UtSoV The Undersea Peoples of Vodari
UtSoV The Undersea Peoples of Vodari
UtSoV The Undersea Peoples of Vodari
Nearly seven centuries ago the world below the waves was shattered Vodas are amphibious people who live in communities hidden in
by the Godwar. This cataclysm united the scattered survivors from the the coral reefs of the southern seas. Their natural ability to shapeshift
various undersea peoples, with former enemies working together to allows vodas to secretly visit nearby coastal settlements.
survive and rebuild. Today you’ll find a diverse tapestry of people and The following chapter details the origins and current place for all of
cultural traditions in most undersea settlements. these options. Notes are also provided for playing half-elves, genasi,
The overall population Under the Seas of Vodari is composed of locathah, and tritons.
merfolk (25%), elves (20%), vodas (10%), grindylows (5%), sahuagin
(5%) and tiburons (5%). Other people (including cecaelia, drag-
onborn, dwarves, genasi, half-elves, locathah, merrow, sirens, and Cecaelias
tritons) make up the remaining 30%. These numbers vary greatly,
with small, isolated communities tending to be dominated by a single “When I reached the age of twenty, I ran away from the palace to
people and the sprawling cosmopolitan cities being full of diversity.
Eleven new racial options are available for player characters in
become an adventurer. Our small group spent many years battling
undersea campaigns: monsters and finding treasure above and below the waves. One of
Cecaelias are amphibious people with a humanoid upper body and our companions was a cecaelia named Shining Moon. His humor
octopus-like lower body and the ability to change their body color.
The charismatic cecaelia spend most of their short lives seeking out and powerful sorcery made him an excellent team member. Our
new places, people, and things to experience. group became quite close and I thought I knew each of them better
Sea Dwarves, or Aurirn, are amphibious dwarves who live at the
bottom of the ocean. These dwarves adapted to living underwater than my own family. One day, ‘Shiny’, as we called him, told us he
after years of mining a magical metal found only in the boiling cracks was feeling great homesickness and had to leave. I then realized that
on the seafloor.
Sea Elves, or Quessari, are amphibious elves who live in underwa-
I had no idea where he was from or anything about his family.”
ter communities found in kelp forests, ocean shallows, and the cos- - Zali Sol, Sun Princess of Solisa
mopolitan cities of Avalsi. An alternative trait is provided for sea elves
who have adapted to cold and crushing pressure of the deepest seas. Cecaelias are amphibious people who are known for their colorful
Sea Draga, or Sea Dragonborn, are amphibious dragonborn who appearance and octopus-like tentacles that make up the lower half
look similar to sea dragons, though they lack wings. Draga with this of their body. Cecaelias spend most of their short lives seeking out
draconic ancestry tend to split their time living above and below the new places and people to experience. They spend most of their lives
waves. wandering the seas and shores of the world, before returning to their
Grindylows are amphibious people with a sharklike head, human- secret homes in the deeps.
oid upper body, and the lower body of an octopus. They are known
for being fearless survivalists who will attack larger enemies or quickly Colorful Camouflage
escape in a cloud of ink if the battle turns.
Merfolk are aquatic people with a humanoid upper body and a Cecaelias are hybrids with a humanoid torso and a lower octopus-like
fishlike lower body. Eons of living in different oceanic zones split the body. Cecaelia have the ability to control the color and texture of their
merfolk into the Sunreach and Twilight merfolk. skin. Most prefer tones of red, orange, and purple and smooth skin
Selkies are amphibious human-looking shapeshifters who can accented by pebbled areas. Their hair usually matches their skin tone,
magically transform into the form of a seal. They are mainly found but can be any color. Cecaelia have large, black eyes that see well in
in cold, northern waters living in small pods with other selkies and any light. Their large and flat ears provide excellent hearing above
common seals. or below the waves. Their torsos tend to be thin and muscular, with
Sirens are beautiful, amphibious people with a fey ancestry. As they
near adulthood, a siren develops a magical gift. Those who enchant
their songs become Seasingers. Those who gain the ability to change
their legs into a tail become Wavedancers.
