terrain fast enough
to do it from the back of a mount.
Effect: Until the next short rest, all targets gain a +5
bonus to skill checks to navigate the surrounding terrain Control Weather (7th Level)
while leaving no tracks behind. Ranged spell; Daily
Terrain Augury (1st Level) Target: The nearby area in up to a mile radius
Ranged spell; Daily Effect: You gradually change the surrounding weather.
Effect: You close your eyes and concentrate on the With a few minutes of concentration, you can create
surrounding terrain for a few hundred feet. You gain a weather that is normal for the season and the area, such as
basic understanding of the landscape and special features, a fresh breeze in spring or snow in winter. The longer you
enough to create a rough map. You can also ask one are able to concentrate on the spell, the more extreme,
specific question per Wisdom modifier, such as the closest unusual and destructive the weather phenomenon can be,
source of freshwater, the presence of metals or gems, the including thunderstorms, blizzards and tornadoes.
most dangerous creature, or how close the surface is. Terraform (9th Level)
After casting the spell, reduce the difficulty of skill Ranged spell; Daily
checks to navigate the area, find paths etc. by one step Target: The nearby area in up to a mile radius
(-5). Effect: You gradually change the surrounding terrain
3rd level spell: Cover an area a few miles across. into a different type, for up to a day. With a few minutes
5th level spell: Cover an area a hundred miles across. of concentration, you can create an island in the ocean,
grow a forest underneath the earth, or turn fertile land
into desert. The longer you are able to concentrate on the
spell, the larger the area, and the more extreme, unusual
and destructive the change can be.

chapter 8
Terrain Teleport (9th Level) Create Cavern (7th Level)
Ranged spell; Daily Ranged spell; Daily
Effect: You and up to 4 allies next to you can teleport Effect: You create a near-natural cavern in the
to any location in the world that is a similar terrain as underground or a cliff side. You can create an entrance
the one you are currently in, or attuned to. You can only that you and your allies can open and close with a touch.
teleport into natural terrain, not into towns or buildings. The cavern disappears after 24 hours, pushing out any
items or creatures that are currently in it.
Cave, Dungeon, Underworld
Adventurer Feat: You gain the Ancient Trap spell below.
False Corridor (9th Level)
Ranged spell; Daily
Ancient Trap (Terrain Feat Spell) Target: 1d3 nearby enemies in a group
Ranged spell; Once per battle Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD
Effect: Before the end of the battle, you can use the Hit: You warp the terrain around the target to trap it in a
following attack once as a free action. corridor that circles around itself. The target is taken off
Trigger: A nearby enemy takes a move action. the map until it succeeds at a hard save (16+).
Target: The triggering enemy Miss: Damage equal to your level
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
Desert, Wasteland (New)
Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom damage
The largest wastelands on the map are Moonwreck and
Miss: Half damage
the Red Wastes. However, smaller magical disasters have
Any natural odd roll: You can use this attack again
left areas devoid of life all over the Empire.
after your next turn.
3rd level spell: 4d6 damage Adventurer Feat: You gain the Dessicate spell below.
5th level spell: 5d10 damage Adventurer Feat: You gain the Dehydration spell below.
7th level spell: 8d10 damage Champion Feat: You can survive without food and
9th level spell: 2d6 x 10 damage water for days on end.

Summon Cave Creatures (1st Level) Desiccate (Terrain Feat Spell)

Ranged spell; Daily Ranged spell; At-will
Effect: You summon a swarm of bats with 20 hp (Bestiary Target: One nearby enemy
p. 13), according to the summoning rules on p. 5. The Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
bats remain until the end of the battle, or until they are Hit: 1d6 + Wisdom damage. If the target is staggered,
reduced to zero hit points. They have the stats listed in increase the damage dice to d10.
their creature entries, except reduced hit points and no Miss: Damage equal to your level
nastier specials. 3rd level spell: 3d6 damage
3rd level spell: Summon a dire bat with 30 hp (B 13). 5th level spell: 5d6 damage
5th level spell: Summon a thunder bat with 45 hp (B 7th level spell: 7d6 damage
13). 9th level spell: 10d6 damage
7th level spell: Summon a spider mount with 80 hp
(B 60). Dehydration (Terrain Feat Spell)
9th level spell: Summon a phase spider with 100 hp Ranged spell; Once per battle
(CB 244). Target: One nearby enemy
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
Suffocate (5th Level)
Hit: 5 + Wisdom ongoing damage
Ranged spell; Daily
Miss: Damage equal to twice your level
Target: One nearby enemy 3rd level spell: 10 ongoing damage
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD 5th level spell: 15 ongoing damage
Hit: The target is weakened and takes 25 ongoing damage 7th level spell: 25 ongoing damage
(save ends both).
9th level spell: 40 ongoing damage
Natural 16+: The save is a hard save (16+)
Miss: 10 damage Adventurer Feat: The save against the ongoing damage
7th level spell: 35 ongoing damage; 15 miss damage is a hard save (16+).
9th level spell: 50 ongoing damage; 25 miss damage

Fata Morgana (1st Level) The first time on their turn that a creature fails any
Ranged spell; Daily skill check or save, or misses with attack, they take 3d6
Effect: You create the phantasmal image of an object in damage from flying debris.
the distance, which lasts for about 5 minutes per spell The storm remains until the end of the battle, until you
level. Onlookers must succeed at a saving throw to discern are knocked unconscious, or until you end the spell.
that the image isn’t real. For creatures with a higher MD 5th level spell: large enough to cover a ship or a
than PD, the save is easy (6+). If it’s the same, the save is courtyard; 4d6 damage
normal (11+), and if PD is higher, the save is hard (16+). 7th level spell: cover a small town; 5d6 damage
Choose whether you want the object to be desirable or 9th level spell: cover an entire valley; 7d6 damage
scary. If the image is desirable, those who can’t discern the
image as a fake will move towards it. If it’s scary, they will Flickering Air (5th Level)
move away from it. Jitters in the air blur your enemies’ vision.
Ranged spell; Daily
Summon Desert Dwellers (1st Level) Effect: Enemies take a penalty to attacks against you and
Ranged spell; Daily all nearby allies equal to the escalation die. The effect
Effect: You summon a giant scorpion with 15 hp (Core ends when the escalation die is 5 or higher.
Book p. 206), according to the summoning rules on p.
5. The scorpion remains until the end of the battle,
Sand Dervish (5th Level)
or until it is reduced to zero hit points. It has the stats Close-quarters spell; Daily
listed in its creature entry, except reduced hit points and Effect: You transform into whirling sand and fly to a
no nastier specials. nearby location. On the way, make the following attack.
3rd level spell: Summon a fireblast scorpion (below). Target: 1d3 nearby enemies
5th level spell: Summon a harpy with 40 hp (CB 234). Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
7th level spell: Summon a mantikumhar with 60 hp Hit: 2d4 x 10 damage, and the target is dazed until the
(B 139). end of their next turn.
9th level spell: Summon a coursing manticore with Miss: 15 damage
100 hp (B 140). 7th level spell: 2d6 x 10 damage
9th level spell: 2d10 x 10 damage
Fireblast Scorpion
3rd level wrecker [Beast]; Initiative: +8 Quicksand (7th Level)
Pincer and Stinger: +8 vs. AC—8 fire damage Ranged spell; Daily
Natural even hit: 5 ongoing fire damage Target: 1d3 nearby enemies in a group
AC 18, PD 17, MD 12, HP 30 Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
Hit: If the target has 100 hit points or fewer, it starts
Heatstroke (3rd Level) making last gasp saves (16+). While making last gasp
Ranged spell; Once per battle saves, the targets are stuck. On their fourth failed save,
Target: 1d3 nearby enemies the target is swallowed by the ground. If the target has
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD more hit points, it is hampered (save ends).
Hit: 5d6 + Wisdom damage. If the target is staggered, it is Miss: The target loses its next move action.
weakened until the end of your next turn. 9th level spell: 150 hp or fewer
Miss: Damage equal to your level
5th level spell: 7d6 damage Sand Dune (7th Level)
7th level spell: 10d6 damage Ranged spell; Daily
9th level spell: 15d6 damage Effect: Sand starts slowly building up around a target area
that you can see, and grows into a massive sand dune over
Sandstorm (3rd Level) the next hour. The dune is high enough to bury a barn or
Ranged spell; Daily a two-storey building. The sand dissipates with the wind
Effect: You summon a sandstorm in the target area, over the next day. While the sand is too slow to bury
large enough to fill a room or hallway. Within the those quick enough to run away from it, it can seal tunnel
area, perception skill checks and ranged attacks have passages or slow pursuers, especially on horseback.
disadvantage. Moving creatures cannot be intercepted.
Flying creatures must succeed at a save at the start of
Desert Wind (9th Level)
their turn, or they lose their actions for the turn. It takes Close-quarters spell; Daily
a successful hard save or skill check and a move action to Effect: Until the end of the end of the battle, you can
leave the area. make the following attack as a quick action once per turn.

chapter 8
Target: 1d3 nearby enemies 9th level spell: Summon a dire tiger with 100 hp
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD (13TW 160).
Hit: 2d4 x 10 + Wisdom fire damage
Tree Shape (3rd Level)
Miss: —
Ranged spell; Daily
Forest, Woods Target: You or a nearby, willing ally
Adventurer Feat: You gain the Soothing Forest spell Effect: You transform the ally into a tree. The target can
below. still perceive its surroundings, but it can’t take actions.
As a tree, the target is immune to damage, except for fire,
Champion Feat: When you use a recovery to heal, you
lightning, and axes, which do half damage. At the end of
also gain a +1 bonus to AC until the end of your next
each of its turns, the target can take a free recovery to
heal. The target can end the spell as a quick action.
Soothing Forest (Terrain Feat Spell) If you use the tree shape as a disguise, make a skill
Ranged spell; Once per battle; Quick action check. Creatures with MD equal to the skill check or
lower will think the tree is natural.
Target: One nearby ally per Wisdom modifier (which can
include you) Lashing Roots (7th Level)
Effect: The target gains temporary hit points equal to 5 + Ranged spell; Daily
your Wisdom modifier.
Effect: Until the end of the battle, you can make the
3rd level spell: 10 hp + Wisdom modifier
following attack once per turn as a quick action.
5th level spell: 15 hp + 2x Wisdom modifier Target: One nearby enemy
7th level spell: 25 hp + 2x Wisdom modifier Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
9th level spell: 35 hp + 3x Wisdom modifier Hit: 4d12 + Wisdom damage, and the roots grab the
Ironwood Enchantment (1st Level) target. Grabbed targets take 25 damage at the start of
Ranged spell; Daily their turn, until they disengage or pop free from the
Target: A wooden weapon, a wooden shield, or arrows roots.
in a quiver Miss: Damage equal to your level
Effect: Until the end of the battle, the item is unbreakable 9th level spell: 6d12 damage; 40 damage at the start
and has the adventurer tier default enchantment for its of turn
type: +1 to attack and damage for a weapon, +4 hp for Hellhole, Abyss (New)
a shield or +1 to critical threat range for arrows. It also
Hellholes have popped up all over the Empire. Druids who
grants one additional effect based on the item type.
dare to tap into their magic despite the risk of permanent
Weapon: Thorny. On a natural 18+, deal 5 ongoing
corruption have access to the spells in this chapter.
damage per tier.
Shield: Moss-covered. Gain a +2 bonus to skill checks Adventurer Feat: You gain the Fiendish Retribution
to hide per tier. spell below.
Arrows: Root growth. On a natural even hit, the target Adventurer Feat: You gain the Wrath of the Abyss spell
is stuck until the end of your next turn. below.
5th level spell: Champion tier enchantment Champion Feat: Gain resist demon attacks 12+. Increase
9th level spell: Epic tier enchantment to 14+ when attuned to a hell hole.

Summon Forest Friends (1st Level) Tapping into a hellhole’s magic is not without con-
Ranged spell; Daily sequences. Once your druidic magic is attuned to a
Effect: You summon a wolf with 19 hp (Core Book p. 207), hellhole, there is a danger that the influence lingers. If
according to the summoning rules on p. 5. The wolf you try to switch to a different terrain after leaving a
remains until the end of the battle, or until it is reduced to hellhole, roll a save. The difficulty starts at easy (6+),
zero hit points. It has the stats listed in its creature entry, but increases by 1 for each day spent in the hellhole.
except reduced hit points and no nastier specials. On a failed save, you stay attuned to hellhole terrain.
3rd level spell: Summon a hunting spider with 30 hp You can attempt the save again the next day, with the
(CB 206). difficulty decreased by 1. A natural 1 on the save should
5th level spell: Summon a common treant with 43 hp implicate serious changes to the PC, such as a switch
in icon relationships, or even a switch to more demonic
(13TW 202).
magic. It may be time to multiclass into demonologist or
7th level spell: Summon a green bulette with 80 hp
(B 27).

Fiendish Retribution Desperate Frenzy (3rd Level)
(Terrain Feat Spell) Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action
Close-quarters spell; At-will Target: You or a nearby staggered ally
Target: One nearby enemy Effect: Until the end of battle, the target deals 1d6 extra
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD damage with melee attacks. However, if a bonus damage
Hit: 1d10 + Wisdom fire damage. If the target makes an die is a natural odd result, the target takes that much
attack against you before the end of its next turn, it takes psychic damage.
1d10 fire damage. 3rd level spell: 1d12 extra damage; target 1d3
Miss: You take fire damage equal to your level. staggered allies
3rd level spell: 3d10 damage on hit and retribution effect 5th level spell: 2d8 extra damage
5th level spell: 5d10 damage 7th level spell: 2d12 extra damage
7th level spell: 7d10 damage 9th level spell: 3d12 extra damage
9th level spell: 10d10 damage Fiend Skin (5th Level)
Wrath of the Abyss (Terrain Feat Spell) Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action
Ranged spell; Once per battle Target: You or a nearby ally
Target: ALL enemies that have dealt damage to you this Effect: Until the end of the battle, the target gains a +2
battle (keep track of this if you want to cast the spell). bonus to AC and PD, and resist fire 15+.
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD 7th level spell: You can now cast the spell on two
Hit: 1d10 + Wisdom fire damage targets.
Natural 5, 10, 15, 20: The target takes ongoing fire Goat-Foot Step (5th Level)
damage equal to the spell level. Close-quarters spell; Daily
Miss: —
Effect: Deal 6d6 + Wisdom fire damage to all enemies
Natural even miss: Half damage
you are engaged with, then teleport to a nearby or far
3rd level spell: 3d10 damage away location.
5th level spell: 5d10 damage 7th level spell: 6d8 damage
7th level spell: 7d10 damage 9th level spell: 6d12 damage
9th level spell: 10d10 damage
Infernal Gift (7th Level)
Summon Hellhole Horrors (1st Level) Ranged spell; Daily
Ranged spell; Daily Target: You or a nearby ally
Effect: You summon a fungaloid creeper (B 83, 20 hp), Effect: Grant the target a demonic ability until the end
according to the summoning rules on p. 5. The creeper of the battle. Roll 1d6 on the demon ability table of the
remains until the end of the battle, or until it is reduced to sorcerer’s Touch of Evil spell.
zero hit points. It has the stats listed in its creature entry, 9th level spell: Roll 1d8.
except reduced hit points and no nastier specials.
3rd level spell: Summon a hook scuttler (B 113, 30 hp). Ice, Tundra, Deep Snow
5th level spell: Summon a hellhound (CB 234, 40 hp). Adventurer Feat: You gain the Ice Shards spell below.
7th level spell: Summon 1d4 bat demon mooks
(13TW 164, 20 hp). Ice Shards (Terrain Feat Spell)
9th level spell: Summon a hezrou (CB 212, 100 hp). Ranged spell; At-will
Target: 1d3 nearby enemies
Consume (3rd Level)
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
Ranged spell; Daily
Hit: 1d6 + Wisdom cold damage
Target: One nearby enemy
Miss: —
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
Natural odd miss: You take your level in cold damage.
Hit: Ongoing fire damage equal to 10 times the spell level.
3rd level spell: 3d4 damage
If the target saves against the effect, or if it dies, the spell
5th level spell: 2d10 damage
doesn’t end. Instead, determine a new target randomly
among all nearby or far away creatures. If the target is an 7th level spell: 4d10 damage
enemy, that enemy now takes the ongoing damage of this 9th level spell: 6d10 damage
spell. If it’s an ally, that ally takes half the damage, once,
and the spell ends.
Miss: You can cast this spell again this battle, at the start
of your turn after your next turn.

chapter 8
Summon Icy Ally (1st Level) Miss: Damage equal to your level
Ranged spell; Daily 3rd level spell: 4d6 damage
Effect: You summon a tundra wolf (as wolf, Core Book 5th level spell: 7d6 damage
p. 207, 20 hp), according to the summoning rules on p. 7th level spell: 10d6 damage
5. The wolf remains until the end of the battle, or until 9th level spell: 15d6 damage
it is reduced to zero hit points. It has the stats listed in its
Memory of the Koru (5th Level)
creature entry, except reduced hit points and no nastier
specials. Close-quarters spell; Daily
3rd level spell: Summon a remorhaz (barbellite) (B Effect: You dig into the memory of the Koru to receive
179, 30 hp). visions of places along its path. Note that a Koru will only
5th level spell: Summon a snowy owlbear (B2 212, 40 pass any place once per year, so the image you receive
hp). will always be the same season. It will not show specific
events, unless they happened right before the Koru’s eyes
7th level spell: Summon a winter beast (B 79, 70 hp).
and were impressive enough to be noticed by a walking
9th level spell: Summon a remorhaz (frostwurm) (B
landmass. The longer you concentrate on this spell, the
180, 100 hp).
further back in history you can go. In an hour, you can
Winter Fur (3rd Level) span a century, and in a full day of concentration, you
Close-quarters spell; Daily will be able to cover an entire age. If you are planning to
Target: You and two nearby allies scry into past ages, make sure you give yourself enough
Effect: The targets gain a +1 bonus to AC and PD and time for uninterrupted meditation. You can take breaks to
resist cold 15+ this battle. eat or sleep, but strenuous activity like combat will throw
5th level spell: three nearby allies your mind off and you need to start again.
7th level spell: resist cold 18+ Mountains
9th level spell: four nearby allies
Adventurer Feat: You gain the Earthen Grasp spell below.
Winter Solstice (7th Level) Adventurer Feat: You gain the Rockslide spell below.
Close-quarters spell; Daily
Effect: Decrease the escalation die by 1. You and all Earthen Grasp (Terrain Feat Spell)
nearby allies can spend a recovery and gain five extra hit Ranged spell; Once per battle
points per point of your Wisdom modifier. If you have the Target: One nearby enemy
Wild Healer talent, the recoveries are free. Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom damage, and the target is stuck (save
Icy Tomb (9th Level) ends).
Ranged spell; Daily Miss: Damage equal to twice your level
Target: A nearby enemy with 250 hit points or less 3rd level spell: 4d8 damage
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD 5th level spell: 7d8 damage
Hit: The target starts making last gasp saves (16+). After 7th level spell: 10d8 damage
the fourth failed save, it is permanently encased in ice and 9th level spell: 15d8 damage
Miss: — Adventurer Feat: When you hit a group of mooks with
Natural even miss: You regain the spell slot at the end this spell, treat them as one target for the stuck effect.
of the battle. Rockslide (Terrain Feat Spell)
Koru Behemoth Ranged spell; Once per battle
Target: 1d3 nearby enemies, or 1d3 + 2 when cast
Adventurer Feat: You gain the Swatch of Destruction
spell below.
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
Swath of Destruction Hit: 2d4 + Wisdom damage, and the target has
(Terrain Feat Spell) disadvantage on disengage checks until the end of your
Ranged spell; Once per battle next turn as the fallen rocks hinder their movement.
Target: 1d3 nearby enemies in a line Miss: Damage equal to your level.
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD Reckless miss: Your allies engaged with the target
take damage equal to twice your level and have
Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom damage. If the target is engaged, it
disadvantage on disengage checks until the end of
pops free as it is pushed to the side. If the target is not
your next turn.
engaged, increase the damage dice to d10.

3rd level spell: 4d4 damage Miss: Damage equal to your level
5th level spell: 7d4 damage 3rd level spell: 3d12 damage
7th level spell: 12d4 damage 5th level spell: 5d12 damage
9th level spell: 2d4 x 10 damage 7th level spell: 7d12 damage
9th level spell: 10d12 damage
Summon Mountain Monster (1st Level)
Ranged spell; Daily Sea Legs (1st Level)
Effect: You summon an archer stirge (B 197, 15 hp) or Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action
cobbler stirge (20 hp), according to the summoning rules Target: You and one ally per spell level
on p. 5. The stirge remains until the end of the battle, Effect: Until the end of the battle, the target gains secure
or until it is reduced to zero hit points. It has the stats footing on any surface, no matter how wildly it is shaking.
listed in its creature entry, except reduced hit points and It also gains advantage on disengage checks.
no nastier specials.
3rd level spell: Summon a bear (CB 207, 30 hp). Slippery Surface (1st Level)
5th level spell: Summon a giant bird of prey (B2 56, Ranged spell; Daily
40 hp). Effect: Until the end of the battle, small water spirits
7th level spell: Summon a mantikumhar (B 139, 70 dance on the ground and cause enemies to either slip or
hp). freeze in place. All nearby enemies have disadvantage on
9th level spell: Summon 1d4+1 parasitic lightning disengage checks. On an odd failure, the enemy is stuck
beetle mooks (B 164, 35 hp). until the start of their next turn. On an even failure, the
enemy slides to the intended location, but takes a -2
Thin Air (5th Level) penalty to their next attack from lack of balance. Flying
Ranged spell; Daily enemies are immune to the effect.
Target: 1d3 nearby enemies 5th level spell: Enemies who try to engage you must
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD succeed at a disengage check to do so. On a failure,
Hit: 5d6 + Wisdom damage, and the target suffers from the enemy does not engage you, and the move action
thin air (save ends). is lost.
Thin air: The target takes damage equal to its level Summon Sea Scallywags (1st Level)
whenever it takes an action. It has disadvantage on all
Ranged spell; Daily
attacks. The target can spend a move action to take a
Effect: You summon 1d3 razor shark mooks (B 187, 5
deep breath, in which case the disadvantage is negated
hp), according to the summoning rules on p. 5. The
for that turn.
creatures remain until the end of the battle, or until they
Miss: Half damage
are reduced to zero hit points. They have the stats listed
7th level spell: 7d6 damage
in their creature entry, except for reduced hit points and
9th level spell: 10d6 damage
no nastier specials.
Immovable Mountain (9th Level) 3rd level spell: Summon a 1d3+1 razor sharks (B 187,
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action 10 hp).
Target: You or a willing nearby ally 5th level spell: Summon a 1d3 iron sea sharks (B 188,
Effect: Until the start of your next turn, the target can’t 25 hp).
take actions, it is immune to all damage except psychic 7th level spell: Summon a kelpling (B2 199, 75 hp).
damage, and it can‘t be moved from its position. 9th level spell: Summon a nix (B2 200, 100 hp).

Ocean, Island (New) Smooth Sailing (3rd Level)

Ranged spell; Daily
Adventurer Feat: You gain the Tidal Wave spell below.
Effect: You calm the seas around the ship you are on.
Champion Feat: You can breathe under water for one
Until the end of the scene, the sea is calm and a strong
hour per point of Constitution modifier (minimum 1).
but steady wind pushes the ship in the direction you are
Tidal Wave (Terrain Feat Spell) planning to sail.
Close-quarters spell; Once per battle Visions of Drowning (5th Level)
Target: One or more enemies engaged with you Ranged spell; Daily
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD. You take a penalty to the Target: One nearby enemy
attack roll equal to the number of targets. Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD
Hit: 1d12 + Wisdom damage, and the target pops free Hit: 5d10 + Wisdom psychic damage and 20 ongoing
from you psychic damage

chapter 8
Natural 18+: The target takes double ongoing damage Adventurer Feat: You can cast this spell as an interrupt
and starts making last gasp saves (hard save 16+). If it action. If you do, only target one nearby enemy.
fails the fourth save, it dies as if drowning.
Miss: Half damage Sleet Storm (1st Level)
7th level spell: 7d10 damage and 30 ongoing Ranged spell; Once per battle
9th level spell: 10d10 damage and 50 ongoing Target: One nearby enemy
Endless Swarm of Fish (7th Level) Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
Ranged spell; Daily Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom damage, and the next attack against
Special: You must be under water to cast this spell. the target before the end of your next turn has advantage.
Effect: You call a giant fish swarm to surround you and First Miss: Repeat the attack against a different nearby
copy your movements. Until the end of the battle, you enemy.
have advantage on disengage checks, while enemies have Second Miss: —
disadvantage to attack you or to disengage from you. 3rd level spell: 4d8 damage
5th level spell: 7d8 damage
Maelstrom (9th Level) 7th level spell: 11d8 damage
Ranged spell; Daily 9th level spell: 16d8 damage
Special: You must be at sea to cast this spell.
Effect: You create a giant whirlpool in the sea that Summon Plains Peon (1st Level)
threatens to swallow every ship in the vicinity. Any ship Ranged spell; Daily
in the area must make the equivalent of last gasp saves Effect: You summon a badger (B2 55, 20 hp), according
(16+). They can’t make any other maneuver except trying to the summoning rules on p. 5. The badger remains
to escape the maelstrom. After the fourth failed save, the until the end of the battle, or until it is reduced to zero hit
ship is swallowed and dragged under. points. It has the stats listed in its creature entry, except
The ship you are on is immune to the effect. PCs reduced hit points and no nastier specials.
steering other ships can make a hard skill check to escape. 3rd level spell: Summon an ankheg (CB 208, 40 hp).
5th level spell: Summon a ravenous bumoorah (B 28,
Tsunami (9th Level) 46 hp).
Ranged spell; Daily 7th level spell: Summon a bulette (CB 208, 70 hp).
Effect: A giant wave crashes across the battlefield taking 9th level spell: Summon a wyvern (CB 250, 100 hp).
all creatures with it that aren’t tied down or flying.
The wave deals 6d12 damage to enemies and 2d12 Plain Sight (3rd Level)
damage to allies. Creatures must succeed at a save or be Ranged spell; Daily
washed away to a far away location. The save difficulty Effect: Remove all effects that hinder vision from the
is easy (6+) for all allies and huge enemy creatures, hard battlefield, such as fog or invisibility. Until the end of
(16+) for mooks and small creatures and normal (11+) for the battle, you and all nearby allies can target far away
everyone else. enemies with ranged attacks that target nearby enemies.

Plains, Overworld Whirlwind (3rd Level)

Close-quarters spell; Daily
Adventurer Feat: You gain the Flash of Lightning spell Target: All enemies you are engaged with
below. Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
Flash of Lightning (Terrain Feat Spell) Hit: 3d8 + Wisdom damage, and the target pops free
Ranged spell; Once per battle from you.
Target: 1d3 nearby enemies Miss: Damage equal to your level
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD Always: Roll a d6. If it is equal to the escalation die or
lower, the whirlwind persists. You can make another
Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom lightning damage
whirlwind attack the next turn, as a quick action. Target
Miss: Damage equal to your level
1d3 nearby enemies, they do not have to be engaged with
Always: Until the end of your next turn, deal thunder you.
damage equal to your Strength + Dexterity modifier (x2 5th level spell: 5d8 damage
at 5th level; x3 at 8th) to all enemies who engage you.
7th level spell: 7d8 damage
3rd level spell: 3d8 damage
9th level spell: 10d8 damage
5th level spell: 5d8 damage
7th level spell: 7d8 damage
9th level spell: 10d8 damage

Tornado (7th Level) Structural Collapse (3rd Level)
Ranged spell; Daily Ranged spell; Daily
Target: 1d4 nearby enemies Effect: You cause a nearby structure to fall apart. Its main
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD; +2 against flying enemies use is to change the terrain in some favorable way, such as
Hit: The target is lifted up and carried to a far away to create a breach in a wall to squeeze through, to destroy
location. It takes 2d4 x 10 + Wisdom damage as it crashes a bridge or collapse a tunnel to hinder pursuers etc. While
to the ground. this can harm creatures caught in the effect, the spell is
Miss: 1d6 x 5 damage usually too slow for combat use and allows targets to
Natural even miss: The target pops free from all dodge it easily. (GMs can use 1d8 per level as a rough
enemies. damage guidance if necessary.)
9th level spell: 2d6 x 10 damage; 1d4 x 10 on a miss Downfall (5th Level)
Ruins Ranged spell; Daily
Target: 1d3 nearby enemies
Adventurer Feat: You gain the Demoralizing Dread
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD
spell below.
Hit: The target takes the escalation die as a penalty to
Demoralizing Dread (Terrain Feat attack rolls instead of a bonus, even if it doesn‘t normally
Spell) use the escalation die (save ends).
Ranged spell; At-will Miss: Psychic damage equal to the escalation die
Target: One nearby enemy Lifeless Decay (7th Level)
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD Ranged spell; Daily
Hit: 1d6 + Wisdom psychic damage Target: 1d3 nearby enemies. This spell can only target
Natural even hit: The target is dazed until the end enemies that are not alive, such as constructs and undead.
of your next turn. If it misses with an attack, it takes Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
psychic damage equal to twice the spell level. Hit: 10d6 + Wisdom damage and 30 ongoing damage.
Miss: — Deal double damage against staggered creatures.
3rd level spell: 3d6 damage
Miss: Half damage and no ongoing damage
5th level spell: 5d6 damage 9th level spell: 15d6 damage and 50 ongoing damage
7th level spell: 7d6 damage
9th level spell: 10d6 damage Swamp, Lake, River
Stones Tell Stories (1st Level) Adventurer Feat: You gain the Foul Evaporation spell
Ranged spell; Daily below.
Effect: You learn bits and pieces about the history of the Foul Evaporation (Terrain Feat Spell)
place you are in, before it fell to ruins. Until your next full Ranged spell; Once per battle
heal-up, you have a temporary 5-point lore background
Target: 1d4 nearby enemies
about the place.
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
Summon Ruins Rascals (1st Level) Hit: 1d10 + Wisdom poison damage
Ranged spell; Daily Natural even hit: 5 ongoing poison damage
Effect: You summon a rat swarm (Bestiary 2 p. 55), Miss: A random nearby ally takes poison damage equal
according to the summoning rules on p. 5. The rat to your level.
swarm remains until the end of the battle, or until it is 3rd level spell: 3d10 damage; 10 ongoing
reduced to zero hit points. It has the stats listed in its 5th level spell: 5d10 damage; 15 ongoing
creature entry, except reduced hit points and no nastier 7th level spell: 7d10 damage; 25 ongoing
specials. 9th level spell: 10d10 damage; 40 ongoing
3rd level spell: Summon a rust monster (Bestiary p.
Sinkhole Trap (1st Level)
5th level spell: Summon a rust monster obliterator Close-quarters spell; Daily; Interrupt action
(B184). Trigger: A nearby enemy hits you with an attack (but not
7th level spell: Summon a hellstone gargoyle (B2 139). a critical hit).
9th level spell: Summon a gelatinous cube (Core Book Effect: The enemy rerolls the attack and takes the second
p. 241). result. Make the following attack:
Target: The attacker
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD

chapter 8
Hit: 1d12 + Wisdom poison damage Volcano
Miss: Half damage
Adventurer Feat: You gain the Avenging Flame spell
3rd level spell: 3d12 damage
5th level spell: 5d12 damage
Champion Feat: Gain resist fire 16+.
7th level spell: 7d12 damage
9th level spell: 10d12 damage Avenging Flame (Terrain Feat Spell)
Summon Swamp Creature (1st Level) Close-quarters spell; Once per battle; Interrupt action
Ranged spell; Daily Trigger: You take damage from an attack by a nearby
Effect: You summon a venomous snake (B2 55, 15 hp), enemy.
according to the summoning rules on p. 5. The snake Target: The attacker
remains until the end of the battle, or until it is reduced to Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
zero hit points. It has the stats listed in its creature entry, Hit: 2d4 + Wisdom fire damage
except reduced hit points and no nastier specials. Miss: Damage equal to twice your level
3rd level spell: Summon a claw flower (B 161, 30 hp). 3rd level spell: 4d6 damage
5th level spell: Summon an otyugh (CB 243, 50 hp). 5th level spell: 6d8 damage
7th level spell: Summon a stalker (B2 272, 70 hp). 7th level spell: 8d10 damage
9th level spell: Summon a tyrant lizard (B2 272, 100 9th level spell: 10d12 damage
hp). Adventurer Feat: You can use this spell against far away
Refreshing Waters (3rd Level) enemies.
Ranged spell; Once per battle; Quick action Flame Blade (3rd Level)
Target: You or one nearby ally Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action
Effect: Remove “save ends” effect from the target and Effect: Create a red-hot flame in the palm of your hand
grant 5 temporary hit points per spell level. that you can wield like a blade that lasts until the end of
Will O‘Wisps (3rd Level) the battle. The blade is a one-handed melee weapon with
Ranged spell; Daily a d8 damage die. You can wield it without penalty, and
Effect: You create a group of floating lights that hypnotize you can use your Wisdom modifier for attack and damage
creatures and cause them to follow. This can lure them with it. If you already have the ability to use one-handed
into traps, ambushes, or natural hazards. Creatures who heavy melee weapons without penalty (such as from a
see the wisps must succeed at a save to avoid the effect. warrior druid talent), you gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls
The save is normal difficulty (11+) if a creature’s MD is with the blade. If you wield a holy symbol, the blade gains
higher than their PD, in which case it is hard (16+). In the symbol’s bonus to attack and damage.
battle, saves are made at the end of a creature’s turn as 5th level spell: The blade deals an extra WEAPON
usual. Out of battle, a creature can make a save every damage die on a miss.
minute or so. Once a creature saves, the spell no longer 7th level spell: The blade deals two extra WEAPON
affects it. damage dice on a miss.
The save is easy (6+) for creatures whose MD is higher Lava Flow (7th Level)
than their PD, but hard (16+) for mooks. The wisps stay Ranged spell; Daily
for about ten minutes per spell level. Effect: You cover the nearby battlefield with streams of
Swallow (9th Level) lava. Any combatant taking a move action must succeed
at a normal difficulty skill check (DC 25; enemies roll a
Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action
save) to avoid stepping into the lava, taking 20 fire damage
Target: 1d3 random nearby staggered enemies
(allies take half damage). Whenever the escalation die is
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
increased by 1, make the following attack as a free action.
Hit: The target is swallowed by the ground and removed Target: 1d3 nearby enemies
from the battlefield. At the end of every turn, the target
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
can make a hard save (16+) if it’s normal sized, normal
Hit: 25 fire damage
save (11+) if it’s large, or easy save (6+) if it’s huge. On a
Miss: Half damage
success, the target is spit out with half the hit points it had
9th level spell: 30 damage for stepping into the lava
before. If the target fails its fourth save, it is permanently
and 40 damage with the attack.
swallowed by the swamp.

Magma Boulder (7th Level) Gaia’s Light
Ranged spell; Daily Ranged spell; At-will
Effect: You summon a giant boulder of molten lava, that Target: A nearby enemy
you roll around the battlefield and into your enemies. Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
Once per round, you can make the following attack as a Hit: 1d6 + Wisdom holy damage. A nearby conscious ally
quick action. heals hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier (x2 at 5th
Target: One nearby enemy level, x3 at 8th).
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD Miss: Damage equal to your level
Hit: 1d12 x 10 fire damage 3rd level spell: 3d6 damage
Miss: Half damage 5th level spell: 5d6 damage
The boulder can be destroyed by dealing 200 cold 7th level spell: 7d6 damage
damage to it. Attacks always hit it. Otherwise it persists 9th level spell: 10d6 damage
until the end of the battle.
Adventurer Feat: Increase the damage dice to d8.
9th level spell: The boulder deals 1d20 x 10 damage. It
Champion Feat: You can target far away enemies.
can take 300 cold damage.
Epic Feat: You can cast this as a close-quarters spell.

Circle of Life Preserver

This circle provides powerful healing and support spells A strong heart stands against the darkness like a mighty
to aid your allies. It replaces the Wild Healer talent. sword.
Druids of this circle are known as life druids or simply While you are nearby and conscious, your allies can add
healers. your Wisdom modifier to death saves.
Circle of Life Talents Adventurer Feat: When you grant a recovery to a target
Of the talents in this circle, Gaia’s Light gives you a at zero hit points or below, it heals the maximum amount
much-needed combat option, especially if you go full from the recovery (still halved in case of a Regeneration
healer. Font of Life makes your healing spells grant spell).
even more hit points, while Revitalize lets them grant Champion Feat: The first recovery you grant to an ally
an attack bonus. If you feel your party needs someone to at zero hit points or below in a battle is free.
help them get back from the brink of death, look at the Epic Feat: You gain the Cleric’s Resurrection spell (Core
Preserver talent. Book p. 100) as a bonus spell. You are subject to the same
restrictions as a cleric.
Font of Life
Life is the force that binds the universe together. Revitalize
Whenever you grant yourself or an ally the use of a re-
The power of the Earth Mother strengthens the weary.
covery to heal, add your Wisdom modifier to the amount
When you target an ally with a daily druid spell from any
healed (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 5th). In case of Regeneration,
circle, they gain a +2 bonus to their next attack roll. If the
add the bonus before halving the amount.
spell targets more than one ally, choose one of the targets.
Adventurer Feat: You gain an extra daily use of the
Adventurer Feat: You grant the benefit with any druid
Regeneration spell for each Circle of Life talent you have.
spell, except at-will spells.
This use does not expend a spell slot.
Champion Feat: The target also gains a +2 bonus to AC
Champion Feat: The extra spells granted by the
against the next attack that targets that defense.
adventurer feat are now Greater Regeneration spells
instead. Epic Feat: You grant the benefit to all allies targeted by
the spell, instead of just one.
Epic Feat: Increase the healing bonus to 5x your
Wisdom modifier.
Circle of Life Spells
Gaia’s Light As a healer druid, you don’t need to prepare spells. You
Where there is the embrace of the Earth Mother, there have a number of spell slots, and you cast your spells from
is warmth. these slots.
You gain the Gaia’s Light at-will spell as a bonus spell. If the spell you cast is a daily spell, the spell is expended.
If you cast a once-per-battle spell, you regain the spell
slot after the battle, and you can cast either the same spell
again in that slot, or any other spell, including a daily spell.

chapter 8
The number of spells you gain is determined by your Life Balance (1st Level)
class level and whether you are an initiate, adept or Ranged spell; Daily
master. See the unified spell progression table at the start Target: 1d3 nearby enemies that are not staggered
of the druid chapter for details. Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
In line with the rules changes, the existing Wild Healer Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom holy damage, and a nearby staggered
spells change their frequencies and levels as below. ally heals hit points equal to half the amount.
Regeneration: 1st level; Once per battle Miss: Damage equal to your level, and a nearby staggered
Greater Regeneration: 3rd level; Daily ally heals hit points equal to your level.
Wild Heal: 1st level; Daily 3rd level spell: 4d8 damage
5th level spell: 1d4 enemies, 6d8 damage
Cycle of Life and Death (1st Level) 7th level spell: 8d8 damage
Ranged spell; Once per battle 9th level spell: 1d4+1 enemies, 10d8 damage
Target: One nearby enemy
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD; you have advantage on Adventurer Feat: On a natural even hit, the ally heals
the attack roll the full amount.
Hit: You or a nearby ally can spend a recovery to heal. Deal Life Shroud (1st Level)
poison damage to the target equal to the healed amount.
Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action
Miss: Poison damage equal to your level
Target: 1d4 nearby allies (including you)
Champion Feat: On a miss, the healing target can Effect: Each target gains a +1 bonus to PD and MD until
choose to spend a recovery to heal half the amount, and the end of the battle, and 5 temporary hit points.
deal half damage. 3rd level spell: 10 temporary hit points
5th level spell: Increase the bonus to +2 while the
Embrace of the Earth Mother (1st target is not staggered; 15 temporary hit points
Level) 7th level spell: 20 temporary hit points
Ranged spell; Once per battle; Quick action 9th level spell: Increase the bonus to +2 even when
Target: One nearby creature per point of Wisdom staggered; 30 temporary hit points
Adventurer Feat: Target 1d4+1 nearby allies.
Effect: The effect depends on the target as below:
A non-staggered ally: Gain a +3 bonus to their next Life Prevails (3rd Level)
attack roll.
Ranged spell; Once-per-battle
A staggered ally: Gain a free recovery, but heal half
Target: One nearby undead creature, demon or devil
the amount.
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
An unconscious ally: Gain a +5 bonus to their next
Hit: 3d10 + Wisdom ongoing holy damage
death save.
5th level spell: 5d10 ongoing damage
An enemy: Holy damage equal to twice the level of
7th level spell: 7d10 ongoing damage
the enemy.
9th level spell: 10d10 ongoing damage
Champion Feat: A staggered ally heals the full amount
of the recovery. Deal three times their level damage to Raise Spirits (3rd Level)
enemies. Ranged spell; Once per battle; Quick action
Target: A nearby ally
Goodberries (1st Level) Effect: Until the end of their next turn, the target has
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action advantage on attack rolls.
Special: You can cast this spell multiple times per day, if
Adventurer Feat: The target also has advantage on
you have the spell slots available.
Effect: You enchant 1d3 berries with the effect of an
adventurer-tier healing potion. It’s a quick action to eat Gaia’s Embrace (5th Level)
a berry, and it allows the user to spend a recovery to heal Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action
and regain 1d8 extra hit points. The berries last until the Target: A nearby ally
end of the next full heal-up. Effect: Increase the target’s recovery dice to d12s until
5th level spell: 2d8 extra hit points the end of the battle.
9th level spell: 3d8 extra hit points
Champion Feat: The target can reroll natural 1s and 2s
Adventurer Feat: The berries also end ongoing poison on its recovery rolls.

Life Shell (5th Level) the battle, the target has resist poison and negative energy
Ranged spell; Once per battle; Quick action 12+. If you are a life adept, increase the resistances to 14+.
Target: You or a nearby ally As a master, increase to 16+.
Effect: The target spends a recovery, and gains temporary Epic Feat: The target heals double hit points from the
hit points equal to the recovery roll +10 instead of healing. recovery.
Undead creatures, demons and devils engaged with the
target take 10 holy damage.
7th level spell: +15 temporary hit points; 15 holy
Circle of the
9th level spell: +25 temporary hit points; 25 holy
Moon druids learn how to change shape into different
damage forms of animals. They are also known as shifters.
Champion Feat: If the escalation die is 2+, you can You learn how to shift your form in two ways: The scout
target an additional target with this spell. form transforms you into a small, inconspicuous animal
for quick reconnaissance of the surrounding area, while
Healing Circle (7th Level) the beast form is a fierce, combat-ready form of a big
Ranged spell; Daily predatory animal.
Target: One nearby ally per point of escalation die
(including you) Scout Form
Effect: Each target can heal using a recovery. If a target You can shift into a small, stealthy animal that is useful for
is staggered even after using the recovery, it heals back to scouting the environment, but too weak for combat. You
one point above its staggered value. can shift back and forth between scout and humanoid
form as a quick action, at-will, once per round. You also
Revitalized Spirits (7th Level) shift back if you take damage.
Ranged spell; Daily While in scout form, you gain a temporary 1d4+1-point
Effect: Increase the escalation die by 1. Each nearby ally background related to your chosen animal form.
rolls a d6. If the result is lower than the escalation die, the
ally can immediately make a basic melee or ranged attack Adventurer Feat: Your temporary animal background
as a free action. roll is a 1d6 instead of 1d4 + 1, and count a 1 rolled as a 2.

Life Geas (9th Level) Beast Form

Close-quarters spell; Daily In battle, you can use the Beast Form Shift power to
Target: One deceased creature assume the form of a deadly predator such as a wolf, pan-
Effect: You bring a deceased person back to life for up to ther, tiger, bear, wolverine, lion, or giant praying mantis.
one year. This does not require the target’s body; if the old You also gain the Beast Claws once-per-battle power.
one is not available, a new one is created. The spell does
Beast Form Shift
not come without strings attached, however. The target
is put under a strong geas, chosen by the caster. The geas Quick action; At-will
is a commandment of up to 25 words that the target has Effect: You shift into beast form.
to follow. If the target commits an infraction against the Weapons: You cannot use normal weapons or shields,
geas, it causes mental and physical pain. If it willingly and but you can attack using your natural weapons such as
grossly violates it, the spell ends and the target dies. The claws and fangs as an unarmed attack without penalty,
target also dies if the geas is removed. The spell cannot be with a d6 damage die. You can use two-weapon fighting
cast on the same target twice; there is only one chance at (reroll natural 2 on attack) with your natural weapons.
Redemption. Magic items: Your magic items stick with you and you get
This spell has to be cast as a ritual (even if you don’t the benefit of their default bonuses, except weapons and
have Ritual Casting). A well-prepared ritual, cast with the shields. You can use bracers to improve your unarmed
right components and at the right time, can allow for a attacks, like a monk.
longer duration than a year. Spells: You cannot speak or cast spells while in beast
form (but see the adventurer feat below).
Waters of Life (9th Level) Shifting back: You can return to humanoid form as a
Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action quick action.
Target: A nearby unconscious ally Adventurer Feat: You can speak in a growling voice and
Effect: Reset the target’s number of failed death saves to cast spells while in beast form.
zero. They can spend a recovery to heal. Until the end of

chapter 8
Beast Claws a normal difficulty check (DC 15 at adventurer tier; 20
Melee attack; Once per battle at champion; 25 at epic) to gain any benefits. For every 5
Attack: Strength OR Dexterity + Level vs. AC points you beat the DC, you gain the next higher benefit,
Natural Even Hit: 1d10 damage per level + Strength or plus any lower ones.
Dexterity damage Failure: Nothing came of your scouting.
Natural Odd Hit: 1d6 damage per level + Strength or Normal success: You gain a +4 bonus to initiative this
Dexterity damage battle.
Miss: Repeat the attack against the same or a different Hard success: As a free action at some point during the
target. This second attack has no miss effect. battle, you can grant one of your allies a reroll on an attack
Special: You must be in beast form to use this power. If roll or save. That ally must take the new result.
you have flexible attacks from the Circle of War, you can Ridiculously hard success: The GM chooses between
trigger them with the first attack roll, but not the second. giving you a reroll at some point during the battle, or
giving you a floating story-guide icon relationship result
Adventurer Feat: Your second beast form attack (the
of 6 with a random icon.
one you roll when the first attack misses) now deals miss
damage equal to your level. Adventurer Feat: A normal success with your combat
Champion Feat: You can now trigger flexible attacks recon skill check also grants your allies a +2 bonus to
with the second attack roll. initiative this battle.
Champion Feat: Rerolls from your combat recon
Beast Aspects exploits gain a +2 bonus.
You gain a number of beast aspects that you can activate Epic Feat: You now get two benefits instead of one when
while in Beast Form. The number of aspects you gain you succeed at a ridiculously hard skill check with your
depends on your level, and whether you are an initiate, scout form.
adept or master, as per the unified level progression table
at the start of the druid chapter. Relentless Fury
You can only have one beast aspect active at a time. Once you awaken the beast, you attack relentlessly.
Activating a beast aspect ends any other beast aspect you While in beast form, you can use the Beast Claws attack
have active. power of this circle at-will instead of once per battle.
Initiate: Beast aspects are daily powers for you. When
activating an aspect, you gain the initiate effect. Shake It Off
Adept, Master: Your beast aspects are Recharge 16+ When death is near, you can drop the mantle of the
after battle. When activating an aspect, you gain the beast to pull through.
adept effect. You gain the Shake it Off power below.
Circle of the Moon Talents Shake it Off (Revised)
The moon circle talents mostly focus on your beast form. Close-quarters power; Recharge 16+ after battle; Free
The key talent is Relentless Fury, which greatly enhanc- action
es your ability to rip enemies to shred with your claws. Special: To use this talent, you must be in beast form, and
Thicker Fur is a much-needed boost to your armor class. you must have at least one beast aspect active.
Twin Aspects allows you to activate more than one at Trigger: You take damage.
a time. Shake It Off allows you to drop an active aspect Effect: You end an active beast aspect power and then
to take less damage from an attack, whereas Spiritual take only 1d6 damage (5th level: 3d6; 8th level: 6d6) from
Blessing gives you more of a support role by allowing you the triggering attack. You still suffer any other effects of
to strengthen your allies. the attack (including ongoing damage).
Finally, Combat Reconnaissance focuses on your
Adventurer Feat: You also ignore any effects from the
scout form, and allows you to gain a bonus in battle when
you scout out enemies beforehand.
Champion Feat: If you shake off the damage of a melee
Combat reconnaissance attack, you can make a melee attack against your attacker
You can use the intelligence you gathered while spying as an interrupt action.
on enemies and the battlefield in your scout form before Epic Feat: You can use Shake it Off once per battle.
combat to give your side an advantage.
Once per day (5th level: twice; 8th level: three times),
when you roll initiative, make a skill check and gain a
benefit based on the result. You need to achieve at least

Spiritual Blessing Adventurer Feat: Until the end of the battle, on a
You can call upon the spirits to protect and empower natural odd hit with a melee attack, the target pops free
your allies. from you.
When you activate a beast aspect, you can grant the ben- Champion Feat: Until the end of the battle, if your first
efit to a nearby ally instead of yourself. You don’t need to natural roll for a melee attack is an even hit, you can
be in beast form to do so. Allies can only be subject to one repeat the attack against a different target.
aspect at a time. Epic Feat: Your melee attacks attack the lower of AC
Adventurer Feat: Allies you target with an aspect and PD.
also gain temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom
modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th). Earth Elemental Aspect
Champion Feat: Once per day, when activating a beast Beast aspect; Daily, or recharge 16+ for adepts; Quick
aspect, you can grant the benefit to both yourself and action
one ally. Initiate effect: Until the end of the battle, you gain AC +1
Epic Feat: When you grant a beast aspect to an ally, that and PD +1. Enemies can’t just move away from you (while
aspect is Recharge 16+ after battle for initiates and 11+ triggering an opportunity attack). They must succeed at
for adepts and masters. a disengage check.
Adept effect: As the initiate effect, but AC +2 and PD
Thicker Fur +2. Staggered enemies also take a -5 penalty to disengage
from you.
Technically, it’s leather armor, technically.
While in Beast Form, your base AC in light or no armor Adventurer Feat: If you spend a recovery to heal while
is 12. in this aspect, gain a bonus recovery die (two at 5th level,
three at 8th).
Adventurer Feat: The first time you enter beast form in
Champion Feat: When you are targeted by an attack
a battle, make a free recovery roll, and gain temporary
with a natural roll of 10 or less, you can spend a recovery
hit points equal to the amount.
to heal before taking damage from the attack.
Champion Feat: Gain a +1 bonus to PD while in Beast
Epic Feat: Increase the AC and PD bonus to +3.
Epic Feat: When you rally while in beast form, heal hit Fire Elemental Aspect
points equal to twice your recovery roll. Beast aspect; Daily, or recharge 16+ for adepts; Quick
Twin Aspects Initiate effect: Until the end of the battle, you gain resist
Owlboar AND tigershark? fire 12+ and your melee attacks deal fire damage. On a
You can have two adventurer tier beast aspects active at natural even hit with a melee attack, you deal ongoing fire
the same time. If you start using an additional aspect, one damage equal to twice your level.
previous aspect of your choice ends. Adept effect: As the initiate effect, but resist fire 16+ and
Champion Feat: You can have three adventurer tier three times your level ongoing damage.
beast aspects active at the same time. Adventurer Feat: Increase the fire resistance by 2.
Champion Feat: When an enemy makes a natural odd
New Beast Aspects melee attack roll against you, that attacker takes two
You have access to all beast aspects listed under the Shift- times your level in fire damage.
er talent in 13 True Ways, plus the aspects below. Epic Feat: Until the end of the battle, enemies that taking
ongoing fire damage are vulnerable to your attacks.
Air Elemental Aspect
Beast aspect; Daily, or recharge 16+ for adepts; Quick Owlboar Aspect
action Beast aspect; Daily, or recharge 16+ for adepts; Quick
Initiate effect: Until the end of the battle, you gain resist action
non-spell damage 16+. Initiate Effect: Until the end of the battle, deal twice your
Adept effect: As the initiate effect, and while you are not level extra damage if you hit an enemy with a melee attack
staggered, you gain the ability to fly. While airborne, you that you engaged this turn.
have a -2 penalty to attack rolls, and you are vulnerable to Adept Effect: As the initiate effect, the first time you
attacks. If you are staggered, you must have solid ground engage an enemy after activating this aspect, gain a 1d6
under your feet at the end of your turn or start falling. bonus to your next melee attack against it.

chapter 8
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD
Adventurer Feat: If you are reduced to negative hit points,
Hit: Psychic damage equal to your level, and the target is
you only fall unconscious at the end of your next turn.
struck with fear (-4 to attacks and can’t use the escalation
Champion Feat: Increase the bonus damage to three
die, save ends). Enemies with a fear aura are immune to this.
times your level.
Epic Feat: If an enemy intercepts you, gain a 1d6 bonus Champion Feat: Targets struck by the fear effect also
to your next melee attack against them. This stacks with have disadvantage on checks to disengage from you.
the adept effect. Epic Feat: You have advantage on the follow-up attack
against mooks and staggered enemies.
Porcupine Aspect
Beast aspect; Daily, or recharge 16+ for adepts; Quick Firefox Aspect
action Beast aspect; Recharge 16+; Quick action
Initiate Effect: Until the end of the battle, deal poison Special: This aspect requires two slots. You must be a
damage equal to your Strength or Dexterity modifier (2x Moon adept or master to take it.
at 5th level; 3x at 8th) against target that make a melee Effect: Until the end of the battle, roll 1d6 at the start of
attack against you. If you are grabbed or swallowed by the your turn. If the result is equal to the escalation die or
attack, deal double damage. lower, you can make a melee basic attack as a quick action
Adept Effect: As the initiate effect, and once per round once this turn. This attack deals fire damage.
as a quick action, you can make a Dexterity + Level close- Champion Feat: If the d6 roll is higher than the
quarters attack against a nearby enemy that deals 1d6 per escalation die, deal twice your level in fire damage to all
level poison damage. enemies you are engaged with, and you have a +2 bonus
Adventurer Feat: Add your level to the poison damage. to disengage checks this turn.
Epic Feat: If your quick action attack hits, you gain a +2
Water Elemental Aspect bonus to attack rolls against the target this turn.
Beast aspect; Daily, or recharge 16+ for adepts; Quick
action Giant Spider Aspect
Initiate effect: You can swim with the agility of a native Beast aspect; Recharge 16+; Quick action
water creature, and breathe under water. If you miss with Special: This aspect requires two slots. You must be a
a melee attack, heal hit points equal to your level. Moon adept or master to take it.
Adept effect: As the initiate effect, and you gain a +1 Effect: Until the end of the battle, you can climb vertical
bonus to all attacks and defenses. If you are in contact surfaces without requiring a skill check. When you hit an
with a large body of water, at least a pond or a small river, enemy with a melee attack, make the following follow-up
the bonus increases to +2. attack against the target as a free action:
Attack: Strength OR Dexterity + Level vs. PD
Adventurer Feat: Double the healing effect.
Natural Even Hit: The target is hampered until the
Champion Feat: Until the end of the battle, you gain
end of your next turn.
resist weapon damage 16+.
Natural Odd Hit: The target is stuck until the end of
Epic Feat: Increase the adept effect bonus to +3 if you
your next turn.
are in contact with a large body of water.
Champion Feat: If you hit a hampered or stuck target
with a melee attack, deal 10 (8th level: 20) ongoing
Champion Tier Aspects (New) poison damage to them.
These aspects can only be taken at 5th level or higher,
Epic Feat: If the target has 150 hp (10th level: 250 hp)
and only if you are an adept or master. They require two
or less after taking damage, the hampered / stuck effect
aspect slots.
is “save ends”.
Blight Horror Aspect
Beast aspect; Recharge 16+; Quick action
Rock Behemoth Aspect
Special: This aspect requires two slots. You must be a Beast aspect; Recharge 16+; Quick action
Moon adept or master to take it. Special: This aspect requires two slots. You must be a
Effect: Until the end of the battle, when you hit with a Moon adept or master to take it.
melee attack, make the following follow-up attack against Effect: Until the end of the battle, you have resist physical
the target as a free action: damage 18+. Ignore any effects from enemy attacks that
would cause you to pop free.

