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Monsters of Murka v131

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Copyright © 2020

Action Fiction First Edition

ISBN 978-1-7349181-2-0
Printed in China.
Don't you have something better to do than read the front matter
minutia of a satire campaign setting?
This product was created by a small team of incredibly
passionate, devoted creators. Each of the people below
filled many roles throughout the lifecycle of this
product. Action Fiction would like to thank: Josh Zugai, of
Nerdy People Play DnD; Adam Baffoni of Critical
Lead Designer: Jaron R. M. Johnson Success; all of our sensitivity readers for their time and
effort; our incredibly passionate team of artists;
Designers: CJ Thomas, Brad S. V. Roberts
Members of our Discord server; and our Kickstarter
Editor: Daniel Arsenault backers, again.
Producer: Jaron R. M. Johnson
Layout: DropTheDie Jaron would like to thank: CJ and Brad, without
whom this project wouldn't be possible; Skandi, for
On the Cover: Daniel Alessi
never-ending support; Adelaide, for who you are and
On the Special Edition Cover: Bianca Papalardo what you do; Nicolle, for our wonderful conversations;
Interior Illustrators: Big Bani Studios; Daniel Alessi; My sister, Danielle; So many other friends who have
Justin David Russell; Lucas Cordda; Julio Oliveira; offered a void to shout into, a shoulder to cry on, and a
Bianca Papalardo; Jennifer S. Lange; Kyle Moore; Seiun reminder to take care of myself.
Sensitivity Readers: Paul "Mav" Buford III, Valeria
Natali Webber, Justin Garcia, Jay Harrison, Persephone CJ would like to thank: His parents, for being
Kline supportive despite differing views, Jaron, for pushing me
Additional Contributors: Niles George (Various items to go beyond my limits, my teachers Mrs. Lemon and
& Birdgeoisie idea), Tyr Kangaroo (Butter Elemental Mr. Frank, and God, for guiding me through a
idea), a1ph4g33k (Straw Wisp Mimic idea), Jcel4569 tumultuous period of life.
(Unpaid Interim Servant idea), Paul "Mav" Buford III A hearty hello to all of my friends and family from
(Warrior Poet idea and Commtown), Ian Knight (Lone camp, wherever you are in the world!
Ranger idea), Jazzmin “Bunny” Windom (Warrior Poet
flava flav text), Zach Jeschke (Way of the Wild Ensemble Brad would like to thank: Cindy Roberts, Elizabeth
consultant) Bostic, Carol Bailey, Pam Marinko and Ellie Roberts, for
all the ass they kick and their unconditional patience,
Playtesters: Niles George, Jcel4569, a1ph4g33k, Ian
love and support. He’d like to thank Zach Jeschke, The
Knight, Kabutak, Jasdeki, AKBookBug1843
Davis’, and the Shaffstall-Ollinger’s for always believing
in him and the power of the ridiculous. He’d like to

ADDITIONAL ROLES thank every member of The Broken Fist for giving him a
space to explore and grow creatively. Levi Angel, and
every person who helped make The Nerd Room feel like
Jaron R. M. Johnson: Art Direction, Editing,
home deserves recognition as well. He’d also like to
Rules Development, Graphic Design, Project
thank everybody in the Playtesting Discord for their
Management, Brand and Marketing, Community Lead
excitement and their terrible, terrible puns. Lastly, and
perhaps most importantly he’d like to thank you, yes
CJ Thomas: Lead Writer, Additional Interior
you, reading this right now. We know who you are and
Illustration, Additional Art Direction
we know what you’ve done And gotta say, big fan.
Unless you’re a Nazi, then fuck off.
Brad S. V. Roberts: Rules Development, Community

Chef Michael Woods Fearchar Battlechaser
KICKSTARTER Chione FearTheSuit
Chip Warden Fernando A. Dolande
BACKERS Chris Blanchard Franigo

This project was made possible by Chris Stewart Gary A Soares

these amazing backers on Christofer Brown Gary Lloyd
Kickstarter. We would like to thank Christopher Smythe Greg Sommers
each and every one of you. Cito Martinez Hailey Strickon
Clark Campbell Hugo Perez
A. Michelle Simmons Cody V. Smith Ian Knight
a1ph4 Cole M Belanger Hawkey Adam
Aaron Donahoo Conner Norton J Hudson
Adam Baffoni Craig J. Evans Payne
Adam Normandin Craig T. Stewart Jack Gulick
Adrian Gonzalez Daft Phully Jackson Jelenic
Alan P. Wiles Dan Decker Jason "Mad Fox" Jennings
Alec Lumme Dan Gaston Jason Hennigan
Alex Kim DanDan Nieman Jason, Kristin, and Peter Childs
Alexis Lord "The Dangerous" Derek Donald Javier A Verdin
Alice Herbert Daniel Berkley Jeff Lee
Allison M Reilly Daniel Urson Jeff Robinson
Anderson Charles Hopkins Danielle Fassler Jeremy Kear
Andreas Lackher Danielle Ogle Jeremy Kolassa
Andrew Wentz Dave Lovely Jessica Blacklock
Andy "VaultsOfExtoth" Wears David Eriksson Jimmy Henriksson
Anthony Villagomez David Y. Ross Joe Kontor
ashran@gmail.com Daz James; The OG bitch Dm Joel P
AuralEntropy Deedra Hooker John Bookwalter
Austin Dickson Derek Koehl John 'johnkzin' Rudd
Austin wab Deviston Johnathen Lennax
Benson Chen Dirk Allie Josh "@NerdyPeoplePlayDND" Zugai
Biscuit @Dongeoneer Joshua Lowry
Brandon Wu Douglas Joshua Stewart
Brenden Sisk Duane Henneman Juliet Youngren
Brett Cosby Dungeons and Randomness (Jason K and M Comics
Brett Volz Massey) Kale Perrien
Brian McCulloch Dystopia Matt Karl Vergura
Brian Tate E.M. Neftelberg Kenneth Bauer
Brittany & Paul Burns eG Critical Kevin Man Le
Bruebeard Battlehammer ELRS Kevin Renskers
Bryce Tay Emily Gilley Kristine Balog
CD Ledford Eric M. Turner Kyle Steven
Charlie Daniel Evan Mitchell L. S. Kleim
Chase M. Walker Evilspacebunny Larry Klingele

Laura Bennett Nina Osegueda Simon & Emma Gelgoot
Layth AL-Najjar OrpheusOxide Sky
LeeAnnesSideOfYoutube Palpersheev Cucumberstrange Sorcerer Michael Hricinak
Lilly Ibelo Patrick "TickleMeTemplar" Cooney SoupierCrowd1
Linz Vandermeer Paul van der Waerden Stefan Reykdal
Lisa Kanoy Phil Shinnie Stephanie McNamara of Dances
Lord Morgan AD Perry Philip W Rogers Jr With Kobolds
Maggie Kulzer Raffy Rios Stephen Dumbeck
Margaret Ransdell-Green Randy Knapp - Zafir Games Stephen Workman
Matthew @ProudNerdery Relna Viir Suna
Matthew Kaderli Rhel DecVanda Swaffletime
Maximillian Steinberg Rick Hair Swordsfall Studios
Maxwell J.G. Heath Rick Heinz T.A. Rindler
Maxx Gonzalez Rick Vechel - Vechel Fantasy T.J. ODonnell
Megan Timperley Ricky Fischer The Delightful Drew Warren
Michael "MMOaddicted" Molik Rob Borghese THE Donnie
Michael Goshorn Kabutak The Heppe Family
Michael Letterle Rose The Kickstarter Guy
Michael Miller Ross Snyder Jr The Roach
Michel Barre Ryan Benham Tim Annan
Mirko Froehlich Ryan Kent Toni "WarrenGFan" Saktiawan
Monte "Cyphur" Young Ryan Kitchel Troy Ellis
Nathan Bezner Sarah Glinka Tyler "Barron" Lawton
Nia Ross Sean M Jarrell Tyr Fenton
Nick G. Serial007 Whit Ellwanger
Niles George Shannon deMelo WP Plus Plus
Nils K. Holte Shawn Christopher Zachary Morris

About This Book...............................................................................6 Lady Maro........................................................................75
Foreword............................................................................................7 Loyalists...........................................................................75
CHAPTER ONE: MURKA..............................................8 The Weary.......................................................................76
Overview...........................................................................................9 Ads, Rumors, and Adventure Seeds................................................77
Current Events.................................................................................10 CHAPTER FOUR: SEA-ADDLED...................................79
A Brief History.................................................................................10 Culture and Government................................................................80
We Live In A Society........................................................................18 Important Locations.......................................................................80
Recent History.................................................................................20 The City of Towers..........................................................80
Murkan Stereotypes.........................................................................21 The Warf...........................................................................81
CHAPTER TWO: PLAYER OPTIONS...............................24 Rain Mountain................................................................82
Backgrounds....................................................................................25 The Warlocks' Tower.......................................................84
Undergraad......................................................................25 Map of Sea-Addled..................................................................85
Lawmonger......................................................................26 Important Factions and People......................................................86
Crimson Hick..................................................................27 Warlocks of The Shore....................................................86
Artificer: The Illuminated................................................................28 The Zone.........................................................................86
Minds...............................................................................29 The Weary.......................................................................87
Barbarian: Path of Gainz..................................................................32 The Anti-Gang.................................................................87
Bard: College of Warrior Poetry......................................................34 Minions of the Don.........................................................88
Cleric: Divine Domains...................................................................36 Other Factions................................................................88
Explosion Domain...........................................................36 Ads, Rumors, and Adventure Seeds...............................................89
Freedom Domain.............................................................37 CHAPTER FIVE: HOLLY WOODS.................................90
Druid: Circle of The Furkin..............................................................39 Culture and Government................................................................92
Fighter: Action Hero.........................................................................41 Important Locations.......................................................................92
Monk: Way of the Wild Ensemble..................................................44 Comm Town....................................................................92
Paladin: Sacred Oaths.....................................................................46 Tong City.........................................................................94
Oath of Independence....................................................46 Tinsel Town.....................................................................96
Oath of The Peacekeeper................................................47 San Monka.......................................................................98
Ranger: Conclave of Bovine Youth..................................................50 Map of HollyWoods................................................................99
Rogue: The Faceless..........................................................................52 Important Factions and People.....................................................100
Sorcerer: Affluenza............................................................................54 Schwartzukadnezzer The Diplomizer..........................100
Warlock: The Crowd.........................................................................56 The Warder Sisters.........................................................100
Eldritch Invocations........................................................58 The Communal Party....................................................100
Wizard: School of Interfacing..........................................................59 The Anti-Gang.................................................................101
Alternate Race Options...................................................................61 Warrior Poet Society......................................................102
Dragunborn.....................................................................61 The Church of Mythatology..........................................103
Freedom Dragonborn......................................................61 Ads, Rumors, and Adventure Seeds..............................................104
Privileged Human...........................................................63 CHAPTER SIX: EQUIPMENT AND TREASURE.................106
Feats.................................................................................................64 A Day Late, A Buck Short..............................................................107
CHAPTER THREE: WASHTOWN...................................65 Weapons.........................................................................................108
Culture and Government.................................................................66 Explosives.......................................................................................108
Important Locations.......................................................................66 Magic Items.....................................................................................111
Pale Fortress....................................................................66 The Stones of Destiny....................................................123
Monument District.........................................................67 CHAPTER SEVEN: SPELLS AND CONDITIONS.................130
The Outer City................................................................69 Spells................................................................................................131
The Undercity..................................................................71 Conditions......................................................................................134
Map of Washtown...................................................................72
CHAPTER EIGHT: MONSTERS AND LORE......................135
Important Factions and People.......................................................73
The Don's Party...............................................................73 CHAPTER NINE: PANTHEON......................................174
The Shadow Kingdom.....................................................74 World Map.............................................................................212
The Communal Party......................................................75 OGL ...............................................................................................214

Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e),
and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, place names, new deities, etc.), dialogue, plots,
story elements, locations, characters, artwork, graphics, and sidebars. (Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game Content are
not included in this declaration.) Open Game Content: The Open content in this book includes the monster names, descriptions, monster
statistics, and monster abilities. No other portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission

Open Game Content: The Open Game Content in this book includes all monster names, descriptions, monster statistics, and monster
abilities which are not considered Product Identity. No other portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission.

Disclaimer: Any similarities between monsters depicted in this book and monsters who actually exist are purely coincidental.


comfortable space, among friends. Everybody should
onsters of Murka began, in 2018, as an have the opportunity to vent their frustrations, to
explore new and hard ideas without the fear of failure or
exercise in creative TTRPG writing and
judgment. Everybody should feel like they have the
political satire. I wanted to make
opportunity to have fun while doing these things.
something funny, and I wanted it to be
We know that these are very frustrating subjects to
something simple. So I set out, initially, to just make a
discuss for many readers.
handful of monsters poking fun at the full-time golfer
As a GM, if you want to explore these topics with
and future-former-president we all know so well. In
your players, we urge you to hold a "session zero" and
those early days, Murka's scope was limited: it had no
discuss with them what they're interested in and
goals, no agenda, and as a result, no purpose but for
comfortable with. You can easily skip many of these
subjects while still enjoying a lot of what Murka has to
While there's nothing wrong with writing for
offer. You might even choose to skip them and merely
writing's sake, or creating for creating's sake—after all,
use Murka as a backdrop for a game set in your own
creative writing is a muscle which must be flexed and
hometown, if you wish. While many of the folks we have
built—there came a point during the development of
spoken to throughout the development of this book love
the world of Murka where I realized it had a greater
the idea of a world like Murka—a world full of social
potential–one where it could be used not only to punch
commentary and humor that punches up, where anyone
upwards, but also as a means of elevating some of our
can take action, lead a revolution, be the advent of a
cultural sticking points and problems from below-the-
great wave of change, and create their own vision of
surface to front and center, as a means of social
Murka—we are keenly aware that some players use
TTRPGs as a form of escapism. These players may want
As this book took on a new life and a new purpose,
to use this book differently, or they may not want to use
the contents' subject matter began to expand
this book at all. These players are not wrong for doing
drastically, far from the initial five-monster codex, into
so. There is no wrong way to play.
a living, breathing world meant to mirror our own, but
with some key differences. I wanted to make it a place
where friends could explore familiar locations and have
lots of laughs, and I wanted to make it a place where
people could fight their own fights, and make manifest
their own designs for the real world. I knew I could not
do this alone, and so I enlisted the help of CJ and Brad,
along with dozens of others, to accomplish this We hope this book brings you laughter and joy. For
magnificent feat. us, that's the most important thing about exploring a
satirical take on American culture. It should be fun,
CONTENT WARNING inclusive, and true, for everyone. Should you find that
this is not the case for you, please feel free to reach
out to us and let us know why, so we can learn and
In order to portray an accurate depiction of the world adapt.
we live in, we made the decision not to shy away from
sensitive topics. We think it's important to give you an Thank you so much for taking the time to read our
upfront content warning for some of the difficult book.
subjects we touch on. So, please be aware that this book
discusses many things, to include: Warmth and love,
Slavery Privilege The Action Fiction team
Jaron R. M. Johnson, CJ Thomas, &
Guns/firearms Systemic oppression Brad S. V. Roberts
Economic hardship War and violence
Drug/alcohol references Police and government
While this book is very comedy-oriented, we
wanted to give readers a place to reflect on the world,
and a chance to explore those matters in a safe,

Satire and roleplaying games are both intrinsically democratic forms of media; even with the illusion of
hierarchy evoked by the role of the GM, the game can only manifest in the interaction between people, and it’s
nigh-impossible to genuinely hate the people you have fun with. In the long tradition of satire, we have seen it
change the world in countless small instances; from the medieval tradition of the jester to these troubled
times. Satire is insubordination.
Bergson called Satire an open hand – it can be perceived as a slap by some, as a conciliatory palm stretched
out in greeting by others, when it is in fact both and neither, its reception fully contingent on the mindset of
the individual.
Either way, satire in Horace’s tradition has ultimately a desire for reconciliation and education as its
foundational principle; ideally, it renders you somewhat flabbergasted, makes you laugh (or choke on that
laughter), and then forces you to reconsider, to think about different perspectives. It uses humor to help
generate empathy on behalf of both the satire’s target, and its audience.
Satire has never been more important than today.
The exponential connection and acceleration of our media has changed discourse towards a constant
barrage of outrage-inducing information nuggets that all seemingly require our immediate attention. At once,
we are exposed to more content than ever before, and at the same, it becomes hard to respond properly to any
of the impulses presented – and yet, that’s what’s expected of us by our peers, friends, family. We are living in
the Brave New World, but it’s not a pharmaceutical like Huxley’s Soma, but information itself that has become
the grand weapon used against us.
Divide and conquer.
Never has it been easier to divide friends along the lines of hot button topics, never has it been easier for
demagogues to whip people into frenzy, to discredit science, to break up friendships, because that’s what the
very structure of social media already does. As much as it connects us, it also can be used to divide us – big
slogans and easy identity constructions presented via memes are omnipresent. And all follow along the tired
us/them-dichotomies, be they based on gender, color of one’s skin, faith or lack thereof – we witness a vast
resurgence of ignorance and hostility.
It’s easy to see why. They are simple and provide solace. They are easy to identify with in this maelstrom of
uncertainty and anxiety. And anxiety breeds many things, but compassion is seldom one of them. And yet,
Jeremy Suri noted that the motor of the (American) history runs cyclical, because it is ultimately one based on
democratic principles.
Ironically, a Chinese curse translates to “May you live in interesting times.” These times are interesting
Know what interesting times need? Laughter. Fun. Few things are as disarming, as universal, as laughter.
Few things can build bridges as swiftly between people. Satire may be scathing, it may be brutal – because it is
funny. Satire is a dialogue, an inherently social experience. Satire is the best weapon we have against echo-
chambers and self-perpetuating ideological loops, it is our extended hand to those that think differently. It is
an invitation to think about topics differently, and have fun while doing so. Much like roleplaying games, after
all, no GM shares the ideology of their villains.
Satire is dangerous. It’s subversive, and there’s a reason all totalitarian regimes outlaw it. It can’t help but
create connections, like rolling the dice and having a great time. And great times breed an optimism we sorely
need. So play, read and use this book.
And then talk to each other compassionately about what you’ve experienced. Not in 140 letters, but in
earnest. Extend the open palm instead of the clenched fist. Roll the dice. Have fun.

~ Thilo "Endzeitgeist" Graf

In these dark days, the provincial boundary lines
OVERVIEW - WHAT IS MURKA have largely been forgotten. Most folks these days
only know of Murka, the whole—and appropriately,
LIKE TODAY? many of the governors of these provinces have

become little more than local rulers despite their
HHH, MURKA! WELCOME, TRAVELER! large tracts of land. Rather, the sociopolitical power
Welcome to the land of the liberated, lies now within Murka's most densely-populated
the home of the courageous—the cities, which have evolved into pseudo-city-states.
dominion of the toxically dominant! These city-states influence a majority of Murka's
Welcome to what many call the greatest kingdom the current affairs, much to the chagrin of the numerous
gods put on this Urth. We invented eagles, freedom, smaller cities across Murka's many provinces.
explosions, and the dom part of sub/dom Murka’s climate varies distinctly from region to
relationships—you’re welcome. Murka has long been region, since the kingdom now spans the entire width
known to the world as a land of opportunity, a of the continent. The Northern Wastes and the
melting cauldron of all races and cultures, and as a Eastern Shore tend to be cold and rainy, —while the
hotbed of controversy and travesty. It’s a land of Western Shore and the Southlands tend to be hotter
never-before-seen creatures, harsh landscapes, and... and very dry. The Murkan South is famous for its
politicians. humid weather, tropical foliage, and its torrential
Despite the many praises that Murkans often storms such as shark-infested tornadoes, magical
heap onto their own nation, Murka has fallen on dark aether storms, and hurricanes. In the center of the
times. kingdom lay the vast and silent plains of
Like all great empires, the golden age of Midwesteros, which, without any natural protection
expansion has come to an end, and in its wake a dark from wind, experiences some of the most extreme
and powerful leader has taken control of the winters that produce flash freezes, and icy
kingdom: The Don. After a tumultuous election and shredstorms.
banishing the previous king into a dark sub- The most recently discovered phenomenon is the
dimension, The Don declined the traditional title of advent of green-storms, a by-product of centuries of
king and instead established himself as… uh... The industrialization. Green-storms produce strong
Don. Lines have been drawn, and the kingdom has winds, heavy rain, and explosive lightning that can
become deeply divided as the fear of civil unrest and vaporize a house and set green-fires that spread
war set in. How will you survive in this world gone slowly, but are especially difficult to put out.
insane, where father fights son, friends fight one
another, and everyone is offended?
some cases crime, but also a sharp upturn in
Current Events adventurers who have to decided to find fame
and fortune on their own terms—often
• The Don has taken power in the kingdom, traveling across many of the provinces of
and has dissolved the Grand Council of Murka’s countryside.
representatives from the other provinces. In
the last four years, The Don has continued to
rule Murka to the awe and adoration of some, A Brief History of Everything
and the horror of pretty much everyone else.
The Don has tightened his grip on the Important
kingdom by deploying his own magically-
conjured creatures into the field. History is typically written by the victor, or so the
saying goes. With every wartime triumph and civil
• In the wake of The Don’s Party taking power,
rights achievement, Murka has forged a path for itself
many of the pilgrims and immigrants who
through the annals of history. Although, it’s
recently came to Murka have been captured
important to remember that while Murka is a great
and exiled by a newly-formed, extremely
and powerful nation, it was not always history’s good
corrupt enforcement unit known as the
guy. In fact, many would say that Murka’s powerful
Immigration Sovereignty and Sanctuary
military presence and pride in itself often created
more problems than it solved, and made Murka into
• Some of the provinces have become so an empire built on the backs and bones of those it
displeased with the current state of the crushed along the way.
kingdom that powerful figures have begun to
separate their regions from the kingdom in The Braggish Empire
all but name. Places such as Holly Woods and
Sea Addled now have new leaders with their We are legally obligated to say that Murka was first
own agendas. discovered by the Braggish Empire as their naval
scouts crossed the sea. Those early explorers were
• Recent advances in magitechnology have looking for a shortcut to a completely different, far-
flooded the kingdom with new ways of off land; but instead of finding a new route to an old
communicating, receiving news, and voicing land, they found themselves utterly lost. After many
their almost endless opinions—particularly months of deluding themselves of their success, they
where rampant politics are concerned. A few finally admitted that instead, they had actually
inventions such as The Zone and writwits discovered a new land, brimming with possibility,
have completely changed the lives of danger, and life. They eventually returned home, but
everyday Murkans—and also set off a race to they carried with them tales of massive freedom
discover more ancient magics for use in the dragons, misty haunted forests, and a native people
magitech market. who had lived there since before the dawn of
• The Don has begun to make overtures of war civilization. They also carried home a boatload of
in a far away land—an all-too-familiar story gold and magical artifacts, which impressed the
that has benefited Murka in the past, but Empire much more than all those other things.
more recently has been a detriment to the Over the next few centuries, colonists and nobles
spirit and economy of the kingdom in exile poured across the sea to the land of
possibilities. Murka was strikingly beautiful, but also
• A recent economic downturn has left the harsh. For the earliest settlers, it was only through
country poorer than it has been in the last painstaking efforts to make peace with, and learn
century, flooding nearly every province with from, the Natives, that any settlement took root at
those who are now called The Weary—the all. But soon, the once peaceful and serene landscape
angry, trodden-on survivors of every walk of of Murka slowly became dotted with bustling and
life who struggle to make ends meet. This has flourishing colonial villages. Though the earliest
led to a massive influx of cheap labor, in colonies were mostly human-populated, many other

races followed their fellow Brags across the sea.
While major city centers became mixed cauldrons of
Atrocities Against The Natives
race and culture, the colonial wilderness of Murka While Murka was underdog to the Braggish, they
offered some the chance to create safe, secluded often acted as oppressive overdog to the Natives of
communities for their people—an option that was no the Murkan continent. The Natives of Murka did not
longer available in the crowded Old Continent. Even fair well as the Kingdom of Murka expanded further
so, Murka quickly became widely known for being a into their territory. Their nations were smashed and
hodge-podge of culture, and ethnicity. Over the next their people often forced to either assimilate to
100 years, thirteen kingdoms were founded, with each
Braggish culture, flee to nations that were further
swearing fealty to the emperor across the Edged Sea.
west, or simply die from the rampant disease and war
now plaguing the continent. Murkan expansion
Thirteen Kingdoms trampled sacred temples, and cut down revered
The early days of Murka were turbulent; the forests. Murkan and Braggish necromancers even
wilderness was as magnificent as it was unforgiving. took to raising Native ancestors from the dead for use
While some colonies flourished and secured as minions. The Murkan kingdoms waged constant
themselves, others fell victim to the call of the
war to expand their territories, and they committed a
unknown. Many colonies were lost in conflicts with
collective genocide in the process.
the Natives, who possessed some seriously powerful
Murkan in-fighting among the colonial
nature magic. Others were simply in the wrong place
at the wrong time, and were swallowed up by natural kingdoms, and unchecked expansionism had
events such as shark infested tornados, dragun stretched the patience of the Emperor of Brag,
attacks, or shredstorms during the winter months. particularly since the Murkan colonists had a habit of
Like a child learning to walk, and bumping their head ruining deals the emperor had made with the Native
into the coffee table, the march of progress ambled nations. Even though Murka had made promises to
slowly onward as wilderness-hardened colonies improve, Brag sailed their army across the sea to
transformed into well established cities of stone. bring order back to the kingdoms. At the same time,
Other empires from the old continent had also in a desperate attempt to regain their homeland a
established kingdoms of their own, and war quickly
massive Native army attacked the thirteen kingdoms
followed. From the ice plains of Cunuc in the north,
from atop their barffulo steeds. The Emperor himself
to the mountain-breaking stormlands in the south,
Brag’s thirteen kingdoms fought with arcane fire and flew to the continent on his dragon companion,
enchanted bronze—enemies were toppled, and the Elzibetha. Sandwiched between the Braggish fleet and
kingdoms expanded. the Native army, the thirteen kingdoms of Murka
surrendered—but not before the largest kingdoms
The Thirteen Kingdoms were also prone to disputes had been smashed and burned into submission. The
between themselves, often over relatively small issues Braggish army went on to not only smash Murka’s
—which deeply annoyed the Braggish emperor, who army, but also the Natives. While the Native army
often stepped in to violently quell what he assumed escaped back into the wilderness of the mountains,
were rebellions against his crown. One battle in
the kings of Murka were captured and either
particular was recorded as being a series of three
beheaded, or had fled into exile. From then on, the
battles fought over the distribution of salted meats
wrapped in barffulo skin that began when the Murkan kingdoms were ruled by appointed
Braggish rolled in to claim the entire trade. The governors—who were directly subservient to the
colonies quickly gained a reputation across the sea for Emperor, rather than simply allied to him. This also
their incredible feats of stubbornness, their fierce meant that the Braggish military took direct control
independent spirits, and their distrust of authority. of the kingdoms. In the mountains, a new Native
Rebellions would rise on occasion, only to be smashed Kingdom rose up, composed of the many nations
by Braggish soldiers. Murkans saw themselves as who’d fled the eastern shore.
underdog fighters, and even as oppressed by the
Braggish. As time went on, anti-Braggish sentiments
grew and festered in minds of Murka’s citizens.

The War for Independence the sea. During the war, Wash’s allies suffered great
losses, and each of them came to admire and respect
Eventually, relations between the empire and Murka the leadership of King Wash who pulled their people
broke down when Jorge Wash sparked the fires of through the worst of the tragedies. In the last days of
rebellion nearly 150 years later. After leading a militia the war, King Wash personally led the army as they
of colonists to win the Battle of Winter’s Edge, Jorge fought through a bitter and foggy shredstorm that
quickly united four of the original thirteen kingdoms lasted for three weeks, decimating both armies. The
of Murka. He declared himself King Wash, and final battle of the war occurred at the border of
everywhere across the thirteen kingdoms, the people Virenia and Marr, a site that would later be settled by
loved him, and a slew of sister revolts sparked in King Wash, and styled as the capital of the nation:
nearly every major city. King Wash quickly acquired Washtown.
more territory as Braggish governors were ousted After the war, the other six kings swore their
from their seats of power. fealty to King Wash, and together they became the
Inspired by King Wash’s example, six other kings First Grand Council in a newly christened nation: The
took power in their respective kingdoms. Colonists United Kingdom of Murka. King Wash remained the
from across the thirteen kingdoms displayed their High King of Murka, and the members of the First
defiance by ridding themselves of Braggish made Grand Council eventually set up the Second Grand
goods—including Braggish tea—which the colonists Council, consisting of members from each kingdom.
happily chucked into the ocean and subsequently The former kings of Murka then went on to become
drank out of the ocean, like mad-people. Many six of the thirteen governors of each of the Murkan
traditional commodities such as parchment, and provinces. King Wash went on to rule as King of all
other more mundane quality-of-life items had to find Murka, and remained vivacious, and even scandalous,
domestic manufacturers in the wake of the rebellion. throughout his entire life—earning him the
The seven kings of Murka allied and fought a nickname “The Old Buck” among the common
bloody revolution, outnumbered and under- people.
equipped. Over the course of three years, they
pushed the Braggish out of Murka, and back across

railroads, as well as much of the cheap mining and
Manufactured Destiny farming labor, were soon managed almost entirely
The advent of science, now recognized as a study with slaves.
totally separate from magic, led to the dawn of an age Ease of travel and innovations in weaponry
of machinery and industry. Gnomish light bulbs lit sparked a renewed fervor in Murka’s westward
up the streets of the city, and dwarven railroads expansion efforts in a movement known as
connected the world of Murka together—and Manufactured Destiny: The right that Murkans had
Halfling toilet paper? Just... Absolutely amazing. The made for themselves to claim the western shore.
quality of life for the average Murkan improved Murka continued to grow, sending colonists and
drastically, and in the largest cities of Murka, great pioneers to scout and settle the silent, haunted plains
towers of stone and steel began to rise up above the of Midwesteros, the mystical deserts of the
antiquated castles and forts of old. Southlands, and the tall, ancient forests of Kale’forna.
With industry also came new and unfortunate The aggressiveness of Manufactured Destiny came at
ways to skirt morality. Murka was, and has almost great cost to the Murkan Natives. While most
always been, a human dominated culture—and with conflicts were small, a few became major battles that
most other races and tribes sitting at the edge of resulted in full-scale invasions, such as the conquest
marginalization, it wasn’t long before some of the of Holly Woods. Nearly every Native nation the
more business-minded people began to take Murkan empire came across was destroyed or
advantage. It began with a preference for hiring non- displaced into camps. Eventually, peace treaties were
human workers at cheaper rates, but as westward signed between Murkan and Native leaders.
expansion accelerated, it gradually led to prevalent Unfortunately, those treaties were authored by
indentured servitude, and eventually some guilds Murkan representatives, and greatly favored Murka’s
pushed their governers to legalize full-blown slavery position. These ultimately took advantage of the
—which many did, happily. Slavery focused squarely Native people’s plight and left them claim to
on the impoverished, the non-human, and the non- incredibly small territories.
Murkan. The construction of the west’s expansive

King Abram was given word of the second election,
he quickly raised an army in the northern provinces.
Bringing Guns to a Sword Fight Being the greater portion of Murka, they had better-
War and continuous expansion had become a equipped troops. And, in order to ensure an
defining point of Murkan culture, and their overwhelming victory and further bolster the size of
attitude towards foreign affairs. In an effort his army, King Abram freed all enslaved peoples,
to expand west, Murkans continued to giving them full citizenship in his kingdom. Many
manufacture and improve the weapons they former slaves eagerly joined the army, though most
used. After the revolution, Murka, and other were content to start new lives in free provinces.
nations, started using steel instead of bronze Hearing that King Abram had freed nearly all of his
weapons. With the advent of steel came a own citizens, an enraged King Divis ordered his army
rush of innovation—including the north. The north and south met on the battlefield
miniaturization of ancient bronze cannons shortly after, sparking the bloody Murkan Freedom
modeled after the mighty Draguns into what War.
we now know as GUNS. The war went on for many years, devastating the
Armed with the boomstick, Murkan kingdom. Cities were burned in accidents of wild
warfare changed. While other nations magic, rebellions were sparked deep within South
studied the blade, Murka perfected the bullet. Murka, and every casualty of the war was Murkan.
Murkan guns became known for their Eventually, King Abram, and his second in command,
intricacy and quality, and Murkan gunsmiths General Ulyssea, surrounded the southern army. Cut
for their almost arcane knowledge of ballistic off from reinforcements and deep within enemy
craft. Owning a gun, and defending yourself, territory, the southern army was pretty much porked.
became a point of pride, a time honored
tradition, and an iconic piece of Murkan The southern capital of Rich-Man was captured,
culture. While guns have risen in popularity, along with King Divis, who was imprisoned. Most of
swords, shields and the weapons of the old the southern provinces surrendered immediately and
world are still widely used by soldiers and rejoined Murka, but a few still resisted, and in
adventurers alike. shocking betrayals, were attacked by their previous
allies alongside the northern armies. King Abram
pieced Murka back together one battle at a time, and
in one of the final battles of the war, he was hit by a
crossbowman while on horseback. King Abram later
died of his wounds in Washtown, after having
The Freedom War completed the reunification of Murka. In death,
As Murka finished settling the land, a great—and Abram was styled King Abram The Great.
admittedly obvious—ideological schism occurred in
Murka, with many in Murka’s more progressive The Nightmare War
provinces calling for the freedom and citizenship of
the enslaved. The Murkans of the south and While Murka was still rebuilding and reforming the
southwest had come to heavily depend on the use of law in the wake of the Freedom War, another war
slave labor in their clockwork-enhanced economy, to was beginning on the far away Old Continent. The
the point that slavery came to define their culture as Braggish Empire, which had once covered the entire
well—particularly as a point of pride as relations with Old Continent, had collapsed in the wake of Murka’s
the north deteriorated. Finally tensions snapped independence. Many of the disillusioned kingdoms
when a northern militia attacked a slave transport spawned from the now-defunct empire banded
caravan on the border of Kanned’turkey. together, establishing a new empire in the heartlands
Refusing the call of the then-High-King Abram to of Brag and calling themselves “The Purity Empire.”
come negotiate peace and reparations, the governors While the rest of the world did not know what to
of the south elected their own High King: King Divis, think of their new neighbor at first, it was not long
who immediately took office in the south and before rumors began to surface that the Purity
seceded with the support of the southern provinces, Imperials were amassing an army, and preparing for
forming the kingdom of South Murka. When High war.
Without warning, several of the empire’s most

immediate neighbors found invaders on their intervene, King Rose travelled with the Planes
doorsteps. The Purity Empire quickly conquered Cracker across the sea, where he deployed it against
several kingdoms, and annexed them into the empire the Empire, detonating it deep within the empire
—often in grandiose style, with large, colorful flags, itself. The weapon ripped open the fabric of reality—
and impassioned speeches about the ‘Destiny of The in some places, it released abominable eldritch
Pure.’ In hindsight, the goose-stepping and saluting horrors into reality, while in others, demons were
were also a little disconcerting, but that’s not the summoned into the bodies of the fallen. The weapon
point. The other kingdoms of the Old Continent obliterated the landscape, leveling whole towns and
banded together, denouncing the formation of a new turning the surrounding wilderness into a
empire, and amassing armies for war. Alliances were nightmarish wasteland. While only a small part of the
forged, and armies soon met on the battlefields of the empire was affected, the region was so devastated
heartland. and overrun with horrors. The Imperial armies which
The Nightmare War was devastating—a weren’t broken by the interplanar assault were
symphony of guns, steel, magic, and might, the likes immediately recalled to combat the creatures that
of which the world had never seen. It was truly the had sprung forth from the tear, as well as many of the
first war of a new era, and as such, everyone was demons whose bonds of loyalty were broken.
woefully unprepared for it. Not even the Puritans With the Purity Empire scrambling to react, the
completely understood what they had set in motion, alliance could take a long smoke break before driving
as mage fire and artillery shells burned entire cities to the imperials back into the heartland. The alliance
the ground. The Puritans took over a huge portion of would be victorious, but after the war, as the allied
the Old Continent, and for a time, it looked as kingdoms began to occupy regions conquered by the
though the war would be lost, and the world covered Puritans once again, a discovery was made.
in darkness. Conditions inside the empire had been much worse
With few remaining options, the post-Braggish than anyone could have ever guessed. The last
kingdoms of The Angles and The Bagguesh made an fortresses to fall were found to contain massive altars
appeal to then-King Rose of Murka. King Rose was a where the Puritans had been sacrificing their own
just king, but was hesitant to join a war occurring on citizens in droves in attempts to open a portal into
another continent. After all, Murka had no trouble one of the lower planes and bring forth a mighty
finding their own wars without sailing halfway Great Old One. The soldiers who found these
around the world for them. Murka only agreed to ally bloodmagic sites deduced that these rituals had
with the admittedly-obtuse Kingdom of The Angles failed, but the empire had kept trying, and retrying—
after The Purity Empire made the mistake of and it was believed that millions of their own people
attacking an island nation under the dominion of had been killed. A series of trials were held for the
Murka. News of the attack spread throughout the leaders of the empire, and thousands of mages were
kingdom, and shortly after, King Rose called for put to death for their part in the genocide of their
volunteers to invade the Old Continent. The own people. In secret, however, many of these mages
voluntary response was beyond King Rose’s most were offered plea deals—often providing evidence
liberal estimates. against one another in exchange for a new life in
While the warriors of Murka crossed the sea to Murka.
free the Braggish heartland, another story was Murka’s decision to use the Planes Cracker
unfolding in the deserts of the South. A team of became another global hotbed issue. While many
adventurers discovered an ancient weapon left over defended the use of the weapon as necessary; King
by an ancient Native empire—a Planes Cracker, Rose, shamed by his decision which ended
capable of untold destruction, even able to bring potentially millions more lives, left Murka in a self
down barriers between worlds. The party returned imposed exile - to this day no one has been able to
the object to Washtown, and presented it to a find his final resting place. The Planes Cracker
horrified King Rose. brought fear to all the people of the world from then
Even with fresh troops from Murka, the alliance on, as a weapon that, with enough use, could destroy
struggled to hold their own against the Empire’s the Urth itself.
armies. Each territory restored came at an incredible While the leaders of the world grappled with the
cost. Knowing that the war would be lost if he did not crimes of the war, the soldiers of these nations

returned home with honor and bittersweet That is not to say that Murka did not have their
celebration. Murka’s returning warriors were own crimes in the Frozen War. Not every magocratic
celebrated as the greatest history had ever known— nation was directly created by Rutha, and certainly
and the people of Murka celebrated for weeks on end, not every one was a psychotic dictatorship. Murka
a party almost as wild as the war itself. Murka, as a placed numerous island nations under “Murkan
whole, prospered for a time—the war had been very protection” to deflect the influence of magic, often
good for the economy, and nearly everyone who suppressing the magical practices of the island
survived the war benefited from the economic boost. Natives in the process. Murka also contributed
A new, even more heightened quality of life soon significant resources to toppling the nations who
became the norm in a world where Murkans declared chose magocracy themselves, employing spies to
themselves the heroes who’d won The Nightmare weaken the regime and ultimately open the door to a
War. “justified” Murkan invasion force. Murka had always
flirted with imperialism in its westward expansion
The Frozen War efforts, but it was only now as Murka built an empire
of protectorates and toppled enemies that they truly
The Frozen War period covers a series of wars that began to resemble the empire they had fought to get
Murka fought in the aftermath of The Nightmare away from, The Braggish Empire of old.
War. One of Murka’s chief allies, Rutha, had fallen The rivalry between Rutha and Murka was famed
into the throes of a revolution from which they for its ferocity, and infamous for its ridiculousness.
emerged a magocratic state, ruled by a witchking The two empires raced each other for everything.
named Ballin. While magic was not a force of evil by There was a race to create more Planes Crackers, to
any stretch of the imagination, the events of The arm the most troops, to have the best economy—
Nightmare War had made nearly everyone involved there was supposedly even a secret race to go to the
weary of powerful magics, and of states ruled by moon itself, but we’re pretty sure they faked that one.
them. How long would it be before Rutha became a As the Frozen War dragged on, the cost of making
copy of the Purity Empire? To make matters worse, weapons, recruiting troops, and conquering distant
Ballin showed worrying signs of evil: He created a lands began to weigh heavily on both nations.
dastardly army of minions known as the Kremlins, While the battles of The Frozen War were
and started sending those armies to far off countries reshaping the political landscape of the world, Murka
where they toppled governments, terrorized its itself was also being reshaped from a cultural
people, and installed new magical leaders. standpoint. The kingdom was, and had always been,
This trend of raising magical kingdoms in a world home to a wide variety of magic users. In opposition
increasingly terrified of the abuses of magic led many to the Arcane Scare, mages began to celebrate magic
of Murka’s more conservative elements to reject the and the many possibilities it opened up, while still
use of magic in Murka—a movement known as the teaching about the dangers therein. They also tended
Arcane Scare. This led to a restriction in the use of to get really high in public on wizard drugs, so they
magic, and even discrimination against magic users got arrested a lot. As the government continued to
themselves—including those who used magic for feed into the Arcane Scare by waging wars and
benign or even benevolent purposes. restricting magic use, Murka’s people began to
Meanwhile, outside of the kingdom, Murka's become weary of constant warfare, and resistant to
troops fought on the battlefields of kingdoms the government’s own abuse of power. Those who
overthrown by magical usurpers, but many of these felt that magic should remain unrestricted began to
were losing battles. Most notable of these failed fights cast spells more openly, even looking for ways in
was Murka's war in the jungle kingdom of Nami, which magic could be folded into the lives and
where many Murkan soldiers fell at the hands of the economy of the common folk—which enraged anti-
powerful Charlie The Warlock. It was a devastating magical hardliners.
blow to Murkan pride—the powerful, imperialist The ironic part was that eventually Ballin died,
Kingdom of Murka had been defeated by an underdog and in his place the Ruthan people elected a
nation of farmers and common folk… Sounds familiar, supposedly non-magical king named Poutine.
right? (See: The War for Independence) Nothing had quite prepared the Murkan people for
this. The Murkan people had not only lost the Nami

War, but now they had lost a worthy opponent. The that relied on the services of the magical cabal known
Murkan people found themselves lost, and so they as The Zone, the preeminent masters of extra-planar
began to search for worthy opponents—even if their technology. With every new advance in
reasons for fighting them were less than pure. The communication or transportation, Murka not only
end of The Frozen War, combined with the Arcane bustled with life - it began to glow, and hum even,
Scare on the home front, and the now-failing Murkan with activity. The pace of life sped up to almost
economy, had left the kingdom in a state of cultural breakneck speeds. Magically print clothing, trains,
and political confusion. and projected news feeds flooded city centers with
lights with a sense of immediacy that was unlike
Magitechnology anything ever seen. The act of trying to keep up in
this ever changing world of constant motion became
Time does heal some wounds: With the end of the a job in itself. Everyone knew life was changing, but
Frozen War, and the fall of nearly all of the no one could really stop long enough to say why -
magocratic states, Murka breathed a sigh of relief. and in the heat of alchemical street signs, life passed
Over time, the Arcane Scare ended, and hardcore us by.
anti-magical groups moved outward to the fringe of
acceptable ideas. Murka continued to treat magic
carefully—for a time, that is. The movement of free
Small Lands, Yuge Leaders
mages that began in the Frozen War eventually As the world shrank and, for the first time in
kicked off a new revolution that changed the face of centuries, the voices that cried out the loudest were
the kingdom, and the world: Magitech. finally heard. For the first time in living memory, all
A guild of mages invented a new way of Murkans had to come face-to-face with the crimes of
communicating through a combination of machinery the past. Native citizens told stories of the death of
and magic, called the writwit—a messenger bird that their nations, freedom fighters revealed some of the
could be summoned or unsummoned at will, by any dark places where slavery had managed to live on—
user who holds a magical writing plate. This grand and everywhere people began to realize the truth that
innovation in communication brought the world of had started in the jungles of Nami all those years ago:
Murka closer together than it had ever been before— We were not the heroes anymore, and maybe we
effectively shrinking the country. Other similar never were. Murkans were beginning to demand
inventions followed, such as mass projection devices morality from their government and people, often
that allowed plays and news to be disseminated to citing the kings of old such as Abram The Great.
multiple town squares at one time. This gave rise to Murka had to change, it had to progress, and what
advances in projection technology that resulted in scared everyone was that the necessary change might
PeoplePortal, a network of projections that common leave Murka looking a little less… well, Murkan.
people could use for everyday communication. Naturally, some continued to hold on to the glory
While advances in communication were of old and refuse change, and somewhere between
shrinking the world via magic, powerful advances in acknowledging our flaws and yearning for the
transportation were bringing the world together in a prosperity of yesteryear, Murka lost something,
more literal sense. Locomotive steam engines could though no one can say exactly what. All anyone
carry passengers across great distances, and portals to knows is that somewhere in the mess that was
far flung planes of existence provided quick access to created, a leader began to rise. He promised power to
the more secluded places of the world for the Murka, and a return to the glory of the golden age.
magically minded and less conventional traveler. As He promised a return to a better economy, and to
Magitech businesses continued to flourish and squash the voices that had driven Murka’s people to
expand, the largest and richest cities in Murka were their state of catastrophe. While the previous king
soon covered in a canopy of railways and portal had done his best to repair the broken nation he’d
arches. inherited, an election was called for by the governors
As extra-planer activity expanded, the many ways and member of the Grand Council. In a stunning, and
that an outer plane could be used for business or surprising, victory, The Don was elected by the
information expanded wildly. Vast libraries called council to lead the kingdom—whatever that would
wikys were built in tessaracted houses that appeared mean for Murka’s people...
larger on the inside than on the outside—a practice

The Communal Party’s main headquarters resides in
We Live In A Society… Holly Woods, the capital city of Kale’fornia—one of
the only provinces that welcomes the party with open
Murkans are living through a time of great unrest; arms, and gives serious consideration to the reforms
both at home and abroad. Many feel that Murka they offer. The Communal Party are pacifists who
could be on the edge of collapse due to the numerous prefer rhetoric and charity over violence and
societal issues it faces. Murka’s factions fight for the deception. Again, while this makes them very
future of Murka; for truth, and for justice—as they altruistic, and beloved in struggling communities,
see it. they are not as respected on the political playground,
yet. A criticism of the party has been that their
The Don’s Party policies make their citizens more dependent on the
government—a consequence not favored since the
Supporters of Murka’s current leader, The Don’s
government’s failures left The Don in power.
Party consists of a number of different forces who
have all pledged to serve. The bulk of The Don’s
forces are his chaotic creations known as trumplins,
and the shrewd, suspicious drumpf. To supplement The Shadow Kingdom
his support, The Don has also created tromps whose Named by their enemies, who view them as a
massive size is comparable only to their massive treasonous rogue state and an enemy of Murka, The
stupidity. Those who support The Don and are not Shadow Kingdom is a vast organization of spies,
one of his creations typically join a group that has councilors, politicians, and even Agents of Justice
pledged loyalty, such as The Pride—a humano- who are loyal to Queen Killary. While they primarily
centric group who are heavily active in Murka’s operate out of the vast Undercity of Washtown, The
Eastern Shore and Southern regions. The Don’s Party Shadow Kingdom is thought to have members
lives and breathes for the words of The Don. With embedded in nearly every level of government, and in
every writwit, every speech, and every insult hurled nearly every province in Murka. Officially, Queen
at his enemies, the mob grows more excited, and Killary completely denies their existence, chocking
more loyal. No matter how wild the accusations, or up stories of their crimes to nothing more than the
how damning the evidence, in the eyes of the Party, rambling of amateur scholars on the fringes of sanity.
The Don can do no harm. By contrast, The Don has publicly stated that he will
For the sake of clarity, The Don’s Party never hunt and destroy every member of The Shadow
enacted any sort of military takeover or coup. Romeo Kingdom and expose Killary for the traitor she is—
was not built in a day, after all. The Don won the though he has yet to produce any proof they truly
election, and as the years have rolled on, The Don’s exist. In reality, The Shadow Kingdom has taken
minions have continued to appear and slowly began great pains to remain hidden—destroying evidence of
occupying every city they could. It is only now that their actions with a sense of expertise and
the party is everywhere that everyone has begun to professionalism emulated by no other (Except that
see The Don’s stranglehold on the kingdom. whole “Killary’s lost letters” thing).
Operatives of The Shadow Kingdom are
The Communal Party theorized to do the work that Killary cannot do
herself— which includes sowing anti-Don
The Communal Party is a political party that believes
sentiments, searching for ways to depose The Don,
in the value of cooperation, and in building a
and making Killary’s enemies uh… disappear. With
government that actually looks after its people rather
their power at Killary’s disposal, The Shadow
than one that exists in spite of its people. While that
Kingdom is essentially a separate government
sounds all well and altruistic, many Murkans take
running virtually in parallel to The Don’s regime.
issue with the practical application of a Communal-
run government and its demands upon the wealthy,
preferring instead to stick to the free enterprise
market that created the Murka of the economic
golden age.

Recent History
100 years ago… 39 years ago...
The Nightmare War ends, and afterwards, Ballin dies, and Rutha is reformed into the
Murka’s economy explodes, marking the Rutha Alliance, ruled by a new leader named
beginning of an age of prosperity that many Poutine. Murka and its people have various
older Murkans remember with great reactions—relief, joy, and pride, but also
fondness. confusion, and shame over the loss of the
War in Nami and the somewhat fruitless end
95 years ago… of the Frozen War itself. The Arcane Scare
The Frozen War kicks off as negotiations ends, and attitudes begin to universally shift
between Murka and Rutha break down. With to accept magic back into the fold of common
the Nightmare War fresh in the minds of society.
Murkan citizens and veterans, a movement
known as the Arcane Scare begins to push 30 years ago...
for anti-magical reform. With attitudes toward magic users
improving, the magitech revolution begins. In
71 years ago… the span of a few short years the face of
Murka goes to war with the Korus nation, Murka is changed as new technologies are
and once again Murka’s economy benefits spread across the country - beginning with
from warfare. The Arcane Scare begins to the writwit. The world gets smaller.
take hold in the Murkan mainland, sparking
deep ideological divides over magic, and an 25 years ago...
age of witch hunts overshadows Murka. After years of spending and fighting, the
Murkan economy collapses. The cultural and
62 years ago... economic upheaval of the Frozen War takes
The Nami War is lost, the Frozen War a massive toll. Lines are drawn—magic vs
begins to deeply affect Murkan outlook, anti-magic, imperialists vs pacifists, and
culture, and finally the economy starts to tradition vs progress. Murka becomes an
sour. The Arcane Scare continues to darken ideological battleground, and an economic
the morale of the kingdom, and mages begin wasteland.
to resist by holding magic festivals, and by
opening magically enhanced businesses. 4 years ago…
With the economy temporarily on the
50 years ago... mend, fears of another collapse are rampant.
With the Frozen War dragging on, Murka’s Murka’s morale is lower than ever, and many
heavy military spending begins to spell doom begin to turn to a new leader who makes
for Murka’s economy and quality of life. grand promises of prosperity and a return to
Many of Murka’s leaders and their king make the glory days of old. Many are convinced,
attempts to revitalize the economy through and enamored by this, but most people are
reform, but ultimately they only delay the shocked by this leader’s callousness, and fear
inevitable. that The Don’s intentions are impure. The
The cultural divide between pro-magic and election is mired by controversy, and in a
anti-magic forces continues to deepen, with stunning victory, The Don wins the election,
the pro magic forces beginning to win out as and becomes king:
magically enhanced objects slowly begin to
make their way into the market. Everyone loses their shit.
The more violent half of the Communal Party, the
Anti-Gang split from the Communal Party some time
ago, and now find themselves in the primary service
of Killary, Queen of The Shadow Kingdom. The Anti-
Gang believe that the only way to truly create a better
world is to beat it out of their enemies. While they’re
not entirely wrong, many have noted the Anti-Gang’s
penchant for violence and groupthink.
The Don’s Party has labeled the Anti-Gang
enemies of the crown, and as such, the Anti-Gang
operate as a resistance; moving information and
supplies through hidden networks, and occasionally
performing audacious hit and run attacks against
their enemies. The Anti-Gang is an extremely new
faction, and while some believe they bring justice
with them, others believe they are dangerous, and
evil—either way, many see them as the heralds of a
possible war on the horizon.

The Weary
rage on during other conflicts, such as the famous
The Weary, so-called after the words emblazoned on
duel between Webber “Da Boi,” a famous speaker and
the Lady of Light statue in Magnamalus, are not just
fighter, and Breaker T, a hero from the post-Freedom
those who have immigrated to Murka in the pursuit
War days.
of happiness, but also those who have lived in
These days, the rights and treatment of the
oppression for longer than living memory. While the
Weary continues to be a heated topic among the
term itself has not always existed, the people who are
citizens of Murka—particularly as the shadows of
defined by it have. They are composed of the many
factions such as The Zone, and The Don, cast
hundreds of tribes, nations, and cultures who now
themselves over the kingdom.
call Murka home—each with a unique story behind
how they came to this vibrant and fertile land. Many
of these downtrodden souls are worked to the bone Murkan Stereotypes
and taken advantage of, but some have learned to
fight back, and even thrive in a world that seems set Stereotypes, as all Murkans are taught in school, are
against them. not necessarily true, and certainly do not define every
In the past, the citizenship of those who slip into aspect of a person’s life. However; there is some level
the status of Weary was called into question: Many of of truth to many stereotypes, and whether we like to
the Native tribes who lost their homes ended up as admit it or not, many Murkans do follow similar
the first of the Weary. Native Leaders such as Mohta paths and patterns that lead to the things we call
Darkwater made great strides to protect their people stereotypes. If a visitor from afar were to visit the
by securing peace treaties and new lands—though fabled Kingdom of Murka, here are a few of the
Murka did not always honor that peace. The rights of stereotypes they might see:
the Weary were all but extinguished by the pre-
Freedom War era when it was extremely likely that
members of the Weary would be sold into slavery.
Human Privilege
During this time, free members of the Weary began Murka is, and has been for many centuries now, a
to fight back—rallied by heroes such as Hermanet human dominated culture—meaning that there are
Tubsdottir, who led raids into South Murka to free more humans in the kingdom than there are other
slaves and return them north. The subject of Weary races, making up about 70% of the total population—
Rights was never truly over, but rather it continues to and those humans are predominantly tribes and

nations from the Old Continent. This comes with a
backlash for minority groups, whose historic and A Fistful of Freedom
present oppression is coupled with a lack of what is
known as Human Privilege, the privilege humans Murkans consider owning a weapon to be a right, a
take for granted that allows them to feel, for lack of a tradition, and even a point of pride. Murkans value
better term, “normal.” independence in both lifestyle and mindset, and the
A Human does not attract as much attention value of defending that independence is one of the
from the authorities, no one grills a human on the highest held in Murkan culture. Guns are therefore
origin of their ancestors, and humans do not not only a Murkan invention, but also a symbol for
generally have to experience the discomfort of being Murka itself. Though, in recent years, attitudes
surrounded by a people who are not their own. It is a toward weapons and the violent crimes they can be
complicated subject, and it is deeply uncomfortable used for have led some to denounce the absolute
for humans in particular, who can be resistant to need to own a weapon—a sentiment that many
admitting it exists. traditional Murkans reject as cowardly, and as a ploy
to disarm the most armed populous on this plane.
Progress vs. Tradition
Most of the time, when people hear the phrase “cut Snowflake Society
out the middleman” they imagine a swarthy business From punk rock bards to anti-bullying rallies,
man saying complicated business things like Murkans have been taught for-basically-ever that
“synergize” and “freemium,” and having a story- they are, each and every one, unique and special.
changing epiphany about their finances. But Murka Paradoxically, they are also taught that there’s a
characteristically took it too far, and completely cut system designed to suppress them, to make them
out the middle of the political spectrum! The only conform—which in turn fuels the need to rebel
thing more extreme than gunpowder-filled piñatas (lather, rinse, repeat). This has the effect of 1)Nearly
these days is the deep divide between progress and everyone tries to act unique and different, leading
tradition, leaving Murka primarily with two opposing everyone down similar avenues of self reliance and
groups, each operating as the left and right wings of a independent thought and ultimately looking and
flightless bird. Whether the issue is abused magic, acting roughly the same, and 2) Nearly everyone feels
racial inequality, or the influx of immigrants fleeing entitled to their every whim and desire.
the Southlands—somebody out there is ready to
scream about it through a writwit. Unfortunately,
Murkan stubbornness in the wake of this deepening
divide means that the various political parties that
run the kingdom have come to a standstill, refusing
to cooperate, and quietly preparing for the possibility
of war.
Royal Blue Line
The Royal Blue Line of Murka’s law enforcement
populous is one of the major hot conversations in
Murka’s social arena, and as such, there are two
competing views. The more traditional view is that
the royal guard exists to separate order from chaos,
and to protect the public—but part of this also means
that the guard, and even the civilians they serve and
protect, take steps to protect officers from… uh…
unfortunate circumstances. Guards get free drinks in
loyal bars, and free passes to enter otherwise-
exclusive establishments. Guards also protect one
another when any of them is singled out for their
corruption or other misbehavior.
This has led to the second viewpoint, which is an
extreme distrust for the royal guard from more
progressive groups who feel that the guard is corrupt,
authoritarian, and more than a little racist. These
groups hold that guards often abuse their power,
using it to oppress civilians and taking advantage of
their status-fueled benefits.