Tiburons are aquatic people with a humanoid torso and the head
and lower body of a shark. Most tiburons live as nomadic hunters or
as anything else that gives them a reason to move with the currents.
Friendly Wanderers
While traveling, most cecaelia seek out natural wonders and interest-
ing people. Most importantly, cecaelia desire powerful experiences
and will try nearly anything once. Cecaelia are known for being
friendly and charismatic, quickly making friends wherever they go.
They prefer to share stories of their experiences since they left home
and deflect questions about where they are from. Cecaelia are self-re-
liant and often travel alone, but enjoy spending time with interesting
people. This private and independent nature has landed cecaelia with
a reputation for being secretive. If a cecaelia can find a group they can
trust, they’ll eventually become less elusive, but unlikely to ever talk
about their nest.
Cecaelia Names
Family and clan names do not exist in cecaelia culture. When born,
a cecaelia is given a single name by an elder, drawn from natural
wonders they saw during decades of wandering distant places. When
a cecaelia strikes out on their own, they will add to their name based
on their own experiences, combining the two.
Names: Breeze, Bubble, Coral, Current, Eclipse, Fire, Forest, Gem,
Jewel, Leaf, Lightning, Moon, Pearl, Rock, River, Rose, Sand, Sky,
Shell, Storm, Sunrise, Sunset, Thunder, Twilight, Wave, Wind
Cecaelia Adventurers
For cecaelias, adventuring provides an excellent way to experience
many people, places, and things. While independent, cecaelias enjoy
spending time with interesting and exciting people such as adventur-
ing parties. They will usually wander for decades until they become
an elder and settle down.
Cecaelia Traits
twilight sky is a Your cecaelia character has certain characteristics in common with all
cecaelia sorcerer
wandering the world other cecaelias.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2 and
your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Cecaelias reach adulthood at age 16 and live up to 60 years.
small fins at their elbows and webbed hands. From the waist down
Alignment. The short-lived cecaelias tend to seek out pleasures and
cecaelias are similar to an octopus, with eight tentacles that have
new experiences. Most cecaelias embrace chaos and neutrality, with
suckers found on the underside. These tentacles allow them to propel
the rare individual consumed by dark vices.
themselves through the water or to move on land.
Size. Cecaelia are between 6 to 7 feet tall and weigh between 200 to
Deep Origins 300 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. You have a swimming
Long before the elves and merfolk arrived in the seas, the cecaelia speed of 35 feet.
were found anywhere from the deeps to the surface. The true origin Amphibious. You can breathe both air and water.
of the cecaelias is unknown, with theories that connect them with Darkvision. Accustomed to life deep underwater, you have superi-
the ancient dakri, krakens, aboleths, or even the goddess Dohaki. Ce- or vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within
caelias believe that a mother octopus sent forth her curious children 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were
to explore the world and enjoy all of its delights. Whatever their true dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
origin, some believe cecaelia are visitors from the evil deeps, but few Camouflage. You may alter your skin color and texture and your
hold this prejudice once they have actually met one. hair color, allowing you to blend into your surroundings. This ability
Hidden Homes grants you advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks to hide if you
touch a surface that is larger than you such as coral, giant kelp, rock,
Cecaelias are born into small family-based groups that reside in hid- sand, or wood.
den settlements, called nests, far from other settlements. Their homes Tentacles. Your tentacles are natural melee weapons which you can
Draga (Dragonborn)
“Our empire has always focused on land and ignored the sea. Even
in a world of water, our empire lacks a strong navy to challenge our
rivals and completely ignores the undersea nations. The Ralivatuul
clan demands we double the size of our fleet and break tradition by
sending spies into every undersea nation.”
- Surin’a’Tuul, Chief of the Ralivatuul Clan
at bay, but that line is stretched thin. Will you fulfill your promise to Clan Names: Basaltbeard, Brineblood, Coldanvil, Emberdeep, Ocean-
blood, Seahammer, Sharkfoe, Swiftstone, Tideforge, Trenchdelver
send aid from undermountain to help us fight our own Deep War?”
