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26. Elovitz, M.S. and von Gunten, U. (1999). Hydroxyl radi- risks of the trade-offs between disinfection necessary for
cal/ozone ratios during ozonation processes. I. The Rct con- microbial inactivation and disinfection byproducts. The
cept. Ozone Sci. Eng. 21: 239–260. requirements of 40 CFR 141.72(b) are consistent 99.99%
27. von Gunten, U. (2003). Ozonation of drinking water: Part II. removal and/or inactivation of viruses and 99% removal
Disinfection and by-product formation in presence of bromide, of Cryptosporidium oocysts. The code gives public water
iodide, or chlorine. Water Res. 37: 1469–1487. suppliers the option to demonstrate compliance through
28. von Gunten, U. and Hoigné, J. (1994). Bromate formation pilot plant studies or other means that combine filtration
during ozonation of bromide-containing waters: Interaction of
techniques with disinfection as in EPA 1999 Microbial and
ozone and hydroxyl radical reactions. Environ. Sci. Technol.
Disinfection Byproducts Rules Simultaneous Compliance
28: 1234–1242.
as in Guidance Manual.
29. von Gunten, U. and Oliveras, Y. (1998). Advanced oxidation of
Presently, only surface water systems and systems
bromide-containing waters: Bromate formation mechanisms.
Environ. Sci. Technol. 32: 63–70. using groundwater under the direct influence of sur-
face water are required to disinfect their water supplies.
30. Kim, J.H., von Gunten, U., and Mariñas, B.J. (2004). Model-
ing bromate formation and Cryptosporidium parvum inac- Although historically considered free of microbial contam-
tivation in synthetic waters. Environ. Sci. Technol. 38: ination, most recent research has shown that aquifers
2232–2241. can be readily contaminated by pathogens. To lessen
31. Federal Register (1998). 63: 241: 69389. the requirement for disinfection and to protect water
32. European Union. (1998). Amtsblatt der Europäischen resources, water suppliers have sought to use natural
Gemeinschaften. Richtlinie 98/83/EG des Rates. 3-12-1998, systems to treat Cryptosporidium. Thus, there is a crit-
pp. 32–54. ical need for information regarding the transport and
33. Wilbourn, J. (1995). Toxicity of bromate and some other fate of pathogens during water infiltration into subsur-
brominated compounds in drinking water. Water Supply 13: face systems.
1–8. Highly porous limestone aquifers are the primary
34. Coffey, B.M., Graff, K.G., Mofidi, A.A., and Gramith, J.T. water supply for about 25% of the U.S. population,
(1995). On-line monitoring of ozone disinfection effectiveness including several large municipalities such as Atlanta,
within an over/under baffled contactor. Proc. 1995 Am. Water Austin, Miami, Nashville, San Antonio, and Tampa.
Works Assoc. Natl. Conf., Anaheim, CA, June 18–22, 1995, After discussion with the water utilities and regulators
pp. 77–132. in some of these cities, we found that there was
35. Mariñas, B.J., Liang, S., and Aieta, M.E. (1993). Modeling tremendous concern about microbial contamination from
hydrodynamics and ozone residual distribution in a pilot- parasites such as Cryptosporidium. Their concern was
scale ozone bubble-diffuser contactor. J. Am. Water Works
from the lack of information needed to determine the
Assoc. 85: 90–99.
potential for Cryptosporidium and other pathogens to
36. Kim, J.H. et al. (2002). Inactivation of Cryptosporidium in
travel through their limestone aquifers from septic fields,
a pilot-scale ozone bubble-diffuser contactor. Part II: Model
wastewater treatment plants, and agricultural feedlots to
verification and application. ASCE J. Environ. Eng. 128:
514–521. the wells and springs from which they derive their water
supplies. Through our discussion, we determined that a
contaminant transport model compatible with existing
REVIEW OF PARASITE FATE AND TRANSPORT models for limestone systems is needed. To produce the
model, extensive laboratory tests are needed to garner
transport parameters, and field tests are needed to
evaluate the performance of the model. A recent report
WILLIAM J. BLANFORD by the National Research Council on the role of science
Louisiana State University and technology in countering terrorism reached similar
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
conclusions (1). Section 8.15 of that report states,

research should be undertaken on water sampling schemes

Every year in the United States cases of waterborne to determine what types and population of data points are
illness are generally characterized by gastrointestinal required for a spatiotemporal network and on intelligent
problems (vomiting, diarrhea, etc.). However, these decision processing to be able to reliably recognize the patterns
same symptoms can be more serious and even fatal of attack indicators vs. natural hazards. Such research would
in certain groups, such as the young, elderly, and require that priority attention be given to the development
those with compromised immune systems. Furthermore, of simulation models that would both analyze and simulate
viral pathogens found in groundwater are linked to events and serve to train operators in systematic recovery,
chronic diseases such as adult onset diabetes and emergency response, and evacuation.
myocarditis. Recognizing that preventing contamination
of water sources is the first step in the multiple KARSTIC LIMESTONE AQUIFERS
barrier approach to drinking water protection, the Interim
Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (IESWTR) and Karstic landscapes cover approximately 15% of the earth’s
the Disinfectants/Disinfection Byproducts Rule (DBPR) land surface and are characterized by caves, sinkholes,
were released in 1999. The two rules will provide and springs. Karstic aquifer systems occur throughout
additional protection of public water supplies and address the United States and are particularly significant for
microbiological contamination. The rules address the groundwater resources in Texas and Florida, the second

and fourth most populous states. There is significant 1993, municipal drinking water infected 400,000 people
interchange between surface and subsurface features, with Cryptosporidium and resulted in approximately
fluids, and waterborne materials. In many unconfined 50 deaths (8,9). Subsequently, the Texas Department of
karstic aquifers, groundwater and surface water behave Health reported a more recent water outbreak in Brushy
as a single body of water (2). The Edwards and Trinity Creek, Texas, in 1998. Overall, there have been 12
aquifers are the only significant water sources for semiarid documented waterborne outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis
south central Texas, including San Antonio, the eighth in North America between 1985 and 1997; in two of
largest city in the United States. The Edwards aquifer these (Milwaukee and Las Vegas), mortality rates in the
is one of the most permeable and productive carbonate immunocompromised ranged from 52% to 68% (10).
aquifers in the world. It provides a public water supply Cryptosporidium parvum is a protozoan tissue parasite
to more than 2 million people, water for agriculture and is an agent of enterocolitis in mammals (11).
and industry, and discharges into major springs. These Cryptosporidium has a complicated and extensive life
springs support recreation and business, provide flow cycle. The environmental stage is an oocyst, which is a
to downstream users, and are a habitat for several metabolically dormant protective phase (12). The oocysts
threatened and endangered species. Its high porosity are nearly spherical and have a diameter of 4.5 to 5.5 µm.
and permeability result in part from the development Their surfaces are slightly negative to neutrally charged
of secondary porosity and fracturing. The Trinity aquifer, in natural waters (13,14), and their density is close to
by contrast, is much less permeable or productive than that of water at 1.025 to 1.070 (14). The oocyst encases
the Edwards. Its lithologies contain significantly more four sporozoites, each capable of infecting a host cell.
clay minerals and other siliciclastics, as well as minor Ingestion of as few as 10 oocysts can lead to infection; the
evaporites. Nevertheless, it supplies water to scattered feces of infected mammals may contain as many as 107
communities, ranches, and individual wells north of the oocysts/mL (15).
Edwards in an area of rapid urbanization and growth. Cryptosporidium can enter the environment via human
Karstic limestone aquifers are characterized by three and animal wastes. It has been found in marine water
primary types of porosity: intergranular matrix poros- and bathing beaches in the vicinity of a nearby sewage
ity, fracture porosity, and the development of cavern outfall (16). Cryptosporidiosis has been reported in many
conduits (3). A conduit is defined as any interconnected domestic animals, especially cattle. An infected calf can
pathway for water of sufficient size to permit turbulent excrete 1010 oocyts per day. In a study of farm drains,
flow. Resistance to flow in conduits is much less than in Kemp et al. (17) found 0.06 to 19.4 oocysts per liter, which
the adjacent matrix, and, as a consequence, most regional can result in contamination of surface waters. Typical
flow is concentrated in conduits. Similarly, most local concentrations of Cryptosporidium in untreated domestic
matrix flow is toward the nearest conduit. Thus, hydro- wastewaters are between 1 and 10 oocysts/mL (18) and in
dynamic gradients can vary significantly between conduit polluted streams, are between 0.1 to 100 oocysts/mL (19).
recharge and regional flow. C. parvum forms a hardy oocyst that can survive chlorine
Contaminant dispersion would take place by a variety of disinfection as commonly practiced in conventional
methods using this model. Contaminants within conduits water treatment (20,21). Furthermore, Chauret et al. (22)
travel much more rapidly than those within the matrix, concluded oocysts exposed to environmental conditions are
which follow Darcy’s law and the advection–dispersion as resistant to inactivation by chlorination as freshly shed
equation. However, exchange of contaminants between oocysts. C. parvum oocysts have also survived for weeks
the two can occur under a variety of naturally occurring in surface waters (23).
cycles, such as floods versus droughts. Thus the system Mawdsley et al. (24) quantitatively monitored the
should be modeled as a network of conduits embedded in a movement of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts from
porous matrix (4). The complex depositional environments livestock waste through low-permeability silt clay loam
that produce carbonate rocks, their pronounced digenetic soil in laboratory column and box studies. In their box
susceptibilities, and the fabric controls related to tectonic studies, livestock waste was applied to a portion of the
alteration of large carbonate units result in groundwater surface of 20 cm deep by 80 cm long blocks of undisturbed
systems that are highly heterogeneous and poorly low-permeability silt clay loam soil. The soil was contained
understood. Regional bedrock karstic limestone aquifers within a tilted box and water was applied for 70 days.
cannot be understood without critical information on the Oocysts were found in leachate in numbers ranging from
geologic boundary conditions. 104 to 106 oocysts. Postsoil core analysis found decreasing
numbers of oocyst with distance from inoculation.
CRYPTOSPORIDIUM Brush et al. (25) and Harter et al. (11) performed labo-
ratory column studies of Cryptosporidium parvum oocyst
Cryptosporidiosis has been recognized as a human disease transport and fate. Brush et al. examined oocyst trans-
since 1976 (5). The first diagnosed waterborne outbreak port through columns containing glass beads, well-sorted
of cryptosporidiosis in the world occurred in Braun sand, and shale aggregates. In these short-duration stud-
Station, Texas, in 1984 (6). The first report of the disease ies, approximately 50% of the oocysts were retained in
associated with a contaminated municipal water supply the sand and roughly 40% in the glass beads and shale.
was in 1987 in Carrollton, Georgia, where 13,000 became Despite the losses within the column, oocysts were eluted
ill (7). This water system met all state and federal during the same timeframe as the conservative tracer
drinking water standards. In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in chloride in the sand and glass beads. The velocity of C.

parvum oocyst through the shale aggregate was slightly The Giardia cysts, which are 8–16 µm in diameter, are
faster than chloride ions. Brush et al. (13) suggest that this somewhat resistant to typical levels of wastewater treat-
was due to size exclusion and not charge exclusion because ment methods. During primary settling, only 0–53% of
of the nearly neutral surfaces of the oocysts. Brush et al. cysts are removed. Secondary treatment with clarification
modeled the movement of oocyst with a one-dimensional can remove 98.6–99.7% of cysts (28). Advanced tertiary
convective–dispersion transport equation. Sorption was treatment can further reduce the numbers of cysts by
described as instantaneous equilibrium sorption where the physical filtration and precipitation.
relationship between sorbed and aqueous concentrations
was linear. All loss processes, including decay, sieving,
impingement, and settling, were modeled as a single (i.e.,
lumped) first-order rate process. The results of their mod- Microsporidia are unicellular protozoan parasites that
eling efforts indicated that oocysts experienced less shear infect a wide variety of animals, from insects and fish
and turbulence than dissolved chloride ions and that the to every class of mammal, including humans. The vehicle
oocysts did not adhere to the porous media. for transmitting these organisms is its spores, which are
Harter et al. (11) investigated the influence of pore- shed from infected individuals (animal and human) via
water velocity and sand grain size on the transport and the urine, feces, respiratory sputum, and upon death and
fate of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts. They used 10 cm decay. Human infections are of concern in immunodefi-
long columns, groundwater of medium ionic strength (100 cient patients, especially those who are HIV+, and may
to 150 mg/L TDS), and bovine Cryptosporidium parvum infect a broad range of tissues. Enterocytozoon bieneusi
oocysts. Their results indicated no trend between sand and Encephalitozoon intestinalis are the most common
size and oocyst recovery in the three studies. They found species of microsporidia isolated from patients with
that oocysts arrived before chloride and the elution of chronic diarrhea attributed to microsporidiosis (29,30).
oocysts continued after chloride for all column studies. In Exact routes of transmission for human microsporidial
a limited number of extended studies, tailing of oocyst con- infection have not been confirmed, but considerable evi-
centration was observed until the end of the experiment dence supports fecal–oral, sexual, respiratory, and water-
(250+ pore volumes). The early breakthrough, as with borne routes (29–31).
Brush et al., was attributed to size exclusion. The tailing The potential for waterborne transmission of spores
in oocyst elution was attributed to reversible deposition. is the focus of our research. At least two published
Harter et al. (11) used a more complex one-dimensional studies have detected the presence of E. bieneusi (32)
transport model to simulate their data. Filtration was or E. bieneusi, E. intestinalis, and Vittaforma corneae
modeled as a first-order irreversible process calculated (another human pathogenic microsporidium) (33,34) in
from the physical properties of the soil (grain size, surface water using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
porosity, and bulk density), water (density, viscosity, pore Hutin et al. reported in a case-controlled risk factor
velocity), and microbial colloid (density, size, diffusion analysis of HIV+ individuals in France that the greatest
coefficient). Sorption was modeled as a first-order, rate- risk for intestinal microsporidiosis was use of a swimming
limited reversible process. Half of the loss was attributed to pool in the prior 12 months.
irreversible filtration, but rate-limited reversible sorption At least one outbreak of microsporidiosis has been
could account for the early breakthrough and partially described and attributed to contaminated drinking water
account for the extended tailing. Harter et al. called originating from a particular treatment plant. According to
for further experimental and theoretical research to Cotte et al. (31), an outbreak of intestinal microsporidiosis
measure and explain the long-term elution behavior of in the summer of 1995 affected 200 people (all apparently
Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts. HIV+), or about 1% of the HIV+ population in the
study area. Additionally, 15% of the 361 patients from
whom microsporidia were identified during the 3-year
GIARDIA study had no known immunodeficiency condition. The
clustering of residences of infected individuals in the
Giardia lamblia is the cause of the most frequently town of Lyon, France, led the authors to suggest that
identified intestinal disease in the United States (26). a water treatment facility serving the area may have
Humans become infected by ingesting giardia cysts, which been a contributing factor to these cases. This plant
are the environmentally resistant stage of giardia (27). employs flocculation, ozoflotation, and filtration but not
Giardia cysts can survive for prolonged periods. For chlorination in the treatment process and uses surface
example, Bingham et al. (28) documented cysts surviving water as a water source.
in distilled water for 77 days at 8 ◦ C. In another study, A few studies have described the susceptibility of
cysts of Giardia muris (a species that infects mice but is human-pathogenic microsporidial spores to drinking
often used as analogue for Giardia lamblia), survived 28 water treatment methods and environmental conditions.
and 56 days in lake water at depths of 4.5 meter (19 ◦ C) Laboratory studies by Kucerova-Posisilova et al. (35)
and 9 m (6.6 ◦ C), respectively. In cold river water (0–2 ◦ C), indicate that E. intestinales spores retain infectivity for
cysts survived for 56 days (28). Typical concentrations of at least 2 weeks at temperatures up to 33 ◦ C. However,
Giardia are between 1 and 100 cysts/mL in untreated information on the viability of spores concentrated from
domestic wastewater (18) and about 1 cyst/mL in polluted the environment has yet to be published to our knowledge.
streams (19). A very recent study by Wolk et al. (36) determined that

a chlorine concentration of 2 mg/L with exposure for at and an empirical distribution coefficient to model microbe
least 16 minutes resulted in a 99.9% reduction in the attachment/release (43,44). These equilibrium sorption
viability of E. intestinalis spores. Microsporidia were models performed poorly in case studies (45) and fail to
detected in four recreational water samples from Arizona; reproduce the results of experiments that show unretarded
one was confirmed as E. intestinalis. In addition to breakthrough and slow (nonequilibrium) release (50).
the three recreational water samples, three irrigation Modern models of microbe transport and of colloid trans-
water samples from Mexico and two from Arizona were port in general use kinetic models for attachment/release.
positive for microsporidia. One of the samples from Mexico Single-site kinetic models are often used (46–49). Bales
was confirmed as E. intestinalis. V. corneae spores were et al. (50) use a two-site model with one set of sites in
identified from irrigation water from Costa Rica and from equilibrium and the other kinetically controlled. Bhat-
secondary sewage from Tucson, Arizona (37). tacharjee et al. (55) and Schivjen et al. (56) use two-site
In summary, mounting evidence demonstrates that models wherein attachment to both types of sites is kineti-
microsporidia are found in water, may originate from cally controlled but with different rate constants. Schivjen
human and animal reservoirs, and need to be considered et al. (56) analyze several laboratory experiments and
as potential waterborne pathogens. As such, more infor- clearly demonstrate that a two-site kinetic model is neces-
mation is needed on the incidence and survival of spores sary to reproduce the measured breakthrough curves.
in the environment and through the treatment process. Most previous studies use the first-order rate law.
Second-order rate laws have been used to model sorption
of inorganic colloids (49) and microbes (55). In either
case, attachment rates may be empirical or determined
from mechanistic models of colloid filtration (46,49).
Several bacteriophage transport studies have been con-
Combinations of empirical rates and mechanistic rate
ducted under well-characterized conditions [see recent
models have also been used (48). When mechanistic
review by Schijven and Hassanizadeh (38)]. The bacterio-
models are used to calculate the attachment rate, models
phages PRD-1 and MS-2 are often employed as surrogates for colloid filtration in packed-bed reactors (50) are the
for viruses of concern in human health (39,40) because of usual choice.
the hazards and costs associated with human viruses. Transport facilitated by other colloids is another
process to be considered. Schivjen and Hassanizadeh (38)
CALCULATING FLOW IN KARSTIC LIMESTONE AQUIFERS note that the removal rate for viruses declines with
increasing travel distance, and that this nonlinear removal
In karstic limestone aquifers, groundwater often flows may be due to partial attachment to other colloidal
through highly permeable flow paths formed by dissolution particles. Colloid-facilitated transport is of particular
along faults, fractures, bedding plane partings, or strati- concern in karst systems that often have large amounts
graphic features. Compared with diffuse flow through of suspended sediments whose attributes are favorable
granular aquifers, groundwater velocities in karstic sys- for facilitating transport (51,52). Two studies (48) have
tems can be very high, often in the range of miles per addressed the effect of random spatial variability of
day. Consequently, karstic aquifers require a much larger hydraulic conductivity on microbe transport. These studies
wellhead protection area than common for wells in sand clearly provide important insights into the effect of spatial
and gravel. variability on microbe transport but are better suited to
Multiple options exist for modeling flow and trans- granular aquifers, where spatial variability can be more
port in karstic aquifers. For simple applications requiring readily represented as a simple random space function.
only global water balances in steady-state conditions,
existing modeling tools such as MODFLOW have served BIBLIOGRAPHY
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tosporidium, poliovirus and Salmonella in marine waters. a practical modelling approach for a karstified terrain. In:
Water Sci. Technol. 35: 261–268. Hydrogeological Processes in Karst Terranes. G. Gultekin,

A.I. Johnson, and W. Back (Eds.). IAHS Publication 207, charges on colloidal particles. Destabilization and aggrega-
Wallingford, UK, pp. 281–292. tion of particulate matter and precipitation or adsorption
42. Diersch, H-J.G. (2002). Interactive, Graphics-Based Finite- of NOM in subsequent solid–liquid separation processes
Element Simulation System FEFLOW for Modeling Ground- are the primary functions of a coagulation process. The
water Flow, Contaminant Mass and Heat Transport Processes. coagulation process involves two steps: (1) the addition of
WASY Ltd., Berlin. chemical coagulants to destabilize particulate matter and
43. Park, N-S., Blanford, T.N., and Huyakorn, P.S. (1991). react with NOM and (2) physical transport of collisions
VIRALT: A Model for Simulating Viral Transport in Ground- among particulate matter resulting in their aggregation
water, Documentation and User’s Guide. Version 2.0. Hydro-
or floc formation. In the water treatment literature, coagu-
geol., Inc., Herndon, VA.
lation refers to all reactions and mechanisms that result in
44. Tim, U.S. and Mostaghimi, S. (1991). Model for predicting
aggregation, and the physical transport step of producing
virus movement through soils. Ground Water 29(2): 251–259.
interparticle aggregation is called flocculation. In water
45. Yates, M.V. (1995). Field evaluation of the GWDR’s natural
treatment plant operation, coagulation is achieved by
disinfection criteria. J. Am. Water Works Assoc. 87: 76–85
rapid or flash mixing of coagulants followed by flocculation.
46. Dowd, S.E., Pillai, S.D., Wang, S.Y., and Corapcioglu, M.Y.
The other example of particle alteration and particle
(1998). Delineating the specific influence of virus iso-electric
production process technology is chemical oxidation. The
point and size on virus adsorption and transport through
sandy soils. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 64(2): 405–410.
main application of this process is in iron and manganese
removal. Iron and manganese are relatively soluble
47. Sim, Y. and Chrysikopoulos, C.V. (1996). One-dimensional
virus transport in porous media with time-dependent
under reducing conditions, for example, in groundwater,
inactivation rate coefficients. Water Resour. Res. 32(8): stagnant surface water, and certain lakes. Dissolved
2607–2611. iron and manganese are usually removed from water
48. Rehmann, L.L.C., Welty, C., and Harvey, R.W. (1999). by oxidizing them under engineered conditions to their
Stochastic analysis of virus transport in aquifers. Water insoluble forms by adding an oxidant and removing the
Resour. Res. 35(7): 1987–2006. precipitated ferric hydroxide and manganese dioxide by
49. Saiers, J.E., Hornberger, G.M., and Liang, L. (1994). First- sedimentation and filtration. The oxidants used most
and second-order kinetics approaches for modeling the often for this are oxygen, chlorine, permanganate, chlorine
transport of colloidal particles in porous media. Water Resour. dioxide, and ozone.
Res. 30(9): 2499–2506. Sedimentation is a particle separation process (Fig. 1).
50. Yao, K.M., Habibian, M.T., and O’Melia, C.R. (1971). Water In conventional water treatment systems, it follows
and waste water filtration: Concepts and applications. flocculation and precedes filtration. Its purpose is to
Environ. Sci. Technol. 5(11): 1105–1112. enhance the filtration process by removing particulate
51. Mahler, B.J., Lynch, L., and Bennett, P.C. (1999). Mobile matter. Sedimentation requires that water flow through
sediment in an urbanizing karst aquifer: implications for the basin at a slow enough velocity to permit the
contaminant transport. Environ. Geol. 39(1): 25–38. particulate matter to settle to the bottom of the basin
52. Mahler, B.J., Personne, J.C., Lods, G.F., and Drogue, C. before the water exits the basin. The equipment required
(2000). Transport of free and particulate-associated bacteria for this process includes a rectangular, square, or circular
in karst. J. Hydrol. 238(3–4): 179–193. settling basin. The basin includes provisions for inlet
53. Gerba, C.P. and Naranjo, J.E. (2000). Microbiological water and outlet structures and a sludge collection system. In
purification without the use of chemical disinfection. addition, sedimentation systems are optionally equipped
Wilderness Environ. Med. 11: 12–16. with tube or plate settlers to improve performance. The
settling velocity of the particles or particulate matter is
governed by the particle size, shape, density, and water
PARTICULATE REMOVAL viscosity (which varies with temperature). The surface
RASHEED AHMAD overflow rate is the primary design parameter for sizing
Khafra Engineering Consultants
sedimentation basins. This rate is defined as the rate
Atlanta, Georgia of inflow (Q) divided by the tank surface or floor area
(A). Units are typically rated in gallons per day per

Coagulation is used in water treatment plants as a pre-

treatment step to remove particulate matter (such as clay
and silt particles, bacteria, viruses, and protozoan cysts)
and dissolved materials, especially natural organic mate-
rial (NOM). Although the removal of particulate matter
continues to be an important reason for using coagula-
tion, recent concern about carcinogenic byproducts has
emphasized that a coagulation process must also optimize
the removal of NOM to reduce the formation of disinfec-
tion byproducts. Coagulation is a process for enhancing
the tendency of particulate matter in aqueous suspen-
sion to attach to one another and/or to attach to collector
surfaces. Coagulation promotes destabilization of surface Figure 1. Circular sedimentation tank (Source: U.S. Filter).

square foot, gallons per minute per square foot, or cubic Sometimes, a filter aid polymer is added in the influent
meters per hour per square meter. Design hydraulic to the filter to improve particle capture efficiency.
overflow rates vary with the nature of the settling solids, Filtration by granular media consists of three principal
water temperature, and hydraulic characteristics of the mechanisms: (1) transport, (2) attachment, and (3)
sedimentation basin. The settling efficiency for ideal detachment. Transport mechanisms move a particle into
conditions is independent of the depth and dependent and through a filter pore so that it comes very close to
on the tank plan or surface area. In reality, depth is the surface of the filter medium or existing deposits where
important because it can affect flow stability if it is large attachment mechanisms retain the suspended particle in
and scouring if it is small. contact with the medium’s surface or with previously
In a conventional water treatment process train, deposited solids. Detachment mechanisms result from
filtration follows sedimentation. Particulate matter that the hydrodynamic forces of flow acting so that a certain
is removed by this process includes microorganisms portion of the previously attached particles, less strongly
(bacteria, viruses, and protozoan cysts), clay and silt adhered to others, is detached from the filter medium or
particles, colloidal and precipitated humic substances
previous deposits and carried further, deep into or through
and other organic particulates from natural decay of
the filter.
vegetation, precipitates of aluminum or iron coagulation
Flotation can be described as a particle separation
processes, calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide
process. It is a gravity separation process in which gas
precipitates from lime softening, and iron and manganese
bubbles attach to solid particles to make the apparent
precipitates. A number of different types of filters
density of the bubble–solid agglomerates less that of
are used in water filtration, and they are described
water, thereby allowing the agglomerate to float to the
by various classification schemes. The most common
filtration technologies used in water supply systems surface. The floated material (float) is removed from the
are rapid sand filtration, slow sand filtration, package surface, and clarified water is taken from the bottom of
plants, diatomaceous earth filtration (precoat filtration), the flotation tank. Different methods of producing gas
membrane filters, and cartridge filters. High-rate granular bubbles give rise to different types of flotation processes,
filters or rapid sand filters are most widely used in which are electrolytic flotation, dispersed-air flotation,
conventional treatment and direct filtration (Fig. 2). and dissolved air flotation (Fig. 3). Flotation is employed
Granular medium filtration is a water treatment process mainly for treating nutrient-rich reservoir waters that
that uses a porous medium through which water passes to may contain heavy algal blooms and for low-turbidity,
remove particulates or suspended solids. For granular low-alkalinity waters.
medium filtration to be effective, source water must In recent years, there has been considerable interest
be pretreated. Chemical destabilization is an essential in using ultrafiltration (UF) or microfiltration (MF)
prerequisite for effective filtration. Chemicals used for membranes for particle separation in potable water
particle destabilization are limited primarily to metal salts treatment (Fig. 4). Similar to depth filtration, the
or cationic polymers as primary coagulants. Pretreatment performance of membrane filtration units is likely to
may also include aeration or introducing an oxidant if be affected by the concentration and size of particles
water treatment aims to remove iron or manganese. in raw water as well as the dissolved organic carbon

Washwater trough
Trough stabilizer

Trough end hanger

Flume block

Air supply
piping Waste gullet

Universal “type S” underdrain

Anchor rod
Air header
Flume Figure 2. Rapid gravity filter box (Source: F.B.
Backwash/effluent piping Leopold Co.).

AWWARF. (1998). Treatment Process Selection for Particle

Removal. American Water Works Association Research Foun-
dation, Denver, CO.
AWWA. (1999). Water Quality and Treatment. 5th Edn. McGraw-
Hill, New York.
Hudson, H.E. (1981). Water Clarification Processes. Van Nostrand
Reinhold Company, New York.
Kawamura, S. (2000). Integrated Design of Water Treatment
Facilities. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
USEPA. (1990). Technologies for Upgrading Existing or Designing
New Drinking Water Treatment Facilities. Office of Drinking
Water, Center for Research Information, Cincinnati, OH.
Figure 3. Dissolved air flotation (DAF) system (Source: U.S.


University of California
Irvine, California



As the demographic pattern in most regions of the

world changes in response to epidemiological transition,
life expectancy is lengthened, and human reliance on
medications to maintain the quality of life intensifies. It is
now indisputable that widespread use of pharmaceutical
products results in their release into the environment.
Figure 4. Membrane filtration system (Source: PALL).
This occurs primarily through the excretion of partially
metabolized doses and the disposal of expired or unused
(DOC). Particles of an effective size larger than the medication (1–3). It is inevitable that that these fugitive
minimum pore size (or membrane cutoff) will be removed releases lead to exposures of aquatic organisms and
by the membrane. Permeate flux is closely related to the other natural ecosystem components. However, the driving
pressure drop across the membrane filter. Materials that force behind recent concerns is the potential for large-
accumulate on the membrane filter produce an additional scale human exposures through natural drinking water
layer of resistance to flow that is manifested as an increase recycling processes. Historically, most investigations of
in head loss or pressure drop across the membrane. A anthropogenic chemicals in the environment have focused
frequent backwash (every 15 min to 1 h) removes the cake on acutely toxic industrial chemicals from mining, energy,
formed on the membrane surface. In a conventional UF and agricultural industries. The environmental impacts
or MF process, the driving force to produce filtrate can of products emanating from the pharmaceutical industry
work in two ways: Positive pressure moves fluid through have largely been excluded from scrutiny. The U. S.
the fibers; negative pressure moves fluid through fibers Geological Survey conducted the first national survey of
under vacuum pressure. The conditions under which pharmaceutical products in natural water systems in 2000.
membrane filtration processes might be preferable to The results of that study confirmed prior suspicions about
granular medium filtration or conventional treatment are the widespread contamination of aquatic systems by these
still largely unknown. products (4).
The selection of particulate removal technologies should The conclusions of several investigations of pharma-
be based on treatment objectives and control require- ceuticals in the environment have now demonstrated an
ments. This process involves a number of basic data urgent need for rigorous ecological evaluation of poten-
and other considerations, including effluent require- tially harmful prescription and over-the-counter products.
ments, influent characteristics, existing system configu- These include hormones, antibiotics, analgesics, steroids,
ration, required investment, operation and maintenance and their bioactive metabolites that are continuously
(O&M), additional pretreatment and posttreatment pro- introduced into the environment from the disposal of
cesses, and waste management. partially treated domestic wastewater. The fate of these
compounds in the aquatic ecosystem depends in part on
READING LIST their chemical structure and physicochemical character-
istics, including solubility in water and lipids, adsorption
ASCE and AWWA. (1998). Water Treatment Plant Design. 3rd to soil particles, volatility, and potential biodegradability.
Edn. McGraw-Hill, New York. These characteristics determine whether the chemicals

will bioaccumulate through the foodweb, partition into sed- functions provides a reasonable summary of the societal
iments, mobilize through groundwater, or impact drinking burden of diseases. Attention to the quantity of drug doses
water resources (5). multiplied by the number of each prescription is also a
Information is sparse on the ecological effects of reasonable estimate of the quantity of potent drugs that
pharmaceutical products in the environment because enters the domestic sector annually. Very little attention
the mode of action, dose response, and pharmacokinetic has been paid to the question of what happens to the
metabolism in humans are not fully understood for drugs after they leave the human body. In general, many
many medications. Therefore, it is difficult to predict drugs are prescribed at doses that can be supported by
with reasonable certainty, how specific pharmaceutical human metabolic capacity. Quite frequently, administered
products will affect the myriad species that may drugs and their partial metabolites leave the human
become exposed following the release of pharmaceutical body through excretion in urine and feces soon after
chemicals into the environment. However, there is a ingestion. The period of excretion for some drugs may
growing body of evidence that subtle, chronic effects last for days (2,3). The list of products in Table 1 does not
from low-level exposures are occurring. These effects are include those used in the agricultural industry, although
occurring, in particular, from hormonal products and from they are important contributors to the distribution
chemicals that are known to induce the expression of of pharmaceuticals into the environment, particularly
phylogenetically conserved genes and the production of antibiotics (9). Veterinary pharmaceutical products are
key metabolic enzymes (3). routinely dispersed into the environment through the
For nontarget (e.g., aquatic) organisms whose chemi- same pathways as human medications, but in many cases,
cal receptors are similar to those found in humans, it is there is no benefit of sewage treatment to reduce the
possible to predict unintentional physiological effects of concentration of influent pharmaceuticals because animal
exposure to pharmaceutical products such as growth and wastes can contaminate surface waters directly (2).
reproductive hormones. In fact, estrogen receptors have The top 20 pharmaceutical products found in streams
been designed to monitor the occurrence and distribution during a reconnaissance project conducted by the U.S.
of estrogenic pharmaceutical compounds in the environ- Geological Survey between 1999 and 2000 are shown in
ment. However, the sensitivity of such monitoring systems Table 2. The data are limited by the narrow scope of
means that they can recognize chemicals from sources chemicals investigated, compared to the main categories
other than the pharmaceutical industry (6). Although of prescriptions drugs presented in Table 1. Caffeine, the
understanding chemical interactions with biological recep- fourth ranked most commonly found organic chemical in
tors has been very useful for predictive modeling of the surface waters, is the first in the list to be associated
ecosystemic effects of pharmaceutical products, there is with pharmaceutical products, although its main source
only rudimentary knowledge of potential synergistic and is dietary. Caffeine is an inducer of cytochrome P450
additive effects due to human or wildlife exposure to multi- enzymatic activity in humans and in wildlife. Its presence
ple pharmaceutical products found in many contaminated in water systems is due to its resistance to biodegradation
systems. In addition, unlike persistent organic pollutants in many wastewater treatment processes. Therefore,
from other industrial sectors, pharmaceutical contami- caffeine has been used as a reliable tracer of wastewater
nants do not necessarily have to be persistent to exert effluent discharge, and it has been proposed as a
major physiological effects. This is due in part to the monitoring sentinel for the distribution of pharmaceutical
trained potency of their actions and the fact that concen- products in the environment (10,11).
trations in receiving waters are constantly replenished
through the disposal of contaminated wastewater efflu-
ents (7). To initiate a thorough understanding of which
pharmaceutical products are most likely to pollute water
systems and which products are likely to provoke distur-
The capacity of human physiological systems to metabo-
bances to ecosystemic and public health, either alone or
lize pharmaceutical products varies greatly from complete
in interactions with other chemicals, it is important to
breakdown of a compound into various metabolites to
evaluate the societal distribution of pharmaceuticals with
excretion by the consumer in an essentially unaltered free
respect to prescription volume, doses, and disposal.
form. The degree of metabolism is a function of chemi-
cal characteristics; the genetic, physiological, and dietary
DISTRIBUTION OF PHARMACEUTICALS IN THE potential of the consumer; and the timing of the dose (2).
UNITED STATES Some pharmaceutical degradation products can be more
bioactive than the parent compound, and the nontoxic con-
The pharmaceutical industry is a major contributor to jugates can later be converted by microbial action to the
the global economy; annual commercial transactions in original bioactive parent compound (4). It is also possi-
prescription drugs in the United States approach $300 ble for microbial action to convert certain pharmaceutical
billion. In the year 2001, approximately 3.1 billion products into chemicals that could resemble pollutants
pharmaceutical prescriptions were filled for several from other industries, thereby confusing monitoring pro-
thousand different medicinal chemicals in the United grams and enforcement regulations. For example, (Fig. 1)
States alone (8). The top-ranked pharmaceuticals products shows the hypothetical pathway for the biodegradation of
prescribed in 2002 are presented in Table 1. The identity clofibrate, a hypolipidemic medicinal product commonly
of popular prescriptions and their associated medical found in contaminated water systems when it enjoyed a
Table 1. Characteristics of Top Prescription Pharmaceutical Products in the United Statesa
Total Prescriptions Human Conc. in
Prescriptions per Year Quantity Metabolite, Surface
Drug Category, for 2000, (1999) per Dose, % Water,
2001 Rank Order Millions Leading Product Manufacturer Function (Millions) mg Excreted µg/Lb

Codeine and combinations 124.2 Hydrocodone Watson Laboratories Pain reliever; antitussive 30.4 5–7.5 Codeine and 0.1–1.0
and opioid analgesic morphine up to (codeine)
10 µg/mL in urine
Cholesterol reducers 96.9 Lipitor (Atorvastatin) Parke-Davis Lipid-lowering 37.7 10–40 Varies No data
Synthetic thyroid hormone 70.2 Synthroid (Levothyroxine) Knoll Thyroid hormone 41.1 50–200 µg Varies No data
Estrogen/Progesterone 79.1 Premarin (conjugated Wyeth-Ayerst Reproductive hormone 47.8 0.3–2.5 (tablet) Varies
estrogens) therapy
25 (injection)
Estrone 0.11
Equilin 0.15
17-a-Dihydroequilin 0.625/g (cream)
Equilenin 0.03
17-a-Dihydroequilenin 0.14
Beta blockers 87.6 Atenolol (Tenormin) Geneva Antihypertensive; 12.4 50 Varies No data
Pharm antianginal
Aminopenicillins 62.3 Trimox Apothecon Antibiotic 24.8 125–500 Up to 0.73 No data

Diuretics 49.6 Furosemide (Lasix) Hypertension 16.0 10 Varies No data

Hydrochlorothiazide Parke-Davis
Calcium blockers 94.1 Amlodipine (Norvasc) Pfizer Hypertension 27.1 5–10 Varies No data
Steroid antibronchospasm – Albuterol Warrick Asthma – 0.5% or 200 µg 20–70% of absorbed No data
Ventolin dose in urine
Benzodiazepines 66.6 Alprazolam (Xanax) Pharmacia/Upjohn Anxiety disorder 1.8 0.25–2 Varies No data
Proton pump inhibitors 60.1 Prilosec Astra Proton pump inhibitor 31.1 20–40 Varies No data
Propoxyphene compound – Propoxyphene HCl Narcotic – 65 Varies No data
Aspirin Analgesic 389
Caffeine Pain relief 32.4
Selective serotonin reuptake 96.4 Prozac Lilly Antidepressant 24.7 20–80 Varies No data
Inhibitor/Selective Zoloft Pfizer Antidepressant 23.1 50–200
Norepinephrine reuptake
inhibitors (SSRI/SNRI)
ACE inhibitors 94.1 Zestril (Lisinopril) Zeneca Hypertension 20.7 2.5–40 Varies No data
Antiarthritic 61.3 Celebrex Searle Rheumatoid arthritis; 17.5 100–400 Varies No data
Antihistamines 59.1 Claritin Schering Environmental allergies 25.4 10 Varies No data
Seizure disorders 57.0 Lamictal Glaxo Epilepsy and seizures – 12.5–200 Varies No data
Dilantin Parke-Davis 30–100
Reference 8.
Reference 4.

high prescription rate in the 1980s. Human metabolism of COOCH2CH3

clofibrate produces clofibric acid, which is excreted in feces
Clofibrate Cl O C CH3
and disposed of into the domestic sewer system. The struc-
ture of clofibric acid suggests that heterotrophic bacteria CH3
can cleave the side chain to produce chlorobenzoate and/or Human
chlorobenzene, which are chemicals commonly associated
with the petrochemical solvent industry. COOCH3
Pharmaceutical products, their synthetic precursors,
and biotransformation products are continuously released Clofibric acid Cl O C CH3
into the environment through consumer excretion and
through the disposal of unused or expired medications. Bacteria Sewage
Although sewage treatment facilities are the most obvious
sinks for pharmaceutical products, municipal landfills are
also important sinks for solid products that are disposed
Chlorobenzoate Cl OH
of with domestic solid waste (3). In addition, episodic
leakage of sewer lines and overflow of veterinary solid
waste contaminated with pharmaceuticals may lead to Bacteria
the release of completely untreated medicines into the
environment (5). In the United States, about a million
homes do not have sewage treatment systems but instead Chlorobenzene Cl
rely on direct discharge of raw sewage into streams
by ‘‘straight-piping’’ (3). Some Canadian cities reportedly
Figure 1. The production of chemical pollutants usually
discharge 3.25 billion liters per day of essentially attributed to other industries may result from human and micro-
untreated sewage into surface waters and the ocean (3). bial metabolism of pharmaceutical products. The example shows
Sewage treatment generally processes human waste the hypothetical degradation of clofibrate to chlorobenzene.
in three steps: primary (clarifying), secondary (aerobic

biodegradation of organic matter), and tertiary (finishing

Table 2. Top 20 Organic Contaminants (Including
Pharmaceuticals) Found in Streams in 39 States from
step to reduce the concentrations of specific pollutants
1999–2000 in the United Statesa such as nitrates and phosphorus to acceptable standards).
The liquid effluent is generally discharged by release
Rank Chemical Compound Source into surface freshwater systems or the ocean. Waste
1 Coprostanol Fecal steroid/Hormone from biomass and other precipitated solids are treated
2 Cholesterol Human steroid as sludge, which is used in many different ways. Most
3 N-N-diethyltoluamide Insect repellent domestic sewage treatment facilities are not designed
4 Caffeine Dietary stimulant, to process specialty chemicals such as pharmaceutical
pharmaceutical additive products. It is also possible that certain pharmaceutical
5 Tri (2-chloroethyl) Fire retardant products may be sufficiently toxic to inhibit the action
phosphate of activated sludge microorganisms that are responsible
6 Triclosan Antimicrobial disinfectant
for degrading organic materials in sewage. If undegraded
7 4-Nonylphenol Nonionic detergent
pharmaceutical products in sewage are precipitated, they
8 4-Nonylphenol Nonionic detergent may end up in the sludge material. This is sometimes
monoethoxylate metabolite used to fertilize soils, raising the complex issues of
9 Ethanol, Plasticizer soil contamination, groundwater infiltration, and human
2-butoxy-phosphate exposure through agricultural products. In addition,
10 4-Octylphenol Nonionic detergent many municipalities do not process sewage completely
monoethoxylate metabolite through the tertiary stage, and the effluent is used
11 Bisphenol A Plasticizer for landscape irrigation, again raising the possibility of
12 Cotinine Tobacco cigarettes (nicotine human and ecosystemic exposures. Finally, the process
of chlorinating completely treated sewage and recycling
13 4-Nonylphenol diethoxylate Nonionic detergent
the water for drinking is increasingly attractive as
14 5-Methyl-1H-benzotriazole Anticorrosive agent many regions experience water shortages. Chlorination
15 Fluoranthene Polyaromatic hydrocarbon of pharmaceutical products may produce highly toxic
oils chemicals. For example, there is some evidence that the
16 1,7-Dimethylxanthine Caffeine metabolite chlorination of caffeine will result in the production of
17 Pyrene Polyaromatic hydrocarbon chlorocaffeine, a potential mutagen (10,11).
oils Many pharmaceutical compounds survive biodegrada-
18 Trimethoprim Antibiotic tion in sewage treatment plants. Some products are as
19 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Deodorizer
persistent as more widely studied organochlorine pollu-
20 Diazinon Insecticide
tants, but only few large-scale studies have been com-
Reference 4. pleted. The removal efficiencies of pharmaceuticals in

treatment plants are still largely unknown (4). However, In the USGS study, five analytical methods were
a study in Germany demonstrated that the removal effi- used to measure concentrations of 95 organic wastewater
ciencies of pharmaceuticals by sewage treatment might contaminants (of which pharmaceuticals were a major
be as low as 60% (2). There are many possible reasons part) in water samples. The methods used for measuring
for the low efficiency. Most pharmaceutical products are contaminants in the water included solid-phase extraction
designed for metabolism at the human body temperature (SPE) with liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry
of 37 ◦ C, which is not usual in sewage treatment facil- positive-ion electrospray [LC/MS-ESI (+)] analysis and
ities or anywhere else in nature. The identification of whole-water continuous liquid–liquid extraction (CLLE)
metabolic products is difficult because different metabo- with capillary gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
lites can result under different environmental conditions (GC/MS) analysis (5). Although sampling locations were
and standard reference compounds are difficult to syn- biased toward locations that were downstream of urban
thesize (2). The ability of treatment facilities to degrade centers and livestock production, organic wastewater
pharmaceuticals can also change on the basis of opera- contaminants were still present in 80% of the streams
tional state and seasons. Wet weather runoff and overflows that were sampled. There was a median of 7 and
from plant failure or overcapacity can also lead to direct as many as 38 contaminants found in the water
release. Finally, influent concentrations of most pharma- samples. Nonprescription drugs were found at the
ceutical products may be so low that the microbial enzymes greatest frequency. Antibiotics, other prescription drugs,
that degrade them are either not induced, or other more and reproductive hormones were found at relatively
abundant substrates compete for their actions (2). similar frequencies. It was hypothesized that the greater
In the most comprehensive reconnaissance project that frequency of detection for nonprescription drugs might
has been conducted to date, the U.S. Geological Survey have been due in part to suspected greater annual use
investigated the occurrence of medicines, hormones, and compared to other compounds. Measured concentrations
other organic wastewater contaminants in a network rarely exceeded drinking-water guidelines, drinking-water
of 139 streams across 39 states (4). Whereas previous health advisories, or aquatic-life criteria. However, most of
research has shown that antibiotics, prescription drugs, the 95 contaminants do not have guidelines or established
and nonprescription drugs can be present in streams, this safe-level concentrations because not much is known
was the first study to examine their occurrence in a wide about the ecotoxicological effects of the contaminants
variety of hydrogeologic, climatic, and land-use settings investigated (5).
across the United States. Although the data covered
only a limited number of pharmaceutical compounds, it
is reasonable to assume that many other compounds
survive wastewater treatment and biodegradation and
are ultimately released into water systems.
Acute toxicity is one of the many possible ecotoxicological
end points of the exposure of nontarget species to
DETECTION OF PHARMACEUTICALS IN WATER SYSTEMS pharmaceutical products synthesized strictly for human
THAT RECEIVE EFFLUENT consumption. The low levels of pharmaceuticals found in
polluted waters that contain many different species is not
There is a paucity of data on the distribution and fate of a reason for complacency in the expectation of toxicity (2).
pharmaceuticals in natural water systems because, until The low concentrations may not always pose acute risk,
recently, there have been few analytical methods that are but the cumulative risks of prolonged exposure to low
sufficiently sensitive to detect these compounds at the levels of chemicals is known to represent considerable
expected low concentrations (4). In addition to sensitivity, hazard in animal studies and human epidemiology.
analytic methods specifically developed for pharmaceu- Laboratory studies that do not simulate simultaneous
tical products must also be able to discriminate among exposures to multiple pharmaceutical products are likely
anthropogenic and natural constituents. For example, the to underestimate their ecotoxicological impacts. In most
use of artificial reproductive hormones as birth control pills cases, there is limited information on which receptors in
and to control osteoporosis in postmenopausal women is nontarget organisms are sensitive to chemical exposure.
widespread and has probably contributed significantly to For these organisms, the most important threats are
the environmental distribution of these human hormones. subtle behavioral modifications or genetic alterations that
However, it is sometimes difficult to discriminate between can lead to profound long-term changes in ecosystemic
the artificial variety from the pharmaceutical industry and structure and function. Many such subtle effects have
natural hormones excreted by humans, especially after been demonstrated in wildlife as a result of chemical
partial metabolism by microbial action (2). The pending exposures. These include reversal of attraction, boldness,
creation of mass spectral libraries for environmental phar- contact avoidance, feeding and mating disturbances, and
maceutical products and their degradation products will confused directional sensing (2).
facilitate the development and reliability of methods in The environmental distribution of antidepressants and
this direction. Ecotoxicological assessment of pharmaceu- chemical regulators of obsessive–compulsive behavior can
tical products in the environment also requires developing have subtle effects on nontarget organisms at chronic low
sentinel and monitoring species that are expected to con- doses. Serotonin reuptake inhibitors are a major com-
centrate certain chemical moieties reliably or to respond ponent of widely prescribed antidepressants, including
to their effects at the physiological level (2). Prozac, Zoloft, Luvox, and Paxil. In addition to playing

an important role in mammalian neurotransmission, sero- receptors are also found in aquatic organisms (2). How-
tonin is involved in a wide array of physiological regulatory ever, current guidelines for approving the effectiveness
functions in many species. In bivalves, serotonin regulates and metabolic fate of pharmaceutical products do not nec-
reproductive functions, including spawning, oocyte matu- essarily include testing across phylogenetic branches or
ration, and parturition. At molar concentrations of 10−4 documenting potential bioaccumulation and biodegrada-
to 10−3 , serotonin induces spawning. Serotonin stimulates tion. Even among humans, unrecognized genetic polymor-
the release of neurohormones in crustaceans. Prozac and phisms may make certain individuals much more sensitive
Luvox induce spawning and spawning behavior in zebra to the effects of certain drugs, to the extent that a ‘‘zero tol-
mussels at very low concentrations. In lobsters, serotonin erance’’ guiding principle for pharmaceuticals in domestic
causes behavioral reversal by stimulating subordinates to water supplies does not appear unreasonable. However,
engage in fighting against dominants by reducing their such broad regulatory goals are deemed too expensive to
propensity to retreat (2). be implemented effectively.
Kolpin and co-workers (4) detected compounds in water Although the risks posed by inadvertent exposures
systems known or suspected to have weak hormonal to pharmaceutical products are not specifically contro-
activity and the potential to disrupt normal endocrine versial, only a limited number of federal agencies are
function. These compounds were detected in practically responsible for managing the release of pharmaceuti-
all streams investigated during the study. The expected cals into the environment. In Europe, the Organization
low levels of exposure (<0.001 µg/l) to specific hormonally for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), an
active compounds can adversely affect the reproduction intergovernmental organization that has representatives
of aquatic species. Other potential ecological problems in 29 countries, regularly publishes ‘‘Test Guidelines’’ for
of pharmaceutical exposure include increases in the assessing the hazards of chemicals, including pharmaceu-
incidence of cancers and the proliferation of antibiotic- ticals, in various environmental contexts (2). The problems
resistant bacteria. of pharmaceutical products in the environment were first
In addition to possible ecotoxicological effects, the recognized widely in Europe, and the leading edges of
prospects of human health effects from ingesting subthera- regulatory issues appear to be evolving similarly from
peutic doses of multiple pharmaceuticals from every intake Europe. The European Union (EU) first expressed con-
of drinking water or through inhalation of volatilized prod- cern for the release of veterinary pharmaceuticals and
ucts from every bath raises substantial concern. For many their metabolites into the environment in the early 1980s
pharmaceutical products, the potential effects on humans
because these products, it was perceived, have a much
and aquatic ecosystems are not clearly understood. Many
more direct route of introduction to the environment than
drugs currently detected in aquatic waters already have
medications prescribed for humans. The EU established
known effects on nontarget organisms. Synthetic oral
two assessment levels to determine if a veterinary drug
contraceptives (17α-ethynylestradiol) generally occur at
is dangerous to the environment. The first level consid-
concentrations lower than 7 µg/liter in effluents from pub-
ers the potential for release; the second level evaluates
licly owned waste treatment facilities. In combination with
fate in various environmental compartments and investi-
steroidal estrogens 17β-estradiol and estrone, exposures
gates effects on specific biota that are likely to be exposed.
to 17α-ethynylestradiol, it is believed, causes feminization
All new applications for veterinary pharmaceuticals must
in male fish, as observed in sewage treatment lagoons in
include an environmental impact report based on the two
the mid-1980s (2).
levels of assessments. Regulatory guidelines for human
The consolidation and proliferation of resistance to
pharmaceuticals are pending ratification by the EU (2).
multiple antibiotics in pathogenic microorganisms is an
increasing threat to human reliance on antibiotics for In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration
treating dangerous infectious diseases. Acquired antibiotic (FDA) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
resistance may remain stable indefinitely, even after the (EPA) have separate roles regarding the distribution and
sources of exposures are removed. This means that the release of pharmaceutical products in the environment.
threats posed by microbial antibiotic resistance can only The FDA is responsible for assessing the risk to
grow in the future, even if strict controls are placed the environment caused by the manufacture, use,
now on the environmental release of antibiotics. For and disposal of human and animal drugs (5,12). FDA
example, bacterial isolates from wild geese that have approval for new medications requires the submission
never been treated with antibiotics were resistant to of Environmental Assessment (EA) reports under the
ampicillin, tetracycline, penicillin, and erythromycin (2). National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. As with
Sufficiently high concentrations of multiple antibiotics can the European Commission, the concern for new drugs
also have ecotoxicological effects on microbial communities rests primarily on acute and chronic effects, as measured
that sustain global biogeochemical cycles and many local by traditional toxicity tests (2). Much less concern has
ecosystem functions, including the detection of indicators been given for more subtle behavioral effects. The FDA
of fecal contamination in water systems. uses a tiered approach, similar to that of the EU, to
determine if regulatory action is required. Generally,
REGULATORY STRATEGIES FOR CONTROLLING an Environmental Assessment report is required if
PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS IN WATER SYSTEMS the expected environmental concentration of the active
ingredient of the drug in the aquatic environment exceeds
Pharmaceutical products target more than 500 distinct 1 ppb (5,12). More recently, published literature and
biochemical receptors in the human body. Many of these various conferences have indicated that in addition to

the EA reports, pharmaceutical chemicals might have 6. Soto, A.M. et al. (1995). The E-SCREEN assay as a tool to
long-term effects on various wildlife species, but firm identify estrogens: An update on estrogenic environmental
regulation will require additional research to evaluate pollutants. Environ. Health Perspect. 103: 113–122.
these effects (12). 7. Daughton, C.G. (2003). Cradle-to-cradle stewardship of drugs
One of the top five goals of the EPA’s Strategic for minimizing their environmental disposition while pro-
Plan 2000 is identifying emerging risks of previously moting human health. 1. Rationale for and avenues
toward a green pharmacy. Environ. Health Perspect. 111(5):
unknown, unrecognized, unanticipated, or unsuspected
chemical pollutants in the environment (2). The EPA
8. Rx List: The Internet Drug List. (2003). The Top 200
regulates emissions and effluent discharges from pharma-
Prescriptions for 2002 by Number of Prescriptions Dis-
ceutical manufacturing facilities, which are subjected to pensed. ONLINE 2003. Available: http://www.rxlist.com/
various restrictions or schedules of compliance regarding top200.htm.
processed or raw effluent discharges (5,6). Despite consid- 9. Hirsch, R., Ternes, T., Haberer, K., and Kratz, K.L. (1999).
erable progress in recognizing and regulating risks posed Occurrence of antibiotics in the aquatic environment. Sci.
by pharmaceuticals in water systems, important short- Total Environ. 225: 109–118.
comings remain in the current approaches used to deter- 10. Ogunseitan, O.A. (1996). Removal of caffeine in sewage by
mine ecological risk. Additive, synergistic, or antagonistic Pseudomonas putida: Implications for water pollution index.
impacts of similar drugs or different classes of drugs that World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 12: 251–256.
affect the same receptors are not currently being evaluated 11. Ogunseitan, O.A. (2002). Caffeine-inducible enzyme activity
or considered part of regulatory principles. Additionally, in Pseudomonas putida ATCC 700097. World J. Microbiol.
the FDA’s expected environmental concentration limit of Biotechnol. 18: 423–428.
1 ppb for any given drug could easily be exceeded when 12. Velagaleti, R., Burns, P.K., Gill, M., and Prothro, J. (2002).
the cumulative concentrations of similar-mode-of-action Impact of current good manufacturing practices and emission
medications are considered. This regulatory loophole may regulations and guidances on the discharge of pharmaceutical
allow potentially damaging chemicals to skip through the chemicals into the environment from manufacturing, use, and
environmental assessment process. disposal. Environ. Health Perspect. 110(3): 213–220.
In conclusion, the multidisciplinary demands of under-
standing and regulating the design, approval, consump-
tion, metabolism, excretion, disposal, and environmental POINT-OF-USE/POINT-OF-ENTRY SYSTEMS
fate of pharmaceutical products in water systems requires (POU/POE)
developing innovative strategies in academic and regu-
latory institutions. These strategies may be consolidated ZACHARIA MICHAEL LAHLOU
under the umbrella of a new subdiscipline entitled ‘‘pharm- Technical Assistance Consultant
ecology’’ whose ultimate mission is protecting the envi-
ronment from the chemical hazards associated with the
pursuit of human health. Numerous households use point-of-use/point-of-entry
(POU/POE) systems primarily to deal with aesthetic con-
cerns, such as taste and odor. These treatment devices are
installed just as their name implies—at the point where
The Program in Industrial Ecology at the University of California,
water enters a household or where it is used, such as
Irvine, supported this work.
a faucet. In certain situations, however, using POU/POE
systems to provide safe drinking water to a system’s cus-
BIBLIOGRAPHY tomers is not an individual’s choice, but that of the water
system cooperating with regulatory authorities. There-
1. Buser, H-R., Poiger, T., and Müller, M.D. (1999). Occurrence
fore, this ‘‘Tech Brief’’ only discusses POU/POE treatment
and environmental behavior of the pharmaceutical drug options that meet Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) water
ibuprofen in surface waters and in wastewater. Environ. quality requirements.
Sci. Technol. 33: 2529–2535.
2. Daughton, C.G. and Ternes, T.A. (1999). Pharmaceuticals WHAT IS THE ROLE OF POU/POE SYSTEMS?
and personal care products in the environment: Agents
of subtle change? Environ. Health Perspect. 107(Suppl. 6):
Some small water systems find complying with U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) maximum con-
3. Kummerer, K. (Ed.). (2001). Pharmaceuticals in the Environ-
taminant level (MCL) requirements difficult. Installing
ment. Springer, Berlin, p. 265.
expensive treatment technologies may be the largest
4. Kolpin, D.W. et al. (2002). Pharmaceuticals, hormones, and
obstacle for these systems. In many cases, obtaining water
other organic wastewater contaminants in U.S. streams,
1999–2000: A national reconnaissance. Environ. Health Sci. from some other source may not be an option. In these sit-
Technol. 36(6): 1202–1211. uations, POU/POE water treatment systems may provide
5. Daughton, C.G. and Jones-Lepp, T.L. (2001). Pharmaceu- a low-cost alternative to centralized water systems.
ticals and Personal Care Products in the Environment: Water system personnel can install POE treatment
Scientific and Regulatory Issues. ACS Symposium Series units at individual households where water lines enter the
197, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, pp. 2–53; home, alleviating the expense of treating large amounts
264–281. of water at a central facility. An even less expensive

alternative is the POU system, as these systems only treat POU/POE system to ensure proper operation, mainte-
the water at an individual tap. nance, and compliance. The act also states that the treat-
POU/POE systems are used to control a wide variety ment mechanism should be equipped with mechanical
of contaminants in drinking water and often use warnings that automatically notify customers of opera-
the same technology concepts employed in centralized tional problems.
treatment—but at a much smaller scale. This technology Other conditions in the SDWA include: ‘‘If the
is applied to reduce levels of organic contaminants, control American National Standards Institute has issued product
turbidity, fluoride, iron, radium, chlorine, arsenic, nitrate, standards applicable to a specific type of POE/POU
ammonia, microorganisms (including cysts) and many treatment unit, individual units of that type shall not
other contaminants. Aesthetic factors, such as taste, odor, be accepted for compliance with a MCL or treatment
or color, can be improved with POU/POE treatment. technique unless they are independently certified in
In addition to treating raw water, POU/POE systems accordance with such standards.’’
can be used to treat finished water that may have POU devices are listed as compliance technologies for
degraded during distribution or storage. They insure that inorganic contaminants, synthetic organic contaminants,
susceptible consumers, such as the very young or immuno- and radionuclides. POU devices are not listed for volatile
compromised, receive safe drinking water. organic contaminants because they do not address all
POU/POE can save many small communities money routes of exposure.
where individual households have private wells. The
community then does not have to build a treatment plant
or install and maintain water distribution mains. Many WHAT ARE THE TYPES OF POU/POE SYSTEMS?
states, however, have concerns about POU/POE treatment
devices, such as: No single type of residential water treatment system is
available to remove all water quality problems. Therefore,
• how well the units treat drinking water, selection of one or more technologies may be necessary to
• the potential health risk posed by not treating all the solve multiple water quality problems. The following is a
water in the house, and short summary of different types of POU/POE available
• water system officials’ ability to properly monitor and (see also Table 1). Additional information and guidance
maintain the equipment. is available from manufacturers, distributors, and public
health agencies to help select the appropriate treatment
technologies to remove specific water contaminants