Bacon. A Lot Of It.

In Murka, bigger IS BETTER! If you were to travel to
Murka from another far away land, one of the first
things you might notice is the bombastic sizes of
everyday items. Bathrooms are built for bigger
bottoms, steam trains sit higher and rev louder, and
food is served in enormous sizes fit for a king (and
priced for it too)!

Fame and Fortune

To a young Murkan growing up, nothing is more
alluring than achieving the Murkan dream! While at
one time the Murkan Dream may have been nothing
more than the desire to live without getting swept up
by a shark-infested tornado—the Murkan Dream is
now hailed as a nearly nirvana-like state of being that
you only achieve through vast, and frankly ridiculous
amounts of success! Children are taught to dream
big, and as a result, the race to find fame and fortune
has consumed the hearts, minds, and bodies of many
young, fresh-faced Murkans.

Tap the notification bell to learn more.

Player Options
with your GM who you borrowed money from, how
BACKGROUNDS much you owe, and how lenient they are with your
payment plan. Depending on what you and your GM
The following backgrounds are available for decide, your lender will periodically take a majority
characters native to Murka, in addition to those of your money, at consistent intervals, until your debt
offered in other supplements. is paid off. Fortunately for you, these people can’t let
you die until you pay it off, and as such, anyone
Undergraad belonging to the group is willing to help save you
from certain doom, provided you’ve been good on
your payments, or are willing to pay a nominal fee.
Undergraad is the name given to Murka’s higher
education system. Undergraad costs thousands of
Suggested Characteristics:
gold coins every year to people—typically the
Use, or mix and match, the tables for the Sage or
Murkan youth—who were told their entire lives that
Urchin backgrounds as the basis for your traits and
if they didn’t participate in Undergraad they would
motivations, modifying the entries where appropriate
wind up on the streets. Despite their education, those
to suit your identity as an Undergraad.
who make their way through Undergraad often wind
Your bond is almost certainly related in some
up among Murka’s unpaid interim servant
way to the debt you have to pay. Your ideal might
have to do with the pursuit of knowledge, of learning
Congratulations! You were one such person. You
from your past mistakes, or perhaps of focusing on
bought into the lie that you would be a valued
experiences as opposed to consequences.
member of your field when you signed up for
Undergraad, but instead you simply owe more money
than you’ve seen in your entire life, and on top of
that, you have to either struggle in a competitive job
market or go adventuring just to stay afloat! DESTITUTION ISN'T GREAT
Fortunately, you did manage to get an education,
and regardless of how much attention you paid, you If you’re looking to play a more financially
learned two or three things that the average Murkan stable version of a learned individual, well
didn’t. They even gave you a small piece of paper so are we, and here’s our patreon:
with some fancy writing to commemorate that. You
likely made long-lasting friendships, fantastic (albeit www.Patreon.com/ActionFiction
somewhat blurry) memories, and even had But jokes aside, If you really want to
experiences you will remember for the rest of your
play a more ‘lover of knowledge’ type
without any sort of consequences, we
Skill Proficiencies: Two of your choice, History recommend you pick the Sage background
Languages: One of your choice instead.
Equipment: A piece of paper stating the degree of
your education, a note reminding you of your debt, a
single trinket that you value dearly and won’t sell
unless you absolutely have to, a small knife, a set of
common clothes, a belt pouch containing 1 gp

The good news is you attended one of Murka’s most
prestigious academies and (probably) graduated, so
congratulations! The bad news is, in order to attend
this school, you found that you had to borrow money
from some terribly unscrupulous individuals. Decide
Lawmonger A L A W Y E R , E SP E C I A LL Y T H E R I C H A N D T H E

You are one of Murka’s many, many, many

lawmongers. It’s quite possible you have some You have no problem defending the potentially guilty
experience at this, or maybe you’re just new enough or the extremely rich, and thus you have a certain
at it to know when you’re messing up. reputation among them. You are extended an open
Regardless, you chose this specific occupation for invitation to their parties, events, and other soirees.
a reason. Perhaps you are a magistrate, a decider of Additionally, you may get past any private security
fates, and a trusted pillar of the community. Perhaps with only a brief conversation; Though you’ll
you work more on the corporate end, merging probably have to do some pretty unsavory things for
people’s ideas together and hoping no one’s dreams your wealthy clientele.
get crushed in the process. Perhaps you’re an
advocate of some sort, one who stands up for the Suggested Characteristics:
little guy and says ‘THEY WILL NOT GET SCREWED Use, or mix and match, the tables for the Sage, Noble,
TODAY!’ or Charlatan backgrounds as the basis for your traits
...maybe work on your pitch. and motivations, modifying the entries where
appropriate to suit your identity as a lawmonger.
Skill Proficiencies: History, your choice of Your bond is likely related in some way to the
Investigation or Insight people or cases you have dealt with in the past. Your
Languages: Feral Hog Latin ideal may have something to do with the pursuit of
Equipment: Ink pen, a bottle of black ink, quill, justice in all things, or your relationship to the law
some identification papers, a gavel, a set of fine and how it treats its victims.
clothes, a purse containing 20 gp.

When you choose this background, choose one of the

below professions, or roll a d4 to decide, and then
decide with your GM how successful or unsuccessful
in this business you are.

Roll Profession

1 Lawyer

2 Judge

3 Paralegel/Legal Assistant

4 Intern, but a highly qualified one

Your long experience in the labyrinth of litigation
that is the Murkan legal system has given you not just
proficiency, but expertise, in navigating it. You are
able to quickly find any legal document, and correctly
file, sign, or fill-out (in triplicate, where necessary)
those bureaucratic forms. You may also have limited
access to important buildings, depending on your
specific profession.

Suggested Characteristics:
Crimson Hick Use, or mix and match, the tables for the Outlander,
Folk Hero, or Guild Artisan backgrounds as the basis
Likely from a small rural area of the Murkan for your traits and motivations, modifying the entries
Southlands or Midwesteros, you are a proud, red- where appropriate to suit your identity as a crimson
blooded, true-blue Murkan. The rivers of Murka run hick.
through your veins, and you know every stone and Your bond is probably tied to the people who
pebble of the hometown you’ll likely never leave as share your heritage and values. Your ideal might have
well as you know the flavor of your favorite ale, or the to do with the pursuit of freedom and happiness, or
missing teeth of your buddy Randy. perhaps about the value of friends, even if you are all
Usually the scion of farmers or similar small in low places.
businesses in rural communities, crimson hicks take
pride in what many other Murkans would otherwise
consider a slur. They know that they are the true
blood, bone, and gristle of Murka, and they have a
shared respect among other hardworking Murkans.
They speak a dialect understood almost exclusively
by other crimson hicks, which may sound like
common to a non-native speaker, but contains many
hidden meanings. A blessing of your heart may mean
something entirely different coming from a crimson

Skill Proficiencies: Survival, Animal Handling

Tool Proficiencies: Explosives Kit, Vehicles (land)
Languages: Hickery
Equipment: Explosive’s kit, crowbar, a hunting trap,
a trophy from an animal you killed, a firearm of your
choice, A travel Flagon of beer, a set of traveler’s
clothes, a belt pouch, and 10 gp.


Those from the Southlands of Murka (and those who
like to pretend they are from the Southlands of
Murka) have developed a special way of speaking and
acting that tells the individual if they are a ‘Yanke’—a
term used by crimson hicks to describe northerners.
You know this secret, untenable language, and all of
its associated turns-of-phrase. Provided your
companions follow your lead, you are able to ask for
lodgings anywhere in south Murka or in places in
northern Murka that like to appropriate southern
culture for their own use.

Artificer Level Feature
At 3rd level, an artificer gains the Specialist option.
The Illuminated is an option available to an artificer, 3rd Tool Proficiencies, Illuminated
in addition to options from other sources. Spells, Conduit
5th Extra Attack
The Illuminated 9th Conductor
15th Super Conductor
It's long been said that great minds think alike, but
few tinkering minds have the first-hand experience to
prove it. There are some creators whose Tool Proficiencies
machinations go beyond "inspired," and reach levels When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you
of "impossibly familiar." Inventors who, at times, gain proficiency with explosives kits. If you already
seem to become another person during their creative have this proficiency, you gain proficiency with one
process, almost as if channeling the thoughts of other type of artisan’s tools of your choice.
someone else.
These are The Illuminated–superior scientists
who have found a way to transfer the thoughts and Illuminated Spells
feelings of inventors past into their own brain, Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells
merging the two minds into one powerful force of prepared after you reach certain levels in this class, as
intellectual prowess. These inventors use a device shown on the Illuminated Spell Table. These spells
called a conduit to channel these thoughts, granting count as artificer spells for you but do not count
them immense knowledge and capabilities. The against the number of artificer spells you prepare.
process itself is often painful, incredibly dangerous,
and sometimes even deadly. But, as they say… Two I L L U MI N A T E D S P E L L T A B L E
minds are better than one.
Artificer Level Spells

3rd boom*, metric confusion*

5th cognitive dissonance*, continual
9th call lightning, lightning bolt
13th resilient sphere, aura of life
17th boooom*, awaken
* indicates a new spell that can be found in
Chapter 7: Spells and Conditions
When you choose this specialization option at 3rd
level, you spend 24 hours to construct a device that
attaches somewhere to your person. This device
allows you to channel the minds of artificers past into
your own mind, mixing their ideas with your
experiences and pushing you to greater feats of
ingenuity and invention. As a bonus action, you can
take lightning damage equal to 1d8 + your character
level and then absorb the consciousness of an
artificer from a time gone by. This damage ignores
any resistance you may have but not immunity. This Super Conductor
artificer speaks to you, their thought waves operating
At 15th level, you improve your conduit to superbly
in tandem with yours. At 3rd level you can channel
conduct the consciences of the great ones. When you
one mind at a time.
use your conductor feature you may channel the
If your conduit is removed from you or destroyed
minds of three different past inventors at once, taking
while you are not channeling, you suffer a short-term
3d8 + thrice your character level in lightning damage
madness. If it is removed from you while you are
if you do. This otherwise acts as your conductor
channeling one or more minds, you take 1d8 + your
character level lightning damage and you must make
a Charisma saving throw with a DC equal to 5 + 3 per
mind you are currently channeling. Failing this save
causes you to suffer a long-term madness. If your
conduit is destroyed while you are channeling one or When channeling, choose one of the Minds below:
more minds you automatically fail this saving throw.
You may safely remove your conduit by spending
ten minutes doing so. Belamarr
You can communicate telepathically with one willing
Extra Attack creature on the same plane as you. If you two share a
language, it can respond to you telepathically.
Starting at 5th level you can attack twice, instead of
• At 7th level, the creature needs only to
once, whenever you take the attack action on your
understand a language, not necessarily one
that you also understand, to understand you.
• At 13th level, you may telepathically
Conductor communicate with any number of creatures
At 9th level you improve your conduit to better at the same time.
conduct the consciousnesses of the great ones. When • At 17th level, after a long rest, you may
you use your conduit, you may conduct the minds of choose a plane of existence. These abilities
two different past inventors at once, taking 2d8 + may affect any creature on that plane in
twice your character level in lightning damage if you addition to the plane you’re on until your
do. next long rest.
Because of the intricate science of channeling the
minds of those long dead, or in some cases shortly Death
dead, you are unable to treat these minds Your conduit allows you to take on an explosive,
individually. That is to say that if an effect causes you death-like state. As an action, you can drop to 0 hit
to lose one of the minds operating beside you, you points and are incapacitated. An explosion then
lose them both, and should you want to pick just one radiates from your body as if you had used a Hand
new mind to channel you must drop both and retake Grenade, counting the space you fall in as the
the penalty for channeling two minds at once. epicenter. You are immune to any damage that may

come as a result of this explosion. In addition to the checks and have advantage on all Deception,
damage from the explosion, any creature who fails Intimidation, or Persuasion checks while
the Dexterity saving throw against the detonation acting in your assumed form.
also gains the poisoned condition and takes 1d4 • At 17th level, you can cast true seeing as an
poison damage at the start of their next turn. artificer spell once per long rest.
• At 7th level, you count as having dropped a
Stick of Dynamite, and the poison damage Karver
increases to 2d4.
You may cast speak with plants at will,
• At 13th level, you count as having dropped a
plant growth a number of times equal to your
Volatile Void Crystal, and the poison damage
Intelligence modifier per short rests, and guardian
increases to 3d4.
of nature once per long rest without expending a
• At 17th level, the poison damage increases to
spell slot. You cast these spells as if they were
4d4. Additionally, when you use this ability,
artificer spells.
you drop to 1 hit point and are burnt out
• At 7th level, you may cast plant growth a
instead of dropping to 0 hit points. If you are
number of times equal to your Intelligence
already at 1 hit point when you use this
modifier per short rest.
ability, you instead drop to 0 hit points.
• At 13th level, you may cast guardian of nature
a number of times equal to your Intelligence
Jonah Salt modifier per long rest.
You gain resistance to one damage type of your • At 17th level, you may cast druid grove once
choice. per long rest. This spell counts as an artificer
spell when you cast it this way.
• At 7th level, you gain resistance to two
damage types of your choice.
• At 13th level, you gain resistance to three Kolt
damage types of your choice. You gain proficiency with either one-handed or two-
• At 17th level, you gain immunity to three handed firearms.
damage types of your choice. • At 7th level, you ignore the jam property on
any firearm you fire.
Joyneer • At 13th level, before you make an attack
with a firearm that you are proficient with,
As an action, you can change your appearance
you can choose to add +10 to the attack roll.
drastically. You determine the specifics of the
If the attack hits, you take a -5 penalty to
changes, including but not limited to your coloration,
the attack's damage.
hair length, and genitalia. You can also adjust your • At 17th level, you ignore the reloading
height and weight, but not so much that you change property of firearms.
your size. You may make yourself appear as a
member of another race or class, but none of your Kwo’lek
game statistics change. You cannot duplicate the
As long as you are wearing armor, you gain a +1
appearance of a creature that you have not seen
bonus to your AC in addition to the benefits granted
before, and you must adopt a form that has the same
by the armor.
basic body structure that you have. Your clothing and
• At 7th level, you may target one ally within 30
equipment are unaffected by this change. You stay in
feet of you who is wearing armor. That target
this form even after you die.
ally also gains a +1 bonus to their AC.
• At 7th level, you may change your voice. As
• At 13th level, the number of armor-clad allies
well you may change your size by up to one
you may choose increases to 2.
size category. For instance if you are medium
you may take the form of a small, medium, or • At 17th level, the number of armor-clad allies
large creature. you may choose increases to 3. Additionally,
the AC bonuses you grant to yourself and to
• At 13th level, you gain proficiency in Insight
allies increases to +2.

You radiate dim light out to a distance of 30 feet.
As an action, this light can dispel magical darkness All of your attacks deal an additional 1d4 lightning
in a 15-foot radius. damage. Whenever you roll for lightning damage,
• At 7th level, as an action, you can create a you may choose a target within 60ft of you. That
bright flash of light. Any creature within 15 target is struck by a bolt of lightning and is subjected
feet of you who is not immune to the blinded to one of the following effects:
condition must make a Constitution saving If it is an allied creature, that creature deals an
throw against your artificer spell save DC. On additional 1d4 lightning on all damage rolls until the
a failed save, the creature has disadvantage on end of their next turn.
ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws If the target is a hostile creature or an object, it
until the end of their next turn. takes an amount of lightning damage equal to half
• At 13th level, as an action, you can release a the total damage dealt by your attack, rounded down.
brilliant aura of radiance. Hostile creatures You may not choose yourself as one of these targets.
within 15 feet of you take radiant damage • At 7th level, you may choose two targets to
equal to 2d12 + your Intelligence modifier. be struck by a bolt of lightning instead of
• At 17th level, the effective radius of all of your one. You may mix and match these targets,
abilities from this mind increases to 30 feet, such as one allied creature and one enemy
and you emit bright light instead of dim light. creature. Additionally, all lightning damage
Additionally, the damage you deal from your rolls granted by this mind increase to 2d4.
brilliant aura of radiance increases to 4d12 + • At 13th level, you may choose three targets
your Intelligence modifier. instead of two. Additionally, all lightning
damage rolls granted by this mind increase to
• At 17th level, you may choose five targets
As a reaction, you can turn any non-magical instead of three, and you may choose yourself
projectile attack into a harmless squirt of water, as one of the targets. Additionally, all
super-soaking the intended target, and negating the lightning damage rolls granted by this mind
damage of the projectile. increase to 4d4.
• At 7th level, you can create a wall of water
on a solid surface within range. You can
make the wall up to 10 feet long, 20 feet
high, and 1 foot thick, which turns all
projectile attacks passing through it into
harmless squirts of water.
• At 13th level, the width of the water wall
increases to 20 feet.
• At 17th level, the width of the water wall
increases to 30 feet. Additionally, you can
now make the wall into a ringed wall up
to 10 feet in diameter, 20 feet high, and 1
foot thick.

The Brotein Shake is the primary source of power
At 3rd level, a barbarian gains the Primal Path for a Brobarian. When consumed, it initiates a rage.
feature. The Path of Gainz is an option available to a Non-brobarian characters who drink the Brotein
barbarian, in addition to options from other sources. Shake initiate a rage with effects equivalent to a level
1 Barbarian. The Brobarian uses this potion to
transform their rage into a roid-rage, and later to
Path of Gainz initiate Swoleness of Body. A Brobarian who does not
use their bonus action to rage in the same turn they
Often called a Brobarian or Babearian, you are
consume a Brotein Shake enters a level 1 barbarian
motivated primarily by one thing: Gains. Getting
rage as if they were a non-Brobarian character.
bigger. Not just growing stronger, but becoming the
Brotein Shakes expire after 1 day.
strongest, most efficient version of yourself that you
could possibly be. Your strength is not born of your
heritage (though that may play a significant part), Pre-Workout
nor is your strength born from a belief in a higher When you rage, you may use your action to consume
being or some arbitrary magical force. No, your a Brotein Shake, transforming your rage into a roid-
strength comes from your dedication to becoming a rage, and granting the following benefits:
force to be reckoned with, and your controlled rage
• While roid-raging, you crit on a roll of a 19 or
ensures that none are mightier than you.
• You gain a bonus to your attack rolls equal to
your rage damage bonus.
• You are proficient with improvised weapons.
Level Feature
When you exit a roid-rage, you are poisoned until
3rd Meal Prep, Pre-Workout
you finish a short or long rest.
6th Brain Gainz
10th Lift Big, Get Bigger Brain Gainz
14th Swoleness of Body Through your experience and long-term exposure to
Brotein Shakes, you have learned much about how
the body works. At 6th level, if you are not proficient
Meal Prep in Medicine, you are now proficient. If you were
At 3rd level you become proficient with cook’s already proficient, you now have expertise.
utensils, and can use them to meal prep once per Additionally, when you meal prep, you may make
long rest in order to create 1d3 + 1 Brotein Shakes. a Wisdom (Medicine) check with a DC of 14. If you
Preparing Brotein Shakes requires time spent succeed, the Brotein Shakes you make have the added
working with your cook's utensils, at least one benefit of adding 1d8 + your Constitution modifier
minute per shake. temporary hit points that last the duration of the rage
they initiate.

Lift Big, Get Bigger Swoleness Of Body
You have spent an enormous amount of effort on You know the value of a recovery period, and over
picking things up and putting them down. As a time, you have maximized the efficiency of your
result, at 10th level, you gain the following benefits body’s recovery. At 14th level, you may use an action
during a roid-rage: to enter into a recovery period until your next turn.
• Proficiency in Heavy Armor. During the recovery period, you may not take
reactions. If you are conscious at the start of your
• All melee weapons without the Reach next turn, you may expend 1 or more hit die to
property count as Light weapons when you regain health as if you had taken a short rest.
wield them and can be used for two-weapon
At 3rd level, a bard gains the Bard College feature. Bard Level Feature

The College of Warrior Poetry is an option available 3rd Tuning Blade, Stylized Spell-
to a bard, in addition to options from other sources. slinging
6th Tongue-Twista
College of Warrior Poetry 14th Collaboration

There are those who take the words given to them,

and twist, remix, and mash them up into vicious Tuning Blade
lyrical attacks, witty one-liners, and inspiration.
At 3rd level, you acquire a tuning blade. You are
Bards of the College of Warrior Poetry, also known as
considered proficient with this weapon, and it counts
“Street Laureates,” combine their verbose vernacular
as your spellcasting focus.
with a powerful arcane focus, the tuning blade, in
This weapon is uniquely used by the warrior
order to crank their spoken spell-slinging to 11.
poets of Murka, and has several unique properties.
Reputation is power in many circles of warrior poets,
While normally an ornately bladed knife, the user
and some even engage in lyrical “battles” with one
may, as a bonus action, magically conjure a hempen
another to test their mettle and prove their worth.
rope attached to the end so as to swing it through the
Flexing doesn’t always necessitate strength.
air like they just don’t care, or to whip it back and
Warrior poets put the “diss” in disarm, able to
forth. This cord lasts until dismissed as a bonus
smooth-talk their way into the tightest vault, and
action. When used this way, the Tuning Blade has the
smack down any fool pitiful enough to think they can
reach property, and deals 1d8 damage.
step to them. The power of words, time, rhythm, and
rhyme are unstoppable. Warrior poets will find a fiery
Name Damage Weight Properties
beat and march to it.
Tuning 1d6 4.24 lbs Light, finesse,
Blade slashing special

Stylized Spell-Slinging
Also at 3rd level, you have learned to use your tuning
blade to flavor your spells with unique rhythms and
melodies. You can do this a number of times per long
rest equal to your Charisma modifier. While wielding
your tuning blade as your spell focus, you may apply
one of the following styles to any spell you cast:
Hyperman. When you cast a spell that targets
more than one creature, you may target one
additional creature with that spell.
On The Come-Up. When you cast a spell that
targets an area, you may increase that area by 10ft.
Dissonant Track. When you cast a damage-
dealing spell, you may increase the die of that spell
by one step, according to the table below.

Original New Original New verbal and material components ignored by your arcane
Die Die Die Die focus. Additionally, you may cast a spell in this way even
if you have used an action to cast a different spell this
d4 d6 d10 d12 turn.
You may use this ability a number of times per day
d6 d8 d12 d20 equal to your Charisma modifier.

d8 d10 Collaboration
At 14th level, you have gained enough renown that you
need only contribute a single verse to any song already
Chilling. When you cast a spell that heals damage
being sung, enacted, or created in order to empower it.
you may increase the die of that spell by one step,
You may use your reaction to do the following:
according to the table below.
Big Sexy Hook. When you cast a spell that targets Action Reaction
an area, you may move every creature affected by the
spell 10ft in one direction of your choice. An allied creature makes an You may make a single
attack roll. attack.

Multi-genre Mashup An allied creature makes an You grant them a Bardic

ability check or saving Inspiration die to their roll.
You may choose to gain the benefit of more than one
style on a single spell by expending one use of Bardic
Inspiration per additional style beyond the first. An allied creature casts a You grant targets of that
spell which requires a spell disadvantage on their
Tongue-Twista saving throw. saving throw.

At 6th level, you have learned to speak 10s of syllables

per second. You may cast a spell that has a casting time
of 1 action as though its casting time were 1 bonus
action. The spell must have only verbal components or

Clerics who choose the Explosion domain are granted
CLERIC: DIVINE DOMAINS the action-packed blessings of every Cool Guy who
came before them, granting them the ability to
At 1st level, a cleric gains the Divine Domain feature. command powerful bursts of flame as well as
The Explosion Domain and Freedom Domain are powerful bursts of coolness. Clerics who master this
options available to a cleric, in addition to options domain tend to find themselves drowning in fame,
from other sources. fortune, and at least one other f-word.

Explosion Domain E X P L O S I O N D O MA I N F E A T U R ES
Cleric Level Feature
Long ago, a brave young alchemist was the first to
1st Domain Spells, Flame-Retardant,
discover that, with the help of a few reagents and a
Unflinching Awesomeness
simple spark, he could create arguably the single
coolest thing in the world: an explosion. 2nd Channel Divinity: Boom Goes the
Since then, people from the world over have Dynamite
recreated this magic using everything from
6th So Hot Right Now
alchemical reactions to magic spells. For a select few,
however, the power to create explosions comes from 8th Fire Eater
a higher power; the world is exploding, but they are 17th Explosion Proof
not afraid.

Domain Spells
You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed
in the Explosion Domain Spells table. See the
Divine Domain class feature for how domain
spells work.

Cleric Level Spells

1st hellish rebuke, boom*

3rd scorching ray, continual flame
5th fireball, wind wall
7th fire shield, wall of fire
9th flame strike, boooom*
* indicates a new spell that can be found in
Chapter 7: Spells and Conditions

At 1st level, you gain resistance to fire damage and
force damage.

Unflinching Awesomeness
Also starting at 1st level, you gain proficiency with
explosives. Whenever an explosion happens within
sight (you do not have to see it), you have advantage
on Charisma checks for 4 hours.
Channel Divinity: Boom Goes The Dynamite Fire Eater
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Starting at 8th level, once per day, you may consume
Divinity to cause fire damage to also generate an the flames of a fire the size of a campfire. This ritual
explosion. takes one minute. When you consume the flames, the
When fire damage is rolled for an effect within fire is extinguished, and you regain one use of
sight, and after the damage has been rolled, you can Channel Divinity.
use your reaction to Channel Divinity and make one
target of that damage roll make a Dexterity saving Explosion-proof
throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save,
the creature is knocked back 5 feet and takes an At 17th level, you become immune to all fire damage
additional 1d6 force damage. On a successful save, and force damage.
the creature is not knocked back and only takes half
of the additional force damage (minimum 1). When
you reach 8th level, the extra damage increases to
1d8. When you reach 14th level, the damage increases Freedom Domain
to 2d8.
The scream of a soaring eagle. Shattered chains at a
So Hot Right Now free man’s feet. Some guy sending out flocks of
writwrits about his fetishes and fursona.
At 6th level, you, much like Hansel, are SO hot right For better or worse, the great nation of Murka
now. In fact, your hotness is so intense that, as a was founded with one principle above all others:
reaction to somebody touching your bare skin, you Freedom. That means freedom of speech, freedom of
can inflict 1d6 fire damage to whoever touched you. religion, and the freedom for Bards to seduce any
creature that fails its Charisma saving throw.
These freedoms are what separate Murka from
the rest of the civilized world. They are everything
that Murka stands for. They are the spirit dwelling
within every Murkan citizen. They are the lifeblood
of the free world. Those freedoms not only make
Murka what it is, they’re also powerful enough to fuel
some of the strongest magics ever known.

Cleric Level Feature

1st Domain Spells, First and Second

Amendments, Freerunning
2nd Channel Divinity: Unbound
6th Range of Motion
8th Divine Strike (1d8)
14th Divine Strike (2d8)
17th Fly Like an Eagle

Domain Spells
You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in
the Freedom Domain Spells table. See the Divine
Domain class feature for how domain spells work.

F R E E D O M D O M A I N S P E L LS Fly Like an Eagle
Cleric Level Spells
At 17th level, you can call upon the Spirit of Freedom.
1st heroism, hunter’s mark After 1 minute of thoughts and prayers, you gain a
3rd alter self, zone of truth feathered pair of wings sufficient for a creature of
your size and a fly speed equal to twice your speed.
5th counterspell, spirit guardians
The wings disappear after 1 hour.
7th dimension door, freedom of movement
9th awaken, telekinesis

First and Second Amendments

When you choose this domain at 1st level, spells you
cast no longer require a verbal spellcasting
component. You also gain firearms proficiency.

Also starting at 1st level, you can take the Dash or the
Disengage action as a bonus action.

Channel Divinity: Unbound

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel
Divinity to unlock a non-magical lock or undo a
magical or non-magical binding (such as ropes or
chains). Additionally, this ability can remove the
restrained and grappled conditions from a creature,
and dispel any spell or magical effect which has
paralyzed a creature.

Range of Motion
At 6th level, armor you are wearing does not affect
your ability to swim, encumber your movement in
water, give disadvantage on stealth checks, or
prevent you from fully recovering after a long rest.

Divine Strike
At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your
weapon strikes with divine energy. Once on each of
your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon
attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8
radiant damage to the target. When you reach 14th
level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.

mammoth’s tusks for its gore attack, for example.
DRUID: DRUID CIRCLE You may choose to use your wisdom modifier instead
of the creature’s Strength or Dexterity modifier when
At 2nd level, a druid gains the Druid Circle feature. determining the relevant attack and damage bonuses
The Circle of the Furkin is an option available to a and modifiers. Because this is only a partial change,
druid, in addition to options from other sources. your statistics do not change, and provided your GM
allows, you may continue to cast spells as normal.
Circle of The Furkin This otherwise acts as if you had spent a wildshape
While many druids throughout history have looked
to animals as their companions and equals, even
Wild Shaping themselves to become one with their THE ARMS OF THE EAGLES
creature counterparts, there are some who feel that
their own true identity lies much closer to their Eagles don’t have hands. They have talons,
bestial brethren. These druids, known commonly as but they don’t use those to fly. When players
“Furkin Druids,” have learned to use their Wild Shape
use their Fractional Anthropomorphization
magic to adopt physical characteristics from
creatures, taking on some of their abilities and feature, you as the GM are absolutely within
blurring the line between humanoid and beast. your rights to say that the wings they gain
A druid of this circle might house the spirit of replace their hands, preventing them from
two wolves deep within them, choosing to adopt the casting spells or using weapons. Similarly,
characteristics of one in order to pursue their prey. they may wish to use a dolphin’s tail to swim,
Or, one might long to get away from Murka’s
but that would make it incredibly difficult to
countless sprawling metropoli, municipalities, and
megalopolises, yearning to slip their bipedal bonds walk on land as their legs have transformed for
and the chains of civilization in favor of a life in the said porpoise.
freedom of the forest, or a well-fitted collar.

Druid Level Feature Other Characteristics
2nd Fractional Anthropomorphization When you reach 6th level, your ability to partially
Wild Shape improves significantly. You may choose
6th Other Characteristics
one of the following options. This choice is
10th Your Insurmountable Ferocious Force permanent.
14th Mighty Morpher • When you use your Fractional
Anthropomorphization feature, you may choose
up to two abilities from any one beast, or one
Fractional Anthropomorphization ability from two different beasts, to partially
change into at the same time. If you choose one
When you choose this circle at 2nd level, you gain
ability from two different beasts, you take on
the ability to partially Wild Shape yourself, giving
physical characteristics from both.
yourself a single physical feature from a creature and
• You may use your Fractional
its associated ability. You may expend one use of your
Anthropomorphization feature while you are
Wild Shape ability to replace part of your body with a
already Wild Shaped.
part from a beast’s. Take one ability, attack, or the
movement speed from a beast with a CR equal to half
your character level rounded down or less, as Your Insurmountably Ferocious Force
appropriate to this change. A bat’s ears for Starting at 10th level, when using your Fractional
echolocation, a dolphin’s fins for its swim speed, or a

Anthropomorphization ability, in addition to the
ability, attack, or movement speed and physical traits WHAT SUITS YOU BEST?
you gain from one of the beasts whose characteristics
you’ve adopted, you may choose to take on one of
Many are the options available to furry
their physical ability scores as well.
druids. However, it can be difficult In the
Mighty Morpher heat of the moment to decide between a
bear’s strength or a baboon’s dexterity. As
At 14th level, you are deeply connected to your inner
creatures, furry or otherwise, and your affinity for
such, many Druids of this circle develop ‘go-
them grows stronger than ever before. As a result, to’ animals they prefer. If you’re the type to
you no longer have any time limit on your Wild switch between all the beasts of the world,
Shape or Fractional Anthropomorphization class that’s a very fine way to play this class, but
features. we recommend picking a few favorites and
Additionally you gain the benefits of whichever
developing a sort of furry affinity for them,
choice you did not pick at 6th level.
or even a furry persona if you will.
before you take the related action. You can use only
FIGHTER: MARTIAL ARCHETYPE one signature move per round. Signature moves
modify a single attack unless otherwise specified.
At 3rd level, a fighter gains the Martial Archetype Saving Throws. Some of your signature moves
feature. The Action Hero Martial Archetype is an require your target to make a saving throw to resist
option available to a fighter, in addition to options the move's effects. The saving throw DC is calculated
from other sources. as follows:
Signature move DC = 5 + your proficiency
Action Hero Martial Archetype bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier
(your choice) + your remaining number of
A wise man once said, “A hero is just an ordinary adrenaline points.
individual who finds the strength to persevere and
endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” But an
Hallway Warrior
action hero… Well, that’s another story. An action When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you
hero doesn’t just take the road less traveled: he leaves learn to harness the power of adrenaline to perform
in his wake a path of blood and destruction, bodies signature moves, crippling your foes and giving you
and bullets. The path of the action hero is beset on all the upper hand in combat. You have a pool of
sides by the thrill of danger and the absence of any adrenaline points that can hold up to 5 + your
fear of death. A hero might know when to stop, but Constitution modifier.
an action hero never has to.
Adrenaline. You can gain adrenaline points in
A C T I O N H E R O F EA T UR E S several different ways. Each of the following increases
your adrenaline points by 1:
Fighter Level Feature
• Performing courageous or daring acts (GM
3rd Combat Proficiency, Hallway discretion)
Warrior, Signature Moves (3 options) • Killing hostile creatures with a CR of at least
Combo Breaker, Signature Moves ¼ of your Action Hero level
(5 options) • Rolling a critical success on any attack roll or
saving throw
10th Cool Guys Don't Look, Signature Moves • Taking any damage greater than or equal to
(7 options) your level
15th Mission: Impossible Reload, • Moving at least 20ft in a straight line and
Signature Moves (9 options) making an attack
• Taking the Dash action
18th Terminated
Adrenaline points can be used to perform signature
Combat Proficiency moves. Adrenaline points can also be spent one at a
time as a reaction to give yourself a +2 bonus to any
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you
saving throw or skill check which uses Constitution,
gain proficiency with firearms, unarmed strikes, and
Dexterity, or Strength. As a bonus action, you may
improvised weapons.
spend an adrenaline point to add an additional die of
damage to any weapon attack you make. Adrenaline
Signature Moves points last for 10 minutes after combat ends.
Starting at 3rd level, you learn three signature moves
of your choice, then two additional signature moves Combo Breaker
of your choice at 7th, 10th, and 15th level. When you
When you reach 7th level, you may use two signature
learn a new signature move, you may replace one
moves per round.
signature move you already know with a different
one. Each use of a signature move must be declared

Cool Guys Don't Look Signature Moves Options
Upon reaching 10th level, you become proficient with The Signature Moves feature lets you choose a variety
explosives. As well as being proficient, you gain the of options for it at certain levels. The options
ability to move 5 feet away from any explosions as a presented here are in alphabetical order.
reaction, and if you were initially within 10 feet of the And Stay Down! You must be using a ranged
explosion, you gain 1 adrenaline point. weapon. You spend 1 adrenaline point. If your attack
is successful, in addition to taking damage, your
Mission: Impossible Reload opponent must make a Constitution saving throw.
On a failed save, they are knocked prone, and given
Starting at 15th level you gain the ability to, as a the slowed condition.
bonus action, reload two one-handed firearms at one Boom! Headshot! You must be outside the
time without dropping either of them. Alternatively normal range of your ranged weapon. You spend 1
you may reduce your speed to 0 for a turn to reload a adrenaline point to no longer have disadvantage on
two-handed firearm without spending an action or your attack. If you have any feats or abilities that take
bonus action. Your allies will undoubtedly look on in away disadvantage at this range, you now have
horror and/or amazement at whatever it is you do to advantage on the attack.
accomplish that. Catchphrase. You spend 1 adrenaline point to
say a catchphrase or one-liner while making an
Terminated attack. All enemies within earshot must make a
Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature
At 18th level, all attacks made using adrenaline points
gains the incapacitated condition for 1 round. If any
deal an additional damage die of a type already dealt
opponent dies from your catchphrase attack, you
by the attack, and any critical hits made using
regain the spent adrenaline point.
adrenaline cause you to immediately regain the spent
Clothesline Attack. When making an attack of
adrenaline point in addition to the point you gain for
opportunity. If successful, you can expend 1
critical successes on attack rolls.
adrenaline point to knock your opponent prone
instead of dealing damage.
Curve The Bullet. You must be using a ranged Shoot From The Hip. You must be using a
weapon at range. You spend 1 adrenaline point and firearm and have not moved this turn. You spend 1
make a single attack against a target you can see adrenaline point and your speed is reduced to 0 until
behind any amount of cover. For the sake of your the end of your turn. You can make 1 additional
attack roll you ignore any effects that creature is attack with a firearm on your turn.
benefiting from due to cover. Spray And Pray. You must be using a firearm
Did I fire 5 shots…? You must be using a firearm. with more than one shot. You spend 1 adrenaline
When attacking with a firearm, you may spend 1 point, and fire all your remaining shots in a 20-foot
adrenaline point to force your opponent to roll a cone. A number of creatures in the cone up to the
Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, your firearm number of shots you fire must make a Dexterity
is automatically reloaded. saving throw. On a failed save, they are hit by your
Disarming Attack. You spend 1 adrenaline point attack, and you may roll damage. On a successful
and make an attack. Your opponent must roll a save, they are not hit, and take no damage.
Dexterity saving throw. On a successful save, you Throw Enemy. You must have an enemy
deal damage as normal with no further effects. On a grappled. You spend 1 adrenaline point, and your
failed save, you deal damage as normal and gain one grappled target must make a Strength (Athletics) or
of the following benefits: Dexterity (Acrobatics) s aving throw. On a failed
If using a firearm: You disarm your opponent. save, you pick up your target and throw them in a
If unarmed: You steal your target’s weapon from their direction you choose. A grappled creature of up to
hands. your size can be thrown 10 feet, and a creature of one
Dodge This. You must be using a firearm, and be size larger than you can be thrown 5 feet. A thrown
within 5 feet of your opponent. You spend X creature is knocked prone, and anything hit by the
adrenaline points and gain +X to your attack roll. thrown creature takes damage based on that
Additionally, the critical range of your attack creature’s size.
increases by 1
Size of Grappled Creature Damage Dealt When Thrown
(example: a weapon with a critical range of 19-20
would crit on 18-20). Small 2d4
Grapple Shot. You must be within 5 feet of your
Medium 3d6
target and have a free hand to use this signature move.
You may spend 1 adrenaline point and, as an action, Large 4d8
make an opposed athletics check against the target. If Huge 5d10
you succeed, your opponent is grappled, and you may
make an immediate attack against your target that Gargantuan 6d12
ignores any AC bonus they get from their armor or
shields. If your target succeeds, you fail to grapple or Wrist Control. You must be grappled. You can
attack them. After the attack, you release the target spend 1 adrenaline to make a normal unarmed attack
and they lose the grappled condition. while still grappled. If successful, in addition to
Penetrating Shot. You must be using a firearm. dealing damage, you and your opponent are both
You spend 1 adrenaline point and make a single, knocked prone, and the grapple is broken.
powerful attack that penetrates your target’s armor,
flesh, and bone, continuing into their friends behind
them. In lieu of making an attack roll, every creature
in a 5ft wide line with length equal to your gun’s
normal distance makes a dexterity saving throw.
Creatures who fail this throw take damage as if hit
from your gun, while creatures who succeed take half
Shoulder Tackle. You must have at least 5 feet of
space between you and a target no more than one size
larger than you. You expend 1 adrenaline point and,
as an action, move up to 20 feet into the target's
square. The target is pushed backwards 5 feet and
knocked prone.

At 3rd level, a monk gains the Monastic Tradition At 3rd level, you may spend a ki point as part of
feature. The Way of the Wild Ensemble is an option rolling initiative to move up to your speed before
available to a monk, in addition to options from combat begins. Through this move, you reveal
other sources. yourself boldly and confidently, drawing attention to
yourself and interrupting any stealth you may have
Way of the Wild Ensemble had. This ability should help prevent you from
finding yourself unjustifiably in a position you’d
rather not be in.
There are some who devote themselves to lives of
modesty. Taking vows of silence, poverty, or chastity,
to show themselves as an example to those outside
their lifestyle that, through self-discipline and
Promo School
rigorous routine, anything is possible. Then, there are Also at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in
some who follow the Way of the Wild Ensemble. Performance, Persuasion or Intimidation checks.
They know that by striking fear into the hearts of Additionally, when a creature within 5 feet of you
evildoers, or by showing that great heroes can makes a successful melee attack against you, you may
overcome seemingly insurmountable odds, they can use your reaction to make an opposed Athletics
inspire the populace and overcome their own vices check against that creature. If you are successful, you
and demons. take damage from the attack as normal, but then you
These practitioners attune themselves to the grapple the target.
thoughts of the people, the heroes of old, and the
stories that live in the hearts thereof. Often
accumulating huge swaths of fans, they take their Heel-Face Turn
training no less seriously than any other martial
artist, because for them, it isn’t just about the Your training has come to a point where you must
individual doing the training—it’s about achieving choose a persona to embody. Either you channel the
and inspiring something far greater than themselves. monstrosities of arrogance and efficiency, learning to
It’s about becoming the cream of the crop, and rising intimidate your foes into submission with your very
to the top. presence just as much as the thought of being ground
into the dust by your heel, or you learn to become
WAY OF THE W I L D E NS E M B L E F EA T UR E S the very face of nobility, fair-play, and justice,
inspiring heroics and hope in even the most
Monk Level Feature
3rd A Big Show, Promo School, When you reach 6th level in this class, you gain
6th Heel-Face Turn one of the following features:
Aura of The Undertaker. Once per turn, when
11th Finisher you make a melee attack, you may spend 2 ki points
17th Tweener's Showmanship to exude an aura of desolation, weakness, and
hopelessness. Every enemy creature of your choice
within a sphere centered on you with a 10-foot radius
must make a Charisma saving throw against a DC
equal to 8 + your Charisma modifier + your
proficiency modifier. On a failed save, creatures take
a number of d4 psychic damage equal to your monk
level. On a successful save, they take half as much
damage. Additionally, all affected creatures have
disadvantage on their attacks. This effect lasts until
the end of your next turn.
Aura of The Unseen One. Once per turn, when you
make a melee attack, you may spend 2 ki points to
exude an aura of hope, power, and confidence. Every
allied creature of your choice within a sphere
centered on you with a 10-foot radius gains a number
of d4 temporary hit points equal to half your monk creature is incapacitated for a number of rounds
level. Additionally, these allies have advantage on equal to your Charisma modifier. On a successful
their attacks. This effect lasts until the end of your save, the creature takes damage as normal.
next turn.
Tweener’s Showmanship
At 17th level, you gain a number of extra ki points
Beginning at 11th level, when you successfully hit an equal to your Charisma modifier, and you gain the
opponent that you have grappled, you may expend 1 feature you did not take at 6th level. You may use
ki point to take both you and the grappled creature both of these auras at the same time, but both still
prone. You may also spend 1 ki point when you hit only once per turn. Creatures affected by these
a creature that is grappled and prone to greatly abilities are now frightened or immune to being
exaggerate the strike, causing it to make a frightened for 1 minute as opposed to until the end of
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, that your next turn.

become so dependent on another that you are left
PALADIN: SACRED OATHS without a choice to refuse them. It takes many
candles to form the blaze of glory.
At 3rd level, a paladin gains the Sacred Oath feature.
Honesty And Truthiness. Integrity costs
The Oath of Independence and Oath of the
nothing, but is worth everything. If you are not a man
Peacekeeper are options available to a paladin, in
of your word, you are a man of no value. Say what
addition to options from other sources.
you mean, and mean what you say. Always.
Liberate Those Under Rule. There will be times
Oath of Independence when those who suffer under the control of another
will need your help. They may not always ask for it.
Let no man stand above you. Let no man stand They may not always know that they need it. But
beneath you. nobody shall suffer, willingly or not, at the strings of
You are a shining symbol of self-reliance, a puppet master. Not on your watch.
radiating capability and strength. In the face of
adversity, you don’t look to a higher power. You look
to yourself and those you trust, and together, you
find your path forward.
If tea shall be brewed, you alone shall brew it in
the harbor of righteousness, knowing that both it and
you belong there.

Paladin Level Feature

3rd Oath Spells, Bonus Proficiency,

Channel Divinity
7th Independent Thought (10 feet)
15th From Zero to Hero
18th Independent Thought (30 feet)
20th Freedom Fighter

Tenets of Independence
A paladin who takes this oath upholds the Tenets of
Freedom From Authority. You bow to no higher
power that has not earned your fealty outright.
Though you may pledge your allegiance to a deity, a
government, or an organization, it is only because
you believe in their message. The moment they
attempt to wrestle away your agency, you break the
bonds that hold you together without remorse.
Relying, Not Depending. Independence is made
manifest through cooperation. While you refuse to
give or receive handouts, you recognize the value of
equal exchange. Never will you take away the
independence of another, and never will you yourself

Oath Spells Independent Thought
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed in the Beginning at 7th level, you have achieved a
Oath of Independence Spells table. permanent aura of independence. You and friendly
creatures within 10 feet of you are immune to charm
OATH OF I N D E P E N D E N C E S P E LL S effects while you are conscious.
At 18th level, the range of this effect increases to
Paladin Level Spells
30 feet.
3rd detect evil and good, heroism
5th branding smite, zone of truth From Zero To Hero
9th haste, lightning bolt Starting at 15th level, you are always under the effects
of the heroism spell.
13th private sanctum, fire shield
17th flame strike, mass cure wounds Freedom Fighter
At 20th level, once per long rest, you may spend an
Bonus Proficiency action to become a living symbol of freedom and
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain independence. You begin radiating positive energy
proficiency in firearms. that tyrants everywhere fear. You gain the following
effects for one minute:
Channel Divinity • You have advantage on attack rolls against
any creature who has allies or minions within
In addition, when you take this oath at 3rd level you 30 feet of you.
gain the following two Channel Divinity options: • When attacking a creature, you deal an
Liberate. As an action, you can channel a wave additional 1d6 psychic damage for each of its
of liberation at a target creature within 50 feet of minions or allies within 30ft feet of it or you,
you. Choose one of the following effects: up to a maximum of 10d6.
• Dispel any charm effects placed on the • Once per round when you land an attack on a
creature, dispel any spell or magical effect creature, it makes a Charisma saving throw
which has paralyzed the creature, and against your spell DC. On a failure, one ally or
remove the grappled or restrained conditions minion of the creature that can see and hear
from the creature. you that you choose is permanently no longer
• Break any physical bonds (magical or not) loyal to the creature you attacked.
restraining the creature.
• The creature makes a Charisma saving throw
equal to your spell save DC. On a failed save, Oath of the Peacekeeper
one of its allies or minions gains a sense of
independence, becoming hostile to its leader Paladins who pledge the Oath of the Peacekeeper
or authority figure. recognize that a non-violent approach should always
Follower’s Retribution. As an action, you call be the preferred method of problem-solving. These
upon your deepest sense of independence and the paladins endeavor to ensure peace, protection, and
divine strength it gives you. Choose a target creature prosperity for all creatures, and will typically exhaust
within sight who has allies or minions nearby. The every non-peaceful option before resorting to
target suffers 1d8 psychic damage, plus an additional violence. On occasion, a paladin who swears the
1d8 for each minion or ally within 20 feet of it. Oath of the Peacekeeper is faced with a problem
which necessitates violence on their part to ensure
long-term peace, and in these scenarios, they will
stop at nothing to restore that peace.

Paladin Level Feature Paladin Level Spells

3rd Oath Spells, Bonus Proficiency, 3rd command, shield of faith

Channel Divinity
5th psychedelic wave*, hold person
7th Shield of Peace (10 feet)
9th slow, speak softly…*
15th Divine Tranquility
13th banishment, compulsion
18th Shield of Peace (30 feet)
17th geas, modify memory
20th Avatar of Peace * indicates a new spell that can be found in
Chapter 7: Spells and Conditions
Tenets of Peace
The tenets of the Oath of the Peacekeeper hold a
Bonus Proficiency
paladin to nearly impossible standards of peace and When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain
tranquility. proficiency in firearms.
Peace At Any Cost. You are a fount of peace, and
everywhere you go, you shall leave placidity in your Channel Divinity
wake. Those who encounter you leave feeling a sense
of ease and a lack of internal or external tension. When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the
Honesty, dignity, and integrity all come second to the following two Channel Divinity options:
preservation of peace. Peacemaker. You can make one target
Compromise When Necessary. In order to creature that you can see indifferent to creatures of
achieve peace, you may find that you need to make a your choice that it is hostile toward. This
tough decision or an even tougher sacrifice. indifference lasts until any of those creatures takes
Sometimes a few must suffer in silence for the greater a hostile action against the target or one of its
good of the many. allies. Creatures immune to the charmed condition
Educate The Violent. Some think of violence as are immune to this effect.
the solution to all problems, as the easiest solution, Halt Harm. When a target threatens a creature
or the most reliable. It is your responsibility to show that you see with an attack, you can use your
them the way of peace, to teach them that a reaction to quickly emanate an aura of submission
diplomatic and non-violent solution is always the around the target, imposing disadvantage on the
best solution. target’s attack roll.
Know When To Strike. When confronted with a
scenario in which peace is no longer an option, you Shield of Peace
must strike immediately. Once pacifism fails you, Beginning at 7th level, you exude an aura of peace
there is only violence left, and your strikes shall come powerful enough to protect yourself and your allies.
fast, but without fury. Your goal is never to punish, You and allies within 10 feet of you gain a +3 bonus
never to harm for harm’s sake - you must only act out to AC while you are conscious.
in violence if it means restoring the peace. When you or an ally take a hostile action, such
as making an attack or casting a harmful spell, the
Oath Spells bonus to AC granted by this aura decreases to +1 for
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed in the 1 minute.
Oath of Peacekeeper Spells table. At 18th level, the range of this effect increases
to 30 feet.

Divine Tranquility
Starting at 15th level, any creature who targets you
with an attack or a harmful spell, or if you are in the
area of effect of a harmful spell cast by a creature,
that creature must first make a Wisdom saving throw
against your spell DC. On a failed save, the creature
must choose a new target, or lose the attack or spell.

Avatar of Peace
At 20th level, as an action, you become a living
symbol of utter pacifism and tranquility. For one
hour, all creatures within a 60-foot radius of you
become indifferent to creatures of your choice that
they are hostile toward. This indifference lasts until
you or any creature in the area not influenced by this
ability takes a hostile action, such as making an
attack or casting a harmful spell, against the targeted
Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again
until you finish a long rest.

Patriotism, or national pride, is the feeling of love, devotion, and sense of
attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same
sentiment. This attachment can be a combination of many different feelings
relating to one's own homeland and can often overwhelm all other senses,
including common sense or the sense of empathy in the name of pride. When this
happens, patriotism can quickly become nationalism, or even jingoism. Paladins
of the Oath of the Peacekeeper, while valuing non-violence above all else, tend to
ultimately file those suffering from intense, outwardly-focused jingoism under
the ‘Know When To Strike’ tenet.

At 3rd level, a ranger gains the Ranger Archetype Ranger Level Spell

feature. The Conclave of Bovine Youth is an option 3rd compelled duel or find familiar
available to a ranger, in addition to options from
other sources. 5th find steed or gust of wind
9th yee haw* or haste

Conclave of Bovine Youth 13th true grit* or find greater steed

17th legend lore or eye of the tiger*
Way out west, there are these folks I wanna tell y'all * indicates a new spell that can be found in
about. These folks call themselves "Lone Rangers." Chapter 7: Spells and Conditions
Wanderin' the red, desolate plains with the sun in
their eyes and a big iron on their hip. Sometimes
they're alone. Sometimes they've got a gang together.
A Horse With No Name
And I reckon, sometimes they're even keen on makin' When you reach 3rd level you may designate one
friends and helpin' out. creature you can ride as your ‘Horse With No Name.'
Y'see, sometimes there's a person - I won't say Appropriately, you cannot know this creature’s name
"hero," 'cause what's a hero? - But, sometimes, there's before designating it as such, but you are able to give
a person - and I'm talkin' about a Lone Ranger here - it one without losing the benefits of this feature.
sometimes, there's a person with no place. A person Being atop your Horse With No Name affects other
with no name. A person on a horse, a person with a class features you get.
gun. A person who… Aw, hell. I've introduced them If, at any point, your Horse With No Name dies,
enough. you may replace it after appropriately grieving for at
least 24 hours. If you were the one who killed it, you
CONCLAVE OF B O VI N E Y O U T H F E A T U R ES only need to grieve for 8 hours, but you have
disadvantage on any animal handling checks you
Ranger Level Feature
make for the next 48 hours. You may only have one
3rd Cowboy Magic, A Horse With No Horse With No Name at a time, and you cannot un-
Name, Quick Draw designate A Horse With No Name.
7th Rodeo Clown
11th Deadeye
Also at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with lassos and
15th Drifter
with firearms that have the light property. When an
opponent draws a weapon or makes an attack against
Cowboy Magic you within range of a ranged weapon that you are
wielding, you may use your reaction to make a single
Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell
ranged attack against that opponent. On a hit, the
when you reach certain levels in this class, chosen
opponent must then make a Constitution saving
from the table below. This choice is made when you
throw versus your Spell Save DC. On a failed save,
reach the level listed and cannot be changed
they are disarmed.
thereafter. The spell counts as a ranger spell for you,
If you are atop your Horse With No Name, you
but it doesn't count against the number of ranger
may take an attack action as your reaction instead of
spells you know.
making a single attack.

1st, to a maximum of +5.
5 TH L EVEL A BILITY If you are atop your Horse With No Name, you
have advantage on these attacks.
If you are playing an alternate version of the
Ranger, perhaps unearthed via arcane or Wrangling Drifter
archaeological methods, insert the 5th level
Beginning at 15th level, you have advantage on
Intimidation and Persuasion rolls in any town you’ve
Extra Attack. Beginning at 5th level, you
never been in before, up until you end your 2nd long
can attack twice, instead of once, whenever rest in that town.
you take the Attack action on your turn. Once per short rest, you may use an action to
summon a spectral lasso and make a spell attack roll
against an enemy within 15ft. On a success, the target
creature is grappled, and must use its action to make
Rodeo Clown a Strength or Dexterity Save equal to your Spell Save
At 7th level, once per short rest, you may use a DC to escape. You may use an action on a following
reaction when you take damage to move 10 feet and turn to tie up the grappled creature, causing the
only take half-damage. target to become restrained, even if you are not
If you are atop your Horse With No Name, you within 5ft of the creature. The lasso lasts for 1 minute.
instead take no damage, but your Horse With No If you are atop your Horse With No Name, you
Name takes the damage instead. may have it drag a creature no larger than your Horse
With No Name who is grappled or restrained by a
Deadeye rope or lasso, spectral or otherwise, that you are
holding onto. A creature dragged this way takes 1d6
Starting at 11th level, you can expend one ranger spell bludgeoning damage per 10 feet moved, or 1d10 per 10
slot to gain a bonus to your attack and damage rolls feet if prone. These go up to 2d6, or 2d10 if they are
until the start of your next turn. This bonus is +1 for a moved across difficult terrain.
1st level slot, +1 more for each spell level higher than
factions, taking aim and firing at those false pharaohs
ROGUE: ROGUISH ARCHETYPE fraught with fearsome force and frightening apathy.
They do not forgive, nor do they forget, for they
At 3rd level, a rogue gains the Rougish Archetype are the Faceless.
feature. The Faceless is an option available to a rogue,
in addition to options from other sources.
Rogue Level Feature
The Faceless 3rd Bonus Proficiencies, Anomalous
Mask, /B/link
Felicitations! For you, a fable—a fickle fabric woven
from fastidious figures: Both the faithless and faithful 9th Memetic Mimicry
find folly in flagrant fighting, for they find only
13th Directed Denial of Sorcery
frustration in the fracas. For some—not fanatics,
followers, nor fellows of the flock—there is joy in the 17th Revelation of Mootness
faintest fabulism, the fadeout of a fetching fragrance
on a fine day’s finale. For others, however, there is
fear—of fecund words, fertile with flattering falsities.
Bonus Proficiencies
These folks will frequently fragment from society, When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you
finding that, for them, facsimiles are better than gain proficiency with thrown weapon attacks and
fortunes. They form fresh faces from facets of fakery, either the disguise kit or the explosives kit.
forging forward with ineffable flair. They rise above Additionally, you may make sneak attacks with
the froth of society’s firths and the fires of falling thrown weapon attacks.