Sea Dwarf Adventurers
- Nalral Tidethunder, Thane of the Clan Aurirn
Under the seas, an aurirn dwarf adventurer could be an emissary
sent to visit other undersea communities, completely uninterested in
Dwarves believe they were forged by the hammer of Sindri, the moth-
mining, or just curious about exploring whatever is beyond the edge
er of creation. Whatever work a dwarf takes up, they spend a lifetime
of their small mining town.
to perfect. They are known for being skilled soldiers, miners, smiths,
and artisans. Long ago, the dwarves established their thanedom in the Sea Dwarf Subrace Traits
Morndirn mountain range. In the following millennia, they expanded
their holdings by settling the surrounding foothills, digging deeper Aurirn have the following traits in common, in addition to the traits
into the mountains, and mining the seafloor. they share with other dwarves.
“The vile sahuagin pose a threat to our very existence. The southern
clans barely survived the last assault by those devils. Our ancient en-
emy has been quiet for far too long. They have not gone into hiding
out of fear of our might. I believe they are taking the time to build up
for their next assault. I will take a group of our finest trackers and
ride into the deeps and hunt its worst.”
- Prince Varath Liradon, Quessari General
The elves are children of the natural world and love all that is
beautiful. They believe they arrived on this world from beyond, long
ago, and their ancestors were given a choice to live above or below
the waves. The Godwar and its aftermath took the lives of many
elves above and below the waves. The scattered survivors were split
between those who worked to rebuild their homelands and those
who formed communities with outsiders to survive. In the centuries
since, the majority of elves have continued to reject isolation in favor
of trade, exploration, and war. Today, the elves are a fractured people,
kept apart by geography, ideals, and ancient hatreds.
Grindylows petty criminals, depending on where you are when you ask. Wherever
you find a grindylow, they’re likely making the most of what life gives
“Finding a home in the seas has been tough for grindylows. When
Fearless & Quick
we tried to settle down, we were called vermin and pushed out or
Grindylows are amphibious people with a humanoid upper body,
even hunted down. Forced to scavenge the open seas as nomads, we and the lower body of an octopus. They are similar in size to halflings
learned to survive. The Godwar actually made things better for grin- and goblins, but their tentacles are longer than legs. Their head has a
slightly sharklike appearance. Their eyes have dark irises and scleras
dylows who survived in what is now Avalsi. For the first time, we
that are slightly yellow or red. Their rubbery skin comes in a range of
were treated as equals. In the aftermath, grindylows built as much of colors, from coral to sea green. From the waist down grindylows are
Damari, Koralla, and Tasi as anyone.” similar to an octopus, with eight tentacles that have suckers found
on the underside. These tentacles allow them to propel themselves
- Wixlo Razorteeth, Grindylow Storykeeper through the water or to move on land.
Grindylows are naturally immune to fear and have been known to
Grindylows have a humanoid torso and lower body made up of take down huge and dangerous prey as a group. They aren’t reckless
octopus-like tentacles. They are fearless and will swim against larger and are excellent at escaping if a fight turns deadly. Grindylows are
creatures, quickly escaping if the fight turns for the worse. Grindylows average swimmers, but can quickly propel themselves away using
are as likely to be found drifting the currents as hunters of the open their tentacles when in trouble, using an ink-cloud to mask their
seas as being citizens in one of the cosmopolitan settlements of Avalsi. escape. If they can, most prefer to avoid a fight, but will stand up for
Above the waves, sailor stories generally paint grindylows as sneaky their companions against bullies and those suffering under tyranny.
bandits who will clean out the stores of a ship. Below the waves, While grindylows are small, they are tough and only fools underesti-
grindylows are welcomed as resourceful survivalists or shunned as mate them.
Merfolk Adventurers
Most sunreach merfolk become adventurers to protect nature, explore
ruins, visit far off places, or to just get away from busy city life. They
can be found anywhere from the islands of the surface to the deep
seas far below. Twilight merfolk tend to keep away from the shal-
lows, preferring the deeper seas. Their reasons for adventuring are
more dire, such as hunting down the worst visitors from the deeps or
another important quest.
