Eyeball Based Cursor Movement Control
Eyeball Based Cursor Movement Control
Eyeball Based Cursor Movement Control
4 2,621
5 authors, including:
A. Sivasangari D. Deepa
Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology
Roobini M.S
Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology
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All content following this page was uploaded by Roobini M.S on 03 November 2020.
Abstract—An individual Human computer interference system In the proposed system, we have included the face
is being introduced. In olden times, as an input device the mouse
detection, face tracking, eye detection and interpretation of a
and keyboard were used by human computer interference
system. Those people who are suffering from certain disease or sequence of eye blinks in real time for controlling a non-
illness cannot be able to operate computers. The idea of intrusive human computer interface. Conventional method of
controlling the computers with the eyes will serve a great use for interaction with the computer with the mouse is replaced with
handicapped and disabled person. Also this type of control will the human eye movements. This technique will help the
eliminate the help required by other person to handle the paralyzed person, physically challenged people especially
computer. This measure will be the most useful for the person person without hands to compute efficiently and with the ease
who is without hands through which they can operate with the of use. Firstly, camera captures the image and focuses on the
help of their eye movements. The movement of the cursor is eye in the image using OpenCV code for pupil detection. This
directly associated with the center of the pupil. Hence our first
results the center position of the human eye (pupil). Then the
step would be detecting the center of point pupil. This process of
pupil detection is implemented using the Raspberry Pi and center position of the pupil is taken as a reference and based
OpenCV. The Raspberry Pi has a SD/MMC card slot which is on that the human or the user will control the cursor by
used for placing the SD card. The SD card is boosted with the moving left and right [6-9].
operating system that is required starting up of Raspberry Pi. This paper organization is described as follows. Section II
The Raspberry PI will get executed once the application program describes existing solutions to find the cursor movement using
is loaded into it. some 3D models. In Section III we present how cursor is
working based only on Eyeball movement using OpenCV
Index Terms—Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Eyeball methodology. In Section IV how the cursor is moving using
movement, Computer, OpenCV, Support Vector Machine. eyeball with example with the better solutions. And the
Conclusion part are presented in section V.
Once when the sensor detects the movement of eye pupil IV. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS
the camera starts to capture the images and send it into the After initiating the OS the operation starts. At first PIR
raspbian board through an USB cable. The camera used here sensor is used to detect the presence of individual in front of
is an USB web camera of affordable cost. Then the transferred system. If the person is detected then camera will ON, where
image is processed and monitored out. The function of the SD image will be captured by USB Camera. Focus on eye in image
card is to store the Raspbian Jessie operating system module is shown in Fig. 2. Now the center position of pupil is detected
and it stores the program in it. The Raspberry Pi board is in OpenCV. Take the exact position of pupil as reference, and
activated using Python programming language. The SD card then the next the different value of X, Y coordinates will be set
capacity is up to 8GB. for accurate command.
The monitor input is got from the HDMI port of the
raspberry board. HDMI is a High Definition Multimedia
Interface port which is used to monitor the uncompressed
video data. The HDMI converts digital image signal into
analog signal and gives it to the monitor. Camera is used to
capture the movement of eye. The center portion of the eye as
well as the position of the people is identified for getting the
various movements of eye. The process is implemented using
Raspberry Pi. In Fig. 1 shows that the pupil reference has the
coordinates of (x, y). Raspberry pi will be combining with
USB Camera. Raspberry pi will be use SD card, then the
install raspbian OS and Opencv on raspberry pi. First image
will be capture by USB Camera. Focus on eye in image and
detect the center position of pupil by Opencv code.
Support vector machine algorithm is used for
classification. Eye image is denoted as a vector I which Fig. 2. Detection of Eye
represents the pixel values. Training images are divided into
two sets. The task of SVM is to determine the new data
belongs to either positive set or negative set. Principle (2)
component analyses are applied to the training data and
reduce the dimensionality of data.
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