The 1996 SDWA lists POU/POE systems as options for

compliance technologies. When a water system uses this FILTERS
technology to comply with a National Primary Drinking
Water Regulation (NPDWR) the SDWA identifies require- Water passes through the filter media (usually in a
ments that must be met. The SDWA states the public cartridge in smaller units), which either adsorbs or
water system or a person under contract with the pub- physically screens various contaminants. Common filter
lic water system shall own, control, and maintain the media include:

Table 1. Summary of POE/POU Systems and Costs (NSF, 1999)

Initial Operating Operating &
Technology Some Contaminants Removed Cost Cost Maintenance Skills

Chlorine Microbial $ $ $
UV, Ozone Microbial $$ $ $$
Cartridge Protozoa
Filter Bacteria $ $ to $$ $
Reverse Osmosis Microbial, Inorganic Chemicals and $$ $$$ $$$
Metals Radium, Minerals, Some
Organic Chemicals
Distillation Microbial, Inorganic Chemicals and $$ $$ $
Metals, Minerals, Some organic
Chemicals, Radium, Uranium
Activated Carbon Organic Chemicals, Radon, Odors (solid $$ $$ to $$$ $
block can filter protozoa and some
Packed Tower Radon, Volatile Organic Chemicals, $$ $ $$$
Aeration Tastes, Odors
Ion Exchange Inorganic Chemicals, Radium, Nitrate $$ $$ to $$$ $$
Activated Alumina Arsenic, Selenium, Fluoride $$$ $$$ $$$
$ Low $$ Moderate $$$ High

• Granular activated carbon (GAC) is used for taste AIR STRIPPING OR AERATION
and odor control and to remove radon and regulated
organic compounds. Air stripping has been used in POE systems to remove
• Solid block carbon treats the same contaminants as volatile organic compounds, hydrogen sulfide, and radon
GAC, but also to removes lead, asbestos, various from water. Air stripping is a treatment method that
bacteria, cysts, and sediment particulates. exposes water to air. This treatment process removes or
‘‘strips’’ volatile organic contaminants from groundwater
• Ceramic or synthetic fiber microfilters treat various
as air is forced through the water, causing the compounds
bacteria, cysts, and sediment particulates.
to evaporate. GAC alone can remove volatile organics but
• Activated alumina treatment is most often used for can only be operated for short periods before the carbon
fluoride, selenium, silica, and arsenic removal. has to be replaced. For these applications, it is important
to vent gases adequately to avoid creating an air pollution
REVERSE OSMOSIS hazard inside the home.

Water passes through a synthetic, semi-permeable mem- POU/POE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE
brane that filters all pathogens and most organic and
inorganic contaminants. Reverse osmosis units must have Selecting POU/POE systems does not eliminate the need
a means of discharging filtered matter to a drain. The for evaluating treatment efficiency before the units are
discharge line should be installed with an air gap so a installed. For systems that employ cartridges (e.g., GAC
cross-connection between wastewater and drinking water columns or activated alumina), source water pilot testing
will not occur. may be necessary to develop valid estimates of the unit’s
service life.
Effective operation, maintenance, and monitoring
DISTILLATION programs are especially significant for POU/POE systems.
Many homeowners assume their systems will perform
Distillers heat water in one chamber and turn it into properly once installed and do not understand the level of
steam. The steam then passes into another chamber where effort required to ensure proper operation. For this reason,
it is cooled and condensed to a liquid. Distillation can when POU/POE systems are installed for regulatory
effectively remove microorganisms, dissolved minerals, purposes, water utilities or regulatory agencies must
metals, nitrates, and some organic contaminants. Distil- provide programs for long-term operation, maintenance,
lation units require a dependable supply of electricity and and monitoring.
usually produce only small amounts of drinking water. Proper installation is the first step in effective long-term
operation and maintenance (O&M) of POU/POE systems.
Experienced contractors or installers whose products
conform to applicable plumbing codes should be the only
personnel who install the units. Qualified installers:
Ion Exchange, commonly known as water softening, is
used to treat all household potable drinking water. Ions of • carry liability insurance for property damage during
either sodium or potassium, stored in the softener’s ‘‘resin installation,
bed’’ are exchanged for ions of the calcium and magnesium
• are accessible for service calls,
hardness minerals. Ion exchange can be used for de-
alkalization and to remove iron and manganese, heavy • accept responsibility for minor adjustments after
metals, some radioactivity, nitrates, arsenic, chromium, installation, and
selenium, and sulfate. • give a valid estimate of the cost of installation.

After installation, POU/POE systems should have a well-

DISINFECTION AND OXIDATION defined program of O&M for continued production of high
quality drinking water. The equipment manufacturer’s
Oxidizing chemicals, such as chlorine and ozone, are recommended O&M requirements can serve as the basis
added to water through a feed system that controls for the O&M program. Equipment dealers may provide
the concentration and allows appropriate contact time. maintenance for a limited time period as part of an
These chemicals break down organic contaminants and installation warranty. A local plumbing contractor, a
destroy pathogens. POU/POE service representative or equipment dealer, a
Ultraviolet light (UV) is a popular disinfection method water service company, the local water utility, or a circuit
in combination with other treatment techniques. UV rider may carry out a long-term maintenance program.
uses rays of ultraviolet light to deactivate pathogens. Monitoring programs need to be site specific and reflect
UV light damages a pathogen’s DNA and prevents it the contaminant or contaminants being removed, the
from reproducing. One of the major advantages of UV equipment used, the number of POE/POU units in service,
disinfection is that it disinfects without the addition of and the logistics of the service area.
chemicals; therefore, it does not generate taste, odor, or Minimum sampling frequencies and types of analyses
chemical by-products. should be established in cooperation with the local

health department, the state regulatory agency, and the certification laboratory that can conduct a full range
treatment system. of physical, microbiological, radiological, inorganic, and
Monitoring programs generally include: organic analyses.
NSF uses expert committees to develop its technology
• raw and treated water sample collection, standards. The committee includes representation from
• meter reading, industry, government, and consumer groups. The com-
• field analyses (measuring pH, dissolved oxygen mittee also receives input from a council of public health
concentration, and other parameters), consultants and a certification council that has expertise
in test methods.
• shipment of samples to a laboratory, and
Once an NSF committee develops a standard, the NSF
• recordkeeping. applies to have it certified by the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI). An ANSI designation means
The use of state-approved sampling methods and certified that only one standard exists for that type of product in the
laboratories is a requirement for regulatory compliance. U.S. and that the standard follows all of ANSI’s guidelines.
Remote monitoring and control is becoming a more WQA Voluntary Product Validation Program and Vol-
practical option for small communities and could be part untary Certification Program WQA, a nonprofit interna-
of an O&M agreement developed by a POU/POE vendor. tional trade association, awards its Gold Seal to water
Remotely monitoring operating parameters could provide treatment equipment that passes testing under industry
an attractive alternative to fixed sampling and O&M standards for performance, capacity, and durability. WQA
schedules, thus, allowing customized customer service of does not evaluate claims for removing health-related con-
the POU/POE device. taminants. However, WQA has a certification program
A POU/POE vendor could use remote telemetry for POU/POE devices. But remember, WQA is a trade
equipment to review several installations and reduce association for POU/POE equipment manufacturers, and
the number of unnecessary system checks and visits. although the association provides educational material
Remote telemetry also may be used to better sched-
to the consumer, they also promote the use of treat-
ule routine O&M, trouble-shooting problems, and emer-
ment equipment.
gency situations.


The selection of POU/POE treatment units should be Recent events confirm that bioterrorism is no longer a
based on how well a particular type of unit removes threat, but a reality. POU filtration systems can reduce
specific contaminants from drinking water. Therefore, the many biological warfare agents. POU systems, rated for
selection process involves: their ability to remove waterborne biological agents, are
available in a range of sizes from individual use to those
• an evaluation of the quality and type of source water, capable of delivering thousands of liters of water per hour.
• type and extent of contamination,
• treatment requirements, and
• waste disposal requirements.
Lykins, B. W., R. M. Clark, and J. A. Goodrich. 1992.
The treatment requirements are usually compared based
Point-of-Use/Point-of-Entry for Drinking Water
on operation and maintenance requirements, cost, and
Treatment. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers.
institutional requirements.
National Research Council. 1997. Safe Water From
For a guarantee that a water treatment unit will
Every Tap. Washington, DC: National Academy
perform and remove contaminants that the manufacturer
claims, look for certification or registration labels on
New England Water Works Association. 1998. Small
the treatment units. Two private organizations, the
Systems Water Treatment Technologies: State-of-the-
National Sanitation Foundation International (NSF) and
Art Workshop. Joint Regional Operations Conference
the Water Quality Association (WQA), provide product
and Exhibition Proceedings, Marlborough, MA.
testing. However, manufacturers are not required to test
NSF International, World Health Organization, and
their products under these programs.
Pan American Health Organization. 1999. Providing
Safe Drinking Water in Small Systems: Technol-
NSF INTERNATIONAL LISTING PROGRAM ogy, Operations, and Economics. Boca Raton, FL:
Lewis Publishers.
NSF International is a nonprofit, independent testing Reynolds, K. 2001. ‘‘Point-of-Use Protection Against
and research group that provides standards for drinking Bioterrorism.’’ Water Conditioning & Purification
water treatment components and tests home and personal 43:12.
water treatment devices to determine their ability to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1998. ‘‘Cost
improve the aesthetic quality of water and remove Evaluation of Small System Compliance Options:
health-related contaminants. NSF International has a Point-of-Use and Point-of-Entry Treatment Units.’’

HAVE YOU READ ALL OUR TECH BRIEFS? organisms such as pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
Thousands of people in developing countries become ill
Tech Briefs, drinking water treatment and supply fact each year through contact with contaminated water. The
sheets, have been a regular feature in the National full impact of contaminated water on health is difficult
Drinking Water Clearinghouse (NDWC) publication On to determine because of poor recording of diseases. A
Tap for more than seven years. crucial need exists for scientifically sound answers to
A package of Tech Briefs is now available as a the problems of the contamination of water sources
product. A three-ring binder holds all the current Tech with potentially hazardous microbial organisms and
Briefs in print. New selections can easily be added to the assessment of the risks posed by such pollution.
the package as they become available. To order this free Where public health is concerned, disinfection is the
product, call the NDWC at (800) 624-8301 or (304) 293- most important step in any process involving drinking
4191 and ask for item #DWPKPE71. water treatment.
You also may order online at ndwc orders@mail.nesc. Disinfection—by application of chlorine—is the most
wvu.edu or download fact sheets from our Web site at widely used treatment for bacteriological water quality
www.ndwc.wvu.edu. (Additional copies of fact sheets are improvement. However, its efficiency is limited to the
free; however, postal charges may be added.) presence of an adequate chlorine residual in potable
Z. Michael Lahlou holds a doctorate in environmen- water. Once the latter depletes, any drinking water
tal and natural resource economics and a master’s in system will experience a correlation between increase in
civil and environmental engineering. Formerly the tech- bacterial numbers and the distance away from the point
nical assistance coordinator for the National Drinking of treatment. This increase has been termed regrowth
Water Clearinghouse, Lahlou now resides in Huntington and is recognized as a major problem within many water
Beach, California. systems (3). The identification of other disinfectants and
the understanding of their modes of action should be
stepped up in order to improve the microbial quality
ASSESSING THE BACTERICIDAL EFFICIENCY OF of drinking water from the point of treatment to
DRINKING WATER IN RURAL AREAS OF Polydex is the result of extensive research and
SOUTH AFRICA development in the search for a healthier microbial
control and protection of potable water and wastewater.
M. N. B. MOMBA Polydex is a Pest Management Regulatory Agency
N. MAKALA (PCPA) registered product, which is designed for use
A. OKEYO in ponds, dugouts, and potable water tanks for the
control of algae and bacteria (4). Polydex is also used in
University of Fort Hare
Alice, South Africa agriculture for the control of noxious gases and odors
in animal waste and in slaughterhouses for reducing
the risks of E. coli contamination, such as the one
INTRODUCTION which claimed several lives in Walkerton, Ontario (5).
The active ingredient in Polydex is a biologically active
In developing countries, a large number of people form of the copper ion (Cu2+ ). Polydex contains a unique
lack access to adequate water supply. They, therefore, hydrotropic and colloidal mineral matrix, which effectively
are forced to use surface water drawn from polluted captures and carries copper ions (Cu2+ ) evenly throughout
rivers, irrigation canals, ponds, and lakes without prior water in high concentrations under a wide variety of
treatment. For small rural communities, groundwater water conditions.
remains the main water supply source. Some communities The biocidal effects of copper have been used for
receive their drinking water directly from uncovered or centuries. The early Greeks and Romans made water
covered boreholes and wells, whereas for others, the storage and drinking vessels out of this metal. More
water is drawn from the boreholes (using an engine) recently, copper has been used in hospital, recreational,
to a reservoir, and from the reservoir, it is then drinking, and industrial water systems. Unlike chlorine,
delivered to the people through a public standpipe copper does not result in dangerous halogenated organic
system. In both cases, groundwater is distributed to the byproducts, such as trihalomethane (THM), chloramines,
community without any purification. However, inadequate and chloroform, and this ion is stable, making it easier to
design, construction, operation, and maintenance of wells maintain an effective residual (6).
and boreholes can lead to quality problems related to The disinfection action is attributed to the positive
groundwater. Poor sanitary sealing is more generally a charge of copper ion. Positively charged copper ion has an
common cause of microbiological quality deterioration (1). affinity for electrons and, when introduced into the interior
The failure to periodically drain and clean water of a bacterial cell, they interfere with electron transport
supply holding tanks to remove sediments provides in cellular respiration systems. Metal ions will bind to
opportunities for heterotrophic bacterial colonization and the sulfhydryl, amino, and carboxyl groups of amino
biofilm development (2). acids, thereby denaturing the proteins, which renders
Polluted waters are an important vehicle for the enzymes and other proteins ineffective, compromising the
spread of disease as they are carriers of disease-causing biochemical process they control. Cell surface proteins

necessary for transport of materials across cell membranes of polydex for the disinfection of drinking water in rural
also are inactivated as they are denatured. Finally, copper communities.
will bind with the phosphate groups that are part of the
structural backbone of DNA molecules, which results in
unraveling of the double helix and consequent destruction
of the molecule (6,7).
The experimental study was conducted on the basis of five
It is also important to consider how copper in water
replicates for each type of test water, and the effectiveness
can be advantageous to humans, animals, and plants. Our
of polydex was evaluated every hour for the period of
daily diet must provide specific trace amounts of copper
7 h. Microbiological analyses were conducted in aseptic
for a number of reasons in order to maintain human
conditions under a laminar flow cabinet in the laboratory.
health. The essential role of copper in maintaining normal
Turbidity and pH were also considered, as both factors play
health in both animal and humans has been recognized a significant role in the disinfection process. All microbial
for many years. Normally, copper is readily available in a and physicochemical tests were performed before and after
range of foods, and normal balanced diets should provide disinfection.
adequate daily amounts without the need for additional
supplements. Dietary copper intake will vary considerably Sampling Sites
with the type of food consumed, the condition of the soils
(e.g., copper content, pH, etc.) from which certain foods are Raw, filtered (water after flocculation, sedimentation,
produced, and drinking water characteristics. The average and filtration), and surface water samples were collected
daily dietary requirement for copper in the adult human at the Alice water purification system (Alice, Eastern
has been estimated at 2 mg and for infants and children at Cape), Umgeni water (Durban, Natal), Rand water,
0.05 mg/kg bw (8–10). The NRC (11) reported ‘‘estimated (Vereeniging, Gauteng), and in Thohoyandou water
safe and adequate’’ daily dietary intakes of copper ranging purification systems (Venda, Limpopo). Groundwater
from 0.5 to 0.7 mg/for infants 6 months of age or less and samples were also collected in Alice, Vereeniging, and
up to 2–3 mg/day for adults. In cases where individuals Thohoyandou. Test waters were collected in clean sterile
have a change in their everyday eating habits or decide 51 polyethylene bottles.
to indulge in a limited medically controlled diet that may
result in an inadequate intake of copper, water treated Disinfection of Test Waters
with Polydex may come in handy in supplying the body The bactericidal effect of polydex was determined using
with needed copper. two different initial doses:
Although several tests have shown the effectiveness of
copper in killing bacteria, our preliminary experiments 1. Dose indicated by the manufacturer: 1 part of
revealed that its effectiveness was limited in raw water polydex into 60,000 parts of test water to give
with high turbidity when considering the initial dose rec- one part per million biologically active copper ions.
ommended by the suppliers (1 part of polydex into 60,000 Therefore, 0.083 ml polydex (approximately 3.9 mg/l
parts), which automatically showed that the quality of copper) was used to disinfect 51 of test water with
raw water remains one of the most important parameters turbidities ranging between 0.59 NTU and 8 NTU.
in determining the efficiency of polydex. It was therefore 2. 5.4 mg/l copper (corresponding to 2 × 0.083 ml) was
vital to re-evaluate the bactericidal efficacy of polydex used for the disinfection of surface water with higher
by considering various types of water sources and deter- turbidity (>9NTU).
mining the disinfectant (polydex) demand of the water.
Coliform bacteria were used as the main parameters Physicochemical Analyses
with references to South African Water Quality Guide-
lines–Domestic use (12,13). Total coliforms are frequently Turbidity and pH were measured using the microprocessor
used to assess the general hygienic quality of water and Turbidity Meter (HACH Co., Model 2100P) and pH
to evaluate the efficiency of drinking water treatment Meter, respectively, and copper (Cu) concentrations were
and the integrity of the distribution system. They should determined according to the spectroquant NOVA 60
not be detectable in treated water. When found, they manual (1998) using photometric test kits (Merck).
suggest inadequate treatment, post-treatment contamina-
tion and/or aftergrowth, and an excessive concentration Microbiological Analyses
of nutrients. In some instances, they may indicate the Total coliforms, presumptive E. coli, and Salmonella
presence of pathogens responsible for the transmission species were detected by the membrane filtration tech-
of infectious diseases. The total coliform group includes nique using filters with 0.45 µm pore size and 47 mm
bacteria of fecal origin and indicates the possible pres- diameter (Millipore). Different volumes (10 and 100 ml)
ence of bacterial pathogens such as Salmonella spp., were filtered depending on the type of water used. Saline
Shigell spp., Vibrio cholerae, Campylobacter jejuni, C. water was used as a diluent for the 10 ml volumes to
coli, Yersinia enterocolitica, and pathogenic Escherichia spread the bacteria evenly over the filter membrane. The
coli, especially when detected in conjunction with other membrane filters were placed on Chromocult agar (Merck)
fecal coliform (13). The study aimed at generating valu- plates and incubated for 24 h at 37 ◦ C. Analyses were car-
able information in regard to the bactericidal efficiency ried out in triplicates. Water samples were analyzed for

the above micro-organisms using internationally accepted turbidities after disinfection (Fig. 2). Complete removal
techniques (14). of presumptive Salmonella, presumptive E. coli, and
total coliform bacteria occurred after 1 h, 2 h, and 4 h
of disinfection in all the water samples, respectively.
Although all filtered water samples maintained copper
residuals ranging between 2.06 mg/l and 2.44 mg/l after
Characteristic of Raw Surface Water Before and After
the 7 h of the study period, the water samples from Umgeni
Disinfection with An Initial Dose of 3.9 mg/l Polydex
water purification system had a higher residual (2.44 mg/l)
Figure 1 summarizes the counts of indicator bacteria than those from Venda, Rand, and Alice water supplies,
before and after disinfection and the impact of turbidity which had residuals of 2.11 mg/l, 2.20 mg/l, and 2.06 mg/l,
and pH on the effectiveness of this disinfectant. There was respectively. There was an indication of a slight decrease
a gradual decrease in all indicator micro-organisms after in pH after disinfection in all samples (raw surface water,
an hour of disinfection, which continued throughout the raw groundwater, filtered surface water); however, this
7 h of the study period. Although presumptive Salmonella appeared not to have any effect on the effectiveness of
and presumptive E.coli were removed at a percentage of polydex—or public health—as the pH values obtained
100% within 1 h and 5 h, respectively, in all raw water were within the limits recommended for potable water,
samples, the removal of total coliforms in water samples which are 5–9.5 (12).
from Venda, Rand water, and Alice ranged between
90–91% throughout the 7 h of the study period. However, Characteristic of Raw Groundwater Before and After
complete removal of total coliforms occurred 5 h after Disinfection with An Initial Dose of 3.9 mg/l Polydex
disinfection of Umgeni water, which appeared to have Initial total coliform bacterial counts of 68 cfu/100 ml, 46
lesser turbidity compared with other test waters. Although cfu/100 ml, and 82 cfu/100 ml were noted in Venda, Rand,
all raw water samples were disinfected with the same and Alice groundwaters, respectively. These bacterial
initial copper concentration of 3.9 mg/l, copper residual counts gradually decreased to 0 cfu/100 ml after 4 h in
was more slowly depleted in Umgeni water than in the Venda and Rand water when the copper residuals were
other raw water samples. The average copper residuals in 2.43 mg/l and 2.96 mg/l, respectively. Although this was
Venda, Rand, and Alice waters after 7 h were 1.02 mg/l; not the case with Alice water samples, the total coliform
1.20 mg/l, and 1.12 mg/l, respectively, whereas samples bacterial counts were found to be within the South African
from Umgeni water still maintained the copper residual recommended limits for no risk (0–5 cfu/100 ml) (13).
concentration of 1.71 mg/l, which gave a clear indication Although a complete removal of presumptive E. coli
that higher turbidities hinder the effectiveness of polydex occurred 3 h after disinfection in all types of water, no
as a disinfectant. presumptive Salmonella was recorded in Venda and Alice
water samples within 1 h (Fig. 3).
Characteristics of Filtered Surface Water Before and After
Disinfection with an Initial Dose of 3.9 mg/l Polydex Characteristic of Raw Groundwater Before and After
Disinfection with An Initial Dose of 5.4 mg/l Polydex
The effectiveness of polydex was further proved by the
dramatic decrease in numbers of all indicator micro- There was a notable decrease in coliform bacterial counts
organisms in filtered water samples with reasonably low when the initial dose of 5.4 mg/l polydex was used for

TC Salmonella
E.coli Cu
300 4.5
Turbidity range: 4.0-45.12 4
pH range:6.40-6.78 3.5
Copper residual

200 3

100 1.5
0 0

Figure 1. Average counts of indicator

bacteria in raw surface water samples 0h 1h 2h 3h 4h 5h 6h 7h
before and after disinfection with an
initial dose of 3.9mg/l copper. Time and site

TC Salmonella
E.coli Cu
45 4.5
Turbidity range: 0.59-3.25
40 4
pH range: 6.35-7.32
35 3.5

Copper residual
30 3

25 2.5
20 2
15 1.5
10 1
5 0.5
0 0
Figure 2. Average counts of indicator
0h 1h 2h 3h 4h 5h 6h 7h bacteria in filtered water samples
before and after disinfection with an
Time and site initial dose of 3.9 mg/l copper.

TC Salmonella
E.coli Cu
90 4.5
Turbidity range: 3.32-8.18
80 4
pH range: 6.29-6.92
70 3.5

60 3
Copper residual

50 2.5

40 2

30 1.5

20 1

10 0.5

0 0

Figure 3. Average counts of indicator

bacteria in groundwater samples before
0h 1h 2h 3h 4h 5h 6h 7h
and after disinfection with an initial
Time and site dose of 3.9mg/l copper.

the disinfection of water samples with higher turbidities. which the complete removal of coliforms occurred 7 h
Complete removal of total coliforms occurred 6 h after after disinfection (Fig. 4). The above observations further
disinfection of Venda and Alice water samples. Although confirmed that polydex is highly effective in less turbid
the removal of bacteria was not complete in Rand water waters and, therefore, calls for an increase in dosage in
samples within this time, the number of total coliforms highly turbid waters.
was within the limits of South African Water Quality As indicated in Fig. 4, the total removal of presumptive
Guidelines for no risk (0–5 cfu/100 ml) (12,13), after E. coli in all test waters was recorded 3 h after disinfection.

TC Salmonella
E.coli Cu
300 6

Turbidity range: 9.22-45.12

250 5

200 4

Copper residual
150 3

100 2

50 1

0 0
Figure 4. Average counts of indicator
bacteria in water samples with high
0h 1h 2h 3h 4h 5h 6h 7h
turbidity before and after disinfection
with an initial copper dose of 5.4 mg/l. Time and site

In Rand water samples, the removal of presumptive • The dose of 3.9 mg/l is recommended for water with
Salmonella was observed within 1 h after disinfection, turbidity values ranging between 0.59 NTU and 8.18
and in Venda and Alice water samples, complete removal NTU, and 5.4 mg/l is recommended for highly turbid
of this bacteria species occurred after 2 h. waters (>9 NTU).
• The product is also recommended because the
residual disinfectant ranges between limits allowed
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS by South African Water Quality Standards (target
water quality range 0–3 mg.l−1 ).
The study has revealed that polydex was effective for
the removal of indicator micro-organisms. However, the Acknowledgment
turbidity of water remains one of the most important The authors wish to express their thanks to Sibambene Trade &
factors that can have a negative effect on its bactericidal Services (Pty), Ltd, who sponsored this investigation. The effort
efficiency. The dose of 3.9 mg/l appeared to be suitable for of some personnel of the University of Venda, Umgeni Water, and
Rand Water, especially for the collection of water samples, are
the disinfection of water samples with turbidity values
immensely appreciated.
ranging between 0.59 NTU and 8.18 NTU; however, this
dose is not sufficient for the disinfection of highly turbid
waters (>9 NTU). A dose of 5.4 mg/l is recommended for BIBLIOGRAPHY
these waters as it completely removes the indicator micro-
organisms thereafter leaving residuals of 2.52–3.06 mg/l 1. Momba, M.N.B. and Notshe, T.L. (2003). The microbiological
after 7 h, which are within the recommended limits for quality of groundwater-derived drinking water after long
potable water. storage in household containers in a rural community of
Based on the present investigations, it is important to South Africa. J. Wat. Suppl: Ers. Technol. AQUA. 52(1):
filter highly turbid waters or increase the dose in order to
increase the effectiveness of polydex. Consequently, this 2. Geldreich, E.E., Nash, D.H., Reasoner, D.J., and Taylor, R.H.
(1972). The necessity of controlling bacterial populations in
study suggests the followings:
potable water: community water supply. J. Am. Wat. Wks.
Assoc. 64: 596–602.
• Polydex can be recommended as a disinfectant 3. Momba, M.N.B. (2000). Influence of Chloramination on
for drinking water as limits allowed by South Bacterial Regrowth in a chlorinated surface water laboratory
African Water Quality guidelines are reached when scale system. Adv. In Wat. Res. 1: 51–62.
this disinfectant is used: (0–5 counts/100 ml total 4. Water Technology. (2004). The Future of Drinking Water.
Coliforms, 0 counts/100 ml Faecal Coliforms) (13). Available: http://www.watertechonline.com.

5. Mogollón, C.D. (2000). Eau Canada-Vancouver. WCP Online private capital or through a combination of finance from
at: http://www.wcp.net/archive/sep00dealer.htm. private investors and multilateral agencies.
6. Meyer, W.C. (2001). Coping with resistance to copper/silver There are two principal drivers for PSP. In the
disinfection—Terms & Condition of use. Wat Engin Manag. developed economies of North America, Western Europe,
148(11): 1–4. and Southeast Asia, PSP is primarily used to shift the
7. Yayha, M., Landeen, K.L., Kutz, S.M., and Gerba, C.P. financial burden of upgrading and extending municipal
(1989). Swimming pool disinfection: an Evaluation of the effi- water and sewerage services from central and local
ciency of copper-silver ions. J Environ Health. 51: 282–285.
government to the private sector. In developing economies,
8. Food Standard Committee. (1956). Report on Copper. Her PSP is being employed to finance and manage the
Majesty’s Stationary Office, London.
development and operation of the water and sewerage
9. Browning, E. (1969). Toxicity of Industrial Metals. 2nd Edn. infrastructure on commercial lines to mobilize funding
Buttersworth, London.
from a variety of sources.
10. World Health Organization. (1974). Toxicological Evaluation The World Water Council’s ‘World Water Vision for
of some Food Additives Including Anticaking Agents,
2025’ seeks to address the current lack of access to water
Antimicrobials, Antioxidants, Emulsifiers and Thickening
Agents: Cupric sulphate. WHO Food Additives Series No. 5. provision, sewerage, and sewage treatment by 2025 (1).
To provide universal access to water and sewerage
11. NRC. (1980). Recommended Dietary Allowances. Food and
Nutrition Board, National Research Council and National services, Vision 2025 calls for investment in new water
Academy of Science, Washington, DC. and sanitation assets to rise from $30 billion in 1995 to
12. Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, Department of $75 billion pa and for investment by industry and for
Health and Water Research Commission. (1998). Quality of environmental protection to increase from $10–15 billion
Domestic Water Supplies. Vol. 1: Assessment Guide. Water in 1995 to $75 billion pa between 2000 and 2025 (2).
research Commission No: TT101/98. ISBN No: 1 86845 416 9. Vision 2025 anticipates that national private companies
13. Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF). (1996). will contribute 45% of this investment, against 15–21%
South African Water Quality Guidelines. Vol. 1: Domestic in 1995; international finance will increase from 5–6%
Use, 2nd Edn. Pretoria. to 24% (3). Such a financial commitment will not take
14. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and place unless adequate investment conditions exist, and
Wastewater. (1998). these require private sector participation to manage these
services (4).


WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE The first formal example of private sector participation
in water provision—as opposed to municipal corporations
DAVID LLOYD OWEN and religious foundations—dates from 1582 when Peter
Envinsager Morris was granted a 500-year lease to pump water
Llangoedmor, Ceredigion, from a station underneath London Bridge (5). Early
United Kingdom
private sector water companies were concerned with
providing water to individual buildings not directly
INTRODUCTION—PRIVATE SECTOR PARTICIPATION: served by watercourses and wells as urbanization and
DEFINITION AND DRIVERS industrial development emerged. London’s New River
Water Company, incorporated in 1619 (6) was the earliest
The entry will describe how financial, commercial, and example of a corporate entity, surviving today as
technical services are being mobilized to enable economic Thames Water, part of Germany’s RWE. Typically, these
and social services to be provided and improved by companies were taken over as European municipalities
water sector organizations in the North (the developed developed and were given statutory obligations regarding
economies) and the South (developing economies). These water provision and sewerage. In the United Kingdom, a
needs are different because the policy contexts (politics series of Acts of Parliament passed between 1867 and 1894
and governance), standards, and risks experienced by brought the majority of these entities under municipal
entities installing and improving water services in the control (7). Between 1850 and 1914, economic development
North and the South are different. It will be shown and urbanization in Europe and the Americas brought
that the international water sector companies have about a new wave of water company formation (Table 1).
evolved a diverse suite of financial and contractual In Europe and Latin America, these companies were
arrangements often in association with international usually set up to integrate water provision and distribution
financial institutions (e.g., the World Bank). It will also be contracts for an entire city as opposed to localized
shown that the water sector is evolving as new companies undertakings in the United States. York Water Company,
shape their financial and technical competence to operate the earliest extant company in the United States was
and compete internationally. incorporated in Pennsylvania in 1816.
Private sector participation (PSP) refers to the formal Economic and political considerations between 1914
provision of municipal water and sewerage services by and 1945 caused many European companies to be
the private sector. This involves providing these services nationalized or concessions to be revoked. In the United
commercially, where infrastructure work is funded by States, the market ceased to expand, but there were a

Table 1. Early European Water Companies and Table 3. Lease Contract

Corporations (Current Owners in Brackets)a
Time horizon 10–15 years, up Ownership Public
Company Country Formed Comments to 25
Customer Retail customer Investment Public
New River Water U.K. 1619 Nationalized, Cash flow Subject to Operation Private
Co (Thames privatized, profile market risk
Water/RWE) acquired Construction None Tariff collection Private
Acque Potabili Italy 1852 Private sector risk
(Italgas) since foundation Regulatory Medium
Generale des Eaux France 1853 Private sector risk
(Veolia since foundation
Berlin Wasser Germany 1856 Privatized in 1999
Betriebe emerging because the private sector now deals directly
Lyonnaise des France 1880 Private sector with customers.
Eaux (Suez since foundation
Ondeo) Concessions
Aguas de Spain 1882 Private sector
Barcelona since foundation Concessions involve the private sector operation of
Cia. Generale dell Italy 1884 Municipally assets to pay for new or upgraded facilities and
Acque owned since upgrading work. Build-own-operate (BOO) and build-
1918 operate-transfer (BOT) contracts involve specific services
Gelsenwasser Germany 1887 Acquired by E.ON to the municipality in relation to a specific program of
in 2000 capital improvements, whereas the full utility concession
Aguas de Valencia Spain 1890 Privatized in 1976
contract embraces all aspects of service provision and
Reference 8. capital spending (Table 4). Concessions require a much
more specific regulatory environment to account for the
elements of risk involved. The concession company controls
number of concession awards in Mexico. Except for France the service provision entity, but the municipality retains
and Spain, where lease and concession awards were made control of the asset owning entity. The latter entity
from the 1950s, PSP continued to play a peripheral role, if is subsequently responsible for the extant assets, and
at all, until the late 1980s. Between 1988 and 2002, there new assets are vested into this entity at an agreed
has been a fourfold increase in PSP and a reappraisal of date. Dalton (9) discusses the political risk involved in
its role in various economies. developing concessions in developing economies.
A BOO/BOT project’s cash flows are usually contractu-
FORMS OF PSP ally predetermined and often have government backing.
BOT/BOO projects are an effective means of rapidly orga-
PSP contracts can be gained outright through a bidding nizing private capital and management toward a narrow
process, or they can evolve from contacts established range of services. However, some of the simpler project-
through private sector consulting, construction, or engi- oriented contracts do not affect the utility’s management
neering activities. The characteristics of the main types of and operation; thus underlying problems such as leakage
water and wastewater privatization contracts are outlined (and illegal interception), overstaffing, and tariff collection
in Tables 2 and 3. may not be addressed.
These two types of contracts do not delegate full In full utility concessions (Table 5), existing revenues
financial responsibility to the private operator, especially can be used immediately to service debt, thereby
with regard to private capital investments. Operations and mitigating construction risk. During a period of time, a
maintenance (O & M) contracts operate on a fixed fee basis utility can benefit from a steady flow of revenues from a
and cannot address problems of municipal inefficiency. diversified customer base. A more robust balance sheet
The municipality controls the assets, and the private can be created, allowing for internal finance as well
sector controls their operation. Risk elements start as the use of capital markets to sell long term debt.
The operator is responsible for upgrading and operating

Table 2. Operations and Management (O & M) and Lease

Contracts Table 4. BOOT/BOT/BOO Concession
Time horizon 2–5 years, up to Ownership Public Time 10–30 years, up Ownership Public
10 horizon to 95
Customer Government/ Investment Public Customer Govt./Municipal Investment Private
Municipality Cash flow Pay on Operation Private
Cash flow Fixed fee for Operation Public profile completion
profile service Construction High Tariff collection Public
Construction None Tariff Public/ risk
risk collection Private Regulatory Low
Regulatory risk None risk

Table 5. Full Utility Concession municipalities retain a majority holding in the other 36.
Time horizon 20–30 years Ownership Public In addition, seven privately held water utilities have had
Customer Retail Investment Private IPOs since 1991, along with the water activities of two
Customer larger conglomerates. Prime Utilities (Malaysia, 1994) has
Cash flow Subject to Operation Private subsequently left the sector; Azurix was bought back by
profile market risk Enron, its majority holder in 2001, and its main asset,
Construction Low Tariff collection Private Wessex Water, was in turn acquired by YTL of Malaysia in
risk 2002. One, Northumbrian Water of the United Kingdom
Regulatory High if politics was privatized in 1989, acquired by Suez in 1996, and
risk volatile refloated in 2003.

Table 6. Asset Sale/Asset Ownership
Time Horizon In Perpetuity Ownership Private In 1988, PSP was restricted to its ‘traditional’ markets
in the United States (asset owning companies); England
Customer Retail Customer Investment Private and Wales (statutory water companies); and France, Italy,
Cash flow profile Subject to market Operation Private and Spain (concessions and lease contracts). The World
risk Bank noted eight PSP water and sewerage contracts in
Construction risk Very low Tariff collection Private
developing economies between 1984 and 1989 (10) against
Regulatory risk Very high
97 between 1990 and 1997 (Table 8) (11).
The total number served by the private sector in 1998
is estimated at 93 million. Since 1988, it is estimated that
the services, while developing new assets to hand over to PSP has reached a further 302 million people through
the municipalities in the longer term. privatizations; 64 million were added through service
Asset sale is the most dramatic and politically extension and population growth within contracts, along
contentious form of privatization (Table 6). To date, it with minor contract awards, to cover a total of 460 million
has been used in the 1989 sale of the English and Welsh people, or 8% of the global population. This includes
water and sewage companies (WASCs) and in Chile. The 7.2 million people in six contracts, which subsequently
assets are in private hands, but the license to operate have been returned to municipal ownership (Table 9).
them can be subject to renewal. In the case of the U.K. Table 10 is based on 97 water and sewerage privati-
WASCs, a 30-year operating license was awarded to each zation awards identified by the World Bank during the
entity in 1989. In the United States, companies developed first 8 years of the 1990s involving a total investment of
the assets in the first place (Table 7). $24.95 billion (12) from banks and multilateral agencies.
O&M contracts do not mobilize new sources of private
sector investment. Greenfield operations are typically
site specific, involving the construction of a water or
sewage treatment facility, as seen in the Scottish sewage
The World Bank calls delegated water management
treatment construction in the United Kingdom. In recent
through concession awards the ‘French model.’ The
years, a number of greenfield contracts have been awarded
‘French model’ is typically used to contrast it with the
in areas earmarked to become new housing or industrial
‘British model’ of asset sales. The real ‘French model’ is
zones. This approach has had some popularity in the
the Affermage lease as traditionally used in private sector
Philippines. Divestitures have been seen in Chile. The
contracts in France.
concession approach, allied with the splitting of water
and sewerage entities into operating and asset holding
Initial Public Offerings
companies has become the favored approach toward water
Initial public offerings (IPOs) of a corporatized utility privatization in many countries (Table 11).
take place when all or part of the shares of a water
or multiutility company are listed on the local stock CORPORATE STRATEGIES
exchange. Since 1976, 48 municipal entities have been
privatized by this method; all but nine took place A variety of relationships have developed between
since 1989. Twelve involved outright share sales, but companies and within companies with regard to global

Table 7. Examples of PSP Contracts by Size and Type

Full Asset
O&M BOT Concession Ownership

Local/site USA France Scottish PFI USA

Town Kazakhstan Germany Germany Czech Republic
City Mexico City Budapest Manila Chile
Region Greater Amman Czech Regions Argentina UK WASCs
Country Chad (Phase 1) Ghana (urban) Chad (Phase 2) —

Table 8. Water or Wastewater Services Privatized Each Year, 1988–2002 (Million People)
Running Major Organic Minor Contract Year End Y-O-Y
Year Total Awards Growth Gains Losses Total Increase

1988 93 0.6 1 0 0 95 2
1989 95 45.6 1 1 0 142 48
1990 142 4.6 1 0 0 148 6
1991 148 0.0 1 0 0 149 1
1992 149 0.8 1 0 0 151 2
1993 151 32.3 2 1 0 186 35
1994 186 3.6 2 0 0 192 6
1995 192 16.4 3 1 0 212 20
1996 212 22.6 3 1 0 239 27
1997 239 42.1 3 2 0 286 47
1998 286 16.0 3 2 −1.5 305 20
1999 305 36.1 4 6 −3.6 348 43
2000 348 35.3 5 3 −0.6 390 43
2001 390 32.6 5 4 0 432 42
2002 432 22.3 5 3 −1.5 460 30
Total 310.9 40.0 24.0 −7.2 369

Table 9. People Served Through Private Sector Table 11. Investment in Water and Sanitation with PSP
Participation (Start of 2003) in Developing Economies ($million)a
PSP Populationa % PSP Region 1990–1994 1995–1999
East Asia & Pacific 4,023 8,631
Western Europe 161.5 388 42 Europe & Central Asia 16 1,539
C&E Europe 14.1 341 4 Latin America & Caribbean 4,732 8,965
ME & Africa 37.6 1,041 4 Middle East & North Africa 0 4,106
Central & South Asia 1.6 1,407 0 South Asia 0 0
South East Asia & Oceania 95.7 2,049 5 Sub-Saharan Africa 23 1,054
North America 65.2 310 21
Latin America 84.0 519 16 Reference 13.
World total 459.7 6,055 8
Million people. Municipal Multiutilities
To date, one German and six Italian municipal multiutili-
Table 10. Private Participation in Water and Sewerage in ties have been partially floated. In these cases, the water
Developing Countries by Contract Type, 1990–1997 activities account for a minority of group turnover, which
tends to be dominated by power activities.
% of Total Projects Total Investment
Multiutilities active in seeking water contracts or
Concessions 50% 80% investments include United Utilities (UK: North West
Divestiture 6% 4% Water/NORWEB), VE (France: Veolia Water/Cofreth
Greenfield projects 31% 16% & Esys Montenay), Suez (France: Ondeo/Tractabel &
Operations and management 13% 0% Elyo), RWE (Germany: Thames Water/RWE), ACEA
and leases
(Italy: Acqua Italia/ACEA), and Amga (Italy: Acque
From $4.8 billion in investment in 1990–2004 against
water and sewerage contracts. None of the water company $24.3 billion in 1995–1999, it is evident that the pace
linkages existed before 1992; only Veolia (then called of investment increased in the latter half of the decade,
Generale des Eaux) and Suez (then called Lyonnaise although only $5.1 billion was invested in 1998–1999, as a
des Eaux) were operating as private sector multiutility result of economic problems in Asia during those 2 years.
companies at that time Typically, equity investment provided by the companies
involved in operating concessions is equivalent to 30%
Power and Gas Utilities Entering the Sector of the total investment, indicating that the private sector
invested $12.2 billion during the period 1990–1999, a total
The attraction of the water market for these companies
investment of $41.3 billion.
is that it represents an extension of their abilities in
client management, asset maintenance, and development
and in dealing with regulation and politics. Many of CONSTRUCTION AND WATER
these companies have been publicly owned until relatively
recently. Power companies across Europe have entered Constructing water and wastewater facilities and their
the sector either by acquiring companies in their home operation have always been closely interlinked. In Vivendi
markets or internationally. Environment and Suez, the water companies have

branched into construction, as has been more erratically 1. Cosgrove, W.J. and Rijsberman, F.R. (2000). World Water
seen in the English and Welsh water companies during Vision. Earthscan, London, p. 53.
the past 13 years. Usually, the construction company is 2. Cosgrove, W.J. and Rijsberman, F.R. (2000). World Water
attracted to the services concessions, having built the Vision. Earthscan, London, p. 60.
facilities. Bouygues, one of the leading French construction 3. Cosgrove, W.J. and Rijsberman, F.R. (2000). World Water
companies, acquired Société d’Aménagement Urbain et Vision. Earthscan, London, p. 64.
Rural (SAUR, founded in 1933) in 1984. FCC (originally 4. Cosgrove, W.J. and Rijsberman, F.R. (2000). World Water
Focsa) was founded as a construction company in 1900 and Vision. Earthscan, London, p. 61.
gained the Barcelona sewerage contract in 1911. Dragados, 5. Barty-King, H. (1992). Water, The Book. Quiller Press,
a Spanish construction company, has extensive experience London, pp. 45–46.
in water supply and sewerage projects. Dycagua, Urbaser’s 6. Barty-King, H. (1992). Water, The Book. Quiller Press,
water tendering arm, was set up in October 1994 and has London, p. 51.
won a number of concessions. Ferrovial has adopted a 7. Barty-King, H. (1992). Water, The Book. Quiller Press,
similar approach through its Ferroser subsidiary. London, p. 138.
8. Owen, D.A.L. (1998). The European Water Industry, A
country-by-country analysis. Financial Times Energy. Lon-
JOINT VENTURES don, p. 46.
9. Dalton, G. (2001). Private Sector Finance for Water Sector
Joint ventures for international water/sewerage contracts Infrastructure: What Does Cochabamba Tell Us about Using
typically include a company that has experience in this Instrument? Occasional Paper No 37, Water Issues
Study Group, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS),
the water sector and has a significant presence in the
University of London.
target market(s). Examples include International Water
10. Silva, G., Tynan, N., and Yilmaz, Y. (1998). Private Partic-
(Edison/Bechtel/United Utilities—all non-U.S. markets),
ipation in the Water and Sewerage Sector—Recent Trends.
Sino-French Holdings (Suez/New World Developments -
Public policy for the private sector note 147, World Bank,
China, HK & Macao), VE/Hyundai (South Korea), and Washington, DC, p. 1.
Proactiva (VE/FCC-Latin America) (Table 12).
11. Silva, G., Tynan, N., and Yilmaz, Y. (1998). Private Partic-
It is evident that the two pioneering companies, Suez ipation in the Water and Sewerage Sector—Recent Trends.
and Veolia Environment, continue to lead this market. Public policy for the private sector note 147, World Bank,
That dominance is now being challenged, especially by Washington, DC, p. 2.
Germany’s RWE and a number of British companies. 12. Silva, G., Tynan, N., and Yilmaz, Y. (1998). Private Partic-
ipation in the Water and Sewerage Sector—Recent Trends.
Public policy for the private sector note 147, World Bank,
BIBLIOGRAPHY Washington, DC, p. 5.
13. World Bank. (2001). World Development Indicators 2001. The
Except where a citation has been employed, data and their World Bank, Washington, DC, p. 272.
interpretation are based on the author’s private databases and
information published by the companies cited.
Table 12. The Leading International Players (by People VIPIN BHARDWAJ
Served) NDWC Engineering Scientist
(Home Country) Home International Total % Home BETHANY REED
NESC Graphic Designer
Suez—Ondeo 17,000,000 114,100,000 131,100,000 13
Veolia Envi- 26,000,000 87,800,000 113,800,000 23
ronment From start to finish, pumps play an important role in
(France) all water distribution systems. They are used to transfer
RWE (U.K. & 27,600,000 41,500,000 69,100,000 40 raw water to the treatment plant; they supply water to
Germany) sections of a distribution system where it is not possible to
Bouygues 6,000,000 24,500,000 30,500,000 20 supply it by gravity; they add appropriate chemical doses
(France) during treatment; and they transfer sludge from settling
SABESP 19,100,000 0 19,100,000 100 chambers for further treatment and disposal. Pumps will
(Brazil) provide long-term efficient service if they are properly
United 10,300,000 10,200,000 20,500,000 50
operated and maintained
Awg (U.K.) 5,800,000 10,600,000 16,200,000 36 PUMPS IN WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS
Severn Trent 8,300,000 6,300,000 14,600,000 57
Pumps are an important part of any water distribution
FCC (Spain) 6,100,000 5,900,000 12,000,000 51
Bechtel (U.S.) 0 10,200,000 10,200,000 0
system. At the source, they help deliver raw water to
the treatment plant. In the plant, pumps add chemical

solutions at desired dosages for treatment processes, and GLOSSARY OF PUMP TERMS
other pumps remove sludge from sedimentation facilities
for further treatment and disposal. Within distribution Head—(1) A measure of the energy possessed by water
systems, pumps discharge water under pressure to the at a given location in the water system expressed in
pipe network and lift water where it cannot go by gravity, feet; (2) a measure of the pressure or force exerted
especially to water towers. by water expressed in feet.
Velocity Head— A measurement of the amount of
energy in water due to its velocity or motion.
Pressure Head—A measurement of the amount of
energy in water due to water pressure.
Different types of applications require different types of Impeller—The moving element in a pump that drives
pumps. Pumps are selected based on system requirements, the fluid.
discharge pressure required, flow capacity required, and Efficiency—A ratio of total energy output to the total
availability of space. The two most common pumps in energy input expressed as a percent.
the water industry are: centrifugal pumps, used most Priming—The action of starting the flow in a pump or
often in water distribution, and positive-displacement siphon. With a centrifugal pump, this involves filling
pumps, most commonly used in treatment plants for the pump casing and suction pipe with water.
chemical dosing.
Source: American Water Works Association. 1996.
TYPES OF PUMPS USED IN WATER SUPPLY Water Transmission and Distribution: Principles and
Practices of Water Supply Operations, 2nd Edition. Denver,
Three kinds of pumps are most often found in water CO: AWWA.
distribution systems: the aforementioned centrifugal Different flow rates and outlet pressures can be
pumps, used to move water, vertical turbine pumps, used generated by this type of pump, depending on the size
at the intake, and submersible pumps, used in wells. of the pump and the space between the casing and the
impeller. Impellers can also have varying shapes. These
pumps can be used either as a single unit or can be
Centrifugal Pumps
coupled with another similar pump in series to generate
Centrifugal pumps are the most common type used in more output pressure. When more than one pump is used,
water distribution. Centrifugal pumps have a circular it becomes a multistage pump. The pressure desired in
‘‘fan/turbine-shaped’’ structure called an impeller that is the distribution system determines the number of stages
mounted on a centrally supporting structure called the required. If a single stage pump is not enough to supply
shaft. The motor rotates the shaft and can be powered by water at adequate pressure, multiple stages are used.
electricity or diesel fuel. Water enters at an opening in the Centrifugal pumps can achieve an output pressure of up
center called the suction. The rotating impeller imparts a to 250 feet for each stage. Centrifugal pumps are used
high velocity to the water, and it is circulated and thrown to supply large volumes of water at a constant output
outward (See Fig. 1). A circular-shaped covering called pressure. The pressure generated by a centrifugal pump
casing surrounds the impeller. The casing is shaped like a is less compared to other types of pumps, such as a
spiral so that the water slows down, and the velocity head reciprocating (positive-displacement) pump.
is converted to pressure head as it flows out of the casing. According to the American Water Works Association’s
At the junction of the casing and shaft, a seal or packing Water Transmission and Distribution: Principles and
rings are provided to prevent leakage. A packing gland Practices of Water Supply Operations, some of the
presses against the rings to maintain a tight seal. advantages of centrifugal pumps are:

• wide range of capacities that range from a few gallons

Volute-shaped per minute [gpm] to 50,000 gpm. Heads of five to
Shaft casing 700 feet are generally available;
• uniform flow at constant speed and head;
Impeller • simple construction (small amounts of suspended
matter in the water will not jam the pump);
• low to moderate initial cost for a given size;
• ability to adapt to several drive types—motor,
engine, or turbine;
• moderate to high efficiency at optimal operation;
• no need for internal lubrication;
Discharge • little space required for a given capacity;
Figure 1. Volute centrifugal pump schematic. Adapted from
• relatively low noise level; and
AWWA Water Transmission and Distribution: Principles and • ability to operate against a closed discharge valve for
Practices of Water Supply Operations, 2nd Edition. short periods without damage.

