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Playable Races Borsukk-405pje

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Adrian Parke – mrajparke@gmail.




Adrian Parke – mrajparke@gmail.com

Publisher and Art Director

Sam Bartlett
Business Manager
Kay Bartlett

Borsukk illustrations by Sketchgoblin.

Roll & Play Press would like to thank all of the 7,596
Kickstarter backers that made this project a reality,
Toby Mann for proofreading and editorial assistance,
and God for making all of this possible.

Playable Race: Borsukk was first published

in the UK in 2020 by Roll & Play Press.

Copyright © 2020 Roll & Play Ltd. All rights reserved.

No parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored
in, or introduced into a retrieval system or transmitted
in any form by any means (electronic, mechanical,
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prior written permission from the copyright owner.

Roll & Play, Roll & Play Press and their respective
logos are copyrights of Roll & Play Ltd.


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Adrian Parke – mrajparke@gmail.com

Borsukk are a proud and somewhat tribal race of badger humanoids – they are
famously described by outsiders as having only three senses: smell, hearing and
loyalty. Thick fur covers their bodies, and their mouths are equipped with sharp
canine teeth. Respect is hard to gain from a borsukk, but once an ally is found
they will defend them with tenacity and devotion.

Tooth and Claw

A fully-grown borsukk stands at around 3 feet tall. They are covered in thick fur
and, due to their underground living arrangements, generally mud as well. The
fur across their body varies from one borsukk to another – they might have white
stripes on their heads, black-ringed patterns, or just have plain grey, brown or
black fur. Borsukk are stocky and sturdy for their size, and normally weigh
between 35 and 40 pounds. When angered or provoked, a borsukk will growl
and bare their impressively sharp canine teeth.
Borsukk prefer to wear tan and yellow colours, and avoid expensive piercings and
jewellery. Dressing plainly shows modesty and humility before their ancestors,
who borsukk believe to be ever-present in their lives.

Sacred Ancestors
Borsukk are in touch with their spirituality, and
each has a strong sense of their heritage. They
grow up with stories about the borsukk in their
bloodline and, at several points during the year,
will give meaningful offerings to their late
family members. They believe their ancestors
communicate with them frequently, so might
accept that a sudden change of weather or other
natural occurrences are direct results of this
communication. The matriarchs and patriarchs
within borsukk society are proud and well-
decorated shamans and spiritualists.
Generally borsukk are kind and caring, their two
priorities above all else are family and friendship.
Because of this, they can be fiercely loyal and
sometimes stubborn when it comes to matters
they are passionate about. A borsukk reaches
adulthood around the age of 15, and can live
until around 70 years of age.

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‘Ancestors, we thank you for the wisdom and insight you have passed down to us.
With your omniscient perspective, we ask you to guide us to safety, to prosperity
and to high esteem. Please help us in our times of need, so that we may continue
to bring honour to your revered names.

We bring this offering to you as a sign of our trust and admiration for you.
May we be a guided generation, like so many generations before us’.
– Excerpt from the ‘Borsukk Ancestral Sacrament’

Muddy Burrowers
It is common for borsukk to favour dense woodland when building their vast
underground burrows, keeping their sacred homes out of sight and close to food
and vegetation. They do not live exclusively in their burrows, many borsukk in
fact prefer life on the surface and leave their homes to join the cosmopolitan
communities of the world. They are not shunned or outcast for doing so, and
are free to migrate as they wish. However, due to their strong connection to
their families and ancestral homes, many surface-dwelling borsukk will make
it their duty to visit their burrows frequently.

Naming Conventions
Borsukk have a deep connection to their names, which are often that of a famous
relative or ancestor they will try to live up to, or relate to a personal destiny set
out by their matriarchs and patriarchs. Alternatively, a borsukk’s name may be
a new invention of their parents, designed to give them a unique sense of self.
Despite being proud of their first names, borsukk are especially protective about
the name of their bloodline and treat their surnames with holy reverence. It is
their surname that connects them to their ancestors. This connection comes
with a huge sense of pressure, and some borsukk live in constant fear of bringing
dishonour or shame upon their ancestral name. Many borsukk favour the
adventuring lifestyle – they see it as not only a journey of daily self-discovery,
but also a way for them to bring honour to their ancestors through slaying
monsters or achieving feats requiring great bravery.
Borsukk First Names: Fessel, Stripe, Canis, Fleece, Rell, Phully, Lupo, Drog,
Bessec, Sirril, Lossel, Growl, Musky, Dessel, Light, Cupo, Amber, Brave, Sare,
Yuss, Vully, Dell, Messec, Hopeful, Anko, Howl, Vare, Wessel.
Bloodline Names: Blackmane, Wildtail, Proudtooth, Longclaw, Deepscar,
Coldburrow, Whitestripe, Loudpaw, Greyfoot, Sharphair, Moonborn, Widesnout,
Cedartree, Snapjaw, Sunhowler, Redprint, Mudtrack, Oakseed.

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Your borsukk character is fiercely loyal Darkvision:
to their friends and family. They are Living in underground burrows has
equipped with sharp teeth and claws, allowed your eyes to adapt to both light
which they can use as weapons. and dark conditions. You can see in
dim light within 60 feet of you as if it
Ability Score Increase
were bright light, and in darkness as
Your Dexterity score increases by 2
if it were dim light. You can’t discern
and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
colour in darkness, only shades of grey.
Hind Leg Dash:
Borsukk reach adulthood around
Your powerful bone and muscle
the age of 15, and can live to be 70
structure makes you quick and
years of age. They often find mates
dexterous. You can move an additional
early on in their adult lives either by
10 feet when you use the Dash or
arrangement from their parents or
Disengage action by running on all
by finding one themselves.
four of your limbs.
Born into a society that values
Your claws are sharpened weapons,
heritage, loyalty and tradition, borsukk
which you can use to make unarmed
are naturally lawful in their alignment
strikes. If you hit with your claws, you
and stick to the rules that are put in
can deal slashing damage equal to 1d4
place around them.
+ your Strength modifier, instead of the
With their friends, family and ancestors bludgeoning damage normal for an
at the heart of everything they do, they unarmed strike.
have a strong leaning towards good.
Size Your fanged jaws are a natural weapon,
An adult borsukk’s height is generally which you can use to make unarmed
around 3 feet tall. Your size is Small. strikes. If you hit with your bite, you
deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 +
your Strength modifier, instead of the
Your base walking speed is 30 feet,
bludgeoning damage normal for an
you have a burrowing speed of 10 feet.
unarmed strike.

