Role of It in Business Management"
Role of It in Business Management"
Role of It in Business Management"
I declare that this Research Project report is original submitted to AKTU Lucknow and
not submitted to any other university before.
This Summer Training report could never have seen the light of the day without his co-
operation of those Clients who participated in this. I am thankful to all of them for giving me
their valuable time.
I am also thankful to Research Report Coordinator Mrs. ANJU MAM Faculty. of MBA
Department, BIMT College Meerut for overall guidance and help.
My friends have been biggest support for me at every juncture of life. They manifested their
great interest in my Research work also and always tried to make things easy for me.
A word of gratitude goes to my family members whose love; affection and understanding have
enabled me to complete this endeavor with ease.
At the end, I thank to Almighty for giving me courage and strength to conduct this Research
Project report.