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Practical Research 1

Quarter 4 – Module 8:
The Reference List
Practical Research 1 – Grade 11
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 – Module 8: The Reference List
First Edition, 2020

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Practical Research 1
Quarter 4 – Module 8:
The Reference List
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,
can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each

SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you
need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of
the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check
your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that you
will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can
best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And
read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.
What I Need to Know

This module is designed and written to guide you on how to list down the sources of
the information you used as references in the conduct of your research paper with a
proper bibliographic format.

At the end of the module, you are expected to:

1. familiarize with the usage and importance of citing sources

2. determine the different bibliographic forms recommended by the American
Psychological Association (APA)
3. organize the given source entries using APA format; and
4. create a reference list

What I Know

Read each statement carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it
on your notebook.

1. This refers to one serious violation that involves stealing of an intellectual work
or using sources without giving proper attribution to the owner.
a. Corruption c. Plagiarism
b. Fraud d. Robbery
2. What is the end page of a research paper that presents all the cited sources in
the module?
a. Glossary c. Abstract
b. Indices d. Reference
3. He/She is the person who wrote the resource material.
a. Actor c. Editor
b. Author d. Illustrator
4. What does APA stand for?
a. American Psychological c. African Physical Association
b. Association of Psychological d. American Physical
Administration Administration
5. This is a citation style that is used mostly in Humanities.
a. APA c. Chicago
b. MLA d. Turabian
6. What reference material is used in this citation:
Kittelstad, K.A. (2017, May 21). Let us abbreviate. Retrieved from
a. textbook c. website
b. newspaper d. magazine
7. It is the source documentation format that is widely used in Social Sciences.
a. Chicago c. MLA
b. Turabian d. APA
8. What part is needed to be italicized in APA citation format?
a. date of publication c. name of author
b. name of publisher d. title of books and
9. It is written in parentheses after the author’s name.
a. date c. publisher
b. editor’s name d. title
10. What does ‘ed’ mean in (7th ed.)?
a. Edition c. Education
b. Editorial d. Educator


l The Reference List

From your previous lessons, you were taught with

the important parts and methods of formulating a
qualitative research starting from formulating
research problems, collecting and interpretating
data, down to making conclusions and
recommendations. During these, you surely used
or borrowed a lot of existing knowledge from
different resources to support your research

Now that your paper is about to finish, you need

to learn that it is important to acknowledge the
owners of the materials where you obtained the data you used. On this module, you
will be taught how to properly list your references and give attributions to owners of
the borrowed materials.

What’s In

A. Gibberish Words. The following items contain nonsense words which when read
out loud fast will make a familiar word or phrase. Start guessing these gibberish
words. Write the correct spelled words on your notebook.
1. hype Pooh tea cyst __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
2. Rick cum Monday shone __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
3. inn fur incest __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
4. litter rate cheer reeve hue __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
5. annul Lee sees __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

B. Identify what term each item refers to. Choose from your answers in Activity 1.
Write them on your notebook.
6. These are the drawn conclusions based on the available evidence.
7. It is the process of breaking chunks of information or substance into smaller
parts to gain a better understanding of its meaning.
8. It is a predicted statement about the possible outcome of a research.
9. It talks about the suggestion that a researcher wants people to do for future
studies based upon the findings of his project.
10. It involves the evaluation of the existing studies related to the
research being conducted.

Notes to the Teacher/Facilitator

This module prepares the students on how to properly document

in a reference list the sources of the information used in a research
paper. It is important to cite the references accurately. Hence, they
need to learn the generally accepted referencing style in research
developed by the American Psychological Association (APA). This is
presented in the succeeding pages.

What’s New

A. Choose from the box the source from which each statement below came. Write
the letter of your answer on your notebook.

a. Rizal, J. (1879). A la juventud filipina. Manila Lyceum of Art and Literature.

b. Einstein, A. (1930, February 5)

c. Saint-Exupéry, A. d. (1943). Le Petit Prince [The Little Prince]. Paris: Gallimard.

d. Coelho, P. (1998). The alchemist. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco.

e. Mandela, N. (1998)

f. Roosevelt, E. (1957)

1. “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible
to the eye.”
2. “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to
achieve it.”
3. “The youth is the hope of our future.”
4. “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”
5. “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time
we fall.”