Some of the disadvantages are:

• an efficiency that is limited to a narrow range of

discharge flows and heads;
• low capacity that is greatly dependent on dis-
charge pressure;
• generally no self-priming ability;
• potential for running backward if stopped with the
discharge valve open; and
• potential for impeller to be damaged by abrasive
matter in water, or clogged by large quantities of
particulate matter.

During startup, centrifugal pumps require a procedure

called ‘‘priming’’ in which the pump is filled with water
before turning the switch on. This insures that when
the impeller starts rotating it starts pumping water, and
energy imparted to the impeller is not lost. If a centrifugal
pump is not primed, it does not operate efficiently (i.e.,
it does not pump water even when it is turned on).
Generally, pumps have an adjacent chamber, called the
priming chamber, that sucks in water when the pump is
turned on and keeps the impeller submerged.

Vertical Turbine Pumps

In vertical turbine pumps, the water flows vertically Figure 2. Verticle turbine pump. Adapted from AWWA Water
through a channel of uniform cross-sectional area. The Transmission and Distribution: Principles and Practices of Water
impeller is positioned in the center along the axis in the Supply Operations, 2nd Edition.
channel. The blades of the impeller are shaped so that the
water flows in a radial direction (See Fig. 2). The casing
has diffuser vanes, shaped so that they guide water and • the need to lubricate support bearings located within
make it flow either into the discharge or through diffuser the casing;
bowls into inlets of succeeding stages. Vertical turbine • inability to pump water containing any suspended
pumps are used most often at raw water intakes and at matter; and
booster stations in the distribution system to augment the • an efficiency that is limited to a very narrow range of
pressure required for service. Vertical turbine pumps are discharge flow and head conditions.
relatively more expensive than centrifugal pumps for the
same capacity and require more maintenance. Submersible Pumps
According to the American Water Works Association’s
Water Transmission and Distribution: Principles and Submersible pumps, as the name implies, are placed below
Practices of Water Supply Operations, some of the the water level (See Fig. 3). They are used mostly for
advantages of vertical turbine pumps are: pumping groundwater from wells. The pump is basically a
multi-stage centrifugal pump. The impellers of the pump
are mounted on a vertical shaft. Each impeller passes
• uniform flow at constant speed and head;
water to the next stage through a diffuser shaped so
• simple construction; that the water flows vertically to the next diffuser. Each
• individual stages capable of being connected in series, impeller and diffuser is called a stage. The desired output
thereby increasing the head capacity of the pump; pressure determines the number of stages.
• adaptability to several drive types—motor, engine, The pump is driven by an electric motor placed adjacent
or turbine; to the pump and is constructed for submerged operation.
• moderate to high efficiency under the proper The wiring of the electric motor is such that it is
head conditions; waterproof. The motors are manufactured to ensure water
does not cause it to fail by grounding or shorting out.
• little space occupied for a given capacity; and
However, most failures of submersible pumps are due to
• low noise level. electrical problems with the motors.

The main disadvantages are: Positive-Displacement Pumps. Positive-displacement

pumps are used in water supply operations for feeding
• high initial cost; chemicals at various stages of the treatment process.
• high repair costs; They displace a certain volume of water in each stroke


Because centrifugal pumps are so widely used in water

distribution and because so many brands are available,
the individual procedures for proper operation vary. Most
manufacturers supply instructions, guidelines, or manuals
with a new pump. Users must follow these instructions
while operating pumps.

Pump Starting and Stopping

During pump startup, check the lubrication of the motor
bearings and prime the pump. After priming, the pump
must be started with the discharge valve fully closed. The
discharge valve must then be opened slowly to allow any
air in the system to escape. The pump discharge valve must
be opened and closed slowly to prevent water hammer in
the system. (For more information about water hammer,
see the Tech Brief in the Winter 2003 On Tap.)
During power failure (when the motor stops running),
the discharge valve can remain open. This might be a
problem because the water can actually flow backward.
On large pumps, emergency power operated valves are
provided to prevent the impellers from running in reverse.
On smaller pumps, check valves are provided.
If the pump will be shut down for longer periods,
additional steps should be taken. In cold weather, for
example, all water must be drained out from the pump
Figure 3. Submersible pumps. Adapted from AWWA Water
Transmission and Distribution: Principles and Practices of Water to prevent freezing. The pump packing or seal must be
Supply Operations, 2nd Edition. removed if the pump is to be stored idle for longer periods.

Centrifugal Pump Maintenance

as they operate. These pumps are not suitable for pump- Centrifugal pumps require regular inspection and mainte-
ing large volumes of water, they are more suited for high nance. Bearings on the motor may become worn and must
pressure and low flow service. There are two types of be checked and kept well lubricated. The packing or seal
positive-displacement pumps: reciprocating pumps and can wear out due to friction resulting in leakage from the
rotary pumps. pump. These should be checked regularly. Bearing and
motor temperatures must be monitored. If a surface is
Reciprocating Pumps substantially hotter than normal, the unit should be shut
down and the cause of excessive heat investigated. In case
Reciprocating pumps have a piston that moves back and of any unusual noises or vibrations from the pump, it must
forth in an enclosing cylinder. The arrangement of rotating be stopped and the cause investigated.
shaft, connecting rod, and joint pushes the volume of
the fluid in the cylinder through an outlet valve. The
liquid enters and leaves the cylinder through check valves. WHAT ABOUT SAFETY?
Reciprocating pumps are suitable for applications where
very high pressures are required, or where abrasive fluids, Safety instructions provided by the manufacturer must
such as acids or viscous liquids, have to be pumped. be followed. Pumps should always be switched off before
any maintenance. All liquids must be drained out before
Rotary Pumps servicing. People must stand away from any moving parts.
Safety precautions must be taken regarding electrical
In rotary pumps, the impeller rotates within an enclosing motors. Maintenance personnel must wear rubber gloves
structure and imparts energy to the water. The impeller and use insulated tools while servicing electrical motors.
can be in the shape of a gear, screw, or lobes. For rotary A record of all maintenance work must be maintained.
pumps, the output is continuous and smoother compared Concern that the water supply could be vulnerable
to reciprocating pumps. Rotary pumps are better suited to terrorist attacks has understandably been heightened
for lower pressures than reciprocating pumps because by recent world events. Knowledge, planning, and
of slippage at higher pressures. Rotary pumps can jam preparedness helps relieve this concern. It is crucial now to
if any solids enter the small clearance spaces between regularly inspect the location, accessibility, and operation
the impeller and casing. Rotary pumps are suitable for of all the pumps in the distribution system. A large-scale
handling fluids of varying viscosities and are used in disruption in water supply for a large water system can
water treatment for chemical dosing. happen because of pump failure at a key location. After

gathering complete and accurate information on all the facilities or nuclear power plants may wind up in drink-
pumps in the system, the utility manager can run through ing water. Because of their potential health effects and
‘‘what if’’ scenarios to determine where a contaminant widespread occurrence, natural radionuclides—including
is likely to move. Workers can also learn how water radon, radium, and uranium—cause much concern.
movement can be controlled by running or shutting down
pumps or other utility operations.
Radionuclides occur naturally as trace elements in rocks
Tech Briefs, drinking water treatment and supply fact and soils as a consequence of the ‘‘radioactive decay’’
sheets, have been a regular feature in the National of uranium-238 (U-238) and thorium-232 (Th-232). This
Drinking Water Clearinghouse (NDWC) publication On decay happens because radioactive atoms have too much
Tap for more than seven years. energy. When radioactive atoms release or transfer their
A package of Tech Briefs is now available as a extra energy, it is called decay. The energy they release
product. A three-ring binder holds all the current Tech is called ionizing radiation, which may be alpha particles,
Briefs in print. New selections can easily be added beta particles, or gamma rays. This energy is transmitted
to the package as they become available. To order through space or another medium in waves (e.g., x-rays
this free product, call the NDWC at (800) 624–8301 or or gamma rays) or particles (e.g., electrons or neutrons)
(304) 293–4191 and ask for item #DWPKPE71. and is capable of either directly or indirectly removing
You also may order online at ndwc orders@mail.nesc. electrons from atoms, thereby creating ions, which are
wvu.edu or download fact sheets from our Web site at electrically charged atoms.
www.ndwc.wvu.edu. (Additional copies of fact sheets are Radon-222, radium-226, radium-228, uranium-238,
free; however, postal charges may be added.) and uranium-234 are ions of the U-238 and Th-232 decay
series. They are the most common radionuclides found
in groundwater. Other naturally occurring radionuclides
WHERE CAN I FIND MORE INFORMATION? tend to be environmentally immobile or have short half-
lives, meaning they are far less likely to be found in
American Water Works Association. 1996. Water significant amounts in groundwater.
Transmission and Distribution: Principles and When ionizing radiation strikes a living organism’s
Practices of Water Supply Operations, 2nd Edition. cells, it may injure the organism’s cells. If radiation
Denver, CO: AWWA. affects a significant number of cells, the organism may
American Water Works Association. 1999. Design and eventually develop cancer. Or at extremely high doses, it
Construction of Water Systems: An AWWA Small may even die.
System Resource Book, 2nd Edition. Denver, CO:
AWWA. Radon. Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas
Dickenson, T.C. 1995. Pumping Manual. Oxford, UK: that emits ionizing radiation. National and international
Elsevier Advanced Technology. scientific organizations have concluded that radon causes
HDR Engineering, Inc. 2001. Handbook of Public Water lung cancer in humans. Ingesting drinking water that
Systems. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. contains radon also presents a risk of internal organ can-
cers, primarily stomach cancer. The U.S. Environmental
For further information, to comment on this Tech Brief, Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Surgeon General
or to suggest topics, contact Vipin Bhardwaj via e-mail at recommend testing indoor air for radon in all homes and
vbhardw2@wvu.edu. apartments located below the third floor. If you smoke and
NDWC Engineering Scientist, Vipin Bhardwaj, has your home has high indoor radon levels, your risk of lung
master’s degrees in environmental engineering and cancer is especially high.
agriculture from West Virginia University. Tap water only emits approximately 1 to 2 percent of
the radon found in indoor air. However, breathing radon
from this source increases the risk of lung cancer over the
RADIONUCLIDES course of a lifetime.

Radium. Radium-226 and radium-228 are natural

National Drinking Water groundwater contaminants that usually occur at trace
Clearinghouse levels. At high exposure levels, radium-226 and radium-
228 can cause bone cancer in humans and are believed to
cause stomach, lung, and other cancers as well.
Radionuclide contamination of drinking water is a sig-
nificant, emerging issue. Until now, manmade radioac- Uranium. Uranium is a naturally occurring radioactive
tivity in drinking water has not been a major problem. contaminant that is found in both groundwater and surface
Natural sources have been the primary cause of con- water. At high exposure levels, uranium is believed to
tamination. However, the potential for contamination cause bone cancer and other cancers in humans. EPA also
exists throughout the country as releases from medical believes that uranium can be toxic to the kidneys.

Table 1. What Regulations Govern Radionuclides?

Radionuclide National Primary Drinking Water Regulations

EPA Standards

Proposed Proposed
Maximum Maximum
Drinking Water Contaminant Contaminant Best Available
Contaminants Health Effects Level Goal MCLG Level (MCL) Current MCL Sources Technology (BAT)2

Radium-226 Cancer Zero 20 pCi/L 5 pCi/L combined Naturally Ion

with radium-228 occurring Exchange
(IE); Lime

Radium-228 Cancer Zero 20 pCi/L 5 pCi/L combined Naturally IE; LS; RO

with radium-226 occurring

Radon-222 Cancer Zero 300 pCi/L – Naturally Aeration


Uranium Kidney toxicity, Zero 20 ug/L3 – Naturally Coagulation/

Cancer occurring Filtration;

Adjusted Cancer Zero 15 pCi/L 15 pCi/L Naturally RO

gross occurring
alpha and
emitters manmade

Gross beta Cancer Zero 4 mrem 4 mrem ede/yr any Naturally IE; RO
and ede/yr organ or whole occurring
photon body

1. PicoCuries per liter (pCi/L) is an activity measurement of radioactive decay (1 pCi/L = 2.2 disintegrations per minute); micrograms per liter (µg/L) is
a mass measurement; mrem is measurement of effective radiation dose to organs.
2. Except as noted, BAT for the purpose of issuing variances is the same as BAT for compliance.
3. 20 µg/L is based on kidney toxicity. 20 µg/L is the equivalent of 30 pCi/L.
4. Coagulation/Filtration and Lime Softening are not BAT for small systems (those with fewer than 500 connections) for the purpose of
granting variances.

Note: EPA recognizes that most radionuclides emit more than one type of radiation as they decay. The lists of compounds labeled ‘‘alpha’’ or ‘‘beta’’ emitters
identify the predominant decay mode.
Note: In this document the unit mrem ede/yr refers to the dose ingested over 50 years at the rate of 2 liters of drinking water per day.
Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1991.

Gross Alpha. Alpha emitters naturally occur as radioac- beta and photon emitters are believed to cause cancer
tive contaminants, but several come from manmade in humans.
sources. They may occur in either groundwater or sur-
face water. At high exposure levels, alpha emitters are
believed to cause cancer in humans. WHAT ARE THE TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES FOR
Beta and Photon Emitters. Beta and photon emitters are
primarily manmade radioactive contaminants associated Whether or not a particular treatment technology effec-
with operating nuclear power plants, facilities that use tively removes radionuclides from drinking water depends
radioactive material for research or manufacturing, or on the contaminant’s chemical and physical characteristics
facilities that dispose of radioactive material. Some as well as the water system’s characteristics (e.g., source
beta emitters occur naturally. Beta and photon emitters water quality and water system size). Other considerations
primarily occur in surface water. At high exposure levels, include cost, service life, and co-treatment compatibility.

Table 2. Technologies for Radionuclides

Limitations Operator Skill Raw Water Quality Range
Unit Technology (See Footnotes) Level Required1 and Considerations1

1. Ion Exchange (IO) (a) Intermediate All groundwater

2. Point of Use (POU) IO (b) Basic All groundwater
3. Reverse Osmosis (RO) (c) Advanced Surface water usually
4. POU RO (b) Basic Surface water usually
5. Lime Softening (d) Advanced All water
6. Green Sand Filtration (e) Basic
7. Co-precipitation with Barium Sulfate (f) Intermediate to Advanced Groundwater with
suitable water
8. Electrodialysis/Electrodialysis Reversal Basic to Intermediate All groundwater
9. Pre-formed Hydrous Manganese Oxide Filtration (g) Intermediate All groundwater
National Research Council (NRC). ‘‘Safe Water from Every Tap: Improving Water Service to Small Communities.’’ National Academy Press. Washington,
DC. 1997.
Limitations Footnotes
a. The regeneration solution contains high concentrations of the contaminant ions. Disposal options should be carefully considered before choosing
this technology.
b. When POU devices are used for compliance, programs for long-term operation, maintenance, and monitoring must be provided by the water utility to
ensure proper performance.
c. Reject water disposal options should be carefully considered before choosing this technology.
d. The combination of variable source water quality and the complexity of the chemistry involved in lime softening may make this technology too
complex for small surface water systems.
e. Removal efficiencies can vary depending on water quality.
f. This technology may be very limited in application to small systems. Since the process requires static mixing, detention basins, and filtration; it is
most applicable to systems with sufficiently high sulfate levels that already have a suitable filtration treatment train in place.
g. This technology is most applicable to small systems that already have filtration in place.

Source: Environmental Protection Agency, 1998.

EVALUATION OF TECHNOLOGIES to determine when regeneration is needed and to trouble-

shoot. Also, disposal of concentrated radionuclides can
The following treatment technologies were evaluated for be expensive.
their ability to remove radionuclides from water: Ion exchange treatment generates wastes that include
rinse and backwash water, and the resin. The rinse and
• ion exchange (IE); backwash liquid waste includes brine, radium, and any
• point-of-use (POU) IE; other contaminants that the process removes.
• point-of-entry (POE) IE;
• reverse osmosis (RO); Cation Exchange. A cation is a positively charged ion.
• POU RO; POE RO; Cation exchange resins exchange like-charged ions equally
• lime softening (LS); with protons—sodium ions (Na+), or in sodium-restriction
• greensand filtration; cases, potassium ions (K+)—to remove undesirable
• co-precipitation with barium sulfate; cations from water. Cation exchange is often used to
remove calcium and magnesium cations, and to treat
• selective sorbents;
hard water.
• electrodialysis/electrodialysis reversal (ED/EDR); The amount of waste (rinse and backwash) that cation
and exchange typically generates ranges between 2 and 10
• preformed hydrous manganese oxides (HMOs). percent of the treated water.

Ion Exchange. Small systems may readily use IE

treatment, which removes approximately 90 percent of Lime Softening. Lime softening can be used to remove
radionuclides. The effluent must be regularly monitored radium from drinking water with 80 to 95 percent
and the resin must be frequently regenerated to ensure efficiency. Also, adding lime or lime-soda ash to water
that breakthrough does not occur. Ion exchange units may increases the pH of the water and induces calcium
be controlled automatically, requiring less of the operator’s carbonate and magnesium hydroxide precipitation. Lime
time. However, it is necessary to employ a skilled operator softening also is used to treat hard water.

Lime softening generates wastes that include lime OTHER TECHNOLOGIES

sludge, filter backwash liquid and sludge, and sludge
supernatant. Some other technologies also are available that may
remove radionuclides from drinking water. However, these
Reverse Osmosis (RO). Reverse osmosis effectively technologies have not been fully tested for drinking
removes many inorganic contaminants, including heavy water treatment or have only been used in industrial
metals and radionuclides, such as radium and uranium. or experimental situations. Examples of processes that
RO can remove 87 to 98 percent of radium from drinking remove radium include selective sorbents (e.g., acrylic
water. Similar elimination can be achieved for alpha fibers or resins impregnated with manganese dioxide) and
particle activity and total beta and photon emitter activity. non-sodium cation exchangers (e.g., hydrogen ions and
When using an RO system to remove radionuclides, per- calcium ions).
formance depends on a number of factors, including pH,
turbidity, iron/manganese content of the raw water, and
membrane type. The pretreatment design depends on the WHERE CAN I FIND MORE INFORMATION?
quality and quantity of the source water. Existing treat-
ment plants may already provide much of the required pre- (1) American Water Works Association & American
treatment—for example, coagulation/filtration of highly Society of Civil Engineers. 1998. Water Treatment
turbid surface water or iron removal for well waters. RO Plant Design; 3rd ed. The McGraw-Hill Companies,
can be cost effective for small systems. Inc.
(2) U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. September
1998. Small System Compliance Technology List for
the Non-Microbial Contaminants Regulated Before
1996. EPA 815-R-98-002.
Greensand Filtration for Radium Removal (3) U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. August
1998. Federal Register/Notices. Vol.63, No. 151.
Greensand filtration technology consists of a conventional
(4) U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. Octo-
filter box with manganese greensand replacing the
ber 1999. Office of Groundwater and Drink-
traditional filtration medium. Studies indicate that
ing Water. Proposed Radon in Drinking Water
greensand filtration removes up to 56 percent of radium.
Rule: Technical Fact Sheet EPA 815-F-99-006.
This process generates wastes that include sludge and
supernatant from the filter backwash, and eventually the
greensand media must be disposed of. (5) U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. June 1991.
Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water.
Radionuclides in Drinking Water - Fact Sheet EPA
(6) U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. July 1991.
‘‘National Primary Drinking Water Regulations;
Costs for HMO treatment can be quite low, if filtration is
Radionuclides; Proposed Rule’’ Federal Register,
already in place.
Vol.56, No. 138.
HMO filtration is similar to oxidation/filtration in its
complexity and the operator skill it requires. Proper (7) U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. March
dosages must be determined, and if water quality 1997. Federal Register, Vol.62, No. 43.
varies, the dosage must be recalibrated. Once the
proper dose is determined, dosing is relatively easy. HAVE YOU READ ALL OUR TECH BRIEFS?
HMO filtration requires simple equipment and is fairly
inexpensive. Filters must be backwashed, which may ‘‘Tech Briefs,’’ drinking water treatment fact sheets
require intermediate operator skill. Radium containing have been a regular feature in the National Drink-
wastes include HMO sludge, filter backwash, and sludge ing Water Clearinghouse (NDWC) newsletter On Tap
supernatant. for more than four years. NDWC Technical Assis-
tance Specialist Mohamed Lahlou, Ph.D., researches,
CO-PRECIPITATION OF RADIUM WITH BARIUM SULFATE compiles information, and writes these very popular
Adding a soluble barium salt—such as barium chlo- To order, call the NDWC at (800) 624-8301 or (304) 293-
ride—to radium and sulfate contaminated water causes 4191. You may also order online at ndwc orders@mail.estd.
co-precipitation of a highly insoluble radium-containing wvu.edu or download fact sheets from our Web site at
barium sulfate sludge. This process has primarily been www.ndwc.wvu.edu.
used for wastewater treatment. Mine wastewater treat- Additional copies of fact sheets are free; however, postal
ment data indicates that this process removes up to 95 charges may be added.
percent of radium. For further information, comments about this fact
This process generates wastes that include the barium sheet, or to suggest topics, call Lahlou at one of
sulfate precipitate sludge, filter backwash, and sludge the above numbers or contact him via e-mail at
supernatant. mlahlou2@wvu.edu.


∆e = ∆e°− n
University of Texas
R = universal gas constant,
San Antonio, Texas
T = temperature,
n = 1 mole of electrons, and
= faraday, the charge of 1 mole of ?
Figure 2. The Nernst equation for redox potential (1).

Effective process control requires an understanding of

where the process is with respect to reaction potential The more positive the half-reaction, the greater the ten-
and completion. Online measurements allow for greater dency for the oxidized form to be reduced and therefore
monitoring of the state of the process from flowrates to the electron acceptor is defined (1).
chlorine residuals. A measure of dissolved oxygen in the
system is useful until anoxic and anaerobic conditions
are encountered. Once those environmental conditions TYPICAL RANGES FOR REDOX POTENTIAL IN
are achieved, as is the case with biological nutrient BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS
removal (BNR), the ability to measure a wider range
of conditions may be achieved with oxidation–reduction The wastewater treatment process involves a multitude
potential (ORP). of environmental conditions in order to achieve complete
treatment of influent constituents. Each of these general
environmental conditions may be defined by several
BASICS OF OXIDATION–REDUCTION REACTIONS ranges of redox potentials (Fig. 3). As a general rule
of thumb, readings taken with an ORP electrode that
Oxidation–reduction reactions also referred to as redox are less than −200 mV are indicative of anaerobic or
or oxido reduction involves the transfer of electrons and reducing conditions. ORP readings between approximately
provides microorganisms with their free energy during −200 and +200 mV are for anoxic conditions. Aerobic or
transformations. The energy exchange is usually in the oxidative conditions are present above +200 mV.
form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), where the energy The typical wastewater processes for the anaerobic
is in the bonds between the phosphoryl groups. Both range include sulfate reduction, occurring primarily in the
aerobic and anaerobic metabolism produce ATP, but the collection system, and methanogenesis and fermentation,
anaerobic rate of production is much lower than that of which are more typical of the anaerobic digestion process.
the aerobic process. This range is defined by sulfate as the primary terminal
The redox reaction typically transfers electrons from electron acceptor. The anoxic range is useful for biological
an electron donor (ED) to an electron acceptor (EA), where nutrient removal, where nitrate serves as the dominant
two half-reactions (or redox couples) can be derived to terminal electron acceptor. The aerobic range involves
show the movement of the electron (Fig. 1). By taking the the activated sludge process and disinfection, where
electron, the EA gains a net negative charge, while the ED oxygen or the disinfectant serves as the terminal electron
loses an electron and gains a net positive charge. acceptor (2,3).


For biological nutrient removal (BNR), there is a need to

The redox potential (E) can be viewed as the electron
switch between anaerobic/anoxic conditions and aerobic
pressure or the degree of tendency for electrons to
be transferred and is defined by the Nernst equation
(Fig. 2). The standard redox potential, E◦ , is defined
as the difference between the reduction potentials of the Anaerobic Anoxic Aerobic
electron acceptor and donor when all components are in
◦ ◦
their standard state (E◦ = EEA − EED ). This reduction Activated
potential is measured with respect to the hydrogen half-
reaction. Nitrification
Biochemical standard state (E◦ at pH 7) for the hydro-
gen half-reaction is −427 mV (negative 427 millivolts). Denitrification


EA + e − EA(−) reduction
−200 0 +200
ED ED(+) +e − oxidation
Figure 3. Redox potential ranges (mV) for typical wastewater
Figure 1. Generic reduction and oxidation half-reactions (1). processes. (Modified from References 2 and 3).

conditions to achieve complete removal of nitrogen and 9. Filani-Meknassi, Y., Tyagi, R.D., and Narasiah, K.S. (2000).
phosphorus compounds from the water. For phosphorus Simultaneous sewage sludge digestion and metal leaching:
removal, anaerobic conditions result in a release of effect of aeration. Proc. Biochem. 36: 263–273.
orthophosphate to gain energy by using up ATP. The 10. Yu, R.-F. (2004). Feed-forward dose control of wastewater
higher energetics of aerobic metabolism then causes chlorination using on-line pH and ORP titration. Chemo-
phosphorus uptake, so that the microorganisms can store sphere 56: 973–980.
the energy. Similarly, anoxic/anaerobic conditions allow 11. Chen, G.-H., Yip, W.-K., Mo, H.-K., and Liu, Y. (2001). Effect
for the conversion of nitrate and nitrite to nitrogen of sludge fasting/feasting on growth of activated sludge
cultures. Water Res. 35(4): 1029–1037.
gas, while aerobic conditions allow for the oxidation of
ammonia to nitrite and nitrate. Controlling these two
processes, denitrification and nitrification, respectively,
requires the ability to switch and establish the proper
environmental conditions. ORP readings afford the VIPIN BHARDWAJ
operator greater control over these conditions (4–6). NDWC Engineering Scientist


Occasionally, water systems encounter situations where
they must repair distribution system pipes. Corrosion and
Other applications for ORP monitoring and control are
tuberculation (i.e., buildup of sediment, dirt, or rust)
currently being researched and implemented. Waste-
may have caused small leaks in the lines, or worse,
activated sludge hydrolysis may be enhanced to increase
a major line break may occur, creating an emergency
its bioavailability during sludge handling (7–9). Dosing
situation. This Tech Brief discusses ways to manage these
may be controlled in the disinfection process (10). Aeration
situations and outlines steps a utility may take to repair
may be controlled and thus the organism growth
the distribution system.
influenced in the activated sludge process (11).


With increasingly better electrode technology and online Distribution lines can break for a variety of reasons.
monitoring and data storage capability, process control Excessive weight, such as increased traffic continuously
using ORP has a future in reducing operational cost and running over a buried pipe, can trigger a line break. Also,
improving operational efficiency. extremely cold temperatures can cause breaks because
when water freezes, it expands. But environmental
conditions are not the only reason a line may break.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Sometimes utility workers may unknowingly install
pipes that have defects from the manufacturing process,
1. Voet, D. and Voet, J. (1995). Biochemistry, 2nd Edn. Wiley, and they are not strong enough to handle high-pressure
Hoboken, NJ, pp. 428–437. surges. Consequently, the pipes may split or crack. Other
2. Stumm, W. and Morgan, J.J. (1996). Aquatic Chemistry: times pipes may not have been properly installed into the
Chemical Equilibria and Rates in Natural Waters, 3rd Edn. trench, creating a situation where it’s only a matter of
Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, p. 477. time before a line bursts.
3. Byl, T.D. and Williams, S.D. (2000). Biodegradation of Corrosion and tuberculation are two more reasons that
Chlorinated Ethenes at a Karst Site in Middle Tennessee. pipe can rupture. Corrosion may cause breaks or leaks
U.S. Geological Survey, Nashville, TN, Water Resources because acidic conditions can cause pitting or holes in a
Investigations Report 99–4285, p. 4.
metallic pipe. In addition, tuberculation can cause high-
4. Hidaka, T., Tsuno, H., and Kishimoto, N. (2003). Advanced pressure pockets in some areas of pipe, because water
treatment of sewage by precoagulation and biological
that’s under pressure may not be able to easily move
filtration process. Water Res. 37: 42559–4269.
beyond the area of buildup.
5. Lee, D.S., Jeon, C.O., and Park, J.M. (2001). Biological
nitrogen removal with enhanced phosphate uptake in a
sequencing batch reactor using single sludge system. Water
Res. 35(16): 3968–3976.
6. Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. (2003). Wastewater Engineering:
Treatment and Resuse, 4th Edn. McGraw-Hill, Boston, Over time, even small leaks can waste a substantial
pp. 611–629. amount of water, which is expensive. When water
7. Chang, C.-N., Ma, Y.-S., and Lo, C.-W. (2002). Application system personnel detect a leak, they should repair it
of oxidation–reduction potential as a controlling parameter immediately—no matter how small it is.
in waste activated sludge hydrolysis. Chem. Eng. J. 90: When water comes out of the ground, it is obvious a leak
273–281. exists nearby and its location is fairly easy to determine.
8. Chen, G.-H. et al. (2003). Possible cause of excess sludge However, scheduling periodic leak detection exercises
reduction in an oxic-settling-anaerobic activated sludge helps water systems determine where and when they
process (OSA process). Water Res. 37: 3855–3866. should make repairs in situations that aren’t so obvious.

Because most leaks are not visible, all a utility worker More often than not, valves can become hard to close
may know is that the system is losing water. Someone then or may even break if they are not used on a regular
has to find the leak. This involves using listening devices, basis. Systems should have regular valve-exercising and
such as Geophones or other electronic equipment. (For hydrant-flushing programs to alleviate this problem. (For
more information about leak detection, see the Tech Brief tips about developing a valve-exercising program, see the
in the Spring 2001 On Tap, and the article, ‘‘On the Trail article, ‘‘Why bother with a valve-exercising program?’’
of the Elusive Water Leak’’ in the Summer 2003 On Tap.) in the Winter 2004 On Tap. For more information
One of the best ways to trace water loss is to about hydrant flushing, see ‘‘Fire Hydrant Operation and
conduct a water audit. A water audit helps systems keep Maintenance,’’ in the Fall 2002 On Tap).
unaccounted for water loss to the recommended 15 percent If possible, repair the leak without shutting off the
or less of the total water a system produces. Conducting entire water supply. Figure 1 shows a section of a distribu-
a water audit and following up on the results can help tion system with an arrangement of four valves. The leak
the utility control its water losses. (For more information is near a corner before valve 2. Water flow is from left to
about water audits, see the Fall 2002 On Tap article, right through the loop. When making repairs, close valve 4,
‘‘The Economics of Water Loss: What is unaccounted for valve 3, and valve 2, keeping valve 1 open till the very last
water?’’). minute (Fig. 3). Valve 1 is then closed slowly. Utility work-
To conduct a water audit, utility workers will need to ers then make repairs on the leak and turn the water back
take flow measurements over a 24-hour period. This task on immediately. Closing the valve nearest the leak at the
will require pressure gauges. Utility workers also should last minute allows the line to remain under pressure, pre-
make sure to check meters on main lines first to see if venting back siphoning and back pressure that can cause
they are accurate and calibrated. As water flows from contaminants to get sucked in through the leak.
main lines into smaller lines, utility workers take flow If, however, the valves cannot be opened and,
measurements at a number of points in the smaller lines. consequently, the water cannot be turned off, one practice
Large, unaccounted for nighttime flows indicate a leak. is to open several fire hydrants in the area. While this
method will not stop the water, it will lower the water
EMERGENCY REPAIRS pressure enough that utility workers can repair the leak.
Once the repairs have been completed, workers then slowly
Sometimes leaks aren’t small. Sometimes they gush. If a turn the water back on. Turning the water back on slowly
main breaks, utility workers must repair it immediately. ensures that water hammer will not become a problem.
To avoid too much stress, utilities need to have a plan Water hammer is a hydraulic shock that happens when
of action ready that details the necessary equipment, a sudden change in velocity occurs, such as quickly closing
personnel, and procedures. This plan is usually referred to a valve. Shock waves occur within the pipes, which travel
as an emergency response plan (ERP) and should involve back and forth and cause a ‘‘bang’’ within the pipe. This
law enforcement, fire protection, and city officials because bang is the hammer that can cause pipes to burst. (See
utility personnel must first figure out if the leak poses a the Tech Brief about water hammer in the Winter 2003
hazard to life or property. On Tap.)
As soon as a major break is detected, utility workers When a line is under pressure, less probability exists
should notify customers that their water will be turned for contaminants to get in through the break. But if
off while workers make repairs. Valves must first be shut contamination does occur, the utility should take the
off in the area to isolate the break and to prevent further appropriate actions to inform the public through local
water loss. radio, TV, or other new service. Notification should outline

This diagram shows


how to measure the


diameter for a clamp.


Circumference = 3.14 × Diameter

Diameter = Circumference

Figure 1. Calculating diameter from circumfer-

ence. Source: Water Transmission and Distribution,
AWWA, 2nd Edition.

steps customers can take to be sure their water is safe.

In case of an emergency, utilities should refer to their
ERP that should specifically outline what they need to do.
For example, they also may need to notify state primacy
agencies, depending upon what level of action they need
Here are two types
to take. of clamps used in
pipe repair.

Once utility workers detect the leak, they have to dig up

the pipe. The trench must be parallel to the pipe on both
sides and be deep enough that a person can work around
the pipe to repair it. Workers must calculate the trench’s
depth and width based on pipe size. Water will collect in
the pit and will have to be pumped out.
Utility workers also should remember that it’s an
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
rule to shore the trench if it’s five feet or deeper—or
less than five feet if the conditions warrant it, such as
extremely sandy or muddy soil.


If the break in the pipe is very large, that portion of the

pipe will have to be cut off and a new section put in Figure 2. Types of clamps. Source: Water Transmission and
place. Cutting a pipe requires saws, pipe cutters, welding Distribution, AWWA, 2nd Edition.
equipment (if the pipes are made of steel), pipe wrenches,
couplings, and other hand tools.
If the break in the pipe is small, such as a rupture This preparation will save time in an emergency. They
across the pipe, utility workers can wrap a flexible clamp should keep the truck’s gas tank full and not loan out
or sleeve on it, which acts like a bandage for the pipe. tools or equipment. Qualified individuals should be on call
Wrapping a coupling around the pipe, which is a device for emergency response at all times, including scheduled
that holds two separate pieces of the pipe together in a holidays.
‘‘covering’’ device, is another way to repair a small break
(see Fig. 2). LAYING NEW PIPES
A clamp installed on the pipe has a gasket (usually
made of rubber) that covers the ruptured section and helps In some situations, a utility may have to replace an
to maintain a secure fitting. There is an arrangement entire pipeline. New pipes may have to be hauled in
of screws (preferably stainless steel) that are tightened and installed. Care must be taken to prevent pipes from
around the clamp. Utility workers will need to clean and breaking during shipping or storage, and the pipes must be
scrape corrosion and dirt from the pipe surface and then installed correctly. Approvals or permits from the relevant
disinfect it with bleach. state or local agency must be obtained before starting a
In addition, they should measure the outside circum- new project.
ference of the pipe to determine the exact diameter of Pipes should be placed where they will be installed
a coupling. (The diameter is equal to the circumference before digging out the trench. One end of a pipe is
divided by 3.14159.) shaped like a bell, and the other end is straight. Pipes
After the pipe is repaired, workers should turn on the
are joined together straight end into bell end and secured
water slowly to check if there are any remaining leaks. The with a gasket. Pipes should have their bell-shaped ends
trench is typically covered with filling material, such as
placed in the direction in which the installation of the pipe
sand, crushed stone, or processed material, and compacted.
will proceed.
The workers should ask system customers to turn on their
Excavating the earth to install pipes is the most
taps and allow the water to run for some time because the
expensive part of many replacement projects. Before
water may or may not have sediment in it.
beginning the repair project, other utility installations,
such as sewer and gas lines, must be located. In addition,
BEING PREPARED utility workers must notify nearby property owners and
the general public.
A water utility should have an emergency vehicle, Once the project is underway, utility workers must:
such as a pickup truck, stocked with essential tools,
including pipe cutters, wrenches, shovels, traffic control • determine the trench’s width according to the pipe
equipment, barricades, flashers, cones, and flashlights. size required,

Valve 1 Valve 4

Close Valves 2,3, and 4 first, then

leave Valve 1 open until the last
minute. Make repairs, then slowly
Valve 2 turn the water back on. Valve 3
The idea is to keep the water
lines under pressure. This avoids
backsiphonnage and backflow.

Figure 3. Overhead view of a dis-

Direction of water flow tribution system. Source: Operator
Basics CD, Montana Water Center.

• lower pipes carefully into the trench using ropes, degrees in environmental engineering and agriculture
• dig out additional soil at the bell ends so that the pipe from West Virginia University.
is supported along its entire length, and
• add some backfill material or bedding to the trench
Pipes have gaskets on the bell-shaped ends. When
laying new pipelines: JANUSZ GUZIUR
University of Warmia and
• the gasket must be clean, and Mazury in Olsztyn
• pipes must be pushed all the way into the bell of an Olsztyn, Poland
adjoining pipe to make a tight fit.

Once workers have completed repairs, they should turn ‘Water . . . you are the greatest treasure ever existing in all
the water back on and check for leaks before backfilling the the world’.
trench. The new lines should be disinfected and thoroughly (Antoine Saint-Exupery)
flushed to remove all sediment and dirt.
According to the American Water Works Association’s The earth’s fresh water supplies are diminishing at a
standards, water samples should be taken every 1,200 feet terrifying rate. The loss of fresh-water supply per capita
following a new installation. Samples must be bacteria free has reached 40% since 1970.
before the line can be put back into service. Workers should The annual gross supply of water in the world per
be sure to keep a record of where the repair needed to be person is 10,000 m3 , 1500 m3 in Poland, 2400 m3 in
made and its cause. Germany, and 2800 m3 in France. These data converted
into the water availability index in cubic meters daily
WHERE CAN I FIND MORE INFORMATION? per capita in some European countries are presented in
Fig. 1 (1,2).
American Water Works Association. 1996. Water Melioration works (land improvement) completed in
Transmission and Distribution, Second Edition. the past 50 years in many countries in Europe, Asia,
Denver, Colorado: AWWA. or America have focused mainly on enlarging areas of
American Water Works Association. 1999. Water farmland (increasing food production). They were intended
Distribution Operator Training Handbook, Second to drain off water rapidly and dry and reclaim land. As
Edition. Denver, Colorado: AWWA. a result, many natural watercourses have been replaced
Male, James T., Walski, Thomas M. 1991. Water by drainpipes (ditches) and simple canals. Other water
Distribution Systems, A Troubleshooting Manual, features have also disappeared, for example, small natural
Second Edition. Chelsea, MI: Lewis Publishers, Inc. lakes and other small waterbodies, natural flood waters,
OSHA Rules and Regulations, CFR 1926.652 (a) at midfield trees, and coppices. In Poland, 80% of small ponds
www.osha.gov/doc/outreachtraining/htmlfiles/ and water mill dams have also been liquidated (3). Natural
exacavate.html water retention potential has been distorted. As a result
of declining available freshwater supplies in many areas
NDWC Engineering Scientist Vipin Bhardwaj has a of the world, interest is increasing in expanding the use of
bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering, and master’s small water reservoirs.

m3 water/head/day
Czech republic,
Romania, Hungary
Russia (European
Figure 1. Water availability index part)
in different European countries in Austria
cubic meters water per person
daily (1). 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

The present situation calls for urgent action to reclaim reaching it from the outside; each role depends on the type,
lost properties in the natural environment. Natural age, and use of the ecosystem. Wetlands become traps
landscape reclamation can be attained in two ways: mainly in spring and early summer. They are a source
of phosphorus (P) when the vegetative season is ended
• Natural Measures (Proecological, Nontechnical): by (disappearing assimilation). Depending on the hydrologic
preserving small water reservoirs and cave-in lakes, type of supply, waterlogged areas are divided into four
natural wetlands and floodplains, village ponds and types (7):
alike, as well as by planting forests, trees, and shelter
belts in degraded areas. • Ombrogenic: present in watershed zones, at the
• Technical Measures: by water retention, especially highest points, represented by high and transi-
so-called small retention objects. tional moors;
• Topogenic: present on lowlands and near lake areas
Natural retention means as low, oligotrophic moors;
• Soligenic: marshy grounds in valleys near terraced
• increased potential for water self-purification, accom- parts of river valleys;
panied by enriched landscape values. • Fluviogenic: riparian marshes, subject to the erosive
• enhanced landscape attractiveness, which stimulates impact of rivers, heavily bogged, with highly trophic
the development of ecotourism and also encourages (fertile) river sediments.
the local population to enjoy living in more comfort-
able surroundings. These types of wetlands have an exceptionally bene-
ficial influence on the hydrologic regime of the terrain.
Of about 28 types of small natural inland water In particular, they help retain water in the catchment,
reservoirs and water ecosystems (4,5), wetlands known as improve its water balance, and retain water in the coun-
marshes (swamps, bogs, wetlands, fens, mires) play a key tryside, which involves preventing water outflow from
role in the environment and water management. They are the catchment and rational time distribution of water
structural and functional waterlogged ecosystems that are (2,8). Wetlands also have an indirect positive effect on
transitional forms between typical land and typical water agricultural production (plant production) and pond fish
ecosystems. Features common to all marshy ecosystems culture (9).
are permanent or temporary waterlogging of the substrate, In some countries, marshes and bogs cover large
the presence of hydrophilous plants (hydrophytes), and areas. In Poland, for example, natural and transformed
specific soils. Such ecosystems are inhabited by rare plant marshes cover 13.1% of the country’s total area (more
and animal species and function as important flight paths than 4.3 million ha), of which 10.2% belongs to open (not
for seasonally migrating birds as well as water plant forested) marshes, preserved in a nearly natural state.
habitats for nomadic species (6). They are also nesting More than 56% of Poland’s natural and transformed
and breeding areas for some rare species, frequently those marshes are contained in the European system ECONET
on the verge of extinction (including endemic species). Poland (European Ecological Network), where they
Owing to their specific soils and flora, marshes are often constitute 16.7% of the total network area. The ECONET-
nicknamed ‘kidneys of the landscape’ or small wastewater PL network is composed of international and national
purification plants (7). core areas (that have a wealth of habitats and species)
The sanitary impact of wetlands on the environment is and ecological corridors. The latter are situated mainly in
gaining in importance due to considerable contamination river valleys, providing links between core areas (7).
of surface and underground waters. A waterlogged area The most effective and currently desirable is the type
can function as a trap, source, or transformer of matter of water retention that involves retaining the largest

Forms of water
in the catchment

Retention of
Landscape Retention
retention of surface waters
and soil waters

Aeration and
saturation Natural Artificial
Peat lands, forests,

Riverbeds and Controlled Uncontrolled

lakes, ponds,

Water reservoirs
• single-purpose
Baths (pools), small natural
• Multipurpose
lakes, ecological reservoirs,
flood-control reservoirs,
anti-rock-debris water
Figure 2. Basic forms of small reten-
tion in a catchment (10).

amounts of water possible in surface and near-surface increase low flows (summer drought seasons); and increase
water circulation systems using different measures. In air humidity and soil moisture, thus improving the
short, the objective is to prevent unproductive water flow microclimate and conditions for arable crops.
to the sea. Water reservoirs are objects that can be described by
The total retention capacity of a catchment is the sum using measurable and nonmeasurable parameters. The
of individual elements that comprise many constituent following are most often used to compare waterbodies:
forms of the catchment (Fig. 2). Economically, retention size of retention (ha, m3 ), runoff compensation ratio, type
can be divided into natural and artificial forms (10). The of regulation and discharge facilities, and hydraulic and
major forms of natural retention include economic functions (Table 1).
Development of water retention is an important
–retention by river beds and valleys, element of integrated water management, particularly
in terms of maintaining quality of water supplies and
–retention by peatlands, marshes, and wetlands,
producing a positive effect on the outflow and levels of
–retention by soil, underground, and surface waters, water from its surface, which in turn has some influence
–retention by stagnant waters—especially forest and on the formation and shape of flood tides.
soil retention. In addition, retention objects perform a variety of other
tasks and functions, of which the most important are
Forest and soil retention are difficult to quantify.
Estimates suggest that an increase in soil retention by • industrial water supply (e.g., water intake),
20 mm across 50% of the agricultural lands in Poland • fire protection
amounts to an additional 2 billion m3 of water (11,12). • relaxation, sports, and recreation,
Artificial water retention consists mainly of retaining • fisheries (professional and amateur),
water in artificial reservoirs (e.g., dammed reservoirs in
• landscape and environmental management.
lowlands and mountains) and less often of lake retention
obtained by artificial water lifting in natural lakes. Two
Surface water retention is attained through the
types of retention are distinguished—uncontrolled and
following activities:
controlled. The latter is represented by artificial reservoirs
of constant water lifting equipped with regulation devices,
• construction and reconstruction of water reservoirs,
which enable water circulation control (10).
Small water retention relies mainly on waterbodies of • construction of water lifting installations in rivers,
different types. Waterbodies improve the water balance • filling fish ponds (especially larger pond complexes),
of a catchment; depress the level of flood waves, high • water retention in amelioration installations and
water (after torrential rains), and thaw waves (in spring); systems,

Table 1. Classification of Storage Reservoirsa

Classification Criteria Size and Type of Reservoirs

Retention size Small Medium Large

Height of a dam (m) From 5 5 to 15 Over 15

Water capacity (m3 ) to 100,000 to 500,000 Over 500,000

Runoff compensation Long-term Seasonal Annual Daily

(below the reservoir)
Number of functions Single-purposeb Multipurposec

Hydraulic devices Uncontrolled : dry Controlled: of a defined (set) water lifting level
References 10 and 13.
Retention function (general).
Potable water retention, flood control, irrigation of arable crops, recreational and water sport reservoirs, land
melioration, electric power, sailing reservoirs, etc.

