Final Seminar Report
Final Seminar Report
Final Seminar Report
Prepared By
Banda Gowtham
(Roll No. P19SM011)
Dr. (Prof.) C.H. Solanki
(2020 – 2021)
Submitted by
Place: Surat
Date: _________
(Dr. (Prof.) C.H. Solanki)
Banda Gowtham
1.1 Introduction 06
1.2 Background 06
1.3 Problems of expansive soils 06
1.4 Identification of expansive soils 07
1.4.1 Mineral composition 07
1.4.2 Based on properties 08
1.4.3 Swelling potential and swell pressure 09
1.5 Types of stabilization 10
1.5.1 Calcium based stabilization 10
1.5.2 Excavation and replacement 10
1.5.3 Compaction (density and moisture control) 10
1.5.4 Electrical stabilization 11
1.5.5 Thermal stabilization 12
1.5.6 Bituminous stabilization 12
Table Page
No. No.
whole sample 9
10% of cement 16
Table Page
No. No.
(part 2) 27
CNS material 30
Title Page No.
Expansive soil expands and contracts due to changes in moisture content of the soil, causing
structural problems through differential movement of the structure. If the moisture content and/or
soil type differs at various locations under the foundation, localized or non-uniform movement
may occur in the structure. This isolated movement of sections of the structure can cause damage
the foundation and framing, evidenced by cracking in the exterior or interior wall covering
indicating movement of the framing, uneven floors and/or misaligned doors and windows.
Table 1.1 : Data for estimating probable volume change (HOLTZ, 1969)
Table1.3 : Degree of expansion based on plasticity index of whole sample (WILLIAMS and
2. 24-32 HIGH
3. 12-24 MEDIUM
4. <12 LOW
forthwith and the results of swelling potential and swelling pressure should always be reported
with respect to pertinent information.
There are numerous types of soil stabilization and lot more under research work going on
Out of all these, Calcium based stabilization methods are most commonly used stabilization
is a process that brings about an increase in soil density or unit weight, accompanied by
a decrease in air volume. There is usually no change in water content. The degree of compaction
is measured by dry unit weight and depends on the water content and compactive effort (weight
of hammer, number of impacts, weight of roller, number of passes). For a given compactive
effort, the maximum dry unit weight occurs at an optimum water content.
it is better able to be compacted which allows it to provide a more sturdy foundation for
construction vehicles.
Cation exchange: sodium, magnesium, and other cations are replaced by the calcium
cations from the available calcium hydroxide.
Flocculation and agglomeration: flocculation of the clay particles increases the effective
grain size and reduces plasticity, thus increasing the strength of the matrix.
Pozzolanic reaction: the high pH environment created by the available calcium hydroxide
solubilizes silicates and aluminates at the clay surface, which in turn react with calcium
ions to form cementitious products that are composed primarily of calcium silicate
hydrates or calcium aluminate hydrates, or both.
Carbonate cementation: calcium oxide reacts with carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to
form calcium carbonate precipitates, which cement the soil particles.
Evaluating the properties of given soil and assessing the deficient property due to which
the soil is considered as weak.
The interaction between soil and cement is a complex phenomenon and is not fully
Suitable for inorganic soils. If it is blended with organic soil, organic content interferes
with hydration of cement and hence weakens the soil cement bond.
The permissible limit of organic content for soils use cement as stabilizing material is
Unlike in Lime stabilization, with increase in cement soil strength increases. But
economy point of view we can’t increase cement content.
For silty loams, clay loams, sandy loams and silts: for 2 to 6 hours in delay of
compaction, the moisture content should be 2-4% above optimum moisture content.
For fine grained soils: for 2 to 6 hours in delay of compaction, the moisture content
should be 2-4% above OMC.
Very long period of mixing results in lower strength. So, optimum mixing time is
Effect of ageing on strength and durability can be reduced if compacting moisture content
is somewhat higher than the OMC obtained from the proctor density test with zero ageing
Silts, silty clays, very poorly graded sands & slightly organic 35-100
Silty clays, sandy clays, poorly graded sand and gravels 70-160
Silty sands, sandy clays, poorly graded sand and gravels 160-320
Optimum lime content increases with curing period. For 21-28 days of curing period,
OLC will be 6-9% for most of the expansive soils.
It is very difficult to pulverize the soil as the dry lumps are difficult to break due to high
dry strength and the wet soil is too sticky and unmanageable.
There is a excessive variation in volume and stability with variation in water content.
There is considerable shrinkage on drying, resulting in the formation of extensive cracks.
BC soils compacted at optimum moisture content will shrink further when dried as
shrinkage limit is much lower than optimum moisture content.
Black cotton soils exert high swelling pressure from below on being soaked.
Conventional construction materials like hard aggregate may be available within easy
<12.5 mm <12.54 mm
1. Size
>4.75 mm >4.75 mm
1. 65% 30% 5%
2. 45% 50% 5%
3. 40% 55% 5%
4. 35% 60% 5%
5. 30% 65% 5%
By observing all the above results, the proposed method shows the efficiency to use these
waste materials for soil stabilization of pavement roads in villages.
Baggasse ash is the by-product and residue extracted by burning the sugar cane fiber after
squeezing sugar cane juice of sugar industry.
As bagasse ash contain fiber and silica content, it will effect the strength of black cotton
With the addition of 6% of bagasse ash will increase Dry density (5.8%),CBR (41.52%)
and UCC (43.58%).
Hence it shows that the addition of bagasse ash will improve the strength characteristics
if expansive and problematic soils.