Merfolk Traits
Your merfolk character has certain characteristics in common with all
other merfolk.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
Age. Merfolk reach physical maturity around the age of 20 and can
live nearly two centuries.
Size. Merfolk range from 6 feet to over 7 feet long and have slender
builds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 10 feet. You have a swimming
speed of 40 feet. Whenever you are on land you are always considered
Limited Amphibiousness. You can breathe air and water, but you
need to be submerged at least once every 24 hours to avoid suffocat-
Merfolk Weapon Training. You have proficiency with the net,
javelin, spear, and trident.
Language. You can speak, read, and write Common and Primordi-
al (Aquan).
Subrace. In Vodari, eons of living apart in different zones of the
ocean resulted in the emergence of two subraces of merfolk: sunreach
merfolk and twilight merfolk. Choose one of these subraces.
Sunreach Merfolk
As a sunreach merfolk, you live in the sunlit seas closest to land.
While everything you need to live can be found close to your home
under the waves, curiosity and trade often brings you above the
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
lano deepfin is a
Landwalker. As an action, you can magically transform your tail twilight merfolk who
into humanoid legs. Your legs have no impact on your worn equip- hunts the deeps
ment and any worn magical items work identically to when you have
a tail. While you have legs, your base walking speed is 30 feet and you
have the ability to stand up from the prone position. Your swimming
speed decreases to 20 feet. You can change your legs back into a tail as
an action.
Child of the Tides. Whenever you make a Nature check, involving
plants and animals in coastal or undersea environments, you can add Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
twice your proficiency bonus, instead of any proficiency bonus you Swift Swimmer. When you use the Dash action on your turn, you
normally apply. can swim an additional 10 feet
Speak with Small Beasts. You can communicate simple ideas with Darkvision. Accustomed to life deep underwater you have superior
Small or smaller beasts using gestures and sounds. Sunreach merfolk vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60
befriend animals above and below the waves, finding fish, birds, and feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim
other animals to be excellent companions, scouts, and guides. light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Child of the Deeps. Twilight merfolk live in the deepest seas. In
Twilight Merfolk addition, you have resistance to cold damage and ignore any of the
As a twilight merfolk, you live in the deepest and darkest seas. Your drawbacks caused by a deep, underwater environment.
ancestors survived the dangers of the depths far from the light, which
has bestowed you with darkvision and speed.
Shapeshifting Fey
The origins of the selkie people lay in the feylands. Like other fey,
they arrived in Vodari thousands of generations ago. While a selkie’s
humanoid appearance is nearly identical to a human, their fey
heritage gives them an otherworldly grace and charm. These fey gifts
can reveal a selkie’s true nature, but usually, just help them make
friends. Their fey heritage also provides other gifts such as the ability
to breathe both air and water and magically change into the form of a
seal. When they shapeshift, selkies appear to grow or shed a seal skin,
with most wearing the seal skin as a cloak. For most selkies, modesty
is an alien concept, preferring to be naked while among themselves,
wearing clothing only when among outsiders. A selkie’s seal form
(size, shape, and coloration) is similar in many ways to common seals.
To pick out a selkie in seal form among the common seals in a pod is
near impossible for non-selkie.
Selkie Transformations Sirens are beautiful amphibious people, descended from a group of
When your selkie character changes between its seal fey who were banished to the mortal realm. Sirens live where massive
waves crash into rocky coastlines, far from civilization. The sea is their
and humanoid form using your Seal Skin trait, how the home and provides them with all they need to survive. The hidden
transformation works is up to you. Here are a couple settlements of the sirens are found on rare occasions when outsiders
of ideas: follow the beautiful singing or catch them swimming. Sirens seek out
beauty in all forms, delighting in the sheen on a beautiful shell or the
• When you change into humanoid form, your seal grand architecture found in the distant cities.
skin turns into a cloak that you always wear. To
change into your seal form you wrap the cloak
Legendary Beauty
tightly around you. The cloak is full of powerful fey The alluring beauty and songs of the sirens are legendary, but many of
the old sailor stories paint them as deadly monsters. Their fey heritage
magic and cannot be sold, given away, or destroyed.
