C Programming String
C Programming String
C Programming String
In C programming, array of character are called strings. A string is terminated by null character /0 .
For example:
Here, "c string tutorial" is a string. When, compiler encounters strings, it appends null character at
the end of string.
Declaration of strings
Strings are declared in C in similar manner as arrays. Only difference is that, strings are
of char type.
char s[5];
char *p
Initialization of strings
In C, string can be initialized in different number of ways.
char c[]="abcd";
char c[5]="abcd";
char c[]={'a','b','c','d','\0'};
char c[5]={'a','b','c','d','\0'};
String can also be initialized using pointers
char *c="abcd";
String variable c can only take a word. It is beacause when white space is encountered,
the scanf() function terminates.
Here, program will ignore Ritchie because, scanf() function takes only string before the white
This process to take string is tedious. There are predefined functions gets() and puts in C
language to read and display string respectively.
int main(){
char name[30];
printf("Enter name: ");
gets(name); //Function to read string from user.
printf("Name: ");
puts(name); //Function to display string.
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
void Display(char ch[]);
int main(){
char c[50];
printf("Enter string: ");
Display(c); // Passing string c to function.
return 0;
void Display(char ch[]){
printf("String Output: ");
Here, string c is passed from main() function to user-defined function Display() . In function
declaration, ch[] is the formal argument.
String handling functions
You can perform different type of string operations manually like: finding length of string,
concatenating(joining) two strings etc. But, for programmers ease, many library function are defined
under header file <string.h> to handle these commonly used talk in C programming. You will
learn more about string hadling function in next chapter.
There are numerous functions defined in "string.h" header file. Few commonly used string
handling functions are discussed below:
Strings handling functions are defined under "string.h" header file, i.e, you have to include
the code below to run string handling functions.
#include <string.h>
Though, gets() and puts() function handle string, both these functions are defined
in "stdio.h" header file.