Anomalous Mask Memetic Mimicry
At 3rd level, you gain an Anomalous Mask with which At 9th level, your obsession with anonymity and your
you can completely conceal your identity. This mask willingness to impersonate others becomes so strong
is extraordinary in nature—it functions as a disguise that you can mimic the abilities of other races with
kit, and appears to shift its shape as you look at it, the magic of your mask. Once per long rest, as a
leaving no memory of its form once it leaves your bonus action, you may make a Charisma check with
vision. While wearing this mask, you lose any racial a DC of 16 to take on a racial ability from any race.
features you may have, but gain the ability to You must be wearing your Anomalous Mask to make
influence the way others perceive you, manipulating use of this ability, and you have this ability until you
your perceived facial features and the sound of your either take off your mask or take a long rest.
voice. You cannot make yourself appear to be a Additionally, you may make sneak attacks with
creature of a different size, and your general body explosives.
shape must stay the same. Your clothing and
equipment do not change appearance. Directed Denial of Sorcery
At 13th level, you gain the ability to overload the
/B/link magic senses of enemy casters. Twice per day, you
Also at 3rd level, while wearing your Anomalous may cast counterspell at third level using Charisma as
Mask, you gain the ability to pass from person to your spellcasting ability.
person completely unnoticed. You may spend all of The level at which you cast counterspell increases
your movement to immediately teleport from one to fourth level when you reach level 14, fifth level
creature within 5 feet of you to a target creature when you reach level 16, sixth level when you reach
within 50 feet of that creature. Both creatures must be level 18, and seventh level when you reach level 20.
within sight of you. You appear in a space adjacent to
the target creature. You may make a Dexterity or Revelation of Mootness
Charisma check with a DC of 16 to do so without
being noticed. If you succeed on this check, you count You have come to realize a truth: Your mask is your
as hidden from any creature that can see the space true veneer, and it is your birth face that is the
you appear in. facade. Because of this, you act more naturally while
wearing your mask, and your words have more power
because of it.
At 17th level, while wearing your Anomalous
Mask, your Charisma score increases by 6, and your
maximum for this score is now 26. When not wearing
your mask, your Charisma score decreases by 6 and
the maximum for that score becomes 14.

SORCERER: Affluenza
SORCEROUS ORIGIN Your family’s bloodline stopped running crimson a
long time ago: now, gold and silver flow through your
At 1st level, a sorcerer gains the Sorcerous Origin veins, thanks to your family’s long-time connection
feature. Affluenza is an option available to a to some wealthy, corrupt power source. Perhaps
sorcerer, in addition to options from other sources. you’re descended from a cruel, malevolent investor,
or some greedy, litigating demon.
Perhaps you are a descendant of The Don or a
close, personal friend of Queen Killary. Perhaps your
parents earned their money legitimately but you
yourself had the misfortune of coming down with the
terrible sickness; Affluenza. Regardless, your great
wealth and your magical ability are now inextricably
linked, for better or for worse.

Sorcerer Level Feature

1st Tax Evasion, Trust Fund

6th Eldritch Bribe
14th Nesting-Doll Yachts
18th A Mysterious, Unfortunate,
Unavoidable Accident

Tax Evasion
Starting at 1st level, anytime you would be made to
unwillingly spend or lose money, you may simply
substitute someone else's. Amounts of less than 10
gold magically disappear from coin pouches within
120ft of you (divided as equally as possible?).
Amounts 10 gold or above require you spend 1
sorcery point per 50 gold (minimum 1 point). If this
loss would bring the victims below the point of
having no money, the remaining total is deducted
from your funds.

Trust Fund
Also at 1st level, you gain a bonus to your spell save
DCs and spell attack rolls based on the highest type
of currency you are currently carrying (+3 for a
Buck, +2 for a Platinum, +1 for Gold).
Eldritch Bribe
At 6th level, your wealth, status, and privilege have
deeply intermingled themselves with your magical
ancestry. You may spend money to gain a bonus on

your next roll. For every 1 sorcery point and 10 gold
spent, add 1d4 to your next ability check, attack roll,
A Mysterious, Unfortunate, Unavoidable
or saving throw. Accident
At 18th level you may spend X sorcery points to have
Nesting-Doll Yachts a single creature anywhere on your plane of existence
At 14th Level, your obscene inherited wealth has who does not have this class feature and is not
granted you access to a plethora of modes of currently in possession of a Murkan buck (or its
transportation. No matter where you are, you may equivalent value in gold, silver, or copper) take X*10
spend 5 sorcery points to have any generic vehicle, irreducible Damage of a type of your choice.
appropriately sized for your party, which exists
somewhere in the world (at the GM’s discretion)
delivered to you in an ‘as-new’ quality within one
Though the source of Jeffar
Bayzohz's magical power is wildly
disputed among scholars and
unknown to the populace, it is
supposed that any descendants of
Bayzohz will be filled with potent
affluenza power from the near
infinite spring of wealth created by
The Zone.
There is little doubt that Jeffar's
offspring would control archmage-
like power long before they even
reached adulthood.

You’ve chosen to forego the classical “Warlock meets
WARLOCK: Patron” formula, and instead, have sold your soul to
the ever-changing whims of the general populace,
OTHERWORLDLY PATRON making you forever beholden to the will of the
masses. Finding power in the people is a tale as old as
At 1st level, a warlock gains the Otherworldly Patron time. You’ve seen cultists do it, preachers, and even
feature. The Crowd is an option available to a kings. So why not a warlock? Why not you? And
warlock, in addition to options from other sources. what’s not to love? Fame, fortune, and the adoration
of all of your fans… as long as you don’t disappoint
The Crowd
Some warlocks form a pact with a powerful, eldritch
creature; others, with a maleficent demon; others, Warlock Feature
still, with a magical, celestial being. But not you.
1st Expanded Spell List, Views and Hits
6th Inflated Self Worth
10th Conveniently Timed Apology
14th Influencer

Expanded Spell List

The Crowd lets you choose from an expanded list
of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The
following spells are added to the warlock spell list
for you.

Spell Level Spells

1st feather fall, chaos bolt

2nd calm emotions, pyrotechnics
3rd compelled challenge*, catnap
4th confusion, compulsion
5th dominate person, geas
* indicates a new spell that can be found in
Chapter 7: Spells and Conditions

Views and Hits

At 1st level, your ability to perform well with a captive
audience gives you a bonus to all skill checks and
saving throws depending on the size of the audience
watching you. An audience is anyone who can see or
hear you and is actively paying attention to what you
are doing.

A U DI E N C E S I Z E T A B LE Inflated Self-Worth
Audience Size Bonus
Starting at 6th level, when a creature hits you with an
1-5 +1 to all Skill Checks and Saving Throws attack you can use your reaction to add your
Charisma modifier to your AC until the start of your
6-10 +2 to all Skill Checks and Saving Throws
next turn. If this causes the attacking creature to
11-20 +3 to all Skill Checks and Saving Throws miss, you gain temporary hit points equal to your
21-50 +4 to all Skill Checks and Saving Throws warlock level.

51-100 +5 to all Skill Checks and Saving Throws

Conveniently Timed Apology
101-500 +6 to all Skill Checks and Saving Throws
At 10th level, once per long or short rest, you may use
500+ +7 to all Skill Checks and Saving your reaction to apologize for your seriously
Throws, and an additional +1 for every inconsiderate actions, and assure everyone that you
additional 500 audience members. never meant to offend anybody. Any creature you
choose who can hear you (though they do not have to
understand you) must make a Wisdom saving throw.
On a failed save, they take psychic damage equal to
the amount of damage you’ve taken since your last
turn, and have disadvantage on attacks against you
and your allies until your next turn.
At 14th Level, you gain proficiency in Charisma
(Performance) checks if you did not have it already. If At 2nd level, a warlock gains the Eldritch Invocations
you did, you instead gain expertise in Charisma feature. Here are new options for that feature, in
(Performance) checks. addition to the options found in other sources.
Once per long or short rest, you may make a If an eldritch invocation has a prerequisite, you
Charisma (Performance) check to sway the hearts of must meet it to learn the invocation. You can learn
a crowd of people. Every creature you choose who the invocation at the same time that you meet its
can see and hear you must make a Wisdom saving prerequisite. A level prerequisite refers to your level
throw with the DC equal to the result of your in this class.
performance check. On a failed save, a creature is
considered paralyzed for one minute. Each time the Senpai Has Noticed You
target takes damage, they may make another saving
You can magically empower other creatures. As an
throw. On a success the effect ends on the target. If a
action, you can encourage any number of creatures
creature loses its ability to see or hear you, it ceases
who can hear you. If they use their next turn to
to be affected.
follow your advice, they gain advantage on any rolls
You must continue to perform for the duration,
to do so.
so as to keep them all enraptured, so you may not
take any actions or reactions, or do anything that
would cause you to stop performing. Don’t Forget to Like…
Whenever you take damage, you must make Prerequisite: 3rd Level
another Charisma (Performance) check with a DC of You can cast charm person at a level equal to your
12 to continue performing. Each subsequent time you warlock spell level, without expending a spell slot, a
take damage, the DC increases by 5. The DC resets to number of times per long rest equal to your Charisma
12 at the start of each of your turns. modifier.

...and Subscribe
Prerequisite: Don’t Forget to Like invocation
When you cast charm person successfully, the target
creature does not realize they were charmed.

Wizard Level Feature
At 2nd level, a wizard gains the Arcane Tradition
2nd Remote Support, Add-Ons
feature. The School of Interfacing is an option
available to a wizard, in addition to options from 6th Install Updates and Reboot
other sources.
10th Cancel or Run
14th Turning It Off and Back On
The School of Interfacing
The School of Interfacing focuses on providing Remote Support
support that not even a wall of fire could stop, When you choose this school at 2nd level, you may
whether that’s in the form of buffs to allies or ridding use the Help action as a reaction, and you can expend
them of illnesses and viruses. Always thankful to be a 1st level spell slot to use the Help action at 30 feet, a
called upon, practitioners of this school are often 2nd level slot to use it at 60 feet., or a 3rd level slot to
lauded for their understanding of the code of magic use it at 120 feet.
on a basic level. Though these “Help Wizards” often
appear to have an incredibly in-depth understanding Add-Ons
of the matrix of magic, more often than not, they
simply know which textbooks to consult. Also beginning at 2nd level, when you cast a spell
that targets one or more creatures, you may expend
an additional spell slot of equal or greater level to
have that spell target one additional creature. For the
sake of this feature Cantrips count as first level spells.
Cancel or Run
At 10th level, you may use the Dash or Disengage
actions as bonus actions provided you are moving
directly towards one or more allied creatures.

Turning It Off & Back On

At 14th level, you may engage in a ten-minute ritual
with any creature currently afflicted by one or more
diseases, madness effects, exhaustion levels, curses,
Install Updates and Reboot or other negative status effects. The affected creature
must then immediately do one of the following:
At 6th level, at the beginning of a long rest, you may
Soft Reboot. Take a long rest in order to be rid
cast, as a 30 minute ritual, any spell that targets a
of one of the negative status effects.
willing creature. At the end of that long rest, that
Hard Reboot. Become incapacitated and begin
creature is affected as if under a constant version of
making death saving throws with advantage. On 3
that spell’s effect until they begin another long rest. A
successful death saving throws, the creature comes
creature must significantly contribute to the ritual
back cured of ALL negative status effects. On three
casting of this spell to be affected this way.
unsuccessful saving throws, well… Your ally has
A spell cast this way must be at least 1 level lower
stopped responding. Because they’re dead.
than the highest spell level you can cast. Though you
ignore concentration requirements, you may still
only cast one concentration spell this way per long
rest, and you must have the spell in your spellbook in
order to cast it this way. Because you are not
technically casting the spell, but rather installing it,
your Add-Ons feature does not affect spells cast this


What counts as a significant contribution to a ritual spell being cast by
a different creature is up to you and your GM. Some Help Wizards
are fine with their subject simply reminding them to fully install the
spell, run through the spell, and finish installing the spell. Others may
need to magically attune to their query, requiring a joint meditation
session for the duration of the spell. Still others may require the
knowledge of where the creature was born, what their family name is,
the name of their first pet, and other personal information.

Freedom dragonborn all share a single, incessant,
more-annoying-than-truly-troubling problem: They
Dragunborn are almost always mistaken for Aarakocra. Both
species appear to be avian in appearance, have claw-
Dragunborn, both Tactical and Rustic, have inherited adjacent hands, and cut a very noble silhouette.
their namesake’s valuation of privacy and territory. There are, however, some distinct, obvious-to-the-
Dragunborn consider themselves clanless and always careful-observer, differences. Most notably, while
strike out on their own, searching for a place they can Aarakocra tend toward bird-like mannerisms,
put down roots and greedily covet. Their greed is not freedom dragonborn, (as one might guess) tend more
necessarily a sign of evil, as most dragunborn tend towards the draconic. Like all Dragonborn, freedom
toward neutral alignments and primarilyenjoy being dragonborn value honor and duty, but commonly,
left alone. However, despite their introverted nature, this particular subrace doesn’t see those virtues as
it is not uncommon for adventuring dragunborn to constantly motivating factors. That is to say that
hold their companions very close to their hearts. To a freedom dragonborn hate bullies and value the honor
certain extent, dragunborn consider these of their clan, but they tend to be a lot more laid back
companions part of their ‘territory’ and any violation about what somebody says about their clan than
thereof, such as the harming of a party member, is most dragonborn. That being said, freedom
treated as a personal affront to themselves. The dragonborn are quick to act the moment somebody
similarities, however, between tactical and rustic acts against their clan, whether that clan be chosen
dragunborn end there. Tactical dragunborn tend to or birth-given.
be more outgoing, while rustic dragunborn tend to be
more introverted. Rustic dragunborn are slow to
anger, but slower to leave it, meanwhile tactical
dragunborn tend to have a much shorter fuse.

Draconic Ancestries (Dragonborn)

Should you choose to play a Dragonborn character in
the world of Murka, feel free to select from some of
these draconic ancestry options from the different
kinds of Dragons in Murka. Piercing and bludgeoning
damage from a dragonborn’s breath weapon is
considered magical for the purposes of overcoming
Dragon Damage Type Breath Weapon

Tactical Piercing or 15 ft. cone (Dex. save)

Dragun Bludgeoning*

Rustic Piercing or 5 by 30 ft. line (Dex.

Dragun Bludgeoning* save)

Freedom Radiant 15 ft. cone (Dex. save) or

Dragon 5 by 30 ft. line (Dex.
* choose one at character creation.

Before including Human Privilege, remember to talk to your
group, regardless of if you are player or DM, and discuss it
beforehand. Things at an otherwise-friendly table can get very
dicey* if it appears the DM is favoring a particular player, or if
a particular player keeps asking for special treatment because
of their race.
Understanding that many tables will choose not to use this
section, we felt it would have been irresponsible not to include
it in this book at all. This is real, it happens, and if you want to
run a game that parodies what we're parodying, we highly
encourage you to consider engaging with this topic, especially
if it challenges you in some way.
* You are REQUIRED to laugh at this joke.

Privileged Human Privileged Human
Ability Score Increase. Three of your ability scores
Human Privilege refers to about six billion different each increase by 1.
things that humans don't have to worry about simply Age. Humans reach adulthood in their late teens
because they are human. and live less than a century.
When a half-orc or a tiefling enters a shop, for
Alignment. Humans tend toward no particular
instance, it is not uncommon for the shopkeep to feel
the need to watch them to “maintain the safety of
their property.” This happens to humans Size. Humans vary widely in height and build, from
occasionally, sure, but much less frequently. When barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of
hiring adventuring parties, goblin and gnome names your position in that range. your size is Medium.
are often overlooked in favor of human names. This Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
often leads non-humans to feel it necessary to use a Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
'human name' on mercenary posting boards. and one extra language of your choice. Humans
Examples of human privilege could go on to fill typically learn the languages of other peoples they
entire volumes. This would be less of a problem if all deal with, including obscure dialects. They are fond
humans were aware of and actively tried to work of sprinkling their speech with words borrowed from
against their own innate prejudices. However, many other tongues: Orc curses, Elvish musical
humans, when faced with their human privilege, expressions, Dwarvish military phrases, and so on.
become defensive, thinking that whoever is bringing
Privilege: When dealing with other humans, people
it up is saying, “All humans have it easy.” That is not
of authority, or acting via a proxy, you have
the case. Some humans have it easy, and some
advantage on Charisma based checks and any checks
humans have it harder, but all humans benefit from
to avoid detection or being seen as suspicious.
their shared privilege.
If you have or are a human player and want
privilege to be a part of your game, consider taking
the below Variant Human Race.
FEATS Pistolero
Your skill with the thunderous light sidearms of
Bardic Diction Energy Murkan fame is the stuff of legends.
• You may reload one additional one-handed
firearm when you take an action or bonus
Bardic Diction Energy is confidence without
action to reload.
cockiness. It is never misplaced, and it cannot be
simulated. It inspires all, and cannot be mistaken or • Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature
ignored. When you make a Charisma check or saving doesn’t impose disadvantage on your ranged
throw, allied creatures who can see you may use their attack rolls.
reaction to gain one Bardic Inspiration die. • When you use the Attack action and attack
If you already grant Bardic Inspiration dice, this with a one-handed weapon, you can use a
die is the size of the rest of your Bardic Inspiration bonus action to attack with a loaded one-
dice but does not expend a use of your Bardic handed firearm you are carrying.
Inspiration feature. Otherwise, this die is a d4. The
die becomes a d6 at 5th level, a d8 at 10th level, and a
d10 at 15th level.

You have special training that allows you to perform
daring feats of bravado. You can generate adrenaline
points and you learn 2 signature moves of your
choice from those available to the Action Hero
martial archetype for the fighter class. If a signature
move requires your target to make a saving throw,
the DC is equal to 5 + your Charisma modifier + your
proficiency bonus + the total number of adrenaline
points in your adrenaline pool (3+ your Constitution

You, more than almost anyone, know the power in a
firearm, and there is but one thought more terrifying
than you with your trusty musket… Being in your line
of fire.
• You may reload one additional two-handed
firearm when you take an action or bonus
action to reload.
• Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature
doesn’t impose disadvantage on your ranged
attack rolls.
• When you use the Attack action and attack
with a two-handed firearm, you can use a
bonus action to make a melee attack with it,
counting it as a greatclub with the finesse

ashtown is the very definition of a
white-washed tomb: beautiful, vast, IMPORTANT LOCATIONS
and the crown jewel of the
kingdom—but also rotting and
filled with death. During the inception of the Murkan
Kingdom, King Wash founded the pleasant small The Pale Fortress
town to serve and supply the needs of the Pale
Fortress. But tales of Murka’s prosperous lands and The Pale Fortress is a grand castle situated in the
welcoming people, the promise of proximity to those center of Washtown, the capital city of Murka. Built
in power, and the influence of corrupt leaders, have by good King Wash, the fortress has served as a
all changed Washtown—for the worse. Now, protective home to all of Murka's previous leaders,
Washtown is the nesting ground for a vast array of from which they have issued commands and decrees
bureaus and guilds, all of which spend an exorbitant that shaped Murka, inspired Murkan armies to
amount of time vying for The Don’s favor and preying conquer their enemies, and gave life to the dream of
on the poor. freedom and independence. For hundreds of years it
As the town became a city, it stretched the has served as a symbol of justice, equality, and order
defensive capabilities and affluence of the Pale in the new world.
Fortress. Many of the poorest in this city come to The fortress, as the name suggests, is composed
Murka hoping to find opportunity and acceptance in of thick, stark white walls that tower over almost
this great land—but instead, they find only hardship. every other building in Washtown. While imposing
These ill-treated souls are relegated to one of from the outside, the inside of the castle grounds
Washtown’s seedier districts-like the Outer City, or were once flush with gardens and trails where
the Undercity-while the rich live lavishly in the Ivory dignitaries would come to tour and speak with the
District, reaping the benefits of proximity to the king of Murka. The inner castle is expansive, with
leader of the free world. immense columns and dramatic battlements all hewn
from the same white marble as the outer walls. These
CULTURE AND GOVERNMENT elaborate decorations span several wings, with a
room for every purpose of state.
The city of Washtown is presided over by The Don, Unfortunately, The Don’s reign has replaced
the current ruler of Murka, who rules from the tall much of the Pale Fortress’ prior elegance with a
towers of the Pale Fortress. The Don and his allies, harsher, more sinister purpose. Though few have
however, are not the only domineering force of the seen it in recent times, it is rumored that the gardens
Free City: a number of private companies and guilds have been torn up, and the once elegant halls of the
have also aligned against The Don, and under these castle now host trumplin gatherings and parties.
many cabals, the city is divided into districts based There is even talk that one of the guest wings has
on ownership and influence. become an enormous tromp’s lair.
One of the open secrets of Washtown is that its The fortress remains prepared for the longest and
people are often predatory and guarded against hardest of wars with a healthy garrison of trumplins
strangers. Crossing the poverty line typically requires and tromps. A wise visitor would be wary of upsetting
one to either align with one of the guilds, or engage The Don in their presence, for even if they could flee
in less-than-savory activity to supplement their past these well armed troops, they may find
income. Washtown’s atmosphere of patriotism, themselves under considerable threat even beyond
pomp, and circumstance is overshadowed by an the walls due to the many ballistas and catapults
unspoken air of fierce competition and survivalism. supplementing their already considerable might.
Of course, no city is well and truly all bad—
Washtown is known to celebrate the holidays with The Hall of Kings
the biggest and most beautiful festivals, held in the
When the Pale Fortress was a place of light and
various courtyards of its many monuments. These
beauty, many foreign visitors, dignitaries, and rulers
festivities tend to draw out people from all of the
would tour the grand fortress and view the ancient
various suburbs of Washtown, bringing them
kings of Murka in the Hall of Kings. The Seven Kings
together to celebrate as a singular people.

of Murka—from the time of the revolution—are actually a cleverly-disguised hive of scum and
depicted here, as well as a statue of Abram The Great, villainy, home to crime lords a plenty, and serving as
King Ulysses, Kings Frank and Theore of The Rose, a central location for white-glove crime —the kind of
King Eisenhut, and, most recently, the tragically crime where nobody is directly injured, where there
assassinated King John. Each of these kings were is no clear-cut and immediate victim; where the
recognized for their great achievements, in life and in perpetrators’ hands are indefinitely clean—beneath
death. the noses of, and often at the hands of, its denizens.
Many would argue that more of Murka’s past It comes as no surprise to most Murkans that this
kings deserve a statue in the hall—and others would area of Washtown is predominantly human
argue that some of Murka’s queens deserve more populated as well, followed closely by scores of
recognition than the kings they ruled beside. As drumpf who tend to run the finer smithies, cobbler
though a final slap to the face, a rumor is now shops, and tailors.
circulating that The Don has built his own statue—
much, much larger than the rest. Few can verify this
rumor, however: no one who is not an agent of The
Don has exited the Pale Fortress since he took power.
There are no cheap chain inns or
The Elliptical Edifice taverns in the Ivory District; only
The office and throne room of the Murkan king is the finest in gentrified coffee shops,
designed to be the last room standing should the craft breweries, and dining
castle fall in the more literal sense. Its walls are establishments, as well as design
significantly thicker than the rest of the castle, and apparel for the fashion-minded hero.
the room is protected by ancient magic created by Unfortunately, this makes it very
Murka’s Native tribes. From this room The Don rules
Murka with an iron fist, casting his shadow upon the
difficult to acquire weapons and
entire kingdom.
armor, but easier to find white glove
criminal contacts and luxury or
The New Vault black-market goods - unless you
were waylaid by a disgruntled
In the dungeons below the Pale Fortress lies the New
Vault, where The Don stashed all the gold and riches
drumpf in the process.
he’d taken from The Gilded Fortress. Unbeknownst
to the citizens of Murka, this vault is home to an
ancient and powerful, otherworldly evil known as
D’lanod. D’lanod is the mysterious, hidden puppet
master pulling The Don’s strings, using him to
manipulate the masses and further its greed and
hunger. Monument District
The Ivory District The central business district of Washtown is a white
Immediately surrounding the Pale Fortress is a slew marble metropolis filled with massive, ornate
of businesses owned by the filthy rich, and the agents buildings and surrounded by a network of gardens,
of The Don. So named for the stark white stone parks, statues, and monuments to the heroes and
composing the architecture of the buildings, the kings of Murka. Many of the finest residential areas,
streets, and everything in between, the Ivory District government buildings, and learning institutions are
appears to be a flawless near-utopia for the men and built around these monuments.
women who work in the businesses of the Ivory
District, as government representatives, or in The City of Honor
positions within the Pale Fortress. Murka has fought many, many wars—and while there
In spite of appearances, the Ivory District is are monuments for each war, the proper burial of

Murka’s honored warriors falls to the The City of darkened. When The Don took power, one of his first
Honor, a massive necropolis situated underneath the acts as leader was to raid the treasury and hoard all of
Monument District in Washtown. With every war, the gold inside the bowels of the Pale Fortress. He
the catacombs become more labyrinthian, and some did so in the cover of darkness, and only took credit
armies, such as the army that would have fought the once the theft had been discovered the next day. He
Murkan Revolution, can no longer be found. Many then dismissed the garrison of the fortress for
Murkans journey to Washtown to honor the dead in dereliction of duty.
the necropolis by placing flowers on the tombs of Curiously, nobody truly knows what became of the
their fallen kin. warriors who guarded this hall after their dismissal.
Some say that many of those knights and footmen
The Washtown Monument can be found wandering Midwesteros as sellswords
and hedge knights - but more likely, most of them
Built after the death of King Wash, the Washtown were transferred to another governmental entity. The
Monument was dedicated to both its first king, and Murkan government has a way of taking care of its
to the revolution that birthed Murka as a nation. The own this way.
monument is no longer open to the public, and is
currently being used as a den for a host of Trumplins The Statue of Abram The Great
—but when it was available to the public, there were
rumors that the monument concealed the entrance After the death of Abram The Great and the end of
to a vast catacomb containing the body of King Wash the Freedom War, the next king of Murka
and the army he used to forge the kingdom. commissioned this statue of one of Murka’s greatest
kings. The statue of Abram stands almost 20 feet tall,
depicted with Abram’s armor, and wielding the
The Empty Treasury flaming sword of truth and justice; Veritas. Rumor
At one time the miniature fortress that guarded all has it that the king who commissioned this massive
the gold of the Murkan Kingdom was a sight to see. statue did so in order to conceal the location of
While perhaps not the most frequented monument, Veritas, though many have chalked this up to being
travellers would still come from far and wide to tour the fanciful, wishful ruminations of a bygone
The Gilded Fortress and the treasury within. generation of would-be adventurers.
Now the treasury lies empty, the fortress Veritas, and Abe.
unmanned, and it’s many vast halls and hearths have

the hearts of the Murkan people, and the Wall of
The Wall of Nami Nami has become a place of silent contemplation,
Murkan Warriors were (and are) prideful, and the known for its melancholy atmosphere.
Nightmare War had once given them a reputation for
winning battles and never surrendering. However,
the war in Nami was an embarrassment for Murka. The Outer City
Not only did Murka lose the war, horribly, but Murka
lost a war to a nation of farmers with no prior Washtown is old, and as such it was once nestled in
military training, and very few weapons to speak of. between a number of other villages that were small
The king of Murka needed to regain the good enough to be considered “far” from one another in a
faith of his troops and the Murkan people after such a world where walking and horses were the normal
horrible defeat. In a desperate attempt to assuage the method of travel. Magic and technology have, in
people, the king built the Nami Memorial, a vast and many cases, bridged gaps between cities and made
tall black mirror wall with the names of every soldier the world of Murka, and by extension, Washtown,
who fell during the war inscribed on it. The much smaller. At the same time, these villages and
monument was intended to heap honors on the towns have all grown because of their proximity to
warriors, and distract the populace from the shame of Washtown. Nowadays there is a veritable urban
Murka’s defeat. blanket that covers Washtown on all sides, filled with
The war in Nami was an eye-opening experience towns and villages whose borders with Washtown
for a kingdom unused to losing. It drove the kingdom and each other have all become blurred. Sadly, as the
into a strange, collective madness—in some ways, a rich get richer, they eventually gravitate inward to
very good, and needed madness that sparked change Washtown proper—where the power is—and the
and reform. But still, the war left a deep wound on Outer City becomes poorer with every passing year.
The Outer City is capitalism at its ugliest. Here, the in inconvenient locations. There is no real rhyme or
poorest of Washtown live, and are taken constant reasoning to the curious placements of small office
advantage of. Here are cheap chain restaurants, buildings in the centers of neighborhoods, or houses
gloomy inns, and communal laundry yards, each one next to garrison forts and local government
offering a “better deal” than the last—though the buildings.
reality of that deal’s veracity is usually plain to see. In one of the poorest boroughs of the Outer City
The Outer City looks, and feels, like a black hole lies the base of the Communal Party, where
which its denizens can never hope to escape—much adventurers can find the leader of their local chapter.
like Pittsburgh. The Communals spend their days helping the poor,
The Outer City is truly a mess. It’s in constant building up the borough, and dodging the authorities
use, neither fully abandoned nor well kept. Its who would gladly arrest them on the authority of The
architecture is a mixture of modern, ugly, and quaint. Don.
No house or building stays abandoned for long,
usually defaulting to a close relative, or simply being The Outer City is a mess of quaint wooden
converted into the next nail salon. The Outer City is
buildings and dreary streets. The dirt-caked
filled with cheap, questionable food stands, loan
streets and old sign posts look as though they had
sharks, and carriage salesman. Between shady,
been nice once in an age long passed. The stone
shortcut businesses and families simply trying to
cathedrals and walkways of Washtown have given
survive; the fires of struggle burn hotter here than
anywhere else in Washtown, a veritable beacon to way for broken paths where wooden beams
the flocks of the Weary. While most of the other occasionally replace brick. It’s a city by law, but
districts in Washtown have their own mixture of it’s shoddy, mismatched, and disorganized
residential and business areas, only the Outer City buildings seem more like a series of small towns
mixes the two so intensely. The result is that most all smashed into one space.
shops double as homes, and most homes are placed

This expansion unearthed deep caverns with
The Undercity plentiful space for urban expansion—and so the
Undercity was born in earnest. Many of the seedier
While the Undercity has always existed for parts of Washtown lie in the Undercity: It’s a stark
Washtown, for most of its history, it has served as a mixture of the non-humans of Washtown and
series of access tunnels for sewage, water society’s undesirables who have no choice but to live
distribution, public transportation, and crypts for the underground, and the eccentrically rich who can not
families living in Washtown. During the Industrial be convinced to leave.
Age, the tunnels were expanded considerably to Though unsightly, the Undercity is well known
include underground businesses, apartments, and for the quality and the quantity of its many
eventually streets and roads. admittedly irreputable establishments and services,
such as hitmen, opium dens, and backroom
After descending from the streets of Washtown, alchemical laboratories. Those looking for equipment
the cavernous Undercity opens up in front of you. can search for pawn shops, or you could rip the loot
You see a sprawling network of walkways and from the dead hands of the ruffians and gangsters
candle-lit windows cut out of stone that cascade who prowl the streets. The vast network of empty
downward in tiers. It is difficult to tell the crypts and cellars host many of the largest gangs and
difference between what might be a crypt or a discreet organizations that run the criminal side of
home until its owner walks out and shuts the Washtown—so, anything you can’t buy can
potentially be found or taken.
front door. The sounds of dull conversation,
The central areas of the Undercity specifically
dragging feet, and metal being forged echo from
belong to the Shadow Kingdom and their queen,
parts unknown into the deep darkness below.
Killary. Shadow Kingdom territory is generally the
better-kept region of the Undercity, with guards, and,
to a certain extent, even laws. Granted, many of these
laws are selectively enforced and morally gray, but
they do ensure a certain level of order in the area.
him that his power will never fade, but he earned his
IMPORTANT FACTIONS AND throne not by conquest, but through unheard of
amounts of blundering and boasting. For instance,
PEOPLE his suggestion of bombarding an Aether Storm with
magic missiles may have made him a laughingstock,
but it also gained him the undying support of the
psychotic Idolando Men. And while he may never
earn overwhelming support among the masses, the
The Don’s Party constant bickering he inspired between his
opposition and his followers creates a state of total
Forces loyal to The Don are found far and wide, well governmental lockdown which keeps the Don in
beyond the reaches of Washtown and its suburbs— power to this day.
with a great many of his followers being of his own
creation. Trumplins and tromps act as The Don’s
military, while the drumpf typically occupy banks
The Don’s Creations
and guilds and conduct The Don’s various trade wars. Like many powerful politicians and magicians before
Locked in a death-grip by the forces of The Don, his him, when The Don came into power he ensured his
political adversaries wage a secret war against him, control over the masses by making use of dark,
right under the noses of the less discerning citizens ancient magics to create legion of minions in his own
in Washtown. The conflict is subtle in the daylight, image. This is, perhaps surprisingly, a very common
but under the cover of darkness, they spread from the occurrence amongst world leaders; it provides them a
lined streets of the Ivory District to the deepest direct level of control and influence over the
sub-levels of The Undercity. populace by planting seeds among them in positions
of everyday labor.
The Don
The Don is a powerful sorcerer, with a mysterious
and troubling past. Once a successful businessman,
and PeoplePortal personality, The Don has taken on
the most audacious role of his career: Becoming the
leader of Murka. His meteoric rise to power has
confounded and alarmed the kingdom at large—
and the rest of the world. In the years since his
election, The Don has re-forged Washtown in his
own terrifying image, fortifying the city, and
entrenching his great army within its walls. Every
day The Don assures the people of the city
that ‘everything is fine, and Murka is doing,
just, fantastically.
The Don gained political control by simply
doing what no other politician would do: he would
insult and belittle his rivals, slander his allies,
and hold mock trials before massive crowds
of his followers. Constant outrage was his
greatest tool: The Don would make
derogatory comments about Lady Maro, or
about The Weary, spawning a natural anger
towards his ignorance and hatred - and his
followers would cheer him on for being so
The Don's armies and followers assure

These creations include the trumplins, the
tromps, and the drumpf, each of whom serve their
own purpose in The Don’s grand scheme. The
The Shadow Kingdom
trumplins exist essentially to parrot the beliefs of The
Don, forming an ever-present echo chamber to For years, this enigmatic cabal of spies and
reinforce The Don’s presence amongst the people; government agents have dominated the political
The tromp are the brainless muscle behind The Don’s theater of Washtown. Through their skills in
operations, serving as the quiet-but-powerful subterfuge, espionage, and manipulation, the Shadow
strongarms; and the drumpf exist as the closest Kingdom have swayed public opinion, started wars
approximation of intelligent beings that The Don and even deposed kings—all in secret. Few live up to
could muster, able to craft artisan-quality goods from the “smile and stab you in the back” reputation of
metal, cloth, leather or any other material available. Washtown the way agents of the Shadow Kingdom
have. Their motivations are strange, and
misunderstood, making them uneasy allies, and
The Pride deadly enemies.
Among The Don’s supporters are the uncorrupted,
but hopelessly duped faction known as The Pride. Killary
Composed of many brobarians and redneck fighters,
The Pride act in whatever capacity they believe is The One of the deadliest and most unsettling of The
Don’s will—often celebrating his regime, as they Don’s foes, Queen Killary of the Shadow Kingdom
believe The Don came to fight for people like them. rules the dim realms of the Undercity in Washtown.
This belief often brings them into direct conflict with After her husband, King Billary, was deposed from
the Anti-gang and the Shadow Kingdom. office under dramatic and shameful circumstances,
Queen Killary established herself in the stony
undercarriage of Washtown and gathered her people
Her title of Queen is no longer legal or official, rather
Queen of the Shadow Kingdom is an unofficial The Anti-Gang
moniker given to the leader of the cabal. But, after
she lost in the race to take the throne of Murka, The Communal Party is split between its members
many of her followers have begun to use her who believe in working within the system non-
unofficial title in more official—and potentially violently, and those who believe that no true change
treasonous—ways. can occur without some measure of violence. These
Killary is known to send secret communiques radical extremists are known as the Anti-Gang,
that are destroyed just after being read, and her standing against anything and everything that they
favorite way of eliminating political rivals is by faking believe to be wrong with Murka. One of the many
their suicide. dangers of the Anti-Gang is that they rarely ever
agree internally on what exactly it is that is wrong
with Murka.
The Communal Party Rumors suggest that the Anti-Gang is now under
the control of Queen Killary, as her front line soldiers
One of the less popular factions, their manifesto and enforcers. The largest sect of the Anti-Gang is
claims it’s time to change the Murkan government not here in Washtown, but in Holly Woods, so the
and shift it towards a more communal style of living. Anti-gang are represented in a limited fashion. The
Followers of the Communal Party believe that, Don recently branded these violent extremists as
through sharing and communal living, Murka could enemies of the kingdom, which has inadvertently
be transformed into a utopia for all, not just for the damaged the reputations of the non-violent party
business-minded. They believe these are the values members, who no longer make public appearances in
upon which Murka was built. Washtown.
Despite grand claims of the near utopian aspects
of a democratically run communal society, the
Communal Party has not been able to get a strong Lady Maro
enough following to pose a true political threat to
The Don. Instead, the Communal Party in Washtown Once a celebrated, and occasionally controversial,
spends a large amount of time tending to the poor councilwoman of the Grand Council, Lady Maro
and the Weary in the Outer City. witnessed the election, and the decline of the
kingdom, firsthand. Maro later came to lead a group
of veterans, soldiers, adventurers, and scholars who
felt that the election had not been conducted fairly,
and consequently The Don was a fraudulent leader.
While the majority of these Loyalists remain hidden
in plain sight as workers in a system they’re no longer
welcome in, a few followed Lady Maro down into a
hidden base in the Undercity. Maro brokered an
alliance with Killary, and the two of them began to
run underground missions to undermine The Don’s
influence. Killary eventually betrayed Maro and left
the Loyalists to die, but Maro and her compatriots
escaped. To this day, they continue to work secretly
in places of power and in the dead of night.

While the previous king was not loved by everyone,
his support was still very strong, and his followers
devout. Since his demise, the Loyalists of Murka’s
Last King have been working to place a true successor

on the throne. They argue that The Don is not really
king due to the circumstances surrounding his The Weary
election. Many loyalists also argue that he took the
title ‘The Don’ instead of ‘King Don’ because he Washtown is well known for having one of the
hopes to spawn a new government to overthrow the starkest contrasts between the rich and privileged,
legitimate Murkan government. and the poor and oppressed. The Weary, as most of
Loyalists in Washtown are surprisingly hard to Washtown’s less fortunate residents are called, make
find—at least in places of power. Their mistake was up a vast majority of the town. These refugees are
aligning with the Shadow Kingdom and believing often taken advantage of and put to work in mines,
them to be allies, when they were anything but. Now, or as soldiers in one of the various factions that
the core Loyalist group is little more than a few control the city. A few have formed cartels of their
ragtag soldiers and adventurers on the run and own, and run illicit goods in and out of Washtown.
looking for a way to restore order to a kingdom come Outer City cartels, mercenary bands, and gangs have
undone. given the Weary in Washtown an unfair reputation
for crime and barbarism - a view that residents of the
Monument and Ivory District are quick to weaponize
against them. The Weary are also the primary
occupants of the deep Undercity and Outer City
regions of Washtown, ultimately making up a strong
majority of the current population - and a primary
source of manpower for factions opposed to The Don.
• A local legend detailed to you by a seeress says that the true resting place of King Wash and his army is
below the Washtown Monument. Interred with King Wash is his legendary bronze axe. Your party
must go to the Washtown monument and uncover the secret entrance to the labyrinth below, and
navigate a gauntlet of traps, puzzles and otherworldly visions in order to become worthy of seeing the
final resting place of Murka’s first king and inheriting a weapon of great power.

• A rich noble from the Ivory District has asked

you to look into repeated vandalizations of his
shops in the Outer City. He is too busy to check
for himself, and does not care to walk among the
rabble. As it turns out, the Outer City is playing
host to a series of riots and fights that break out
between The Pride and the Anti-gang almost
every night! If your party returns to your
employer, he may pay you, but he will also
summon the trumplin guard to handle the

• You are approached by a small child who pleads

for your help - trumplins are coming to raid the
Outer City! You journey to meet the leader of the local Communal Party, and they beg you to help
shore up the defenses of the town. You can defend the town, help the town’s people escape - or even
teach them to fight back! If you survive the onslaught of monsters, you may find you have strong new
allies in the fight against The Don!

• Rumor has it that the key to bringing down The Don lies in the abandoned Grand Council Building in
a tome written by one of the
Agents of Justice, and a brother of
the Fraternity Intra-Bellum -
Robertus Mauler! But Mauler has
been arrested and thrown into a
dungeon in the Undercity. Your
party must find a way to break into
the dungeon, rescue Mauler and
learn the truth about The Don’s
rise to power!

• Many of the rich and powerful in

Washtown now fear for their lives
as Queen Killary rules the
underworld from the shadows of
the Undercity. Many have begun to
hire adventurers to protect them,
or even to confront the Shadow Queen herself! You and your party must learn more about Killary’s
secret lair in the Undercity, and devise a plan to confront her - but be warned that it is a journey you
may not return from!

• Cry Havoc! A rebellion has sparked on the streets of Washtown! Choose your side and fight the good
fight! For Murka! The time has come to confront The Don! Will you wage an all out war against his
forces? Will you sneak your party into the Pale Fortress itself? Or will you join with the great leader
himself, and bring order and justice to the empire of Murka?!

• Another one of the blank monuments, a building the size of the Abram Monument, has been
discovered on the border between the Ivory District and the Outer City - and it turns out this one is
the hideout for a dangerous cult who worship Remus Rat! A bounty has been placed on the cult,
promising 20gp for every amulet of Remus brought to the city guard. The cult has also promised great
power to any who choose to join up...

• The Fraternity Intra Bellum has split in two between supporters of The Don, and Loyalists who see
him as a usurper! Choose your side and either help The Don’s allies crush the heretics, or help the
Loyalists escape capture! Supporters of The Don will likely have to defend the Ivory District from a
dangerous rebellion started by the Loyalists - and subsequently be offered a bounty for the leader of
the Loyalist faction; Lady Maro! Supporters of the Loyalist faction will be asked by Lady Maro to help
the Loyalists escape the city before the Trumplin guard and the Drumpf Police finds them!

• There’s a LARP occurring in a nearby courtyard - wait, hold on, how does that work, aren’t we

• Come to your favorite tavern chains from all across Murka! We have The Golden Arch, R.B.’s, The
Meat Monarch, and of course Pale Fort! Meat, music and adventure for all?

• Need weapons??? Come to The Wall Shop! Everyone’s favorite shop, built directly into the outer walls
of Washtown! We have clothes, potions, armor, spatulas, and of course everyone’s favorite item:

estled beneath a massive mountain on psychos run everything, they eventually made
Murka’s northwest shores, the rainy, dueling perfectly legal. Not only do the guards have
dreary city of Sea-Addled is a stunning to wait for a duel to finish before performing any
mixture of industry, cultural applicable arrests, they are also bound to stop anyone
sophistication, and militant anti-Don sympathies. who tries to interfere with the duel. Of course, the
Sea-Addled serves as a cultural hub for the rules of what constitutes a lawful duel versus, say, a
northwestern provinces, essentially a melting pot of brutal murder, are left conveniently vague.
new-age ideologies and ancient teachings, and its
influence extends from its snowy northern border to
the Hardborn Mountains and the western sea. IMPORTANT LOCATIONS
Sea-Addled plays host to the massive industrial
entity known as The Zone, which serves all of
Murka’s material-moving needs. It is also the
headquarters of the Warlocks of the Shore, who are
said to be the keepers of the Holy Texts. Rumor has it
The City of Towers
that Sea-Addled is also the resting place of the Gods. In the center of Sea-Addled lies the stone jungle
Sea-Addled’s towering, otherworldly architecture district known as the City of Towers. The wealthy
merges seamlessly with its homely, welcoming families, guilds, wizards, and companies of the
neighborhoods to form one of the most unique cities kingdom make their homes here in a forest of
across the Murkan Kingdom. massive stone towers and castles that are so
interlaced they’re nearly a single, sprawling,
labyrinthine fortress. The City of Towers is the
CULTURE AND GOVERNMENT economic and governmental backbone of the city,
where all of the largest political and business entities
Unlike most other cities, Sea-Addled does not have a
are hosted in the many monolithic towers that make
central leader—which is arguably one of its only
up its landscape. Within these marbled walls hides a
downfalls. Rather, Sea-Addled is ruled by an
great host of gaudy, otherworldly mansions, eccentric
oligarchy of its richest nobles, beginning and very
and dramatic artists, and whimsical, feel-good
nearly ending with Lord Jeffar Bayzohz. Lord Bayzohz
pseudo-religionsin a tangled web of stone and glass.
runs the mysterious company known as The Zone: a
While the tall towers of Sea-Addled’s downtown
cabal that has overrun their competitors with their
region are not necessarily new, the district has been
inexplicable magical delivery system, unmatched due
growing at an alarming rate for the last few decades
its use of droehns and their own trademarked pocket
—particularly with the never-ending expansion of
dimension. The Corporate Oligarchy was not always
The Zone, who pour unbelievable amounts of money
so powerful, but the progressive evolution of
into their own buildings, as well as into building up
capitalism in the kingdom of Murka has led to
the quality of the streets, shops, and even the guards
industrial leaders rising over political ones.
who patrol the city.
Culturally, Sea-Addled can, at times, seem totally
Many of the other guilds in the area have
disconnected from many of Murka’s woes. The city
followed suit by not only building their own massive
leaders go out of their way to protect and shield the
towers, but also reinvesting their profits back into the
Weary from harm, and followers of The Don are few
district itself—sometimes in an effort to compete
and far between. The common people of Sea-Addled
with The Zone, but often to benefit the citizens and
often live in humble, but sturdy houses that dot the
win their favor, or to fund their own guard forces to
Great Red Forest outside the city, the secluded
police their small patches of real estate. The guards in
villages, and the hardy wharfs by the shore.
this district are divided by which guild funds them,
Sea-Addled is unique for its self defense laws:
which can occasionally lead to small disagreements
Being a massive, corporately-run oligarchy ripe with
in jurisdiction and local ordinance. While the guards
financial opportunity, the city is filled with some of
do maintain a level of law and order, each block has a
the most ambitious noble families and business
slightly different concept of what law and order
minds in the kingdom. Naturally, some of these
means: the guard are left somewhat transparent in
people are psychotic megalomaniacs; and, since these
their intentions as a result.

of Sea-Addled. Its simplistic-but-haunting majesty
The Astral Point Observatory mix with the fervent flora within the tiered building
The Astral Point Observatory was the brainchild of a to create an attraction so unique that, for many, it
mad wizard who built the tower in order to chart the must be seen to be believed.
skies, and use the tower’s advantageous location and The Zone not only owns and operates the
ley lines to bring eldritch horrors from the beyond Spheres, but they also own a vast number of the
into the city. Thankfully, he is dead now - he forgot shops and buildings nearby. Most of them are chain
to build stairs and starved to death. In his place the businesses renting out the space, and at least one is
Wraught Family now owns the tower and uses it to the Zone Store, which allows patrons to come and go,
observe the shipping lanes in the bay - they also gave taking products as they please, before magically
it stairs. subtracting the cost of their chosen items from their
The tower itself is very thin for a stone tower, the coin pouch.
core structure is magically reinforced to give the
building the strength of a well established castle. The
top of the tower has a large, circular observatory The Wharf
room that offers a full view of the city on every side.
A large brazier has also recently been installed on the The Wharf District borders the bay on all sides and
roof to enable the tower’s use as a lighthouse. The includes all of the people and businesses who live
Astral Point Observatory is actually a tourist next to and work in the docks and fishing areas.
destination, and the owners now offer tours! Because of its location, the Wharf receives much of
the run-off from the city, and a lot of salt-water
humidity, resulting in dreary, foggy streets and tall,
The Zone Headquarters thin looking buildings made of salt stained beams of
The center of operations for The Zone is a network of dark wood. As the sea and run-off wear away the
massive towers which, to the naked eye, may seem stone streets and soften the wooden docks, new
indistinguishable from the myriad other densely- material is constantly fitted over the old in
built monolithic fortresses in the City of Towers. innumerous patchwork repairs that make it difficult
Thousands of employees who work for Lord Bayzohz, to distinguish an original building from its newest
dubbed “Zonies” both internally and by the addition. Where the wharf presses against the foot of
population at large, pour in and out of these towers, the City of Towers, these additions grow cramped,
day after day. making open space scarce, interiors narrow, and
The peculiar thing about The Zone and its leaving the entire district a cluttered catastrophe.
headquarters is that, for an overwhelming majority of
their buildings, only Zonies are permitted inside,
The pungent aroma of seawater and fish and the
likely to maintain their “trade secrets.” As a result,
sounds of rabble-rousing merchants advertising
the insides of many of these buildings remain a
mystery for the average person, forever locked away. their wares fill your senses as you walk through
the bustling crowd. You pass by Ivan’s Seafood
Shack, and you feel invisible to the patrons who
The Amazing Spheres are otherwise occupied with their fried food and
The Zone’s public-facing building, The Amazing chowders. As your gaze falls on the bay and the
Spheres, seem almost anathema to the rest of their ocean behind it, you get a feel for the livelihood of
fortress. It is a massive, extremely unorthodox the men and women who populate this seaside
garden-fortress comprised of three interconnected, town.
multi-floor spheres of glass, metal, and stone. At two
meters thick, the walls of these spheres are magically
Alongside its healthy fishing communities, the
protected against siege engines, while the foundation
Wharf is also home to vast shipping complexes that
is about 10 feet tall, making ground invasion difficult.
take up huge sections of the bay. The dark-wooden
Built to both protect The Zone’s secrets and
walkways of the markets occasionally transform into
bolster their dimensional magic, The Amazing
massive stone walls and gates that resemble small,
Spheres are designed to win the public’s hearts and
seaside castles and forts designed to protect the
provide a beautiful public attraction for the citizens

precious cargo within. Most Wharf natives work in the Wharf. Consequently, what most people consider
these vast shipping cabals that are tied to The Zone to be ‘The Wharf’ therefore occasionally extends to
or its competitors. these small islands.
The Zone now delivers internationally as well,
and so their ships are actually equipped to enter The Pike Pier
Zone itself, but they must sail out of the bay to a
secret facility to do so. Those ships which are not The crown jewel of the Wharf is Pike Pier, a grand
Zone compatible are typically relegated to shipping market sporting a few homes and apartments, a vast
conventional goods and services, such as live creature array of eccentric shops and restaurants, and the
transport and cruise liners. Not all of this commerce quaint fishing companies that support and supply the
is entirely legal. The Wharf is well known for its market itself. It’s considered by Wharf natives to be
extensive smuggling rings that bring in illicit goods the most desired location in the district to live,
from all across the world, proud crime families, and providing a convenient location for fishermen and
seedy jazz clubs that give the Wharf a curious and merchants alike. Those that have the privilege of
foreboding atmosphere. living there work extremely hard to keep their place
Being a dock worker or a sailor for a guild is hard on this dingy, novel-looking pier. A crime syndicate
work that can eventually break both the body and known as the Sea Dogs is also responsible for keeping
mind—the people of the Wharf are seen as very the market exclusive, as they own many of the
hardy and serious people, but the district also bears buildings, and offer both protection and “competition
the stigma of producing a lot of psychopaths who, management” to all others on Pike Pier.
broken by their servitude, go completely dragonshit-
Because the bay that Sea-Addled rests on is quite
Rain Mountain
narrow, denizens of the Wharf are able to access the
Sea-Addled lies in the morning shade of Rain
many islands and shores that are all very close by.
Mountain, a massive stony ridge to the southeast of
These other smaller communities share the Wharf’s
the city. This craggy mountain easily overshadows
reliance on fishing and shipping to drive their small
nearly every other mountain in Murka, and many
economies, and ultimately bear a similar aesthetic to

view it as a challenge to surmount. However,
summiting Rain Mountain is no easy feat, due to the
snowy western slopes, the dangerous rocky crags, and
the two craters at its peak.
It might come as a surprise to find that Rain Magical historians have discovered a
Mountain is actually an active volcano, one of the connection between this mountain
most dangerous in the world. Around the craters at and the high concentration of ley
the peak of the mountain are active lava flows and
considerable seismic activity, along with a series of
lines connected to the Astral Point
glacial caves where glacial ice and lava have carved Observatory. They theorize that
tunnels deep into the base of the mountain over the somewhere at the core of this
course of eons. Malevolent, deep-dwelling creatures mountain must be an incredibly high
make their homes in these tunnels, and only the concentration of magical energies.
bravest adventurers dare challenge their dark, While the source--or even the
winding passages.
presence of a source--of this magic
has never been confirmed, denizens
The Great Red Forest of the city love to tell tales of what
they believe it might be.
At the foot of Rain Mountain, on the outskirts of Sea-
Addled, lies the Great Red Forest. Known for its
massive, vermilion trees, the Red Forest is viewed by
most as a quaint, rural community and a great place
to retire. Everyone who visits the city views the Great
Red Forest as a marvel of nature, its ancient trees
wide enough to park a carriage inside and hundreds
of feet tall. These trees are unique to the Wash
Province, and are said to contain the souls of

thousands of generations of Murkan Natives who years-worth of magical knowledge, have filled the
once lived in the region. Those who stop and reflect tower with a multitude of magically extended halls,
in its fecund depths are said to hear the voices of rooms within pocketed dimensions, and a moving,
those ancient souls. This reputation is the source of a evolving staircase and elevator system comprised
number of myths and rumors that tell of cults, mostly of magic steel and colored glass that carries its
murders, and necromancers raising the dead in the users directly to their intended destination within the
gloom of the night. The forest is home to several tower. The Warlocks’ Tower’s reputation for its
small, interconnected villages which, like Washtown, fantastic sights and eccentric owners is known far
were initially founded far apart, but eventually and wide across Murka and far beyond.
merged into one large community. The quiet and Deep within the catacombs of the Warlocks’
relatively peaceful forest district is a stark contrast to Tower lie the many various historical editions of the
the dreary stone towers of central Sea-Addled. Holy Texts, which are tomes containing the rules of
Minor Factions that do not have enough mass to reality, the laws of physics, the meaning of magic,
take any significant actions in Sea-Addled often flock and the creation of the universe. These texts are the
to the Great Red Forest and the villages therein. major responsibility of the Warlocks of the Shore,
Many of the Weary in Murka often look to the Forest who are charged with
as a quiet bastion in a kingdom otherwise completely writing each iteration
bent against them. The Forest communities maintain of the texts, as well as
a relatively high cost of living around the middle class maintaining the
region, so moving one’s house to the Forest is history of their
considered an achievement for the folks who have to evolving
work their way out of poverty to live there. translations.
The original
authors of
The Warlocks’ Tower these texts,
Gygaax and
At the edge of the sea stands an ancient tower that Arnesson, are
has served for centuries as the home of the Warlocks rumored to be
of The Shore. The Warlocks were once one of the buried at the
great gatherings of magicians and magical deepest point of
practitioners dedicated to using their vast resources the catacombs so
to collaborate, bring peace to the world around them, as to be close to
and continue their millenia-long mission of the heart of the
understanding the universe around them through world that they
their interpretation of the Holy Texts of Gygaax. created together.
The Warlocks have occupied the tower since the
earliest days of Murka as some of the first to cross
Midwesteros to settle in this region. The Tower itself
is much older, so old that not even the Warlocks
themselves know how deep its chambers go. The
tower’s builders designed it to sit on the convergence
point of many ley lines that run through the Sea-
Addled area. The outside of the tower is constructed
of a patchwork of dark, glassy obsidian rocks, salt
weathered orichalcum stones, and massive granite
bricks that line the bottom of the tower.
Further up, the tower is comprised
almost entirely of dark stone that
appears melted in some places.
The inside of the tower is a
different story altogether. The
Warlocks, with many thousands of

brought economic prosperity and security to most of
IMPORTANT Sea-Addled. Still, smaller businesses, and centuries
old organizations are struggling to compete. Despite
FACTIONS AND PEOPLE engendering the goodwill of much of the populace,
the Warlocks have traditionally funded their order
through magical superiority in economic matters.
With The Zone cornering the transportation market
and writwrits providing the fastest, most accessible
communication ever seen, the Warlocks have fallen
Warlocks of The Shore on hard times against harder competition. Once
considered giants in the industry of magic, they have
The wise and venerated Warlocks of The Shore have come to represent the small business owner, and the
guarded the secrets of space and reality for longer common humanoid, forgotten in a city dominated by
than living memory. The myth goes that the Old The Zone.
Gods, Gygaax and Arnesson, wrote the laws that
govern the universe and set them down on the Urth
in an ancient tome that only the very wise could read. The Zone
Supposedly, communing with and mastering this
tome taught humanoids to first use magic, though no What began as a way to sell spell scrolls so many
historian can confirm the veracity of this myth. Those years ago has evolved into the mega-corporation
magicians who first discovered and read from the known as The Zone. Led by a powerful sorcerer, Jeffar
tome became the earliest Warlocks of The Shore, Bayzohz, The Zone became one of the dominant
though they were actually a collaboration of forces in Murka today through its discovery of a
warlocks, sorcerers and wizards. Throughout history wholly unique pocket dimension dubbed “The Zone.”
the Warlocks have dedicated themselves to With a secret spell, almost any item or package can
understanding the universe and translating what they be placed into the pocket dimension, and within two
believe to be the words of Gygaax and Arnesson. days that item will appear nearly anywhere in the
The order began in another province many, many world that the caster designates. This lucrative and
years ago, when the Warlocks were only a select few, unparalleled shipping business—this miracle of
though the group has since migrated to Sea-Addled, modern magic—skyrocketed the once humble guild
making their home in the Warlock’s Tower and into the behemoth it is today.
spreading the word of the Holy Texts. After the
Nightmare War, as controversial magocratic
dynasties began to crop up all over the world,
spellcaster coalitions across the Old Continent began In truth, The Zone’s pocket
to shut down, and the Warlocks gathered in Sea- dimension is actually a time-dilated
Addled to protect each other from an angry and realm where time moves at incredible
confused world—and to protect the people of that
world from the worst of themselves. Despite the fear
rates compared to Murka’s
generated by the reign of foreign magocracies, The dimension. The packages that enter
Warlocks of the Shore remain famous in history for The Zone are picked up by slaves
being guardians of peace during the most tumultuous who then walk the package by hand
times in history. Now, however, the Warlocks have to its destination before dumping it
found themselves an existential enemy in the out on the other side, no matter the
magically enhanced industries, like The Zone, that
have recently begun cropping up.
Big companies like The Zone have done
undeniable good for the city, such as building up the
City of Towers and funding the guards and soldiers
that keep everyone safe—charitable actions that have

As a result of this time-dilation, Zonies who are sent
to work the pocket dimension often suffer the effects The Weary
of chronological burnout, leaving them not dissimilar
to your average, everyday zombie. These Zonies (and Like all major cities in Murka, Sea-Addled is filled
their suffering) are often disregarded, if not flat-out with refugees who come to Murka seeking freedom
ignored, by The Zone as a whole. The people of and asylum. People come to Sea-Addled from across
Murka who reap the benefits of The Zone and its the sea, from the deserts, and even from the plains of
pocket dimension delivery service are all too willing Midwesteros within Murka itself. Many of these
to turn a blind eye to the poor treatment of The refugees are the victims of homelessness, and many
Zone’s most valuable employees. more live in shanty towns set up in the border
regions between districts. While Sea-Addled and The
Zone go to great lengths to aid the Weary present in
Lord Jeffar Bayzohz Sea-Addled, some of them are exploited as cheap
An enigmatic megalomaniac. A billionaire. A labor, and others turn to crime in a world that has
powerful sorcerer. Jeffar Bayzohz leads the corporate turned its back on them. Though, many among the
cabal known as The Zone. Once the owner of a small Weary are hopeful about a mysterious new job
book and scroll store, Bayzohz started a service in his opportunity at Sea-Addled’s most notoriously
shop practicing dimensional rifting, a skill learned lucrative guild: The Zone…
from the Warlocks of The Shore. Through his magic,
the scrolls he sold would appear on the doorstep of
the person who ordered it faster than any courier The Anti-Gang
could travel. However, this service was expensive,
and as his clientele grew, it became difficult to Sea-Addled is yet another place of refuge for the
accommodate the many deliveries on his spell power minions of Queen Killary, though they also face just-
alone. as-significant adversity. Here, masked soldiers can be
Bayzohz began searching for a way to streamline found in constant conflict with Zone-funded police
the process when he allegedly discovered The Zone, a forces. While it is known far and wide that The
powerful and untapped pocket dimension with a Zone’s Jeffar Bayzohz and The Don are nothing short
strange attribute: time dilation. It’s said that Bayzohz of enemies, it is just as well-known that Bayzohz
disappeared into The Zone and emerged a full year incidentally reaps many benefits from The Don’s
later, far more powerful than he was before, but economic stance. The Zone is, as a result of this and
appearing no different than when he’d left, claiming of their treatment of their employees, not on good
he’d achieved the secret to immortality itself. terms with The Shadow Queen and her people.
Whatever the truth of the rumors, The Zone’s
mysterious properties enabled Bayzohz to transport
any number of goods and services across vast
distances in seconds without exhausting his own
strength. His merchant’s empire was assured.
Jeffar is a deeply powerful magic user, and his
control over the Sea-Addled region is strong—He’s
even considered a direct competitor and rival to The
Don, despite his relative absence from Murka’s
political arena. It’s thought that the only thing that
keeps Jeffar from leaving Sea-Addled and conquering
Murka is nothing more than a numbers game: The
Don is simply the better Sorcerer in a one-on-one
duel, and his minions are significantly more
numerous than Bayzohz’ private army in Sea-Addled.
Because of this, Jeffar Bayzohz has settled for
transforming Sea-Addled into a kingdom on its own
while he bides his time and waits for his opportunity
to strike at the heart of the kingdom.