Champion Feat: If the natural attack roll against you is
lower than 10, you ignore the attack entirely, including Circle of War
miss damage and non-damage effects. This circle makes you a stronger combatant with melee or
Epic Feat: Enemies cannot force you to pop free from ranged weapons, and it provides flexible attacks that are
them. fueled by the power of the wilds. It replaces the Warrior
Druid talent.
Tigershark Aspect Adventurer Feat: If you multiclass, the druid side is
Beast aspect; Recharge 16+; Quick action considered a “skillful warrior” and does not decrease
Special: This aspect requires two slots. You must be a your WEAPON damage dice.
Moon adept or master to take it.
Effect: Until the end of the battle, you have advantage on
melee attack rolls against staggered enemies.
Circle of War Talents
Choose Martial Druid if you want to specialize in melee
Champion Feat: You also have advantage against weapons, or Archer Druid if you want to go for bows.
enemies taking ongoing damage. Hides and Leathers lets you gain better protection
from light armors, and allows you to use the magic from
Unicorn Aspect
any spellcaster circle unhindered in the thick of battle,
Beast aspect; Recharge 16+; Quick action whereas Clad in Steel allows you to wear heavy armor
Special: This aspect requires two slots. You must be a but doesn’t help with spells.
Moon adept or master to take it. If you would like more flexibility in maneuver choice,
Effect: Until the end of the battle, you can heal hit points Ancestral Warrior gives you access to fighter maneuvers,
equal to your Wisdom modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at whereas Abominable Nature lets you pick from the
8th) to a nearby conscious ally as a quick action once per Abomination list.
round. Double the healing if the ally is staggered.
Champion Feat: Until the end of the battle, you and all Abominable Nature
nearby allies gain a +1 bonus to saving throws. Your combat style is bestial and primal.
Epic Feat: If you score a critical hit with a beast form You gain maneuver from the abomination class (see Dark
attack, a nearby ally can heal using a free recovery. Pacts & Ancient Secrets) of up to your level -2 (minimum
1) as a bonus maneuver. Like a druid flexible attack, you
Vulture Aspect can use it once per battle and regain it with Ancestral
Beast aspect; Recharge 16+; Quick action Guidance. If the power calls for a native element, use
Special: This aspect requires two slots. You must be a poison.
Moon adept or master to take it. Adventurer Feat: You can use the abomination’s Spit
Effect: Until the end of the battle, you can fly and hover. Attack class feature once per battle.
While airborne, you have a -2 penalty to attack rolls, and Champion Feat: Gain a second abomination maneuver
you are vulnerable to attacks. You don’t suffer the attack of up to your level -4.
penalty against staggered enemies. When you reduce an
Epic Feat: When you trigger an abomination maneuver
enemy below zero hit points, you can use a recovery to
from this talent, you also gain a +1 bonus to AC until the
end of your next turn.
Champion Feat: If you fly to engage a normal-sized or
smaller target before making an attack, and you hit, you Ancestral Soldier
can grab them and carry them into the air. You stand ready to defend the wilds, your home since
Epic Feat: Gain three bonus recovery dice when you the time of ancient generations.
reduce an enemy below 0 hp and use a recovery. You gain a fighter maneuver of up to your level -2 (mini-
mum 1) as a bonus maneuver. Like a druid flexible attack,
you can use it once per battle and regain it with Ancestral
Adventurer Feat: The first flexible attack you use each
battle is not expended.
Champion Feat: Gain a second fighter maneuver of up
to your level -4.

chapter 8
Epic Feat: Once per battle, after making an attack roll, Adventurer Feat: You can use two-handed d10 martial
and you don’t like your maneuver choice for the natural weapons without attack penalty.
roll, roll a second d20 and choose a maneuver based on Champion Feat: When wielding a two-handed melee
that roll instead. Note that this only changes whether the weapon, you can reroll natural 1s on the damage die.
attack was a hit or miss for the purpose of triggering a When wielding a shield, you gain a +1 bonus to PD.
maneuver, nothing else. Epic Feat: Once per battle, you can reroll a missed attack
with a melee weapon.
Archer Druid
The strength of trees and the blowing of the wind guide New Circle of War Flexible
your arrows. Attacks
You can use warrior circle flexible attacks as flexible As a warrior druid, you gain flexible attacks that you can
ranged attacks instead of melee attacks. In addition, you trigger when making a basic melee attack during your
can use longbows without taking the –2 attack penalty turn. Roll your attack, then choose one of the flexible
that other druids suffer. attacks you know that can be triggered by your natural
Adventurer Feat: When you miss with a ranged weapon attack roll.
attack, deal damage equal to twice your level. However, unlike the fighter, you can use your flexible
Champion Feat: You can cast druid at-will spells that attacks only once per battle.
normally only target nearby enemies on far away targets You must choose which flexible attacks you know. The
with a -2 penalty to the attack roll. number of flexible attacks you gain is determined by
Epic Feat: Once per battle, you can reroll a missed attack your class level and whether you are an initiate, adept or
with a ranged weapon. master. See the unified progression table at the start of
the druid chapter for details. You can change the flexible
Clad in Steel attacks you know when you gain a level.
Unlike the druid flexible maneuvers in 13 True Ways,
Metal armor is the strength of earth.
which are all available at first level, the maneuvers in this
You don’t suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls for wearing
book do have a level attached to them, and most of them
heavy armor, like other druids.
are only available as your druid gains levels.
Adventurer Feat: Your base hit points are 7 + CON
mod instead of 6 + CON mod. 1st Level Maneuvers
Champion Feat: Once per battle, you can rally as a quick
Evasive Instinct
action after you hit with a druid melee attack.
Flexible once-per-battle melee attack
Epic Feat: Once per battle, when you are hit by an
Triggering Roll: Any natural odd roll
enemy attack against AC, you can halve the damage as
Effect: Until the start of your next turn, you gain a +2
a free action.
bonus to PD and you take no damage from missed attacks.
Hides and Leathers Adventurer Feat: If you trigger this maneuver when the
You wear the hide of beasts like a second skin. escalation die is even, it’s not expended.
Your AC in light armor is 12 instead of 10 like most other Feral Bite
druids, and you don’t take opportunity attacks from ene-
Flexible once-per-battle melee attack
mies engaged with you when you cast ranged druid spells.
Triggering Roll: Natural even hit
Adventurer Feat: When you use a recovery to heal, add Effect: Deal 1d6 extra poison damage. If you have an
your Wisdom modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th) to the active beast aspect, increase the bonus damage dice to
amount of hp healed. d10s.
Champion Feat: You gain a bonus to disengage checks 3rd level maneuver: 2d6 damage
equal to the escalation die. 5th level maneuver: 3d6 damage
Epic Feat: Once per battle, you can rally as a quick 7th level maneuver: 4d6 damage
action after you hit with a druid melee attack. 9th level maneuver: 5d6 damage
Adventurer Feat: Add your Constitution modifier to
Martial Druid the extra damage (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th).
You have taken up arms to protect the wilds.
You can use one-handed 1d8 martial weapons as well as
shields without taking the attack penalty that other druids

3rd Level Maneuvers turn. If you have a talent from the Circle of Decay, the
effect is “save ends”.
Flying Sparks
Champion Feat: You can trigger this attack on a natural
Flexible once-per-battle melee attack 16+.
Triggering Roll: Any natural odd roll
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, enemies that 7th Level Maneuvers
engage you or disengage from you take lightning damage
equal to your Wisdom modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th) Icy Grasp
plus level. If you have a Circle of the Elements talent, the Flexible once-per-battle melee attack
effect lasts until the end of the battle. Triggering Roll: Natural 18+
Adventurer Feat: Enemies also take the damage if they Effect: Deal 1d6 extra cold damage per tier, and if the
pop free or teleport away. target has fewer current hit points than your maximum, it
is frozen (can’t take actions) until the end of your next turn.
Nauseating Touch Epic Feat: If you trigger this maneuver on a natural 20,
Flexible once-per-battle melee attack the freezing effect is “save ends”.
Triggering Roll: Natural odd hit
Effect: The target takes a -4 penalty to defense against the Pixie Punch
next attack vs. PD or MD that targets it. Flexible once-per-battle melee attack
Adventurer Feat: You can use this flexible attack at-will. Triggering Roll: Any natural even roll
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, the enemy loses
Pack Strike any ability that makes it harder to hit, such as invisibility.
Flexible once-per-battle melee attack Adventurer Feat: If you have the Feychild talent, it is
Triggering Roll: Any natural even roll also unable to trigger any ability that triggers on even
Effect: If your animal companion is nearby, it can pop free rolls.
from all enemies it is currently engaged with, and make a
melee attack against this target, with disadvantage. Striding Strike
Champion Feat: Your animal companion takes no Flexible once-per-battle melee attack
attack penalty. Triggering Roll: Any natural odd roll
Effect: Teleport to a nearby location after making the
5th Level Maneuvers attack. If you have the terrain caster talent, you can heal
using a recovery.
Nature’s Vigor
Epic Feat: Heal 5 extra hit points per point of escalation
Flexible once-per-battle melee attack die.
Triggering Roll: Natural odd hit
Effect: You can heal using a recovery. Add twice your 9th Level Maneuvers
Wisdom modifier (x3 at 8th level) to the amount healed.
Champion Feat: A nearby ally heals half the amount. If Faerie Timeslip
you are a Circle of Life druid, all nearby allies heal half Flexible once-per-battle melee attack
the amount. Triggering Roll: Natural 20
Effect: You throw the target into a time loop, from where
Pixie Dance it is unable to interfere in the battle. Remove it from the
Flexible once-per-battle melee attack battlefield (hard save 16+ ends).
Triggering Roll: Any natural odd roll
Effect: You and a nearby ally switch the enemies you are
Flexible once-per-battle melee attack
engaged with. If you are a Feychild druid, also deal extra
psychic damage equal to your level. Triggering Roll: Natural even hit
Effect: Make a second melee attack against the same
Champion Feat: Also gain a +2 bonus to AC and PD enemy as a free action, with a -4 penalty to the attack.
until the end of your next turn. If you have an active beast aspect, you take no attack
Wilting Steel penalty. The second attack cannot trigger flexible attacks.
Flexible once-per-battle melee attack Epic Feat: The second attack can now trigger flexible
Triggering Roll: Natural 18+ attacks.
Effect: The target is weakened until the end of its next

The fighter talents in this book allow you to specialize your build in different ways.

Adventurer Tier Bravado

When you are outmanned and outgunned, it takes guile
Talents and skill to do the unexpected to turn the tide of battle.
Once per battle, as a standard action, you can pull off an
To start with the straightforward options, Brute amps up
your damage output, whereas War Orphan makes you attack that is outside of what is normally covered by the
tougher all around. rules. Smash a pillar to collapse the ceiling. Flip a table
If you’d like to focus on a fighting style, Power Block is and charge into a wall of enemies with it. Smash an enemy
great with a shield, Fencer supports slender blades and into an open pit of lava. Improvise. Your GM will help
light armors, whereas Two Healthy Fists allows you to you with the specifics, such as how many enemies you
kick ass and punch face without weapons, and Lock & can catch, what the damage would be, and any additional
Load makes you a sharpshooter with crossbows. effects. This talent allows you to pull off the stunt without
If you’d like to protect your allies in a classic defender additional skill checks, but you still need to roll to attack.
role, Combat Challenge and Showstopper allow you to Attacks made with this talent don’t trigger fighter
punish enemies for attacking. maneuvers.
If you like flexibility, Battlemaster gives an extra fighter Adventurer Feat: You have advantage on your Bravado
maneuver, while other talents allow you to dip into other attack roll.
classes: Cry for Glory gives access to bardic battle cries,
Tactical Talent to commander tactics, Warrior of the Brute
Wild to warrior druid maneuvers, and Eldritch Knight
“Puny humans break easy.”
to wizard and swordmage spells. If you’d rather come
up with cool stunts on the spot, Bravado is what you’re Add your level to the damage on a hit with fighter melee attacks.
looking for. Adventurer Feat: You have advantage on Strength-
Outside of battle, look at the Air of Authority allows based skill checks to damage or destroy things.
you to defuse a situation before a fight breaks out, whereas Champion Feat: When you reduce a target to zero hit
Veteran of the Watch makes you better at detecting points, deal the remaining damage to a different nearby
sneaking enemies and ambushes. enemy (as if every enemy were a mook).
Epic Feat: If you kill an enemy, gain a +1 bonus to your
Air of Authority next melee attack.
All you need to do is give a stern look and put your
hand on the hilt of your sword to shut a potentially tight
situation down. Combat Challenge
Once per scene, you can make a Charisma + level “attack” You are a dominant force on the battlefield, and you
against the highest MD in the room. If you succeed, you prove it with every strike.
can hush a room, stop a mob, or convince a bunch of When you make a fighter attack against an enemy you are
thugs that you are not to be messed with. engaged with, you mark the target. The mark ends when
you are no longer engaged with the target, or when the
Adventurer Feat: Add an appropriate background to target makes an attack against you.
the Charisma roll. While the target is marked, it takes a -2 penalty to
Champion Feat: Once per day, if you succeed at the attacks that do not target you. When the marked enemy
Charisma check but a fight still starts, set the escalation makes an attack that does not target you, you can make a
die to 1 at the start of the battle. basic melee attack against it as an interrupt action.
Adventurer Feat: If a marked enemy can pop free
Battlemaster from you through an ability, it still has to succeed at a
It’s good to have that extra ace up your sleeve. disengage check, otherwise it stays engaged.
You gain a bonus fighter maneuver. When you spend a Champion Feat: You can use fighter maneuvers with
feat on a fighter maneuver, also gain a feat of the same interrupt attacks triggered by the mark.
tier (adventurer, champion, epic) with a different fighter Epic Feat: Marked enemies must succeed at a disengage
maneuver for free. check even if they use a teleport or similar powers to get away
from you, otherwise the teleport fails and it stays engaged.

chapter 9
Cry for Glory Champion Feat: Reloading any crossbow is now a free
“We shall fight in the crypts. We shall fight in the caverns action. You still get the +2 crit range bonus.
and hallways. We shall fight in the dungeons. We shall Epic Feat: Once per battle, you can use a move action to
never surrender.” gain advantage on your next attack roll with a crossbow.
You gain a battle cry from the bard list as a bonus flexible
attack. You can trigger the battle cry with fighter melee Power Block
attacks. “Shields up!”
Adventurer Feat: You can use Charisma instead of Once per battle, you can force an opponent to reroll an
Dexterity or Constitution with your fighter maneuvers attack against your AC or PD. If you wield a shield, the
and your Threatening class feature. reroll is at a -2 penalty.
Champion Feat: You can switch a fighter maneuver for Adventurer Feat: Increase the reroll penalty to -4 if you
a bard battle cry two levels lower. wield a shield and the attack is a ranged attack.
Epic Feat: Gain a second battle cry as a bonus maneuver, Champion Feat: When you wield a shield, also gain a
of up to 4 levels below your class level. +1 bonus to PD.
Epic Feat: Increase the AC bonus you gain from a shield
Eldritch Knight to +2.
Even if you don’t wear the hat, you have picked up a
trick or two from your wizard friends.
You gain the swordmage’s Mark with Sigil as a daily power
(see Dark Pacts & Ancient Secrets). Choose one sigil to “Hey, what do you think you’re doing?”
use with the spell. Starting from 3rd level, you can switch When an enemy triggers an opportunity attack from you,
out a fighter maneuver for a swordmage or wizard spell and your opportunity attack is a natural even hit, you
two levels lower. cause the triggering action to fail and the enemy loses
that action.
Champion Feat: Gain one wizard utility spell as a bonus Once per battle, when an enemy engaged with you
power. makes an attack that would not trigger an opportunity
Epic Feat: You can use Mark with Sigil once per battle. attack from you normally, you can make an opportunity
attack against them anyway.
Fencer Adventurer Feat: You can use your fighter maneuvers
“En garde!”
with opportunity attacks.
You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for attack and
Champion Feat: The triggering action fails on any hit
damage with fighter melee attacks.
with an opportunity attack.
When you wield a small (d4 damage die) or light (d6
damage die) one-handed melee weapon, you gain a +2 Epic Feat: If an enemy disengages from you with a
bonus to your critical threat range. successful disengage check, you can still make an
opportunity attack. However, the attack deals half
Adventurer Feat: Increase your base AC to 11 without damage, and you don’t prevent the opponent from
armor and 14 in light armor. moving away.
Champion Feat: Increase your base PD in light or no
armor to 11. Tactical Talent
Epic Feat: Add your Dexterity modifier to disengage You fight with your brains, always one step ahead of
checks when wearing light or no armor. your opponent.
You gain a commander tactic as a bonus power.
Lock & Load Adventurer Feat: You can substitute Intelligence for
“Are you feeling lucky, punk?”
Dexterity or Constitution with your fighter maneuvers
You can reload a heavy crossbow as a quick action instead and Threatening class feature. You can substitute
of a move action. Intelligence for Charisma with the commander tactics
When you spend a quick action to reload a crossbow of
gained through this talent.
any type, you gain a +2 bonus to critical threat range on
Champion Feat: You can switch a fighter maneuver for
your next attack with it this turn.
a commander tactic two levels lower.
Adventurer Feat: You can trigger flexible melee attack Epic Feat: One tactic you switched for a fighter
maneuvers when making a fighter ranged attack with a maneuver does not take the level penalty.

Two Healthy Fists
“Come closer, meet Suzie and Brenda!” Champion Tier
You do not suffer the standard -2 penalty to unarmed at-
tacks, and your damage die with unarmed melee attacks
Talents (New)
This book introduces a new type of fighter talent, cham-
increases to d8. If you have both hands free, you gain the pion talents. These can only be picked for your 6th level
two-weapon fighting bonus with unarmed attacks (reroll talent slot (you can still take any of the other talents in
natural 2 on the attack die). If you have your hands full, that slot).
you can still make unarmed attacks such as kicks and The straightforward options are Friggin’ Tank to make
head butts. you a punching bag full of hp and Weapon Specialization
Adventurer Feat: When you are grabbed by an attack, for an attack bonus with a weapon type. If you like more
you can immediately roll a save to end the effect. control over your options, One with the Blade allows
Champion Feat: When you roll damage on an unarmed you to swap odd / even when you need it, and Second
attack, reroll natural 1s once. Try gives a second use of a once-per-battle power. Mage
Epic Feat: Once per battle, make an unarmed attack as Slayer lets you go toe-to-toe with pesky spellcasters.
a quick action. Friggin’ Tank
Keep ‘em coming—you don’t go down easily.
War Orphan Increase your base hit points to 10 + Con mod.
When you were just a child, your parents were killed by
Champion Feat: When you use a recovery to heal, you
marauding orcs, creeping hell hole horrors or rampant
gain any hit points above your maximum as temporary
owlbears. You were abandoned and forgotten, but you
hit points. You can take recoveries while you are at
pulled through. Starving, begging, scavenging, you
maximum hit points. These temporary hit points don’t
persisted. You had nothing and nobody to rely on but
stack with temporary hit points you already have—use
yourself. You picked up arms when you were strong
enough to hold a sword. War is the only thing you know, the higher total.
but you have learned to survive. Epic Feat: When you are reduced below zero hit points,
You gain a +1 bonus to PD and MD. Increase your recov- you remain conscious, and you can still take actions. You
ery dice by one step (usually to d12). still roll death saves normally, and you fall unconscious
As a natural loner, you have no interests in the greater when you fail a death save.
machinations of powerful beings, and you have one less
icon relationship point, for a total of two at level 1. Mage Slayer
Adventurer Feat: Add your Constitution modifier to When a mad wizard goes on a rampage, you’re the one
they call.
death saves.
Once per battle, when an enemy targets you with a spell,
Champion Feat: Add your Constitution modifier to all
you can roll a save (11+) to counter the spell as an inter-
rupt action. Success means the spell has no effect on you.
Epic Feat: Once per battle, roll a save at the start of your
At the GM’s discretion, this ability also protects against
turn, in addition to the saves you roll at the end.
monster attacks that are similar to spells, such as the
breath of a dragon.
Warrior of the Wild Champion Feat: When you successfully counter a
“The wilds call me.” spell cast by a nearby enemy, you can pop free from all
Gain a flexible attack from the warrior druid list (13TW enemies and charge the caster (engage and make a basic
p. 61) as a bonus maneuver. You can trigger it with your melee attack) as a free action.
fighter melee attacks. Epic Feat: If you have a positive icon relationship with the
Adventurer Feat: You gain 3 points towards a Archmage or a draconic icon, the save is an easy save (6+).
background in wilderness survival.
Champion Feat: You can switch a fighter maneuver for One with the Blade
a warrior druid maneuver two levels lower. “When you were carousing, I studied the blade. When
Epic Feat: You can cast the Wild Healer’s Regeneration you were chasing wenches, I studied the blade. And now
spell once per battle. that the world is on fire and the barbarians are at the
gate, you have the audacity to ask me for help?”
Once per battle, you can increase the natural roll of one of
your melee attacks by 1, after making the die roll.

chapter 9
Champion Feat: If you roll a natural 20 on an attack,
you gain an additional use of this talent for the battle. Maneuvers
Epic Feat: Once per day, you can increase the roll by 3
instead. 1st level Maneuvers
Bottoms Up
Second Try Flexible melee or ranged attack
“Let’s do that again.” Triggering Roll: Any miss
Each battle, you can use one of your once-per-battle Effect: Drink a potion as a free action.
powers a second time. This can be a once-per-battle fight- Champion Feat: You can use an oil or a rune as a free
er talent, a fighter maneuver or a racial power. action instead.
Epic Feat: You can now use two different powers a Epic Feat: You can pour a potion down a nearby
second time each battle. unconscious ally’s throat instead.

Ultimate Combat Reflexes Cover Shot

Flexible ranged attack
In combat, your regular actions, i.e. your standard, move
and quick action, are no longer limited to when it is your Triggering Roll: Any natural odd miss
turn in the initiative order. You can take them any time Effect: An ally engaged with the target can pop free.
you like during a round. Make sure to keep track of the Adventurer Feat: You can trigger this maneuver on any
actions you have taken during a given round, for exam- natural odd roll.
ple by flipping a card. When you take a regular action
in response to what an ally or enemy does, your action Flanking Strike
resolves after theirs. Dealing with your ally leaves an opening in the enemy’s
This does not affect other combat rules. You still roll defenses that lets you get to their weak spot.
initiative, roll saves at the end of your turn, and use Flexible melee or ranged attack
interrupt actions, intercepts and opportunity attacks Special: At least one ally must be engaged with the same
normally, without any changes. enemy.
Triggering Roll: Any natural even roll
Weapon Specialization Effect: Deal extra damage equal to your Intelligence
“This is my sword. There are many like it, but this one
modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th).
is mine.”
Choose one type of weapon, such as two-handed martial Champion Feat: Your ally can make a disengage check.
weapons or heavy crossbows. You gain a +1 bonus to
attack with this type of weapon.
Minor Cleave
Flexible melee attack
Champion Feat: Gain the bonus with a second weapon Triggering Roll: Any natural even roll
Effect: Deal your Strength modifier in damage (x2 at 5th
Epic Feat: Increase your WEAPON damage dice by one level; x3 at 8th) to a different enemy you are engaged with.
step with your chosen weapons.
Adventurer Feat: You can deal the damage to any
nearby enemy.
Champion Feat: Add your level to the damage.

Press Hard
Flexible melee attack
Triggering Roll: Any natural odd roll
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, the target has
disadvantage on disengage checks.
Adventurer Feat: You also gain a +1 bonus to your next
melee attack against the target this battle.

Re-aim Triggering Roll: Natural even hit
Flexible ranged attack Effect: The next melee attack by an ally against the target
Triggering Roll: Natural even miss has advantage. The target can prevent this by taking a
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you gain a +2 move action to stand up.
bonus to ranged attacks against the target. Adventurer Feat: If the escalation die is 5+, kick the
Adventurer Feat: If your next ranged attack against the target on the ground for extra damage equal to your
target is a hit, deal an extra WEAPON damage die (x2 at Strength modifier.
5th level; x3 at 8th).
Dive for Cover
Champion Feat: You can also use this maneuver on a
natural odd miss. Flexible ranged attack
Special: You cannot use this maneuver when engaged
Shift Weight with an enemy.
Flexible melee attack Triggering Roll: Any natural even roll
Special: You must be wielding a two-handed weapon. Effect: Gain +2 AC until the end of your next turn.
Triggering Roll: Any natural odd roll Adventurer Feat: You also gain the bonus to PD.
Effect: After resolving the attack, increase your Champion Feat: Against ranged attacks, increase the
WEAPON damage dice by one step (usually from d10 to bonus to +4.
d12) until the end of your next turn. Epic Feat: You can move to far away range as a quick
Strengthen Resolve action.
Flexible melee or ranged attack Get a Read
Triggering Roll: Any natural odd roll
Flexible melee or ranged attack
Effect: You gain a cumulative +1 bonus to saves against
Triggering Roll: Natural odd hit
effects this battle, up to a maximum of +5.
Effect: Ask a question about the target, such as “What
Champion Feat: Increase the bonus to +2, and the are its vulnerabilities?” or “What is its lowest defense?”
maximum to +6. Make an Intelligence or Wisdom-based skill check
against its MD. If you succeed, you learn the answer to
Sucker Punch your question.
You put your whole weight behind the strike to smack Adventurer Feat: On a natural 16+ on the skill check,
them down.
you get the answer to a second question.
Flexible melee attack
Special: You must be making an unarmed attack. Hit a Wasp Nest
Triggering Roll: Natural even hit Your stray arrow hit something that distracts the
Effect: Add your Constitution modifier (x2 at 5th level; opponent for a moment. It could be snow from a tree
x3 at 8th) to damage. branch, burning oil from a lamp, or a sail going loose.
Adventurer Feat: If the escalation die is 5+, the target is Flexible ranged attack
also dazed until the end of your next turn. Triggering Roll: Any natural odd miss
Effect: The enemy takes a -2 penalty to AC, PD and MD
3rd Level Maneuvers until the start of your next turn.
Champion Feat: Increase the penalty to -4.
Calm the Mind
Flexible melee or ranged attack Improvised Flank
Triggering Roll: Any natural odd roll Flexible melee attack
Effect: Until the end of the battle, you gain a cumulative Triggering Roll: Natural even hit
+1 bonus to MD (up to +4). Effect: An ally engaged with the same enemy can make a
Adventurer Feat: You also gain resist psychic 14+. basic melee attack against it with disadvantage.
Adventurer Feat: If the ally’s attack hits, it deals
Clothesline additional damage equal to your Intelligence modifier
You dive elbow first into the target to throw them to the (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th).
Flexible melee attack
Special: You must be making an unarmed attack.

chapter 9
The Tombstone Nutcracker Suite
You lift the target and plant it headfirst into the ground. Flexible melee attack
Flexible melee attack; Once per battle Special: You must be making an unarmed attack.
Special: You must be making an unarmed attack. Triggering Roll: Natural 18+
Triggering Roll: Natural odd hit Effect: The target is dazed (save ends).
Effect: The target has disadvantage on their next attack. Champion Feat: The target also takes ongoing damage
Adventurer Feat: Add your Constitution modifier to equal to twice your Constitution modifier (x3 at 8th
the damage roll (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th). level).
Champion Feat: You can use this maneuver at-will.
Off-Hand Parry
Flexible melee attack
5th Level Maneuvers Special: You must be wielding two weapons.
Breaching Strike Triggering Roll: Natural 16+
Flexible melee or ranged attack Effect: The next melee attack against you before the end
Triggering Roll: Any natural even roll of your next turn has disadvantage on the attack roll.
Effect: If the target has any resistance against the attack, Reckless Swing
ignore the resistance and deal full damage.
Flexible melee attack
Champion Feat: Ignore the resistance of the target until Special: You must be wielding a two-handed weapon.
the end of the battle. Triggering Roll: Any even miss
Effect: Deal half the damage of a hit instead of miss
Brutal Blows damage. Until the end of your next turn, you take a -4
Flexible melee attack; Once per battle penalty to defenses.
Triggering Roll: Any natural even hit
Champion Feat: On an even miss, deal extra damage
Effect: Repeat the attack roll against the target three
equal to your Dexterity modifier.
additional times. For each roll that would be a hit, deal
10 extra damage. For each roll that missed, you take a -2 Risky Stab
penalty to AC and PD until the end of your next turn.
Flexible melee attack
7th level maneuver: 15 extra damage
Special: You must be wielding two weapons.
9th level maneuver: 25 extra damage
Triggering Roll: Any even miss
Champion Feat: The first missed roll does not incur the Effect: Make a second melee attack against the target.
attack penalty. This attack cannot trigger maneuvers. If the attack misses,
the target can make a melee attack against you as a free
Mark the Weak Spot action.
Flexible melee or ranged attack
Champion Feat: The target’s follow-up attack has
Triggering Roll: Natural 16+
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, the target is
vulnerable to all attacks. Staredown
Champion Feat: On a natural 18+, the effect is “save Flexible melee attack
ends”. Triggering Roll: Natural odd miss
Effect: Make a Wisdom + level attack roll against the
Move into Flanking Position target’s MD. If you hit, the target is dazed until the end of
Flexible melee attack your next turn. If you miss, you are dazed until the end of
Triggering Roll: Natural even miss your next turn.
Effect: The next ally to make a melee attack against the
target before the end of your next turn gains a bonus to Take a Breather
the attack roll equal to your Intelligence modifier. Flexible melee or ranged attack; Once per battle
Triggering Roll: Natural odd miss
Champion Feat: The ally’s attack also deals extra
damage equal to twice your Intelligence modifier (x 3 at Effect: You can use a recovery to heal.
8th level). Champion Feat: You can use this maneuver at-will.

7th Level Maneuvers 9th Level Maneuvers
Fake Clumsiness Boom, Headshot
Flexible melee attack Flexible ranged attack; Once per battle
Triggering Roll: Natural 1 Triggering Roll: Natural even hit
Effect: Your next melee attack against the target has advantage. Effect: Deal maximum damage instead of rolling damage
Epic Feat: Your next melee attack has advantage, even if dice.
it’s against a different target. Brute Force
Flexible melee attack; Once per battle
Porcupine Stance
Special: You must be wielding a two-handed weapon
Flexible melee attack; Once per battle
Triggering Roll: Natural even hit
Special: You must be wielding two weapons.
Effect: Deal maximum damage instead of rolling damage
Triggering Roll: Any natural odd roll
Effect: Until the start of your next turn, you can make
a basic melee attack as an interrupt action against an Expert Feint
enemy that makes a melee attack against you. Flexible melee attack; Once per battle
Champion Feat: The attack can trigger maneuvers. Special: You must be wielding a one-handed melee
Raised Shield Triggering Roll: Natural even miss
Flexible melee attack; Once per battle Effect: Make a basic melee attack against the MD of the
Special: You must be wielding a shield. target.
Triggering Roll: Any natural odd roll Epic Feat: The follow-up attack can also trigger
Effect: The next time you or an adjacent ally takes damage maneuvers.
from an attack against AC or PD before the end of your
next turn, halve it. Hail of Arrows
Champion Feat: If the attack targets both you and the Flexible ranged attack
ally, you can half the damage against both. Triggering Roll: Natural even hit
Effect: Deal half damage to one other nearby enemy.
Reckless Stance Epic Feat: Once per battle, deal half damage to one
Flexible melee attack nearby enemy per point of escalation die with this
Triggering Roll: Any natural odd hit maneuver.
Effect: Attacks against you have advantage until the end
of your next turn. Your first melee attack on your next Mark for Death
turn deals double damage. Flexible melee or ranged attack
Champion Feat: Also gain a +2 bonus to the attack roll Triggering Roll: Natural odd hit
with your next attack. Effect: Until the end of your next turn, when you attack
the target, treat the escalation die as 6.
Slice Wide Open
Flexible melee or ranged attack
Flexible melee attack
Triggering Roll: Natural 16+
Special: You must be wielding a two-handed weapon.
Effect: The target takes half damage immediately and half
Triggering Roll: Natural odd hit
damage as ongoing damage.
Effect: Move the target to the end of the initiative order.
Champion Feat: Add your Dexterity modifier (x2; x3 at If the target already took a turn this round, it doesn’t get
8th level) to the ongoing damage. a second turn.
Tactical Defense Line True Mastery
Flexible melee attack; Once per battle Flexible melee or ranged attack
Triggering Roll: Any natural even roll Triggering Roll: Natural 20
Effect: Gain a bonus to all defenses equal to your Effect: Trigger two other maneuvers you know with this
Intelligence modifier until the start of your next turn. attack. You can choose a maneuver even if it normally
Champion Feat: If you are wielding a shield, you can could not be triggered on a natural 20.
also grant the bonus to an adjacent ally.

While the monk forms in this book follow the same rules
as the forms in 13 True Ways, you’ll notice that they
Crane Style
follow a slightly different design. The powers in this book The old masters have taught you the ways of mind over
have opening attacks that give a bonus which lasts for a
full attack cycle, i.e. until the start of your next turn after You use Wisdom for attack and damage with unarmed
the finishing attack. attacks. However, your base hit points are reduced by 1
The 13 True Ways powers have a finishing strike that to 6 + CON mod.
gives an ongoing bonus for the rest of the battle, but Ki Power (Spread the Wings): You can spend a ki point
battles tend to last only a few rounds in 13th Age. You to add your Wisdom modifier to a disengage check, after
won’t benefit much from a bonus you gain when the you roll.
escalation die is already at 2 if the battle is over the next Adventurer Feat: Whenever you spend a ki point, also
turn. The new cycle bonus mechanic for opening attacks gain temporary hit points equal to your level.
addresses this problem. Champion Feat: Whenever you spend a ki point, you
also gain a +1 bonus to all defenses until the end of your
Cycle Bonus (New Keyword) next turn.
This is a monk-specific keyword. You gain a cycle bonus Epic Feat: Once per battle, as an interrupt action, you
for the duration of your current attack progression, that can spend a ki point to make a melee basic attack against
is, for your opening, flow and finishing attack, until the an enemy who misses you with a melee attack.
start of your next turn after using a finishing attack. It also
ends if anything breaks the current attack progression,
such as the end of the battle, when you don’t attack for a Crystal Mind
round, or when you start a new progression by using an You have achieved a clarity of mind beyond what
opening attack. mortals can hope to achieve. You often appear distant,
unemotional and unworldly. This is far from the truth.
Adventurer Tier When you choose to experience an emotion, you can do
so with more intensity than any of the uninitiated. It is
Talents merely that you do not require simple triggers such as
drinking or gambling to experience joy.
On the defensive side, Crystal Mind and Iron Body
help against attacks that target MD and PD. Shell of the When an attack that targets MD hits you, you can roll a
Storm Turtle not only makes your monk’s AC less likely normal save. If you succeed, you take only half damage
to get hit, it also removes some bookkeeping as your AC from the attack.
no longer changes each turn. Waterfall in the Clouded Ki Power (Cleansing of Thought): You can spend a ki
Gorge helps with healing. point as a free action to gain resist psychic damage 16+
For style, get the Kensai talent if you’d like to reflavor until the end of the battle.
your monk as a martial artist, or Ninjutsu for a ninja. Adventurer Feat: Add your Wisdom modifier to Crystal
If your monk is the old master archetype, consider the Mind saves.
Crane Style talent to move your attack and damage stat Champion Feat: On a successful save, you also block
to Wisdom, matching the archetype of a master who any non-damage effect from the attack.
executes his strikes with minimal force and movement. Epic Feat: If you roll a natural 18+ on the save, you
The Tattooed Monk for more flexibility thanks to an instead take no damage from the attack and can choose
additional form. one nearby enemy. It takes one-quarter of the damage
You’ll also find two more of the seven deadly secrets, as you deflect the attack, and suffers any effects from it.
Fire Fist and Freezing Fist, which both call upon
elemental forces to defeat your foes.
Fire Fist (Seven Deadly Secrets)
You earned your initiation to the mysteries of the dragon
Special: If you use Fire Fist in a battle, you can’t use any
other Deadly Secrets talents that battle.
You gain the following power:
Close-quarters power; Once per battle; Quick action

chapter 10
Effect: Until the end of the battle, if the escalation die is Adventurer Feat: Increase your recovery dice to d10.
1+, your JAB, PUNCH and KICK attacks deal fire damage, Champion Feat: You gain resist poison 16+.
and you deal 1d4 extra damage on a hit. Epic Feat: At the start of each battle, you gain temporary
2nd level monk: 1d6 extra damage hit points equal to 10 times your Constitution modifier.
4th level monk: 1d8 extra damage
6th level monk: 2d6 extra damage
8th level monk: 2d10 extra damage
Kensais, or Sword Saints, train in combat with melee
10th level monk: 3d12 extra damage
weapons to the highest level of perfection. The legend
Adventurer Feat: Also deal the extra damage on a miss. speaks of warriors that have taken down dragons with
Champion Feat: On a natural 18+ attack roll, deal a single strike.
maximum damage with the Fire Fist extra damage. Any melee weapon is a monk weapon for you. You wield
Ki Power (Immolating Fist): After rolling the extra fire them without penalty, and you can use your monk forms
damage, you can spend a ki point to deal ongoing fire with them. When wielding a melee weapon, use that
damage to the target equal to the extra damage. weapon’s usual WEAPON damage die instead of your
Epic Feat: Double the ongoing damage from Immolating
When you wield a two-handed weapon, use Strength
instead of Dexterity for the attack roll. You don’t reroll
natural 2 on the attack, as you are not two-weapon-
Freezing Fist (Seven Deadly fighting.
Secrets) Ki Power (Soulblade): As a free action, spend a ki point
Winter is coming. to imbue a weapon you wield as a true magic item (+1 to
Special: If you use Freezing Fist in a battle, you can’t use attacks and damage; +2 at 5th level; +3 at 8th) until the
any other Deadly Secrets talents that battle. end of the battle. On your next hit with it, deal one extra
You gain the following power: WEAPON die damage (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th).
Close-quarters power; Once per battle; Free action Adventurer Feat: You can use the Soulblade ki power
Trigger: You hit with an unarmed melee attack. once per day without spending a ki point.
Effect: Deal extra cold damage equal to your level, and Champion Feat: You can spend a ki point to recharge a
the target is dazed until the end of your next turn. If it is magic item power of a true magic item melee weapon.
staggered, it is frozen (as stunned; -4 to defenses and can’t
Epic Feat: If you have bonded with a weapon via
take actions) until the end of your next turn instead.
Soulblade before, you can spend a ki point to call it to
Adventurer Feat: Deal extra cold damage equal to twice your hand from a nearby or far away location.
your level.
Champion Feat: You can spend a ki point to use freezing
fist a second time in a battle.
Epic Feat: You now deal 1d8 per level extra cold damage
Ki Power (Icy Breath): When you use Freezing Fist,
spend a ki point to give all enemies engaged with you
disadvantage to disengage checks until the end of your
next turn.

Iron Body
You can push your body beyond mortal limits. You
can walk over hot coals and meditate for hours in an
ice-cold waterfall. You can put your body in a state
where you can survive days, months, even years with a
minimum of air, water, or food.
You take half damage from ongoing damage, and from
any damage caused by the surrounding environment.
Ki Power (Seal of Steel): You can spend a ki point to turn
a failed save against ongoing damage, or the weakened,
hampered, vulnerable or stuck conditions, into a success.

Ninjutsu Waterfall in the Clouded
When you can’t see me, I can see you. When you can see Gorge
me, you are already dead. Years of meditation under the waterfall have hardened
You learn a Rogue power of your level or lower. If it is an your resolve.
attack power, you can use your JAB as the weapon, and it When you spend a recovery to heal, add your Wisdom
counts as an opening attack. If you choose a momentum modifier to the amount you heal (x2 at 5th level; x3 at
power, don’t track momentum—instead, spend one ki 8th).
point to use the power. Adventurer Feat: When you spend a recovery to heal,
Ki Power (Yamiuchi): When you hit with a melee attack you also gain a +2 bonus to PD and MD until the end of
against an enemy that is also engaged with one of your your next turn.
allies, you can spend a ki point to deal Sneak Attack
damage as a rogue of your level. Ki Power (Crashing Waters): Once per battle, you can
spend a ki point to rally as a quick action.
Adventurer Tier: Gain three background points towards
a stealth and espionage background. Champion Feat: When you use Crashing Waters, also
gain 5 temporary hit points per level.
Champion Feat: Gain a second Rogue power, which
counts as a PUNCH if it is an attack, and can be used as Epic Feat: Once per day, use Crashing Waters without
a flow attack. spending a ki point.
Epic Feat: Gain a third Rogue power, which counts as
a KICK if it is an attack, and can be used as a finishing Champion Tier
Shell of the Storm Turtle For champion talents, Black Rose Acolyte gives access to
necromancy, while Magefist gives access to spells from
A mystic aura protects you like a shell.
the swordmage class. Perfect Kata makes your attacks
Increase your base AC in light or no armor to 14. This more powerful if you stick to the same form for a cycle.
replaces the variable defense bonus you gain from using Shuriken Master gives you ranged options. Prison
your monk forms. Within gives you rage-like powers, fueled by a demon
Ki Power (Retreat into the Shell): Once per battle, while inside you.
you are not engaged with any enemy, you can spend a ki Finally, the last of the seven deadly secrets, Death
point as a quick action to gain a +1 bonus to AC until the Touch, is literally deadly.
end of the battle.
Adventurer Feat: When you use Retreat into the Shell, Black Rose Acolyte
you gain resist lightning 16+ until the end of the battle. The other art taught by the Order of the Black Rose is
Champion Feat: Retreat into the Shell also increases flower arrangement, especially for funerals.
your PD by 1. Choose a necromancer spell of your level or lower as a
Epic Feat: Retreat into the Shell now increases all bonus power. You can choose any spell except summon-
defenses by 1. ing spells and spells granted by talents. You can switch the
spell after each full heal-up. If the spell is an at-will attack
spell, you can cast it in place of a flow attack. If the spell
Tattooed Monk is a limited use attack spell, you can cast it in place of a
You haven’t just studied your techniques. They are finishing attack, at the frequency you can normally cast it
permanently etched into your skin, in mystic symbols (such as daily). Use your Wisdom as the ability score that
of bright colors. determines attack and damage with the spell.
You learn an additional adventurer tier form. Ki Power (Tribute to Death): If an enemy has 5 times
Ki Power (Flow of the Ink): Once per battle, as a quick your level in hit points or less after you hit them with a
action, you can spend a ki point to move forward one step monk melee attack, you can expend a ki point to reduce
in the progression from opening to flow or from flow to them to zero hit points.
Champion Feat: When you use a monk power that has
Adventurer Feat: You can switch one adventurer tier an elemental damage type, such as fire, you can change
form you know for a different one during a short rest. that damage to negative energy instead.
Champion Feat: You can choose a champion tier form Epic Feat: You can use the Tribute to Death ki power
as your bonus form instead. once per day without expending a ki point.
Epic Feat: You can choose an epic tier form as your
bonus form instead.

chapter 10
+4 to a finishing attack. If the power requires multiple
Death Touch attack rolls this turn, you gain the benefit for all of them.
(Seven Deadly Secrets)
The most forbidden of the deadly secrets. Each master Champion Feat: You can use the Nidan ki power once
teaching it knows that one day a student will use it to per day without expending a ki point.
take their place. Epic Feat: In addition to a bonus to your critical threat
Special: If you use Death Touch in a battle, you can’t use range, also gain the same bonus to the attack roll. This
any other Deadly Secrets talents that battle. bonus is also doubled when you expend a ki point.
You gain the following power:
Close-quarters power; Once per battle; Free action Prison Within
Trigger: You hit an enemy with an unarmed melee attack. Demons and evil spirits who possess the power to enter
Effect: If the target has 50 hit points or less after taking their victim’s mind are the most frightening adversaries
damage from the attack, you kill it. Otherwise, the target of good, because they can hide among the innocent and
is weakened (-4 to attacks and defenses; save ends). any attempt to purge the spirit puts them in danger too.
7th level monk: 75 hit points or less Therefore, most devout monks volunteer to imprison
9th level monk: 100 hit points or less these creatures within themselves, where they are under
Champion Feat: If you kill a target with Death Touch, control and prevented from doing mischief.
you can spend a ki point to use a recovery to heal. Once per day, as a quick action when the escalation die is
Epic Feat: Kill a target with 150 hit points or less. 1+, you can unleash the power of the imprisoned demon.
Until the end of the battle, you have advantage on melee
Ki Power (Fatal Surprise): Once per battle, you can attacks. However, if both attack rolls show the same
spend a ki point to use Death Touch even if you have number, the demon eats away at your soul, and you lose a
already used a different Deadly Secret this battle. recovery. If you have no recoveries left, you take a -1 pen-
Magefist alty to attacks and defenses until your next full heal-up.
The elves channel magic into their blades. There is no Ki Power (The Demon Roars): When you unleash the
blade. demon, if both dice of your melee attack show the same
Choose a swordmage spell (see Dark Pacts and Ancient number, you can spend a ki point to deal 1d6 fire damage
Secrets) of your level or lower as a bonus power. You can per level to the target.
cast it in place of a finishing attack, at the frequency you Champion Feat: You also gain resist fire 16+ while the
can normally cast it (such as daily). You can switch the demon is unleashed.
spell after each full heal-up. Use your Wisdom instead of Epic Feat: You can spend a 5 or 6 with the Diabolist to
Intelligence as the ability score that determines attack and gain an additional use of this talent that day.
damage with the spell, and KICK for WEAPON damage.
Ki Power (Ki Sigil): Choose a swordmage sigil when you
gain this talent. You can spend a ki point to place the sigil
Shuriken Master
on an enemy with the Mark with Sigil spell. Hair pins were banned at the imperial court after the
incident in the year of the water dragon.
Champion Feat: Once per day, you can use ki sigil Once per battle, you can make a ranged basic attack with
without expending a ki point. a small thrown weapon as a quick action.
Epic Feat: Gain a second swordmage spell, at two levels
below your monk level. Champion Feat: Increase your damage dice with small
thrown weapons to d6.
Epic Feat: Once per battle, you can make an opening
Perfect Kata attack as a ranged attack with a small thrown weapon
I fear the man who has practiced one kick ten thousand instead of its usual type.
Ki Power (Back of the Hand): You can spend a ki point
If your flow attack is from the same form as your opening to use this talent an additional time per battle.
attack, you gain a +1 bonus to your critical threat range
with it. If your finishing attack is from the same form as
both your opening and flow attack, you gain a +2 bonus
to its critical threat range.
Ki Power (Nidan): Before making your attack roll, you
can spend a ki point to double the critical threat range
bonus gained from this talent, i.e. +2 to a flow attack or

Epic Tier Talents Wind in the Reeds
“I accepted the hit to gauge your level of commitment.”
At epic tier, you can choose One with the Void to regain a The first time you are hit in a battle, make a save. If you
ki point on a quick rest. Midnight Storm helps you cycle succeed, you only take damage equal to the level of the
through your forms faster with a quick action flow attack. enemy.
Moonlight Reflection summons a double of yourself. Ki Power (Another Petal Falls): You can spend a ki point
Wind in the Reeds allows you to massively reduce the to use this power a second time in a battle.
damage you take from one attack.
Epic Feat: If you fail the save, you take only half damage.
Midnight Storm Topples the
A master’s strike is never late, nor is it early, it strikes Adventurer Tier
precisely when he means it to.
Once per battle, you can make a monk basic melee
attack as a quick action, using the same damage die (JAB, Crazed Monkey
PUNCH or KICK) as your last melee attack. Opening Attack (Monkey Screech)
Ki Power (Morning Tempest): You can spend a ki point Melee attack
to gain a second use of this talent in a battle, when the
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC
escalation die is 3+.
Hit: JAB + Strength damage
Epic Feat: Once per day, you can use the Morning Cycle bonus: You take a -2 penalty to AC, but all JAB,
Tempest ki power without spending a ki point. PUNCH and KICK damage dice are exploding dice
(including this attack).
Moonlight Reflection Miss: Damage equal to your level. You can spend a ki
Few are ready to face their final enemy, themselves. point to gain the cycle bonus.
For one battle per day, as a quick action, you can summon Flow Attack (Monkey Jump)
a shadow double of yourself. At the end of each turn, Melee attack
roll a d6. If the result is lower than the escalation die, Always: You can pop free and engage a different nearby
the shadow double makes a melee basic attack against a enemy.
nearby enemy of your choice, using your stats and doing Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC
JAB, PUNCH or KICK damage based on your current
Hit: PUNCH + Strength damage
stage in the cycle. The double does not interact with the
Natural even hit: Pop free, engage a different enemy,
battle in any other way.
and make a second attack with JAB damage.
Ki Power (Ripples in the Pond): You can spend a ki point
Miss: Damage equal to your level
to set the d6 to 1 after you roll it (potentially triggering
the shadow double attack). Finishing Attack (Monkey Swing)
Epic Feat: Damage by your shadow double is either holy Melee attack
or negative energy damage (choose when you take the Always: Pop free and make an acrobatic stunt, swinging
feat). across the battlefield on a rope, chandelier, or whatever is
available, and engage the target of the attack.
Target: One nearby or far away enemy
One with the Void Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC
It’s the energy between all things … a tension, a balance
Hit: KICK + Strength damage
… that binds the universe together.
Natural even hit: Deal 1d4 extra damage per point of
You regain a ki point when you take a quick rest. Dexterity modifier.
Ki Power (One with the World): You can spend a ki Miss: Damage equal to your level
point to increase the natural roll of any d20 roll by 1, not 3rd level monk: Use d6 for extra damage
just attack rolls.
5th level monk: Use d8 for extra damage
Epic Feat: When you spend a ki point to increase a 7th level monk: Use d10 for extra damage
natural roll, you can increase it by two instead. 9th level monk: Use d12 for extra damage
Adventurer Feat: You can spend a ki point on this attack
to target one additional enemy.

chapter 10
Drunken Fist Adventurer Feat: Add your level to the damage dealt
with the cycle bonus.
Opening Attack (Wine-Addled Step)
Melee attack Flow Attack (Awaken the Flames)
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. the target’s lowest defense Melee attack
Hit: JAB + Strength damage, and the next attack against Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC
you has disadvantage. Hit: Ongoing fire damage equal to 5 times your level
Cycle bonus: You can spend a ki point as a free action Miss: Damage equal to your level
to give the next attack against you disadvantage.
Miss: One enemy you are engaged with (GM’s choice) Finishing Attack (Fan of Flames)
can make a melee attack against you as a free action. The Melee attack
enemy has disadvantage on the attack. Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC. If the target is taking
Adventurer Feat: If an enemy misses you with a melee ongoing fire damage, you have advantage on the attack
attack during this cycle, deal psychic damage equal to roll.
your Wisdom modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th). Hit: KICK + Strength fire damage. Deal fire damage equal
to your Wisdom modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th) to 1d4
Flow Attack (Swig from the Jug) nearby enemies.
Melee attack Miss: Damage equal to your level
Always: You can drink a potion as a free action.
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. the target’s lowest defense Rabid Badger
Hit: PUNCH + Strength damage Adventurer Feat: Reduce the attack penalty of all
Miss: One enemy you are engaged with (GM’s choice) attacks in this form to -2.
can make a melee attack against you as a free action. The
enemy has disadvantage on the attack. Opening Attack (Badger)
Ki Power (Power Brew): If the potion has a random effect Melee attack
(like the bonus hit points gained from a healing potion), Attack: Dexterity + Level -4 vs. AC
you can spend a ki point to set the result as the maximum. Hit: JAB + Strength + 1d6 per level damage
Finishing Attack (Swaggering Spin) Miss: 1d6 damage (5th level: 2d6; 8th level: 3d6)
Melee attack Flow Attack (Badger Badger)
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. the target’s lowest defense Melee attack
Hit: KICK + Strength damage Target: Two enemies
Natural even hit: The target has disadvantage on its Attack: Dexterity + Level -4 vs. AC
attack rolls (save ends). Hit: PUNCH + Strength damage
Miss: One enemy you are engaged with (GM’s choice) Miss: 1d6 damage (5th level: 2d6; 8th level: 3d6)
can make a melee attack against you as a free action. The
enemy has disadvantage on the attack. Finishing Attack (Badger Badger
Firewalker Badger)
Ki Power (Firewalk): Spend a ki point to gain resist fire Melee attack
12+ until the end of the battle. If you already have fire Attack: Dexterity + Level -4 vs. AC
resistance, increase it by 2. Hit: KICK + Strength damage
5th level monk: Increase the resistance to 16+. Miss: 1d6 damage (5th level: 2d6; 8th level: 3d6)
Always: Make two follow-up attacks against the same
Opening Attack (Flying Cinders) target.
Melee attack Attack: Dexterity + Level -4 vs. AC
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC Hit: JAB damage
Hit: JAB + Strength fire damage Miss: —
Cycle bonus: Whenever an enemy makes a melee
attack against you, deal fire damage equal to your
Wisdom modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th) to the
Miss: Damage equal to your level. You can spend a ki
point to gain the cycle bonus.

Red Cliff Finishing Attack (Shadow Dance)
Melee attack
Opening Attack (Raise the Wall) Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. MD
Melee attack Hit: KICK + Strength damage, and you teleport to a
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC nearby location you can see.
Hit: JAB + Strength damage Miss: You can spend a ki point to reroll the attack, and
Cycle bonus: Enemies take a penalty to disengage add your Wisdom modifier as a bonus to the attack.
from you equal to your Wisdom modifier. Adventurer Feat: On a hit, you can teleport the target
Miss: Damage equal to your level. You can spend a ki instead.
point to gain the cycle bonus.
Adventurer Feat: With the cycle bonus, also reduce the
damage you take from enemy attacks by your level.
Sacred Fist
Opening Attack (Sacred Willow Sutra)
Flow Attack (Break the Barrier) Melee attack
Melee attack Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC Hit: JAB + Wisdom holy damage
Hit: PUNCH + Strength damage Cycle bonus: Your melee attacks deal holy damage,
First Miss: Repeat the attack once against a different and you can replace Strength with Wisdom for
enemy you are engaged with. damage.
Second Miss: Pop free from all enemies. Miss: Damage equal to your level. You can spend a ki
point to gain the cycle bonus.
Finishing Attack (Force Retreat)
Melee attack Adventurer Feat: With the cycle bonus, add both
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC Strength AND Wisdom to damage rolls instead of
Hit: The target can choose to either take no damage, pop replacing one with the other.
free and retreat to a far away location, OR take double
Flow Attack (Clear Spring Under the
KICK + Strength damage.
Miss: 1d8 damage (5th level: 2d8; 8th level: 3d8) Weeping Willow)
Melee attack
Shadow Fist Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC
Opening Attack (Embrace the Shadow) Hit: PUNCH + Wisdom damage. You or a nearby
Melee attack conscious ally can heal hit points equal to 1d4 + your
Wisdom modifier (2d4 + Wis x2 at 5th level; 4d4 + Wis
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. MD
x3 at 8th).
Hit: JAB + Strength damage
Miss: The target takes a -2 penalty to attacks against you
Cycle bonus: Gain a bonus to disengage checks equal
until the end of your next turn.
to your Wisdom modifier.
Miss: Damage equal to your level. You can spend a ki Champion Feat: On a hit, the target of your healing also
point to gain the cycle bonus. gains a +2 bonus to AC until the end of your next turn.
Flow Attack (Shadow Curtain) Finishing Attack (Moonlight
Melee attack Reflection in the Stream)
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. MD Melee attack
Hit: PUNCH + Strength damage, and if the next attack Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC
against you is a natural odd roll, change the target to this Hit: KICK + Wisdom damage. Spend a recovery to heal.
enemy. Heal half yourself, and grant the same amount to the
Miss: Damage equal to your level nearby wounded ally with the lowest hit point total. You
gain a +2 bonus to AC until the end of your next turn.
Miss: You gain a +2 bonus to AC until the end of your
next turn, and the nearby ally with the lowest hit point
total heals hit points equal to your level.

chapter 10
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. PD
Champion Tier Hit: KICK + Strength negative energy damage. If you reduce

Forms the target to 0 hp or fewer, raise it as a 5th level just-ripped-

free skeleton mook (13TW p. 88) under your control.
Calm of the Lotus Pond Miss: Damage equal to your level
7th level monk: 7th level mook
Opening Attack (Lotus Bloom) 9th level monk: 9th level mook
Melee attack
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC Finishing Attack (Finger of Blood)
Hit: JAB + Strength damage Melee attack
Cycle bonus: Roll saves at the start of your turn Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. PD
instead of at the end. Hit: PUNCH + Strength negative energy damage. You can
Miss: Damage equal to your level. You can spend a ki spend a recovery to heal hit points equal to the damage
point to gain the cycle bonus. (instead of a recovery roll).
Natural even hit: You can spend a ki point instead of
Flow Attack (Koi in the Water) a recovery.
Melee attack Miss: Half damage, and heal hit points equal to your level.
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC Champion Feat: You can target any nearby enemy with
Hit: PUNCH + Strength damage. Starting from next turn, this attack, without being engaged.
change your position in the initiative order to act directly
after one ally of your choice.
Miss: Damage equal to your level Great Wave of Crashing
Finishing Attack (Frog Croaking in the
Pond) Opening Attack (Storm Gathering at
Melee attack
Target: One nearby enemy Melee attack
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC
Hit: KICK + Strength damage. The target’s next attack Hit: JAB + Strength damage
roll is a miss, unless the natural roll is an 18+. Cycle bonus: When you hit with a melee attack, you
can force the target to pop free from you. If you do,
Miss: Damage equal to your level
reroll any damage dice that come up as natural 1.
Champion Feat: If the escalation die is 4+, you can Miss: Damage equal to your level. You can spend a ki
target two enemies you are engaged with. point to gain the cycle bonus.
Flow Attack (Ship Rocking on the
Forbidden Teachings of Kok Waves)
Abaator Melee attack
Opening Attack (Finger of Dust) Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC
Melee attack Hit: KICK + Strength damage. Until the end of your next
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. PD turn, you gain a +4 bonus to AC against melee attacks.
Hit: JAB + Strength negative energy damage, plus 1d6 Miss: Damage equal to your level
damage for each icon relationship point with the Lich
Finishing Attack (Wave Crashes Against
Cycle bonus: When a target has 25 hp or fewer after the Coast)
you hit it with a melee attack, you reduce it to zero hp. Melee attack
Miss: Damage equal to your level. You can spend a ki Attack: Make three separate attack rolls, Dexterity +
point to gain the cycle bonus. Level vs. each of the target’s three defenses (AC, PD and
7th level monk: 1d10 per icon relationship point; 40 MD). If at least one of the rolls hits, the attack is a hit.
hp or fewer Hit: PUNCH + Strength damage. For each defense that
9th level monk: 2d8 per icon relationship point; 60 you hit, gain an additional effect as below.
hp or fewer Hit against AC: Deal 1d12 extra damage (8th level:
Flow Attack (Finger of Bones) Hit against PD: The target is forced to pop free from
Melee attack you, and you push it to a nearby location of your
Target: One nearby enemy

choice. If the location is dangerous (acid pit, over a Attack: Dexterity OR Strength + Level vs. AC
ledge etc.), it can make a save to prevent that danger. Hit: You grab the target, and it takes ongoing poison
Hit against MD: The target is hampered until the end damage equal to twice your level (save ends both).
of your next turn. Miss: Damage equal to your level
Miss: —
Finishing Attack (Death Fang)
Epic Feat: Before making the attack, you can engage a Melee attack
nearby enemy as a free action.
Special: If the target is grabbed by you, you can spend a
ki point to gain advantage on the attack roll.
Polished Jade Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC
Opening Attack (Jade Jewel) Hit: 40 ongoing poison damage
Miss: Half damage
Melee attack
7th level: 70 ongoing damage
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. MD
9th level: 100 ongoing damage
Hit: JAB + Strength damage
Cycle bonus: Gain a +2 bonus to MD. Champion Feat: Each time the target fails a save against
Miss: Damage equal to your level + Wisdom modifier. the ongoing damage, increase that damage by twice your
You can spend a ki point to gain the cycle bonus. level.

