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Asphalt Concrete Mix Design

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Asphalt Concrete Mix Design

-The purpose of asphalt concrete mix design is to determine the design asphalt content using the
available asphalt and aggregates. The design asphalt content varies for different material types, material
properties, loading levels, and environmental conditions.

-If the appropriate design asphalt content is not used, the pavement will lack durability or stability,
resulting in premature pavement failure.

- not enough asphalt binder - a less stable and less durable material

- if too much asphalt binder is used - a less stable material

- (in order to produce good-quality asphalt concrete) Typical design asphalt contents must range from
4% to 7% by weight of total mix.

 Three Asphalt concrete mix design methods

-Superpave mix design method
-Marshall (ASTM D1559)
-Hveem (ASTM D1560)
 (Marshall (ASTM D1559), and Hveem (ASTM D1560)
-Both methods are empirical in nature and have been used satisfactorily for several decades and
have produced long-lasting pavement sections.
-The Marshall method was more commonly used than the Hveem method, due to its relative
simplicity and ability to be used for field control.
-However, due to their empirical nature both are not readily adaptable to new conditions, such
as modified binders, large-sized aggregates, and heavier traffic loads.
 The Superpave mix design method
-The Superpave design system is performance based and is more rational than the Marshall and
Hveem methods. Many highway agencies are implementing the Superpave system.

Specimen Preparation in the Laboratory

-Asphalt concrete specimens are prepared in the laboratory for mix-design and quality-control
tests. To prepare specimens in the lab, aggregates are batched according to a specified gradation and
heated. Asphalt cement is also heated separately and added to the aggregate at a specified rate. The
samples may then be placed in an oven at a specified temperature to allow asphalt to be absorbed into
the voids at the surface of the aggregate. Failure to oven-age the samples will result in incorrect
estimates of the required binder content.

- Two types of samples are used in the mix design and quality control process, compacted
samples for determining the bulk specific gravity and for other tests, and uncompacted or loose samples
for determining the maximum theoretical specific gravity of the hot mix asphalt concrete.
 Compacted Samples (Two compaction machines are commonly used)
1. Superpave gyratory compactor
2. Marshall hammer

-Regardless of the compaction method, the procedure for preparing specimens basically follows
the same four steps:
1. Heat and mix the aggregate and asphalt cement
2. Place the material into a heated mold
3. Apply compaction force
4. Allow the specimen to cool and extrude from the mold

- The specific techniques for placing the material into the mold vary between the compaction
methods, and the standards for the method must be followed.
- The greatest difference among the compaction procedures is the manner in which the
compaction effort is applied.
- For the gyratory compaction, the mixture in the mold is placed in the compaction machine at
an angle to the applied force. As the force is applied the, mold is gyrated, creating a shearing
action in the mixture.
- Superpave mix design method (FHWA, 1995) uses a gyratory compactor; thus, this compaction
method is now common.
- The Superpave gyratory compactor produces specimens 150 mm in diameter and 95 mm to
115 mm high, allowing the use of aggregates with a maximum size of more than 37.5 mm (1.5

- Specimens prepared with the Marshall compactor are typically 101.6 mm

(4 in.) in diameter and 63.5 mm (2.5 in.) high, which limits the maximum
aggregate size to 25 mm (1 inch). A special 152 mm (6 in.) Marshal mold is required for
designing mixes with a 37.5 mm (1.5 in.) maximum aggregate size.
- In the Marshall (ASTM D1559) procedure, a slide hammer weighing 4.45 kg (10 lb) is dropped
from a height of 0.46 m (18 in.) to create an impact compaction force. The head of the Marshall
hammer has a diameter equal to the specimen size, and the hammer is held flush with the
specimen at all times.

 Regardless of the compaction method, the samples are first used to determine the bulk specific
gravity of the mix, Gmb using ASTM D2726. The bulk specific gravity of the mix is computed as :
Gmb¿ Where: A=dry weight of sample
B=saturated surface dry weight
C=submerged weight
- For mix design, compacted samples are prepared at multiple asphalt contents in order to
determine the “optimum” asphalt content. Once the bulk specific gravity of a sample is
measured, the sample can be used for other tests depending on the mix design method.

 Uncompacted Samples - ASTM D2041 is used to determine the theoretical maximum specific
gravity of the mix. This test was developed by Jim Rice of The Asphalt Institute, so it is frequently
called the Rice test and the results are called the Rice gravity.