B. Read the given statement then complete the table below based on each category.
Copy and answer the table on your notebook.

Jane Mayumi is a student researcher who wanted to find a related study for her
qualitative research about stress management among senior high school students.
She then found and used the journal of Dr. Henry Lazarus entitled The Medical
Journal which discussed the Psychological Stress and the Coping Process among
Teenagers, published in New York at McGraw Hill in 1976.

Name of the author

Date of publication
Name of the journal
Title of the journal
Place of publication

What is It

Writing the Reference List

How would you feel if you successfully finished a certain research project with
all your effort and your classmates just copied your work without your
acknowledgment and claimed as if they own it? You may probably feel mad.
This kind of scenario actually happens in most text-based materials which is
very rampant in research. It is plagiarism. This is copying someone’s work or
idea without the author’s consent or full attribution. The advent of internet
leads the way to search, download, and copy-paste the data thus increases
more the number of plagiarism cases.

To avoid plagiarism, it is necessary to give credits to the owner of the sources

that are used as references in your report. Many of these may come from
published resources, internet, electronic materials, or interviews. One factor
that makes a study successful is the effective use of the reference material.
This is the necessary skill that you need to develop.

In your research paper, your reference list should appear at the end page
before the appendices. It presents the detailed data necessary for a reader to
find any source cited in the body of the paper. Each source you mention in
the paper must be found in your reference list, also, each entry in the
reference list must be cited in your text. It should begin on a new page
separate from the text of the essay; label this page as "References" in bold, at
top of the page. All texts should be double-spaced just like the rest of your
paragraphs (Purdue Writing Lab, 2021)

You may find it difficult to cite all the sources you consulted especially when
you run out of time. To make it easier for you to present your sources, you
need to take down notes instantly where you got the information you quoted,
paraphrased, or summarized since the beginning of your study. The next thing
you need to do is to write down these sources with a proper citation style.

There are different ways of citing resources from your research which depend
upon the kind of academic discipline you follow (pitt.libguides.com). Some of
these are:

• American Psychological Association (APA). It is utilized in Education,

Psychology, and Sciences.
• Modern Language Association (MLA) style. It is used in Humanities.

• Chicago Manual of Style/Turabian style. It is generally used in Business,

History, and the Fine Arts.

This module focuses on the APA system of documenting sources since this is
the most commonly used in research. Here, you will be taught about the basic
rules from Dixie State University Library in using the APA format in doing
your reference list. They are as what follows:

American Psychological Association (APA) Style Guidelines (Research Guides:

Citation Guide: Home, 2021):

a. Double spaced all citations; Indent after the first line of each entry.

b. Alphabetize by the first word of the entry, most commonly by the first
author’s surname. Do not number the entries.

c. Write first the single-author entries before multiple-author entries

beginning with the same surname.

d. Arrange the references with the same first author and different second or
third authors alphabetically by the surname of the second author, and
so on.

e. Note the editions of books after the title in the following format: (2nd ed.)
First editions are not listed as such. If no edition is listed, omit the edition

f. Italicize book and periodical titles.

g. Capitalize only the first word of a title, the first word of a subtitle, and
proper nouns in titles of books and articles, no matter how they appear
in a database or catalog.

h. Use the abbreviations p. or pp. only for multi-page newspaper articles,

encyclopedia entries, and chapters or articles in edited books; Do not use
the abbreviation p. or pp. (or any other abbreviation) for magazine and
journal articles.

i. Write the dates in Year, Month Day format (e.g., 1999, December 20).

j. Begin with the title if no author is given.

k. Put the dates in parenthesis after the author's name (or title if no author
is listed).

l. Use (n.d.) if no date is given.

m. Do not include in the Reference page the personal communication such

as private letters, memos, some electronic communication (i.e., email or
messages from nonarchival discussion groups), personal interviews,
telephone conversations, etc. These types of communication are not
recoverable data. Cite personal communications in text only.

