Between the cursed sands of the Land of the Dead and the exotic humid jungles of the Southlands
there lays the vast grasslands known by many explorers as the Plain of Tuskers. Inhabited by a versatility of
fauna such as grunting boars and prowling giant leopards as well as massive scorpions and crackling hyenas to
the herds of roaming wildebeest and the lumbering elephants that grant the region its name, this sea of grass is
both a majestic though dangerous route to travel as much of its wildlife are feral and fierce to all. However, the
beasts of the brush are not the only thing to beware for wary travelers for the Plain is also the native realm of
the Gnolls; fierce canine-like beings with mangled fur and bladed fangs and claws who stalk the grassland in
search of either prey or foolish trespassers to slay. Trained at an early age by tribal customs, every Gnoll is a
capable hunter to be feared when armed with his speed and keen senses of sight, smell, and hearing and such
traits are worsened for the prey as all Gnolls bear a sense of relentless. No living thing can escape once a Gnoll
hunting party has picked up the scent and will never cease until either they or their quarry are slain. The Gnolls
are also a superstitious lot; worshipping their many ancestral spirits in times of need and conflict, calling upon
beings such as the spider trickster Ananze and the first Gnoll Gnnol to Nyame the supreme ancestor and lord of
the sky. But it is their ultimate belief that once they pass on from this world that they will partake in the Great
Hunt in the spirit world alongside Gnnol himself that drives them to prove themselves as skilled hunters and
trackers in life. To an end, the skills earned from each successful hunt also come in handy in battle when
engaged with the likes of savage greenskins, restless Undead, and even caravans from the lands of Araby and
Bretonnia and those of the Chaos Dwarfs. In battle, the Gnolls arm themselves with crude iron weapons and
wooden shields layered by animal skin as well as other primitive things. But it is foolish to think them as
nothing compared to the other races as they can call upon all resources at their disposal; ranging from the
mystical powers of the shamanic Spirit Barkers and the quiet stealth of the Prowlers to the maddened Laughing
Riders and the stubbornness of the elite Tuskerfang sect. At the head of this predatorily force are the
Huntmasters and Huntchiefs who command their troops upon foot or mounted on the back of a hyena or War
Leopard with savage might and primal cunning. Faced with such ferocity and skill, it would perhaps take a
miracle or the will of the gods themselves for any one to survive battle against the Gnolls.
Thrill of the Hunt: As in their hunting nature, Gnolls revel for the chase and the sight of
a fleeing foe easily sets off that primal instinct. Once the chase is on, the unfortunate
souls will discover that Gnolls are not ones to give up the pursue easily…Any Gnoll unit
may roll another pursue roll if the 1st roll fails.
Gnolls view all who enter the Plain as spiteful intruders who show no respect towards
the will of the ancestors and the ways of the tribes, as such the Gnolls believe
themselves to take justice upon the trespassers. Gnolls are a non-aligned army and
may not be allied with Forces of Order and Chaos as they care not for the world
outside the grasslands.
Characters – Lords
Magic items:
• Any, up to total of…….100 pts
Additional equipment:
• Light armour…………………...3 pts
• Shield………………….……….3 pts
Gnoll Spirit Howler…………………………………………140 points
Spirit Howlers are elder Spirit Barkers, having many years to master deep communication with the ancestral
spirits as well as their magical power. No Huntmaster or Huntchief has ever turned down the offer of a Spirit
Howler to assist as their abilities can provide ideal support for the army against the enchantments of enemy
Wizards. As with the rest of their kin, Spirit Howlers are nomadic and only stay among tribes for a short time.
These highly-shamanistic characters even claim to have the power to the very voices of the spirits from the blow
of the wind and the boom of thunder to the single drop of water. Such feats are unheard of among Wizards of
other races and if such a thing is true, the Spirit Howlers could be known as one of the most powerful
Elementalists in the Old World.
Spirit 5 5 3 5 4 3 5 2 8
Magic items:
• Any, up to total of…….100 pts
• To a Level 4 Wizard…….35 pts
Characters – Heroes
Gnoll Huntchief*…………………………………………80 points
In Gnoll society, the theme of ‘might makes right’ is easily found among the ranks by curious observers although
it is a bit more complicated than it seems. The whole concept of strength equals power and status is present in
any Gnoll tribe; however it also takes great skill for any Gnoll to govern over his tribemates. Thus is the role of
the Huntchief; to rule over both his tribe and also its hunting parties during both the wet and dry seasons of the
Plain. Though it is the Huntchiefs who have power over their governed tribe, in war they serve as commanding
officers to the Huntmaster. It can be said that a Huntchief privileged with the task to carry the Huntmaster’s
personal standard to battle is highly marked for greatness and may be chosen to success the Huntmaster himself
to continue the fight.