Table 4.4: Stability comparison of Pre-Post stabilized soils using Agro based solid waste
Table 4.5: Stability comparison of Pre-Post stabilized soils using Agro based solid waste
agricultural wastes are having pozzolanic property that was naturally inbuilt with the
compounds such as silica, Ferric oxide, Calcium oxide and aluminum oxide, which are
considered as the main agents for stabilization. By using the agro based waste in soil
stabilization as a cementitious material or in the form of additive, the engineering
property of expansive soil such as consistency index, durability, strength and grain size of
particles get enhanced for large extent. It is also noted that the adoption of agro waste in
the form of stabilizer is helpful to control the rate of environmental pollution related with
disposal of waste and fix the scarcity of land fill material. While adding the larger
percentage of agro waste the ratio of free swell gets decreased. When compared to
traditional cementing materials, the soil treated with agro-waste shows that the test values
of UCC/UCS is in good range and from the CBR value in soaked condition it was proved
that the soil become to withstand seasonal alteration of saturation.
Table 4.7: Stability comparison of Pre-Post stabilized soils using Combined Agro and
chemical/Mineral based solid waste (part 1)
S.No Author Materials used as Proportions / Major Result Result
additives/stabilizers Combinations stabilizatio of of
n virgin treated
properties soil soil
Press mud with lime 2%,4%,6% & 1465.16
8% of press KN/m2
mud and 5.5% @ 6% of
& 7 % of lime press
1. J.James UCC 343.8
et al., KN/m2
Table 4.8: Stability comparison of Pre-Post stabilized soils using Combined Agro and
chemical/Mineral based solid waste (part 2)
In this summary, due to the property difference of each material, the soil undergoes
serious changes and become impulsive. Moreover, the usage of these combined additives,
which directly act as an alternative stabilizing material instead of cement and lime. Apart
from soil stabilization, through this combined usage of wastes in the form of detoxified
material had several good advantages on environment and helps to preserve the natural
resources. The development of strength was caused due to agglomeration of particles by
means of exchanging ion particles between the combined form of wastes and the soil.
Due to the presence of varying Cementous material in combined form of waste the rate of
reaction of alumino-silicate compounds, hence it increases the strength and mechanical
parameters of the soil between the particles attain more rapidly. Usually these from of
combined wastes has high content.
Cohesion remaining constant of CNS soil layer, the heave of the underlying expansive
soil reduced rapidly with increase in the thickness of CNS soil layer, and attained a
volume of no heave with limited thickness of CNS layer, generally around 1m. Decrease
in heave with increase in thickness of CNS layer is not linear but exponential in nature.
Thickness of CNS layer needed to resist a prevalent swelling pressure of the underlying
expansive soil varies with cohesion. Normally increase in cohesion reduces thickness but
the relation may not be linear.
Shear strength of the underlying expansive soil with the interface with the CNS layer and
attains a shear strength value nearly equal to that at no volume change conditions,
prevents a whole system from upward heave. The increase in shear strength is not linear.
Thus the cohesion of CNS layer and its thickness are the governing
criteria in counter acting swelling and swelling pressure of expansive soils.
Murum locally available in the area of expansive soil often can be used
as CNS soil. In many cases, soil underlying the expansive black cotton soil, it is found to
be CNS type. The basic requirement of CNS soil is that it should be clayey soil, with
certain cohesion but having no expansive characteristics.
The thickness of CNS layer required to practically eliminate swelling
pressure effects of expansive soil can only be arrived by laboratory investigation. In
absence of such results and data the following values and characteristics can be used.
Table 5.1 :Specifications of grain size analysis and consistency limits for soil to be considered
as CNS material
Clay 15-25%
Silt 35-50%
Sand 30-40%
Gravel ≤ 10%
2. Consistency limits
Table5.2 :Specifications of clay mineral, shear strength and swelling pressure for soil
to be considered as CNS material
3. Swelling Pressure
Table5.3 : Thickness of CNS layer needed to nullify the effect of swelling pressure of
expansive soils
1. 1.0-1.5 75-85
2. 2.0-3.0 90-100
3. 3.5-5.0 105-115
Soil stabilization in its broad sense, may be defined as the method adopted to alter any
one or more of the soil properties so as to improve the desire performance of the soil.
Identifying an expansive/problematic soil is necessary by mineralogical composition or
by some of their index/engineering properties.
In case of expansive soil, stabilization is mainly adopted to increase its strength and to
decrease its shrink swell characteristics.
Most common used methods of stabilization are calcium based stabilization apart from
regular compaction techniques.
There arise a problem with expansive soils which contain sulphates resulting to the
production expansive mineral ettringite when comes in contact with lime/cement.
Hence there is a need of rise to develop new methods in the soil stabilization by keeping
productivity and environmental aspects in mind.
So, utilization of solid waste in soil stabilization comes into picture where it is yielding
productive outcomes.
Various solid wastes from industries are used and lots of researchers are under work in
this area. (including agro waste)
There are productive results when agro-based wastes and mineral/chemical wastes are
used as stabilizing material individually.
But when both agro and mineral wastes are used proportionally, the outcome i8s much
better in improving soil stability and strength characteristics.
Now days, Cohesive swelling layer has become a more popular one with its easiest mode
of material availability and economic point of view.
CNS soil layer should be of non-expansive and can be mostly locally available soil.
A CNS soil layer of thickness around 1m can be sufficient to counteract the shrink-swell
characteristics of expansive/problematic soil.
If swelling deformation increases in the initial laboratory observations, the thickness
should also be increased accordingly.
Foundation design manual by Narayan V. Nayak.
Stabilization of black cotton soil and loam soil using reclaimed asphalt
pavement and waste crushed glass – C.Rajesh Kumar, Renuka sai gadekari,
Dr. G.Vani, Mini K.M. (24 (2020) 379–387)