The Anti-Gang presence in Sea-Addled staunchly themselves hidden for fear of persecution. Trumplins,
opposes the Corporate Oligarchy as an institution tromps and drumpf are effectively banned both
that, like The Don’s government, only exists to serve because of factions like the Warlocks or the Anti-
the needs of the nobility while they tread over the Gang, but also because of their animosity with The
backs of an oppressed lower class. Zone’s personal military. Most—if not all—of The
These beliefs, given The Zone’s level of control Don’s servants on the western shore are non-
and their clandestine activities involving pseudo- monstrous and are able to conceal their loyalties by
slavery, are not unfounded—however, the Anti-Gang simply keeping their mouths uncharacteristically
has fallen underfoot after recently suffering a shut. That being said, members of The Don’s party
crushing defeat in which a large bulk of their local are occasionally discovered, usually when they see
chapter were arrested or otherwise detained in a gatherings of Communal Party members and their
violent riot that gripped the City of Towers for mouths return to their characteristic nature.
several days. The Anti-Gang is now working to build
up their members once again, but between the
somewhat complacent nature of residents of the Other Factions
Great Red Forest, and many of the directly Zone-
employed workers of the Wharf, it is difficult to find The Communal Party and the Loyalist Party might
new members. have individual members, or even small groups of
members, who live in Sea-Addled, but neither faction
is truly established there in any meaningful sense.
Minions of The Don Small gatherings of these factions could be found if
you look hard enough, but never in large enough
Very few servants of The Don can be found in the numbers to truly enact the will of either party in this
rainy city. Those who exist here often keep city.

• Recently, rumors have been cropping up that
someone survived and made it out of “The Zone.”
Subsequently, a mysterious stranger approaches
you and your allies, and tells you that this survivor
is real, and they are holed up in a nearby hotel, and
may know the secret to entering the dimension
without Bayzohs’ permission. Whether you want to
enter The Zone for profit or justice is only for you
to know. The Stranger, meanwhile, promises great
reward to anyone who can verify the truth about
what The Zone actually is, and how it was created.

• In the Great Red Forest, a shy, young woman is

looking for help: She’s found a powerful artifact of
the universe: The Four-Sided Stone, or The Stone of
Aid. However, now she’s being hunted by a
terrifying creature who stalks the forest at night: a
tromp! Aid her, and maybe she’ll let you take the
stone off her hands.

• You’ve met a venerated and powerful Bard, Mack’l

Mor! He has a quest for you, but first, he just wants
to take you down to Pike Pier and party with his
Loyalist friends. While there, Mack’l Mor is
kidnapped by a Wharf gang! Search the Wharf and
talk to its people to locate Mack’l before it's too

• You’ve accepted an invitation to appear on the

coveted gameshow: “The Volcano Worshippers
Hour,” which is being hosted in a hidden lava
fortress on the slopes of Rain Mountain! Your party
travels to attend the show, but as it turns out, the
game show is—in an expert display of subverting
expectations—run by an actual cult whose
members want to sacrifice you to their volcano
gods! What a twist!

n the face of adversity, war, socioeconomic
troubles and civil rights movements, one CULTURE AND GOVERNMENT
ideal towers over all else in the Murkan
“What will you sacrifice for fame?” That question
psyche: Entertainment. And at the center of
lingers in the minds of every hopeful denizen of this
that entertainment culture is Holly Woods—a
unusual city. Holly Woods is extravagant, lively, wild,
collection of cities, each with their own unique
and desperate.. The rich and privileged hold
subcultures and histories. The hub of actors, patrons,
banquets, balls, and plays, while quietly fighting over
painters, gossip, and the court of public opinion,
scraps of high value land, ancient tomes of
Holly Woods holds some of the most well known and
knowledge and entertainment, and the right to be
beloved (and by extension, some of the least well
seen. Meanwhile, in the less fortunate districts, a
known and least beloved) figures in all the world.
dozen factions are caught in more direct conflicts,
Holly Woods plays host to a stark contrast
sometimes fighting for supremacy over the city itself.
between the rich and famous, their adoring fans, and
In the city of dreams, every dream belies an agenda;
the poor who struggle to live in a town not quite big
every aspiration concealing some hidden truth,
enough for all of them. Despite this division, Holly
sought by the dreamer at any cost—to themselves, to
Woods stands resolute as the home of many of The
the people around them, or to the world. The people
Don’s greatest adversaries, free from the shadow he
of Holly Woods are idealists to a fault, and in many
casts across Washtown. A gathering ground for
cases, completely reject the harsh realities that stand
revolutionaries of all kinds, the castes of Holly
against them.
Woods are slowly finding that their united hatred of
The government of Holly Woods, on the other
The Don may not be enough to overcome the many
hand, might be the one organization in the province
issues that plague their strained coexistence.
that places the needs of the people over their own
The City of Fallen Aasimar began as a village
needs. Run by an actor-turned-politician, the
settled by a Native tribe long before the Murkan
government of Holly Woods seems to legitimately
Kingdom had expanded to the western shores. When
care about its citizens, despite everything else in the
Murka had begun its westward expansion, Holly
city indicating the contrary—but competition
Woods still belonged to the Southlands, as did most
between different factions and rich thespians of the
of the west. So naturally, when Murkans arrived at
city have hindered the government’s ability to have a
the western shores and saw their potential, war
tangible effect on the lives of the people.
ensued. Murka fought and conquered a large swath
of the Kingdom of The Southlands—turning them
into the provinces of Kale’forna, Nirvana, and
On the surface, it appears to be a utopia of
opportunity: a place of hope and hedonism, of back
alley deals and beautiful faces—of strange and
otherworldly religions, bright lights, and nostalgia. Comm Town
Recycled metals, ethical food joints, and newly-
legalized apothecaries line nearly every street in the Serving as a bastion city for the Weary, who make up
city—but behind this city’s veneer of enlightened nearly its entire populace, Comm Town is a cultural
attitudes and progressive politics are some of the and manufacturing hub in the heart of Holly Woods,
darkest places in Murka. In the mottled grey streets connected to the surrounding cities via railway. The
of Comm Town, and the silver heights of Tong City, area has become a gathering place for engineers,
warlords and kingpins mix blood and gold while artificers, and merchants due to its rich deposits of
vying for control over the city. In sunny San Monka, natural ores and oil, and serving that industry are
and the idyllic and pristine Holly Hills, burnt out and some of Murka’s most influential political and artistic
struggling performers give up their minds and bodies movements.
just to be extras in each others plays in the unending Named after Commodore Griffin, the explorer
struggle to stay relevant. Holly Woods is where you who founded the original settlement, Comm Town
go to snort a line of your own ambition, and where lies in the very center of Tong City, as an oasis in the
the truth died of overdose a long time ago. midst of the deserts of Western Murka. Seated along

a deep ravine which cuts the city nearly in half,
Comm Town enjoys a temperate, sunny climate only
The Crystal Willows
partially obscured by the billowing smoke from Crafted from precious stones and held together by
foundries, refineries and factories in the area. Its mithril, these crystalline towers give off the illusion
current mayor—the youngest in Comm Town history of willow branches when the light hits them, but also
—is Lady Dejah Rivers. Her most notable act as moisture collectors to help irrigate local crops
accomplishment has been bartering a truce between and provide water for some of Comm Town’s
two major clans in the area: the Scarlet Swords and impoverished residents.
the Coldfire Tribe, eradicating their long-standing Originally a symbol of Wattson, a smaller village
hatred for one another in favor of a cooperative right outside city limits, Comm Town’s expansion
atmosphere which focuses on the community. claimed both the towers and their home, with open
Comm Town is considered an excellent place to arms and warm hearts. It was created by a mage who
start and expand a small business, making it happened to get caught up in the rebellion and
something of an economic garden. Despite this, the decided that his weapon in the revolution would be
district is also considered to be fairly dangerous, as his art.
all of its denizens maintain a strict survivalist
mindset bred by the longstanding oppression they’ve THE GRIFFIN BAZAAR
faced. It is a place rife with history, and seeks to
balance the strife of the past against the hopes of its The Bazaar, which has stood through war, revolt
future leaders, aiming to elevate its people while and expansion alike, is densely packed with stalls
learning lessons from the struggles they’ve faced. Its for local and foreign merchants to come and trade
people refuse to declare a common language, as all their wares freely, each shouting their special
tongues are welcomed and nurtured here, despite deals at you. The heavily armored guards wander
tensions between Human Elitists and the Weary the area collecting protection fees, and eye you up
factions spread throughout the region. The many and down as you pass. The smell of roast auroch
different cultures and groups who live here work gives your stomach a warm sensation, and you
hard to make Comm Town a city worth living in. can hear the tinkling chimes of jewelry hanging
from their displays.


The large ravine that snakes its way through Comm
Comm Town is a city known for its delicate Town is often referred to as The Drop. When Comm
waltz with crime and industry. Though crime Town was settled, it rested purely on the surface. But,
has decreased significantly with new over time, as earthquakes tore the ravine further
leadership, one will still find Dealers on Steam apart and as Comm Town grew in its size and
Rail platforms and in the corners of the influence, the denizens of Comm Town adapted and
bazaars and neighborhoods peddling their set up sections of the city against the walls of The
myriad illicit weapons and wares. Drop.
Some of the largest buildings in Comm Town
Consider providing the players a contact in
have massive balcony courtyards and gardens, with
the form of a dealer who is well-versed in the
stone struts that run down to the bottom of The
ways of the town, who can provide exposition, Drop, and bridges that close the gap across it.
direction, and if necessary, an element of
danger, as their lives are the most likely to be
Home of Heritage
lost in crossfire or under the foot of a corrupt
authority. Dealers are masters of procuring Another relic of Comm Town’s colorful history, the
Home of Heritage is the oldest remaining house in
any item or piece of information desired, as
Comm Town. Comm Town’s local government
long as you can pay the price.
wanted to protect the home as a symbol of its roots,
and so they enshrouded it in a magical ward that
prevents the wood of the house from decaying or

aging. In fact, time seems to stand still for any object Tong City, the Tree of Parsonneaux is one of Comm
that remains in the house for very long. It was also Town’s most celebrated landmarks. So called because
magically relocated so it stands near City Hall, its thick branches and wavering foliage reflect a
serving as a museum full of trinkets and artifacts silhouette of a freedom dragon: Parsonneaux, who
from Comm Town’s history. once protected the people of Comm Town with her
life. Tales tell of how her love hardened her against
King Martin Conservatory and Hospital the corrupted authorities who sought uniformity
among Comm Town’s people, such that she became a
The Martin Conservatory and Hospital is both a living wooden statue of herself. The tree became a
center of learning and a place of healing. Staffed by symbol of resistance, and of taking comfort in one’s
the brightest scientific minds and devoted clerical own identity, during the King Rebellions. Many of
hearts, they treat wounds and ailments while training Comm Town’s more imaginative citizens hold the
their youth to take their place and to take Martin’s belief that one day, Parsonneaux will re-awaken to
mission of healing to Murka. One can see this shining serve the cause of The Weary, and defend its people
whitestone and brick fortress from city hall, a against the tyranny of modern Murkan leaders.
mockery of the Pale Fortress as a last act of defiance.
When the pacifist Weary leader King Martin was
assassinated in his prime, the people he left behind Tong City
were heartbroken and enraged. They staged
demonstrations and sparked a rebellion against Named after the Murkan tribe native to the region,
Murkan leaders nationwide. When the dust settled, Tong City is the largest district in Holly Woods. The
youths took the embers of that revolutionary fire and entire district is a sprawling metropolis built in all
turned it on their own communities, including the styles of the empires that came before. Much of
Comm Town, and only the interventions of their the city appears very modern, with solid foundations
elders could stem the tide. Pooling their resources to of limestone brick supporting redwood columns, and
renovate a rundown infirmary, they broke ground on strong steel girders; materials that allow the city’s
what would become a community resource for years architects to compose massive structures which, like
to come. works of celestial art, stretch up to the sky itself.
However, a great number of the oldest buildings and
Adamant Ranch foundations are adobe, harkening back to the days
when Holly Woods was a kingdom by itself, before it
The historic homestead that once belonged to the was claimed by Murkan colonists. Almost every
city’s founders, Adamant Ranch serves as an building in Tong City emulates a different cultural
industrial park and public garden. A unique system of style of architecture, ranging from rustic ring-
repurposed mining tunnels and various steam- fortresses and ancient ziggurats to alien-like towers
powered drills and railcars connects warehouses and composed entirely of curved glass. Connecting the
foundries on one side of the compound. On the other city together, a suspended tram line crosses from the
side, an enchanted fountain system filters the marble-lined streets of the mundane commercial
pollutants out of the fields and livestock paddocks. centers to the gold-plated paths of the wealthy and
Here, families who can’t support animals and crops powerful.
on their own pay a fee to the city to house and care An entire book could be written on the
for them, and in exchange they are permitted to sell overpowering number of strange and completely
their goods at the heavily-trafficked Griffin Bazaar. senseless buildings (Actually, there is, it’s called
It’s rumored that the ground here is fertile as a sign Torvald’s Exploration of Curvy Buildings, available at
of good faith between the land’s original caretakers Nobles & Barns for 15cp).
and it’s current handlers—a direct result of the Tong City is often visited by the nobility of Holly
efforts of Comm Town’s earliest inhabitants. Hills and Tinsel Town, whose fame and fortunes are
often so extreme and wide-reaching that they
The Tree of Parsonneaux overshadow nearly everyone else in Holly Woods.
However, the district is still home to its own sect of
A tree that serves as a natural boundary between
minor nobles who own and operate small businesses
Comm Town and some of the inner-city districts of
in the city: Even in a town dominated by its

entertainment business, somebody has to own the
farms and bake the bread. Most of these smaller
businesses and guilds are tied to the Studio Lords in ON THE EDGE OF WAR?
some manner or another, but a hardworking
merchant or entrepreneur can still achieve a certain
The atmosphere of the capitol building is,
level of lordship. Tong City, and Holly Woods by
at most times, very tense. In response to a
extension, prides itself as the economic backbone of
series of threats, Kale’forna’s governor
the entire province, and it is the reason Holly Woods
has begun to prepare the city for open war
is one of the largest cities in Murka.
with The Don’s Party - amassing fresh
recruits to garrison the city, and building
new forts on the outer limits of Holly
The Capitol Building Woods to stall any invading army. In the
The seat of government for the Kale’fornia region, the meantime, the Communal Party contends
Capitol Building of Holly Woods rests at the center of with enemies of their own: Their own,
the densest parts of Tong City. Resembling many of more militaristic counterpart—the Anti-
the other stately capitol buildings of Murka, the Gang—has begun to turn the city into a
Capitol Building of Holly Woods has a central portico police state for fear of The Don’s
and columns on every side made of bright marble, supporters, sparking tensions between the
but stretched well beyond reason to the very top of Gang and the city guard. On the other side,
the building, as if someone, worried there wasn’t the Church of Mythatology has recently
enough room, stretched the building like taffy. The shown signs that they support The Don.
capitol building, aside from being the stronghold of With enemies from both within, and
Kale’forna’s Governor, Schwartzukadnezzer The without, many fear that Holly Woods
Diplomizer, is also home to the main office of the could be on the edge of war and eventual
Communal Party, and their leader, Birdie Sanders. collapse.

has to make a deal with the studio lords. Everything,
Tinsel Town from the bread you eat to the drugs you take, can be
traced back to a studio in Tinsel Town.
Holly Woods is the center of the theater and
entertainment community in Murka. As such, every
major theater patron has what they call a ‘studio’ Star Run
here: A headquarters that houses all the important Perhaps the most important and recognizable
technology and support staff, and oftentimes the location in Holly Woods is the Star Run. The Star
players of whatever productions they are putting on Run is a series of streets with hundreds of crystalline
at the time. These studios and production companies stars embedded into the stone. On each star is the
are some of the most protected places in the city (due name of an accomplished hero, actor, or figurehead—
to the incredibly lucrative ‘spoiler’ industry that has many of whom have gone onto godhood itself. Many
recently cropped up), and so naturally, one need only scholars theorize the crystalline substance the stars
contact their Customer Service Desk to get a safely- are made from may be somehow linked to the lost
guided tour. hopes and dreams of those who failed to ascend.
The studios more or less operate as the largest Here, the name of every creature who ascends is
guilds of the city. While other, more utilitarian methodically inscribed upon these crystalline stars by
industries such as mining and farming thrive in other their followers. Most of these inscriptions are in
parts of Holly Woods such as Comm Town, most are common, and were created by Murkans, or even by
either entirely dwarfed by, or are subsidiaries of, the ancient Kale’fornans; but some of these stars are
those production companies. As a result, anyone who old enough to be written in dead languages, like
wants to truly see success in Holly Woods eventually infernal, and draconic. The edges of the oldest stars

are weathered, and the ground they inhabit has a daycare, and before that, an Old Buck’s. Neither
turned black with the wear of time and tread. business model worked out, likely because the
businesses were run out of a creepy looking temple
The Temple of Xen with gargoyles on the roof.

One of the most beautiful and striking parts of Holly

Hills, The Temple of Xen is the home base of The
Holly Hills
Church of Mythatology. The Church itself is a truly In the rolling hills that surround the northern side of
haunting structure, with massive embedded columns, the city, the rich and famous make their homes next
and bronze latices that run up the side of the to one another. Holly Hills is primarily residential,
structure in a patchwork of shiny brown, goldish, and with room for only a handful of inns and restaurants
coppery green. At the tops of each column, and the here and there. The houses in the Hills are idyllic,
apex of the steeple, are gargoyles said to have once beautiful, and daring in design: Some have fabricated
been otherworldly “outsiders” summoned to protect rivers and waterfalls that can connect several
the temple, now turned to stone and metal. properties together. Other houses feature glass walls
The Church of Mythatology is a fairly new and floors, and even roofs—and sometimes it's all of
religion, far newer than the temple they occupy. The those at the same time. Parks display works of
Temple of Xen is thought to have once belonged to a otherworldly works of art, often made with mundane
god worshiped by the Tong People themselves, a materials such as redwood, but magically bent and
great old one whose domain is beyond humanoid split into a dozen different shapes. The obtuse shapes
comprehension—or so the legend goes. In later years, of the borough can be off-putting to outsiders, but
before the Church came to possess the temple, it was the builders of the city maintain that Holly Hills is

built to be a city of the future, where order and natives who integrated into Murkan culture, and
enlightenment meet. All of these features give Holly even cultures from across the Far Sea - making it an
Hills an atmosphere of opulence, and eccentricity— excellent example of the incredible amount of
but also one of security and safety. diversity to be found in Holly Woods.
Despite appearing somewhat disarmed and San Monka is not all sunshine and tequila though
peaceful, this is where many of the important —while the residents of San Monka do have access
decisions are made, and where the real opportunities and are completely welcome to the tourist sections,
are found. Actors, studio executives, bards, the tourist economy leaves large sections of San
politicians, and many others gather here to have Monka a lot poorer than most people realize.
seemingly-innocent dinner parties, barbeques, and Tourism is profitable indeed, but only for the people
art shows—and it is in the shadows of these events who own the establishments and not so much for
that they engage in a plethora of illicit acts, from those who operate them - and in a tourism
organizing marketing schemes to exchanging dominated economy, everyone becomes
stageplays, properties, and favors, carefully hidden inadvertently dependent on tourism. Many of San
from the prying eyes of the public. While plays and Monka’s less fortunate neighborhoods are also host
merchandise might not seem tantamount to power to organized crime, leaving people to either turn to
and control over a city of millions, in a place like crime themselves, or to depend heavily on the
Holly Woods, entertainment is everything. growing number of druid circles.
Known as Urban Druids, the circles live and
operate largely in impoverished cities, their work
San Monka focused on making life easier for the poor by creating
self sustaining neighborhoods. These neighborhoods
The district closest to the shore, San Monka covers a are given gardens to eat from, shaman to heal their
series of neighborhoods, wharfs, and markets that sick, and even fresh water brought in by newly
make up the largest concentration of permanent created streams. The catch, of course, is that in the
residents in the city. San Monka is where the beaches process the druids slowly break down the city and
are—which makes it one of many tourist traps in a return it to wilderness, and the neighborhood is
city virtually made of tourist traps. The district is expected to abandon all worldly possessions and
positively dominated by its tourism industry: There capitalist thought—making reintegration to Murkan
are inns that stretch over entire blocks, or have society very difficult—and also to kindly host the
dozens of floors, and rental properties that line the nightly drum circles, and the disturbing rituals (and
beachfront in row after row. In order to smells) that follow.
accommodate the droves of tourists who come to
visit, relax, and party, San Monka possesses a myriad
of fast food markets, novelty clothing and trinket
shops, and even a permanent circus who maintain a
tent on one of the massive piers that stretches
out far over the waters.
The common people of San Monka are
culturally very similar to their cousins in the
greater Holly Woods area in that they are
widely regarded as very pretty to look at, and
as famously hedonistic as their Tong
counterparts - but less materialistic in their
personal lives, which is typically kept very
separate from their work in tourism, and attractions.
The amenities meant for tourists are also still highly
accessible for its permanent residents, who enjoy
both the sun and the surf, and run fishing enterprises
into the bay of the Far Sea. The district is home to
large populations of tribes who come from
everywhere imaginable; the Southlands below Murka,

PEOPLE Originally founded by Harriet, Allison, Samantha,
and Jacklyn Warner, The Warder Sisters Agency is
the most powerful studio in the city, and the only
true rivals to the super-studio Diznay, which lies on
the other side of Murka, in Idolando. The Sisters
Schwartzukadnezzer The Diplomizer started the agency as a group effort, with a focus on
paying homage to ancient trickster gods such as The
The City of Holly Woods is governed by a man with a Great Insect Hare, and eventually moved on to
nigh-unpronounceable name, though none of his parody—arguably the lowest form of comedy and
residents would want to say that to his face. A goliath entertainment—with a focus on self-parody. Today,
seemingly made of flesh on top of steel and stone, they are the most powerful of the great studio lords
this towering diplomat was once a prolific actor of Holly Woods, rivaling even The Diplomizer for
himself. However, what makes Schwartzukadnezzer control of the city. The Warders own a number of
such an admirable leader in his own right is his lavish theaters around the city, boasting hundreds of
rejection of ascension in favor of a career in politics. different plays that can be transmitted across arcane
After a game-changing encounter with a predator projectors to audiences of millions. The theaters
he can no longer totally recall, he decided he was provide funding for the sisters to engage in a
done copping to the kindergartener-esque egos of the multitude of other markets, such as circus acts,
theater community. Instead, he terminated his books, corporate espionage, and even politics.
thespian career in order to make himself expendable
to the Murkan people as a politician. With ice in his
veins and a red-hot smile, The Diplomizer makes his The Communal Party
last stand as a terrifying presence in the capitol
building. Some argue that the collateral damage of The Communal Party is a party of largely-pacifist
his exodus from the theater community was a raw devotees to a philosophy of sharing and close living.
deal for everyone involved, but his escape plan left They believe that if everyone pooled a fair portion of
him as the man running the show in Holly Woods. their resources into a properly-run governing body,
that body would then have the power to solve a
number of problems that individuals themselves
could not, such as fair and affordable access to
education, healing magics, and useful potions. The
Communal Party has been particularly active in Holly
Woods, and, thanks in part to the backing of Holly
Woods’ eccentric actor nobility, the city’s laws have
transformed to reflect the caring of sharing. The
Communal Party therefore enjoys unprecedented
comfort in the Silver City as political advisers,
philanthropists, and activists.
Many have accused the Communal Party of
working in half-steps. The party’s devotion to
pacifism and working to create change through
legitimate channels earns them great praise—when it
works. Other powers in the city such as the Anti-
Gang chastise the Communal Party as little more
than political doormats, and as far too trusting, to a
point of naivety. So while the Communal Party does
create genuine, albeit slow, change that often
benefits the citizens of Holly Woods, they have no

real power to defend that change and are left
dependent on the city guard—or even on the Anti- Birdie Sanders
Gang themselves.
In more recent events, the Church of Birdie is the wise and generous leader of the peaceful
Mythatology has begun to make troubling moves Communal Party, a revered wizard and ex-
against the Communal Party, culminating in an adventurer. Residing in the Holly Woods Capitol
attempted assassination against the Communal Building, Birdie is known for his generous and
Party’s leader Birdie Sanders—though nobody can progressive policies, and his cooperative demeanor.
prove that the assassin was actually a member of The Working with The Diplomizer, Birdie has pushed for
Church, or even working on their behest. As a result, reforms such as the free distribution of spellbooks
the Communal Party remains unable to support any and scrolls for the city’s youth, expansions in the
retaliation against The Church, and have even gone city’s healer workforce, and eventual access to those
out of their way to keep the Anti-Gang from sparking healers for everyone from Tong City to Magnamalus
an open conflict in order to preserve the peace. —a service for which everyone pays a hefty tax. He
has also been recently working on supporting an
initiative called the Green Deal, designed to create
jobs to combat the growing threat of Green Storms,
dangerous weather events created by centuries of
industrial waste.
Birdie has earned the respect and admiration of
his followers, and even the begrudging respect of his
counterparts in the Anti-Gang. However, his policies
remain somewhat experimental, and his ability to
enforce change is constantly frustrated by
intervention from his more violent rivals in the Anti-
Gang and the Church of Mythatology—both of whom
view him as misguided and idealistic. His dedication
to diplomacy and fixing the system from within the
system remains one of the central tensions between
the Communal Party and the Anti-Gang.

The Anti-Gang
The Anti-Gang is the radical, unpredictable
counterpart to the Communal Party. The Anti-Gang
takes the communal philosophy to an extreme, and
are much more serious about creating a just and fair
society—even if that means using violence as a
means to an end. To that effect, the Anti-Gang tend
to target the rich nobility of Holly Hills, corrupt
politicians, and supporters of The Don, each of whom
they believe abuse their excessive power and
privilege. The Anti-Gang’s methods produce harsh,
but ultimately fair results designed to redistribute
power; making them the self-proclaimed enforcers of
the Communal Party. All across Murka, the Anti-
Gang protests and fights in skirmishes for what they
believe is the true freedom of Murka and her people:
The rise of a non-capitalist nation, with no king, run
by the people themselves—a true democracy. While

the Anti-Gang see themselves as freedom-fighters covered in blood, the Anti-Gang members who
and heroes, many others see them as anarchist perpetrated the act were arrested. Since then, the
bandits, and the people of Holly Woods know them Anti-Gang’s relationship with the Communal Party
as the unofficial secret police of the Communal Party. has remained tense, occasionally waxing into
Their aggressively progressive behavior outright conflict between the Anti-Gang and the city
unfortunately places them at odds with members of guards who support the Communal Party.
the Communal Party itself, who prefer to work within The Anti-Gang have also found a recent enemy in
the established governmental system and garner the the Church of Mythatology, who have sent a number
goodwill of the people. When it comes to the Anti- of assassins to kill Anti-Gang leaders—a move that
Gang and the Communal Party, it is important to has puzzled and deeply concerned both the Anti-
remember that though they are rivals, they are not Gang and the Communal Party, who once fought in
enemies. The Anti-Gang often helps the Communal the courts of law to legalize the Mythatology religion.
Party, inadvertently or otherwise—but they do so on While the Anti-Gang are always ready to fight for
their own initiative, and often for their own reasons. truth and justice, the Church of Mythatology is quick
During the introduction of the Communal Party’s to confuse both parties by claiming any and all
medical initiative, many of Holly Wood’s citizens attacks against them are attacks against their
found the heightened taxes unacceptable, and some freedom to worship their gods. So convincing is the
refused to pay—only to be visited by the Anti-Gang Church’s argument that many of Holly Wood’s
soon after. When the Communal Party received gold citizens have denounced the Anti-Gang for going
back on their own beliefs—an issue that has
wounded the morale of the Anti-Gang’s fighters.


With innate resilience and a distrust of authority, the people of Comm
Town can be found at the heart of nearly every Weary Revolution that
occurred in Western Murka, including the King Rebellions which united
the smaller surrounding boroughs and villages against the corrupt local
government presiding over Holly Woods.
After these successful revolutions, the youths saw an ongoing need
to form groups they hoped would protect them from oppressive law
enforcement agencies of Murka. However, a disagreement over how
much violence constituted an appropriate means of problem solving led
to a schism which would create two infamous groups and set them
against each other and the city: The Scarlet Swords and the Coldfire
Tribe. These rival groups would turn Holly Woods into their
battleground for an entire generation before Lady Dejah Rivers managed
to broker a ceasefire some years ago.
That time of peace led to a rise of Comm Town’s arts community,
which gave way to the Warrior Poet Society, who took their frustrations
from the street to the stage and developed a martial science in harmony
with music, dance and oration. While you may still find them carrying
their own sidearms, they also carry magical tuning blades.
These tuning blades are almost always custom-made, and typically
bear designs which hold significance to the wielder, whether it’s a family
crest or a connection to another Warrior Poet from Magnumalus. The
Warrior Poets use these blades to amplify and channel their voice during
fierce martial and bardic duels with one another, and the most skilled
Warrior Poets can even use them to cast spells.
dispose of those who stand against, or even attempt
The Church of Mythatology to leave, the religion—allegedly even going so far as
to hire paid mercenaries and assassins to do their
At one time, the religion of the Church of dirty work for them. Despite all of this, no legal
Mythatology was completely outlawed across Murka action has ever been successfully taken against them.
—which is very strange for a kingdom built on The Church of Mythatology somehow manages to
religious (and many other flavors of) freedom. There always keep their hands clean and their information
has long been speculation that the Church of secure, granting them a semblance of protection
Mythatology was made illegal by the Murkan within the very litigious Murkan court system.
government for being nothing more than a thinly- The Church is not particularly given to sharing
veiled attempt at tax evasion and profiteering for its their power with the state, going to great lengths to
founder, a playwright named Elrond Cupboard. manipulate and coerce governmental leaders to join
Despite its widely-known tendency towards their ranks, and outright deposing or eliminating
unscrupulous behavior, the Church of Mythatology those who refuse. The Don seems to be a unique
remains one of the most powerful factions in Holly exception to this, as the Church appears to treat him
Woods, due primarily to the fact that it is supported like an uneasy ally. Many suspect that their courtesy
by some of the biggest names in Holly Woods, such is a ruse, a ploy to seem less threatening, and that
as Thomas Cruseau. their ultimate goal is to blackmail and control The
The Church of Mythatology is a cloistered and Don, using him as a puppet for their dark designs of
secretive religion, whose actual morals and values are world domination. All of this puts the Church at odds
difficult to pin down. Though little is known about with those who fight for their freedom to practice
the intricacies of their organization, their actions their so-called religion—The Communal Party and
indicate a particular interest in power, money, and the Anti-Gang. The Communal Party, despite being
control—both as a means of self preservation and well-intentioned, does not seem to know how to
expansion. The Church has been known to bribe react to the Church’s connection to its suddenly-
politicians, hide damning evidence, defraud departed members and adversaries, while the Anti-
governmental institutions, and manipulate their Gang has begun to prepare for a potential war with
members with both a corrupted social influence and them, as the Anti-Gang is wont to do.
powerful mind-magic. They also defame or otherwise

• You get hired to dig up the dirty laundry of a local
actor by someone claiming to be a journalist,
whose motivations seem arguably virtuous—but as
you approach the estate of renowned actor Thomas
Cruseau, you find him and about 20 others engaged
in a secretive Mythatology ritual, with a young
woman tied to the altar in the center!
• This town lives, breathes, eats, and sleeps gossip.
So, when one of your party overhears a particularly
beloved starlet, one believed even by the elite to be
untouchable and pure, admitting to a deadly and
embarrassing secret, they have but one option:
Embark on an adventure to either ruin or save this
woman’s career, and by extension, life in Holly

• The Warder Sisters are making a new picture. The

word ‘marvelous’ keeps getting thrown around, and
it’s driving all the other executives in the city mad.
A courier hands you a letter, addressed from the
Diznay Citadel, who have put out an exorbitant
offer to any freelancer who brings them any
information regarding this new project. The
Warder Sisters’ studio has responded venomously,
promising an equal reward for information which
may help them in their constant theatrical battle
with Diznay. Whichever side your party chooses,
know that the tomes written of their exploits will
inevitably be better than the plays.

• In the quiet hills of Tinsel Town, the Anti-Gang
prepares to clash with the local guard and the
Communal Party’s paladins of peace over a house
suspected to belong to an agent of The Don. You
happen upon the scene as tensions begin to rise,
and must choose - support one side or the other, or
stand aside as the situation spirals out of control.

• Your party finds a note dropped by an assassin,

revealing a plot by the Church of Mythatology to
assassinate the Diplomizer! On the streets are signs
and town criers announcing a speech to be given by
Schwarzukadnezzer the very next day—your party’s
time to save the province is limited!

• Legend has it that the Tree of Parsonneaux was once an actual freedom dragon, and supposedly the
dragon would wake again if Comm Town was ever threatened. With war on the horizon, perhaps it is
time to seek out the tree and learn the secret to awakening the Dragon! Your party is approached by
an old wise woman of the community who hands you an incomplete looking amulet, and directs you
to seek out the Dragon’s ancient abandoned lair in the Hardborn Mountains to the east.

Equipment & Treasure
urka is filled with many unique and The Buck. This currency is named after Murka's
wonderful treasures, from powerful first king, King Wash, who held the nickname "Old
firearms to obscure weapons and Buck." The existence of this coin speaks volumes of
armor found nowhere else on Urth. the economical prowess of Murka as a kingdom.
Many of these items can be found for sale in specialty Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Copper Coins.
shops around the kingdom or from previous owners These coins are found all over Urth, though they hold
thanks to Murka's cultural obsession with capitalism. a different value in Murka. Each coin is used in a
That being said, the prices of some of these items similar fashion to other countries, though Murka's
may be extreme for anyone who wasn't fortunate coins are typically engraved with the faces of Murkan
enough to have inherited an obscene amount of Kings or landmarks.
wealth, or brave enough to become one of Murka's Exposure. At the bottom of Murka's currency
many courageous adventuring parties. totem pole is "exposure," which are tokens so wildly
worthless that many people rightfully refuse it as a
method of payment. The only kinds of people who
A DAY LATE, A BUCK SHORT deal in exposure are swindlers, con artists, and
"businessmen" who are so out of touch with the
The economy in Murka is in shambles, and although economic state of affairs in Murka that they've
money changes hands frequently, a vast majority of convinced themselves exposure is worth more than
Murka's wealth lies in the hands of its politicians and an equivalent number of bucks.
corporate leaders. Fortunately, Murka's wealth as a
kingdom far surpasses many kingdoms across the
world, and even Murka's poorest citizens typically
find ways to get by, whether they work themselves to
the bone or rely on the kindness of strangers.
Murka's currency comes in several


On the face of the Murkan buck is a profile of King
Wash, donning the crown of Murka. On the reverse,
a five-point star is engraved, with an all-seeing eye
embellished in the center. Originally meant to
represent the idea that Murka carefully watched
over all its citizens, the eye now carries much more
sinister implications of surveillance and

Exposure Copper Silver Gold Platinum Buck

Exposure 1 1/10 1/100 1/1,000 1/10,000 1/100,000
Copper 10 1 1/10 1/100 1/1,000 1/10,000
Silver 100 10 1 1/10 1/100 1/1,000
Gold 1,000 100 10 1 1/10 1/100
Platinum 10,000 1,000 100 10 1 1/10
Buck 100,000 10,000 1,000 100 10 1

WEAPONS save, a creature takes 2d8 fire damage. On a
successful save, a creature takes half damage.

In this world that's hellhound-eat-hellhound, the Gunchucks. This unique piece of equipment consists
key to success is ensuring you have the sharpest of two pistols tied together by a length of chain or
fangs, and the strongest bite. And in Murka, there sturdy rope. Gunchucks can be wielded by one end in
are fangs aplenty. melee, hitting a creature as the other end flails, or it
Weapons have played a crucial role in Murka's can be wielded at range by choosing one of the guns
culture since its inception, and the notion of and firing it at an opponent. If you roll a critical
defending oneself is considered a right to all Murkan success on a melee attack with the gunchucks, in
citizens. Murka's most commonly-seen weapons are addition to the extra damage on your melee attack,
firearms, but it's not out-of-the-ordinary to see an enemy you choose within range takes damage as if
explosives in the hands of powerful mercenaries, or a hit by a non-critical ranged attack made by the
lasso swung above the head of a steer mounted lone gunchucks. This may be the target you hit with the
ranger. original melee attack. At least one of the gunchuck
guns must be loaded for this to work.

Murka, nation of the proud, home of the liberated—
and land of copious amounts of GUNS! Guns are not
quite as much of a mystery to the Murkan people as
they are to other nations and kingdoms. Guns are
easily acquired, well understood, and many of
Murkan’s citizens carry them. You may go to a gun
shop to purchase ammo, mods, and request magical
improvements, no background check required!
Alternatively, someone who is proficient with tinker’s
tools might be able to create these things for
A responsible gun owner understands that
firearm usage requires proper, regular maintenance
and care, else their gun might jam in an intense
situation, leaving them vulnerable to having their
liberties (among other things) violated.
Jam. If you roll your weapon’s jam value or lower,
your gun jams, and cannot fire until you spend one
attack or a bonus action to clear the weapon. Once
the weapon is cleared, you lose the shot you
attempted to fire. If this was the last shot in the gun,
you must then reload. EXPLOSIVES
Knock-back. The target must make a DC 10
Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the target is
pushed backward 5 feet and are knocked prone. On If guns are stubborn, then explosives are outright
a successful save, they are pushed backward 5 feet. belligerent. Explosives are considered thrown
weapons, and are extremely dangerous to use,
expensive to create, but highly effective when used
You can throw any of the explosives on this list a
Flame Spitter. Instead of rolling an attack roll, distance equal to 15 times your Dexterity or Strength
for each shot all creatures in a 15-foot cone must Modifier (your choice, minimum 10ft). You pick a 5
make a Dexterity saving throw with a DC of 14. On foot square within that distance and every creature in
a failed

the item's Explosive Range must make a DC 11 Triggered. This explosive must be triggered by a
Dexterity saving throw or take the damage listed. The fuse, a magical detonator, or some form of damage.
creature still takes half damage on a successful saving Sticky. This device can adhere to any physical,
throw. If you are proficient in explosives you add non-magically-repellant surface.
your proficiency modifier to the save DC. As well,
some explosives have additional properties:
Burning. The target takes 1d4 fire damage at the EXPLOSIVES KIT
start of each of its turns. A creature can end this
damage by using its action to make a DC 10 Dexterity Explosives Kit. Acquiring this kit of tools allows you
check to extinguish the flames. to speed up the crafting process of explosives to a
Fuse. A 30-second fuse, which can be trimmed to rate of 50gp per day, plus 25gp per day per person
any length and used to detonate any explosive. assisting.

Explosives Table
Name Cost Damage Weight Range Properties

Firecracker 10 gp 1d4 fire, 1d4 force ¼ lb. 5 ft. Thrown

Hand Grenade 100 gp 1d8 fire, 1d8 force ½ lb. 10 ft. Knock-back, thrown
Sticky Grenade 120 gp 1d8 fire, 1d8 force ½ lb. 10 ft. Knock-back, sticky, thrown,
Cluster Grenade 300 gp 3d6 fire, 3d6 force 2 lb. 15 ft. Knock-back, thrown
Dynamite 1,000 gp 2d10 fire, 2d10 force 2 lb. 20 ft. Knock-back, thrown, triggered
Fuse 1 gp (5) - ½ lb. - Special
C4 6,500 gp 4d10 fire, 4d10 force 2 lb. 20 ft. Knock-back, sticky, thrown,
Napalm 6,500 gp 4d10 fire, 4d10 force 3 lb. 20 ft. Burning, knock-back, thrown
Volatile Void 10,000 gp, 1 soul 3d10 fire, 3d10 force, 1 lb., 10 lb. 40 ft. Special. Thrown, triggered.
Crystal 4d10 necrotic
All creatures and objects within 80ft of the
SPECIAL EXPLOSIVES detonation are pulled 20ft toward its center. If a
creature runs into any objects like difficult terrain or
Volatile Void Crystal. An explosive that, using the a wall, they must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity
power of the soul, rips the very fabric of reality as it saving throw or take 1d8 bludgeoning damage.
explodes. Crafting this explosive requires a humanoid
sacrifice on the last day of the crafting process. If you
are good-aligned, this object weighs 10 lbs., as you SPECIAL WEAPONS
must also carry the weight of your decisions.
Lasso. Proficiency with a lasso allows you to add
All enemies killed by this explosive, and all
your proficiency bonus to any attack roll made with
objects destroyed by it, are sucked into a secondary
it. A lasso can be crafted from any length of rope,
implosion after the crystal detonates.
and has a reach of 5 feet less than the length of rope
used to craft it.

A Large or smaller creature hit by a lasso is
grappled until it is freed. A lasso has no effect on
creatures that are formless or creatures that are Huge
or larger. You can use your bonus action to try to tie a
lassoed creature. To do so, make a Strength or
Dexterity check opposed by the creature. On a
success, the creature is restrained.
A lassoed creature or one that can touch it can
use its action to make a DC 10 Strength check. On a
success, the target is freed. The lasso has AC 10, 5 hit
points, and immunity to piercing and bludgeoning

Name Cost Ammo Cost Damage Weight Range (in ft.) Properties

Light Sidearm 50 gp 2 gp (20) 1d8 piercing 1 lb. 40/60 Ammunition, jam 1, reload (1 shot),
Sidearm 90 gp 4 gp (20) 1d10 piercing 3 lb. 40/60 Ammunition, jam 1, reload (1 shot),
Crude 150 gp 4 gp (20) 1d10 piercing 3 lb. 40/60 Ammunition, jam 1, reload (4
Revolver shots), light

Rifle 300 gp 5 gp (20) 1d12 piercing 10 lb. 120/480 Ammunition, jam 2, reload (1
shot), two-handed
Harmonica 350 gp 5 gp (20) 1d12 piercing 10 lb. 120/480 Ammunition, jam 2, reload (6
Rifle shots), two-handed
Tactical 3,000 gp 5 gp (20) 1d12 piercing 13 lb. 120/480 Ammunition, jam 3, reload (30
Assault Rifle shots), two-handed
Fine Revolver 250 gp 4 gp (20) 1d10 piercing 5 lb. 40/60 Ammunition, jam 2, reload (6
shots), light
Blunderbuss 300 gp 5 gp (5) 2d8 piercing 10 lb. 15/60 Ammunition, jam 2, reload (1 shot)
Crude Shotgun 330 gp 10 gp (5) 2d12 piercing 10 lb. 15/60 Ammunition, jam 3, reload (1 shot),
Pump-action 2,400 gp 10 gp (5) 2d12 piercing 10 lb. 15/60 Ammunition, jam 3, reload (10
Shotgun shots), two-handed
Gonne 300 gp 10 gp (1) 2d8 bludgeoning 10 lb. 45/75 Ammunition, knock-back, jam 3,
reload (30 shots), two-handed
Flame Spitter 1,000 gp 20 gp (20) 2d8 fire 20 lb. 15 (cone) Special. Ammunition, burning,
jam 1, reload (5 shots)

Gunchucks 350 gp 8 gp (20) 1d8 bludgeoning 8 lb. 40/60 Special, Finesse, jam (2), ranged
(1d10 piercing), reload (4 each)

Donut of Destruction. Known as an
MAGIC ITEMS Owlbearclaw, a creature who eats this confection
doubles any damage roll they make until the next dawn.
Donut of Discord. A lemon meringue pastry. The
consumer of this donut immediately sees all allies as
dire enemies for the next five minutes, and will do
BAKER'S DOZEN DONUT BOX whatever is in their power to delay, impede, or
otherwise harm them.
Wondrous Item, Legendary Donut of Disequilibrium. Half-croissant, half-
This box of confectionary deliciousness contains 1d12+1 donut, and all delicious, when consumed, the
pastries when found. The pastries are not labeled by consuming creature feels incredibly disoriented, giving
name, but are decorated according to their effects. The them disadvantage on all Strength and Dexterity checks
packaging states that these pastries are handcrafted by a and saving throws until the next dawn.
powerful sorcerer known only as ‘The Baker.’ Each Donut of Distance. This donut appears to be
pastry conveys a different effect when consumed. Eating flattened into a disc shape. It permanently doubles the
one bite is enough to activate the pastry's effect. The range increments on all weapon attacks for the creature
GM decides which donuts are in the box. that consumes it. A creature can only benefit from this
Donut of Death. Filled with cream distinct to the effect once in its lifetime. Alternatively this donut can
exotic region of Bahston, a creature who eats this donut be thrown as if it were a bolt fired from a heavy
must make a Constitution saving throw. On a successful crossbow. Only a creature proficient in improvised
save, the consumer regains all of their hit points. On a weapons counts as proficient in throwing this donut.
failed save, the creature immediately falls to 0 hit points Donut of the Druid's Den. A maple donut with
and makes a death saving throw. sprinkles shaped like leaves, this donut causes a creature
Donut of Dedication. Covered on every side with who consumes it to Wild Shape into a random beast for
sprinkles and sticky glaze, this donut grants the user 2d8 hours.
proficiency with one of their choice of the following: Donut of the Dread Pirate. This pastry is
Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Martial decorated with icing in the shape of a pirate captain's
Weapons, or Improvised Weapons. hat. Eating this donut gives a creature proficiency in
Donut of Defeat. Coated with a layer of sweet, water vehicles and Charisma (Intimidation and
white powder, this donut causes the next three d20 rolls Deception) checks for the next 8 hours. If a creature
made by the consuming creature to be counted as if already has one or more of these proficiencies, they gain
they had rolled a natural 1. expertise in those skills instead.
Donut of Delirium. Chocolate frosting and Donut of Dreams. This blueberry cruller causes the
rainbow sprinkles adorn this pastry. When consumed, it creature that consumes it to fall asleep, taking an
causes the consumer to suffer the effects of the uninterruptable long rest. The creature's dreams are
confusion spell for the next half-hour. incredibly vivid. When it awakes, the creature has
Donut of Desire. A cruller with a sweet glaze, the inspiration.
creature who consumes this donut, along with any and Donut of Drought. This donut is covered in
all equipment it is carrying, and anyone touching the cinnamon sugar. Eating it causes the consumer's throat
creature when it takes the bite, are all instantly to rapidly dry. They fall prone and are incapacitated by
transported to the location of the consuming creature's violent coughs for 2d6 minutes.
deepest desire.
Donut of Despair. A plain bagel with an incredibly
powerful illusion spell, giving it the appearance of the
viewer's favorite kind of donut, no toppings can be
applied to this bagel. A creature that consumes this
'donut' becomes permanently frightened of a random
creature it is familiar with or can see.
Donut of Destiny. Eating this classic, plain donut,
allows the consumer to ask the GM one question, which
the GM must answer honestly.
Explosive, Very Rare Wondrous Item, Uncommon
This small, glittery orb is made of a mystical, dazzling A pouch of colorful crystals. If licked, they give off
substance that feels simultaneously oily and powdery. intense, concentrated flavors.
A short, hemp rope dangles from it. Inside this cloth bag are 3d4 small, colored
Lighting the rope fuse and throwing this bomb crystals. During a Brobarian's Meal Prep, they may
causes it to explode at the start of your next turn. crush up a crystal from this bag and add the
When the bomb explodes, every creature within a powdered remains to a Brotein Shake. Depending on
60ft radius is instantly made clean, as if they had just the flavor of crystal, the Brotein Shake, when
stepped out of a cleansing bath. They have, and consumed, provides resistance to a particular damage
produce, no odors and cannot be tracked or detected type for the shake's duration:
by scent for the next hour. Flavor Damage Type

Lemon Acid
Mint Cold
Wondrous Item, Rare
Cajun Fire
A glistening glass bottle containing the essence of the
Sour Lightning
goddess of games, distilled from water in which she
bathed. Blue Cheese Necrotic
Consuming this potion grants disadvantage on all Broccoli Poison
Charisma checks and saving throws for 1 day and one
Chocolate Psychic
of the following additional effects:
Bacon Radiant
Potion Effects

If you are a follower of Belle, you are healed for 8d4 + 8

hit points.
Potion, Common
If you are a follower of any other deity, you take 4d4
psychic damage. This brackish, cream-colored liquid is highly coveted
by those who seek to better themselves physically.
If you are not a follower of any deity, Belle appears and
offers her favor. If you accept, you are now a follower When consumed, the consuming creature enters a
of Belle and are affected as such. If you decline, you are state of frenzy mechanically equivalent to the rage of
affected as having been a follower of any other deity. a level 1 barbarian. If the creature is a Brobarian or
Babearian, they instead enter a roid rage (as described
in chapter 2).

Potion, Uncommon
Blessed by powerful Paladins of Independence and
Clerics of Freedom, this holy vial of magical energy is
all one needs to rejuvenate one's national spirit.
Taking an action to drink this potion makes you
radiate patriotic energy. For 1 minute, you may add
1d12+1 radiant damage to your damage rolls.
However, for the duration, you also have
disadvantage on Intelligence and Wisdom checks and
saving throws.

BIRCHLEY'S RAY-BANNERS Sponsorship Plug. During or immediately after
a positive or daring moment, you may make a
Wondrous Item, Rare (requires attunement) Performance check with a DC determined by the
These fashionably reflective glass lenses are bound by GM. If successful, you say or do something to
a thin, metal frame which holds them together over a promote your sponsor and display your Corporate
humanoid's eyes. The lenses magically bend and Sponsor item. Each creature who witnesses this is
diffuse rays of light to perfectly enhance the non- considered affected.
magical eye.
These glasses, when worn, grant the attuned CURSED BOOK SERIES
creature advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks.
Wondrous Item, Common
Additionally, the creature suffers no penalties due to
the sunlight sensitivity racial trait while wearing This series of battered paperbacks is often talked
these lenses. about by your friends and family, and as such you feel
Once per long rest, the attuned creature may strangely compelled to pick it up and read it.
take off or put on these lenses while remarking upon A collection of books (not necessarily physically
their surroundings in a humorous or ironic way, and near one another) consisting of at least 3d4+2 books
depending on how true to character and amusing the in total. Once you've read each of the books, you gain
GM (and other players, at the GM's discretion) finds a new understanding of yourself and how you think;
it, the attuned creature gains truesight out to a your Wisdom score permanently increases by 1.
distance of 60ft for anywhere between 1 round and 1 Curse. Any creature who reads even one of these
hour. books must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving
throw. On a failed save, that creature believes these
CORPORATE SPONSOR books to be the best books ever written, even above
any religious holy texts. The creature feels
Wondrous Item, Legendary extraordinarily compelled to find and read the rest of
Endowed with wealth and/or popularity, an the series.
individual lucky enough to receive this item is
believed to have reached the peak of their career. DA WAEFINDER
This item takes on a different form for each
Staff, Very Rare (requires attunement)
relationship, but it is always something that visually
signifies the relationship between the individual and Fitted with a handle bound in red leather, and
the sponsor. At the end of a long rest, you receive topped with a small, wooden... what is that, an
50gp for every creature affected by a successful echidna?
Sponsorship Plug you've made since the previous Once per day, while holding this item, you may
long rest. automatically succeed on a Wisdom (Survival) check

related to tracking or navigating. The staff will click will receive one additional hit die to use during the
like a metal detector until you are pointing it at the short rest; otherwise, they receive no additional
most direct path to your goal. It will not necessarily benefit. On a 1, the food burns, and you must roll an
point in the direction of the best path or course to additional D20. On a roll of 1 or 2, the iron bar melts
take based on terrain or distance, but rather, the away and is destroyed. The stove can be used no
straightest line between you and what you are more than twice per day.
looking for.
DIRECT MAILBAG Weapon (Any weapon with the heavy, two-handed,
Wondrous Item, Common (requires attunement) and reach properties), Rare (requires attunement)
A simple messenger bag made of canvas or leather, A banner hangs from the haft of this powerful
typically embroidered with images of writwits and weapon. Decorated with the house crest of whoever
instagraphs, this pouch can fit one tiny-sized object wields it, this tried-and-true weapon can be carried
or creature inside it. into battle to inspire courage and strength.
When the attuned creature speaks the command You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls
word, the item inside is sent through a demi-plane with this weapon. This weapon has 2 charges and
to which all direct mail bags are connected, and is regains 1 expended charge when you or an ally
delivered into an empty direct mailbag of the defeat a creature in combat. While holding it, you
attuned creature's choice. If the destination bag is can use a bonus action to expend 1 of its charges
holding an item, nothing happens. and cast the patriotism spell.