Huntchief 5 5 3 4 4 2 4 3 8
Magic items:
• Any, up to total of…….50 pts
Additional equipment:
• Light armour…………………...1 pt
• Shield………………….………..1 pt
Magic items:
• Any, up to total of…….50 pts
• To a Level 2 Wizard…….35 pts
Gnoll Ravener*…………………………………………50 points
The Ravener is one of the fearsome forms of Gnoll to be encountered in battle; primal skull-masked berzerkers
with incredible speed who must carry their weapons chained to their wrists lest they drop them and tear apart
any foe with their bare claws and fangs. The very image of this frightful warrior brings forth fear and dread
among the enemies of the Gnolls, but among their kind the Ravener is treated quite differently. To their kin,
Raveners are a select few who are able to gaze into the spirit world and see the Great Hunt before them.
Though such visions have driven these Gnolls mad as they now believe to be part of the Great Hunt, nonetheless
they are still part of the tribe and can be called upon when war comes. Before the start of each battle, the
chosen Ravener is adorned in select bits of armour believed to be blessed by the ancestors before receiving the
sacred Skull Helm. The Skull Helm is an ancient and strange tradition to observers; the helm simply being the
skull of a previous Ravener and enchanted by wards of protection by Spirit Barkers in the means of warpaint
and runes. Bizarre as this is, nonetheless there have been tales of spells and enchantments cast that do nothing
to a Ravener once it charges at the enemy.
Ravener 7 5 1 4 4 2 2 4 7
*Spirit Barkers and Raveners cannot be the General if any other type of character is present
Weapons (one choice only):
• Great weapon…………………...2 pts
• Additional hand weapon……….1 pt
• Flail……………………………….2 pts
• Spear……………………………..1 pt (Mounted only)
Magic items:
• Any, up to total of…….50 pts
• Hyena……………………………15 pts
Additional equipment:
• Light armour…………………...1 pt
Character Mounts
Hyena 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5
Titan 6 5 0 6 6 5 3 5 5
War 7 4 0 4 4 1 4 2 7
Unit Type: Cavalry
Unit Type: Monstrous Cavalry
Special Rules: Terror; Large Target; Poisonous Attacks; Scaly Skin (4+); Strider
Unit Type: Cavalry
Special Rules: May not join units; Swiftstride
Core Units
Gnoll Hunters…………………………………………Points/model: 6
The aspect of hunting is one of the most important among the Gnolls; for if one cannot hunt, how can one feed
his tribe lest partake in the Great Hunt in death? Thus has been the way for the Gnolls – to hunt in life in order
to hunt beyond this world. However, hunting is only seconded by the need for warriors as conflict is common
nowadays for the tribes and those who can hunt are deemed to be able to fight. As long as a Gnoll hunts, fights,
and lives, he is always an important part of tribe life and no hunter-warriors are greater than the Oldfangs –
seasoned hunter-warriors who have slain countless beasts and warriors alike. Huntmasters and Huntchiefs are
always welcoming toward Oldfangs; as their skills and knowledge will be passed down to the younger ranks
and hopefully craft them into better fighters for their race.
Hunter 5 4 3 3 4 1 4 1 7
Oldfang 5 5 4 4 4 1 4 2 7
Trapper 5 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 7
• One unit of Hunters in the army can be upgraded to a unit of Oldfangs (+6 points per
Jackals……………………………………………….Points/model: 5
Distant cousins to the giant wolves that roam the mountains and forests of the north, Jackals are quick-footed
wiry hounds who prowl the savannah in the role of mangy scavengers; devouring the left-over kills of other
predators once given the chance. As such, Jackals packs will follow a Gnoll hunting party from behind for a
chance to gain a quick meal once the party’s prey has been slain. Jackal packs are governed always a dominant
alpha female; nicknamed by enemies of the Gnolls as ‘Witch-hounds’ for the tales of malicious witches taking
the form of a jackal to stalk through the night. However when a Gnoll tribe goes to war, Jackals will join in
the fray of battle, eager to sample the rare delicacy of living prey and using their endurance to earn such treats.
What the Gnolls think of this will never be known, although they don’t seem to mind or care for the matter as
long as the hounds tear apart their foes.
Jackal 9 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5
Witch- 9 3 0 3 3 1 3 2 5
• One unit of Trackers in the army can be upgraded to a unit of Oldfangs (+4 points per
Special Units
Gnoll Laughing Riders…………………………………………Points/model: 17
The concept of cavalry is quite different compared to that of the other races; while usually cavalry troops are
made of seasoned veterans and young lordlings, the riders of Gnollkind come from instead the mentally unstable
and deranged of the tribe. Laughing Riders are twisted Gnolls of any tribe with a wicked sense of humor and
express deep sadism towards others, believing themselves to be superior in all ways. In the face of any conflict,
this madness only increases tenfold as the rider’s unstable mind soon allows the thirst for blood to run its
course, much to the terror of the enemy. The thing that can match a Laughing Rider’s madness is the mount he
rides upon into battle – a crackling war hyena whose own bloodlust can compare to that of its rider.