Flow Attack (Jade Cut)

Melee attack
White Dragon Mountain
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. PD Opening Attack (Glacial Touch)
Hit: PUNCH + Strength damage Melee attack
Natural 16+: The attack deals maximum damage. Target: One nearby enemy
Miss: Damage equal to your level Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. PD
Finishing Attack (Jade and Pearl) Hit: JAB + Strength + Wisdom cold damage
Melee attack Cycle bonus: When you miss with an attack, deal extra
cold damage equal to twice your Wisdom modifier (x3
Target: One nearby enemy
at 8th level).
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. PD
Miss: Damage equal to your level + twice your Wisdom
Hit: KICK + Strength damage. The target cannot reduce modifier (x3 at 8th level). You can spend a ki point to gain
this damage in any way, such as through resistance. The the cycle bonus.
attack also doesn’t trigger interrupt actions.
Miss: Damage equal to your level Champion Feat: On a natural even hit, the target is
dazed until the end of your next turn.
Champion Feat: Deal half damage on a miss.
Flow Attack (Spread the Ice)
Scales of The Serpent Melee attack
Target: All enemies you are engaged with
Opening Attack (Serpentine Gaze) Always: Any targets that don’t fly have disadvantage on
Close-quarters attack disengage checks until the end of your next turn.
Target: One nearby enemy Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. PD
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD Hit: PUNCH + Strength + Wisdom cold damage
Hit: Psychic damage equal to twice your level Miss: Damage equal to your level
Cycle bonus: The target cannot attack you until you
make an attack against it. You cannot affect the same Finishing Attack (Avalanche Breath)
enemy twice in the same battle with this power. Close-quarters power
Miss: Damage equal to your level Target: 1d3 nearby enemies
Flow Attack (Slithering Coil) Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. PD
Hit: 1d10 per level + Strength + Wisdom cold damage
Melee attack
Miss: Half damage
Target: One nearby enemy
Always: Until the end of the battle, when your monk
Always: Move to engage the enemy. This movement
attack is a natural 1-5, you can spend 2 ki points to use
cannot be intercepted.
Avalanche Breath as a quick action once on the same turn.
Special: If the target is under your Serpentine Gaze
effect, you can spend a ki point to gain advantage on the
attack roll.

chapter 10
Ghost Fist
Epic Tier Forms Opening Attack (Ghosts Awaken)
Clouds of the Morning Mist Melee attack
Opening Attack (Step between the Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC
Hit: JAB + Strength damage.
Cycle bonus: When a nearby enemy makes a melee
Melee attack
attack against you, you can spend a ki point to make
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC the attack below as an interrupt action. The interrupt
Hit: JAB + Strength damage resolves before their attack.
Cycle bonus: You have resist physical damage 16+. Target: The enemy who attacked you
Miss: Damage equal to your level. You can spend a ki
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. PD
point to gain the cycle bonus.
Hit: JAB + Strength force damage, and the target’s
Flow Attack (Step from the Clouds) attack has disadvantage.
Melee attack Miss: Damage equal to your level
Target: One nearby or far away enemy Miss: Damage equal to your level
Always: Teleport to engage the enemy Epic Feat: You can make the interrupt attack granted by
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC the cycle bonus when attacked by a nearby enemy with
Hit: PUNCH + Strength damage a ranged or close-quarters attack. You can pop free and
Miss: Damage equal to your level engage the enemy to make the attack.
Epic Feat: Deal half damage on a miss.
Flow Attack (Shatter the Spirit)
Finishing Attack (Vanish without a Melee attack
Trace) Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC
Hit: PUNCH + Strength damage, and the target is
Melee attack
hampered (save ends). The target can choose to take five
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC
times its level in damage to shake off the condition as a
Hit: KICK + Strength damage, and you are invisible until
free action, without a save.
the start of your next turn.
Miss: Damage equal to your level
Miss: Choose to deal half damage OR become invisible
until the start of your next turn. Finishing Attack (Possessing Spirit)
Melee attack
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD; if the target is hampered,
you have advantage on the attack.
Hit: KICK psychic damage. The target immediately
makes an attack against another nearby enemy of your
Miss: Half damage
Heavenly Kick
Opening Attack (Foot Parts the Clouds)
Melee attack
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC
Hit: KICK + Strength damage. You can spend a ki point
to reroll any number of damage dice once.
Miss: Damage equal to your level

Flow Attack (Prodigious Leap) Rise of the Red Dragon
Melee attack
Always: Fly to engage a nearby or far away enemy. Opening Attack (The Dragon Awakens)
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC Close-quarters power
Hit: KICK + Strength damage Effect (cycle bonus): For the current attack cycle, you
Natural even hit: Deal half damage to a different change your shape into a humanoid-sized dragon. You
nearby enemy. You can spend a ki point to deal half can fly and you have resist fire 16+. Once per round, you
damage to a second nearby enemy. can spend a ki point to make the following breath weapon
Miss: Damage equal to your level attack as a quick action.
Target: 1d3 nearby enemies
Finishing Attack (Stomping Storm Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. PD
Giant) Hit: 5d6 + Strength fire damage
Melee attack Miss: Damage equal to your level
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC
Epic Feat: The first time you use your breath weapon in
Hit: KICK + Strength + 3d6 lightning damage
a battle, it does not cost a ki point.
Natural even hit: If the target has 150 hp or fewer
after the attack, it is stunned until the end of your Flow Attack (Swooping Dragon)
next turn. You can spend a ki point to increase the
Melee attack
limit to 500 hp.
Special: If you fly to engage the enemy before making this
Miss: Lightning damage equal to your level + 3d6.
attack, gain a +2 bonus to the attack roll.
10th level monk: Increase the bonus damage to 5d6,
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC
and the stun limit to 250 / 1000 hp.
Hit: PUNCH + Strength damage
Quivering Palm Natural even hit: If the target is humanoid size or
Epic Feat: You can target PD instead of AC with smaller, you can grab it.
Quivering Palm attacks. First Miss: Make a second attack roll against the same
Opening Attack (Interrupted Ki Flow) Second Miss: —
Melee attack
Finishing Attack (Rampaging Dragon)
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC
Melee attack
Hit: JAB + Strength damage. The target is vulnerable to
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC
your attacks, and it cannot gain temporary hit points or
Hit: KICK + Strength damage, and nearby staggered
heal (save ends both).
enemies are struck with fear (-4 to attack and can’t use the
Miss: Damage equal to your level
escalation die) until the end of your next turn. If you hit
Flow Attack (Ki Block) with the breath weapon attack gained from The Dragon
Melee attack Awakens this turn, deal double damage.
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC Miss: Half damage
Hit: PUNCH + Strength damage, and the target is ki
blocked (save ends).
Ki blocked: The target cannot roll saves against
other effects, including ongoing damage, until it saves
against this effect.
Miss: Damage equal to your level
Finishing Attack (Marked for Death)
Melee attack
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC
Hit: The target takes double damage from all attacks
against it (save ends; the effect also ends if the target is
staggered by an attack).
Miss: The next attack that hits the target deals 25 extra

With the new talents and spells in this book, you can de-
velop your necromancer character in new and interesting
directions. Your necromantic powers have a vampiric origin. You
thirst for blood—you can hear the sound of a beating
If you are going the summoning route, Grave Bond
heart from across the room, and the fresh smell of an
increases your ability to keep your summoned undead
open wound is intoxicating.
in the fight. If you would like to make it clear that your
spells coerce and torture summoned creatures, Eternal You have advantage on skill checks to sense the heartbeat
Tormentor offers the opposite of the Redeemer talent. of nearby living creatures.
If you’d rather take down your enemies with direct Once per battle, you can drink a cup of blood as a
spells, the Bloodseeker talent enhances your ability to standard action to fuel your magic, similar to a sorcerer
deal direct damage, whereas the Solemn Beauty talent gathering power. Heal hit points equal to your Charisma
makes your spells harder to resist. modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th) + level. The next
Choose Black Cabalist if your Necromancer is the spell you cast this battle deals double damage. If you
serious and studious type, or Disgusting Display of cast a summoning spell, the creature you summon has
Depravity if they are really in it for a good show. advantage on its first attack, and that attack deals double
If you’d rather play something less frail, look at the damage.
Tomb Knight and Vigor Mortis talents to build a Adventurer Feat: When you cast an empowered
character who won’t be chopped to pieces immediately if necromancer spell, the target is vulnerable to it (+2 to
they get caught in melee combat. your critical threat range).
Champion Feat: When you gather power, you can also
Necromancer save against a “save ends” effect.

Talents Epic Feat: You now heal your Charisma modifier x3 +

twice your level.
Black Cabalist
You were initiated to the first circle of the Black Cabal, Disgusting Display of
an ancient, occult form of necromancy. For years you Depravity
have spent night after night hunched over dusty tomes Necromancy is a widely despised form of magic, but
and gnarly parchments, secluded from a society that you don’t hide your art to avoid attention. You revel
will never truly appreciate your gift, but even now, you in it. Your spells are all ominous chants, flying skulls,
have merely begun to unlock its true secrets. and dripping blood, and your summoned creatures are
You have advantage (roll twice and take the better result) horribly disfigured stuff of nightmares.
on skill checks regarding occult lore, death, and necro- Once per day per Charisma modifier, when you cast a
mancy. This includes skill checks you make to cast nec- necromancer daily spell, also make a Charisma + Level
romantic rituals. attack vs. the highest MD of all nearby enemies. If you
Adventurer Feat: Once per day, when you cast a hit, all nearby enemies are struck by fear (-4 to attack and
necromancer spell, narrate how you studied the spell in can’t use the escalation die) until the end of your next turn.
a flashback. You have advantage on the first attack roll Adventurer Feat: You have advantage on skill checks to
with the spell. intimidate or disgust people.
Champion Feat: If you invest a feat into a necromancer Champion Feat: If you miss, you still affect all nearby
spell, you also gain the benefits of any other feat of that mooks.
spell, up to your current tier. Epic Feat: On a natural 17+, the fear effect is “save ends”
Epic Feat: Once per day, you can cast a necromantic against all enemies with fewer than 170 hit points.
ritual by sacrificing a living creature instead of expending
a spell.
Eternal Tormentor
You take perverse pleasure from taking command over
restless spirits, bending their will and directing their
anger toward your enemies. Your spells are twisted and
painful for every soul under your control, and in return
they rattle their chains even harder.

chapter 11
Special: You cannot choose both this talent and the
Redeemer talent.
Tomb Knight
Once, you were a proud warrior, a soldier, or even a
Undead you summon deal extra damage equal to your noble knight, and a force to be reckoned with on the
level on a hit. battlefield. But that is a memory of the past, as you have
However, if an undead you summoned rolls a natural fallen. The darkness consumed you. While the strength
1 on an attack, your control slips and it is free to act as left your body, you have gained strange, cursed powers.
it pleases (under GM control). Brainless undead like You still cling to the old insignia of your status, the
skeletons and zombies just shuffle off or attack the nearest armor, the sword. It is only a question of time until your
living creature until destroyed, whereas intelligent shoulders become too weak to carry them. You would no
undead like wraiths will try to get back at their tormentor. longer beat a skilled swordsman in a fair fight, but then,
You cannot dismiss undead who have slipped from your you no longer fight fair.
control. As a standard action, you can attempt to regain You can wield one-handed martial melee weapons and
control of your summoned undead with an Intelligence + wear shields and heavy armor without an attack penalty.
Level vs. MD attack. Increase your base AC in heavy armor to 13.
Adventurer Feat: On a critical hit, your summoned You gain a 3-point background toward knightly virtues,
undead deal 1d6 extra damage (2d6 at 5th level; 3d6 at such as heraldry, falconry, jousting, or courtly love.
8th). Special: If you are a multiclassed necromancer, you now
Champion Feat: When you spend a quick action to count as a “skillful warrior” and no longer reduce your
allow a summoned undead to benefit from the escalation WEAPON die from the necromancer side. However, you
die (as per the summoning rules on p. 5), it gains a lose one necromancer spell slot of the highest level you
+2 bonus to its critical threat range that round. can cast.
Epic Feat: Your non-mook summoned undead deal 3d6 Adventurer Feat: When wielding a shield, you can
extra damage on normal hits too. cast ranged necromancer spells without provoking
opportunity attacks.
Grave Bond Champion Feat: If you hit with your next melee attack
Undead you summon can feed from your life essence. after you cast a necromancer spell, you deal additional
Whenever you spend a recovery to heal, one nearby negative energy damage equal to the spell level. Only
undead you summoned, or your skeletal minion, heals count the highest level spell, multiple spells do not stack.
half of the amount. Epic Feat: You gain a +1 bonus to hit with necromancer
spells against enemies you are engaged with.
Adventurer Feat: You can choose to grant the full
amount to the undead and heal half the amount yourself.
Champion Feat: When you heal your summoned Vigor Mortis
undead with this talent, the target also gains a +2 bonus The powers of death aren’t just gnawing on your body,
to attacks and defenses until the end of your next turn. they have twisted it in weird ways. Either you don’t feel
Epic Feat: All other undead under your control, except pain anymore, or you have become addicted to it.
the primary target, heal a quarter of the amount. Increase your base PD to 11 and your base hit points to
7 + Con.
Once per day per Dexterity modifier (minimum 1),
Solemn Beauty you can perform a bizarre freak show stunt with your
You have a dark, otherworldly aura, the face of an angel body. Bend it in unnatural ways, pierce it, cough up bugs,
on a mask of death. maybe even detach and reattach a limb. If you stare into
The first time an enemy rolls a save against an effect from the disgusted faces of your fellow players, you are doing it
your necromancer spells, increase the save DC by your right. This does not require a skill check, unless the GM
Charisma modifier. This includes saves against ongoing decides to require one, such as for a particularly artistic
damage. Note that a natural roll of 18+ always saves. execution.
Adventurer Feat: When an enemy fails a save against Adventurer Feat: While staggered, increase your
one of your spells, heal hit points equal to the spell level. recovery dice to d8s.
Champion Feat: Once per scene, you gain advantage on Champion Feat: You can expend one use of your stunt
a Charisma-based skill check, as you enthrall the target as an interrupt action to reduce the damage you take
with your otherworldly presence. from a physical attack to half.
Epic Feat: Against mooks and normal-strength enemies, Epic Feat: Gain three extra daily uses of your stunt.
you always increase the save DC, not just the first.

Minor Drain
Necromancer Ranged spell; Anti-Cyclic (cast once per battle OR at-
Spells will when the escalation die is odd)
Target: One nearby creature
1st Level Spells Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD
Hit: 1d4 + Intelligence negative energy damage, and you
Bat Form heal hit points equal to half the damage dealt.
Close-quarters spell; Daily Miss: Deal damage and heal hit points equal to your level.
Effect: You transform into a small, winged, bat-like 3rd level spell: 3d4 damage
creature with glowing red eyes. In bat form, you can fly, 5th level spell: 5d4 damage
locate objects via echolocation, hunt insects, and sleep 7th level spell: 7d4 damage
upside down, but you can’t really fight. Your small size
9th level spell: 9d4 damage
and erratic movement makes you harder to hit (+2 AC),
but if you take any damage, you revert back to your Adventurer Feat: You can grant any healing that would
normal form. Otherwise, you can stay in bat form for up go above your maximum hit points to a nearby ally
to a full day, or change back as a standard action any time. instead.
You cannot cast spells in bat form. Champion Feat: Increase the damage dice to d6s.
Champion Feat: You can transform one ally per spell Epic Feat: Increase the damage dice to d8s.
level into a bat.
Sense Death
Chill Touch Close-quarters spell; Daily
Close-quarters spell; At-will Effect: For the next 1d6 hours, you have a heightened
Target: One enemy you are engaged with awareness of the presence of death around you. You have
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD advantage on skill checks to sense the presence of undead
creatures and lingering spirits of the deceased. You also
Hit: 1d8 + Intelligence cold damage, and the target takes
sense nearby dangers that have killed someone in the past,
a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
such as the deadly traps that protect an ancient tomb.
Miss: Damage equal to your level
3rd level spell: 3d8 damage Adventurer Feat: You can cast the spell on a nearby ally.
5th level spell: 5d8 damage
7th level spell: 7d8 damage Spectral Hand
9th level spell: 10d8 damage Close-quarters spell; Recharge 11+; Quick action
Effect: Create a floating hand of spectral matter that lasts
Champion Feat: On a natural even hit, the target is until the end of the battle. The hand can engage a nearby
dazed instead (-4 to attack) taking a -2 penalty. enemy when you create it, and you can move it to a
Epic Feat: Deal 15 damage to all other enemies you are different enemy as a quick action. Through the hand, you
engaged with. can target this enemy with any of your spells, regardless
of the spell’s normal range. The spell does not provoke
Death’s Memory opportunity attacks. The hand has your defenses, and hit
Close-quarters spell; Recharge 17+ points equal to twice the spell level. It ignores any damage
Effect: Touch a corpse of a creature to receive a vision of except force and holy damage.
how it died. You can use this spell on other objects, too,
Adventurer Feat: The hand can now engage far away
to receive a vision of its connection to death, if any, for
example a murder weapon.
Champion Feat: Spells cast through the hand deal extra
Adventurer Feat: The spell is now Recharge 13+. damage equal to the Spectral Hand’s spell level.
Epic Feat: You can move the hand as a free action on
your turn.

With spells like Death’s Memory, GMs need to balance how much information they can reveal to drive the plot forward
without skipping entire arcs of a planned adventure. For example, if the current adventure calls for a murder mystery,
you don’t want the spell to lead the PCs directly to the murderer. On the other hand, you want to reward the player for
bringing a spell that is useful in the situation. The trick is to reveal enough information to provide a useful clue and move
the plot forward. Maybe the victim was only able to gather a quick glance of the murderer. Maybe the PC can gather an
image of their face but can’t connect it to a name yet.

chapter 11
Summon Blasphemous Watchdog Any natural even roll: (Putrid fumes) Deal 1d8
Ranged spell; Daily poison damage to your rotting corpse and all enemies
Effect: You summon a skeletal hound (Core Book p. 246, engaged with it.
18 hp), as per the summoning rules on p. 5. The Slow: The rotting corpse has disadvantage on
hound acts as a watchdog for you or your possessions and disengage checks.
joins you in combat until the next sunrise, or until its hit Resist poison 17+; vulnerability holy
points are reduced to zero, whichever comes first. Adventurer Feat: Trigger putrid fumes the first time the
3rd level spell: Summon a spectral hound instead. corpse is hit by an attack between each of your turns.
Adventurer Feat: If the hound is next to you, you have Champion Feat: The first time your rotting corpse hits
advantage on skill checks to notice impending dangers. a target in a battle, the target is dazed until the end of
Champion Feat: You can sense your hound barking over your next turn.
several miles distance.
Rotting Corpse Level Advancement
Epic Feat: Your hound can teleport next to you on
command, regardless of where it is. Atk Fumes
Level Atk. AC PD MD HP
Dmg. Dmg.
Spectral Hound 1 +4 5 1d6 14 14 10 20
3rd level wrecker [Undead]; Initiative: +5
Savage bite: +9 vs. AC—12 damage 3 +7 8 2d6 16 16 12 30
Natural even hit or miss: The spectral hound can
make an un-canine howl attack as a free action. 5 +9 14 3d6 19 19 15 50
[Special trigger] C: Un-canine howl +9 vs. MD (1d3 7 +12 21 4d6 21 21 17 82
nearby enemies in a group)—5 psychic damage
Resist physical damage 17+: The spectral nature of 9 +15 33 6d6 24 24 20 122
the hound lets it take half damage from attacks with
mundane weapons unless the natural attack roll is 17+.
Spectral Hound Level Advancement Summon Undead
Bite Howl (Note: This is the same spell as listed in 13 True Ways
Level Atk. AC PD MD HP p. 86. This entry offers additional undead that you can
Dmg. Dmg.
summon with the spell.)
3 +9 12 5 17 16 12 28 Ranged spell; Daily
Effect: You summon a mob of 1d3 + 1 crumbling skeleton
5 +12 17 8 20 19 15 42
mooks (13 True Ways p. 86) or 1d3 + 1 bone archers
7 +14 30 13 22 21 17 66 (below), as per the summoning rules on p. 5. These
skeletons fight for you until the end of the battle, or until
9 +17 48 22 25 24 20 92 they drop to 0 hp, whichever comes first. As you cast
the spell at higher levels, you can summon the following
Summon Rotting Corpse 3rd level spell: 1d3 + 1 putrid zombie mooks (13TW)
Ranged spell; Daily or 1d3 + 1 zombombies (below)
Effect: You summon one rotting corpse, as per the 5th level spell: 1d3 + 1 starving ghoul mooks (13TW)
summoning rules on p. 5. The corpse fights for or 1d3 + 1 skeletal mages (below)
you until the end of the battle, or until it drops to 0 hp, 7th level spell: 1d3 + 1 masterless vampire spawn
whichever comes first. As you cast the spell at higher mooks (13TW) or 1d3 + 1 giant skeletons (below)
levels, you can summon higher level versions of the 9th level spell: 1d3 + 1 Blackamber skeletal warrior
corpse. mooks (13TW) or 1d3 + 1 minor liches (below)
Rotting Corpse Bone Archer
1st level undead [blocker] 1st level mook [Undead]; Initiative: +6
Created by enough magic to animate it, but not enough (Ranged) Skeletal Bow: +6 vs. AC—3 damage
to preserve it, a rotting corpse is a slow, festering, Vulnerability: holy; Resist weapons 15+
hulking mess that can be smelled from a mile away. Mook: Kill one bone archer mook for every 5 damage
Putrid Fist: +4 vs. AC--5 poison damage you deal to the mob.

Bone Archer Level Advancement Skeletal Mage Level Advancement
Level Atk. Dmg. AC PD MD HP Level Atk. Damage AC PD MD HP
1 +6 3 13 14 10 5 5 +9 10 + 3/mage 17 15 19 20

3 +8 6 15 16 12 8 7 +11 15 + 5/mage 19 17 21 32

5 +11 9 18 19 15 12 9 +14 22 + 8/mage 22 20 24 50

7 +13 16 20 21 17 18
Giant Skeleton
9 +16 24 23 24 20 27 7th level mook [Undead]; Initiative: +10
Giant Femur Club: +9 vs. AC—25 damage
Zombombie Vulnerability: holy; Resist weapons 15+
3rd level mook [Undead]; Initiative: +2 Mook: Kill one giant skeleton mook for every 33
Putrid claw: +7 vs. AC—5 poison damage damage you deal to the mob.
C: Putrid explosion +7 vs. PD—(When the zombombie Giant Skeleton Level Advancement
is killed, against all enemies engaged with it) 2d10 Level Atk. Dmg. AC PD MD HP
poison damage 7 +9 25 21 20 16 33
Miss: Half damage
Always: 1d10 poison damage to each ally engaged 9 +12 40 23 22 18 55
with at least one target
Headshot: A critical hit against a zombombie deals
triple damage instead of the normal double damage
Minor Lich
for a crit. 9th level mook [Undead]; Initiative: +15
Vulnerability: holy (Ranged) Finger of Death: +15 vs. PD—30 negative
Mook: Kill one zombombie mook for every 12 damage energy damage. If the target has 30 or less hit points
you deal to the mob. after the hit, it dies.
Zombombie Level Advancement Vulnerability: holy; Resist negative energy 15+
AC 22, PD 17, MD 21, HP 30 (mook)
Atk. Exp.
Level Atk. AC PD MD HP Mook: Kill one minor lich mook for every 30 damage
Dmg. Dmg.
you deal to the mob.
2d10 /
3 +7 5
13 14 10 12 Teeth
You send out spectral teeth to gnaw at your enemies.
5 +10 8
3d10 /
16 17 13 16 Ranged spell; At-will
2d6 Target: Two nearby enemies
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD
4d10 /
7 +12 14
18 19 15 22 Hit: 1d4 + Intelligence negative energy damage
Miss: —
6d10 / 3rd level spell: 1d10 damage
9 +15 21 21 22 18 30
3d10 5th level spell: 2d10 damage
7th level spell: 3d10 damage
9th level spell: 4d10 damage
Skeletal Mage
5th level mook [Undead]; Initiative: +9 Adventurer Feat: If both attacks hit, heal hit points
When you summon a skeletal mage, roll 1d4 to de- equal to your Charisma modifier (x2 at 5th level, x3 at
termine its element: (1) fire (2) cold (3) lightning (4) 8th) to a nearby undead under your control.
poison. Champion Feat: Deal 1d10 extra damage against
(Ranged) Bone Magic: +9 vs. PD—10 [random staggered enemies. (8th level: 2d10)
element] damage, +3 for each other nearby skeletal Epic Feat: Add your level to the healing effect.
Vulnerability: holy; resist [random element] 13+
Mook: Kill one skeletal mage mook for every 20
damage you deal to the mob.

chapter 11
Thirsting Blades to AC. Once per round, when you reduce a non-mook
Close-quarters spell; At-will enemy below zero hit points, or the last of a group of
Target: Two nearby melee weapons mooks, increase the armor bonus by +1. The maximum
Effect: The next time the wielder of the weapon hits with bonus from this spell is +4.
an attack, they can choose to pay 2 hit points. If they do, 7th level spell: The maximum bonus is now +5.
the attack deals 2d6 extra damage. Adventurer Feat: You can increase the armor bonus
3rd level spell: 3 hit points; 2d10 extra damage when an ally reduces a non-mook enemy below zero hit
5th level spell: 5 hit points; 3d10 extra damage points, but still only once per round.
7th level spell: 8 hit points; 4d12 extra damage Champion Feat: Also gain the bonus to PD.
9th level spell: 13 hit points; 1d8 x 10 extra damage
Bone Spear
Adventurer Feat: The wielder of the weapon can choose
to pay the hit points before making the attack. If they do, You summon a mystical spear of bone that passes right
they gain a +1 bonus to the attack. through the enemies in its way.
Close-quarters spell; Once per battle; Chain spell
Toxic Steel Target: One nearby creature
Melee attack; At-will Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. AC Hit: 3d8 + Intelligence negative energy damage
Hit: WEAPON + Strength + Intelligence poison damage Miss: Negative energy damage equal to your level
Natural 17+: 3 ongoing poison damage 5th level spell: 5d8 damage
Miss: Your level in damage 7th level spell: 7d8 damage
3rd level spell: 5 ongoing poison damage 9th level spell: 10d8 damage
5th level spell: 10 ongoing poison damage Chain spell: Each time your natural attack roll is even,
7th level spell: 15 ongoing poison damage you can attack a different target with the spell.
9th level spell: 25 ongoing poison damage Adventurer Feat: If you are engaged with the first target
Adventurer Feat: Deal extra damage equal to your of the spell, gain a +2 bonus to the attack roll against it.
Intelligence modifier on a miss. Champion Feat: Deal 1d8 extra damage on the first
Champion Feat: Deal ongoing damage on a natural 15+. attack (8th level: 2d8).

Brittle Bones
3rd Level Spells Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action
Blade of Suffering Target: One nearby enemy
Melee attack; At-will Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. AC Hit: Melee attacks against the target deal 1d12 extra
Hit: WEAPON + Intelligence negative energy damage. damage, and the target cannot resist damage from melee
Until the start of your next turn, the target takes 1d8 extra attacks (hard save 16+ ends).
damage from your allies’ attacks. Miss: The next melee attack against the target before the
Miss: Your level in damage end of your next turn deals 1d12 extra damage.
5th level spell: 2d8 extra damage 5th level spell: 2d12 extra damage
7th level spell: 3d8 extra damage 7th level spell: 3d12 extra damage
9th level spell: 4d8 extra damage 9th level spell: 4d12 extra damage
Adventurer Feat: Increase the extra damage to d10s. Adventurer Feat: The spell is now Recharge 17+ after
Blood Donation
Close-quarters spell; Once per battle; Quick action Deathrattle
Effect: One nearby willing ally can spend a recovery and Close-quarters spell; Once per battle; Interrupt action
make a recovery roll, except you gain the healing. If no Trigger: You are reduced below zero hit points by an
nearby ally is willing, deal 1 point of damage to all nearby attack.
creatures and you heal hit points equal to your level. Target: Your attacker
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD
Bone Armor Hit: Psychic damage equal to the damage of the attack
You clad yourself in the bones of your fallen enemies. that brought you below zero hit points, or 5 times the
Close-quarters spell; Daily spell level (whichever is higher).
Effect: Until the end of the battle, you gain a +1 bonus

Natural even hit: The target is dazed until the end of Summon Flesh Golem
your next turn. Ranged spell; Daily
Natural odd hit: Deal half damage to 1d3 nearby Effect: You summon one flesh golem, as per the
enemies. summoning rules on p. 5. The golem fights for you
Miss: Half damage until the end of the battle, or until it drops to 0 hp,
Champion Feat: On an even hit, the target is weakened whichever comes first. As you cast the spell at higher
instead. On an odd hit, target 1d4 nearby enemies. levels, you can summon higher level versions.
Flesh Golem
Ghoul Touch
3rd level undead [troop]
Close-quarters spell; Once per battle
Hastily patched together, and just as likely to patch
Target: One enemy you are engaged with
itself up with chunks of meat ripped from its enemies,
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD
or to fall apart as it strikes. At least its smell doesn’t
Hit: 3d12 + Intelligence negative energy damage. kill.
Natural 19+: The target is stunned until the end of Meaty Hook: +9 vs. AC—10 damage. If the golem is
its next turn. staggered, it heals 1d10 hp.
Miss: Half damage
Energy magnet: When a ranged or close-quarter
5th level spell: 5d12 damage, stun on natural 17+
attack that causes cold, fire, force, lightning, or
7th level spell: 7d12 damage, stun on natural 15+ negative energy damage targets you or a nearby ally,
9th level spell: 10d12 damage, stun on natural 13+ the flesh golem has a 50% chance of becoming the
Champion Feat: After the stun ends, the target is main target instead.
hampered until the end of its next turn. Adventurer Feat: Whenever the golem redirects an
energy attack to itself, it deals half of the redirected
Orb of Unlife
attack’s damage to all enemies it is engaged with.
I’m gonna say die with a little help from my friends.
Ranged spell; At-will Flesh Golem Level Advancement
Target: One nearby enemy Level Atk. Dmg. Heal AC PD MD HP
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD
3 +9 10 1d10 18 18 14 28
Hit: 3d8 + Intelligence negative energy damage. If one
nearby ally is willing to sacrifice 1d8 hit points, deal extra 5 +12 15 2d10 21 21 17 44
damage equal to that amount.
Miss: Damage equal to your level 7 +14 25 3d10 24 24 19 72
5th level spell: 5d8 damage; sacrifice 2d8
7th level spell: 7d8 damage; sacrifice 3d8 9 +17 45 4d10 26 26 22 108
9th level spell: 10d8 damage; sacrifice 4d8
Adventurer Feat: Deal extra damage equal to twice the Visions of Grief
amount of sacrificed hit points. The deepest connection between the mortal world and
the Underworld is in the hearts of people.
Shared Pain Close-quarters spell; Recharge 13+ after the scene
Ranged attack; Once per battle Target: A nearby person
Target: One nearby enemy Effect: You receive a short vision of the strongest
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD feelings that the target has towards a deceased person.
Hit: Starting with you, you and each nearby ally can The emotions can range the whole gamut from regret, to
choose to pay any number of hit points into the spell. For anger, to longing and love.
every 5 hit points paid in total, deal 1d20 damage to the
enemy target, up to a maximum of 4d20.
5th Level Spells
Miss: As a hit, but deal 1d8 damage for each hit point Aura of Forbiddance
paid (up to 4d8). Visions of their own deaths make enemies reluctant to
5th level spell: Up to 6d20 / 6d8 damage approach you.
7th level spell: Up to 9d20 / 9d8 damage Close-quarters spell; Recharge 17+ after battle; Quick
9th level spell: Up to 15d20 / 15d8 damage action
Champion Feat: You can cast this spell as an interrupt Effect: Until the end of your next turn, enemies must
when an enemy is making an attack against you. It succeed at a hard save (16+) to engage or attack you. If
resolves before the attack.

chapter 11
they fail, they take psychic damage equal to your Charisma Dark Conduit
modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th), they are struck by Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action
fear (-4 to attack, can’t use the escalation die) and can’t Target: A nearby ally
engage you until the end of your next turn. Enemies who Effect: Until the end of the battle, the target deals 2d6
successfully saved against the effect are immune to the extra negative energy damage on a hit with a melee attack.
spell until the end of the battle. Both you and the target heal hit points equal to half the
After the end of your next turn, the spell effect extra damage.
continues, but the save is now a normal save (11+). The 7th level spell: 2d10 extra damage
following turn, it is an easy save (6+), after which the spell 9th level spell: 4d8 extra damage
Champion Feat: The spell is now Recharge 17+ after
Champion Feat: The spell is now Recharge 13+. battle.
Epic Feat: You can cast this spell as a free action when
you roll initiative. Death Mark
Melee attack; Once per battle
Bone Wall Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. AC
Close-quarters spell; Daily Hit: WEAPON + Strength + Intelligence negative
Effect: You create a barrier of piled-up bones across energy damage. Your attack rolls against the target have
the battlefield that lasts until the end of the battle. The advantage (save ends).
barrier is tall enough to reach a 10-foot-high ceiling and Miss: Your level in damage
block a 20-foot-wide corridor. It takes a move action and
Champion Feat: On a miss, the spell is not expended.
a normal difficulty skill check to climb to the top of the
barrier. It is possible to shoot through the barrier with Epic Feat: The target is also vulnerable to your attacks
disadvantage on the attack roll. (save ends both).
Enemies can deal 10 times the spell level in damage
to the barrier to create a hole that is big enough for a
Spirit Shield
normal-sized creature to squeeze through. Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action
Target: You or a nearby ally
Champion Feat: You can use your own spells through Effect: The target spends a recovery and gains temporary
the barrier without disadvantage. hit points equal to the recovery roll. Until the end of the
battle, whenever the target is hit by an attack, protective
Corpse Explosion spirits deal negative energy damage equal to the spell
At the moment of death, great spiritual energies are level to the attacker.
released, which you harness in a fiery explosion.
Champion Feat: The target makes a save (11+). On a
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Interrupt action
success, the recovery is free.
Trigger: A nearby non-mook creature, or the last of a
group of mooks, dies Summon Bone Pile
Target: The 1d3 enemies closest to the killed creature. Ranged spell; Daily
You can cast this spell recklessly to target 1d6 enemies
Effect: You summon one animated pile of bones, as
per the summoning rules on p. 5. The pile fights for
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD you until the end of the battle, or until it drops to 0 hp,
Hit: 3d6 fire damage, multiplied by the level of the killed whichever comes first. As you cast the spell at higher
creature levels, you can summon higher level versions.
Miss: Half damage
Reckless miss: Your allies engaged with the missed Bone Pile
target take 1d6 fire damage per level of the killed 5th level undead [troop]
creature. A hulking, unstructured pile of bones that can split
Champion Feat: When casting this spell recklessly, and merge at will.
target a number of creatures equal to the d6 roll or the Bone Whip: +12 vs. AC, 2 attacks—9 damage
escalation die, whichever is higher. Natural even hit: The target is chained to the pile. A
chained target has disadvantage on disengage checks
and the pile has advantage on attacks against it (a
successful save or disengage check ends the effect).
Strangle: At the start of its turn, the pile can make one
attack against each creature chained to it as a free action.

Split: The bone pile can split itself into two creatures Underworld Lightning Rod
as a quick action. Each half-pile only has only one Ranged spell; Recharge 16+; Quick action
attack per standard action, and half of the hit points Target: All nearby allied undead you control (including
from before the split. A half-pile can’t split again. yourself if you are undead)
Merge: If the two halves are not engaged, they can Effect: The targets gain resist negative energy and
merge as a free action on your turn. If they do, add the lightning 15+ until the end of the battle. Whenever the
hit points of both halves, and they regain the ability to resistance reduces damage, the target heals hit points
make two attacks. equal to this spell’s level.
Champion Feat: If a nearby creature with bones in it Champion Feat: The resistance also includes fire, cold,
(such as a humanoid) is killed, it heals hit points equal and thunder damage.
to your level. If the pile is split, only one half can gain
the benefit. Vampiric Touch
Epic Feat: The pile can rattle as a quick action. When it Close-quarters spell; Daily
does, it makes its next attack against MD instead of AC. Target: One enemy you are engaged with
Bone Pile Level Advancement Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD
Hit: Heal using a free recovery, and deal damage to the
Level Atk. Dmg. AC PD MD HP target equal to the hit points healed.
5 +12 9 22 21 17 48 Miss: Necrotic damage and healing equal to your level
Champion Feat: Gain a +2 bonus to the attack roll if the
7 +14 13 24 23 19 72
target is staggered.
9 +17 21 27 26 22 108 Epic Feat: Increase your recovery dice to d12s for this

Summon Bone Rider

Ranged spell; Daily
7th Level Spells
Effect: You summon Bone Rider, as per the summoning Blood Command
rules on p. 5. The undead fights for you until the end Close-quarters spell; Once per battle
of the battle or until it drops to 0 hp, whichever comes Target: One nearby enemy
first. Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD
7th level spell: Summon a headless knight Hit: 6d6 + Intelligence negative energy damage, and you
9th level spell: Summon a ghost rider heal hit points equal to half the amount of damage dealt. If
Bone Rider the target has 100 hp or less after taking damage, you control
5th level troop [Undead]; Initiative: +7 the target on its next turn. If you give the target a suicidal
Bone blade +10 vs. AC—20 damage command, it can immediately save against the effect.
Mounted advantage: Against unmounted, normal- Miss: Necrotic damage equal to your level
size and smaller targets, the bone rider gains a +2 9th level spell: 10d8 damage; 150 hp or less
bonus to attack and deals +1d8 damage. Champion Feat: Gain a +2 bonus to the attack roll if the
Give chase: On open terrain, enemies have target is staggered.
disadvantage on disengage checks against the bone Epic Feat: Increase your recovery dice to d12s for this
rider. spell.
Vulnerability: holy; Resist weapons 15+
Bone Rider Level Advancement Blood Tithe
Level Atk. Dmg. AC PD MD HP Ranged spell; Daily
Target: One enemy
5 +10 20 20 19 15 50 Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD
Hit: Whenever the target takes ongoing damage from any
7 +12 35 22 21 17 85
source, you heal hit points equal to the ongoing damage
9 +15 58 25 24 20 125 dealt (save ends).
Miss: You regain the spell at the end of the battle.
Champion Feat: At the end of its turn, the target has to
decide whether it wants to save against ongoing damage
effects or this spell. It can’t do both.

chapter 11
Bone Prison One Foot in the Grave
Ranged spell; Daily Ranged spell; Daily
Target: One nearby enemy Effect: You, any undead you have summoned, and up to
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD 4 nearby allies teleport to a crypt or graveyard that you
Hit: The target is caught in a bone prison. It cannot have visited before. Any living creatures travelling with
engage enemies outside of the prison, but ranged and you must succeed at a save or lose a recovery (if they
close-quarters attacks are still possible. The prison is have any). You can teleport up to one mile per point of
destroyed if 20 times the spell’s level in damage is dealt Intelligence modifier.
to it. 9th level spell: You can teleport up to 100 miles per
Miss: You create the prison but fail to catch the enemy point of Intelligence modifier.
with it. Epic Feat: You can teleport twice as many creatures OR
Champion Feat: You can target 1d3 enemies in a group you can teleport living beings without causing them to
with this spell, but that also targets all creatures engaged lose a recovery.
to them, and the targets can’t be large or bigger.
Scythe of the Reaper
Desperate vengeance Death is certain, but you never know where or when it
Death is a willing ally if you pay the price. strikes.
Close-quarters spell; Daily Close-quarters spell; Daily
Special: When you cast this spell, add one failed death Target: A random nearby enemy
save to the number you failed this battle. For each ally Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD. Gain advantage on
willing to do the same, increase the number of targets the attack roll against staggered enemies.
by one. Hit: 2d8 x 10 negative energy damage
Target: One nearby or far away enemy Miss: Half damage
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD. For each ally who is 9th level spell: 3d8 x 10 damage
currently unconscious and gave up a death save, you gain Champion Feat: If the escalation die is 3+, you can cast
advantage on one attack roll. this spell as a free action, even when it is not your turn.
Hit: Negative energy damage equal to half the target’s
total hit points (up to 444 damage). Soulbound Return
Miss: Negative energy damage equal to a quarter of the Ranged spell; Daily
target’s total hit points (up to 222 damage). Target: A dead ally
9th level spell: Up to 666 / 333 damage. Effect: You or a living, willing ally binds some of their
Hails from the Grave own life force into the body of the deceased target to
bring them back to life. This is a strenuous experience
The screeching wails of tortured spirits drive your
that puts a heavy toll on both the giver and the recipient.
enemies insane.
Both permanently lose a recovery, they roll one less die
Close-quarters spell; Daily
for recoveries.
Target: 1d3 nearby enemies in a group
The resurrected target randomly chooses an ability
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD
score and reduces it by 2, and gains the necromancer
Hit: 8d8 + Intelligence psychic damage. If the target has Sorta Dead talent as a bonus talent. In their zombie-like
200 hp or less after taking damage, it is also confused state, they retain their own consciousness and free will,
(save ends). but their life is now forever linked to the giver. Whenever
Miss: Half damage, and no confusion the giver takes damage and the resurrected ally is nearby,
9th level spell: 8d12 damage; confused up to 400 hp they can force their ally to take half of that damage.
Champion Feat: Deal 3d8 psychic damage to 1d3 other If the resurrected ally is killed again, they can only be
nearby enemies. brought back as a mindless zombie.

Soulbound Return is a devil’s bargain. You get to keep

playing your beloved character, but at what price? Be-
ware the Lich King even if he brings gifts …

Summon Blood Golem battlefield takes 30 poison damage (save for half ). Allies
Ranged spell; Daily must succeed at an easy save (6+) or take 10 poison damage.
Effect: You summon one blood golem, as per the Any creature that is reduced to 0 hp or below by
summoning rules on p. 5. The golem fights for you the poison remains conscious, but they are confused
until the end of the battle, or until it drops to 0 hp, (attacking their own allies). If a confused creature takes
whichever comes first. As you cast the spell at higher damage, or if they are healed above zero hit points,
levels, you can summon higher level versions. the confusion effect ends. Confused creatures take no
damage from the poison.
Blood Golem
7th level undead [troop] Epic Feat: Increase the damage against enemies who fail
their save by 5 times the escalation die.
Blood golems are created from large quantities of blood,
and they feed on the blood of the creatures they slay. Return Stronger Than Ever Before
Scabbed Claws: +14 vs. AC—6d6 damage. Your
Close-quarters spell; Recharge 17+; No action
golem heals hit points equal to the sum of all damage
dice that come up even, and you heal hit points equal Trigger: You succeed at a death save (you can cast this
to the sum of all damage dice that come up odd. spell while unconscious)
Blood-activated: When you summon a blood golem, Effect: Immediately spend a recovery to heal. The first
spend a recovery without healing. necromancer spell you cast after the start of your next
turn deals double damage OR summons twice as many
Golem immunity: The golem can’t be dazed,
weakened, confused, made vulnerable, or touched by
ongoing damage. Epic Feat: Heal twice the amount of hit points on a save.
Blood Golem Level Advancement
Siphon Ultimate Power
Level Atk. Dmg. AC PD MD HP
Ranged spell; Daily
7 +14 6d6 24 24 20 70 Effect: Ask each nearby ally if they are willing to support
your casting of the spell. For each willing ally, you gain
9 +17 9d6 27 27 23 115 an extra standard action this turn, and you can use one
of their spells or powers. If that power is not at-will, it is
9th Level Spells expended. You can replace any ability score in the power’s
description with Intelligence. You only gain the spell or
Angel of Death power itself, no other abilities or bonuses that are not part
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action of the description, unless they are required for it to work.
Effect: You grow black raven wings that allow you to After casting this spell, you take a -1 penalty to all
fly until the end of the battle. The first time you hit an attacks and defenses for each extra action you took (save
enemy with an attack each turn, that enemy also takes 25 ends).
ongoing negative energy damage.
Summon Dracolich
Epic Feat: If the enemy is staggered, deal 40 ongoing
Ranged spell; Daily
damage instead and the save is a hard save (16+).
Effect: You summon a dracolich, as per the summoning
Blood Vortex rules on p. 5. The creature fights for you until the end
of the battle or until it drops to 0 hp, whichever comes
Ranged spell; Daily
Special: If you have 50 hit points or less, you can cast
Blood Vortex at-will. (Summoned) Dracolich
Target: One nearby enemy per point of Charisma 9th level caster [Undead, Dragon]; Initiative: +14
modifier Bone Claws: +14 vs. AC, 2 attacks—20 damage
Attack: Intelligence + level vs. PD Natural 5 or less: The Dracolich can use its Blight
Hit: 2d8 x 10 + Intelligence negative energy damage Breath attack on its next turn.
Miss: Half damage (Special) C: Blight Breath +13 vs. PD (1d3 nearby
enemies)—20 negative energy damage, and the target
Creeping Madness is blighted. Blighted enemies take half of the damage
Close-quarters spell; Daily they deal with their next attack.
Effect: Until the end of the battle, poisonous fumes from Vulnerability: holy; Flight
the deepest recesses of the Underworld pour onto the AC 25, PD 22, MD 22, HP 130
battlefield. At the start of their turn, each enemy on the

As the class with up to six talents, the most in the game, Martial Rebuke
but a rather short list of choices, the occultist really Close-quarters spell; At-will; Quick action; expends
benefits from more options. As a new option, you’ll find focus
champion- and epic-tier talents that you can take once Effect: Make a basic melee attack.
your path to power has taken you to 5th and 8th level.
Adventurer Feat: On a natural 5, 10, 15, or 20 on the

Adventurer Tier attack roll, you can teleport to a nearby location after
making the attack.
Talents Champion Feat: Increase the WEAPON damage dice of
the attack by one step (1d4 to 1d6 for a dagger, or 1d8 to
For straightforward options, consider Child of Prophecy
1d10 for a longsword).
for an extra spell, or Watch the World Burn for more
damage. If you would like to play your occultist as a clas- Epic Feat: If the target is staggered, increase your critical
sic healer-support character, consider the Karmic Cure threat range with this attack by your Intelligence modifier.
talent, which gives you a healing ability as an alternative
to Karmic Rebuke. Child of Prophecy
If you are looking to complement the Hewer of Truth Your birth was not a coincidence. It was part of a plan.
talent for a more melee-focused build, consider the Blade You may not agree with the plan, or even be aware of it,
of Castigation talent to make a melee attack with your but it’s there. Not only are you the only occultist alive,
rebuke and Knight of the Purple Gate for armor. Reeds you might be strongest that ever walked.
of Rectitude turns you into an archer. Gain a bonus occultist spell.
Planar Chaos to dabble in chaos magic, whereas However, the prophecy also alludes to your ultimate
Weaver of Fates gives access to fateweaver spells. downfall, whether it’s a spear to the chest or being burned
If you’re looking to put a twist on the occultist at the stake. Choose an appropriate damage type, such
concept, consider Air of Exuberance to tie your magic as physical weapons or fire. You are vulnerable to this
to Charisma, or Plot Twist, which puts a kibosh on the damage type.
whole uniqueness theory that 13 True Ways tried to
establish. The Iconoclast talent ties all your icon relations Adventurer Feat: Gain a 3-point background related to
to your allies. the prophecy.
Champion Feat: Gain the adventurer feats of all
Air of Exuberance occultist spells you know.
The reality distortion field that surrounds you is part of Epic Feat: Gain the champion feats of all occultist spells
your charm. It’s as if you have convinced the universe to you know.
bend around you.
You can replace Intelligence with Charisma when casting
your occultist spells. You also gain Charm Person (Core
Book p. 88) as a bonus spell at your class level. All icons pay attention to you, but not all of them get
close enough to influence your life.
Adventurer Feat: Whenever you retain focus with an Special: You cannot take this talent if you have the Icon
Occultist spell, you gain temporary hit points equal to Channeler or Icon Envoy talents.
your Charisma modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th).
You don’t have icon relationships of your own. Instead,
Champion Feat: When you hit an enemy with Karmic whenever the party rolls icon relationships, you hand out
Rebuke, deal psychic damage equal to your level to a 4 bonus icon relationship dice, split in any way you like
different nearby enemy. between your allies. You choose the icon they roll for, but
Epic Feat: Once per battle, when you are missed by an including these dice, no ally can roll more than 3 dice for
attack, the attacker takes the miss effect, and you take a single icon.
no damage. At 5th level, hand out 5 dice, and at 8th level, six.
Adventurer Feat: If any ally rolls a 1 on their icon
Blade of Castigation relationship dice, you gain that 1. At any time during the
It’s the mind that cuts, but the body that bleeds. session, you can spend two 1s with two different icons to
You gain the Martial Rebuke power, which you can use in- learn something about the relationship between those
stead of Karmic Rebuke to expend your focus on your turn. two icons.

chapter 12
Champion Feat: If any ally rolls a 2 on their icon Champion Feat: Once per day, gain a daily chaos mage
relationship dice, you gain that 2. At any time during the spell instead.
session, you can spend one 2 to gain a +2 bonus to defense Epic Feat: When you gain a chaos mage spell with this
against an attack by an enemy connected to that icon. talent, also roll 1d6 on the warp talent for that spell type.
Epic Feat: If any ally rolls a 3 on their icon relationship
dice, you gain that 3. At any time during the session, Plot Twist
you can spend one 3 to gain a +3 bonus to a skill check
Spoiler Alert: The Occultist, the one that all the prophecies
related to that icon.
talk about? Not you. Yes, you’re someone with magic
powers that twist and turn events on a small scale, but all
Karmic Cure that mumbo-jumbo about shaping destiny and bringing on
You were born to heal the world, not to destroy it. a new age is all about some hapless schmuck out there. Any
You gain the Karmic Cure power, which you can use cults who would be looking to recruit you for their cause,
instead of Karmic Rebuke to expend your focus on your any would-be assassins that try to erase you before you
turn. become a threat, they are really looking for someone else.
You exude an aura of not-being-special that’s almost su-
Karmic Cure pernatural on its own. You could be the wallflower in the
Close-quarters spell; At-will; Quick action; Expends quiet corner of a party, or the loud reveler in the middle of
focus it, but there’s just something really mundane about you.
Effect: You or a nearby ally can use a recovery to heal. You could tell people to their face that you’re chosen for a
Adventurer Feat: Add your Wisdom modifier to the great destiny and they’ll laugh it off.
amount healed (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th). In battle, enemies will ignore you until you actively
Champion Feat: The recoveries granted by this ability participate. Gaining focus doesn’t end the effect, but
use exploding dice (roll an extra die for each that comes casting a spell or making an attack does.
up as maximum). Adventurer Feat: You lose the Delayed Magical Healing
Epic Feat: If the escalation die is odd, the target can class “feature.”
spend a second recovery. If it is even, a second target Champion Feat: Once per day, when you use a 5 on an
can spend a recovery. icon relationship die, you can decide that the backlash
happens to someone else, not you.
Knight of the Purple Gate Epic Feat: When you have focus, you can only be
Unique as you are, you still bleed when they cut you. attacked by enemies engaged with you—other enemies
Protect yourself. simply overlook you, as long as there are other targets to
You can wear heavy armor and use a shield at no attack attack. Enemies with a personal enmity towards you can
penalty. save against the effect, and on a success ignore it until
the end of the battle.
Adventurer Feat: Gaining focus no longer provokes an
opportunity attack.
Champion Feat: Increase your recovery dice to d8. Reeds of Rectitude
Epic Feat: While you have focus, you have a +1 bonus Space is an illusion. The arrow on your bow is the same
to all defenses. arrow that pierces your enemy’s chest.
You can use a ranged weapon without attack penalty. You
can use Intelligence instead of Strength for your attack
Planar Chaos rolls with that weapon, and Wisdom instead of Strength
When you stare into the void, the void stares back. for your damage rolls.
Whenever you roll a natural 1, 7, 13 or 19 on a d20 roll You can also target far away enemies with your occultist
for an occultist spell, you can roll on the chaos mage High spells that only target nearby enemies, at a -2 penalty to
Weirdness table (13TW p. 18) and gain an at-will chaos the attack roll.
mage spell of up to your level, which you can cast once
that battle. Roll 1d6 to see whether you get an attack (1-2), Adventurer Feat: If you also have the Blade of
defense (3-4), or iconic spell (5-6). You can choose iconic Castigation talent, you can make a basic ranged attack
spells from any icon that you have a relationship with. with Martial Rebuke, instead of a melee attack.
Champion Feat: Once per battle, when you miss with a
Adventurer Feat: Once per battle, gain a once-per- ranged weapon attack, deal half damage.
battle chaos mage spell instead. In addition, you can use
Epic Feat: While you have focus, you ignore the
this talent without rolling for High Weirdness.
resistances of any enemy you attack with a ranged
weapon attack.