Wondrous Item, Common (requires an iron bar) Wondrous Item, Very Rare (requires attunement)
Typically used in the deep mines of dwarven digging Nobody knows for certain who Stet was. What is
operations, this portable cooking tool is rumored to known, however, is that a scion of their house was a
produce some of the tastiest cooked meats in warrior of incredible renown and particular taste in
Murka. headwear. These hats have a wide brim that curls up
During a short rest, a creature may activate the on the sides, and three divots on top of its otherwise
stove by placing an iron bar beneath it, which heats round crown.
perfectly. After spending 10 minutes dedicated to This hat grants its wearer an additional 10 feet
cooking food on it, the creature must make a of movement. The wearer may also ignore the
Wisdom (Survival) check. If the result is 10 or sunlight sensitivity racial trait if they have it, and
higher, any creature that consumes the food may cast legend lore once per long rest.
This hat comes in three colors, and each color of

hat grants an additional benefit. You may only be
attuned to a number of hats equal to the number of HYPETRAIN WHISTLE
heads you have at one time.
Wand, Rare (requires attunement by a warlock of The
White Hat. You may Disengage as a bonus
Brown Hat. Once per day, you may Smite (as This lightweight, wooden wand-whistle has a train
the Paladin class ability) as if you had expended a 6th engine carved at the end. Blowing air through it
level spell slot. produces a sound not unlike a train whistle, only
Black Hat. Once per long rest, you may cast smaller.
create undead at 6th level as if you were a School of This wand has 4 charges and regains 1d4
Necromancy wizard. expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the
wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand
crumbles to ash and is destroyed. While holding this
wand, if a non-hostile audience is watching you, you
Potion, Rare can use an action to summon a magical, flying steam
Hair snipped from the head of the mad hag herself engine to charm your audience for 15 minutes. While
and brewed for unknown reasons. charmed in this way, the audience's size is tripled,
Once imbibed, roll a d20 to determine which bolstered by illusory audience members that are
magical effect alters you for 1d8 hours: overjoyed to be part of your one-of-a-kind brand.

D20 Effect
1 Cat. You become a cat for the duration, as
with the polymorph spell. Wondrous Item, Uncommon (requires attunement)
2-5 Sight. Your eyes become catlike. You gain Given as a gift from the lesser-known god Thegram
darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. to one his most devout followers, a water genasi
known as Polar Oyd, this small device was reverse-
6-10 Claws. Feline claws grow from your hands
and feet. You gain a climb speed of 20 feet engineered and mass produced, quickly rising to
and your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your incredible prominence among many castes of
Strength modifier damage. Murkans.
This small device is capable of creating an
11-15 Senses. You gain Proficiency in Acrobatics,
Perception, and Stealth checks. etching, sketch, or painting of any scene the attuned
creature can see through its viewfinder. The
16-19 Agility. Your speed is doubled. You gain a instagraph has 8 charges, and it regains 1d8+1
+2 bonus to your Dexterity score and have
expended charges at dawn. The attuned creature
advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
expends 1 charge per illustration created, which will
20 Meow. Grow fur, tail, and all physical cat- then appear from beneath the device on a waxy piece
like features. You also inherit all effects on of parchment.
this chart except for 1.

Wondrous Item, Legendary Wondrous Item, Rare
This large, glass jar contains very ordinary-looking Hailing from the Far Sea, this small conch shell
dirt, and comes with a cork stopper. whispers far more than just the sound of the ocean
Putting any item in the jar and covering it with into your ear.
the dirt suppresses any magical properties an item This shell is composed of great and powerful
has, no matter how many or how powerful they are. wisdom. As an action, you may ask the magic conch
Additionally, the anti-magic dirt is so potent—or shell a question. At the discretion of the GM, the
non-potent, as the case may be—that no spell is able shell will provide one of the following honest answers
to penetrate even the glass of the jar (not even spells to the question:
such as identify or wish). As a consequence, it is
- Yes. - Nothing.
quite difficult to obtain any knowledge about the jar
- No. - Maybe someday.
of antimagic dirt via magical means.
- No. - I don't think so.
- Neither. - Try asking again.
After asking three questions within 24 hours, roll
BALANCE, TRUTH, QUESTING, a d20 for every additional question. On a 1, this shell
will become passive-aggressive, and will answer any
INSIGHT, AND MORE (LGBTQIA+) further questions with vague, unhelpful snark for the
Weapon (Greatsword), Legendary (requires next 1d4 days.
Forged by the strong, black, trans warriors of MANTLE OF OLD GLORY
Stonewall, this greatsword has the finesse property.
Wondrous Item, Very Rare (requires attunement)
Swinging this weapon swiftly through the air
produces a radiant, rainbow-colored blur of light This red-and-white striped robe is spangled in ornate
behind it. white stars nestled in a field of blue. Though it looks
You gain a +4 bonus to attack rolls made with tattered and worn, it still provides warmth. As you
this magic weapon. Instead of bludgeoning, piercing, don the mantle, you become instantly aware that you
or slashing damage, this sword deals 1d4 damage of are breaking a number of flag codes. But, chances
each of the following types: Acid, Cold, Fire, Force, are, if you're the kind of person to put this on, you
Lightning, Necrotic, Poison, Psychic, Radiant, probably don't even know what a flag code is, and if
Thunder. you do, I doubt you care.
Once per day, you can cast the prismatic spray You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws while
or prismatic wall spell from the sword (save DC 16). wearing this mantle.

Each Mantle of Old Glory has, as appropriate to MASK OF THE HORSE
the Murkan flag, thirteen stars. As an action, you can Armor, Common
tear away one of the stars and hurl it up to 30 feet. Made of leather and stitched with a mane of horse
The star casts the boom spell centered on where it hair, this horse replica mask is confusing to some,
lands. convincing to others, and unsettling to almost
Increase the level of this spell for each everyone.
additional star you throw at the same spot. If you A creature wearing this mask inherits the
throw five or more stars at the same spot, it instead following effects
casts the BOOOOM spell. Increase the level of this
• Advantage on Deception and Animal
spell for every 2 additional stars after five that you
Handling checks made against beasts.
throw at the same spot. The robe is found with 13
• Disadvantage on Perception checks.
stars and regains 1d10+3 spent stars at dawn.


Potion, Uncommon
Wondrous Item, Very Rare (require attunement)
It has been told that this yellow-green brew has given
This map was created by ancient, admittedly poorly-
some of the oldest members of society the strength of
educated, sorcerers who believed the material plane
their prime-age selves temporarily. Additionally, it
was woven into the fabric of other planes. They
pairs well with fried, cheese-flavored tortillas.
attempted to demonstrate their point through this
When you drink this potion, you gain the effects
magic cartography.
of the haste spell for 1 hour (no concentration
This magical piece of parchment at first appears
required). When the effect wears off, you gain 3 levels
completely blank. When the user attunes to it, the
of exhaustion.
user can speak the command word to display a
highly detailed map of their surroundings up to 250
miles in any direction, or down to the room in which NANA'S HOMEMADES
they currently are. However, there is always Wondrous Item, Very Rare
something glaringly inaccurate about the map's
These delicious confections are made exclusively by a
depiction. The user must succeed on a DC 8
lonely, but kindly, hag in the forests near your
Intelligence check to detect the inaccuracy. Such
hometown. They evoke warm memories of home,
inaccuracies might include a single landmark being
comforting you and driving you onward to once again
in the wrong spot, a mountain being depicted in the
feel the embrace of your loved ones, or evoking
middle of a bar, or the scale of the map being wildly
feelings of love from loved ones passed.
This package contains 3d12 cookies. A creature

may spend an action to eat one of the cookies and or paralyzed has disadvantage on this roll. On a
gain the effects of the heroes feast and bless spells successful save, that creature takes 1d4 bludgeoning
(cast at their lowest levels) simultaneously, targeting damage. On a failed save, its essence is absorbed
only themselves. within the orb.
At your GM's discretion, when you acquire a I Choose You. As an action, the attuned user may
package, you may roll a D6. On a 6, Nana speak the command word (the name of the creature
accidentally mixed some of her "herbal sedatives" inside the orb), releasing the creature. When
into the dough. While this lowers the threshold to 2 released, the creature considers the attuned user and
cookies per 6 hour period, each cookie also gives the any of its allies to be their allies for 1 minute. The
following effect: released creature counts as having taken a long rest
Totally Chill. For the duration, you have while inside the orb.
disadvantage on Initiative rolls. You also gain 1d8 While being in the orb often cools a creature's
additional temporary hit points, and your more temper, higher-CR monsters are less likely to be
relaxed state results in heightened creative ability, friendly to lower level captors. It is entirely up to the
granting advantage on Performance checks. GM to decide how willing to cooperate the creature is
Eating more cookies. Any creature who eats when released.
more than 3 cookies in a 6 hour period must succeed
on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned RED PILL, BLUE PILL
until they finish a short or long rest. Each additional
cookie beyond 3 increases the DC by 2. Wondrous Item, Very Rare
These two consumable capsules always come
ORB OF CATCHING together: one blue, one red. You take the blue pill, the
story ends, you wake up in an inn and believe
Wondrous Item, Very Rare (requires attunement) whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill,
This opaque orb is divided in half, the top being red, you stay in the land of wonder, and I show you how
and the bottom white. It is made of a strange, deep the rabbit hole goes.
smooth substance and has a circular clasp on the These two pills are always offered together and
front. Holding this orb makes you feel compelled to must be chosen willingly in order for the magic to
catch them all. take effect. A creature can only make this choice
Once attuned to the orb, as an action, the user once. Depending on which is consumed, the
can throw it at a creature within 30 feet. The target following effect occurs:
creature must succeed on a Charisma saving throw Red Pill. Your mind is filled with a harsh
(DC 8 + the attuned user’s charisma modifier + the understanding of the indifference of the universe and
attuned user’s proficiency bonus). The target gains the power of truth. Permanently gain +2 to your
an additional bonus to the saving throw equal to Intelligence score and -2 to your Charisma score.
1/4th of its remaining health. A creature who is Blue Pill. You are overcome with intoxicating
incapacitated, charmed, restrained, poisoned, happiness and are blissfully ignorant of the truth.
frightened, burnt out, Permanently gain a +2 to your Charisma score and -2
to your Intelligence score.
Both Pills. Permanently reduce your Intelligence SCOPE, SPYGLASS
and Charisma scores by 2 and take 6d8+4 psychic
damage from your overloaded mind. Wondrous Item, Rare
This converted spyglass has been made versatile for
RUSH SHIPPIN' A BOTTLE any combat situation. It can be extended or
shortened to get a better focus on one's target.
Potion, Very Rare
This scope can be attached to a two-handed ranged
This potion contains a small model ship at the weapon. It has three settings that can be changed by
bottom, which rides a wave inside this glass, corked using a bonus action:
bottle, seeming to move more quickly than physically 2x. Your normal range is doubled. You gain a +2
possible. to attack rolls made at normal range and
When you uncork this bottle, a rushing wind disadvantage on attack rolls made at long range.
exits, speeding up the process of the next action or 4x. You gain a +1 to attack rolls made at normal
ability you use, according to the table below. or long range.
Original Time New Time 8x. Your long range is doubled. You gain a +2 to
attack rolls made at long range and disadvantage on
7 Days 1 Day attack rolls made at normal range.
1 Day 8 Hours
1 Hour 10 Minutes Wondrous Item, Legendary

10 Minutes 1 Minute Written on otherworldly parchment of unknown

material, this scroll is used as a magically binding
1 Minute 1 Action contract of the most severe kind.
1 Action 1 Bonus Action Once signed in blood (or other bodily fluids),
this contract is eternally-binding. Only a wish spell
can erase the terms of the contract. Any agreement
SCOPE, SIDEARM may be written. Common examples are promises of
Wondrous Item, Uncommon wealth, youth, knowledge, or power.
Curse. The signer has disadvantage on all death
Made from a series of glass lenses, this item can be
saves. Upon death, their soul is imprisoned in a
rigged to the top of a firearm.
gemstone and teleported to the contract author's
When fastened to the top of a one-handed
location. The signer cannot be resurrected unless
ranged weapon, the weapon receives +2 to all
their soul is released either by the contract author's
attack rolls in normal range.
choice or other magical means from the gemstone.

SLAMBALL HELM The sword's luminous blade emits bright light in
a 15-foot radius and dim light for an additional 15 feet.
Wondrous Item, Uncommon
The light is considered sunlight. While the blade
Stuffed with leather padding and enclosed by an iron persists, you can use an action to expand or reduce its
face mask, this helmet is cheap protection once worn radius of bright and dim light by 5 feet each, to a
by the renowned Jock Bandits. Optionally, it can be maximum of 30 feet each or a minimum of 10 feet
worn with a facial visor. each.
You gain a +1 bonus to AC while you wear this You may use your reaction to reduce the damage
helm. Additionally, you have advantage on saving of any projectile attack against you by 1d8 (1d10 if
throws against being knocked prone or wielding it two handed) + your Dexterity modifier +
incapacitated. your proficiency modifier. If you successfully reduce
all of the damage this way, you may deflect the
STAR KILLER projectile to any creature within 30 feet of you,
counting the original attack as if it were made against
Weapon (Longsword), Rare (requires attunement)
this new target.
This item appears, at first, to be a sword hilt. The blade's color is determined by its user.
However, as a bonus action, its wielder can cause a Common colors include green, blue, red, yellow, and
brilliant blade of colored light to spring forth from there are rumors of at least one instance of purple.
the hilt or dismiss the blade at will.
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls
made with this weapon, which deals radiant damage
instead of slashing damage. When you hit a Weapon (Any Sword), Very Rare (requires
spellcaster with it, the target takes an extra 1d8 attunement)
radiant damage. While the blade exists, this magic This semi-sentient blade has a sordid past, and as
longsword has the finesse property, the thrown you hold it, you hear the echoes of voices reminding
property with a range of 20ft, and counts as a monk you of the weight of your choices, that those actions
weapon. have consequences, and that you are not immune to
If you make a thrown-weapon attack with this those consequences.
weapon and miss, it returns to you at the end of This sword grants a +2 to attack and damage rolls
your turn so long as you have a free hand to catch it. made with it. When the attuned wielder of this sword
Additionally, you may spend a bonus action to have falls to 0 hit points and begins making death saving
the weapon leap to your hand from within 20 ft. of throws, they can choose to automatically succeed on
you. any number of saving throws until they are revived.
Each saving throw the attuned user succeeds

on in this way is stored in this blade as a charge.
Curse. Attuning to this sword curses you until
you are targeted by a remove curse spell or similar
magic. Discarding the sword fails to end the curse. If
at any point the attuned creature rolls a natural 1 on
any d20 roll, they must make a Wisdom saving THUNDERFLASH
throw with a DC equal to 3 + the number of charges
Explosive, Rare
in the sword.
Failing this save causes the creature to fail the This explosive orb produces a disorienting magical
same number of death saving throws as charges in bang and a stunningly bright light.
the sword. If the creature is not already making The orb can be thrown 30 feet. When broken, it
death saving throws, one charge brings the creature produces light and a thunderous boom. Each
to 0 hit points, and then the target counts as losing a creature in its area must make a Dexterity saving
number of death saving throws equal to the throw or suffer the following effects for one round:
remaining charges. On a successful save, nothing • Creatures within 20 feet are blinded. (DC 12)
happens. • Creatures within 10 feet are deafened and
blinded. (DC 14)
TEEVO’S REMOTE • Creatures within 5 feet are blinded,
deafened, stunned, and subjected to 2d4
Wondrous Item, Legendary (requires attunement) thunder damage. (DC 18)
Used by the Great Tele-Wizard Teevo, who is said to Surprised creatures automatically fail their
have mastered time itself. This stone relic features saving throw against the detonation. If the orb is
five round buttons inscribed with runic sigils. broken within an enclosed space (i.e. small room,
This item has 10 charges and regains 1d8 + 2 cave, etc), all condition distances are doubled.
expended charges daily at dawn. While holding it,
you can use an action to press one button with one TIMBERS
of the listed effects below (no concentration
required). Wondrous Item, Uncommon
If you expend the remote's last charge, roll a d20. These boots were made for a very specific purpose,
On a 1 or 2, the remote crumbles into dust and is and that is precisely what they will do.
destroyed. Wearing these boots allows you to ignore non-
You can cast the following spells from the magical difficult terrain. Additionally, they allow you
remote, expending the necessary number of charges: to add your proficiency modifier to all Charisma
slow (5 charges), time stop (9 charges), haste (5 based skill checks.
charges), or banishment (6 charges). Alternatively, Once per long rest, you may cast enhance ability
for 10 charges, you can rewind time by up to 1 on yourself, choosing only Eagle's Splendor.
minute. Only the attuned user retains knowledge
from before the change.

Wondrous Item (Belt), Rare (requires attunement)
This leather belt with weighted plates cinches at the
back so as to fit anyone who might wear it. Wand, Rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
The attuned creature can spend 25 feet of This light wooden wand is carved with multiple
movement to cause this weighted belt to magically numbers, characters (at least one uppercase), and at
transform into a set of plate armor around their body, least one arcane symbol.
or back into its normal belt form. While in its plate This wand has 3 charges and regains all expended
armor form, the attuned creature's AC is 18, and they charges daily at dawn. As an action, you can touch
are counted as wearing Heavy Armor. the wand to a non-magical lock and expend 1 of its
charges. You then must make a DC 14 Intelligence
WAND OF FIREARMS (History) check. On a success, the lock is opened. On
a failed check, an audible voice, heard from as far
Wand, Very Rare (requires attunement by a
away as 300 feet, proclaims loudly from the target
lock: "Incorrect Password." The attuned user must
A curved wand held like a sidearm. wait 10 minutes before trying again. If you expend the
This wand has 5 charges and regains 1d4 wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand loses
expended charges daily at dawn. While holding it, all magical properties.
you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges to
cast a special polymorph spell (save DC 15) from it. A
creature successfully polymorphed is turned into a
firearm of the caster's choosing, with a style and
likeness resembling the polymorphed creature, for up
to one hour. A creature may choose to fail this save.
The weapon functions normally based on the stats of
the chosen firearm.
If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20.
On a 1, the wand crumbles into ashes and is

designs, hoping to use them for some personal gain.
THE STONES OF DESTINY Others still had grown jaded with the gods, and
vowed to destroy the stones, hoping that this act
The Stones of Destiny are not only the most powerful would undo the universe itself and all the laws which
artifacts in Murka, but likely the most powerful items bind it.
in the world. Having played a major role in the Ultimately, each stone's power proved too much
creation of reality as we know it, each of these for its wielder in one way or another, and after
mystical stones contain an element of power directly centuries upon centuries, the stones were lost to
tied to the process by which Gygaax and Arnesson time. But many hopeful adventurers still seek them
created the universe. today, and if they look hard enough, the stones may
still be found.
The Divine Duo
The Great Gygaax and The Amazing Arnesson were
there before Murka, before any other kingdom, even
before the planet Urth existed. The two of them,
humans of a higher plane, had a chance encounter
with one another that led to an idea, and that idea
gave birth to the universe as we know it.
Murka's holy texts describe the creation of the
universe as something of a dream shared between the
two of them; to them, our world was meant to act as
an escape—to offer a place where other beings from
their plane could take control, influence events, and
watch in awe as the world reacted to them.
Gygaax and Arnesson created the Stones of
Destiny as a means for these beings to interact with
our world, imbuing each stone with a divine magic
that could bend, twist, and otherwise manipulate
reality. However the power of the stones, and the
allure of controlling an entire world, proved too
much for their friendship to handle.

A Duo Divided
When their disagreements had reached a point of
critical mass, the two parted ways unlovingly, and
unbrotherly, as though the break in their bond could
never be mended. Gygaax cast the Stones of Destiny
into our world, perhaps believing that we would
make better masters of our own fate than he or
Arnesson ever could. But the power to manipulate
reality at will is an absolute one, and absolute power
corrupts absolutely.
Wielders of the stones throughout history were
as varied as one could imagine, from great heroes to
maleficent villains. Some wielded the stones for the
greater good, seeking to create a better world for all
to live in. Others sought the stones for darker

Random Properties:
• 3 Minor Beneficial Properties
Stronger Together. You may ignore any 1 major
detrimental or 2 minor detrimental effects per other
Stone of Destiny you may be attuned to.
Power in Numbers. Whenever you use the Help
action you grant a +1d4 to the creature you are
helping, in addition to advantage.
Passive Encouragement. An attuned creature
adds 1d4 to every roll (including damage rolls) they
make per ally they have within 5 feet of them.
Aiding Power. An attuned creature gains the
THE FOUR-SIDED STONE OF AID guidance cantrip and may cast aid and bless as
second level spells at will.
Wondrous Item, Artifact (requires attunement)
Pyramidal in shape and diminutively sized, The Four-
Sided Stone is more commonly known as the Stone of
Aid. Legendary for its ability to assist one in nearly
any task, it is among the most universally craved of
the Stones of Destiny because, unlike many of the
other stones, it has no specific use. A power-hungry
wizard could use this tiny stone to extort a kingdom
just as easily as a swarthy swashbuckler could use it
to defeat said wizard; it's not about the size, it's how
you use it.
The first Stone of Destiny created, The Stone of
Aid appropriately aided in the creation of the others.
As such, its divine energy is tied to the others, and it THE SIX-SIDED STONE OF STEALTH
can be used to help locate them. Its purpose was to
aid Gygaax and Arnesson in the creation not only of & SKILL
the other stones, but of the world as we know it. Wondrous Item, Artifact (requires attunement)
Finding. If lost, The Four-Sided Stone of Aid
returns to the pocket of the creature attuned to it The Six-Sided Stone of Stealth and Skill was formed
each day at dawn. If it is lost and un-attuned, it will by Gygaax and Arnesson's constant attempts to
rest where it was left for 10d100 years before outwit, outdo, and impress each other. Each laid
vanishing back to a random location. traps nigh unsolvable for the other, mazes that
An attuned creature may point The Four-Sided simply turned back in on themselves, pitfalls that
Stone of Aid in any direction, and the stone will give separated the soul from the body, word puzzles that
off small, sonic discharges based on which of the mortals couldn't lay eyes on for more than a few
other Stones of Destiny is closest in that direction. moments without losing their minds.
Magical Caltrop. Given the incredible power it Appropriately the hardest of the stones to find,
wields, it is perhaps surprising that one of the most The Six-Sided Stone of Stealth and Skill is often
common uses of the Stone of Aid is to throw it to the called 'The Normal Stone,' 'The Simple Stone,' or
floor. As an action, a creature attuned to The Four- even just 'The Stone.' This is due to its cube-like
Sided Stone of Aid may cover any amount of floor shape resembling many things in the known world,
around the stone entirely with sharp caltrops. So like small game pieces, brightly-colored children's
sharp are these caltrops that they cause 1d4 piercing toys, and even the enormous crates that Bayzohz and
damage instead of the standard 1. Another action can his company use for storage and shipping.
be used to dismiss these caltrops. Random Properties:
• 1 Minor Beneficial Property

• 1 Major Beneficial Property
• 2 Major Detrimental Properties
Proficiency. You gain proficiency in three skills SALVATION
of your choice. If you do not already have it, stealth
Wondrous Item, Artifact (requires attunement by a
must be one of these skills. Additionally, you gain
creature who worships a deity)
one tool proficiency, one language proficiency,
proficiency with one weapon, and proficiency with There are things in this world that want to hurt you.
one kind of armor. You lose these proficiencies if you Some because of compelling events beyond their
become unattuned to the stone. control, and some because they are big and hungry.
Expertise. Choose two skills in which you are There are a million and six reasons to want you dead,
proficient, but do not already have expertise. You or even just to want to see you suffer a little. So it
now add twice your proficiency modifier to those stands to reason that, on your journeys, you may run
skills. If you do not already have expertise in stealth, into one such creature or person. Perhaps you get
stealth must be one of these skills. You lose these away scot-free, but more likely than not, you won't.
bonuses if you become unattuned to the stone. When Gygaax and Arnesson were creating the
Silent Steps. All your movements are completely world as we know it, they made temples and
silent unless you actively try to make noise. This labyrinths galore. But when it came time to populate
grants you advantage on stealth checks. them with people and creatures, the duo realized
Advantageous Attacks. When you hit with an they needed to find a way to give life to these
attack on which you had advantage, you deal an creatures. Through the bond that the two had forged
additional 2d6 damage of the weapon's type. together, they created the Eight-Sided Stone of
Salvation, and used it to give life to their creations.
Random Properties:
• 2 Major Beneficial Properties
• 2 Major Detrimental Properties
Miraculous Healing. Any healing magic you
cast or is cast upon you is maximized.
Faith Sustains You. While attuned to the stone,
you do not suffer the negative effects of age, nor do
you need to eat, sleep, drink, or breathe.
Spiritual Rest. While attuned to the stone, you
may spend an action and treat it as if you had just
taken a short rest, replenishing any abilities which
normally recover that way, and spending Hit Dice as
usual. This healing is not affected by the Miraculous
Healing ability.
The Power of Belief. After you are healed, any
additional points of damage that you would heal
above your normal HP instead become temporary hit
Many Ways Up The Mountain. While attuned,
the stone changes color to match your particular
deity's color scheme, and inside of it, your deity's
holy symbol forms out of smoke. As such, this stone
works as a holy symbol.
Divine Intervention. You gain the Divine
Intervention cleric ability and count as a 5th level
cleric when using it. If you already have this ability,
you may use it twice as often.

description, you may choose to maximize the damage
on a number of them equal to half of your
spellcasting modifier.
Interpersonal Invocations. If you know at least
one Eldritch Invocation, you may use a bonus action
to grant its benefit to others. For 1 minute, a number
of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier that you
can see benefit from an Eldritch Invocation of your
choice. Once used, this property cannot be used again
until you finish a short or long rest.


Wondrous Item, Artifact (requires attunement by a
Though its abilities are simplistic, the allure of the
Ten-Sided Stone of Eldritch Magic is irresistible to a
power hungry warlock. For those who covet eldritch
power and have not the means, desire, time, or
patience to study books written by aging scholars,
both of which gather dust in droves, this stone is CHANCE
Wondrous Item, Artifact (requires attunement)
This stone was created when Gygaax had begun
to ponder what sorts of fame and fortune he might Academics say that everything is simply a matter of
gain from the creation of the world he and Arnesson percentages and probabilities which decide the
had been working on. In secret, he began to draw product of our actions, but the rest of us know better:
plans for how he might accomplish this. He had Chance is alive. It can be appeased, or it can be
hoped that Arnesson would share this desire, but angered—the trick is figuring out how to manipulate
upon revealing his plans, Arnesson disagreed it.
vehemently, insisting Gygaax had lost sight of why This stone represents every small, seemingly
they created this world in the first place. innocuous event that befell Gygaax and Arnesson
Random Properties: during their time together; chance encounters,
• 2 Major Beneficial Properties unlikely happenstances, and the choices they made
• 1 Minor Detrimental Property every day that not only led them to each other, but
• 1 Major Detrimental Property led them through each and every decision they made.
Patronly Pride. When you attune to this stone, Random Properties:
you immediately gain a warlock level. If you become • 1 Minor Beneficial Property
unattuned, you immediately lose two warlock levels. • 1 Major Beneficial Property
Extra Esoteric Efficiency. When you use your • 1 Minor Detrimental Property
action to cast a cantrip that deals damage, you may • 1 Major Detrimental Property
cast that cantrip twice. Sentience. The Hundred-Sided Stone of Chance
Occult Cannon. If you cast a cantrip that fires is a sentient Chaotic Neutral item with an
more than one ray or projectile as part of its Intelligence of 13, a Wisdom of 13, and a Charisma of
13. It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 120
The stone communicates telepathically with the
attuned creature. THE TWELVE-SIDED STONE OF
Personality. The stone's purpose is to bring as
much chaos as possible into the world, like taking out WRATH
high level executives, creating monstrosities, or Wondrous Item, Artifact (requires attunement)
stealing single jigsaw pieces.
Lucky 7. While attuned to the stone, treat any Also known as the Dire Dodecahedron, this stone
d20 roll of 7 as though you rolled a 20 on the die. contains the essence of pure fury, and as such, is
Unlucky 13. While attuned to the stone, treat any often sought after by some of the world's greatest
d20 roll of 13 as though you rolled a 1 on the die. warriors. Able to turn the tide in a fierce battle, or
Winds of Fate. After a long rest, the first time transform the meek into the mighty, this stone is
you cast a spell, spend an action or bonus action to often considered the most dangerous.
use a racial ability, or use a magical item, you may By the time the known world was finished,
choose to instead roll 1d2. On a roll of a 1; roll on the Gygaax and Arnesson had grown a poorly-hidden
wild magic surge table, then enact that effect. On a hatred for one another. Disagreements with no
roll of a 2, roll on the wand of wonder effect table, compromise or solution, harsh words, and a lack of
then enact that effect. empathy had turned an incredible partnership into a
Sudden Possession. You may spend an action to furious, fumbling mess.
roll on the Trinket table. The corresponding object Random Properties:
suddenly appears in the pocket or bags of a creature • 2 Minor Beneficial Properties
you can see. • 1 Major Beneficial Property
Immediate Reincarnation. Once per week, you • 2 Minor Detrimental Properties
may choose to change your form. Doing this treats • 1 Major Detrimental Property
you as though you had been affected by the Ferocious Force. Your Strength score increases
reincarnate spell. by 2, and you have no maximum strength score.
Faster Fury. A creature attuned to this stone
may roll one additional weapon die when
determining the extra damage for a critical hit with a
weapon or spell attack.
Floyd's Favor. A creature attuned to this stone
may use its reaction to cause any creature it can
see who drops to 0 hp to drop to one hit point
instead. A creature can only benefit from this
ability once per day.
The Fire and the Flames. A creature
attuned to this stone gains immunity to
fear and to fire damage. They burn with an
inner rage, and may spend an action to
activate a 15ft aura of blazing power,
causing any creature who begins its turn in
that area to take fire damage equal to the
attuned creature's proficiency modifier + its
Strength modifier + its Constitution
modifier + its Charisma modifier.

Random Properties:
• 3 Major Beneficial Properties
Wondrous Item, Artifact (requires attunement)
Bolstered Fate. You have advantage on every
The final Stone of Destiny created, The Twenty-Sided ability check you make. If you already have
Stone of Fate is impossible to overestimate. Whereas advantage, you roll a third die and take the best of
the Stone of Aid can help with individual tasks, and the three. If you gain disadvantage on a check, you
the Stone of Chance has the potential to help with lose one of these dice as normal. You still only ever
any task, The Twenty-Sided Stone of Fate can roll two dice for disadvantage. This does not apply
manipulate reality to the point that the impossible to death saving throws.
becomes possible. Your Fate Has Been Decided. At the end of
With their friendship failing, Gygaax, too proud each long rest, you may roll three d20s and record
to admit his culpability, forfeit the idea that he and the rolls. Once per turn, you may alter fate itself.
Arnesson would be able to continue together. The last Any time a d20 roll is made by a creature you can
piece of written history claims that Gygaax gathered see, you may replace the result of that roll with the
all of the Stones of Destiny, and in an act of defiance, result of one of the three recorded rolls.
cast the stones into the world they were used to Curse. You cannot escape your fate. As a result,
create. you have disadvantage on all death saving throws.
It's unknown whether this was done in a fit of
rage, at the behest of Arnesson, or as a statement that
neither he nor Arnesson were worthy of the world
that they had created.
The truth of what happened, and the fate of Wondrous Item, Legendary (requires attunement)
Gygaax and Arnesson, will never be known. This ornate, gold-plated, stone gauntlet has seven
slots, each shaped uniquely to fit a very specifically
cut stone of some sort.
Forged long ago in secret, by the Warlocks of the
Shore, this gauntlet was designed to make use of the
Stones of Destiny. Many argued that it was
not their place to meddle with the divine
powers of gods, but they did not listen.
Attuning to this item requires a DC20
Constitution save. On a failed save, you
immediately drop to 0 hp. While
attuned to this item, a creature has
access to the individual abilities—but
not Random Properties—of each
inserted Stone of Destiny without
having to attune to them. If multiple
Stones of Destiny are fitted into the
gauntlet, the attuned creature is able to
spend a bonus action to manifest an Arrow,
a Staff, or a Sword, with additional effects
as described below.
When using one of the options below,
you have a bonus to attack and damage rolls
equal to the number of Stones of Destiny
placed in the gauntlet. Additionally, any attacks
made with any of the three options below do a
damage type of your choice (chosen at the time of
attack) based on which stones you have fitted into
the gauntlet.
Stone of: Damage Type wielding this staff, you always have a spell slot of a
level equal to the number of Stones of Destiny slotted
Aid Fire or Cold
into the gauntlet. This staff can be wielded as a magic
Stealth and Skill Poison or Acid quarterstaff. On a hit, it deals a number of d6 equal
Salvation Radiant or Necrotic to the number of Stones of Destiny currently held
within the gauntlet, adding all the results together
Eldritch Power Force before adding any other bonuses you would normally
Chance Lightning add to such a roll, such as ability score modifiers,
feats, or other magical bonuses. On a hit, the target
Wrath Bludgeoning, Piercing, or must succeed on a DC 15 saving throw of your choice.
Slashing On a failed save, the creature has disadvantage on
Fate Thunder or Psychic any check that uses that ability.
Sword. You manifest a shining sword of brilliant
Arrows. You conjure an endless amount of
light. When you evoke this weapon, choose a type of
ammunition as appropriate for any ranged weapon.
sword. This sword takes the form of the chosen
If a creature other than you attempts to use the
sword. On a successful attack, you may roll that
conjured ammunition, it dissolves into an oily liquid
sword's damage die a number of times equal to the
in their hand and is destroyed.
number of Stones of Destiny currently held within
The colorful, inky substance that makes up the
the gauntlet, adding all the results together before
ammunition leaves flecks and streaks in its path
adding any other bonuses you would normally add to
when fired. On a successful attack with this
such a roll, such as ability score modifiers, feats, or
ammunition, you may roll that weapon's damage die
other magical bonuses. When you swing this sword,
a number of times equal to the number of Stones of
you ignore any benefits a creature gains from armor,
Destiny currently held within the gauntlet, adding all
natural armor, and shields. Once per short rest, as a
the results together before adding any other bonuses
bonus action, you may magically attune the blade to
you would normally add to such a roll, such as ability
one creature of your choice that you can perceive.
score modifiers, feats, or other magical bonuses.
Until you choose a new target, you ignore any benefit
Staff. You transmute from the very air around
that creature gains from adding its dexterity to its
you, a long, iridescent staff of immense power. While
armor class.

Spells and Conditions
using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the damage
SPELLS increases by 1d6 force damage and 1d6 fire damage
for each slot level above 6th.

Burn Out
Boom 1st level enchantment

1st level evocation Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 30 feet
Casting Time: 1 action Components: V, S
Range: Self (15-foot cube) Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V, S Classes: Artificer, Paladin, Ranger, Cleric, Bard,
Duration: Instantaneous Wizard, Warlock, Sorcerer, Druid
Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard
One creature you can sense within range must make
A powerful explosion emanates from deep within a Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving throw
you. Each creature within a 15-foot cube centered on the creature is Burnt Out.
you must make a Constitution saving throw. On a At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
failed save, a creature takes 2d8 force damage and is using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you may
pushed 10 feet away from you. On a successful save, affect an additional creature for each spell slot level
the creature takes half as much damage and isn’t above 1st.
pushed. In addition, any unsecured objects that are
completely within the area of effect are automatically
pushed 10 feet away from you by the spell’s effect.
Cognitive Dissonance
The spell emits an explosive boom audible out to 300 2nd level enchantment
feet. Casting Time: 1 action
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using Range: Touch
a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage Components: V, S
increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Classes: Warlock, Wizard, Sorcerer
BOOOOM A creature you touch must succeed on a Charisma
5th level evocation saving throw or have a sudden case of intense
Casting Time: 1 action cognitive dissonance. A creature affected this way
Range: Self (30-foot cube) has its alignment changed twice, once to the
Components: V, S opposite end of the lawful/chaotic spectrum and
Duration: Instantaneous then again along the good/evil spectrum. Neutral
Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard portions of the creature’s alignment do not shift.
True neutral creatures are immune to this spell.
An obscenely powerful explosion erupts from deep When the spell ends, the target's alignment returns
within you. Each creature within a 30-foot cube to normal.
centered on you must make a Dexterity saving throw. During this duration the creature acts as a
On a failed save, a creature takes 4d6 force damage paragon of its new alignment, especially if doing so
and 4d6 fire damage, and the creature is knocked would cause it to do something it would normally
prone. On a successful save, the creature takes half as never consider doing.
much damage and is pushed 10 feet away. In At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
addition, any unsecured objects that are completely using a spell slot of 3rd level, the duration extends to
within the area of effect are automatically pushed 30 1 hour. When you cast this spell at 4th level the
feet away from you by the spell’s effect. The spell duration increases by 1 hour per slot level above 3rd.
emits an explosive boom audible out to 500 feet as
well as a bright burst of light.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell

creature must take the Dash action and move away
Compelled Challenge from you by the safest and shortest available route,
3rd level enchantment unless there is nowhere to move. If the target moves
Casting Time: 1 action to a place at least 60ft away from you where it can no
Range: 10 feet longer see you the effect ends.
Components: S (Possibly V, M) Rocky. The target loses their footing and has
Duration: Instantaneous disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks. At
Classes: Bard, Paladin, Sorcerer the end of each of its turns it can make another
Wisdom saving throw, ending the effect on a success.
You choose a creature that can see and hear you
within range. As part of this spell, you perform an
outrageous or ridiculous stunt such as dumping a Existential Crisis
bucket of ice water on yourself, or suddenly dropping 9th level enchantment
to your back with your legs spread from a standing
Casting Time: 1 action
position while singing. The target creature must
Range: Touch
make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the
Components: V, S, M (a single thread)
creature spends its next action repeating the stunt
Duration: Instantaneous
you just did to the best of its ability, miming the use
Classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard
of any material components if necessary, and
incurring any other effects your DM may wish to You touch a creature and cause it to look deep into
impose. your eyes, potentially causing it to doubt everything
Creatures you have charmed automatically fail it has ever believed and done, and why it has
this saving throw and creatures immune to charm believed and done those things. The target must
effects are immune to this spell. make a Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save,
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using the target takes 10d12 psychic damage. On a failed
a spell slot of 4th level or higher, any one creature of save, the target takes 10d12 psychic damage, falls
your choice who is within the spell’s range of the prone, and is paralyzed until the end of its next turn.
target and can see and hear the target creature A creature that is paralyzed in this way is also burnt
perform this act then makes their own saving throw, out and confused until it finishes a long rest.
taking the effects of the spell on a failure. One
additional creature can be affected for each spell slot Kon-Ahm I’s Powerful Dance-cantation
level above 3rd.
5th level conjuration

Eye of the Tiger Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self
5th level necromancy Components: V, S, M (some form of contraband)
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Self Classes: Paladin, Ranger, Warlock
Components: V, S You become controlled by an otherworldly spirit that
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute causes you to perform a strange dance which
Classes: Paladin, Ranger, Sorcerer involves you squatting, standing back up, moving
For the spell’s duration, your eyes squint and focus, side to side, and thrusting your weapon forward.
empowered by the inky void that is your compassion Upon completing this dance you gain the benefits of
for those that are your prey, reminding them that you a long rest. You do not regain any 5th level or higher
have the guts, and you’ve got the glory. One creature spell slots this way.
of your choice that you can see within 60 feet of you
must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be
affected by one of the following effects of your choice
for the duration:
Creed. Your raw determination causes the target
to fear you. On each of its turns, the frightened

Metric Confusion
1st level enchantment
3rd level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Special Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S Range: 60 feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Components: V, S
Classes: Bard, Druid, Warlock, Wizard, Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute.
Classes: Paladin, Cleric, Bard
You yell a series of reasonable or unreasonable
measurements at a creature you choose who can hear Each creature within a 20-foot-radius sphere
you. That creature must make an Intelligence saving centered on the point you choose within range is
throw. On a failed save, the creature loses any sense imbued with a sense of duty to their families, their
of distance and has disadvantage on ranged attack cities, their counties, their nation, and to everything
rolls. they hold dear. Each ally within the area is immune
Additionally, if the creature attempts to cast a to being frightened for the duration and gains
spell or use an ability which lists a range, that temporary hit points equal to your spellcasting
creature then rolls on the following table and has all ability modifier at the start of each of its turns. When
their distances for the duration of the spell affected the spell ends the target loses any remaining
appropriately. temporary hit points from this spell.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using
Roll Effect a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the sphere expands
1 The spell or ability fails. by 10ft for each slot level above 3rd.

2-12 All ranges in the effect become 5ft

Psychedelic Wave
13-25 All ranges in the effect become 10ft
2nd level enchantment
26-38 All ranges in the effect become 20ft
Casting Time: 1 action
39-51 All ranges in the effect are reduced Range: 60 feet
by half Components: V, S
Duration: Up to 1 minute
52-64 All ranges in the effect increase by
Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard
A radical wave of far-out energy washes over a target
65-77 All ranges in the effect increase by
area. Each humanoid in a 20-foot-radius sphere
centered on a point you choose within range must
78-90 All ranges in the effect increase by make a Charisma saving throw; a creature can
20ft choose to fail this saving throw if it wishes. If a
creature fails its saving throw, it gives in to the
90-99 All ranges in the effect increase by
groove, becoming indifferent to all creatures around
it and dancing to the best of its ability. This
100 All ranges in the effect are doubled indifference ends if the target is attacked or harmed
by a spell. At the end of each of its turns, the target
can make another Charisma saving throw. On a
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
success, the spell ends on the target. Creatures
using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you may
immune to the charmed condition are immune to
affect an additional creature for each spell slot
this effect.
level above 1st.

Speak Softly... Yee Haw
3rd level transmutation 3rd level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch Range: Self (15-foot radius)
Components: V, S, M (a big stick) Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Classes: Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard Classes: Bard, Paladin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard
You touch a creature, imbuing it with the spirit of a The spirit of the Wild West inflames something
wise man, long forgotten. For the duration of the deep within you and your rootin', tootin' allies,
spell, the target gains advantage on Charisma filling you with the power of the bovine youth. For
(Persuasion) checks. If a Charisma (Persuasion) the duration of the spell, all willing, friendly
check fails and it leads to a combat scenario, the creatures within range have advantage on attack
target adds 1d4 force damage to all attack rolls until rolls made with one-handed weapons, and they gain
the end of the spell. an additional action on each of their turns which
can be used to make a single weapon attack or use
True Grit an object.
4th level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (twigs from a tumbleweed)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Classes: Paladin, Ranger
Your steely courage and piercing glare make you a
force to be reckoned with. All damage you take is
delayed until the end of the spell and critical hits
against you deal normal damage. Creatures who
make an attack of opportunity against you must
make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, their
attack misses.


Burnt Out
• A burnt out creature has disadvantage on all
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma checks
as well as spell attack rolls.
• A general malaise falls over the creature,
preventing it from being able to gain
temporary hit points.
• The creature has disadvantage on saving
throws against poison damage, the poisoned
condition, and disease.

Monsters and Lore
his bestiary provides game statistics for
creatures and non-player characters one
may encounter in the tumultuous land of
Murka. Creatures are presented in
alphabetical order and should be used in addition to
those found in other sources.
Swarm of Birdgeoisie
Medium swarm of Tiny constructs, lawful evil
BIRDGEOISIE Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 45 (7d8 + 14)
A well-kept secret among the most secretive sects of Speed 10ft., fly 50ft.
the Murkan government, the birdgeoisie appear to be
normal birds, typically traveling in a group. They may STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
take the form of crows, pigeons, seagulls, or any 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)
other seemingly native bird. Their soft, feathery
appearance, however, belies a truly sinister purpose. Skills Perception +5
Eyes in the Sky. The birdgeoisie are magically Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
controlled by the Arcane Intelligence Community—a Condition Immunities charmed, frightened,
powerful branch of the Murkan government who Senses passive Perception 15
have no illusions about their distrust for Murkan Languages ---
citizens. They use the birdgeoisie to spy on the Challenge 1/2 (75 XP)
population, able to tap into the birdgeoisie’s senses to
Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature's
see what they see, hear what they hear. space and vice versa, and the swarm can move
Cluster Flock. The birdgeoisie rarely travel through any opening large enough for a Tiny
alone, and the more there are in one location, the construct. The swarm can't regain hit points or gain
more danger you might find yourself in. These temporary hit points.
creatures operate as a single hive-mind, and whoever Hidden In Plain Sight. Even when a swarm of
holds the reins holds an incredibly deadly force of birdgeoisie is in plain sight, it requires a successful
feathered fury. DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check to distinguish
the constructs from natural birds. This ability ends
if the swarm is in combat or it has already taken
aggressive actions towards another creature.
BIRDS OF A FEATHER Reactive Programming. While the swarm is
undetected or hidden, an unfriendly creature that
The birdgeoisie were created by the makes an attack or startles the swarm with a
successful DC 15 Charisma (Intimidation) check
manipulative Arcane Intelligence Community, will cause the swarm of birdgeoisie to use its
but there are some who have been successfully reaction to move up to their speed to either attack
captured and reprogrammed by rogue magitech or flee.
inventors with a desire to turn the tides against Actions
the Murkan government. Beaks. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 0ft.,
one target in the swarm's space. Hit: 8 (2d6 + 1)
piercing damage, or 4 (1d6 + 1) if the swarm has
half its hit points or fewer.
historical leaders have resided. Now, it's become a
THE DON monument to The Don and all of his personal
accomplishments. The Pale Fortress is filled to the
The Don is a power-hungry creature of malevolence brim with trumplins, but also houses a few other
and gluttony. He is motivated entirely by the idea creatures who are loyal to The Don. These creatures
that he should control those he views as beneath will do his bidding at every opportunity, and will go
him. His lust for domination is overshadowed only by to great lengths to do so. Some of these creatures act
his sense of self righteousness. Despite his out of genuine admiration for The Don; some act out
horrendous actions, like separating children from of loyalty to Murka as a whole—whoever may lead it
their families or inciting his followers to violence, he —and some act out of fear of The Don and what he
truly believes he is a good person. may do to them should they disobey.
Unsavory Origins. It's a wonder to many of the
free people of Murka exactly how The Don gained the
influence and power he did. Some theorize that it
was his charismatic and familiar nature that won over
the people. Others believe he manipulated his way to
the top. Prior to becoming the leader of Murka, The
Don was a wealthy socialite, but far from a diplomat.
A semi-successful entrepreneur, he used his great
wealth to build a massive innkeep, where he invited
other wealthy figureheads to stay, making deals along
the way. This pushed him into the public eye, where
the people of Murka began to recognize him as a man
of fame and fortune—results, he claimed, of attaining
the Murkan Dream.
Some theorize that The Don’s touch corrupted
the Murkan Dream itself, granting him only the
ability to drive others further from their goals by
deluding them into working for his own. Others still
believe he never found it at all, that his inexcusable
cruelty and inexplicable beliefs are a sign that his
powers must stem from otherworldly origins.
Xenophobic and Territorial. The Don distrusts
any and all creatures that aren't explicitly loyal to
him. He is quick to turn on those he sees as allies if
he even remotely suspects them of treachery. The
Don believes that all creatures are out to persecute
him, and he believes this to be a result of his
allegedly superior intellect and alleged reproductive

The Don resides in a heavily-guarded sanctuary
known as the Pale Fortress. The Pale Fortress is a
labyrinthine fortress at the center of the capital city
of Murka, Washtown. Built of several hundred feet of
white stone, the Pale Fortress may appear
impenetrable to the naked eye.
The Pale Fortress was once a place of cultural
significance for the people of Murka, where all of its

Lair Actions Regional Effects
While fighting inside his lair, The Don can invoke his Washtown, the region where the Pale Fortress
influence over his domain to take lair actions. On resides, is warped by The Don's presence, which
initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), The Don creates one or more of the following effects:
can take one lair action to cause one of the following • Fog from industrial pollution lightly obscures
effects: the land within 5 miles of the Pale Fortress.
• 1d4 trumplins appear within 90 feet of The • Tromps, trumplins, and drumpfs within 2
Don and share his initiative in combat. miles of the Pale Fortress are supernaturally
• The Don loses 50 hit points and summons a linked to The Don and act as his eyes and
tromp that appears within 30 feet of him. ears as spies.
While the tromp is alive, The Don • Creatures within a 5 mile radius of the Pale
regenerates 10 HP per round. Fortress who have an intelligence score of 7
• The Don casts dominate person (DC 10) at or less become hostile towards anybody who
6th level on any number of creatures he can opposes The Don.
see within 60 feet. Each target must have an If The Don is killed, the fog gradually goes away after
Intelligence or Wisdom score of 17 or less. 1d8 months. Creatures within a 5 mile radius of the
The Don cannot repeat an effect until they have all Pale Fortress who have an intelligence score of 7 or
been used or 24 hours have passed, and he cannot less remain hostile to enemies of The Don for 1d8
use the same effect two rounds in a row. days.

The Don Spellcasting. The Don is a 15th-level spellcaster. His

spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15, or
Medium monster, lawful evil
DC 20 for spells with a charm effect$). The Don knows
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) the following Bard spells:
Hit Points 225 (30d10 + 60) 1st level (4/day): bane, charm person*
Speed 20ft. 2nd level (3/day): magic mouth, suggestion
3rd level (3/day): fast friends*, wall of sand
4th level (3/day): confusion
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 5th level (2/day): dominate person*, mislead
7 (-2) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 6th level (1/day): mass suggestion
7th level (1/day): project image , regenerate
Damage Immunities psychic 8th level (1/day): feeblemind
Condition Immunities charmed *Spells with a charm effect.
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Donspeech, Gibberish, Actions
Undercommon Summon Trumplins (Recharge 5-6). The Don magically
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP) summons 1d6 trumplins to assist him in battle.

Commanding Presence. Any creature with an Slanderous Assault (Recharge 5-6). The Don begins
Intelligence score of 9 or less has disadvantage on shouting insults at enemies, and his allies echo his
saving throws against The Don regardless of spell shouts. Targets within a 60 foot radius around The Don
description. who can hear him, regardless of whether they
understand him, must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom
Idiot's Idol. Allied creatures with an Intelligence score of saving throw or take 3d4 psychic damage, + 1d4 for
9 or less within 15 feet of The Don can add 1d6 to all every allied creature in the area of effect. A successful
attack rolls and saving throws so long as they can hear saving throw halves damage.
and see him.
Innate Spellcasting. The Don's innate spellcasting ability
Legendary Actions
is Charisma (spell save DC 15). He can innately cast the The Don can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
following spells, requiring no material components: the options below. Only one legendary action option
can be used at a time and only at the end of another
At will: vicious mockery, charm person creature's turn. The Don regains spent legendary
actions at the start of his turn.
Cast a Spell. The Don can cast a spell from his
Spellcasting or Innate Spellcasting list.
Magical Manipulator. D'lanod is incredibly
D'LANOD adept at controlling, charming, and manipulating
other creatures for its own benefit. It has extensive
Hailing from unknown worlds, pushing those who knowledge of charming magics, but more
encounter it to commit atrocity after atrocity, and impressively than that, D'lanod has learned to
wreaking havoc on every land it finds itself in, manipulate magic itself. Once D'lanod has consumed
D'lanod lives to sew discord and chaos. a spell, it can regurgitate it at will, directed towards
D’lanod has a gargantuan central mouth any target it wishes.
connected to its digestive system surrounded by
numerous tentacles terminated with smaller, AS A FINAL ENCOUNTER
snapping mouths called “nibblers.” Atop D’lanod’s
floating bulk is a grotesque mound of super-sensitive, D’lanod is best-used as a secret, final
magical-attuned taste buds, not unlike whiskers, that encounter. Hidden away beneath the Pale
resembles a mound of hair.
Fortress, D’lanod guards a massive vault.
D'lanod has no eyes, and is therefore blind.
A GM may consider dropping hints, clues,
Instead of seeing, it can "taste" as a form of
blindsense. Its taste buds are magically attuned, and puzzles throughout the Pale Fortress
giving it a greater range of perception for magical which lead players to D’lanod. After the battle,
things in the area around it. It flies through the air at you may choose to offer up valuable loot from
a slow pace, but rarely travels far from the place the vault as a reward to your players for
where it' s nesting. successfully vanquishing D’lanod.
This dark creature will claim a safeguarded area
as its nest, working through a suggestible local to
wreak death and destruction as it amasses its riches.
It tends to hoard wealth in the form of magical items,
which it collects and keeps near itself. Any
disturbance in its magical item cache is met with
incredibly aggressive behavior, but its claim cannot
outlast its lifespan. This tempts many adventurers to
scour worlds, tracking it down in pursuit of the
hoard. Despite numerous adventurers pursuing it
over the years, nobody has been able to kill it.
Mindbending Mouths. When D'lanod detects a
nearby creature, it emits a territorial hiss, which each
of its many mouths contributes to. The sound often
becomes loud enough to chill the blood of even stoic
adventurers. D’lanod quickly launches himself at any
unfrightened prey and attempts to swallow them
whole. If drawn into battle, D'lanod uses its
screeching mouths to speak in argumentative,
illogical circles capable of driving its enemies mad.
Otherworldly Origins. Nobody knows where
D'lanod came from, what exactly it is, or what its
purpose is. Historically, it has traveled from plane to
plane in order to gain control over a populace
(usually by gaining control of a proxy creature or
avatar), then driven them to the brink of destruction
as it feeds on their world. Some guess that it may be a
deity, while others believe it to be a demon. With no
certainty at hand, those who encounter D'lanod
know only one thing about it: It. Is. Hungry.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.., one
target. Hit: 15 (1d12 + 9) piercing damage. If the
target is a Medium or smaller creature, it is grappled
D'lanod (escape DC 13). Until this grapple ends, D'lanod can
bite only the grappled creature and has advantage on
Large aberration, neutral evil
attack rolls to do so.
Armor Class 19 (natural armor) Nibble. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft..,
Hit Points 237 (25d10 + 100) one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.
Speed 0ft., fly 20ft. (hover)
Swallow. D'lanod makes one bite attack against a
Medium or smaller target it is grappling. If the attack
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA hits, the target is also swallowed, and the grapple ends.
While swallowed, the target is blinded and restrained, it
8 (-1) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) has total cover against attacks and other effects
outside of D'lanod, and it takes 15 (5d6) bludgeoning
Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +4, Cha +8 damage at the start of each of D'lanod's turns. D'lanod
Skills Perception +10 can have only one creature swallowed at a time.
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, prone If D'lanod takes 20 damage or more on a single turn
Senses blindsight 90 ft.. (blind beyond this radius), from the swallowed creature, D'lanod must succeed on
passive Perception 20 a DC 16 Constitution saving throw at the end of that
Languages Common, Deep Speech, Gibberish, turn or regurgitate the creature, which falls prone in a
Undercommon space within 10 feet of D'lanod. If D'lanod dies, a
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP) swallowed creature is no longer restrained by it and can
escape from the corpse by using 15 feet of movement,
Self-Assured. D'lanod adds its Charisma modifier to its exiting prone.
Taste Magic. D'lanod can taste magic being used within Spell Swallow. If D'lanod is the target of a spell, it makes
150 feet of it. This functions as the detect magic spell. an Intelligence saving throw with a DC of 15. If D'lanod
Innate Spellcasting. D'lanod's innate spellcasting ability succeeds, it is not affected by the spell, and swallows it
is Charisma (spell save DC 18). It can innately cast the instead.
following spells, requiring no material components:
At will: vicious mockery , charm person Legendary Actions
Spellcasting. D'lanod is an 9th-level spellcaster. Its D'lanod can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 18, DC the options below. Only one legendary action option
23 for spells with a charm effect). D'lanod knows the can be used at a time and only at the end of another
following spells: creature's turn. D'lanod regains spent legendary actions
at the start of its turn.
1st level (4/day): bane, charm person*
2nd level (3/day): suggestion Attack. D'lanod makes one attack, chosen from the
3rd level (3/day): wall of sand Actions list (but it cannot choose Multiattack).
4th level (3/day): confusion
5th level (1/day): dominate person* Empty Argument. Each creature within 60 feet of
*Spells with a charm effect. D'lanod that can hear it (regardless of if they
understand the languages it speaks) must succeed on a
Actions DC 14 Intelligence saving throw or become stunned,
dumbfounded, until the end of their next turn.
Multiattack. D'lanod makes two attacks: one with its
bite and one with its nibble. Spit Spell. D'lanod can innately cast any spell it has
swallowed in the past minute requiring no material
components. Once D'lanod has cast the swallowed
spell, it cannot be cast again in this way.