Laughing 5 4 3 3 4 1 4 1 6
Crackler 5 4 3 4 4 1 4 1 6
Hyena 8 4 0 3 3 1 3 1 5
• Upgrade one Hunter to a Crackler for +15 pts
• Upgrade one Hunter to a Musician for +5 pts
• Upgrade one Hunter to a Standard Bearer for +15 pts
• May have a magic standard worth up to 50 pts
• One unit of Laughing Riders in the army may upgrade their shields to Lesser Carapace
shields for +2 points per model.
Gnoll Hyena Chariot…………………………………………Points/model: 75
The chariots crafted by Gnolls are equally crude and primitive as those made by Beastmen or greenskins,
although the Hyena Chariot is far more stable in design. As such, Gnolls use these simply as shock weapons;
intended to be fast while building up the fear within enemy forces. In addition, the Gnolls use their chariots as
mobile firing platforms as the crew hurls long spears into the ranks of any foe foolish enough to be within range
of the speeding craft. Some chariots are adorned with sacred totems, trophies, and whatever can be found to
mark them of greatness for some chariots are honored as the mounts of great Huntmasters who have charged the
enemy on board in ages past.
Chariot - - - 5 5 4 - - -
Gnoll - 4 3 3 - - 4 1 7
Hyena 8 4 - 3 - - 3 1 -
Crew: 2 Gnolls
Drawn by: 2 Hyenas
Armour Save: 5+
• Any Chariot may include an extra Gnoll crew model for +5 pts
Gnoll Prowlers…………………………………..Points/model: 14
The secretive sect of Prowlers has been always an important, if not untrustworthy, part of Gnoll society as they
serve as silent messengers and at times assassins-for-hire. Not much is known on the mysterious traditions of
the Prowler sects and nor is the knowledge of how they recruit members, but nonetheless Prowlers have
remained vital for every tribe for the most. During war, Huntmasters (with deep suspicion) may call upon a
Prowler sect to serve as outriders to the army and this is where the Prowlers’ legendary stealth comes to blossom
as they can sneak behind enemy lines and watch until the moment for them to strike is nigh. In recent years, in
battles against the likes of Bretonnian caravans, some Prowler sects have adopted techniques to remove the
rider from his mount through careful ambushes and deceitful traps, rendering him easy prey for a swift death-
Prowler 6 4 4 3 4 1 4 2 8
Claw Miser 6 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 8
• Upgrade one Prowler to a Claw Miser for +7 pts
• One unit of Prowlers in the army may upgrade their hand weapons to poisoned hand
weapons for +2 points per model.
Gnoll Tuskerfangs…………………………………..Points/model: 15
One of the many sacred rites for a young Gnoll to prove himself a hunter worthy of the tribe is a fierce, if not
difficult; labour ever though of - the slaying of a bull elephant single-handedly without aid from any of the
tribe. Usually one can expect many to fail and be trampled or gorged to death by the towering beast as it is in
several cases, but Gnolls are quick-witted creatures by nature and will set up traps to outcome their catch.
However it is a rare case that a single Gnoll will manage an elephant with only his bare claws and for those
succeed the rite by this mean, they will be selected to join the elite sect of warriors known as the Tuskerfangs.
Tuskerfangs are named for their helmets shaped in the crude form of an elephant’s skull and bear their totem
animal’s stubborn nature as well. In tribal life, Tuskerfangs function as the bodyguard to the rulers of the tribe,
taking the most armour and weaponry for the defense of the Huntchief. In war, the Tuskerfangs continue that
role though they may be also used as rank breakers if commanded.
Tuskerfang 5 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 8
Tuskerseer 5 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 8
• Upgrade one Tuskerfang to a Tuskerseer for +20 pts
• Upgrade one Tuskerfang to a Musician for +10 pts
• Upgrade one Tuskerfang to a Standard Bearer for +20 pts
• May have a magic banner worth up to 50 pts
• The Tuskerseer may carry a magic item worth up to 25 pts
• One unit of Gliderfangs in the army may take burst-totems for +6 points per model.
Tribal Relics
A Gnoll character may choose magic items from the common magic items list as
described in the Warhammer rulebook and from the Gnoll magic items list, as noted in
their entry.
Sky Sword of Nyame……………………….30 points
The wielder gains D3 + 1 Strength in the first round of combat.
Green-Ripper……………………………….25 points
Confers Killing Blow to the bearer’s close combat attacks. In addition, against any Orcs
and Goblins, the Green-Ripper will cause a Killing Blow on 5+ instead of the normal 6.
Armour of Nyame…………………….30 points
The wearer gains +1 Toughness.
Lamp of the Sand Djinn……………….5 points
If the bearer with the Lamp of the Sand Djinn is not carrying any magic weapons, all
attacks made by the bearer count as magical attacks.
Prophecy Skull (One use only)……………………………10 points
At the start of any player’s Magic phase, add one dice to either the bearer’s power dice
or dispel dice pool (depending if the bearer is casting or dispelling a spell this phase).
Witchweed Potion…………………………………………………..30 points
The model gains the Regenerate special rule. The character is also subjected to