Vengeful Mind Shard
Your Karmic Rebuke is an ethereal manifestation that Champion Tier
lashes out at your enemies.
Choose a flexible attack from the fighter class, of up to
Talents (New)
You must be 5th level to take these talents. All three of the
your level. However, instead of basic attacks, you trigger talents below add a new once-per-battle option to your
this maneuver with the attack roll of your Karmic Rebuke repertoire.
class feature. Fangs of the Horned Serpent is an alternative to
If you have the Blade of Castigation talent, you can Karmic Rebuke. Spatial Warp gives a teleport, whereas
trigger the maneuver with Martial Rebuke. Temporal Slip gives a second interrupt action, very
Adventurer Feat: Choose a fighter talent that can be useful since your spells rely on these.
used once per battle. You can use this talent once per
day, but you must expend your focus to do so.
Fangs of the Horned Serpent
Her gaze is as deadly as her bite.
Champion Feat: Gain a second fighter maneuver, two
levels lower than your class level. You gain the Fangs of the Horned Serpent power, which
you can use to expend focus on your turn.
Epic Feat: The first time you use Karmic Rebuke (or
Martial Rebuke) in a battle, you have advantage on the Fangs of the Horned Serpent
attack roll. Close-quarters spell; Once per battle; Quick action;
Expends focus
Watch the World Burn Target: One nearby enemy
Some men just want to watch the world turn, others … Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD
Change all psychic damage you deal to fire damage, and Hit: 10 + Wisdom modifier ongoing poison damage
the damage dice are exploding dice (roll any die that 7th level spell: 20 ongoing damage
shows up as the maximum again and add the reroll). 9th level spell: 30 ongoing damage
Miss: Poison damage equal to your level + Wisdom modifier
Adventurer Feat: When you target an enemy with
an occultist spell, and you would retain focus, you Champion Feat: Hit or miss, deal lightning damage
can expend your focus instead and deal 1d6 per level equal to your Wisdom modifier (x2; x3 at 8th level) to
(exploding dice) fire damage to the target. You can do 1d4 nearby enemies.
this even on a miss. Epic Feat: On a natural even hit, an ethereal snake wraps
Champion Feat: Whenever you roll extra damage dice itself around the target, causing it to be hampered until
from exploding dice, also deal the extra damage to a the end of your next turn.
second nearby enemy.
Epic Feat: Once per day, attack one nearby enemy per Spatial Warp
Intelligence modifier with an occultist spell that only has You don’t bend space, you merely see paths that are
one target. closed to the uninitiated.
Once per battle, when you retain focus while casting an
Weaver of Fates occultist spell, you can teleport to a nearby location you
A dark pact connects you to the most ancient of occultist can see as a free action.
secrets. Champion Feat: On a natural even roll, you can teleport
Gain an adventurer-tier meditation from the fateweaver the target instead. If you do, deal your level in psychic
list (see Dark Pacts & Ancient Secrets) as a bonus power. damage to it.
You can use the focus gained from the meditation like
you use your occultist focus. Starting at 3rd level, you can Temporal Slip
switch out an occultist spell for a fateweaver spell two
You don’t bend time, you merely see moments that are
levels lower.
closed to the uninitiated.
Adventurer Feat: You can use the fateweaver’s Follow Once per battle, you can use a second interrupt action
the Thread class feature once per day. between two of your turns.
Champion Feat: Upgrade your meditation to champion
Champion Feat: You can now use this talent twice per
tier, OR choose a second adventurer tier meditation.
Epic Feat: Upgrade your meditation from champion to
Epic Feat: You can use interrupt actions as long as you
epic tier, OR choose a third adventurer tier meditation.
have focus.

chapter 12
Epic Tier Talents Occultist Spells
(New) 1st Level Spells
You must be 8th level to take these talents. Auramancy
Event Horizon is a powerful daily alternative to Karmic
Close-quarters spell; Recharge 6+ after scene
Rebuke. Karma Houdini is free advantage on a spell
Target: A nearby person or object
attack. Transcendence merges your mind with a global
conscience. Effect: You detect any unusual, supernatural connection
on the target, such as arcane powers, an icon relation,
Event Horizon strong devotion to a god or a pact with a devil. You sense
You share secrets the mundane mind is not prepared for. the general nature of the aura, and you can discern details
You gain the Event Horizon power, which you can use to with a successful skill check. A completely mundane
expend focus on your turn. object or person gives off no information.
Adventurer Feat: When you have this spell, you have a
Event Horizon hunch when you are in the presence of very strong aura,
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action; Expends although you still have to cast the spell to locate it.
Target: One nearby enemy Deja Vu
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD Close-quarters spell; Recharge 16+ after the battle /
Hit: 2d4 x 10 + Wisdom psychic damage and the target is scene; Interrupt action; expend focus
stunned until the end of your next turn. Special: You can cast this spell out of combat. In that
Miss: The target can choose to either take half damage, case, it doesn’t require, expend, or retain focus.
or let a different nearby enemy suffer full damage (but no Trigger: You fail a skill check.
stun). Effect: Reroll the check and add your Wisdom modifier
9th level spell: 3d4 x 10 damage to the roll.
Epic Feat: On a natural 18+, the stun effect is “save ends.” Retain Focus: 1–5
Adventurer Feat: The spell is now Recharge 6+.
Karma Houdini
The less you want things, the more the universe is willing Mirific Miss
to give them to you. Close-quarters spell; At-will; Interrupt action to cast;
Once per battle, you can reroll an attack roll for an oc- Expend focus
cultist spell. You can use the higher of the two rolls for Trigger: One of your allies misses a nearby enemy with
the attack, and the lower to see whether you retain focus. an attack.
Target: The enemy missed by the attack
Epic Feat: If the lower roll is a natural 1, you can use this
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD
talent again in this battle.
Natural Even Hit: Deal psychic damage to the target
equal to 1d8 + Wisdom plus the amount of miss damage
Transcendence dealt by your ally.
You are not omniscient, you merely see where the Natural Odd Hit: Deal 1d4 + Wisdom psychic damage to
universe repeats itself. the target, and your ally gains temporary hit points equal
You gain 5 points toward a Transcendence background. to the miss damage they dealt to the target.
This background represents your connection to a shared Miss: You gain temporary hit points equal to the miss
universal conscience. If you close your eyes for a few sec- damage dealt by your ally.
onds, you can merge with the font of all knowledge and Retain Focus: 1–5
dig up even the most remote and obscure insight that is 3rd level spell: 3d8/3d4 damage
beyond mere mortal comprehension. 5th level spell: 5d8/5d4 damage
You also gain a bonus occultist spell. 7th level spell: 7d8/7d4 damage
Epic Feat: Increase the background to 7. 9th level spell: 9d8/9d4 damage
Adventurer Feat: On a natural 5, 10, 15, or 20 on your
attack roll, your ally can reroll the attack. (This can
turn the triggering attack into a hit, meaning zero miss
damage for the purpose of this spell)

Momentous Distraction Sanguine Echo
Close-quarters spell; Recharge 6+ after battle; Close-quarters spell; Recharge 6+ after battle;
Interrupt action; Expend focus Interrupt action; Expend focus
Trigger: You or a nearby ally fails a disengage check. Trigger: A nearby ally uses a recovery to heal.
Target: The enemy you or the ally is trying to disengage Effect: The 1d3 nearby allies with the lowest hit point
from. total (including you, but triggering ally) heal hit points
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD equal to half the recovery roll.
Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom psychic damage, and the ally can Retain Focus: 1–5
reroll the disengage check. 3rd level spell: 1d4 allies
Miss: Damage equal your level 7th level spell: 1d6 allies
3rd level spell: 3d8 damage Adventurer Feat: Nearby allies that you didn’t target
5th level spell: 5d8 damage with the effect can heal hit points equal to your Wisdom
7th level spell: 7d8 damage modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th).
9th level spell: 10d8 damage
Retain Focus: 1–10 Secrets Revealed
Adventurer Feat: If the disengage check is successful, Close-quarters spell; Daily
the target is unable to see the person who disengaged Target: A piece of writing or code
until the end of their next turn. Effect: You can read the piece of writing or code as if it
Champion Feat: Reroll the disengage checks on an even was written plainly in a language you know.
miss with the attack. Adventurer Feat: The spell can now make faded or
erased writing visible.
Parallax Aegis
Close-quarters spell; At-will; Interrupt action; Expend
3rd Level Spells
Trigger: A nearby ally takes damage from an enemy Cromulent Embiggening
attack. Close-quarters spell; Recharge 6+ after battle;
Target: The attacker Interrupt action; Expend focus
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD Trigger: A nearby ally scores an odd hit with a melee
Hit: 1d4 + Wisdom force damage, and you reduce the attack.
damage taken by the ally by that amount. Effect: For this attack, and until the end of the battle, the
Miss: Damage equal your level ally increases their melee WEAPON damage dice by one
3rd level spell: 3d4 damage step.
5th level spell: 5d4 damage Retain Focus: 1–5
7th level spell: 7d4 damage Adventurer Feat: You now retain focus on 1-10.
9th level spell: 9d4 damage
Retain Focus: 1–5 Karmic Flip
Adventurer Feat: On a natural even hit, the ally can pop Close-quarters spell; Recharge 6+ after battle;
free from the enemy. Interrupt action to cast; expend focus
Champion Feat: Retain focus on 1-10. Trigger: A nearby ally makes an attack roll against an
Rampant Reverberation Target: The enemy targeted by your ally
Close-quarters spell; Recharge 16+ after battle; Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD
Interrupt action; Expend focus Hit: 3d8 + Wisdom psychic damage. If the ally’s natural
Trigger: A nearby ally deals damage to an enemy. attack roll was even, it is now treated as odd, and vice
Target: Two enemies other than the ally’s target versa.
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD Miss: Half damage
Hit: Psychic damage equal to half the damage of the ally’s Retain Focus: 1–5
attack + your Wisdom modifier. 5th level spell: 5d8 damage
Miss: You take psychic damage equal to the target’s level. 7th level spell: 7d8 damage
Retain Focus: 1–5 9th level spell: 9d8 damage
Adventurer Feat: You no longer take damage on a miss. Adventurer Feat: You can now target any nearby enemy
of your choice with this spell.

chapter 12
Primordial Acidification 5th Level Spells
Close-quarters spell; Recharge 16+ after battle;
Interrupt action; Expend focus Astral Projection
Trigger: A nearby ally scores an odd hit with a melee or Ranged spell; Daily
ranged weapon attack. Effect: Your conscious self leaves your body, and
Target: The target of the attack you project an image of yourself and your voice in a
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD distant location. You perceive the surroundings of the
Hit: 10 ongoing acid damage. If the target is staggered, it target location, and the projected image mimics your
is also hampered. movements, but you can’t interact with the environment.
Miss: Acid damage equal to your level + 1d6 To project yourself to a specific location, you must have
5th level spell: 15 ongoing damage some connection to it. It could be that you spent a long
7th level spell: 25 ongoing damage time there, or a person you know is present. The spell
9th level spell: 40 ongoing damage lasts as long as you concentrate on it.
Retain Focus: 1–5 Attack of the Clone
Adventurer Feat: If the target is killed before it saves Close-quarters spell; Cyclic (once per battle OR at-
against the effect, the ooze moves onto the next enemy. will when the escalation die is even); Interrupt action;
Repeat the attack as a free action. Expend focus
Champion Feat: If you cast this spell while the escalation Trigger: A nearby ally makes an at-will attack against one
die is 5+, deal 3d6 extra ongoing damage. target.
Effect: Summon a ghostly copy of the ally that repeats the
Surging Escutcheon attack against a different enemy as if the ally would make
Close-quarters spell; Recharge 6+ after battle; the attack. The copy vanishes after making the attack.
Interrupt action; Expend focus Retain Focus: 1–5 (based on the clone‘s attack roll)
Trigger: A nearby ally uses a recovery.
Effect: The triggering ally gains a +4 bonus to all defenses
until they are missed by an attack, or until the end of the
Retain Focus: 1–10
Adventurer Feat: While the halo is active, the ally also
heals damage equal to the spell level whenever they are
hit by an enemy attack.

The Unknown Unknowns

Close-quarters spell; Recharge 11+ after battle;
Interrupt action; Expend focus
Special: You can cast this spell out of combat. In that
case, it doesn’t require, expend, or retain focus. Make the
recharge roll at the end of the scene.
Trigger: You or a nearby ally is hit by a surprise attack,
such as by a trap or a hidden enemy.
Effect: Reroll the attack and take the second result.
Adventurer Feat: If the reroll is an odd miss, add an
unexpected beneficial effect. Maybe the trap is now
jammed and unable to trigger, or the enemy falls out of
the tree they were hiding in.

Authorized Override Temporal Splice
Close-quarters spell; Recharge 16+ after battle; Close-quarters spell; Recharge 6+ after battle; Quick
Interrupt action to cast; Expend focus action
Trigger: A nearby ally misses with an attack roll. Effect: This battle, you can take a second interrupt action
Always: The ally rerolls the attack, then make the attack between your turns. When you do, you lose the standard
below. If the ally’s reroll was a miss, you have advantage action on your next turn.
on your attack roll.
Waking Ward
Target: The enemy targeted by your ally
Close-quarters spell; Recharge 16+ after battle; Quick
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD
Hit: 7d10 + Wisdom psychic damage
Target: A nearby ally
Miss: You take damage equal to your level.
Effect: The ally gains 50 temporary hit points until the
Retain Focus: 1–5
end of the battle or scene. Whenever the ally takes damage
7th level spell: 1d12 x 10 damage
that reduces these temporary hit points, you regain focus
9th level spell: 2d8 x 10 damage if you don’t currently have it.
Champion Feat: If you fail to retain focus with this spell, 7th level spell: 80 temporary hit points
you can pop free from all enemies as a free action. 9th level spell: 140 temporary hit points

Awe-Inspiring Presence Champion Feat: Also target a second nearby ally, for
half the amount of temporary hit points.
Close-quarters power; Recharge 16+ after the scene
Effect: You make the full extent of your occult powers
visible to everyone. You project an aura of such immense 7th Level Spells
power that onlookers might mistake you for an angelic Arcane Cataclysm
being or a terrible nightmare. Whichever image you
Close-quarters spell; Recharge 11+ after battle;
choose to show, anyone with an MD of 10 + your level or
Interrupt action; Expend focus
less will be struck with awe and unable to approach you.
Targets with a higher MD are able to shake off the effect Trigger: A nearby ally scores a natural even hit with a
with a successful save. If you try to use this awe to give spell.
commands or get a tribe of kobolds to worship you as a Target: A nearby enemy that was not targeted by the
god, a skill check is in order. spell.
This spell is best used out of combat. An aura of Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD
invincibility is quickly dispelled if everyone can see that Hit: Force damage equal to the spell’s damage
you still bleed if shot with an arrow. Miss: Force damage equal to half the spell’s damage
Retain Focus: 1–5
Champion Feat: When casting the spell, gain a
temporary 5-point background that you can use to leave Champion Feat: Retain focus on any roll if the triggering
an impression with people. spell was a critical hit.

Shooting Fireworks Army of Me

Close-quarters spell; Recharge 16+ after battle; Close-quarters spell; Recharge 16+ after battle
Interrupt action; Expend focus Effect: Spend up to three recoveries. Instead of healing,
Trigger: A nearby ally misses with a ranged weapon summon a copy of yourself in a nearby location for each
attack. recovery you spend. Each copy‘s hit points are equal to
Effect: Make three attacks, each against a different nearby the recovery roll. These copies are dimension-shifted
enemy. Determine the energy type of each attack with a copies of yourself. They can take a move and standard
d4 roll: (1) lightning (2) fire (3) poison (4) psychic. action, and they can make weapon attacks, but all damage
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD they do is halved. Only you can gain focus and cast spells.
Clones are destroyed if they are reduced to zero hit points
Hit: 6d10 + Wisdom damage
or below. If you are killed, you can transfer yourself into
Miss: 2d10 damage
one of your clones. At the end of the battle, you merge
Retain Focus: 1–5 (first attack roll only) with your clones. Add up all hit points and discard any
7th level spell: 10d10 damage above your maximum.
9th level spell: 2d8 x 10 damage
Champion Feat: Each living clone increases the retain
Champion Feat: Make four attacks. focus range of your spells by 1.

chapter 12
Ascendant Reincarnation the centuries. Be careful with changing the past, as the
Close-quarters spell; Once per life; No action present you return to may end up very different from the
Trigger: You fail a death save. place you (and only you) remember.
Special: You can cast this spell while unconscious and at Butterfly Effect
zero hit points. Close-quarters spell; Daily
Effect: You die, and your conscience is transferred to the Effect: You summon a colorful butterfly that flaps its
next occultist, as it always would be. However, this spell wings once. This sets a chain of connected events in
guarantees that you, as one incarnation of the occultist, motion. You determine the general outcome of each event
have been strong enough to imprint some essence of (“Snow is falling on Dragon Peak”), but not the details.
itself on the shared memory of all occultists, and will be The connection does not have to be obvious, as your
remembered. Usually, the occultist is reincarnated into a magic works in mysterious ways. Each step in the chain
newborn child in the next age, but in times of desperation, takes up to a full day to resolve. After each event, roll a
when an age comes to a close, there have been occultists d20. If the roll is equal to the number of events caused
in quick succession, even awakening their power well into by the spell, or lower, the spell ends. You cannot end the
adulthood. spell voluntarily—a high enough roll always causes the
Create a new occultist character of a randomly next event.
determined race and gender, with a randomly determined However, the spell does not end on a roll of natural 1.
multiclass based on its pre-incarnation life. This character On a natural 1, the spell spins out of control, and you reroll
gains a free 5-point background that represents your the die. From that point on, you still describe the event,
memories and experiences. but there is some catastrophic twist, and each subsequent
Pocket Labyrinth Dimension 1 only makes it worse. These unforeseen consequences
are described by other players, starting with the person
Quiet, or the goblin king will do the magic dance again. on your left.
Close-quarters spell; Recharge 16+ after battle;
Interrupt action; Expend focus Temporal Anomaly
Trigger: A nearby enemy moves to engage you or a Close-quarters spell; Recharge 16+ after battle;
nearby ally. Interrupt action; Expend focus
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD Trigger: A nearby enemy rolls a natural 1–5 on an attack.
Hit: The target is caught in a pocket labyrinth dimension Target: The triggering enemy
and has to find the exit to escape. Smart enemies (MD Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD
higher than PD) need an easy save (6+) to escape. Brutish Hit: 7d10 + Wisdom psychic damage, and a nearby ally
foes (PD higher than MD) need a hard save (16+). If both can make a free standard action attack against the target.
are equal, the save is 11+. Miss: Half damage, and allies engaged with the target can
Miss: — pop free.
Natural even miss: Teleport the engaged ally to a Retain Focus: 1–5 (first attack roll only)
nearby location.
Retain Focus: 1–5 Epic Feat: A second nearby ally can also make an attack
against the target.
Epic Feat: Attack the lower defense of PD or MD with
this spell. Transcendent Ascendance
Close-quarters spell; Once per life; No action
9th Level Spells Trigger: You fail your last death save.
Special: You can cast this spell while unconscious.
Age-Traversing Gateway
Effect: You unshackle yourself from your decaying
Close-quarters spell; Daily
physical body. Not dead, not undead, you continue
Effect: You open a gate to a different age, long enough to exist on a different plane of existence. You can still
for a small group of people to pass through. These gates manifest as a ghost-like apparition, but your attention is
can only be opened at certain locations, where influential now elsewhere, beyond the trifles of mortals. Other PCs
historical events have left their mark all the way to the can now choose you as an icon relation or worship you
present, and only during certain stellar constellations. as a god.
For example, to travel back to a famous battle, you would
first have to determine its location, then open a gate at
the spot. A successful skill check is required to pinpoint
the exact point in time you wish to travel to. It’s easy to
end up days or even years off the mark if you traverse

This chapter adds new talents for the paladin class, in-
cluding champion and epic talents to offer broader op- Smite Powers for
tions for your 5th- and 8th-level talent slot, similar to the
barbarian in the Core Book. existing Paladin
It also makes your Smite Evil class feature more flexible
with the introduction of smite powers tied to each talent.
Each of the new talents in this book gives you at least one To prevent the classic paladin talents in the Core Book
smite power. To make sure the paladin talents in the Core from being overshadowed by the new material, here are
Book remain valid, smite powers for each of the classic new smite powers for them.
talents are also included. Bastion
To balance this, the default smite effect of half damage Bastion Smite (Smite Power): On a hit, gain temporary
on a miss is now the “True Smite” smite power that every hit points equal to the smite’s bonus damage roll.
paladin gains by default. Choose wisely when you smite,
Adventurer Feat: Gain twice your level in temporary hit
as you now have a choice between playing it safe to get
points on a miss.
some guaranteed damage on a bad roll or boosting your
smite with what your talents gave you.
Cleric Training
Class Features Blessed Smite (Smite Power): On a hit, choose a nearby
ally. That ally gains a bonus to their next attack roll equal
Smite Evil and Smite Powers to your Wisdom or Charisma modifier (whichever is
When you activate your Smite Evil, choose one of your higher).
Smite powers and gain its effect. You must choose the Adventurer Feat: Gain a bonus equal to your Wisdom
smite power before making the attack roll, and before you or Charisma modifier to the Smite attack roll.
know whether your smite hits or misses.
Smite Evil (Revised) Divine Domain
Close-quarters power; Once per battle, plus once per Divine Smite (Smite Power): Hit or miss, you can use
day per Charisma modifier; Free Action the at-will attack spell associated with your domain as a
Effect: Your next paladin melee attack deals 1d12 extra quick action this turn. If it is a ranged spell, you don’t
damage on a hit. In addition, you can activate one smite provoke opportunity attacks with it. This replaces the
power of your choice, which can be True Smite below, or smite extra damage.
a smite power gained through talents. Adventurer Feat: If you have used the invocation of
4th level paladin: 2d12 extra damage your domain this battle, gain a +1 bonus to both the
6th level paladin: 3d12 extra damage smite and the spell attack.
8th level paladin: 4d12 extra damage
10th level paladin: 5d12 extra damage Fearless
Adventurer Feat: Gain an additional use of Smite Evil Courageous Smite (Smite Power): If you hit an enemy
per day. who has a fear aura or a fear-based attack, the target can‘t
Champion Feat: Your Smite attacks become use that ability (save ends).
uninterruptible. Enemies cannot trigger interrupt Adventurer Feat: Deal extra damage equal to the
actions against your smite attacks. enemy‘s level.
True Smite (Smite Power): Deal half of both melee
attack and smite extra damage on a miss. Implacable
Adventurer Feat: Gain a +4 bonus to the attack roll with Conduit Smite (Smite Power): Choose an effect that you
True Smite. have successfully saved against at the start of your turn (if
any). On a hit, impose that effect on the target.
You’ll notice that this version of Smite Evil has a slightly Adventurer Feat: Also gain the effect on a natural even
smoother damage progression than the Core Book miss.
version. It also no longer requires a feat to scale up the
damage. A class shouldn’t have to pay feats just to scale
its abilities in line with monster hit points.

Where there is light, there is darkness, and with the
Lay on Hands Death Knight, Fist of the Crusader, and Infernal
Healing Smite (Smite Power): Spend a recovery to heal,
Devotion talents, you can create a champion who
but grant the healing to a nearby ally.
believes they can fight fire with fire, or one who embraces
Adventurer Feat: If the ally is staggered, they heal the unleashed power that corruption brings.
additional hit points equal to the smite’s extra damage. Finally, there are the utilitarian talents, that can serve a
Champion Feat: On a natural 16+ on the attack roll, the champion of either extreme, such as Divine Mount and
recovery is free. Stormhammer. The commander powers of Glory of the
Epic Feat: Both you and the ally gain the healing. Empire can also work either way. In the case of Guardian
of the Vault, the alignment depends on how far the Dwarf
King has succumbed to the creeping corruption from the
Paladin’s Challenge tunnels that lead into the underworld.
Exalted Challenge (Smite Power): If you use the talent
Paladins are often members of an order, and many
to challenge the target with your Smite Evil attack, the
talents in this book hint at ties to an order or an individual
target takes holy damage equal to your Smite Evil bonus
icon. When choosing these talents, think about whether
damage whenever it attacks one of your allies.
you want to make this order part of the PC’s backstory and
Adventurer Feat: The target also takes the Smite their current relationship with it. Consider strengthening
Evil bonus damage if it uses any method to no longer that connection by giving the PC a background or icon
be engaged with you, such as disengage, pop free, or relationship that matches the talent.
teleporting. The are no rules limitations regarding mixing talents
with a good or evil flavor. A character that is clearly on the
Path of Universal Righteous good or evil side might be easier to play, but a torn soul
Endeavor can create more rewarding stories.
Absolving Smite (Smite Power): On a hit, a nearby ally Conviction
can save against a “save ends” effect.
You are driven by a strong inner moral compass. When
Adventurer Feat: The save has a bonus to the roll equal you joined your paladin order, you swore several oaths
to your Charisma modifier. to uphold, and you are determined to set a shining
example for nobles and commoners alike. The path of
Way of Evil Bastards the righteous is not an easy path to follow, and there are
Sickening Smite (Smite Power): On a hit, the target has many pitfalls, moral conflicts, and temptations.
disadvantage on their next attack roll against you. Define three moral convictions for your character, such as
“protect the innocent,” “speak the truth,” and “never turn
Adventurer Feat: If the target misses with its next down a challenge.” When you make a skill check while
attack, it takes ongoing negative energy damage equal to acting based on one of your convictions, you add a d6
three times your level. conviction die to the roll.
However, whenever you act against one of your
Adventurer Tier convictions, you lose the use of the conviction die until the

Talents next full heal-up. If you have committed a gross violation, say
you willfully lied while under oath in the above example, the
Some talents in the book support the traditional image conviction die becomes a penalty to all skill checks until you
of the paladin as a shining beacon in a world of darkness atone. Work out an appropriate atonement with your GM.
and despair. Golden Legion gives you powers that mimic
Champion Feat: While in a battle that is aligned with
those of a Gold Dragon. Conviction gives you a bonus
your moral convictions, add the conviction die to saves.
whenever you act within your conscience. Lightbringer
makes you a champion of fighting the undead, whereas an Epic Feat: Your conviction die becomes a d8.
Exorcist drives back the powers of the abyss. Smite of Conviction (Smite Power): If you have entered
An Inquisitor is a grayer figure, as the zeal of fighting the battle based on your convictions, add your conviction
evil can end up in oppression for the sake of a greater die to the attack roll. In addition, the first time you miss
goal. For another role that walks the line between good with Smite of Conviction this battle, the smite is not
and evil, look at Grey Guard. expended.

In campaigns with more morally ambiguous and outright evil characters, a paladin can still take the Conviction talent, with
oaths like “cull the weak,” “destroy the Gold Gold Wyrm and everyone who serves him,” or “never turn down a bag of gold.”
Big story events may also change the PC’s beliefs in a major way, which can cause them to change their convictions.

chapter 13
Death Knight Death Rune
When the Lich King’s early armies of mindless skeletons Effect: Your melee attacks deal negative energy damage.
and zombies were easily outmaneuvered and defeated When you drop a non-mook enemy to zero hp, increase
despite their endless supply of bodies, he learned that your critical threat range with melee attacks by 1 until
he needed leaders to direct them in battle. He corrupted the end of the battle, or until you activate a different rune.
the minds and bodies of the paladins who had tried, Epic Feat: If you drop a double-strength, large, or
and failed, to defeat him, and created the Order of the stronger creature, increase your critical threat range by
Death Knights. 2.
You learn three runes, which you can use in battle via the Raise Minion (Smite Power): If you drop a non-minion
Activate Rune power below. When you activate a rune, enemy to zero hp with the attack, you create a Crumbling
you can also use its special smite power. Skeleton mook at the start of your next turn. The mook
The direct connection to death has taken a toll on you. fights for you according to the summoning rules (p. 5)
You are Sorta Dead, as per the necromancer talent (13 until the end of the battle, or until it is destroyed.
True Ways p. 84), and you have a lesser version of their Starting at 3rd level, you can create a Just-Ripped-Free
Wasting Away class feature. Skeleton mook (13 True Ways p. 88) of your level or lower
Wasting Away: While Death Knights aren’t quite as instead.
wasteful with their physical bodies as necromancers, the
necrotic powers still come at a price. If your Constitution Adventurer Feat: If you hit with the smite, you can use
modifier is +2 or higher, you take a -1 penalty to attack rolls. the necromancer‘s Deathknell talent on the target as a
free action, even if you don‘t have that talent.
Champion Feat: You gain a necromancer spell as a Champion Feat: If you kill a large or huge creature, the
bonus power, at two levels below your class level. You skeleton mook you create has twice the hit points and
can replace Intelligence with Charisma as the key ability deals double damage.
for the spell.
Epic Feat: You can choose a second necromancer spell, Frost Rune
also at two levels lower than you class level. Rune Benefit: Your melee attacks deal cold damage.
For multiclass Paladin / Necromancers with this talent, When you hit with a melee attack, deal extra damage
there is also this special feat: equal to your level.
Total Devotion (Adventurer Feat): Your Death Knight Adventurer Feat: On a critical hit with a melee attack,
paladin talent is also considered a necromancer talent, deal 1d6 extra cold damage per level.
which allows you to use its benefits with necromancer Frost Smite (Smite Power): On a hit, the target is stuck
talents and spells. (save ends).

Activate Rune Champion Feat: The target is also vulnerable to cold

(save ends both).
Close quarters power; At-will; Quick action
Epic Feat: If the target of your smite power is already
Effect: Gain the rune benefit of either the Blood, Death,
stuck or vulnerable to cold, it is frozen (can’t take actions)
or Frost rune until the end of the battle. You can only have
until the end of your next turn.
one rune active at a time—using a different rune ends the
current one. When you Smite Evil, you can use the active
rune‘s smite power. Divine Mount
You can summon a divine steed from the celestial
Blood Rune realms to serve as your mount in combat.
Rune Benefit: When you hit with a melee attack, heal hit Note: This talent requires the Mounted Combat rules
points equal to your level. published in 13th Age Monthly #20.
Adventurer Feat: On a critical hit with a melee attack, You can summon a warhorse (see Mounted Combat
you can heal using a recovery. page 8 for stats) from the celestial realms as a standard
Blood Smite (Smite Power): On a hit, heal hit points action, which stays as long as you require. You can
equal to the smite extra damage. dismiss it as a free action. If your mount is killed, you can
summon it again after your next full heal-up.
Champion Feat: On a hit, end any ongoing damage you
While you are mounted, you and your mount act as per
are currently taking.
the mounted combat rules. You can perform two mounted
Epic Feat: Also deal the smite extra damage and heal hit combat actions per battle (one per round). However, due
points equal to that amount on a miss. to an empathic link with your mount, you don’t require a
mounted combat check—the action always succeeds.

If you feel a different mount would fit your PC better, boon gives you a special interrupt action that you can use
you can expand your choices with the adventurer feat. at-will until the end of the battle.
Special: You can pick the feats below individually. You 1. Crusader’s Thorns: When an enemy makes a
don’t need to take them in order. melee attack against you and the natural attack
roll is lower than your Strength score, deal damage
Adventurer Feat: You can perform a third mounted
equal to your Strength modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3
combat action each battle.
at 8th).
Adventurer Feat: You can choose one of the problematic 2. Crusader’s Heart: When an enemy makes an
or Praxian mounts in the mounted combat rules as your attack against you and the natural attack roll is
steed. Or you can summon an aquatic mount, like a lower than your Constitution score, reduce the
shark or dolphin. You can take this feat multiple times, damage by your Constitution modifier (x2 at 5th
to gain access to different types of mounts. level; x3 at 8th) and immediately save against any
Champion Feat: Your mount deals holy damage. “save ends” effects of that attack.
Epic Feat: You can summon a mount that flies. 3. Crusader’s Gaze: When an enemy makes an attack
Smite of the Chevalier (Smite Power): Your mount also against you and the natural roll is lower than your
gains the Smite Evil extra damage if it hits with an attack Wisdom score, gain advantage on your next attack
on the same turn. roll against the target.
4. Crusader’s Defiance: When an enemy makes
Adventurer Feat: Both you and the mount gain a +4
an attack against you and the natural attack roll
bonus to attack rolls this turn.
is lower than your Charisma score, the enemy is
struck by fear (dazed and can’t use the escalation
Exorcist die) until the end of its next turn.
You will not rest until the last hell hole is closed.
Champion Feat: For one battle per day, gain the
Increase your critical threat range against devils and Crusader’s Boon at the start of your first turn.
demons by 2.
Epic Feat: When you gain the Crusader’s Boon, you can
Once per battle or scene, you can concentrate as a
spend a recovery to heal.
quick action and sense the presence of demons within the
nearby or far away area. Crusader’s Fist (Smite Power): If the target has fewer hit
points that your maximum after you hit, it is cowering in
Adventurer Feat: Gain a +1 bonus to attacks against fear (-4 to attacks and can’t use the escalation die) until
devils and demons. the end of your next turn.
Epic Feat: Gain a +1 bonus to all defenses against devils
Adventurer Feat: Against demons, the fear effect is
and demons.
(save ends).
Smite of Interdiction (Smite Power): On a hit, the target
takes ongoing holy damage equal to twice your level. If
the target is a demon or devil, it is also hampered (save Glory of the Empire
ends both). In a past age, your paladin order protected the Empire,
the heart of civilization. You manned the sea wall, stood
Champion Feat: When you hit a staggered devil or guard near the abyss, and ventured west to secure new
demon with a natural 16+ on the attack roll, you banish settlements past the Giantwalk. Now, the ancient roads
the creature back to the Abyss. are in ruins, and the magic that pacified the lands is
weakening. Your order is long past its golden days, but
Fist of the Crusader you are needed more than ever.
The Crusader’s Fist is the most dedicated, ruthless, Choose one tactic from the Commander list up to your
and fanatical unit of the Crusader. They are men and level and add it to your powers. You can change this tactic
women of action, brash and are ill-tempered. They are during a full heal-up.
the first to ride into freshly discovered hell holes, and Adventurer Feat: While you are conscious, your nearby
the last to come out. On the battlefield, they fight with allies gain a +1 bonus to MD.
bestial ferocity, especially when wounded. For them, the
Champion Feat: Choose a second tactic, up to two
end justifies any means, and their heated rivalry with
levels below your class level.
the followers of the Great Gold Wyrm has caused more
than one tavern brawl. Epic Feat: Gain all feats of your two current tactics.
In battle, when you are staggered the first time, roll 1d4 Glorious Smite (Smite Power): If you hit, the target has
and gain a Crusader’s Boon from the table below. Each disadvantage on their next attack roll if that attack does
not target you.

chapter 13
You gain the Prince of Shadows’ Luck blessing, which
Golden Legion allows you to reroll a skill check or a save once per day
The Great Gold Wyrm has sacrificed his body to seal per Charisma modifier.
off the Abyss from the mortal realm, and he relies on
mortal agents to act as his eyes and ears as well as his Adventurer Feat: You gain 3 points towards a
sword and shield. He shares a piece of his remaining background in disguise and espionage.
essence with them, to bring them closer to his exalted Champion Feat: You gain an extra daily use of your
draconic nature. Initiates of the Golden Legion can be Luck blessing for each icon relationship point with the
recognized by the golden shimmer on their skin and in Prince of Shadows.
their eyes. Epic Feat: When you roll a 4 on an icon relationship
You gain two powers, Exalted Breath and Indomitability, die with the Prince of Shadows, you can switch that
and the Roar of the Golden smite power. icon relationship die for a 5 with a different icon. This
Adventurer Feat: You gain resist demon attacks 16+. represents the Prince of Shadows’ network within the
other icon's organization.
Roar of the Golden (Smite Power): If you have used
Breath of the Golden this battle, regain your breath Lucky Smite (Smite Power): You can expend one of your
weapon if the natural attack roll of your smite is 16+. Luck blessings to reroll the Smite Evil attack roll.

Exalted Breath Guardian of the Sacred Grove

Close-quarters spell; Breath weapon; Daily You are an ordained protector of an ancient place of
Target: 1d2 nearby enemies in a group power. You have sworn to defend the spirits that dwell in
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD the place, and in return, they share some of their power
Hit: 1d8 per level + Charisma fire damage with you.
Natural even hit: Three times your level ongoing fire Gain a flexible attack from the Warrior Druid list. You can
damage and the target is dazed (save ends both). trigger the maneuver with paladin melee basic attacks,
Miss: Half damage but not with smites, unless you use Nature’s Smite below.
Breath Weapon: For the rest of the battle, roll a d20 at Adventurer Feat: Choose one terrain from the druid’s
the start of your turn. On a 16+, you can use Exalted Terrain Caster talent, and gain a daily spell of your
Breath again on that turn if you wish. level or lower from its list. You can switch Wisdom for
Champion Feat: Target 1d3 enemies. Charisma in the spell’s description.
Champion Feat: You can cast the Wild Heal spell from
Indomitability the Wild Healer talent twice per day.
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action Epic Feat: Choose either a second flexible attack, a
Effect: Spend a recovery to heal, and cancel all effects and second daily spell from the same terrain, OR a third daily
conditions on yourself, including ongoing damage. You use of Wild Heal.
can use indomitability even if you are otherwise prevented
Nature’s Smite (Smite Power): You can trigger your
from taking actions, such as from being stunned.
Warrior Druid flexible attack with this smite. If the target
Epic Feat: Gain an additional use of Indomitability per is a creature that’s not native to the current terrain, you
day for each icon relationship point you have with the have advantage on the attack roll, and you can trigger
Great Gold Wyrm. your Warrior Druid flexible maneuver based on either
d20 roll.
Grey Guard Here’s a rule of thumb for the GM to determine whether
On the surface, the Grey Guard is a paladin order that
a creature is native to the terrain that works for most
supports the Empire and the Cathedral on missions that
natural environments: If it’s connected to the High
require a subtler approach, in enemy organizations and
Druid, it is. If it’s a beast, humanoid or dragon, it pretty
enemy territory. They provide protection to imperial likely is. If it’s any other type, it’s probably not.
delegates, trade routes, and messengers beyond the
borders of the Empire. Undead are native to the underworld, and demons and
Behind the scenes, the Grey Guard is yet another front devils are native to the Abyss.
for the Prince of Shadows, and any information that is
protected by the guard also passes through its hands.
The Emperor knows, but it is not clear whether he sees
the Prince of Shadows’ involvement as a benefit or a
necessary, but manageable, evil.

Flaming Smite (Smite Power): Your smite deals fire
Guardian of the Vault damage. At the start of your next turn, deal fire damage
It may be a surprise to those not familiar with dwarven equal to the smite bonus damage to all enemies engaged
values, but the best knights of the Forge don’t protect the
with you.
northern border against the orcs, or the throne room against
Slaughtering Smite (Smite Power): Increase your Smite
assassins, they protect the Dwarf King’s treasure vault. And
Evil extra damage dice to d20.
they don’t just protect burglars from getting in, they protect
certain artifacts from getting out. Ever wondered where the Epic Feat: On a natural 18+ on the attack roll with
severed left hand of the Lich King is kept? your Smite Evil, you gain a free use of your chosen
Serving as a guardian is an honor exclusive to dwarves. demonologist spell for this battle.
For a non-dwarf to join these ranks would be quite a
unique thing. Inquisitor
As a guardian, you are especially trained in dealing with You are tasked with eradicating the lies and falsehoods
magic items and artifacts, both the beneficial and the that endanger the Empire. In peaceful times, inquisitors
dangerous kind. You gain the rogue’s Trap Sense ability. In act as enforcers who catch fugitives, instigators of
addition to traps, you can use this ability against trapped rebellion, and practitioners of the dark arts. But these
or cursed magic items and artifacts. are not peaceful times. As the law breaks down on the
When you wear heavy armor, reduce the damage you outskirts of the Empire, they are acting more and more
take from hits by non-mook enemies by your level. (You as judge, jury, and executioner in one.
swear that this is a blessing by the Dwarf King and only You gain a 5-point background as an inquisitor. When
works with armor of fine dwarven craftsmanship.) you make a skill check to detect a lie, illusion, or false-
Adventurer Feat: You gain a bonus to magic item power hood, and the check is a natural even failure, reroll the
recharge rolls equal to your Charisma modifier. check once.
Champion Feat: Once per day, you can concentrate on Champion Feat: You gain the Counter-magic ability of
a known, named artifact to gain insight into its lore or a the Wizard’s High Arcana talent.
vision of its location. Epic Feat: You can now cast Counter-magic twice per
Epic Feat: Increase the damage reduction to your level + 5. battle.
Hammering Smite (Smite Power): Reroll all natural Inquisitor’s Smite (Smite Power): On a hit, the target
1s and 2s on the damage dice with your Smite Evil. This is hampered until the end of your next turn. The target
applies to all damage dice, not just the extra damage. can choose to take damage equal to 10 times your level to
shake off the effect.
Infernal Devotion
The most radiant and pure at heart are the hardest to Adventurer Feat: On a natural 16+ with Smite Evil, the
corrupt, but the legions of the Abyss love a good challenge. hampered effect is now “save ends.”
And the higher up you are, the deeper the fall . . .
Choose one demonologist spell of your level or lower. Lightbringer
The spell is now part of your powers, and you are consid- You are the shining beacon that brings light into the
ered an initiate of that path for the spell’s effect. You can darkest corners of the Empire. When the darkness
choose any spell that is not a summoning spell. You can refuses to retreat, you drive it out with the sharp edge
switch the spell after a full heal-up. of your sword.
Adventurer Feat: Gain a resistance based on the path You gain resist damage from undead 12+ (5th level: 14+;
of your chosen spell: resist poison 12+ for corruption, 8th level: 16+).
resist fire 12+ for flame, and resist melee attacks 10+ for You gain the cleric spell Turn Undead (Core Book p. 99)
slaughter. as a bonus power.
Champion Feat: Choose a second demonologist spell, Adventurer Feat: You gain advantage on skill checks to
at two levels lower. The spell must be from the same path sense the presence of undead.
as your other spell. Champion Feat: When you resist damage from an
The smite power you gain from this talent depends on attack by an undead creature, you are also immune to
the demonologist path you choose the spell from. any non-damage effects of the attack.
Corrupt Smite (Smite Power): Your smite deals poison Epic Feat: You gain a +1 bonus to attacks and defenses
damage. On a natural even hit, deal ongoing poison against undead.
damage equal to the smite damage to a different, random Radiant Smite (Smite Power): Your Smite Evil attack
nearby enemy. deals holy damage. Against undead, set the smite bonus
damage dice as the maximum.

chapter 13
Lorekeeper Champion Feat: You can use this talent twice per battle.
Even though the pen is mightier than the sword, a shield Elven Crown Smite (Smite Power): On a hit, roll 1d4
is still a better defense than a book cover. You have and put the following condition on the target.
sworn to protect places of scholarship and learning. 1. Dazed (save ends)
You gain a 5-point background to represent your ex- 2. Stuck (save ends)
cellent academic training. In addition, you can reroll a 3. Three times your level in ongoing poison damage
natural even failure on a skill check to remember facts or 4. Hampered until the end of your next turn
knowledge once per scene.
Adventurer Feat: You gain three points towards an
Adventurer Feat: You gain a +1 bonus to all defenses elite guard background that covers not only prevention
when defending scholars, tomes of knowledge, or places measures against poison and assassination but also court
of learning. etiquette and diplomacy.
Smite the Ignorant (Smite Power): Target the enemy’s
MD with your Smite Evil attack roll.
Champion Tier
Champion Feat: If you hit a target with a lower MD
than your own, you also daze it (-4 to attacks) until the Talents (New)
end of your next turn. This book expands high-level options for paladins, with
new champion- and epic-level talents that can only be
Stormhammer taken at higher tiers.
If you’re looking for a straightforward boost, Champion
You are a champion of heathen gods, of old deities of the
of War increases your melee attacks. Two of the
elements, or the untamed nature of the wind and the
champion talents allow you to react to enemies attacking
sky. The clergy of the Priestess claims that your belief
your allies. Shield of Devotion allows you to negate
has no place in the Cathedral, but every time lightning
the attack, whereas Avenger allows you to punish the
strikes the top, they are reminded of their insolence.
attacker. Cleansing Touch allows you to end conditions.
When you hit with a melee attack, add lightning damage
Champion of Pain makes you stronger when suffering
equal to your Constitution modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th).
Adventurer Feat: You gain resist lightning and thunder 16+.
Stormhammer (Smite power): You can throw your
melee weapon to make your Smite Evil attack as a ranged Blood for blood.
attack against a nearby or far away enemy, using Strength Once per battle, when an enemy you are engaged with
and your melee WEAPON dice. The weapon returns to makes an attack against one of your allies, you can make
your hand. a melee attack against that enemy as an interrupt action
after it makes the attack. You can Smite Evil with that
Champion Feat: On a natural even hit, you can teleport attack.
to engage the target as a free action.
Epic Feat: On an even miss, make a second attack Champion Feat: You can use this talent at-will (but you
against a different nearby enemy. are still limited to one interrupt action between your
Avenging Smite (Smite Power): If a nearby ally is dying,
Valiant of the Star Court you have advantage on the attack roll. If both attack rolls
The Valiants of the Star Court are an elite guard that hit, the target is stunned until the end of its next turn.
serves to protect the Elf Queen. Each member undergoes
rigorous training by high elven sword masters, wood Champion of Pain
elven scouts, dark elven assassins, and half-elven bards My suffering is who I am.
to protect her and her nobles from any internal or While you are staggered, increase your WEAPON and
external threat. Traditionally, members of this guard smite damage dice, as well as your recovery dice, by one
are second- or third-borns from the nobility of the three step. (1d4 -> 1d6 -> 1d8 -> 1d10 -> 1d12 -> 2d6)
elven races, but occasionally noble houses of other races The first time you are staggered in a battle, you gain
have sent promising children to the order to strengthen advantage on your next melee attack.
diplomatic ties.
Smite of Suffering (Smite Power): If you hit, you lose hit
Once per battle, you can end a condition you are under as points equal to the smite extra damage, and deal ongoing
a free action. The conditions you can end with this ability damage to the target equal to the smite extra damage.
are taught by the elven races: dazed (high elves), stuck
(wood elves), ongoing poison damage (dark elves), and Champion Feat: Also gain the ongoing damage and hit
hampered (half-elves). point loss on a miss.

Epic Feat: Increase your smite damage dice by 1d12, and Celestial Wings
halve the hit point loss. You have discovered your true soul, a reborn angelic
being that was cast down to the mortal realm.
Cleansing Touch Once per day, you can summon glowing wings of celestial
You channel the merciful hand of the Priestess to relieve origin on your back, to allow you to fly until the end of the
your allies from their ailments. battle or scene.
Once per day per Charisma modifier, you can touch an Winged Smite (Smite Power): When you take the
adjacent ally (or yourself ) as a quick action to end a con- free action to activate Smite Evil, you can fly across the
dition they are under. You can end the condition regard- battlefield on ethereal wings to engage a nearby enemy.
less of whether it requires a save or not. If you make the attack in mid-air, the wings let you land
Champion Feat: You can use this ability on nearby allies
(they no longer have to be next to you). Epic Feat: The wings granted by your smite power last
until the end of your next turn.
Epic Feat: You can expend multiple uses of this talent
with the same quick action, and target a number of allies
(including yourself ) equal to the number of uses spent. Chosen of Darkness
Cleansing Smite (Smite Power): On a hit, you cleanse You are the Chosen One of the dark gods. Lesser beings
the target. Cleansed targets cannot put effects on enemies cower before you.
or allies (save ends). This also ends any effects that are If an enemy targets you with an attack, that enemy takes
currently active. The target can still deal damage normally, negative energy damage equal to 10 + your Charisma
and they can still use powers that affect themselves, just modifier. The enemy with the most hit points on the bat-
not other creatures. tlefield is immune to the effect.
Cleaving Smite (Smite Power): Hit or miss, deal the
Shield of Devotion Smite extra damage to a number of additional nearby
If your heart is pure and your belief is unshaken, the enemies equal to your Charisma modifier. Choose targets
power of faith can block the mightiest of strikes. by their hit point total, starting with the lowest.
Once per battle, when a nearby ally is hit by an attack,
you can grant the ally a normal save (11+). If the save is Radiant Presence
successful, the target takes no damage from the attack, The creatures of darkness are in awe of your shining
and all its effects are negated. On a failure, the ally takes presence and weakened in their resolve.
half damage and effects apply. Enemies engaged with you have automatic disadvantage
on all saves, including disengage checks. If they fail a save,
Champion Feat: If you are engaged with the attacker,
they take radiant damage equal to your level.
the save is an easy save (6+).
Radiant Smite (Smite Power): On a hit, the target is
Devoted Smite (Smite Power): On a hit, gain a free use weakened (-4 to attacks and defenses) until the end of
of Shield of Devotion this battle against the target’s attack your next turn.
against one of your allies.
Epic Feat: The weaken effect is “save ends.”
Sword of Faith
You are the chosen champion of your deity, and you can Zealot
feel their guiding hand in every strike.
Your heart burns with religious devotion. No matter
You gain a +1 bonus to melee attack rolls. how tired you are, no matter how often they slash at
Champion Feat: For one battle per day, grant all nearby you with their swords and their claws, you swing your
allies a +1 bonus to melee attack rolls. hammer again and again until they are driven back and
Guiding Smite (Smite Power): On a hit, the target is defeated.
vulnerable to your allies’ attacks until the start of your Once per round, when the escalation die is even, you can
next turn. make a melee basic attack as a quick action.
Epic Feat: Once per day, move yourself to the start of the
Epic Tier Talents initiative order at the start of a round, after the escalation

(New) die is increased.

Zealous Smite (Smite Power): Make two Smite Evil
For epic tier talents, Celestial Wings gives you flight attacks against two different enemies you are engaged
once per day, Radiant Presence gives you an aura that with.
punishes engaged enemies, and Zealot gives you more

This chapter offers a range of new adventurer, champion, Animal Companion
and epic talents for the ranger. In the 13th Age Core Book,
For new options for the Animal Companion talent,
rangers gain an additional talent at 5th and 8th level, but
please see the Circle of the Fang entry in the Druid chap-
they are not offered any new choices. With this book,
ter. Rangers can take up to three talents from that druid
rangers now gain access to a new tier of talents at 5th
circle and gain the animal companion abilities as per
level, and again at 8th.
the rules for that circle.
Adventurer Tier
Talents The Arcane Archer powers are organized in spheres, with
each sphere containing a 1st, 3rd, and 5th level power.
Path of the Spear offers a new melee option, which fits You can choose the 1st and 3rd level powers from any
a tribal hunter style better than the two-weapon fighting sphere as long as you have the required level, but to access
inspired by a certain dark elf, whereas Great Weapon the 5th level power, you also need both the 1st and 3rd
Master is for rangers who’d rather use a big sword or axe. level powers of that sphere.
For archers, it adds the Arcane Archer, who can To use an Arcane Archer power, declare that you are
shoot arrows infused with elemental power. The archer using it before making a ranged weapon attack. You then
also benefits from the Camouflage talent, which gives a pay the cost of the power, usually one charge for a 1st
defense bonus when not engaged with an enemy. or 3rd level power, or 2 charges for 5th level power. You
Regardless of your fighting style, Ways of the Land then apply the effect of the power to your ranged attack. If
and Survivor strengthen your role as the pathfinder who you make more than one attack, such as with the Double
helps the party survive in the wild. Ranged Attack talent, your Arcane Archer power only
Rangers are usually depicted with a connection to nature, applies to one of those attacks. If you want to use them
but the Gloomstalker talent gives them a darker theme. with more than one attack, pay the cost each time.
If you are an initiate, you have a number of charges
Arcane Archer equal to your Wisdom modifier, as an adept, you have
You practice a mystic form of archery that infuses your your Wisdom modifier +3.
arrows with arcane magic as you shoot. You regain all expended charges during a full heal-up.
If you spend one talent, you are an Arcane Archer initiate, When you take a quick rest, you regain one charge as an
with two, you become an Arcane Archer adept. initiate, or two as an adept.
As an Arcane Archer, you gain a number of powers You can only apply one power to each ranged attack,
depending on whether you are an initiate or adept, and unless you have one of the feats below that allow you to
your level. stack multiple powers of one sphere.
Arcane Archer Power Progression Feats: You don’t need to take the feats below in order.

Powers Known Adventurer Feat: You learn an additional shot. You

Ranger Level can use Intelligence instead of Wisdom for your Arcane
Initiate Adept Archer abilities.
1 2 3 Adventurer Feat: Gain a bonus charge. You can use
Charisma instead of Wisdom for your Arcane Archer
2 2 4
3 2 4 Champion Feat: Choose one sphere. Gain a +1 bonus to
4 3 5 hit when using a shot from that sphere.
Champion Feat: Choose one sphere. You can combine
5 3 5
any two shots of that sphere in one attack by paying the
6 3 6 cost for each.
7 4 6 Epic Feat: Regain two charges on a quick rest as an
initiate, or three as an adept.
8 4 7
Epic Feat: Choose one sphere. You can combine all
9 4 7 three shots of that sphere in one attack by paying the
10 5 8 cost for each.

chapter 14
Death Sphere Force Sphere

Deathknell Shot (1st Level) Arrow Fist (1st Level)

Cost: 1 charge Cost: 1 charge
Effect: On a hit, if your target has 5 hp or fewer after the Effect: If you hit, the attack deals force damage and
attack, you can drop it to 0 hp. If you drop it to zero hp, throws the target backwards. It pops free from anyone it
either from the arrow’s damage or this ability, you can is engaged with. If you push the target into a dangerous
heal using a recovery. spot, such as over a ledge or into lava, it can make a save
3rd level power: 10 hp or fewer to avoid the effect.
5th level power: 15 hp or fewer Adventurer Feat: The push effect is now strong enough
7th level power: 20 hp or fewer to throw a target from a nearby to a far away location.
9th level power: 25 hp or fewer
Homing Missile (3rd Level)
Adventurer Feat: Double the hit point range at which Cost: 1 charge
you can drop an enemy to zero hit points.
Effect: You have advantage on the attack roll.
Ghost Shot (3rd Level) Adventurer Feat: Against far away enemies, increase
Cost: 1 charge your WEAPON damage dice by one step.
Effect: Target the enemy’s PD instead of AC.
Twin Arrow (5th Level)
Adventurer Feat: Deal extra negative energy damage Requires Arrow Fist and Homing Missile
equal to your level.
Cost: 2 charges
Kill Shot (5th Level) Target: Two nearby or far away enemies
Requires Deathknell Shot and Ghost Shot Effect: Take a -2 penalty to the attack roll. The attack
deals force damage. If both attacks miss, roll a third attack
Cost: 2 charges
against a different enemy.
Effect: Deal double damage (hit or miss).
Flaming Sphere Frost Sphere
Ice Arrow (1st Level)
Burning Shot (1st Level)
Cost: 1 charge
Cost: 1 charge
Effect: On a hit, deal 1d4 per level extra cold damage to
Effect: If you hit, deal 1d6 extra fire damage per level.
the target, and it has disadvantage on disengage checks
Adventurer Feat: The extra fire damage dice are until the end of your next turn.
exploding dice (on a 6, roll another d6 and add it).
Adventurer Feat: Increase the extra damage to 1d6 per
Immolating Shot (3rd Level) level.
Cost: 1 charge Freezing Arrow (3rd Level)
Effect: If you hit, deal an extra 5 ongoing fire damage, and
Cost: 1 charge
the target is vulnerable to fire (save ends both).
Effect: On a hit, whenever the target takes an action
5th level power: 10 ongoing damage
before the end of your next turn, it takes cold damage
7th level power: 15 ongoing damage
equal to your level + Wisdom modifier (x2 at 5th level;
9th level power: 20 ongoing damage x3 at 8th).
Adventurer Feat: The save against the ongoing damage Adventurer Feat: On a miss, deal extra cold damage
is a hard save (16+). equal to your level.
Explosive Shot (5th Level) Blizzard Shot (5th Level)
Requires Burning Shot and Immolating Shot Requires Ice Arrow and Freezing Arrow
Cost: 2 charges Cost: 2 charges
Effect: Hit or miss, deal 3d10 + Wisdom extra fire damage Effect: Hit or miss, deal 2d8 + Wisdom cold damage to all
to 1d3 nearby enemies other than the target. nearby enemies other than the target, and all nearby allies
7th level power: 5d10 damage can make a save to disengage as a free action.
9th level power: 7d10 damage 7th level power: 3d8 damage
9th level power: 5d8 damage

Radiant Sphere Thorns Sphere
Blinding Flare (1st Level) Rooting Shot (1st Level)
Cost: 1 charge Cost: 1 charge
Effect: On a hit, the target has disadvantage on its next Effect: On a hit, deal 1d4 per level extra damage. On a
attack roll. natural even hit, the target is stuck until the end of its
Adventurer Feat: On a miss, you deal extra psychic next turn.
damage equal to your level. Adventurer Feat: The target is now stuck on any hit.
Champion Feat: On a natural 16+, the stuck effect is
Vexing Flare (3rd Level) “save ends.”
Cost: 1 charge
Effect: The attack targets the enemy’s MD instead of AC. Ivy Shot (3rd Level)
Adventurer Feat: On a natural even miss, reroll the Cost: 1 charge
attack against a different nearby enemy. Effect: On a hit, the target is hampered until the end of
your next turn. It can choose to take 15 poison damage to
Confusing Flare (5th Level) shake off the effect.
Requires Blinding Flare and Vexing Flare 5th level power: 25 damage to shake off
Cost: 2 charges 7th level power: 40 damage to shake off
Effect: On a hit, if the target’s hit points are equal to your 9th level power: 60 damage to shake off
maximum or less after taking damage, it is confused until Adventurer Feat: On a natural 18+, the hampered effect
the end of your next turn. If they are higher, it is dazed is “save ends.”
until the end of your next turn.
Champion Feat: Increase your WEAPON damage dice to Spore Shot (5th Level)
d12s with this shot and make all damage psychic damage. Requires Rooting Shot and Ivy Shot
Cost: 2 charges
Sky Sphere Effect: Hit or miss, create a spore cloud around the target
and 1d3 enemies in the same group. Enemies in that cloud
Thunderbolt (1st Level) must take a move action to get out of the area or take half
Cost: 1 charge damage from the attack as poison damage at the start of
Effect: On a hit, the target is dazed until the end of your your next turn.
next turn. On a miss, deal your level in thunder damage
to any of your allies engaged with the target. Camouflage
You merge with your surroundings, hard to spot and
Adventurer Feat: On a natural even hit, the target is hard to pin down.
weakened instead.
When you are not engaged, you gain a +2 bonus to all
Lightning Bolt (3rd Level) defenses.
Cost: 1 charge Adventurer Feat: Once per scene, you can choose to
Effect: Before making your ranged attack, make the reroll a skill check to hide that is a natural even roll.
following separate attack roll. Champion Feat: Once per battle, while not engaged,
Target: A random nearby enemy other than the target you can force an enemy to reroll a natural odd attack roll
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD against you.
Hit: 1d8 per level lightning damage Epic Feat: Increase the defense bonus to +4 in the first
Miss: — round of battle.
Champion Feat: Deal half damage on a miss.
Shocking Jolt (5th Level) You walk through the valley of the shadow of death.
Requires Thunderbolt and Lightning Bolt Choose one spell of your level or lower from the nec-
Cost: 2 charges romancer class. You can cast this spell as if you were a
Effect: On a hit, deal 1d8 per level extra lightning damage necromancer, but you can replace any mention of Intelli-
to the target, and if its hit points are equal to your maximum gence with Wisdom. You can change the spell after each
or less after taking damage, it is stunned until the end full heal-up.
of your next turn. On a miss, deal your level in lightning
damage to any of your allies engaged with the target.

chapter 14
Adventurer Feat: When you are in the Underworld, Ways of the Land
environment-related skill checks such as tracking are You are in tune with the spirits of nature.
one step easier (-5) for you. You gain a spell slot from the druid’s Circle of the Lands
Champion Feat: Once per battle, you can force an (Terrain Caster). Like a Terrain Caster, you don’t need
enemy to reroll an attack against you as a free action, as to prepare a spell in advance. When you decide to cast
long as you are in a dark or shadowy area. a spell, choose one from the list of the terrain(s) you are
Epic Feat: You gain an additional necromancer spell of currently in, at your level or lower. If the spell is an at-will
your choice of up to your level -2. or once-per-battle spell, you regain your spell slot at the
end of the battle or scene. If the spell is a daily spell, you
Great Weapon Master regain the spell slot at your next full heal-up.
In addition, once per day per point of Wisdom modifier,
Large weapons require precise stances to leverage them
for maximum precision and impact. you can commune with the spirits of nature to gain
advantage on a skill check related to the surrounding
You gain a +1 bonus to attack when fighting with a
terrain. For example, beast spirits can help you track
two-handed melee weapon.
game, river spirits can point to a source of freshwater, and
Adventurer Feat: When fighting with a two-handed earth spirits can make climbing easier.
weapon, reroll all natural 1s on the damage dice.
Adventurer Feat: You can cast Wild Heal from the
Champion Feat: Once per battle, when fighting with a
druid’s Wild Healer talent twice per day.
two-handed weapon, reroll one of your missed attacks.
Champion Feat: When you take a quick rest in a natural
Epic Feat: When you hit an enemy you weren’t engaged
environment, roll d12s for recovery dice.
with at the start of your turn with a two-handed weapon,
gain two extra WEAPON damage dice. Epic Feat: You gain a second terrain caster spell slot, at
two levels below your class level.

Path of the Spear

One of the first weapons invented to hunt, and still one Champion Tier
of the best.
When fighting with a spear (d8 two-handed melee attack)
Talents (New)
You can take the talents below with your 5th- or 8th-level
or a javelin (d6 thrown weapon), and your attack is a nat-
talent slot.
ural even hit, deal 1d6 extra damage per level.
Deadly Aim allows you to target an opponent’s PD
Adventurer Feat: On a natural odd hit with a spear, you with your ranged attacks, whereas Big Game Hunter
can pop free from your target. gives you a stunt with big enemies.
Champion Feat: Once per battle, when you intercept an Some of the champion talents require an adventurer
enemy, make a melee attack against them as an interrupt tier talent as they build upon its effect. Improved
action. Double Attack removes the damage die penalty for the
Epic Feat: Once per battle, gain advantage on an attack Double Melee Attack and Double Ranged Attack talents.
against an enemy that you engaged the same turn. Champion of the Fey Queen improves upon the Fey
Queen’s Enchantments talent. Divine Avenger requires
Note that Path of the Spear is an alternative to Double Ranger Ex Cathedral. First Blood is an extension of First
Melee Attack / Double Ranged Attack. They can’t be Strike, whereas Merciless Hunter builds on Lethal Hunter.
combined because of the different weapon requirements.
Big Game Hunter
It’s only worth a trophy if a tooth is bigger than your
Survivor head.
The long years of surviving out in the wild, relying only Once per battle, you can perform a stunt as a move action
on your wits and your will, have taught you how to pull to climb on a large or huge enemy. This does not require
through even in the hardest of circumstances. a skill check. You get a firm grip on their back, where you
Add your Wisdom modifier to saving throws and death are in position to reach their weak points, but you are
saves. hard to reach for claws and teeth. The enemy has disad-
Adventurer Feat: Increase your recovery dice to d10. vantage on attacks against you, while you have advantage
Champion Feat: You die after five failed death saves on attacks against them.
instead of four. If you are still on the enemy on any further turns, roll a
normal save (11+). On a success, you remain in position.
Epic Feat: Once per level, you can give an in-story reason
On a natural even failure, you cling on but lose advantage.
why you survive a situation that is otherwise a certain death.
On a natural odd failure, you fall off.