Flying about the skies of Murka, one may find any
number of aerial creatures—birds, droehns, and, and The draguns are as deadly as they are frightening.
writwits alike—but none are as powerful and When they were first discovered, researchers began
fearsome as the dragons—or the draguns. studying their anatomy in an effort to weaponize
The dragons native to Murka are terrifying their innate abilities. This research gave way to what
creatures which come in three species: the noble may be the most Murkan things in existence: guns.
freedom dragons, the aquatic rustic draguns, and the These beasts are merciless, and often take on
treacherous tactical draguns. Each species possesses creatures who are otherwise completely non-hostile
not only a specialized ecology, but also a significant towards them. They are aggressive hunters, revered
place in Murka's culture. by many Murkans as the perfect predator. This is why
these creatures were used as the biological blueprint
for the earliest Murkan firearms.
Freedom Dragons
The freedom dragons were here even before the
Rustic Draguns
earliest colonists came to Murka. With strong, avian These aquatic beasts are a bestial mix of classic
features, a horned beak, and razor-sharp talons, the firearms and water-dwelling dragons. Primarily found
freedom dragon is a force to be reckoned with. in or near large bodies of water like Murka's lakes
Living in the highest cliff faces of Murka, from and oceans, the rustic draguns are a force to be
the Hardborne Mountains to the skyscrapers of reckoned with.
Magnamalus, the freedom dragons are Murka's
national animal: a symbol of power, of glory, and of Tactical Draguns
course, of freedom.
Much more aggressive than their rustic cousins, the
tactical draguns are territorial beasts who dwell in
the shade of rocky mountains and forests, stalking
their prey silently, biding their time until they find
their moment to strike.
effect they have on society that they will be
FREEDOM DRAGON remembered, and boy do they want to be
remembered. Freedom dragons, on the whole, have
The mighty wingspans of the freedom dragons are no such desire.
one of the most awe inspiring sights in Murka. As Almost cat-like in their attitudes, they want
their national symbol, the people of Murka look to simply to bask atop mountains as the sun warms
freedom dragons for inspiration and hope, and see in their feathered wings. They like nothing more than
these beasts the dreams they hope to achieve for lazy afternoons amusing themselves by launching
themselves. Thus, tattoos depicting freedom dragon themselves into the sky and then nose-diving toward
wings are commonly found on the backs of Murka's the ground, only to catch themselves at the last
citizens. They are often depicted in architecture, and possible minute. It is in pursuit of their freedom to
paintings, and even Murka's worst city by far, do these things, as well as their pursuit of ensuring
Phillydulfia, boasts a slamball team named after the that all creatures can pursue their creature comforts
clever beasts. without fear, that often causes the freedom dragon to
A Need To Be Free. Freedom dragons are become embroiled in other’s business, but rarely will
definitely the most nomadic of any type of dragon. one find a freedom dragon sitting in its cave,
Prone to fits of irritability when confined to any one scheming about the future.
spot, freedom dragons leave the nest soon after they
learn to fly and often young freedom dragons can be
heard emitting high pitched whoops as they dive A Freedom Dragon's Lair
headfirst from their childhood homes in an attempt
to learn to fly quicker. Freedom dragons dwell on Murka's highest peaks,
The Symbol of A Nation. Freedom dragons are making their lairs in spots where the sun can shine
the national symbol of Murka. They were originally for hours on end so as to warm themselves by it.
chosen because of their unparalleled abilities and the Rumors are spread that there are freedom dragons
belief that they only existed on the Murkan who dwell on top of Magnamalus's highest buildings,
continent. Ultimately though, it was the majesty and but these remain yet to be confirmed. Though many
adaptability of the freedom dragon that truly are comfortable with the denizens of Murka and
captured the imagination and inspiration of the some even view them as a sort of rascally and
Murkan people. independent pet, many choose instead to make their
Bully Hater. Whether named because of their homes in moderate seclusion.
love of freedom, or in an attempt to live up to the
name, all freedom dragons love freedom. As a result, Lair Actions
they tend to have a specific hatred for those creatures
who try to take that freedom away from others. On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties) the
Despots, tyrants, and slavers definitely top that list, dragon takes a lair action to cause one of the
but freedom dragons are just as intolerant of bullying following effects:
on a smaller scale. While the older freedom dragons • The freedom dragon teleports as if by the
tend to have less potent eyesight, it is not uncommon misty step spell.
to see the younger generations nosediving toward a • A strong, buffeting wind sweeps through the
particularly cruel child. dragon's lair near the dragon. Each creature
Perhaps the best example of this was while The within 120 must succeed on a DC 15
Don was still doing his best to sway the voters of his Constitution saving throw or be knocked
good intentions and his rightfulness for the throne of prone and take 6 (2d6) bludgeoning damage.
Murka. While trying to tame a freedom dragon, he
was attacked and nearly had his face ripped off (in
fact some theories say he did, would that we lived in
such a world). Luckily the dragon was but a wyrmling
and fairly easily contained.
Ambition-Less. Metallic and chromatic dragons
are often categorized by their actions. These dragons
have great knowledge and know that it is by the

• All creatures within a 10 mile radius of the
Regional Effects freedom dragon's lair are unaffected by non-
magical difficult terrain.
The region containing a legendary freedom dragon's
• Animals begin to become much bolder within
lair is warped by the dragon's magic, which creates
a 10 mile radius of a freedom dragon's lair.
one or more of the following effects:
For example, birds chirp and sing much
• Once per day the dragon can alter the louder, squirrels race just a little bit faster up
weather in a 6-mile radius centered on its trees, wolves sometimes begin to encroach on
lair. The dragon doesn't need to be outdoors; cities, and even already broken-in horses
otherwise the effect is identical to the control throw their riders with much more regularity
weather spell. and force.
• Within 1 mile of the lair winds buoy non- If the freedom dragon dies, these effects fade over the
chaotic creatures that fall due to no act of the course of 1d10 days.
dragon or its allies. These creatures descend
at a rate of 60 feet per round and take no
falling damage.

Ancient Freedom Dragon Breath Weapons (Recharge 5-6). The freedom dragon
uses one of the following breath weapons, choosing to
Gargantuan dragon, neutral good
effect either a 90-foot cone or a 180-foot line which is
Armor Class 22 (natural armor) 5 feet wide when it does so.
Hit Points 362 (25d20 + 100) Freedom Breath. The freedom dragon expels the
Speed 60ft., fly 140ft. blinding light of independence. Each creature in the
area must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw, taking
67 (15d8) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA much on a successful one.
29 (+9) 23 (+6) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 30 (+10) Grasping Breath. The freedom dragon exhales a blast of
animating energy that causes the very ground to break
Saving Throws Dex +13, Con +11, Wis +, Cha +17 free of the chains of reality and attempt to restrain
Skills Arcana +7, History +7, Perception +16, Stealth creatures caught in the area. All creatures in the area
+13, Intimidate +17, Persuasion +17 must make a DC 19 Strength saving throw or be
Damage Immunities radiant restrained for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the
Senses blindsight 60ft., darkvision 120ft., passive saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
Perception 26 effect on itself on a success.
Languages Common, Draconic
Challenge 23 (32,500 XP) Change Shape. The freedom dragon magically
polymorphs into a humanoid or beast that has a
challenge rating no higher than its own, or back into its
The Light Of Liberty. While exposed to direct sunlight, true form. It reverts to its true form if it dies. Any
the freedom dragon regains 24 hit points at the equipment it is wearing or carrying is absorbed or
beginning of each of its turns. borne by the new form (the dragon's choice).
Immobility Immunity. The freedom dragon is always In a new form, the freedom dragon retains its
treated as being under the freedom of movement spell. alignment, hit points, Hit Dice, ability to speak,
Flexibility. The freedom dragon can squeeze itself proficiencies, Legendary Resistance, lair actions, and
through an opening up to two sizes smaller than it. Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma Scores, as well as
While squeezing in this way, the freedom dragon does this action. Its statistics and capabilities are otherwise
not take any penalties to attack rolls, dexterity saving replaced by those of the new form, except any class
throws, or movement. features or legendary actions of that form.

Legendary Resistance (3/day). If the freedom dragon Legendary Actions

fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
The freedom dragon can take 3 legendary actions,
choosing from the options below. Only one legendary
Actions action option can be used at a time and only at the end
Multiattack. The freedom dragon can use its Frightful of another creature's turn. The dragon regains spent
Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite legendary actions at the start of its turn.
and two with its claws
Detect. The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 10ft., one check.
target. Hit: damage 20 (2d10 + 9) Piercing Damage Tail Attack. The dragon makes a Tail Attack.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 10ft., Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon beats its
one target. Hit: 16 (2d6 + 9) slashing damage wings. Each creature within 10 feet of the freedom
dragon must succeed on a DC 25 Dexterity saving
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 20ft., one throw or take 16 (2d6 + 9) bludgeoning damage and
target. Hit: 18 (2d8 + 6) Bludgeoning Damage be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half of
Frightful Presence. Each creature of the freedom its flying speed.
dragon's choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon
and aware of it must succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom
saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each
of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a
creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends
for it, the creature is immune to the dragon's Frightful
Presence for the next 24 hours.

Adult Freedom Dragon Breath Weapons (Recharge 5-6). The dragon uses one of
the following breath weapons, choosing to effect
Huge dragon, lawful neutral
either a 60-foot cone or a 120-foot line which is 5 feet
Armor Class 19 (natural armor) wide when it does so.
Hit Points 171 (18d12 + 54) Freedom Breath. The freedom dragon may expel the
Speed 50ft., fly 120ft blinding light of independence. Each creature in the
area must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking
58 (13d8) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA much on a successful one.
25 (+6) 21 (+5) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 27 (+8) Grasping Breath. The freedom dragon exhales a blast of
animating energy that causes the very ground to break
Saving Throws Dex +10, Con +8, Wis +6, Cha +13 free of the chains of reality and attempt to restrain
Skills Arcana +5, History +5, Perception +11, Stealth creatures caught in the area. All creatures in the area
+10, Intimidation +13, Persuasion +13 must make a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be
Damage Immunities radiant restrained for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the
Senses blindsight 60ft., darkvision 120ft., passive saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
Perception 21 effect on itself on a success.
Languages Common, Draconic
Challenge 16 (15,000) Change Shape The dragon magically polymorphs into a
humanoid or beast that has a challenge rating no
higher than its own, or back into its true form. It reverts
The Light Of Liberty. While exposed to direct sunlight, to its true form if it dies. Any equipment it is wearing
the freedom dragon regains 21 hit points at the or carrying is absorbed or borne by the new form (the
beginning of each of its turns. dragon's choice).
Immobility Immunity. The freedom dragon is always In a new form, the dragon retains its alignment, hit
treated as being under the freedom of movement spell. points, Hit Dice, ability to speak, proficiencies,
Flexibility. The freedom dragon can squeeze itself Legendary Resistance, lair actions, and Intelligence,
through an opening up to two sizes smaller than it. Wisdom, and Charisma Scores, as well as this action. Its
While squeezing in this way, the freedom dragon does statistics and capabilities are otherwise replaced by
not take any penalties to attack rolls, Dexterity saving those of the new form, except any class features or
throws, or movement. legendary actions of that form.

Legendary Resistance (3/day). If the dragon fails a saving Legendary Actions

throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing
from the options below. Only one legendary action
Actions option ca be used at a time and only at the end of
Multiattack. The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. another creature's turn. The dragon regains spent
It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two legendary actions at the start of its turn.
with its claws
Detect. The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10ft., one check.
target. Hit: Damage 17 (2d10 + 6) Piercing Damage Tail Attack. The dragon makes a Tail Attack.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10ft., Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon beats its
one target. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) slashing damage wings. Each creature within 10 feet of the dragon must
succeed on a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw or take 13
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 20ft., one (2d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone.
target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) Bludgeoning Damage The dragon can then fly up to half of its flying speed.
Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon's choice
that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it
must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or
become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat
the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving
throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the
creature is immune to the dragon's Frightful Presence
for the next 24 hours.

Freedom Dragon Young Freedom Dragon
Large, lawful neutral
Medium dragon, lawful neutral Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
Hit Points 120 (16d10 + 32)
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Speed 40ft., fly 100ft.
Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6)
Speed 30ft., fly 80ft.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 19 (+4) 21 (+5) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 23 (+6)

17 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 19 (+4) Saving Throws Dex +9, Con +6, Wis +4, Cha +10
Skills Arcana +4, History +4, Perception +8, Stealth
Saving Throws Dex +4, Wis +2, Charisma +6 +9, Intimidation +10, Persuasion +10
Skills Perception +4, Stealth +4, Intimidation +4, Damage Immunities radiant
Persuasion +4 Senses blindsight 30ft., darkvision 120ft., passive
Damage Immunities radiant Perception 18
Senses blindsight 10ft., darkvision 60ft., passive Languages Common, Draconic
Perception 14 Challenge 9 (5,000 xp)
Languages Draconic
Challenge 3 (700xp) The Light Of Liberty. While exposed to direct
sunlight the freedom dragon regains 18 hit points
The Light Of Liberty. While exposed to direct at the beginning of each of its turns.
sunlight the freedom dragon regains 15 hit points
at the beginning of each of its turns. Immobility Immunity. The freedom dragon is always
treated as being under the freedom of movement
Immobility Immunity. The freedom dragon is always spell.
treated as being under the freedom of movement
Flexibility. The freedom dragon can squeeze itself
through an opening up to two sizes smaller than it.
Flexibility. The freedom dragon can squeeze itself While squeezing this way the freedom dragon does
through an opening up to two sizes smaller than it. not take any penalties to attack rolls, Dexterity
While squeezing this way, the dragon does not take saving throws, or movement.
any penalties to attack rolls, Dexterity saving
throws, or movement. Actions
Actions Multiattack. The dragon makes three attacks: one
with its bite and two with its claws.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft..,
one target. Hit: 8 (1d10 +3) piercing Damage. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10ft.,
one target. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage.
Breath Weapons (Recharge 5-6) The dragon uses
one of the following breath weapons, choosing to
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10ft.,
one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 +4) slashing damage.
effect either a 15-foot cone or a 30-foot line which
is 5 feet wide when it does so. Breath Weapons (Recharge 5-6). The dragon uses
Freedom Breath. The freedom dragon may expel the one of the following breath weapons, choosing to
blinding light of independence. Each creature in effect either a 30-foot cone or a 60-foot line which
this area must make a DC 11 Dexterity saving is 5 feet wide when it does so.
throw, taking 18 (4d8) radiant damage on a failed Freedom Breath. The freedom dragon may expel the
save, or half as much on a successful one. blinding light of independence. Each creature in the
Grasping Breath. The freedom dragon exhales a blast area must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw,
of animating energy that causes the very ground to taking 54 (12d8) radiant damage on a failed save,
break free of the chains of reality and attempt to or half as much on a successful one.
restrain creatures caught in the area. All creatures in Grasping Breath. The freedom dragon exhales a blast
the area must make a DC 11 Strength saving throw of animating energy that causes the very ground to
or be restrained for 1 minute. A creature can repeat break free of the chains of reality and attempt to
the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, restrain creatures caught in the area. All creatures in
ending the effect on itself on a success. the area must make a DC 14 Strength saving throw
or be restrained for 1 minute. A creature can repeat
the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
ending the effect on itself on a success.

RUSTIC DRAGUN throw or take 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage
and be knocked prone and buried. The
The oldest of the draguns, the water-dwelling rustic buried target is restrained and unable to
draguns inspired the original guns. Much less prone breath or stand up, additionally it loses any
to acts that will bring themselves into the public eye, ability to hold its breath. A creature can take
even the young and comparatively reckless an action to make a DC 10 strength check,
flintlockers are considered among the most reclusive ending the buried state on a success.
of draguns. Despite this, they did inspire the original • The water around the dragun begins to boil
weapons that defined an entire country, so they and any creature of the dragun’s choice
aren't as invisible as perhaps the Illiterati. Murka is a within 10 of the dragun’s reach must make a
landscape dotted with as many rivers as forests and DC 15 Constitution save or take 21 (6d6) fire
its fair share of oceans, but the rustic draguns nesting damage.
in these watery homes arise only when necessary. • The Dragon ignores attacks of opportunities
Dragons Of The Water. Unlike their bronze until the end of its next turn.
cousins who enjoy the goings on of the water's
surface, rustic draguns submerge themselves as deep
as they can go, and take an equal fascination with the
Regional Effects
surroundings they find there. It is not uncommon for The region containing a legendary rustic dragun is
a mermaid to befriend a young flintlocker. Nor is it warped by the dragun's magic, which creates one or
unheard of for young krakens to be intimidated by more of the following effects:
muskatoons into pranking a local merrow village. • Treacherous storms form within 6 miles of
Storage and Release. Much like the tension the lair.
they hold within themselves before and after • Hidden maelstroms as small as 20 feet across
expelling their breath weapon, rustic draguns are or as large as a mile form inside and around
patient creatures, often nursing grudges for longer the dragun's lair. The supernatural hazards
than many sentient creatures live. They sit and they can be spotted from a safe distance with a DC
stew in these grudges until, at seemingly random 20 Wisdom (Perception) check. Creatures
times, they do something devastating about it. These and objects, such as vehicles, caught in a
instances are never as random as they seem however, maelstrom must succeed on a DC 14 Strength
and have been known to lead to the downfalls of saving throw at the start of each of its turns
entire pirate empires. or take 6 (2d6) bludgeoning damage. For
every 1 foot a creature travels through the
A Rustic Dragon's Lair maelstrom, it must spend 4 feet of
Rustic draguns make their homes below the water • Within 1 mile of its lair, the dragun leaves no
level of Murka's various waterways, lakes and seas. physical evidence of its passage unless it
They use both their breath weapon and tension wishes to. Tracking it there is impossible
releasing abilities to move seaweed and underwater except by magical means. In addition, it
coral to mold their environment to their liking. ignores movement impediments and damage
from aquatic or amphibious plants or
Lair Actions
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the If the dragun dies, these effects fade over the course
dragun takes a lair action to cause one of the of 1d10 days.
following effects; the dragun can't use the same effect
two rounds in a row.
• Coral collapses above one creature that the
dragun can see within 120 of it. The creature
must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving

Canunne Dragun Cannon Ball Breath. (Recharge 5-6) The cannune spits a
single, powerful ball of force in a 120-foot line that is 5
Gargantuan dragon, chaotic neutral
feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a DC 23
Armor Class 22 (natural armor) Dexterity saving throw, taking 55 (10d10) piercing
Hit Points 444 (24d20 + 192) damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
Speed 60ft., fly 100ft., swim 60ft. successful one.
Recoil Release (Must have used its breath weapon at least
once in the past minute). The cannune exhales and
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA releases all the tension being held in its body. All
21 (+5) 29 (+9) 27 (+8) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 10 (0) creatures in a 10 foot radius around the dragun are
buffeted by a wave of force and must succeed on a
Saving Throws Dex +16, Con +15, Wis +10, Cha +7 Strength saving throw, the DC of which is 22 + the
Skills Insight +10, Perception +17, Stealth +16 number of times the cannune has used its breath
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing weapon in the past minute. On a failed save, the
Senses blindsight 60ft., darkvision 120ft., passive creature is pushed 30 feet away from the dragun and is
Perception 27 knocked prone.
Languages Common, Draconic Change Shape The dragun magically polymorphs into a
Challenge 22 (30,000 XP) humanoid or beast that has a challenge rating no
higher than its own, or back into its true form. It reverts
Amphibious. The dragun can breath air and water. to its true form if it dies. Any equipment it is wearing
or carrying is absorbed or borne by the new form (the
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the cannune fails a dragun's choice).
saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
In a new form, the dragun retains its alignment, hit
Siege Monster The cannune deals double damage to points, Hit Dice, ability to speak, proficiencies,
objects and structures. Legendary Resistance, lair actions, and Intelligence,
Wisdom, and Charisma scores, as well as this action. Its
Actions statistics and capabilities are otherwise replaced by
Multiattack. The cannune can use its Frightful Presence. those of the new form, except any class features or
It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two legendary actions of that form.
with its claws.
Legendary Actions
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10ft., one The cannune can take 3 legendary actions, choosing
target. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) piercing damage. from the options below. Only one legendary action
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 10ft., option can be used at a time and only at the end of
one target. Hit: 16 (2d6 + 9) slashing damage. another creature's turn. The dragun regains spent
legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 20ft., one
target. Hit: 18 (2d8 + 9) bludgeoning damage. Detect. The cannune makes a Wisdom (Perception)
Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragun's choice check.
that is within 120 feet of the it and is aware of the Tail Attack. The cannune makes a Tail Attack.
dragun must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The canunne beats its
throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature wings. Each creature within 10 feet of the dragun must
can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its succeed on a DC 24 Dexterity Saving throw or take 16
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a (2d6+9) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone.
creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends The dragun can then fly up to half of its flying speed.
for it, the creature is immune to the cannune's Frightful
Presence for the next 24 hours.

Dragunne Dragun Recoil Release (Must have used its breath weapon at least
once in the past minute). The dragunne exhales and
Huge dragon, chaotic neutral
releases all the tension being held in its body. All
Armor Class 19 creatures in a 10 foot radius around the dragun are
Hit Points 212 (17d12 + 102) buffeted by a wave of force and must succeed on a
Speed 50ft., fly 100ft., swim 50ft. Strength saving throw, the DC of which is 18 + the
number of times the dragunne has used its breath
weapon in the past minute. On a failed save, the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA creature is pushed 30 feet away from the dragun and is
knocked prone.
19 (+4) 25 (+7) 23 (+6) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 10 (0)
Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragun's choice
Saving Throws Dex +12, Con +11, Wis +7, Cha +5 that is within 120 feet of the dragun and aware of the
Skills Insight +7, Perception +12, Stealth +12 dragon must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature
Senses blindsight 60ft., darkvision 120ft., passive can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
Perception 22 turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a
Languages Common, Draconic creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP) for it, the creature is immune to the dragun's Frightful
Presence for the next 24 hours.
Amphibious. The dragun can breath air and water. Change Shape The dragun magically polymorphs into a
humanoid or beast that has a challenge rating no
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the dragun fails a saving higher than its own, or back into its true form. It reverts
throw, it can choose to succeed instead. to its true form if it dies. Any equipment it is wearing
or carrying is absorbed or borne by the new form (the
Actions dragun's choice).
Multiattack. The dragunne can use its Frightful In a new form, the dragun retains its alignment, hit
Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite points, Hit Dice, ability to speak, proficiencies,
and two with its claws. Legendary Resistance, lair actions, and Intelligence,
Wisdom, and Charisma Scores, as well as this action. Its
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10ft., one statistics and capabilities are otherwise replaced by
target. Hit: 15 (2d10+4) piercing damage. those of the new form, except any class features or
legendary actions of that form.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10ft.,
one target. Hit: 14 (2d6 +7) slashing damage. Legendary Actions
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 15ft., one The dragunne can take 3 legendary actions, choosing
target. Hit: 16 (2d8+7) Bludgeoning Damage. from the options below. Only one legendary action
Musket Ball Breath (Recharge 5-6). The dragunne spits a option can be used at a time and only at the end of
single, powerful ball of force in a 90-foot line that is 5 another creature's turn. The dragun regains spent
feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a DC 19 legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Dexterity saving throw, taking 66 (12d10) piercing
damage on a failed save, or half as much on a Detect. The dragun makes a Wisdom (Perception)
successful one. check.
Tail Attack. The dragun makes a Tail Attack.
Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The dragun beats its
wings. Each creature within 10 feet of the dragun must
succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or take 14
(2d6 + 7) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone.
The dragun can then fly up to half of its flying speed.
Musketoon Dragun
Large dragon, chaotic neutral

Armor Class 18 (natural armor)

Hit Points 142 (15d10 + 60)
Speed 40ft., fly 80ft., swim 40ft.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Flintlocker Dragun

Medium dragon, chaotic neutral
17 (+3) 21 (+5) 19 (+4) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0)
Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Saving Throws Dex +8, Con +7, Wis +4, Cha +3 Hit Points 32 (5d8 + 10)
Skills Insight +4, Perception +7, Stealth +8 Speed 30ft., fly 60ft., swim 30ft.
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing
Senses blindsight 30ft., darkvision 120ft., passive
Languages Common, Draconic 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +4, Wis +2, Cha +2
Amphibious. The dragun can breath air and water. Skills Perception +4, Stealth +5
Actions Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing
Senses blindsight 10ft., darkvision 60ft., passive
Multiattack. The musketoon makes one attack with Perception 14
its bite and then two attacks with its claws. Languages Draconic
Challenge 2 (450 xp)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10ft.,
one target. Hit: 14 (2d10+3) piercing damage.
Amphibious. The dragun can breath air and water.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10ft.,
one target. Hit: 12 (2d6+5) slashing damage. Actions
Musket Ball Breath (Recharge 5-6). The dragun spits Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft.,
a single, powerful ball of force in a 60-foot line that one target. Hit: 7 (1d10+2) piercing damage.
is 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make
a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 55 (10d10) Musket Ball Breath (Recharge 5-6). The dragun spits
piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much a single, powerful ball of force in a 60-foot line that
on a successful one. is 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make
a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 55 (10d10)
Recoil Release (Must have used its breath weapon at piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much
least once in the past minute). The dragun exhales on a successful one.
and releases all the tension being held in its body.
All creatures in a 10 foot radius around the dragun Recoil Release (Must have used its breath weapon at
are buffeted by a wave of force and must succeed least once in the past minute). The dragun exhales
on a Strength saving throw, the DC of which is 14 and releases all the tension being held in its body.
+ the number of times the musketoon has used its All creatures in a 10 foot radius around the dragun
breath weapon in the past minute. On a failed save, are buffeted by a wave of force and must succeed
the creature is pushed 30 feet away from the on a Strength saving throw, the DC of which is 11
dragun and is knocked prone. + the number of times the flintlocker has used its
breath weapon in the past minute. On a failed save,
the creature is pushed 30 feet away from the
dragun and is knocked prone.

Inconceivably Motivated. Perhaps the tactical
TACTICAL DRAGUN dragun's most well-known trait is that almost no one,
from the hillfolk of North Korealina to the precious
Evolution takes place at a glacial pace. Minuscule, few academics in the heights of Washtown, are able
generational, changes occur randomly over time in to pierce its intentions. The targets a tactical dragun
every individual of that species. Except when the chooses run the gamut in every way imaginable.
changes become radical. Except when over the course From the locales it chooses to make its home in, even
of a single generation a drastic shift in overall what its diet (and therefore droppings) consist of
cosmetics and ability occurs. Such was the case with vary from dragun to dragun.
the tactical draguns. A seemingly overnight Hotly Debated. One of the most prolific debates
transmutation caused a group of rustic draguns to in current day Murka is if tactical draguns deserve to
become tactical draguns. live. Their proclivity for random acts of violence has,
Spontaneous Change. Tactical draguns have a to put it mildly, caused an incredible stir in Murkan
predilection for changing their course of action at politics, especially as something seems to be riling
any given moment. One moment, one could be them up. There have been more attacks in the past
having a pleasant conversation with a tactical dragun, couple years by tactical draguns than ever before, and
and the next it could go off because you misspoke, or debate rages hotly on whether the safety of children
responded negatively to something it said. In this comes before the lives of these unique creatures.
way, tactical draguns, even when they reach the
sagacity a grenadragun has, react in much the same
way children do when being told 'no'. On the flip A Tactical Dragun's Lair
side, they are capable of incredible even-
temperedness in even the most stressful situations, Tactical draguns make their homes in mountains,
making them difficult creatures to understand. canyons, and other rocky terrain, favoring the dry,
Silent But Deadly. Tactical draguns are the arid climates of Midwesteros. They will typically
ultimate predator. Opposed to most dragons who carve out their homes in cliffside caves, sometimes
value the strength of their limbs, the sturdiness of even burrowing beneath the surface of a mesa.
their bodies, and their overall presence to find their
foes, tactical draguns value a more methodical Lair Actions
approach. For days, week, or even months they will
stalk their prey. As one of the few dragon subspecies On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties) the
unable to change shape, they've gotten very good at dragun takes a lair action to cause one of the
keeping quiet and learning the habits of their targets following effects:
from afar. When they feel they have gotten a good • A tremor shakes the lair in a 60-foot radius
sense of their prey’s habits, they find a moment to around the dragun. Each creature other than
strike. For many dragons, this moment would be the dragun on the ground in that area must
based on what would make the biggest impression, or succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or
what would cause the least amount of damage to be knocked prone.
other parties involved. Not the tactical dragun. For • The tactical dragun rolls twice on the Wild
unknown reasons, this moment, and indeed the Magic Surge table and produces an effect of
particular prey picked, is based entirely on the whim their choice from the two rolls, counting
of the dragun that particular day. After picking a themselves or any creature they choose
particular moment, the dragun descends and does within 120 feet of them as the caster and
the only thing any gun knows how to do. themselves or any creature they choose
Creatures of Carnage. It is not a pretty sight to within 180 feet of them as the target.
view the aftermath of a tactical dragun attack. The
• The tactical dragun becomes invisible, unable
few tactical draguns used by the Murkan Army use
to be heard, unable to be smelled, and,
their incredible power to put holes the size of acorns
should it matter, unable to be tasted until it
in the country's enemies. Meanwhile the tactical
makes an attack or uses another Lair action.
draguns roaming the skies of Murka's homeland are
The dragun then moves up to half its speed.
known to use their great power to take down school
buildings, taverns, and concertgoers.

Regional Effects • Schoolchildren, concert-goers, tavern
regulars and the staff thereof all feel
The region containing a legendary tactical dragun’s
constantly on edge in a 10 mile radius of the
lair is warped by the dragun's magic, which creates
dragun's lair. Some react with the need to
one or more of the following effects:
arm themselves, others practice extensive
• Small earthquakes are common within 6 drills meant to keep them safe, and still
miles of the tactical dragun's lair. others will turn their newfound fear into
• The smell of gunpowder permeates the air anger or even rage and take it out on those
and all water and alcohol within a 1 mile around them. However, none of these things
radius tastes gritty and vaguely smells of will actually solve the underlying fear.
If the dragun dies these effects fade over the course of
1d10 days.

Dragun Pistoling
Medium dragon, chaotic neutral

Armor Class 17 (natural armor)

Hit Points 95 (10d8 + 45) Draguzi Dragun
Speed 30ft., climb 30ft., fly 60ft. Large dragon, chaotic neutral

Armor Class 18 (natural armor)

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Hit Points 195 (17d10 + 102)
10 (+0) 17 (+3) 19 (+4) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) Speed 40ft., climb 40ft., fly 80ft.

Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +6, Wis +2, Cha +4 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Skills Perception +4, Stealth +5
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing 10 (+0) 21 (+5) 23 (+6) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 19 (+4)
Senses blindsight 10ft., darkvision 60ft., passive
Perception 14 Saving Throws Dex +9, Con +10, Wis +4, Cha +9
Languages Draconic Skills Perception +8, Stealth +9
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing
Senses blindsight 30ft., darkvision 120ft., passive
Perception 18
Actions Languages Common, Draconic
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5ft., Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
one target. Hit: 5 (1d10) bludgeoning damage plus
6 (1d12) piercing damage.
Bullet Breath. (Recharge 5-6) The pistoling exhales a Multiattack. The draguzi makes three attacks: one
shower of bullets in a 15-foot cone. Each creature with its bite, and two with its claws.
in that area must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving
throw, taking 26 (4d12) piercing Damage on a Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10ft.,
failed save, or half as much on a successful one. one target. Hit: 11 (2d10) bludgeoning damage
plus 6 (1d12) piercing damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10ft.,
one target. Hit: 13 (2d6+6) slashing damage.
Bullet Breath (Recharge 5-6). The draguzi exhales
and a shower of bullets in a 30-foot cone. Each
creature in that area must make a DC 18 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 52 (8d12) piercing damage on
a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.

Assault Dragun
Huge dragon, chaotic neutral

Armor Class 19 (natural armor)

Hit Points 275 (19d12 + 152)
Speed 50ft., climb 50ft., fly 90ft.


10 (+0) 25 (+7) 27 (+8) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 21 (+5)

Saving Throws Dex +13, Con +14, Wis +7, Cha +11
Skills Perception +13, Stealth +13
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing
Senses blindsight 60ft., darkvision 120ft., passive
Perception 23
Languages Common, Draconic
Challenge 17 (18,000)

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the assault dragun

fails a saving throw , it can choose to succeed

Multiattack. The dragun can use its Frightful
Presence. It then makes three attacks; one with its
bite and two with its claws.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10ft.,
one target. Hit: 11 (2d10) bludgeoning damage
plus 13 (2d12) piercing damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 10ft.,
one target. Hit: 14 (2d6 + 7) slashing damage.
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 15ft.,
one target. Hit: 16 (2d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage.
Frightful Presence. Each creature of the
grenadragun's choice that is within 120 feet of it
and aware of the dragun must succeed on a DC 19
Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1
minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at Legendary Actions
the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on The grenadragun can take 3 legendary actions,
itself in a success. If a creature's saving throw is choosing from the options below. Only one
successful or the effect ends for it the creature is legendary action can be used at a time and only at
immune to this dragun's Frightful Presence for the the end of another creature's turn. The dragun
next 24 hours. regains spent legendary actions at the start of its
Bullet Breath (Recharge 4-6). The assault dragun turn.
exhales a shower of bullets in a 60-foot cone. Each
creature in that area must make a DC 22 Dexterity Detect. The dragun makes a Wisdom (Perception)
saving throw, taking 91 (14d12) Piercing Damage check.
on a failed save, or half as much on a successful Tail Attack. The dragun makes a Tail Attack.
one Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The dragun beats its
wings. Each creature within 10 feet of the dragun
must succeed on a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw
or take 14 (2d6 + 7) bludgeoning damage and be
knocked prone. The dragun can then fly up to half
of its flying speed.

Grenadragun Rapidly Propulsed Glycocalyx. The grenadragun lobs an
explosive glob of fatty acids and carbohydrates at a
Gargantuan Dragon, chaotic neutral
point it can see within 200 feet of it. Each creature
Armor Class 21 (natural armor) within a 30 feet of that point must make a DC 21
Hit Points 574 (28d20 + 280) Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 fire and 3d6 force
Speed 60ft., climb 60ft., fly 60ft. damage.
Frightful Presence. Each creature of the grenadragun's
choice that is within 120 feet of it and aware of the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA dragun must succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom saving
10 (+0) 29 (+9) 30 (+10) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 23 (+6) throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature
can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
Saving Throws Dex +16, Con +17, Wis +9, Cha +13 turns, ending the effect on itself in a success. If a
Skills Perception +16. Stealth +16 creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends
Damage Immunities bludgeoning and piercing for it the creature is immune to this dragun's Frightful
Senses blindsight 60ft., darkvision 120ft., passive Presence for the next 24 hours.
Perception 26 Bullet Breath (Recharge 3-6). The grenadragun exhales a
Languages Common, Draconic shower of bullets in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in
Challenge 24 (36,500 XP) that area must make a DC 24 Dexterity saving throw,
taking 117 (18d12) piercing damage on a failed save,
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the grenadragun fails a or half as much damage on a successful one.
saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Legendary Actions
Actions The grenadragun can take 3 legendary actions,
Multiattack. The dragun can use its Frightful Presence. It choosing from the options below. Only one legendary
then makes three attacks; one with its bite and two action can be used at a time and only at the end of
with its claws another creature's turn. The dragun regains spent
legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 15ft., one
target. Hit: 11 (2d10) bludgeoning damage plus 26 Detect. The dragun makes a Wisdom (Perception)
(4d12) piercing damage. check.
Tail Attack. The dragun makes a Tail Attack.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 10ft., Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The dragun beats its
one target. Hit: 16 (2d6 + 9) slashing damage. wings. Each creature within 10 feet of the dragun must
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 20ft., one succeed on a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw or take 16
target. Hit: 18 (2d8 + 9) bludgeoning damage. (2d6 + 9) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone.
The dragun can then fly up to half of its flying speed.

The drumpf are a subterranean gnome-like race with Small humanoid (gnome), neutral evil
pale skin and stark white hair. Their backs, arms, and Armor Class 15 (chain shirt)
legs are covered in a rocky carapace which allows Hit Points 42 (12d6)
them to camouflage themselves while providing a Speed 20ft.
natural armor.
They live deep beneath Murka, underneath STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
densely populated areas. Their intelligence is rooted 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 13 (+1)
in their very complex and involved social lives, a
byproduct of their travels across the land using their Skills Acrobatics +5, Athletics +6, Perception +3,
tunnels. Their small stature makes navigating the Stealth +5, History +5
Senses darkvision 120 ft.., passive Perception 13
tunnels much easier, but don't be fooled by their Languages Common, Undercommon
diminutive size—they are surprisingly formidable in Challenge 1 (100 XP)
Skilled Negotiators. Drumpf often take up Art of the Deal. Drumpf have advantage on Charisma
(Persuation) checks made to haggle or negotiate
trades as artisans, honing their craft by producing with non-hostile creatures.
and transporting goods from one city to the next
safely and efficiently through their underground Innate Spellcasting. The drumpf's innate spellcasting
ability is Charisma (spell save DC 11). It can
network. The drumpf are very proud of their work, innately cast the following spells, requiring no
and will go to great lengths to prove that they are the material components:
best at their craft. 2/day: mending
Steal and Swindle. While running their trade
routes is a lucrative business in itself, drumpf go to Actions
great lengths to cut the legs out from under their Multiattack. The drumpf makes two attacks with its
competition. They have been known to steal raw battle spade or drumpf sling. Battle Spade. Melee
Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.., one target.
materials from other artisans, and even sabotage the Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) slashing damage, or 6 (1d10 + 1)
work of their competitors, only to conveniently slashing damage if used with two hands.
appear shortly afterwards offering either their own
Drumpf Sling. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
work, or offering to repair the work that’s range 30/120 ft.., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2)
“mysteriously” broken down. bludgeoning damage. Uses drumpf sling bullets,
Fearsome Forge. Drumpf are well-known for which are heavier than standard sling bullets.
their strong skill in forging weapons and armor.
Many people lean on the drumpf to create their
armor, from a king’s soldiers to small bands of
mercenaries. The heat from the forge also allows
many of them a form of relief and relaxation, akin to
golfing, or sending out short, aggressively-written,
poorly-worded messages.

are born and thus make for excellent and loyal
DROEHNS adventuring companions. It is easiest to raise a
droehn from a hatchling as that way it sees its owner
Relatively speaking, the droehns were only a recent as its own family.
discovery in Murka. However, they were quickly put However, undoubtedly the hardest thing about
in charge of some of the country's most important raising a droehn hatchling is the constant
items: its packages. A droehn, much like a writwit, reassurance needed should it ever be parted from its
has a singular focus when given a task, but is much master. A droehn knows that silence from a loved
better able to defend itself, thus allowing even one not in its sight means something terrible has
packages that perhaps some would rather not have happened, and will react accordingly. Sometimes this
delivered make its way to its intended recipient. is a simple wailing, other times it channels the
Whirring Wings. Distantly related to wyverns— violence of its cousin, the wyvern, and there are
and in fact believed to be the regional equivalent in several accounts of death coming to the close friends
Murka—perhaps the largest difference between the and family of a forgetful or neglectful droehn owner.
two species is the droehn's whirring wings. droehn's
are, on the average, smarter than their much bigger
cousins. Thus, when encountering anything bigger,
faster, or more savage, the droehns needed a way to
communicate with each other. The theory then, is
that they developed the constant whirring of their
wings for this exact purpose.
This whirring, while often considered annoying
to those not in the know, is actually a distinct
language that is spoken near exclusively by droehns.
A wild droehn never goes far enough away from its
nest that its mate and children would be unable to
hear its constant whirring. Not only are droehn
wyrmlings constantly surrounded by the sound of
their parent's voices, they also know that the moment
the non-present parent's whirring stops, they need to
hide, because something large is coming for them.
Deadly Delivery Dragons. The amazing ability
of droehns to defend themselves and also their
singular focus has led to them being used as
exceptionally effective modes of delivery for military,
commercial, and occasionally even personal
Momentous Combatants. Droehns are smaller
than their wyvern cousins and as such have learned
to use their momentum to their advantage in
combat. Shooting straight up or nosediving their
targets is not unheard of, but their deadly stinger is
perhaps the most easily identified momentum
weapon of the droehn. It whips from side to side and
has been known to be injected into victims with such
force that it bypasses armor and bone alike, plunging
straight into its victims veins.
Droehns as Companions. Neither solitary nor
pack creatures, droehns prefer the company of one or
three of their kind with whom they develop intense
familial relations. Droehns instinctively understand
the importance of this bond from the moment they

War Droehn Momentum Attack. If the droehn moves at least 30 feet
toward a target and then hits it with a melee attack, the
Medium dragon, unaligned
attack deals an extra 7 (3d6) damage to the target.
Armor Class 16 (natural armor, Barded Plating) Perfect Recall and Mimicry. Many war droehns are
Hit Points 118 (14d10 + 42) trained to perfectly recall what they've seen and heard,
Speed 30ft., fly 100ft. so as to report it to whoever sent them out in the first
place. These droehns are able to perfectly repeat and
mimic any speech they hear, though they do not truly
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA understand the language or meaning of what they are
20 (+5) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 20 (+5) 6 (-2) saying.

Skills Perception +8 Actions

Condition Immunities exhaustion Multiattack. The war droehn moves its full speed and
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 15 then makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with
Languages Whirring, Mimicry its stinger or two attacks with its chestbow. While
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) flying, it can use its claws in place of one other attack.

Singular Focus. When given a package and a location to Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10ft., one
deliver it to, the droehn does not stop until the creature. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) piercing damage.
package is delivered unless it encounters some sort of Chestbow. Ranged Weapon Attack +4 to hit, range
connection issue or it dies. 400ft., one creature. Hit: 12 (2d10 + 1) piercing
War-Trained. The droehn has advantage on any attack
roll made by dropping a creature or object onto Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5ft., one
creatures from above. Additionally, war droehns are target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) slashing damage.
strong, stable, and well-trained enough that they may Stinger. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10ft.,
be used as a mount for a creature of their size or one creature. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) piercing damage. The
smaller. target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw,
taking 36 (8d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half
as much damage on a successful one.

Delivery Droehn Commercial Strength. The droehn counts as one size

larger than it is for the purposes of determining its
Medium dragon, unaligned
carrying capacity and grappeling but not for what size
Armor Class 13 (natural armor) creatures can ride it.
Hit Points 110 (13d10 + 39) Momentum Attack. If the droehn moves at least 30 feet
Speed 10ft., fly 70ft. toward a target and then hits it with a melee attack, the
attack deals an extra 7 (2d6) damage to the target.
19 (+4) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 6 (-3) 20 (+5) 6 (-2) Multiattack. The droehn makes two attacks: one with its
bite and one with its stinger. While flying, it can use its
Skills Perception +8 claws in place of one other attack.
Condition Immunities exhaustion
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 15 Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10ft., one
Languages Whirring creature. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5ft., one
creature. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage.
Singular Focus. When given a package and a location to
deliver it to, the droehn does not stop until the Stinger. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10ft.,
package is delivered unless it encounters some sort of one creature. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage. The
connection issue or it dies. target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw,
taking 24 (7d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half
Distinct Whirring. The droehn has disadvantage on as much damage on a successful one.
stealth checks due to the noisiness of its wings.

ELEMENTALS IN MURKA One End Goal. Ultimately, all the Murkan
As controversial in nature as it is, the story of government (and indeed many of its most powerful
Murka's most common elementals is one told around guilds and companies) wants is to find a way to
campfires and boardrooms alike. At the beginning of harness the power of the Plane of Oil for itself, and
the previous century, Murka had finally discovered every day it gets a little bit closer. They'll figure it out
the perfect recipe to create its cross-nation rail eventually, or someone will close off the last portal to
system, but it was a very particular, hard-to-find that plane, and Murka will need to figure out how to
substance known as oil. With no established trade live on something more sustainable than the lives of
routes for this unusual commodity, Murka began to those it has decided not to care about.
zealously wheel, deal, and generally finagle to get any
and all the oil it could get its greedy little hands on.
One can imagine then how elated the elite and
Butter Elemental
their lackeys found themselves when it was
An aging chef and arcanist known as Butter Dean
discovered that there is, in fact, an entire plane of the
stumbled upon a portal to an undiscovered plane
very stuff they so desperately craved. Now, all they
comprised of only greasy, oily, undulating life. The
needed to do was find a way to it. However, the
arcanist named the plane and all that lived inside it
cunning denizens of the Plane of Oil and their allies
after herself.
have managed to thus far thwart the Murkans'
When Butter Dean knifed her way free of the
newly dubbed Plane of Butter, she began heralding
However, entirely by accident, an aging arcane
the near limitless uses of the substance suffusing the
researcher found an entirely different plane. One
entire plane. Soon, portals to the fatty, oily,
adjacent, as much as such a word can describe such
delectable plane became a staple in every well-tended
things, to that which they sought, this was the Plane
kitchen in southern Murka.
of Butter. In addition to being an incredibly greasy
Butter elementals are made entirely of semi-solid,
substance, it also turns out that butter has ever since
undulating, butter of varying temperatures. An
become a near-staple in Murkan dishes. Portals to
amorphous race of semi-sentients, butter elementals
and from the Plane of Butter can be found in nearly
that make their way to Murka choose to have at least
every cornershop and bakery, and every home
vague features that resemble Butter Dean, herself.
slathers the stuff all over even their bread.
The plump humanoid facial features contrast
So Murka's hunt for the Plane of Oil continues.
shockingly to the elemental's long whip-like
They've even had some luck in the past: while unable
appendages that lash at enemies across the room and
to find a portal wide enough to satisfy their every
globs of moist butter that orbit-around its greasy
greasy need, Murka has run into small leaks from the
Plane of Oil to our own material plane, fountains
Butter elementals only partially digest what they
almost. Additionally, though this is the stuff of
consume, including their prey. First, a butter
rumors and gossip, it’s said that several large,
elemental will 'chew' the prey by bashing it
independent companies have figured out how to
ceaselessly with the varying textures of butter within
enslave the oil elementals themselves, and that in
its body before spitting it out and slamming it
fact they have done so for decades now.
repeatedly into nearby objects. It will repeat the
Greasy Beings. Both oil elementals and butter
process until it can eventually slide over a puddle of
elementals have a greasy exterior that makes it very
liquid that was once the living thing and easily
hard to pin them down. It’s not uncommon for
absorb the nutrients of what remains.
wranglers to be found screaming in frustration at
how hard they are to keep caught once, and if, one
manages to catch them in the first place. These
difficulties are taken into consideration significantly
less often in boardrooms, and significantly more
often in war-rooms and kitchens doubling as back

Butter Elemental
Large elemental, neutral

Armor Class 16 (natural armor)

Hit Points 91 (12d10 + 36)
Speed 40ft., climb 40ft.


16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 5 (-3) 10 (0) 5 (-3)

Damage Resistances cold, fire, bludgeoning,

piercing, and slashing from non-magical weapons
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled,
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained,
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Primordial
Challenge 5 (18,000 XP)

Buttery Form. The butter elemental can move

through a hostile creature's space and stop there. It
can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide
without squeezing.
Melty and Slick. If the butter elemental takes fire
damage, its speed increases by 20ft until the end of
its next turn.
Keep Refrigerated. If the butter elemental takes cold
damage, it gains a +3 bonus to its armor class until Whelm (Recharge 4-6). Each creature in the
the end of its next turn. elemental's space must make a DC 15 Strength
Greasy Exterior. Any creature that is hit by the butter saving throw. On a failure, a target takes 12 (2d8 +
elemental's slam attack or that hits the butter 3) bludgeoning damage and is affected as if by the
elemental with a melee attack while within 5 feet of elemental's Greasy Exterior ability. If it is Large or
it, must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be smaller, it is also grappled (escape DC 13). Until
covered in greasy butter for 1 minute. A creature this grapple ends, the target is restrained and
covered in butter must succeed on a DC 15 unable to breathe. On a successful save, the
Dexterity saving throw at the start of each of its creature can choose to be pushed 5 feet back or to
turns. On a successful save, this effect ends. On a the other side of the butter elemental. A creature
failed save, the creature falls prone. that chooses not to be pushed suffers the
consequences of a failed saving throw.
Actions The Elemental can grapple one Large creature or
up to two Medium or smaller creatures at one time.
Multiattack. The elemental makes two slam attacks. At the start of each of the elemental's turns, each
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., target grappled by it takes 12 (2d8 + 3)
one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage. bludgeoning damage. A Creature within 5 feet of
the elemental can take an action to pull a creature
Butter Surge (Recharge 5-6). The butter elemental or object out of it. Doing so requres a successful
covers the ground within 10ft of it in slippery DC 14 Strength check.
butter. Creatures in the area must succeed on a DC
15 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. Pan Sizzle (Recharge 6). All creatures within 20ft of
the butter elemental that have been effected by it's
Greasy Exterior ability in the past minute take 10
(2d6 + 3) fire damage. This damage is doubled if
the creature is currently grappled by the elemental.
Taking damage from this ability burns away any
butter applyed by Greasy Exterior.

Oil Elemental
An oil elemental is a slithering mass of semi-sentient
goop. Capable of incredible destruction should even
the slightest spark touch their forms, oil elementals
prefer instead to run over and absorb their enemies
into themselves. The caustic chemicals within their
bodies cause intense acidic burns on the skin, and
sometimes even melt the armor off those unlucky
enough to find themselves inside an oil elemental.
It is perhaps surprising then that they primarily
reside either on their home plane or in the deep
underground recess of the earth, and that oil
elementals are normally quite peaceful. They are even
considered amongst the most 'vegetarian' of
elementals, as they will rarely attack unless poked,
prodded and pushed to the end of their rope.

Oil Elemental Oil Slick. Any creature hit by the oil elemental's slam
attack or that hits the elemental with an unarmed strike
Large elemental, neutral
becomes covered in slippery oil for 1 minute. At the
Armor Class 16 end of each of its turns for the duration, the creature
Hit Points 78 (12d10 + 12) must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or fall
Speed 60ft prone.
Explosive Substance When the oil elemental takes fire
damage, a blast of fire consumes everything in a 30-
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA foot radius sphere. Each creature and object that is not
8 (-1) 22 (+6) 14 (+2) 5 (-3) 10 (0) 30 (+10) being worn or carried within 30 feet of the elemental,
including the elemental and creatures it is grappling,
must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. Taking 16
Damage Vulnerabilities fire, see Legendary Rivalry below
(3d10) fire and 16 (3d10) force damage from the
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
explosion on a failed save or half as much on a
slashing from non-magical weapons
successful one..
Damage Immunities cold, poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed,
petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconcious Actions
Senses darkvision 120ft Multiattack. The oil elemental makes two slam attacks.
Languages Ignan, Aquan
Challenge 5 (18,000xp) Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5ft., one
target. Hit: Damage 15 (2d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage.
Legendary Rivalry. Because of their insatiable lust for the Whelm (Recharge 4-6). Each creature in the elemental's
substance from which it is made, the oil elemental has space must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a
advantage on attacks against creatures native to Murka. failure, a target takes 15 (2d8 + 6) acid damage. If it is
However, the oil elemental has vulnerability to non- Large or smaller, it is also grappled (escape DC 16).
lethal damage from such foes. Until this grapple ends the target is restrained and
unable to breathe unless it can breath water. If the
Oily Form. The elemental can enter a hostile creature's saving throw is successful the target is moved out of
space and it can move through a space as narrow as 1 the elemental's space.
inch wide without squeezing. Each 5ft square the oil The oil elemental can grapple one Large creature or
elemental travels over is effected as if from the grease up to two Medium or smaller creatures at one time. At
spell for 1 minute. the start of each of the elemental's turns, each creature
grappled by it takes 12 (2d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
A Creature within 5 feet of the elemental can pull a
creature or object out of it by taking an action to make
a DC 14 Strength check and succeeding.

the many, many traps that surround it. Her followers
KILLARY guard it day and night, and have an instinctual,
more-than-cognizant knowledge of its ins and outs.
Killary is an incredibly famous, experienced politician They may be able to guide someone through its
that lives in and around Washtown, and in fact has harrowing passages, but drawing a map of the ever
been involved in the political mechanism of her changing maze that is 'Palehaven', would be out of
home country for years. In the previous election the question.
season, she was even the single most likely candidate
to beat The Don. In fact, it is believed that she Lair Actions
actually would have won the election, and become
Murka's first Queen, had not The Don cheated and On initiative count 20, Killary can take a lair action to
brought in the kremlins to swing the vote his way. cause one of the following magical effects; Killary
A lich of some renown, being an undead sorcerer can't use the same effect two rounds in a row.
does not carry with it quite the same stigma in Murka • Killary rolls a d8 and regains a spell slot of
as it might in some other, less advanced countries. In that level or lower (her choice). If Killary has
fact the largest problem people seemed to have with no spent spell slots she instead regains that
Killary during the previous election was not her many sorcery points.
cavorting with the powers of darkness but rather • One creature that Killary can see within 30
some outdated notions regarding her person. That feet of her must make a DC 18 Constitution
being said, most who voted for Murka's current saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is
tyrant claim to have done so because of a single paralyzed until the end of its next turn.
unclear issue regarding some Evocation Messages, or Killary can then expend any number of
e-mails, Killary may or may not have sent while part sorcery points. For each sorcery point
of the previous regime. Interestingly, despite an expended, the target loses 1 Hit Die and must
extensive and somewhat fruitful investigation into roll all Hit Dice lost in this way. The creature
these Evocation Messages the murkan authorities takes half that much necrotic damage and
decided not to pursue any criminal charges against Killary regains that many hit points.
• 1d6 shadows appear within 60 of Killary,
Killary has spent the time since the election
taking their turns immediately after Killary.
sitting in Palehaven, her home on the outskirts of
Washtown, and continuing to do what she does best,
politically (and extra-politically) maneuver to shore
up her allies, gain more power, and oust, if not crush,
her enemies.

Billary is a learned minstrel, Killary’s husband,
one of Murka’s former kings, and Killary’s
phylactery. If you want to use Billary in your
games, keep these things in mind when giving
him life and statistics.