• water lifting in natural waterbodies (lakes), layers of soil), plowing across the slope, creating terraces,
• protection and management of small water reservoirs not burning grass and stubble, and re-creating midfield
and cave-in lakes, water ponds.
• flooding of valley depressions (bogs and marshes,
cutoff meander lakes, old riverbeds). Increasing Water Retention in Forested Areas
There is an array of activities available, including
The following water retention methods seem best for
afforestation of lands with forest polycultures (mono-
the natural environment:
cultures have inferior water retaining capacity), safe
Higher Water Retention on Areas Previously Ameliorated or transportation of felled trees (soil erosion risk), use of
Planned To Be Ameliorated cable trains for transporting felled trees in mountainous
areas, biological consolidation of streams, and no planning
The primary objective is reconstruction of weirs on
or building of main roads near streams and rivers. Despite
drainage ditches, which brings large contributions to
numerous controversies, forests in river valleys are largely
water supplies [in Poland, about 500 million m3 : (11)]. The
categorized as water protecting forests and therefore sub-
second stage comprises construction of small retention
ject to less intense forest management practices.
reservoirs at the end points of amelioration systems, that
is, before water outflow to a river or sea. Some experts
Maintaining and Increasing Water Retention in River Valleys
on hydrology and hydraulic engineering, however, claim
that large retention reservoirs should not be built as It should be remembered that nonregulated rivers that
long as ‘all possibilities of constructing small retention have undeveloped valleys provide the highest natural
reservoirs have not been exhausted.’ It is also important values. Water retention measures undertaken in river
to abandon amelioration of peat bogs or waterlogged valleys should be integrated with flood control. A partial
meadows and pastures, which further improves water solution that could reconcile flood control requirements
retention potential. with natural protection is the construction of so-called
The most superior natural values are attributed to polders, waterlogged and nonreclaimable depressions.
nonregulated rivers in undeveloped valleys. Such valleys There are two types of polders: overflow polders that are
contain a mosaic of different water ecosystems: cutoff flooded each time the water level rises (more favorable
meander lakes (old riverbeds), peat bogs, dry and moist for protecting nature), and control polders (better for
meadows, and the so-called alder carrs (8,9). Flood control flood protection). Such solutions are used, for example,
involves several methods that help preserve these unique in Germany in the Rhine river valley near the water step
natural water ecosystems. Of the two possible flood in Iffezheim (16). Of all types of dammed reservoirs, dry
protection strategies—increasing water flow capacity of reservoirs, which cause minimal changes in the hydrologic
river valleys (hydraulic installations) or increasing water regime, are responsible for the smallest losses in river
retention in the whole watershed—most specialists opt valley ecosystems. As far as wet reservoirs are concerned,
for the latter solution as more favorable for the natural small retention reservoirs are least damaging. According
environment (12,14,15). Of all methods for increasing to Lewis and Williams (17), the least damage to the
water retention, the following seem recommendable from environment is caused by those wet reservoirs that are
the viewpoint of preserving the natural environment: located in a river valley and are connected to the river by
an inflow and an output canal.
Maintaining and Increasing Water Retention on Lands Used
To preserve ecosystems below a large reservoir, it is
for Agricultural Production
necessary to cause artificial floods (lasting a few days)
The most important activities include doing without that discharge large amounts of water in the spring.
heavy agricultural machinery (which compacts arable Natural and hydrologic effects of an artificial flood on

the Colorado River in the United States (1996) are now on the whole water management in the catchment (23),
a subject of wide research, so far yielding positive and and, particularly, on flood control. A clear example of the
promising results (18). beneficial influence and protection against floods is the
The water retention effects of the aforementioned Czech pond Rožemberk (711 ha), built at the end of the
measures are quite varied and, apart from typical sixteenth century and used for fish farming until today.
retention reservoirs, rather limited. Their capacity for In 1889 (and more recently in August 2002), it protected
storing water (known as retention capacity) is usually the town of Třeboň from a devastating flood and complete
measured in hundreds of thousands cubic meters of water damage by spilling its waters over an area of 2,000 ha and
(less frequently in millions of m3 ). In Poland, objects whose storing more than 50 million m3 water (3).
capacity is less than 5 million m3 are referred to as small In Poland, for instance, there are about 71 thousand
retention objects (3,19). ha of fish ponds, including small ponds at farmsteads,
which store about 900–950 million m3 water, one-third
Fish ponds—An Undervalued Element of Small Retention of the country’s total water retention (2). Regardless
of these figures, many countries of central Europe
Ponds are shallow artificial retention reservoirs, built in pay little attention to the role of ponds and possible
less fertile areas, usually waterlogged and agriculturally inclusion of fish ponds in water and amelioration
useless. Fish ponds make aquaculture possible, and they
systems when planning water management, and local
also facilitate ecological use of water and systematic
water retention projects, in particular (4). Such notorious
water alimentation (permeation, leakage), more intense
underestimation of the nonproductive value of fish
alimentation occurs when water is discharged in spring
ponds results from an erroneous assumption that fish
and summer and during the autumn fish catch. Pond
ponds are exclusively fish production reservoirs. The
objects are localized in the upper parts of a catchment
truth is that, apart from their fish breeding function,
and are supplied with water from small streams and
they have more than 50 positive characteristics in
by precipitation. Ponds significantly delay water outflow
terms of water management, agriculture, environmental
and make water flow more uniform in the whole
protection, landscape values, water sports, angling,
watercourse (9,20) (Fig. 3).
and professional or economic stimulation of the local
Large fish pond objects and ponds of higher capacity
population (5,22,24–27). Therefore, such merits can often
(more than 1–2 thousand ha) located in lower parts
exceed the primary fish breeding value of ponds in their
of a catchment make it possible to store water and
economic assessment (28).
summer flood tides (so-called St John’s floods—rains in
In general, dammed retention reservoirs significantly
midsummer), thus successfully alleviating the course of
alter the river valley landscape, although they can
floods. In Europe, such pond complexes are found in the
also create suitable nesting and feeding areas for fish
region of Milicz near Wrocław (5 thousand ha), and near
and birds, once islets and shallow shores are formed.
Čs. Budějovic (22 thousand ha) in the south of the Czech
This effect can partly compensate for the losses in
Republic. The largest ponds in those complexes (regions)
the natural environment caused by construction of
cover 100 to 700 ha (2,4,5,21,22).
dammed reservoirs.
The water retention potential of such pond, lies in the
It should be added that the European Union has
fact that they store water in those periods when it would
accepted the ‘Habitat Directive’ to preserve, nearly
otherwise flow away fruitlessly. Ponds are filled with water
unchanged, valleys of large rivers and adjacent small
when the water level in rivers is the highest, meaning
reservoirs and floodplains with their wealth of ecosystems.
that it does not collide with the water uptake by other
The high diversity of species in such areas is further
users (consumers). On the contrary, it has a positive effect
protected by the Convention on Biodiversity Protection,
signed in 1992 by many European countries, including
Poland (7,15).


1. Szczerbowski, J.A. (1998). Fishing and Angling Encyclopedia.

(In Polish). IRS, Olsztyn.
2. Guziur, J., Białowas, H., and Milczarzewicz, W. (2003). Pond
Aquaculture. (In Polish). Oficyna Wyd, Hoża, Warszawa.
3. Guziur, J. (1991). Fisheries in Small Inland Reservoirs. (In
Polish). PWRiL, Warszawa.
4. Guziur, J. (1988). Characteristics of small water reservoirs
and their potential use for aquaculture Part, I-VI. (In Polish).
Acta Acad. Agric. Tech. Olst. 16: 15–66.
5. Guziur, J. (2000). Significance of non-productive (external)
value of small inland waterbodies. Zesz. Nauk. Tow. Inżyn.
Ekolog.Polit., Rzeszów. 1: 62–73.
6. Kabisch, K. and Hemmerling, J. (1981). Tümpel. Teiche und
Figure 3. Small retention—fish ponds in Ostróda, Poland. Weiher Oasen in Unsere Landschaft. Edition Leipzig.

7. Raport SGGW Warszawa. (2002). Use and Management RESERVOIRS, TOWERS, AND TANKS DRINKING
of a Catchment Area—Part. 6. Small Waters Retention.
(In Polish). Available: http://levis.sggw.waw.pl/ ozw1/zinte
growgospwod/ZintegrowanagospwodREW20/U. VIPIN BHARDWAJ
8. Starmach, K., Wróbel, S., and Pasternak, K. (1976). Hydrobi- NDWC Engineering Scientist
ology. Limnology. (In Polish). PWN, Warszawa.
9. Hynes, H.B. (1970). The Ecology of Running Waters. Liverpool CHRIS METZGAR
University Press.
Graphic Designer
10. Radczuk, L. and Olearczyk, D. (2002). Small storage reser-
voirs as an element of water balance improvement in the agri-
cultural catchment. (In Polish). Zesz. Nauk. AR w Krakowie
After water leaves the treatment plant but before it
393(23): 139–149.
reaches the customer, it must be adequately and safely
11. Mioduszewski, W. (1994). Water Supply Conservation and
stored. This Tech Brief explores the various aspects of
Shaping in Small Agricultural River Catchments. (In Polish).
water storage.
Mater. Inform. 25, Falenty IMUZ.
A water distribution system transports water from the
12. Mioduszewski, W. (2002). Recreation of the retention of small
treatment facility to the user. The distribution system
river catchment as an element of flood and drought control.
should supply water, without impairing its quality, in
(In Polish). Gospod. wodna, Warszawa 11: 12–16.
adequate quantities and at sufficient pressures to meet
13. Dziewoński, Z. (1972). Storage reservoirs of agriculture. (In
system requirements.
Polish). PWN, Warszawa.
The facilities that make up the distribution system
14. Ryszkowski, I. and Kçdziora, A. (1996). Small water retention
include finished water storage; pumping, transmission
in the rural landscape. (In Polish). Zesz. Nauk. AR Wrocław.
and distribution piping supply mains; and valves.
289: 217–225.
Storage facilities—such as reservoirs, towers, and
15. Jankowski, W. (2002). Ecologic flood control methods. (In
tanks—provide storage for treated water before it is
Polish). Available: http://www.tnz.most.org.pl/pow/ios 2.htm.
distributed. The water distribution system should have
16. Nieznański, P. (1999). The upper course of the Rhine river
storage so that it is capable for basic domestic purposes,
as an example of possible combination of flood control and
commercial and industrial uses, and to accommodate the
nature conservation. (In Polish). Polder. 15: 16–21.
flows necessary for emergencies such as fire fighting.
17. Lewis, G. and Williams, G. (1984). Rivers and Wildlife Hand-
book: A Guide to Practices Which Further the Conservation of
18. Collier, M.P., Webb, R.H., and Andrews, E.D. (1997). Exper-
imental flood in the Grand Canyon, Colorado, the USA. (In Service reservoirs provide the following functions:
Polish). Świat Nauki. 3(967): 62–69.
19. Hochman, L. (1988). Limnological charakteristics of irriga- • provide a reserve of treated water that will minimize
tion reservoirs in southwestern Slovakia (Czech Rep.). Prace interruptions of supply due to failures of mains,
Ustavu Ryb. Hydrob. Bratislava 6: 139–180. pumps, or other plant equipment;
20. Manson, P.W. and Schwartz, G.W. (1968). Some aspects of
• help maintain uniform pressure;
the hydrology of ponds and small lakes. Agricul. Exper.
Station—Univ. of Minnesota, Tech. Bull. 25(7): 88. • provide a reserve of water for fire fighting and other
21. Lavický, K. (1978). Function of fish ponds in a creation of
life environment. In: Current State and Perspectives of Czech • act as a relief valve on a system of mains supplied
Aquaculture. CSAZ Praha, pp. 43–50. by pumping;
22. Guziur, J. and Stafiniak, J. (2000). Polish experience with • permit a reduction in the size of distribution mains
culture of common carp in single ponds and small water below that which would be required in the absence of
reservoirs. Bull. VÚRH-Ju Vodňany. 4: 174–179. a reservoir; and
23. Boyd, C.E. (1985). Pond evaporation. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. • allow pumping at the average rather than peak
144(2): 299–305. flow rate.
24. Welsh, G. and Neils, K. (1978). Fish farming on the home
front. Fish Farm Aquacult. News. 4(6): 19–23.
25. Gergel, J. and Kratochvill, A. (1984). Teiche dienen nicht nur CLASSIFICATION OF STORAGE REQUIREMENTS
der Fischproduktion. Z.Binnenfisch. DDR. 3(5): 178–182.
26. Szumiec, M.A. (1990). Role of ponds in landscape. (In Polish). Storage volume requirements are classified by function:
Biul. Inform. IRS Żabieniec. 16: 1–7. operating, equalizing, fire and/or emergency, and dead-
27. Rożański, S. (1996). The additional benefits of fish farming in storage volumes. Engineers must consider these individual
small water bodies. Acta Acad. Agric. Ac Tech. Olst. Protectio volume components in combination to determine the total
Aquar. et Piscat. 22: 83–94. volume of storage capacity that is required for any system.
28. Turkowski, K. and Guziur, J. (1999). Small water reservoirs The total storage required is typically the sum of all
as an element of rural area management (case study of region these functions.
of Warmia and Mazury, North. Poland). (In Polish). Mater. Rather than requiring both fire and emergency storage,
XII Sympoz. Nauk., Instrumentalizm rozwoju obszarów some local fire and state agencies allow systems to use
wiejskich. AGH, Kraków, pp. 48–56. the larger of either fire or emergency storage volumes.

Overflow elevation Table 1. Typical Range of Storage Requirements for

off Fire Protection
Pump system Storage Volume, Storage Volume,

on Type of Development Gallons ML



20 PSIG minimum volume

Static pumping head

storage Low-density residential, 60,000 0.23
2 hr at 500 gpm
Typical operation - 30 PSIG

pressure in distribution
Emergency Built-up residential, 2 hr 120,000 0.45
in distribution system

Minimum pressure

at 1,000 gpm
fire storage
Light commercial, 4 hr at 480,000 1.8
2,000 gpm
Dead storage

Commercial, 4 hr at 960,000 3.6
4,000 gpm

Fire or


Source or booster pump

tanks where water in the bottom of the tank cannot be
used because of low system pressure.
Figure 1. Storage volume classification. Source or booster pump. Storage Volume Dedicated to Contact Time—Finished
water stored in clearwells at water treatment plants is
sometimes used to meet the disinfection contact time. In
these cases, the amount of fixed volume used to meet the
These local agency requirements need to be determined on
disinfection requirement should also be considered in the
a case-by-case basis before designing a storage reservoir.
total volume and operational limits of the reservoir.
Figure 1 illustrates the different components of the total
storage volume.
Operating Storage—This is the difference in volume DAILY STORAGE VOLUME USE VARIES
between the ‘‘pump on’’ and ‘‘pump off’’ levels when the
tank is normally being used and the sources of supply Water use is greater during daylight hours—typically
pumps to the storage tank are off. peaking in the mid-morning and early-evening hours.
Equalizing Storage—This storage component is used Stored water is withdrawn during these peak demand
when the source pump capacity is less than the peak hours of the day and is replenished during minimum-
system demands. The storage is needed so that water demand times in the late-night and early-morning hours.
production facilities can operate at a relatively constant Figure 2 illustrates the hourly variation in daily water
rate. Daily peak rates determine the volume, compared to use (diurnal variation) that might occur in a typical
the average daily demand and source capacity. residential community on the day of maximum water use
Fire Storage—The volume of water stored within for the year.
the water system for fighting fires is known as ‘‘fire The shape of the diurnal curve of water demand will
storage.’’ The storage volume required varies with the vary significantly between different cities because of dif-
size of city and with the size, type, and classification ferences in climates and local economies. Local design
of construction within the service area. Storage volume data should be obtained for each water system to deter-
requirements for fire fighting should be determined based mine storage needs. However, with an adequate source
upon state and local fire districts and municipalities. Fire of supply capacity, equalizing storage of approximately
authorities often refer to the latest edition of the Guide 22 percent of the maximum daily demand is typical for
for Determination of Required Fire Flow, published by small residential areas.
the Insurance Services Office to determine local fire flow
The typical minimum municipal fire flow requirement
is 500 to 1,000 gallons per minute (gpm) for two hours for Using equalizing storage
Average flow on maximum day

single family residential areas. Commercial and industrial

areas fire flows can be as high as 8,000 gpm or more for
many hours. Typical fire storage requirements are shown
in Table 1. Engineers should base the actual capacity 100
Average flow during
needs upon local fire flow requirements. maximum day
Emergency Storage—This storage is used to provide
water to the system during other unusual or emergency 60
conditions. Emergency storage volume depends upon the
Replenishing storage
likelihood of supply interruption and the time required to
make repairs or arrange for an alternative water supply.
Dead Storage—Storage in tanks or reservoirs that 0 6 12 18 24
cannot be drawn out or used beneficially because of piping
Midnight Noon Midnight
elevations or low pressures is known as dead storage. Dead
storage is typically most significant in tall standpipe-type Figure 2. Hourly water use variation.


(a) Total energy line
Water towers can be made of concrete or steel and can raul
take various forms. The most suitable form for concrete line ic Hydra
ulic li
towers is a cylinder with a curved shaped bottom or with
a flat bottom. Steel tanks may have a spherical or dome
shaped bottom. The shape chosen is usually a compromise Water
between function, construction and maintenance costs, tower
and aesthetics. City
The lowest water level in the tank is determined (b) Total energy line
according to the pressure requirements in the pipeline.
The pressure in the pipelines may vary depending on the Total energy line
type of community and pressure needs of different areas Impounded
in a city. Typically, minimum acceptable water system reservoir line
pressures are 35 to 40 pounds per square inch (psi) and Elevated tank
maximum pressures are 100 to 120 psi. City
To keep pumping costs low, water depth in the tank
(c) Hydraulic line
is generally kept small. Due to structural considerations,
the depth is kept equal to the diameter. aulic line


A service reservoir stores the water and supplies it at the Pump
required pressure to the farthest point in the area. In view
of the cost of pipelines and uniform pressure distribution,
the reservoir should be located near the center of the (d) Elevated
Hydraulic line tank
service area.
In flat areas, it is relatively easy to build the water
tower at the center. In hilly areas, however, it may be Hyd Lin
more advantageous to select the highest point for the ic
construction of an elevated tank, which may lie at one end
of the area instead of the center.
Apart from the center, the tank or tower can be situated River
between the area and the source of supply (pumping or City
gravity flow). When the service reservoir lies between the Pump
area and the source, all the water must pass through the
Figure 3. Service reservoir.
elevated tank before flowing through the area (see Fig. 3a).
The pressure in the water supply system depends upon
the water level in the service reservoir. A water supply
system needs to guarantee a minimum pressure even D100. Factory-coated bolted steel tanks should confirm to
at the most remote point in the area. Therefore, it is ANSI/AWWA D103. Wire and strand wound, circular, pre-
essential that the hydraulic gradient line always be above stressed concrete tanks should confirm to ANSI/AWWA
the required pressure. Standard D110.
When water is supplied from an impounded high-level The storage tanks should be painted or have cathodic
reservoir, the service reservoir may function as a pressure- protection. The AWWA standards for painting exclude
reducing device (see Fig. 3b). This reduces the possibility the use of paints that might add toxic materials to the
of damage to the pipes due to high hydrostatic pressure. stored water. The paint, both external and internal, should
When the area lies between the source and the service comply with the standards prescribed by AWWA D101
reservoir, then most of the requirements are met by direct and D102.
pumping and the excess water flows to the service reservoir
(see Figs. 3c and 3d). In this system there may be larger
fluctuations in the supply pressure.
All water reservoirs should be covered to protect the stored
CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS water against contamination. Overflow pipes should be
brought down near the ground surface and discharged
Most states permit steel and concrete construction materi- to minimize erosion. The storage structure should be
als. All piping, joints, and fittings should conform to Amer- designed so that there is water circulates. There should
ican Water Works Association (AWWA) specifications. be a convenient access to the interior for cleaning,
Welded steel water tanks should confirm to American maintenance, and sampling. Rigid storage reservoirs
National Standards Institute (ANSI)/AWWA Standard should be vented.

READING LIST call the NDWC at the numbers listed below and ask for
item #DWPKPE71.
Pizzi, NicholasG 1995. Hoover’s Water Supply and Treatment, The item is free.
12th Edn. National Lime Association: Arlington, VA. Additional copies of fact sheets are also free; however,
HDR Engineering, Inc. 2001. Handbook of Public Water Systems. postal charges may be added.
2nd Edn. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: New York, New York.
Hobbs, AubreyThomas (ed.) 1969. Manual of British Water
Engineering Practice. Vol 2. W. Heffer and Sons, Ltd: WATER TREATMENT PLANT RESIDUALS
Cambridge, England. MANAGEMENT
Middle Brooks, EJoe, et al. 1977. Water Supply Engineering
Design. Ann Arbor Science Publishers: Ann Arbor, MI.
For more information, comments about this fact sheet, or to National Drinking Water
suggest topics for future Tech Briefs, contact Bhardwaj at (800) Clearinghouse
624-8301 or via e-mail at vbhardw2@wvu.edu.

Vipin Bhardwaj, technical assistance specialist, received Water treatment plants produce a wide variety of
his bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering and has waste products as well as safe drinking water. These
recently finished his master’s degree in agriculture at residuals may be organic and inorganic compounds in
West Virginia University. liquid, solid, and gaseous forms depending on the source
of raw water and the type of treatment processes,
commonly, coagulation/filtration, precipitative softening
HAVE YOU READ ALL OUR TECH BRIEFS? plant, membrane separation, ion exchange, granular
activated carbon.
Tech Briefs, drinking water treatment fact sheets have The differences between the unit processes of the
been a regular feature in the National Drinking Water five plant types listed above characterize the type of
Clearinghouse (NDWC) newsletter On Tap for more than residuals generated at a given facility. In the current
five years. regulatory climate, a complete management program for
a water treatment facility should include the development
Tech Brief: Disinfection, item #DWBLPE47; of a cost-effective plan to remove and dispose of
Tech Brief: Filtration, item #DWBLPE50; residuals. The following steps need to be considered when
Tech Brief: Corrosion Control, item #DWBLPE52; developing a comprehensive water treatment residuals
management plan:
Tech Brief: Ion Exchange and Demineralization,
item #DWBLPE56;
• Characterize form, quantity, and quality of the
Tech Brief: Organics Removal, item #DWBLPE59; residuals;
Tech Brief: Package Plants, item #DWBLPE63; • Determine appropriate regulatory requirements;
Tech Brief: Water Treatment Plant Residuals Manage- • Identify feasible disposal options;
ment, item #DWBLPE65;
• Select appropriate residuals processing/treatment
Tech Brief: Lime Softening, item #DWBLPE67; technologies; and
Tech Brief: Iron and Manganese Removal, item • Develop a residuals management strategy that meets
#DWBLPE70; both the economic and noneconomic goals established
Water Conservation Measures Fact Sheet, item for a water treatment facility.
Tech Brief: Membrane Filtration, item #DWBLPE81;
Tech Brief: Treatment Technologies for Small Drinking
Water Systems, item #DWPSPE82; Water treatment plant residuals form when suspended
Tech Brief: Ozone, item #DWBLPE84; solids in the raw water react with chemicals (e.g.,
Tech Brief: Radionuclides, item #DWBLPE84; coagulants) added in the treatment processes and
Tech Brief: Slow Sand Filtration, item #DWBLPE99; associated process control chemicals (e.g., lime). Some
potable water treatment processes generate residuals
Tech Brief: Ultraviolet Disinfection, item #DWBLPE101;
that are relatively easy to process and dispose of. For
Tech Brief: Leak Detection and Water Loss Control, example, leaves, limbs, logs, plastic bottles, and other large
item #DWBLPE102; floating debris separated from water during the initial
Tech Brief: Diatomaceous Earth Filtration for Drinking screening process can be disposed of at conventional solid
Water, item #DWBLPE108. waste landfills. However, most other treatment processes
produce more complex residual waste streams that may
A package of the Tech Briefs is now available as a require advanced processing and disposal methods to
product. A three-ring binder holds all the current Tech protect human health and the environment.
Briefs in print. New selections can be easily added to the The four major types of residuals produced from water
package as they become available. To order this product, treatment processes are:
Major Treatment Processes and Types of Residual Solids Treatment Processes (Robinson and Witko, 1991)

Typical Residual Waste Typical Contaminant Typical Disposal Regulation Covering

Streams Generated Categories Methods Disposal Method

Aluminum hydroxide, ferric Metals, suspended solids, Landfilling RCRA/CERCLA

hydroxide, or polyaluminum organics, radionuclides, Disposal to sanitary State and local regulations
chloride sludge with raw biological, inorganics sewer/WWTP RCRA, DOT
water suspended solids, Land application NPDES (CWA), state and local
polymer and natural organic Surface discharge DOH
matter (sedimentation basin
Spent backwash filter-to-waste Metals, organics, suspended Recycle State and local DOH
solids, biological, Surface discharge (pumping, NPDES (CWA), state and local
radionuclides, inorganics disinfection, dechlorination) regulations
Disposal to sanitary State and local regulations
Precipitative Softening
Calcium carbonate and Metals, suspended solids Landfilling RCRA/CERCLA, state and local
magnesium hydroxide sludge organics, unreacted lime, Disposal to sanitary regulations
with raw water suspended radionuclides sewer/WWTP State and local regulations
solids and natural organic Land application RCRA, state and local
matter regulations, DOT
Spent backwash filter-to-waste Metals, organics, suspended Recycle State and local DOH
solids, biological, Surface Discharge (pumping, NPDES (CWA), state and local
radionuclides, inorganics disinfection, dechlorination) regulations
Disposal to sanitary State and local regulations
Membrane Separation
Reject streams containing raw Metals, radionuclides, TDS, Surface discharge (pumping, RCRA, NPDES, state and local
water suspended solids high molecular weight etc.) regulations
(microfiltration), raw water contaminants, nitrates Deep well injection RCRA, NPDES, state and local
natural organics Discharge to sanitary regulations
(nanofiltration), and brine sewer/WWTP State and local regulations
(hyperfiltration, RO) Radioactive storage RCRA, DOT, DOE
Ion Exchange
Brine stream Metals, TDS, hardness nitrates Surface discharge RCRA, NPDES, state and local
Evaporation ponds regulations
Discharge to sanitary RCRA, NPDES, state and local
sewer/WWTP regulations
State and local regulations
Granular Activated Carbon
Spent GAC requiring disposal VOCs, SOCs (nonvolatile Landfill RCRA, CERCLA, DOT
and/or reactivation, spent pesticides), radionuclides, Regeneration (on/off site) State and local air quality
backwash, and gas-phase heavy metals Incineration regulations (CAA)
emissions in reactivation Radioactive storage Return State and local air quality
systems spent GAC to supplier regulations (CAA)
Stripping Process (Mechanical or Packed Tower)
Gas phase emissions VOCs, SOCs, radon Discharge to atmosphere GAC State and local air quality
adsorption of off-gas regulations (CAA)
(contaminant type and
concentration dependent)
Spent GAC if used for gas-phase VOCs, SOCs radionuclides GAC adsorption of off-gas State and local air quality
control (contaminant type and regulations (CAA)
concentration dependent)
Return spent to GAC to

Chart Key
CAA = Clean Air Act NPDES = National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
CWA = Clean Water Act RCRA = Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
CERCLA = Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act RO = Reverse Osmosis
DOE = Department of Energy SOC = Synthetic Organic Chemical
DOH = Department of Health TDS = Total Dissolved Solids
DOT = Department of Transportation VOC = Volatile Organic Compound
GAC = Granular Activated Carbon WWTP = Wastewater Treatment Plant


• Sludges (i.e., water that contains suspended solids

from the source water and the reaction products
of chemicals added in the treatment process).
Presedimentation, coagulation, filter backwashing
operations, lime soften-ing, iron and manganese
removal, and slow sand and diato-maceous earth
filtration all produce sludge.
• Concentrate (brines) from ion exchange regeneration
and salt water conversion, membrane reject water
and spent backwash, and activated alumina waste
• Ion exchange resins, spent granular activated carbon
(GAC), and spent filter media (including sand, coal,
or diatomaceous earth from filtration plants).
Figure 1. Source: Management of Water Plant Residuals.
• Air emissions (off-gases from air stripping, odor
control units, or ozone destruction).
The chemical characteristics and contaminant concen-
tration levels in these residual waste streams often To develop a residuals management plan, the WTP man-
impose the ultimate disposal options. Furthermore, it is ager may start with a broad array of residuals processing
reasonable to expect that as drinking water quality is and disposal options that can be narrowed through con-
increasingly regulated, higher removal efficiencies of more sidering specific residuals characteristics and associated
contaminants will be required. To achieve these higher regulatory requirements. A focus on available disposal
options further narrows the management alternatives.
efficiencies, water treatment plants (WTPs) will need to
Figure 1 illustrates the need for practical disposal
use more sophisticated treatment technologies. Of particu-
options and treatment processes that will take into account
lar concern are cases in which residuals are characterized
economic and noneconomic factors of concerns to the
as either hazardous or radioactive waste. Depending on
community. The technical criteria used to select the final
the raw water quality and treatment process removal
management plan differ from user to user; economic,
efficiency, hazardous or radioactive characteristics could
cultural, social, and environmental factors are also site-
be exhibited in potentially any residual waste stream
specific, and are typically included in any final selection.
mentioned on page 1.


WATER TREATMENT PLANT RESIDUALS? Information in this fact sheet was primarily obtained from:

Identifying the regulations that affect various manage- (1) Management of Water Treatment Plant Residuals.
ment practices may be difficult for water treatment utility American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Man-
managers. The difficulty is due to the many different uals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 88,
types of wastes produced by WTPs and various types of American Water Works Association (AWWA) Tech-
waste disposal: direct discharge, discharge to wastewater nology Transfer Handbook, and U.S. EPA 625/R-
treatment plants, disposal in landfills, land application, 95/008.
underground injection, disposal of radioactive waste, and (2) Handbook of Practice: Water Treatment Plant
treatment of air emissions. Waste Management. American Water Works Asso-
At the federal level, the U.S. Environmental Protection ciation (1987). [This book is out of print but avail-
Agency (EPA) has not established any regulations that able in libraries.]
are specifically directed at WTP residuals. Applicable (3) Robinson, M.P., and J.B. Wiko. 1991.‘‘Overview
regulations are those associated with the Clean Water of Issues and Current State-of-the Art Water
Act (CWA); Criteria for Classification of Solid Waste Treatment Plant Waste Management Programs.’’
Disposal Facilities and Practices (40 CFR, Part 257); the 1991 Annual Conference Proceedings. AWWA
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA); the Quality for the New Decade, Philadelphia, PA. June
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, 23–27. [This book is out of print; however, copies of
and Liability Act (CERCLA) or Superfund; and the Clean the article are avail able for a fee from AWWA.]
Air Act (CAA). The CWA limits direct discharges into
a water course while the other legislation governs other Management of Water Treatment Plant Residuals
methods of use and/or disposal of wastes. Most states are can be ordered from the AWWA. For more information,
responsible for establishing and administering regulations write the AWWA at 6666 W. Quincy Ave., Denver, CO
that will meet the requirements of these acts. The 80235, or call (800) 926–7337. You may also view a
regulation of wastes, therefore, is the responsibility of selection of AWWA literature on their Web site at
the states. www.awwa.org/store.htm.

REVERSE OSMOSIS, PROCESS CHEMISTRY sand (50 microns −2 mm), silt (5–10 microns), clay
(<5 microns), and submicron colloidal particles. Just as
ROBERT Y. NING active a physical process is the growth, excretion, death,
King Lee Technologies and decay of animals and microorganisms.
San Diego, California Some significant chemical processes occurring in these
waters can be enumerated. Rain extracts oxygen, oxides
of carbon, sulfur and nitrogen, and organic aerosol
INTRODUCTION particles from the atmosphere. Spring water dissolves
soluble matter, and the acidity of rainwater is neu-
The application of membranes to purify water provides tralized by alkaline rocks such as limestone. Ponds
a powerful means of producing high-purity water. In the and lakes are biotic reactors in which biomass is pro-
total treatment of raw water, reverse osmosis (RO) is an duced and accumulated, and complexation interaction
important midstream process for fractionating feedwater of organic matter with inorganic particles occurs. Much
into high-purity water and brine. The brine may be used of this particulate matter is retained in upper zones
to feed cooling towers and evaporators. of the ground as water enters aquifers. The large sur-
The RO process is sensitive to upstream treatments face areas of contact and the long times available for
and itself impacts downstream operations. The almost dissolution and precipitation allow water in aquifers to
infinite variety of contaminants that enter the membrane be equilibrated and fully saturated with respect to the
systems with the feedwater and the economic necessity composition of the minerals they are in contact with.
to expend minimal resources on raw water pretreatment Thus it is from the deep well source water that the
pose a major challenge to RO process chemistry design greatest scaling potentials from foulants such as cal-
and control. RO process chemistry itself is important in cium carbonate, calcium sulfate, strontium sulfate, bar-
understanding and controlling the quality of the prod- ium sulfate, silica, iron, and aluminum exist. We can
uct permeate water which may be further polished to compare the water in the lower sections of rivers to
remove trace contaminants to meet the ultrapure spec- municipal and industrial waste streams in which com-
ifications needed in industries such as pharmaceuticals, plexation interactions of organic and inorganic particles
microelectronics, and power generation. Presented here predominate.
are the chemistry of feedwater membrane fouling mech- The chemistry of seawater is particularly interesting
anisms, composition of foulants, and chemicals used to to note. It reflects the equilibrated end point of the
prevent fouling. processes that began in the surface waters just mentioned.
Interestingly, the chemistry in the water undergoing
FEEDWATER CHEMISTRY concentration within RO systems models the transition
of surface waters to highly saline seawater with respect
Water that enters reverse osmosis systems comes from all to coagulation of colloidal matter. Heavy precipitation
imaginable sources. Presented in Table 1 is a list of sources of biomass coagulated with silt and clay occurs in
that are differentiable by their quality and the significant the delta region of major rivers. The quantity of the
chemistry in these waters that impacts the performance different components in seawater is not proportional to
of RO systems. the quantity of the components that river water pours into
Major physical occurrences in natural waters are the sea but is inversely proportional to the facility with
the processes of erosion of the rocks that generate which the components in seawater are insolubilized by
chemical actions in the sea (1). Complexation interactions,
precipitation of particles, and crystallization of salts of
Table 1. Sources of Feedwater and Significant Chemistry
low solubility that began in ponds and lakes continue in
that Impacts RO
the ocean.
Source Water Significant Chemistry Some of the types of colloids that exist in natural water,
especially in the sea, are listed in Table 2. Polyphenolic
1. Rain Oxidation–reduction (e.g.,
O2 + NOx ), acid–base (e.g., complexes such as humic acid, lignin, and tannin are decay
CO2 + H2 O)
2. Springs Dissolution, acid–base
Table 2. Colloidal Matter in Natural Water
(acid rain + carbonate rocks)
3. Ponds, Lakes Complex interactions of living and Microorganisms
nonliving matter Biological debris (plant and animal)
4. Wells, aquifers Dissolution–precipitation (e.g., Polysaccharides (gums, slime, plankton, fibrils)
CaCO3 , CaSO4 , SrSO4 , BaSO4 , Lipoproteins (secretions)
silicates, iron and aluminum salts, Clay (hydrous aluminum and iron silicates)
sulfides), relatively low in organic Silt
matter Oils
5. Rivers, municipal and Complexation interactions, Kerogen (aged polysaccharides, marine snow)
industrial wastewater precipitation Humic acid/lignins/tannins
6. Oceans (99.4% of the Biotic life, complexation interactions, Iron and manganese oxides
earth’s water precipitation Calcium carbonate
including 2% as ice) Sulfur and sulfides

products of woody tissues of plants that are particularly secrete polymers that anchor themselves to surfaces to
noticeable in surface waters due to their tendency to facilitate growth as a biofilm, this fouling mechanism is
foul RO membranes by themselves or coagulate with unique and poses a serious threat to operation of RO
other foulants (2). Polysaccharides that constitute cell systems (13). This threat is compounded by the great
walls of microorganisms and plants and are excreted difficulty of treating and completely removing a biofilm
variously as gums, slimes, and biofilms are prominent from membrane surfaces.
in membrane fouling. In the ocean, they are added to
polysaccharides from sea organisms, especially planktons
(3), which become kerogen upon aging. It is believed COMPOSITION OF FOULANTS
that white materials called ‘‘marine snow’’ that has been
observed falling in the deep oceans are these aged and The chemical composition of foulants correlated with their
ubiquitous polysaccharides (4). sources are given in the Reverse Osmosis, Membrane


Feedwaters to RO systems typically are concentrated by
a factor of 2–10 (50–90% recovery) during production The term antifoulant is used here in its broadest meaning
of permeate water. For simplicity in classification, three covering scaling, particulate fouling, and microbial foul-
classes of fouling (5–11) can be said to occur. ing—the three classes of fouling mechanisms discussed
First, there is scaling. The solubility limits of various before. Strategies aimed at controlling each type of fouling
dissolved salts in the brine stream may be exceeded, are summarized here.
leading to deposition and growth of crystals in the flow For scale control, the development and application of
channels and membrane surface of the RO elements. This antiscalants is well known and reviewed in the field
type of fouling is referred to as scaling. Most common of boiling water and cooling water chemistry (6,14–16)
examples of scales are calcium carbonate; sulfates of and applied to boilers, evaporators, cooling towers,
calcium, strontium, and barium; and calcium fluoride. and cooling systems. Anionic polymers, polyphosphates,
In the examination of foulants (2) under the microscope, and organophosphorous compounds, sometimes referred
crystals have well defined shapes. Inhibitors injected to as threshold inhibitors and dispersants, are used
into feedwaters to suppress crystallization are called in substoichiometric amounts, usually in the range of
antiscalants. 1–5 mg/L in RO systems (17). By binding to surfaces
Second, there is colloidal fouling. Particulate matter of growing crystal nuclei, the rates of crystallization from
that preexists in feedwater can aggregate and adhere to supersaturated solutions are retarded, and crystal packing
the membrane and brine flow channels due to increased orders are modified. By this mechanism, crystallization
concentration, salinity, compaction, flocculation, surface rates are so retarded that although supersaturation of
interactions, and other physical and chemical factors. The solutes in the water will eventually equilibrate through
particles, such as silt, carbon fines, coagula, and microbial crystallization within the residence time of the water
clusters, may be large enough to be removed by 1 to in the system, there is little or no scale formation. The
5 micron RO prefilters, or they may be colloidal particles uniqueness of RO among water conditioning systems
that escape filtration even with the standard 0.45-micron is that residence time is very short (a few seconds),
filters used in silt density index measurements. The concentration of seed crystals is low, and temperature is
colloids can be organic or inorganic or composites. Ferric, constant. For this reason, higher levels of supersaturation
aluminum, and calcium hydroxides and silicic acid grow to without crystallization are possible. On the other hand,
increasing particle sizes by polymerization. Cross-linking the limits of saturation and rates of scaling are hard
and complexation of organic and inorganic polymers to model, measure, and predict. Interference comes
produce gels and amorphous foulants commonly seen on from other solutes in the water, organic or inorganic.
membranes (2,12). Biotic debris such as polysaccharides Assumptions of RO fouling limits vary considerably among
and dead cellular matter contribute largely to this type practitioners.
of foulant. We have found that anticoagulants and Controlling fouling by preexisting particulate matter
antideposition agents show promise in inhibiting this is much more challenging due to the variety of types of
fouling process. Antifoulants then can be a term applied potential foulants and the complexity of their interactions
specifically in this particulate fouling context. In a broader (1,2,8,10,12), with each other in the same water and with
sense, the term antifoulant is used in the field to include the membrane. The stability and agglomeration of colloidal
antiscalants as well (6). particles is a subject of major importance in natural water
Third, biofouling is a prominent source of fouling. (1) as well as in treating process water (16). Drawing on
True of all water treatment and distribution systems is the basic science of colloids and testing of model foulants
the growth and anchoring of microorganisms. At times, suggested by RO foulant analysis data (2), progress is
moderate temperatures and minimal nutrient levels in RO made steadily by the development of antifoulants.
waters can support explosive growth of microorganisms. The literature on preventing and managing biofouling
Bacteria capable of cell division in 20 minutes can grow in water treatment systems, is extensive. Much of the
from a normal count per unit volume of water to millions art and science found useful generally is applicable to
in an 8-hour shift. Due to the tendency of bacteria to RO systems as well. Several factors peculiar to the RO

system can be mentioned. Chemicals used to sanitize and 16. Kemmer, F.N. (Ed.). (1988). The Nalco Handbook, 2nd Edn.
clean the system have to be chemically compatible with McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, pp. 3.14–3.15.
the thin, salt-rejecting, polyamide barrier membrane. It 17. Darton, E.G. (2000). Membrane chemical research: centuries
is of prime concern that accumulation and exponential apart. Desalination 132: 121–131.
growth of microorganisms should not be allowed to occur 18. Varnava, W., Silbernagel, M., Kuepper, T., and Miller, M.
within the system. Pretreatment of feedwater, adequate (1996). Reverse osmosis element preservation study, Proceed-
maintenance of upstream unit operations, continuous flow ings of Biennial Conf., Amer. Desalting Assoc., pp. 308–327.
of water through the RO unit, a good monitoring and
sanitization program, and use of preservatives during
downtime (18) are important to this end. Normalized REVERSE OSMOSIS, MEMBRANE FOULANTS
flow and differential pressure in the system are sensitive
indicators of biofouling.
King Lee Technologies
To prevent irreversible fouling, trend charting of
San Diego, California
normalized permeate flow, differential pressure, and salt
rejection, and readiness to perform adequate cleaning
are important aspects of system operation (see Reverse
Osmosis, Membrane Cleaning). Immediate assistance
should be sought when cleaning has been inadequate.
Periodic cleaning of reverse osmosis (RO) membranes is
Powerful new cleaners are now available that provide
generally accepted as a necessary routine maintenance
alternatives to membrane replacement in the worst cases
operation in running water purification plants (1–3). Com-
of fouling. mon foulants found in RO membrane elements include
calcium carbonate, calcium sulfate, strontium sulfate,
BIBLIOGRAPHY barium sulfate, calcium fluoride, calcium phosphate, fer-
ric hydroxide, aluminum hydroxide, silica, silt, polymers
from natural sources, and synthetic polymers used in pre-
1. Stumm, W. and Morgan, J.J. (1996). Aquatic Chemistry, 3rd
Edn. John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, p. 3.
treatment. These foulants may occur singly or in most
cases, in complex combinations. Single foulants are sim-
2. Ning, R.Y. and Shen, P.T.L. (1998). Observations from
analysis of reverse osmosis membrane foulants. Ultrapure
pler to address in prevention and dissolving (except for
Water 15(4): 37–44. barium sulfate) during cleaning. Complex foulants usu-
3. Aluwihare, L.I., Repeta, D.J., and Chen, R.F. (1997). A major
ally resulting from coagulation of colloidal particles, offer
biopolymeric component to dissolved organic carbon in surface the greatest challenge in prevention and removal dur-
sea water. Nature 387: 166–169. ing cleaning.
4. Ritter, S.K. (1997). Chemistry on the high seas. Chemical & A large body of data and observations from trou-
Engineering News, Amer. Chem. Soc. (October 27): 23–31. bleshooting RO systems is summarized here. Complex
5. Byrne, W. (1995). Chapter 3, Reverse Osmosis. Tall Oaks foulants are extracted from membrane elements sent from
Publishing Inc., Littleton, CO, pp. 97–166. plants across the world that need assistance. Qualita-
6. Meltzer, T.H. (1993). High Purity Water Preparation. Tall tive tests and quantitative elemental analyses of these
Oaks Publishing Inc., Littleton, CO, pp. 485–487. foulants, combined with a thorough review of the pre-
7. Potts, D.E., Ahlert, R.C., and Wang, S.S. (1981). A critical treatment chemistry, provide insights into the nature and
review of fouling of reverse osmosis membranes. Desalination the source of the foulants. Experience with the pattern
36: 235–264. of responses to various cleaners and successful resolution
8. Cohen, R.D. and Probstein, R.F. (1986). Colloidal fouling of and elimination of fouling problems confirm the conclu-
reverse osmosis membranes. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 114: sions regarding the source of foulants and the mechanisms
194–207. of formation in each specific situation. The following gen-
9. Amjad, Z. (1987). Advances in scaling and deposit control for eralizations have been helpful in solving fouling problems
RO system. Ultrapure Water 4(6): 34–38. and in selecting the most appropriate cleaning chemicals:
10. Zhu, X. and Elimelech, M. (1995). Fouling of reverse osmosis
membranes by aluminum oxide colloids. J. Environmental 1. Organic matter usually contributes more than 10%
Engineering 121(12): 884–892. of the mass of foulants; the majority of the samples
11. Tracey, D. (1996). Membrane fouling—What is it? Where contain 50–100% organic matter.
does it come from? and What does it mean? Ultrapure Water 2. Biomass constitutes the major part of the organic
13(7): 47–53. content of the foulants.
12. Ning, R.Y. and Stith, D. (1997). The iron, silica and organic
3. Synthetic polymers used in water pretreatment can
polymer triangle. Ultrapure Water 14(3): 30–33.
often be differentiated from biomass in foulants.
13. Ridgway, H.F., Rigby, M.G., and Argo, D.G. (1985). Bacterial
adhesion and fouling of reverse osmosis membranes. J. 4. Anionic polymers used as antiscalants and disper-
AWWA 77: 97–106. sants can deposit on membranes and act to concen-
14. Drew. (1994). Principles of Industrial Water Treatment. trate high valence metal ions (Fe, Al, Ca) on the
Ashland Chemical Co., Boonton, NJ, pp. 75–85; 183–186. membrane surface.
15. Betz. (1991). Handbook of Industrial Water Conditioning. 5. Colloidal silica and clays have complex and variable
Betz Laboratories, Trevose, PA, pp. 96–104; 181–185. content of iron, aluminum, calcium, and magnesium.

6. Elemental phosphorous is associated with biomass, removal (5). Such accumulation is usually promoted by
phosphate, and phosphonates. inadequate maintenance sanitization procedures of the
entire water processing system and stagnation during
The six generalizations separately presented below are frequent or prolonged downtimes without preservative.
derived from a synthesis of foulant analysis data and Severe growths are often detectable by odor or slime
correlation with plant process chemistry and responses to on the internal surfaces in contact with water. Milder
cleaners. Positive outcomes in the plants have consistently growths are detectable by microbial culturing and enzyme
been realized by applying them. activity tests. Natural surface waters (lakes, rivers and
sea), especially in warm regions, have very high levels
ORGANIC MATTER of decaying or excreted plant and animal matter. High
biomass content of foulants in the samples examined
Organic matter is defined as carbon-containing matter. correlated with the factors mentioned, in the feedwater
Each foulant is washed by decantation with pure water, and in the plant.
then dried at 120–130 ◦ C. It is gravimetrically analyzed
for carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen (C,H,N) content by
standard methods of pharmaceutical analysis, along with a SYNTHETIC POLYMERS
quantitative ash test (furnace at 400–450 ◦ C) to determine
Synthetic polymers used in water pretreatment can
the percentage of inorganic matter. The percent total
often be differentiated from biomass in foulants. The
volatile or combustible elements (C,H,N and oxygen)
absence of the characteristics of biomass—odor, visual
from the ash test is considered organic matter, and it
and microscopic appearance, color, slime, microbial count,
correlated well with C,H,N values along with the general
enzyme activity, presence of phosphates, sodium and
oxygen atom content of biological and synthetic organic
potassium in ash—and the presence usually of a
polymers commonly used in water pretreatment. The
thin and even coating of colorless to tan gel suggest
organic matter in 22 foulant samples analyzed by these
synthetic polymers. Severe flux reduction accompanied
methods, during a recent period has the values shown
by an almost invisible film of organic material is
in Table 1. From the table, it is interesting to note that
the hallmark of poisoning by cationic polymers. Using
all samples contained at least 10% by weight of organic
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), if the
matter and that 73% of the samples contained 50–100%
reference spectrum of the suspect pretreatment polymer
by weight of organic matter. Note that the foulants
is available and the foulant spectrum is uncluttered,
analyzed are representative of the more difficult to clean
positive identification through ‘‘fingerprinting’’ is possible.
types of foulants. Foulants such as calcium carbonate,
Carryover of high molecular weight synthetic cationic,
calcium sulfate, and ferric and aluminum hydroxides that
anionic and nonionic polymers used as coagulants in
are readily cleaned with generic acid cleaners are not
pretreatment often is flocculated with colloidal particles
represented. Organic matter, which includes biomass and
of complex compositions, carries more mass, and is less
polymers used in pretreatment, usually makes the foulant
readily identifiable. Lower molecular weight polymers
difficult to remove.
used as antiscalants often participate in these complexes
and are deposited as foulants. Even in the absence of
BIOMASS polymeric coagulants, low molecular weight polymers,
Biomass refers to organic matter arising from living used as antiscalants and dispersants, can and will deposit
or dead organisms. In colloidal form, it can enter the on membranes at a slower rate (see following section).
RO system with the feedwater and then coagulates
and accumulates on membrane elements. A more severe ANIONIC POLYMERIC ANTISCALANTS
source of biomass is the exponential growth of viable
organisms within the system (4) and the accumulation Anionic polymers used as antiscalants and dispersants
of the biofilm in the system due to the difficulties in are known to be quite intolerant of multivalent cations
such as ferric and aluminum ions. These ions act
as ionic cross-linkers, causing even polymers in the
Table 1. Organic Matter in RO Foulant Samples
molecular weight range of 1,000 to 2,000 daltons to
Organic Matter (% by weight) Number of Foulants Analyzed flocculate. By a combination of gradual deposition and
0–10% 0
accumulation due to incomplete removal during routine
10–20 3 cleaning, such foulants build up over several years and
20–30 2 gradually concentrate high valence cations as an ion
30–40 0 exchange resin would. As an example, the elemental
40–50 1 27% composition of such a foulant is given in Table 2. This
50–60 3 sample contains 52% volatile organic matter (C,H,N,O)
60–70 3 and 48% inorganic ash. The carbon and hydrogen content
70–80 4 of the foulant (23.67% and 3.73%, respectively) are in
80–90 5 reasonable agreement with the theoretical polyacrylic acid
90–100 1 73%
composition (at 52%) of 26.4% carbon, 2.9% hydrogen, and
Total: 22 100%
23.4% oxygen. Smaller amounts of coagulated nitrogen-
containing polymers or biomass can account for the

nitrogen content. The inorganic composition of the foulant Table 3. Elemental Composition of a Colloidal Silica
is revealed by scanning electron microscopy with energy Foulant
diffusive X-ray analysis (SEM-EDX). The instrument is Component Percent by Weight
calibrated to quantitate elements between the atomic
numbers of 12–42, which correspond to magnesium to By gravimetric elemental analysis:
molybdenum in the periodic table. The lighter elements Carbon 1.15 (absolute)
Hydrogen 0.67
such as B,C,H,N,O, and F are not measured, so the
Nitrogen 0.02
percentage by weight values are relative for the range of
Ash (inorganic) 92.46
atoms measured. As shown, the predominant cation is iron
By SEM-EDX (at. no. 12–42, Mg–Mo):
(44% relative), followed by calcium, aluminum, chromium,
Silicon 90.0 (relative)
and magnesium. Bridging to phosphate, silicate, and Iron 3.6
sulfate anions is apparent. Aluminum 2.7
Potassium 1.3
Calcium 0.8
Colloidal silica and clays refer to preexisting siliceous Magnesium 0.6
particles in the feedwater, which coagulate during passage Sulfur 0.5
through the reverse osmosis system and become deposited Chlorine 0.3
on the membrane as a foulant (1,6,7). Colloidal silica, also
known as nonreactive silica, results in natural waters from Total: 100.6
the polymerization of silicic acid and reactive oligomeric
species, which as a population is termed reactive silica.
Reactivity is measured by and often referred to as so it is likely that a significant fraction of clay entering
reactivity toward molybdate ions by the same type of with the feedwater is not detected by SDI monitoring.
condensation reaction. Condensation of reactive silica with Colloidal silica and clays are often encountered in
analyses of foulants. They frequently appear in the
aluminum, iron, and calcium hydroxides forms clays. Clays
in feedwaters result mainly from the erosion of rocks, presence of organic matter and accumulate in the flow
channels of the membrane elements in significant masses.
however. It is stated (8) that the chemical composition of
Occasionally, colloidal silica can severely foul membranes
most clays is similar to the composition of the earth’s crust:
in amounts almost too minute to sample physically. The
oxygen 49.9%, silicon 26.0%, aluminum 7.3%, iron 4.1%,
composition of one such example is given in Table 3.
calcium 3.2%, sodium 2.3%, potassium 2.3%, magnesium
2.1%, and all other elements 2.8%. Following erosion is
sand (50 microns −2 mm), silt (5–10 microns), and clay PHOSPHOROUS
(<5 microns), differentiated by particle sizes.
Phosphorous is detected in foulant samples by SEM-EDX.
Depending on the extent of clarification and prefiltra-
Relative amounts in the inorganic portions of 20 recent
tion of feedwaters, silt and clays often end up on the
foulants surveyed ranged from 0–58% of the elements
membranes. The silt density index (SDI) is a means of
measured in these samples (mean = 14.6%, SD = 15.7%).
measuring particle load in the feedwater by timing the
Sources of phosphorous-containing matter can be corre-
fouling of 0.45-micron test filters. In practice, feedwater
lated with a number of sources. Biomass generally contains
with an SDI value greater than 5 would lead to high fouling
measurable amounts of phosphates. Algal biomass in
rates in plants. The 0.45-micron filters are nominal filters, natural waters reportedly contains almost 1% elemen-
tal phosphorous (9). Phosphates, except those of sodium,
Table 2. Elemental Composition of an Iron Acrylate potassium, and ammonium, are generally only slightly sol-
Foulant uble in water. If phosphates are present in a feedwater to
Component Percent by Weight any appreciable extent, phosphate scales will likely form
in a reverse osmosis system unless the water is acidified
By gravimetric elemental analysis: (2). Calcium phosphate has limited solubility at neutral
Carbon 23.67 (absolute) pH and an even lower solubility at higher pH. Phosphates
Hydrogen 3.73
are widely used in agriculture and in laundry products,
Nitrogen 3.26
so it is common to find phosphate in silt and agricultural
Ash (inorganic) 48.08
runoff. Municipal wastewater has phosphate concentra-
By SEM-EDX (at. no. 12–42, Mg–Mo):
tions usually in the range of 15–30 mg/L of phosphate
Iron 44.0 (relative)
Calcium 15.0
ion (about 5–10 mg/L as phosphorous) (11). In addition to
Phosphorous 13.0 calcium phosphate, ferric and aluminum phosphates are
Silica 9.9 particularly insoluble and can enter the reverse osmosis
Aluminum 8.8 system in clay or colloidal form.
Sulfur 4.2 Other sources of phosphorous are found in the
Chromium 1.8 environment of the membrane itself. High pH membrane
Magnesium 1.7 cleaners widely used for removing organic foulants are
Total: 98.4
often formulated with trisodium phosphate and sodium
tripolyphosphate (10). Incomplete cleaning is likely to

deposit insoluble phosphates with residual foulants which is purified by using reverse osmosis (RO) membranes.
accumulate over time. Another source is the commonly Permeate recoveries of 50–90% correspond to 2–10-
used generic antiscalant sodium hexametaphosphate fold concentrations in the reject brine. Precipitation or
(SHMP). Solutions of SHMP are hydrolytically unstable crystallization of foulants can occur in the narrow brine
and generate phosphate ions and phosphate foulants flow channels within the membrane elements, leading to
(2). Even phosphonates can precipitate with high levels reduced membrane flux or increased differential pressure
of calcium, iron, and aluminum and can participate across the system, or both. Crystallization of salts or
in fouling. precipitation of colloidal matter occur more toward the
back end of the system, and preexisting silt and flocculated
CONCLUSIONS organic matter can clog the leading elements of the system.