Examples of reference list entries with APA format (Research Guides: Citation
Guide: Home, 2021):

A. Published Materials

1. Books

Format: Template: Author, A. A. (Year). Title of book. Publisher.


Forbez, J. E. (2008). The elements of library research: What every student needs
to know. Bulacan Press.

❖ Books by more than one author:

For a book written by more than two or more authors, here are the things to

• List down all the names of authors regardless of numbers, surname first.
• Use commas to separate surnames and initials.
• Place an ampersand (&) before the name of the last author.
• When a source that has three or more authors are cited, include the
name of only the first author plus “et al.”


Montas, H., Oreco, K., & Torres, C. (1999). Philosophical foundations of behavior
modification. Rex Bookstore Publishing.

❖ Edited Book, No Author:

Format: Editor, A. A. (Ed.). (Year). Title of book. Publisher.


Lewis, J. I., &Reyes, C. (Eds.). (2009). A companion to Jake Austin. Wiley-


❖ Edited Book with an Author:


Paule, S. (2000). The unpublished journals. J.E. Lucid (Ed.). New York, NY:

❖ Edition of Books other than the first:

Identify an edition other than the first or a specific volume with parentheses
following the title without any intervening punctuation.

Format: Author, A. A. (Date). Title of book (xth ed.). Publisher.


Rottenberg, A. T. (2003). Elements of argument: A text and reader (7th ed.).

Bedford/St. Martins

2. Periodicals:

Journal Paginated by issue. If each issue of a journal begins with page 1, give
the issue number in parentheses after the volume number.


Reynes, R. (1999). The voice of war. The New criterion, 15 (3), 5-13.

3. Magazine Article.

The entry for citing a magazine article includes the author, (year and month
of publication) article title, magazine title, volume (issue), and page.

Rivera, C. R., III. (1995, April 29). Making the grade in today’s schools. Time, 139,

4. Newspaper Article.

Unlike other periodicals, p. or pp. precedes page numbers for a newspaper

reference in APA style. Single pages take p., and multiple pages take pp.


Bautista, S. (2002, December 28). Calls made to strengthen classroom policies.

The eagles, pp. 1A, 2A.

B. Electronic Sources:

Resources from the Internet should include the following:

• A title or description
• A date (either date of publication or date of retrieval)
• An address (URL) or Digital Object Identifier
• An author's name, if available

1. Article from Online Periodical.

Follow the same guidelines for printed articles. Include all the information.


Author, A.A., & Author, B.B. (Date of Publication). Title of Article.

Title of Online Periodical, volume number (issue number if
available) Retrieved from


Reynante, A. (2002). Ten tips on writing the living web. A list apart: For People
Who Make Websites, 149. Retrieved from

2. Newspaper Article


Author, A.A. (Year, Month Day). Title of Article. Title of Newspaper.

Retrieved from www.someaddress.com/full/url.


Wendez, B. (2016, January 22). Near to understanding of the factors of rural

1.health. Retrieved
Electronic from http://www.ruralhealth.org.au/welch.html.

David, J. (n.d.). Familiar birdsongs of the Northwest. Available from
http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/biblio? Inkey=1-97809931686108-0

3. Webpage


Ramon, H. Sta. Mesa Library, The University of Bataan Health Science Campus.
(2008). Instructions to authors in the health sciences. Retrieved July 27,
2009, from http://mulford.mco.edu/instr/.

What’s More

Analyze the reference citations below. Put a check (✓) if the given is correctly
documented, if otherwise, rewrite with the correct format. Write your answers
on your notebook.

1. Newcomb, H. (2000). Television: The critical view (6th ed). Oxford

University Press.


Oxford University Press.

3. Newbild, C. R. (2014). Can I use that picture? The terms, laws, and
ethics for using copyrighted pictures. The Visual Communication

4. Enriquez, R., Rosta, R. L., & Rubin, D. B. (2021). Teenage pregnancy

and social disadvantage. Cambridge University Press.