An elderly borsukk will pass down their weapons to their kin; many borsukk blades are centuries old.

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Adrian Parke – mrajparke@gmail.com

Hunter and Gatherer: you can cast the Guidance cantrip

You gain proficiency with two of the on yourself as an action.
following skills of your choice: Survival,
Stealth, Nature and Perception.
You can speak, read and write Common
Blessing of the Ancestors: and one other language of your choice.
The ancestors in your bloodline guide
everything you do, and you are always
seeking help from them. Once per day

If you want to play a tenacious Borsukk Heritages
character with ferocious loyalty,
you should play a borsukk.
You have been taught by the patriarchs
Hit Points: 6 and matriarchs of your burrow the
ways of borsukk spiritualism. Choose
Size: Small
arcane, divine, or occult. You gain one
Speed: 25 feet cantrip from that magical tradition’s
spell list. You can cast this spell as an
Ability Boosts: Dexterity
innate spell at will, as a spell of your
chosen tradition. A cantrip is
heightened to a spell level equal
Ability Flaw: Constitution to half your level rounded up.
Languages: Common, Terran. SURFACE-DWELLING BORSUKK
Additional languages equal to your Living outside your burrow and among
Intelligence modifier (if it’s positive). other cultures has given you greater
Choose from Sylvan, Halfling, Goblin, insight about the world. Select a
Undercommon, Draconic, Gnomish general feat of your choice for which
and any other languages to which you you meet the prerequisites (as with
have access (such as the languages your ancestry feat, you can select this
prevalent in your region). general feat at any point during
Traits: Borsukk, Humanoid. character creation).

Darkvision: You can see in darkness GATHERER BORSUKK

and dim light just as well as you can Years of hunting and gathering food in
see in bright light. the woodland surrounding your burrow
has finely tuned your senses. You can
Bite: You have sharp, canine teeth. You use your sense of smell to determine
gain a jaws unarmed attack that deals the exact location of a creature within
1d6 piercing damage. Your jaws are in 30 feet (as explained on page 465 of
the brawling group and have the the Core Rulebook). The GM will
finesse of unarmed traits. usually double the range if you’re

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Adrian Parke – mrajparke@gmail.com

downwind from the creature or halve 9TH LEVEL

the range if you’re upwind. FIERCELY LOYAL
Prerequisites: Helpful Ally.
In addition, you gain a +2 You are connected to your friends as powerfully
as you are to your own family and ancestors. You are an
circumstance bonus to Perception unwavering ally, and will help them wherever you can.
checks whenever you’re trying to If you are at least an expert in the skill you are Aiding,
you get a success on any outcome rolled to Aid other
locate an undetected creature that than a critical success.
is within the range of your scent.
After years of digging and maintaining your
Ancestry Feats underground burrow, you can dig easily anywhere
you go. You gain a burrow Speed of 10 feet.
You have learnt how to sprint on all four limbs, whilst
maintaining a grip on your weapons. Your Speed
Prerequisites: Borsukk Weapon Familiarity.
increases by 5 feet.
Training drills and combat experience with small
UNBREAKABLE DETERMINATION weapons have made you a lethal warrior. Whenever
Your pure instinct to fight on in the face of danger you gain a class feature that grants you expert or
allows you to gain impressive levels of focus. Whenever greater proficiency in certain weapons, you also gain
you are affected by a mental effect that lasts at least that proficiency for daggers and shortswords.
two rounds, you can reduce the duration by one round.
You treat your saving throws against effects that would Prerequisites: Quick Paws.
cause you to fall asleep as one degree of success better. Your size and powerful hind legs allow you to jump,
This protects only against sleep effects, and not against run and dive around the battlefield without effort.
other forms of falling unconscious. You Step 5 feet twice.


You recognise the grunts and squeaks of ground
creatures as your own language. You can ask questions
of, receive answers from, and use the Diplomacy skill
with animals that have a burrow Speed, such as
badgers, ground squirrels and moles. The GM
determines which animals count for this ability.
Because of your height, you are used to using weapons
that best suit your stature and that other races might see
as small. You are trained with daggers and shortswords.
Whether keeping your balance or scrambling up a tricky
climb, your clawed hands and feet easily find purchase.
If you roll a success on an Acrobatics check to Balance
or an Athletics check to Climb, you get a critical
success instead. You’re never flat-footed when you
attempt to Balance or Climb.

Prerequisites: Borsukk Weapon Familiarity.
Years of training have given you a deep understanding
of smaller weapons. Whenever you critically succeed at
an attack roll using a shortsword or a dagger, you apply
the weapon’s critical specialization effect.
Your bond to your friends runs deep, and you help them
without thinking. Whenever you critically succeed at a
skill check, you automatically qualify to use the Aid
reaction when attempting to help an ally using the same
skill, even without spending an action to prepare.

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The terms of the Open Gaming License Version 1.0a are as 6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT
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License. Playable Race: Borsukk, Copyright © 2020, Roll & Play Ltd,
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You Author and Designer: Sam Bartlett
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