These conclusions regarding the formation of RO foulants

have been the basis of resolving many operating problems LIMITATIONS OF CLEANING
in RO plants. Hopefully, they will serve as a framework
A practical procedure for maintenance cleaning is limited
for further insights into making RO systems more stable
in operation. to recirculating cleaning solutions through the membrane
elements. By a patented method (8) of membrane
reconditioning, spiral wound elements, whose hard casing
is removed, are routinely used in selecting effective
1. Ebrahim, S. (1993). Cleaning and Regeneration of Membranes cleaners for cleaning by recirculation. This allows visual
in Desalination and Wastewater Applications: State-of- inspection of the membrane surface after each cleaning
the-Art. Vol. 1. Proc. IDA and WRPC World Conference, test. It is apparent that, except for easily soluble foulants
International Desalination Association, pp. 197–208. such as calcium carbonate or ferric and aluminum
2. Byrne, W. (1995). Reverse Osmosis. Tall Oaks Publishing Inc., hydroxides, nearly all RO foulants are only slightly
Littleton, CO. dissolved in even the best matched cleaning solutions
3. Veza, J.M. and Sadhwani, J. (1997). Cleaning Methods for by extensive soaking. Removal requires high tangential
Reverse Osmosis Membranes. Proc. IDA World Congress flow velocities and is usually partially effective especially
on Desalination and Water Reuse, Vol. 2, pp. 393–407, and where flow channels are clogged and large patches within
references cited therein.
the elements are inaccessible to the recirculating solution.
4. Ridgway, H.F. et al. (1984). Biofilm fouling of RO mem- For this reason, the need for cleaning should be minimized
branes—its nature and effect on treatment of water for reuse.
or completely eliminated by the new antiscalants and
J. AWWA 76: 94–102.
dispersants now available and adequate pretreatment
5. Whittaker, C., Ridgway, H., and Olson, B.H. (1984). Eval-
and pilot testing of process designs. When cleaning is
uation of cleaning strategies for removal of biofilms from
necessary, it should be performed at the earliest stages
reverse-osmosis membranes. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 48(3):
395–403. of fouling.
6. Ning, R.Y. and Stith, D. (1997). The iron, silica and organic
polymer triangle. Ultrapure Water 14(3): 30–33. WHEN TO CLEAN
7. Zhu, X. and Elimelech, M. (1995). Fouling of reverse osmosis
membranes by aluminum oxide colloids. J. Environ. Eng. It is generally agreed among membrane manufacturers
121(12): 884–892, and references cited therein. and practitioners that RO systems should be cleaned
8. Kemmer, F.N. (Ed.). (1988). The Nalco Handbook, 2nd Edn. before the following performance changes are reached:
McGraw-Hill, New York, Section 4.9.
9. Stumm, W. and Morgan, J.J. (1996). Aquatic Chemistry, 3rd 1. Loss of 10 to 15% in normalized permeate flow rate.
Edn. John Wiley & Sons, New York, p. 887. 2. Increase of 10 to 15% in differential pressure.
10. A survey of generic high pH cleaners recommended by all 3. Decrease of 1 to 2% in salt rejection.
major membrane manufacturers that contain one or both of
these reagents.
If a cleaning procedure fails to restore system performance
11. Reference 8, Chapter 36.
fully to reference start-up values, it is certain that
continued use of the same cleaning procedure will lead
to an accelerating decline in system performance and
REVERSE OSMOSIS, MEMBRANE CLEANING increased cleaning frequency. For this reason, it is
important to address two issues at this point: (1) find an
improved cleaning procedure, or (2) investigate possible
King Lee Technologies
improvement of pretreatment to avoid membrane fouling.
San Diego, California
Continue cleaning and process improvement efforts until
the RO performance is stable.
Reverse osmosis membrane cleaning has been extensively
addressed over the years (1–7). Severe concentration Major membrane manufacturers generally define five
of dissolved and suspended matter occurs when water types of foulants for which various generic chemicals

Table 1. Cleaning Solutions Formulated from Generic Chemicals in Concentrations Recommended by Major Membrane
Acid-Soluble Biofilm, Bacterial Oils and Organic Organic and Inorganic Silica and
Types of Foulants- Foulants Biological Matter Matter Colloids Silicates

Fluid Systems 1% citric acid 1% STPP (TFC only) –

1% EDTA.Na+
1% TSP
1% Borax (TFC only)
0.1% Triton X-100 (CA only)

Hydranautics 2% citric acid 2% STPP 0.5% Na Perborate 2% STPP –

0.1% Triton X-100 0.26% SDDBS 0.1% TritonX-100 0.8% EDTA.Na+
or Tergitol 8, etc. pH 7.5 or Tergitol 8 etc. 0.1% Triton X-100
or Tergitol 8, etc.

Filmtec 0.2% HCl 1% EDTA.Na 0.1% NaOH –

or 0.5% H3 PO4 0.1% NaOH to pH = 12 0.05% Na-DDS
or 2.0% citric acid or following pH = 12 solutions: pH = 12
or 0.2% sulfamic acid 0.05% Na-DDS or
0.1% STPP + 1% EDTA.Na, or
0.1% TSP + 1% EDTA.Na

Desal HCl pH = 3 1% TSP –

or citric acid pH = 2 1% STPP
0.1% Na-DDS
1% EDTA.Na
pH = 8–11.5

Permasep 0.5% HCl (pH 2.3 min) 1% Na2 EDTA 0.3% NaPerborate 0.3% NaPerborate 0.5% NaOH, pH = 11
or 0.5% H3 PO4 (pH 2.3 min) 0.1% NaOH 0.25% Na-DDBS 0.25% Na-DDBS or 1% Na2 EDTA
or 0.2% sulfamic acid pH = 11 max pH = 10 pH = 10 0.1% NaOH, pH = 11
or 2% citric acid, pH = 4 or 1% Na2 EDTA or 2% STP or 0.3% Naperborate
or 2% citric acid 1% STPP 0.25% Na-DDBS 0.25% Na-DDBS
2% Na2 EDTA 1% TSP, pH = 11 pH = 10 pH = 10
NH4 OH to pH = 4 or 2% STPP or 1% NaHMP or 2% STPP
or 1% Na2 S2 O4 0.25% Na-DDBS 0.25% Na-DDBS
or 1% NaHMP pH = 10 pH = 10
or 1% NaHMP
Reference (10).
STPP = sodium tripolyphosphate; EDTA.Na = sodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; TSP = trisodium phosphate; Triton X-100 and
Tergitol 8 = nonionic surfactants; Na-DDS = sodium dodecylsulfate; Na-DDBS = sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid; Na2 EDTA = disodium salt of
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; NaHMP = sodium hexametaphosphate.

are recommended for blending at the site where cleaning studies have shown that more than one type of foulant can
solutions are prepared. The five types of foulants are (1) be present on the membrane at the same time, requiring
acid-soluble foulants, (2) biofilm/bacterial slime/biological sequential cleaning with different cleaners. Sometimes
matter, (3) carbon-containing oils/organic matter, (4) dual even the order of cleaners used would make a significant
organic and inorganic coagulated colloids, and (5) silica difference. All this is to say that the choice of cleaners
and silicates. The recommended generic chemicals and and the cleaning procedure to be used is an empirical
concentrations in the cleaning solutions to be prepared science. For a given set of conditions in a plant, cleaning
are given in Table 1 for the five respective types of efficiencies are improved by trials over time. The progress
foulants. Proprietary booster cleaners are commercially of improvement can be greatly accelerated by conducting
available to fortify the effectiveness of these generic off-line cleaning studies on single elements.
cleaners that are formulated at the site. For convenience When a better cleaning method is needed in the plant,
and technical support, a large variety of proprietary RO the following are the alternative strategies:
membrane cleaners are available from chemical suppliers
that specialize in RO operations. Strategy 1: The plant has a history of using generic
cleaning chemicals, and modest improve-
CLEANING STRATEGIES ment in effectiveness is needed. Consider
purchase of proprietary booster cleaners.
Experience has shown that within the same class of Strategy 2: Significant cleaning improvement is need-
foulants, responses to the same cleaning solution can vary ed. Look for a proprietary cleaner sup-
considerably. Elemental analyses of foulants and cleaning plier who has cleaning expertise. Option 1:

Based on prior knowledge of the character- Table 2. Recommended High Recirculation Flow Rates
istics of the foulant on hand and consulta- During Cleaning
tion with the supplier, select a combination Feed Pressure,a Element Diameter, Feed Flow Rate
of cleaners for trial in the plant. Option psig inches per Vessel (gpm)
2: Send one to three fouled elements to
a specialist for a cleaning study, foulant 20–60 2.5 3–5
20–60 4 8–10
analysis, and a review of plant performance
20–60 6 16–20
history and pretreatment processing. Docu-
20–60 8 30–40
ment the findings and pilot cleaning results
using a recommended improved cleaning Dependent on the number of elements in the pressure vessel.
procedure. Simultaneously, address recov-
ery of the plant and avoidance of repeated
fouling. Option 3: Send all fouled elements compacting the foulant. If the elements are heavily
for off-site cleaning by a specialist. fouled (which should not be a normal occurrence),
Strategy 3: All cleaning efforts by recirculation of a flow rate 50% higher than that shown in Table 2
cleaning solutions have failed. Consider may aid cleaning. At higher flow rates, excessive
nonroutine methods such as using propri- pressure drop may be a problem. The maximum
etary membrane conditioning liquids or a recommended pressure drops are 20 psi per element
patented membrane reconstruction process or 60 psi per multielement vessel, whichever value
by which the membrane bundle is unrolled, is more limiting.
cleaned leaf by leaf, then restored with a Note: In this cleaning mode, foulants are generally
new hard casing. Both methods are offered partially dissolved in the cleaner and partially dis-
by King Lee Technologies (9). lodged physically from the membrane and flow chan-
nels without dissolving. An in-line filter removes the
recirculated particles and should be monitored for
ON-LINE CLEANING PROCEDURE cartridge replacement.
6. Flush out. Prefiltered raw water can be used for
There are six steps in cleaning membrane elements in flushing out the cleaning solution, unless there will
place in RO systems: be corrosion problems such as seawater corroding
stainless steel piping. To prevent precipitation, the
1. Mix cleaning solution. minimum flush temperature is 20◦ C.
2. Low flow pumping. Pump preheated cleaning solu- Additional Notes: The pH should be monitored
tion to the vessels at a low flow rate (about half during acid cleaning. The acid is consumed when
of that shown in Table 2) and low pressure to it dissolves alkaline scales. If the pH increases more
displace the process water. With the RO concen- than 0.5 pH units, add more acid.
trate throttling valve completely open to mini-
mize pressure during cleaning, use only enough
pressure to compensate for the pressure drop MULTISTAGE SYSTEMS
from feed to concentrate. The pressure should be
low enough that essentially no permeate is pro- For tapered multistage systems, the flushing and soaking
duced. Low pressure minimizes redeposition of steps can be performed simultaneously in the entire array.
dirt on the membrane. Dump the concentrate, The high flow rate recirculation step, however, should be
as necessary, to prevent dilution of the clean- carried out separately for each stage, so that the flow rate
ing solution. is not too low in the first stage and too high in the last. This
3. Recirculate. After the process water is displaced, can be accomplished either by using one cleaning pump
cleaning solution will be present in the concen- and operating one stage at a time or by using a separate
trate stream. Recirculate the concentrate to the cleaning pump for each stage.
cleaning solution tank, and allow the temperature
4. Soak. Turn the pump off, and allow the elements
to soak. Sometimes, a soaking period of about To ensure complete recovery of membrane performance by
1 hour is sufficient. For difficult to clean foulants, an cleaning, the system performance should be adequately
extended overnight soaking period of 10–15 hours is controlled by trending of normalized flux, differential
beneficial. To maintain a high temperature during pressure, and salt rejection to (1) trigger cleaning when
an extended soaking period, use a slow recirculation any monitored parameters change from normal baseline
rate (about 10% of that shown in Table 2). by 10–15%, (2) record the trended parameters before
5. High flow pumping. Feed the cleaning solution at and after each cleaning, and (3) initiate improvement
the rates shown in Table 2 for 30–60 minutes. The actions for better cleaning if membrane performance
high cross-flow rate flushes out the foulants removed does not fully recover. A change in responsiveness to a
from the membrane surface by the cleaning; minimal previously effective cleaning process signals a change in
or no permeation through the membrane avoids the fouling pattern that requires immediate attention.

If partial cleanings are allowed to continue, the system and in the required elements of National Primary
performance will decline at an increasing rate and will Drinking Water Regulation (NPDWR) proposals, support
become increasingly difficult to recover. documents, and final rules. Risk assessments are of
In-place cleaning processes are improved primarily by several types with substantially different intents and
the choice of cleaning chemicals and the order of the characteristics. No one approach fits all applications. The
application sequence. Depending on the composition of type of assessment chosen depends on the application and
the complex foulants, when two or more cleaners are the nature and availability of relevant data.
found necessary, often the order in which they are used The regulatory process starts with the identification of
is important. Also critical, but to lesser extents, are the a constituent as either a possible contaminant of drink-
variables of time, temperature, and cross-flow rate. ing water or as having some adverse toxicological or
Through a thorough review of the water and pre- pathogenic properties. Available health data are then
treatment chemistry, analyses of the foulant composition collected and analyzed, leading to the possible develop-
and source, and customized selection of antiscalants, dis- ment of a toxicological profile of adverse health outcomes
persants, and high performance cleaners, both fouling and dose–response characteristics. This is then coupled
avoidance and reliable plant performance can be attained. with occurrence data and exposure estimates to pro-
vide an estimate of national public health impact. If a
BIBLIOGRAPHY decision is made to move forward on a NPDWR, more
refined assessments are then used to develop maximum
1. Veza, J.M. and Sadhwani, J. (1997). Proceedings IDA World contaminant level goals (MCLGs). Separate assessments
Congress 2: 393. are used to help identify possible maximum contami-
2. Amjad, Z., Pugh, J., and Zuhl, R.W. (1996). Ultrapure Water nant levels (MCLs) or treatment techniques consistent
13(7): 27. with public policies. In some cases, risk assessments may
3. Byrne, W. (1995). Reverse Osmosis. Tall Oaks Publishing, comprise regulatory elements themselves, such as sani-
Littleton, CO. tary surveys or comprehensive performance evaluations.
4. Ebrahim, S. (1994). Desalination 96: 225. Finally, risk assessments are necessary as formal compo-
5. Hickman, C.E. (1991). Proceedings Membrane Proc. Conf., nents of regulatory supporting documents to help estimate
Amer. Water Works Assoc., p. 329. risk reductions and quantify public health benefits. Some
6. Tragardh, G. (1989). Desalination 71: 325. of these assessments, particularly those associated with
7. Whittaker, C., Ridgway, H., and Olson, B.H. (1984). Appl. public health policies and legal requirements, are highly
Environ. Microbiol. 48: 395. constrained in form and content. Additionally, while the
8. U.S. Patent No. 5,250,118 (1993). C.L. Netwig and D.L. art and science of environmental risk assessment continue
Kronmiller. Method of Removing Foulants and Restoring to evolve, we still have substantial uncertainty and impre-
Production of Spiral-Wound Reverse Osmosis Cartridges cision in these estimates. Effective interpretation of these
9. Membrane conditioners and the reconstruction service are risk products requires some understanding of their pur-
unique from King Lee Technologies, San Diego, CA pose and form. This chapter details these applications and
(www.kingleetech.com). presents some examples.
10. Technical Bulletins from several major membrane manufac- Disclaimer: The views expressed in this chapter are
turers provide guidance on membrane cleaning procedures those of the author and do not necessarily represent those
and generic cleaning chemicals: Koch-Fluid Systems and of the USEPA.
Hydranautics, San Diego, CA; Dow-Filmtec, Midland, MI;
Desal/Osmonics, Minneapolis, MN; and DuPont-Permasep,

APPLICATION OF RISK ASSESSMENTS IN In risk management activities to ensure the safety of

drinking water, assessments of health risk are performed
to answer questions posed in the management process
BRUCE A. MACLER (Fig. 1). Examples include broad questions such as ‘‘What
Toxicologist, U.S. is the nature and magnitude of waterborne disease in
Environmental Protection the United States?’’—answers to which can help define
Agency where the safety of drinking water fits into the overall
San Francisco, California considerations of public health, or identify particular
situations (e.g., undisinfected wells, crossconnections)
that are associated with disease. More familiarly, risk
INTRODUCTION assessments can address narrower questions such as
‘‘What is the risk that oral ingestion of hexavalent
Assessments of adverse health outcomes and estimations chromium will cause lung cancer?’’ or ‘‘What is the
of health risks from contaminants of drinking water are likelihood of Cryptosporidium illnesses from a turbidity
used at several points in the overall development of spike in an unfiltered surface water system?’’ where the
U.S. drinking water regulations. They are applied during answers might help define regulatory actions. Specific
the extensive discussions surrounding consideration of questions, such as ‘‘What is the likely differential number
a contaminant’s risk and approaches to risk mitigation, of cancers prevented between a MCL for arsenic at

Research Assessment Management

Scientific research/
data collection

Risk assessment
• Animal toxicology
• Clinical studies

• Epidemiology Dose-response Risk management

• Cell/tissue
• Computational
Research options
methods needs
• Monitoring/
Hazard e
surveillance Risk c
characteri- i
zation s
Collaboration o
Exposure n

• Other federal agencies characterization s


• States/local agencies


Academia Non-risk

• Industry analyses
• Public interest/environmental groups

External input
into research/

Figure 1. Integration of data collection, risk assessment, and risk management [Source: Farland (1)].

3 µg/L and one at 5 µg/L?’’ or ‘‘What are failure modes than 10–100% or more. In general, causal associations
in the operation of an upflow clarifier?’’ may need to be between contaminants and effects are considered signifi-
answered to compare or determine possible solutions to cant only when effects are severalfold higher than back-
the identified problems. ground levels. Therefore, risk assessments done directly
Risk assessment approaches for drinking water health from these data can generally describe risks and answer
and regulatory questions fall into three main types: risk questions only to this level of resolution. Because
those based on epidemiologic data, those calculated using public health questions for drinking water often involve
mathematical risk models, and those based on analysis of situations where risks are substantially below epidemio-
systems and components. Epidemiologic and risk model logic resolution, this approach is frequently inappropriate.
approaches have been described more completely in Perhaps the most familiar form of risk assessment
earlier chapters, so only their applicability to regulatory is based on mathematical models used to extrapolate
development is addressed here. For this purpose, it is existing data to make quantitative estimates relevant
important to remember that there are substantial and to other situations. This well-known approach, first
important limitations to these approaches and that the described by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS)
conclusions from such assessments must be considered in 1983 (2), organizes the process of human health
with due caution by those using the information. In risk assessment into four steps: hazard identification,
addition, management decisions are often required in dose–response assessment, exposure assessment, and risk
the face of uncertainty and lack of information. Risk characterization (Fig. 2). Hazard identification involves
assessments can provide useful information, but seldom an evaluation of whether exposure to a substance would
give clear, unambiguous answers. produce an adverse or otherwise undesirable effect. The
With respect to epidemiologic data, information from data used to make such a determination usually come from
waterborne disease outbreaks, intervention studies, or animal studies. In some instances, human data may be
controlled experiments on humans can be used directly available for the contaminant of interest. Dose–response
to both quantitatively and qualitatively describe risks. assessment involves a more quantitative evaluation of
However, the precision and accuracy of epidemiologic the empirical evidence relating a specific exposure dose
data typically limit these assessments to situations where to the effect of interest. In particular, the available data
excess risks (risks above background levels) are about are examined to determine the relationship between the
1% or greater. More often, epidemiologic studies of large magnitude of the exposure and the probability of the
groups or populations can describe only effects greater observed effect.

Risk Risk
assessment management

Dose-response Control Legal

assessment options considerations

Hazard Risk
identification characterization

assessment Other economic
and social factors

Figure 2. NAS risk assessment paradigm (left circle) and risk management (right circle) [Source: USEPA (3)].

Exposure assessments involve an evaluation of con- vulnerabilities that could allow contaminants to reach
taminant occurrence data, characterization of the envi- the consumer. It is based on standard engineering
ronmental fate and transport of the contaminant from design assessment approaches used to identify failure
the source to the exposed population by different media modes, judge probabilities of occurrence, and describe
(e.g., air, water, food), and physiological considerations consequences. These have been adapted to focus on
of different exposure routes (e.g., ingestion, inhalation, vulnerabilities in systems or operations that could result
dermal contact). in human exposure to contaminants. This approach
These toxicity and exposure products are combined begins with a full description of the system or flow
in the risk characterization. The risk characterization diagram of the process. Points where contamination can
describes the overall nature and magnitude of risk posed to occur are identified. The likelihood and consequences
human populations exposed to a particular contaminant. of contamination at these points are described. From
Included in the description is a discussion of what is such an assessment, management actions can focus
known and not known about the hazards posed by the on controlling high-impact situations (Fig. 3). In the
substance, what models were used to quantify the risk and food industry, hazard assessment critical control point
why they were selected, assumptions and uncertainties (HACCP) programs have been put into place to protect
associated with the qualitative and quantitative aspects the public from, among other things, contaminated
of the assessment, and general level of confidence in shellfish and other food items. Sanitary surveys, source
the assessment. water vulnerability assessments, and comprehensive
A caution with these is that, while the calculated results performance evaluations (CPEs) are examples of this
are often presented as point value expressions of risk, it type seen in the drinking water industry. This is
must be recognized that the farther the extrapolation from also the approach used for water system security and
the original data, the more uncertainty and less precision counterterrorism assessments. As currently practiced,
in the results. The animal data themselves result from these are qualitative, rather than quantitative in nature.
what are essentially small, highly controlled epidemiologic Once the system is described and vulnerabilities identified,
studies, and thus have the resolution limitations noted probabilities and consequences are typically rated on
above. In addition, experimental variation may be the basis of best professional judgment and using
10% or greater. Because these studies are most often categories such as ‘‘high, medium, or low’’ or ‘‘minor,
conducted with high exposures to the contaminants of significant, or catastrophic.’’ The end result may be a
interest and generate high risks, models are used to list of vulnerabilities with some rankings for risks and
extrapolate the data to answer questions about lower consequences. Managers can use this information to
environmental exposures and/or risks. These models identify problem areas and prioritize activities. Although
have inherent limitations that magnify uncertainties. not commonly practiced, it should be noted that such
Exposure estimates likewise have substantial variation system analysis approaches are open to quantification of
and uncertainty. The net result is that quantitative risks (4).
estimates of risk cannot describe a defined point risk
for a certain exposure, but instead a range of possible
risks. These ranges tend to increase with increasing model RISK MANDATES FROM THE SAFE DRINKING WATER ACT
complexity to frequently span orders of magnitude. Most
often, the range includes zero. The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), as amended in
A third approach to risk assessment is based on 1986 and 1996 (5) has language that directs the U.S.
analysis of an entire system or operation to identify Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) to establish

1.Construct process flow diagram plant schematic. due to exposure to contaminants in drinking water than the
general population.

In addition, the Act specifies that USEPA shall document

2. Analyze hazards. (biological, chemical) health risks, opportunities for risk reductions, and benefits
and costs of mandating these reductions and make these
available for public comment. This health risk reduction
and cost analysis (HRRCA) is a required component of the
3. Identify critical control points in the system. regulatory process.
By this and other language, Congress described both the
necessary characteristics of risk assessments for drinking
4. Establish preventive measures with critical limits water regulations and the broad principles for managing
for each control point. these risks. It can be seen that by their words, Congress
established a precautionary policy with regard to drinking
water safety. The MCLG was to be set conservatively with
respect to risk to more vulnerable individuals. The MCL
5. Establish procedures to monitor critical control points.
was to be set to reflect the MCLG, with the additional
considerations for technical feasibilities and costs.
These broadly stated goals set directions, but were not
6. Establish corrective actions. sufficiently described to be used for specific regulatory
decisions. USEPA evolved operational interpretations of
Congressional intentions for both the MCLG and for the
acceptable public health risks associated with MCLs and
7. Establish procedures to verify system is working properly. treatment techniques following the 1986 amendments.
These have been used consistently for NPDWRs from that
time. Following the 1996 amendments, USEPA developed
additional approaches for the benefit and cost analyses for
8. Establish effective record keeping. the HRRCA.
Figure 3. Hazard assessment critical control point (HACCP) risk
assessment approach.

MCLGs for contaminants of public health concern for The SDWA grants the USEPA Administrator the authority
drinking water: ‘‘Each maximum contaminant level goal to publish a MCLG and promulgate a NPDWR for a
established under this subsection shall be set at the contaminant if the contaminant may have an adverse
level at which no known or anticipated adverse effects effect on the health of persons, the contaminant is known
on the health of persons occur and which allows an or likely to occur in drinking water with a frequency
adequate margin of safety.’’ These goals, which are or level of health concern, and there is a meaningful
not enforceable themselves, are to be used to set the opportunity for health risk reduction. Development of
enforceable NPDWRs (5): a NPDWR normally begins with the identification of a
drinking water contaminant. As provided in the SDWA,
USEPA must list candidate contaminants for regulation
Each national primary drinking water regulation for a
contaminant for which a maximum contaminant level goal on a periodic basis (6). Following listing, more detailed
is established under this subsection shall specify a maximum health, occurrence, exposure, and treatment technology
contaminant level for such contaminant which is as close information is gathered. When adequate information
to the maximum contaminant level goal as is feasible. . . . becomes available, a determination is made on whether
For the purposes of this subsection, the term ‘‘feasible’’ to go forward with development of a NPDWR proposal (7).
means feasible with the use of the best technology, treatment This determination uses a protocol developed and
techniques and other means which the Administrator finds, recommended to USEPA by the National Drinking Water
after examination for efficacy under field conditions and not Advisory Council (NDWAC). The health risk information is
solely under laboratory conditions, are available (taking cost
combined with occurrence data (levels, frequency, national
into consideration).
distribution, persistence, etc.) and exposure estimates to
predict the national number of individuals exposed above
In addition, a provision added to the Act in 1996 specifies advisory levels. This risk assessment forms the basis
priorities for selecting contaminants for rulemaking to for USEPA’s determination if regulation would provide
a meaningful opportunity for health risk reduction.
take into consideration, among other factors of public health
concern, the effect of such contaminants upon subgroups that Maximum Contaminant Level Goals
comprise a meaningful portion of the general population (such
as infants, children, pregnant women, the elderly, individuals Once the decision is made to move forward, the MCLG
with a history of serious illness, or other subpopulations) that is determined. MCLGs are risk assessment products
are identifiable as being a greater risk of adverse health effects developed by USEPA Office of Water and Office of

Research and Development. MCLGs are strictly health- as ≥1000 (e.g., methyl bromide, chlorobenzene). The
based levels. They are developed and set at contaminant RfD takes the form of dose ingested per unit body
levels believed to be without appreciable health risk to weight per day (µg kg−1 day−1 ). RfDs that have been
individuals, to be consistent with the provision ‘‘set at reviewed and agreed on by consensus within USEPA are
the level at which no known or anticipated adverse listed in USEPA’s Integrated Risk Information System
effects on the health of persons occur.’’ Additionally, (IRIS).
they must address the concern for the protection of The RfD, which is based on the total daily amount of
sensitive subpopulations. Therefore, risk assessments contaminant taken up by a person on a body weight basis,
used to develop MCLGs must at a minimum provide an is converted to a drinking water equivalent level (DWEL)
estimate for a zero-risk exposure level for humans who concentration and adjusted for the percentage contribution
may be more sensitive to the contaminant. While these of other sources [relative source contribution (RSC)] of
risk assessments are caveated to be upper bounds for the contaminant besides drinking water (air, food, etc.)
estimated risks, such that the true risks may be less or
to arrive at the MCLG. This calculation traditionally
even zero, the assessments do not have to, nor are they
assumes a lifetime consumption of 2 L of drinking water
designed to, estimate the full range of true risks to the
per day by a 70-kg adult, which is about the upper
average individual.
90th percentile consumption level. More recent USEPA
MCLG risk assessments use the available toxicologic
regulatory risk assessments, such as those for arsenic,
and epidemiologic health study data. The data are
have considered different drinking water consumption
evaluated with respect to the nature of the adverse health
effects from the contaminant, the strength of evidence rates in addition to this default value to represent
for causal relationships, and their quality. Depending specific populations (infants, agricultural workers) and
on the outcome, a dose–response estimate is made. As situations (8).
noted above, these data are almost always limited in A different approach is taken for contaminants that
quantity and quality, yielding substantial ranges for may be carcinogenic. USEPA assumes as a default position
uncertainty. USEPA has chosen as a matter of policy that no toxicity threshold exists for induction of cancer
to work to risks at the more conservative end of these and thus, there is no absolutely safe level of exposure.
ranges, in order to comply with the provision that the Until relatively recently, once it was determined that a
MCLG ‘‘allows an adequate margin of safety’’ in the contaminant is a known or probable human carcinogen,
face of these uncertainties. Therefore, poorer-quality data the MCLG was automatically set at zero. USEPA has
will lead to more stringent quantitative descriptions now revised its guidelines for cancer risk assessments to
of risk. reflect the increasing understanding of the several steps
For chemicals that produce adverse health effects and in the progression of cancer (9,10). Some contaminants
are not considered to be carcinogenic (noncarcinogens), have been reevaluated for their carcinogenicity using the
the MCLG is based on the reference dose (RfD), which current draft version of these guidelines. A good example
is defined as an estimate (with uncertainty spanning is chloroform (6), which is now considered a carcinogen
perhaps an order of magnitude) of a daily exposure to only at very high exposures associated with tissue
the human population (including sensitive subgroups) damage, such that a threshold is indicated. This allows
that is likely to be without an appreciable risk of calculation of a nonzero MCLG using a margin of exposure
deleterious effects during a lifetime. In practice, the RfD (MoE) approach. As with RfDs, these determinations
is set at a plausible zero-risk level. USEPA assumes of carcinogenicity and their associated dose–response
that a physiological threshold exists for noncancer assessments that have been reviewed and agreed on by
health effects from chemical contaminants, below which consensus within USEPA are listed in IRIS.
the effect will not occur. Thus the MCLG will be a An alternative approach is used for situations where the
nonzero number.
data on carcinogenicity of a contaminant are equivocal or
Depending on the quality of the available toxicity
too scanty to make a clear judgment. These contaminants
data, the RfD is usually derived from an experimental
are termed ‘‘possible human carcinogens.’’ For these, the
no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL), identified as
MCLG may be derived from their relevant noncancer
the highest dose in the most relevant study that did
health effects as described above. The resulting RfD is
not result in a known adverse effect. The adverse
effects chosen may themselves be mild and without divided by an additional uncertainty factor of 10 as a
clinical significance, but typically represent early stages margin of safety for the possible carcinogenicity.
in progression to more serious disease. In order to In a vein similar to that for carcinogens, microbial
extrapolate from the data to human exposures protective of pathogens and indicator organisms are also assigned a
sensitive subpopulations, the NOAEL is divided by various MCLG of zero as a matter of policy, from the consideration
uncertainty factors to derive the RfD. These uncertainty that one infective unit (oocyst, cyst, virus particle,
factors conservatively account for the variation in human bacterium) could be sufficient to cause an infection.
response to the contaminant, extrapolation to human The available data on infectivity are supportive for this
responses if animal data were used, the nature of the assumption for the pathogenic viruses studied and for
studies, data quality, and relevance. The result of this the protozoa, Giardia and Cryptosporidium. While it is
is that the RfD may differ from the NOAEL by as less clear that this is so for pathogenic bacteria, the data
little as a factor of 3 (e.g., nitrate, arsenic) or as much cannot exclude this possibility.

Identifying Candidate MCLs MCL. Because this uses a ‘‘bright line’’ reference point (the
Once the MCLG is established, it is combined with infor- DWEL), exposures need only be estimated and compared
to the MCLG. However, since this is nonprobabilistic,
mation on contaminant occurrence, treatment technolo-
gies, and analytical methods to suggest and evaluate pos- alternative MCLs cannot be considered on the basis of
sible regulatory criteria for further discussion. Although risks. For most noncarcinogens, the MCL is set equal to
the MCLG is a regulatory value, it is not enforceable; the the MCLG.
NPDWR is the enforceable regulatory element. The estimated risks associated with different exposures
One element in the standard setting process is to are then matched against the existing environmental
determine whether the NPDWR should be a MCL exposure levels to determine the magnitude of the public
or a treatment technique. An enforceable MCL can health problem to be solved. As discussed in other
be established to control exposure to a contaminant chapters, the additional considerations for treatment
when appropriate analytical methods exist to quantify technologies and their feasibility and the availability
the contaminant and determine compliance at the of appropriate analytical methods are factored in at
MCL. When methods are not available, as for certain this point.
microbial exposure situations, treatment techniques may
Health Risk Reduction and Cost Analysis
be established that do not directly measure exposure, but
use other indicators for compliance. The second application of risk assessment in the
Two risk considerations come into play in the process development of a MCL or treatment technique is in
of setting a MCL to reduce a contaminant as close as the estimation of public health benefits to be gained by
feasible to the MCLG. The first has to do with MCLGs regulation. This is used in the management discussions
of zero. It is impossible to quantify a contaminant or leading up to a regulatory proposal. Under the SDWA
confirm treatment to a zero exposure. Therefore, MCLs of 1986, it was necessary to consider only analytical and
must be above zero, and thus have some risk. A risk treatment feasibility in establishing the MCL. However,
benchmark is used to identify appropriate safe drinking a cost benefit assessment was produced as an element of
water exposures. These guide selection of analytical the regulatory impact analysis (RIA). The 1996 revisions to
techniques, treatment approaches, and, ultimately, the the SDWA required USEPA to explicitly consider costs and
MCL choices. This benchmark is based on a consideration benefits in determining the MCL. Therefore, an expanded
of de minimus or ‘‘acceptable’’ risk. As a matter of policy, HRRCA is now required as part of a regulatory proposal.
USEPA Office of Water has used an acceptable risk range To estimate benefits for different MCLs or treatment
for chemical carcinogens from one additional cancer per requirements, the risks to an individual at the resulting
million people to one additional cancer per 10,000 people exposure levels must be multiplied by estimates of the
exposed to the contaminant over a lifetime (8,11). For number of individuals in the United States exposed to
pathogenic microorganisms, an acceptable risk of one the different levels. In practice, a relationship between
additional infection per 10,000 people exposed per year the number of individuals exposed versus exposure
has been used (12,13). level is first produced, then further manipulated to
These allowable exposures are estimated from the account for existing and proposed treatment controls. This
associated dose–response curves. For carcinogens, this relationship may be calculated stepwise or by using Monte
dose–response assessment uses models to extrapolate Carlo simulations based on exposure distributions. From
from the available data to zero exposure–zero risk, this, the number of cancers or microbial illnesses avoided
defining a curve that is essentially linear at low exposures. at a given regulatory level can be estimated. These ‘‘body
The resulting ‘‘cancer slope factor’’ allows for a convenient counts’’ can be matched with information on the costs of
probability analysis of risks to individuals associated with treating the associated diseased and the dollar value of
different exposures. The exposures for the acceptable risk avoiding illness to give quantitative information on the
range are taken directly from the curve. However, as monetary benefits of the regulation. These benefits are
noted above, the uncertainties increase substantially in then matched against the implementation and compliance
these extrapolations. USEPA traditionally uses the 90th costs to utilities and oversight agencies (14). From a
percentile upper bound of the modeled results to minimize risk assessment perspective, it must be remembered that
the possibility that risks in this exposure range are not carcinogen dose–response curves represent upper-bound
greater than estimated. The end result of this is that the risks; thus estimates of the number of cancers based on
risk from a lifetime consumption of water at a given level these curves are also upper-bound values for any given
is unlikely to be greater than estimated, is more likely exposure level.
substantially less, and may be zero. This approach is most useful for benefits from reduc-
A similar probabilistic risk approach is used for ing cancer or microbial illness risks. This is both because
microbial contaminants. The dose–response models used these disease endpoints are recognizable and definitive
for microbial risk assessments are somewhat more and because the impacts are quantifiable from their prob-
complex in that they must be selected to account for abilities. This is not so for noncancer risks from chemicals.
the particulate nature of the infective material in the Because these are described by nonprobabilistic, zero-
environment. The modeled exposures are then used for risk DWELs associated with subclinical health effects of
further risk management. indeterminate public health importance, it is difficult to
For contaminants with noncancer health risks, the quantify or assign monetary value to the benefits of reduc-
MCLG is used as the starting point for determining a ing exposures to these chemicals.

Risk Assessments as Regulations risk assessment approaches in its reevaluations, which

Risk assessments can comprise regulatory elements will include a wider range of possible adverse health
themselves. These may apply directly to utilities or outcomes (reproductive and developmental) and better
secondarily through requirements on primacy agencies. characterizations of carcinogenicity. The potential here is
The type of risk assessments currently required in that some carcinogens would be reclassified in such a way
NPDWRs are all qualitative system analyses. These that their MCLs could be relaxed while maintaining the
include treatment system sanitary surveys found in the same level of health protection to the public. The reclas-
Total Coliform Rule (15) and Interim Enhanced Surface sification of chloroform as a threshold carcinogen is an
Water Treatment Rule (IESWTR) (16), the watershed example. This would recognize that improved risk assess-
sanitary surveys in the Surface Water Treatment Rule ments could reduce the scientific uncertainties that led to
(SWTR) (12), and the CPEs, also in the IESWTR. These excessively stringent NPDWRs.
all require on-site evaluations to determine sources of
contamination and vulnerabilities to failures that could FUTURE OUTLOOK
compromise water quality. These analyses are similar to
the HACCP process used by the National Aeronautics and Risk assessments are used both formally and informally
Space Administration (NASA) and U.S. Department of at several points within the regulatory process. They
Agriculture (USDA) to protect foods. serve specific purposes and mandates and may have
Australia has taken a more formal HACCP approach severe constraints on their representations of risk. While
to protect their drinking water. Termed the ‘‘framework assessments may be qualitative or quantitative in nature,
for management of drinking water quality,’’ it is to they are always limited by the available information and
be incorporated into the Australian Drinking Water our current abilities to understand disease processes and
Guidelines (17). The approach includes a systematic and predict outcomes. They will always be inexact. Recognizing
comprehensive analysis of the entire route of water from and accepting their limitations is important for making
source to tap (Table 1). This analysis leads to identification sound regulatory decisions. An increased awareness of
of hazards, sources of hazards, and associated risks. These how risk assessments may be used will improve future
are addressed in the subsequent institution of protective regulatory discussions.
measures to yield multiple barriers to contamination.
The emphasis of the HACCP approach is on proactive Acknowledgments
protection, rather than reactive responses. The author wishes to acknowledge the patient help of Fred
Pontius, without which this article would have been the poorer.
Regulatory Reviews of NPDWRs
The 1996 SDWA Amendments required that USEPA BIBLIOGRAPHY
review all existing NPDWRs every 6 years to determine if
information available subsequent to promulgation would 1. Farland, W.H. (2000). Current and Proposed Approaches to
support regulatory revision. Congress stipulated that all Assessing Children’s Cancer Risk. USEPA/National Institute
such revisions must maintain, or provide for greater, pro- of Environmental Health Sciences Workshop: Information
Needs to Address Children’s Cancer Risk. March 30 and 31.
tection of the health of persons. USEPA, working with the
USEPA Office of Research and Development, Washington,
NDWAC, developed a protocol for these reviews, driven
largely by reevaluations of health risk information (7).
2. National Academy of Sciences. (1983). Risk Assessment in
USEPA principally considered whether any new evalua-
the Federal Government: Managing the Process. National
tion of oral ingestion risks could lead to revision of the Academy Press, Washington, DC.
MCLG. This approach allows the Agency to use up-to-date
3. USEPA. (1999c). Research and Development: Fiscal Years
1997–1998 Research Accomplishments. USEPA Office of
Table 1. Australian Framework for Management of Research and Development, Washington, DC.
Drinking Water Quality 4. Buchanan, R.L. and Whiting, R.C. (1998). Risk assessment:
First element A means for linking HACCP plans and public health. J. Food
Commitment to drinking water quality management Protect. 61(11): 1531–1534.
System analysis and management 5. Title XIV—Safety of Public Water Systems; Sec. 1412(b),
Assessment of the drinking water supply system National Drinking Water Regulations: Standards; 42 USC
Planning preventive strategies for water quality management Sec. 300g.
Implementation of operational procedures and process control 6. USEPA. (1998a). Announcement of the drinking water
Verification of drinking water quality candidate list; notice. Fed. Reg. 63: 10273–10287.
Incident and emergency response 7. USEPA. (2002a). National primary drinking water regula-
Supporting requirements tions; announcement of the results of EPA’s review of existing
Employee awareness and training drinking water standards and request for public comment.
Community involvement and awareness Fed. Reg. 67: 19029–19090.
Research and development
8. USEPA. (2001a). National primary drinking water regula-
Documentation and reporting
tions; arsenic and clarifications to compliance and new source
contaminants monitoring; final rule. Fed. Reg. 66: 6976–7066.
Evaluation and audit
Review and continual improvement 9. USEPA. (1999b). Draft Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk
Assessment. NCEA-F-0644. USEPA, Washington, DC.

10. USEPA. (2001b). Notice of opportunity to provide additional combined with the possibility of E. coli O157:H7 infections
information and comment. Draft revised guidelines for that do not show symptoms allows direct person-to-person
carcinogen risk assessment. Fed. Reg. 66: 59593–59594. transmission via poor hygiene.
11. USEPA. (1998d). National primary drinking water regula- The most well-documented route of E. coli O157:H7
tions: disinfectants and disinfection byproducts; final rule. transmission is foodborne. Several outbreaks have
Fed. Reg. 63: 69390–69476.
occurred from consumption of undercooked ground beef
12. USEPA. (1989a). Drinking water; national primary drinking either in restaurants or within individual homes. In addi-
water regulations; filtration, disinfection; turbidity, giardia
tion to meat, other foods have been implicated, including
lamblia, viruses, legionella, and heterotrophic bacteria; final
mayonnaise, unpasteurized apple juice, fermented hard
rule. Fed. Reg. 54: 27486–27541.
salami, lettuce, vegetable sprouts, yogurt, and milk. Con-
13. USEPA. (1998c). National primary drinking water regula-
tions: interim enhanced surface water treatment; final rule.
tamination of these foods may have occurred due to
Fed. Reg. 63: 69478–69521. improper hygiene among food handlers or by contact
14. USEPA. (1999a). Health risk reduction and cost analysis for
between uncooked foods and raw meats contaminated with
radon in drinking water: notice. Fed. Reg. 64: 9560–9599. E. coli O157:H7. There is also the possibility of direct con-
15. USEPA. (1989b). Drinking water; national primary drinking
tamination of produce in the fields with manure from
water regulations; total coliforms (including fecal coliforms infected animals (4).
and E. coli); final rule. Fed. Reg. 54: 27544–27568. An increasingly common route of transmission is
16. USEPA. (1998b). National primary drinking water regula- waterborne via recreational or municipal water sources.
tions: disinfectants and disinfection byproducts notice of data Several E. coli O157:H7 outbreaks have been linked to
availability; proposed rule. Fed. Reg. 63: 15606–15692. use of recreational waters. Typical sources of recreational
17. Australian Department of Health and Ageing. (2001). water outbreaks may be fecal contaminated material
Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: A entering a lake and lake water ingested by swimmers or by
Preventative Strategy from Catchment to Consumer. National children with diarrhea contaminating pool water, usually
Health and Medical Research Council, Canberra, Australia. with an insufficient level of chlorine. Outside Portland,
Oregon, 59 individuals were infected after swimming in
READING LIST a recreational lake in 1991 (5). A water park outbreak
in Georgia in 1998 resulted in dozens of infections and
USEPA. (1986). The Risk Assessment Guidelines of 1986. the death of one child. The outbreak was linked to
EPA/600/8-87/045. USEPA, Washington, DC.
contamination from a child with diarrhea combined with
USEPA. (2002b). Announcement of preliminary regulatory low chlorine levels in the pool water (6).
determination of priority contaminants on the drinking water
In addition to these recreational water outbreaks,
contaminant candidate list. Fed. Reg. 67: 38222–38244.
several incidents have occurred with drinking water. A
list of outbreaks linked to contaminated drinking water is
shown in Table 1.
The first municipal waterborne E. coli O157:H7 out-
TRANSMISSION OF ESCHERICHIA COLI break occurred in Missouri in 1989 (7); more than 240
O157:H7 people were infected, and four individuals died. It was
suspected that the outbreak occurred from backflow dur-
JANICE WEIHE ing two water main breaks, leading to intrusion of the
American Water, Quality pathogen. The most publicized waterborne outbreak of
Control and Research
E. coli O157:H7 occurred in May 2000 in Walkerton,
Belleville, Illinois
Ontario, Canada. Approximately 1350 cases of gastroen-
teritis were reported in individuals exposed to Walkerton
MARK LECHEVALLIER municipal water, and overall, it was estimated that the
number of cases associated with Walkerton exceeded 2300
American Water
Voorhees, New Jersey individuals. Stool samples confirmed 167 cases of E. coli
O157:H7 infection; 65 individuals were hospitalized, and
ZIA BUKHARI 27 individuals developed hemolytic uremic syndrome. Four
American Water, Quality deaths were directly due to the E. coli outbreak in Walker-
Control and Research ton, and E. coli O157:H7 was a contributing factor leading
Laboratory to three additional deaths. During the outbreak, a supply
Belleville, Illinois source well was contaminated with coliform bacteria and
E. coli O157:H7. This well was prone to surface contam-
ination, especially following flooding conditions, which is
Escherichia coli O157:H7 can be transmitted by any what preceded the Walkerton incident. Furthermore, envi-
route where fecal contaminated material is ingested. ronmental testing of livestock farms, especially a farm
These routes may include foodborne, waterborne, person- adjacent to this well, indicated the presence of E. coli
to-person, and animal-to-person. Epidemiological inves- O157:H7 infections in the livestock (16,17).
tigations during outbreaks have identified that only a This most common drinking water treatment is
small number of organisms is needed to cause infec- disinfection with chlorine. Susceptibility of various
tion (i.e., 10–200 organisms) (3). This low infectious dose strains of E. coli O157:H7 to chlorine disinfection has

Table 1. Outbreaks of E. coli O157:H7 from Drinking Water

Year, Location # Infected Description Reference

1989, Missouri, U.S. 243 Two water main breaks may have led to (7)
backflow in an unchlorinated municipal water
supply leading to four deaths
1990, Scotland 4 O157 contamination of reservoir water supply (8)
1990, Japan 42 O157 cultured from tap and well water (9)
1995, Scotland 6 Sewage contaminated a public water supply (10)
1995, Minnesota, U.S. 33 Contaminated spring water used as drinking (11)
water source at campgrounds
1997, Washington, U.S. 4 Contaminated chlorinated groundwater supply (12)
at a trailer park
1998, Illinois, U.S. 3 Well water contaminated by cattle feces (12)
1998, Wyoming, U.S. 157 Contamination of a spring and two wells that (13)
were municipal water sources
1999, Texas, U.S. 22 Inadequately chlorinated city well water (14)
1999, New York, U.S. 127 Septic system contaminated a well used for (15)
drinking water at fairgrounds, resulting in 2
2000, Utah, U.S. 102 Illness among those drinking from an irrigation (14)
2000, Ohio, U.S. 29 Possible backflow at fairgrounds from animal (14)
barn to food vendor taps
2000, Walkerton, Ontario, Canada 167 Improper chlorination of municipal well water (16,17)
contaminated with O157 from surface water
runoff resulted in seven deaths

been examined in several studies, and except for an for analyzing small sample volumes. To ensure that public
occasional resistant strain (18), the organism can be water systems can rapidly respond to contamination from
rapidly inactivated by low levels of chlorine disinfectant this significant human pathogen, there is an urgent
and shows no unusual tolerance to chlorine. need for rapid detection methods for E. coli O157:H7
According to a Water Quality Disinfection Committee in water. The reader is referred to the article entitled
survey (19), it was determined that United States water ‘‘Understanding Eschericia coli O157:H7 and the need
utilities must maintain a median chlorine residual of for rapid detection in water’’ by Bukhari, Weihe, and
1.1 mg/L and a median exposure time of 45 minutes LeChevallier for further discussion of rapid methods for
before the point of first use in the distribution system. detecting E. coli O157:H7 in water.
Based on these guidelines, it seems unlikely that E. coli
O157:H7 would survive conventional water treatment
practices in the United States at these levels of BIBLIOGRAPHY
chlorination. Had appropriate chlorine residual levels
been maintained, many of the aforementioned drinking 1. Boyce, T., Swerdlow, D., and Griffin, P. (1995). Current
water outbreaks, such as the Walkerton event, would concepts: Escherichia coli O157:H7 and the hemolytic-uremic
have been avoided. In nondisinfected drinking water, syndrome. N. Engl. J. Med. 333: 364–368.
E. coli O157:H7 demonstrates environmental survival and 2. Shelton, D. and Karns, J. (2001). Quantitative detection
chlorine susceptibility similar to wild-type E. coli (20), of Escherichia coli O157 in surface waters by using
immunomagnetic electrochemiluminescence. Appl. Environ.
which suggests that wild-type E. coli could be an adequate
Microbiol. 67: 2908–2915.
indicator organism for fecal contamination of water.
3. Willshaw, G.A., et al. (1994). Vero cytoxin-producing
The United States Environmental Protection Agency
Escherichia coli O157 in beefburgers linked to an outbreak
regulates systems that operate at least 60 days per year
of diarrhea, haemorrhagic colitis and haemolytic uraemic
and serve 25 people or more or have 15 or more service syndrome in Britain. Lett. Appl. Microbiol. 19: 304–307.
connections as public water systems under the Total
4. Mead, P. and Griffin, P. (1998). Escherichia coli O157:H7.
Coliform Rule. This compliance monitoring of tap water for Lancet 352: 1207–1212.
all public water systems can indicate whether the system 5. Keene, W.E., et al. (1994). A swimming-associated outbreak
is contaminated or vulnerable to fecal contamination, of hemorrhagic colitis caused by Escherichia coli O157:H7
if it fails to identify specifically the presence of E. coli and Shigella sonnei. N. Engl. J. Med. 331: 579–584.
O157:H7. Existing detection methods for E. coli O157:H7 6. Gilbert, L. and Blake, P. (1998). Outbreak of Escherichia coli
are intended for analyses of clinical specimens or food O157:H7 infections associated with a waterpark. Georgia
products, which are expected to contain large numbers of Epidemiol. Rep. 14: 1–2.
organisms. These methods lack sensitivity for detecting 7. Swerdlow, D.L., et al. (1992). A waterborne outbreak in
low numbers of contamination in environmental samples Missouri of Escherichia coli O157:H7 associated with bloody
and typically require long (20–48 hour) incubation periods diarrhea and death. Ann. Intern. Med. 117: 812–819.

8. Dev, V., Main, M., and Gould, I. (1991). Waterborne outbreak build, but they do require highly skilled operators
of Escherichia coli O157. Lancet 337: 1412. (Fig. 1).
9. Akashi, S., et al. (1994). A severe outbreak of haemorrhagic The process percolates untreated water slowly through
colitis and hemolytic uremic syndrome associated with a bed of porous sand, with the influent water introduced
Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Japan. Eur. J. Pediatr. 153: over the surface of the filter, and then drained from
650–655. the bottom.
10. Jones, I. and Roworth, M. (1996). An outbreak of Escherichia Properly constructed, the filter consists of a tank, a
coli O157 and Campylobacteriosis associated with contamina- bed of fine sand, a layer of gravel to support the sand, a
tion of a drinking water supply. Public Health 110: 277–282.
system of underdrains to collect the filtered water, and a
11. Levy, D., Bens, M., Craun, G., Calderon, R., and Her- flow regulator to control the filtration rate. No chemicals
waldt, B. (1998). Surveillance for waterborne-disease out-
are added to aid the filtration process.
breaks—United States, 1995–1996. CDC Surveillance Sum-
maries. MMWR 47 (No. SS-5): pp. 1–33.
12. Barwick, R., Levy, D., Craun, G., Beach, M., and Calderon, R. ADVANTAGES
(2000). Surveillance for waterborne-disease outbreaks—
United States, 1997–1998. CDC Surveillance Summaries. Design and operation simplicity—as well as minimal
MMWR 49 (No. SS-4): pp 1–35. power and chemical requirements—make the slow sand
13. Olsen et al. (2002). filter an appropriate technique for removing suspended
14. Lee, S., Levy, D., Craun, G., Beach, M., and Calderon, R.
organic and inorganic matter. These filters also may
(2002). Surveillance for waterborne-disease outbreaks— remove pathogenic organisms.
United States, 1999–2000. CDC Surveillance Summaries. Slow sand filtration reduces bacteria, cloudiness, and
MMWR 51 (No. SS-8): pp. 1–43. organic levels—thus reducing the need for disinfection
15. New York Department of Heath. (2000). Health com- and, consequently, the presence of disinfection byproducts
missioner releases E. coli outbreak report. Available: in the finished water. Other advantages include:
(cited November 2003). • Sludge handling problems are minimal.
16. Hrudey, S.E., Payment, P., Huck, P.M., Gillham, R.W., and • Close operator supervision is not necessary.
Hrudey, E.J. (2003). A fatal waterborne disease epidemic • Systems can make use of locally available materials
in Walkerton, Ontario: Comparison with other waterborne and labor.
outbreaks in the developed world. Water Sci. Technol. 47:
7–14. Slow sand filters also provide excellent treated- water
17. O’Conner, D.R. (2002). Report of Walkerton Inquiry: Part 1- quality (See Table 1). Slow sand filters consistently
The events of May 2000 and related issues. Available: demonstrate their effectiveness in removing suspended
<http://web.utk.edu/∼hydro/Geol685/Walkerton Summary. particles with effluent turbidities below 1.0 nephelometric
pdf> (cited November 2003). turbidity units (NTU), achieving 90 to 99 + percent
18. Zhao, T., Doyle, M.P., and Zhao, P. (2001). Chlorine inactiva- reductions in bacteria and viruses, and providing virtually
tion of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in water. J. Food Prot. 64: complete Giardia lamblia cyst and Cryptosporidium
oocyst removal.
19. Water Quality Disinfection Committee. (1992). Survey of
water utility disinfection practices. J. Am. Water Works Assoc.
84: 121–128. LIMITATIONS
20. Rice et al. (1992).
Slow sand filters do have certain limitations. They require
a large land area, large quantities of filter media, and
manual labor for cleaning.
Table 1. Typical Treatment Performance of Conventional
National Drinking Water Slow Sand Filters
Water Quality Removal
Paramenter Capacity

First used in the U.S. in 1872, slow sand filters are the Turbidity <1.0 NTU
oldest type of municipal water filtration. Today, they Coliforms 1–3 log units
remain a promising filtration method for small systems Enteric Viruses 2–4 log units
Giardia Cysts 2–4 + log units
with low turbidity or algae-containing source waters. Slow
Cryptosporidium Oocysts >4 log units
sand filtration does not require pretreatment or extensive
Dissolved Organic Carbon <15–25%
operator control—which can be important for a small Biodegradable Dissolved Organic Carbon <50%
system operator with several responsibilities Trihalomethane Precursors <20–30%
Heavy Metals
Fe, Mn >67%
As <47%
Slow sand filtration is a simple and reliable pro-
cess. Slow sand filters are relatively inexpensive to Source: Adapted from Collins, M.R. 1998.