Champion Feat: On a hit with a melee or ranged Deadly Aim
weapon attack against a large or huge enemy, deal 5 extra With a quick glance, you can zone in on your prey’s
damage. Increase the bonus to 10 at 7th level, and 15 at weak spots.
9th. While you are not engaged, you can take a quick action
Epic Feat: Against huge enemies, increase the damage to aim at a nearby enemy. If you attack this enemy with
bonus to 20. At 9th level, increase it to 30. a ranged weapon attack this turn, target their PD instead
of their AC.
Champion of the Fey Queen Champion Feat: You can choose to target the enemy’s
The favors of the fey queen are fickle, and she doesn’t MD instead of PD.
like to be disappointed. Epic Feat: With aim, you also deal half damage on a miss.
Special: This talent requires Fey Queen’s Enchantments.
At the start of each battle, roll 2d4 to determine the effect
of a special blessing that the fey grant you until the end
Divine Avenger
If paladins are the Priestess’ shield, you are her sword.
of the battle.
Special: This talent requires Ranger Ex Cathedral.
2. When you rally this battle, you become invisible
until you make an attack. Once per day, you can swear an Oath of Vengeance against
3. Enemy attacks have a 25% (4 on a d4) chance of an enemy as a quick action. Your attack rolls against the
missing you this battle. target have advantage, and all damage you deal against it
4. 1d4 times this battle, you can teleport to a nearby is holy damage.
location you can see as a move action. You also gain Inescapable Wrath and Relentless Pursuit
5. When you make a ranger melee or weapon attack, as bonus powers.
gain a 1d4 bonus to the attack roll. Champion Feat: When an enemy drops you below zero
6. When you roll a save against an effect, gain a 1d4 hit points, you gain a free use of Oath of Vengeance
bonus to the roll. against that enemy.
7. Choose a sorcerer spell gained with Fey Queen’s Epic Feat: Choose between Egoist or Altruist.
Enchantments. Choose A) advantage on the first
Altruist: When an enemy drops an ally below zero
attack roll with it or B) a bonus use of it this battle.
hit points, you gain a free use of Oath of Vengeance
8. If you hit an enemy with a natural even roll on a
against that enemy.
melee or ranged weapon attack, and their hit point
total after taking damage is equal to your maximum Egoist: When an enemy scores a critical hit against
or less, that target is confused until the end of your you, you gain a free use of Oath of Vengeance against
next turn. If they have more hit points, roll 1d4: On that enemy.
a 3 or 4, gain the confusion effect.
Inescapable Wrath
Champion Feat: When the escalation die is 5+, roll Close-quarters power; At-will; Interrupt action
again for a second benefit (reroll if you get the same Trigger: Your Oath of Vengeance target disengages or
benefit twice). moves away from you.
Epic Feat: Gain the second benefit when the escalation Effect: Make a save. If your save is equal to the enemy’s
die is 3+. disengage check or higher, you pursue the enemy and stay
engaged while they move. Succeed or fail, you add twice
your Wisdom modifier (x3 at 8th level) to damage if your
next attack against the target is a hit.
Relentless Pursuit
Close-quarters power; Once per battle; No action
Trigger: The first time you are unconscious at the start of
your turn in a battle.
Effect: You can heal using a recovery.
First Blood
The first cut is the deepest.
Special: This talent requires First Strike.
When you make a First Strike attack, and you hit, deal
10 (7th level: 15; 9th level: 20) ongoing damage. If the
attack is a critical hit, double the ongoing damage.

chapter 14
Champion Feat: On a miss with a First Strike attack, Hail of Arrows
deal half damage. It’s raining death.
Epic Feat: On a critical hit with First Strike, the target Special: This talent requires Double Ranged Attack.
is also weakened (-4 to attacks and defenses; save ends If the second attack from Double Ranged Attack is a natu-
both). ral even roll, you can make another ranged attack against
another enemy within range that you have not attacked
Improved Double Attack yet this turn. Keep attacking as long as your attack roll is
You always hit for full effect. even and there are viable targets.
Special: This talent requires Double Melee Attack or Epic Feat: Once per day, when you make at least 3
Double Ranged Attack. ranged attacks in one turn, increase the escalation die
Your double attacks no longer reduce the weapon size by by 1.
one step.
Champion Feat: Your second attack with Double Melee Pack Circles the Prey
Attack can be a ranged attack instead, and your second When the alpha wolf has wounded the prey, the pack is
attack with Double Ranged Attack can be a melee attack ready to take it down.
instead. (You switch weapons as part of the second When you score a critical hit with a melee attack, the
attack.) target is vulnerable to all attacks until the end of your
next turn.
Merciless Hunter Epic Feat: The vulnerability increases the critical threat
Once you are on their path, death is the only escape. range by 3.
Special: This talent requires Lethal Hunter.
You can declare your Lethal Hunter target outside of Planeswalker
combat. This gives you advantage on skill checks to track Your pathfinding skills now reach past the limits of the
the target down. primal plane.
Champion Feat: When your Lethal Hunter target is You gain a 5-point background that you can use to sense
staggered, you deal half damage on a miss. nearby portals and determine the keys that open them.
Epic Feat: You gain a +2 bonus to hit against your Lethal You also gain Defensive Jaunt as a bonus power.
Hunter target.
Defensive Jaunt

Epic Tier Talents Close-quarter power; Once per battle; Interrupt

(New) Trigger: You are hit by an attack
Effect: Take half damage from the attack and teleport to
You can take the talents below with your 8th-level talent a nearby location.
For melee specialists, Bladestorm gives you an Epic Feat: You can use defensive jaunt twice per battle.
immediate attack when enemies get too close, whereas
Pack Circles the Prey gives allies a chance to take down Reaper
enemies after you score a critical hit. Reaper lets you You slash across the battlefield in a whirlwind of death.
keep attacking as long as you roll even. Hail of Arrows Special: This talent requires Double Melee Attack.
does the same for ranged attacks.
If your second attack from Double Melee Attack is a nat-
Planeswalker extends your exploration abilities to the
ural even roll, you can pop free from your current target
outer planes.
and make a melee attack against a different nearby enemy
Bladestorm that you have not attacked yet this turn. Keep making
The perimeter around you is a death zone. attacks as long as your attack roll is even and there are
When an enemy engages you, you can make a melee basic viable targets.
attack against that enemy as an interrupt action. Epic Feat: If the escalation die is 2+, you can now attack
Epic Feat: Your Bladestorm attacks deal extra damage far away enemies with Reaper.
equal to your Wisdom modifier x3.

When choosing talents for your rogue, consider whether Epic Feat: When you are missed by a spell or magical
you want to focus on combat or skills. effect, make a hard save (16+). If you succeed, you can
For a skillful rogue, Babyface, Second Identity, and use this spell yourself once during the same scene or
Street Urchin focus on the social aspects, whereas battle. Use your Charisma modifier for any attack rolls
Intrusion Expert, Scout Ahead, and Wilderness Scout with it.
strengthen your role as the one clearing the way for the
rest of your party. Babyface
In combat, Catch Them Unprepared makes you
You have a sweet, innocent charm that pierces people‘s
better at surprise attacks, while Knife Thrower or
hearts, lets them forget any slight, and makes them
Sniper increase your offensive capabilities at range.
blame anyone but you.
Improved Evasion and Vampiric Drain increase your
Whenever you try to play innocent or get away with
survival chances. If you want to focus on the momentum
something, you can reroll a natural even failure on the
mechanic, look at the Ready to Roll and Unstoppable
skill check once. On the other hand, if you try to appear
Momentum talents.
dangerous or intimidate people, you have disadvantage,
Patient Assassin provides a powerful combat bonus,
as people just don‘t take you seriously enough (unless you
but requires you to shadow your target for a while.
do something extremely drastic or violent).
Discuss with your GM if you are unsure whether you’d
get the chance to use it in a given campaign. Adventurer Feat: Your knack with people borders on
If you‘d like to have a bit of magic up your sleeves, look the supernatural. You gain the Charm Person spell as
at the Arcane Trickster, Black Rose Agent, and Shadow a bonus power. (You can choose either the bard or the
Mastery talents. wizard version)
Champion Feat: You no longer have disadvantage to
Shadow (Keyword) (New) intimidate.
The Shadow keyword marks powers that have a more Epic Feat: You have mastered the switch from innocent
supernatural flavor than the rogue powers in the Core to scary. Once per day, you can create a fear aura like a
Book. They have a connection to the Shadow Plane, which monster of your level, for a number of rounds equal to
could be the same as the Underworld or a separate realm your Charisma modifier.
depending on the cosmology used in the campaign.
The keyword itself does not have rules tied to it, but the
Shadow Mastery talent improves these powers. Black Rose Agent
If you choose to go the Shadow route, take into account You have sworn allegiance to a secretive assassins’
that many of these powers have effects tied to your guild whose elite members practice the dark arts of
Charisma modifier. necromancy.
You gain a spell from the necromancer list. You can use
Rogue Talents Charisma instead of Intelligence for attack and damage
with the spell, and you can use a melee weapon as an
Arcane Trickster implement.
You spice up your mundane sleight of hand with arcane
You gain a bard, sorcerer, swordmage, or wizard spell as
a bonus power. If it’s a melee attack spell, you can sneak
attack with it. Starting from 3rd level, you can replace a
rogue maneuver with a spell from the same class, at two
levels lower.
Adventurer Feat: You gain three cantrips from the
wizard list, which you can cast like a wizard. (Quick pick:
Knock, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation)
Champion Feat: You can use a melee weapon as an
arcane implement for the spell. If you choose a ranged
spell, you no longer provoke opportunity attacks with it.

Adventurer Feat: If an ally is engaged with the target, you Champion Feat: Subconsciously, you are always looking
can Sneak Attack with the spell. If you choose a ranged for an entry and exit point. If you have visited a place
spell, you no longer provoke opportunity attacks with it. once, you can recall details such as guard placements,
Champion Feat: You can switch out a rogue maneuver unsecured doors, climbable walls, and so on. You can
to gain an additional necromancer spell, at a -2 level reroll a natural even failure once on skill checks to
penalty. remember such details about a location.
Epic Feat: Your keen sense for architecture can tell you
Catch Them Unprepared immediately where to find what in a building, even if you
A dagger to the throat is the best self-defense. enter it for the first time, and even against attempts to hide
In the first round of combat, your attacks have advantage or obfuscate features such as hidden stairs or wall safes.
against any opponent that has not acted yet in the initiative
order. If there is an ambush or surprise, the surprise round Knife Thrower
is considered the first round of combat for this talent. Catch! Well, not with your throat ...
Increase your damage dice with small thrown weapons
Adventurer Feat: Gain a free move action in the first
to d8. You can use your Sneak Attack class feature with
round of battle.
thrown weapon attacks, as long as the target is nearby
Champion Feat: If both attack rolls hit, the attack is a and engaged with an ally.
critical hit. You also gain 3 points towards a background in knife-
Epic Feat: In the first round of combat, your attacks throwing and knife-juggling performance arts.
have advantage, even if the target has acted already.
Adventurer Feat: You can use any melee attack rogue
Improved Evasion power as a thrown weapon ranged attack, as long as it could
logically work. For example, you could use Thief‘s Strike
Not even a scratch.
with a thrown dagger, but you wouldn‘t be able to grab an
You take no damage or effects from missed attacks against item with it, when not engaged, only let if fall on the floor.
your AC and PD.
Champion Feat: When using a small thrown weapon,
Adventurer Feat: Enemies cannot gain advantage on you can reroll a natural 2 on the attack roll.
attack rolls against you, or roll more than one die and Epic Feat: Once per battle, when the escalation die is
take the better result. 3+, make a ranged basic attack with a thrown weapon as
Champion Feat: Enemies cannot benefit from increased a quick action. The attack uses a d4 as the damage die.
critical threat range against you. They can only score a
critical hit on a natural 20. Patient Assassin
Epic Feat: When you are hit by an attack against AC or Day 6: Subject repeatedly exhibits an erratic daily
PD that also targets other creatures than you, you take routine. Closing investigation and moving in.
half damage. You can study a target over an extended period of time to
spot its weaknesses. Each hour you spend observing the
Intrusion Expert target, you gain a +1 bonus to skill checks against it, up to
Wait, I‘ve got an invitation somewhere ... a maximum of +3. You can build up a bonus against one
You have an uncanny ability to get where you are not sup- target per level. If you study more targets than that, you
posed to be. Once per day, you can slip, sneak, bumble, lose the bonus against the target where the longest time
or bamboozle your way into a forbidden place such as a passed since you studied it.
treasure vault, a cloister or an invitation-only festival. (If Adventurer Feat: In a battle against a target you studied,
the GM decides that getting to the goal is especially dif- you gain the bonus to initiative and to the critical threat
ficult, they can rule this will cost a recovery, to represent range of attacks against it.
exhaustion or small injuries.) If you used this talent to get Champion Feat: You now gain the bonus for each 10
into a place, you can generally also get out again, but it minutes spent studying the target.
doesn’t help you get out of a place when you are confined.
Epic Feat: If you manage to surprise the target at the
It’s for intrusion, not escape.
start of a battle, and you are the one chosen to start the
(Note: This is the same as the rebel’s Transgress class
ambush, set the escalation die to 1.
feature in 13th Age Glorantha.)
Adventurer Feat: You can reroll a natural even failure Ready to Roll
on a skill check once, when it involves unlocking doors, My entrance music please.
climbing walls of a built structure, or sneaking around You start each battle with momentum.
inside buildings.

chapter 15
Adventurer Feat: When you are hit by an attack, you Shadow Adept
retain your momentum if the enemy‘s attack roll was a The darkness shall not consume me.
natural 12 or less. Once per battle or scene, you can use an expended power
Champion Feat: You no longer lose your momentum with the Shadow keyword a second time. If you choose a
when you are hit by an attack. daily Shadow power, you cannot use this talent again until
Epic Feat: You gain momentum when you rally. the next full heal-up.
Adventurer Feat: When you use a Shadow power, gain
Scout Ahead temporary hit points equal to your level + Charisma
Stay put, I‘ve got this. modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th). For powers with an
When you move in front in the party marching order or ongoing effect, you only gain the temporary hit points
start scouting ahead, roll a d6 exploration die and keep when you activate it. (Shadow Walk is considered a
the result. When making a skill check to interact with the Shadow power for this feat)
environment, such as when determining directions or Champion Feat: Once per battle, you can attack the
searching for traps, you may add the exploration die. You target’s PD instead of AC with a Shadow power. This
can also add the die to a defense against attacks outside includes powers like Shadow Poison that give a benefit
of combat, such as a trap or a surprise attack. After you to other attacks.
use the bonus, reduce it by one, until it reaches zero. You Epic Feat: When you attack with a Shadow power,
regain the die after the next quick rest. ignore any resistance the target may have.
Adventurer Feat: When you add the die to a perception
check (a Wisdom-based skill check), don’t reduce it. Skirmisher
Champion Feat: Roll two d6 for your exploration die You skirt around the battlefield, looking for the quickest
and keep the higher one. kill.
Epic Feat: If you have an exploration die when combat You can use your Sneak Attack class feature with a melee
starts, add it to your first attack roll. attack against a target that you were not engaged with at
the start of your turn, even if that target is not engaged
with an ally.
Second Identity
The baroness is ready to receive you now. Adventurer Feat: Enemies must succeed on a save to
You have several other identities that you have cultivat- intercept you.
ed over the years, to the point that you might be better Champion Feat: If you disengage or pop free from an
known under your cover name than your real name. enemy during your turn, you gain a +1 bonus to AC until
Create one such persona per point of Charisma modifier the start of your next turn.
and specify for each one in which circles the persona is Epic Feat: When you are intercepted by an enemy while
known. you move, make a Dexterity + Level attack roll against
Like the Trap Sense class feature, you can reroll a their MD. If you succeed, the intercept fails.
natural even failure on a skill check once when creating a
disguise or lying about your identity. Since it takes a con Sniper
man to spot one, you can also reroll a natural even failure
on skill checks to notice other people in disguise, or lying
You take no attack penalty with bows and crossbows.
about their identity. This includes disguises created by
You can use your Sneak Attack class feature with bow
magic, such as the Disguise Self spell, and innate powers
and crossbow attacks, as long as the target is nearby and
such as from a doppelgänger.
engaged with an ally.
Adventurer Feat: You gain a 2-point background Adventurer Feat: You can use any rogue power with
for each of your created personas, which represents ranged attacks, as long as you can explain it logically.
knowledge and skill sets that you gained when playing For example, you can shoot an arrow at a target’s pockets
that role. with Thief ’s Strike, but the contents would fall to the
Champion Feat: You gain a bonus icon relationship, floor if you’re not engaged with it.
and you can decide for each icon relationship whether it Champion Feat: If you spend a move action to aim,
refers to your real self or the persona you have created. you can target PD instead of AC with your next ranged
Epic Feat: Your ability to spot fake identities has evolved attack that turn.
to a supernatural level. You have the equivalent of True Epic Feat: If you spend a move action to aim, you always
Sight for spotting illusions. get your Sneak Attack with ranged attacks, even if there
is no ally engaged with the target.

Street Urchin
You’ve grown up on the streets, fending for yourself. For Rogue Powers
the big movers and shakers, you’re nothing more than 1st Level Rogue Powers
the dirt under their shoes. But who cares. You’re used
to hardships, and you know who your true friends are. Dark Shroud
You gain a +1 bonus to saves against effects, and 3 points Close-quarters attack; Once per battle; Quick action;
towards a low-life background. Shadow
The icons don’t care about a nobody like you, so you Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
don’t start with any icon relationships. Instead of icon dice, Hit: The target has disadvantage on their next attack roll.
you roll “friends in low places” dice. Any 5 or 6 means you If you make a melee or ranged weapon attack against the
get support from those who are just as destitute as you. target this turn, you can use your Sneak Attack, even if it
Your friends can provide a reliable source for the latest is not engaged with an ally.
gossip and rumor, connections in the shady back alleys, Miss: —
or a place to hunker down, away from the watchful eye Adventurer Feat: When you deal Sneak Attack damage
of the authorities. They won’t provide much riches and to the target on the same turn, reroll natural 1s and 2s on
treasure, although you never know what just happened the Sneak Attack damage dice.
to go missing when the maid swept through the lord
Champion Feat: If the target rolls a natural 1 on their
chancellor’s bedchamber.
next attack, the shroud persists for another turn.
Note that as the story progresses and you become more
powerful, the icons are likely to start paying attention. Feint Throw
When you feel that there is enough story justification, you
Ranged attack; At-will
can swap one or more of your friends in low places dice
Special: You must use a small thrown weapon for this
for normal icon relations. At 5th and 8th level, you gain
icon relationship dice as usual.
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. MD
Adventurer Feat: You can reroll a skill check once on an Hit: WEAPON + Dexterity damage
even failure to survive in urban areas, i.e. finding directions Miss: The next attack by the target against you attacks
in the back alleys, scrounging for food, or finding shelter. your lowest defense.
Champion Feat: Increase your recovery dice to d10. Adventurer Feat: The target is vulnerable to the attack.
Epic Feat: You’ve developed an uncanny sense of what’s
really going on in a city, just by keeping your eyes open. Humiliate
Once per full heal-up you spend in a city, you can either You knock the target’s wig off their head, carve your
ask the GM a question about “what’s really going on” or signature in their chest, or otherwise humiliate them.
establish that fact yourself (within reason). Melee attack; Once per battle
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
Unstoppable Momentum Hit: 1d8 per level + Charisma psychic damage. The target
When you gain momentum, you also gain a +2 bonus to cannot benefit from the escalation die (hard save 16+
AC until the end of your next turn. ends).
Adventurer Feat: You gain the bonus to all defenses. Miss: You pop free from the target.
Champion Feat: You can use two interrupt actions Champion Feat: The target is also vulnerable to your
between your turns, as long as you use both for rogue attacks (save ends both).
momentum powers. Epic Feat: You can use this power as a ranged attack.
Epic Feat: While you have momentum, you can rally as
a quick action. Shadow Glove
Close-quarters power; Quick action; Daily; Shadow
Effect: You summon a gloved, floating hand of shadow
Vampiric Drain matter. As a quick action, you can order the hand to
When you deal Sneak Attack damage to a living target, i.e. carry and manipulate objects or extinguish torches. As a
not a construct or undead, you heal hit points equal to the standard action, it can choke or punch people. It uses your
Sneak Attack damage. Dexterity for attack and damage, has a d4 damage die, and
Adventurer Feat: When you score a critical hit against deals negative energy damage. The hand stays until the
a living target with a Sneak Attack, that target is also end of the battle or scene. The hand has your defenses,
dazed (save ends). and hit points equal to twice your level. It ignores any
Champion Feat: The target is now weakened instead. damage except force and holy damage.

chapter 15
Champion Feat: You can attack with the hand as a quick 3rd Level Rogue Powers
action once per battle.
Assassin’s Shot
Shadow Poison Ranged attack; Once per battle; Shadow
Close-quarters power; Free action; Once per battle; Target: One nearby enemy
Shadow Attack: Dexterity + Level + 2 vs. AC
Trigger: You hit with a melee or ranged weapon attack Hit: WEAPON + Dexterity damage. You can use your
Effect: Deal 1d10 extra poison damage. Sneak Attack even if the target is not engaged to an ally.
3rd level power: 2d10 damage Miss: Damage equal to your level
5th level power: 3d10 damage Adventurer Feat: If you spend a quick action to survey
7th level power: 4d10 damage the target before using this power, increase the attack
9th level power: 5d10 damage bonus to +4.
Champion Feat: If your next melee attack this battle is a
natural even hit, add the poison damage again. Black Veil
Epic Feat: Add another 2d10 damage. Momentum power
Once per battle; Interrupt action; Shadow; requires
Shadow Stalker momentum
Close-quarters power; Daily; Shadow Trigger: An enemy hits you with an attack.
Effect: Your shadow detaches from your body and starts Effect: You take half damage from the attack, and make
following a person or creature you designate for 5 minutes the following attack against the target.
per level of the power. While the shadow is following the Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
target, you have a sense of the direction they are in. Hit: Negative energy damage equal to the damage of the
target’s attack, plus your Charisma modifier (x2 at 5th
Champion Feat: You can hear what the shadow hears,
level; x3 at 8th).
and you can close your eyes to see what it sees.
Adventurer Feat: If the attack had more than one target,
Stay Sharp halve the damage to all targets.
Momentum power
At-will (once per round); Interrupt action; requires Cheeky Distraction
momentum Momentum power
Trigger: You are hit by an attack that imposes a “save At-will; Interrupt action; requires momentum
ends” condition. Trigger: An enemy you are engaged with makes an attack
Effect: Immediately roll a save against the condition. against you or an ally.
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
Adventurer Feat: Add your Charisma modifier to the
Hit: The enemy has disadvantage on the attack roll.
save roll.
Critical hit: The attack fails and has no effect.
Stifled Sounds Miss: —
Close-quarters power; Daily; Shadow Champion Feat: If you hit, you can pop free from the
Effect: You and one nearby ally per Charisma modifier target after it made the attack.
have advantage on checks to move silently for the next 5
minutes per level of this power. Cold-Hearted Strike
Melee attack; Cyclic (Once per battle OR at-will when
Trickster’s Cut the escalation die is even)
Melee attack; At-will Attack: Dexterity + Level + 2 vs. AC
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD Hit: WEAPON + Dexterity damage
Hit: WEAPON + Dexterity damage Miss: —
Miss: Damage equal to your level
Champion Feat: This power ignores any penalty to
Adventurer Feat: Add your Charisma modifier to miss attack you may have, such as from the dazed condition.
damage. You can use it even when hampered.
Champion Feat: On a natural 16+, you can swap places Epic Feat: The first time you miss with this power in a
with a nearby ally after the attack. battle, deal half damage.
Epic Feat: You gain a +2 bonus to attack against dazed
or stunned enemies.

Gloomy Ricochet Hit: WEAPON + Dexterity damage. You don’t regain
Ranged attack; Once per battle; Shadow momentum.
Target: Two nearby enemies Miss: Damage equal to your level
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC Champion Feat: On a natural 18+, the target is
First Hit: WEAPON + Dexterity damage hampered until the end of your next turn.
Second Hit: Half damage of the first hit
Miss: — Star Mantle
Close-quarters power; Once per battle; Quick action;
Adventurer Feat: Deal extra damage equal to your
Charisma modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th).
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, natural odd attack
Champion Feat: If you miss one or both of the targets,
rolls against you miss.
make a third attack against a different nearby enemy.
Epic Feat: Keep attacking until you either score two hits, Adventurer Feat: Gain momentum when you use this
or you have attacked every nearby enemy once. power.

Kick in the Nuts 5th Level Rogue Powers

Melee Attack; Once per battle
Special: For the purpose of this attack, magic item boots Bullseye
provide a bonus to attack and damage like a weapon of Melee OR ranged attack; Daily
the same tier would. Target: One nearby enemy
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. PD
Hit: 1d6 per level + Dexterity damage, and the target is Hit: WEAPON + Dexterity + 5 x escalation die damage
hampered until the end of your next turn. Miss: You regain this power.
Miss: Damage equal to your level 7th level power: 10 x escalation die
9th level power: 20 x escalation die
Adventurer Feat: You can expend your momentum to
impose the hampered condition (save ends). Epic Feat: Increase your critical threat range with this
Champion Feat: On a natural even roll, increase the power by +2.
damage dice to d10s.
Epic Feat: If the escalation die is 3+, you can use this
Charging Shadow
power as a quick action. Melee attack; Once per battle; Shadow
Target: One nearby or far away enemy
Mask of the Masses Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC
Close-quarters power; Daily; Shadow Hit: WEAPON + Dexterity + Charisma damage
Effect: For the next 5 minutes per level of this power, Miss: Damage equal to your level
your face is so generic that any eye witness will be unable Champion Feat: After the attack, you can teleport to
to remember any details of it later. engage the enemy.
5th level power: You can grant the effect to yourself
and one nearby ally per Charisma modifier. Death Strike
Merciless Gang-Up Melee attack; Once per battle; Shadow
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC
Melee attack; At-will
Hit: WEAPON + Dexterity damage and 10 ongoing
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC; gain a +1 bonus to the
negative energy damage
attack roll for each ally engaged with the target.
Miss: Half damage
Hit: WEAPON + Dexterity damage
7th level power: 15 ongoing damage
Miss: Damage equal to your level
9th level power: 25 ongoing damage
Champion Feat: On a hit, deal one extra WEAPON
Champion Feat: When the target fails a save against the
damage die for each ally engaged with the target.
ongoing damage, increase it by the initial amount (10 /
Skill Shot 15 /25).
Momentum power Epic Feat: The first save is a hard save (16+).
Ranged attack; Once per battle; you must spend your
Fan of Knives
Ranged attack; Once per battle
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC. You have advantage on
the attack roll. Special: You must use a small thrown weapon with this

chapter 15
Target: One nearby enemy per point of Dexterity modifier Sneaky Setup
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC Momentum power
Hit: WEAPON damage At-will; Interrupt action; you must spend your momentum
Miss: — Trigger: An ally makes an attack against an enemy you
Adventurer Feat: Gain a +4 bonus to your critical threat are engaged with.
range against mooks with this power. Effect: The ally gains advantage on the attack.
Champion Feat: The ally also gains a +2 bonus to their
Hip Shot critical threat range.
Momentum power Epic Feat: If the ally’s attack is a critical hit, you regain
Ranged attack; Once per battle; Quick action; you your momentum.
must spend your momentum
Special: You must be using a hand crossbow or other Thoughtsteal
small ranged weapon. Close-quarters power; Daily; Shadow
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC Target: A person you have eye contact with
Hit: WEAPON + Dexterity damage. You don’t gain Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
momentum. Hit: You can read the target’s surface thoughts for about
Miss: Damage equal to your level a minute.
Champion Feat: You can deal Sneak Attack damage with Miss: —
this power, even if the target is not engaged with an ally. Natural odd miss: The target notices your intrusion
into their mind.
Really Sneaky Attack
Momentum power
7th Level Rogue Powers
Melee attack; Daily; Interrupt action; you must spend Avalanche of Daggers
your momentum Ranged attack; Daily
Trigger: Any Target: A group of mooks
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. the highest AC in the group
Hit: WEAPON + Dexterity damage. You don’t regain Hit: You kill 1d6 mooks of the group.
momentum. You can use your Sneak attack with this Miss: The group of mooks cannot attack until the end of
power even if no ally is engaged with the target. This does your next turn.
not count against your limit of one sneak attack per round.
Champion Feat: Kill 2d4 mooks.
Miss: Damage equal to your level
Epic Feat: You can now use this power once per battle. Backhand Spin
Momentum power
Shadow Trap At-will; Free; you must spend your momentum
Ranged power; Daily; Shadow Trigger: You miss with a Rogue melee attack.
Target: An object, a doorway, or a section of the floor or Effect: Reroll the attack.
Champion Feat: If the reroll is also a miss, you gain a +4
Effect: You enchant the target area, so that the next
bonus to AC until the end of your next turn.
person or creature to touch it springs the trap and is
targeted by the following attack. You can set a condition Meat Shield
to include or exclude targets, such as “anyone but me,”
Momentum power
“anything larger than a cat,” or “any orc.” The trap lasts for
At-will; Interrupt action; you must spend your
up to one day.
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. PD
Trigger: An enemy targets you with a close-quarters or
Hit: 15 ongoing negative energy damage and the target is
ranged attack.
stuck (save ends both).
Effect: Make a Dexterity-based skill check with the attack
Miss: —
roll as the DC. If you equal or beat the DC, that attack
7th level power: 25 ongoing damage
targets a nearby enemy instead.
9th level power: 40 ongoing damage
Champion Feat: If your skill roll is a natural 16+, you
Champion Feat: The trap has a number of charges equal deal Sneak Attack damage to the new target.
to your Charisma modifier.
Epic Feat: The save against the effect is a hard save (16+).

Shadow Fusion 9th Level Rogue Powers
As your blade sinks into the enemy, your forms begin to
meld. Flickering Shadows
Close-quarters power; Once per battle; Free action; Multiple shadows of yourself strike out at your enemies.
Shadow Melee attack; Daily; Shadow
Trigger: You hit a target with a melee attack. Target: One nearby enemy per point of Charisma
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, whenever you take modifier or escalation die (whichever is higher)
damage, the target takes half of that damage instead of Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. PD
you, and vice versa. Hit: WEAPON + Dexterity damage
Champion Feat: Reduce the damage you take from Miss: —
attacks against the target by twice your Charisma Epic Feat: You can use your Sneak Attack against any
modifier (x3 at 8th level). target that is staggered.

Perfect Execution Killing Blow

Momentum power Melee attack; Daily
Melee attack; Daily; requires momentum Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC
Effect: 50 damage Hit: WEAPON + Dexterity damage. If the target has 250
9th level power: 75 damage hit points or less left after the attack, it starts making last
Champion Feat: You can use your Sneak Attack with gasp saves (16+; see Core Book p. 200). After the fourth
this power. failed save, it dies. If the target has more than 250 hit
points, you can choose to either deal 100 extra damage or
Epic Feat: This power is now Recharge 16+ after battle.
cause the target to lose its next standard action.
Shadow Rift Miss: You have advantage on your next attack against the target.
Close-quarters power; Daily; Quick action; Shadow Epic Feat: You now force enemies with 400 hit points or
Effect: Until the end of the battle, your melee attacks that less to make last gasp saves.
target AC target the enemy’s PD instead.
Not Today, Death
Epic Feat: Enemy attacks that target your PD target your
Momentum power; Shadow
AC instead.
Daily; Interrupt action; requires momentum
Shadow Twin Trigger: An attack reduces you to zero hit points or below.
Close-quarters power; Daily; Quick action; Shadow Effect: You take no damage or other effects from the
Effect: You animate your shadow to aid you in battle. attack. You can spend your momentum to disappear and
The shadow does not fight on its own. Instead, it flanks reappear anywhere nearby.
whoever you are attacking, which allows you to use your Epic Feat: The power is now Recharge 16+ after battle.
Sneak Attack. The shadow persists until the end of the
battle, or until you are knocked unconscious. Shadow Garrotte
Close-quarters power; Daily; Free Action; Shadow
Epic Feat: When an enemy makes an attack against
Trigger: You deal Sneak Attack damage to an enemy with
you, you can spend your momentum (before you would
a melee attack.
lose it from getting hit) as an interrupt action to have
the shadow twin make a basic melee attack against that Target: The same enemy
enemy. Use the same stats as if you had attacked yourself. Attack: Dexterity OR Charisma + Level vs. PD
Hit: 50 ongoing negative energy damage, and the target is
Well-Timed Strike hampered (save ends).
Melee attack; Once per battle Miss: You regain this power at the end of your next turn.
Special: The target is vulnerable to the attack. Surprise, B***
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. the lowest defense of the Close-quarters power; Once per battle; Free action
target Trigger: You successfully save against a condition
Hit: WEAPON + Dexterity damage imposed by an enemy attack.
Miss: Half damage Effect: Make a melee or ranged basic attack against an
Epic Feat: Deal triple damage on a critical hit. enemy in range with advantage.
Epic Feat: Add your Sneak Attack damage even if the
target is not engaged with an ally.

This book expands the sorcerer in two ways. First, it takes
the different sources of power that are hinted at in the
Sorcerous Bloodlines (New)
13th Age Core Book heritage talents, and develops them The new bloodline class feature customizes the Access
into full-blown sorcerer bloodlines that customize all to Wizardry, Gather Power (chaotic benefit), Dancing
your class features in a similar way to the storm voice Lights, and Random Energy class features of the Core
class in 13th Age Glorantha. They replace your Access Book sorcerer. If you have a familiar, it also changes the
to Wizardry, the Chaotic Benefit of Gather Power, the available options.
random energy table, your familiar options, and even With this update, each sorcerer spell is now linked to
your Dancing Lights spell. The seven bloodlines present- one or more bloodlines. You can still choose your sorcerer
ed here are the Arcane, Celestial, Draconic, Fey, Infernal, spells freely from any bloodline, but certain effects and
Umbral and Wild Magic bloodlines. benefits will only trigger for spells from your bloodline.
The second change is the addition of metamagic, the The bloodlines presented in this book are:
ability to enhance spells as you cast them, fueled by a new Arcane Bloodline: Descendants of powerful wizards
daily resource called sorcery points. See Metamagic and Celestial Bloodline: Divine casters with angelic blood
Sorcery Points below for details. Draconic Bloodline: The pure gift granted by dragons
Fey Bloodline: Progeny of fey creatures
New Keywords Infernal Bloodline: The taint of the Abyss
When a talent, spell, or power in this chapter refers to Storm Bloodline: Infusion with raw elemental power
“empowering a spell” or an “empowered spell”, it means
Umbral Bloodline: Engulfed by the shadows of the
that on your previous turn, you spent a standard action to
Gather Power, and now expend the gathered power when
casting a spell. Wild Magic: Spontaneously manifested, untamed and
Some spells in this chapter use the Shapechange chaotic forces
keyword, which is explained on p. 12. Arcane Bloodline

Sorcerer Class The arcane bloodline originates from old wizard dynas-
ties, who have studied and manipulated magic over so
Features many generations the arcane energies have infused their
essence. In rare cases, the bloodline can also manifest
Metamagic and Sorcery spontaneously in people who survived encounters with
Points (New) strong magical forces. Sorcerers of this bloodline often
A sorcerer’s magic is an innate ability, and they can intui- show small elemental manifestations on their bodies, like
tively control it as if they were moving a hand or a finger. eyes of burning fire, snowflakes on their hair, or lightning
Each bloodline has metamagic tricks to improve their cracking between their fingers.
spells. Arcane sorcerers are great at targeting their spells, Linked Icon: The Archmage
whereas draconic sorcerers have a few extra tricks with Linked Rune: Magic
their breath weapons, and so on.
Access to Wizardry
To fuel these tricks, this book adds sorcery points as a
new resource for sorcerers. You have a pool of sorcery Starting at 3rd level, you can take a wizard spell in place of
points equal to your Charisma modifier, and you regain a sorcerer spell. The wizard spell must be two levels lower
all expended sorcery points after a full heal-up. than the sorcerer spell.
To use a metamagic ability, you must declare that you Special: If you have the Arcane Heritage talent (see the
spend sorcery points on a spell or roll before rolling the revised version in this book), you can choose one of your
dice, unless the description says otherwise. The benefit wizard spells without the -2 level penalty.
only applies to this casting of the spell. You can only Adventurer Feat: Use Charisma instead of Intelligence
augment a spell with one metamagic ability at a time. with your chosen wizard spells.
If you have gained a spell through your Access to …
class feature, you can apply metamagic to them in the
same way you augment your sorcerer spells.
Adventurer Feat: Increase your maximum sorcery
points by 1.

chapter 16
Arcane Benefit (Replaces Chaotic
Spell Access (Clarifications)
The sorcerer’s Access to Wizardry class feature allows
When you gather power, you gain a sorcery point (see the
you to swap a sorcerer spell for a wizard spell two levels
Metamagic and Sorcery Points class feature above). This
lower, and the new variants introduced with the blood-
can temporarily give you more sorcery points than your
lines in this book expand this to other classes.
starting pool, but unused points above your pool are lost
at the end of the battle. A few rules issues that can arise with this feature are
clarified below.
Arcane Metamagic • You are NOT limited to one swapped spell, you can
You gain the following metamagic abilities. swap out as many spells as you like.
Precision (2 points): Gain a +2 bonus to attack with
• Normally, you can only swap spells starting from 3rd
the spell. If the spell is a sorcerer spell with the arcane
level, because of the -2 level penalty. However, if you
keyword or a wizard spell, increase the bonus to +3.
have a feat or talent that allows you to pick a spell
Mana Reserve (2 points): Gain a +2 bonus to a spell without the penalty, you can swap it at first level
recharge roll you make after a battle, after rolling the die. already.
Arcane Preservation (2 points): If all attack rolls with
• Spells you swap in are considered sorcerer spells. You
the spell are a natural 1–5, you don’t expend the spell. can boost them with Gather Power normally, and you
Adventurer Feat: If the target spell is a sorcerer spell can apply metamagic to them. They belong to your
with the arcane keyword, the metamagic abilities above bloodline and gain the bloodline’s keyword. Any bene-
cost 1 point less. fit you have with spells of your bloodline also apply to
the swapped-in spells. This applies even if you swap in
Arcane Bloodline Spells a power, such as from the rogue class.

Level Core Book Dark Alleys • Even if you are multiclassed with the original class
of the swapped-in spell (like sorcerer / wizard), it is
Burning Hands, Attune Weapon, considered a sorcerer spell.
Lightning Fork, Elemental Sorcery, Force
1st • The text of the spell doesn’t change. For example, you
Resist Energy, Boomerang, Sorcerer’s
are still using the original ability score for the attack
Scorching Ray Shield, Thunderwave
roll, unless you have a feat or similar ability to use
Cloak of Lightning, Charisma instead. An at-will spell is still at-will, a
3rd Echoing Thunder Energy Charge, Flash cyclic spell is still cyclic.
Freeze, Pierce Resistance • Anything from the source class that isn’t mentioned in
the spell description itself doesn’t apply.
Summon Flux Leech Magic, Living
5th • If there are two options, apply the weaker one. For
Elemental* Torch
example, you are considered an initiate for a demon-
Elemental Form, ologist spell.
7th -
Reflecting Barrier
Dancing Lights
Spell Barrage, Twilight
9th Silver Flame Sorcerers with the arcane bloodline cast dancing lights as
described on Core Book p. 135.
*In 13th Age Monthly: Sorcerer Summoning Arcane Familiars
Random Energy Arcane familiars choose two familiar abilities, as per the
Wizard’s Familiar talent.
Roll (d6) Energy Type
Celestial Bloodline
1 Cold
Even though the gods are distant in the Dragon Empire,
2 Fire celestial beings from the divine realms can manifest on
the surface world, and sometimes even beget offspring
3 Lightning with mortals. This ancestry can manifest in the ability
to wield an innate divine magic without requiring faith,
4 Thunder
worship, or religion, even generations later. Celestial sor-
5 Acid cerers often have a delicate, unnatural beauty to them, as
if they are too pure for this world.
6 Force

If it fits your character concept, you can interpret the Champion Feat: Target two enemies / allies with the
Celestial bloodline sorcerer as an invoker of divine pow- odd / even effect.
er. In that case, switch your magic type to divine and
swap wand implements for holy symbols. Celestial Metamagic
You gain the following metamagic abilities.
Linked Icon: The Priestess
Holy Spell (1 point): Change the spell’s damage to holy
Linked Rune: n/a
Access to Divine Magic (Replaces Access Rejuvenating Spell (1 point): The target also gains
to Wizardry) temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier (x2
at 5th level; x3 at 8th) plus twice the spell level.
Starting at 3rd level, you can take a cleric spell in place of
a sorcerer spell. The cleric spell must be two levels lower Celestial Bloodline Spells
than the sorcerer spell.
Special: You can take one divine domain from the cleric Level Core Book Dark Alleys
list as a sorcerer talent. Interpret any reference to cleric Angelic Dictum, Archon’s
spells as applying to both sorcerer and cleric spells. If you Lightning Fork, Trumpet, Attune Weapon,
take the domain, you also gain access to its domain spells, Scorching Ray Celestial Resistance,
and you can choose one of your cleric spells without the Sorcerer’s Shield
-2 level penalty.
Conviction, False Life,
Adventurer Feat: When you empower a spell that 3rd Echoing Thunder
Protected Perimeter
grants healing, double the amount of hit points granted
by it. When you empower a spell that grants a bonus to Unearthly Flash of Radiance, Nasty
attacks, defenses or saves, double the bonus. Glamour to Nice
Adventurer Feat: You can cast the cleric’s Heal spell
Celestial Censure, Entomb,
once per battle. 7th -
Sorcerous Wings
Epic Feat: When you Gather Power, you gain an
additional use of the Heal spell this battle. Celestial Apotheosis,
9th Calling the Blood
Twilight Travel
Celestial Benefit (Replaces Chaotic
Benefit) Random Energy
When you Gather Power, you gain the divine benefit
Roll (d4) Energy Type
below. Unlike other bloodlines, this benefit is not random.
Instead, it depends on the escalation die. 1 Fire

Divine Benefit 2 Lightning

Adventurer Tier 3 Thunder
Gain a +1 bonus to PD and MD until the 4 Holy
start of your next turn.

Deal holy damage equal to your Wisdom Radiant Halo (Replaces Dancing Lights)
Odd modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th) + Celestial sorcerers can cast the radiant halo spell as a
Level to one nearby enemy. standard action. The spell produces an intense, almost
blinding light source that is centered around the top of
Heal hit points equal to Wisdom your head. It bathes the area within 30 feet around you in
modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th) to a a bright light which shines far past that distance. While
nearby staggered ally.
Even the light provides perfect visibility as if under daylight
If no nearby allies are staggered, gain
conditions, and can even pierce dense fog, it makes at-
a +1 bonus to AC until the end of your
tempts at stealth pretty much impossible.
next turn.
At the GM’s discretion, the halo can give creatures that
are attuned to darkness (such as dark elves) a -1 penalty
Adventurer Feat: When you empower a sorcerer spell to attacks against you.
with the Celestial keyword, gain the celestial benefit The spell usually lasts at least an hour. You can cast it a
again, using the escalation die of the current turn. number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier.

chapter 16
Celestial Familiars Draconic Benefit
Celestial familiars are often animals from divine realms. (Replaces Chaotic Benefit)
They resemble animals from the prime material plane, When you Gather Power, gain a draconic benefit as per
but in a true, perfect sense. Their fur is shinier, and even the table below. This is the same table as for the Core Book
if they don’t speak, they have a reserved wisdom to them sorcerer.
that is unlike any mortal creature. Celestial familiars have Draconic Benefit
two familiar abilities, which can be Celestial Ward, Heal- D6 Adventurer Champion
ing Touch, or Radiant listed below, or the Alert, Flight, Epic Tier
Roll Tier Tier
Scout, Tough, or Talkative abilities from the wizard list.
Celestial Ward: Once per battle, when the Sorcerer, or an Gain a +1
Gain a +1 Gain a +1
adjacent ally is attacked, give the attack a penalty equal to bonus to all
bonus to AC bonus to AC
the escalation die. defenses until
1–2 until the start and PD until
Healing Touch: Once per day, the familiar can touch an the start of
of your next the start of
your next
ally. The ally can use a recovery to heal. turn. your next turn.
Radiant: Once per battle, when you hit an enemy engaged
with you, you can add 5 ongoing holy damage per tier to Deal damage
the damage roll. Deal damage
equal to
Deal damage equal to your
your level +
Draconic Bloodline equal to level + your
twice your
Dragons have long had the power to change shape and your level to Charisma
3–4 Charisma
all nearby modifier to
mingle with the numerous but short-lived humanoid modifier to
staggered all nearby
beings. Unions between humanoid and dragon can create all nearby
enemies. staggered
offspring, and you trace your ancestry back to such a staggered
union. Sorcerers of the draconic bloodline often have enemies.
draconic features, such as patches of scaly skin, lizard
eyes, or horns. Deal damage
Linked Icon: Great Gold Wyrm, The Three Deal damage equal to
Deal damage equal to your level +
Linked Rune: Dragonewt
equal to your your level twice your
Access to Wizardry level to one + Charisma Charisma
nearby enemy. modifier to one modifier to
Starting at 3rd level, you can take a wizard spell in place of nearby enemy. one nearby
a sorcerer spell. The wizard spell must be two levels lower enemy.
than the sorcerer spell.
Special: If you have the Chromatic Destroyer Heritage,
Metallic Protector Heritage, or Rumble Mumble Rumble Adventurer Feat: When you empower a sorcerer spell
(see Bestiary 2 p. 174) talents, you can choose one of your with the draconic benefit, or a wizard spell, gain the
wizard spells without the -2 level penalty. You can only draconic benefit again.
gain this benefit once. Champion Feat: When you gather power, you also gain
the ability to fly to a nearby location as a move action on
Adventurer Feat: Use Charisma instead of Intelligence
the same turn.
with your chosen wizard spells.
Draconic Metamagic
Dragons, especially blue dragons, are often depicted as
studious and smart masters of magic, which would be
You gain the following metamagic abilities.
the argument for why draconic sorcerers get access to Forceful Breath (1 point): Reroll all natural 1s on a
wizard spells. However, if you interpret dragons as em- damage roll with a breath weapon spell, after making the
bodiments of elemental forces in your campaign, access roll.
to Elemental Caster druid spells might make more sense. Inhale Deeper (1 point): Gain a +2 bonus to the recharge
Or if you want to play up their political role as the true roll for a breath weapon spell, after making the roll.
movers and shakers, you may want to give them access Sticky Breath (1 point): When dealing ongoing damage
to commander tactics instead. with a breath weapon to a target, make the save a hard
save (16+).

Draconic Bloodline Spells Breathe Fire: Once per battle, your familiar can make
a Charisma + Level attack against a nearby opponent’s
Level Core Book Dark Alleys PD (using your Charisma modifier and level). On a hit,
Attune Weapon, Breath it deals 1d6 per level fire damage against the target, and
Breath of the White,
of the Brass, Dragon half damage on a miss. You can change the damage type
1st Burning Hands,
Orb, Friends, Sorcerer’s to match the dragon’s color.
Resist Energy
Shield, Thunderwave
Adventurer Feat: Your familiar can breathe fire twice
Breath of the Green; per battle, but not in the same turn.
3rd Dragon’s Leap, Breath of the Bronze Prestidigitation: Your familiar can cast the
Echoing Thunder Prestidigitation cantrip at-will.
Breath of the Black; Fey Bloodline
Breath of the Copper,
5th Summon Lightning The fey realms have many portals into the mortal world,
Breath of the Purple
Drakes* and it is not unheard of for someone to stumble into the
fey world and return with strange powers, sometimes de-
Breath of the Silver,
cades later. The fey have been known to abduct humanoid
7th Breath of the Blue Draconic Gift,
Sorcerous Wings children and raise them as their own. Sorcerers with the
fey bloodline tend to be capricious and moody. Depend-
Breath of the Void, ing on the type of fey in their ancestry, they can have a
Breath of the Golden, wide variety of physical features, such as rainbow-colored
Calling the Blood
9th Breath of the Red,
(draconic icons hair or goat hooves as feet.
Draconic Apotheosis
only), Silver Flame Linked Icon: The Elf Queen
Linked Rune: Illusion
*In 13th Age Monthly: Sorcerer Summoning
Access to Fey Magic (Replaces Access to
Random Energy Wizardry)
This is the same table as the Core Book sorcerer. Feel free Starting at 3rd level, you can take a bard spell OR a druid
to add acid and / or poison in there if it fits the type of spell of the Circle of Feysong in place of a sorcerer spell.
dragon you are connected to. The bard / druid spell must be two levels lower than the
Roll (d4) Energy Type sorcerer spell.
1 Cold Special: If you have the Fey Heritage talent, you can
choose one of your bard / druid spells without the -2 level
2 Fire penalty.

3 Lightning

4 Thunder

Minor Elemental Breath (replaces

Dancing Lights)
Sorcerers with the Draconic bloodline can create small
elemental effects with their breath at-will. They can light
a candle with fire, melt the bolts in a lock with acid, create
a shocking sensation with lightning, or cool down a drink
with cold. This ability deals damage equal to the sorcerer’s
level, which doesn’t quite make it powerful enough for
combat use.
Draconic Familiars
If you have the Sorcerer’s Familiar talent, you can choose
a pocket dragon or a pseudodragon as familiar. Both start
with two abilities. One is Flight, the other is Breathe Fire
for the pocket dragon and Prestidigitation for the pseu-

chapter 16
Fey Benefit (Replaces Chaotic Benefit) Adventurer Feat: If the target spell is a sorcerer spell
When you Gather Power, roll 1d12 on the table below to with the fey keyword, or a bard spell, reduce the cost of
determine your fey benefit. The fey are fickle and mis- the above metamagic abilities by 1.
chievous. When they are on your side, the benefits are
great, but watch out when they aren’t. Fey Bloodline Spells
Fey Benefit Level Core Book Dark Alleys
D12 Adventurer Champion
Epic Tier Alter Self, Attune Weapon,
Roll Tier Tier
Chameleon Skin, Fey
1st -
Mischievous spirits disable one of your magic Glamour, Fey Path, Friends,
items until the end of the battle. Sorcerer’s Shield

A complication from a recent 5 in an icon 3rd - Beast Form, Flowery Kiss

relationship comes into play right now.
Elven Shadows,
Faerie Door, Fey Curse,
Gain a +2 5th Unearthly
Gain a +1 Merry Go-Round
bonus to Gain a +3 bonus Glamour
bonus to all
all defenses to all defenses
3–5 defenses until 7th Stolen Faces Pixie Dust, Sorcerous Wings
until the until the start of
the start of
start of your your next turn.
your next turn. Prey of the Wild Hunt, Silver
next turn. 9th -
Flame, Twilight Travel
This turn, you
This turn, can teleport to a
Add your
you can nearby location Random Energy
teleport to you can see as Roll (d4) Energy Type
modifier to
6–8 a nearby a quick action,
disengage 1 Cold
location you and you leave
checks this
can see as a an illusory
turn. 2 Psychic
move action. double with 1
hp behind. 3 Force
One enemy of 4 Thunder
The nearby enemy with the your choice
lowest PD takes a -4 penalty to takes a -4
MD until the end of your next penalty to MD Dancing Lights
turn. until the end of Sorcerers with the fey bloodline cast dancing lights as
your next turn. described on Core Book p. 135.
One enemy of Fey Familiars
The nearby enemy with the your choice is
If you have the Sorcerer’s Familiar talent, choose two
11–12 lowest MD is dazed until the dazed until the
end of your next turn. end of your next
abilities from the table as per the Wizard’s Familiar. You
turn. also have the two additional options below.
Invisibility: Your familiar can turn invisible at-will, but it
cannot move while invisible.
Adventurer Feat: When you empower a sorcerer spell with Teleport: Your familiar can teleport to a nearby location
the Fey keyword, you gain a +1 bonus to the attack roll. it can see once per battle (or every 5 minutes).
Champion Feat: The daze and MD penalty effects are
“save ends.” Infernal Bloodline
The 13th Age has seen many new hellholes opening across
Fey Metamagic the Empire, some of which are conquered and harnessed
You gain the following metamagic abilities. by the Crusader. This has led to many children born with
Glamorous Distraction (2 points): Change a daze until infernal powers, taken in and raised by the Crusader’s ser-
the end of your next turn effect to daze (save ends). vants. The infernal bloodline tends to manifest in features
Fey Trickery (2 points): Treat a natural odd spell attack that are often associated with tieflings, such as intense red
roll as even, or even as odd, after making the roll. skin, horns, tails, and hooves. But demons come in many

shapes and forms, so depending on the fiendish ancestry, Infernal Metamagic
there could be much stranger manifestations such as You gain the following metamagic abilities.
spider webs between the hands, or a hyena head. Infernal Sacrifice (1 point): Reroll a damage roll for a
Linked Icon: The Crusader, The Diabolist spell, after making the roll. Deal damage equal to the spell
Linked Rune: Chaos level to a nearby ally.
Access to Demonology (Replaces Access Weakening Spell (2 points): The first enemy you hit with
the spell is also weakened until the end of your next turn.
to Wizardry)
Deal damage equal to the spell level to yourself.
Choose warlock (see Dark Pacts & Ancient Secrets) or Lasting Pain (2 points): Increase the saving throw of
demonologist (see Book of Demons) spells. Starting at 3rd ongoing damage you deal with a spell from normal to
level, you can take a spell from the chosen class in place hard (16+).
of a sorcerer spell, at a -2 level penalty. You are considered
an initiate for any demonologist spells you choose. Infernal Bloodline Spells
Special: If you have the Blood Sacrifice or Infernal
Level Core Book Dark Alleys
Heritage talent, you can choose one of your demonologist
/ warlock spells without the -2 level penalty. You can only Attune Weapon, Orb of
gain this benefit once. Wrath, Skullfire, Sorcerer’s
1st Burning Hands
Shield, Touch of the Ice
Infernal Curse (Replaces Chaotic Devil
3rd Burning Whip, Sinner’s Pyre
When you Gather Power, roll 1d6 on the table below to
set up an infernal curse that is waiting to be triggered by Three Dooms,
a hapless enemy. Triggering the curse does not require an Summon Chain Immolation, Wave of
action by you, and it even happens if you fall unconscious. 5th
Burnout Anguish
The curse is active until the end of your next turn, and it Elemental*
can be triggered any number of times.
Infernal Curse All-Consuming Inferno,
7th Touch of Evil Sorcerous Wings, Touch of
D6 Roll Curse trigger and effect
If an enemy rolls a natural 1–5 on their
1–2 attack roll, they take 1d6 times their level Infernal Apotheosis,
Calling the
psychic damage. 9th Twilight Travel, Unleash
If an enemy rolls a natural 1–5 on a
3 disengage check, they are hampered until *In 13th Age Monthly: Sorcerer Summoning
the end of their next turn.
Random Energy
If an enemy engages you, they take 1d6 Roll (d4) Energy Type
times their level fire damage.
1 Cold
If an enemy moves from nearby to far away
5 range, or attempts to flee, they take 1d6 2 Fire
times their level negative energy damage.
3 Lightning
If an enemy gains hit points or temporary
6 hit points, they take 1d6 times their level 4 Psychic
cold damage.
Infernal Kindling (Replaces Dancing
Adventurer Feat: If you cast an empowered infernal Lights)
sorcerer spell, extend the duration of the infernal curse All infernal sorcerers can cast the infernal kindling spell
until the end of your next turn. as a standard action. The spell produces a number of
Champion Feat: Expand the d20 roll triggers for the small dancing flames within thirty feet you, flickering
first two effects to 1–7. and circling around you. They create enough light to see
Epic Feat: Increase the damage dice to d8. most things in the area in the dark, but not enough light
to guarantee you’re not missing something that’s well
hidden, or steady enough to read by. The flames are real,
not illusions, and they can set fire to flammable things

chapter 16
on command. They can be used to deal damage, but not Storm Ascendant (1 point): Reroll all natural 1s of a
effectively so (treat as a Burning Hands spell that deals lightning or thunder damage roll, after making the roll.
half damage).
The spell usually lasts at least an hour. You can cast it a Umbral Bloodline
number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier. Some claim that the Shadow Prince controls a hidden
source of magic, woven from the Shadows of our prime
Demonic Familiar existence, and separated from the arcane magics that the
The classic demonic familiar is an imp with the Flight and dragons and the Archmage lord over.
Talkative abilities, but they can come in many other shapes Other rumors say his power was stolen, and that the
and forms, such as horned snakes, fire-breathing dogs, or Lich King’s phylactery is hidden in the Shadow Prince’s
slimy toads. Choose any two abilities from the Wizard, vault. Followers of the Lich King don’t deny that, but they
Warlock, or Demonologist Familiar ability lists, except claim that it was stored there for safekeeping, or that the
for agile or alert. Demons have precious little patience for Lich King allowed it to be stolen, to keep it out of reach of
those who are clumsy or can’t watch their own backs. more dangerous foes.
What is known is that some children are born with the
Storm Bloodline
gifts of the Shadow Prince, able to embrace the darkness
This is the storm voice class as introduced in 13th Age and manipulate the shadows.
Glorantha. For the customized class features of this Umbral sorcerers often appear lifeless, with pale skin,
bloodline and its spell list, refer to the description of the milky white or raven black hair, and raspy, whispering
storm voice class. Consider the storm voice spells to be voices. Some have a ghost-like appearance, as if they were
sorcerer spells with the Storm keyword. not quite there.
Storm Metamagic Linked Icon: The Lich King or the Shadow Prince
You gain the following metamagic abilities. Linked Rune: Death, Darkness
Eye of the Storm (1 point): When a spell or power grants
you resistance against lightning or thunder damage, Umbral Benefit (Replaces Chaotic
increase the resistance by 2. Benefit)
When you Gather Power, roll 1d6 on the table below.

