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HRDM 10: Environmental Management System Smoke Belching

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HRDM 10 : Environmental Management System

The black smoke you see coming from a vehicle is called smoke belching. It is a forceful
expulsion of thick smoke from an exhaust system.
Smoke belching is a harmful act that has led to health issues and road accidents and it must be
stopped at all costs.
Effects of Smoke Belching
To the Environment :

 Contributes to acid rain

 Contributes to the increase of smog
 Global warming caused by air pollution
To human beings :

 Respiratory problems caused by air pollution

Causes of Smoke Belching
Various faulty vehicular components such as leaking fuel injector, clogged air filter, faulty
sensors, and more.
Ways to Avoid Smoke Belching

1. Perform regular truck maintenance

Smoke belching can be caused by quite a number of things, with the most common one
being poor vehicle maintenance.
As much as possible, however, avoid driving with faulty or dirty truck parts by performing
regular maintenance tasks or taking your vehicle to a trusted mechanic for a timely check-
2. Use high-quality and clean oil
The type and quality of oil you use to lubricate the inner components of your engine can
also affect the emissions of your truck. Poor-quality oil is sure to cause smoke belching, so
try to avoid using these kinds. Unclean oil can also be a contributor to smoke belching, so
make it a habit to replace your oil every once in a while. You can include this in your
maintenance checklist.
3. Observe proper driving habits
Stepping too hard on the gas pedal or the brakes prompts the systems in your vehicle to
work much harder than they should. Pushing the mechanisms past their limits can cause
your truck to emit large amounts of smoke and other harmful exhausts. Other poor driving
habits such as speeding, idling, and carrying excess load also produce the same results.
4. Go through smoke emission tests
In order to put yourself at ease, make sure to subject your vehicle to emission tests as
required by the city you operate in. You can also do self-service emission testing from time
to time just to stay on the safe side.


Oil and natural gas are major industries in the energy market and play an influential role in the
global economy as the world's primary fuel sources. 
Oil and gas combined provide over half of the world’s energy. A lack of oil and natural gas
would have the country (and the world) grinding to a halt. 
Oil and natural gas runs the world, and without it many countries would not be able to sustain
their daily operations. 

The industry is often divided into three segments:

o Upstream
 Involved in the exploration and production of oil and gas. These are the firms that
search the world for reservoirs of the raw materials and then drill to extract that
material. These companies are often known as "E&P" for "exploration and production."

o Midstream
 Focused on transportation. They are the ones responsible for moving the extracted raw
materials to refineries to process the oil and gas. Midstream companies are
characterized by shipping, trucking, pipelines, and storing raw materials. 

o Downstream
 These are the companies responsible for removing impurities and converting the oil
and gas to products for the general public, such as gasoline, jet fuel, heating oil, and
Nuclear energy is used to produce electricity. Heat generated from the splitting of uranium
atoms in a process known as fission is used to produce steam. This steam in turn powers
turbines, which are used to produce the electricity that supplies the surrounding community.

Low-cost energy
Although building nuclear power plants has a high initial cost, it’s relatively cheap to produce
energy from them and they have low operating costs. 

Unlike solar and wind energy, which need the sun to be shining or the wind to be blowing,
nuclear power can be generated at any time throughout the day. This means that a nuclear
power plant can produce energy nonstop, and you won’t have to experience any delays in
energy production. 
Zero carbon emissions
Nuclear power reactors do not produce any carbon emissions. This is a huge advantage over
traditional sources of energy, like fossil fuels, which releases tons of carbon dioxide into the

Promising future energy supply

Nuclear fusion is the holy grail of harnessing energy. If we can learn to control atomic fusion
(the same reactions as those that fuel the sun), we could practically have unlimited energy. 

High energy density

It is estimated that the amount of energy released in a nuclear fission reaction is ten million
times greater than the amount released when burning fossil fuels. 

Environmental impact
Although nuclear power plants release zero carbon emissions, nuclear power still has a
substantial impact on the environment, mainly through mining and water discharge. 
Nuclear power plants also cause something called ‘thermal pollution’. Most nuclear power
plants are located on a body of water, like a lake or the ocean. The power plant uses water
from the lake or ocean, referred to as cooling water, to condense steam back into water. 
This process causes the cooling water to increase in temperature, and is then released back into
the body of water. This hot water, usually around 100 degrees Fahrenheit, significantly changes
the chemistry of the ocean or lake it is discharged into, making it inhabitable to most aquatic

Water intensive
Nuclear power plants require a lot of water to produce energy.
As water becomes more scarce, especially in the face of climate change, this enormous
consumption of water could become unsustainable. 

Risk of nuclear accidents

Nuclear power plants have very strict safety measures in place. However, accidents can happen
no matter how careful you are. A meltdown at a nuclear plant can have a catastrophic impact
on the surrounding areas.
In the event of a nuclear meltdown, harmful radiation can leak, which can cause adverse effects
on the environment and on human health. 

Radioactive waste
Generating nuclear power does not emit harmful greenhouse gases in the air, however, it does
create hazardous waste. The waste created by nuclear power plants remains dangerously
radioactive for thousands of years after it is created. Many issues arise when trying to figure out
how to store this radioactive waste. 

Nuclear energy, is a non-renewable energy source. This is because the fuel used in nuclear
reactors, uranium, is a finite resource. As we mine uranium, we deplete the amount that is
available, and more will not be produced within a human lifetime. 

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