has blessed them with otherworldly beauty and sirens are always
If lost or stolen, it will return to you at sunrise. physically stunning with gold or amber eyes, long hair that ranges
• When you change shape from seal to human form, from light blue to deep indigo, and slender but muscular builds. Their
you shed your seal skin and must keep it safe and skin ranges from turquoise to indigo, with an iridescent sheen while
in sunlight. They are similar in height to humans on average, ranging
secure. As long as you have your seal skin in your
from 5 to 6 feet tall. Being amphibious, sirens have fins on their calves
possession, you may use your Seal Skin trait and and forearms, webbed hands and feet, and gills in their neck that close
may maintain your seal form indefinitely. Without tightly while on land.
your seal skin, you may not use your Seal Skin trait
Fey Outcasts
until the skin is retrieved, you are the target of a
Long ago, the sirens lived in the Feylands where the beauty of their
greater restoration, heal, regenerate, or wish spell,
songs was legendary. Muse, an archfey, was jealous of the sirens and
or you regenerate the skin after a year and a day. decided she would trick them. She challenged Aria, the vain siren
queen, to a singing challenge. The loser and all her people would be
Siren Names
Siren names can draw on their traditions or a common word for
something found in nature. Family ties are unimportant to the
communal sirens and they do not have last names. A name is given to
them by the entire community when they are born. Once they come
of age, they select their own name to go by. For sirens, there is not
much distinction between male and female names.
Names: Achelo, Aelar, Aeraki, Aria, Bela, Breeze, Cadenza, Can-
to, Calypso, Cela, Ceto, Chari, Choro, Clio, Coral, Echo, Grace,
Harmony, Laguna, Melody, Mezzo, Molpe, Pearl, Rain, Reef, Ruby,
Sapphire, Sargasso, Silver, Stone, Storm, Sundance, Teles, Thalassa,
Venia, Wind, Zara, Zeno
Siren Adventurers
Most sirens are happy to spend their days amongst their kind. The few
sirens who take up the life of an adventurer usually are looking to ful-
fill their desire to see the outside world, or to find creative inspiration
for their songs and art. Sirens come from small, close-knit communi-
ties and seek out interesting companions.
Siren Traits
Your siren character has certain characteristics in common with all
other sirens.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
clio is a siren seasinger from
the rocky coast of arushi Age. A siren matures at the same rate as humans, but they’re
considered young until they reach the age of 30. On average, they live
close to three centuries.
Size. Sirens have slender but muscular builds. Their height ranges
from 5 to 6 feet. Your size is Medium.
banished. Aria, knowing she had no equal as a singer, greedily ac- Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. You have a swimming
cepted. The contest was to see which of them could lure a mortal with speed of 30 feet.
their singing. Muse put beeswax in the ears of the mortal and threat- Amphibious. You can breathe air and water.
ened to turn his family into birds. Unaware of Muse’s treachery, the Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saves against being charmed,
defeat tormented Aria. She jumped from the highest cliff and crashed and magic can’t put you to sleep.
into the rocks below. The sirens were exiled to Vodari in humiliation Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan.
and without a leader. Subrace. Two subraces of sirens are found in Vodari: seasinger
sirens and wavedancer sirens. These distinctions are based on which
Idle & Idyllic Lives magical gift a siren receives as they near adulthood. Seasingers and
wavedancers usually live in the same communities, or at least in close
For most sirens, their days are idle and peaceful. The sea provides
proximity to each other. Choose one of these subraces.
them with fish to eat, material for clothes, and whatever else they
need, with little work. Most days sirens can be found sunning them- Seasinger Siren
selves on the rocks, frolicking beneath the waves, or relaxing in the As a seasinger siren, your love of singing has bestowed magical gifts
undersea caves and caverns they call home. Sirens are fascinated with upon you. During adolescence, your beauty and presence became
natural beauty and art in any form. They often sing to each other or even more alluring and you gained the ability to enchant your songs.
in beautiful harmonies. When it storms, their songs shift into wailing Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2.
ballads. They also enjoy creating jewelry, making carvings of wood Alluring. You have proficiency in the Persuasion skill.