Umbral Benefit
D6 Roll Adventurer Tier Champion Tier Epic Tier
Until the end of your next turn,
when you take damage, you can
As adventurer tier, but reduce
deal damage equal to your level to As adventurer tier, but reduce the
1–2 the damage by three times
a nearby willing ally, and reduce damage by five times your level.
your level.
the damage you take by twice
your level.

Deal twice your level in damage

to the nearby enemy with the
As adventurer tier, but three As adventurer tier, but five times your
3–4 lowest hp total. If that kills the
times your level in damage. level in damage.
target, you regain hit points equal
to the damage dealt.

Become insubstantial until Become insubstantial until the start

Become insubstantial until the
the start of your next turn. of your next turn. Gain resist physical
start of your next turn. You gain
Gain resist physical damage damage 18+ and add your Charisma
5-6 resist physical damage 12+ and
15+ and add your Charisma modifier to disengage checks. You
add your Charisma modifier to
modifier to disengage checks. can fly, hover, and pass through solid
disengage checks.
You can fly and hover. objects until the start of your next turn.

Adventurer Feat: If you empower a sorcerer spell with the Umbral keyword, gain the Umbral benefit again after
casting the spell.
Champion Feat: Also gain the Umbral benefit as a free action the first time you are staggered in a battle.

Access to Dark Powers Random Energy
(Replaces Access to Wizardry) Roll (d4) Energy Type
Choose either the necromancer or the rogue class.
1 Cold
Necromancer: Starting from 3rd level, you can switch a
sorcerer spell for a necromancer spell 2 levels lower. 2 Negative energy
Rogue: Starting from 3rd level, you can switch a sorcerer
spell for a rogue power with the Shadow keyword 2 3 Poison
levels lower. If you choose a momentum power, track
momentum like a rogue. 4 Psychic
Special: If you have the Animate Shadow or Undead
Remnant Heritage talent, you can switch in one power Crypt Candles (Replaces Dancing
/ spell without the -2 level penalty. You can only get this Lights)
benefit once.
All Umbral sorcerers can cast the crypt candles spell as
Adventurer Feat: You can replace Intelligence with a standard action. The spell produces a circle of black
Charisma for your chosen necromancer spells. and red candles that provide an eerie illumination within
thirty feet you. They create enough light to move around,
Umbral Metamagic but it’s easy to miss details in the dim, flickering lights. If
You gain the following metamagic abilities. you move, the zone moves with you.
Negative Spell (1 point): Change the spell’s damage type The candles and their illumination can only be seen by
to negative energy damage. you, your allies and any creatures with a connection to
Leeching Spell (1 point): If the spell hits at least one the Shadow Prince or the Lich King. They make invisible
enemy, heal hit points equal to your Constitution modifier creatures visible.
(x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th) + the spell level. The spell usually lasts at least an hour. You can cast it a
Shadow Spell (1 point): Change the spell’s damage number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier.
to psychic damage. The spell cannot be countered by
abilities such as the blue dragon’s counter-spell.
Umbral Familiars
Shrouding Spell (2 points): On a hit, give the target Your familiar is a creature associated with the dark arts,
disadvantage on its next attack roll against you. such as a cat, raven or a bat. Some are ghostly or skeletal
in appearance. Your familiar has two abilities, which you
Umbral Bloodline Spells can choose from Consume, Corrupting Touch, Ghost-
sight or Insubstantial below, or Counter-bite, Flight, or
Level Core Book Dark Alleys
Poisonous from the wizard list. If you choose a raven, it
Attune Weapon, can also be Talkative.
Chameleon Skin, Consume: Once per day, when an attack would take you
1st - Darkness, Decrepit Eyes, below zero hit points, you can consume your familiar as
Friends, Shadow Bolt, an interrupt. Immediately heal using a free recovery. Your
Skullfire, Sorcerer’s Shield familiar reforms at the next full heal-up.
Corrupting Touch: Once per day, your familiar can make
Summon Undead
3rd Choke Hold, False Life a Charisma + Level attack against the PD of an enemy you
are engaged with. On a hit, the target is weakened until
Leech Magic, Scare, Wave the end of your next turn.
5th Three Dooms
of Anguish Ghost-sight: While your familiar is nearby, you can sense
the presence of undead, even at far away range.
The Elven Insubstantial: Your familiar can pass through solid
Entomb, Memento Mori,
7th Shadows, Stolen objects, but it cannot interact with physical objects
Shadow Form
Faces (like stealing items and such). If it takes damage, it just
Black Blade of Disaster, dissolves and reappears on your shoulder at the start of
9th Breath of the Void your next turn. It would take an exorcism or similar to
Twilight Travel, Void Rift
destroy it.
*In 13th Age Monthly: Sorcerer Summoning

chapter 16
Wild Magic Bloodline Access to Chaos Magic
Arcane scholars designate wild sorcery as a bloodline, but (Replaces Access to Wizardry)
purely out of convenience. There does not seem to be a Starting at 3rd level, you can take a chaos mage spell in
discernible pattern how, when, or why this magic ability place of a sorcerer spell, at two levels lower than the spell
manifests in humanoids. If anything, having an ancestor it replaces. You cast it like a sorcerer of that frequency—
with any form of arcane ability seems to decrease your at-will, once-per-battle, or daily.
chances of being born with this gift. As with all bloodlines, Special: If you have the Wild Heritage talent, you can choose
wild magic also manifests in your physical features, but in one of your chaos mage spells without the -2 level penalty.
a much less stable or predictable way. Don’t be surprised
if you wake up with sky-blue fingernails and butterflies in The wild bloodline gives you access to chaos magic
your hair one morning; it’s all part of the gift. without the unpredictability of the chaos mage class.
Linked Icon: n/a, among the Core Book icons anyway— Consider it an alternative for players who like the flavor
feel free to create one that fits the campaign of chaos magic but prefer a little more control over what
they can do in the game.
Linked Rune: Disorder
Wild Benefit (Replaces Chaotic Benefit)
When you Gather Power, roll 1d6 on the table below. As is to be expected with wild magic, the results are much more
varied than with other bloodlines. You can even end up empty-handed, or with a much more powerful benefit.
Wild Benefit
D6 Roll Adventurer Tier Champion Tier Epic Tier
1 Roll 1d6: (1-2) a sad trombone sound, (3-4) erratic fart noises, (5-6) weirdly canned-sounding laughter

Roll 1d6 on the chaos mage’s Roll 1d6 on the chaos mage’s
Roll 1d6 on the chaos mage’s Attacking Warp talent, and deal Attacking Warp talent, and deal
Attacking Warp talent table. 1d6 per level damage to a random 1d6 per level damage to 1d3
staggered enemy. random enemies.

Roll 1d6 on the chaos mage’s Roll 1d6 on the chaos mage’s
Roll 1d6 on the chaos mage’s Defensive Warp talent, and a Defensive Warp talent, and a
Defensive Warp talent table. random nearby staggered ally can random nearby staggered ally can
heal using a recovery. heal using a free recovery.

Roll 1d6 on the chaos mage’s

Roll 1d6 on the chaos mage’s
Roll 1d6 on the chaos mage’s Iconic Warp talent and gain a 5
4 Iconic Warp talent and reroll one
Iconic Warp talent table. on an icon relationship die with a
icon relationship die.
random icon.

Roll on the chaos mage’s High

Roll two d10s and choose either
Weirdness table (13TW page
Roll on the chaos mage’s High die as 10s and 1s for a result on
5-6 18). If you don’t like the result for
Weirdness table (13TW page 18). the chaos mage’s High Weirdness
yourself, you can bestow it on a
table (13TW page 18).
random nearby enemy.

Adventurer Feat: When you empower a sorcerer spell with the Wild Magic keyword, you gain a +1 bonus to the
attack roll.
Champion Feat: When you gain an effect from a chaos mage warp talent that uses Dexterity, Intelligence, or Wisdom,
you can use your Charisma modifier instead.

Wild Metamagic
You gain the following metamagic abilities.
Controlled Chaos (1 point): Choose one target of the
spell that would otherwise be determined randomly.
Wild Targeting (2 points): For the first attack roll with
the spell that misses, you can reroll the attack against a
different enemy within range.

Wild Bloodline Spells Random Energy
Level Core Book Dark Alleys The wild bloodline’s “random energy” is a little more
random than that of other sorcerers. You roll a d6 on the
Attune Weapon, Fireworks, table, but this will only tell you who gets to describe what
1st Chaos Bolt Force Boomerang, Sorcerer’s you just conjured. And yes, that means if that person con-
Shield, Wild Surge siders strawberry jam or butterflies a valid element for
the 13th Age Roleplaying Game, that’s what your spell is
Energy Charge, Iconic Power,
3rd Chaos Pulse blasting across the battlefield. It’s up to the GM to decide
Wild Spark
whether a particular creature is vulnerable or resistant to
Ooze Form, Rolling that “element” or not.
5th -
Thunderball Roll (d6) Who decides?
Wild Polymorph, Untamed 1 The player on your left
7th -
2 You
Calling the
9th Spell Barrage, Twilight Travel 3–4 The GM
5 The player who is newest to RPGs
*In 13th Age Monthly: Sorcerer Summoning
6 The player on your right

Dancing Lights
Sorcerers with the Wild bloodline cast dancing lights as
described on Core Book p. 135.
Wild Familiars
Like Core Book sorcerer familiars, wild familiars have
one fixed ability, and two that are determined at random
every day. In addition to the choices on the Wizard
Familiar list, you have Wild Entropy as an option.
Wild Entropy: Once per day, when you are hit by an
attack while your familiar is next to you, your familiar’s
magical influence can force the attacker to reroll the

Core Book Sorcerers

The sorcerer in the 13th Age Core Book has a mixed
theme that doesn’t quite fit one of the bloodlines present-
ed here specifically. If you want to play a sorcerer based
on that template, you can still take any of the spells and
some of the talents in this book and skip all references
to the supplemental rules, i.e. bloodlines, sorcery points,
and metamagic. If you only want to add metamagic,
choose two metamagic abilities from any of the blood-
lines in this book.
If you would like to convert an existing sorcerer char-
acter to the material in this book, look at their back-
grounds, talents, especially heritage talents, and icon
relations, and choose a bloodline that fits. Then, swap
out the class features accordingly. You may also have to
swap out some spells gained through Access to Wizardry
if your new bloodline gives you access to the spell list of
a different class.

chapter 16
Animated Shadow Level Advancement
Sorcerer Talents Level Attack Damage AC PD MD HP
Most of the bloodlines in this book reflect and synergize 1 +4 1d10 15 14 12 30
with heritage talents from the Core Book. Only the divine
bloodline does not have a heritage talent associated 2 +5 2d10 16 15 13 40
with it, but grants access to the cleric’s divine domain
talents. The wild magic bloodline is associated with the 3 +7 3d10 17 16 14 50
Wild Magic Heritage talent in this book. The Arcane
4 +8 4d10 18 17 15 62
Heritage talent is somewhat redundant with the abilities
granted by the new Arcane Bloodline, which is why you 5 +9 5d10 20 19 17 82
can find a revised version below.
Other new talents are associated with certain 6 +11 6d10 21 20 18 102
bloodlines, even if they are not heritage talents. Blood
Sacrifice allows infernal sorcerers to burn recoveries 7 +12 7d10 22 21 19 122
to keep blasting their foes. Animated Shadow allows
8 +13 8d10 24 23 21 160
umbral sorcerers to bring their own shadow as an ally into
battle. If you really want to specialize on the spells of your 9 +15 9d10 25 24 22 198
bloodline, Exclusive Bloodline allows you to cast them
spontaneously, but heavily restricts your spell choices. 10 +16 10d10 26 25 23 236
Another group of talents ties into the new metamagic
class feature. While the Metamagic Expertise talent gives
Adventurer Feat: You can choose to deal negative
classic options such as increasing range and duration,
energy instead of cold damage with your shadow. If
Arcane Overload is all about raw power, and Street-
you do, change the effect on a natural even hit to “The
fighting Magic all about sneaky and dirty applications.
target’s next attack deals half damage.”
Finally, the Chameleon talent helps with spells you cast
on yourself, to make you sneakier, or get extra mileage out Champion Feat: Shadow Blur is a quick action.
of combat buffs. The Sword & Sorcery talent makes you Epic Feat: The first time your shadow is destroyed after
a distinguished lady or gentleman who studied the blade. a full heal-up, you can animate it again after a quick rest.

Animated Shadow Arcane Heritage (Revised)

Your shadow is permanently animated, ready to strike
Although magic is in the blood of every sorcerer, you
at your enemies. Let’s hope it understands that it will
have a greater understanding of magic than most
only exist as long as you are alive.
sorcerers and even some wizards.
Your shadow can fetch items and help with chores, simi- Special: You must have access to wizard spells through
lar to a Mage Hand cantrip. the Access to Wizardry class feature.
Once per day, as a quick action, you can separate your
Like a wizard, you can choose to give up one spell slot to
shadow and have it aid you until the end of the battle as
memorize a utility spell at the same level. You can then
an independent combatant.
use the spell slot to cast one spell from the wizard’s utility
Your shadow has the stats, attacks and defenses
spell list, without choosing it in advance.
as below. It acts on your initiative after you, taking a
You also gain a +2 bonus to a background that involves
standard action, a move action, and (if applicable) a quick
or suggests magical knowledge or talent, up to your
action. It can’t heal. When it drops to 0 hp, it’s destroyed
normal maximum background point limit.
until the next full heal-up. The shadow counts as your
ally. Summoning rules don’t apply to it. It benefits from Adventurer Feat: Gain three wizard cantrips as at-will
the default bonus of your items for attacks and defenses. bonus spells.
Animated Shadow Champion Feat: Gain a bonus sorcery point.
1st level troop, undead Epic Feat: You gain Overworld Advantage like a wizard.
Shadow Choke +4 vs. PD—1d10 cold damage
Natural even hit: The target has disadvantage on Sorcerers with Access to Wizardry, but without Arcane
disengage saves until the end of your next turn. Heritage, can still choose wizard utility spells, but they
Resist physical damage 16+ can’t reserve a spell slot to spontaneously cast a utility
Shadow Blur (standard action): The shadow wraps spell of their choice.
itself around you. Until the start of your next turn, all
attacks against you with a natural odd attack roll target
the shadow instead.

Arcane Overload Exclusive Blood
(Metamagic) You’ve had many ancestors with the powers of your
Your connection to the magical energies of the world sorcerous bloodline. You may have even been bred for
is unmatched. As the arcane energies surge in the heat it. Or, you are a close descendant of an icon that is the
of battle, you find yourself dripping with raw, magical source of sorcerous powers.
power. You’ve learned how to harness this residual You gain a bonus bloodline spell slot, which you can use
energy to further empower your spells with extra oomph. to spontaneously cast spells from your bloodline. You
Gain a bonus sorcery point, and the following metamagic don’t choose the spell to cast in that slot after a full he-
abilities. (See the Metamagic and Sorcery Points class al-up. Instead, you can use it to cast any spell from your
feature for detail). bloodline, at the highest level you can cast. If the spell is a
Overloaded Spell (1 point): Increase all damage dice by daily spell, the slot is expended until the next full heal-up
one step (d4 -> d6 -> d8 -> d10 -> d12 -> 2d6 -> 2d8). (although in case of a breath spell, you still recharge it
Minor Chain Spell (2 points): When your attack roll during the battle normally). If the spell has a recharge roll
with the spell is a natural even roll, make a second attack after battle, and you succeed on the roll, you regain the
against a different target. Unlike a real chain spell, this spell slot instead of the individual spell. If the spell is once
can only trigger once. You can make non-attack spells per battle, you also regain the slot after the battle. In case
into chain spells, just roll a d20 and see whether it’s even. of an at-will spell, you can cast it at-will that battle, and
You cannot use this enhancement with spells that are then regain the slot after the battle.
already chain spells. This increased specialization comes at a cost, however,
Overwhelming Spell (4 points): You have advantage on by limiting your overall spell choice. Choose two
the first attack roll with the spell. bloodlines in addition to your own bloodline. You can
only cast sorcerer spells of these three bloodlines, as
Adventurer Feat: You can now overload spells for 3 well as any spells gained through your Spell Access class
points, and increase the damage dice by 2 steps. feature. If a spell belongs to multiple bloodlines, you can
Champion Feat: When using Overwhelming Spell on a cast it if you have access to one of them.
spell with multiple attack rolls, you can spend one extra
sorcery point on each following attack to gain advantage Adventurer Feat: When casting a ritual based on a spell
on those attack rolls too. of your bloodline, you have advantage on the skill check.
Champion Feat: You can cast all spells from your
bloodline as if you had their adventurer feat.
Blood Sacrifice Epic Feat: You can cast all spells from your bloodline as
When you have exhausted your magic reserves, you can if you had their champion feat.
push yourself further by sacrificing your life essence.
Special: This talent requires the Infernal Bloodline.
Once per battle, when you Gather Power, you can spend a Metamagic Expertise
recovery without healing as a free action to immediately You have received the best arcane training available in
regain a spell that you have expended this day or this battle. the Empire. You can perform fine manipulation on your
spells as you cast them, shaping them as needed in the
Adventurer Feat: Add your Constitution modifier to given situation.
damage with the regained spell (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th).
Gain a bonus sorcery point, and the following metamagic
abilities. (See the Metamagic and Sorcery Points class
Chameleon feature for details).
Your body is infused with your magic, and you shape Elemental Admixture (1 point): You can switch a spell
and bend it to your liking. that does acid, fire, cold, or lightning damage to another
When you cast a sorcerer daily spell on yourself, the spell damage type from that list.
becomes recharge 16+ after battle. When you cast a spell Far Spell (1 point per target): Target a far away creature
with a recharge roll on yourself, reduce the target number instead of a nearby creature.
for the roll by 4. Heighten Spell (3 points): Cast the spell as if it was 2
Adventurer Feat: When you target yourself with a spell, levels higher. You cannot heighten a spell above your class
gain a temporary 5-point background that represents level +1.
your skill at using your changed form. Lasting Spell (1 point): The spell lasts an additional turn.
Champion Feat: Gain a bonus spell at 4 levels below If the spell is a “save ends“ spell, it ends at the end of the
your class level. You can choose the spell from any class, target‘s next turn after it succeeded on the saving throw.
but you can only choose spells that target yourself. [champion: 2 points; 2 turns]

chapter 16
Master Spell (1 point per feat): Cast the spell with all
feat effects up to your tier.
Sword & Sorcery
You’ve learned that your innate magic alone is not
Piercing Spell (1 point): If the spell is limited by the hit
enough for survival, and you’ve trained yourself in the
points of the creature it can affect, increase that limit by
arts of swordplay.
5 times your level. [champion: 2 points; 10x your level]
You can wield martial one-handed melee weapons with-
Widen Spell (2 points): Increase the spell’s number of
out penalty, and you can choose two additional benefits
targets by 1. This can only be used with spells that target
from the list below.
more than one creature. [champion: 3 points; Use with
Ι You can use a true magic item weapon as an
spells that target only one creature]
implement for your sorcerer spells.
Adventurer Feat: You can augment a spell with two Ι You can use Charisma for attack and damage with
different metamagic abilities. one-handed melee weapons.
Champion Feat: You can use the champion versions in Ι You can wield two-handed martial melee weapons
square brackets above. without penalty.
Ι If you are multiclassed, the sorcerer side is
considered a “skillful warrior” and does not
Street-fighting Magic reduce your weapon damage die. If you choose
(Metamagic) this benefit, you have one less sorcerer spell of the
You’ve trained with your spells in the back alleys of the highest level you can cast.
big city, where a quick blast serves the same purpose as Ι You can replace a sorcerer spell with a Swordmage
a kick in the nuts—establish authority or make a hasty spell two levels lower.
escape. Ι Increase your recovery dice to d8.
Gain a bonus sorcery point, and the following metamagic Ι Gain the following metamagic ability:
abilities (see the Metamagic and Sorcery Points class fea- Channel Spell (2 points): You deliver the spell
ture for details). through a melee attack. You must be engaged to
Backstabbing Spell (1 point): Gain a +2 bonus to your all targets to do so. You don’t provoke opportunity
critical threat range with the spell. attacks. The spell targets AC. On a hit, add your
Disorienting Spell (1 points): The first target you hit WEAPON damage dice to the damage.
with the spell is also dazed until the end of your next turn.
Adventurer Feat: Gain a third benefit from the list.
Escape Spell (1 point per enemy): Pop free from all
enemies before casting the spell. Champion Feat: Gain a fourth benefit.
Feint Spell (3 points): Change the defense you attack to Epic Feat: Gain a fifth benefit.
Silent Spell (1 point): You cast the spell stealthily, so Wild Magic Heritage
your spellcasting is not noticed by others. Of course, Your innate magical talent is strong, but untamed. It
flashy effects like Lightning Fork are widely visible, but manifests itself in devastating spells, just not always
you can conceal that the magic originated from you. when you want it.
Special: This talent requires the Wild bloodline.
Adventurer Feat: You can spend two points on
backstabbing spell for a +4 bonus to the critical The damage dice of your sorcerer spells are exploding dice
threat range, and you can daze multiple enemies with (reroll any die that comes up as the maximum number
disorienting spell, at a cost of 1 point per enemy. and add the reroll).
Champion Feat: Reduce the point cost of feint spell to Adventurer Feat: When you miss with a spell that deals
2 points. damage equal to your level (or less) on a miss, deal 1d2
extra damage. (2nd level: 1d4; 4th level: 1d6; 6th level:
1d8; 8th level: 1d10; 10th level: 1d12)
Champion Feat: Whenever you roll a natural 1 with a
spell attack roll, gain a sorcery point.

Attune Weapon
Sorcerer Spells Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action; Any
1st Level Spells Target: One melee weapon
Alter Self Effect: Until your next full heal-up, you attune the weapon
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Fey to follow your hand movements, almost like a dancing
Target: You partner. It gains an attack bonus like an adventurer-tier
Effect: You take on the appearance of another humanoid true magic weapon (+1 to attack and damage).
creature for the next 1d6 x 10 minutes. You can change When you cast the spell, roll on your random energy
your hair and skin color, facial features, and body shape. table to determine the type of damage the weapon does.
You can even make yourself a head shorter or taller. The weapon also gains an enchantment effect based on
Impersonating a specific individual requires a skill check, your bloodline.
with an increasing difficulty the more familiar the target Arcane (or not listed): The weapon can fly to make a
is with the person you are trying to impersonate. ranged attack and return to your hand.
3rd level spell: for 1d6 hours Celestial: The weapon deals holy damage and ignores
5th level spell: until the next full heal-up damage resistance of undead enemies.
Adventurer Feat: The spell also changes the tone of Draconic: Each time you cast a daily breath weapon
your voice. spell this battle, the weapon gains extra damage on a
hit equal to the spell level.
Champion Feat: The spell also changes the appearance
Fey: When you land a natural even hit with this
of clothing and equipment.
weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to your next spell attack
Angelic Dictum against the target.
Ranged spell; Daily; Celestial Infernal: Your first hit with the weapon in a battle
deals an additional 1d6 fire damage per spell level. If
Target: One nearby enemy
you roll a natural 1 with a melee attack, you take 1d4
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
fire damage per spell level.
Hit: 3d8 + Charisma holy damage. If the target makes an
Umbral: Your first hit with the weapon in a battle
attack, it takes 5 + your Wisdom modifier holy damage
deals an additional 1d4 poison damage per spell level.
(save ends).
Wild Magic: On your first miss in a battle, deal 1d4
Miss: Damage equal to your level
force damage per spell level to a random nearby enemy.
3rd level spell: 5d8 damage; 10 + Wisdom mod
5th level spell: Enchant the weapon as a champion-
5th level spell: 7d8 damage; 15 + 2x Wisdom mod
tier item (+2).
7th level spell: 10d8 damage; 20 + 2x Wisdom mod
9th level spell: Enchant the weapon as an epic-tier
9th level spell: 15d8 damage; 30 + 3x Wisdom mod item (+3).
Adventurer Feat: If you don’t attack on your turn, the Adventurer Feat: If the attuned weapon is already a true
target’s next save against this spell is a hard save. magic item of the highest tier you can enchant, increase
the bonus by +1.
Archon’s Trumpet
Ranged spell; At-will; Celestial Breath of the Brass
Target: One nearby enemy Close-quarters spell; Daily; Breath weapon; Draconic
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD Target: One nearby enemy
Hit: 1d8 + Charisma thunder damage Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
Natural even hit: Grant a bonus equal to your Hit: 3d8 + Charisma fire damage. Increase to 4d8 against
Wisdom modifier to the next attack roll against the a dazed, weakened, or stunned target.
target. Natural even hit: You can pop free from the target.
Miss: Damage equal to your level Miss: Half damage
3rd level spell: 3d8 damage 3rd level spell: 5d8 / 7d8 damage
5th level spell: 5d8 damage 5th level spell: 5d10 / 7d10 damage
7th level spell: 7d8 damage 7th level spell: 8d12 / 10d12 damage
9th level spell: 10d8 damage 9th level spell: 2d6 x 10 / 2d10 x 10 damage
Adventurer Feat: On a natural even roll, hit or miss, Breath weapon: For the rest of the battle, roll a d20 at the
deal extra damage equal to your Wisdom modifier (2x at start of each of your turns; on a 16+, you can use Breath
5th level; x3 at 8th). of the Brass this turn if you wish.

chapter 16
Adventurer Feat: If you fail your roll to recharge Breath Dragon Orb
of the Brass at the start of your turn, you can use Brass Ranged spell; At-will; Draconic
Babble (below) once before the end of your next turn. Target: One nearby enemy
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
Brass Babble Hit: 1d8 + Charisma force damage. If you have cast a
Close-quarters spell; Quick action; Draconic breath weapon spell this battle, change the damage type
Target: One nearby enemy to the same as the breath weapon spell, and increase the
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD damage dice to d12s.
Hit: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn. Miss: Damage equal to your level
3rd level spell: 3d8 damage
Celestial Resistance 5th level spell: 5d8 damage
Ranged spell; Recharge 16+ after battle; Celestial 7th level spell: 7d8 damage
Target: One nearby ally per point of Wisdom modifier 9th level spell: 10d8 damage
(including you)
Effect: Until the end of the battle, the target gains resist Adventurer Feat: If you have cast a breath weapon spell
negative energy and holy 12+. this battle, deal half damage on a miss.
3rd level spell: The resistance is now 14+.
Elemental Sorcery
5th level spell: The resistance is now 16+.
Ranged spell; At-will; Arcane
9th level spell: The recharge roll is now 11+.
Effect: Create a sizable elemental effect, along the lines of
Chameleon Skin the examples below.
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Fey / Umbral Light as Air: Make an object as heavy as a human
Target: You almost weightless, so that you can lift it with little
Effect: Until the end of the scene, your outer appearance effort.
blends into your surroundings. It‘s not full invisibility, as Gust of Wind (Air): Create a strong wind in a room-
your physical presence is still there, but if you hold still, sized area that flings open doors and windows and
you adapt to the colors and patterns of everything around knocks over heavy objects.
you. You gain a +5 bonus to any skill check to avoid being Full Barrel (Water): Create enough water to fill a
noticed. If you hold completely still, the bonus increases barrel.
to +10. Slippery Puddle (Water): Make a few square feet of
floor slippery, causing people in the area to trip and
Adventurer Feat: The effect lasts until you cast another
spell on yourself, or until your next full heal-up.
Bonfire: Create a larger fire that can warm a small
Darkness campsite.
Ranged spell; Daily; Umbral Bright as Day (Fire): Light up a large area, such as the
Effect: You dim all illumination in a 30-foot-radius for an inside of a cathedral.
hour, making all skill checks to hide within the area one Midas Touch (Earth): Cover a fist-sized object in a
step easier (-5). thick layer of gold.
3rd level spell: You can center the darkness on Grasp of the Earth: Make an object so heavy that it
yourself and make it move with you. can only be lifted with extreme effort.
You can concentrate on the spell to create an ongoing
Decrepit Eyes effect, but you cannot cast other spells while you do so.
You dim your target’s vision. You can use this spell in combat, but it creates more of
Ranged spell; Once per battle; Umbral a distraction than real harm. Make an attack roll against
Target: One nearby enemy the target’s PD, and on a hit it has disadvantage on its next
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD attack roll.
Hit: The target has disadvantage on attack rolls against 3rd level spell: You can affect 1d6 objects in one
enemies it is not engaged with. Skill checks to sneak or casting.
hide have advantage against the target (save ends both). 5th level spell: You can create an effect that is ten
Miss: — times larger than the first-level effect.
7th level spell: You can combine two effects in one
Adventurer Feat: Hit or miss, deal negative energy
casting, or create one effect that allows you to cast
damage equal to your level.
other spells while you concentrate on it.

Fey Glamour Force Boomerang
Ranged spell; At-will; Fey Ranged spell; Once per battle; Chain spell; Arcane /
Target: One nearby enemy Wild Magic
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD Target: One nearby creature
Natural Even Hit: 1d10 + Charisma psychic damage Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
Natural Odd Hit: The target is dazed until the end of Hit: 1d8 + Charisma force damage.
your next turn. Miss: —
Natural Even Miss: Teleport to a nearby location you can Odd miss on first attack: Half damage, and you don’t
see. expend the spell.
Natural Odd Miss: A random nearby ally gains a +1 3rd level spell: 3d8 damage
bonus to their next attack roll. 5th level spell: 5d8 damage
3rd level spell: (even hit) 3d10 damage 7th level spell: 7d8 damage
5th level spell: (even hit) 5d10 damage 9th level spell: 10d8 damage
7th level spell: (even hit) 7d10 damage Chain spell: Each time your natural attack roll is even,
9th level spell: (even hit) 10d10 damage you can attack a different target with the spell.
Adventurer Feat: If the target is already dazed, treat an Adventurer Feat: (Arcane) Increase the damage dice to
odd hit as an even hit instead. d10 OR (Wild Magic) On a natural odd hit, the target is
teleported to a random far away location.
Fey Path
Close-quarter spell; Daily; Fey Friends
Effect: The spell creates a glimmering path on the ground Close-quarter spell; Recharge 16+; Draconic / Fey /
that only you can see. The path leads toward the nearest Umbral
fey gate, or toward a location you specify within the fey Effect: Until the end of the scene, you have a +3 bonus
lands. Fey gates are often mushroom circles, a group of to Charisma-based skill checks. If you show hostility
menhirs or hollow trees. The path remains until you reach towards others, the spell ends.
your destination, or until your next full heal-up. Draconic: Increase the bonus to +5 against dragons.
Fey: Increase the bonus to +5 against fey.
Fireworks Umbral: Increase the bonus to +5 against undead.
Ranged spell; Daily; Wild Magic
Special: When you empower this spell, it doesn’t do Adventurer Feat: You can see disguised and invisible
double damage as usual. Determine the additional effect creatures while the spell is active.
by rolling 1d6 on the table below.
Orb of Wrath
1. Deal double the damage
2. Double the number of targets Ranged spell; At-will; Infernal
3. Enemies you hit are dazed (save ends) Target: One nearby enemy
4. Deal ongoing fire damage equal to 10 times the Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
spell level Hit: 1d6 + Charisma fire damage
5. Deal full damage on a miss Miss: Damage equal to your level
6. Repeat the attack at the start of your next turn as a Always: Note down the natural attack roll of this spell.
free action Until the end of this battle, if an attack against you has
Target: 1d4+1 random nearby or far away enemies that natural roll, deal 1d6 fire damage to that enemy as a
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD free action. If you cast this spell multiple times in a battle,
Hit: 2d8 + Charisma fire damage trigger the effect on any of the rolled numbers. There is
no additional effect for rolling the same number more
Miss: Half damage
than once.
3rd level spell: 4d10 damage
3rd level spell: 3d6 damage (hit and retribution effect)
5th level spell: 7d10 damage
5th level spell: 5d6 damage
7th level spell: 8d12 damage
7th level spell: 7d6 damage
9th level spell: 2d6 x 10 damage
9th level spell: 10d6 damage
Champion Feat: Roll twice on the empower effects table
Adventurer Feat: When you empower this spell, gain
and gain both.
advantage on the attack roll and write both dice down
for the retribution effect.
Champion Feat: You can cast this spell without
provoking opportunity attacks.

chapter 16
Shadow Bolt Draconic: Also gain the shield’s bonus against MD.
Ranged spell; At-will; Umbral Fey: Enemies who miss you with a natural 1 hit one of
Special: When casting the spell, choose whether you their own nearby allies instead.
want to cast it against PD or MD. Infernal: When a nearby enemy hits you with an
Target: One nearby enemy attack, deal fire damage equal to your Charisma
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD OR MD modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th) to them.
Hit: 1d6 + Charisma cold (PD) OR psychic (MD) damage, Umbral: Nearby enemies who attack you with a
and the target takes a -4 penalty to PD OR MD until the natural odd miss must immediately make a save or be
end of your next turn. struck by fear (-4 to attacks and can’t use the escalation
Miss: Damage equal to your level die) until the end of their next turn.
3rd level spell: 3d6 damage Wild Magic: When you gather power, roll 1d6. On
5th level spell: 5d6 damage 1-2, the AC bonus does not increase, on 3-4 it goes up
7th level spell: 7d6 damage by 1 as per default, on 5-6 it goes up by 2.
9th level spell: 10d6 damage Champion Feat: Choose a second bloodline when you
take the feat and gain its bonus effect.
Adventurer Feat: (PD) Increase the damage dice to d8s
OR (MD) deal extra damage equal to your Charisma Epic Feat: The bonus starts at +2.
modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th) on a miss.
Champion Feat: On a natural 19+, the duration of the
Close-quarters spell; At-will; Arcane / Draconic /
MD / PD penalty is “save ends.”
Skullfire Target: 1d3 nearby enemies in a group
Ranged spell; At-will; Infernal / Umbral Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
Target: One nearby enemy Hit: 1d6 + Charisma thunder damage. If you are engaged
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD; if the target has 10 hit with the target, it is pushed back and pops free from you.
points or less, gain a +2 bonus to the attack roll Miss: —
Hit: 2d6 + Charisma fire damage. When you empower 3rd level spell: 2d4 damage
this spell, don‘t double the damage. Deal additional 5th level spell: 2d8 damage
ongoing fire damage equal to the damage you dealt. 7th level spell: 2d12 damage
Miss: Damage equal to your level 9th level spell: 2d20 damage
3rd level spell: 4d6 damage; attack bonus on 30 hp Adventurer Feat: When you empower this spell,
or less increase the number of targets to 1d4.
5th level spell: 7d6 damage; 50 hp or less Champion Feat: Add a third damage die.
7th level spell: 10d6 damage; 70 hp or less
9th level spell: 13d6 damage; 90 hp or less Touch of the Ice Devil
Adventurer Feat: When you empower this spell, double Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action; Infernal
the hit point threshold for the attack bonus. Target: You
Champion Feat: Deal half damage on a miss against Effect: Until the end of battle, your unarmed attacks deal
staggered enemies. cold damage and have a d12 damage die. You can use
either Strength or Dexterity for the attack, and you don’t
Sorcerer’s Shield take the normal -2 attack penalty for making an unarmed
Close-quarters spell; Recharge 16+; Quick action; Any attack.
bloodline Adventurer Feat: You gain resist cold 16+.
Target: You Champion Feat: You gain a +2 bonus to your critical
Effect: You gain a +1 bonus to AC until the end of the threat range with attacks that deal cold damage,
battle. Each time you gather power, increase the bonus by including spells.
+1, up to a maximum of +4. Epic Feat: You can empower your unarmed attacks
The spell has an additional effect based on your (expend gathered power to deal double damage with
bloodline. them) while this spell is active.
Arcane (or not listed): Also gain the shield’s bonus
against PD.
Celestial: While you are at full hit points, increase the
shield’s bonus by 1.

Wild Surge Tough: Gain a +2 bonus to PD.
Ranged spell; At-will; Wild Magic Wall climber: You can easily climb most surfaces.
Target: One random nearby creature Wings: You can fly.
When targeting an ally… 5th level spell: Gain two abilities from the list above
Effect: The target has advantage on its next attack roll 7th level spell: Gain three abilities from the list above
and … (roll 1d4) 9th level spell: Gain four abilities from the list above
1. The target gains temporary hit points equal to your Adventurer Feat: You can now remain in beast form for
Charisma modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th) + 1d6 hours.
Level. Champion Feat: You can expend a sorcerer point to cast
2. The target gains a +2 bonus to PD and MD until a spell while in beast form.
the end of your next turn.
3. The target teleports to switch location with another Breath of the Bronze
random nearby creature. Close-quarters spell; Daily; Breath weapon; Draconic
4. You make the attack below against the enemy Target: 1d3 nearby or far away enemies in a rough line
closest to it. Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
When targeting an enemy… Hit: 3d10 + Charisma lightning damage. The closest
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD target you hit is also dazed (save ends).
Hit: 1d6 + Charisma random energy damage. Miss: Half damage
Natural even hit: The target has disadvantage on its 5th level spell: 5d10 damage
next attack roll. 7th level spell: 7d10 damage
Miss: Damage equal to your level 9th level spell: 10d10 damage
3rd level spell: 3d6 damage Breath weapon: For the rest of the battle, roll a d20 at the
5th level spell: 5d6 damage start of each of your turns; on a 16+, you can use Breath
7th level spell: 7d6 damage of the Bronze this turn if you wish.
9th level spell: 9d6 damage
Adventurer Feat: If you fail to recharge Breath of the
Adventurer Feat: If the escalation die is 4+, target two Bronze at the start of your turn, gain a +2 bonus to all
random nearby creatures with this spell. defenses until the end of your next turn.

3rd Level Spells Burning Whip

Close-quarters spell; Once per battle; Infernal
Beast Form Target: One nearby enemy
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Fey Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
Target: You Hit: 4d10 + Charisma fire damage, and you force the
Effect: You take the form of an animal of your choice, target to pop free from all creatures and engage with you
which can be of any size between a mouse and an elephant. or a nearby ally of your choice.
The spell lasts for 5 minutes or until the end of the battle. Natural even hit: You grab the target until the end
You retain your normal stats, although the GM should of your next turn (it has disadvantage on disengage
adjust the difficulty of skill checks based on how difficult checks and takes half damage again at the start of
the task would be for the chosen animal. Your equipment your next turn).
transforms with you, but you cannot use it actively while Miss: Half damage
in animal form. You cannot speak or cast spells. 5th level spell: 6d10 damage
You can also choose one benefit from the list below to 7th level spell: 8d10 damage
represent your animal’s abilities. 9th level spell: 12d10 damage
Aquatic: You can swim perfectly and breathe under
water. Choke Hold
Claws: You can make unarmed melee attacks without Ranged spell; Daily; Umbral
penalty, with a d8 WEAPON damage die. Special: When casting the spell, choose whether you
Hide: Gain a +2 bonus to AC. want to attack the target’s PD or MD with it.
Mimicry: You can speak. Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD or MD
Mount: Someone else can ride on you. Hit: 4d8 + Charisma negative energy (PD) or psychic
Poisonous: When you hit with a melee attack, deal (MD) damage and the target is weakened and stuck until
twice your level in ongoing poison damage. the end of your next turn. Against a staggered target, deal
6d8 damage, and the weaken and stuck effects are “save
Stalker: Gain advantage on skill checks to move
ends both”.

chapter 16
Miss: You regain the spell at the end of the battle. 7th level spell: 25 temporary hit points
5th level spell: 6d8 / 9d8 damage 9th level spell: 40 temporary hit points
7th level spell: 8d10 / 12d10 damage Adventurer Feat: Choose a nearby ally. Whenever you
9th level spell: 12d10 / 2d8 x 10 damage gain temporary hit points from this spell, the ally gains
Adventurer Feat: On a hit, you can pull the target to temporary hit points equal to the spell level.
engage you.
Flash Freeze
Cloak of Lightning Close-quarters spell; Once per battle; Free action;
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action; Arcane / Arcane
Storm Special: You can cast this spell any time during the battle,
Target: You even on an enemy’s turn.
Effect: Until the end of the battle, you have resist lightning Target: One enemy you are engaged with
16+ and you can change the damage of any spell you cast Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
to lightning damage. When you score a critical hit with a Hit: 3d6 + Charisma cold damage
spell, deal lightning damage equal to that spell’s level to Natural even hit: The target is dazed (-4 to attacks)
all nearby enemies. until the end of your next turn.
Miss: Half damage
Conviction 5th level spell: 5d6 damage
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Free action; Celestial 7th level spell: 7d6 damage
Trigger: You roll a d20 and you are unhappy with the roll 9th level spell: 10d6 damage
Effect: Reroll the d20 and take that result. If the reroll is
a natural 5 or lower, you don’t expend this spell (but you Adventurer Feat: On a natural even hit, the target is
can’t use it again on the same roll). weakened (-4 to attacks and defenses) until the end of
your next turn.
Adventurer Feat: Add your Wisdom modifier to the reroll.
Flowery Kiss
Energy Charge
A beautiful flower sprouts in your hand, and you blow
Close-quarters spell; At-will; Arcane / Wild Magic
its spores to your enemies.
Targets: Up to two enemies you are engaged with Close-quarters spell; Recharge 16+; Fey
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD Target: 1d4 nearby enemies in a group
Hit: 3d4 + Charisma random energy damage. Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
Miss: — Natural Even Hit: 4d6 + Charisma poison damage, and
Always: Until the end of your next turn, if you cast a spell the target is hampered until the end of your next turn.
that deals the same type of damage as the random energy Natural Odd Hit: 2d6 + Charisma poison damage, and
you rolled, increase the damage dice by one step. the target is confused until the end of your next turn.
Wild Magic: You gain the effect with spells that deal
Natural Even Miss: Half damage of an even hit, and the
random energy damage.
target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
5th level spell: 5d4 damage
Natural Odd Miss: Any ally engaged with the target is
7th level spell: 7d4 damage
dazed until the end of your next turn.
9th level spell: 1d4 x 10 damage 5th level spell: 6d8 / 3d8 damage.
Adventurer Feat: When you empower this spell, you also 7th level spell: 8d10 / 4d10 damage.
get a +2 bonus to attack with your next spell, if it qualifies. 9th level spell: 10d12 / 5d12 damage.
Champion Feat: You can roll for random energy twice Adventurer Feat: You gain a +2 bonus to attack against
and choose the result you like. enemies you are engaged with.
False Life Champion Feat: If the target has 100 hp or fewer (7th
level: 150 hp; 9th level: 225 hp), the hampered / confused
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action; Celestial /
effect is “save ends.”
Target: You Iconic Power
Effect: You gain 10 temporary hit points, which last until Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action; Wild Magic
the end of the battle. Whenever you Gather Power this
Effect: Spend a 5 or 6 on an icon relationship die with an
battle, gain the same amount of temporary hit points
icon. This turn, you can cast one daily spell of that icon
from the chaos mage list, at the same level as this spell.
5th level spell: 15 temporary hit points
Champion Feat: Gain the lowest-tier feat of the iconic spell.

Pierce Resistance Miss: Damage equal to your level
Ranged spell; Daily; Arcane 5th level spell: 6d4 damage
Target: One nearby enemy; when you empower this spell, 7th level spell: 8d4 damage
target two nearby enemies instead. 9th level spell: 10d4 damage
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. the target’s lowest defense Adventurer Feat: You can target a far away enemy at a
Hit: Attacks against the target deal full damage. It cannot -2 penalty to the attack roll.
reduce the damage through resistances, immunities, or
similar abilities (save ends).
Miss: The target takes a -2 penalty to a random defense
5th Level Spells
until the end of its next turn. Breath of the Copper
Champion Feat: On a hit, the target also takes a -2 Close-quarters spell; Daily; Breath weapon; Draconic
penalty to PD and MD (save ends all). Target: 1d3 nearby enemies in a group
Epic Feat: The spell is now Recharge 16+ after battle. Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
Hit: 20 + Charisma ongoing acid damage
Protected Perimeter Natural 18+: The target is hampered until the end of
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Celestial your next turn.
Target: A room, or an area up to 100 ft. across Miss: 5 ongoing acid damage
Effect: You create a warding perimeter around the 7th level spell: 25 + Charisma ongoing acid damage;
protected area until the next sunrise or sundown. If a 10 ongoing on a miss
creature enters the area, the spell will create a silent 9th level spell: 40 + Charisma ongoing acid damage;
alarm, and make the following attack. 15 ongoing on a miss
Target: The creature attempting to enter the area Breath weapon: For the rest of the battle, roll a d20 at the
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD start of each of your turns; on a 16+, you can use Breath
Hit: The target is stuck (save ends). of the Copper this turn if you wish.
The spell ignores any creature that was already within Champion Feat: The first time you fail to recharge
the perimeter at the time of casting, and anything the size Breath of the Copper at the start of your turn, gain one
of a rodent or smaller. use of the Out-think ability.
5th level spell: You can target the alarm more Out-think: As a free action when an enemy rolls a
precisely, such as “only undead creatures”. natural even hit against you, negate the attack (no
Adventurer Feat: The save against the stuck effect is damage or effects).
now a hard save (16+).
Breath of the Purple
Sinner’s Pyre Close-quarters spell; Daily; Breath weapon; Draconic
Close-quarters spell; Once per battle; Infernal Target: 1d3 nearby enemies
Target: You or one nearby ally Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
Effect: The target has resist fire 18+ until the end of your Hit: 20 + Charisma ongoing psychic damage and the
next turn. Deal 3d8 + Charisma fire damage to all enemies target is dazed (save ends both).
engaged with the target. Miss: The target is dazed until the end of its next turn.
Until the end of your next turn, enemies who attack the 7th level spell: 25 ongoing damage
target while engaged with it take 3d8 + Charisma fire damage. 9th level spell: 40 ongoing damage
5th level spell: 5d8 damage Breath Weapon: For the rest of the battle, roll a d20 at
7th level spell: 7d8 damage the start of each of your turns; on a 16+, you can use
9th level spell: 9d8 damage Breath of the Purple that turn if you wish.

Adventurer Feat: Increase the damage dice to d10s. Champion Feat: When you succeed on a roll to
recharge this spell during a battle, distracting illusions
Wild Spark give enemies a -2 penalty to attack you until the end of
Ranged spell; At-will; Wild Magic your next turn.
Target: One random nearby enemy
Chain Immolation
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD; if the escalation die is
Ranged spell; Daily; Chain Spell; Infernal
even, you have advantage on the attack roll.
Target: One nearby creature
Hit: 4d4 + Charisma random energy damage; if the
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
escalation die is odd, the target is dazed until the end of
your next turn. Hit: 40 ongoing fire damage

chapter 16
Miss: 10 ongoing fire damage Hit: The target is weakened (save ends) and you Gather
7th level spell: 60 ongoing damage; 15 on a miss Power as per your class feature.
9th level spell: 80 ongoing damage; 20 on a miss Arcane: Gain a sorcery point.
Chain spell: Each time your natural attack roll is even, Fey: Teleport to a nearby location you can see.
you can attack a different target with the spell. Umbral: Deal ongoing negative energy damage equal
Champion Feat: Casting this spell does not trigger to twice the spell level (save ends both).
opportunity attacks. Miss: —
Epic Feat: When an enemy dies from the ongoing Champion Feat: If the target is a spellcaster, or a
damage, make another attack with this spell as a free creature with magic abilities, you gain a +2 bonus to the
action. attack roll.

Faerie Door Merry Go-Round

Close-quarter spell; Daily; Fey Close-quarters spell; Once per battle; Interrupt
Effect: You create a window or a door on a wall you touch, action; Fey
which lasts until the end of the scene. The door is visible Trigger: You successfully save against a save-ends effect.
to anyone, but only you and any target designated by you Target: The enemy who caused the effect, or if they are
can see or step through. not within nearby range, a random nearby enemy
Champion Feat: Only you (or targets designated by you) Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
can see the door. Hit: The target suffers the same effect you just saved
against, with the same save difficulty.
Fey Curse Miss: —
Dark whispers and glowing eyes appear at the edge of Nasty to Nice
everyone‘s conscience.
Ranged spell; Daily; Celestial
Ranged spell; Daily; Fey
Target: One nearby enemy with a nastier special. The GM
Target: 1d4 nearby enemies
should disclose which enemies on the battlefield have a
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD nastier special but doesn’t have to say what it does. When
Natural Even Hit: 6d4 + Charisma psychic damage, and you empower this spell, target two enemies instead.
the target has disadvantage on saving throws, except Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
against this spell (save ends).
Hit: 5d8 + Charisma holy damage, and the target loses
Natural Odd Hit: 3d4 + Charisma psychic damage, and all nastier specials (save ends). If you affect one mook, all
the target has disadvantage on attack rolls (save ends). mooks from that group lose their nastier specials.
Natural Even Miss: The target is vulnerable to your spells Miss: —
until the end of your next turn. 7th level spell: 7d8 damage
Natural Odd Miss: Psychic damage equal to your level 9th level spell: 10d8 damage
7th level spell: 8d6 / 4d6 psychic damage
9th level spell: 10d8 / 5d8 psychic damage Champion Feat: The target has a penalty to their saving
throw equal to your Wisdom modifier (but a natural 18+
Flash of Radiance always saves, regardless of the penalty).
Ranged spell; Daily; Free Action; Celestial Epic Feat: The spell is now Recharge 16+ after battle.
Special: You can cast this spell any time during battle,
even during an enemy’s turn. Ooze Form
Target: One nearby enemy Close-quarters spell; Daily; Wild Magic
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD Target: You
Hit: 6d8 + Charisma holy damage Effect: You change your shape into an ooze. This
Natural even hit: The target has disadvantage on their transformation lasts for 5 minutes or until the end of the
next attack roll. battle. As an ooze, you can keep a vaguely humanoid shape
Miss: Half damage or dissolve into a puddle, and you can squeeze through
7th level spell: 8d8 damage narrow spaces. Your equipment transforms with you, but
9th level spell: 12d8 damage you cannot use it. You cannot speak or cast spells.
As an ooze, you have the following abilities:
Leech Magic
Ι You can split off and rejoin parts of you. Split off parts
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Arcane / Fey / Umbral cannot take any other actions than try to merge back.
Target: One nearby creature Ι You gain resist weapons 16+.
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD

Ι Your unarmed attack is replaced with a Charisma
+ level vs. PD attack that deals 1d10 per level +
7th Level Spells
Charisma acid damage. All-Consuming Inferno
Ι When you hit a target with an unarmed attack, you Ranged spell; Daily; Infernal
engulf them. Engulfed targets take half damage Always: When you cast this spell, you spend a recovery
again at the start of your next turn. without healing.
Champion Feat: When you Gather Power while in Ooze Target: The nearby or far away enemy with the lowest
form, deal double damage with your first unarmed attack current hit point total (above zero).
on your next turn. Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
Hit: 2d6 x 10 + Charisma fire damage
Rolling Thunderball Miss: Half damage. Your allies engaged with the target
Close-quarters spell; Once per battle; Chain spell; take one-fourth damage.
Storm / Wild Magic Special chain spell: When you reduce a non-mook
Target: One random nearby enemy. After the first attack, enemy, or the last mook in a group, to zero hit points with
the spell can also target random far away enemies. this spell, heal 10 hp and make another attack against the
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD nearby or far away enemy that now has the fewest hit
Hit: 6d6 + Charisma modifier lightning damage. If the points.
target is far away, also deal 2d6 thunder damage. 9th level spell: 3d6 x 10 damage; heal 15 hp
Miss: Half damage Champion Feat: When you empower this spell, gain
7th level spell: 7d8 lightning; 2d8 thunder damage advantage on the first attack roll.
9th level spell: 9d10 lightning; 3d10 thunder damage
Chain Spell: Each time your natural attack roll is even, Breath of the Silver
you can attack a different target with the spell. Close-quarters spell; Daily; Breath weapon; Draconic
Champion Feat: You have a +1 bonus to attack against Target: One nearby enemy
far away enemies. Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
Hit: 7d12 + Charisma cold damage
Scare Natural 18+: The target is stunned (-4 to defenses
Ranged spell; Daily; Free action; Umbral and can’t take actions) until the end of your next turn.
Special: You can cast this spell any time during battle, Miss: Half damage
even during an enemy’s turn. 9th level spell: 10d12 damage and stun on natural 16+
Target: One nearby enemy Breath Weapon: For the rest of the battle, roll a d20 at
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD the start of each of your turns. On a 16+, you can use
Hit: 20 ongoing psychic damage, and the target loses its Breath of the Silver that turn if you wish.
next standard action. Champion Feat: The first time you fail to recharge
Miss: Psychic damage equal to your level Breath of the Silver at the start of your turn, gain one use
7th level spell: 30 ongoing of the Evasive Turn ability.
9th level spell: 50 ongoing Evasive Turn: As a free action when an attack targets
Champion Feat: This spell is now Recharge 16+ after battle. you, you can force the attacker to reroll the attack, and
you have resist damage 12+ against that attack.
Wave of Anguish
Ranged spell; Once per battle; Chain spell; Infernal / Celestial Censure
Umbral Ranged spell; Daily; Celestial
Target: One nearby creature Target: One nearby enemy
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
Hit: 4d8 + Charisma psychic damage, and the target is Hit: Deal damage equal to half the target’s current hit
dazed (save ends). point total (maximum 100 damage; 200 if you empower
Miss: Half damage the spell). Treat the escalation die as 6 when attacking the
7th level spell: 6d10 damage target (save ends).
9th level spell: 9d12 damage Miss: You regain the spell at the end of the battle.
Chain spell: Each time your natural attack roll is even, 9th level spell: maximum 150 damage; 300 if
you can attack a different target with the spell. empowered
Epic Feat: You can cast this spell without provoking
opportunity attacks.

chapter 16
Draconic Gift Water: You gain resist weapon damage 16+. You deal 5
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action extra damage with all spells that deal cold damage. You
Special: If you are fighting one or more dragons, roll an can breathe and move freely under water.
easy save (6+) at the start of each of your turns. Failure 9th level spell: Deal 10 extra damage all spells that
means that you are confused that turn. deal damage of the corresponding element. Increase
Target: You all resistances to 18+.
Effect: You gain a random dragon-style power for the rest Epic Feat: You can stay transformed for up to 1d6 hours.
of the battle, similar to the abilities dragons possess but
not identical. Roll two d10, then pick one of them to see Entomb
which power you gain: Ranged spell; Daily; Interrupt Action; Celestial /
1. True seeing: You are immune to invisibility and Umbral
ignore any illusions. Trigger: A nearby enemy is reduced below zero hit points.
2. Whipping tail: When an enemy engaged with you Effect: The soul of the slain enemy is sealed away, and it
rolls a natural 1 or 2 with an attack roll, you can can’t be healed, revived, resurrected, returned from the
make an opportunity attack against that creature as underworld, or raised as an undead for 1d6 days. After
a free action. that period, it can make a hard save (16+) every day to
3. Tough Hide: You gain a +1 bonus to AC. end the effect. That doesn’t bring the target back, but it is
4. Twisted Mind: You gain a +2 bonus to MD. now possible to do so. This spell can be cast as a ritual to
5. Nimble: You gain a +2 bonus to PD. bind a target permanently.
6. Now I’m mad!: The first time you are staggered
this battle, you can use a breath weapon spell as a Memento Mori
free action if you have one available. Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action; Umbral
7. Serious threat: Disengage checks against you take Attack: Charisma + Level vs. the highest MD of all nearby
a –5 penalty. When a creature fails to disengage enemies
from you, it takes damage equal to twice your level. Hit: You steal the escalation die and increase it by one.
8. Raw power: Until you are staggered, you have You are the only combatant on the battlefield that can use
advantage on attack rolls with melee attacks and it until the end of the battle. This negates enemy abilities
breath weapon spells. to use or steal the escalation die. Whenever you are hit
9. Damage aura: When an enemy starts its turn by an attack, you must succeed at a normal save (11+) to
engaged with you, it takes damage equal to twice keep the die, otherwise the spell ends.
your level. Choose the damage type from any of Champion Feat: While you have the escalation die, you
your breath weapon spells. gain 5 times the escalation die in temporary hit points at
10. More breath: Until the end of the battle, you the end of your turn (8th level: 10x).
have advantage on d20 rolls to regain your breath Epic Feat: Choose one ally who can still use the
weapon spells. escalation die while you have stolen it.
Epic Feat: Gain the ability for both d10 rolls.
Pixie Dust
Elemental Form Ranged spell; Daily; Fey
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Arcane Special: When you empower this spell, increase the
Target: You number of targets to 1d6.
Effect: Until the end of the battle, or for the next 5 Target: 1d3 nearby enemies
minutes, you transform your body into a pure element. Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
Choose between air, earth, fire and water. Natural Even Hit: If the target has 90 hit points or fewer,
Air: You can fly. You gain resist non-spell damage 16+. it falls unconscious (hard save ends; also ends if the
You have a +5 bonus to disengage checks. You deal target takes 10+ damage). If it has more hit points, it has
5 extra damage with all spells that deal lightning or disadvantage on attacks (hard save ends).
thunder damage. Natural Odd Hit: If the target has 90 hit points or fewer,
Earth: You gain a +2 bonus to AC. You can choose to it is confused (hard save ends; also ends if the target takes
ignore effects that would cause you to pop free from 10+ damage). If it has more hit points, attacks against it
enemies. You deal 5 extra damage with all spells that have advantage (hard save ends).
deal acid or poison damage. Natural Even Miss: You are invisible until the end of your
Fire: At the start of your turn, deal 10 fire damage to all next turn, or until you make an attack.
enemies engaged with you. You have resist fire 16+. You Natural Odd Miss: The next time you roll an odd miss
deal 5 extra damage with all spells that deal fire damage. this battle, reroll it.
9th level spell: 150 hp or fewer.