Outlet Clearwell
baffle Effluent flow
Raw water control structure

Control Manhole
Raw water

Ground level
Filtered water
Sand filter bed
To sewer or
raw water
Support gravel Telescoping valve
Under drain

Figure 1. Slow sand filter.

Water with high turbidity levels can quickly clog the the surface of the filter for particulate straining. As the
fine sand in these filters. Water is applied to slow sand surface cake develops during the filtration cycle, the cake
filters without any pretreatment when it has turbidity assumes the dominant role in filtration rather than the
levels lower than 10 NTU. granular media.
When slow sand filters are used with surface waters Pilot testing is always necessary when designing slow
that have widely varying turbidity levels, infiltration sand filters. Currently, engineers are not able to predict
galleries or rough filters—such as up- flow gravel the performance of a slow sand filter with a specific quality
filters—may be used to reduce turbidity. of raw water. Operation of a small pilot filter, preferably
Waters with a very low nutrient content may impair over several seasons of the year, will insure adequate
turbidity removal since some nutrients must be present performance of the full-scale plant.
that promote biological ecosystem growth within the Remember, after the designer sets the parame-
filter bed. ters—such as the plant filtration rate, bed depth, and sand
Slow sand filters do not completely remove all organic size—there is little a plant operator can do to improve the
chemicals, dissolved inorganic substances, such as heavy performance of a slow sand filter that does not produce
metals, or trihalomethane (THM) precursors—chemical satisfactory water.
compounds that may form THMs when mixed with Slow sand filter pilot plant testing does not have to be
chlorine. Also, waters with very fine clays are not easily expensive. Pilot plant testing has been done using manhole
treated using slow sand filters. segments and other prefabricated cylindrical products,
A granular activated carbon (GAC) sandwich filter is a such as filter vessels.
modified slow sand filter that removes organic material. Slow sand filter pilot facilities operate over long periods
This filter uses a base sand layer that is approximately 1 of time—up to a year—but the level of effort can be quite
foot deep, an intermediate GAC layer approximately 0.5 low, consisting of daily checks of head loss, flow rate, water
feet, and a top sand layer approximately 1.5 feet deep. This temperature, and turbidity and taking coliform samples.
modified slow sand filter effectively removes pesticides, Since the purification mechanism in a slow sand filter is
total organic carbon, and THM precursors. essentially a biological process, its efficiency depends upon
Slow sand filters are less effective at removing a balanced biological community in the schmutzdecke.
microorganisms from cold water because as tempera-
Therefore, filters should operate at a constant rate.
tures decrease, the biological activity within the filter
When operation is stopped, the microorganisms causing
bed declines.
bacteriological degradation of trapped impurities lose
their effectiveness. Intermittent operation disturbs the
PROCESS DESCRIPTION continuity needed for efficient biological activity.
Allowing the filter to operate at a declining rate is one
Slow sand filters require a very low application or filtration way of overcoming this problem. Declining rate filtration
rate (0.015 to 0.15 gallons per minute per square foot of produces additional water, which is generally satisfactory.
bed area, depending on the gradation of the filter medium Moreover, the declining-rate mode may be applied during
and the quality of the raw water). The removal action overnight operation, resulting in significant labor savings.
includes a biological process in addition to physical and Storing filtered water is essential at a slow sand filter
chemical ones (Table 2). plant for two reasons. First, because of the importance
A sticky mat of biological matter, called a of establishing biological activity, using chlorine ahead of
‘‘schmutzdecke,’’ forms on the sand surface, where the filter is inappropriate, and the operator must provide
particles are trapped and organic matter is biologically disinfectant contact time in a storage basin. Second,
degraded. Slow sand filters rely on this cake filtration at storage is needed for production equalization and demand.

Table 2. Design Summary of a Slow Sand Filter After cleaning, the unit is refilled with water through
Design Parameters Recommended Range of Values the underdrains. This water can be obtained from an
overhead storage tank or by using water from an adjacent
Filtration rate 0.15 m3 /m2 · h (0.1–0.2 m3 /m2 · h) filter. When the clearwell is designed, the temporary
Area per filter bed Less than 200 m2 (in small reduction of plant output should be considered, ensuring
community water supplies to
that sufficient water is available for the users.
ease manual filter cleaning)
Once the filter is cleaned, the microorganisms usually
Number of filter beds Minimum of two beds
Depth of filter bed 1 m (minmum of 0.7 m of sand re-establish and produce an acceptable effluent. In cooler
depth) areas, ripening may take a few days. Even then, if the
Filter media Effective size effluent’s turbidity is sufficiently low, the water supply
(ES) = 0.15–0.35 mm; can be resumed after one day with adequate chlorination.
uniformity coefficient Slow sand filter monitoring and operation is not
(UC) = 2–3 complicated. Daily tasks include reading and recording
Height of supernatant 0.7–1 m (maximum 1.5 m) head loss, raw and filtered water turbidity, flow rates,
water and disinfectant residual. If necessary, the operator
Underdrain system
should adjust the flow to bring water production in line
Standard bricks
Precast concrete Generally no need for further
with demand.
slabs hydraulic calculations In addition, with the promulgation of the Surface
Precast concrete Water Treatment Rule, each day the operator needs
blocks with holes on to use the flow data and disinfectant residual data to
the top calculate contact time values and determine if disinfection
Porous concrete is sufficiently rigorous. These duties may require one to
Perforated pipes Maximum velocity in the manifolds two hours unless automated.
(laterals and and in laterals = .3 m/s
manifold type)
Spacing between laterals = 1.5 m WHERE CAN I FIND MORE INFORMATION?
Spacing of holes in
laterals = 0.15 m American Water Works Association. 1993. Back to
Size of holes in laterals = 3 mm Basics Guide to Slow Sand Filtration. Denver:
Source: Vigneswaran, S. and C. Visvanathan, 1995. American Water Works Association.
American Water Works Association. 1994. Slow Sand
Filtration: International Compilation on Recent
MONITORING AND OPERATION REQUIREMENTS Scientific and Operational Developments. Denver:
American Water Works Association.
Clark, R. M., and D. A. Clark. 1995. Drinking
A slow sand filter must be cleaned when the fine sand
Water Quality Management. Lancaster, Pennsylva-
becomes clogged, which is measured by the head loss. The
nia: Technomic Publishing Company.
length of time between cleanings can range from several
Collins, M. R. 1998. ‘‘Assessing Slow Sand Filtration
weeks to a year, depending on the raw water quality. The
and Proven Modifications.’’ In Small Systems Water
operator cleans the filter by scraping off the top layer of the
Treatment Technologies: State of the Art Workshop.
filter bed. A ripening period of one to two days is required
NEWWA Joint Regional Operations Conference and
for scraped sand to produce a functioning biological filter.
Exhibition. Marlborough, Massachusetts.
The filtered water quality is poor during this time and
National Research Council. 1997. Safe Water from
should not be used.
Every Tap: Improving Water Services to Small
In some small slow sand filters, geotextile filter material
Communities. Washington, DC: National Academy
is placed in layers over the surface. In this cleaning
method, the operator can remove a layer of filter cloth
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1990. Envi-
periodically so that the upper sand layer requires less
ronmental Pollution Control Alternatives: Drinking
frequent replacement.
Water Treatment for Small Communities. Washing-
In climates subject to below-freezing temperatures,
ton, DC: Office of Water. EPA/625/5-90/025
slow sand filters usually must be housed. Uncovered
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1998. Small
filters operating in harsh climates develop an ice layer
System Compliance Technology List for the Surface
that prevents cleaning. Thus, they will operate effectively
Water Treatment Rule and Total Coliform Rule.
only if turbidity levels of the influent are low enough for
Washington, DC: Office of Water. EPA/815/R/98/001.
the filter to operate through the winter months without Vigneswaran, S. and C. Visvanathan. 1995. Water
cleaning. In warm climates, a cover over the slow sand Treatment Processes: Simple Options.
filter may be needed to reduce algae growth within
the filter.
Before cleaning a slow sand filter, the operator should HAVE YOU READ ALL OUR TECH BRIEFS?
remove floating matter, such as leaves and algae. When
one unit is shut down for cleaning, the others are run at a ‘‘Tech Briefs,’’ drinking water treatment fact sheets
slightly higher rate to maintain the plant output. have been a regular feature in the National Drinking

Water Clearinghouse (NDWC) newsletter On Tap for system, for instance, in case of pipe failures or unusual
more than four years. NDWC Technical Assistance demand patterns (such as fire flows), water supply
Specialist Mohamed Lahlou, Ph.D., researches, compiles networks are generally designed as complicated, looped
information, and writes these very popular items. systems, wherein each individual tap may be capable of
To order, call the NDWC at (800) 624–8301 or receiving water from several sources and intermediate
(304) 293–4191. You may also order online at ndwc or- storage facilities. This means that the water from any
ders@mail.estd.wvu.edu or download fact sheets from our given tap can arrive through several different routes and
Web site at www.ndwc.wvu.edu. can be a mixture of water from several sources. The routes
Additional copies of fact sheets are free; however, postal and sources for a given tap can vary over time, depending
charges may be added. on the pattern of water use (2).
For further information, comments about this fact The Association of State Drinking Water Adminis-
sheet, or to suggest topics, call Dr. Lahlou at one trators devised a security vulnerability checklist for a
of the above numbers or contact him via e-mail at water distributor to use as a guideline for security (3). It
mlahlou2@wvu.edu. includes a list of critical components, such as shown in
(Fig. 1): ground water, surface water, purchased water,
buildings, pumps, treatment equipment and supplies,
APPROACHES FOR SECURING A WATER laboratories, chemicals, storage tanks, power supplies,
DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM auxiliary power supplies, pipes, valves, buildings, com-
puters, files, work vehicles, telephones, and dispatch
DHI Citizens have always been concerned about who is
Newtown, Pennsylvania watching the water and how and when they would be told if
something went wrong. In 1993, there was a an outbreak of
Cryptosporidium—an intestinal protozoan—that infested
The world focus on water security has been extremely the Milwaukee water supply and sickened more than
heightened since the attack on the World Trade Center on 400,000 people (4). The cause of the infestation was not
September 11, 2001. The thinking behind the new focus determined, but it is thought that it related to storm
is in response to terrorist threats on our drinking water water runoff across pasture land that fed cattle—known
and infrastructure in general. This heightened focus is for carrying this protozoan. Giardia is another germ that
generally a public response—citizens wanting something can often be found in the water supply.
to be done to make them safer than they are currently. Except for freak accidents or intentional attacks on
But water related security issues are not new. the system, U.S. drinking water is thoroughly tested and
is safe to drink. The maximum contaminant levels are
INHERENT RISKS frequently tested on a prescribed schedule, and it is treated
with chlorine and chloramines to kill germs. Of course,
people not on the public water supply need to take steps
Catastrophic events involving water have been taking
on their own to ensure that there are no contaminants.
place regularly throughout history. On April 1, 1913,
There are many countries that do not treat water or test
hundreds of homes in Portsmouth, Ohio, were washed
it—and in those countries, the risk of serious disease is
away when a 69-foot wall of water washed through
much higher.
from a flood on the Great Miami River. More than 120
The Danish government hired the Danish Hydraulic
people were killed, and there was a subsequent smallpox
Institute (DHI) to secure the water system for their
outbreak. On Cape Cod, Massachusetts, treated sewage
country. The end result of that study, again, was that
disposal has formed a contaminated plume of ground water
it cannot be done (Fig. 2). So steps were then taken to
that today is slowly spreading into drinking water wells
prepare responses in case of accidental or intentional
through the shallow gravel and sand soil composition.
contamination. One of the methods being used there is
Droughts take place on a regular cycle related to various
called Artificial Recharge Technology—a mixing of water
weather systems (1).
The possibilities of things that could go wrong are sources to dilute the supply, so that it can be flushed to
impossible to list—a fact that points to a reality that has reduce contaminants quickly and eventually to remove
to be faced. There is no way to stop things from happening them (5).
to your water systems. And though there are a number of
things you can do to reduce the risk, the most important
step to take is preparing in advance for the time when
something does happen.
The states have had money available for loan for many
years through the EPA Superfund. This is a loan that
DRINKING WATER SPECIFICS has to be paid back over 20 years. This money can be
used for fencing, cameras, and other physical security
Water arrives at the consumer through a network of pipes and also for software models and other emergency action
that ultimately link to the water supply or treatment planning tools. By the year 2004, all water distribution
facility. However, to achieve maximum control over the utilities serving approximately 3000 customers or more

Supply pipes
Ground water

River Water work


Water tank

Lake reservoir
Supply area

Figure 1. Components of a water system.

Figure 2. Aarhus, Denmark, water

supply system data as seen in
the emergency response planning
software screen.

will be required to have written emergency action plans Water security issues were addressed formally dur-
filed with the government. ing the Clinton administration as just one part of a
These formal requirements for water utilities will be needed focus on all our infrastructure systems. In the
followed by formal requirements for wastewater utilities, White Paper printed by the U.S. Department of Justice,
and voluntary compliance by the wastewater utilities is the Presidential directive states, ‘‘Critical infrastructures
are those physical and cyber-based systems essential to
expected to take place prior to formal implementation. In
the minimum operations of the economy and govern-
response to the need to establish these documents, many
ment . . . these infrastructures have become increasingly
organizations have created written guidelines, as well
automated and interlinked. These same advances have
as various training schemes. Sandia National Labs has created new vulnerabilities to equipment failures, human
been designated as the official resource for vulnerability error, weather and other natural causes, and physical
assessment training (6). Many other private firms have and cyber attacks. Addressing these vulnerabilities will
been trained by Sandia to train others to perform these necessarily require flexible, evolutionary approaches that
assessments. span both the public and private sectors, and protect

both domestic and international security. . .non-traditional resources—posting signage, for example, that a water
attacks on our infrastructure and information systems supply is not for dumping, and other things that might
may be capable of significantly harming both our mili- seem obvious to some are not so obvious to others. We
tary power and our economy’’ (7). Even in this document are all caretakers of our environment. Many catastrophic
written in 1998, our government was requiring emergency events can be avoided simply by educating those who are
action plans. in the area about proper care of their resources. Running
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is, out of water is a very scary possibility, and the public
today, setting up the training, the grants, and the should be informed and trained in water conservation
documentation for water agencies to meet their required tactics—especially in time of droughts.
vulnerability assessments and emergency action plans (8). Second, identify the responsible person for each item
Every water and wastewater agency is coming out you listed—it could be an organization, individual, or a
with its own version of training aid documents, and department. Ensure that they know the full scope of their
commercial software packages are available from many responsibility. They may know they are responsible, say,
companies to facilitate the planning process (Fig. 3). At for water distribution—but have they been acknowledged
least one commercial company, DHI, offers additional as responsible for safety for that system? Ensure that
discounts to government buyers to hold down the they have been empowered to take needed steps to secure
cost of this compliance (www.dhigroup.com). There is it. These are organizational issues generally that have
also freeware available from the U.S. government. So to be met by some level of municipal government. The
lack of tools is not an issue for suppliers to prepare responsible parties must have the proper authority for
themselves. exercising their duty.
Third, the responsible authority should measure the
resource. They should get a firm grasp of the magnitude
of their responsibility—both the physical size and the
number of people involved. They need to know what
Whether it is a terrorist threat, flood, drought, earthquake,
condition it is in today. If steps can be taken to make them
hurricane, or other natural catastrophe, there are logical
less vulnerable, they should be taken. It is impossible to
steps to take to reduce the risk in any situation:
improve the condition of anything if you do not know what
condition it is in now. Measure it, and determine what
1. Identify the resources at risk and label them.
shape it should be in to satisfy the community it serves
2. Determine who is responsible as a caretaker of each (Fig. 4). Then take steps to get it in shape.
resource—and make sure they know it. Fourth, monitoring the current condition can vary
3. Measure the degree of risk. greatly depending on the vulnerability of the resource. If it
4. Monitor the condition of the resource frequently. is a condition that can be watched, then someone should be
5. Develop contingency plans. checking the vulnerability or watching for safety reasons.
For instance, water quality samplers can be installed to
First determine the water resources in your realm check, at any interval desired, the condition of any water
that are susceptible to loss or destruction—water supply, supply. Simple fences can keep out unwanted visitors.
bridges, or treatment plants. Make an inclusive list. Periodic inspections to keep things at optimum condition
Figure 1 shows all the components of a water supply are easily performed.
system—it is more than the waterworks plant. Be Fifth, contingency planning is multiphased. It should
sure that the surrounding community is aware of the be determined if there are adequate resources, in the
way of tools and manpower, to manage the system in the
event of a catastrophe. Contingency plans should exist

Figure 3. Use of a commercial software package to prepare

action plans. Figure 4. Monitoring the data from a storm drain flow monitor.

that can be readily executed. Authorities should know of WATER SECURITY: AN EMERGING ISSUE
the contingency plans—how to locate them and how to
execute them. Models can be developed of water supplies HEMANT J. PUROHIT
and wastewater collection systems that can then be used SUKUMAR DEVOTTA
to show a multitude of ‘‘what if’’ scenarios. For water Environmental Genomics Unit,
distribution systems, the use of a model is key to creating National Environmental
proper emergency response plans. Engineering, Research
The American Water Works Association published Institute, CSIR
the Manual of Water Supply Practices M19, which Nagpur, India
includes the section ‘‘Emergency Planning for Water
Utility Management’’ (9). In chapter 5 of this document, it
states that the basic principles of an emergency action plan One of the most pressing global issues is the increase
are that it should ‘‘(1) use or reference existing resources, in world population and its impact on the availability
(2) be concise and logical, and (3) be coordinated with other of freshwater. Freshwater is generated, transported,
agencies.’’ There is a great push to implement SCADA and stored within confined river basins. In 1992, the
(supervisory control and data acquisition) systems to Dublin conference, Assessment, CFWA, was considered,
watch the operation of a water system in real time—even where water was regarded as an economic good, and in
monitoring the water quality, so it is important that these 1994, the United Nations Commission for Sustainable
automated systems have built into them the ability to Development proposed that a comprehensive assessment
notify officials in case of sudden change and emergency. of the freshwater resources of the world should be
Many systems simply monitor and react without human undertaken (1). Climate change adds further risks and
notification. For introduction of toxins and protection of uncertainties to the global picture, requiring adaptive
public health and safety, this would not be acceptable to management in water resources based on monitoring
the public, nor should it be. and re-evaluation (2). A global-scale assessment of water
In summary, I quote the AWWA from the Security resources and their use was performed in the framework
Analysis & Response for Water Utilities: ‘‘A completed of the 1997 United Nations Comprehensive Assessment
security assessment and response plan is useful only if the of the Freshwater Resources of the World (3). Since 1970,
utility staff and supporting agencies maintain continued global water demand has risen at an estimated rate of
vigilance’’ (10). Ongoing training of staff, ongoing review 2.4% per annum, with much higher trends in developing
of the emergency system, along with periodic drills countries because of increasing urbanization and water-
of implementation of emergency actions are vital to intensive agricultural activities (4). Developing countries
successful performance of any emergency action planning. are home to the overwhelming proportion of the world’s
2.6 billion people without access to clean water, a figure
that is expected to significantly increase in the next
decades (5). The relationships between water quantity
1. Hosner, M. (2002). Five steps to risk reduction. Water 21 Mag. and environment have been overlooked in the past. A
54–55. need exists for a new dimension of the impending water
2. Hosner, M. (2002). Use of a computer model to help secure crisis (6). For example, in India, it is expected that severe
a water system in Denmark. cover, EH&S Software News water crises will occur by the year 2025 (7).
Online XI(5).
3. Association of State Drinking Water Administrators, MODELS FOR PREDICTION OF GLOBAL WATER
National Rural Water Association, ‘‘Security Vulnerability
Self-Assessment Guide for Small Drinking Water Systems’’,
May 30 2002.
Identification of the links between rapidly growing
4. Symons, J. M. (2001). Plain Talk About Drinking Water, 4th
Edn. American Water Works Association, pp. 5, 25.
populations and shrinking freshwater supplies is the
essential first step in making water use sustainable.
5. Brun, A. (2000). Artificial recharge technologies. Programme
for Part A: Environment and Sustainable Development,
Various models are proposed for prediction of water usage
Official Journal of the European Communities C(2000)3118. based on climate data. Even water security has been
6. AWWA. Mainstream—AWWA seeks $2.5 million from
correlated with food security by modeling (8). Yates (9)
Congress for security training. September/October 2002, p. 5. presented an integrated assessment model for continental
7. US Department of Justice www.usdoj.gov/criminal/
scale runoffs where the limiting data for the spatial
cybercrime/white pr.htm, White Paper, ‘‘The Clinton and temporal variability of freshwater resources is the
Administration’s Policy on Critical Infrastructure Protection: constraint. An analysis of Western Europe’s and Africa’s
Presidential Decision Directive 63,’’ May 22, 1998. freshwater runoff, which spans a range of climate
8. US Environmental Protection Agency, www.epa.gove/ variability, was performed at varying levels of spatial
safewater/security, ‘‘What is being done to protect the nation’s aggregation and at both monthly and annual time steps.
water infrastructure?’’ Model results showed that regional runoff characteristics
9. AWWA. (2001). Emergency Planning for Water Utilities, a were lost beyond a data aggregation of 1◦ × 1◦ resolution.
manual of water supply practices, M19, 4th Edn. A macroscale hydrological model, designed to simulate
10. AWWA. (2001). Security Analysis & Response for Water stream flow from climatic inputs over a large geographic
Utilities. p. iii. domain, has been proposed by Arnell (10). In the case of

Hydrological Model of WaterGAP 2 (WGHM), the model in the groundwater levels and subsequent accumulation of
tuning has aimed at achieving a good representation of contaminants in the unsaturated zone. However, further
the long-term average discharges (11). It has a strong developmental activities that have occurred there, or
positive effect on the performance of all proposed water maybe elsewhere using different water sources, sometimes
availability indicators. leads to a recovery of groundwater levels owing to
desorption of contaminants and groundwater pollution,
which has led the concept of ‘‘Groundwater Protection
Zones’’ where acceptable land uses are defined in order to
protect the underlying groundwater. Many factors exist
The prevention of water contamination is always a prefer- that influence the shape of the zone: the nature of the
able scenario instead of attempting to remove contami- aquifer (which are very rarely isotropic); the number
nants once they have entered the aquatic environment. of rivers in the zone; the condition of rivers (whether
Although it is likely that some contamination events will influent, effluent, perched, or changing); and the number
always occur, a large proportion of water resources can be and location of other abstraction points within the zone.
secured through protection and good water resource man- The more rivers associated with the aquifer, the greater
agement; efficient design, operation, and management of the distortion and extension of the zone.
water supplies; and regular and thorough surveillance In general, water can become contaminated at the
activities. Water source protection is a mixture of case- original water source, during treatment, in the pipes
specific measures of a particular area to protect individual that distribute water from a treatment facility to
sources. It also involves wider ranging measures, which homes and businesses, or in containers. Surface water
are designed to protect the larger water resource bod- (rivers or lakes) can be exposed to acid rain, storm
ies on a provincial, national, or regional (international) water runoff, sewage overflow, pesticide runoff, and
basis, which always requires guidelines such as state- industrial waste. This water is cleansed somewhat by
level or provincial-level guidelines up to international exposure to sunlight, aeration, and micro-organisms in
treaties to ensure sustainable management of resources. the water. Groundwater (aquifer) generally takes longer
Surface water sources and resources are far more open to become contaminated, but the natural cleansing
to contamination, and potential sources for contamination process also may take much longer because it moves
are generally far larger than for groundwater. Thus, any slowly and is not exposed to sunlight, aeration, or
measures taken to protect surface water resources will aerobic (requiring oxygen) micro-organisms. Groundwater
generally encompass a far wider geographical region than can be contaminated by disease-producing pathogens,
measures designed to protect groundwater resources. At leachate from landfills and septic systems, careless
a global level, the advanced scientific methods, such as disposal of hazardous household products, agricultural
GIS applications and remote sensing techniques, quan- chemicals (fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides), industrial
tify the existing water resources and help in formulating chemicals, and leaking underground storage tanks. Water
a sustainable management scheme by considering both distribution systems contain living micro-organisms and
water uses and environmental protection (12). Groundwa- nutrients that enter a system with raw water during
ter is an important source of drinking water. In its natural water treatment failures or from leaks, cross-connections,
state, groundwater is generally of high microbiological and back-flows. Bacterial growth may also occur at
quality with little or no contamination. The relative purity or near the pipe surfaces (biofilms), the interface
of groundwater in its natural state is largely a result with suspended particulates, and within the water
of infiltration through the soil and unsaturated layers of itself. Besides microbes, other contaminates occurring in
rock, although some groundwaters do have high levels of drinking water can include: (a) organics (trihalomethanes
harmful chemicals, such as fluoride and arsenic (7). and other disinfection byproducts), which are formed
when chlorine and other water disinfectants combine with
THREATS TO WATER RESOURCES naturally occurring organic matter; pesticides, including
herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides; and volatile
The water resources can be at threat because of natural organic chemicals; and (b) inorganics (arsenic, barium,
geological disturbances or anthropological activities, chromium, lead, mercury, and silver). The Centre for
which are making water unsafe for human consumption. Science and Environment, New Delhi, India, has also
Various anthropogenic activities exist that are making expressed concern over the contamination of pesticides in
water resources unsafe, such as selenium pollution, which bottled water.
is a globally identified phenomenon and is associated with
the most basic agricultural practices to the most high-tech WATER SECURITY AND ITS RELATION TO FOOD
industrial processes (13). SECURITY AND AGRICULTURE
The prevention of contamination of groundwaters by
persistent mobile contaminants is an essential element The International Food Policy Research Institute has
in the protection of groundwater resources. Generally, developed a 2020 Vision of a world where every person has
where aquifers are overlain by a substantial unsaturated economic and physical access to sufficient food to sustain a
zone and have high primary porosity and reasonable healthy and productive life, where malnutrition is absent,
permeability, they tend to be less vulnerable to pollution. and where food originates from efficient, effective, and low-
In industrial cities, initial development led to a decrease cost food and agricultural systems that are compatible with

sustainable use and management of natural resources. The 5. Jong-Wook, L. and Bellamy, C. (2004). In: WHO/UNICEF
major challenges observed to this Vision 2020 are igno- Joint Monitoring Program for Water Supply and Sanitation
rance to water security (14). The Indian national consul- Report.
tation program (15) also projected the World Water vision 6. Lundqvist, J. (2000). Physics and chemistry of the earth, Part
for the year 2025. Projections for world agriculture in the B. Hydrol. Oceans Atmosphere 25: 259–264.
first half of the twenty-first century vary widely, largely 7. Gordon, B., Mackay, R., and Rehfuess, E. (2004). Inheriting
depending on assumptions of yield growth. The pattern of the World: The Atlas of Children’s Health and the Environ-
yield growth for major crops is logistic, and not exponen- ment WHO.
tial. This pattern is consistent with ecological limits on 8. Kamara, A. and Sally, H. (2003). Water for food, livelihoods
soil fertility, water availability, and nutrient uptake (16). and nature: Simulations for policy dialogue in South Africa.
Phys Chem Earth, Parts A/B/C 28: 1085–1094.
Agriculture demands more water than any other activ-
ity. Although the total amounts of water made available 9. Yates, D.N. (1997). Approaches to continental scale runoff for
integrated assessment models. J. Hydrol. 291: 289–310.
by the hydrologic cycle provide enough freshwater for
the world’s current population, most of this water is con- 10. Arnell, N.W. (1999). A simple water balance model for the
simulation of streamflow over a large geographic domain J.
centrated in specific regions, leaving other areas water
Hydrol. 217: 314–335.
deficient. Therefore, the ‘‘Virtual water’’ concept has been
11. Döll, P., Kaspar, F., and Lehner, B. (2003). A global hydrolog-
introduced for water-short countries in recent years. These
ical model for deriving water availability indicators: Model
countries can minimize their use of water and achieve tuning and validation. J. Hydrol. 270: 105–134.
food security at the same time by importing a portion
12. Zacharias, I., Dimitriou, E., and Koussouris, T. (2003). Devel-
of their food requirements from other areas or countries oping sustainable water management scenarios by using
where water resources are adequate and available at a thorough hydrologic analysis and environmental criteria. J.
lower cost (17). Similarly, a Water Poverty Index has been Environ. Manage. 69: 401–412.
proposed, which integrates water stress and scarcity and 13. Lemly, A.D. (2004). Aquatic selenium pollution is a global
physical estimates of water availability with socioeconomic environmental safety issue. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety 59:
variables (18). The effect of usage of virtual water has been 44–56.
analyzed nicely in a case study where, by taking six south- 14. Pinstrup-Andersen, P. and Pandya-Lorch, R. (1998). Food
ern Mediterranean countries, the water-food challenges security and sustainable use of natural resources: A 2020
facing water-scarce countries and the implications for the Vision. Ecologic Econom. 26: 1–10.
world food economy have been discussed. By account- 15. ICID. (2003). Indian National Consultation Program of
ing for the volume of virtual water embedded in food International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage and
imports into the countries concerned, a close relationship Country Policy Support Program Report. Nov. 21–22, New
between water endowment and food import dependence Delhi, India.
has been elaborated. The results of this case study high- 16. Harris, J.M. and Kennedy, S. (1999). Carrying capacity in
light that food imports are imperative for compensating agriculture: global and regional issues. Ecologic Econom. 29:
water resource deficiency and that water scarcity-related 443–461.
food imports will continue to have an impact on food 17. Allan, J.A. (1998). Virtual water: a strategic resource, global
economy (19). solutions to regional deficits. Ground Water 36: 545–546.
Globally, water is likely to become an increasingly 18. Sullivan, C. (2002). Calculating a water poverty index. World
critical resource issue in the developing world. In the Develop. 30: 1195–1210.
coming time, the forces of globalization with technological 19. Yang, H. and Zehnder, A.J.B. (2002). Water scarcity and food
revolution will influence the trans-boundary management import: a case study for southern mediterranean countries.
of water as equity. The world is moving into a new kind of World Develop. 30: 1413–1430.
economy as well as into a new kind of society, where we
need new mindsets and knowledge to resolve increasingly READING LIST
complex and interrelated continental issues. The water
sector is no exception to this development. Rosegrant, M.W. and Perez, N.D. (1995). Water Resources Devel-
opment in Africa: A Review and Syntheses of Issues, Poten-
tials and Strategies for the Future. International Food Policy
BIBLIOGRAPHY Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, DC.

1. Björklund, G. and Kuylenstierna, J. (1998). The comprehen-

sive freshwater assessment and how it relates to water policy
world wide. Water Policy 1: 267–282. GUIDE TO SELECTION OF WATER TREATMENT
2. Sophocleous, M. (2004). Global and regional water availabil- PROCESSES
ity and demand: Prospects for the future. Natural Resources
Res. 13: 61–75. MICHAEL MUNTISOV
3. Raskin, P., Gleick, P., Kirshen, P., Pontius, G., and GHD Pty Ltd.
Strzepek, K. (1997). Water futures: Assessment of long-range Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
patterns and problems, Comprehensive Assessment of the
Freshwater Resources of the World. Stockholm Environment
Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. Selecting the appropriate treatment process is a critical
4. Clarke, R. (1993). Water: The International Crisis. MIT Press, step in providing safe, reliable, good quality drinking water
Cambridge, MA. at a cost-effective price.

This article provides guidance in selecting appropriate Testing is particularly important for correct sizing and
treatment processes taking into account raw water quality cost analysis of competing options to take account of actual
and costs. conditions. For example the amount of coagulant and other
chemical usage can have a significant influence on the cost-
effectiveness of a coagulant-based conventional process
RAW WATER QUALITY AND TESTING versus, say, microfiltration. Conversely, although it can be
assumed that microfiltration achieves excellent particle
There is a need for raw water quality data covering and protozoa removal reliably, its performance in terms of
an extended period sufficient to show seasonal and fouling and sustainable flux rate can only be determined
extreme events to make a sound decision on appropriate realistically by pilot testing the water to be treated. Pilot
treatment processes. testing is always recommended, if feasible, particularly for
Ideally, the parameters listed in Table 1 should have large projects.
data collected as set out.
In practice, the extent of data set out in Table 1 is rarely
available. In these cases, immediate intensive periods of THE BENCHMARK PROCESS
testing are essential to develop as much understanding
of the raw water characteristics as possible in advance To allow comparison between process options, particularly
of selecting treatment processes. Adjacent similar water on a cost basis, it is appropriate to define a ‘‘bench-
sources are possible sources of indicative data. In addition, mark’’ process.
risk assessment techniques can identify potential hazard The benchmark process is based on the most com-
parameters even where sampling data are limited. For monly used treatment configuration in the world, coagu-
some possible contaminants, it is appropriate to assess lation/clarification/granular media filtration.
risk rather than sampling because measurements may A typical process flow schematic is shown in Fig. 1.
not be representative. This approach involves examining Within the benchmark, there can also be considerable
possible sources of contaminants in the catchment and variation between clarifier and filtration types. An
then calculating the risk or approximate concentration indication of types of clarifier available and their basic
that might occur in the raw water. characteristics are set out in Table 2.
Before any process is finally selected, it is important Modern granular media filters typically operate at 10 to
to carry out treatability testing on the actual source 15 m/h in postclarifier configurations, although there are
water. All waters have subtle differences, and these examples of deep-bed higher rated filters operating under
can have a significant effect on process selection and suitable conditions. There is a wide variation in granular
performance. As a minimum, coagulation jar tests should media filter designs. Table 3 sets out some examples at
be performed. both ends of the spectrum.

Table 1. Minimum Sampling Regime for Raw Water

Surface Water Groundwater (Not Significantly Influenced by Surface Water)

Initially and then annually Initially and then annually

• Complete scan of WQ parameters. From this, additional • Complete scan of WQ parameters. From this, additional
parameters may be added or removed from the weekly/monthly parameters may be added or removed from the
testing regime. monthly/quarterly testing regime.
Weekly Monthly
• Turbidity • Turbidity
• True colour • pH (at sample point)
• Alkalinity • Calcium (component of hardness)
• pH (at sample point) • Magnesium (component of hardness)
• Temperature (at sample point) • Iron
• Conductivity • Alkalinity
Monthly • Temperature (at sample point)
• Cryptosporidium/Giardia • Conductivity
• Total coliforms Quarterly
• E.coli • True color
• Iron • Manganese
• Manganese • Total coliforms (monthly if detected)
• DOC • E.coli (monthly if detected)
• Calcium (component of hardness) Potential Concerns
• Magnesium (component of hardness) • Parameters sometimes found in groundwaters include
Special — Nitrate
• Short-term intensive testing of certain ‘suspect’ parameters — Radionuclides
depending on circumstances for example hourly measurement — Hydrogen sulfide
of turbidity on flashy river; pesticides or Cryptosporidium after — Arsenic
storm; — Other suspect parameters, for example, pesticides

Raw water Chlorine


Rapid Flocculator Clarifier Gravity filters

mix Lime Clearwell

Polymer Treated
Alum water



Figure 1. The ‘‘Benchmark’’ process.

Table 2. Clarifier Options in ‘‘Benchmark’’ Process

Typical Loading Minimum
Clarifier Type Rate m/hr Flocculation Comment

Horizontal flow sedimentation 1.5 2 stage, 15 minutes } Sedimentation particularly suited to waters
with high solids load
Radial flow sedimentation 1.5 2 stage, 15 minutes }
Sludge blanket clarifier 2.5 NA }
Sludge recirculation contact clarifier 3.0 15 minutes }
Pulsation type 3.0 NA }
Dissolved air flotation (DAF) 10 2 stages, 10 minutes • Suited to colored, algal-laden, impounded
raw water
• Can be located in-filter
Tube settler 5 2 stages, 15 minutes Loading rate depends on spacing and depth
of tubes. Often retrofitted to increase plant
Ballasted sand 30 1 stage, 10 minutes Proprietary process
Sirofloc 10 2 stages, 10 minutes Proprietary process

Table 3. Granular Media Filter Arrangements

Media Typical Grading and Depth Typical Loading Rate Comment

Monomedia (sand) 600 mm of 0.6 m effective size 6 m/h Typical old style rapid gravity filter designs
Monomedia (sand or anthracite) 2000 mm of 2 mm effective size Up to 24 m/h e.g., 3000 ML/day direct filtration plant at
Prospect, Sydney, Australia
Dual media (typically 1500 mm of 1.5 mm anthracite 12–18 m/h Also used in direct filtration configuration
anthracite/sand) on 300 mm of 0.8 mm sand (i.e., no preclarification)
Dual media (typically Wide range of anthracite sand 8–14 m/h Finer grading used in postclarifier
anthracite/sand) combinations are in use configurations

GUIDE TO PROCESS SELECTION by-products like trihalomethanes (THMs), lead (usually

a corrosion product), and soluble aluminum (usually a
Table 4 provides a summary guide to selecting the residual of alum coagulation) are not included.
most applicable treatment process, given particular Table 4 focuses on primary treatment needs and does
water quality problems. The parameters covered focus on not consider residual disinfection requirements.
challenges that occur in raw waters. They do not include The ‘‘primary process candidates’’ focus on processes
parameters that are created through treatment and that can cost-effectively provide very good removal
distribution. Therefore, parameters such as disinfection efficiency of the parameter in question, so that water
Table 4. Water Treatment Process Selection Guide
Water Quality Primary Process Other Process
Parameter Candidates Relative Cost Comments Candidates

Bacteria Chemical disinfection 0.1 Chlorine, chlorine dioxide,
chloramine, and ozone are the
main disinfectants. Cost is based
on chlorine.
Ultraviolet disinfection 0.2 Good pretreatment often required.
Microfiltration 1.3
Virus Chemical disinfection 0.1 Reverse osmosis
Ultraviolet disinfection 0.2 Some viruses can be relatively
Giardia Benchmark 1.0 Filtered water turbidity of better Reverse osmosis
than 0.3 NTU and preferably 0.1
NTU is required.
Chemical 0.1 Most practical choices are chlorine,
chlorine dioxide, and ozone. Cost
is based on chlorine.
Ultraviolet disinfection 0.2 Good pretreatment often required.
Microfiltration 1.3
Cryptosporidium Benchmark 1.0 Filtered water turbidity of better Reverse osmosis
than 0.3 NTU and preferably 0.1
NTU is required.
Ultraviolet disinfection 0.2 Good pretreatment often required.
Microfiltration 1.3
Algae Benchmark 1.0 High algae levels needs a suitable
clarifier process, e.g., DAF. See
‘‘Organics’’ for algal taste, odor
and toxins.

Turbidity Benchmark 1.0 Reverse osmosis
Microfiltration 1.3
Color Benchmark 1.0
Ozonation 0.5 Practical limit to color removable
Nanofiltration 2.0 Pretreatment required
Hardness Lime softening 1.2
Ion exchange (cation) 0.7 Need also to consider pretreatment
requirements, if any
Nanofiltration 2.0 Pretreatment required
Iron Benchmark 1.0 Lime softening
Oxidation/filtration 0.8 Activated alumina
Manganese Oxidation/benchmark 1.1 Potassium permanganate Lime softening
commonly used
Catalytic filtration 0.8 Chlorination ahead of Mn-coated
filter media
Benchmark/high pH 1.1 Coagulation at high pH
Hydrogen sulfide Aeration 0.3

DOC Benchmark 1.0
Ion exchange (anion) 0.9
Nanofiltration 2.0
Algal tastes & Granular activated carbon 0.6—1.0 Cost depends on bed life; bed life
odors uncertain: testing required
Powdered activated carbon 0.2—0.4 Cost depends on dose and period of
Ozonation 0.5 Sometimes used in conjunction
with hydrogen peroxide
Algal toxins Chlorination 0.1 Effective on many hepatotoxins Nanofiltration
Ozonation 0.5 Sometimes used in conjunction
with hydrogen peroxide

(continued overleaf )

Table 4. (Continued)
Water Quality Primary Process Other Process
Parameter Candidates Relative Cost Comments Candidates

Ozone/biological activated carbon 1.0

Granular activated carbon 0.6—1.0 Bed life uncertain; testing required
Powdered activated carbon 0.2—0.4 Dose setting can be difficult
Pesticides Ozonation 0.5 Sometimes used in conjunction Reverse osmosis
with hydrogen peroxide
Ozone/biological activated carbon 1.0
Granular activated carbon 0.5—2 Bed life uncertain
Powdered activated carbon 0.2—0.5 Dose setting can be difficult
Organic chemicals Aeration 0.3—1 Only for highly volatile compounds
Granular activated carbon 0.5—2 Cost highly sensitive to bed life;
testing required

Antimony Benchmark 1.0 Reverse osmosis
Arsenic Oxidation & benchmark 1.1
Oxidation & lime softening 1.3
Activated alumina 0.9
Ion exchange (anion) 0.9
Barium Lime softening 1.2 Reverse osmosis
Ion exchange (cation) 0.7
Beryllium Benchmark 1.0 Reverse osmosis
Lime softening 1.2
Activated alumina 0.9
Boron Ion exchange (anion) 0.9
Reverse osmosis 2.5
Cadmium Benchmark 1.1 Ferric coagulation at high pH Reverse osmosis
Lime softening 1.2
Chromium (III) Benchmark 1.0
Lime softening 1.2
Ion exchange (cation) 0.9 Anion for Cr(VI)
Reverse osmosis 2.5 OK for Cr(VI)
Cyanide Oxidation and benchmark 1.1 Reverse osmosis
Fluoride Activated alumina 0.9
Reverse osmosis 2.5
Mercury Benchmark 1.0 Ferric coagulant preferred Reverse osmosis
Granular activated carbon 0.5—1.0 Cost depends on bed life
Lime softening 1.2
Nitrate Ion exchange (anion) 0.9
Reverse osmosis 2.5
Sulfate Ion exchange (anion) 0.9
Reverse osmosis 2.5
Selenium Ion exchange (anion) 0.9 Reverse osmosis
Activated alumina 0.9
Silver Benchmark 1.0
Lime softening 1.2
TDS Reverse osmosis 2.5 Brackish water
Electrodialysis 3.0
Distillation 5.0 Very dependent on energy cost
Uranium Benchmark 1.0 Waste disposal is an issue
Lime softening 1.2 Waste disposal is an issue
Ion exchange (cation) 0.9 Waste disposal is an issue
Radon Aeration 0.3
Granular activated carbon 0.5—1.0 Depends on bed life
Radium Lime softening 1.2 Waste disposal is an issue
Ion exchange (cation) 0.9 Waste disposal is an issue
Reverse osmosis 2.5 Waste disposal is an issue


quality objectives can be met. Processes that provide only Testing the most likely process selections obtained
limited removal are generally not listed. The focus is also through the guidance process is always important to
on the most readily available technologies. confirm achievable performance and likely actual costs.
The ‘‘relative cost’’ column indicates life-cycle cost in In evaluating the final short list of process options, factors
comparison with the ‘‘benchmark’’ treatment process. The like local skills, cost and availability of materials, level
cost relativity is indicative only and depends on plant of support services, and waste management constraints,
scale, the site and local conditions, and costs. ‘‘Other need to be taken into account.
process candidates’’ list potential processes which would
not normally be selected for the water quality parameter READING LIST
in question but are listed to provide guidance if that
particular process is also a good primary candidate for EPA. (1990). Technologies for Upgrading Existing or Designing
another water quality parameter of concern. New Drinking Water Treatment Plants. Office of Drinking
As a reference, the expected range of life-cycle cost for Water, USEPA, Cincinnati, OH.
the benchmark process in developed countries is of the AWWA. (1994) Water Quality and Treatment, 4th Edn. McGraw-
order of US$0.15 to US$0.40 per kL (2003); the variation Hill, New York.
depends mainly on scale—the larger scale plant has lower www.epa.gov
unit costs. www.usbr.gov
Department of Natural Resources & Environment. (1997). Low
Examples of Application Cost Water Treatment for Small Towns. Report No. WQ97.001.
Example 1: Braided River from Farming Catchment Melbourne, Australia.
and High Base Flow. A source water drawn from a
braided river suffers from elevated turbidity after
storms and is suspected of Cryptosporidium/Giardia and SOURCE WATER ASSESSMENT
bacteria/contamination from farming in the catchment.
From Table 4, microfiltration is suitable for all
U.S. Geological Survey
identified contaminants, as is the combination of the
benchmark process plus disinfection (either chemical or
UV). From this, the prime process candidates are therefore
• benchmark plus disinfection
What is a Source Water Assessment?
• microfiltration
A source water assessment is a study and report, unique to
Example 2: Highly Turbid Tropical River in Unpro- each water system, that provides basic information about
tected Catchment. In this case, the water quality parame- the water used to provide drinking water.
ters of concern and corresponding process selections are
What Will My Assessment Tell Me?
Cryptosporidium: benchmark, UV, MF • Where My Drinking Water Comes From. Source
Turbidity: benchmark, MF Water Assessments identify the area of land that
Color: benchmark, ozonation most directly contributes the raw water used for
Virus: disinfection, UV drinking water.
Bacteria: disinfection, UV, MF • What Could Pose a Threat to My Drinking Water
Quality. Assessments identify the major potential
Iron: benchmark, oxidation/filtration.
sources of contamination to drinking water supplies.
Looking at these technology selections suggests select- This information is used to determine how susceptible
ing the benchmark process plus disinfection would most the water system is to contamination.
cost-effectively deal with all of the parameters of concern.
Is This Information Available?
Example 3: Algal-Prone Surface Water Reservoir from a The results of an assessment will be provided to the
Compromised Catchment. In this case, the parameters of public to help communities plan for protection activities.
concern are turbidity, algae, DOC, color, Cryptosporid- Information about the assessment will be included in the
ium, bacteria, virus, iron, manganese, taste and odor, yearly consumer confidence report you receive from your
and toxins. water utility.
Using the same procedure as previously highlights
the potential to select a process train consisting of the Does My Water System Have a Source Water Assessment?
benchmark process plus ozone/BAC. Every state is moving forward to implement assessments
of its public water systems, as required under a new
Example 4: Groundwater. This groundwater has prob-
lems of elevated arsenic, iron, and manganese. From
Table 4, the benchmark process with oxidation would be This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the
an appropriate selection. public domain in the United States of America.

federal Safe Drinking Water Act program called the

Source Water Assessment Program (SWAP). Assessments
must be completed by 2003 for every public water
system—for major metropolitan areas and the smallest
towns, including schools, restaurants, and other public
facilities that have wells or surface water supplies.
Assessments will not be conducted for drinking water
systems that have less than fifteen service connections
or that regularly serve less than twenty-five individuals,
since these are not considered public water systems.

Who is Paying for These Assessments?

Source water assessments and protection measures are

eligible uses of the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund
(DWSRF) set-asides. States may use the funds for a For ground water supplies, states commonly use
mixture of source water related local assistance activities. information about the flow of underground water to
For example, funds are available for Land Acquisition and delineate source water assessment boundaries. This
Conservation Easements. results in a map of land areas where, if pollutants are
spilled or discharged on the surface, they could filter
through the soil to the ground water and be drawn into a
SOURCE WATER ASSESSMENTS particular well. Some states may use a simpler mapping
approach, by drawing a circle of a certain radius around
The source water assessment programs created by states the well.
differ since they are tailored to each state’s water resources For a community that uses surface water from a
and drinking water priorities. However, each assessment stream, river, lake, or reservoir, the land area in the
must include four major elements: watershed upstream of the intake is identified on the map.
A watershed boundary is drawn using a topographic map,
and includes the land areas where rain or melted snow
• delineating (or mapping) the source water assess- flows over or through the ground and eventually enters
ment area, the water source upstream of the water system’s intake.
• conducting an inventory of potential sources of
contamination in the delineated area,
• determining the susceptibility of the water supply to
those contamination sources, and
• releasing the results of the determinations to
the public.

These steps are described in more detail below, with

information on how citizens and organizations can join
in the assessment process. More information about the
SWAP program is available. Our SWAP Contact List has
state specific contacts and links to State web sites.
Source Water Assessment Using Geographic Informa-
tion Systems: This document provides guidance to states,
municipalities, and public water utilities for assessing
source waters using geographic information system (GIS)


Some states plan to divide the watershed area into
segments—areas closest to the intake where most types
of contamination sources can impact the water supply,
For each ground water well or surface water intake that and other more distant areas. The entire watershed up
supplies public drinking water, the land area that could to the state’s boundaries is required to be delineated, but
contribute water and pollutants to the water supply must the inventory of potential pollution sources may be more
be delineated, or mapped. Significant potential sources of detailed in segments that are closer to the intake.
contamination will then be identified in this delineated After the state has completed its assessment for a
area during Step 2 of the assessment process. water system, the community may decide to undertake

protection efforts for targeted sources of contamination. An sources of contaminants that are not currently regulated,
initial step could be to expand upon the state’s delineation such as smaller livestock areas or auto salvage yards,
process. Particularly for smaller ground water systems, the database inventories could include industries and
where states may not have the resources to conduct a sewage treatment plants that discharge wastewater,
detailed delineation, additional scientific methods can be hazardous waste sites, mining operations, particular
used to more accurately delineate the area that contributes land use categories (such as industrial, agricultural
ground water to the well. and urban areas), and various facilities that have
Community members can seek assistance from the environmental permits.
environmental sciences, geology, or engineering depart- Community groups such as watershed organizations,
ments of local colleges, or from environmental consulting local environmental committees or scout troops can
firms to assist in creating more detailed delineations. enhance the state’s assessment by conducting site-specific
Sometimes these services are provided by professors, grad- inventories of potential pollutant sources that may not
uate students, or local firms for a reduced fee or none at be on state databases or maps. Local inventories may
all. In addition, local water resource information is often provide information on abandoned dump sites, businesses
available from other sources such as the federal Natural with septic tanks or floor drains such as dry cleaners
Resource Conservation Service, the United States Geologi- or car repair shops, pesticide mixing and storage areas,
cal Survey, and the state’s Cooperative Extension Service. golf courses, and other land uses that may release
For more information on delineation see Reliable pollutants to ground water or surface water. Community
Sources—Delineation. groups can coordinate their local inventory with the
state’s assessment process or can enhance a completed
STEP 2: CONDUCT AN INVENTORY OF POTENTIAL assessment with a more detailed inventory.
SOURCES OF CONTAMINATION A helpful document to aid community groups is EPA’s
‘‘Drinking Water Contaminant Source Index’’ which is a
Community groups can become especially involved in list of potential contaminant sources and the pollutants
the second step of an assessment—identifying potential they can release. Additional resources about contami-
sources of pollutants that could contaminate the water nation are available at Reliable Sources—Contaminant
supply. This inventory usually results in a list and a map Source Inventory.
of facilities and activities within the delineated area that
may release contaminants into the ground water supply STEP 3: DETERMINE THE SUSCEPTIBILITY OF THE WATER
(for wells) or the watershed of the river or lake (for surface SUPPLY TO CONTAMINATION
water sources).
For the susceptibility analysis, the state combines the
inventory results with other relevant information to decide
how likely a water supply is to become contaminated by
identified potential sources of contamination. This critical
step makes the assessments useful for communities,
since it provides information that local decision-makers
may use to prioritize approaches for protecting the

Some examples of the many different types of potential

pollutant sources include landfills, underground or above-
ground fuel storage tanks, residential or commercial septic
systems, storm water runoff from streets and lawns,
farms that apply pesticides and fertilizers, and sludge
disposal sites.
Some states are asking communities to conduct
the inventory themselves, in order to obtain detailed
information about potential contaminant sources. Others
will use computer databases and focus the inventory
on land uses and activities that are currently mapped
or regulated. Although this approach may not address

drinking water supply. Local information provided to

the state by local community groups about contaminant
sources, water resource characteristics, or environmental
management practices may be used in the susceptibility
determination process. Some states prioritize the potential
for contamination from identified potential contamination
sources or specific chemicals that could pollute the
water. Other states assign susceptibility rankings of high,
medium or low to the water sources.


Whether using the state’s assessment or expanding

it into a more detailed local assessment, communities
can use information gathered through the assessment
process to create a broader source water protection
program. Community groups and local officials, working
in cooperation with local, regional, and state government
agencies can plan how to manage identified potential
contamination sources and prevent new contaminant
threats in the source water assessment area.
Communities use a wide array of different source water
protection methods to prevent contamination of their
For more information on susceptibility see Reliable drinking water supplies. One management option involves
Sources—Susceptibility Determination. regulations, such as prohibiting or restricting land uses
that may release contaminants in critical source water
STEP 4: RELEASE THE ASSESSMENT RESULTS TO areas. Along with regulations, many communities hold
THE PUBLIC local events and distribute information to educate and
encourage citizens and businesses to recycle used oil, limit
their use of pesticides, participate in watershed cleanup
After a state completes the assessment of a particular
activities, and a multitude of other prevention activities.
water system, it will summarize the information for the
Another aspect of a source water protection program can be
public. Such summaries help communities understand the
the purchase of land or creation of conservation easements
potential threats to their water supplies and identify pri-
to serve as a protection zone near the drinking water
ority needs for protecting the water from contamination.
source. For an effective protection program, communities
States will make the assessment summaries available to
should consider using a variety of prevention measures.
the public in a variety of ways. Some states plan to convene
EPA’s fact sheet, Community Involvement in Source
public workshops, while others will have copies available
Water Assessments, explains the four steps of source
in public libraries and from local government offices or
water assessments; how communities can participate in
water suppliers. Many also plan to post the assessment
the assessment process; and how communities can utilize
summaries on the Internet. The results of the assessments
assessment information for source water protection. A
will also be included in the annual water quality reports
downloadable version (PDF, 180 kb) is available.
that community water systems are required to prepare
for their customers. Community groups can convene local
meetings to discuss the results and begin the process of HELPFUL CONTACTS
protecting the drinking water source.
For more information on results see Reliable EPA, State and other contacts are also available to
Sources—Public Availability. help you.