5. Adolescent depression: A review. Australian and New Zealand Journal of

Psychiatry,35, 572-580 (2018). Rodriguez, J.

6. (1991, May 28). Jackie C. Estrella. Just another tool of your trade.
Accountancy 101 pp. 96–129.

7. Price, D. (2018, March 23). Laziness does not exist.

Medium. https://humanparts.medium.com/laziness-does-not-

8. Stoneman, R. (2008). Alexander the Great: A life in legend. Yale University


9. Vinteres, C.M. (1988)? Manila: Jay and Jack Publishing. The engineers’
guide to computer-aided-design.

10. Kurlansky, M. (2002). Salt: A world history. New York, NY: Walker.

What I Have Learned

Below are some of the important terms that are mentioned in the lesson. Write a
short description for each of them. Copy and answer the boxes on your notebook.

Reference List APA Referencing Style

_______________________________ _____________________________
_______________________________ _____________________________
_______________________________ _____________________________
_______________________________ _____________________________
_______________________________ _____________________________
_______________________________ _____________________________
_______________________________ _____________________________
_______________________________ _____________________________
_______________________________ _____________________________
_______________________________ _____________________________
_______________________________ _____________________________
_______________________________ _____________________________
_______________________________ _____________________________
__________________ _____________________________

Reference Materials Plagiarism

______________________________ _____________________________
______________________________ _____________________________
______________________________ _____________________________
______________________________ _____________________________
______________________________ _____________________________
______________________________ _____________________________
______________________________ _____________________________
______________________________ _____________________________
______________________________ _____________________________
______________________________ _____________________________

What I Can Do

Write the correct APA referencing style of the given data in each item. Write
your answers on your notebook.

1. Jane used the book entitled Depression among the Youths as a reference for her
research. The book was written by Noel C. Stevenson and was published in 2017
at Jaycee Publishing Company.
2. Mildred wanted to gain more information for her case study. She visited the
website of the New York Times newspaper to find an article that tackles the
Effects of Covid-19 in the Economy by Arnold Swey. It was posted on April 26,
2020 on http://www.nytimes.com.
3. Jasmine was writing a research about the new normal trend. She read an article
from the Manila Bulletin on page 6 about the Various Online Business Amidst
the Pandemic published last June 29, 2020. The article has no author. She
decided to include this on her paper.
4. Mina used the book written by Apollo Mangundayao, Rica Salazar, and Lina
Malimban for her study. It discusses the Students' Perceptions towards the
Quality of Online Education. The work was published in the year 2000 at Makisig
Printing Press.
5. Lucas really loves watching blogs. He then found a video of the blogger named
Alex Mirano posted in Pick the Brain last January 03, 2021. It is about Simple
Formula for Resolving Problems and Conflict which can Change your Reality.
The link was http://www.pickthebrain.com/blog/simple-formula-for-
resolving-problems-and-conflict-which-can-change-your-reality/. He got some
quotations from the blogger that he wanted to include in his research paper.


A. Write FACT if the statement is correct and BLUFF if it is not. Write your
answers on your notebook.

1. The reference list is found in the initial page of a research paper.

2. In APA reference style, the entries are alphabetized by first author’s last name.
3. APA is commonly used in Humanities.
4. You need to italicize the book and periodical title of the entries.
5. Place of publication is written in parentheses after the author’s name.

B. Choose from the box the reference material used in each item. Then,
organize the given entries following the proper APA bibliographic format.
Write your answers on your notebook.

book website/e-book newspaper magazine

1. Manila Bulletin
Castillio, J. 2010
Xendit makes digital transactions easier for businesses and consumers.
Reference Material:

Bibliographic Format:

2. http://www.whitehouse.gov/infocus/immigration/
Meyer, C.
Comprehensive immigration reform.
Reference Material:

Bibliographic Format:

3. Instructional design
Marivelean Printing Press
Mariveles, Bataan
Salvacion, W. & Santos, Z. A.

Reference Material:

Bibliographic Format:

4. American Psychological Association
Electronic resources
Retrieved June 17, 2008 from http://www.apastyle.org/elecref.html.
Reference Material:

Bibliographic Format:

5. Castle, E. B.
Oxford University Press.
The teacher
Reference Material:

Bibliographic Format:

C. Create a draft of your reference list from the bibliographic entries given
below. Write you answers on your notebook.

1. Jaffar, A., & Mustaq, A. (2019). Living in a moment: Impact of TikTok on

Influencing Younger Generation into Micro-Fame. Amity School of
Communication. Retrieved 20 February 2021, from

2. Van Winkle, C. (2009). Soft spots: A marine's memoir of combat and post-
traumatic stress disorder. St. Martin's Press.

3. Jensen, G. & Wiest, A. A. (2001). War in the age of technology myriad faces of
modern armed conflict. New York University Press.

4. Greenhouse, S. (2020, July 30). The coronavirus pandemic has intensified

systemic economic racism against black Americans. The New Yorker.

5. Rowlatt, J. (2020, October 19). Could cold water hold a clue to a dementia
cure? BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-54531075

Rubrics for grading your answers
Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Poor
5 pts. 3pts. 1pt.
Reference page contains Reference page Many important data
Content all the given entries. contains only three are missing, and
text references. lesser number of
reference material is
Follows APA guidelines of There are minimal Paper contains
Mechanics components: alphabetical errors in the numerous errors in
arrangement, correct reference citing the sources.
organization, spelling, documentation.
and punctuation marks
in the citation.

Additional Activities

Refer from the research that you are working on and list down the different sources
you used. Take note of their important bibliographic entries on a separate sheet of
paper. After that, you will type them properly following the APA format in the
reference list page. Submit a printed or a soft copy of your work which will be graded
according to the rubric given below.

Rubrics for grading your output

Poor (Needs to
Very Satisfactory Satisfactory
10 pts. 5pts.
Reference page
contains the required Many important
academic and varied Reference page contains data are missing,
text references. It also only three academic and and lesser number
Content provides necessary text references. of reference
information of the material is used.
cited sources.
Follows APA guidelines
of components: double
space, 12 pt. font,
Paper contains
hanging indention, There are minimal errors
numerous errors
alphabetical in the reference
Mechanics in citing the
arrangement, correct documentation.
organization, spelling,
and punctuation
marks in the citation.

Answer Key


American Psychological Association. (2008). Frequently asked questions. Retrieved

June 17, 2008 fromhttp://www.apastyle.org/faqs.html.

Caintic, Helen, and Juanita Cruz. Scientific Research Manual. Reprint, Quezon,
City: C & E Publishing, Inc, 2008.

Guides.lib.unc.edu. 2021. LibGuides: Citing Information: Sample References Page.

[online] Available at: <https://guides.lib.unc.edu/citing-information/apa-
sample> [Accessed 15 February 2021].

Inquirer, P., 2021. Editorial cartoon, July 4, 2020. [online] INQUIRER.net. Available
at: <https://opinion.inquirer.net/131427/editorial-cartoon-july-4-2020>
[Accessed 15 February 2021].

Lab, P., 2021. In-Text Citations: The Basics // Purdue Writing Lab. [online] Purdue
Writing Lab. Available at:
g_and_style_guide/in_text_citations_the_basics.html> [Accessed 15 February

Libguides.dixie.edu. 2021. Research Guides: Citation Guide: Basic APA Rules.

Available at:

Libguides.nvcc.edu. 2021. LibGuides: Using Sources: Evaluating Sources and

Avoiding Plagiarism: Cite Sources. [online] Available at:
<https://libguides.nvcc.edu/c.php?g=361391&p=2440254> [Accessed 15
February 2021].

Utoledo.edu. 2021. [online] Available at:

<https://www.utoledo.edu/library/help/guides/docs/apastyle.pdf> [Accessed
15 February 2021].

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Region III,

Schools Division of Bataan- Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resources Management and Development Section (LRMDS)

Provincial Capitol Compound, Balanga City, Bataan

Telefax: (047) 237-2102

Email Address: bataan@deped.gov.ph

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