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C - M M ' N D H 1: Over Adame Iskea S Otes ON Eyda Arbor

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If you like it and want to support me making more suff,
Madame Miskea’s Books consider buying me a beer :
on Deyda Harbor

estled between Melitis and Akros, Deyda

Random Encounters

Harbor attracts patrons from both of the polis.

Serving as a trade port and dedicated site to
Atheros, it has a seedy reputation by civilized
standards. With the mounting trade-war
between the Twelve and Akros’ regent tensions are high
between the two people, largely keeping to their own
districts. The cities architecture is the crude blend of both
prominent cultures and the poor design of a city that grew
too quickly.

At any time while the players are in the city, they may receive
a random encounter. Feel free to pick one or roll on the
chart. How many, if any, of these encounters that happen is
up to you.
City Events

d4 Encounter

The party finds a small orphan girl begging for

food. She explains to the party that the
The small port has a reputation for attracting patrons 1.
orphanage is overcrowded, and “the ladies that
wishing to escape the status quo of their home, even if for normally to pick up children stopped coming.”
just a moment. Akroan’s often come seek revelry during
military leave, flocking to The Gilded Goat. The town is quite A naked bard from Akros asks for directions to
popular among the Anapsian philosophers seeking pleasure. 2.
The Gilded Goat.
Though it is not uncommon for wealthy Melitian’s to gamble
away their coin at the River’s Rose. A traveling philosopher from Melitis invites the

The harbor is governed by a priest of Atheros, Thalis 3. players back to The River’s Rose for drinks

Katasardis (human, he/him, cult fanatic), who has trained

and philosophical debate.

force of 1D20 disciples protecting the city. These forces are

made up of Clerics (priest). The leader of the defenses is a A sailor approaches the party saying that his
paladin, Hera Malliade (human, she/her, champion). That 4. captain is looking to hire some new ship hands
said, it would not be hard to raise a militia of Startians if a for an upcoming expedition.
large enough threat arose.

I developed this as a supplement for my Theros campaign. If

you stumble upon it, feel free to use as much of as little as
you would like. If you need more NPCs, I suggest checking
out my Theros Random NPC supplement
Akroan District The Gilded Goat

This part of town has the rowdiness one would expect from
soldiers blowing off steam. The town guard over patrols the d4 Patron

area in response to the constant summons by business

owners. Flamespeakers sometimes find their way into the Makis (human, he/him, bandit captain), an
area when needing to do business with the outside world. evil mercenary. He has black hair and blue
While in this district players may hear any of the following 1. eyes. He wears studded leather armor and
rumors. You can decide to what extend these rumors are wields a flair. He seeks fame and glory, by any
true and the weight of their implications. Feel free to pick means necessary.
one that suits your needs or roll on the chart.
Faidon (Satyr, he/him, commoner), an artist.
Faidon has white hair & fur and dark eyes. He
Akroan Rumors 2.
walks with a link and wears modes garments.
He compulsively rhymes his words.
d4 Rumor

Rena (human, she/her, commoner), an

“I cannot wait for the Ironian games this alchemist. Tela has brown curly hair and dark
summer. They cannot come soon enough. 3. eyes. She wears fine clothing and numerous
Word says The Whip has been training rings. She secretly worships Pharika above all
competitors in secret out in the mountains.” other Gods.

“My sister was on patrol out East. She said Alekos (human, he/him, Akroan Hoplite), a
2. rumor out there is that there is some kind of soldier. Alekos has brown hair and narrow
civil war going on in Oreskos.” 4.
brown eyes, and a matted beard. He also
speaks with a stutter.
“I heard one of the priests back home say that
3. the Queen turned into a pillar of fire and
Tito’s Forge

“My commanding officer told us to be ready, The blacksmith is a single-story building with a black
they said that we might finally push the front all shingled roof and a small, enclosed deck. Several battered
4. the way to Skophos. It is about time if you ask shields with the symbols of Startian forces depicted on
me, and you better make sure your Stratian is them. It contains a large overflowing bookshelf and a hot
ready.” forge in the middle of the shop. Tito (human, he/him,
commoner), the owner maintains a shrine to Purphoros.