Your local water supplier may also have more

information about opportunities to become involved in the
source water assessment process. EPA can provide some
local information about your drinking water system. You
can also call the number on your water bill or contact
your local health department for information on your
water supplier.


Khafra Engineering Consultants
Atlanta, Georgia Figure 1. Ground-level water storage tank (Source: Columbian

Water distribution storage ensures the reliability of sup-

ply, maintains pressure, equalizes pumping and treat-
ment rates, reduces the size of transmission mains, and
improves operational flexibility and efficiency. Numerous
decisions must be made in designing a storage tank,
including size, location, type, and expected operation.
There are several key considerations in the hydraulic
design of water storage tanks.
Equalization is the primary purpose for constructing
water distribution storage tanks. Water utilities like to
operate treatment plants at a relatively constant rate,
and wells and pumping stations generally work best when
pumped at a steady rate. However, water use in most
utilities varies significantly during the course of the day.
These variations in use can be met by continuously varying
source production, continuously varying pumping rates, or
filling and draining storage tanks.
Filling and draining storage tanks is much easier
operationally and is generally less expensive than other
methods. Facilities that serve portions of a distribution
system that has storage tanks generally need to be
sized only to meet maximum daily demands; storage
tanks provide water during instantaneous peak demands.
Maintaining adequate pressure in a water distribution
system is very important. To a great extent, the elevation
of water stored in a tank determines the pressure in the
pipes directly connected to the tank. The larger the tank
volume, the more stable the pressure in the distribution
system, despite fluctuations in demand or changes in Figure 2. Traditional multicolumn elevated storage tank
pump operation. If distribution storage were not used, (Source: Caldwell Tank, Inc.)
larger water transmission mains and larger treatment
plant capacity would be required by most utilities to
provide water needed for fire fighting. Especially in smaller consumption, water quality, hydraulic transient control,
systems, storage tanks are a much more economical and and aesthetics should be considered in designing water
operationally reliable means for meeting the short-term distribution storage tanks. Tanks enable utilities to
large demands placed on a water supply system during store energy as well as water for later use. To
fire fighting. In addition to fires, emergencies such as the extent that equalization storage slows down the
power outages, breaks in large water mains, problems velocity (and friction losses) in large transmission
at treatment plants, and unexpected shutdowns of water mains, the energy used to pump water is reduced by
supply facilities can cause failure of the water system if having distribution storage tanks that equalize pumping.
sufficient water is not available in storage. Water storage Tanks may affect water quality in two general ways:
tanks meet demands during emergencies. (1) through chemical, physical, and biological processes
Besides equalization, pressure maintenance, and fire that occur as water ages while stored in the tank and
and emergency storage, other factors such as energy (2) through external contamination of water in tanks.

important consideration in designing water distribution

storage tanks is controlling hydraulic transients. Changes
in velocity in water mains can result in ‘‘water hammer.’’ A
water storage tank is effective in dampening the extreme
high or low pressure caused by a transient. Sometimes
the aesthetics of storage tanks becomes important. Tanks
should be designed to satisfy the aesthetic considerations
of stakeholders without sacrificing the purpose of the tank
and the efficiency of the system’s operation.
Depending on the topography and local environmental
conditions, storage tanks may be located above, on,
or below the ground. Underground tanks or reservoirs
are constructed of reinforced concrete. Small ground-
level tanks are usually earth-lined with gunite, asphalt,
or some synthetic membrane. Large surface tanks are
concrete-lined (Fig. 1). Most large surface tanks are
covered to prevent contamination by bird, animal, and
human wastes. Elevated water storage tanks are usually
constructed of steel or concrete. Common shapes for
elevated storage tanks are illustrated (Figs. 2–4).


HDR, Inc. (2001). Handbook of Public Water System, 2nd Edn.

John Wiley & Sons, New York.
May, L.W. (Ed.). (1999). Water Distribution System Handbook.
McGraw-Hill, New York.
Figure 3. Composite elevated storage tank (Source: Caldwell
Peavy, H.S., Rowe, D.R., and Tchobanoglous, G. (1985). Environ-
Tank, Inc.).
mental Engineering. McGraw-Hill, New York.
Qasim, S.R., Motley, E.M., and Zhu, G. (2000). Water Works
Engineering. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.


Technical Assistance

As small water systems continue to struggle to become

more efficient, technology provides good ways to improve
operations. Nowhere is this more apparent than in
the application of control and communications sys-
tems—namely SCADA [System Control and Data Acqui-
sition]—and their ability to provide system and informa-
tion management that can help utilities meet regulatory
requirements, reduce operating costs, and improve cus-
tomer service. A water distribution system transports
water from the treatment facility to the user. The distrib-
tion system should supply water, without impairing its
quality, in adequate quantities and at sufficient pressures
Figure 4. Pedesphere elevated storage tank (Source: Caldwell
to meet system requirements
Tank, Inc.).

Some water quality problems can be eliminated by proper
design and maintenance. In recent years, because of A SCADA system consists of a computer placed at a central
the concern for microbial regrowth and formation of location, communications equipment, programmable logic
disinfection byproducts, protecting the water quality in the controllers, sensors, and other devices that when put
storage tanks has become increasingly important. Another together, will monitor and control equipment and

processes in a utility, such as a water system. Remote

sites, equipped with remote telemetry units (RTUs), can
be located as close as within the same building or as far Fresh
RTU's water
away as across the country. RTUs measure a variety
of conditions and parameters, including tank levels, Lift station
temperature, voltage, current, volumes, and flow rates, RTU's
and report back to a central processing unit (CPU). This
technology is widely accepted in the water and wastewater Ground
industries as a reliable and efficient control system. tank
Treatment plant
Functions that the SCADA system can perform include: Elevanted terminal
tank unit
remote monitoring of well levels and control of their
pumps, and monitoring flows, tank levels, or pressures Telemetry
in storage tanks. A SCADA system can also monitor water system
quality characteristics, such as pH, turbidity, and chlorine
residual, and control the addition of chemicals. In the Base station
distribution system, SCADA can supervise and control
SCADA system
the water pressure of networks, assure water pressure is
uniformly distributed, lower the leakage rate, and store
data for future analysis.
SCADA is not a new technology by any means, but
significant innovations and improvements have been
achieved since its introduction. By automating many
routine tasks, a SCADA system frees the plant operator to
perform other duties, such as addressing state and federal
reporting requirements. In fact, SCADA can assist in
mandated reporting because it can store various activities
and information on the computer. Graphs and reports
can be generated automatically using the data collected
remotely from the field. These reports are important in
inferring production and consumption patterns, data that
help manage the water resources more efficiently. Stored
information also proves invaluable when producing the
annual Consumer Confidence Reports required under the
1996 Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Amendments.
SCADA is useful in an emergency situation. Immedi-
ately following an incident, an operator can be notified via
personal pager and increase response capability dramati- SCADA allows water operators to monitor the entire distribution
cally. SCADA provides multipurpose utility management, system from one location
operating flexibility and more complex system control.
SCADA keeps an eye on the entire system from one place.
violations) the SDWA and its amendments, according to
MONITORING FOR SMALL WATER SYSTEMS One solution to keeping up with ever more stringent
requirements is for several small communities to pool their
Because of its cost, smaller systems often viewed SCADA resources. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is
as a luxury item. But water system management has evaluating the option of using remote telemetry, called an
become complex and SCADA has become more advanced ‘‘electronic circuit-rider,’’ that allows one qualified operator
yet, paradoxically less expensive, making SCADA a to monitor and control the operation of several small
viable option. Initial installation costs, which are often treatment systems from a centrally located computer.
high, typically pay for themselves in a short time Using such a system can optimize the time spent taking
through direct labor and vehicle cost savings, as well daily readings out in the field. For onsite inspection
as increased efficiency. and maintenance efforts, the RTS allows the operator
Due to a low tax base, many small communities have to visit only the problematic systems. The results expected
limited financial resources for drinking water system man- from an appropriately designed and successfully deployed
agement and operation. Thus, it is difficult for operators to remote monitoring and control system include enhanced
maintain extensive manual monitoring to ensure the sys- water quality, compliance with existing water quality
tem complies with complex regulations. These small sys- regulations, and reduced operating and maintenance costs
tems, therefore, frequently violate (monitoring/reporting for small communities.


Experienced computer hackers can access SCADA systems

that operate over the Internet and deactivate process
alarms, change chemical parameters, start and stop
equipment, and so on. The results of such an intrusion
can be devastating to the general public and to
plant employees.
Many system managers installed protection as part
of their ‘‘Y2K’’ contingency plans. The likelihood of a
terrorist cyber attack is less likely than a cyber attack
from a disgruntled employee. Fortunately, there are steps
a system can take to minimize a security breech.


John Barkey, plant operator for Martin’s Ferry, Ohio, inspects
Distributed Control System (DCS): An integrated system the water levels of the system’s storage tanks from his desk
made up of many subsystems that are remotely located.
Each subsystem can operate independently.
Modem (MOdulator DEModulator): Used to convert performing every task needed to operate and maintain
signals in one form to another. This is generally used for water treatment and the distribution system. Its use
communication between computers and other devices over in many similar applications should prove its reliabil-
telephone lines or radio. ity. Make sure the hardware supplier and the software
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC): A micropro- developer can guarantee prompt, efficient, and cost effec-
cessor-based controller, usually with multiple inputs and tive support. The manufacturer should have experience in
outputs and a program to perform control functions the water and wastewater industry and be able to provide
Remote Telemetry Unit or Remote Terminal Unit service, replacement parts, and support for the system
(RTU): A microprocessor device with multiple inputs and when needed.
outputs connected to field instruments and devices. The To expedite the selection of specific devices/components
RTUs translate these signals to digital form and transmit for an RTS that monitors and controls a small drinking
the same to central location by radio or telephone lines. water facility, prepare a list of features associated with
The National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC), the particular water treatment facility. Identify the water
located in the Federal Bureau of Investigations head- quality parameters and types of monitoring that are key
quarters in Washington, D.C., shares information with to the specific operation. For example, monitor residual
public and private sector owners and operators of critical chlorine to verify disinfection operations. Next, review
infrastructures. The NIPC monitors, warns, and investi- the regulatory compliance requirements and consider
gates unlawful acts involving computer and information them when reviewing manufacturers’ specifications and
technologies. The agency manages computer intrusion discussing the applicability of their device or system.
investigations and supports law enforcement related to Finally, select the monitoring device.
cyber crimes. It is important to document the pump characteristics,
Best practices regarding the security of SCADA operational functions, and the physical dimensions of the
operation include: treatment system before selecting components to monitor
flow rates, pressure, electrical usage, or other process
• Internal threats are usually the main security functions. Know facility specifications when contacting
challenge. The key to managing internal threats is technical representatives of process monitoring/control
understanding who might do what and why. devices. Component selection must be based on the plant’s
• Log-ins should be traceable and a strong password operational characteristics.
authentication process used. Data acquisition and telemetry components can be
• Suggest that a utility consider fiber optics to each of purchased as package items, but again, identify an
its remote facilities. This is the best solution in terms inventory of what devices will be used on line and what
of bandwidth and security. options exist for transmitting data in the locality of the
• Suggest taking a look at commercially available tools treatment plant before contacting suppliers.
for monitoring computers and having a security team
review activity weekly to verify that only authorized FOR MORE INFORMATION
users are accessing the system.
Booth, R., D. Ryan, and C. Hewell. 2001. Technical
WHAT SHOULD BE CONSIDERED WHEN BUYING A Security and Countermeasures White Paper for
SCADA SYSTEM? Water Utilities. Washington, DC: The National
Council for Public-Private Partnerships.
Selecting the appropriate SCADA system software is all- Lebeau, L. W. 1997. ‘‘Automation Project Floods Water
important. The software program should be capable of Department with Useful Data.’’ Water Engineering

and Management. Des Plaines, IL: Scranton Gilette Tech Brief: Lime Softening, item #DWBLPE67;
Communications. Tech Brief: Iron and Manganese Removal, item
Madabhushi, B. S. 2000. ‘‘Can SCADA benefit small #DWBLPE70;
systems?’’ Water Sense. 6, no. 2. Morgantown, WV: Water Conservation Measures Fact Sheet, item
National Drinking Water Clearinghouse. #DWBLPE74;
National Research Council. 1997. Safe Water From
Tech Brief: Membrane Filtration, item #DWBLPE81;
Every Tap. Washington, DC: National Academy
Press. Tech Brief: Treatment Technologies for Small Drinking
Pollack, A. J., A. S. Chen, R. C. Haught, and J. Water Systems, item #DWPSPE82;
A. Goodrich. 1999. Options for Remote Monitoring Tech Brief: Ozone, item #DWBLPE84;
and Control of Small Drinking Water Facilities. Tech Brief: Radionuclides, item #DWBLPE84;
Columbus, OH: Batelle Press. Tech Brief: Slow Sand Filtration, item #DWBLPE99;
Rossmiller, R., and M. C. Moaveni. 2000. ‘‘Water
Tech Brief: Ultraviolet Disinfection, item
Utility Mixes Technology and Creativity for Control
and Communications Solution.’’ Water Engineering
and Management. Des Plaines, IL: Scranton Gilette Tech Brief: Leak Detection and Water Loss Control,
Communications. item #DWBLPE102;
Tech Brief: Diatomaceous Earth Filtration for Drinking
To learn more about the National Infrastructure Water, item #DWBLPE108.
Protection Center (NIPC), write to the NIPC, 935
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20535-0001,
call toll free (888) 585–9078, or e-mail nipc.watch@fbi.gov. SETTLING TANKS
Information is also available on the NIPC Web site
at www.nipc.gov. NIKOLAY VOUTCHKOV
For further information, to comment on this fact sheet, Poseidon Resources Corporation
or to suggest topics, contact Dr. Lahlou via e-mail at Stanford, Connecticut
Zacharia M. Lahlou holds a doctorate in Environmen-
tal and Natural Resource Economics, as well as an MBA INTRODUCTION
and a master’s degree in Civil and Environ-mental Engi-
neering from West Virginia University. Now a consultant, Settling tanks (clarifiers) are an integral part of every
he formerly served as technical assistance coordinator for wastewater treatment plant. These treatment facilities
the National Drinking Water Clearinghouse. are used to remove solids from the wastewater by gravity
sedimentation in quiescent conditions. Each settling tank
has two functional zones—a clarification zone, where the
HAVE YOU READ ALL OUR TECH BRIEFS? process of gravity sedimentation occurs, and a thickening
zone where the settled solids are accumulated forming
Tech Briefs, drinking water treatment and supply fact a dense layer of sludge (sludge blanket). Settling tank
sheets, have been a regular feature in the National effluent of low solids concentration is collected from the
Drinking Water Clearinghouse (NDWC) publication On top of the clarification zone over overflow weirs into
Tap for more than six years. collection channels which convey the effluent to the tank
A package of Tech Briefs is now available as a product. outlet. The sludge collected at the bottom of the settling
A three-ring binder holds all the current Tech Briefs in tank is removed for further treatment at the wastewater
print. New selections can easily be added to the package treatment plant’s solids handling facilities. The depth of
as they become available. the clarification zone is commonly referred to as a clear
To order this product, call the NDWC at the numbers water zone (CWZ) depth, while the depth of the zone of
listed at the bottom of this ad and ask for item sludge accumulation is named sludge blanket depth (SBD).
#DWPKPE71. The item is free. Additional copies of The sum of the CWZ depth and the SBD is typically defined
fact sheets are also free; however, postal charges may as a sidewater depth (SWD).
be added. You can also order copies of one or all of the free
Tech Briefs listed below.
Tech Brief: Disinfection, item #DWBLPE47;
Tech Brief: Filtration, item #DWBLPE50; Depending on their function settling tanks are categorized
Tech Brief: Corrosion Control, item #DWBLPE52; as primary and secondary. Primary settling tanks are
located downstream of the wastewater treatment plant
Tech Brief: Ion Exchange and Demineralization,
headworks and their main purpose is to remove the
item #DWBLPE56;
settleable suspended solids in the plant influent. Typically,
Tech Brief: Organics Removal, item #DWBLPE59; primary settling tanks are also equipped with devices
Tech Brief: Package Plants, item #DWBLPE63; for removal of the floatable compounds (i.e., scum, oil
Tech Brief: Water Treatment Plant Residuals Manage- and grease) in the wastewater influent which accumulate
ment, item #DWBLPE65; on the surface of the tanks during the sedimentation

process. Secondary tanks are located downstream of collection mechanism which transports the solids settled
the biological (secondary) treatment facilities of the in the tank into a hopper for withdrawal or has a sludge
wastewater treatment plant (such as activated sludge suction collection mechanism which sweeps and removes
aeration basins or trickling filters) and are used to separate solids accumulated at the tank’s bottom. The length-to-
the biomass generated during the secondary treatment width ratio of the individual tank basins is usually 3:1
process from the treated plant effluent. to 15:1 (Fig. 1). The minimum settling tank length from
Depending on their geometrical shape, both primary inlet to outlet is typically 3 meters (10 ft). Tank depth
and secondary clarifiers are classified in two main is most frequently between 2 to 6 meters (6.6 to 20 ft).
categories: rectangular and circular. Clarifier shape most Rectangular tank unit width is usually selected based on
suitable for a given application depends on a number available standard sizes of sludge collection mechanisms
of factors and has to be selected based on a cost- and varies between 2 to 6 meters (6.6 to 20 feet).
benefit analysis. Table 1 summarizes key advantages and
disadvantages of rectangular and circular settling tanks. Circular Settling Tanks
Circular settling tanks are round facilities which consist
Rectangular Settling Tanks
of inlet structure, cylindrical clarification zone, conical
Rectangular settling tanks are long concrete structures sludge accumulation zone and effluent weirs (Fig. 2). The
which consist of individual basins (units) with common effluent weirs of these tanks are placed near the facility
inner walls, and inlet and outlet channels (Fig. 1). Each perimeter to create radially-directed flow pattern from the
individual tank basin is equipped with a separate sludge tank center towards the walls. The slope of the bottom

Table 1. Comparison of Rectangular and Circular Settling Tanks

Item Rectangular Settling Tanks Circular Settling Tanks

Advantages Less land required for construction of Shorter detention time for settling
multiple units. sludge favoring use as secondary
Potential construction cost savings clarifiers.
because of use of common walls More simple sludge collection system.
between individual tanks. Easier to accommodate in-tank
Longer flow path minimizing flocculation chamber—a benefit for
short-circuiting. activated sludge settling.
Higher effluent weir loading rates Overall, lower maintenance
acceptable. requirements.
Better sludge thickening. Easier to remove heavy sludge.
Disadvantages Longer detention time of the settled Higher short-circuiting potential.
sludge—not favorable for plants Higher flow distribution headlosses.
with septic wastewater influent. Small circular tanks require more
Less effective for high solids loading yard piping than do rectangular
conditions. tanks of similar size.

Influent flow
Influent distribution channel Drive motor

Effluent weir
Scum collector


Sludge Effluent
draw-off pipe

Figure 1. Rectangular settling tank.


Effluent weir Scum collector Feed well Skimmer Scraper arm

Scum pipe


Effl Sludge draw-off pipe

Figure 2. Circular settling tank.

conical floor is usually 1:10 to 1:12 and depends on the The distance between the individual plates is between 40
type of the sludge collection mechanism. Tank diameter and 120 mm.
ranges from 3 meters (10 ft) to over 100 meters (300 ft). Ballasted flocculation combines the addition of coagu-
Circular settling tanks are typically built in pairs of 2 lant and settling ballast (usually fine sand or sludge) to
or 4 to simplify the influent flow distribution between the tank influent with the installation of inclined plates in
the individual units. Circular tank sidewater depth varies the tanks. A portion of the settled sludge or the recovered
from 2.5 to 5 meters (8 to 16 feet). ballast is recycled to the primary clarifier influent to seed
Depending on the configuration of the tank inlet, the influent. The addition of ballast increases the den-
circular settling thanks are classified as center feed and sity of the influent floc particles by agglomeration. This
peripheral feed. Currently, the most widely used circular enhancement typically yields three to five fold increase of
tanks are center feed type (see Fig. 2). In these tanks, the allowable clarifier surface overflow rate (SOR). Typ-
influent flow enters though a feed pipe located in the ically, conventional settling tanks are designed for SOR
center of the tank into a feedwell. The purpose of the of 33 to 49 m3 /m2 · day (800 to 1,200 gal/ft2 · day). The use
feedwell is to provide uniform radial distribution of the of high-rate ballasted solids separation technology allows
tank influent and to dissipate the energy of the feed increasing design clarifier SOR to at least 160 m3 /m2 · day
stream to a level adequate for efficient quiescent settling (4,000 gal/ft2 · day). Because the ballast enhances solids
and uniform radial flow distribution. The conventional removal, its use in primary clarification reduces the solids
feedwells most widely used today are cylindrical metal and organic loading of the downstream biological treat-
structures with a diameter of 15 to 25% of the tank ment processes.
diameter which extend to 30 to 75% of the tank sidewater
depth. Usually, conventional feedwells are designed for Flocculating Center Feed Well. Flocculating center feed
an average downflow velocity of 10 to 13 mm/s (2.0 to wells are used to enhance the performance of secondary
settling tanks used for clarification of activated sludge.
2.5 ft/min) and maximum velocity of 25 to 30 mm/s (5.0
As compared to a conventional center feedwell which
to 6.0 ft/min).
radius is approximately 10 to 13% of the tank radius,
the flocculating feedwell’s radius extends to 20 to 50%
Settling Tank Enhancements of the tank radius and the well size is designed to
obtain a detention time of 20 to 30 minutes. The
Inclined Plates and Ballasted Flocculation. Inclined plates flocculating feedwell typically extends down to 40 to
and ballasted flocculation are used predominantly to 50% of the tank depth. Some designs also include
enhance the performance of primary rectangular settling installation of mechanical mixers in the feedwell to
tanks. A typical inclined plate (lamella) system consists of enhance the flocculation process. The flocculating feedwell
bundles of parallel plastic tubes or metal plates inclined at enhancement aims at creating optimum conditions for
45 to 60◦ which are installed at the surface of the settling coagulation and flocculation of the incoming solids
tank to a vertical depth of approximately 2 meters (6 feet). with the return activated sludge (RAS) recycled to

the sedimentation tank. In the feedwell, the larger-size Proper primary settling tank sludge collection, removal
recycled RAS particles are given an ample time to attract and withdrawal are of key importance for maintaining
and flocculate the smaller-size activated sludge particles consistently high primary effluent quality and efficient
conveyed form the aeration basins, thereby creating and cost-effective solids handling. If primary settling tank
stronger and heavier solids particles that settle better sludge is retained for excessively long time in the tanks,
and faster. More detailed design considerations for circular the sludge could easily turn septic. Sludge septicity is
clarifiers with flocculating feedwells as well as a number of accompanied with release of malodorous gases, which
other available sedimentation tank process and equipment may disturb the normal sedimentation process as they
enhancements are presented elsewhere (1–3). travel from the tank bottom to the surface. Septic sludge
is also more corrosive and more difficult to pump and
dewater. Besides creating conditions for sludge septicity,
maintaining relatively deep sludge blanket in the primary
settling tanks may also make sludge collection and
withdrawal more difficult and in extreme conditions, may
Performance efficiency of the primary settling tanks is
cause damage of the sludge collection and withdrawal
affected by the upstream wastewater collection and treat-
equipment (broken sludge collectors, plugged solids lines,
ment facilities and has a significant impact on downstream
and damaged pumps).
biological treatment and solids handling facilities. Primary
A widely accepted practice to prevent primary sludge
settling tank performance is typically measured by tank’s
total suspended solids (TSS), biological oxygen demand septicity and its negative effect on settling tank perfor-
(BOD), and phosphorus removal efficiencies and by the mance is not to carry a sludge blanket, which is achieved by
condition of the primary sludge (sludge septicity, concen- removing sludge continuously or very frequently from the
tration, and volume). Adequately designed and operated settling tank’s bottom. When not controlled appropriately,
conventional primary settling tanks treating municipal continuous sludge removal often results in pumping large
wastewater typically remove 50 to 65% of the influent quantities of diluted sludge or wastewater to the down-
TSS; 25 to 35% of the influent BOD and 5 to 10% of the stream solids handling facilities, which has a negative
influent nitrogen and phosphorus. Clarifier TSS, BOD and effect on their performance. In order to avoid over-pumping
nutrient removal efficiencies could be improved by chemi- of diluted sludge to the downstream solids handling facil-
cal coagulation and flocculation of the influent wastewater ities and prevent the negative effects of excessively deep
solids prior to sedimentation (2–4). sludge blanket and associated sludge speticity, primary
Key design criteria used for sizing primary settling settling tank sludge blanket and concentration have to
tanks are surface overflow rate and hydraulic detention be maintained at optimum levels. The optimum primary
time. Recommended values for these criteria according to sludge concentration is usually 3 to 5 percent and the most
various design guideline sources are presented in Table 2. viable sludge blanket depth is typically between 1 and
Typically, primary sedimentation tanks are designed for 3 feet. The optimum sludge blanket depth would vary sea-
effluent weir loading rates of less than 190 m3 /day per sonally and change during dry-weather and wet-weather
meter of length of the weir (5,000 gpd/ft) (Table 2). conditions.

Table 2. Key Design Criteria for Primary Sedimentation Tanks

Hydraulic Detention
Surface Overflow Rate Time
Design Guideline Source (m3 /m2 /day) (hrs)

Metcalf and Eddy (5) 32–48 (at average flow) 1.5–2.5

(Primary Settling Followed by 80–120 (at peak hourly flow)
Secondary Treatment)
Randall et al. (4) For SWD of 1.83–3.05 m: NA
≤2.184 × SWD2 (at average flow)
≤4.368 × SWD2 (at peak hourly flow).
For SWD of 3.05–4.57 m:
≤6.672 × SWD (at average flow)
≤13.344 × SWD (at peak hourly flow)
Great Lakes (6) ≤ 40 (at average flow) NA
≤60 (at peak hourly flow)
Tank surface area is determined based
on the larger of the two SORs.
Minimum SWD = 2.1 m
Qasim (7) 30–50 (at average flow) 1.0–2.0
40 (typical at average flow)
70–130 (at peak hourly flow)
100 (typical at peak hourly flow)

Note: SWD—Sidewater Depth; 1 m3 /m2 /day = 24.542 gpd/ft2 .


DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR SECONDARY SETTLING using solids flux analysis (2,3,5,8). This method is based
TANKS on the fact that for an activated sludge of given settleablity,
these is a maximum amount of solids that can be processed
The performance of the secondary settling tanks has a through the clarifier (limiting solids flux), above which
significant effect on the wastewater plant’s effluent water the clarifier will not be able to operate in a steady-state
quality, on the operational efficiency of the biological condition in terms of sludge blanket elevation and effluent
treatment system and on the solids handling facilities. The water quality. One of the main benefits of the solids
secondary clarifiers have two key functions: clarification analysis concept is that it allows to link the design and
of the biologically treated wastewater; and thickening operation of the secondary clarifier and the aeration basin
and storage of the sludge from the biological treatment and to optimize their performance as one system.
process. Main factors that impact secondary settling tank The amount of solids retained in the sedimentation
performance are: (1) the amount of solids retained in the
basins can be effectively monitored by frequent manual
tanks, which is determined based on the concentration
or automated measurements of the settling tank sludge
of the solids removed from these tanks (return activated
blanket depth and the concentration of the sludge removed
sludge (RAS)/waste activated sludge (WAS) concentration)
from the settling tanks. While keeping track of the sludge
and the sludge blanket depth; (2) the amount of solids in
blanket and plant influent flow changes allows gaining a
the aeration basins, which is established by measuring
general understanding of the settling tank performance, it
the MLSS concentration and the RAS flowrate; (3) the
is also very advantageous to monitor sludge settleability
activated sludge settleability; and (4) the plant influent
as well. The Water Environment Research Foundation and
flow and waste load, significant fluctuations of which may
the Clarifier Research Committee of the American Society
result in shifting solids between the settling tank and
of Civil Engineers have developed protocols for evaluating
the aeration basin, and ultimately in solids loss with the
sludge settleablity and analyzing secondary clarifier per-
secondary settling tank effluent. The two key secondary
formance (9). These protocols are suitable for operational
settling tank design criteria are: the SOR; and the solids
assessment of existing secondary sedimentation tanks and
loading rate (SLR). Table 3 presents recommendations for
for planning of new facilities.
determining secondary clarifier design SOR and SLR. The
tank effluent weir loading rates are typically designed
not to exceed 124 m3 /day per meter of length of the weir BIBLIOGRAPHY
(10,000 gpd/ft).
The maximum allowable SLR of settling tanks for 1. Parker, D.S. (1983). Assessment of secondary clarifier design
clarification of activated sludge could be determined for concepts. J. Water Pollution Control Federation 55: 349–356.

Table 3. Key Design Criteria for Secondary Sedimentation Tanks

Surface Overflow Rate Solids Loading Rate
Design Guideline Source (m3 /m2 /day) (kg/m2 /h)

Metcalf and Eddy (5)

Settling After Air-Activated 16–32 (at average flow) 4–6 (at average flow)
Sludge (Excluding Extended 40–50 (at peak hourly flow) ≤14 (at peak hourly flow)
Settling After Extended 8–16 (at average flow) 1–5 (at average flow)
Aeration. 24–32 (at peak hourly flow) ≤7 (at peak hourly flow)
Settling After Trickling 16–24 (at average flow) 3–5 (at average flow)
Filtration 40–50 (at peak hourly flow) ≤8 (at peak hourly flow)
Randall et al. (4) For CWZ of 1.83–3.05 m: ≤5(at average flow)
≤2.184 × CWZ (at average flow)
≤6.672 × CWZ (at peak hourly
For CWZ of 3.05–4.57 m:
≤4.368 × CWZ (at average flow)
≤13.344 × CWZ (at peak hourly
Minimum SWD = 4.5 m
Great Lakes (6)
Settling After Air-Activated ≤49 (at peak hourly flow) ≤10 (at peak hourly flow)
Sludge (Excluding Extended
Settling After Extended ≤41 (at peak hourly flow) ≤10 (at peak hourly flow)
Minimum SWD = 3.7 m
Qasim (7) ≤15 (at average flow) ≤2 (at average flow)
≤40 (at peak hourly flow) ≤6 (at peak hourly flow)

Note: CWZ—Clear Water Zone Depth; 1 m3 /m2 /day = 24.542 gpd/ft2 ; 1 kg/m2 /h = 0.2048 lb/ft2 /h.

2. Water Pollution Control Federation. (1985). Manual of Practice • variance technologies—which refer to technologies
FD-8, Clarifier Design. that must reduce contaminants to levels that protect
3. Water Environment Federation. (1998). Manual of Practice 8, public health. These technologies may not achieve
Design of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants. Vol. 2, 4th compliance with the MCL or TT requirement, but
Edn. must achieve the maximum reduction or inactivation
4. Randall, C.W., Barnard, J.L., and Stensel, H.D. (1992). Design efficiency affordable to a system, considering its size
and Retrofit of Wastewater Treatment Plants for Biological and the quality of the source water.
Nutrient Removal, Water Quality Management Library. Vol. 5,
Technomic, Lancaster, PA. With small systems’ needs in mind, the National
5. Metcalf and Eddy. (1991). Wastewater Engineering, Treatment Research Council (NRC) recently published the results
Disposal and Reuse. 3rd Edn. McGraw-Hill, New York. of a study—Safe Water From Every Tap: Improving
6. Great Lakes—Upper Mississippi River Board of State Water Service to Small Communities—which found that
Sanitary Engineering Health Education Services, Inc. (1978). continuous technical and financial assistance is still
Recommended Standards for Sewage Works. Albany (‘‘Ten needed to help more than 54,000 small systems comply
States Standards’’), NY. with changing regulations. In addition, the NRC study
7. Qasim, S.R. (1985). Wastewater Treatment Plants Planning, discussed some water treatment technologies that small
Design and Operation. Holt, Rinehart and Wilson, New York. systems may use to provide safe drinking water to
8. Ekama, G.A., Barnard, J.L., Guntert, F.W., Krebs, P., their customers. These treatment technologies are also
McCorquodale, J.A., Parker, D.S., and Wahlberg, E.J. (1997). explained separately through Tech Briefs, four-page water
Secondary Settling Tanks: Theory, Modeling, Design and treatment fact sheets, offered by the National Drinking
Operation. International Association on Water Quality.
Water Clearinghouse (NDWC). These fact sheets are
Scientific and Technical Report No. 6.
available online at www.ndwc.wvu.edu or by calling (800)
9. Wahlberg, E.J. (2001). WERF/CRTC Protocols for Evaluat-
ing Secondary Clarifier Performance. Water Environment
Research Foundation.

TREATMENT FOR TECHNOLOGIES FOR SMALL The Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR) requires
DRINKING WATER SYSTEMS public water systems to disinfect water obtained from
surface water supplies or groundwater sources under the
influence of surface water. Primary methods of disinfection
National Drinking Water are chlorine gas, chloramines, ozone, ultraviolet light,
Clearinghouse chlorine dioxide, and hypochlorite.

Chlorine (Gas)
INTRODUCTION Chlorine gas removes almost all microbial pathogens
and is appropriate as both a primary and secondary
Small systems still face difficulties in meeting the require- disinfectant. Chlorine is a dangerous gas that is lethal
ments of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) because at concentrations as low as 0.1 percent air by volume.
many technologies available to large systems may be too Adequate mixing and contact time must be provided after
expensive or complicated for small systems to consider. injection to ensure complete disinfection of pathogens.
Furthermore, trained operators and maintenance person-
nel may not always be available or affordable, leading to Hypochlorites
standards violations. Sodium Hypochlorite. is available as a solution in
concentrations of five to 15 percent chlorine, but is more
Overview of Some Treatment Technologies Used by Small expensive than chlorine gas. Sodium hypochlorite is easier
Systems to handle than gaseous chlorine or calcium hypochlorite,
but it is very corrosive and must be kept away from
When the SDWA was reauthorized in 1996, it addressed equipment that can be damaged by corrosion.
small system drinking water concerns and required the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to assess Calcium Hypochlorite. is a solid white substance, which
treatment technologies relevant to small systems serving is 65 percent available chlorine and dissolves easily in
fewer than 10,000 people. With this requirement, the water. It is a corrosive material with a strong odor that
SDWA also identified two classes of technologies: must be kept away from organic materials, such as wood,
cloth, and petroleum products because of the dangers of
• compliance technologies—which refer to affordable fire or explosion. Calcium hypochlorite readily absorbs
technologies or other treatment techniques (TT) that moisture, forming chlorine gas so shipping containers
comply with the maximum contaminant level (MCL) must be emptied completely or carefully resealed.
and to technologies that satisfy a TT requirement.
Options include package plants or modular systems, Chloramines
and point-of-entry (POE) or point-of-use (POU) Chloramines are formed when water containing ammonia
treatment; and is chlorinated or when ammonia is added to water

containing chlorine. An effective bactericide that produces filter their water. Filtration methods include slow and
fewer disinfection byproducts, chloramine is generated rapid sand filtration, diatomaceous earth filtration, direct
onsite. It is a weak disinfectant and is much less filtration, membrane filtration, and cartridge filtration.
effective against viruses or protozoa than free chlorine.
Chloramine is appropriate for use as a secondary Slow Sand Filtration
disinfectant to prevent bacterial regrowth in a distribution
system. Nitrogen trichloride appears to be the only The filter consists of a bed of fine sand approximately
detrimental reaction. Adequate contact and mixing time three to four feet deep supported by a one-foot layer of
must be provided. gravel and an underdrain system. It is a low-cost, simple
to operate, reliable technology, and it is able to achieve
Ozonation greater than 99.9 percent Giardia cyst removal. Slow sand
filtration is not suitable for water with high turbidity.
Ozone is a powerful oxidizing and disinfecting agent The filter surface requires maintenance. Extensive land
formed by passing dry air through a system of high voltage is required due to low-flow operation. Biological processes
electrodes. Requiring shorter contact time and a smaller and chemical/physical processes common to various types
dosage than chlorine, ozone is widely used as a primary of filters occur on the surface of the filter bed. Slow sand
disinfectant. Ozone does not directly produce halogenated filters do not require coagulation/flocculation and may not
organic materials unless a bromide ion is present. require sedimentation.
A secondary disinfectant, usually chlorine, is required
because ozone does not maintain an adequate residual in Diatomaceous Earth Filtration
water. The capital costs of ozonation systems may be high
and operation and maintenance are relatively complex. Diatomaceous earth (DE) filtration, also known as precoat
or diatomite filtration, relies on a layer of diatomaceous
Ultraviolet Light earth approximately 1/8-inch thick placed on a septum
or filter element. Septums may be placed in pressure
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which is generated by a
vessels or operated under a vacuum in open vessels. The
special lamp, penetrates the cell wall of an organism,
filters are simple to operate and effective in removing
rendering it unable to reproduce. UV radiation effectively
cysts, algae, and asbestos. They have been chosen for
destroys bacteria and viruses. As with ozone, a secondary
disinfectant must be used to prevent regrowth of projects with limited initial capital, and for emergency
microorganisms. UV radiation: or standby capacity to service large seasonal increases
in demand. This filter is most suitable for water with
• is readily available, low bacterial counts and low turbidity. Coagulant and
filter aids are required for effective virus removal. Since
• produces no known toxic residuals,
chemical coagulation is not required, small water systems
• requires short contact times, and have used DE filtration for many years.
• is easy to operate and maintain.
Direct Filtration
Conventional UV radiation may not inactivate Giardia
lamblia or Cryptosporidium cysts in a cost-effective way, Direct filtration systems are similar to conventional
and should be used only by groundwater systems not systems, but omit sedimentation. Effective direct filtration
directly influenced by surface water and where there is performance ranges from 90 to 99 percent for virus
virtually no risk of protozoan cyst contamination. UV radi- removal and from 10 to 99.99 percent for Giardia removal.
ation is unsuitable for water with high levels of suspended Coagulation must be included for Giardia removal. Direct
solids, turbidity, color, or soluble organic matter. How- filtration is often used with steel pressure vessels to
ever, microorganisms can be killed without generating maintain the pressure in a water line to avoid repumping
byproducts of chemical oxidation or halogenation. after filtration. Direct filtration is only applicable for
systems with high quality and seasonally consistent
Chlorine Dioxide influent supplies. Direct filtration requires advanced
Chlorine dioxide, although a powerful oxidant, may be operator skill and has frequent monitoring requirements.
more difficult to handle than other forms of chlorine.
Chlorine dioxide requires trained staff to manage its use Membrane Filtration
and is so reactive that it may not provide a residual More stringent water quality regulations and inadequate
disinfectant in the distribution system. Photochemical water resources are making membrane technology increas-
decomposition of chlorine dioxide in reservoirs may ingly popular as an alternative treatment technology
increase chlorate concentrations, and other factors, for drinking water. Capital, operation, and maintenance
including the generation process used and water pH, can costs continue to decline, making membrane processes
affect chlorate and chlorite levels. more viable.

FILTRATION Nanofiltration (NF). This membrane process employs

pressures between 75 to 150 pounds per square inch
Federal and state laws require all surface water systems (psi) for operation. While it provides removal of ions
and systems under the influence of surface water to contributing to hardness (i.e., calcium and magnesium),

the technology is also very effective for removing color and Dissolved Oxygen Levels. The presence of excessive
disinfection byproducts precursors. dissolved oxygen increases water’s corrosive activity.
However, removing oxygen from water is not practical
Ultrafiltration (UF). Operational pressures range from because of the expense. The following strategies may be
10 to 100 psi, depending upon the application. UF may used to minimize the presence of oxygen:
be employed for removal of some organic materials from
freshwater, and may be used for liquid/solid separation. • exclude the aeration process in groundwater treat-
Microfiltration (MF). A major difference between MF • increase lime softening,
and UF is membrane pore size. The primary applications • extend the detention periods for treated water in
for this membrane process are particulate and micro- reservoirs, or
bial removal.
• use the correct size water pumps in the treat-
ment plant to minimize the introduction of air
Bag Filtration
during pumping.
Bag filtration systems are based on physical screening
processes. If the pore size of the bag filter is small
enough, parasite removal will occur. Unless the quality ION EXCHANGE AND DEMINERALIZATION
of the raw water precludes the need for pretreatment,
EPA recommends pretreatment of the raw water using Ion exchange and membrane processes are becoming
sand or multimedia filters, followed by preliminary bag or used extensively in water and wastewater treatment.
cartridge filtration, and the use of micron filters as final Ion exchange is primarily used to remove of hardness
filters to increase particulate removal efficiencies and to ions, such as magnesium and calcium, and for water
extend the life of the filter. demineralization. Reverse osmosis and electrodialysis,
both membrane processes, remove dissolved solids from
Cartridge Filtration water using membranes.

Cartridge filters are an emerging technology suitable Ion Exchange (IO)

for removing microbes and turbidity. These filters are
easy to operate and maintain, making them suitable for IO units can be used to remove any charged (ionic)
treating low-turbidity influent. They can become fouled substance from water, but are usually used to remove
relatively quickly and must be replaced with new units. hardness and nitrate from groundwater. Ion exchange
Although these filter systems are operationally simple, effectively removes more than 90 percent of barium,
they are not automated and can require relatively large cadmium, chromium, silver, radium, nitrites, selenium,
operating budgets. A disinfectant is recommended to arsenic, and nitrate. Ion exchange is usually the best
prevent surface-fouling microbial growth on the cartridge choice for removing radionuclides.
filters and to reduce microbial pass-through.
Reverse Osmosis (RO)
Backwashable Depth Filtration RO systems are compact, simple to operate, and require
Backwashable depth filters operate in part like cartridge minimal labor, making them suitable for small systems
filters. This method filters uncoagulated water and is where there is a high degree of seasonal fluctuation
designed to be backwashed when terminal head loss is in water demand. RO can effectively remove nearly all
attained or turbidity breakthrough occurs. inorganic contaminants from water. Properly operated
units will attain 96 percent removal rates. RO can also
effectively remove radium, natural organic substances,
CORROSION CONTROL pesticides, and microbiological contaminants. RO is
particularly effective when used in series. Water passing
Corrosion in a system can be reduced by adjusting pH and through multiple units can achieve near zero effluent
alkalinity, softening the water, and changing the level contaminant concentrations.
of dissolved oxygen. Any corrosion adjustment program
should include monitoring as water characteristics change Electrodialysis
over time.
Electrodialysis is very effective in removing fluoride
pH Adjustment. Operators can promote the formation and nitrate and can also remove barium, cadmium,
of a protective calcium carbonate coating (scale) in water and selenium.
lines by adjusting pH, alkalinity, and calcium levels. Some of the advantages are:

Lime Softening. Lime softening affects lead’s solubility • all contaminant ions and most dissolved non-ions
by changing the water’s pH and carbonate levels. are removed,
Hydroxide ions are then present, and they decrease metal • it is relatively insensitive to flow and total dissolved
solubility by promoting the formation of solids that protect solids (TDS) level, and
the surface of the pipe. • it may have low effluent concentration.

Some of the limitations are: into tiny droplets and to maximize its contact with air
bubbles for removal of the contaminant. Air is also
• high capital and operating costs, blown in from underneath the medium to enhance this
• high level of pretreatment required, process. Packed columns usually operate automatically
• reject stream is 20 to 90 percent of feed flow, and and need only daily visits to ensure that the equipment is
running satisfactorily. Maintenance requirements include
• electrodes require replacement.
servicing pump and blower motors and replacing air filters
on the blower.
Activated Alumina
Activated Alumina (AA) is a physical and chemical process Diffused Aeration. In a diffused aeration system, a
in which ions in the feed water are sorbed to an oxidized AA diffuser bubbles air through a contact chamber for
surface. AA is used in packed beds to remove contaminants aeration. The diffuser is usually located near the bottom
such as fluoride, arsenic, selenium, silica, and natural of the chamber where pressurized air is introduced. The
organic matter. main advantage of diffused aeration systems is that they
can be created from existing structures, such as storage
tanks. However, these systems are less effective than PCA
and usually are employed only in systems with adaptable
existing structures.
The technologies most suitable for organic contaminant
removal in drinking water systems are granular activated
Multiple Tray Aeration. Multiple tray aeration directs
carbon (GAC) and aeration. GAC has been designated
water through a series of trays made of slats, perforations,
by the EPA as the best available technology (BAT) for
or wire mesh. A blower introduces air from underneath the
synthetic organic chemical removal.
trays. Multiple tray aeration units have less surface area
than PCA units and can experience clogging from iron and
Granular Activated Carbon
manganese, biological growth, and corrosion problems.
Several operational and maintenance factors affect the Multiple tray aeration units are readily available from
performance of GAC. Contaminants in the water can package plant manufacturers.
occupy GAC adsorption sites, whether they are targeted
for removal or not. Also, adsorbed contaminants can Shallow Tray Aeration (STA). STAs involve the use
be replaced by other contaminants with which GAC of shallow trays and are more efficient than multiple
has a greater affinity. Therefore, the presence of other tray aerators. STAs increase the available area of mass
contaminants might interfere with the removal of the transfer; thereby increasing the removal efficiency of most
contaminants of concern. VOCs. However, because of the high air-to-water ratio,
After a period of months or years, depending on the greater energy costs may be incurred.
concentration of contaminants, the surface of the pores in
the GAC can no longer adsorb contaminants. The carbon Spray Aeration. Spray aeration is an accepted technol-
must then be replaced. ogy in which the contaminated water is sprayed through
nozzles. The small droplets produced expose a large inter-
Aeration facial surface area through which VOCs can migrate from
a liquid (water) phase to the gaseous (air) phase. Spray
Aeration, also known as air stripping, mixes air with water
aerators have been used to effectively treat VOCs, but are
to volatilize contaminants (turn them to vapor), which
not energy efficient and need a large operational area.
are either released directly to the atmosphere or treated
and released. Aeration is used to remove volatile organic Mechanical Aeration. Mechanical aeration uses me-
chemicals (VOC) and can also remove radon. A small chanical stirring mechanisms to mix air with the water.
system might be able to use a simple aerator constructed These systems can effectively remove VOCs. Mechanical
from relatively common materials instead of a specially aeration units need large amounts of space because they
designed aerator system. Aerators include: demand long detention times for effective treatment. As a
result, they often require open-air designs, which can
• a system that cascades the water or passes it through freeze in cold climates. However, mechanical aeration
a slotted container, systems are easy to operate and are less susceptible to
• a system that runs water over a corrugated clogging from biological growth than PCA systems.
surface, or
• an airlift pump that introduces oxygen as water is
drawn from a well.
Lime softening is best suited to groundwater sources,
Other Aeration Types
which have relatively stable water quality. The combina-
Packed Column Aeration (PCA). PCA or packed tower tion of variable source water quality and the complexity
aeration (PTA) is a waterfall aeration process that drops of the chemistry of lime softening may make it too compli-
water over a medium within a tower to mix the water cated for small systems that use surface water sources.
with air. The medium is designed to break the water Lime softening is unlikely to be suitable for treating

Surface Water Treatment Rule Compliance Technologies for Disinfection

Limitations Operator Skill Raw Water Quality Range Removals: Log Giardia & Log
Unit Technology (see Footnotes) Level Required and Considerations1 Virus w/CT’s Indicated in ()1

Free Chlorine (a, b) Basic Better with high quality. 3 log(104) & 4 log(6).
High iron or
manganese may
require sequestration
or physical removal.
Ozone (c, d) Intermediate Better with high quality. 3 log(1.43) & 4 log(1.0).
High iron or
manganese may
require sequestration
or physical removal.
Chloramines (e) Intermediate Better with high quality. 3 log(1850) & 4 log(1491).
Ammonia dose should
be tempered by natural
ammonia levels in
Chlorine Dioxide (f) Intermediate Better with high quality. 3 log(23) & 4 log(25).
Onsite Oxidant Generation (g) Basic Better with high quality. Research pending on CT
values. Use free
Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation (h) Basic Relatively clean source 1 log Giardia (80–120) &
water required. Iron, 4 log viruses (90–140)
natural organic matter mWsec/cm2 doses in
and turbidity affect UV parentheses2 .
CT (Concentration × Time), in mg-min/L, based upon 1989 Surface Water Treatment Rule Guidance Manual. Temp. 10 C, mid-pH range, unless
otherwise indicated.
UV dose is product of mW/cm2 (intensity) × sec (time); bases of viral inactivation ranges are rotavirus and MS–2 tests.
Limitations Footnotes
a. Providing adequate CT (contact time) may be a problem for some supplies.
b. Chlorine gas requires special caution in handling and storage, and operator training.
c. Ozone leaks represent hazard: air monitoring required.
d. Ozone used as primary disinfectant (i.e., no residual protection).
e. Long CT. Requires care in monitoring of ratio of added chlorine to ammonia.
f. Chlorine dioxide requires special storage and handling precautions.
g. Oxidants other than chlorine not detected in solution by significant research effort. CT should be based on free chlorine until new research determines
appropriate CT values for electrolyzed salt brine.
h. No disinfectant residual protection for distributed water.

groundwater in systems serving 500 or fewer people unless generally based on cost, water quality, and owner and
those systems have access to a trained operator who can operator preference.
monitor the treatment process. Either hydrated lime or
quicklime may be used in the softening process. The choice
depends upon economic factors, such as the relative cost
per ton of the two materials as well as the size and
Small drinking water systems are more likely to vio-
equipment of the softening plant.
late SDWA regulations because when MCLs were set,
they were based upon systems serving larger metropoli-
What Are Other Softening Alternatives? tan areas. Thus, small systems must explore innovative
technologies that they can afford. The NDWC’s RESULTS
The selection of lime, lime-soda ash, or caustic soda (Registry of Equipment Suppliers of Treatment Tech-
softening is based on cost, TDS criteria, sludge production, nologies for Small Systems) database houses information
carbonate and noncarbonate hardness, and chemical related to small drinking water systems. The clearing-
stability. Water containing little or no noncarbonate house gathered this information from system operators,
hardness can be softened with lime alone. Caustic soda drinking water state offices, vendors, and others.
softening increases the TDS of treated water, while lime Database searches are available from the NDWC
and lime-soda ash softening often decrease TDS. Caustic through combinations of site location, vendor name,
soda softening produces less sludge than lime and lime- type of technology, type of contaminant, and system
soda ash softening. Caustic soda does not deteriorate size—and they include contact names and telephone
during storage, while hydrated lime may absorb carbon numbers. Consulting engineers, local officials, private
dioxide and water during storage, and quicklime may slake owners, and regulators may use RESULTS not only
in storage causing feeding problems. The final selection is to understand technologies that small systems use, but
Surface Water Treatment Rule Compliance Technology for Filtration
Limitations Operator Skill Raw Water Quality Range Removals: Log Giardia
Unit Technology (see Footnotes) Level Required and Considerations1 & Log Virus

Conventional (a) Advanced Wide range of water quality. Dissolved 2–3 log Giardia & 1 log viruses.
Filtration air flotation is more applicable for
(includes removing particulate matter that
dual-stage and doesn’t readily settle: algae, high
dissolved air color, low turbidity—up to 30–50
flotation) nephelometric turbidity units (NTU)
and low-density turbidity.
Direct Filtration (a) Advanced High quality. Suggested limits: 0.5 log Giardia & 1–2 log
(includes in-line average turbidity 10 NTU; viruses (1.5–2 log Giardia
filtration) maximum turbidity 20 NTU; 40 w/coagulation).
color units; algae on a case-by-case
Slow Sand (b) Basic Very high quality or pretreatment. 4 log Giardia & 1–6 log viruses.
Filtration Pretreatment required if raw water
is high in turbidity, color, and/or
Diatomaceous (c) Intermediate Very high quality or pretreatment. Very effective for Giardia; low
Earth Filtration Pretreatment required if raw water bacteria and virus removal.
is high in turbidity, color, and/or
Reverse Osmosis (d, e, f) Advanced Requires prefiltrations for surface Very effective (cyst and viruses).
water—may include removal of
turbidity, iron, and/or manganese.
Hardness and dissolved solids may
also affect performance.
Nanofiltration (e) Intermediate Very high quality of pretreatment. See Very effective (cyst and viruses).
reverse osmosis pretreatment.
Ultrafiltration (g) Basic High quality or pretreatment. Very effective Giardia, > 5–6.
Microfiltration (g) Basic High quality or pretreatment required. Very effective Giardia,
> 5–6 log; Partial removal
Bag Filtration (g, h, i) Basic Very high quality or pretreatment Variable Giardia removals &
required, due to low particulate disinfection required for virus
loading capacity. Pretreatment if credit.
high turbidity or algae.
Cartridge (g, h, i) Basic Very high quality or pretreatment Variable Giardia removals &
Filtration required, due to low particulate disinfection required for virus
loading capacity. Pretreatment if credit.
high turbidity or algae.
Backwashable (g, h, i) Basic Very high quality or pretreatment Variable Giardia removals &
Depth Filtration required, due to low particulate disinfection required for virus
loading capacity. Pretreatment if credit.
high turbidity or algae.
National Research Council (NRC), Committee on Small Water Supply Systems. ‘‘Safe Water From Every Tap: Improving Water Service to Small
Communities.’’ National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. 1997.
Adham, S.S., Jacangelo, J.G., and Laine, J.M. ‘‘Characteristics and Costs of MF and UF Plants.’’ Journal American Water Works Association, May 1996.
Limitations Footnotes
a. Involves coagulation. Coagulation chemistry requires advanced operator skill and extensive monitoring. A system needs to have direct full-time access or
full-time remote access to a skilled operator to use this technology properly.
b. Water service interruptions can occur during the periodic filter-to-waste cycle, which can last from six hours to two weeks.
c. Filter cake should be discarded if filtration is interrupted. For this reason, intermittent use is not practical. Recycling the filtered water can remove this
potential problem.
d. Blending (combining treated water with untreated raw water) cannot be practiced at risk of increasing microbial concentration in finished water.
e. Post-disinfection recommended as a safety measure and for residual maintenance.
f. Post-treatment corrosion control will be needed prior to distribution.
g. Disinfection required for viral inactivation.
h. Site-specific pilot testing prior to installation likely to be needed to ensure adequate performance.
i. Technologies may be more applicable to system serving fewer than 3,300 people.

