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To familiarize with cathode ray oscilloscope and to study their


1. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO)
2. Function Generator
3. Capacitors
4. Resistors

CRO is an instrument which gives the visual representation of
electrical signals. It is one among the most versatile tools used to research
and study of electronic circuits and system. It displays the signals on a
screen in ‘X’ and ‘Y’ axis, used in conventional graph construction. X-axis
represents time and y-axis the amplitude displaying voltage variations which
take place over a period of microsecond and nanosecond.
Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) is the heart of the CRO. It is vacuum tube
which generates a narrow electrode beam and made fall on a fluorescent
screen at one end of the tube. The electron beam is deflected horizontally
and vertically by horizontal and vertical deflection plates respectively. The
waveform to be observed is fed across the vertical deflection plates while the
horizontal deflection plates elongated the waveform in the time axis.


A. MAIN DISPLAY: Shows the waveform of input signals.

B.DISPLAY CONTROLS: Controls power ON/OFF, display configuration and

the probe compensation output.
1. CAL Output Generates the probe compensation signal, 2Vp-p, 1
KHz, positive square wave.
2.INTEN KNOB Controls the brightness of a light spot or trace in
the display
3.FOCUS KNOB Controls the focus (sharpness) of waveform in the
4.TRACE ROTATION Controls the alignment of the horizontal trace in a
POINT parallel with graticule lines.
5.AUTO TIME BASE Automatically adjusts the horizontal sale to an
KEY appropriate range according to the input signal.

Fig.2: Sample waveforms on CRO screen.


Waveform: Sine Input: CH1 Waveform: Sine Input: CH1

Amplitude: 5Vpp Volts/div: 1V/div Amplitude: 2Vpp Volts/div: 1V/div

Frequency: 2 KHz Time/div: 0.2mS Frequency: 1 KHz Time/div: 0.2mS

DC Offset: 0V Coupling: DC DC Offset: 0V Coupling: DC


6.POWER SWITCH Turns ON/OFF the CRO main power. When the
power is ON the LED lights.
C.LED Display Shows the vertical scale, horizontal scale, X-Y
mode and waveform frequencies
1.CH1 Vertical Scale Shows the CH1 Vertical scale.
2.Horizontal Scale Shows the horizontal scale
3.X-Y Mode When turned ON, indicates that the x-y mode is
4.Signal frequency Shows the waveform frequency
5.CH2 Vertical Scale Shows the CH2 Vertical Scale.

D.HORIZONTAL Controls the horizontal scale, horizontal position,

CONTROLS sweep length and X10 magnification.
1.Horizontal POSITION Controls the horizontal position of traces and light
KNOB spots.
2.X10 MAG SWITCH Magnifies the horizontal scale by a factor of 10.
3.SWAP VAR KNOB Adjust the horizontal scale at the minimum
position, the horizontal scale becomes 2.5 times
wider than the original value selected by time/div
knob. At the maximum (CAL) position there is no
change in horizontal scale.
4.TIME/DIV KNOB Controls the horizontal scale from0.2 µs/div to
0.55/div in 20 steps.

E.VERTICAL Controls the vertical scale, vertical position, display

CONTROLS mode, CH2 inversion and alternate display mode.
1.VOLTS/DIV KNOB Controls the CH1/CH2 vertical scale from 1mV/div
to 5V/div in 12 steps.
2.Verical Position Knob Controls the vertical position by traces and light
spot for CH1/CH2.
3.ALT/CHOP SWITCH Select how the CH1 and CH2 signals appear in the
display in DUAL mode
CHOP The two signals are chopped and displayed
simultaneously (generally used in slow sweep
1m/div or slower)
ALT The two signals are displayed alternatively
(generally used in fast Sweep 0.5ms/div or faster)
4.Vertical Mode Switch Select CH1 AND CH2 display modes.
A CH1/CH2 signal is displayed independently.
DUAL The CH1 and CH2 SIGNALS are displayed
ADD The CH1 and CH2 signals are added or subtracted
and then the result is displayed.


a. To measure amplitude

Number of vertical divisions occupied by the waveform (DV) = ................................. Div.

Set value of Volts/Div (VD) =… ....................... Volts/div.

Therefore, peak-to-peak amplitude = DV x VD

= ................... Vpp

b. To measure frequency

Number of horizontal divisions occupied by one cycle

of the waveform (DH) =................................ Div.

Set value of Times/Div (TD) =… ....................... Volts/div.

Therefore, time period (T) = DH x TD

= .................. S

Frequency (f) = 1/T

=..................... Hz

5.VAR KNOB Adjust the vertical scale, at the minimum position,

the vertical scale becomes 2.5 times wider than the
original value selected by the VOLTS/DIV knob. At
the maximum(CAL) position, no Change in the
vertical scale.
6.CH2 INV SWITCH Inverts the CH2 input signal vertically when the
vertical mode switch is in the ADD position CH2 is
subtracted from CH1 instead of being added to

F.TRIGGER CONTROLS Controls the trigger mode, trigger level, trigger

coupling source, trigger slope and external trigger
1.Trigger ALT Switch When pressed, the TRIG ALT constantly toggles the
trigger source between CH1 and CH2 signals so
that both signals can be clearly viewed.