Reflecting Barrier Untamed Sorcery
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Arcane Ranged spell; Daily; Wild Magic
Target: You Effect: Until the end of the battle, as a free action at the
Effect: Until the end of the battle, each ranged and close- start of your turn, roll 1d12 on the table below and gain
quarters attack against you that is a natural odd miss is the corresponding effect until the start of your next turn.
reflected against the attacker. The attacker rerolls the 1. Life: Gain temporary hit points equal to three
attack, using against their own defense. times your level.
Epic Feat: Also reflect the first attack with a natural even 2. Blink: You can teleport to a nearby location as a
roll that falls within the range. quick action.
3. Spikes: Enemies who engage you take 1d4 x 10
Shadow Form (9th level: 1d6 x 10) damage.
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Umbral 4. Resistance: Gain resist all damage 18+.
5. Armor: Gain a +4 bonus to AC.
Target: You
6. Evasion: Gain a +4 bonus to PD.
Effect: Until the end of the battle, your body transforms
7. Calm: Gain a +4 bonus to MD.
into a living shadow. Once per turn, as a quick action, you
8. Speed: Gain a +4 bonus on disengage checks.
can teleport to any nearby location you can see that is not
9. Skill: Gain advantage on all skill checks.
in broad daylight. You have resist physical damage 12+.
10. Precision: Reroll a natural 1-3 on attack rolls once.
9th level spell: Increase the resistance to 16+.
11. Spread: When you cast a spell with more than one
Epic Feat: The spell is now Recharge 16+ after battle. target, add an extra target.
12. Jackpot: Gain two benefits from this table.
Sorcerous Wings
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action; Celestial / Wild Polymorph
Fey / Draconic / Infernal Ranged spell; Daily; Chain spell; Wild Magic
Target: You Target: One random nearby enemy. When you empower
Effect: You grow wings on your back that reflect your this spell, attack two enemies instead.
bloodline. Celestial wings are white feathers, fey wings Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
are colorful like a butterfly, draconic wings are scaly, and Hit: Roll a d8 to determine the effect placed on the target
infernal wings are black and leathery. Until the end of until the end of your next turn. If the target has 100 hit
battle, you can fly at your normal speed as a move action. points or less, the spell‘s effect is “save ends.”
You can hover between turns. 1. The target is transformed into a burning fire
9th level spell: The effect now lasts for 2d6 x 10 minutes. creature. It is vulnerable to cold, all damage it
Champion Feat: You target a nearby ally in addition to deals is fire damage, and it has resist fire 18+. It
yourself. takes 25 (9th level: 40) ongoing fire damage while
Touch of Corruption 2. The target is polymorphed into a mouse, duck, cat,
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Infernal or other small animal.
Target: One enemy you are engaged with 3. The target is transformed into the stuff of
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD nightmares. It has a fear aura equal to its level.
Hit: 2d6 x 10 negative energy damage, and the target is However, its form shifts too rapidly to make
vulnerable (hard save ends, 16+). In addition, if the target a coordinated attack, and any odd roll is an
drops to 0 hp from this attack, or drops to 0 hp before it automatic miss.
saves against the vulnerable effect of this attack, raise it at 4. The target‘s skin becomes soft and jelly-like, and it
the start of your next turn. It gains 100 hit points, and it takes a -4 penalty to AC.
is now under your control (hard save ends). If the creature 5. The target‘s appearance changes to you or one of
was double-strength, its attacks now deal half damage. If your allies. Attacks against you or that ally have a
it was triple-strength, they deal one third. 50% chance of targeting this enemy instead.
6. The target is shrunk to half size. It gains a +2 bonus
Miss: Half damage
to AC, but all its attacks deal half damage.
9th level spell: 3d6 x 10 damage, and you raise the
7. The target is temporarily turned to stone. It cannot
creature with 150 hp.
take actions, but it is also immune to all damage
Champion Feat: The spell can now target a nearby except psychic damage.
enemy you are not engaged with. 8. The target is transformed into an angry plant version
of itself. It is stuck and vulnerable to fire and axes.
All its damage is changed to poison damage.

chapter 16
Miss: — Natural 1: Half of the gold you are carrying, or one
9th level spell: 150 hit points or less of your true magic items is teleported to the closest
Chain spell: Each time your natural attack roll is even, red dragon lair.
you can attack a different target with the spell. Breath weapon: For the rest of the battle, roll a d20 at
Champion Feat: Double the hit point range you can the start of each of your turns; on a 16+, you can use
affect as “save ends.“ Breath of the Red this turn if you wish. If you fail the
recharge roll, you take 25 fire damage.

9th Level Spells Celestial Apotheosis

Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action; Celestial
Black Blade of Disaster Special: You must have the celestial bloodline to cast this
The “blade” summoned by this spell is a dark planar rift spell.
stretching out from your hand. Target: You
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Umbral Effect: Until the end of the battle or for the next five
Effect: You create a melee weapon that you can wield minutes, you can fly. You roll saves at the start of your turn
without attack penalty. Use your Charisma for the attack instead of at the end, and you have advantage on them.
roll. Your melee attacks with the blade target PD. It deals You are immune to fear. When you cast a daily sorcerer
exactly 100 negative energy damage on a hit, ignoring spell, you or a nearby ally can heal using a recovery.
any damage bonuses or resistances. If your attack roll is a
natural 20, the target starts making last gasp saves (16+) Epic Feat: When you cast this spell, gain temporary hit
and is disintegrated on the fourth failed save. points equal to your maximum hit points.

Epic Feat: You can hurl the blade to make ranged attacks Draconic Apotheosis
against nearby enemies. Close-quarters spell; Daily; Shapechange; Draconic
Special: You must have the draconic bloodline to cast
Breath of the Golden this spell.
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Breath weapon; Draconic Target: You
Target: 1d4 nearby enemies Effect: You change your shape into a large dragon for the
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD next 5 minutes or until the end of the battle. You can fly,
Hit: 3d4 x 10 + Charisma fire damage and you gain a +2 bonus to all defenses.
Natural 20: The target is stunned (-4 to defenses and Your claws, bite and tail count as natural weapons with
can’t take actions) until the end of your next turn. a d10 damage die with the two-weapon fighting benefit
Miss: Half damage (reroll natural 2 on attacks). You can use your Charisma
Breath Weapon: For the rest of the battle, roll a d20 at modifier to attack with them.
the start of each of your turns. On a 16+, you can use Increase the damage dice of all breath weapon spells
Breath of the Golden that turn if you wish. you cast while in dragon form by one step.
Champion Feat: The first time you fail to recharge
Epic Feat: When you cast a breath weapon spell, you
Breath of the Golden at the start of your turn, gain one
also gain 10 temporary hit points.
use of the Indomitability ability.
Indomitability: As a free action, cancel all effects and Infernal Apotheosis
conditions on you, including ongoing damage. You Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action; Infernal
can cancel these effects even if you are prevented from Special: This spell requires the infernal bloodline.
taking actions, such as by being stunned. Effect: Until the end of the battle, you can fly. You project
Breath of the Red a fear aura that affects nearby mooks (-4 to attacks and
they can’t use the escalation die). When you cast a daily
The Red does not share his incredible power willingly.
sorcerer spell, enemies have disadvantage on any saves
You will pay for your insolence.
against it. When you successfully save against an effect
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Breath weapon; Draconic
imposed on you by an enemy, deal 20 fire damage to that
Target: 1d3 nearby enemies
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
Hit: 5d6 x 10 + Charisma fire damage Epic Feat: When you cast a spell that deals fire or poison
Miss: Half damage damage, the damage dice become exploding dice (roll
Natural odd miss: Deal 25 fire damage to an ally an additional die for each die that shows the maximum
engaged with the target. result).

Prey of the Wild Hunt Void Rift
Faerie nobles on white horses chase the target into the Ranged spell; Daily; Umbral
fey realms. Target: One nearby enemy of your choice and 1d3
Ranged spell; Daily; Fey random nearby enemies
Special: You must have the fey bloodline to cast this spell. Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
If you empower this spell, attack two targets instead of Hit: 2d8 x 10 + Charisma negative energy damage
dealing double damage. Natural 18+: The target is sucked into a pocket
Target: One nearby enemy dimension. It is removed from the battlefield and
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD takes 50 ongoing negative energy damage (save ends
Natural Even Hit: The target is whisked away into the fey both; on a successful save the target reappears at a
realms and removed from the battlefield. It starts making random nearby location).
last gasp saves (16+). If it succeeds at a save, it returns to Miss: Half damage
where it left, at half its previous hit points. If it fails its Epic Feat: The first (chosen) target is sucked into a
fourth save, it is at the mercy of the faerie. pocket dimension on any even hit.
Natural Odd Hit: 3d6 x 10 + Charisma poison damage,
and 50 ongoing poison damage. Unleash Hell
Natural Even Miss: You can repeat the attack as a Ranged spell; Daily; Chain spell; Infernal
standard action at the start of your next turn. Effect: You open a giant maw to the Abyss, from where
Natural Odd Miss: 30 poison damage fleshy tentacles spread out to seek their victims. Until the
end of the battle, make the following attack at the start of
Spell Barrage
your turn:
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Arcane / Wild Magic
Target: One nearby enemy
Target: You
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
Effect: Until the end of the battle, you can cast a sorcerer
Hit: 2d6 x 10 damage and the target is stuck and grabbed
at-will spell as a quick action once per turn.
(deal half damage again next turn) until the end of your
Epic Feat: If the escalation die is 6+, you can cast three next turn.
sorcerer at-will spells as a single standard action and end Natural 20: The target is dragged off the battlefield
this spell. and into the Abyss (double- and triple strength
enemies can return with a hard save, 16+; weaker
Twilight Travel enemies are just gone)
Ranged spell; Daily; Any bloodline Miss: 20 damage
Effect: Your mind enters an in-between realm, outside of Natural 1: The tentacles catch a random nearby ally
physical reality. You can either step into the realm, or you instead. 1d6 x 10 damage and the target is stuck and
can use it as a passage, to enter any other location you grabbed until the end of your next turn.
have visited before. You can perceive the surroundings Chain spell: Each time your natural attack roll is even,
at your target location before stepping through. Any you can attack a different target with the spell.
effects of spells or items cast before entering the realm
are dispelled and no longer function on arrival.
The type of realm you step into depends on your
Arcane, Celestial, Draconic: The Overworld
Fey: The Fey Realms
Infernal: The Abyss
Umbral: The Underworld
Wild Magic: Determine randomly
Epic Feat: You can take one ally per Charisma modifier
with you.

For the classic fantasy RPG wizard, everything revolved Conjuration Spells
around the eight schools of magic: Abjuration, Conju-
ration, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Core Book Dark Alleys
Necromancy, and Transmutation. In particular, they 1: Summon Small
were able to specialize in one magic school at the cost Animals, Unseen Servant
Utility —
of being unable to learn spells from at least one other 3: Leisurely Tiny Hut
school. This book offers this classic school specialization 9: Magnificent Mansion
to the 13th Age wizard class too. To enable that, it gives Acid Arrow,
the corresponding school for all wizard spells in the core Acid Splash, Ice Knife,
Level 1 Summon Wizard’s
book, adds a long list of classic spells from all schools, and Summon Mana Spirit
Earth Elemental (M)
provides Specialist Wizard as a new class variant.
Clay Golem, Flame
There is one exception—the necromancer is a separate Crescendo,
Level 3 Arrow, Flaming Sphere,
class in 13 True Ways, so this book does not contain any Summon Imp (M)
Reanimate Golem, Web
necromancy spells for the wizard. However, you can pick
up limited access to necromancy via a new talent. Dimension Door,
Acid Trap, Big Purple
Level 5 Summon Frenzy
Hand, Rock Golem
Wizard Schools Demon (M)
Summon Laughing Arcane Sword, Gem
Below is an overview of the eight schools except necro- Level 7
Demon (M) Golem
mancy, and their available spells by level.
Magma Golem, Maze,
Abjuration Level 9 Teleport
This school covers mainly defense and protection spells.
(M) See 13th Age Monthly: Summoning Spells
Champion Feat: Once per day, when casting an
Abjuration spell on yourself, also grant the benefit to a Divination
nearby ally. Spells of this school help you perceive things, both mun-
dane and magical, and at higher levels also though time
Abjuration spells and space.
Core Book Dark Alleys Adventurer Feat: When you perform an arcane ritual
Utility 1: Hold Portal 5: Magical Disjunction to gain information or predict the future, you have
advantage on the ritual check.
Level 1 Shield Mage Armor, Resist Magic
Divination spells
Break Enchantment, Circle
Core Book Dark Alleys
Teleport of Warding, Elemental
Level 3
Shield Absorption, Explosive Runes, 1: Darkvision, Familiar’s Eyes,
Protection from Arrows Identify, Recall Memory,
3: Speak with Talking Pages, Tongues
Protection from Normal Utility Item 3: Clairaudience/Clairvoyance,
Level 5 —
Weapons, Sanctum 7: Scrying See Invisible
5: Arcane Eye, Legend Lore
Invisibility Anti-Magic Shell, Elemental 7: True Seeing
Level 7
Purge Parry, Mind Blank, Symbol
Hostile Probe, Painful Memory,
Level 1 —
Level 9 — Imprisonment, Suppress Magic Threat Assessment, True Strike
Level 3 — Critical Scope, Foresee Peril
Conjuration Precognitive Ward, Telepathic
Spells of this school summon things, usually from other Level 5 —
Level 7 — Flashback
Adventurer Feat: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls
with your spells against enemies engaged with a creature Level 9 — Foresight
you summoned.

chapter 17
Enchantment Illusion
There are two types of Enchantment spells, those that Illusion spells create figments of imagination, either in
mess with the mind and those that give objects magical the target’s mind or for all to see.
properties. Adventurer Feat: Double the duration of all illusion
Adventurer Feat: Increase the difficulty of saves against spells you cast that have a fixed duration.
spells of the Enchantment school by 1. (A natural 18+ on
a save always succeeds.) Illusion spells
Core Book Dark Alleys
Enchantment Spells
1: Animated Image
Core Book Dark Alleys
3: Magic Mouth
Utility — 1: Scribe Scroll Utility 1: Disguise Self
7: Mirage Arcana, Scrying
Animate Armor; Eldritch Screen
Level 1 Charm Person Incantation; Hideous
Mirror Image, Phantasmal
Laughter; Magic Weapon Level 1 Blur, Color Spray
Force, Phantom Lance
Flame Arrow; Enchanted Phantom Soldiers, Shadow
Level 3 Hold Monster; Level 3 —
Conduit, Luck; Suggestion Evocation
Rebuke; Sleep
Level 5 Denial Crushing Despair; Heroism Fantastic Beast, Hypnotic
Level 5 Invisibility
Outrageous Irresistible Pattern, Phantasmal Killer
Level 7 —
Dance; Power Word, Stun
Level 7 — Mislead, Simulacrum
Dominate Monster;
Level 9 — Feeblemind; Power Word, Level 9 — Twisted Nightmare

Evocation Transmutation manipulates the properties of a physical
Evocation spells summon raw magical force and the el- object, or changes it entirely.
ements. Besides spells that throw raw elements at your
Adventurer Feat: Double the duration of any spell that
enemies, the school also offers spells that create walls and
targets physical objects, including cantrips.
Champion Feat: Once per battle, when casting an Transmutation spells
Evocation spell on more than one target, add an Core Book Dark Alleys
additional target.
1: Feather Fall
1: Permanent Cantrip
Evocation spells 3: Levitate,
3: Arcane Cypher
Utility Message
Core Book Dark Alleys 5: Passwall, Stone to Flesh
5: Water
7: Dungeon Engineering
1: Continual Light, Treasure- Breathing
Utility —
Bearing Disc Enlarge Person,
Magic Missile, Expeditious Retreat, Ray
Chromatic Orb, Elemental Level 1 —
Level 1 Ray of Frost, of Contortion, Reduce
Triad, Firebolt, Fog Cloud
Shocking Grasp Person
Force Salvo, Fire / Ice Shield, Stinking Level 3 — Harden Metal, Slow
Level 3
Lightning Bolt Cloud Baleful Polymorph,
Level 5 —
Cone of Cold, Contingency, Tenacious Transformation
Level 5 Fireball Incendiary Cloud, Resilient Blink, Flight,
Sphere Haste, Overcome
Cloudkill, Delayed Blast Level 7 Resistance, Flesh to Stone
Level 7 — Fireball, Opaque Freezing Transfer
Sphere, Wall of Force Enchantment
Level 9 Meteor Swarm Prismatic Spray Level 9 Disintegrate Time Stop

Specialist Spell Slot
Specialist Wizard When you choose spells during a full heal-up, you can
(Class Variant) declare one (and only one) of your spell slots as your
specialist school slot. You don’t choose a spell for that
This is a class variant inspired by the classic wizard school slot after the full heal-up, but at the time of casting the
specialist, who gains extra power in one school, at the spell. You can choose any normal spell or utility spell that
cost of losing access to spells of another school. belongs to your specialist school.
The variant replaces two class features of the wizard, If the spell you cast is a recharge spell, make a recharge
Overworld Advantage and Utility Spell, with a new one: roll at the end of the battle to regain the spell slot, not the
School Specialization. particular spell. If the spell you cast is once per battle,
School Specialization cyclic, or at-will, you cast the spell normally during the
battle, then regain the spell slot at the end of the battle.
Choose one of seven wizard schools: Abjuration, Conju-
ration, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, or Special: This replaces access to the Core Book wizard’s
Transmutation as your specialist school. utility spell slot. You can still cast utility spells, but you
prepare them individually like your other spells.
Specialist Advantage
Special: This replaces Overworld Advantage. Barred School
Daily spells of your chosen school become recharge 16+ As a specialist wizard, choose one of the seven wizard
after battle. They still count as daily spells for abilities that schools Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Enchant-
trigger off daily spells. ment, Evocation, Illusion, or Transmutation as your
barred school. You cannot cast spells from that school.
Champion Feat: Gain a +1 bonus to recharge rolls for
spells of your school.
Epic Feat: The bonus to recharge rolls is now equal to Wizard Talents
your Intelligence modifier. The classic expectation of the wizard is being a master of
lore and book learning. This is exemplified in the Shel-
tered Apprentice talent, which gives you an extra spell
and narrow expertise, but at the same time makes you
comically inept at one area of normal life. If you would
like to emphasize your wizard’s standing in arcane soci-
ety instead, choose Scion of Horizon. For the opposite,
look at Hedge Wizard as a mage whose training is more
primal than academic.
If you’d like to sling stronger magics, Spellslinger shores
up your combat staple at-will spells. Beguiler enhances
your ability to manipulate the mind, whereas Thaumaturge
makes you better at warping bodies. For raw power, look
at Pyromancer and its elemental variants. Summoner
makes the creatures you call into battle stronger.
If your wizard is the adventurous type, Bladesinger lets
you use proper weapons and makes your use of armor
more effectively. Arcane Archaeologist gives them
historic knowledge and a knack for avoiding the dangers
in dark tombs, and Monster Ecologist helps you identify
weaknesses in your enemies. Maybe you think that a
good punch in the face is the best backup, in which case
Muscle Wizard is for you.
Necromancy shifts you toward being a black mage
with access to the necromancer spell list.
If you like the idea of a specialist wizard but you can’t
quite decide between options, Dual Specialization lets
you pick two schools. On the other hand, if you love one
school of magic to death, then there’s Deep Specialization.

chapter 17
Arcane Archaeologist Bladesinger
Why stay in the library when there are ancient secrets Your people have blended art, swordplay, and arcane
to discover? You venture out, searching for long-lost magic into a seamless whole.
artifacts among the ruins of past ages. You can use light and heavy one-handed melee weapons
You gain 5 points in a background that covers knowledge without attack penalty, and if the weapon is a true magic
of ancient civilizations, locating treasure sites, and identi- item, you can use it as an implement for wizard spells.
fying what you find. You are familiar enough with ancient If you are multiclassed, you are considered a “skillful
writing systems that you can decipher most writings you warrior” for these weapons and don’t suffer a reduced
find on maps, dungeon walls, and item inscriptions. damage die with them.
Once per battle or scene, as a move action, you can You are also trained in light armors, and increase your
pull off a stunt that you have learned when exploring base AC with them to 12.
dangerous ruins, things like climbing slippery surfaces, However, the focus on martial training has reduced
jumping narrow ledges, and avoiding massive rolling your time to study the arcane arts, and you have one
boulders. Describe how you are using a mixture of athletic fewer wizard spell slots of your highest level available.
training and arcane tricks to avoid the danger. Usually,
Adventurer Feat: When you wield a one-handed blade
you can pull off the stunt without any skill check, but the
weapon, your ranged spells do not provoke opportunity
GM can require a roll for absolutely outlandish tricks.
Adventurer Feat: You gain the rogue’s Trap Sense class Champion Feat: After casting an arcane spell, your
feature. next hit or miss with a melee weapon attack deals
Champion Feat: Add your Intelligence modifier to extra damage equal to the spell level. This bonus is not
magic item power recharge rolls for items you wield. cumulative, only use the highest bonus.
This represents your familiarity with ancient artifacts. Epic Feat: As a quick action, you can enter a defensive
Epic Feat: You have advantage on saves against effects stance that gives you a +1 bonus to AC until the end of
that were caused by magic items and traps. your next turn, and a +1 bonus to the first melee attack
on your next turn.
You are specialized in magic that manipulates the mind. Deep Specialization
When you cast a spell that targets MD, choose one of the You combine a natural knack for a certain type of spell
following benefits: with diligent study.
Ι If the spell deals damage, deal extra damage equal Special: You must be a specialist wizard. You cannot take
to your Charisma modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at both this talent and Dual Specialization.
8th) to each target you hit. When you prepare your specialist spell slot, you can use
Ι Increase the difficulty for the target’s first save it to cast two spells instead of one.
against the spell by your Charisma modifier. (A
Adventurer Feat: You have advantage on skill checks
natural roll of 18+ always saves, however.)
regarding spells of your specialist school.
Ι Increase the hit point limit for the creatures you
Champion Feat: When you take a quick rest, and you
can affect by 5 times your level if the spell has
don’t have any spells left except at-will spells, you can
one target, and twice your level if it has multiple
regain your specialist school bonus spell slot. Take a
cumulative -1 penalty to PD and MD from exhaustion
Adventurer Feat: You gain 3 points toward a until your next full heal-up.
background that represents performance skills or mental Epic Feat: Gain the lowest tier feat of all spells of your
manipulation. specialist school for free.
Champion Feat: Choose a class. You can switch out a
wizard spell for a spell from the chosen class at a -2 level
penalty, as long as that spell targets MD.
Dual Specialization
Why not both?
Epic Feat: Once per battle, when the escalation die is
Special: You must be a specialist wizard. You cannot take
3+, you can gain all three of the beguiler benefits with
both this talent and Deep Specialization.
one spell.
Choose two specialist schools instead of just one. You gain
the specialist spell slot and specialist recharge abilities for
both schools. For the specialist slot, you can prepare two
slots, one for each of your two schools.
You must also choose two barred schools.

Adventurer Feat: Before casting a spell of one specialist Monster Ecologist
school, you can spend a quick action to add a small “The pinkish hue of this gelatinous cube reflects the
effect from your other specialist school. For example, mixture of quartz and limestone in the geology of its
you could use illusion to make an evocation spell seem habitat, irrespective of the fact that it just engulfed
scarier and more dangerous, or add an abjuration effect Valadria.”
to a summoned monster to shore up its defenses. You gain a 5-point background in the academic knowl-
Champion Feat: Gain the adventurer tier feat of all edge of fantastic creatures.
spells from both of your specialist schools. Once per battle, as a free action on your turn, gain a
flash of insight about a creature. Choose from the list
Hedge Wizard below:
While you are by all means a wizard, casting magic Ι Learn details of an attack, power, or nastier special
from arcane formulae and complex rituals, your (GM’s choice).
tradition is ancient and primal, and hasn’t undergone Ι Understand its true desires or motives for fighting.
the academic refinement of scholarly arcane practice. Ι Find out the condition under which it would
Your spellcasting involved medicinal herbs, blood, negotiate, surrender, or flee.
animal sacrifice, and direct conversation with spirits. Ι Know about weaknesses or resistances.
It is deeply in tune with the ebb and flow of the magic Adventurer Feat: If the creature is an aberration, beast,
that surrounds all living beings. dragon, elemental or ooze, you can learn two facts about
After each full heal-up, roll a d8. it.
1. A blood sacrifice strengthens your body over your Champion Feat: You can use this talent twice per battle.
mind. You gain one less wizard spell this time.
Epic Feat: After using this talent on a target, gain a +1
However, you gain a +2 bonus to PD and roll d8s
bonus to attacks against it.
for recovery dice until the next full heal-up.
2. You bond with a protective spirit. Gain a +1 bonus
to saving throws until your next full heal-up. Muscle Wizard
3. You bond with an earth spirit. Gain a daily terrain You are surprisingly buff for someone of your chosen
caster spell from the terrain you are currently in. vocation. Maybe your arcane talent was only discovered
4. You bond with a life spirit. The first time you are after a harsh upbringing as a peasant or laborer. Or you
reduced below zero hit points before your next full were just fed up with being bullied.
heal-up, immediately heal using a free recovery. You can make unarmed attacks without penalty, and your
5. You have an out-of-body experience. Immediately unarmed damage dice are d6s. Once per battle, when you
gain the incremental advance you would gain at the hit with an unarmed attack, you can deal fire, force, or
end of the session. (This does not allow you to level lightning damage with the attack, increase the damage
up yet). dice to d10s, and force the target to pop free from you.
6. You have a prophetic dream about an upcoming When you cast a ranged spell, you don’t trigger attacks
conflict. For one battle before the next full heal-up, set of opportunity from engaged enemies that you target
the escalation die to 1 at the start of your first turn. with the spell.
7. You reach into the past. Choose one spell that you
Adventurer Feat: When you miss a spell attack against
had not expended before the heal-up and gain it as
a target you are engaged with, deal damage equal to your
a bonus spell. If you have none, reroll.
Strength modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th) to it.
8. The stars are aligned for one spell of your choice.
You can reroll one of your attack rolls with that Champion Feat: Increase your recovery dice to d8s.
spell before your next full heal-up. Epic Feat: Increase the damage dice of your once-per-
battle unarmed attack to d20s.
Adventurer Feat: When casting a spell as a ritual, you
can expend a recovery without healing to gain advantage
on the check. Describe how your ritual is physically Necromancy
exhausting, through dance, sweating, loss of blood, etc. With the rise of the Lich King, necromancy is generally
Champion Feat: Roll twice on the table and choose one considered its own arcane art form, separate from
of the results. wizardry. But that does not stop you from dabbling in it.
Epic Feat: Get a spell from a different spellcasting You can switch one of your wizard spells for a spell of the
class as a bonus spell, at your class level minus 2. This same level from the necromancer list. Starting at third
represents your study of primal wizardry that does not level, you can switch out additional spells at a -2 level
conform to modern limitations. penalty.

chapter 17
You know how to unravel the magic that creates undead. Champion Feat: You gain a +1 bonus to all defenses
You gain a +1 bonus to attacks against them. against spells and magical attacks.
Adventurer Feat: Understanding the undead helps you
ward them off. You gain a +1 bonus to defenses against Sheltered Apprentice
undead. You have been trained in a secluded college or wizard
Champion Feat: Add your Intelligence modifier to the tower, where you had the necessary solitude to fully
first death save you roll in a battle. If you roll a natural focus on your studies.
20 on any death save. you also regain an expended spell. Intelligence-based skill checks are one step easier (-5)
Epic Feat: When you kill an enemy with a spell, siphon for you. This includes checks about niche academics and
off some of their life. Gain a +1 bonus to your critical esoteric lore, but also arcane knowledge and skill checks
threat range until the end of the battle. This bonus resets required for ritual casting. Once per day, you can perform
to zero when you score a critical hit. a stunt to remember an otherwise useless fact from an
obscure tome you’ve read. This is allows you to automat-
Pyromancer ically succeed on what would otherwise be a ridiculously
Fire! Fire! Fire! Is there a greater form of magic? Let’s go hard task. The GM should encourage the player to make
watch something burn. up pieces of lore for the game world with this talent.
When you cast a wizard spell that deals damage, you can However, you also choose one ability score where all
change the damage type to fire. skill checks are one step more difficult. You’re either frail
You gain a spell from any class as a bonus spell at the (Strength), clumsy (Dexterity), sickly (Constitution),
highest level you can cast, as long as that spell deals fire lacking in empathy (Wisdom) or socially awkward
damage or is otherwise connected to fire. If the spell has (Charisma).
an attack roll, you can use Intelligence as the ability score. Adventurer Feat: Choose a very narrowly defined
Adventurer Feat: You ignore fire resistance. scholarly background, and gain one point in it per word
in the name, ignoring trivial words like “the”, for up to
Champion Feat: When you take fire damage from an
7 points. Examples include the revised taxonomy of
enemy attack, heal hit points equal to your level.
butterflies in the Eldeen Reaches, cultural implications
Epic Feat: When the escalation die is 1+ and you cast a of the seasonal migration patterns of Koru Behemoths,
spell that does fire damage, increase its damage dice by or tribal animism and worship among Iron Sea merfolk.
one step.
Champion Feat: When you spend a feat to improve a
wizard spell, you also gain the benefits of any other feat
Feel free to adapt the Pyromancy talent as Acidomancer
of that spell up to your current tier.
(acid), Cryomancer (cold), Fulgomancer (lightning), Impe-
tomancer (force), Psychomancer (psychic), or Venomancer
Epic Feat: Once per day, you can perform an arcane
(poison) if that fits your character concept better. ritual without expending a spell.

Scion of Horizon Spellslinger

You were born into a long lineage of wizards that Your spells are quick, focused, and precise, against
stretches back to previous ages. Members of your family the usual expectation that your kind are bookish and
have served, and still serve, in roles such as court clumsy.
wizard, librarian, headmaster of an arcane college or You gain a +2 bonus to your critical threat range with
judge at a wizard court. wizard at-will spells.
Your close ties in wizard society give you an extra icon rela-
Adventurer Feat: Once per day per point of Dexterity
tionship point with a wizardly icon, such as the Archmage.
modifier, you can reroll an attack roll with an at-will
Due to your pure wizard blood, combined with the
excellent training you have enjoyed, you gain a bonus
spell slot at the highest level you can cast. However, you Champion Feat: Once per battle, when the escalation
also have one less recovery (usually 7). die is 3+, you can cast an at-will spell as a quick action.
Epic Feat: As per the champion tier feat, but you can
Adventurer Feat: You have met many wizards, which cast the spell as an interrupt when you are attacked. If
gives you an easy read on them. When meeting an arcane you hit, your attacker has disadvantage on their attack
spellcaster for the first time, ask one question about them, roll.
which the GM will answer truthfully. Typical questions
are their school specialization, their icon affiliation, or the
spell signature that marks their spells.

“Mana Spirit, I choose you!” Wizard Spells
When you spend a quick action to control a summoned Cantrips
creature (which allows it to add the escalation die to These cantrips can be cast by all wizards, as per the Can-
attack rolls), it also deals extra damage equal to its level, trip class feature (Core Book p. 147). Also see that page
on both hit and miss. for a cantrip’s maximum duration, which depends on the
Creatures you summon have one recovery. When wizard’s level.
healed, they use your recovery roll to determine how
many hit points they regain. They can use the rally action Animate Quill
to heal, or be healed using healing spells and potions. Animate a quill, a piece of charcoal or similar object to
write down words as you instruct it.
Adventurer Feat: Your summoned creatures gain a +1
bonus to all saves. Deep Pockets
Champion Feat: Your summoned creatures have a Put an item in a pocket, from where it disappears into a
second recovery. small pocket dimension. The item can be as long as you
Epic Feat: Your summoned creatures gain a +1 bonus like, as long as it fits through the pocket’s opening. You
to all defenses. can pull the item back out as a quick action at any time. At
the end of the cantrip’s duration, or if the physical pocket
Thaumaturge is destroyed, the item falls out.
You are specialized in magic that manipulates the Detect Magic
physical world, both alive and inanimate. You notice lingering magic and supernatural effects
When you cast a spell that targets PD, choose one of the within your field of vision. If an effect is concealed on
following benefits: purpose, the DM can require a skill check to detect it.
Ι If the spell deals damage, deal extra damage equal
to your Constitution modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at Erase
8th) to each target you hit. Permanently remove non-magical writing or painting
Ι Increase the DC for the target’s first save against from a scroll or a sheet of paper, parchment, or similar
the spell by your Constitution modifier. (A natural surfaces.
roll of 18+ always saves, however)
Ι Increase the hit point limit for the creatures you Fire Shaping
can affect by 5 times your level if it is one target, or Enlarge or reduce a non-magical fire, change its color,
twice your level in case of multiple targets. shape, or intensity. After the spell ends, the fire returns
to its natural shape, determined by the material that is
Adventurer Feat: You gain 3 points towards a burning.
background in alchemy and the manipulation of forces
and matter. Grease
Champion Feat: Choose a class. You can switch out You create a slippery area where you touch the floor or an
a wizard spell for a spell from that class at a -2 level object. Anyone who attempts to move through the area
penalty, as long as that spell targets PD. or tries to hold on to the object must succeed at a save to
Epic Feat: Once per battle, when the escalation die is 3+, do so.
you can gain all three of the thaumaturge benefits with
one spell.
Gust of Wind
Create a strong puff of air that is sufficient to extinguish
candles, torches, and similar unprotected flames. With a
successful skill check, the gust is strong enough to even
extinguish lanterns and other protected flames. It pushes
back insects and other small flying creatures, smells, and
smoke clouds. It does not affect larger creatures except
for a dramatic waving of hair and clothing.
Locate Minor Object
Divine the location of an object you are very familiar
with, within a range of a few meters. This spell is very
handy to find keys, glasses, and other things that get lost
around the house.

chapter 17
Mustache 3rd level spell: The spell lasts for 1 hour.
This incantation grows a mustache on the target. Rumors 5th level spell: The spell lasts for 1 day.
are that it is part of an entire suite of spells that create a Adventurer Feat: You can program the image to appear
wide variety of hair and beard styles, however, this specif- and perform a predetermined movement when a defined
ic formula has proven to be a runaway hit at the court of trigger occurs, such as when a person steps through a door.
the Elf Queen (of all places).
Continual Light
Nascent Magic Aura
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Evocation
Give an item an indeterminate magic aura, which can be Effect: An object you touch starts emitting light as bright
noticed if it is examined for the presence of magic. Upon as a torch. The light stays at this brightness for a day, then
closer examination and a hard difficulty skill check, the it slowly fades over the next few days.
examiner can determine that the aura has no other effect
than to create the appearance of a magical enchantment. Darkvision
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Divination
Target: One creature per spell level
Create a pleasant smell on the target object, or at least Effect: The target can see perfectly in the dark for 10
hide a hideous one. minutes per spell level.
Recall Familiar Familiar’s Eyes
You summon your familiar back to your shoulder, or a Close-quarters spell; Daily; Divination
location next to you, from up to a few hundred feet dis- Special: This spell requires the Wizard’s Familiar talent.
tance. Effect: For the next 1d6 x 10 minutes, you can perceive
Recording the world through your familiar’s eyes and senses. While
using the spell, you are effectively blind and deaf as it
For the next few minutes, you record the surrounding
dulls your own senses.
sounds into a small gem. The gem holds the recorded
sound and can replay it as long as the cantrip lasts. Identify
Still Image Close-quarters spell; Daily; Divination
Effect: Gain a +10 bonus to a skill check to identify the
You produce an illusory image, roughly the size of a por-
magic properties of an item or a persistent magical effect.
trait painting, for the standard duration. It’s two-dimen-
sional, doesn’t move, and doesn’t react to touch. You can Permanent Cantrip
make the image transparent or opaque. Close-quarters spell; Daily; Transmutation
Sundial Effect: This spell has the effect of any wizard cantrip of
your choice, except that the effect is ongoing for days,
Summon a small sundial on your open palm that shows if not months, if you don’t dismiss it. Since it’s a minor
the current time, even in places where no sunlight is magical effect, other spellcasters can dispel it with a
available. normal-difficulty skill check.
Sunshades Recall Memory
Summon a black screen in front of your eyes that blocks Close quarters spell; Daily; Divination
excessive sunlight. Target: You or a nearby willing creature
Ventriloquism Effect: You help the target remember something. They
can repeat a failed knowledge check with a +5 bonus.
You throw your voice to appear to come from a different
location. This is especially effective if the target can’t see Scribe Scroll
you speak. Close-quarters spell; Daily; Enchantment
1st Level Utility Spells Effect: Inscribe any spell you have prepared for the day
onto a parchment. You can cast the spell from the scroll
Animated Image once at a later date, which uses up the scroll.
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Illusion Choose the level of the spell when you create the scroll,
Effect: Create a two-dimensional illusion, up to the size between the lowest level it can be learned at and the
of a large painting, with an animated effect such as eyes highest you can cast.
that follow the viewer, falling snow or a change of seasons. Creating a scroll takes roughly 10 minutes per spell
Make a skill check to determine the artistic value of the level and expends your use of that spell for the day, even
image. The image lasts about 10 minutes. for spells other than daily spells. It requires material

components that cost about 50 gp per level of the spell. carries. The effect lasts for 1d6 x 10 minutes.
The finished scroll can be used by others, but doing so 5th level spell: The effect lasts for 1d6 hours.
requires an Intelligence-based skill check with a DC of Adventurer Feat: You can grant the ability to another
15 + the spell’s level (10 + level for other wizards). On a creature by touch.
natural even failure, nothing happens, but on a natural
odd failure, the magic gets triggered in an unintended, Treasure-bearing Disc
possibly disastrous way, and the scroll is destroyed. Close-quarters spell; Daily; Evocation
Adventurer Feat: Your scrolls are easier to use by other Effect: You create a hovering disc of force energy, roughly
people, and only require a DC of 10 + level to cast (5 + the size of your outstretched arms. It can carry two
level for other wizards). people, one person in heavy armor, or a load of treasure.
It follows you on command. It flies at walking speed, and
While a scroll or two in the wizard’s backpack won’t it can slowly move up or down. The disc is indestructible
break the game, it can be a challenge for the GM if the by non-magical means. It persists for 1d6 x 10 minutes.
PCs come across a pile of gold and they decide to spend 5th level spell: The disc lasts for 1d6 hours.
it on a big stash of scrolls that can solve every issue they
Unseen Servant
come across. In that situation, feel free to throw a few
extra problems at them and deplete their stash. Remind Close-quarters spell; Daily; Conjuration
them that scroll cases are big, bulky and easily dropped. Effect: You summon a shimmering, ghost-like valet to step
And the last thing you want when you try to pull your- and fetch, open doors and hold chairs, as well as to clean
self out of a lava pit is fireworks of randomly triggered and mend at your command. The servant is about as strong
magic from your melting scrolls. as an average human. It does not fight, is hit by any attack
roll of natural 2+, and only has one hit point per level of the
If a PC carries around more than one scroll per level,
the GM can also add magic item quirks similar to true
spell. The servant persists for 1d6 x 10 minutes.
magic items. 5th level spell: The servant persists for 1d6 hours.
3rd Level Utility Spells
Summon Small Animals
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Conjuration Arcane Cypher
Effect: You summon 1d6 small animals, such as cats, Ranged spell; Daily; Transmutation
rabbits, or doves. The animals are purely magical Effect: You scramble a text of up to one page per spell
creations. They will act rather confused and disappear level into unreadable gibberish, unless a condition set by
after 1d6 minutes. you is met. This is usually a certain person reading the
3rd level spell: You can control the animals with text, a specific item touching the page, or a spoken code
a quick action each turn, and you can have them word.
perform small tricks an animal of that type would be Clairaudience / Clairvoyance
capable of.
Ranged spell; Daily; Divination
Talking Pages Effect: You concentrate upon a nearby locale and either
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Divination see or hear inside as if you were there (your choice). You
Target: One book you touch must be able to pinpoint the location, such as around a
Effect: You absorb the knowledge contained in a piece of corner, behind a door etc. The spell lasts for up to one
writing up to the size of a book. A short touch will teach minute per spell level.
you the gist of it, whereas a few minutes of concentration 5th level spell: You can both see and hear with the
are enough to gain an understanding of its contents. A spell.
full day is required if you want to achieve a word-by-word 7th level spell: You can target far away locations.
memorization. You don’t need to know the language of Leisurely Tiny Hut
the writing. This spell can also decipher non-magical
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Conjuration
Effect: You summon a small hut that is large enough for
Tongues six people to find shelter in. The hut is sturdy enough to
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Divination survive most environmental effects, although it can be
Effect: You gain the ability to speak and understand the damaged and ultimately destroyed by extreme conditions
language of any intelligent creature. You can only speak such as lava or a direct lightning strike. The outer
one language at a time. Tongues does not enable you to appearance of the hut is up to you. On the inside, the hut
communicate with creatures that don’t have a language. provides a comfortable temperature and breathable air.
You can make yourself understood as far as your voice The effect lasts for up to 8 hours.

chapter 17
Magic Mouth 9th level spell: You can now destroy epic-level effects,
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Illusion but artifacts of iconic power are still immune to the
Effect: You place an enchanted mouth on an object which spell.
suddenly appears when a specified event occurs. The Passwall
mouth speaks a message of up to 25 words as specified by
Ranged spell; Daily; Transmutation
you. The message is entirely mundane and cannot create
Effect: You open a magical passage through a wall that
spell effects. The event that triggers the message can be
allows you, and any creature designated by you, to pass
as simple or as complicated as you like, but the conditions
through. The passage is open for 1d6 minutes, if you do
are limited to what can be perceived by normal means.
not end the spell earlier. The passage opens straight on
No mind reading, detecting invisible creatures and the
the opposite side, so make sure there is safe terrain to
like. The spell remains in effect for one day per spell level.
step into.
See Invisible
Stone to Flesh
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action; Divination
Ranged spell; Daily; Transmutation
Effect: You can see invisible creatures normally until the
Effect: This spell reverses a petrification effect, such as
end of the battle or scene.
from a medusa’s gaze. You can also use it to change a
5th level spell: The effect lasts for up to an hour.
stone statue into an uncanny corpse (and make the proud
7th level spell: The effect lasts for up to eight hours.
artist quite angry).
5th Level Utility Spells 7th Level Utility Spells
Arcane Eye Dungeon Engineering
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Divination
Ranged spell; Daily; Transmutation
Effect: You create an invisible floating eye that sends you
Effect: You magically perform major construction work
visual information. The eye floats at walking speed, and
for roughly an hour. You can move large amounts of earth
you can send it out of your line of sight. Through the eye,
and stone, dig a hole or a tunnel, or erect walls and pillars.
you can see as if through your own eyes. It cannot pass
The GM can require a skill check using an appropriate
through walls, but it can pass through small holes and
background to determine the quality and sturdiness of
openings. The eye persists for 1d6 x 10 minutes.
the work.
During combat, it’s a quick action to direct the eye and
receive visual imagery. If you don’t use the quick action, Mirage Arcana
the eye remains inert. Ranged spell; Daily; Illusion
7th level spell: The effect lasts for 1d6 hours. Effect: You cover an area the size of a castle or a small
Champion Feat: You can cast spells through the eye at forest in an extensive animated illusion that affects all
a -2 penalty to the attack. senses. The illusion cannot create solid objects, so if for
example you create an illusory wall where there is none,
Legend Lore anyone can just walk through it. Make a Charisma-based
Ranged spell; Daily; Divination skill check to determine the quality of the illusion. Anyone
Effect: This divination reveals some information about with an MD higher than the check will see through it
a legendary person, place, or item. Examples include a immediately. Others can save against the effect if they
current or former icon, their stronghold, or a major have a reason to disbelieve the illusion.
artifact. The closer you are physically to the target, the The illusion lasts for a day but can be cast as a ritual for
more information can be gained by the spell. If you are longer durations.
in the target location, or have the object within reach, the Scrying Screen
spell is likely to provide vivid imagery of key scenes in
Ranged spell; Daily; Illusion
its history. If the target is far away, or just a myth that
Effect: You create an illusion that fools magical
may not be real at all, the spell will conjure just very hazy
divinations. Whoever uses a spell such as Scrying on you
fragments of information.
or the surrounding area will perceive the image or scene
Magical Disjunction as set by you, not what is really there. The details of the
Ranged spell; Daily; Abjuration illusory images and sounds are entirely up to you. The
Effect: You destroy a permanent magical effect. If you screen stays up for 8 hours, but paranoid mages tend to
target a true magic item, it is permanently returned set this spell up as a ritual for longer durations.
into its mundane state. A magical trap is permanently
disarmed. Epic-level items are immune to this spell.

True Seeing zero hit points, or until your next full heal-up. The spell
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Divination ends, but the armor is not destroyed when it is reduced
Target: You or an ally you touch it to zero hp (unless it makes sense story-wise, e.g. when
Effect: For the next hour, the target can see in normal falling into lava).
and magical darkness, see invisible creatures and objects, By default, the armor uses its gauntlets to attack, and
detect visual illusions, and perceive the natural form of has a d4 damage die with them. However, the armor can
a shapechanger or a magically transformed creature. For also wield melee weapons like a fighter (with the same
a creature that has more than one natural form, such as WEAPON damage dice) and use a shield for +1 AC.
a werewolf, you see both forms as a shadowy overlay. If you cast the spell on a true magic item suit of armor,
The target can also perceive things that are hidden away or equip it with magic items, it benefits from their
on other planes where they overlap with their current bonuses and abilities. However, it can only benefit from
location. one item per spell level, and it suffers all item quirks.
While the armor provides strong protection, it has one
9th Level Utility Spells weakness—when it takes damage, it needs a round to
Magnificent Mansion reassemble itself, and cannot attack that turn.
Ranged spell; Daily; Conjuration Armor Golem
Effect: You create and furnish a stately home in an 1st level troop; initiative: +6
extradimensional space. You can layout and decorate Pummel: +6 vs. AC—1d4 damage (or damage die of
the place in any shape and form you like. The typical equipped weapon)
manifestation of the spell is a large aristocratic manor with Magic item powers: as per equipped items
dozens of luxurious rooms, a glistening banquet hall and Unstable Enchantment: When the armor golem takes
lush gardens, populated with liveried servants and skillful damage, it cannot attack on your next turn. Instead,
musicians. The entrance to the manor is a dimensional it uses its standard action to heal hit points equal to
portal that others can enter upon your invitation. twice the spell level.
The mansion lasts for one day. Anything brought into
the mansion will drop out of the portal when the spell Adventurer Feat: Unstable Enchantment now only
ends. activates when the armor golem is staggered.
Champion Feat: The armor golem now has golem
1st Level Spells immunities. It can’t be dazed, weakened, confused, made
vulnerable, and it ignores ongoing damage.
Acid Splash
Ranged spell; At-will; Conjuration Armor Golem Level Progression
Target: 2 random nearby enemies Level Ini. Atk. Dmg. AC PD MD HP
Attack: Automatic hit
Effect: 3 acid damage 1 +4 +6 1d4* 17 15 11 22
3rd level spell: 5 damage
3 +6 +8 3d4* 19 17 13 35
5th level spell: 8 damage
7th level spell: 12 damage 5 +8 +11 5d4* 22 20 16 50
9th level spell: 20 damage
7 +10 +14 7d4* 25 23 19 80
Adventurer Feat: When the escalation die is odd, target
3 random nearby enemies. 9 +12 +17 10d4* 28 26 22 125
Champion Feat: When the escalation die is even,
increase the damage by the spell level. * Increase the damage die according to the equipped
Epic Feat: You can now cast this spell without provoking weapon.
opportunity attacks.
Chromatic Orb
Animate Armor Ranged spell; Daily; Evocation
Ranged spell; Daily; Enchantment Target: One nearby enemy
Special: You can only cast this spell outside of battle; it Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD
requires 2d4 minutes to cast. Hit: 1d12 damage, plus damage type and effect depending
Target: A suit of heavy armor on your choice for the color of the orb.
Effect: You animate a suit of heavy armor to fight for you Pearly: Light. Holy damage. The target is surrounded
as an armor golem, following to the summoning rules on by bright light. It is also weakened (-4 to attacks and
p. 5. The armor stays animated until it is reduced to defenses; save ends).

chapter 17
Ruby: Heat. Fire damage. The target’s attacks deal half Elemental Triad
damage (save ends). Ranged spell; Cyclic (once per battle OR at-will when
Miss: You regain the spell during your next quick rest. the escalation die is even); Evocation
3rd level spell: 3d12 damage, and you can create the Target: Three nearby enemies
following colors: Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD
Opal: Fire. Fire damage. The target takes 5 points of Hit: 2d8 damage. Against the first target, deal fire damage,
ongoing fire damage per spell level. cold against the second, and lightning against the third.
Amber: Blindness. Negative energy damage. When Miss: Damage equal to your level
the target attacks, determine the targets randomly 3rd level spell: 3d8 damage
among all nearby creatures (save ends).
5th level spell: 5d8 damage
5th level spell: 5d12 damage, and you can create the
7th level spell: 7d8 damage
following colors:
9th level spell: 10d8 damage
Emerald: Stinking cloud. Poison damage. The target
is dazed (save ends). Deal half damage to 1d3 nearby Adventurer Feat: Choose the element of each attack.
enemies. You can also deal acid or thunder damage with this spell,
Turquoise: Magnetism. Metal objects start clinging to but each attack must use a different element.
the target. It is hampered (save ends). Champion Feat: If you miss a target with the first or
7th level spell: 7d12 damage, and you can create the second attack roll, you can target the same enemy again
following colors: with the next attack.
Sapphire: Paralysis. Lightning damage. The target is Epic Feat: On a miss, deal half damage instead.
stunned (save ends). If the target has more than 150
hit points, it can save against the effect immediately. Enlarge Person
Amethyst: Petrification. Negative energy damage. The Ranged spell; Daily; Transmutation
target is weakened (save ends). If it fails its fourth save Target: One nearby creature
against the spell, it is permanently turned into stone. Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD (no attack roll required
9th level spell: 9d12 damage, and you can create the against allies)
following colors: Hit: The target’s size increases by one step (usually from
Ashen: Negative energy damage. If the target has 150 normal to large), and it has advantage on all Strength-
hit points or less, it dies. Otherwise it takes 50 ongoing based skill checks. In addition, it increases all WEAPON
negative energy damage. damage dice by one step. The target also has a +2 bonus
Adventurer Feat: The spell is now Recharge 16+ after to all defenses against attacks that attempt to grab or
battle. swallow it. Unwilling targets can save against the effect
Champion Feat: All saves against this spell are hard normally, otherwise the effect ends at the end of the battle
saves (16+), including saves against ongoing damage. or scene.
Epic Feat: You have advantage on the attack roll with Miss: —
this spell. 5th level spell: You can now increase the target’s size
to huge. It takes a -1 penalty to attacks and defenses,
Eldritch Incantation but its WEAPON damage dice are increased by an
Ranged spell; At-will; Enchantment additional step.
Target: One nearby enemy Expeditious Retreat
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD Close-quarters spell; Once per battle; Quick action;
Hit: 1d20 psychic damage Transmutation
Miss: — Target: You
3rd level spell: 2d20 damage Effect: Move to a far away location that you can reach
5th level spell: 3d20 damage on foot. You do not trigger opportunity attacks and you
7th level spell: 4d20 damage cannot be intercepted.
9th level spell: 6d20 damage Adventurer Feat: Until the end of your next turn, you
Adventurer Feat: You can cast this spell as a close- gain a bonus to all defenses equal to the escalation die.
quarters spell.
Ranged spell; At-will; Evocation
Target: One nearby enemy
Special: You can increase the targets of the spell to 1d3
nearby enemies. This expends the spell for the day.

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD 3rd level spell: 4d10 damage
Hit: 2d6 fire damage 5th level spell: 6d10 damage
Miss: Half damage 7th level spell: 8d10 damage
3rd level spell: 4d6 damage; 1d4 targets if expended 9th level spell: 12d10 damage
5th level spell: 5d8 damage Adventurer Feat: You can share the reveal with your
7th level spell: 6d10 damage; 1d6 targets if expended allies, which gives the target disadvantage on attacks
9th level spell: 8d12 damage against them too.
Adventurer Feat: If you expend the spell, you can
recharge it on a 16+ after the battle. Ice Knife
Ranged spell; Cyclic (once per battle OR at-will when
Fog Cloud the escalation die is even); Conjuration
You create a fog of steaming vapors that obscures vision. Target: One nearby enemy
Ranged spell; Daily; Cloud; Evocation Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. AC
Target: 1d4 nearby enemies Hit: 3d8 cold damage
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD Natural even hit: Deal 1d8 cold damage to the 1d3
Hit: While inside the cloud, any attack made by the target enemies closest to the target.
or against the target has disadvantage, unless the attack Miss: Cold damage equal to your level
is at engaged range. Any creature engaged with the target 3rd level spell: 5d8 damage; 2d8 on even hit
is also under this effect, i.e. it attacks by it and against it 5th level spell: 8d8 damage; 3d8 on even hit
have disadvantage unless at engaged range. 7th level spell: 13d8 damage; 4d8 on even hit
Cloud: A creature that is not engaged can leave the 9th level spell: 2d8 x 10 damage; 5d8 on even hit
cloud as a move action. At the start of your next turn, Adventurer Feat: For the extra damage on even hit,
make a normal save (11+) to check whether the cloud increase the number of targets to 1d4 and the damage
persists. This is not an action. If it persists, the effect dice to d10s.
continues, and you make another check at the start of
the following turn. Mage Armor
Adventurer Feat: The save to see if the cloud persists is Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action; Abjuration
now an easy save (6+). Special: You can spend 2d4 minutes to cast this spell out
Champion Feat: You can now target 1d4+2 enemies. of battle to protect yourself until the end of the next battle.
Target: You
Hideous Laughter Effect: Increase your unarmed base armor class to 12
Ranged spell; Daily; Enchantment (usually from 10) until the end of the battle.
Target: A nearby enemy; constructs and similar mindless 3rd level spell: Base armor 13
enemies are immune to this spell. 5th level spell: Base armor 14
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD; if the target is Adventurer Feat: If you cast this spell out of battle, it
staggered, you have disadvantage on the attack roll as the lasts for two battles.
target is in too much pain Champion Feat: If you cast this spell out of battle, it
Hit: The target starts laughing uncontrollably. It is unable lasts for three battles.
to make attacks, but it can take other actions normally
(save ends; it also ends if the target is hit by an attack). Magic Weapon
Miss: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn. Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action; Enchantment
Target: A nearby weapon
Hostile Probe
Effect: Until the end of the battle, the weapon gains a
Ranged spell; At-will; Divination
+1 bonus to attack and damage, like a true magic item.
Target: A nearby enemy
Attacks with the weapon ignore any resistances the target
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD has against the attack.
Hit: The target must choose to either reveal its intentions 5th level spell: Increase the bonus to +2
or resist and take damage. 9th level spell: Increase the bonus to +3
Reveal: You learn what action the target intends to
take next. Until the end of your next turn, its attacks Adventurer Feat: If you wield the weapon, you can use
against you have disadvantage. your Intelligence modifier for attack and damage with it.
Resist: The target takes 2d10 psychic damage. Champion Feat: The spell is now Recharge 16+ after
Miss: — battle.

chapter 17
Epic Feat: The wielder can hurl the weapon to make a Phantom Lance
ranged attack against a nearby enemy with it. It returns Ranged spell; At-will; Illusion
to their hand. Target: One nearby enemy
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD
Mirror Image Hit: 2d10 psychic damage
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Illusion; Quick action Miss: —
Target: You 3rd level spell: 3d10 damage
Effect: You create 1d3 illusory duplicates of yourself. If an 5th level spell: 5d10 damage
attack against you is a natural odd roll, the attack strikes 7th level spell: 6d12 damage
a duplicate instead of you, and destroys it. 9th level spell: 10d12 damage
3rd level spell: 1d4 images
Adventurer Feat: If the target is dazed or confused, you
5th level spell: 1d4+1 images
have advantage on the attack roll.
7th level spell: 1d6+1 images
Champion Feat: On a natural even hit, also deal ongoing
9th level spell: 2d4 images
psychic damage equal to the spell level.
Adventurer Feat: The spell is now Recharge 16+ after Epic Feat: You can attack far away enemies at a -2
battle. penalty to the attack roll.
Champion Feat: On a natural odd miss, the duplicate is
no longer destroyed. Ray of Contortion
Ranged spell; At-will; Transmutation
Phantasmal Force Target: One nearby enemy
Ranged spell; Daily; Illusion Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD
Target: One nearby enemy Hit: 2d8 damage
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD Natural 16+: The target has disadvantage on its next
Hit: You plant a phantasm in the target’s mind that it attack roll.
considers to be real (save ends). Describe the phantasm Miss: Damage equal to your level
to the GM, who will adjudicate the effect and the target’s 3rd level spell: 4d6 damage
actions. Some outcomes the GM can choose are: 5th level spell: 6d6 damage
Ι Silly distraction: The target is dazed. 7th level spell: 10d6 damage
Ι Overwhelming desire: The target will move toward 9th level spell: 10d10 damage
a place, creature, or item, and possibly try to grab
or touch it. Adventurer Feat: On a natural 12–15 on the attack roll,
Ι Stationary danger: The target will avoid a certain the target is vulnerable to the next attack against it.
area. Champion Feat: Constructs and undead are vulnerable
Ι Looming threat: The target will try to move away to this spell.
from a place or a creature as fast as it can.
Ι Frightening horror: The target curls up in a corner, Reduce Person
unable to do anything but shiver. Ranged spell; Daily; Transmutation
Ι Imaginary pain: The target takes 10 ongoing Target: One nearby creature
psychic damage per spell level. Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD (no attack roll required
The GM can set the save as hard (16+) or easy (6+) against allies)
depending on how realistic the phantasm is in the current Hit: The target’s size is reduced by one step (usually from
situation. The spell ends immediately if the target feels normal to small), and it has a +4 bonus to AC against
pain that is inconsistent with the phantasm (like touching opportunity attacks. Its WEAPON damage dice are
a hot coal that it thought was a diamond). The target reduced by 1 step. Targeted monsters reduce the damage
can still perceive everything outside of the phantasm of physical attacks by their level. Unwilling targets can
normally. The phantasm cannot be seen by anyone else. save against the effect normally, otherwise the effect ends
Miss: You regain the spell at the end of the battle. at the end of the battle or scene.
5th level spell: The phantasm can have up to two of 5th level spell: You can now reduce a target to tiny
the effects above. size. It deals half damage with physical and weapon
9th level spell: You can target a second enemy.
Adventurer Feat: When you hit a mook with this spell,
you affect the entire group.