Killary's lair is an enormous, palace-like abode on the
outskirts of Washtown. The estate reflects her keen
mind, cold cunning, and incredible ambition, as do

Killary A Mysterious, Unfortunate, Unavoidable Accident. Killary
may spend any number of sorcery points to have a
Medium undead lizardfolk, lawful evil single creature anywhere on the same plane of
existence as her who does not have this feature and is
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) not currently in possession of a Murkan Buck (or its
Hit Points 135 (18d8 + 54) equivalent value in gold, silver, or copper) take 10
Speed 30ft. damage of a type of her choice for each sorcery point
expended. This damage cannot be reduced or ignored.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Paralyzing Touch. Melee Spell Attack: +12 to hit, reach
5ft., one creature. Hit: 10 (3d6) cold damage. The
15 (+2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) target must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving
throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can
Saving Throws Con +10, Int +12, Wis +9 repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
Skills Arcana +18, Animal Handling +9, Deception +12, ending the effect on itself on a success.
History +12, Insight +9, Perception +9, Persuasion
+12, Stealth +10, Survival +9, Nature +12, Gaze Attack. Killary shoots one of the following magical
Damage Resistances cold, necrotic, lightning, psychic rays from her eyes at random at a single target she can
Damage Immunities poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and see within 120 feet of her.
slashing from nonmagical weapons. 1. Enervation Ray. The targeted creature must make a
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, DC:18 Constitution saving throw, taking 36 (8d8)
paralyzed, poisoned necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much
Senses Truesight 120ft., passive Perception 19 damage on a successful one.
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Undercommon, 2. Telekinetic Ray. If the target is a creature it must
Abyssal, Sylvan succeed on a DC 18 Strength saving throw or Killary
Challenge 25 (75,000 XP) moves it up to 30 feet in any direction. The target is
restrained by the ray's telekinetic grip until the start of
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Killary fails a saving Killary's next turn or until Killary is incapacitated. If the
throw she can choose to succeed instead. target is an object weighing 300 pounds or less that
isn't being worn or carried, it is moved up to 30ft. in
Rejuvenation. As long as Billary is alive, Killary gains a any direction. Killary can also exert fine control on
new body in 1d10 days. Regaining all of her hit points objects with this ray, such as manipulating a simple
and becoming active again. The new body appears tool or opening a door or container.
within 5 feet of Billary. 3. Disintegration Ray. If the target is a creature, it
Spellcasting Killary is an 18th-level spellcaster. Her must succeed on a DC: 18 Dexterity or take 45 (10d8)
spellcasting ability is Charisma (Spell Save DC 20, +12 force damage. If this damage reduces the creature to 0
to hit with spell attacks). Killary knows the following hit points its body becomes a pile of fine gray dust. If
sorcerer spells: the target is a Large or smaller nonmagical object or
creation of magical force, such as a portfolio of
Cantrips (at will): mage hand, poison spray, Evocation Mails (e-mails for short), it is disintegrated
prestidigitation, friends, fire bolt, ray of frost without a saving throw. If the target is a Huge or larger
1st level (4/day) charm person, chromatic orb, nonmagical object or creation of magical force, this ray
comprehend languages disintegrates a 10-foot-cube of it.
2nd level (3/day): detect thoughts, phantasmal force 4. Death Ray The targeted creature must succeed on
3rd level (3/day): fear, counterspell, fireball a DC 18 saving throw or take 55 (10d10) necrotic
4th level (3/day): confusion damage. The target dies if the ray takes it to 0 hit
5th level (3/day): dominate person points.
6th level (1/day): eyebite
7th level (1/day): finger of death Legendary Actions
8th level (1/day): power word stun
9th level (1/day): power word kill Killary can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
options below. Only one legendary action option can
Sorcery Points. Killary has a pool of 18 sorcery points be used at a time and only at the end of another
which she can spend to recover expended spell slots. A creature's turn. Killary regains spent legendary actions
1st level spell slot costs 2 sorcery points, 2nd level at the start of its turn.
costs 3, 3rd level costs 5, 4th level costs 6, and 5th
level costs 7 sorcery points. Cantrip. Killary casts a cantrip.
Paralyzing Touch (Costs 2 actions). Killary uses
Turn Resistance Killary has advantage on saving throws Paralyzing Touch.
against any effect that turns undead. Cause Accident (Costs 2 Actions). Killary uses her A
Mysterious, Unfortunate, Unavoidable Accident ability.
Actions Disrupt Life (Costs 3 actions). Each living creature within
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5ft., one 20 feet of Killary must make a DC 18 Constitution
target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage saving throw against this magic, taking 21 (6d6)
necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one.

These sneaky buggers have been known to involve Small humanoid (goblinoid), lawful evil
themselves in many situations throughout Murka's
Armor Class 18 (studded leather armor, shield)
history, and are blamed for many of the conspiracy Hit Points 24 (7d6)
theories surrounding Murka's government. They hail Speed 30ft.
from Rutha, a land of beautiful architecture and
bitter cold, which has long been one of Murka's STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
greatest rivals. 8 (-1) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 8 (-1) 8 (-1)
The kremlins themselves were the magical spawn
of Ballin, Rutha's token evil overlord. Their stealth Damage Immunities cold
capabilities are rivaled only by their ability to Skills Stealth +8, Deception +3
withstand extreme colds and extreme concentrations Senses darkvision 30ft., truesight 10ft., passive
Perception 9
of alcohol. Their sensitive antennae allow them to Languages Common, Goblin, Gibberish, Thieves'
perceive magical entities in close proximity. Their Cant
lanky bodies also allow them to navigate small spaces Challenge 1 (200 XP)
with ease.
Escape Artist. The kremlin can take the Disengage or
Soviet Stealth. These creatures rely heavily on Hide actions as a bonus action on each of its turns.
remaining unseen and unheard. When faced with a
violent scenario, they will do their best to ambush The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway. The kremlin is
naturally comfortable in temperatures as low as -50
their opponents, or to flee in mid-combat to hide degrees Fahrenheit without protection.
nearby and attempt to assist their more combat-
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The kremlin deals an extra 7
capable comrades. (2d6) damage when it hits a target with a weapon
Acute Antennae. Their antennae are the source attack and has advantage on the attack roll, or when
of their magic-sensing abilities, and if these antennae the target is within 5 feet of an ally of the kremlin
that isn't incapacitated and the kremlin doesn't
are damaged or removed, the kremlin loses these have disadvantage on the attack roll.
Assassinate. During its first turn in combat, the
kremlin has advantage against any creature that
hasn't taken a turn. Any hit the Kremlin lands
against a surprised creature is a critical hit.

Multiattack. The kremlin makes two melee attacks:
one with its bite and one with either its sickle or its
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft.,
one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Hamfist. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach
5ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) damage.
Sickle. Attack Style: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target.
Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) slashing damage and the target
must make a DC 15 constitution saving throw,
taking 10 (3d6) poison damage on a failed save, or
half as much damage on a successful one.

Collusion. When a creature the kremlin can see
makes an attack roll, the kremlin can use its
reaction to magically give the creature's attack
advantage, provided the target cannot see the

Don't let these furballs fool you, these creatures are
It's difficult imagining how one would act with a straw
some of the most heinous that Murka has to offer.
wisp infestation feeding on their mind. Try these
These fiendish follicles are spawns of D'lanod, who ridiculous personality traits that are entirely made up
uses them to control his prey. On their underbelly and not based on anyone at all:
lies a chomping maw which can latch onto the heads A need to announce/react to various news reports and
of their victims. events around them in inverse proportion to their
Brain Food. Once attached, the parasitic straw significance.
wisp feasts on the intelligence (where applicable) of A dismissal of rational plans or courses of action,
its host. While unmoving, the straw wisp looks like favoring absurd alternatives.
an unkempt, blonde head of hair, styled into an Speaking with wildly exaggerated hand gestures.
unconvincing comb over.
The host gradually loses its personality and
intelligence as the straw wisp takes control. Hosts
will often parrot things The Don has said, while their
skin slowly shifts to on an unusual orange coloration.
Pelt Puppet. The straw wisp mimic is completely
under D'lanod's control. Creatures under the straw
wisp's influence have no choice but to obey. Should a
victim be freed from the straw wisp's grasp, they have
no recollection of the nefarious, otherworldly
creature that controlled them.

Mimic, Straw Wisp Adhesive (Hair Form Only). The mimic adheres to
anything that touches it. A Huge or smaller creature
Tiny monstrosity (shapechanger), chaotic evil
adhered to the mimic is also grappled by it. Ability
Armor Class 13 (natural armor) checks made to break this grapple are made with
Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18) disadvantage. Successfully pulling the mimic from a
Speed 10ft creature it is adhered to causes each creature touching
the mimic to take 6 (1d12) psychic damage and 3
(1d6) force damage. The grappled creature then makes
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA a Wisdom saving throw (the DC equals the amount of
psychic and force damage the target took). On a failed
5 (-3) 8 (-1) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) save, the creature loses 1d8 points of Intelligence. A
creature who drops to 0 or less Intelligence dies.
Skills Stealth +10
Damage Immunities acid Actions
Condition Immunities prone
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5ft., one
Languages --- target. Hit: 1 piercing damage and the target is
Challenge 2 (450 XP) grappled by the straw whisp.
Mind Control. A creature grappled by the straw wisp
Shapechanger. The mimic can use its action to must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or be
polymorph into a nest of hair or back into its controlled by the straw whisps (which are, in turn,
amorphous form. Its statistics remain the same in each controlled by the D'lanod). Straw whisps cause any
form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't creature controlled by them to act irrationally. In
transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies. addition to gaining a mild derangement, the target's
hands and feet shrink to a size appropriate for a
False Appearance (Hair Form Only). While the mimic creature one size category smaller than they are.
remains perfectly still, it is indistinguishable from an Additionally, the target's skin begins to turn an
ordinary head of hair. incredibly ugly hue of orange, and it may not refuse any
Grappler. The mimic has advantage on attack rolls command given to it by the straw wisp and by
against any creature grappled by it. extension, the D'lanod.

Trumplins are small, nasty creatures who prey on the
weak and vulnerable. They dwell in packs, often too
feeble to take on a foe single-handedly. Instead,
trumplins will overwhelm their foes, screaming
nonsense overtop of one another so as to distract or
confuse their enemies. Trumplin
Goblinoids. The trumplins are a distant cousin- Small humanoid, chaotic evil
race to the goblins, appearing visually similar to them Armor Class 16 (studded leather, shield)
but with a handful of key differences. Trumplins are Hit Points 17 (5d6)
loud and obnoxious, even to other goblinoids. Speed 30ft.
They're incapable of withholding their comments and
possess no social filter, typically becoming outcasts STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
wherever they go. 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 8 (-1) 10 (+0)
Brainless Narcissism. Despite all evidence to
the contrary, trumplins believe themselves to be the Skills Deception +4, Performance +4 (+1 for every
smartest and most superior race in all of Murka. As a 2 additional trumplins within 30ft.)
Senses darkvision 30 ft.., passive Perception 11
result of this, they are nearly impossible to reason Languages Common, Donspeech, Gibberish
with. They view other races as entirely beneath them, Challenge 1 (100 XP)
and the only creature they truly respect is The Don.
Some trumplins perceive him as their leader, while Escape Artist. The trumplin can take the Disengage
others perceive him as their god. or Hide action as a bonus action on each of its
Echo Chamber. Trumplins are not well-known
for their individual thoughts or ideas. Instead, they Confused Yelling. If three or more trumplins are
tend to operate as a hivemind. One trumplin may fighting together, they begin shouting in Gibberish
or Donspeech at one another. Other creatures in
have an idea and shout it out loud, only for every the area have disadvantage on Wisdom
other trumplin in earshot to start repeating their (Perception) checks that rely on hearing and must
words louder and louder over one another. As you shout in order to communicate verbally.
might imagine, this makes conversing with a Pack Tactics. Trumplins have advantage on attack
trumplin almost impossible unless it is alone, and rolls against a creature if at least one of the
trumplin's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and
they are rarely ever alone. the ally isn't incapacitated.

Multiattack. The trumplin makes two melee attacks,
one with its bite and one with either its hamfist or
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage.
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
reach 5 ft.. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5
(1d6 + 2) piercing damage, or 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing
damage if used with two hands to make a melee
Hamfist. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) bludgeoning

Should you find yourself in a discussion with a
REDCAP TRUMPLINS redcapped trumplin about politics, women's rights,
or whether or not people have basic human rights,
Even a bumbling group of incoherent monsters needs expect your words and sound logic to be met with
a leader, and the trumplins look toward their incoherent yelling and gratuitous violence. That
bloodthirsty redcap cohorts for that leadership. being said, these creatures ain't the sharpest
These creatures are visually similar to any other tools in the shed.
trumplin, but somehow more offensive to the eyes They're looking kind of
(and nose, and ears, and...). They're easily dumb, with their
distinguished from other trumplins by their signature fingers and their
red cap, indicative of their status as some of The thumbs in a fist,
Don's most loyal supporters. threatening to
Big Things in a Small Packages. These punch you.
ferocious, hunchbacked creatures are nothing short
of vicious, particularly when they're threatened. They
will fight tooth and nail, using every dirty tactic
available to them in order to defeat their opponent.
The only creature they desire to protect more than
themselves is The Don himself.
Hat of Hatred. Their signature, blood-colored
caps stand up from their heads, separating them from
their followers. While these caps can come in
different shapes and sizes, they always symbolize
the same thing: the hatred they have for creatures.
All Fight and Not Bright. The redcapped
trumplins come to every encounter ready to fight.

Redcap Trumplin Confused Yelling. If three or more trumplins are fighting

together, they begin shouting in Gibberish or
Small humanoid, chaotic evil Donspeech at one another. Other creatures in the area
have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks
Armor Class 14 (studded leather) that rely on hearing and must shout in order to
Hit Points 37 (5d6 + 20) communicate verbally.
Speed 30ft
Pack Tactics. Redcap trumplins have advantage on
attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA redcap trumplin's allies is within 5ft of the target and
18 (+4) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 9 (-1) 10 (0) 9 (-1) the ally isn't incapacitated.

Saving Throws Con +4, Wis +2

Skills Deception +3, Performance +3 (+1 for every 2 Multiattack. The redcap trumplin makes three attacks:
additional trumplins within 30ft.) one with its bite and two with its hamfist or three with
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 10 its glaive.
Languages Common, Donspeech, Gibberish, Sylvan
Challenge 2 (500xp) Wicked Glaive. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach
10ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing damage.
Constant Chatter. The redcapped trumplin has Hamfist. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft.,
disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one
Outsized Strength. While grappling and determining its
target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage.
carrying capacity, the redcap trumplin is considered to
be Medium. Also, wielding a heavy weapon doesn't Deplorable Rush. The redcap trumplin moves up to its
impose disadvantage on its attack rolls. speed toward a creature it can see and says something
Escape Artist. Redcap trumplins can take the Disengage absurdly racist, sexist, xenophobic or classist
or Hide action as a bonus action on their turn. (Donspeech). The target must succeed on a DC 14
Wisdom saving throw or take 20 (3d10 + 4) psychic
damage and be pushed 5 feet back.

Tromps are large, menacing, ferocious beasts. Their
physical size is, however, inversely proportional to
the size of their brains, which are teeny, tiny things.
Their huge stature is emphasized by the giant clubs
they wield in combat, but slightly de-emphasized by
their strangely small hands.
Aggressive and Territorial. Tromps typically
dwell in caves or under rocks, and they rarely leave
these places unless they need food or are attacked.
Tromps will defend their homes until their dying
breath, valuing the consistency of their environment
more than anything else. If a tromp feels threatened, Tromp
it lets out an incredible yell, typically either the Large giant, chaotic evil
words "no" or "wrong," though there have been Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
documented tromps who possess slightly-more- Hit Points 73 (7d10 + 35)
advanced vocabulary skills. Speed 30ft.
Symbiotic Sycophants. Tromps and trumplins
have been known to cohabitate, forming an STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
interesting, cooperative relationship. The small, 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 6 (-2) 8 (-1) 5 (-3)
feeble trumplins begin to view a tromp as a protector,
and will bring it food either by forming hunting Skills Perception +2
parties or luring adventurers into the tromp's home. Senses darkvision 60 ft.., passive Perception 11
In exchange, the tromp will shield them and offer Languages Gibberish
Challenge 5 (1600 XP)
them a place to live. It is theorized that the tromp is
willing to do this because it has incredibly poor Unhearing. The tromp has advantage on saving
hearing, and thus the trumplins' incessant chittering throws and ability checks made to oppose abilities,
and screeching never seems to bother it. This could, spells, or checks made to affect it using speech of
any kind.
however, be attributed to a tromp's simple
unwillingness to listen. Actions
Stomp. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft..,
one prone or small target. Hit: 17 (2d12 + 4)
bludgeoning damage.
Great Golf Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4)
bludgeoning damage.

Rally Support. When a creature threatens a tromp, it
can shout loudly, inciting nearby trumplins to assist
it. As a reaction, all trumplins who can hear the
tromp can move up to their speed toward a hostile
creature that they can see.

Murka prides itself on being a land of opportunity,
and what better opportunity than a chance to gain
experience in one's chosen field? Surely, that's better
than any pay, right? The need to feed yourself, to
clothe yourself, to make sure you aren't a quivering
pile of tears and self-doubt; these would all take a
backseat to the opportunity to— well not so much
work, so much as be around those working in your
chosen field. Straight from the minds of those most
infected with greed rose the nation-wide
phenomenon known as the Unpaid Interim Servant.
The larger the organization, the more likely it is
to employ Unpaid Interim Servants. These
organizations need not be commercial. Unpaid
interim servants are as likely to be found hauling
Unpaid Interim Servant
Medium humanoid (any race), neutral
incredibly thick tomes around the secret tunnels
underneath The Pale Fortress as they are creeping Armor Class 10
Hit Points 18 (4d8)
around The Zone Spheres. Speed 30ft
Despite the implicit promise of these positions
being that those involved will learn much about their
chosen career field, the majority of the tasks given to
them are beyond menial: Fetching potions, poring 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 4 (-3) 16 (+3)
over incredibly tedious paperwork, waxing carriages,
Saving Throws Str +3, Con +3, Int +7
and the like. Skills Athletics +3, History +7, Stealth +6
The people who accept these positions are often Condition Immunities unconscious
young, and blinded by either their optimism or their Senses passive perception 7
Languages Common and two others, as appropriate
desperation. They see it as simply 'taking their lumps' Challenge 1/4 (50xp)
because that's what they've been told their entire
lives; That one must endure incredible humiliation to This Is Just How Life Is. The Unpaid Interim Servant
become moderately successful. The irony that they is constantly effected as if it were burnt out.
were told this by a generation who never experienced Seen And Not Heard. The Unpaid Interim Servant
the same humiliation is, unfortunately, not lost on as may choose to move entirely silently, gaining
many as one might think. advantage on stealth checks, if it even needs to
make them.


Wildly Overqualified By Nature Of Being Sentient The
Unpaid Interim Servant has advantage on all attacks
against or saving throws made to resist effects of
It is not always possible at the table to do all the any creature that has ever held power over it, and it
preparation that you might wish. Even if you find the is immune to any damage its current boss does to
time, it may be difficult to think of spells appropriate for
your Unpaid Interim Servants. Thus, we have Work Study The Unpaid Interim Servant has learned
assembled a bit of a quick-and-dirty list here to help. to do a little bit of magic to help them in their
tasks. Each Unpaid Interim Servant can cast 1
Consider the following spells as a sort of generalized list cantrip at will and 1 first level spell once per long
of common Unpaid Interim Servant spells: rest.

prestidigitation mage hand Actions

message mending Improvised Weapon. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to
animal friendship detect magic hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning,
goodberry expeditious retreat piercing or slashing damage as appropriate.

These magically-constructed avian creatures serve Tiny construct, neutral
one of the most important utility functions in all of Armor Class 13
Murka—as messengers. Writwit summoning is one of Hit Points 3 (1d4 + 1)
the easiest rituals to learn, requiring only nearby Speed 10ft., fly 70ft.
access to a ley line and some method by which to
access it. The most common form of access is in the STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
form of a stone tablet of some sort, onto which you 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 2 (-4) 14 (+2) 7 (-2)
can scrawl a short message before a writwit appears
with that message in tow. When their message is Skills Acrobatics +5, Perception +4
delivered, the writwit simply vanishes. Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, prone
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 12
Despite their small size, writwits are quite adept Languages -
at avoiding capture and ensuring that their message Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
reaches their target audience. Their blue feathers
camouflage them against the sky, and their sharp Singular Focus. When given a message and a
designated recipient, the writwit does not stop
beaks and talons make for decent weapons, though until the message is delevered unless it encounters
their instinct is always to flee. some sort of connection issue or is killed.
Magical Messengers. Writwits are used by
Dive Attack. If the writwit dives at least 30 feet
people all over Murka as a means to send simple straight toward a target while flying and then hits it
messages to one another. Some folks have amassed with a melee attack, the attack deals an extra 7
such a following that their writwits carry messages to (2d6) damage to the target.
hundreds, even thousands of individuals, all at an Fight or Flight. The writwit will only engage in
incredible speed. combat when necessary and will otherwise attempt
to flee. It has advantage on Dexterity checks and
Poultry with a Purpose. Writwits are designed does not provoke opportunity attacks while
only for the transportation of messages. Because of moving.
this, it is nearly impossible to weaponize them in any
way, as once the message they have been conjured to Actions
deliver arrives at its destination, they instantly vanish Multiattack. The writwit makes two attacks: one
in an inconspicuous puff of blue smoke. with its beak and one with its talons.
Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft.,
one target. Hit: 6 (1d 6+ 3) piercing damage
HOW TO USE WRITWITS Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft.,
one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) slashing damage
Writwits are best used in your campaign as a means
for either the players to communicate with
important figures, or as a means of the players
intercepting important communications.
Consider the following examples:
Your players find a writwit with a broken wing, and
help it to deliver its message.
Your players must go on a daring chase after a
writwit attempting to deliver a false or dangerous
Your players send a writwit to a recipient whose
location is unknown, then follow the writwit as it
travels to its destination.

L The Stones of Destiny
ong, long ago, before the planet rotated,
before the sun shone, and before tides
rose and fell, there were two lone beings The Stones of Destiny are typically represented as
with a big idea, and a spark of creativity… seven polyhedral stone shapes with varying numbers
of faces. Some say that these stones were created by

THE GREAT GYGAAX AND THE the two when they created the universe, but others
argue that these stones predate them, and served
only as tools for their creative genius.
AMAZING ARNESSON The seven stones each hold their own unique
magical property, and any who wield one of these
stones can command that magical property.

The Great Gygaax and The Amazing Arnesson— The Four-Sided Stone. This stone is often referred
the Rulers of Chance, Creators of All—are the truly to as the Stone of Aid. It contains magical properties
magnanimous beings who gave birth to the universe allowing it to aid in nearly any task, playing a
as we know it. They sought to create a world that was significant role in many close-call herculean feats
balanced, that sprawled forth in front of its throughout history.
inhabitants in a never-ending montage of heroic The Six-Sided Stone. This stone is known as the
deeds, silly side quests, and spectacular fun. It is said Stone of Sneaking, and has been used historically by
that Gods do not play games with our universe, but arcane assassins and cunning thieves alike.
nothing could be further from the truth. The Eight-Sided Stone. Known as the Stone of
The two beings set to work together, breathing Salve, this stone is coveted by Holy Men, Minstrels,
life into a never-before-seen world of adventure. and all manner of healers. It has been used to heal
Gygaax sought to give it structure, mechanics, and the sick, mend the broken, and even resurrect the
consequences, while Arnesson gave it meaning, dead.
flavor, poetry and beauty. The two of them together The Ten-Sided Stone. This stone contains powerful
forged, from their own dreams and desires, reality as sorcery, and is often referred to as the Stone of
we know it. Eldritch Magic. It can really only do one thing, but it
This event, known as the Melding of the Minds, does it perfectly every time.
was not without consequence, however. The two of The Other Ten-Sided Stone. Often called the Stone
them, geniuses though they were, could not be of Chance, this stone is simultaneously the most and
without folly. Though the details are muddled, lost to least powerful of the seven. Not even the most
a time before history, one thing is certain: the two of sagacious wizards or eldritch arcanists are able to
them disagreed vehemently on key elements of the find a pattern to the powers this stone grants.
universe, and this eventually led to their demise. But The Twelve-Sided Stone. This stone, known as the
before the end of their reign, they left us with a series Stone of Wrath, grants the wielder considerable
of artifacts that would allow us, their subjects, the strength as well as considerable fury. Often worn as
ability to continue to shape their universe as we see an amulet by the most powerful warriors throughout
fit, as halflings walking in the footsteps of giants. history, empowering every strike until their very last.
In their majesty, they gathered together what we The Twenty-Sided Stone. Referred to as the Stone
now recognize as Stones of Destiny, and used these of Fate. This stone is the most powerful of all, able to
arcane artifacts to begin crafting the laws of the bend time and reality to suit a desired outcome.
universe, creating rules for everything from the
weight of a coin to the hostile nature of a freedom The stones themselves have been lost to time, but
dragon. some seek their magic for themselves, hoping to
revise and rewrite the laws of the universe. This feat
has been achieved several times before, each time
creating a newer version of the world around us, with
a newer set of Holy Texts teaching the inhabitants of
the universe about the world surrounding them.

it came simplicity, reason, and balance. While some
The Holy Texts people still cling to the Third iteration, having lost
At the advent of the creation of the universe, a group faith in the Warlocks of the Shore and their ability to
of beings known as the Warlocks of the Shore create newer, better understandings of the Holy
dedicated themselves to better understanding Texts after the Fourth Iteration debacle, most have
Arnesson and his intent for the world around them. found that the Fifth Edition represents the pinnacle
They united together with the goal of transcribing of existence—a wonderful interpretation of the world
what they believed were the Words of Gygaax and what it’s comprised of, built atop a strong
himself, and devoted their lives to the text. foundation of everything that came before it.
In the beginning, a set of three simple handbooks There are many shrines full of followers of
were created, which were designed to educate people Gygaax and Arnesson speckled throughout the world
on the laws of the universe. These proved fruitful and of Murka. There are as many high built, impressive
gave the world a very bright, albeit unpolished, start. cathedrals, smoking ruins, and jungle temples as
One book illustrated the world as we know it, there are small shrines and individual altars; each
from the wilderness terrains to the underworld; one filled with followers, priests, cultists, followers, and
gave life to all of the world’s inhabitants, and gave devotees to the gods who created it all. Each of these
birth to the magic woven into the very fabric of shrines, temples, and monasteries has a clear edition
reality; and one book detailed many of the now- preference, and the elders of each location would be
ancient, powerful artifacts that can be found absolutely delighted to tell you why that particular
throughout the world. edition is, ultimately, the best edition.
After this first interpretation of the world and
how it came to be, a second, more advanced
collection of texts were created. This set offered a
tome which functioned as a zoological guidebook of The Finding of the Path
every creature in creation, a simple referential
handbook for the everyman, and a third book Many followers of the Warlocks of the
containing all of the rules and laws of nature. This Shore pointed out issues within these
three-book format would become the new standard texts, which were eventually revised
for every iteration of the Holy Texts created and released, though these issues were
The transition to the third iteration of the Holy
not so drastic as to necessitate an
Texts brought about a sort of renaissance era. With it entirely new iteration. Prior to the
came a strong waking theme of unification and Fourth Iteration, however, a group of
freedom, and at the release of this iteration, the texts devotee scholars felt that, over time, the
were declared “fully open to interpretation.” This Warlocks of the Shore had lost their
meant, for some, that a newfound freedom would way, losing sight of the goals and
allow them to make up their own rules, to believe principles on which they were founded.
what they wanted to believe, in a way that nobody
This group of scholars dubbed
could stop. For others, this meant profit.
Then, the world was plunged into an
themselves the Finders of the Path, and
unforgettably dark era. The Fourth Iteration, which proceeded to use the “open to
was widely regarded as nothing more than a mistake. interpretation” clause introduced in the
It confused people, contradicted previous third iteration as grounds for creating
interpretations of the texts, and caused chaosses to their own holy texts, garnering a cult
abound. It claimed a new creation myth, new rules following of their own.
and laws of the universe, and essentially re-wrote the
very nature of existence.
Thanks to a small party of brave heroes, and a
diligent team of scholars and researchers, this
iteration was replaced by the current iteration of the
Holy Texts, known simply as the Fifth Edition. With

the gods of old. The Murkan gods also helped during
Ascendant Humans the Murkan Revolution, and it is said that a great
god-like eagle is responsible for the creation of King
Gods are not always otherworldly beings, or beings Wash’s legendary battle axe, an act that marked
who control the forces of nature, or humanity. Many Wash as the future king of Murka.
of the gods are simply beings who have a great During the Freedom War and the Industrial Era,
enough power and influence over their domains that a strange deity known as Uncle Dan ruled as the first
they can influence society through their following. A god of patriotism, and justice—but he became most
great deal of these beings were simply normal, every- famous for his clash with Supe, who became the god
day people who came into their godhood. of Truth and Justice. Supe desired to be the model of
This process, known as Ascension, happens when Murkan values that everyone knew, loved, and
somebody gains an incredible following, a substantial worshiped, and he accomplished this by dueling
influence, or a great deal of power. Some beings Uncle Dan and tearing out his heart at the climax of
Ascend during their lifetimes, but others achieve their fight. The battle between these two titans is said
Ascension when their death or martyrdom sparks a to have destroyed a city in Midwesteros whose name
movement, or prevailing belief. Ascendant beings has been lost to time.
have augmented power and influence, and typically During the Nightmare War, Rose, a small-town
their characteristics and beliefs become amplified industrial worker, Ascended to godhood and became
with their newfound godhood. While sometimes this the goddess of strength and industry, a beacon of
occurs voluntarily, it can also occur incidentally. hope to the Murkan people. Her pure-hearted belief
Some beings don’t even become aware of their godly in their cause helped those in the factories and forges
status until they meet a worshiper for the first time. of the kingdom to build faster and better arms for
Additionally, godhood is not a permanent state. their beloved sons, daughters, and spouses who were
The pantheon in Murka rotates fairly regularly, with fighting the devastating conflict across the sea.
newly Ascendant humans who have a stronger During the confusing decades after the war in
following taking the place of their predecessors. Nami, a woman named Jetta arose to become the
Sometimes this is the result of a predecessor dying, or goddess of Rebellion and Empowerment. She felt that
sometimes a predecessor may choose to step down in Murka had truly lost its way, and the entire kingdom
favor of the new god. had given itself over to greed, hatred, and general
When a new god replaces an old one, it’s dickheadedness. She saw it as her calling to rock the
common for followers of the previous god to struggle kingdom to its core, giving people funny hairdos and
with the transition. Often they will hold on to their throwing massive parties—all the while teaching the
previous god for as long as they can, either until they powerless and the oppressed to stand up for
lose faith, adopt the new god as their own, or until themselves, to seize power for themselves. Her
the new god chooses to involve itself and squash message of strength and empowerment was
their resistance. incredibly in-line with Murkan values, while oddly
opposed to wayward Murkan culture.
In the modern day, Kek has seen a massive
GODS IN MURKAN HISTORY growth in his following. Beginning with simple
pranks during the magitechnological revolution, his
Before Murka was colonized and conquered, an influence spread far and wide, allowing him to
ancient group of gods held dominion over the land. influence events in Murkan society to the point that
Very quickly, the ravenous colonization of Murka led some even blame him for The Don's election.
to the creation of new Ascendant gods, and the death Recently Murka, in all of its cynical glory,
of the old gods, whose names have long since been acquired a new goddess of ambition and desire,
forgotten. In the early days of colonization, the Lozzi. Bathed in hope, promise, and potential, the
Murkan gods were strange, but more personally Church of this new, self-actualizing Ascendant
known by their followers. One such god was The goddess has an uphill battle in store for it, but with
Great Boon, who protected pioneers and settlers in their 'Let 'em say' attitude and their fearless self-
the wilderness of the mountains. He was known to confidence, who knows what is possible.
drink waterfalls, and often wrestled in the mud with

Deity Alignment Suggested Domains Symbol

Gygaax and Arnesson, Deities of All All Any and All An icosahedron.
Things in this World
Baye, God of Courage and Adventure CG Explosion, Explosion, An explosion, within a larger, more
Explosion explodey explosion.
Belle, Goddess of Games and Thoughts N Trickery, Knowledge, A simple dice bag with multicolor
Freedom gemstones.
Dark Father, God of Evil, and Your Dad LE Order, War, A cog within a perfect circle, or a
Trickery, Death depiction of the gas mask the god
famously wears.
Erwin, God of Animals and Kindness NG Nature, Life A smiling dragon’s mouth.
Houndd, God of Fun and Relaxation CG Nature, Knowledge, An etching of the god’s face with
Freedom a 9-leafed pannibus plant in each
of the Hound’s eyes, and an
additional one behind his head.

Jetta, Goddess of Rebellion and CN Trickery, Order, A cherry with a long stem made to
Empowerment Freedom look like a fuse on top of a black
background shaped like a heart.
Kaeren, Goddess of Authority and CE War, Tempest An artistic rendering of the
Motherhood goddess's distinctive haircut.
Kek, God of Darkness and Deception CE Attention and 4-Leaf clover.
Lektor, God of Murder and Cruelty NE Death A butcher’s knife and a Fork
crossed, both dripping blood.

P A NT H E O N OF M U R KA ( C O N T .)
Deity Alignment Suggested Domains Symbol

Lozzi, Goddess of Ambition and Desire N Life, Light Yet to be determined, so

followers use whatever
they deem appropriate.

Raddenbury, God of Logic and Knowledge, Order, An arrowhead with a spiral on

Utilitarianism the inside.

Remus Rat, God of Whimsy and NE Trickery, War, A set of disembodied rat ears over
Greed a rainbow.
Robert Ross, God of Artistry and NG Life, Nature A paint brush dripping with paint.
Rose, Goddess of Strength and Industry LG Tempest, Freedom A picture of the goddess flexing.
Royalty, God of Music and Fashion N Light, Life, Trickery A three-pointed crown, each
point heavy with a gem
representing a member of the
triadic deity.

Ryder, Goddess of Death and Beauty N Death, Grave An ankh or a black swan.
Shane Southwood, God of Tradition LN Order, War, A lone revolver,
and Nobility Explosions pointed downward.

Stan-Ley, God of Creation and Magic NG Life, Arcana A blue-and-red shield, adorned
with a black spider web, behind a
silhouette of a quill and inkwell.
Stephan Job, God of Fruit and LE Trickery, Order, An apple with a single bite
Enslavement Knowledge taken out of it.

Supe, God of Truth and Justice LG Order, Freedom, A stylized S within a

War, Light shielded outline.

William Maize, God of Trade and LN Forge, Nature, A simple depiction of the god’s
Commerce beard, hair, and blue tunic
painted on a silver coin.

Baye Symbols and Books
Baye’s symbol is a mushroom-cloud-styled explosion,
Baye is known to many as ‘The Warlord of Stories’. A usually engraved into metal, or even more commonly
procurer of great tales and larger-than-life tattooed onto his follower’s bodies, as it is incredibly
experiences, he captivates audiences with his hard to lose, misplace, or blow up something
otherworldly storytelling ability. His stories keep fans tattooed onto your hand.
glued to their seat, but any recollection of them The followers of Baye claim that he has many
afterward is always hazy, the only detail one ever holy books. Non-followers of Baye often have trouble
remembers is that they certainly enjoyed the tale of believing this due to the lack of physical evidence.
the enormous steel constructs knocking over entire The faithful’s retort is normally that they have seen
cities with their fists, or of the two loose-cannune city one, but it is currently at the bottom of the local lake
guards doing things their way, and definitely not by- because of an incredible act of bravery from the
the-tome. faithful who was carrying it at the time. Or that they
had a copy, but it burned down in a fire that they ran
Myth into to save their loved one. That an enormous
creature ate it. That they had to leave it all behind
Baye took over the position of god of adventure and
and start over. The responses are many, but physical
bravery from its previous incarnation, an Entity
evidence of an actual holy book of Baye existing
known only as Hoff. The switch cemented an
is...scarce to say the least.
interesting point that had always been assumed, but
never actually proven. See, Hoff was an adventurer.
He lived the stories he told, but Baye was a storyteller Shrines and Priests
and his stories, though not always as compelling, Baye’s priests have a predilection for the more...high
true, or well-told as Hoff’s always enraptured an octane displays of faith. If you are planning on
audience. playing a cleric of Baye we HIGHLY encourage you to
Unfortunately for his followers, this means there HEAVILY consider the Explosion Domain. Priests of
is no defining moment of Baye’s victory over Hoff, Baye tend towards lawfulness or good, though rarely
instead they try to celebrate every day with both at the same time.
explosions, high-risk high-reward plans, and Shrines and other standing structures of worship
generally living moment-to-moment as the heroes in to Baye tend not to last very long due to the high
Baye’s stories live. tendency of his clergy to experiment with explosives,
or go off on quests that anger the wrong people. Or
Followers sometimes they collapse simply due to their poor
foundation when a single runaway wagon crashed
Followers of Baye do nothing by half measures. They
into it, toppling it to the ground. The point is that if
drench themselves in sweat and grease, enduring
you find a temple to Baye standing upright, you
truly ridiculous amounts of pain, to gain even the
should move away quickly before his priests bring it
slightest bit of ground against their enemies.
right back down.
Enormous constructs of steel attacking their city?
They breakout the explosives and put on their
shades. Trapped in an inescapable prison? Well, this Belle
prison has never met them before.
Up for anything, especially if it involves an Belle is the goddess of games and thoughts. An
excessive amount of violence, explosions, and general Ascendant human of incredible allure, she is known
high-octane heroism, many people exhibit extreme primarily for luring people into worshiping her by
caution around the followers of Baye. It’s no making use of her thought-controlling powers.
coincidence that so many followers of Baye are Belle appears as an impossibly beautiful young
missing fingers, eyes, or entire arms. woman, typically clad in pastel colors with matching
hair. Occasionally, she has been known to appear
dressed up as a female hero from one of Murka’s

great story scrolls, albeit usually dressed more Her female followers, on the other hand, often
provocatively. She has a small frame and an innocent follow her with respect for her clever business
face, but don’t let that fool you—her magically-gifted acumen, and her incredible ability to manipulate and
beauty makes her one of Murka’s most powerful guide the thoughts of men to her own advantage. She
gods, with one of the widest-reaching influences. represents, to these followers, a notion of feminine
power, control, and influence.
Belle’s mother had a chance encounter with a nymph
Symbols and Books
who offered her child a fae-magic boon: She would be Belle’s symbol represents her interest in games of
born with an otherworldly beauty, able to tease and chance, and reflects her character and style: A simple
entice with ease, but only until she bed a potential dice bag with multicolor gemstones, designed to
suitor. After this, the charm magic would wear off, entice and attract the gaze of passers-by. Her symbol
and Belle would have to earn their love on her own is more of a marketing strategy than anything.
merit. Her mother took the offer immediately, and Instead of any holy books or ancient scriptures,
Belle grew to be one of the most beautiful humans Belle’s followers typically regard her lewd self-
that Murka had ever known. portraits as more divine than any other passage or
Belle’s Ascension to godhood began when she sermon ever written. These portraits, often copied
came of age and her mother told her of her magical thousands of times and possessed by each of her
blessing. Of course, being the clever entrepreneur followers, become objects of worship.
that she was, Belle realized that, so long as she never
fully bared herself, then any creature could be a Shrines and Priests
potential suitor, and every creature would be
infatuated with her. In place of priests, Belle has an enclave of men who
She created a character for herself, capitalizing have sworn to protect and defend her at all costs.
on the cute and innocent aspects of male desire, as This legion, known as the White Knights, will lay
well as the human desire to play games of chance. their lives on the line at a moment’s notice for their
This all culminated in the pinnacle of her business goddess, many in the hopes that she would grant
career when she began selling her bathwater to her them her favor.
followers as a token of good luck. Followers bought it As for shrines, well… You probably don’t want to
in droves, creating a snowball effect on her power: as know.
more people followed her and empowered her, her
bathwater began to take on genuinely magical
properties. As her bathwater grew in power, so did
the number of people clamoring after it. As the
number of people clamoring after it grew, so did the
strength of the magic behind it. This cycle would
eventually grant her enough power to become a

Belle’s male followers, somewhat ironically, have one
thing in common: loneliness. Belle offers a sense of
companionship, familiarity, and desire to her
followers, who lean on these when they feel
particularly weak or vulnerable.

elevated him to his godhood.
Dark Father
The shadowy god of fatherhood and evil is, in fact,
your father. No matter how impossible! it may seem, There are those in this world who have no issue
the Dark Father stands above us all as a looming worshiping a god who actively believes that the
father figure over a mischievous child. promotion of evil ideals is something worth bragging
Clad in a black cloak and equipped with his about. In much the same way that all devils
signature breathing apparatus, The Dark Father ultimately serve Asmodeus, all evildoers ultimately
strides ahead of his army, the Soldiers of Thunder, worship The Dark Father. But there are those who do
with purpose, passion and black magic. Although not worship this Lord of Darkness more specifically.
angry, Dark Father is already disappointed in your Those who think that building an empire on the
lack of faith in him. bodies of their enemies is the only true path to
power, those who revel in senseless destruction, or
Myth who let their emotions rule them without regard for
consequences. To these loyal few, Dark Father
As is the case with all fathers, Dark Father did not promises the guidance all father’s are meant to
start that way. His Holy Books, of which some are provide: Guidance, support in failure, and discipline
seen as more legitimate than others, tell the tale of to make the follower fail less often in the future.
Light Son. A child born into slavery and eventually
presented with a once in a lifetime opportunity, Light
Son gained his freedom and pledged his life to a
Symbols and Books
knightly order inspired very much by the ideals of There are six books that the Sable Inventive
Raddenbury. Theological House hold up as sacred to their dark
Light Son eventually grew up and became Walker lord. For the most part though, these are viewed
Of The Sky, a high-ranking knight of his order. He more as history books than theology books, as such it
loved this position, until a series of decisions made requires the viewer to read between the lines a little
on impulse and in anger, beginning with the order’s bit. But for those who are going to undergo the
refusal to give him the title of Master, led him to process of reading a holy scroll to The Dark Father, a
begin questioning his Order’s legitimacy. Ultimately, little reading between the lines is not only not
it was fear that his children and beloved wife would unheard of, but part of the savored challenge.
be taken away from him by forces more powerful that Dark Father’s Unholy Symbol is any depiction of
turned Walker of the Sky into his most well known his mask. His more fanatical followers tattoo these
state, Dark Father. Faced with their potential loss, onto their face, while some simply wear a mask or
Dark Father was persuaded that the only way to save wear a medallion with an etching of the mask upon
the lives of his loved ones, was to take, in exchange, it. Dark Father accommodates those children of his
the lives of others. So, with newfound purpose and a who value a more subtle approach as well, and allows
steely-eyed determination, he proceeded to murder a his followers to choose a cog within a perfect circle as
large group of children in an attempt to save his own. an alternate symbol for his worship.
Only hours later Dark Father was confronted by his
mentor, friend, and teacher. The two fought a tear- Shrines and Priests
soaked battle for hours until eventually Dark Father
was defeated and his previous master, who had once Temples to Dark Father have often been mistaken by
been his best friend, left him for dead. travelers for entire towns. They are large, typically
Dark Father dragged himself to the nearest black or grey, and contain an enormous number of
medical facility and patched himself back together. It clergy who call themselves the Soldiers of Thunder in
was in the moment that he constructed and adorned reference, they claim, to the sheer power that Dark
his now infamous breathing apparatus. The rage that Father wields.
drove him to juvecide, the humiliation of being
bested and then left for dead by his friend and
mentor, and the power of the breathing mask

There are currently 6 agreed-upon books, in two necks that, if they can be seen at all, are covered in
sets of three, that the Sable Inventive Theological facial hair. They are almost exclusively male, and
House (SITH for short) church heralds as the canon truly believe that any person who claims to not be
of Dark Father’s story. These are: inspired and wowed by Dark Father is simply jealous
or secretly in love with him.
An Old Fear - The telling of how Dark Father
confronted the last living human who had betrayed
him, his old mentor, and how he overcame his Erwin
feelings of inadequacy to show that it was now
Dark Father who was the master. Unlike almost every other deity in Murka, Erwin has
The Rebellion Scatters - This book tells of a but one epithet, Dragunrider. Almost always
rebellion working against Dark Father, and how bedecked in his deific regalia of khaki shorts and
despite the order he had brought and the peace short-sleeved button up, Erwin’s most iconic feature
that was found under his guiding hand, these is his contagious smile. Shining, shimmering,
ungrateful children needed to be shown a lesson. splendid, Erwin’s smile has been known to, literally
and before he was even a god, make even a tarrasque
The Death of the Father - Telling of Dark
join him in laughter.
Father’s end (and thus the beginning of his
Deification), the importance of loyalty to one’s
family, and the power of both fatherhood and Myth
patriarchal systems as a whole. This is the last of Erwin was an explorer, a ranger and a beacon of light
the original series. to all those entranced by sheer wonder at the natural
Light Son Emerges - The first of again a three and occasionally supernatural world around them.
scroll saga, this time depicting more of Dark The first to really discover the true magic of Murka’s
Father’s origins and journey than actual deeds, creature population, Erwin was responsible for much
focuses on how he came to the Order of of the information we currently have on some of
Raddenbury and met the man he would come to Murka’s deadlier predators, like the droehn.
know as his master, and greatest foe. Known as Sad Wednesday to his followers,
Erwin’s death was a tragic accident. After a lifetime
Walking on Skyshine - Depicts the heroic, if
spent writing and reading scrolls about Murka’s less
somewhat impulsive and naive choices, made by
appreciated and less beloved animals, Erwin was
Walker Of The Sky. This scroll depicts incredible
adventuring one day, working on a new scroll, when
battles and an ancient and legendary war, however
he saw the opportunity to gather some new material
this book’s true value is that it shows just how
for his daughter who followed in her father’s
powerful Dark Father is.
The Father Emerges - Tells of Walker Of The While attempting to gather this information,
Sky’s transformation into Dark Father, many Erwin came upon a rare species of undersea wyvern.
emotional battles, and the eventual collapse of the Fascinated by the length of the wyvern's stinger, its
Raddenbury Knights. incredible ability to breath underwater, and its
overall beauty, the soon-to-be-god found himself
However, there is another, lesser validated but stung, and, far from medical help, died.
very much in the public eye these days, Cult of Dark However, the subsequent mourning of not just
Father. These cultists have released three more his own family, his homeland, the Murkan people,
scrolls detailing the rise of a figure they claim is Dark but also every rock he ever stepped on, every animal
Father’s newest incarnation: Dark Nephew. whose life he touched, and even the wind and the
While clean shaven, business ready, cold, thunder resurrected the Dragunrider into a perfectly
calculating efficiency powered by raw emotion is the happy simulacrum of life, and then one step further,
backbone of normal Dark Father worship, these straight into godhood.
cultic Knights of the Wren, as the individual
follower’s of Dark Nephew call themselves, could not
be further from that picture. They typically have

Followers of Erwin adopt the deific regalia of his
Shrines and Priests
khakis and colorful outlook. They also at least While cathedrals and large churches devoted to the
attempt to adopt the god’s most iconic aspect, his worship of Erwin are not unheard of, significantly
smile. What is perhaps most unifying about his more common are small sanctuaries for often hunted
followers, however, is that they all adore animals of animals, identifiable by the god’s crest. More
all kinds, especially those considered dangerous or common still are rangers accompanying adventurers
which are often hunted for sport. Thus, it is not or simple travelers, wandering the wilderness and the
unusual to see small droehns, draguns, bullettes, and cityscapes, pointing out to people the sheer beauty of
even baby owlbears trotting next to dogs and cats at the natural world around them, and the importance
the heels of their various owners. of maintaining that ecology.
Many Firbolgs, Wood Elves, Forest Gnomes,
druids and rangers make up the ranks of the
Symbols and Books Erwinian Clergy. As a result, many of the uninitiated
Erwin’s holy books are less focused on telling readers or newly initiated tend to focus on his attachment to
how to live a better life, and more about the nature but those truly devout clerics of his know that
importance that each individual animal plays in its every sentient creature is an animal too, in fact the
own ecological habitat. The shimmering pages most dangerous animal, and deserves the same
describe each individual animal and the unique and kindness shown any other.
beautiful capabilities that it holds. Some find that
this makes for a startling impactful analogy regarding
self-love and indeed, how to act regarding both
oneself and one's world.
Erwin’s symbol is that of a smiling dragun’s head,
often depicted carved into wood or etched into steel,
so as to avoid having to pick a specific color or
material of dragun.

name for himself, traveling around the states as a
The Houndd warrior poet, encouraging people to relax and have as
much fun as possible.
A canine-humanoid (or occasionally leonine- His words, rendered in the truspeak of which he
humanoid) dressed in comfortable clothes even in is so fond, dripping with smoke, and slathered with
formal settings, The Houndd is the god of fun and magic, enchanted and excited listeners so much that
relaxation. An Ascendant, The Houndd wants he Ascended faster than almost any other deity in
nothing more for himself or his followers than to Murka’s history.
enjoy themselves as much as possible, even if that Since gaining godhood, The Houndd has
means breaking a few minor laws. expanded from the bardic trade and public speaking
A mischievous elemental made entirely of smoke to zoological commentating, mentoring his own
and infamous for speaking their mind, Mary Jayne minor gods and goddesses, causing trouble, acting,
the Blunt is The Houndd’s nigh constant and even cooking.
companion. Jayn swirls around The Houndd in a
constant dance, reminding The Houndd’s followers
that one can rejoice at any time.
Followers of The Houndd typically drape themselves
Myth in scratchy fabrics, hats that are slightly too big for
their own heads, and a smile bigger than their faces
Born in southern Kale’forna, the childhood of The should probably allow. Most followers of the Houndd
Houndd is, like much of the god himself, mired in tend not to be very fanatical. He draws weary
smoke and shadow. Rumor has it he was once a part fighters, fun-loving bards, angry rogues, and even the
of one of the most notorious gangs to run in or occasional astute wizard into his “pack.”
around the entire area.
However, The Houndd’s Ascension happened
when, as a young man, he met The Dread Doctor,
Symbols and Books
himself a deity of some renown. After a brief stint of There are four Holy Books of The Houndd: The first
Houndd being mentored by The Dread Doctor in the three chronicle various aspects of the life of “The Big
language known as truspeak, a language built on Hownd.” The fourth, however, is a cookbook filled
speaking in rhythm, ‘The Lionn’ set out to make a with recipes from “The Big Hownd’s Kitchen,” or
“The Houndd Pound” as he occasionally refers to it.
Unlike the other books, which more closely mirror a
PANNIBUS typical Holy Book, there is no “reading between the
lines” with Platinum Recipe’s from the Boss Hownd’s
Colloquially called Pan, the pannibus plant is used Pound, and no follower or priest ever claimed there
by many, especially the followers of The Houndd, to was. It is, in true god-of-fun fashion, simply a
achieve a state of steady relaxation. Some claim the collection of recipes for his followers to enjoy.
extant use of pannibus has led to the pandemic of The Houndd’s symbol is an etching of the god’s
“The Crunchies” amongst the church of The face with a 9-leafed pannibus plant in each of the
Houndd, but without hard proof, these cries fall on Hound’s eyes, and an additional one behind his head.
deaf ears. Despite the lack of evidence thereof, or of The plant’s leaves are distinctively sharp and even
any evidence that it causes anything except somewhat jagged, so as to remind his followers that
relaxation in a fully formed brain, the tyrannical the fun of others must be protected.
Traditionally, the symbol of the Houndd is
government of Murka has outlawed Pan, and even
painted or drawn in non-permanent ink so as to
jailed many, many members of The Weary
remind his followers of the fleeting nature of fun and
community even for being in possession of the leafy
relaxation, and the importance of pursuing those
stuff. If you, as the GM, find that outlawing a things constantly. Because of this, it is not
substance as harmless as Pan is too fantastical for uncommon for especially-reverent followers of “The
your world, legalize it in your version of Murka. Boss Hownd” to retrace their holy symbols each
morning, further etching their piety into their souls.

Green and black are the technical holy colors of The who tried to tell her what to do. One part rebel, one
Houndd, but paintings in gold, red, and green are not part lover, Jetta made her mark with her trademark
unheard of, and considered just as valid. attitude of doing what she wanted and not caring
about her bad reputation. Early in her mortality, Jetta
Shrines and Priests joined up with several other runaways and together
the adventuring band took off for Holly Woods,
There aren’t many true shrines to The Houndd, as trying to make it big by mixing all of their
building large temples and centers of worship are personalities together into one musical act. For a
somewhat anathema to The Houndd’s message. It is while, they drove their fans quite literally riotous.
for this reason that a small group of Lil’ Hounds is After each show, both band and their fans would riot
called a shrine, a larger group a temple, and yet an in the streets against the enormous injustices they
even larger group a cathedral. saw being perpetrated in Murka.
The more devout regularly have red-tinted eyes, But, as is unfortunately all too common in
an olfactible aura, and enjoy listening to minstrels Murka, personalities in the band flared. Minor
playing their god’s music. Additionally, the most inconveniences and creative differences became
devout priests of The Houndd seem to suffer from a irreparable differences, and when the smoke led to
strange, mildly-irritating disease that makes them fire, everyone decided they needed a fresh start.
seek out the familiar comfort of foods that are cheesy, Jetta’s heart truly grew black then and it sent her
salty, or ideally both. Due to the textures of these further down the path of anti-authority. The riots she
foods, this disease has come to be known as “The inspired became more and more violent. At this time
Crunchies.” there was a large surge in the ‘Human-Supremacy’
movement and Jetta and her followers would track
Jetta down such believers and treat the supremacists as
they intended to treat all those who were different
from them.
Jetta is an Ascendant human and the goddess of
Jetta’s avatars continue to this day, and likely will
rebellion and empowerment. The godmother of an
until there is nothing left to rage against in this
entire movement based solely on opposing evil for
the sake of the betterment of people, Jetta’s
intervention is most visible when the oppressed take
a stand against a greater power, and win. Followers
Jetta is a slight woman with black hair and, Followers of Jetta thrive on rebellion. Some rebel in
detractors will say, a blacker heart. The benefactors reserved ways such as refusing to let themselves be
of long entrenched power structures, those who abused, while others perform more elaborate acts of
disparage Jetta typically hold enmity which stems dead end justice, taking vengeance against those who
from a powerful fear of the Ascendant woman. Jetta would oppress the weak. Still others fight for
grants not only protection to the oppressed, but revolution against the whole structure of authority
weapons to reshape the world which holds them that shapes the lives of all Murkans.
down. Many followers take after their goddess’s
Jetta appears clad in red leather or wreathed in counter-cultural look. Leather, spikes, and black hair
black flames, oftentimes both. She almost always are common, as are large hairstyles and ostentatious
carries a long handled axe that she keeps hanging displays of rebellion, but the appearances reflect the
from a shoulder sling, just in case. She is a balm to inner passion. Ultimately this means the purpose of
those who are incensed, a shield to those who are these displays are not a Royalty-esque display of self-
downtrodden, and a swift boot to the face of every awareness as much as they are a subtle threat. Those
oppressor she rages against. who would harm innocents might think twice
knowing that a protector—or oftentimes an avenger
Myth —is nearby. Moreover, the bruises, cuts, and tattoos
that adorn Jetta’s followers are ample evidence that
Even in Life, Jetta loved playing with fire. She was
each follower is looking for an excuse to be a
always picking fights, usually with those in positions
protector or avenger.
of authority over her, especially those in authority

tattooed on their backs or arms or knuckles. Still,
Symbols and Books other worshippers keep it safely hidden in the
Jetta has no holy books. There are sayings, as well as bottom of their bag, knowing that the fist of rebellion
common phrases from her, and her life, that are hits hardest when it comes unexpected.
never written down for fear that they may one day
fall into the wrong hands. For example, for one Jettan
to say to another to ‘put another dime in the record
Shrines and Priests
machine’ is a tender reminder that there is more All followers of Jetta are also priests. There is no
work to be done. It’s common for Jettans to remind church hierarchical system, as it is often said, all are
each other that they ‘don’t have to please no one’ I.E. equal before The Godmother. There are those who
that all that matters is the passion they feel, and not have been knights in Jetta’s service for longer, and
what others think of that passion. Finally most those who are louder. There are those that Jetta
infuriatingly to hear from a Jettan is that they ‘don’t speaks to daily, and there are those who never have,
think [they’ll] ever learn, no.’ This is an incredible act and never will, hear her voice, but all bring
of defiance and it usually means a Jettan has made something worth hearing to the table. As a result,
you their pet project, that they will not rest until you temples to her tend to be open to the public 24/7,
lay at their feet. and while there can be specific times for masses or
Each new follower of Jetta typically finds confessions, these masses are dictated by whoever
themselves a mentor, or trusts the goddess enough reserved the pulpit for that time or whoever wants to
that a mentor will be shown to them. This mentor contribute at that moment.
typically molds the mentee into becoming their own Shrines to Jetta are havens for any and all who
powerful force for good. Instead of an elaborate ritual wish it, especially those suffering under the heavy
graduation, a student moves on from their master’s boot of systemic or personal oppression. The obvious
teaching only when they rebel against their master flaw here is determining who is or isn’t persecuted.
and show their willingness to fight even their beloved Bullies, and those of incredible wealth and influence,
mentor for their beliefs. first tried to sneak their way in, claiming to be
Jetta’s symbol is a cherry with a long oppressed in that their oppressive views weren’t
stem, lit on the end like a fuse, up being tolerated. That worked for about 30 seconds
against an inky-colored heart. This before they all found themselves kicked out and
symbol has been displayed with varying inches from death on the Temple’s threshold. Word
degrees of secrecy depending on how got around Jetta’s temples that her ‘priests,’ and the
much each follower enjoys the Goddess herself, were not be trifled with should one
element of surprise. Some value the unharmed-status of one’s body.
worshippers pin it to
themselves as a badge of honor,
entire ships have been known
to use it as a flag,
With her hair cut down to her shoulder and
bouncing just slightly, Kaeren, the god of
motherhood and authority strikes fear into the hearts
get it
of all who see her. She wears flowing clothes
and every word she speaks, even the kind
ones, especially the kind ones, will
belittle you. She is rage and privilege
incarnate. She will refuse to speak to
any person without office or title and
even then, she remains aware of her
godhood and condescends, merely to
make a point.