Serf’s Camp
The Gilded Goat (Brothel)

The inn is a large building built of large columns. When Arkoan’s bring their servants and serfs with them to
Accommodations include several large guest rooms, a large the harbor, they leave them in a small camp outside the walls
private bath house, and a wine cellar. The brothel employs of the town. They are expected to stay their until they receive
mostly men as sex workers, and the Madame Kataia Miskea specific summons from their master.
(human, she/her, commoner) insists on inspecting every coin
paid to her. She is warm and plays the part well but is quick
to act the second someone steps out of line. She is fiercely
loyal to her staff and expects patrons to treat them with the
same respect she does. Individuals from Melitis are told
quite loudly by the Akroans in they area that they are not
Some recurring patrons include:
Anapsian District The Gilded Goat

The area is home to those citizens of Melitis who have come

to call the harbor home. Despite traveling here to escape d4 Patron

many of their home’s customs, the people still display the

mannerisms of their more “cultural” brethren. Freedom of Paris (centaur, he/him, noble) aristocrat. Paris
speech is revered in the area and individuals are expected to is cultured, with thick blonde hair and amber
openly express themselves. 1. eyes. The River’s Rose has been his home
since the death of his child, by the hand of a
While in this district players may hear any of the following sorcerer he now hunts.
rumors. You can decide to what extend these rumors are
true and the weight of their implications. Feel free to pick Natasa (human, she/her, commoner)
one that suits your needs or roll on the chart. merchant. Natasa is common in appearance
with braided brown hair and brown eyes. She
Meletian Rumors wears travel-stained clothing and a pewter
amulet. She is a pack rat and carries bags of
random junk.
d4 Rumor

Luce (human, they/them, noble). Luce is tall

Something is amiss in Setessa, they have not
with braided long hair and green eyes. They
1. been accepting travelers or merchants for 3.
wear fine jewels and is a practiced dart
some time now.

“My cousin told me that sailors are searching

Leto (human, he/him, Meletian Hoplite). Leto
2. for something ancient, something that should
has a square face with thin black hair and
probably stay secret.”
emerald eyes. He wears fine clothing and a
luminous amulet. Leto is wrongly accused of
“I met one of them nomads. They said that on
theft and has been discharged from the
3. the other side of Setessa the Satyr throw
parties like you have never seen.”

“I hear the oracles back home have been

4. acting strange. I got a bad feeling in my bones Golden-Sable Pavilion
that something bad is coming.”
This theater is home to the “famous” Nasos (human, he/him,
bard) and his dancing Sables (Bronze Sable). Nasos prefers
to “speak with his feat” and tries to settle arguments with
The River’s Rose (gambling den) dance. He often pokes his nose into town business and tries
The inn is a single-story building with a cellar for gambling. to solve problems this way. He runs poorly attendee shows
Accommodations consist of wooden cots near the hearth. every night and will eagerly accept any attendees for cheap
Sleeping is not typically an expectation at this inn. Patrons prices. He keeps a small shrine to Phenax at the back of the
often either spend the night playing cards and dice or out on thature, hoping that his worship will make him a famous
the deck debating obscure philosophies out of favor in actor.
Melitis. Any Akroan who enters the tavern is likely met with
long stares and uncomfortable silences. Th elderly
innkeeper, Yanna (human, she/her, commoner), is thoughtful
and slow to speak. According to Madame Miskea, her rival
tavern keeper secretly leads a small gang of orphan pick
pockets, sticking them on Akroan soldiers.
Some recurring patrons include:

local captains with thinly veiled threats about Triton attacks
Other Points in Town if they do not shop at his store. Fotios cannot make good on
his threats, but knows the sailors are scared enough that
The Alter of Rivers
they won’t push the issue. If the players are seeking sea
This temple to Atheros is the central point of governance in voyage, Fotios can likely point them in the right direction.
town. Thalis Katasardis (human, he/him, cult fanatic) and
Hera Malliade (human, she/her, champion) rarely leave the Credits
temple grounds. Thalis is a little too cheerful for a ‘glorified
mortician’, at least according to Madame Miskea. Hera is the This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast

opposite of Thalis in almost every regard, and both factions and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under

in town consider her to be quite boring. The Alter of Rivers the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

holds the town jail, and it also manufactures materials All other original material in this work is ©2020 and published

needed for funerary rights. They often send priests to attend under the Community Content Agreement.

to funerals across the region, ensuring Atheros will is done. DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten

Realms, Ravenloft, the dragon ampersand, and all other Wizards of

the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks

of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.

Zinon (human, he/him, commoner) is a man from Setessa.

After leaving home he traveled for years before settling
down. Lost in a world with foreign customs, he established a
small orphanage with a shrine to Karametra. He provides a
home for children until one of the women of Setessa can
come and collect them, but they have stopped coming in
recent months. This has left the home crowded and Zinon is
struggling to keep up. He believes that he has been “cast
out” yet again.
The Survivor’s Assortments (General


With the halt in trade, the harbor is rather empty. The once
bustling streets have become largely empty, leaving many of
the business struggling. This has attracted less reputable
sailors to the town, adding to the already sleazy reputation.
Owned by Fotios (Triton, they/them, commoner), the
Survivor’s Assortment is living up to its name. While other
stores are considering closing their doors, this one is doing
great. It is a two-story building with reinforced wooden
doors. It has low ceilings and shelves full of oddities. Players
can find adventuring gear here. Fotios has been extorting

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