Resist Magic Threat Assessment
Ranged spell; Recharge 16+ after battle; Abjuration Ranged spell; Daily; Divination
Target: You or one nearby ally Target: A larger area, such as one level of a dungeon
Effect: Until the end of the battle, the target gains resist Effect: You gain a visual image and the rough location
magic 12+. This resistance covers any monster attacks of the strongest creature in the target area (GM’s choice;
that have names like spells, any attack by a monster with usually the creature with the most hit points).
the caster type, and obviously magic abilities like dragon
breath. True Strike
5th level spell: Resistance is now 16+. Close-quarters spell; Cyclic (once per battle OR at-will
7th level spell: The spell now affects two targets. when the escalation die is even); Divination
9th level spell: Recharge roll is now 11+. Target: You or a nearby ally
Effect: The target has advantage on their next weapon
Adventurer Feat: You can target an additional creature attack roll, and a bonus to their critical threat range equal
with the spell. to the escalation die.
Summon Mana Spirit 3rd Level Spells
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Conjuration
Break Enchantment
Effect: This spell summons a Mana Spirit as a superior
Ranged spell; Daily; Abjuration
summoned creature. The level of the spirit is the same as
Target: One nearby creature or object
the spell’s level. This spell follows the summoning rules
on p. 5. Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD; you can hit willing
targets without an attack roll
Adventurer Feat: The mana spirit can teleport to a Hit: End all effects on the target. If you target a magic
nearby location once per battle. item, its effects are temporarily negated (save ends).
Champion Feat: When the escalation die is even, the Miss: —
Mana Spirit can attack two nearby enemies with its
magic missile attack. Champion Feat: You can target one specific effect,
rather than all of them.
Epic Feat: The mana spirit can use Magic Missile as an
interrupt action after it its attacked. Circle of Warding
Summoned Mana Spirit Close-quarters spell; Daily; Abjuration
Effect: You create a circle on the ground that is large
Mana Spirits are small playful beings created from
enough for you and one ally per spell level to stand in.
pure arcane energies.
Choose one type of creature (aberration, beast, construct,
1st level artillery [Caster]; initiative: +3
demon, dragon, elemental, fey, giant, humanoid, plant,
(Ranged) Magic Missile: automatic hit—5 force
ooze, or undead). Creatures of the chosen type have
disadvantage on all attacks against those within the circle.
Cantrips: The Mana Spirit can cast any wizard cantrip
Anyone inside the circle has to step across it to engage
as a quick action once per round.
anyone outside of it, and vice versa.
Flight If a creature of your chosen type tries to enter the circle,
Resist any damage 16+ except force damage make the following attack against it as a free action.
Mana Spirit Level Progression
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD
Level Ini. Dmg. AC PD MD HP Hit: 1d6 per spell level psychic damage. The target fails
1 +3 5 13 10 14 10 to enter the circle and can’t engage anyone within it.
At the start of each of your turns, roll 1d20. If the roll
3 +5 8 15 12 16 15 is equal to the escalation die or lower, the spell ends.
5 +7 12 17 14 18 25 Clay Golem
Ranged spell; Daily; Conjuration
7 +9 18 19 16 20 40 Special: You can only cast this spell outside of battle; it
9 +11 30 21 18 22 60 requires 2d4 minutes to cast.
Effect: You summon a clay golem to fight as your ally in
the upcoming battles, according to the summoning rules
on p. 5. The golem stays animated until it is reduced
to zero hit points, or until your next full heal-up.

chapter 17
Adventurer Feat: Your clay golem regenerates a number true magic weapon, and an arcane implement (+1 bonus
of hit points equal to its level at the start of its turn. to attack and damage). In melee, you can use Intelligence
for attack and damage with it, and it deals acid, cold, fire,
Clay Golem force, or lightning damage (your choice). Deal 1d6 extra
Clay golems are slow and clumsy, but they are durable damage with melee attacks and spells that deal damage of
and hard to stop. the chosen element.
3rd level construct [blocker]; initiative +1 5th level spell: Increase the enchantment bonus to
champion tier (+2), and the extra damage to 2d6.
Clobbering Fist: +6 vs. AC—7 damage
Natural even hit: The target takes a -5 penalty to its 7th level spell: Increase the extra damage to 3d6.
next disengage check. 9th level spell: Increase the enchantment bonus to
Miss: Half damage epic tier (+3), and the extra damage to 5d6.
Slow: The clay golem takes a -5 penalty on disengage Adventurer Feat: You can switch the damage type as a
checks. quick action.
Golem immunity: It can’t be dazed, weakened, Champion Feat: The spell is now Recharge 16+ after
confused, made vulnerable, or touched by ongoing battle.
Clay Golem Level Advancement Explosive Runes
Level Ini. Atk. Dmg. AC PD MD HP Ranged spell; Daily; Abjuration
Effect: You inscribe mystic runes on a book, scroll, map
3 +3 +6 7 14 16 12 50 or similar item that last for a day. Specify a safe way to read
5 +5 +9 11 16 18 14 82 the runes without triggering them. If those instructions
aren’t followed, the runes explode, targeting the reader
7 +7 +11 16 19 21 17 122 with the attack below.
9 +9 +14 24 22 24 20 198 Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD
Hit: 6d6 fire damage
Miss: Half damage against the target and another random
Critical Scope nearby creature
Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action; Divination 5th level spell: 10d6 damage
Target: You or a nearby ally 7th level spell: 2d6 x 10 damage
Effect: The target gains a +2 bonus to their critical threat 9th level spell: 3d6 x 10 damage
range until the end of the battle.
7th level spell: You can now cast this spell on two Adventurer Feat: The runes have 1d4+1 charges, and
targets. they last for up to a month.

Elemental Absorption Fire / Ice Shield

Close-quarters spell; Daily; Abjuration Close-quarters spell; Recharge 16+ after battle; Quick
Target: You or a nearby ally action; Evocation
Effect: Choose one element (acid, cold, fire, force, Special: Choose whether you want to create a fire shield
lightning, poison, or thunder). You create a shield around or an ice shield when you cast the spell.
the target that absorbs damage of that element. The shield Effect (Fire Shield): You create a burning barrier that
dissipates after it has absorbed 30 points of damage, or at you can wield like a shield (AC +1, no attack penalty).
the end of the battle. The shields grants resist fire 12+. When an enemy
5th level spell: 50 points of damage makes a melee attack against you, deal fire damage
7th level spell: 80 points of damage equal to your Intelligence modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3
9th level spell: 140 points of damage at 8th) + Level to it.
Effect (Ice Shield): As above, but the shield deals cold
Adventurer Feat: You can choose to create two shields
damage and grants resistance to cold damage.
for two different elements; each absorbs half the amount.
5th level spell: The resistance is now 16+.
Enchanted Conduit Champion Feat: Increase the AC bonus to +2.
A simple wooden staff can channel great energies if Epic Feat: The spell is now Recharge 11+.
properly prepared.
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action; Enchantment
Target: A staff (simple two-handed melee weapon)
Effect: You enchant the staff as both an adventurer-level

Flame Arrow Harden Metal
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Enchantment / Conjuration Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action; Transmutation
Special: When you cast the spell, choose whether you Target: A nearby set of heavy armor
want to cast it as (A) a direct damage spell or (B) an item Effect: If cast on a set of armor, the armor grants +1 AC
enchantment effect. and converts critical hits into normal hits until the end
Effect A: You create one flaming arrow and make the of the battle.
following attack with it.
Target: One nearby or far away enemy. If you have Luck
more than one arrow, you choose a different target for Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action; Enchantment
each arrow, or the same target again. Target: You or one nearby ally
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD Effect: The target gains a +1 bonus to d20 rolls (attacks,
Hit: 7d10 fire damage saves, skill checks) until the end of the battle or scene.
Miss: Half damage 5th level spell: The target also gains the bonus to
5th level spell: Create 2 arrows. defenses.
7th level spell: Create 3 arrows. 9th level spell: Increase the bonus to +2.
9th level spell: Create 5 arrows. Adventurer Feat: When you cast the spell, roll 1d6. If
Effect B: Summon flaming arrows into someone’s quiver. the result is equal to the escalation die or lower, you can
Until the end of the battle, they deal 2 extra WEAPON add a second target.
dice of fire damage with bow attacks on a hit until the end
of the battle. Painful Memory
5th level spell: 3 WEAPON dice You make the target relive their worst moment.
7th level spell: 5 WEAPON dice Ranged spell; Daily; Divination
9th level spell: 7 WEAPON dice Target: One nearby enemy
Adventurer Feat: The spell is now Recharge 16+ after Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD
battle. Hit: 10 psychic damage, 10 ongoing psychic damage and
Champion Feat: (B) The enchanted bow deals half extra the target is dazed (save ends).
fire damage on a miss. Natural 18+: The target is also stunned until the end
of your next turn.
Flaming Sphere Miss: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn,
Ranged spell; Daily; Conjuration and you regain the spell during your next quick rest.
5th level spell: 15 damage, and 15 ongoing damage
Effect: You summon a flaming sphere that you can direct
to singe your enemies. Until the end of the battle, you can 7th level spell: 25 damage, and 25 ongoing damage
make the following attack as a quick action. 9th level spell: 40 damage, and 40 ongoing damage
Target: One nearby enemy Champion Feat: Stun the target on a natural 16+.
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD
Hit: 3d12 fire damage Phantom Soldiers
Miss: Half damage to a different nearby enemy Ranged spell; Daily; Illusion
5th level spell: 6d12 damage Effect: You summon a mob of three phantom soldiers
7th level spell: 1d12 x 10 damage (below), as per the summoning rules on p. 5. These
9th level spell: 3d6 x 10 damage soldiers fight for you until the end of the battle, or until
they drop to 0 hp, whichever comes first.
Adventurer Feat: On a miss, deal damage equal to your
level to the initial target. Phantom Soldier
Champion Feat: You can attack recklessly with this spell. 3rd level mook; Initiative: +8
Attack 1d3 enemies with one quick action, but on a miss, Ghostly Bohemian Ear Spoon: +6 vs. AC—6 damage
deal half damage to each ally engaged with the targets. AC 17, PD 12, MD 16, HP 10 (mook)
Immaterial: Attacks with a natural odd attack roll
Foresee Peril don’t affect the soldier.
Ranged spell; Daily; Divination Mook: Kill one phantom soldier mook for every 10
Target: You or a nearby ally damage you deal to the mob.
Effect: The target has advantage on initiative checks and
cannot be surprised. It can always act in a surprise round.
It also has advantage on skill checks to notice dangers
such as traps. This effect lasts for one hour per spell level.

chapter 17
Phantom Soldier Level Advancement 5th level spell: 180 hp or fewer
Level Ini. Atk. Dmg. AC PD MD HP 7th level spell: 300 hp or fewer
9th level spell: 480 hp or fewer
3 +3 +6 6 16 12 16 10
Adventurer Feat: On a miss, the target takes a -5 penalty
5 +5 +9 10 18 14 18 15 to disengage checks until the end of its next turn.
Champion Feat: Target 1d3 nearby enemies.
7 +7 +11 15 21 17 21 22
Epic Feat: The target is also weakened.
9 +9 +14 22 24 20 24 33
Stinking Cloud
You create a cloud of pungent odor.
Protection from Arrows
Ranged spell; Daily; Cloud; Evocation
Ranged spell; Daily; Abjuration
Target: 1d4 nearby enemies
Target: You or one nearby ally
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD
Effect: Until the end of the battle, the target gains resist
Hit: 4d6 poison damage, and the target is dazed until the
missile attacks 18+. This reduces the damage from
start of your next turn.
weapon-based ranged attacks, such as arrows or sling
Miss: Half damage against each ally engaged with the
stones, but not spells and attacks that deal elemental
damage. The spell does not protect from attacks that
Cloud: A creature that is not engaged can leave the
aren’t targeted, such as an avalanche.
cloud as a move action. At the start of your next turn,
Adventurer Feat: The spell is now Recharge 16+ after make a normal save (11+) to check whether the cloud
battle. persists. This is not an action. If it persists, any target
Champion Feat: If the natural attack roll is 12 or lower, that was hit and is still in the cloud suffers the hit effect
the resisted attack deals no damage. again, and you make another save at the start of the
Epic Feat: You can target yourself and 1d3 nearby allies following turn.
with this spell. 5th level spell: 6d6 damage
7th level spell: 10d6 damage
Reanimate Golem 9th level spell: 14d6 damage
Ranged spell; Daily; Conjuration
Adventurer Feat: A target that suffers the hit effect
Special: When you cast this spell during a quick rest, you a second time is now weakened instead. A target that
can expend a recovery without healing to regain this spell suffers the hit effect a third time is now stunned instead.
after the quick rest.
Target: One destroyed golem you have created earlier Suggestion
that day Ranged spell; Recharge 11+; Enchantment
Effect: You reanimate the golem at full hit points. Target: One nearby enemy
Shadow Evocation Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD
Ranged spell; Daily; Illusion Hit: You plant a suggested course of action into the
Effect: Choose a spell of the Evocation school of the same target’s mind. The suggestion must be short and easy
level as this spell or lower. You cast that spell, with the to understand. The subject will only follow reasonable
following changes: courses of action. It won’t do anything to harm themselves
Ι The spell targets the enemy’s MD. or people they care about. The effect ends when the target
Ι All damage is psychic damage. fulfills the suggestion. If this requires a longer time than
Ι All damage dice are reduced by one step (d6 to d4 one round, the target can save against the effect.
and so on). Miss: The target hears the suggestion but is in no way
compelled to follow it.
Ranged spell; Daily; Transmutation
Ranged spell; Daily; Conjuration
Target: One nearby enemy with 120 hp or fewer
Target: 1d3 nearby enemies in a group with 30 hp or
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD
fewer each. If you choose to cast the spell recklessly, you
Hit: The target is slowed (save ends).
can target enemies with any number of hp.
Slowed: The target is limited to one attack per turn
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD
and takes a -5 penalty to disengage checks. It can't take
Hit: The target is stuck and hampered (save ends both).
actions outside of its turn.
Miss: — Miss: —

Reckless Miss: Make an attack roll for this spell against Champion Feat: After the target successfully saves
each of your allies engaged with a target. against the spell, it is dazed until the end of its next turn.
Effect: The spell creates a webbed area until the end of
Epic Feat: You can target three instead of two creatures
the battle. If a combatant with hit points equal to limit or
with the lower hit point total.
less is pushed into the webbed area by a stunt or similar,
it must immediately make a save. If the save fails, it is also Big Purple Hand
stuck and hampered (save ends both). The web can be set
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Conjuration
on fire by a torch or a fire spell. In that case, the spell ends,
Effect: You summon a hand of shimmering, translucent
and all stuck creatures take fire damage equal to twice the
force, as per the summoning rules on p. 5. The hand
spell level.
lasts until the end of the battle, or until destroyed. It
5th level spell: Targets with 50 hp or fewer
moves at your command, mimicking the movements of
7th level spell: Targets with 80 hp or fewer
your own hand.
9th level spell: Targets with 125 hit points or fewer
Champion Feat: Attacks by the hand deal +1d8 damage;
Adventurer Feat: Your allies can save against the spell
+2d8 at 8th level.
with an easy save (6+).
Champion Feat: Target 1d4 enemies. Big Purple Hand
Epic Feat: The web is now populated by spiders that deal Large 5th-level troop [Construct]
10 poison damage to any enemy caught in the web at the Initiative: +7
start of your turn. Clenched Fist: +10 vs. PD—18 force damage.
Forceful Hand: +10 vs. PD—The target is pushed back
5th Level Spells and pops free from all opponents.
Grasping Hand: +10 vs. PD—9 force damage and the
Acid Trap target is grabbed (until disengaged; -5 to disengage;
Ranged spell; Daily; Conjuration can’t make opportunity attacks; the hand gets a +4
Special: You can use this spell to create a trap. Cast the bonus to attacks against the target).
spell as a standard action on a designated spot. You can Interposing Hand: (standard action) Until the end
then trigger the spell as an interrupt action. If you don’t of the summoner’s next turn, attacks against their
trigger the spell before your next full heal-up, it fades. You AC and PD by creatures not engaged with them have
can set the spell to trigger on a set condition, such as a disadvantage. The hand can intercept enemies trying
certain type of creature going near the location. to engage the summoner.
Target: 1d4 nearby enemies in a group Big Purple Hand Level Progression
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD
Level ini. Atk. Dmg. AC PD MD HP
Hit: 8d8 acid damage
Miss: Half damage 5 +7 +10 18 / 9 21 19 15 60
7th level spell: 2d4 x 10 damage
7 +9 +12 28 / 14 23 21 17 90
9th level spell: 2d8 x 10 damage
Champion Feat: The trap resets to trigger a second time 9 +11 +15 44 / 22 26 24 20 150
after 1d4 turns.
Cone of Cold
Baleful Polymorph Close-quarters spell; Daily; Evocation
Ranged spell; Daily; Transmutation Target: 1d3 nearby enemies in a group. If you cast
Target: One nearby enemy with 160 hp or fewer recklessly, you can target 1d4 + 1 enemies, but your allies
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD engaged with the targets may also take damage.
Hit: The target is polymorphed into a harmless creature, Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD; you gain a +2 bonus
like a mouse or a frog (save ends). While polymorphed, to the attack roll against enemies engaged with you
the target retains its defenses, but it cannot make attacks. Hit: 10d8 cold damage
The spell ends if the target takes damage equal to its level. Natural even hit: The target is dazed until the end of
Miss: — your next turn.
7th level spell: Target with 250 hp or fewer, or two Miss: Half damage
targets each with 125 hp or fewer Reckless miss: Your allies engaged with the target take
9th level spell: Target with 500 hp or fewer, or two damage equal to twice the spell level.
targets each with 250 hp or fewer 7th level spell: 15d8 damage
9th level spell: 2d8 x 10 damage

chapter 17
Champion Feat: The spell is now Recharge 16+ after Phasing: If the escalation die is even, the beast can
battle. teleport to a nearby location you can see as a quick
Contingency Psychic Strike: When a nearby enemy attacks the
beast’s MD, it can make a phantom claw attack against
Practitioners of the arcane arts are often a little skittish,
for there is a lot to worry about when you dabble in arts it as an interrupt action.
that mortals are not meant to wield. Better be prepared Champion Feat: Choose two abilities instead.
for the worst! Epic Feat: Choose three abilities instead.
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Evocation
Target: You Fantastic Beast
Effect: Choose a spell of 5th level or lower that you can 5th level wrecker [beast]; Initiative: +12
cast, and that can target you. You cast that spell—called Phantom Claw: +10 vs. AC—15 psychic damage
the contingent spell—as part of casting contingency, Wings: The beast can fly.
expending spell slots for both, but the contingent Immaterial: Attacks with a natural odd attack roll
spell doesn’t come into effect. Instead, it takes effect don’t affect the beast.
when a certain circumstance occurs. You describe that Fantastic Beast Level Progression
circumstance when you cast the two spells. For example, Level Ini. Atk. Dmg. AC PD MD HP
you could set a contingency to trigger water breathing
when you are drowning. 5 +12 +10 15 19 15 19 38
Triggering the contingent spell does not take an
action from you. It takes effect immediately after the 7 +14 +12 24 21 17 21 55
circumstance is met for the first time, whether or not you 9 +17 +15 36 24 20 24 80
want it to, and then contingency ends.
The contingent spell takes effect only on you, even if it
can normally target others. Heroism
If the contingency was not triggered, it ends at your Ranged spell; Daily; Enchantment
next full heal-up. Target: One nearby ally
Effect: The target is immune to fear. In addition, once per
Adventurer Feat: You can now set a target other round, the target can reroll a d20 roll that is a natural 1–5.
than you for the contingency, such as “the enemy who
attacked me last” or “a nearby orc.” Hypnotic Pattern
Ranged spell; Daily; Illusion
Crushing Despair Target: 1d4 nearby enemies in a group
You wash away all hope from the mind of your targets Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD
and fill them with dread and despair. Hit: If the target has 80 hit points or fewer, it is stunned
Ranged spell; Daily; Enchantment (can’t take actions and -4 to defenses; easy save 6+ ends).
Target: 1d3 nearby enemies Otherwise it is dazed (save ends).
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD Miss: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Hit: The target has disadvantage on attack rolls and skill 7th level spell: 120 hit points or fewer
checks (save ends). 9th level spell: 180 hit points or fewer
Miss: The target has disadvantage on its next attack roll. Champion Feat: Enemies who successfully save against
Fantastic Beast this spell are still dazed until the end of their next turn.
Ranged spell; Daily; Illusion
Incendiary Cloud
Effect: You summon a fantastic beast (below), as per
the summoning rules on p. 5. The beast fights for You create a smoky, burning cloud in the nearby area.
you until the end of the battle, or until it drops to 0 hp, Ranged spell; Daily; Cloud; Evocation
whichever comes first. Choose one special ability for the Target: 1d3 nearby enemies
beast from the list below. Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD
Memory Jumble: When the beast’s attack roll is a Hit: 6d8 fire damage
natural 20, the target is confused until the end of their Miss: For each damage die coming up as maximum, deal
next turn. that much damage to each ally engaged with the target.
Oscillating Skin Pattern: Enemies engaged with the Cloud: A creature that is not engaged can leave the
beast have disadvantage on attacks against targets cloud as a move action. At the start of your next turn,
other than the beast. make a normal save (11+) to check whether the cloud

persists. This is not an action. If it persists, any target Rock Golem
that was hit and is still in the cloud suffers the hit effect Ranged spell; Daily; Conjuration
again, and you make another save at the start of the Special: You can only cast this spell outside of battle; it
following turn. requires 2d4 minutes to cast.
7th level spell: 8d10 damage Effect: You summon a rock golem to fight as your ally in
9th level spell: 10d12 damage upcoming battles, according to the summoning rules on
Champion Feat: The check to sustain the cloud is now p. 5. The golem stays animated until it is reduced to
an easy save (6+). zero hit points, or until your next full heal-up.
Champion Feat: Enemies engaged with the stone golem
Phantasmal Killer take a -2 penalty to any attack that does not target the
You create the vision of a shadowy attacker in the stone golem.
target’s head. Epic Feat: The stone golem cannot be intercepted by
Ranged spell; Daily; Illusion creatures that aren’t large or bigger.
Target: One nearby enemy
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD Rock Golem
Hit: 1d12 x 10 psychic damage 5th level construct [blocker]; Initiative +6
Natural odd hit: The target makes a basic attack Rock golems cause the earth to shake with every step.
against one of its allies. Rock Punch: +10 vs. AC—16 damage
Miss: Half damage Natural even hit (Staggered enemy only): The target
7th level spell: 2d8 x 10 damage is hampered until the end of your next turn.
9th level spell: 4d6 x 10 damage Miss: Damage equal to the golem’s level
Champion Feat: On an odd hit, the target will use its Golem immunity: Can’t be dazed, weakened,
most damaging attack power available instead of a basic confused, made vulnerable, or touched by ongoing
attack, possibly targeting more than one ally. damage.
Epic Feat: The target adds the escalation die to its attack Rock-hard shell: Attacks with a natural roll of 10 or
roll. less have no effect on the golem, including no miss
Precognitive Ward Rock Golem Level Advancement
Ranged spell; Daily; Divination Level Ini. Atk. Dmg. AC PD MD HP
Target: You or a nearby ally
5 +7 +10 16 21 21 17 55
Effect: Until the end of the battle, whenever the target is
attacked, they can use an interrupt action to roll a d20. 7 +9 +12 25 23 23 19 80
If that roll is higher than the natural roll of the attacker,
9 +12 +15 40 26 26 22 120
the attack is a miss. (Note that you are limited to one
interrupt action between your turns.)
Resilient Sphere
Champion Feat: Add the escalation die to the d20 roll. Ranged Spell; Daily; Evocation
Target: A nearby normal-sized creature
Protection from Normal Weapons
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD
Ranged spell; Daily; Abjuration
Hit: A sphere of shimmering force encloses the target
Target: You or one nearby ally
(hard save 16+ ends). Nothing—not physical objects,
Effect: Until the end of the battle, the target gains resist
energy, or other spell effects—can pass through the
weapon attacks 18+. This reduces the damage from
barrier, in or out. The sphere is immune to all damage,
weapon-based melee attacks, such as swords and axes.
and a creature or object inside can’t be damaged by
It does not protect from attacks that don’t use weapons,
attacks or effects originating from outside, nor can a
including the claws, teeth, and other natural weapons
creature inside the sphere damage anything outside it.
of monsters. True magic item weapons also ignore the
The enclosed creature can push against the sphere’s walls
and roll around with it.
Champion Feat: If the natural attack roll is 12 or lower, Miss: —
the resisted attack deals no damage. 7th level spell: You can now target a large creature.
Epic Feat: You can target yourself and 1d3 nearby allies 9th level spell: You can now target a huge creature.
with this spell.

chapter 17
Sanctum Arcane Sword
Ranged spell; Daily; Abjuration Close-quarters spell; Daily; Conjuration
Effect: You ward the nearby area against magical Effect: You summon a hovering sword of pure magical
intrusion. The area cannot be scried on with divination force. Until the end of the battle, you can make the
spells, and it’s not possible to teleport into it. following attack with it as a quick action.
Wizards often use a ritual of this spell to protect their Target: One nearby enemy
studies and towers against other wizards. Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 x 10 force damage
Telepathic Bond Miss: —
Ranged spell; Daily; Divination 9th level spell: 1d12 x 10 damage
Target: You and one nearby creature per spell level
Effect: All targets of the spell can communicate with each Champion Feat: You can take a few minutes before a
other telepathically for the next hour. battle to prepare the spell, which allows you to summon
the sword as a free action.
Champion Feat: If two targets of the spell are engaged
with the same enemy, they gain a +2 bonus to attacks Cloudkill
against that enemy. You create a cloud of smothering, noxious fumes that
leave a trail of dead bodies.
Tenacious Transformation Ranged spell; Daily; Cloud; Evocation
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Transmutation Target: 1d4 nearby enemies OR 3d4 nearby mooks
Target: You Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD
Effect: You become a fighting machine—stronger, Hit: If the target is a mook, it is killed. Otherwise, it takes
tougher, faster. You can wield all weapons without attack 30 poison damage.
penalty, your Strength is increased to be equal to your
Miss: Allies engaged with the target take 15 poison
Intelligence score, your base armor class increases to 14
(from usually 10), your recovery dice increase to d10s,
Cloud: A creature that is not engaged can leave the
and you gain 5 temporary hit points per level.
cloud as a move action. At the start of your next turn,
However, you cannot cast any spells while transformed.
make a normal save (11+) to check whether the cloud
You can end the spell at the start of your turn as a free action.
persists. This is not an action. If it persists, any target
Champion Feat: You can cast spells while transformed, that was hit and is still in the cloud suffers the hit effect
but at a -2 penalty to the attack roll. again, and you make another save at the start of the
following turn.
7th Level Spells 9th level spell: 50 damage to non-mooks; 25 damage
to allies on miss
Anti-Magic Shell
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Abjuration Epic Feat: You can now target far away enemies.
Target: You or a nearby ally
Effect: You create a shimmering zone around the target
Delayed Blast Fireball
that suppresses all magic within it. The zone protects Ranged spell; Daily; Evocation
the target and any creature next to it. Creatures within Effect: Before the end of the battle, you can make the
the zone can’t cast spells or use magic items, and any following attack once as a free action.
ongoing magical effects end. Magical attacks, including Target: 1d3 nearby enemies; or 2d3 if cast recklessly
supernatural effects like gaze or breath weapons, don’t Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD
affect targets within the zone. Hit: 12d10 fire damage
The spell lasts until the end of the battle, or until you Miss: Half damage
end it as a free action. Reckless miss: Allies engaged with the target take one
quarter of the damage.
Champion Feat: You can target enemies with the spell. 9th level spell: 20d10 damage
To attach the zone to an unwilling target, you need an
attack roll vs. MD, and the target can save against the Elemental Parry
effect. Close-quarters spell; Cyclic (once per battle OR at-
will when the escalation die is even); Interrupt action;
Trigger: You are targeted by an attack that deals acid, fire,
cold, lightning, or thunder damage, with a natural attack
roll of 14 or less.

Effect: Take half damage from the attack. The next time Gem Golem Level Advancement
you cast a spell that deals damage of that element before Level Ini. Atk. Dmg. AC PD MD HP
the end of the battle, deal extra damage equal to the level
of this spell. 7 +11 +13 25 23 19 21 76
9th level spell: Trigger on 18 or less.
9 +13 +15 35 25 21 25 114
Champion Feat: Increase the extra damage to 1d4 per
spell level.
Mind Blank
Flashback Close-quarters spell; Daily; Abjuration
Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action; Divination Target: You or one nearby ally
Target: You or a nearby ally Effect: Until the end of the battle, the target gains resist
Effect: The target regains a spell or power they have psychic 16+ and it is immune to all non-damage effects of
expended this day or this battle. attacks against MD.
9th level spell: Resist psychic 18+
Flesh to Stone
Ranged spell; Daily; Transmutation Epic Feat: You can target yourself and 1d3 allies with
Target: One nearby enemy with 500 hp or fewer the spell.
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD Mislead
Hit: 25 ongoing damage, and the target has disadvantage
Ranged spell; Daily; Illusion
on disengage checks (save ends both). After the first failed
Target: You
save, the target is also hampered (save ends all). After the
Effect: Until the end of the battle (or for five minutes out
fourth failed save, the target is permanently turned to
of combat), you become invisible until you attack or use
some ridiculously flashy action. In addition, you create
Miss: 20 damage
an illusory double of yourself that you can move freely
9th level spell: target with 750 hp; 40 ongoing damage;
in a nearby location. The double does not interact with
30 miss damage
physical objects; everything passes through it.
Gem Golem
Opaque Freezing Sphere
Ranged spell; Daily; Conjuration
Ranged spell; Daily; Evocation
Special: You can only cast this spell outside of battle; it
Target: One nearby enemy
requires 2d4 minutes to cast.
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD
Effect: You summon a gem golem to fight as your ally
Hit: 3d6 x 10 cold damage
in upcoming battles, according to the summoning rules
on p. 5. The golem stays animated until it is reduced Miss: Half damage
to zero hit points, or until your next full heal-up. When Special: You can choose to cast this spell recklessly. In
you create the golem, embed three gems worth at least this case, add 1d3 enemies in the same group as secondary
300 gp each in its forehead, which you can retrieve when targets.
the golem is destroyed. For each gem, choose a 3rd- Secondary Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD
level wizard spell you can cast. The golem is able to cast Secondary Hit: 1d10 x 10 cold damage
these spells as if you would cast them, at their normal Secondary Miss: 1d4 x 10 cold damage to allies engaged
frequency. This does not expend any of your spells. with the targets
9th level spell: You can now embed three gems worth 9th level spell: Increase all damage multipliers to x 15.
at least 500 gp each to embed 5th level spells. Epic Feat: On a natural 16+ attack roll, the primary
Gem Golem target is weakened until the end of your next turn.
A sparkling creation of gems, silver, and gold, the gem Outrageous Irresistible Dance
golem shows off its owner’s wealth and magical prowess.
Ranged spell; Daily; Enchantment
7th level construct [caster]; Initiative +11
Target: One nearby enemy with 320 hp or fewer
Diamond Fist: +13 vs. AC—25 damage; the golem has
Special: If the target has 160 hp or fewer, you gain a +4
a +2 bonus to its critical threat range with the attack.
bonus to the attack roll and the save is a hard save (16+).
Spellcasting: The golem can cast three spells that you
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD
embed when you create it.
Hit: The target is hampered and takes a -4 penalty to
Golem immunity: Can’t be dazed, weakened,
defenses (save ends both).
confused, made vulnerable, or touched by ongoing
damage. Miss: —

chapter 17
9th level spell: Targets with 500 / 250 hp or fewer Sleep: The target falls unconscious (save ends). The
Epic Feat: On a miss, the next attack against the target effect also ends if the target takes damage.
has advantage. Stun: The target is stunned (save ends).
Death: The target starts making last gasp saves (16+).
Power Word, Stun If it fails the fourth save, it dies.
Ranged spell; Daily; Enchantment The symbol lasts until it is activated, or until 24 hours
Target: One nearby enemy with 300 hp or fewer have passed. You also set an activation trigger, for
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD example when the object is touched, when an undead
Hit: The target is stunned (-4 to defenses and can’t take creature comes near it, or when someone passes through
actions; save ends). the doorway under it.
When the symbol is triggered, it makes the following
Miss: The target is weakened until the end of its next turn.
9th level spell: Targets with 600 hp or fewer
Target (lesser symbol): the 1d4 closest creatures with
Epic Feat: If the target has 300 hp or fewer, the save is a 120 hp or fewer
hard save (16+).
Target (greater symbol): the closest creature with
180 hp or fewer
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD
Ranged spell; Daily; Illusion
Hit: As per the chosen symbol
Target: One nearby creature
9th level spell: Increase the hp threshold to 180/270 hp.
Effect: You create an illusory double of the creature that
fights for you until the end of the battle, according to the Champion Feat: You can hide the symbol, so that it only
summoning rules on p. 5. The simulacrum has the becomes visible on a certain condition (for example,
stats of the target, with the following changes: when an orc approaches within 30 feet, or when someone
Ι It only has 45 hit points. is touching the object). The symbol must become visible
Ι It ignores any attack against it with a natural odd before it can trigger.
attack roll. Epic Feat: The effect skips nearby enemies with more hit
Ι If the target was double-strength, the simulacrum points than the hp threshold if eligible targets are within
deals half damage. If it was triple-strength or a PC, range.
the simulacrum deals one third of the damage. You
cannot create a simulacrum of creatures stronger Wall of Force
than triple-strength. Ranged spell; Daily; Evocation
Ι It can’t be healed. Effect: You create a transparent wall in a straight line
9th level spell: The simulacrum has 70 hp. across the battlefield. The wall can be a few hundred feet
across. The wall blocks creatures, attacks, and spells.
Symbol When damage is dealt directly to the wall, divide the
Ranged spell; Daily; Abjuration damage of that attack by 10 and roll a d20. If the die roll is
Effect: You create a glowing symbol on a nearby object lower, the wall dissipates.
that you imbue with a variable effect from the list below. 9th level spell: The wall now only dissipates on the
You can choose between a lesser symbol, which has a third failed roll.
weaker effect but affects more targets, or a greater symbol,
which has a stronger effect but only affects one target.
Lesser Symbols
Fear: The targets are struck by fear (-4 to attacks and
can’t use the escalation die; save ends).
Hopelessness: The targets are struck by hopelessness
(-5 to MD and -5 difficulty to skill checks to give
suggestions or commands to the target; save ends).
Pain: The target has disadvantage on attacks (save ends).
Discord: The targets are confused until the end of
their next turn.
Persuasion: The targets are subject to a suggestion by
the caster (save ends). The effect also ends if the target
takes damage.
Greater Symbols
Insanity: The target is confused (save ends).

9th Level Spells Magma Golem
Ranged spell; Daily; Conjuration
Dominate Monster Special: You can only cast this spell outside of battle; it
Ranged spell; Daily; Enchantment requires 2d4 minutes to cast.
Target: One nearby creature Effect: You summon a magma golem to fight as your ally
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD in upcoming battles, according to the summoning rules
Hit: You take complete control over the target (normal on p. 5. The golem stays animated until it is reduced
save 11+ ends; double-strength and stronger monsters to zero hit points, or until your next full heal-up.
make an easy save 6+). The target acts on its normal turn, Epic Feat: When the magma golem engages an enemy,
but you determine its actions. If you order the target to it deals 25 fire damage to them.
do something that goes against its very nature, it can
immediately save against the effect. Magma Golem
Epic Feat: You can target a group of mooks as a single 9th level construct [wrecker]; Initiative +14
target. A lump of molten lava given a vaguely humanoid shape.
Molten Fist: +14 vs. PD—40 fire damage
Feeblemind Lava Splash: +14 vs. PD (interrupt action when the
Ranged spell; Daily; Enchantment golem is hit by a melee attack, against the attacker)—25
Target: One nearby creature fire damage to the attacker and 10 fire damage to all
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD other enemies engaged with the golem
Hit: The target is reduced to minimal intelligence and Golem immunity: Can’t be dazed, weakened, confused,
instinctual behavior (hard save 16+ ends). The target can made vulnerable, or touched by ongoing damage.
still physically defend itself and fight, and it recognizes Resist fire 18+
friend from foe, but it can’t speak, cast spells, or use any Magma Golem Level Advancement
advanced tactics. This is effectively a stronger version of Level Ini. Atk. Dmg. AC PD MD HP
the hampered condition.
Miss: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn. 9 +14 +17 40 26 24 20 126

Epic Feat: The target can only save against the spell
effect when the escalation die is even. Maze
Ranged spell; Daily; Conjuration
Foresight Target: One nearby creature
You bestow sudden flashes of insight about the Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD
immediate future to the target. Hit: The target is removed from the battlefield and teleported
Ranged spell; Daily; Divination to a labyrinth-like demiplane, where it has to search for the
Target: You or a nearby ally exit. At the end of each turn, it makes a normal save (11+).
Effect: The target rolls two d12s and keeps the higher If it succeeds, it immediately rolls another save that turn,
result. As a free action, it can reduce the die by one to gain otherwise it starts saving again at the end of its next turn.
a sudden insight about an upcoming task, which grants It needs three successes to escape from the maze. Enemies
advantage to a skill check, attack, or save. The target can whose MD is higher than yours only need two successes.
also reduce the die by one to avoid being surprised, or Minotaurs always succeed at their save against this spell.
impose disadvantage on an attack against it. The spell Miss: —
ends when the die is reduced to zero, or at the next full Epic Feat: Enemies now need four successes to escape
heal-up. the maze (three if their MD is higher than yours).
Imprisonment Power Word, Kill
Ranged spell; Daily; Abjuration Ranged spell; Daily; Enchantment
Target: One nearby creature Target: One nearby enemy
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD
Hit: You shrink the target and teleport it into a gem, Hit: The target takes 100 ongoing negative energy
necklace or similar object. The target is fully conscious, damage. If it rolls a natural 5 or less on its save, increase
but can’t escape the gemstone unless it succeeds at a hard the ongoing damage by 50.
save (16+), the gem is smashed, or it has a way to teleport
Miss: 50 ongoing damage
out of there.
Miss: The target is teleported to a random nearby Epic Feat: On a natural 5 or less on the save, increase the
location. ongoing damage by 100.

chapter 17
Prismatic Spray a duration longer than the remaining duration of the time
Eight multicolored rays of light flash from your hand. stop has its normal effects on other creatures once the
Ranged spell; Daily; Evocation time stop ends.
Target: One random nearby enemy per point of Twisted Nightmare
Intelligence modifier
You send your enemy down a twisted spiral where they
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD can no longer tell light from darkness, friend from foe,
Hit: Roll 1d8 to determine which color ray affects the pleasure from pain.
target. Ranged spell; Daily; Illusion
1. Red. The target takes 2d8 x 10 ongoing fire damage. Target: One nearby enemy with 750 hp or fewer
2. Orange. The target takes 3d8 x 10 acid damage. Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD
3. Yellow. The target takes 3d8 x 10 lightning damage.
Hit: The target is confused (save ends). It takes a penalty
4. Green. The target takes 2d8 x 10 ongoing poison
to the saving throw equal to the escalation die. Whenever
damage. If it fails a save while it has 150 hp or
the target hits its own ally, it takes psychic damage equal
fewer, it dies.
to half the damage it dealt. Whenever the target takes
5. Blue. The target takes 3d8 x 10 cold damage.
damage, increase the damage of its attacks by its level
6. Indigo. The target is hampered (save ends). After
until the end of the battle (even after the spell ends).
the third failed save, it is permanently turned into
Miss: You can repeat the attack against the target once
during your next turn as a quick action.
7. Violet. The target is blinded (treat as weakened,
-4 to attacks and defenses). If it fails its save Epic Feat: If you hit the target with this spell, you gain a
three times, it is transported to another plane +2 bonus to attacks against it until the end of the battle.
of existence of the GM’s choosing. (Typically, a
creature that is on a plane that isn’t its home plane Wish
is banished home, while other creatures are usually You rewrite reality with a few words, a power that is the
cast into the Astral or Ethereal planes.) envy of even the Archmage.
8. The target is struck by two rays. Roll twice more, Close-quarters spell; Daily; Conjuration
rerolling any 8s. Effect: You utter the words “I wish ...”, and the literal
Miss: Roll 1d8 to determine the ray color, but the target wording of that Wish becomes reality. Wish is the ultimate
takes half damage and ignores any non-damage effect. freeform spell, as it can make anything happen. It can heal
wounds, transport you anywhere, summon items, and
Suppress Magic make bad things happen to your enemies. However, the
Ranged spell; Daily; Abjuration universe has a way to reflect overly ambitious Wishes back
Effect: Nearby enemies have disadvantage on magic at the caster, by giving them exactly what they wanted.
and spell attacks (anything that can be targeted by Special: You cannot, or rather should not attempt to cast
Counterspell). If they try to cast a spell that does not this spell more than three times in a lifetime. Stories are
involve an attack roll, roll a d20; if the roll is a natural vague as to the reason, but the most common legend is
1–5, the spell fails. The effect lasts until the end of the that the genie who fulfills your wishes is freed after the
battle, until you fall unconscious, or until an enemy rolls third casting, and a fourth attempt will force the caster to
a natural 20 on a spell attack roll or spell failure check. take their place.
Time Stop GM Note: If you are looking for a literary inspiration
for this spell, think about Cinderella’s transformation
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Transmutation
to join the ball. Think about who fulfills wishes in your
Target: You campaign—Faerie godmothers? Genies? The Diabolist?
Effect: Time seems to cease flowing for everyone but All in all, treat this spell as a plot device. Fulfill the
you. You speed up so greatly that all other creatures seem Wish in a way that moves the story forward, with an
frozen to you, although they are still moving at their epic effect that is worthy of a 9th level spell, just like you
normal speeds. You can take 1d4+1 full turns (standard would handle a 5 or 6 on an icon relationship roll. This is
action, move action, quick action) as a free action. the most powerful spell in the game, cast by one of the
You suffer effects like ongoing damage normally while most powerful casters in the game world, at the peak of
taking these turns. While the time stop is in effect, other the campaign. The results can and should feel amazing.
creatures are invulnerable to your attacks and spells. You There is always room to introduce unintended negative
cannot move or harm items held, carried, or worn by a consequences later.
creature stuck in normal time, but you can affect any item
that is not in another creature’s possession. Any spell with

Novice Tier
Standard first-level characters in 13th Age are already Choosing a Class
experienced adventurers, who are capable in their craft At level N0, PCs have not chosen a class yet. You receive
and ready to perform heroic deeds. That works well if the no ability score bonus from a class, and don’t consult a
GM plans to throw them right into the deep end. How- class table for any of your stats. Choose a class when you
ever, for some campaigns, GMs may want to play out the advance to level N1.
early years of the player characters, before they were fully
formed and powerful, to allow the player to get a feeling Ability Scores
for the PC first. This can be done in either short scenes to Create ability scores as you would for an adventurer tier
illustrate their backgrounds, or entire origin stories. first level character in your campaign, such as the stan-
The rules in this chapter add a new tier to 13th Age, the dard 28-point buy, and then reduce all scores by 1 (the
novice tier, which takes place before the adventurer tier score itself, not the modifier).
that characters start at in the Core Book. At level N0, add a +2 ability score bonus for your race.
Novice tier is also a useful option when introducing When you advance to level N1, add the +2 ability score
13th Age to new players, especially if this is their first time bonus for your class.
playing any tabletop RPG. In a game with many beginner When the PC advances to the first level of adventurer
players, it is recommended to start the PCs at first level tier, increase all stats by 1 to bring them back to standard.
of novice tier (N1), where they have the basics that define
their class and some toys to have fun with, but fewer Level Bonus
moving parts that would create complexity. Novice level characters are treated as level 0 (zero) for
everything that is calculated using level modifiers, such as
Novice Tier attack rolls, defenses and skill checks. Any miss damage
In the novice tier, there are three novice levels, from zero that is equal to your level is also zero.
(N0) to two (N2). The exception to this is the “count your level as 1 if an
At novice level zero (N0), a character is in their teenage ability would otherwise do nothing” rule, with the major
years, and they haven’t completed their training. Maybe examples listed below.
they are still studying under an old wizard, where their
Ι Novice-tier PCs have one WEAPON damage die.
days are filled with cleaning the lab and poring over
Ι Novice-tier PCs have one recovery die.
books, and they have yet to cast their first real spell.
Ι Dark elves deal 5 ongoing damage with their Cruel
Maybe they are just farm boys or farm girls who were
class feature.
handed a sword by a mysterious stranger. N0 characters
only have their backgrounds, one unique thing, and their Backgrounds
smarts to fall back on, and none of the abilities that would
Level N0 characters have 4 background points. At level
be granted by a class.
N1, increase to 6, and at level N2 to 7.
The step to level N1 is where the Wizard becomes
a Wizard, the Fighter a Fighter and so on. The stats One Unique Thing
such as hit points and defenses are now determined by If the player already has a great One Unique Thing idea
your chosen class. You gain your armor and weapon for their character, they can choose it immediately when
proficiencies as well as the class features. Choose your creating a novice character.
first talent, and your first spells, maneuvers and powers If not, it’s also fine to leave the OUT open, and come up
(if your class has them). with it spontaneously during play. Novice tier flashback
Level N2 grants you the second talent and a few more stories are a great way to flesh out One Unique Things
spells and powers. From there, you advance to first like “the only bard to bring the Diabolist to tears”. Just
(adventurer tier) level. be prepared to reinterpret or even rewrite the OUT if
required. Maybe those tears were meant to be tears of
regret instead of tears of laughter. Maybe your OUT will
become a tale of failure, but what can be a better driver
for the narrative than a story of redemption?

Novice level character stats
Novice Level N0 N1 N2
Class chosen No Yes Yes

Ability score reduction -1 -1 -1

Ability bonus Race only Race + Class Race + Class

Level bonus 0 0 0

Background points 4 6 7

One Unique Thing Optional Yes Yes

Armor Class (no armor) 10 + middle mod of Con/Dex/Wis by class by class

Physical Defense 10 + middle mod of Str/Con/Dex by class by class

Mental Defense 10 + middle mod of Int/Wis/Cha by class by class

Hit points 5 + Con mod (class + Con mod) x 1.5 (class + Con mod) x2

Recovery dice 1d4 + Con mod by class by class

Recoveries 2 4 (*) 6 (*)

Icon relationships / Runes

None 1 2

Class features None All, by class All, by class

Talents None 1 2

Feats None None None

Magic items 0 0 0

(*) Fighters gain a bonus recovery thanks to their Extra Tough class feature.
Hit Points Death and Death Saves
Zero level novice characters start with 5 base hp, to which Novice tier PCs use the standard death and dying rules as
they add their Constitution modifier, and no multiplier. per page 169 of the Core Rulebook.
At level N1, the base hp are replaced by the class base However, some GMs may want to run their campaign
hp, and you get a 1.5 multiplier. At level N2, increase the in old school meat grinder mode. In that case, feel free
multiplier to 2. to remove death saves as a house rule, and declare that
PCs are dead as soon as they hit zero hit points or below.
Recoveries Make sure to communicate this clearly to players before
At level N0, PCs start with 2 recoveries and a 1d4 + CON the session. If you use this rule, you may want to have
recovery roll. Gain two recoveries when you level up, and players start with multiple PCs, and the first session is a
replace the d4 with the recovery die from your class. test to see which one is meant for an adventurer career.
Since novice characters have limited access to healing
spells, remind them that they can rally as a standard
action to use a recovery. Also remind them that if they
run out of recoveries, they can still heal for half hit points.
They take a stacking –1 penalty to all defenses and attack
rolls until their next full heal-up, but that might just be
enough to get out alive.

Novice Tier
Icon Relationships / Runes Weapon and Armor Proficiencies
(Glorantha) As a zero-level novice, you haven’t received much weapon
The icons only start paying attention from novice level or armor training yet. You can use small weapons like dag-
N1, when the PC gains their first icon relationship point. gers and staffs without penalties, but you take an attack
Of course, a PC can have ties to an icon from the very penalty with any other weapon. Light and heavy armors
start, the bond just isn’t reflected in a point yet. Gain a also incur a penalty. See the table below for details.
second point at level N2. When you advance to level N1, switch the weapon and
In the same way, Glorantha PCs choose their first armor proficiencies to those of your chosen class. Note
personal rune at level N1, and a second at N2. that this can actually increase a penalty in some cases.

Class Features Level N0 Armor

Novice characters gain all class features of their chosen
Armor Type Base AC Atk Penalty
class at novice level N1.
None 10 —
When you choose your class at level N1, also gain one Light 11 -1
talent. You gain a second talent at level N2.
Heavy 12 –2
Novice level characters don’t get feats. Shield +1 -1
The only exception is the human bonus feat. As a
human, you can choose a general feat at level N0. You can Level N0 Melee Weapons
retrain it to a feat related to your class later, at N1.
Magic Items type
One-Handed Two-Handed
Novice level characters can use magic items, but they are
Small 1d4 dagger 1d6 club, staff
always subject to an item’s quirks. Remember that quirks
can allow other players to “remote control” your PC. Light or 1d6 (-1 atk) hand-
1d8 (-1 atk) spear
Simple axe, club

1d8 (-2 atk) 1d10 (-2 atk)

Heavy or
longsword, greatsword,
battleaxe greataxe

Level N0 Level Ranged Weapons

Thrown Crossbow Bow
1d4 hand
Small 1d4 dagger 1d4 sling

1d6 (-1 atk)

Light or 1d6 (–1 atk) 1d6 (-1 atk)
javelin, axe,
Simple light crossbow shortbow

1d8 (–2
Heavy or 1d8 (-2 atk)
— atk) heavy
Martial longbow

Spells, Maneuvers and Powers
See the table below for the number of spells, maneuvers, battle cries, powers etc. you get at novice levels N1 and N2.
Spells/powers gained are level 1.
Novice level class progression
Novice Level N1 N2
Abomination Limit maneuver + 1 maneuver Limit maneuver + 2 maneuvers
Bard 1 battle cry, 1 spell & song 1 battle cry, 2 spells & songs
Barbarian / Orlanthi Warrior (G)
- -
/ Troll Warrior (G)
Berserker (Storm Bull) (G) 2 berserker die powers 3 berserker die powers
Berserker (Zorak Zoran) (G) 1 special power 1 special power
Chaos Mage At-will spells only 1 once-per-battle spell
Cleric 2 spells 3 spells
Commander 2 commands & tactics 3 commands & tactics
1st-level initiate spells and powers of the 1st-level initiate/adept spells and powers
Demonologist (BD)
chosen talent of the chosen talent(s)
1st-level initiate spells and powers of the 1st-level initiate/adept spells and powers
chosen talent of the chosen talent(s)
1 deep spell; 1 favor per battle;
Earth Priestess 1 deep spell; 1 favor per battle
1 daily summoning spell
Fateweaver (DP) 2 spells 1 meditation, 3 spells
Fighter 1 maneuver 2 maneuvers
1 bound spirit; 1 at-will spell;
Hell Mother 1 bound spirit; 1 at-will spell
1 daily spell OR daily summoning spell
Humakti 1 power 2 powers
Monk 1 adventurer form, Wis ki points 2 adventurer forms, Wis ki points
Necromancer 2 spells 3 spells
Occultist 2 spells 3 spells
Paladin - -
Psion (DP) 2 minor powers, 2 powers, 2 PP 4 minor powers, 4 powers, 4 PP
Ranger - -
Rebel (G) 1d6 Opening Strike, 2 powers 1d6 Opening Strike, 3 powers
Rogue 1d3 Sneak attack, 2 powers 1d3 Sneak Attack, 3 powers
Savage (DP) 1d3 frenzy die, 1 power 1d3 frenzy die, 2 powers
Sorcerer / Storm Voice (G) 2 spells 3 spells
Swordmage (DP) 1 aegis, 1 spell 1 aegis, 3 spells
Trickster (G) 1 power 1 power
Warlock (DP) 2 spells 3 spells
Wind Lord (G) 1 maneuver, 1 exploit 2 maneuvers, 1 exploit
Wizard 2 cantrips, 2 spells 4 cantrips, 4 spells

(G) - 13th Age in Glorantha; (DP) - Dark Pacts and Ancient Secrets; (BD) - Book of Demons

Novice Tier
Leveling Up Encounter Design for Novice
The easiest way to handle leveling up in novice tier is to let Characters
the PCs gain all abilities of the next level at once, without Novice-level characters, especially at level N0, aren’t
incremental advances. This is especially recommended heroes yet. For them, the key to survival is using their
if you plan to fast forward a few in-game years between smarts to achieve their goals while avoiding combat. A
each level. It’s also the best way to handle the step from first-level mook is already a potentially deadly threat. The
N0 to N1, where the PCs gain a lot of abilities at once focus of the game should be exploring the nearby envi-
from choosing a class. ronment, puzzle-solving, and interaction with everyday
Of course, GMs who wish to spread out the step from NPCs like the local butcher or the town witch. Combat
N0 to N1 a bit are invited to work out a process for their encounters should be sparse, and reward creative solu-
campaign. Some classes, like the ranger, have no class tions over mechanical application of PC powers.
features and don’t gain powers or spells in addition Even at level N1, the PCs are noticeably more fragile
to their first talent at that point, while others, like the than 13th Age first level characters, with slightly less than
Abomination, have an entire laundry list of features that half the hit points. First-level monsters can knock them
change a lot about the PC. Therefore, it is best to look at out in 1-2 hits. They can take on single monsters of level
each PC in the party individually, and give them advances two or three, but this will drain their limited resources,
that match the in-story progress of the PC’s training. like daily spells, and there is always the risk of bad rolls
Some upgrades, like the two extra background points, leading to a TPK.
the two additional recoveries and the icon relationship At N2, the PCs are now closer to standard first level, and
point, can easily be separated from everything gained by you can build encounters as per the standard guidelines
choosing a class, and can be handed out as incremental outlined in the Core Book on page 186, with the PCs
advances. counted as level zero.
From level N1 to N2, and from N2 to adventurer tier At novice tier, GMs should be lenient with PCs fleeing
first level, the progress is smoother, and the upgrades can from combat, or taking a full heal-up before the normally
be split into incremental advances without much hassle. expected four combat encounters. Compared to epic
Unless there is a story reason to do it differently, the most level, where a “campaign loss” could mean that Tiamat
straightforward way is to give all PCs in the party the same breaks loose to rain death all over the Empire, at novice
incremental advance at the end of a session. For example, tier it could mean that the PCs didn’t rescue farmer Pete’s
after the session, each PC could get their second talent, or prize pig before the goblins roasted it. Not their proudest
their second icon relationship point. moment, but not the literal end of the world either.
Note that in novice tier, you cannot take the feat, magic
item, or +1 to all skill checks incremental advances, since
these only become available when you advance from first
to second level in adventurer tier.
Novice Environments
While some GMs tend to throw all PCs into the deep end,
others might want to give novice PCs a bit of breathing
space before turning up the difficulty. The latter can start
the group off in a novice environment.
Novice environments are for characters level N0 to
N2. They include sleepy villages, lush green forests,
and meadows of blooming flowers and butterflies. The
worst you’ll encounter is a cellar filled with rats and the
occasional goblin warren.
Novice Tier DC
Normal task 10

Hard task 15

Ridiculously hard task 20


Magic Items
Lightning Kazoo (adventurer): Whenever you
Musical successfully sustain a bard song, deal 1d6 lightning

Instrument (New) damage per tier to a nearby enemy.

Quirk: Makes sounds that imitate lightning.
Musical instruments are a new type of magical item Lyre of Subtle Dissonance (adventurer): When you
chakra that can only be used by bards. They are arcane miss with a bard spell, deal 1 extra damage per tier.
implements that provide a +1 bonus per tier to the attack Quirk: Always looking for subtle messages in what
and damage rolls of bard spells. Bards can also add the people say.
bonus to musical performance skill checks, and to sustain Satyr’s Pipes (adventurer, recharge 16+): Gain
checks of bard songs. Magic instruments require both advantage on a spell attack roll vs. MD.
hands to use. Quirk: Makes dance moves when nobody is looking.
Shadow Flute (epic, daily, quick action): This flute can
Battle Didgeridoo (adventurer, daily): When you cast be played by your shadow. When you activate it, your
a bard spell, you can activate this item to trigger a bardic shadow separates and keeps playing the flute until the
battle cry with the spell’s attack roll. end of the battle, which gives you an extra standard action
Quirk: Answers questions with deep growling per turn for bardic music and bardic spells.
sounds. Quirk: What’s that eerie funeral music playing in the
Divine Organ (champion, recharge 16+): Even distance?
though this item appears to be a tiny flute, it creates the Soothing Harp (adventurer): When you have a bard
soundscape of a church organ. Deal holy damage with song active at the end of your turn, each nearby ally heals
bard spells. When you cast a bard song, you can activate hit points equal to the song level.
this item’s power to give one nearby undead creature per Quirk: Always speaks in a mellow tone.
tier disadvantage on their attack rolls while the song is War Drums (adventurer): When initiative is rolled, your
sustained. ally with the lowest natural roll can reroll the die and take
Quirk: Speaks in the voice of a chanting monk. the second result.
Horn of Destruction (adventurer): This instrument Quirk: Treats every obstacle as a challenge of life and
does not give the standard bonus to attack and damage, death.
but it increases all damage dice of your bard spells by one
Quirk: “Accidentally” trips over things with
disastrous results.

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of this agreement. ASH LAW, Cal Moore, Steve Townshend, Rob Watkins, Rob Wieland.
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