Compliance Technology for the Total Coliform Rule
40 CFR 141.63(d)–Best Technologies
or Other Means to Comply
(Complexity Level Indicated) Comments/Water Quality Concerns

Protecting wells from contamination, i.e., placement and Ten State Standards and other standards (AWWA A100–90)
construction of well(s) (Basic). apply; interfacing with other programs essential (e.g., source
water protection program).
Maintenance of a disinfection residual for distribution system Source water constituents may affect disinfection: iron,
protection (Intermediate). manganese, organics, ammonia, and other factors may affect
dosage and water quality. Total Coliform Rule (TCR) remains
unspecific on type/amount of disinfectant, as each type differs
in concentration, time, temperature, pH, interaction with
other constituents, etc.
Proper maintenance of distribution system: pipe O&M programs particularly important for smaller systems
repair/replacement, main flushing programs, storage/reservoir needing to maintain water purity. States may vary on
and operation and maintenance (O&M) programs (including distribution protection measures. See also EPA’s
cross-connection control/backflow prevention), and Cross-Connection Control Manual (#EPA 570/9-89-077).
maintenance of positive pressure throughout (Intermediate).
Filtration and/or disinfection of surface water or other Same issues as cited above under maintaining disinfection
groundwater under direct influence; or disinfection of residual; pretreatment requirements affect complexity of
groundwater (Basic thru Advanced). operation. Refer to Surface Water Treatment Rule Compliance
Technology List; and other regulations under development.
Groundwaters: Compliance with State Wellhead Protection EPA/State Wellhead Protection Program implementation (per
Program (Intermediate). §1428 SDWA): may be used to assess vulnerability to
contamination, and in determination of sampling and sanitary
survey frequencies.

Technologies for Inorganic Contaminants

Limitations Operator Skill
Unit Technology (see Footnotes) Level Required Raw Water Quality Range

1. Activated Alumina (a) Advanced Groundwaters, competing anion concentrations

will affect run length.
2. Ion Exchange (IO) Intermediate Groundwaters with low total dissolved solids,
competing ion concentrations will affect run
3. Lime Softening (b) Advanced Hard ground and surface waters.
4. Coagulation/Filtration (c) Advanced Can treat wide range of water quality.
5. Reverse Osmosis (RO) (d) Advanced Surface water usually require prefiltration.
6. Alkaline Chlorination (e) Basic All groundwaters.
7. Ozone Oxidation Intermediate All groundwaters.
8. Direct Filtration Advanced Needs high raw water quality.
9. Diatomaceous earth filtration Intermediate Needs high raw water quality.
10. Granular Activated Carbon Basic Surface waters may require prefiltration.
11. Electrodialysis Reversal Advanced Requires prefiltration for surface water.
12. Point of Use (POU)-IO (f) Basic Same as Technology #2.
13. POU-RO (f) Basic Same as Technology #5.
14. Calcium Carbonate Precipitation (g) Basic Waters with high levels of alkalinity and
15. pH and alkalinity adjustment (chemical feed) (g) Basic All ranges.
16. pH and alkalinity adjustment (limestone (h) Basic Waters that are low in iron and turbidity. Raw
contactor) water should be soft and slightly acidic.
17. Inhibitors Basic All ranges.
18. Aeration (i) Basic Waters with moderate to high carbon dioxide

Limitations Footnotes
a. Chemicals required during regeneration and pH adjustments may be difficult for small systems to handle.
b. Softening chemistry may be too complex for small systems.
c. It may not be advisable to install coagulation/filtration solely for inorganics removal.
d. If all of the influent water is treated, post-treatment corrosion control will be necessary.
e. pH must exceed pH 8.5 to ensure complete oxidation without build-up of cyanogen chloride.
f. When POU devices are used for compliance, programs for long-term operation, maintenance, and monitoring must be provided by water utility to ensure
proper performance.
g. Some chemical feeds require high degree of operator attention to avoid plugging.
h. This technology is recommended primarily for the smallest size category.
i. Any of the first five aeration technologies listed for volatile organic contaminants can be used.


Technologies for Volatile Organic Contaminants

Limitations Operator Skill Raw Water
Unit Technology (see Footnotes) Level Required Quality Range1

1. Packed Tower Aeration (PTA) (a) Intermediate All groundwaters.

2. Diffused Aeration (a, b) Basic All groundwaters.
3. Multi-Stage Bubble Aerators (a, c) Basic All groundwaters.
4. Tray Aeration (a, d) Basic All groundwaters.
5. Shallow Tray Aeration (a, e) Basic All groundwaters.
6. Spray Aeration (a, f) Basic All groundwaters.
7. Mechanical Aeration (a, g) Basic All groundwaters.
8. Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) (h) Basic All groundwaters.
National Research Council (NRC). ‘‘Safe Water from Every Tap: Improving Water Service to Small Communities.’’ National Academy Press. Washington,
DC. 1997.
Limitations Footnotes
a. Pretreatment for the removal of microorganisms, iron, manganese, and excessive particulate matter may be needed. Post-treatment disinfection may have
to be used.
b. May not be as efficient as other aeration methods because it does not provide for convective movement of the water thus limiting air-water contact. It is
generally used only to adapt existing plant equipment.
c. These units are highly efficient; however, the efficiency depends upon the air-to-water ratio.
d. Costs may increase if a forced draft is used. Slime and algae growth can be a problem but can be controlled with chemicals such as copper sulfate
or chlorine.
e. These units require high air-to-water ratios (100–900 m3/m3).
f. For use only when low removal levels are needed to reach a maximum contaminant level (MCL) because these systems may not be as energy efficient as
other aeration methods because of the contacting system.
g. For use only when low removal levels are needed to reach an MCL because these systems may not be as energy efficient as other aeration methods because
of the contacting system. The units often require large basins, long residence times, and high energy inputs, which may increase costs.
h. See the Synthetic Organic Compounds (SOC) compliance technology table for limitation regarding these technologies.

Technologies for Synthetic Organic Compounds

Limitations Operator Skill Raw Water Quality Range
Unit Technology (see Footnotes) Level Required1 and Considerations1

1. Granular Actived Carbon (GAC) Basic Surface water may require prefiltration.
2. Point of Use GAC (a) Basic Surface water may require prefiltration.
3. Powdered Activated Carbon (b) Intermediate All waters.
4. Chlorination (c) Basic Better with high quality waters.
5. Ozonation (c) Basic Better with high quality waters.
6. Packed Tower Aeration (PTA) (d) Intermediate All groundwaters.
7. Diffused Aeration (d, e) Basic All groundwaters.
8. Multi-Stage Bubble Aerators (d, f) Basic All groundwaters.
9. Tray Aeration (d, g) Basic All groundwaters.
10. Shallow Tray Aeration (d, f) Basic All groundwaters.
National Research Council (NRC). ‘‘Safe Water from Every Tap: Improving Water Service to Small Communities.’’ National Academy Press. Washington,
DC. 1997.
Limitations Footnotes
a. When POU devices are used for compliance, programs for long-term operation, maintenance, and monitoring must be provided by water utility to ensure
proper performance.
b. Most applicable to small systems that already have a process train including basins mixing, precipitation or sedimentation, and filtration. Site specific
design should be based on studies conducted on the system’s particular water.
c. See the Surface Water Treatment Rule compliance technology tables for limitations associated with this technology.
d. Pretreatment for the removal of microorganisms, iron, manganese, and excessive particulate matter may be needed. Post-treatment disinfection may have
to be used.
e. May not be as efficient as other aeration methods because it does not provide for convective movement of the water thus limiting air-water contact. It is
generally used only to adapt existing plant equipment.
f. These units are highly efficient; however, the efficiency depends upon the air-to-water ratio.
g. Forces may increase if a forced draft is used.

technologies that are affordable, appropriate, and reliable. READING LIST

Information in RESULTS may be obtained three ways:
NDWC Report. 1998. RESULTS Database: Small Water Systems
access the database through the NDWC’s Web site located Technologies. Morgantown, WV, September.∗
at www.ndwc.wvu.edu; call the NDWC at (800) 624–8301 ∗
NDWC RESULTS Database: Small Water Systems Technologies
or (304) 293–4191 and ask a technical assistant to perform
report and Tech Briefs are available online at www.ndwc.wvu.edu
a search for you. or by calling (800) 624-8301 or (304) 293-4191.

Technologies for Radionuclides

Limitations Operator Skill Raw Water Quality Range
Unit Technology (see Footnotes) Level Required1 and Considerations1

1. Ion Exchange (IO) (a) Intermediate All groundwaters.

2. Point of Use (POU) IO (b) Basic All groundwaters.
3. Reverse Osmosis (RO) (c) Advanced Surface waters, usually
require prefiltration.
4. POU RO (b) Basic Surface waters, usually
require prefiltration.
5. Lime Softening (d) Advanced All waters.
6. Green Sand Filtration (e) Basic
7. Co-precipitation with Barium Sulfate (f) Intermediate to Advanced Groundwaters with suitable
water quality.
8. Electrodialysis/Electrodialysis Reversal Basic to Intermediate All groundwaters
9. Pre-formed Hydrous Manganese Oxide Filtration (g) Intermediate All groundwaters
National Research Council (NRC). ‘‘Safe Water from Every Tap: Improving Water Service to Small Communities.’’ National Academy Press. Washington,
DC. 1997.
Limitations Footnotes
a. The regeneration solution contains high concentrations of the contaminant ions. Disposal options should be carefully considered before choosing
this technology.
b. When POU devices are used for compliance, programs for long-term operation, maintenance, and monitoring must be provided by water utility to ensure
proper performance.
c. Reject water disposal options should be carefully considered before choosing this technology. See other RO limitations described in the Surface Water
Treatment Rule Compliance Technologies Table.
d. The combination of variable source water quality and the complexity of the chemistry involved in lime softening may make this technology too complex
for small surface water systems.
e. Removal efficiencies can vary depending on water quality.
f. This technology may be very limited in application to small systems. Since the process requires static mixing, detention basins, and filtration; it is most
applicable to systems with sufficiently high sulfate levels that already have a suitable filtration treatment train in place.
g. This technology is most applicable to small systems that already have filtration in place.

National Research Council. 1997. Safe Water From Every Tap: For information about the availability of these guidance
Improving Water Service to Small Communities. National and support documents, please contact the Safe Drinking
Academy Press, Washington, DC. Water Hotline: phone (800) 426–4791, fax (703) 285–1101,
NDWC Tech Brief: Disinfection, item #DWBLPE47.∗ or e-mail hotline-sdwa@epamail.epa.gov.
NDWC Tech Brief: Filtration, item #DWBLPE50.∗ The National Drinking Water Clearinghouse assists
NDWC Tech Brief: Corrosion Control, item #DWBLPE52.∗ small communities by collecting, developing, and providing
NDWC Tech Brief: Ion Exchange and Demineralization, item timely information relevant to drinking water issues.
#DWBLPE56.∗ (800) 624-8301/(304) 293–4191
NDWC Tech Brief: Organics Removal, item #DWBLPE59.∗ www.ndwc.wvu.edu
NDWC Tech Brief: Package Plants, item #DWBLPE63.∗ National Drinking Water Clearinghouse
NDWC Tech Brief: Lime Softening, item #DWBLPE67.∗ West Virginia University
NDWC Tech Brief: Iron and Manganese Removal, item P.O. Box 6064
#DWBLPE70.∗ Morgantown, WV 26506-6064
NDWC Tech Brief: Membrane Filtration, item #DWBLPE81.∗
U.S. General Accounting Office. 1994. Drinking Water: Stronger
efforts Essential for Small Communities to Comply with
Standards. GAO/RCED-94-40. Washington, DC.
To ease many of the demands placed on small systems, Tech Briefs, drinking water treatment fact sheets, have
the 1996 Safe Drinking Water Act amendments require the been a regular feature in the National Drinking Water
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to evaluate Clearinghouse (NDWC) magazine On Tap for several
affordable technologies and address existing and future years. These very popular items are researched, complied,
regulations, which establish a maximum contaminant and written by NDWC staff.
level or treatment technique. For a complete listing of our Tech Briefs, visit our Web
The following tables are taken from three EPA guidance site at www.ndwc.wvu.edu. Additional copies of fact sheets
documents: EPA-815-R-98-001, Small System Compliance are free; however, postal charges may be added. To order,
Technology List for the Surface Water Treatment Rule call the NDWC at (800) 624–8301 or (304) 293–4191. You
and Total Coliform Rule; EPA-815-R-98-002, Small also may order online at ndwc orders@mail.nesc.wvu.edu.
System Compliance Technology List for the Non-Microbial For further information, comments about this fact
Contaminants Regulated Before 1996; and EPA-815-R- sheet, or to suggest topics, call the NDWC at one
98-003, Variance Technology Findings for Contaminants of the above numbers or contact Vipin Bhardwaj at
Regulated Before 1996. vbhardw2@wvu.edu, Geri Ramiser at gramiser@wvu.edu,

Kathy Jesperson at kjespers@wvu.edu, or Mark Kemp-Rye service time, low operation and maintenance costs, and the
at mkemp@wvu.edu. absence of a chemical smell or taste in finished water are
primary factors for selecting UV technology rather than
traditional disinfection technologies.
ULTRAVIOLET DISINFECTION UV treatment breaks down or removes some organic
contaminants. UV achieves 1-log reduction of Giardia
lamblia at an intensity of 80–120 mWs/cm2 , and 4-log
National Drinking Water reduction of viruses at an intensity of 90–140 mWs/cm2 .
Clearinghouse Only recently has the scientific community begun to accept
UV as a highly effective tool for Cryptosporidium control.
UV light disinfection does not form any significant
Using ultraviolet (UV) light for drinking water disinfection disinfection byproducts, nor does it cause any significant
dates back to 1916 in the U.S. Over the years, UV costs increase in assimilable organic carbon (AOC).
have declined as researchers develop and use new UV Research has confirmed that UV effectiveness is
methods to disinfect water and wastewater. Currently, relatively insensitive to temperature and pH differences.
several states have developed regulations that allow In addition, researchers found that UV application does
systems to disinfect their drinking water supplies with UV not convert nitrates to nitrites, or bromide to bromines
light. Running a UV light system requires a basic level or bromates.
of operator skill and relatively clean source water. On Recent pilot studies show that UV-treated drinking
the down side, however, UV offers no residual disinfection water inhibits bacterial growth and replication in
within the distribution system. the distribution system; however, conditions within
distribution systems, such as leaks, still require additional
WHAT IS UV DISINFECTION? residual disinfection (e.g., free chlorine).
The advantages of using UV, rather than chemical
UV light, which continues to be a reliable means of disinfection, include:
disinfection, involves exposing contaminated water to
radiation from UV light. The treatment works because UV • Has no known toxic or significant nontoxic byprod-
light penetrates an organism’s cell walls and disrupts the ucts;
cell’s genetic material, making reproduction impossible. • Has no danger of overdosing;
A special lamp generates the radiation that creates • Removes some organic contaminants;
UV light by striking an electric arc through low-pressure
• Has no volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions
mercury vapor. This lamp emits a broad spectrum of
or toxic air emissions;
radiation with intense peaks at UV wavelengths of 253.7
nanometers (nm) and a lesser peak at 184.9 nm. Research • Has no onsite smell and no smell in the final
has shown that the optimum UV wavelength range to water product;
destroy bacteria is between 250 nm and 270 nm. At shorter • Requires very little contact time (seconds versus
wavelengths (e.g., 185 nm), UV light is powerful enough minutes for chemical disinfection);
to produce ozone, hydroxyl, and other free radicals that • Does not require storage of hazardous material;
destroy bacteria. • Requires minimal space for equipment and con-
The U.S. Department of Health, Education, and tact chamber;
Welfare set guidelines for UV light disinfection in 1966. • Improves the taste of water because of some
These guidelines require a minimum dose of 16 mWs/cm2
organic contaminants and nuisance microorganisms
[milliwatt seconds per square centimeter] at all points
are destroyed;
throughout the water disinfection unit.
However, the American National Standards Institute • Does not affect minerals in water; and
and the National Sanitation Foundation International set • Has little or no impact on the environment except for
the minimum UV light requirement at 38 mWs/cm2 for disposing of used lamps or obsolete equipment.
class A point of use (POU) and point of entry (POE)
devices that treat visually clear water. LIMITATIONS
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) lists
UV disinfection as an approved technology for small Microbial and chemical characteristics are two major
public water systems. In addition, EPA is considering water quality factors that affect the UV unit perfor-
the following variations of conventional UV treatment mance. Microbial characteristics of water include type,
as ‘‘emerging’’ technologies: pulsed UV, medium-pressure source, age, and density. Chemical water characteris-
UV, and UV oxidation (i.e., used in combination with tics include nitrites, sulfites, iron, hardness, and aromatic
peroxide or ozone). organic levels.
UV radiation is not suitable for water with high levels
ADVANTAGES of suspended solids, turbidity, color, or soluble organic
matter. These materials can react with UV radiation,
Generally, UV is simple to install and requires little super- and reduce disinfection performance. Turbidity makes it
vision, maintenance, or space. Improved safety, minimum difficult for radiation to penetrate water.

Germicidal lam
pin quartz sleeve

Ultraviolet rays

Sight port

Patented wiper mechanism

Stainless steel
Head clamp chamber
Removable head

Flo Wiper rod
Easy off end cap

Wiper knob

Electrical enclosure
Drain Wiper lock
rok Closed vessel ultraviolet reactor.
St Reprinted with permission from the
Atlantic Ultraviolet Corporation.

Disadvantages of UV disinfection include: when one unit is being serviced. Two units also can ensure
operation during low-flow demand periods.
• No disinfection residual; Modular units designed for small drinking water
• No technical database exists on how well UV systems systems are easy to install and operate (two plumbing
perform for various water quality conditions; and connections per unit and one electrical hook-up). They
• No standardized mechanism measures, calibrates, or should be equipped with automatic cleaners and remote
certifies how well equipment works before or after alarm systems. For systems in isolated areas, operators
installation. should maintain and store a set of spare parts onsite, and
consider a telemetry system for monitoring treatment.
Systems also should consider using different kinds of Typical UV light components include:
microbial testing. Laboratories typically test for total
coliform to judge microbiological activity in drinking • A stable high-voltage source of electricity because
water—but coliforms are sensitive to UV light. Because of low-line voltage would result in a lower UV dose;
this sensitivity, microbial tests for UV treated finished • A chamber made of stainless steel or any other
water should include a Heterotrophic Plate Count material that is opaque and will not corrode;
(HPC) test. HPC microorganisms may provide a better • UV lamps that are properly secured inside quartz
disinfection assessment than the UV sensitive coliforms. sleeves, easing installation, replacement, and main-
PROCESS DESCRIPTION • Quartz sleeves with sufficiently high transmission
rates to deliver the UV energy produced by UV lamps;
UV light effectively destroys bacteria and viruses. • Mechanical wipers to maintain optimum trans-
However, how well the UV system works depends on mission between scheduled cleaning and mainte-
the energy dose that the organism absorbs. If the energy nance work;
dose is not high enough, the organism’s genetic material
• Sensors to monitor the UV intensity passing through
may only be damaged rather than disrupted.
the water. These sensors need to be connected to
An effective dose is measured as a product of the
alarm systems to alert the operator in case of low
lamp’s intensity (the rate at which photons are delivered
UV intensity. The operator must have easy access to
to the target), including radiation concentration, proper
these sensors for necessary installation, replacement,
wavelength, exposure time, water quality, flow rate, and
calibration, and maintenance;
the microorganism’s type, and source, as well as its
distance from the light source. • Safety control to shut off UV lamps in case of low-flow
At a minimum, drinking water systems should install levels and elevated lamp temperature;
two UV units, which are both capable of carrying the • Arc and lamp-out monitors to alert the operator of
amount of water the system was designed to handle. system failure; and
Having two units in place assures continuous disinfection • Electronic ballasts.

UV units are currently used as stand-alone treatment • A minimum of two photodiode sensors per unit to
systems or as part of a series of other drinking monitor UV dosage at 254 nm. These sensors must
water treatment processes or multiple barrier system. be calibrated using approved standards each time
A common treatment that uses UV light to remove the lamps are cleaned or replaced or the UV chamber
and disinfect contaminants from groundwater sources is serviced;
involves a combined ozone or hydrogen-peroxide process • Automatic UV system by-pass or shutoffs, which are
along with UV application. So, it is common to find activated whenever the system exceeds peak design
that manufacturers of UV equipment also manufacture flow rates, when UV dosage is low, or when lamp or
ozone equipment. ballast temperatures are high; and
Furthermore, the drinking water treatment industry
• Two UV units should be installed so flow is not
provides UV equipment (mainly closed chamber units)
interrupted when one unit is out of service.
for short-term uses. Rental units are used in cleanup
and emergency situations, such as if groundwater is
contaminated by spilled toxic organic compounds. WHERE CAN I FIND MORE INFORMATION?

MONITORING AND OPERATION REQUIREMENTS Hargy, T.M., J.L. Clancy, and Z. Bukhari. 2000. ‘‘Shedding
UV Light on the Cryptosporidium Threat.’’ In NSF
Proceedings of the Small Drinking Water and Wastewater
Factors that affect UV light system performance are: lamp
Systems. International Symposium and Technology Expo:
output, lamp aging, and plating or fouling of unit surfaces.
Phoenix, Arizona.
To better control these factors, operators must ensure
Malley, J.P., G.A. Snicer, and A.M. Doucette. 1998.
continuous dose measurement (i.e., accurate intensity
‘‘Alternative Disinfection Strategies for Small Systems.’’
and flow-rate measurement) and proper maintenance
In Small Systems Water Treatment Technologies: State
(cleaning as well as lamp and sleeve replacement regimes).
of the Art Workshop. NEWWA Joint Regional Operations
Technological advances have eliminated many of the
Conference and Exhibition: Marlborough, Massachusetts.
operation and maintenance problems that were associated
Parrotta, M.J. and F. Bekdash. 1998. ‘‘UV Disinfection
with earlier UV applications. Current systems are
of Small Groundwater Supplies.’’ Journal of the American
equipped with mechanical cleaners, ultrasonic cleaners, or
Water Works Association. AWWA: Denver.
some self-cleaning mechanism (mandatory if water fouling
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1996. Ultra-
agents, such as iron, are present in the water entering the
violet Light Disinfection Technology in Drinking Water
unit); lamps that are easy to install and replace; and alarm
Application—An Overview. Office of Water: Washington,
systems that indicate minor and major failure.
DC. EPA/811-R-96-002.
To ensure continued system operation, a maintenance
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1998. Small
schedule needs to be in place. This schedule should include
System Compliance Technology List for the Surface Water
periodic site inspections; changing lamps annually or when
Treatment Rule and Total Coliform Rule. Office of Water:
light transmission efficiency has decreased to 70 percent;
Washington, DC. EPA/815/R/98/001.
inspecting and cleaning surfaces; inspecting or cleaning
the UV chamber interior every six months; and inspecting
and replacing ballasts, O-rings, valves, and switches. HAVE YOU READ ALL OUR TECH BRIEFS?
Furthermore, the operator should monitor water
turbidity and color since they are natural barriers to ‘‘Tech Briefs’’ drinking water treatment fact sheets have
UV light transmission. And some dissolved minerals, been a regular feature in the National Drinking Water
such as calcium, have a tremendous negative effect on Clearinghouse (NDWC) newsletter On Tap for more
UV absorbance. than four years. NDWC Technical Assistance Specialist
Since it may not be practical to provide instantaneous Mohamed Lahlou, Ph.D., researches, compiles, and writes
stand-by power during power outages, the system should these very popular items.
be designed to automatically stop water flow or provide A package of the Tech Briefs is now available as a
an alternate means of disinfection as a backup. Where the product. A three ring binder holds all the current Tech
system is dependent on electrically powered pumps, this Briefs in print. New selections can be easily added to the
measure may not be necessary because the pumps will package as they become available. To order this product,
shut off when the power goes out. However, gravity flow call the NDWC at the numbers listed below and ask for
systems may be vulnerable. item #DWPKPE71. The item is free.
UV disinfection should have the following minimum To order, call the NDWC at (800) 624-8301 or (304) 293-
operational controls and procedures: 4191. You also may order online at ndwc orders@mail.estd.
wvu.edu or download fact sheets from our Web site at
• A central display indicating alarms for power failure, www.ndwc.wvu.edu.
lamp failure, hours of lamp operation, low UV dosage, (Additional copies of fact sheets are free; however,
high lamp temperature, high ballast temperature, postal charges may be added.)
and high system flows; For further information, to comment on this fact sheet,
• Methods that monitor lamp temperature, ballast or to suggest topics, call Dr. Lahlou at one of the above
temperature, and system water flows; numbers or contact him via e-mail at mlahlou2@wvu.edu.

ULTRAVIOLET IRRADIATION to that intensity. UV dose is defined as the product of

the average intensity of light within the reactor and the
M. SIDDIQUI duration of exposure to that intensity (UV dose = average
University of Utah UV intensity × exposure time). The units of intensity
Salt Lake City, Utah are milliwatts per square centimeter, and those of
exposure time are seconds. Dose therefore has the units
of milliwatt seconds per square centimeter (mW·s/cm2 ).
Ultraviolet irradiation (UV) is a potential alternative Typical UV doses for drinking water range between 16
to chlorination for drinking water disinfection. UV and 40 mW·s/cm2 depending on the application, water
provides disinfection without producing the problematic quality, target disinfection level, etc.
disinfection by-products of chemical disinfectants such
as chlorine. During retrofitting of UV to an existing
potable water treatment process or during design of a MEASUREMENT AND ESTIMATION OF UV DOSE
new installation, there can be significant benefits in
reexamining the overall disinfection strategy for the In a UV reactor, UV irradiance at a certain point can be
treatment plant and the water distribution system (1). measured with a radiometer; however, the UV irradiance
detected is only measured at a specific point, and only
those photons that enter the detector from a narrow
MECHANISM acceptance angle can be detected (3,4). This makes it
difficult to obtain a direct ‘‘measurement’’ of the UV dose in
Light whose wavelengths are longer than 700 nm is in the a reactor configuration (3). Actinometry is a direct method
infrared and radio emission range. Light of wavelengths for estimating UV doses. Actinometry measures UV light
shorter than 400 nm is in the ultraviolet range. This through a photochemical reaction for which the quantum
range is subdivided into UVA (320–400 nm) light, which yield (molecules of product formed per photon absorbed) is
is responsible for sun tanning, UVB (280–320 nm) well established. A chemical mixture sensitive to UV light
light, which causes sun burning and the danger of at the wavelength of interest is exposed, and the resulting
skin cancer, and UVC (200–280 nm), which is absorbed photochemical changes are determined analytically. A
by DNA and causes genetic damage and inactivates quartz cell containing the chemical mixture is inserted
bacteria and viruses (2). UVC light is often called into the reactor and exposed to the UV light. The chemical
‘‘germicidal’’ radiation. Organic molecules absorb energy change produces a product over the period of exposure.
primarily in the 200 to 300 nm range, and this range From the product yield and the quantum yield, one can
evidences the most disinfectant or germicidal properties. obtain the total photons incident at that point (3).
Bacterial disinfection is greatest at 260 nm, although Several manufacturers also recommend employing
other wavelengths also affect cells. A given individual mathematical models such as a multiple point source
microorganism is almost transparent to UV; it absorbs summation (MPSS) model for estimating UV doses (3,5).
only a small fraction of the incident UV irradiance. Most UV light sources are long narrow lamps. The light
Thus, germicidal effectiveness is directly proportional output from such a lamp may be approximated by a large
to the absorbance of the organism, which often peaks number (n) of ‘‘point sources’’ equally spaced along the
around 260 nm and accounts for the maximum germicidal lamp axis. The light from each point source is assumed
effectiveness at that wavelength. to radiate equally in all directions, and the irradiance
DNA is a nucleic acid polymer in a double-stranded across a small volume element, a section of an area to be
helix linked together by a sequence of four constituent irradiated, in the reactor is then obtained by summing the
bases (adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine), which irradiance at that volume element from all n point sources.
constitute the genetic code (2). Of these four bases, Proper account has to be taken of reflection, refraction, and
thymine undergoes a unique photochemical reaction absorption of a beam as it propagates toward the target
when exposed to germicidal wavelengths of UV light. If volume element (3). Once the irradiance is calculated for
two thymine bases are located adjacent to each other, each volume element in a large three-dimensional grid
absorption of a UV photon by one of the thymines filling the reactor, the average irradiance is obtained by
leads to formation of a chemical bond between the two averaging the irradiance of each volume element over the
thymines (called a thymine dimer). This disrupts the entire grid. If more than one lamp is in the reactor, the
structure of the DNA, so that if enough thymine dimers irradiance at a given point is the sum of the irradiance
are formed, the DNA cannot replicate in cell mitosis. from each lamp.
This is the fundamental mechanism of UV disinfection or

UV DOSAGE UV irradiation is effective against bacteria at UV doses

of 3 to 30 mW·s/cm2 and against viruses at 30 to
The amount of damage created by UV radiation and 100 mW·s/cm2 (2). However, it was thought that protozoa
hence, the effectiveness of the disinfection process are such as Giardia and Cryptosporidium were unsusceptible
related to the intensity of light and the exposure time to this approach. This inaccurate perception was linked

to assays that evaluated UV treatments based on the and the microbial characteristics of the water to be
physical damage they caused to the organisms’ outer disinfected (1).
surfaces. Studies measuring infectivity, however, confirm
that UV radiation penetrates the outer walls of Giardia
and Cryptosporidium, causing internal damage and CONCLUSION
eliminating their threat, even when they are exposed to
doses of 30 mW·s/cm2 or less. UV technology is just beginning to be applied on a large
Generally, it has been found that the more complex the scale to drinking water. The cost of obtaining a total
microorganism, the more sensitive it is to UV inactivation. biological barrier with UV disinfection is estimated to
Thus, viruses are the least sensitive, then bacterial be same or less than traditional disinfection methods
spores, and finally bacteria are very sensitive. Until such as chlorination or ozonation. Because of this, UV
recently, protozoa, such as Cryptosporidium parvum and disinfection of drinking water could become the most
Giardia lamblia, appeared to go against this trend as it significant advance in protecting drinking water sources
was thought they were very insensitive to UV because since the introduction of chlorination.
of difficulty in penetrating the shell in their cyst or
oocyst state. BIBLIOGRAPHY

1. Cairns, W.L. (1994). Ultraviolet technology for water supply

TYPICAL TREATMENT SYSTEM treatment. 20th Annu. Convention and Exhibition, Water Qual.
Assoc., March 15–20, 1994, Phoenix, AZ.
A typical UV treatment system consists of a reactor vessel, 2. Bolton, J.R., Dussert, B., Bukhari, Z., Hargy, T., and
where a UV lamp irradiates the flowing water. Ideally, Clancy, J.L. (1998). Inactivation of Cryptosporidium parvum
uneven distribution is prevented by radial mixing within by ultraviolet light: Comparison of laboratory- and pilot-scale
the reactor, so that all objects moving through it receive results on finished water. AWWA Annu. Conf., Dallas, June
equivalent irradiation. 1998.
3. Bolton, J. (2000). Calculation of ultraviolet fluence rates
distribution in an annular reactor: Significance of refraction
UV SOURCES and reflection. Water Res. 34(13): 3315–3324.
4. Severin, B.F. and Roessler, P.F. (1998). Resolving UV pho-
tometer outputs with modeled intensity profiles. Water Res.
Light sources can vary widely. They encompass high- and
32(5): 1718–1724.
low-vapor- pressure lamps, broadband sources covering
5. Blatchley, E.R. (1997). Numerical modeling of UV intensity:
the germicidal region from 200 to 300 nm, and narrowband
Application to collimated beam reactors and continuous-flow
emitters targeting sensitive wavelengths. UV light is systems. Water Res. 31(9): 2205–2218.
most commonly generated by low- and medium-pressure
mercury vapor lamps. In low-pressure mercury lamps, the
energy is emitted primarily at 254 nm. A 4-foot, 40 watt READING LIST
(W) fluorescent lamp is a low-pressure mercury lamp with
a ‘‘fluorescing’’ pigment on the inner surface. In medium- American Public Health Association (APHA). (1995). Standard
pressure mercury lamps, the emission is more widely Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. 19th
distributed across the 200 to 600 nm range, and the power Edn. AWWA, Denver, CO.
density is much higher. For example, a 4-foot lamp can Anderson, W.B., Huck, P.M., Dixon, D.G., and Mayfield, C.I. (in
carry as much as 30 kilowatts (kW) of electrical power. press). Endotoxin inactivation in water using medium pressure
UV lamps. Appl. Environ. Microbiol.
Hrudey, S.E., Payment, P., Huck, P.M., Gillham, R.W., and
FACTORS AFFECTING UV Hrudey, E.J. (2003). A fatal waterborne disease epidemic in
Walkerton, Ontario: Comparison with other waterborne out-
breaks in the developed world. Water Sci. Technol. 47(3): 7–14.
Dissolved substances in the water—especially organic
Ollos, P.J., Huck, P.M., and Slawson, R.M. (2003). Factors
carbon and nitrates—can absorb UV light. Turbidity affecting biofilm accumulation in model distribution systems.
also plays a role in the transmittance of light, but JAWWA 95(1): 87–97.
mostly due to scattering or reflecting properties. In water, Park, C.H. and Huck, P.M. (2003). A conceptual model for
the particles that make up turbidity can also block or Cryptosporidium transport in watersheds. Water Qual. Res.
hide microbes (some of which can attach to a particle) J. Can. 38(1): 77–113.
and then prevent exposure to UV irradiation. However, Parrotta, M.J. and Bekdash, F. (1998). UV disinfection of small
until the turbidity reaches 5 NTUs (nephelometric Groundwater supplies. JAWWA 90(2): 71–81.
turbidity units) or greater, this effect is usually negligible. US EPA. (1996). Ultraviolet Light Disinfection Technology in
Other factors include average UV intensity within the Drinking Water Application—an Overview. EPA 811-R-96-002.
reactor received by the microbes in the water, hydraulic Verkoeven, J.W. (1996). Glossary of terms used in photochem-
behavior of the fluid as it flows through the reactor and istry. Pure Appl. Chem. 68(12): 2223–2286.
the amount of turbulence created, short-circuiting and Zimmer, J.L., Slawson, R.M., and Huck, P.M. (2003). Inactivation
retention time distribution, pretreatment processes prior and potential repair of Cryptosporidium parvum following low-
to UV disinfection, particulate count and size distribution, and medium-pressure UV irradiation. Submitted to Water Res.

WATER DISINFECTION USING UV ammonia and similar compounds in the water to form
RADIATION—A SRI LANKAN EXPERIENCE chloramines. Chloramines in water are called ‘‘combined
available chlorine,’’ because they are also effective in
NIRANJANIE RATNAYAKE disinfection, although not to the same extent as free
University of Moratuwa chlorine. Further addition of chlorine has the effect of
Moratuwa, Sri Lanka oxidizing the chloramines formed, thus reducing the
available chlorine. When all chloramines are oxidized,
further addition of chlorine produces ‘‘free available
BACKGROUND chlorine’’, which is the most effective form of chlorine for
disinfection. The point at which all oxidation is completed
Treated public water supplies are available in most and free available chlorine starts to appear is called the
urban areas in Sri Lanka. National Drinking Water ‘‘break point,’’ and chlorination beyond this point is called
Quality Standards have been established, based on WHO ‘‘break-point chlorination.’’
Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality, and usually the Thus, to produce a free chlorine residual which would
quality of water leaving the treatment plant is up to be available to disinfect any contamination within the
the Standards. However, for various reasons such as old distribution system at the consumer’s premises, such as in
pipelines, leaks in the distribution system, low pressure the household plumbing system, overhead tank, or sump,
leading to back-siphonage and cross connections, the risk sufficient chlorine should be added to achieve break-point
of subsequent contamination of the water is very high. In chlorination.
addition, many users depend on either overhead tanks,
which are filled at night, or sump-pump-overhead tank
arrangements to store the water, due to low pressure in the
distribution system and unreliable supplies. Dual water
UV radiation has been established as an effective
supplies, where private surface or groundwater supplies
bactericide and viricide. UV radiation penetrates the cell
are used to supplement the public water supply, are also
wall and is absorbed by cellular nucleic acids. Radiation
common due to the inadequacy of the public water supply.
absorption prevents replication, thus killing the cell.
Often, the same plumbing system is used for the two
However, the effectiveness of UV radiation in killing spore
systems. The public water supply is treated, but the well
forming bacteria such as Giardia lamblia has not yet been
water is usually untreated and is pumped directly into the
established. UV radiation is not a chemical agent, so it
sump or the overhead tank.
produces no toxic residuals.
The risks of contaminating the drinking water in
A special lamp is used to transfer electromagnetic
these situations are considerable. Residual chlorine doses
energy to the target organism’s cells. Mercury arc lamps
applied at treatment plants are often insufficient to
are the most commonly used type of lamp because
maintain the safety of the water, and many domestic
about 85% of the energy output is of the 253.7 nm
consumers boil water before drinking it. Although boiling
wavelength, which is within the optimum germicidal range
is a very reliable method of disinfection of small quantities
of 250–270 nm.
of water, it is not practical for large-scale uses, such as
The effectiveness of radiation is a direct function of the
hostels, canteens, hospitals, and factories. Even though
energy dose absorbed by the organism, which is measured
bottled water is available in the market, it is expensive,
as the product of the lamp’s intensity and the time of
and the reliability of the cheaper products is questionable.
exposure. Intensity is the rate at which photons are
Therefore, it has become necessary to find an appropriate
delivered to the target organism. It is governed by the
method for disinfecting such water supplies in the light
lamp’s power, the depth of water, and the presence of
of possible outbreaks of waterborne diseases among users,
substances that absorb the energy, such as suspended
particularly where dual water supplies are used.
solids, color, turbidity, and soluble organic matter. The
radiation dose absorbed by the water is the water’s UV
BREAK-POINT CHLORINATION demand (which is similar to the chlorine demand) and is
quantified as the absorption of UV energy (wavelength
Chlorination is the most common disinfection method used 253.7 nm) in a given depth of water. The energy dose
in water treatment. Chlorine is used in the gaseous form, also depends on the exposure time of the water to the
in solid form as calcium hypochlorite [Ca (OCl)2 ], or in UV radiation, although the required time is only seconds,
liquid form as sodium hypochlorite [NaOCl] solution. rather than minutes, for effective disinfection. However,
Chlorine, a very strong oxidizing agent, reacts with water that has high concentrations of substances like
many organic and inorganic substances in water, in suspended solids, color, turbidity, and soluble organic
addition to disinfecting water. The ‘‘chlorine demand’’ of matter may not receive an adequate radiation dose for
these other substances has to be satisfied before excess effective disinfection.
free chlorine is available for disinfection. If the radiation dose is not sufficient to destroy the
Thus the total amount of chlorine added to water is target organism’s DNA macromolecules, but only damages
not available for disinfection. Initially, the added chlorine them, disinfection would not be effective. Photoenzymatic
is used immediately to oxidize inorganic and organic repair, called ‘‘photoreactivation,’’ occurs from exposure
substances in reduced form. When this immediate chlorine to sunlight, incandescent, or fluorescent light for certain
demand is satisfied, the added chlorine combines with types of bacteria. Therefore, as a rule of thumb, the UV

dosage is increased to more than that required to achieve

the specified percentage of kill.



The main advantages of UV radiation over chemical

methods of disinfection are the simplicity of the system for
installation and operation, minimal space requirement, Inlet Outlet
absence of any changes in the characteristics of the water
and any residual by-products due to reactions in the water,
and very short required contact time (seconds rather than Activated
minutes) for effective disinfection. carbon filter UV light unit
On the other hand, chlorination requires chemical unit
handling and dosing equipment, and ozone and chlorine
dioxide need to be produced at the site due to their chemical
instability. All chemical disinfectants produce disinfection
by-products, by oxidation, reduction, or disproportionation Figure 1. UV water purification system used in the case study.
of the disinfectant itself and by reaction of the disinfectant
with substances that are already in the raw water. For
example, chlorination adds chloride ions to the water and Table 1. Typical Water Quality at the Water Sources Used
produces trihalomethanes (THMs) and other halogenated in the Case Study
organics, which are known to have harmful health effects, Location
when the water contains organic matter. Chlorine dioxide
produces chlorite and chlorate ions, which have been Water Quality University
identified as harmful, and ozone is also known to produce Parameter Boat Yard Ranmal San Michele Well
some harmful by-products if certain organic substances, Total coliform, 167 127 510 97
such as the pesticide heptachlor, are present in the per mL
raw water. Fecal coliform, 134 116 481 92
The major disadvantage of UV disinfection is the per mL
absence of a residual disinfecting mechanism left in Turbidity, NTU 4.1 3.7 5.7 1.1
the water to be used downstream, as would occur in DO, mg/L 5.7 6.3 7.7 5.9
Alkalinity, mg/L 0.4 0.4 0.25 0.3
chlorination and ozonation to some extent. Therefore, it
CaCO3 )
is very important that the UV radiation is carried out as
Ammonia, mg/L 1.04 0.56 0.28 1.20
close to the point of consumption as practically possible Conductivity 218 1678 925 168.6
to prevent recontamination of the treated water. Other pH 7.14 7.43 7.45 7.5
disadvantages are the necessity of pretreatment to avoid Color, Hazen 40 20 15 5
shielding of microbiological cells by solids and the high Temperature, ◦ C 29 29 28.5 29
cost of the equipment.

CASE STUDY A simple apparatus was set up using a ground level

tank, a pump, a constant head overhead tank to feed the
A UV water purification system that had a maximum flow water through the UV purification system at a constant
rate of 60 L/h was used in the laboratory as a case study. head, and devices to control and measure the flow rate
The system consisted of an activated carbon filter unit and and collect samples of raw and treated water for analysis
a UV light unit, as shown in (Fig. 1). Observations were at various times. Surface water from three locations of a
also made on a system whose capacity was 300 L/h; it was large lake called Bolgoda Lake, several kilometers away
installed at the University canteen. from each other, and ground water from a dug well in
The study was carried out for a period of 2 years. The the University premises were used as raw water sources.
main objectives of the study were A map showing the locations of raw water sources for
the case study is given in (Fig. 2). The typical water
1. to find the potential of the UV water purification quality parameters at these water sources are given in
system to destroy pathogens at various flow rates for Table 1.
various sources of water; Studies on the performance of the UV purification
2. to study the time taken by the UV equipment system in the laboratory showed that the total and fecal
to produce disinfected water at the point of coliform numbers in the treated effluent from samples of
consumption; and raw water from all four sources, which initially contained
3. to compare the performance and cost of disinfection high total coliform and fecal coliform, as shown in Table 1,
using UV radiation with that of chlorination using were all zero after passing through the system. The tests
bleaching powder. were carried out at several flow rates, from as low as

79° 53'E 79° 55'E 79° 58'E
6° 48'N s 0 1 2 3 6° 48'N
University well Boat Yard

San Michele

Digarolla NORTH

Gorakana bana

Ranmal Diggala
6° 45'N 6° 45'N

ura e







pu la


6° 41'N P in wa
Weragama LAKE
Talpitiy ela
Figure 2. Map of locations of raw water
79° 53'E 79° 55'E 79° 58'E sources taken for the case study.

10 liters per minute to 110 liters per minute, which is During the first 5 minutes of system operation,
almost twice the maximum rate specified for the UV initial studies showed that the coliform numbers do not
system. The resulting total and fecal coliform contents immediately drop to zero but showed a gradual drop to
were always zero, when sampled after 5 minutes of UV zero, as shown in (Fig. 4). It was apparent that up to
lamp operation. The performance of the UV system when 4 minutes were needed to obtain water that was free
used for water from Bolgoda Lake at San Michele and from total and fecal coliform bacteria. However, further
Ranmal Hotel locations and the University well water are studies carried out using the same UV system showed
shown graphically in (Fig. 3). As can be observed, the total that the total and fecal coliform numbers fall to zero when
and fecal coliform counts were slightly reduced by the effluent samples are collected as early as after 30 seconds
activated carbon filter, but the water cannot be considered using the same water sources. Tests carried out using
safe because the coliforms were still present at all flow the larger UV system which is installed in the University
rates. However, when sampled 5 minutes after the UV canteen and has a design flow rate of 300 L/h, showed
lamp was switched on, none of the samples contained that the total and fecal coliform numbers in the water
total or fecal bacteria. There is a slight improvement after passing through the system were zero when tested
in the turbidity of the water after the activated carbon after 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 minutes at the design flow rate,
filter, but no significant change can be seen from the as well as double the design flow rate (600 L/h); this is
UV radiation. the maximum flow rate possible from the tap. Thus, no

San Michele total coliform Ranmal total coliform variation University well total coliform variation
600 140 120
500 120 100
Total coliforms

Total coliforms

Total coliforms
400 80
300 60
200 40
100 20 20

0 0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Flow rate, L/h Flow rate, L/h Flow rate, L/h

San Michele fecal coliform variation Ranmal fecal coliform variation University well fecal coliform variation
600 140 100
120 90
Fecal coliforms/100

Fecal coliforms/100

Fecal coliforms/100
400 100 70
80 60
300 50
60 40
40 30
100 20
0 0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Flow rate, L/ h Flow rate, L/h Flow rate, L/h

San Michele turbidity variation Ranmal turbidity variation University well turbidity
5.8 4 1.2
5.7 3.5 1
5.6 3
Turbidity NTU

Turbidity NTU
Turbidity NTU

5.5 2.5
5.4 2 0.6
5.3 1.5 0.4
5.2 1
5.1 0.5
5 0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Flow rate, L/h Flow rate, L/h Flow rate, L/h
Raw water quality Water quality with UV light ‘OFF’ Water quality with UV light ‘ON’
(after 5 minutes)

Figure 3. Performance of the UV system on water from different sources at different flow rates.

conclusive evidence could be gathered to determine the

Total and fecal coliform

required lag time for the water. The time lag experienced 40
35 Total
earlier could be partly due to the time taken to replace 30 Fecal
the untreated water in the pipeline, particularly, at low 25
flow rates. 15
When the system was used with the UV light in the 10
‘‘off’’ position, there was some improvement in the water 5
quality, including a 20–40% reduction in the coliform 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
content. However, this was not reduced to acceptable Time, min
levels in any of the trials, and the reduction in total
Figure 4. Variation of total and fecal coliform content in
and fecal coliforms was lower at higher flow rates. Thus, treated effluent within the first 5 minutes (initial trials).
it could be inferred that the 100% coliform removal
obtained was due to UV radiation. Conversely, it is
important to establish the fact that the water would not 20
be safe from pathogenic organisms if the UV light were 18
16 Boat Yard
Residual Cl2

not turned ‘‘on.’’ The function of the activated carbon 14

University well
filter is to remove turbidity, color, and organic matter 10 San Michele
in the raw water, so that the UV disinfection can be 6
more effective. 4
A comparative study was done on the same source of 0
raw water, to find the chlorine requirement of the water. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

It was attempted to find the ‘‘break point’’ for chlorination, Added Cl2

but no clear break point was identified, presumably due

Figure 5. Chlorine demand of the source water.
to the low concentrations of ammonia that were present
in the water sources. In raw water from the San Michele
location of Bolgoda Lake, a slight depression of residual to the more polluted and stagnant status of the water at
chlorine could be noticed (see Fig. 5) at an added chlorine this location.
concentration of 2.5 to 3.0 mg/L. However, at the Boat The following example was used in comparing the
Yard location, there was no noticeable break point, but cost of the UV treatment and chlorination using
a high initial chlorine demand was noticed, probably due bleaching powder:

Water Source: Bolgoda Lake at San Michele location — —

Selected point of consumption: University canteen Total amount of 50 kg per annum —
Number of hours used per day: 16 bleaching
Average flow rate: 300 L/h
allowing 10%
— Annual consumption of water: 1,752,000 liters
Cost of SLR 4000.00 per US$ 44.44
UV treatment bleaching annum
powder @Rs.
Cost of SLR 32344.00 US$ 359.38 80 per kg
installation of Assumed SLR 12,000.00 per US$ 133.33
the UV annual O&M annum
system cost
Assumed 5 years — ⇒ Total SLR 16,000.00 per US$ 177.77
lifetime of the Annual Cost annum
unit of Chlori-
Price of a UV SLR 1200.00 US$ 13.33 nation
Power of a UV 8 watts — This example showed that the UV radiation equipment is
bulb for more economical for this application than using bleaching
300 L/h unit powder for disinfection, considering the local conditions.
Lifetime of a 8000 hours operation —
UV bulb
⇒ Number of 4 — CONCLUSION
required for The case study showed that ultraviolet radiation preceded
5 years by activated carbon filtration was a very effective method
Cost of bulb per SLR 960.00 per annum US$ 10.60 of disinfecting water from surface as well as groundwater.
year Thus, it is a very useful method of disinfection when dual
Annual cost of SLR 280.00 per annum US$ 3.11 water supplies are used, and the treated public water
power for UV supplies are supplemented by well or surface water, which
unit does not require conventional treatment. The activated
At a discount — — carbon unit reduces the color, turbidity, and dissolved
rate of 15% organic substances that interfere with disinfection by
per annum, ultraviolet radiation. However, if the water contains
capital cost of SLR 9660.00 per US$ 107.33 high amounts of the above substances, the filter unit
UV unit as an annum will need frequent replacement. Therefore, it is most
annuity suitable for use with well water, rather than surface
⇒ Total SLR 10,900.00 per US$ water. UV disinfection itself is more suitable for well water
Annual Cost annum 121.11 disinfection, as the disinfection effect of UV radiation on
of UV unit per spore forming bacteria such as Giardia lamblia is not yet
annum well established.
In comparing the cost of disinfection using UV radiation
Chlorination using bleaching powder and chlorination, even though the UV equipment needs a
rather high capital investment, the total annual cost of
Required 2.5 mg/L — the UV system is lower than that of disinfection using
chlorine bleaching powder. Considering the ease of operation and
dosage at ability to have the unit on-line, it is a very attractive
break point option for applications where a large number of users are
Required 4.38 kg per annum — expected to use water during short periods of time, such
amount of as in canteens and hostels.
chlorine per However, care must be taken to maintain the system
year and to make sure that the UV lamp is turned on when the
Percentage of Approx. 8.9% — water is being used for consumption.
chlorine in
bleaching Acknowledgments
powder used The case study was carried out by Messers H.G.C.K. Haththo-
Required 44.88 kg per annum — tuwa, S. P. Ranasinghe, K. Amarasinghe, and N.P. Liyanage,
amount of undergraduates of the Department of Civil Engineering, Univer-
bleaching sity of Moratuwa, under the supervision of the author during
powder, 1999, 2000, and 2001.
Next Page


BIBLIOGRAPHY contaminants listed in Tables 1 and 2. More Americans

are now served by water systems without health risk
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5. Harris, G.D. et al. (1987). The influence of photoreativation to about 275 million Americans (3); about 42 million
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7. Pontius Fedrick, W. (1990). Water Quality and Treatment.
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other supporting information, (1996) pp. 940–949 & 908–915; PWS exceed $3.5 billion (5). The EPA (6) estimated
Addendum to Vol. 2 (1998) pp. 281–283. that it would cost about $31 billion (Table 3) over a
14. Survey of Effluent Disinfection Practices. (1996). www.fuseinc. 20-year period to comply with existing and proposed
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15. Water disinfection methods. www.pureflow.com/Artl.htm - the technical, financial, and managerial capability to
18 k. provide safe drinking water (2). There are many programs
16. Comparing Disinfection by UV Light and Chlorination. to assist PWS in complying with DWQS, such as the
www.trojanuv.com/papers/COMP UY CHL.htm - 54 k. drinking water State Revolving Funds that has a budget
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DRINKING WATER QUALITY STANDARDS The SDWA includes a multiple-barrier protection
(DWQS)-UNITED STATES framework against pollution—source water protection,
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BABS A. MAKINDE-ODUSOLA mation. PWS conduct Source Water Assessments to reduce
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SDWA and other Federal environmental laws, such as
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In 1974, the U.S. Congress, through the Safe Drinking water protection (1). U.S. EPA is using source water pro-
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SDWA requires the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Section 1433(a)) requires certain CWS to conduct Vul-
(EPA) to set national drinking water quality standards nerability Assessments (VAs), and prepare/revise Emer-
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