and bone, and creating elaborate paintings on the rocks. Sirens wear Singer. Whenever you make a Charisma (Performance) check to
little amongst themselves, seeing no reason to hide their form. They sing, you can add twice your proficiency bonus, instead of any profi-
enjoy wearing jewelry made from shells and other trinkets found in ciency bonus you normally apply.
the shipwrecks close to their homes. Siren Song. You can use your action to sing a song laced with a
subtle enchantment to a creature that you can see within 60 feet. If it Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
can hear you (though it need not understand you), it must succeed Sea Dancer. You gain proficiency in the Acrobatics skill and
on a Wisdom saving throw. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks made while underwater.
your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus. On a failed save, it In addition, whenever you make a Charisma (Performance) check to
becomes charmed by you for one hour or until you or your compan- dance, you are considered proficient in the Performance skill.
ions do anything harmful to it. The charmed creature regards you as Darkvision. Accustomed to life deep underwater and having fey
a friendly acquaintance. When the effect ends, the creature knows it heritage, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You
was charmed by you. can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and
You can target an additional creature with your song at 3rd and 5th in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness,
level. The creatures must be within 30 feet of each other when you only shades of gray.
target them. Tail. As a bonus action, while the lower half of your body is
After you use your Siren Song, you can’t use it again until you finish submerged in water, you can magically transform your legs into a tail
a short or long rest. covered in bluish-green scales. Your tail has no impact on your worn
equipment and any worn magical items work identically to when
Wavedancer Siren you have legs. While you have a tail, your base speed is 10 feet, your
As a wavedancer siren, your love of frolicking beneath the waves pro- swimming speed increases to 40 feet, and whenever you are on land
vided you with gifts as you grew from a child to an adult. You gained you are always considered prone. You can change your tail back into
the ability to magically transform your legs into a tail. legs as a bonus action.
Ancient Warriors
In a time before time, the twin goddesses Vesi and Taeva battled for
control of the seas in one of their many wars. Vesi’s army suffered
great losses and she looked for a means to change her fortunes. The
goddess Dokahi provided a way, combining shark and soldier to
bolster Vesi’s ranks. Under Scatho’s command, these hybrids helped
achieve many victories, proving to be effective soldiers by combining
tactics and ferocity. When Volkan’s devastation ended the fighting,
these soldiers ended up dividing into two people. The most wicked
among them descended in the darkness, twisting into vile sahuagin.
Those who fought with valor embraced the light, making the twilight
seas and above their home and became tiburons. Over millennia, the
tiburons turned away from raiding, destruction, infighting, and the
destroyer gods who created them. They became hunters of the open
seas, adopted a code of honor, and took up the worship of Kalder who
embodied their most prized ideals.
akulo is a skilled Today, the only evidence of a shared ancestry between sahuagin
tracker and hunter who and tiburons is their use of the Sahuagin language. Tiburons view sa-
provides for his shiver huagin as dishonorable abominations and things usually turn bloody
when their paths cross.
Tiburon Names
Tiburons have a long tradition of passing first names of those who
have recently ended their swim to newborn pups. Tiburons do not
have family names and their second name denotes which shiver they
belong to. Shivers are named for a physical trait shared or valued by
the group.
Male Names: Akulo, Coda, Denti, Hai, Kalo, Mako, Nahu, Rechu,
Suoko, Tauro, Zralo
Female Names: Akula, Capa, Denta, Hanta, Kauikaa, Mazzu, Nina,
Racca, Siakaa, Taru, Zrala
Shiver Names: Bladetooth, Deepswimmer, Fasttail, Greatfin, Ham-
merhead, Longtooth, Quickjaw, Razorbite, Roughscale, Stripetail,
Sharptooth, Strongbite, Swiftfin
Tiburon Adventurers
Those tiburons who live as wandering hunters rarely go off on
adventures voluntarily. Those who take up the adventuring life are
well suited for it, but are usually exiles seeking to reclaim their honor.
Other tiburon adventurers could be sent on an important mission by
the leader of their shiver. For those rare tiburons born in a settlement,
adventuring can provide a way to satisfy their restless nature.