2.Trigger mode Switch The trigger mode switch selects when the CRO responds
to the trigger condition.
a.) AUTO The CRO sweeps regardless of the existence of trigger
b.) NORM The CRO sweeps only when a trigger when a trigger
condition occurs.
c.) TV-V The CRO triggers when a vertical video synchronization
signal appears. For triggering on the held select
2ms/div as the horizontal scale; for triggering on the
d.) TV-H The CRO triggers when a horizontal video
synchronization signal appears for triggering on the
line. Select 10µs/div as the horizontal scale. Use the
SWP VAR knob to control the number of waveforms
3.Trigger Level Knob The trigger level moves down when the trigger level
knob is turned counter clockwise.
4. Trigger SLOPE Switch Select the triggering slope when in the ‘+’ position the
CRO Trigger positive slope of the trigger signal crosses
trigger level. When in the ‘-’ position the CRO triggers
when the negative slope of the trigger source signal
crosses the trigger level.
5.Trigger Source Switch Select the signal on which the CRO sweeps
a.) CH1 CH1 signal becomes the trigger source.
b.) CH2 CH2 signal becomes the trigger source.

6.TRIG IN terminals Accepts an external trigger source signal. The

signal becomes active. When the trigger source
switch is in the EXT position.
G. INPUT TERMINALS Accepts the CH1 and CH2 input signals and
ground wire controls the input signal coupling
1.CH1(X) input terminal Accepts the CH1 input signal in X-Y mode, the
CH1 input signal becomes the X-axis.
2.AC/GND/DC Switch Select the coupling mode for the input signal
*AC The CRO blocks the DC components included in
the input signal.
*GND Shows the ground (0V) level on the display. This
mode is only for checking the reference level.
Input signal does not appear on display
*DC The CRO displays both AC and DC content of the
input signal.
3.GND terminal Accepts the ground wire. The GND terminal is
connected to the CRO main frame.
4.CH2(Y) input terminal Accepts the CH2 input signal in X-Y mode the
CH2 input signal becomes the Y- axis.

To measure the amplitude of the signal
i) Switch on CRO. Obtain a sharply defined trace of a horizontal line on the
screen by adjusting INTEN and FOCUS knob.
ii) Adjust the Y-position knob so as to make the trace inside with the centre
line on the screen by keeping the AC-DC switch in GND position.
iii) Connect the function generator with the CRO using a probe and switch
on the function generator.
iv) Count the number of divisions occupied by the signal from peak to peak.
v) Multiply this by the scale indicated by VOLT/DIV knob. This gives the
peak to peak amplitude.
vi) Half of this will give the maximum (peak) value of the voltage.

To measure frequency of a signal

i) Obtain a sharply defined trace of a horizontal line on the screen by
adjusting INTEN and FOCUS knobs. Feed the signal whose frequency is
to be measured to either of the channel using a probe and observe the
signal on CRO.
ii) Adjust the time/div knob so as to see two or three cycles of the
iii) Count the number of division in one cycle of the wave. Multiply this by
the TIME base setting. Note down the x10 MAG Switch is not pressed to
avoid magnification.
iv) This value gives the time period.
v) Reciprocal of the time period gives the frequency.


A digital oscilloscope is an instrument which stores a digital copy of the

waveform in the digital memory which it analyses further using digital signal
processing techniques rather than using analogue techniques. It captures
the non-repetitive signals and displays it consciously until the device gets
reset. In digital storage oscilloscope, signals are received, stored and then
displayed. The maximum frequency measured by digital oscilloscope
depends upon two things: one is sampling rate of the scope, and the other is
the nature of the converter. Converter is either analogue or digital. The
traces in digital oscilloscope are bright, highly defined, and displayed within
seconds as they are non-stored traces. The main advantage of the digital
oscilloscope is that it can display visual as well as numerical values by
analyzing the stored traces.
The displayed trace on the flat panel could be magnified and also we can
change the brightness of the traces, and minute detailing can be done as per
requirement after an acquisition. There is a small screen, which shows input
voltage on a particular axis for the period of time. Even it could display
three-dimensional figure or multiple wave forms for comparison purpose by
doing some changes. It has an advantage that it can capture and store
electronic events for the future purpose. The digital oscilloscopes are widely
used today because of its advanced features of storage, display, fast traces
rate and remarkable bandwidth. Although, the digital scope is costlier than
the analogue oscilloscope, still it is popular in the market.

Familiarized with Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) and DSO and studied its

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