Myth Kek
Unlike most Ascendant who attained power through
the love, adoration, or even begrudging respect of the Kek is the jester god of attention and controversy. He
populace, Kaeren gained it through fear. She holds is an ancient being from another time who somehow
fear in her hand and snorts it into her pasty nose. She came to inhabit ours. This enigmatic figure evokes
washes in horror and finds sustenance in the plights unease, and even fear, in the hearts of Murkans as his
of those who serve her. As quick and eager as she was presence is always a bad omen.
to torment as a mortal, the very idea of her Kek appears as a tall humanoid with an emotive
Ascendancy was enough to strike many of her old frog head, clad in regal vestments and robes designed
victims with heart attacks. to garner attention. His smooth green skin is
accented by the golden robes, and his head dress
boasts of his power. When he speaks, he does so with
Followers the explicit purpose of inciting a reaction from those
Followers of Kaeren are known only by the goddesses around to hear, no matter what offensive or
name, and they aim to revel in fear as much as their extravagant statement he must make. A chaotic deity,
goddess does. They disdain lines no matter the Kek is motivated not necessarily by the suffering of
vendor, and make audacious requests to provoke others, but rather by his power to elicit a response
someone into angering them, only to flop down on from those foolish enough to take his bait.
the floor or rise in fury and demand that they be
served. They live to make those beneath them cry,
become frustrated, or just look awkward.
Though Kek’s origins are shrouded in mystery, many
speculate that his arrival in Murka was in direct
Symbols and Books response to a growing cult of cave-dwelling trolls
All Kaerens wear the same bob cut hairstyle, the whose desires happened to align with his. While
same swagger of entitlement, and the same rage- trolls were once merely brutish and violent, a small
fueled look in their eyes that dares any to deny them sect of them mutated, their intelligence scores
service; even service beyond what would normally be skyrocketing to the high 7's and 8's. And they became
expected. Kaeren, and Kaerens by extension, prefer worse than ever. Wielding their massive intellect as
the element of surprise and typically eschew symbols, clubs they called "memes," this cult of cave-dwelling
however, when Kaerens need to be able to recognize trolls began to savage the land through sheer
each other, or identify a shrine of Kaeren, a crude irritation. From rigging elections to disrupting any
drawing of the goddess’s hair is often used. conversation held in an open forum, they worked
Kaeren is ultimately a consumer, and thus never endlessly to bring society to their level.
wrote any books herself. However, her followers Though not native to the trolls, the frog-like Kek
emulate her obsession with low-quality romance first appeared as the grand leader of this cult, until
scrolls, and through mass tantrums, they’ve his much greater Meme Magic, stemming from his
convinced most bookstores, libraries, and scrollshops unheard-of intelligence of 9, allowed him to invent
to carry wide collections en masse. trolling techniques that would forever shake Murka
at its foundations. He taught the trolls to create
Shrines and Priests deceptive images and postings on tavern community
boards, ones that elicited grief from the soft-hearted,
Priestesses, and less commonly priests, of Kaeren are
but a laugh from the cold. He taught them that the
very similar to her worshippers, but with everything
best way to generate chaos was to give the impression
taken to an extreme. It is considered an incredibly ill
that chaos was already the natural order of things. He
omen for a temple to Kaeren to be built within a city,
taught them to trick their victims into harassing
but it is considered an even bigger hassle to deny any
themselves into believing (and getting upset about)
Kaeren priests their desire to build such a temple.
things that weren’t even possible. And he used this
power to sow chaos wherever he went.
As his cult following grew, so too did his power:
his Meme Magic. Eventually, his followers numbered

in the thousands, communicating through an Though Kek does not possess holy texts the way
anonymous underground network of magic channels, other gods might, the images, hoax quests, and tall
or “chans.” Though they operated in secret, his reach tales of legend can be considered holy texts in a way.
expanded further and further, touching the hearts of Many new followers of Kek look to the legendary
the soft and gullible, while earning the adoration of tales and falsehoods that the original Troll Cult
the stone-hearted and cynical. pulled off as a means of inspiration.

Followers Shrines and Priests

Kek’s followers tend to maintain anonymity. While Kek’s shrines, if they can be considered shrines, exist
they may reveal their trollish manner, they will in the fabric of the magical channels which his
almost always keep their worshiping of Kek a followers create. They are non-physical, and are
complete secret so as not to reveal the extent or the instead accessed by magical means, allowing his
purpose of their shenanigans. They utilize a series of followers to anonymously communicate with one-
code words not unlike thieves’ cant when probing another in secret.
others to see if they share a god, and they will While Kek does not have priests, he does have
typically have a clover or clover-shaped object what one could consider “radical followers,” who
somewhere on their person. often take his original intentions of pure chaos with a
Kek’s followers, like Kek and the Troll Cult, are dash of deception to an extreme level. These
motivated by mischief and mayhem. They make ‘swatters’ are known for doing things like posting the
attempts, sometimes subtle, to sow discord in their addresses of those they dislike, or who just happened
wake, while never revealing their true motivations. to have gotten into their way. They are known for
raising large amounts of money and then using it all
Symbols and Books to place enormous, heroic-sized bounties on the
heads of random innocents, specifically innocents,
Kek’s symbol is a four-leaf clover, though there is no because doing it to someone who deserved it ‘just
officially accepted banner or version of the clover to isn’t as much fun’ and ‘don’t you know it’s just a joke
represent him or his followers due to their secretive anyway?”
nature. The clover is usually kept hidden on their
person, or subtly woven into the fabric of their
clothes. Often, followers of Kek take pride in the way Lektor
they manage to hide his symbol in obvious places,
right under the noses of non-followers. Lektor is a man of, to put it mildly, very specific taste.
The god of murder and cruelty, his most devout
honestly believe that to separate the two is
blasphemy. An incredibly educated, often considered
attractive male, Lektor always appears in impeccably
chosen clothes, whether casual or not, and he often
carries a bag or satchel of some kind, in which he
hides a mask and a number of impossibly sharp
cooking implements.

Lektor ate people while he was mortal. Not while
they were alive, of course, much easier to kill them
slowly, skinning them or leaving them at the bottom
of a pit to starve to death, then roast them over a spit
or in an oven. Each was a near-perfect crime. With no
body to investigate, and Lektor actually working
WITH the city guards on their investigation, he
almost had it in the bag. But a little bit of bad luck

goes a long way sometimes, and the guards these incredibly persistent, deranged people to leave
eventually managed to catch and subdue Lektor. them alone.
However, Lektor’s case became so huge that it Priests and clerics to Lektor almost always have a
garnered the kind of attention only Murkans can bounty on their head. In fact, in many monasteries
really muster up with any sort of regularity: it’s actually a requirement that you confide all your
obsession. Thousands began following it, eagerly crimes, with proof of course, to a priest as both an act
awaiting their writwits to update them. The of good faith and an audition.
popularity of this case and the sheer loathing of the Not all priests of Lektor kill in the same way. One
entire Murkan people, and indeed many might prefer the skin of their victims and thus season
international people as well, began to coalesce into them in a pit for several days before skinning them
an energy and then, right as the judge was about to alive. Some might be more of marrow-men and enjoy
place down the verdict, Lektor’s signature awful smile removing the bones of a recently deceased longboar
creeped onto his face and he Ascended. Right there to suck it out. One might be a vegetarian who simply
in the middle of the courtroom. He lifted himself up relishes the screams of their victims. It’s not
and up and up until he burst through the ceiling of important that one share the many proclivities of
the building and flew off to find himself another Lektor, simply that one be able to savor the sweet
meal. scent and succulent sound of sadism.

The lion’s share of Lektor’s followers are
murderers, wannabe murderers, or pre-
teens who still think things that
are morally corrupt are
cool. Each of them
wields a cruel-streak,
and are known to be
enduringly proud.

Symbols and Books

Lektor’s symbol is a long fork
crossed over a butchers knife,
both of which are dripping with blood.
The Cookbook, Lektor’s only true holy
book, is a cleverly hidden recipe book on
various ways to enjoy what the book refers
to as ‘longboar’. The many festivals and
holidays of Lektor’s faithful often call for
some manner of longboar to be served.
Thus the book also contains instructions
in the hunting down and storing of
longboar for long periods of time.

Shrines and Priests

Shrines to Lektor tend to pop up in close
proximity to shrines to Ryder. Lektorites
see the Ryder worshippers as, at the very
least, co-habitant and, at most, friendly.
Ryder priests and worshippers
typically want nothing more than for

Lozzi is an Ascendant human who currently holds
the single most coveted domain any deity can hold in
Murka; she is the goddess of desire and ambition.
While Lozzi would never say this herself, the position As a GM it’s your call how far along Lozzi’s
of goddess of desire and ambition makes her possibly worship is and what that looks like. If you
the most powerful entity in the country. So much of have a player who really wants to immerse
murkan life is devoted to the perfection of ambition themselves in the lore without feeling too
or the achievement of desires, carnally or
constrained by it, Lozzi is a fantastic choice of
occupationally, that several previous goddesses in the
position have died from a power overdose. god for them: She is inextricably tied to the
Lozzi’s mission is not entirely dissimilar to world, but without too many specifics as to
Royalty’s. But whereas Royalty inspires those to find what those ties are, and as such, your player
themselves and live authentically, Lozzi takes that can make up customs, holy days of obligation,
one step further and pushes her followers to better
themselves, no, to be the best version of themselves
holidays, titles, and even decide which
and to love themselves, hedonistically, romantically domain they wish to take to properly worship
and financially at every step along the way. Lozzi Lozzi.
wants her followers to take the man in the mirror and
remind him that he can be great just as much when
he HAS to be great and when he does not. found themselves under attack by not just every
minor god and goddess who had hoped to move up,
Myth but at least one of the cleverest major goddesses out
A month ago there was a different god of desire and
ambition. It’s not a position that changes very often,
but it is an incredibly important one. So when the Followers
then current god of desire, Fohrkris, found himself Followers of Lozzi work to acknowledge the
banished to wherever it is Ascendant’s go when they importance of themselves and recognize their own
get replaced, the rest of the deities had to take a achievements everyday. They work hard to keep the
moment to themselves, and reassess. hope that they felt upon Lozzi’s Ascendence alive and
Lozzi, a mortal who had taken every beating that to keep moving forward every day, even if that means
life had thrown her and only ever come back with a single baby step, and even if that means
more love, had just been chosen by The Run of Stars. acknowledging that progress involves ‘walking their
Turns out, at the exact moment that Lozzi had fine ass out the door.’
finished her newest song, every single mortal on
Murkan soil simultaneously paused and felt
something that they hadn’t felt in a very long time,
Symbols and Books
hope. Hope that they could be better, hope that Lozzi has no specific holy book. Instead, every
maybe they weren’t quite as screwed up as everyone individual keeps a journal of, sometimes rather
had been telling them their whole lives. Hope that vulgarly phrased, affirmations of themselves. They
they could learn to love themselves as much as they regularly reference these books to buoy their self-love
do their families and friends. to the heights their goddess has ordained.
That being said, a newcomer being promoted Such a new church actually hasn’t settled on a
immediately to the top spot meant that Lozzi made single holy symbol just yet, so for now the new
enemies almost as quickly as she had been given clerics, paladins, bards and rangers that venerate her
power. Most specifically Belle, who has secretly simply write a stylized version of her name on a sheet
coveted the domains of desire and ambition for years. of paper, or have it cast into various types of metal to
As a result, the newly established clergy of Lozzi hold in front of themselves. Again though, the entire

church is built on the actualization of the self, and
most use a censor of their own will when banishing
enemies and the holy symbol serves as a simple Raddenbury
reminder of their faith and the power thereof.
A mysterious and reserved deity, Raddenbury is
Murka’s god of logic and practicality. He is the patron
Shrines and Priests of positing ideas, and the master of puzzles,
No shrines, temples, or cathedrals have finished mysteries, and intense problem solving logic. His
being built yet for Lozzi, however several are mid- eternal mission: to “explore strange new ideas, to
construction. For some reason bubbling, sparkling seek out new thoughts and educate new generations,
water seems to keep getting into the materials, and to boldly go where no one has gone before.”
ruining bits of it, even in landlocked areas. With Raddenbury typically appears as an older, clean
absolutely no explanation for this, the equally shaven elven man who wears a plain blue shirt with a
unorganized and non-hierarchical followers of Lozzi golden arrowhead symbol on the breast. Dark black
keep on their work, reminding themselves that they pants and dark black boots draw special attention to
can be great, even when they don’t have to be. this shirt and the small insignia thereof. He appears,
strangely, as though he’s walked off the set of a cheap
play production. His shirt is made of rich velour, and
his boots are polished with an oily sheen.

Long ago, Raddenbury gathered his family, friends,
and followers in a hidden grove. He mused at length
about the meaning of life, the destiny of humanity,
and the state of society and politics, hoping to breed
ideas beyond the common mythos. As the ideas
blossomed, his followers joined in their creation,
choosing to act out the roles present in
Raddenbury’s theories, refining each until it was
worthy of being written down for posterity. But
at the peak of his prosperity, the ruling class,
often the butt of Raddenbury’s jokes or derided
as the cause of many of society’s problems,
caught wind of these new ideas, deemed them
heretical, and banned Raddenbury and his
followers from the grove.
Eventually the old regime lost their
power and Raddenbury returned in force,
holding his beloved plays in the center of
town. He created new, stronger characters,
and tackled even stranger ideas that
wracked the minds of his audience. His
popularity soared, many other philosophers
came forward to offer their ideas and power,
and in no time Raddenbury had accrued a
strong following of scholars, thinkers, and artists
who shared his vision of an evolved and
enlightened society. Unfortunately,
Raddenbury was also a user of highly elicit and
magical drugs, and his health declined very
suddenly after his resurgence.

Raddenbury died of a heart attack, and ended up in culturally beloved - almost more than the religion
the underworld where he sat down with the newly that has spawned up around him.
minted goddess of death, Ryder. He argued for a
better world, where humanoids would rise above Shrines and Priests
their baser needs and join together to create the next
great society - so strong was his logic, and so The Priests of Raddenbury, unrelated to the zealots,
determined was his argument that Raddenbury are rarely seen, as they are hidden in cloisters deep in
Ascended to godhood. the mountains and in the deserts of western and
What exactly he argued for—the words and ideas southern Murka. They supposedly wear white robes
and thoughts he used—are kept secret only to made of rough cloth, with large collars that encircle
Raddenbury and She To Whom He Argued, but every their heads, and ornate bronze jewelry depicting the
follower has their own theory. Some say that he shapes of logic. Their shrines are grand, alien-like
argued that in a fair world he would have not only structures that are dug deep into cliff sides, and
been allowed to live quite long, but also to prosper in mountains. There they practice logical thought
a way that fate had denied him. Others say his exercises, and even ceremonies designed to purge the
arguments had nothing to do with his life and death, body of emotion. As a result they are exceptional
that his willingness to poke and prod at ideas and judges, and are occasionally sought out for their
values with such tenacity, and with such fearless was deeply impartial legal abilities. Raddenbury trials are
itself enough to earn him his godhood. strange, and riddled with ceremony and tradition,
but ultimately fair, and just.
Followers of Raddenbury are often regarded with Remus Rat
concern and a little disdain: Despite often being very
intelligent, and logically sound as a result of their An Elder Beast beyond mortal comprehension,
studies and worship, followers of Raddenbury often Remus Rat is everywhere. His gloved fingers dig
wear strange outfits very similar to the logic god themselves into any number of different pies and
himself. Velour shirts in bright colors, odd symbols, never, ever stop grabbing for more. Remus Rat has
and even fake elven ears mark out these devotees, as inspired some of the most successful and wonderful
well as their crippling lack of social skills. They can people in Murka’s history as well as sent others,
often be found replicating the plays of old, or ranting equally wonderful others, tumbling down the well of
about how awesome a particular episode was. self-loathing, self-doubt and eventually suicide.
Although some of these conversations can be Remus Rat has helped build and topple entire lands.
both deep and interesting, the core message is often Most frightening however, may be the constant
lost as his zealots—and there are more of those than reminder Remus brings, of just how small and
followers—spend more time sitting and discussing insignificant to him this world is after all. A small,
ideas, re-watching plays, dressing up as their favorite small world.
characters, and writing extensive fiction about which Remus usually appears as a small rat-like
characters they find most attractive than they do humanoid to creative types in their dreams. After
living out the very ideas they claim to venerate. taunting and coaxing these creatives to flesh out their
ideas, Remus then grabs those ideas with his gloved
little greedy hands and lends them to non-creative
Symbols and Books types who can make more money in his name.
Raddenbury’s main symbol, worn on the chest of
every priest and follower, is an arrowhead with a Myth
spiral on the inside - meant to represent progress
unto infinity. His primary texts are the 79 episodes of The myths surrounding Remus Rat have baffled even
his play series “Voyage into The Cosmos” which are the most astute scholars. None have been able to
printed on scrolls and books for mass distribution. ascertain where he came from, what it is he wants,
His secondary texts are the 178 Chapters of a series of why he’s here, or why exactly so many princesses
letters he wrote to his followers entitled “To The Next have pledged their loyalty to him. He is inextricably
Generation.” His works are critically acclaimed, and linked to Diz Nay, as it was always Diz Nay’s

company making money off of the stolen ideas, but world’s, future.
what transpired exactly that caused this monstrosity Remus has one, terrifying symbol. A disembodied
to be quite so loyal to one mortal in particular is as pair of rat ears on top of a rainbow. Many followers
baffling as anything else scholars have learned of make this more palatable for his younger viewers by
Remus. ignoring the blood that traditionally drips over the
One would assume that Remus’s connection to rainbow, but they know it’s there.
incredible artists and developers would mean this
Elder Beast of Greed employs a constant stream of Shrines and Priests
new and exciting ideas. However, about 95% of
Remus’s accredited works are an aesthetically ugly There are two major shrines to Remus in Murka,
rehash of an idea he absconded with decades before. Remusland and Remusworld, located on opposite
None of this stops his rabid worshippers from coasts. One resides in Idolando, and another in Holly
injecting this ‘new’ content into the veins of their Woods. Bringing in thousands of young pilgrims each
very lives and praising it as a work of genius. day to experience the ‘Most Auspicious Place Ever,’
these shrines are obvious money pits. However, many
people scrape together every coin they have for years
Followers to go there and spend frivolously, lining the pockets
A surprising plethora of people worship Remus Rat. of The Elder Beast of Greed by buying overly-priced
Circles to summon or curry his favor can souvenirs, overly-priced food, photo-opportunities
unsurprisingly be found in the homes of the non- with reanimated or illusioned characters from some
creatives who profit from his theft, but also a distinct of Remus’ famous stories,
number of young ones, inspired by the tales Remus and overly-priced tickets
has been given credit for, see him as some sort of that of course come
storytelling overlord. Some of these children with the option of
inevitably grow up listening to the siren song of being upgraded for
Remus, essentially dedicating their lives to spending only a couple bucks
all their money within his temples, buying his holy more.
books, and tattooing themselves with symbols they
believe to represent their love for ‘their god’. Even as
adults, these followers indoctrinate their children
and quickly pressure them into choosing a favorite of
his tales, and so the cycle continues.
Worshippers of Remus claim to be visited, or,
as they put it, ‘inspired’ by this abomination and
given one of his almost assuredly stolen ideas. This
is especially true of those who are learned but
lacking in creativity. As well, there is chaos to be
sown in the stealing of ideas, something for which
‘The Rat with no Hat’ is always quite excited to
reward his followers.

Symbols and Books

Remus’ holy books— at least those that can be read
by mortal eyes without losing one’s sanity—consist
largely of the stories he stole for his production
lines. There are many of these, enough to fill entire
vaults with the works he’s stolen alone. In fact, there
is a legend of the Diz Nay Vault, where certain very
rare, extremely powerful stories are kept. Why
Remus keeps those locked up is anyone’s guess, but
the answer is almost certainly not good for Murka,
or the
commune with their god, and to connect with the
Robert Ross world around them.
Followers lean on Robert Ross’ words of wisdom
Robert Ross is Murka’s god of artistry and serenity. in their daily lives, remembering that failure is the
An Ascendant, Robert Ross’ godhood was something first step to success, and that more often than not,
of a happy little accident. mistakes aren’t failures, but really, just happy little
He tends to appear as a calm, afro-sporting artist accidents. One of the most quoted aphorisms of ‘The
with an easel and palette. Witnesses claim to have Joyful Painter’ is that “you need a little bit of darkness
found him painting images so unbelievably beautiful in order for the light to shine through.”
—yet completely simple—that their memory
provides guidance in their daily lives. His
encouraging words of wisdom echo in the minds of
Symbols and Books
his followers, and bring them a sense of inner peace. Robert Ross’ symbol represents creativity and a sense
of balance. The black bristles of the wood-handled
Myth paint brush drip with white paint. The brush stands
vertically in front of a painting of simple meadowed
Robert Ross was a simple human painter for most of valley. The wooden handle and the canvas painting
his life. During his early adulthood, he served in the represent Ross' connection to nature, while the black
Murkan military forces, and spent a great deal of his and white mingling on the tip of the brush represent
life working with the ill, the wounded, and the the balance of light and dark. The light, while
suffering. As a means of coping with the stress of sometimes a little messy, overpowers the dark when
holding lives in his hands, he turned to artistry as a left free. Often, the calming meadow in the
means of finding peace of mind. background is changed from region to region in order
When he wasn’t helping those in need, Ross to better reflect the local area or the individual
mixed new colors, stretched canvas, and made his follower carrying the symbol. Sea-addled followers
own paintbrushes. He poured himself into his prefer a gentle coast-scape, whereas those in
images, painting sprawling landscapes of places he’d Midwesteros find their tastes run more to a wooded
been. Eventually, however, he found himself painting or mountainous scene.
landscapes that he hadn’t ever seen, but rather felt The holy texts recognized by Robert Ross’
somewhere deep within him. He painted rolling followers, The Joys of Painting, are deceptively simple
emerald hills, tall rocky mountains, and fluffy, white guides for how to start painting. However, laden
clouds. within these instructions are parables, metaphors,
Eventually he began painting more surreal and words of wisdom and encouragement which
landscapes. Indescribable images populated his followers lean on in their daily lives.
canvas, and though he wasn’t always certain what
these images were, he knew they were beautiful. He
knew that they were a part of him. He knew that
Shrines and Priests
painting them brought him a sense of peace. So he Shrines dedicated to Robert Ross often take the form
continued painting these abstract, unfamiliar places, of educational temples or trade schools, teaching the
not realizing that these were glimpses of other arts as a means of both introspection and as a
planes. Gradually, in a slow-rolling process, Robert connection to the world. Priests of Robert Ross teach
Ross Ascended to godhood. But that never mattered at these institutions and take mentorship roles over
to him: he only ever meant to paint. the students.

Followers of Robert Ross are usually creative types:
painters, authors, and illustrators, but many are those
who seek to serve others, like doctors and nurses.
Followers take up a creative hobby, and use that
hobby to grant themselves peace of mind, to

Murkan society is immeasurable, because no one is
Rose able to accurately chart just how far the impact of
Rose’s Revolution went towards the development and
Rose is the Murkan goddess of strength and industry. evolution of Murkan society.
While Royalty sponsors those with incredible
ambition, and those looking for themselves, Rose
inspires those who know their ambition, know
themselves, and are ready to roll up their sleeves and There are those who claim that any who do the work
get down to business. Rose is an inspirer, a symbol of of two, any who work under the burden of being
those otherwise looked down upon or considered looked down upon, and any who are assumed inferior
“too weak,” “too dumb,” or “just not suited” to doing for things outside of their control, are inherently
tasks they know they can do. followers of Rose. While they may have a point, a
In this way, it is easy to think that Rose is the true follower of Rose is easy to spot: It’s the one with
Goddess of Doing Things Out Of Spite, but that’s not that particular fire in their eyes. Their work is usually
entirely accurate: Rose is more like the Goddess of something that requires the dirtying of hands. Their
Doing Things Despite. As in, despite your father labor is their passion, and though many look down
thinking you aren’t strong enough to follow in his upon them, they press on, unfettered.
blacksmithing footsteps, you expand the family shop
more than he ever did. Or, despite the fact that you Symbols and Books
were born a kobold and the magical-item-creating
community refuses to acknowledge your proficiency, Rose’s symbol is a depiction of the deity with one or
you keep on going. two flexed biceps. Iconography of the goddess depicts
her in various positions, with her looking
benevolently over her followers. This iconography
Myth also depicts her as any number of races, as she is
Long ago, all nations lived in peace and harmony. meant to be a symbol for all laboring people.
Then, everything changed when a series of The only thing close to a Holy Book that Rose’s
complicated alliances drove practically the entire worshippers have is any of a series of safety
world into a single war—The Nightmare War. Murka handbooks written by an early high priestess of the
dragged their feet on getting involved with this as goddess. That being said, these are often taken with a
long as they could, but when they finally did, nearly much bigger grain of salt than most Holy Books
every able-bodied, legally-acceptable citizen signed because they were written so long ago. The majority
up to help. of Rosians believe that the goddess will speak directly
But someone had to keep the streetlamps to them should they need to receive her guidance,
burning, the carriages running, and make all those and otherwise are perfectly capable of making their
crossbows and firearms for the soldiers on the front. own decisions.
It’s among these circumstances that Rose arose.
While no one is sure of Rose’s true identity, posters Shrines and Priests
of the goddess depicting her as every race on Urth
began to garner incredible popularity, inspiring those Shrines to Rose typically have a specific focus, and
that wanted to serve their kingdom, despite that often look more like factories or assembly houses
kingdom not always serving them. Guilds and than “temples.” Such focuses might be: the
companies became afraid to chart the productivity of manufacturing of arms or armor, the building of
these new recruits because it was leagues ahead of carriages, the creation of explosives, blacksmitheries,
anything they had ever seen before. zookeeping, etc.
Rose’s Ascension wasn’t a temporary revolution. Priests of Rose are usually dirty in some way or
When those who had temporarily volunteered for the another, typically from grease or oil. This is seen as
front lines came home, they found a wall of people more of a badge of honor than an issue of hygiene.
they had looked down their noses at doing their jobs Any “vestments” take the form of smocks or aprons,
—and happy to be doing them—sometimes better as they’re far more practical and tend to get in the
than the soldiers ever had. The ensuing impact on way a lot less.

One of the most iconic shrines to Rose is a livery floor-length jackets, and scarves are quite common
with a stained glass window on the far outskirts of on this dapper and dangerous deity. An international
Magnamalus. The window depicts the goddess lover and man of mystery in his godhood—as much
dressed as a stablehand with her sleeves rolled up as he was during his lifetime—The Purple Prince
and her arms crossed over her chest. In one hand, appears, always followed by a storm hued to his
“The Riveting One” holds a brush, while in the other signature color, to those looking for romantic
she holds a simple builder’s hammer. Rose’s direction, or any lovers who invoke the deity’s name.
conspiratorial wink in this depiction has been known
to bring comfort to all of her followers. Myth
Royalty is the god of music and fashion, portfolio
Royalty items so inherent to the experience of sentient
creatures that they are near-ubiquitous on all worlds.
Murka styles itself an enlightened state that doesn’t Royalty’s music, fashion, and attitude—as both
rely on a monarchy to keep itself balanced, honest individuals and a collective—so transcended the
and progressive. It must be odd then, to the cacophony of the world and struck such a primal
uninitiated ear, to hear of how one of the most chord with all people that it elevated these three to
publicly respected deities in the country goes by godhood.
Royalty. The human lives of Royalty all tell roughly the
Royalty is, to the uninformed, Murka’s god of same story of an incredibly talented individual who
music and fashion. To those in the know, however, arose to stardom on a level even other Ascendant
Royalty actually refers to a three-in-one God, a tri- humans barely dream of.
une deity. King Jaxun, The Mercurial Queen, and God’s aren’t supposed to age, it’s one of those
Purple Prince are the three aspects of Royalty. unwritten rules. King Jaxun’s life, however began as
part of a collective, nothing more than a part of the
When King Jaxun appears, he arrives with slickly- whole. He yearned to take the conflict he felt, both
curled black hair, and never in the same outfit twice. within this group and himself, and beat it, just beat it
A strong proponent that change starts with the man to a bloody pulp. So he changed, he grew, and at
in the mirror, King Jaxun is ultimately a unifier above times he was a speed demon, at others a smooth
all else. Between thrilling dance moves and an ability criminal, still even at others he was just plain bad.
to vocalize in beautiful, almost alien tongues, King But he learned to be more than he was and eventually
Jaxun’s presence is enough to transform even the he became the sensation Murka came to love and
most dull courtroom into a raucous dance hall. adore. The King began writing songs for himself,
The Mercurial Queen never summons an songs that made the listener feel so much joy it
audience without purpose. A virtuoso of became nigh impossible to resist getting on their feet
manipulating crowds and awe-inspiring to those and ‘Walking to the Moon’ (as worshiping Jaxun has
under pressure, from soldiers to accountants to come to be known).
entertainers, The Mercurial Queen’s dress is as The Mercurial Queen always believed themself to
ostentatious as it gets. These wild gowns, shockingly be worthy of deification, even if the rest of the world
casual outfits, and blindingly bedazzled button-ups did not. Arising from immigrant roots in the
bewitch the mind and renew the spirit in an Kingdom of Brag, The Mercurial Queen in life was a
indescribable, almost unnerving way. Patron to all traveling band of adventurers and minstrels, who
those who would see themselves champions in any consisted of four different entities, two of which are
capacity, The ‘Killer Queen’ is a beguiling force of currently alive today. It’s said that the other two had
supernatural gunpowder and gelatin. They are not to their spirits intertwined upon death and that, as a
be trifled with, as this ‘Ruler of Gaga’ is guaranteed to result, the Mercurial Queen is at but a fraction of the
blow your mind. power that they will regain upon re-merging with the
Whereas The Mercurial Queen tends toward other two souls. In its younger days, these four souls
spectacular bodysuits or the extremely casual, and deified themselves on songs for the underdogs, and
King Jaxun’s wardrobe varies wildly with each songs for those with societal mud on their face,
apparition, The Purple Prince works with more because that’s who they were. Angry, hedonistic,
frequently used formal fashion. High end robes, suits, young, smart, and artistic they refused to become

background noise. What’s important to understand
about The Mercurial Queen is that these four found Symbols and Books
their identity by coming together to create something
greater than their individual parts. Royalty’s symbol is a three-pointed crown, with each
The Purple Prince is the Patron Saint of those in point heavy with a gem which represents a member
love, and those looking for love. A savant in his of the triadic deity. On the left-most point is a
mortal life, The Purple Prince quickly rose to diamond, a nod to the diamond-studded glove worn
godhood at about the time many would say he came by Jaxun; the center point is tipped with a bright
of age. However, he handled this change with ruby, as a reference to the Mercurial Queen’s love;
aplomb. There were times where The Purple Prince and the right-most point, a purple amethyst, is an
tried to give up the Mantle of Godhood, but godhood obvious nod to the Purple Prince.
would not let go of him, and eventually The Purple The holy books of Royalty are prevalent
Prince returned to the spotlight. Though Kaeren’s throughout Murka, each holding the codified lyrics of
followers will vehemently deny such tales as the songs written by Royalty in their mortal lives, but
blasphemy: it’s said that Kaeren was initially set upon it's the divinely recorded performances, reproduced
the path to deification when she found herself aghast through the faith of their followers, which spread
at the effect that The Purple Prince’s music was most quickly. The faithful are known to replay these
having upon Kaeren’s mortal offspring. divine performances nightly, though the truly
dedicated often tattoo the lyrics which speak most
personally to them on their very bodies. These
Followers followers walk boldly, knowing they have become a
Followers of Royalty come from a far range of creeds, living piece of the holy books themselves. But for
nationalities and backgrounds. Each one knows the some, imitation is truly the finest form of worship,
importance of their own identity and beyond that, and the most devout will memorize, play, master,
the importance of expressing it. In this way, it is and perform these divine works until they can brand
almost impossible to pin down even one or two their power across the hearts of all who listen
things that all followers have in common. Followers
of Royalty have been known to: Shrines and Priests
• Avail themselves of a large number of
partners, oftentimes all at once “Every Stage is a Temple to Royalty” is a common
saying in Murka. Royalty rejoices to see their subjects
• Live ascetically to most easily find their true
leaping through the sky like a tiger, or becoming
delirious with their own ambition, even in a goal as
• Keep themselves in incredible physical shape,
small as trying to make a change to the man in the
• See physical fitness as a distraction from
knowing their authentic selves.
In this way, every worshipper of Royalty is in
• Tend towards flamboyant rainbow apparel
some way a priest, and every platform, stage or street
and ostentatious displays of fashion
corner their own personal shrine to Royalty. In this
• Appreciate the value of comfortable wear and way, worship need not be intentional - anyone
putting the emphasis on achieving their projecting their identity in public or on a stage can
often-musical-but-not-always ambition. become an accidental cleric.
The boldness of Royalty inspires their followers to
live their genuine selves, and sometimes that means
cutting off all their hair and punching trumplins in
the face, while other times that means singing a Song
of the Urth and tilling it in earth-tones. It matters not
the specific situation or circumstances of the
follower, only that they be true to thine own selves.

death tend to dress the macabre, and respect Ryder
Ryder for not just her aesthetic, but her sheer competency.
A wise man once said that “Despite rumors to the
Ryder is... complicated. Alternating between an contrary, Death isn't cruel—merely terribly, terribly
extravagant gothic beauty and a simple casual one, good at her job,” and it is that aspect and that
the goddess of death and beauty is something of an sentiment that those who revere her death side revel
ever-changing enigma to the Murkan people. A little in.
woman, she has incredible charisma and a sense of Those who venerate her as the goddess of beauty,
presence that is likely the reason so many fear her. however, tend to elevate her lighter aspects,
Ryder, as the god of death, enforces the natural sometimes even ignoring her role as the goddess of
order upon Murkans. Even many worshippers of death altogether. They’ll spend hours ‘binging’ her
Erwin, who have a great understanding and scrolls and stories, and immersing themselves in the
disposition towards the natural things of this world, stories those scrolls tell until they can recite them
would cause creatures to live forever if they could. from memory. Perhaps unexpectedly for a goddess of
Supe wants to save everyone from death, and even beauty, these followers tend to dress casually, as they
Jetta knows the importance of picking her targets understand that beauty comes from within, from
with care, but Ryder will reap everyone, and will one’s mind and soul and the acts one will commit in
make sure everyone is reaped. Necromancers, liches, desperation or in anger. From the natural does their
the overly ambitious, and even those trying to beauty spring; the life flowering on a corpse, the joy
achieve immortality for ‘heroic’ reasons will find of children, the fun of reading their favorite books.
themselves at odds with the goddess of death and What doesn’t change is how beautiful they all
beauty the closer they get to their goal. are. All natural creatures are beautiful in the eyes of
Lady Death. That is why she covets them so much.
Myth But to many of her living subjects, Ryder’s followers
and priests have a certain otherworldly
A staple of Murkan culture, Ryder rose to
prominence on the back of her many
accomplishments. She’s said to have defeated the
three-headed hydra ‘Heather,’ survived drinking the
lethal Beetle Juice, made friends with mermaids and
stranger things even than these.
Ryder’s long tenure as goddess of death and
beauty has seen peaks and troughs in her popularity,
but the goddess remains constant in her duties..
Many young Ascendants burn bright and short, but
this was not the case for young Ryder. While she had
her own struggles for many years, her return to active
adventuring truly cemented her continued
goddesshood in recent years. Most notable in recent
years, she saved a young boy from a horrifying
dimension in which he was trapped using only her
wits and none of her deific-level magical power. It’s
rumored the boy was her son, but that’s probably just
a story. Right?

Followers of Ryder tend to fall into one of two
categories, those who venerate her as the goddess of
death and those who venerate her as the goddess of
beauty. Those who venerate her as the goddess of

they represent.
Symbols and Books Shane is among the oldest Ascendant, and one of
Ryder is always depicted in clothing appropriate to the few who still remember a time before The
the era. While this can make it easy to tell when Freedom War, and all the good, bad, and ugly that
various temples, shrines or religious paintings were time entailed. It might seem strange for a nomadic
created, it was quickly discovered that this could mercenary to become the embodiment of Murkan
make it confusing for new members to tell who in tradition, but the freedom that comes with the
these paintings was Ryder and who were various nomadic lifestyle, the belief in defending yourself—
other figures. So it was that the faithful to Ryder even if that means just putting the people around you
began drawing her in almost exclusively black in more danger—and, most importantly, of having
clothing, and always wearing an Ankh around her big bootstraps one can pull themselves up by, all
neck in some fashion. Ryder herself adopted this, resonate deeply with Murkans of all generations.
enjoying the irony of her, a goddess of death, being
associated with something that has for such a long
time symbolized life.
Ryder’s status as a goddess of death comes with a Able to trace his lineage all the way back to the
lot of preconceived notions. Murkans prefer to original colonists, Shane wandered the desert of post-
believe that living forever is the standard and death is Freedom War Murka, hunting down those that the
an evil force come to ruin them. Hence the unfaithful kings of Murka decided needed huntin’ down, and
tend to use more aggressive symbols to represent her. making sure every town had the appropriate square-
A five-fingered hand with scissor-like blades on every mileage to population ratios. It was said that, on a
finger, a great ball of fire, a scythe to ‘reap’ her good day, for just a fistful of silver you could acquire
‘victims.’ The faithful, however, tend to use more his services, and that for a few silver more, he might
gentle symbology, specifically the ankh, or her even tell you his name.
favored animal; an ink-colored swan. It was this adventuring, this wandering the
western plains of Murka, that eventually caused his
Ascendence. While his followers love to extol the
Shrines and Priests many virtues of Shane’s, there’s definitely one event,
Priests of Ryder regularly re-read scrolls of her deeds one singular act of incredible heroism, that elevated
and accomplishments and attempt to pen new plays Shane to godhood. There was a small town in
based upon those scrolls. Like her followers, her southern Murka. Honest, hard working folk who
priests tend to fall into one of the two previously were being harassed by a local band of bandits. No
mentioned categories. one in town had any sort of combat experience and
Ryder’s temples, however, don’t cater to any the townsfolk were either being picked off one by one
single sect. In this way, when walking around a or leaving for greener pastures. Unfortunately, this
shrine to Ryder it becomes incredibly hard to tell was just what the bandits wanted. But a man upon a
who is a Beautyist, who is a Deathist, who is a priest, pale horse rode into town, introduced himself as
and who is a pilgrim. Shane, and after a buildup of small attacks, took out
The temples themselves always contain or are the entire herd of outlanders single-handedly.
near a cemetery of some kind. The priests thereof are Shane nearly died in the process, but mostly dead
each assigned a section of the cemetery to watch isn’t all dead, and it’s said that his eyesight never
over, to make sure that each grave site is kept ready truly recovered from the toll of the fight, and thus his
for visitors, of the mortal or deific kind. signature squint became permanently plastered upon
his face.

Shane Southwood Followers

Shane Southwood is a human who Ascended to Shane’s followers look to him as the representative of
become the god of nobility, a word here referring to the ideals of a previous era; the freedom that is often
the idea of acting noble, of the upper class gentry cited as myth in current Murka, and the ability of one
that infest modern-day Murka, and of the traditions to rise in social and economic rank. Others prefer the

nobility part of his portfolio: Shane’s long life has
allowed him to amass not just a large amount of Stan Ley
currency, but of admirers and heirs as well,
practically making him a noble himself. Each follower Stan Ley is the god of creation and magic. In his
strives to emulate his role as a loose cannon, an human life, Stan Ley was a gifted storyteller, crafting
‘Unclean Harold’ as many came to be known. An timely fables of flawed heroes spanning an atlas’
Unclean Harold is respected well above other worth of worlds.
mercenaries, as more than simply a traveling gun for In his godhood, Stan Ley appears as a surprisingly
hire, because they choose their tasks with standards lucid old man. His speech is articulate and full of
and morals that they believe their god would approve magic, both figurative and literal. He tends to appear
of. to tell stories to men, women, and children alike, and
those who hear his stories find that his words become
truth in time.
“Many in Murka see themselves not as being As a young man, Stan Ley toiled away with ink and
taken advantage of by those in a class above quill until the words flowed like wine upon each
them, as is often the case, but rather as scroll. Every hour of labor was in worship to his
passion of creating tales which could truly astonish
temporarily embarrassed nobility.” These are
and amaze his friends. Yet, even as these stories
wise words uttered by Wronald Right, and it brought joy to many people, Ley knew the value of
accurately sums up not just the zeitgeist of his craft, and the responsibility of the power it
many of Murka’s poorest and most ignorant, brought him and as such always sought to further
but also why Southwood sees such worship perfect his craft.
When he began, the art was contained to his
from these same communities. scrolls about powerful adventurers, each an
interconnected saga of epic proportions. But after
many years, as he penned a story about a young,
Symbols and Books charming, witty drider hero who sought to honor the
legacy of his heroic uncle by doing good, Ley sought
A lone revolver serves as Shane Southwood’s symbol. to give this hero a bit of life. Ley wove magic into the
He’s a god of the simple things; the divine right of page, and, as a result, discovered that this eight-
kings, the traditions of yesteryear, and of the power, legged champion no longer existed as ink on
political or otherwise, to enforce your will on parchment, but instead stood, in living color, before
another. But what’s more, Shane believes in doing Stan Ley.
things yourself, that sometimes, most of the time Stan Ley’s magic and storytelling breathed life
even, asking for help is a weakness. Hence the lone into his characters. Of course, this great power came
revolver, pointed downwards towards the self, stands with great responsibility, and as such, he took care in
as his symbol. Theoretically, it’s all one needs. maintaining that good arose victorious through
tribulation, and ensured that the heroes stayed
Shrines and Priests relatable, flawed, and “human” (figuratively
speaking). This was his Ascension to godhood, a pure
Priests of Shane Southwood tend to be very nomadic,
and altruistic creator at heart.
making their temples on the back of the pale horses
they ride into town. Southwood priests are well
known for their near-magical tendency to arrive just Followers
as conflict in town rises to a climax. They do their True Believers of Stan Ley are creative types, and
very best to help, either reasserting the power of the often overlap with followers of Robert Ross.
people, or helping put down an ill-thought out Illustrators, storytellers, and playwrights are all likely
insurrection. Often, these priests take whichever tact followers of Stan Ley. These creators use magic to
seems most profitable. craft vivid tales and beautiful images, lending each

creation a bit of life, though none tend to achieve the
same life and magic that Stan Ley achieved in his Shrines and Priests
Shrines to Stan Ley are incredibly common, and often
usually populated with one or two people at all times
Symbols and Books eager to sit in the presence of at least a facsimile of
Stan Ley’s symbol is a blue-and-red shield, which their god. Temples, as one might imagine, to
represents the good nature of his protagonists, ‘Excelsior,’ as Stan Ley can be known, are rarer than
adorned with a black spider web, meant to represent oil elementals. Instead there are a large amount of
one of his most iconic early creations. Emblazoned in theaters, playhouses, and even gazebos in parks
front of the shield is a brilliant white silhouette of a dedicated specifically and solely to putting on
quill and inkwell, the magic lifeblood which he wove performances of Ley’s creations.
into each and every one of his stories. Priests of Stan Ley double as combat medics, re-
Stan Ley’s holy texts are spread out across arming, maintaining, and creating new heroes as the
hundreds upon hundreds of scrolls and tomes, each years winnow their power and image. The greatest
of which collects a story or a series of stories about a among them are imbued with some of Ley's power,
particular adventurer or adventuring party, and each able to reshape the narratives of Ley's own scrolls to
of which holds some sort of wisdom to impart on the bring new life, powers, and meaning to the heroes
reader. Unlike other scrolls or books however, when that Ley once created.
one reads from a holy text of Stan Ley, the characters
literally jump off the page and engage in illusory
combat, the exchanging of quips, and drama. This
has caused a schism among both the Ley people and
the church clergy in regards to which medium is a
better portrayal of Ley’s original intent.

partner was going down, and Job disappeared him for
Stephan Job it. To this day no one remembers who Woz was,
despite his greatness and power, but nigh on
The god of fruit, secrets, and blackmail makes for an everyone knows Stephano’s name.
imposing figure. He is tall and lithe, his plain face
adorned with glasses, and entirely enshadowed from
the bottom of his chin down. Though utterly without
apparent menace, his presence puts people on edge. All who consume the apple are followers of Job. It
Babies cry, children hide behind their parent’s skirts, makes no difference if you have one apple in your
and the parents find themselves eager to leave the life, or if you exclusively consume the products of the
room. Perhaps it’s the way his glassine eyes flash in apple such as Cider, Sauce, or Apple Air. Everyone
tandem with his glasses in the light. Perhaps it’s the who consumes the apple, every time they do, lends
way he seems to stand just taller than you, even at just a little bit more power to Job. What’s more, every
the bottom of a flight of stairs. Most likely it’s the time one consumes any apple product, the desire to
way he just seems to know your every dirty secret and consume another becomes that much stronger, and
insecurity. one’s willpower to resist that urge that much weaker.
With every bite of an apple that any Murkan His followers, on the other hand, consume as
takes, Stephano grows stronger. His spies, whether many apple products as possible, and in return
they know it or not, feed him any and all information Stephano has a tendency to grant them specific
he desires, and the more information he collects, the boons. Usually these are by way of nominal rewards.
more he can sell, or lord it over those that he would For instance, a school run by a particularly devout
control. follower might be dubbed an ‘Apple School’.
Commonly, his very devout followers like to refer to
Myth themselves by the ever-humble title of ‘Genius’.
These ‘Geniuses’ enjoy the occasional note or piece of
Stephan Job’s success story is known to every young, information from Job, should they work hard enough,
enterprising person. He took The Apple, an otherwise of course.
overlooked and simple enough thing, and, with his
partner, turned it into a household commodity. He
approached everyone he could and offered them an
Symbols and Books
apple. No one could explain WHY this apple was Symbolized by an apple with a single bite out of it,
better, simply that the strange man approached the stickers, tattoos, and logo of Workerharder’s is
them, told them it was superior, and it was. Then the similar to the man himself. Sleek, efficient, cold, and
next year they went out and got another one, and a reminder of the true extent of the power that he
double the year after. holds and wields.
Nowadays, the go-to fruit of choice of the Books are written about Job. While he wrote
Murkan consumer is The Apple. It’s lightweight, nothing even remotely resembling an autobiography
multi-colored exterior means that you can find it in in life, those who thought they knew him, his priests,
whatever color or flavor you want, and perhaps most and even those who heartily disliked him have
importantly, because of the many, many, MANY written about him extensively. Even those books that
slaves Stephan employs, The Apple is among the fail to praise him simply serve to remind his followers
most cost-effective fruits one can purchase. that no system is perfect, and that ultimately,
Stephan and his business partner, The Great and everything can be improved; even Panthers,
Powerful Woz, had a number of falling outs Mountain Lions, Captain’s and Mavericks need this
throughout their history, but perhaps the worst of it reminder.
was when it came to the Ascension. Followers and
priests will tell you it was more complicated than Shrines and Priests
this, nuanced in ways that the uninitiated just can’t
understand, and perhaps it is, but ultimately Woz Priests of Job make sure to consume at least one type
and Job fought over the future of what they had of apple at least once a day. They typically carry an
worked on together. Woz saw the Dark Path that his apple or apple product with them at all times, finding

its use as an improvised weapon, meditation object,
or even just a light snack helpful in times of peril.
They have absolutely no problem with slavery, seeing DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR?
it instead as a legitimate way to separate the wheat
from the chaff and believing that anybody in slavery Does the term ‘family’ sound familiar? That’s
must be inherently lazy. ‘Geniuses’ are low-level intentional. The Apple business is run very much like
fanatics. Becoming a priest of Job means truly joining any of Murka’s mob-like factions.
the family. These people sing the praises, as non-
factual as they may often be, of the apple to any and
all who will listen, and in return, get access to a larger
share of the information that Job hoards so close.

actions, and of the importance of protecting that
Supe which he loved, and not attacking that which
angered him. Power is the foundation of many great
While technically a foreigner, Supe’s domain is warriors, but the moral rebar within them determines
commonly claimed as, “Justice, Truth, and the whether or not they are a hero.
Murkan Way.” Never truly a mere mortal or It’s been awhile since people began worshiping
adventurer, Supe was born with tremendous power, Supe as the god he is, but it is said that even after his
and with nearly complete invulnerability, he proudly Ascension, Supe lives among the people, desperate to
wields the title of the “Adamantine Man.” feel like he belongs and has a place among us.
Normally any alien, even one who considers
themselves a born and bred native, is greeted with
naught but hostility and fear by those filled with
ignorance and pride. However, standing up for your Supe's following is most visible through those
principles, planting yourself like an oak tree in front affecting and affected by his legacy. Lux Lo’Thor, heir
of innocents (regardless of if those innocents approve to the fortune of a wildly successful entrepreneur
of you or not) and stopping hundreds of small-scale (and well-known human-supremacist), has dedicated
acts of violence tends to soften minds and, his life to undermining Supe, insisting that such
eventually, hearts. incomparable power contained in a single,
theoretically fallible mind is a liability to all of Murka.
Myth While Lux rallies Supe’s enemies, those who believe
in him, such as Clerk Kant, Olly Jimsen, and Louise
The myth of the man known as Supe begins in a Layne, who are all various types of heralds, shout his
dying dimension, whose residents refused to praises to the mountaintops. Clerk especially seems
acknowledge the imminence of their extinction. to have a fondness for “The Tomorrow Fellow,” and is
Supe’s parents—artificers who were alone in their what many would call a ‘diehard’ Supe fan. Louise
realization of what fate awaited them—sealed Supe tends to have a more intimate fondness for Supe,
in a small, highly advanced magitech casing and cast favoring the hope and optimism that he inspires.
a powerful spell upon their son. This sent him There are thousands who proclaim Supe as their
hurtling through and between the planes until he savior in a much more literal way than most gods,
ended up on a farm in the middle of Midwesteros. because he quite literally saved them from a falling
Immediately adopted by two loving parents, who building, or a speeding wagon, or even a dragun
ingrained in Supe their own cultural values, the little attack. These people model themselves after Supe,
humanoid being had a happy, carefree childhood. sometimes even basing their look off of him, curling
However, it quickly became apparent to his adopted two or three strands of their hair directly in the
parents that Supe was no ordinary boy. Even at what middle of their forehead.
would otherwise be a rather vulnerable age, he was,
the legends say, ‘Faster than a speeding bullette,
more powerful than a magic missile, and able to leap
Symbols and Books
The Pale Fortress in a single bound.’ Emblazoned across Supe’s chest is a stylized ‘S’ that
Imagine trying to raise and control a baby, infant, has sparked fiery debates among his faithful. Supe
toddler, juvenile and then teenage god, as humble, has claimed the design is a sigil from his home plane
non-magical farmer folk. One might surmise that this and culture, but has never publicly settled the
would be an impossible task on its own, but teaching question of whether he chose the sigil because of his
someone who can crush steel in their hand the value name, or if his name was chosen in honor of the sigil.
of restraint? Instilling the value of listening into Perhaps one of the most interesting things about
someone who can move so fast they can barely be the Holy Books of Supe is that they are almost
seen? When your son wields A Silver Dragon’s exclusively speculative in nature. Supe is, as some call
Breath, flight, and invulnerability; even the most him, a scout. He follows all the rules and makes sure
skillful parenting could fail to be effective. And yet, all the rules are followed appropriately. He stands for
Supe’s adopted parents managed to teach him the truth, justice and the Murkan way. While he is
value of human life, of the dignity found in small inspiring, perfection becomes uninteresting after the

600th read.
Instead, many of his holy texts discuss what Shrines and Priests
would happen if he were less infallible. Or if a threat
came that he couldn’t contend with. Or if he had Shrines to Supe can be found in many public spaces,
landed elsewhere. If more people from his home typically taking the form of large statues in his image,
plane began to seep through the cracks into Murka. with flowers, chocolates, or wishes written on pieces
What if he were pushed to the limits of what of paper laid at the bottom. These statues are
connects him to his humanity? What if a simulacrum typically placed at locations holy to the worship of
of him were created, but imperfectly? Most recently, Supe, which is to say places where he completed
what if he had become a villain as a child with all of some awe-inspiring act of heroism, or at least where
these god-like abilities? These are only some of the the speculative holy texts would place such an act.
many speculative scenarios that are shared among Midwesteros especially likes to decorate their
thousands of holy books. These books garner courthouses and city centers with statues to Supe.
thankfulness that things turned out the way they did, They think of him as a sort of representation of what
sure, but they also inspire the imagination of Supe’s they could become, if perhaps on a different scale. It
worshippers and surge them to new heights and feats is for this reason that many of the young citizens of
of compassionate daring. Midwesteros become high priests of Supe, hoping to
emulate both him and his deeds.

find the right deal for any person, and are always
William Maize searching for the next great product to share. The
zealous tend to try to reproduce William Maize’s
William Maize is the god of Trade and Commerce, an idiosyncratic sales pitches, but it is only as followers
Ascendant human respected everywhere by grow truly devout, that each finds his own techniques
merchants, traders, and businessmen. His position is to draw the eye and loosen the wallet.
sought after by many, and so he goes to great lengths Despite the reverence of much of his following,
to keep off of the mortal plane unless he’s got Maize’s relationship with his followers can be
something to sell. fraught. Trade and commerce are volatile domains,
Maize typically appears as handsome merchant and many believe that if they can outsell, Maize, or
clad in a blue tunic, standing in a pop-up shop, defeat him in combat, that they can claim his place in
advertising the sale of some item, beginning by the pantheon. Many have tried, none have succeeded
introducing himself: “William Maize here with an just yet, but trying in this way does not anger the
AMAZING new item!” His impassioned sales pitches God, on the contrary it delights the jolly fellow, and
are given with great gusto, an intriguing pattern of he grants even more power to those who challenge
speech, and a well-trimmed beard. William treats him and survive.
every passerby as both a noble citizen and a potential
Symbols and Books
Myth Maize’s symbol is a simple, minimalist depiction of
his visage painted on a single silver coin. While no
In his mortal life, Maize was known to pitch all sorts details of his face are made clear, his beard, hair, and
of items, from cooking utensils to cleaning agents. As blue tunic are enough for nearly anyone to recognize
he gained more and more notoriety for carrying him.
worthwhile items, his selection grew and grew, The only holy texts utilized by William Maize’s
incorporating more and more powerful artifacts. followers are his pitch scripts: the lines he would
People came to trust and rely on him, and were rehearse, day in and day out, in an attempt to perfect
always interested when he was offering an improved his sales pitches of each of his items. Maize
version of sovereign glue, or the newest in hovel memorized nearly endless quips and statistics, and
cleaning products. As he gained the trust of so many, was able to rattle them off at a moment’s notice. This
his influence spread, and more and more craftsmen dedication is part of what made him such a great
and blacksmiths wanted him to promote their armor, salesman, and many of his followers study his pitch
weapons, and items, as not only was it an effective scripts for hours on end to glean any of his passion
marketing tool, but Maize’s salesmanship was so and ability from them.
powerful that if he proclaimed something, like a
particular sword being able to cut through
Dragonshide, it suddenly became significantly more
Shrines and Priests
likely to do that. Before long, his presence was so William Maize’s shrines are typically shops and
desired by these artificers from across the land that trading posts run by his followers, with a signboard
he had to find a way to be in more than one place at a hung somewhere displaying his symbol proudly. They
time. will occasionally have a donation box where the
Through sheer force of will and charisma, Maize particularly generous can drop the occasional spare
managed to separate himself from the mortal plane, coin or two. As each donation finishes rattling in the
giving him the power to appear anywhere at any box, the donor receives a small something in return.
time, with his entire catalogue of equipment in tow. Sometimes this is achieved magically, a small vial of
cleaning solution or a checkered shirt of thick cloth
Followers magically appearing among the owner’s possession.
Other times there is simply an acolyte designated to
Some claim Maize’s followers are one of the first cults watch the box and give out these ‘limited time only’
of personality. Composed of salesmen like himself, deals.
these followers strive to emulate Maize’s ability to

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Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.

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