- The theoretical maximum specific gravity:

Gmm ¿ =
A−( E−D) A + D−E
Where: A=dry weight of loose sample
D=calibration weight of the submerged vacuum bowl
E=submerged weight of the vacuum bowl with the sample

-The theoretical maximum specific gravity of the sample at one asphalt content can be used to
estimate Gmm at other asphalt contents by first computing the effective specific gravity, Gse, of
the aggregates. By definition, the theoretical maximum specific gravity of asphalt concrete is:
 Density and Voids Analysis
-It is important to understand the density and voids analysis of compacted asphalt mixtures for
both mix design and construction control. Regardless of the method used, the mix design is a
process to determine the volume of asphalt binder and aggregates required to produce a
mixture with the desired properties.
- However, since volumes are difficult and not practical to measure, weights are used instead;
the specific gravity is used to convert from weight to volume.
- Figure 9.28 shows that the asphalt mixture consists of aggregates, asphalt binder, and air voids

Figure 9.2

-Three important parameters commonly used are percent of air voids (voids in total mix) (VTM),
voids in the mineral aggregate (VMA), and voids filled with asphalt (VFA). These are defined as:
Sample Problem 9.3

An asphalt concrete specimen has the following properties:

Asphalt content= 5.9% by total weight of mix
bulk specific gravity of the mix = 2.457
theoretical maximum specific gravity = 2.598
bulk specific gravity of aggregate = 2.692


The Superpave mix-design process consists of (AASHTO R35-09)

■ Selection of aggregates
■ Selection of binder
■ Determination of the design aggregate structure
■ Determination of the design binder content
■ Evaluation of moisture susceptibility

 Aggregate Selection - Aggregate for Superpave mixes must pass both source and consensus
requirements. The source requirements are defined by the owner/ purchasing agency and are
specified for each stockpile.
- Source properties may include Los Angeles abrasion (see apparatus in Figure 5.8),
soundness, and deleterious materials.

Figure 5.8
- Consensus requirements are part of the national Superpave specification and are on
the blend of aggregates. The following consensus aggregate properties are required:

a. coarse aggregate angularity measured by the percentage of fractured faces

b. fine aggregate angularity (AASHTO TP33)
c. flat and elongated particles (ASTM D4791)
d. sand equivalency (ASTM D2419)

- Specification limits for these properties depend on the traffic level and how deep
under the pavement surface the materials will be used, as shown in Table 9.8.

Binder Selection - The binder is selected based on the maximum and minimum pavement
temperatures, as discussed earlier. In addition to the specification tests, the specific gravity and
the viscosity versus temperature relationship for the selected asphalt binder must be measured.
The specific gravity is needed for the volumetric analysis.

 Design Aggregate Structure - After selecting the appropriate aggregate, binder, and modifiers (if
any), trial specimens are prepared with three different aggregate gradations and asphalt
- There are equations for estimating the optimum asphalt content for use in the
specimens prepared for determining the design aggregate structure.
- The number of gyrations used for compaction is determined based on the traffic level,
as shown in Table 9.9

- As shown in Table 9.9, the Superpave method recognizes three critical stages of
compaction, initial, design, and maximum.
- The initial compaction level was implemented to assist with identifying “tender” mixes.
A tender mix lacks stability during construction, and hence will displace under the rollers rather
than densifying.
- The design compaction level corresponds to the compaction that is anticipated at the
completion of the construction process
- The maximum compaction corresponds to the ultimate density level that will occur
after the pavement has been subjected to traffic for a number of years.

- For the initial stage of determining the design aggregate structure, samples are
compacted with Ndes gyrations. The volumetric properties are determined by measuring the bulk
specific gravity Gmb of the compacted mix and the maximum theoretical specific gravity G mm of a
loose mix with the same asphalt content and aggregate composition.
- The volumetric parameters, VTM, VMA, and VFA, are determined and checked against
the criteria in Table 9.10.
- Two additional parameters are evaluated in the Superpave method: percent of G mm at
Nini and the dust-to-effective binder content ratio. The percent of G mm at Nini is determined as:

Where: hini and hdes the heights of the specimen at the initial and design number of
gyrations, respectively. Note that the percent G mm,Ndes is equal to (100-VTM).
- The dust-to-effective binder ratio is the percent of aggregate passing the 0.075 mm
(#200) sieve divided by the effective asphalt content, computed as:
- The Superpave method requires determining the volumetric properties at 4% VTM. The
samples prepared for the evaluation of the design aggregate content are not necessarily at the
binder content required for achieving this level of air voids. Therefore, the results of the
volumetric evaluation are “corrected” to four percent air voids, as:
 Design Binder Content - The design binder content is obtained by preparing eight specimens
—two replicates at each of four binder contents: estimated optimum binder content, 0.5% less
than the optimum, 0.5% more than the optimum, and 1% more than the optimum. Specimens
are compacted using gyrations.

- If the properties meet the criteria in Table 9.10, two specimens are prepared and
compacted using gyrations. If these specimens meet the criteria, then the moisture sensitivity of
the mix is determined.

Moisture Sensitivity Evaluation - The moisture sensitivity of the design mixture is determined using
the AASHTO T283 procedure on six specimens prepared at the design binder content and 7% air
- Three specimens are conditioned by vacuum saturation, then freezing and thawing;
three other specimens are not conditioned.
- The tensile strength of each sample is measured using a Marshall stability machine
with a modified loading head. The tensile strength ratio is determined as the ratio of the
average tensile strength of conditioned specimens to that of unconditioned specimens. The
minimum Superpave criterion for tensile strength ratio is 80%.

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